#Courtney as the Human Cricket
elijones94 · 10 months
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💥 Courtney as the Human Cricket & Lindsay as Wonder Woman
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fraudulent-cheese · 1 month
Can I get a Courtney in 7b please
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Yeah sure!! Girl wants to show u her PDA >:p
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strangedramacandy · 9 months
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The human Cricket.
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hajimariroads · 1 year
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I rarely see enough TD cosplay content on tumblr so,,,take some of mine!!! In order we have Princess Courtney, Emma (RR), Zoey, Trent, Emma (TD23), Courtney, Heather, Julia, Kitty, and Axel!! I’ve also cosplayed Amy and Bridgette but I didn’t take good pics sadly.
I’m so excited for my Human Cricket cosplay though,,,should be done by the end of the month! I plan to cosplay every courtney variant someday. Should I post more cosplay stuff or nah???
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dozing-marshmallow · 10 months
Can you maybe do a Chris McLean x male reader, Where the reader is jealous of Lindsay because how Chris reacted for her costume in super hero-id? Where all contestants must dress as superheroes. (And maybe reader is Chris assistant or something?)
Hello! Thanks for the request, enjoy! 💖
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Your boss, Chris, was someone you admired. A lot. He was someone you were ashamed to say, was somewhat a second father to you. Embarrassing, but at least there was some reason since you were in proximity with the guy twenty four seven.
He was all you wanted to be by the time you could call yourself a man. Rich, handsome, famous...
Some day, you’d take the mirror out to admire a flawless face, not to keep watch on those zits.
Sigh... Let’s hope that the new skincare routine will do something good.
You observe the contestants showcase their costumes. In total, there was Lumberwoman, Timberman, Captain Alberta, All-Seeing Eye, the Human Cricket, Super Aqua Chick, and Wonder Woman. Any one of those you’ve heard before? Thank Lindsay for that.
Though Chris said all designs had to be original, he simply allowed it and deemed her the winner.
Like that.
With a smile and pleased eyes.
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. You were over here breaking your back, hands and feet for your boss without a single second look, and here Lindsay was, getting praised by him without trying.
Maybe that was it. She was being herself and not forcing anything...
Yeah well, it’s hard to not force anything when I’m the one who has to heed Chris’ needs.
Not to mention, he can’t replace a contestant as easily as he can an assistant.
If I were a contestant... Would I able to impress him on challenges?
“Boss... Did you really grow up with Wonder Woman?” you needed to know. It was difficult keeping track of when Chris did give the pretty people an advantage solely for...being pretty.
“Sure I did!” he shrugs, blind to your green eye towards the red dressed girl,“Though I might have exaggerated on Lindsay’s costume just to tick off old Courtney.” he then sighs,“Her and her lawyers have been a massive pain in the butt, but at the end of the day, it’s still my show. I won’t let court men threaten my authority.”
You can’t explain the rain of relief you felt when he said that,“Oh so... You weren’t actually all that impressed by her skills? You were pretending?”
“Why? You jealous of Lindsay, (Y/N)?” he smirked, but you were cautious if it was pulled by strings.
“O-Of course not! I mean, sure she is very beautiful...” granted, she was very good at makeup, so maybe she had some concealed flaws,“And...she is talented...” All the more reason to hate yourself.
“If only someone could say the same about you.” hey, your boss wasn’t very well known for being comforting.
He laughs,“What, like I lied!”
“Maybe...” you hopelessly sigh, feeling how unfair it was that you had to be so ugly. Why couldn’t you have nice hair, nice skin like Lindsay? It’s not fair,“Puberty hasn’t been the kindest to me...” it’s not fair.
“You also?“ Chris looks up at you,“Yeah, back when I was a teen, I always had at least three of those jerks laying around somewhere on my face.”
“And now you are known as one of the spunkiest guys alive.” you take Chris’ anecdote as a chance to ask for expansion on it, a possible cure. The guy did like talking about himself, so maybe he’ll slip it in,“What’s your secret, boss?”
“It’s secret for a reason.” Ah...you underestimated him,“I should have made it part of your uniform to wear make up, but eh, I like looking at your face.”
“You... You do?” that made you happier than it should’ve.
“You know when something is so hideous, it’s handsome?”
Y-Yeah? That’s not what you wanted to hear after, but you’ll take it, I guess?
“That’s the best way to describe it. But of course, good looks aren’t everything. You’ve gotta have something on the inside to make it really alive.” He could be motivational when he wanted to, which was always.
“And Lindsay has that too.” your mind kept wickedly leading you to the apparition of the “Dumb Princess”.
You didn’t notice how creeped out Chris was getting,“You seem to like bringing her up a lot, dude. Do you like her or something?”
You sigh again,“How can’t I? She’s beautiful, popular and a favourite.”
“You could be that too you know.” this was a lot of emotion from an assistant for one day,“I don’t know why you’re acting like you’re permanently disfigured bro.”
“Because that’s how it feels like, boss.” you couldn’t stop your mouth now,“Nothing I do ever works- in fact, it only seems to make my chances of ever feeling good lower. Even you yourself said that I’m only pretty because I’m so hideous. How can someone like that recover?”
Well, this was wrong. The assistant was supposed to be helping him, not the other way ‘round. He’ll stitch the wound this time though,“Dude...remember when I told you I exaggerated on Lindsay’s costume?”
“I was doing that there as well when I said that. If I really thought that way, I wouldn’t have even listed you for an interview.” Chris hated having to explain his hyperboles, but the cameras weren’t on him so he’d allow it for one time.
You feel stupid,“Really?” How haven’t you installed that sarcasm detector yet?
Your boss nods, more relaxed now that he cleared the misunderstanding,“No kidding. Everyone’s timing is different, so don’t compare yourself so much.” Aw... You needed that confidence boost,“Now do me a favour and get me my usual. Therapy isn’t free and I’m dying for something to drink.”
He really was the greatest,“Right away, Chris.”
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totaldrama-showdowns · 10 months
Submissions that didn’t make it into the Best Outfit Showdown! Including invalid ones. With the amount of characters nominated, the requirement to enter became three separate submissions! Apologies if a character you submitted didn’t make it in!
“it's very cute! cute colours and it's realistic. her boots are a little off but her jacket makes up for it #millie sweep”
“he's got that garden gnome-type swag. that spellcaster rizz. look me in the eyes and tell me this absolute LARPing chad isn't drowning in [REDACTED].”
“he looks more like a teenager than anyone else. I look at him and think "yeah that's a 13 year old". they peaked”
Bear Suit Izzy
“Go girl, you slay in that fursuit”
Izzy (in her swimsuit)
“Her outfit fits her personality pretty well already, and i think her swimsuit's even better! Especially when she has a harpon. She would have a harpon.”
pilot chef
“he didn't go to flight school but he DID buy a pilots outfit and that's what really counts :)”
“she was so real for showing up to an internationally broadcasted reality TV show in a hoodie and sweatpants”
“Her dress is actually pretty! Also her dress behind above her knees fits the environment she's in”
anne maria
“she slays idk”
the ice dancers, both of them.
“they served”
“idk I like her”
“It just really works for her”
“I would wear that”
Lindsay's up the creek outfit; José; Jasmine
“It's sooo awesome I fucking love it.jkirt (jean skirt) and a cool red top?? Slay I love her sooo much
José has blue and black which slaaaays Alejandro's colour scheme I'm sooo sorry but also not really
Jasmine. Nuff said yeah boyyyyyyyyy!!!”
The local from bjorken telephone
“She SLAYED that swan. We all know that. No one else dresses better than her”
“Her outfit is totally cute and I think it holds up today :D”
“The colors look really good on her and work well with the environment (A female character with proper shoes! wow!) and her personality. The attention to detail that since shes so tall she doesnt really properly fit into her clothes is funny”
“It's cunty. It's iconic. It screams "early 2000s" and it's so HEATHER”
“really really fucking cute. Highlights aspects of her character which is especially good for her being a twist villain. The colors harmonize well especially in scenes with dark colored backgrounds”
“What can I say? She's hot. The outfit works”
“her outfit makes sense, unlike all of the others on this show”
Princess Courtney
“It’s purple and Courtney is pretty and I like her :)”
Drama Brothers Harold
“idk why he was in the last poll his fit goes hard”
“her outfit is so cute. i love her sweater. plus she’s literally a fashion blogger”
“the color scheme is nice and idk she looks cute i love her”
“she looks so nerdy it fits her character so well. and her outfit is just adorable”
courtney’s human cricket costume
“the little antenna are so cute. and she was so smart for coming up with it. she deserved to win that challenge”
courtney in the weird blonde wig
“the outfit isnt that special but it’s so iconic. that moment changed lives”
“ok largely this is because i had a crush on her when i was 11”
Gwen’s pajamas
“How come Gwen goes to sleep wearing an awesome fit but when she wakes up she looks at her 3 shirts and goes "Yeah this is perfect"”
“His outfit is good. Only his outfit. I'm a big fan of it. Chase himself sucks tho”
“shes soooo cute!! why didnt they keep those i luv u heather it was nice to see.. heather that likes pink bunnies she tries to keep that side of herself secret too often<3”
military tank top chef
“tom of finland slay”
Prison fit duncan
craptry sugar
“SUGA HOLLA!!! it was sooo cute i loved it the pink jeans looked great and i definitely prefer the pink and white color scheme to her regular outfit and i love her regular outfit too! but pink jeans!! i luv u sugar”
Intern Dakota
“slayed what else is there to say <3”
Cowboy Chris
“bro’s got the drip”
“I love their cat headphones and their gamer chair. super swag”
“Love the gaming chair :)”
“Her hoodie is super cute imo”
“i have vague memories of a camel slaying in rr”
“They rock my world like a hurricane”
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sundaemuddysucks · 10 months
courtney’s “human cricket” costume was so 😭😭😭 i love her
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Token of The Spiritbox - Part One
Am I crazy?  Did I do a Sleep Token/Spiritbox fanfic at midnight on a work day at 32 years old?  Yes.  Yes, I did.  And it’s coming out AMAZING. 
Far too warm to be January.  Far too quiet to be just outside the city limits.  He didn’t like it.  Every crunch of brittle tree litter beneath his boots made Mike Stringer uneasy.  He knew it didn’t make sense.  It was just a pre-tour camping trip before the 3 month long trek across North America, but something about the night air felt too damp. Too thick.  He took the winding path back down the hill to the campsite where Courtney LaPlante and Zev Rosenberg were waiting for him by the flames of a dwindling fire.
“About time!  Thought you were eaten by a bear or something,” Courtney poked. “I’d like to refrain from looking for a new husband any time soon.”
“I wouldn’t worry about it.  Don’t you know?” he replied with a cheeky grin, “I wrestled a bear once!”
Courtney looked up slowly from the legal pad she was scribbling lyrics on - lyrics she was not entirely sure she wanted to share.  Her glasses were perched precariously on the bridge of her slender nose and for a brief moment, she wondered how she had survived his jokes for so long.  To be fair, without that band, she wouldn’t have met him at all and that was not a thought she cared to dwell on.  “Just put the wood on the fire, Mike,” she chuckled softly.
“Hey, I thought it was a pretty sweet throwback,” Zev called from his tent.  He had been mindlessly drumming with two sticks, enjoying the residual warmth of the fire without being too close to it.  He was comfortably tired and cozy in a puffy jacket and sweatpants.  It was nice to be out and about again with his friends.  Mike seemed a bit off, but he was predisposed to being more quiet than usual right before a long stretch of shows.  He took nothing for granted and always had making the fans happy on his mind.  If it was one thing that man enjoyed doing, it was playing for others.
Courtney dropped her pen with a start.  Realizing that she also tilted the legal pad a bit too far forward, she quickly pulled it to her chest. “What was that?” she whispered.
The sound was moving closer.  Painstakingly slow but moving, nonetheless.  She whipped her head towards the treeline to look for her husband.  Zev had heard it, too, and crawled quietly towards Courtney, resting a reassuring hand on her shoulder.  Mike, without any sort of weapon at the ready, methodically scanned the campsite for something to wield at whatever was out there.  So there actually was something out there causing the hair to stand up on his forearms after all.  Please don’t let it actually be a bear, he thought to himself.  No, that sounded like human footsteps...  A human, he could take.  The seconds passed like hours and Courtney thought she might stop breathing.  Zev could feel her trembling and gripped her shoulder a little tighter for reassurance.  And just in case he had to push her out of the way of whatever was about to happen.
A strangely tall figure, fully cloaked and wearing a battered white mask that vaguely resembled what could pass for an alien skull, emerged from the forest.  No weapon.  No shirt.  No…shoes?  Peekaboos of milky flesh showed through a thick, black paint.
“What the…?” Mike staggered backwards, not quite sure what to make of what he was staring at.
After a long pause, assumingly to dispel any fear of imminent danger, the cloaked figure spoke.
Sort of.
“Do the three of you make up the musical fellowship they call Spiritbox?”  It was a man’s voice through a robotic distortion filter.  He sounded vaguely British, but it was hard to tell.
No one spoke.  The crickets played their violin legs and owls hooted in the distance.  At this point, Courtney had lost her glasses in the dirt beneath her feet and the pen had once again slipped from her fingers.
“Do not be afraid.  I am the Vessel of the deity, Sleep.  You must accompany me.  It is very urgent,” the man said in a calm voice.
Zev shook his head wildly.  “Oh, no.  Hell no.  You can forget that.  I didn’t sign up for any of this creepy, ‘ritualistic sacrifice’ kinda stuff when I joined this band.  Let’s go.”  He took Mike and Courtney by the arms and turned to face the direction of the road.
As if created from the breath of the night sky, three other human forms wearing similar yet slightly different clothing made themselves known, blocking Spiritbox from leaving the campsite.  They were surrounded.
“Who are you and what do you want with us?” Courtney barked.  The adrenaline kicked into high gear and she stared down the masked leader, her nerves giving way to a steely resolve to get back to her dogs and cloudy Canadian afternoons on the porch.
“You may simply call me Vessel.”  He gestured to the other three people.  “I, Two, Three, and Four comprise Sleep Token.  You have been chosen to assist us in resurrecting the Temple of Respite.  The world depends on you.  On us.  I will explain everything on the way to the worship hall, but you must hurry.”
Spiritbox was silent.  The world fell silent.  The only audible sound was Vessel’s breath against the back of his hardened clay face covering.  Mike eventually cleared his throat.  “As ridiculous as this sounds, do we have a choice?”
“MIKE!” Courtney exclaimed.  Her deep brown eyes bore a hole through him. 
“What?!  We’re in the middle of nowhere, we can’t get back to the cars easily, and we can’t hike home.  We have to go with them.”
Zev quietly agreed.  He was bubbly, kind, and funny, but he knew when to be serious and now was one of those times.  Completely disarmed and feeling the shiver settle back into her gut, Courtney mumbled, “Fine,” and they set off into the moonlit night, not knowing how their decision would radically change the future.
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wherestyler · 3 years
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currently thinking about courtney in "Super Hero-ld"
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thecittiverse · 4 years
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It's everyone's favorite "A-type" lawyer-wielding C.I.T., Courtney! Drew her in normal attire, deer hunter costume, and as The Human Cricket. Bridgette won the last poll, so she's next, but it was very close between the top three, so sometime after her I'll do Duncan then Leshawna. I was initially planning to go through the whole Island cast first, but I want to get some of the later contestants in, so this poll features just those. You can vote on it here: https://strawpoll.com/4yohap2ke Leave your suggestions in the comments! I write down every unique character request.
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jtd-roughdrafts · 3 years
Gotham OCS:
Chester Cobblepot, Grandson of the Penguin: [20] After his parents died, Chester was adopted by his grandfather, Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot. He was raised to be a sophisticated aristocrat, well-educated and pleasant-mannered, but when he was introduced into the Penguin's black market of crime, he adapted into a more devilish persona to be more like his grandfather. Chester honed his charisma over his teenage years, and continued to study the human psychology and business tactics. Now, as a young man, he helps Penguin conduct business, eavesdropping on conversations and reports them back to his grandpa in detail. He is tall, with a lean and athletic build, curly orange hair, blue eyes and fair skin with freckles. During his free time, Chester enjoys reading, playing chess, cleaning his guns and knives, or hanging out with Candy, Penguin's assistant. [Straight]
Courtney Dent, Daughter of Two-Face: [21] Born to Two-Face and his wife before he was scarred, Courtney had a very miserable childhood. Between taking care of her mother Gilda, and Two-Face being absent half of her life, she decided to take matters into her own hands and became a lawyer to defend Gotham of crime and to spite Harvey, aiding Batman at times to stop her father's crimes. Courtney is tan, with blue eyes & black slender framed glasses, and semi-curly black hair that is usually in a high bun. She has a curvy and voluptuous figure, often using her body as an advantage to get information out of criminals before spraying their eyes with Pepper spray. She is a ferocious woman with a short temper, and isn't afraid to snap back at anyone, including her own father. Chester has a mad crush on her, so Courtney often leads him on whenever they meet, hiding her own affection for him in fear of becoming like her father. [Straight]
Son of Scarecrow: [22]
The Grey Ghost, Elliott Wayne-Kyle, Batman's and Catwoman's son: [17]
Nocturne, Martha Wayne-Kyle, Batman's and Catwoman's daughter: [21]
Daughter of Mr. Freeze: [10]
Malice, The Mad Hatter's daughter: [10]
Son of Killer Croc: [19] [adopted]
Deathstroke's son: [19] [adopted]
Daughter of Firefly, Cricket: [18]
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 5/13/2019
Good MORNING  #realdreamchasers! Here is The Chase Files Daily News Cap for Monday 13th May 2019. Remember you can read full articles for FREE via Barbados Today (BT) or Barbados Government Information Services (BGIS) OR by purchasing by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).
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COUNTRY MOURNS GIANT OF A MAN – Nation builder and media titan Harold Fitzherbert Hoyte died yesterday morning, leaving the country – from the Prime Minister to regular Barbadians – mourning his passing. He was 77. Hoyte, the doyen of journalism in Barbados and across the region, and one of the founders of the Nation Publishing Co. Limited, died at 11:20 a.m. at his home in St Thomas, with his wife Noreen and sister Sheila Brewster at his side. He served as this newspaper’s first Editor-in-Chief and held various positions, including President and Editor Emeritus, the latter until his death. He was also chairman of the board of Nation Publishing and a director of One Caribbean Media (OCM), the parent company of The Nation Group. Hoyte had been ailing after suffering an aneurysm while on holiday in Florida at the end of 2017. Ten days ago, in honour of his sterling contribution to journalism in Barbados and the building of one of the most successful black companies in the country, Nation House on Fontabelle, St Michael – which officially opened on September 23, 1977 – was renamed the Harold Hoyte & Fred Gollop Media Complex. As news spread of Hoyte’s passing, tributes from across Barbados, the region and from the diaspora were pouring in, recognising his outstanding work in journalism. Media practitioners, former NATION staff, as well as members of the public also posted their own tributes to a “giant of a man”. (DN)
PM: I'VE LOST A DEAR A FRIEND – The following a statement from Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, QC, MP on the passing of Nation builder and founder, Harold Hoyte earlier today. Barbados has lost one of its great patriots and I have lost a dear friend.  It was with a most profound sense of personal sadness that I learnt today of the passing of my dear friend and a true builder of Barbados, Harold Fitzherbert Hoyte at the age of 78. While Harold had been ailing for some time and the nature and extent of his medical situation served as fair notice that his end might be near, that knowledge has not been nearly enough to blunt the impact of the news.  The country has lost a prized son who has contributed more than his fair share to the development of post-Independence Barbados. It would be impossible to separate the name Harold Hoyte from the path of journalism in Barbados and the Caribbean over the past 60 years.  Equally, it would be impossible to separate him for the story of success of the enterprise known as the Nation Newspaper.  There is no Barbadian who would fail to recognise the critical role that the Nation Newspaper has played in contribution to the safeguarding of Barbados' stability since Independence. In fact, the Nation Newspaper, and by extension the Nation Publishing Company, with Harold Hoyte as its leader, represents one of the most potent symbols and examples of business success by Barbadians in our post Independence history. Harold understood Barbados and Barbadians. We saw the evidence in his editorial judgments and his professional and indeed political commentary. It was clear to all that he never lost contact with the pulse of the people. That, throughout his career remained a defining feature of Harold Hoyte. He loved his country and was never afraid to speak truth to power in its fervent defence. I can tell you that politicians on all sides of the political divide would think twice before they dared to ignore him because they knew that if they did so it was at their own peril - for he was an astute judge of Barbadians, particular on those matters he so fondly referred to as “bread and butter issues”. In my eyes, Harold Hoyte was more than worthy to hold any and all offices in this land. He volunteered his time and intellect in ways too numerous to count, but for me one of his seminal contributions was his service on the Commission on Law and Order, established during my tenure as Attorney General. At a very personal level, my friendship with Harold became even closer in the last ten or so years where he was a pillar of strength for me and where I knew I could rely on both those virtues of which I just spoke, but also his utter discretion and wise counsel. I shall miss him as will many Barbadians for his political and editorial commentary. But above all, I shall miss him as a warm, generous and committed human being. To his wife Noreen, his children Tracy and Bobby and the rest of Harold's family I extend deepest sympathies and on behalf of a grateful nation and people I extend to them the offer of an official funeral as a small but initial token of appreciation for his immense contribution to this country.  (DN)
DLP: HOYTE CHANGED POLITICAL DISCOURSE IN BARBADOS - The Democratic Labour Party (DLP) joined with those remembering the late Harold Hoyte, Editor Emeritus of The Nation Publishing Co. Ltd. Hoyte passed away earlier today, and in a statement, the DLP said his commissioning of polls forever changed “the tenor of political discourse in Barbados”. The full statement follows: It is with profound sadness and deep regret that the Democratic Labour Party notes the passing of Harold Hoyte, co-founder and Editor Emeritus of the Nation Publishing Company Ltd. Even though we were aware that he was not in the best of health in recent times, his passing has still come as unwelcome news. Harold was an icon of Caribbean journalism, an entrepreneur who staked everything he owned on a fledgling tabloid that would become Barbados’ leading newspaper and later the precursor to the regional media giant known today as One Caribbean Ltd. His visionary leadership initiated the sponsorship and publication of political polls, something previously unheard of in Barbadian media, which in itself would forever change the tenor of political discourse in Barbados. Following his sojourn in journalism, he authored a series of books chronicling the life and times of scores of local politicians as well as reviews of the roles of others; texts that are being used and will continue to be reference points for local political scholars and the merely curious. His passing will unquestionably create a void in the regional journalism and political arena. His contribution cannot be duplicated. The Democratic Labour Party would like to take this opportunity to offer our sincerest condolences to his wife, his children, siblings and close friends. May his soul rest in peace. (DN)
BBA: HOYTE’S CONTRIBUTION TO JOURNALISM WAS WORLD CLASS – For a man who always had an interest in becoming the ultimate journalist, Harold Hoyte’s name will forever be etched indelibly on the pages of media history in Barbados. His vision for the Nation Newspaper is adequately chronicled and his first Editor Carl Moore reminds us of the precision and professionalism the profession demonstrated at the time it was established in 1973. Harold Hoyte was the archetypal journalist. He was curious about everything; astute in his observations as evidenced in his writings; amiable and affable in dealing with people, with the most infectious laugh that brought a smile to the most wooden of faces. His advice to young journalists remains as relevant today as it was when he first gave it: "If you do not bring a sense of social conscience to the job, then you’re not going to carry it out in the way that you should, because you will not be able to appreciate the role that the media has to play". Perhaps our best tribute to this eminent journalist, who often shared his political analysis in the broadcast media during elections, is to raise the bar in the quality of our local journalism. His death is a timely reminder of what world class journalism looks like. It behoves us all to revisit the tenets of the Fourth Estate and honour this noble profession. Let us all place less emphasis on being a star and more on the substance of the story; less on fake news and more on facts; less on personality and more on principle. Harold Hoyte was an exemplar for the media profession. We honour his work and salute his legacy. The Barbados Broadcasting Authority joins the media fraternity in sending condolences to his wife and children as well as his immediate family and extended media family. May he rest in peace. (DN)
ST. MARY’S RECTOR ‘WILL BE MISSED’ – While rector of St Mary’s Anglican Church Reverend Jilian Crawford is remaining mum on her imminent transfer, some of her parishioners are not. In fact, not only is Crawford going to be missed, one member of the congregation went as far as to say she was the best thing to have ever happened to that church. “She is friendly and hard-working; she has done work with the Sunday school no other priest here has ever done. I will miss her – this had me crying all the time. She is the best priest we ever had,” said Vernise Codrington. Crawford is scheduled to be reassigned after May 26 to St Peter Parish Church, where she will be assistant rector. Reports indicate Crawford agreed to move on although last year it was also reported there was tension between Crawford and the Church Council over her refusal to move into the vicarage in Rock Dundo, St Michael, after the church spent $50 000 in renovations and had been paying $2 300 a month on a rental house for her in the meantime. (DN)
MEDIATOR CALLED IN – Antigua’s labour commissioner has been asked to mediate the matter between sacked West Indies selectors Courtney Browne and Eldine Baptiste and their former employers. Browne and Baptiste are claiming damages from Cricket West Indies (CWI)  for unfair dismissal after being axed when the new Ricky Skerritt administration took office in March. Baptiste and Browne, the former chairman of selectors, were served termination letters on April 10. However, their attorneys Thomas, John & Co. sent correspondence to CWI chief executive officer Johnny Grave stating that their clients were unfairly dismissed and were demanding compensation for loss of earnings, future earnings and gratuity. However, CWI hasn’t responded favourably and subsequently, the attorneys have sent correspondence to Antigua’s labour commissioner to mediate in the matter. CWI matters of this nature fall under the labour code of Antigua and Barbuda. In a letter obtained by NATION SPORT, the legal representatives for Browne and Baptiste stated: “The said termination letters of April 10, 2019, make reference to a Task Force established to review the selection system at all levels and that this . . . committee will be chaired by vice president Dr Kishone Shallow and is expected to present recommendations to the board at its next meeting in June 2019.   (DN)
SPECIAL DAY FOR SPECIAL LADIES – Mothers were shown just how special they are yesterday. Many were treated like royalty by children and spouses at a number of dining spots across the island. At the Savannah Beach Hotel in Hastings, Christ Church, events manager Dionne Vaughan said they usually got a big turnout on Mother’s Day and yesterday was no different. “Today [yesterday] we booked 180 guests and it’s always a big celebration here on Mother’s Day,” she said. “It’s not only about biological mothers but people who also really play a big role in young people’s lives.” The buffet-styled luncheon also saw guests being entertained by saxophonist Mylon Clarke. At Ocean Two resort in St Lawrence Gap, also in Christ Church, mothers were greeted with freshly mixed cocktails before dining. Assistant front desk manager Katrina Cumberbatch explained that after lunch, the mums were treated to a tour of the resort that included a visit on the roof deck. The restaurant catered for 100 people, including in-house guests. Patrons also had the opportunity to win prizes, such as a day pass for two at the hotel and a day at the spa. Some of the highlights on the menu were the eight-hour, slow-baked pork leg with apple sauce, grilled Mahi with lemon caper butter sauce, and penne pasta. There was also a special Mother’s Day buffet breakfast at the hotel which catered for 60. A large Mother’s Day cake was shared among the ladies as well. Among those dining were the Inniss and Brathwaite families. Lois Inniss said her family had been celebrating Mother’s Day together for more than 20 years. She added they cherished special occasions to bond and catch up with each other. Members of her family included former deputy chief educational officer Thelma Brathwaite, former principal of Eden Lodge Primary School Samuel Brathwaite, past principal of Sharon Primary Ruth Trotman and retired journalist at the Barbados Advocate, Heather Greenidge.  (DN)
For daily or breaking news reports follow us on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter & Facebook. That’s all for today folks. There are 232 days left in the year. Shalom! #thechasefilesdailynewscap #thechasefiles# dailynewscapsbythechasefiles
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Audiobook Series
I do a Doctor Who Verse for Saburo, so I thought since I like the Big Finish Audios I do mock-ups of Big Finish audiobooks featuring Saburo as a companion of the Fifth Doctor and Turlough. My first one is his introductory story down below. Ascendancy of the Daleks
“Initiate the duplication of Hiro Takashi!” The black Dalek ordered, the Dalek trooper complying as it began altering the controls, the memories of the Prime Minister of Japan were displayed on a viewscreen above the unconscious political leader, who was unaware of what was happening. Within half an hour the process was complete, the Dalek duplicate sat up. “You will obey all Dalek commands! Is that understood?!” The Dalek turned to the duplicate who nodded and remained standing, looking identical to the real Prime Minister in every detail. The Dalek turned to the real Prime Minister, there was a flash of blue light and the original was illuminated in an unearthly glow before everything returned to normal, the machine he was connected to began bleeping, his heartrate was 0 and his brain was not firing any synaptic impulses. Hiro Takashi was dead. The Dalek left the room and arrived in a sort of hall, with silver Daleks below their esteemed leader. “We are the masters of Earth!” The black Dalek shouted, all the Daleks responded with the same quote. “All humans who resist will be exterminated! EXTERMINATE!” The black Dalek screamed, passion in it’s words of death, within moments the hall came alive with the cries of exterminate over and over again like some demonic mantra.
The psychology student ran through the halls of the University of Tokyo, his book bag unbalancing him as he picked up the pace, he had a lecture to get to and had just finished helping his disabled mother get ready for her day at their shop they owned, he had to help her with a lot of things around the house. But that didn’t stop Saburo Akaba studying till 2 AM, he wanted to be a doctor of psychology and had sacrificed any form of social life in his teenage years to get the perfect grades so he could get into the University of Tokyo, a prestigious institution. Within moments he collided into someone taller and heavier than him, quickly falling to the floor. “I-I’m terribly sorry!” Saburo said, getting up and offering a hand to the man on the floor. “It’s alright, I’m sure you’re in a hurry.” The Doctor replied, brushing his clothes off. Saburo found the attire odd, he was essentially wearing cricket whites under a cream blazer. “I’m Saburo Akaba, a psychology student here.” He said, extending his hand and surprised the foreigner spoke such good Japanese, unaware of the TARDIS just translating it for him. “I’m the Doctor.” The man replied, shaking his extended hand as the air infront of them shimmered like there was an intense heat haze, an odd-looking machine emerging from the heat haze. Within seconds Saburo was immediately pulled back behind the staircase with surprising strength, out of the Dalek’s sight. “What the hell is that?!” Saburo whispered to the Doctor. “A Dalek...” The blonde man replied. “Where did it come from, it just appeared out of thin air?” Saburo continued his line of enquiry. “That heat haze is something quite different. A time corridor, that must be what have drawn the TARDIS off course.” The Doctor said, more to himself than the other. “What does it want?” Saburo said, not really understanding what the Doctor was saying. “To kill all life that isn’t like it.” He said worriedly. Saburo was about to say something to doubt his answer, but he stared in horror as a student appeared at the end of the corridor and stared at the Dalek, which turned to face him. “EXTERMINATE!” The Dalek shouted, firing it’s weapon, the blue energy bolt hitting the student who screamed before dropping to the floor, clearly dead. “Oh my god...” Saburo said, in shock. “We need to get out of here. Do you know a way out of here?” The Doctor asked, trying to figure how to stop this. “Follow me.” Saburo whispered, regaining a little composure, pointing to a nearby staircase behind them.
Cast: Peter Davison as The Doctor Mark Strickson as Vislor Turlough Daigo Naito as Saburo Akaba Nicholas Courtney as Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart Nicholas Briggs as the voices of the Daleks
@five-guns-days @ivory-rabbit (Mainly made this for you guys, there will be more to come.) @twilighthooves (I will be doing a 10th Doctor and Saburo series soon.)
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What if Cody as Eric Normal, Rodney as Brass Butt, Beth as Changerella, and Courtney as Buzz Girl? Total Drama in Supernormal.
Cody: “Woah, cool”
Beth: “Wow!”
Courtney: “Meh, I prefer The Human Cricket”
Rodney: “Uhhh, hey there”
Courtney: “What are you doing here?”
Rodney: “I don’t know, I-” *Fell in love with Courtney*
Courtney: *Annoyed*
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famedubaitravl · 4 years
Langer confirms batting coach Graeme Hick’s departure
Graeme Hick’s absence will be felt by those he leaves behind in the coaching group, including Langer and assistant coach Andrew McDonald © Getty
“Like facing Curtly Ambrose and Courtney Walsh without a helmet and a box on,” is how Justin Langer revealed to have felt while informing Graeme Hick on Wednesday (June 17) that he’d been made redundant by Cricket Australia.
Langer and Hick, who’d been on opposing sides on many occasions during their playing days, had grown a strong bond during the Englishman’s lengthy stint as Australia’s batting coach. The Australian head coach called Hick a “ripping human being” and lauded his work ethic and knowledge of the game for being “unbelievable”. But Langer also admitted that the road ahead for him as head coach in the new environment would be all about “adapting” and “being creative”.
“It’s been a tough few days actually, that’s the truth of it. You couldn’t meet a person with greater integrity than Graeme Hick. It’s a really tough call. It’s nothing he’s done, it’s more the impact of the cost cutting that we’re doing because of the COVID situation. We’ll all have to adapt and again hopefully one of my strengths in the past has been able to adapt to different situations and I’ll have to lead the way. That’s the most important thing about leadership is that you walk the talk,” said Langer.
Hick’s departure though will leave a big gap in Australia’s coaching staff. As batting coach, the former England batsman had been a quiet yet integral cog in Langer’s team, a tireless workhorse in the nets and a strong personality in the dressing-room.
For starters, his absence will be felt by those he leaves behind in the coaching group, including Langer and assistant coach Andrew McDonald. If nothing, they’ll have to carry the extra burden of endless throwdowns to Steve Smith and Marnus Labuschagne, even if the two have become comfortable using the side-arm themselves in recent months.
Langer revealed that he’d only learnt about the staff-cuts during a CA department meeting on Wednesday afternoon. He didn’t however get into the details of how the new support staff would exactly look but did say there would be a reduction in the “core staff”. But he quickly added that he’d still have “very competent” people around him and that he was always ready to “roll up his sleeves”.
“In terms of high performance, that will be reduced, and we’ll have to get creative. We’ll work it out. We’ll adapt. No one could ever criticize me for not wanting to roll my sleeves up and do some work, so whether as a player or as a coach, we’ll keep rolling our sleeves up. Keep servicing and supporting the players very, very well, like we have in the past and we’ll adapt to it. I’ll be fine and the guys I work with will be fine,” he said.
Langer though said that the reduction wouldn’t be as drastic as some expected it to be, “not quite like when I started with Bobby Simpson and Erroll Alcott” as he said to put it into context. He also added that there would be no dearth of support for his players, even if it come to them remotely.
“(It) won’t be to that degree that’s for sure, but we had a pretty good team even when it was like that didn’t we? Now we’ve got to a point where we will certainly have less staff on the road with us but the guys will still get great support, whether it’s remotely as we’ve seen over this COVID period I’m lucky having lived through the Bob Simpson-Errol Alcott reign and the Daryl Foster part time physio reign as a state player, right to the point where we were right up until New Zealand or South Africa a few months ago (with nearly 14 members in the support staff). We’ll be a bit leaner and sharper that’s for sure, but we’ll survive,” said Langer.
It’s not just in servicing his players that Langer believed there’d be a need for creativity. He also recommended a slight change to international schedules, which will enable Australia to make do without a full-fledged coaching team, even if there’s currently uncertainty around what his team’s next assignment would be regardless of the lengthy schedule announced by CA recently. He did raise doubts over the possibility of the ODI series against Zimbabwe in August, citing that his focus was on getting the players ready by September.
“We’ll have to get creative with short tours, short white-ball tours compared to Test tours or longer tours. we’ll have to get creative how we mix and match our available staff – and what our highest priorities are on tours. What I know is we’ll focus on being ready for early September we’ll keep living through that philosophy that we always stay ready – so we don’t have to get ready and we don’t panic when the time comes,” he said.
CA recently revealed that their longstanding practice of having one of the national selectors accompany the team on international tours would be discontinued in the post Covid-19 era. And Langer admitted that there might come a time soon when playing Xis are picked via video-calls with the coach being the only selector on tour and his colleagues Trevor Hohns and George Bailey joining in via Zoom.
“If you’d have asked me 12 weeks ago, I’d have thought it’s nice to have a selector around or other people. For the players, it’s nice to see some other selectors around at times. But I’m sure there’s going to be scope for using a lot more of this technology to make these decisions, to talk to the captain, to talk to the senior players and that’ll be a part of it,” he explained.
Another aspect of the restructure announced by CA was the discontinuation of ‘A” tours for the next year at least. That will bring the focus and the onus back on states to prepare their players for the next level and also on the players’ performances in domestic competitions. And Langer saw “real positives” in the states and clubs taking more responsibility for the game.
“I’ve been hearing for a long time: from club cricket, we need to be doing more for club cricket. And from state cricket-land, which I was part of for a long time. Here’s the opportunity right now. In a way, we’re going back to the past a little bit. All the state teams run such professional set-ups – they have the opportunity to service the guys in state-land. The fact all our guys are back training with the states at the moment, that’s a real positive,” he said.
And speaking of adapting, Langer also indicated that his team would be pretty pumped regardless of whether the highly-billed Test series was played in front of no crowds or full crowds.
“We’ll all love to be playing in front of full crowds, even when it gets Virat (Kohli) going. Actually, last time we played India, there was big parts of the crowd who were following India. So, that adds to the atmosphere and the entertainment. Will that change how the game is played? Time will tell. When we were little kids, we didn’t play in front of 50,000 people.
“We’d have our mom and dad in the crowd and maybe our brother and sister watching. And they were probably off on the swings because they were bored about watching their big brother play sport. But mom and dad would be pretty pumped so, we’ll play for the love and that’s one thing that will come out of it. The silver lining. We all love the game of cricket and one of the luxuries and one of the privileges is you play in front of a big crowd,” he said.
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kalachand97-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Globeinfrom
New Post has been published on https://globeinform.com/gambhir-gaffe-is-sporting-spirit-a-history-now/
Gambhir Gaffe: Is sporting spirit a history now?
Srinagar: “Sports activities have to in no way be mixed with politics,” author George Orwell as soon as wrote in his iconic The wearing Spirit. He wrote the piece on the give up of the England go to by using the Russian soccer group Dynamo that noticed them play four suits against the English sides, maximum of them turning unpleasant with players coming to exchanging blows. In place of enhancing the Anglo-Soviet members of the family, it had a bad impact prompting Orwell to call for Sports to now not be considered as a remember of country wide satisfaction, but to be treated simply as it is.
Orwell’s declaration is in no way determined to be followed by way of carrying countries inside the contemporary instances. Sports activities have come to be extra of a trademark of the kingdom of political members of the family among countries. No faster there may be a diplomatic tiff between the nations, Sports exchanges are the primary casualty.
In struggle-ridden locations, Sports activities are used as a device to score political points, promote as an indicator of peace and what now not.
Sub-continent is a prototype of the way Sports exchanges are depending on political environment among the international locations, with neighbors India and Pakistan its protagonists.
A political imbroglio among the two arch-competitors brings Sports encounters to a standstill. Cricket- famous and most followed recreation in each the nations- receives stalled no faster there’s a tension between the neighbors. Post-2007, there has been no bilateral series between India and Pakistan and the latter’s cricketers are barred from taking part in the cash wealthy Indian most advantageous league.
For any authorities to score brownie factors, cricket encounters are stopped to delight the loads. For years, it’s been restricted to politicians and respective governments to take a choice on Sports exchanges in the days of heightened anxiety among India and Pakistan.
Whilst the governments hold to apply Sports activities as a manifestation of relationship with Pakistan and vice-versa, there’s a risky trend that has set in with cricketers now not shying away from expressing their views on something and the entirety: howsoever improper it may be. most of it is selective outrage lacking context and historic statistics. greater than something else it appears gamers are glad playing to the gallery.
The latest episode that stunned all the sane voices across the divide turned into Indian opener Gautam Gambhir’s latest statement that 100 ‘jihadis’ (examine Kashmiris) have to be killed for each slap on navy jawan. The left hander’s tweet came in reaction to a video in which a protester became hitting a CRPF jawan quickly after ceasing of bye-elections in a Budgam village.
Indian media didn’t waste a 2nd in projecting the authorities forces as sufferers without mentioning the killing of eight Kashmiris on the same day.
Gambhir and his former Indian teammate Virender Sehwag joined the refrain displaying their anger over the incident. Gambhir, now not behooving to a cricketer of his magnificence, got here up with the words that called for a bloodbath of Kashmiris.
“For every slap on my military’s Jawan lay down at least aa hundred jihadi lives. Whoever needs Azadi Depart NOW! Kashmir is ours. #kashmirbelongs2us,” tweeted Gambhir.
In Gambhir’s tumultuous tweet, there may be a prime caution. Sports activities and sportspersons alike are no longer bereft of giving an opinion on non-wearing subjects. Sehwag trolling Gurmehar Kaur-daughter of an ex-soldier- over her comment that ‘Pakistan didn’t kill her father, however warfare did’ become every other example of a sportsperson crossing the bounds of decency to delight most of the people.
in the apparel of nationalism and patriotism, the likes of Gambhir and Sehwag have buried the sporting spirit below the avalanche of their phrases that promote hatred and hegemony.
For a real Sports nerd the ultra-modern fashion is worrisome. Gambhir and Sehwag lecturing on political topics while not having a experience of different facet of the tale could set in an example for budding cricketers. The ones looking to emulate their cricketing performances will definitely be laid low with all. It would be tough to disclaim that during this day and age of net and social media, something these cricketers having a relating their followers. They follow them in letter and spirit: performances, mannerism and greater importantly mentality (picking their brains).
One might desire commonplace feel prevails and the tribe of Gambhir and Sehwag doesn’t get bigger and sportspersons protect the carrying spirit which seems a history in current instances.
An Unforgettable Day When the carrying Spirit Triumphed in Cricket Can we see anything noble occur inside the Sports & video games of these days? something that touches the coronary heart and remains with us, inspiring us to do similarly, While we will? I assume no. Lengthy, Lengthy ago, in the historical beyond, lie instances When Sports activities & video games have been played truly for the sake of the game itself. For pleasure. For the mental & physical exercise it offers. For honor. For a legitimate area in history. And as a token of those, an insignificant laurel wreath to hold because the prize. The prize intended a whole lot but had no cloth price! today, the Sports activities&video games arena is a miles cry from all that – gamers and athletes have became slick, viciously greedy and corrupt. Handiest winning counts, not often how. Prizes are terrific sums in cash or type that players like to stash away for a future of opulent residing; mere wreaths not suffice. One of the brilliant ‘talents’ of several pinnacle Sports-human beings nowadays appears to be the potential to inform lies coolly, without batting an eyelid even slightly. So much in order that one has come to view recreation file-breakers and Guinness Ebook entrants dubiously until all assessments have validated their achievements smooth. The situation has became extremely excessive-tech, mechanical and unpleasant – with numerous corrupt gamers doing their bit on the interior and rotten match fixers, making a bet men and dope peddlers on the out of doors.
So what is left for something noble at the Sports field? Something has took place to the famed and well-loved ‘sportsmanlike spirit’? That nature of large-hearted provide and take between Sports activities-humans that kept a game as a recreation, and by no means an unpleasant, bloodless battle? One to be won at any value, whether by hook or by means of crook?
I comply with cricket, the most famous world game outdoor the united states. Over the years, it too has lost its glamor and seen as a recreation of field and person. today, it’s miles One of the video games maximum rocked by scandals and corruption than any other within the international! Although outwardly performing to be so, today’s cricket isn’t controlled by using pure cricket enthusiasts alone. Big ‘control’ is exercised by a network of very quite positioned and influential people, from behind the scenes. Participants of this network ‘purchase out’ some cricketers by means of imparting to praise them with Something they ask for – astronomical sums of cash, intercourse, capsules, personal development inside the participant’s profession and so on. as soon as ‘sold’, these players change into mere stooges for their purchasers and may be made to carry out poorly or to perform nicely on the field in line with their consumer’s choices. So the outcome of a selected cricket healthy receives ‘fixed’ in advance. betting men and gamblers get concerned at this stage. Primarily based on ‘suggestions’ approximately fixed video games obtained from the patrons they do business with, they optimistically vicinity bets favoring the anticipated result. And needless to mention, they may be pretty successful almost all the time!
honestly, I used to be one of those that had been deeply troubled and distressed when I observed the rapid decline of the sport. It really is Whilst, the incident I’m approximately to narrate, befell, pretty all of the sudden. I did now not watch it live nor did I come to recognize of it except after many years of it’s taking place. but ever seeing that I did examine approximately it, it has left a long-lasting and beautiful influence on my thoughts. it is beauty hasn’t diminished with time and that i agree with it’ll remain evergreen in my memory. it is that second Whilst West Indian cricketer and captain, Courtney Walsh, regaled the arena with the aid of a first-rate sportsmanlike gesture inside the global Cup Cricket match of 1987.
West Indies have been gambling in opposition to Pakistan. The triumphing group would enter the semi-finals. Pakistan who have been batting second, as usual, have been in warm pursuit of victory, replying to a modest overall published via the West Indies in advance. Notwithstanding dropping wickets frequently, they were handling to attain at the specified run-fee. Sooner or later, Whilst it turned into time for the very last ball of the healthy to be bowled, they had been simply one run in the back of the West Indies! Two runs from the closing ball to win and one to attract stage!! any other end result might suggest defeat. One wicket in hand. Consider the anxiety within the minds of the players on the sphere. Specially of the Pakistanis who’ve recognized to be emotionally risky and vulnerable to violent and unsightly outbreaks of temper While losing. Walsh became the bowler of the remaining ball and facing him turned into Abdul Qadir. Saleem Jaffer, was on the non-striker’s give up. Walsh came in to bowl, but earlier than he released the ball, a fearful Jaffer had already streaked out of his crease in anticipation of his companions’ walking to his end after hitting the ball. Walsh observed that he was out of his crease and could have without difficulty stumped and got him out! but he didn’t. As although pronouncing jovially to Jaffer ‘Boy! Isn’t always that too much of a blunder to dedicate? but do not worry, I won’t tell absolutely everyone about it! I’m just going to hold it to myself’ he stopped and became back, sparing Jaffer that once. With Jaffer again at his crease, he came returned and bowled the remaining ball. Qadir hit it tough sufficient for the batting pair to cross the pitch twice – for two runs. And Pakistan won! (For individuals who would love to look at the movement, right here’s the YouTube video to view –> Courtney Walsh’s wearing act, 1987!. You may discover the above right on the cease of this 38-minute video. Role: 36/38 mins, approximately.)
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