A judge has found Calgary pastor Artur Pawlowski guilty of mischief for his role in protests against COVID-19 public health measures.
The protests at Coutts, Alta., blocked the province's main border crossing into the United States for more than two weeks in early 2022.
"I am satisfied Mr. Pawlowski intended to incite the audience to continue the blockade intended to incite protesters to commit mischief," Justice Gordon Krinke said as he delivered his verdict Tuesday.
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‘Like a blowtorch’: Mediterranean gripped by wildfires as blazes spread in Croatia and Portugal | Climate crisis | The Guardian
The world is literally on fire, but our politicians and certain parts of the media seem more concerned about whether Nigel Farage gets to bank at the super special bank for rich people or not.
Don't look up, right?
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barbarian15 · 1 year
Nigel Farage’s bank accounts were closed down after Coutts decided that his views “do not align with our values”, documents obtained by the former Ukip leader show.
A reputational risk committee “exited” Mr Farage after considering a dossier detailing his comments about Brexit, his friendship with Donald Trump and his views on LGBT rights among many reasons he was not “compatible with Coutts”.
The background briefing paper even made reference to Mr Farage’s friendship with Novak Djokovic, the former Wimbledon champion, as evidence that he was not as “inclusive” as the bank.
In the trophy room with Novak's brother Djordje. pic.twitter.com/DjgD4ItdMz
— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) January 9, 2022
Earlier this month, the BBC and the Financial Times reported claims that the reason Mr Farage’s accounts were closed was that they fell below the financial threshold required by the bank. The BBC quoted sources “familiar with” the Coutts decision.
Yet in the 40 pages of documents released to Mr Farage after he made a subject access request to Coutts, the bank repeatedly says he “meets the EC [economic contribution] criteria for commercial retention”.
Writing for The Telegraph, Mr Farage accuses the private bank of “lying” about the real reason he was cut off, saying the documents show that the decision was politically driven.
He describes the file as a “Stasi-style surveillance report” and notes that the word Brexit appears in the report 86 times – which, he says, “perhaps tells us all we need to know”.
“Between 2014 and 2016, when I first banked with Coutts, no problems ever arose. After Brexit became a reality, everything changed,” he writes.
Minutes of a meeting of Coutts’ wealth reputational risk committee held on Nov 17 2022 state: “The committee did not think continuing to bank NF was compatible with Coutts given his publicly-stated views that were at odds with our position as an inclusive organisation.
“This was not a political decision but one centred around inclusivity and purpose.”
Mr Farage has said Coutts told him he was not being treated as a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) – a legal term for customers who are deemed risky for political reasons – but the dossier specifically states that he is one.
He writes: “Whoever at Coutts thought it clever to feed friendly media outlets outright lies about me sorely misjudged the situation.”
The document contains 39 mentions of Mr Trump, and Mr Farage says: “The fact that I support Donald Trump is part of this charge sheet.”
mentioned 86 times, “Russia” 144 & “PEP” 10. 
Support for Trump + views on immigration, net zero & the vaccine are listed as reasons to exit me.
They say my account is commercially viable! pic.twitter.com/QjPCuUetu3
— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) July 18, 2023
Speaking on Mr Farage’s GB News show, Lord Lamont, a former chancellor, said: “I was appalled when I looked at the documents.
“It seems to me a right to have a bank account is a fundamental right... but it appears that the executives of the bank were going through your views and saying they were not compatible with their values. That is not the function of a bank. It’s extraordinary that a bank should set itself up as some judge of political correctness.”
Some senior Tory MPs have called for a change in the law on PEPs to prevent abuse of the system. Under UK financial law, gatekeepers of the banking system must perform enhanced checks on people classed as PEPs, their families and close associates.
The Treasury has confirmed that it is reviewing whether banks are blacklisting customers with controversial political views. Under the new Financial Services and Markets Act, the Financial Conduct Authority will look at how banks deal with PEPs in a review to take place within the next year.
A spokesman for the Treasury said: “It would be of serious concern if financial services were being denied to anyone exercising their right to lawful free speech. 
“We will soon set out plans to crack down on this practice by toughening the rules around account closures, protecting freedom of expression. In the meantime, people can complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service which has the power to direct a bank to reopen an account.”
Supporters of Mr Farage have warned that the PEP rules are increasingly being used to turn away any customers whose views the bank might disagree with.
Mr Farage says he is consulting his lawyers to decide what action is appropriate in the light of his treatment by Coutts.
A Coutts spokesman said: “Our ability to respond is restricted by our obligations of client confidentiality. Decisions to close accounts are not taken lightly and take into account a number of factors including commercial viability, reputational considerations and legal and regulatory requirements.” 
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nando161mando · 6 months
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Her name tells you all you need to know.
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stevedidier · 7 months
Credit Card for British Royalty - Coutt's World Silk Card
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zmkccommonplace · 1 year
We can’t live in a society where you’ve got woke capitalists going through people's records to find out what they believe..
William Clouston, leader of the SDP
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immaculatasknight · 1 year
Enemies of the state?
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mel-rhodes-place · 1 year
LONDON—The collision of Brexit cheerleader Nigel Farage, a regal private bank, the BBC and the Conservative Party exploded into a quintessentially British scandal this week, costing the job of one of the country’s top bankers and igniting a debate over how lenders protect their reputations without discriminating against outspoken clients. The damage was apparent on Wednesday. Alison Rose, chief…
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An officer who participated in a "Freedom Convoy" rally, thanked protesters and posted a video suggesting vaccine mandates were "unlawful" and "unsafe" will keep her job after all. A disciplinary hearing for Edmonton Police Service Const. Elena Golysheva wrapped up on Wednesday, more than a year after she was first "relieved of duty without pay." Instead of being fired, she will now return to "active duty following her involvement in a reintegration program," an EPS spokesperson confirmed to CTV News Edmonton Thursday. The video of a tearful and uniformed Golysheva first surfaced on Facebook and Instagram in February 2022. It was shared thousands of times by people upset about vaccine mandates and COVID-19 public health restrictions. [...]
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stevemaclellan · 2 years
Mackenzie is a prolific podcaster and the leader of an online group known as Diagolon. A June 2022 House of Commons report identified the organization as an ideologically motivated violent extremist organization.
"It's made up of former members of the Canadian Forces, individuals with real combat training, with real capabilities and who have grown increasingly radicalized, especially because of COVID," the report says, quoting Mubin Shaikh, a professor of public safety at Seneca College.
The report notes there are connections between Diagolon and extremists who were arrested at the Coutts, Alta., border crossing during the February convoy protest. It said those extremists "were ready to engage police in a firefight."
Members of Diagolon have been tied to the convoy protests and two Diagolon patches were found on body armour seized during the execution of RCMP search warrants at Coutts.
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tea-timeliving · 3 months
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slow afternoon
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wisteriagoesvroom · 4 months
all hail the return of the private equity yacht bro jacket
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donmarcojuande · 4 months
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I've missed them this season (especially Owo), but at least they were there at the end.
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henk-heijmans · 6 months
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Annabella Coutts, also known as Madame Doubtfire, Edinburgh, 1970s - by Douglas Corrance (1947), Scottish
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zmkccommonplace · 1 year
There are plenty of people who don’t like Farage at all, but who can see this issue clearly. And there are people who just shrug and reveal their utter lack of principle. Make a note of it. Change the law to reassert the primacy of free speech and individual liberty. And never forget who was happy to give these precious things up.
Someone on Twitter commenting on the way in which Coutts bank treated Nigel Farage
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