#Couple Counselor
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In the bustling city of Atlanta, where the skyline is etched with stories of ambition and progress, the narrative of lasting relationships often unfolds in the quiet interludes between the hustle. The modern Southern charm of Atlanta sets a picturesque backdrop for couples at every stage of their journey together.
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betterlyf · 2 years
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Couple counseling is a type of therapy that focuses on helping couples work through issues in their relationships. It can help couples build better communication skills, resolve conflicts, and improve their overall relationship. Couple counselling also helps identify underlying issues that can cause relationship problems, such as past experiences, family dynamics, and mental health issues. Through counseling, couples can learn to better understand and support each other and create a stronger bond.
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tanoraqui · 4 days
I’m not personally a headcanonner of Maglor living in Rivendell in LotR under a new name, but if he is, I adamantly believe that he is not Lindir (“song guy”) but rather Erestor (tentatively glossed “lonely brother.”) Tragic humor or bust!
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tennessoui · 7 months
Ok counseling au Obi-Wan has lingering chest pain right, and mostly he thinks Anakin is worrying needlessly over it because he was cleared by the healers, ok? But what if he did have an incident? Maybe just heart palpations, but still. There's no toughing your way out or pretending it's not happening with that sort of thing... You just kinda end up on the floor until help comes or it stops. Anakin could be there for it (an argument? Oh the guilt) or he hears about it (the worse guilt).
Either way, it would probably make his separation anxiety 100x worse because it would prove that his fears that Obi-Wan is not safe if Anakin is not by his side are founded. (Padme and Obi-Wan arguing that a medical device will due are unheard) he's like no I need to move back in 24/7.
Councilor like hmmmmmm.
ooo this is good this is good and I have definite plans to feature a small injury that gets a little blown out of proportion because of who they are as people (insane about each other)
but are obi-wan’s chest pains even real or is he just an idiot with a new nervous habit
like imagine his check up appointment with the healer like
obi-wan: so um I’ve been getting some pains in my chest which sort of go away when I rub at my chest I think it’s because of all the force lightning
healer: huh that’s odd we did a very intensive healing session on you when you first came in. mostly because you know knight Skywalker was sort of threatening to kill us if you died. so I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t be having any sort of chest pains.
obi-wan: ….it was a lot of force lightning
healer: …ok. so what are you doing when you experience these pains
obi-wan: well I am usually sitting in my dark room thinking about how alone I feel. sometimes I’m trying to guess when my padawan will decide to leave me, it’s a fun game I play
healer: and that’s when your chest hurts? when you think about the inevitability of being alone? do you think maybe it’s not your chest that’s hurting but your heart?
obi-wan: it was a lot of force lightning
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red-n-ded · 1 year
Broke: Charlie and Noah are friends
Woke: Charlie and Noah are bitter exes
Just imagine Charlie comes back in the next movie to help save the world after spending years looking for Bee. He properly introduces Charlie to his team then finally Noah, their new human ally
The two recognize each other and Charlie goes up to Noah and just SLAPS HIM!
The Autobots are shocked and confused while holding back the two humans like two hissing cats
“You ghosted me the entire time you were in the military then suddenly broke up with me over the phone!”
(He was too busy helping Kris with his illness for a relationship but didn’t want to use him as an excuse or crutch)
“Well, you never liked me in the first place! You were only dating me to get over another guy!”
(Hint: It’s not Memo. And she doesn’t want to explain her crush on an alien robot that she hasn’t seen in years.)
The entire mission Charlie and Noah are just salty towards each other. Arguing about music taste, how unfair that Noah got to stay, bragging how great their lives are without each other, comparing each others’ last world-saving mission and the occasional trauma-insulting (which got so bad that Arcee had to pull them aside to deal with their terrible communication skills)
Meanwhile, Mirage and Bee are mortified that their crush friend once slept with their teammate’s crush friend and are extremely conflicted.
please for the love of Primus stop arguing! Can’t you guys just be friends? I just got you back! (Mirage was recently fixed at the time)
All while Optimus is looking for a big enough bottle of wine to deal with this shit
this is hilarious someone make a fic of this pls
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midnight-roses-candy · 7 months
What’s my love language? Glad you asked, my love language is biting. But it’s cool that yours is acts of quality affirmation or whatever from some book by a homophobic pastor.
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dekuscrubbb · 1 year
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i like the idea that malon hosts field trips for the camp over at lon lon ranch, as she also stables the horses needed for the riding lessons
and obviously she and wild catch up whenever they can over baking and cooking
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Thinking about the whole complaint that so many characters these days are too self-aware about their mental health, or use modern therapy-language in an unrealistically casual way.
I think part of this is we've forgotten that it's possible to write about characters (to use our modern language) healing from trauma without using therapy language to describe their experiences.
But the thing is, people have been writing about mental health for thousands of years. Thomas Hoccleve describes himself having what we would call a mental breakdown. Margery Kempe's book of visions opens with her going through post-partum depression. But the language they use is different because of when they lived.
So in light of that, I think it's important to consider what language your character would realistically use.
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peppercutes · 3 months
louis is so funny in paris this episode he really is mad both in dubai and in paris his demeanor changed completely 😭
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vulpinesaint · 2 months
the difference that offering a child kindness and compassion can make... one of the kiddos was crying the other morning missing her mom. Sobbing crying. and i talked to her and she wasn't able to say very much from crying so hard but confirmed that she knew her mom was going to be back and it was going to be a good day and it was going to be alright but she was just inconsolable. and we did some good breaths together but she just couldn't get her breathing under control. so for like ten minutes i just had her drink some water and gave her a hug and sat with her while she cried until we were going off to the next activity and she had to go with different counselors. and by then she'd calmed down a little but was still sniffling and obviously upset but the important part is that even though i didn't even get her to stop crying anytime i saw that little girl the rest of that day and now throughout the rest of the Week after just sitting with her and offering some compassion i see her notice me as she goes by and she always looks right at me and smiles and gives me a little wave when i say hi. like we haven't had any other conversations since then but i can see the way that she recognizes me now. i'm not her favorite counselor i haven't spent more than twenty minutes with her tops but that little girl takes the time to seek out my acknowledgement cause i showed that i care about her.... y'know... cause i was gentle with her and that meant something to her... all to say. it doesn't matter if you have extended interactions with kids. it really doesn't. small things can make such a huge impact on children and i really sincerely think it's so important to show them kindness... help them up when they fall. give them a hug. sit with them while they cry. cause even if it doesn't Fix things even if you don't solve the problem or do anything really materially Helpful you will have shown that child that people care about them. and they notice... they remember... they do...
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betterlyf · 2 years
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Marital/Marriage Counseling: Benefits, How it Works
Couples may have competing agendas. One person wants to separate or divorce, while the other wishes to maintain the relationship. At that time, we need a therapist like a friend who understands us. Marriage counseling can help put an end to your relationship troubles. Get in touch with a marriage counsellor today, who will help you to strengthen your communication skills and learn how to better manage conflict in your marriage.
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Hey, so for the Human Au, how do think Julie would go about her life? Considering her personality in the website, I would think that he takes up different part-time jobs, but mainly likes working at the community center, mainly for the summer/after school programs where they can come up with and host fun activities for the kids!
no yeah that's pretty much what i was thinking! she bounces from job to job - she probably has a roster of seasonal ones that she rotates between. Julie really does seem like an every-gal yk? doing just one thing all the time would be soooo boring
i like the idea of summer / after school programs a lot actually! since canon Julie is big on games and fun, i'm sure she'd be a great choice for those sorts of things. i bet she works a seasonal summer camp in their county!
#also it would be a cute frank-julie bestie thing#cause frank is a university professor#so then julie being in the education system as a camp counselor / school programs person whatever brains not braining rn#I Just Think It Would Be Sweet! and Fitting!#part of me wants to change Frank from university professor to like a uhhh elementary school teacher#but nah. but lets just say the local schools will have field trips and uh. idk a 'bug day'#yk how kindergartens and elementary schools would sometimes have a giant snake brought in or whatever#well i imagine that in this au frank keeps insects as 'pets'#(not pets as in companion animal but. he has a lot of arthropod tanks in his house lol)#so maybe a couple times a year he gets to interact with kids and julie's probably there too!#ohhhh maybe sometimes he'll go to the summer camp for like. education day or whatever#to talk about insects and animal safety or somethn#he's out there with a tarantula chilling on his head...#most of the kids are disinterested but one or two are so Intrigued and its. adorable. anyway this is about julie#rambles from the bog#wh modern human au#i like to think that both julie and barnaby have seasonal jobs at the county fair#it just lasts a few weeks but they have a good time! barnaby can put his clowning degree to Use!#but im having a great time picturing julie coming up with games and stuff and putting it to good use!#i bet she'd be great at finding compromises and solutions to those Schoolyard Problems yk#i said schoolyard problems and flashbacked to the multiple bad injuries at my elementary. & the seizure in hs...#hm. i saw a lot of serious shit. anyhow not the point#i bet julie is that one guy where whenever someone brings up an odd job she's like 'yeah ive done that'#slingin ice cream? catering? florist delivery? doughnut baker? budtender? running bingo night? Yes To It All!#i bet that in a way... howdy is jealous...
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tennessoui · 1 year
me thinking about what couples counseling question i want to have them answer at the end of this chapter that shows their deeply fucked up relationship hehe
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bleue-flora · 5 months
Y’all it’s been a week. I’m starting to feel like I’m the project. I guess it makes sense, there is a reason I project onto dream after all…
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freakoutgirl · 2 months
also obviously embarrassing i cried but i was a kind of sensitive kid lmao
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piplupod · 2 months
so there's a trans woman who goes to the centre and everyone calls her by her birthname which she is like... fine with but only because she has no choice but to be fine about it. anyways I've known her for a while through a trans group before the centre so I asked her today if she'd rather I call her by her birthname or her chosen name and she said she prefers her chosen name but I can call her by her birthname if I want and oh my god I was about to cry for her bc god I really feel that whole situation fjdkdl, I just told her "no I WANT to call you by the name you prefer, that's why I'm asking, I want to make sure it's safe for you if I call you [preferred name]" and she seemed so grateful and I'm just :') eeurrgghh i hate how we have to be grateful with crumbs !!!
its just absolutely wild to me that she's presenting femininely and wears skirts and dresses and everything and uses her preferred name when she writes her name down on stuff and yet everyone at the centre calls her by her birthname and he/him pronouns. like. how are people so fucking rude and oblivious ??? she's even worn a she/her pronoun pin to the centre like.... people are so fucking stupid about trans people I stg.
idk I'm just hoping to make her feel a bit more comfortable and maybe if I start calling her by the right name and pronouns then everyone else will too eventually because I know she doesnt feel safe correcting people. I'm not going to make a big thing of it obviously bc I don't want to put her in danger but I will be using the correct name and pronouns now that I've double-checked with her about it, and if I start feeling like it's making things worse for her then I'll check in with her again at that point. I've honestly been stumbling trying to use he/him for her when I mention her to other ppl because she is just... she/her in my brain. it's what I know she wants to use so it feel fucking awful to use anything else !!!
#and my counselor said smth abt her that rly didnt sit right with me#but i was too scared to challenge her on it and ask what she meant by what she'd said#it might just be that this woman talks too much and will talk my ear off if i let her fjfkdl#and then i wont make friends if i just sit with her every day like i was doing the first couple weeks#but smth abt the way she said smth more like... ''getting sucked into all the stuff [she] has going on''#but said in a more... eugh way#idk it set off transphobia alarm bells in my head. ''ooh man wearing a dress who thinks he's a woman how crazy and perverted'' sort of vibe#I'm just... worried. that my counselor is transphobic lmao. I haven't talked abt any of my gender stuff w her#she can she/her me all she wants lol I don't talk about gender w mental health professionals ever after that initial exp a few yrs ago#I DONT KNOW THOUGH THIS IS JUST RLY MESSING WITH ME#LIKE WHY ARE PEOPLE BEING SO WILLFULLY OBLIVIOUS ???#its really fucking upsetting and I've been trying to not let it get to me too much but jesus fucking christ c'mon people 😭😭😭#im hoping i can maybe help change things for the better bc I'll be someone on her side#since she doesnt seem to have that there. god I've cried abt this a few times bc its just awful#and it rly reminds me a bit of my own situation where i just. grin and bear the misgendering and wrong name#except im a coward compared to her fjdksl i never mention my name or pronouns#i will say though that she has consistently misgendered me no matter how often I've reminded her of my pronouns fjdksl#but like... they/them is difficult. i get that. I can't hold it against her esp bc she's in her like 50s or smth#head in my hands. i wish life were kinder to all of us. i hope one day things can be easier#pippen needs 2nd breakfast#transphobia#transmisogyny#<- for blacklists. i uhhh hope this doesnt turn up in searches but oh well !!!
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