#Craig McCaw
forever70s · 2 years
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The Poppy Family - 1969
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photos-car · 11 months
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recreation-law · 1 year
McCaw v. Ariz. Snowbowl Resort, 84 Arizona Cases Digest 9, 521 P.3d 381 (Ariz. App. 2022)
McCaw v. Ariz. Snowbowl Resort, 84 Arizona Cases Digest 9, 521 P.3d 381 (Ariz. App. 2022) 84 Arizona Cases Digest 9 521 P.3d 381 Vincent MCCAW; Carly McCaw; Andrew McCaw, Plaintiffs/Appellants, v. ARIZONA SNOWBOWL RESORT, Defendant/Appellee. No. 1 CA-CV 21-0585 Court of Appeals of Arizona, Division 1. Filed November 22, 2022 Fuller Law Group PC, San Diego, CA, By Craig D. Fuller, Counsel…
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majokkoradio · 2 years
“Powerpuff Girls Z” - English Dub Opening
Philippines Airdate: February 11, 2008
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Can you elaborate the story of the ”Free Willy” orca (forgot his name). From my understanding the orca couldn’t survive in the wild and imprinted on hunans to the point that he seeked out human compaionship
Oh Keiko. His is a sad story. In 1979, he was tragically captured from his native Icelandic waters as a calf and, after bouncing around for several years, was sold to an amusement park in Mexico City that would eventually become Six Flags Mexico. It was here that he found fame as the star of Free Willy, a very sweet and very fictional story (a favorite of mine as a child!) that later spawned a trilogy, all while convincing the public that it’s easy to free a whale.
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The tank you see in the movie is the same tank Keiko lived in during his time in Mexico. Intended to house dolphins, it was incredibly undersized, and the water was far too warm for an orca. Worst of all, he was isolated from others of his kind, with only the companionship of his human caregivers and a few bottlenose dolphins. The years of poor husbandry took their toll on poor Keiko, and he was lethargic and in ill health when his story because known throughout the world.
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Although many parties were involved in what happened next, Warner Bros. studios (the filmmakers behind Free Willy) and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS, my beloathed) were at the forefront. Once it became public knowledge that the real Willy was not, in fact, returned to the wild to live with his family and was still living in that too-tiny pool, many of Keiko’s fans (mainly children) began writing letters asking for their favorite cetacean movie star to be released.
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Doesn’t that warm your heart? *she says sarcastically*
Some time—and an incident in which Michael Jackson (yes, that Michael Jackson) tried to purchase the whale for his personal collection—later, Keiko’s owners relented. It was decided by the newly formed Free Willy-Keiko Foundation, founded by Warner Bros. and cell phone mogul Craig McCaw (and still in operation to this day, unfortunately), that it was time to make fantasy a reality and set Keiko free. In 1996, Keiko was transferred to the Oregon Coast Aquarium for rehabilitation, where he would spend two years.
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Under the quality husbandry and veterinary care Keiko received in Oregon, his health began to improve. In my opinion, this beautiful habitat, with trainers who loved and cared for him, should’ve been his forever home. One would think this was the plan all along, considering his trainers were still doing waterwork with him. That doesn’t exactly scream “this animal is a candidate for release!”
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But the HSUS and Free Willy-Keiko Foundation had promised the children of the world that Keiko would return to the wild. Think of the children, people.
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In 1998, Keiko tasted the crisp saltwater of the Icelandic seas for the first time in nearly two decades. For the next four or so years, Keiko lived in a sea pen, with the intentions of gradually habituating him back to his native environment. Over time, his trainers took him on longer and longer “walks” in the open ocean. One day in 2002, the walk didn’t end.
Keiko was free.
15 months later, he was dead.
The cause of death was pneumonia, the most common disease of cetaceans both in the wild and in human care. He was 27 years old (average life expectancy of a male orca is about 30 years).
Perhaps it would’ve been worth it, had Keiko spent those last 15 months with his long-lost family. But he didn’t. Though he was occasionally observed trailing pods of orcas, Keiko never rejoined a wild pod. Instead, he spent those 15 months traveling the coasts of Iceland and Norway seeking out the only family he knew. Humans.
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Keiko would approach swimming children, allowing them to ride on his back as he had with his trainers over the years. He would follow boats in search of food and companionship, as his caregivers had interacted with him from boats during his ocean walks. These escapades became so frequent that the local government passed ordinances to stop its citizens from interacting with the whale. Although the HSUS claimed otherwise, Keiko was never again a truly wild whale. He was a whale dependent on humans, humans who ignored the advice of experts and tried to bring fiction to life. In 2009, the journal Marine Mammal Science did a retrospective review of Keiko’s rehabilitation and release. They determined it was a failure.
Despite this, Keiko remains a poster child for anti-zoo activists. The still-hypothetical Whale Sanctuary Project (my even more beloathed) uses Keiko as an example of why their experiment is a good idea, tugging at heartstrings of well-meaning animal lovers like HSUS did all those years ago.
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In reality, Keiko was quite possibly the worst candidate imaginable for release. He was a fully mature male, with a history of poor health, who had spent decades in the care of humans with absolutely no contact with others of his kind since he was basically a toddler. The decision to release him was made entirely on emotion and carried out by movie executives and animal rights activists. For further insight into the political and financial woes of the release, I highly recommend Killing Keiko by Mark Simmons, one of Keiko’s caregivers throughout the rehabilitation process.
RIP Keiko. You were a beautiful, sweet man who inspired millions 🐳
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pwlanier · 2 years
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1949 Bentley Mark VI Shooting Brake
Coachwork by Rippon Brothers Ltd.
From the 1920s onward, it was not uncommon to see Bentley cars commissioned for work on wealthy owner's estates, their rugged, reliable and yet sporting poise being perfect mounts for their owners and friends to be escorted to the farer realms of the land. Frequently vehicles were converted to this more commercial purpose in their later life, when, rather than parting with a trusted old car, the 'family friend' was shipped off to a coachbuilder for repurposing.
More unusual was for cars to be commissioned this way from new, and in this respect the Bentley we present here is something of some rarity. It was ordered by its first owner in the form that we still see it today. The coachbuilder was Rippon Brothers, a house that could chart its history back to the carriage building days of the late 1890s and then the incubation of the motorcar. Based in the North of England, and originating in Huddersfield, at its peak it could count showrooms in various locations including Bradford, Leeds, Sheffield and West Riding although after the war, they were predominantly concerned with selling cars rather than building them. In the wealthy textiles industry of Yorkshire and the Midlands, they found a burgeoning clientele and were well patronized by their local market.
The factory records on file confirm B91FU to have been built as a 'Shooting Brake' and the original owner of the Bentley fitted that mold perfectly. Colonel George Hammond Aykroyd was part of the family dynasty that ran the huge carpet business of T. F. Firth and Company in Bailiff Bridge in the West Yorkshire county of the United Kingdom, as they would have said 'a stone's throw' from Rippon. Most likely reflecting the extreme costs of such an exercise in the conservative postwar Britain, he was one of only two people to have one of these cars built, and curiously enough today both have found themselves to the USA.
As a Master of Foxhounds, Col. Aykroyd's Shooting Brake would have been most likely been used for the type of work its name suggests, hunting. Sensibly, the spare tire was moved to free up space in the rear of the car and placed on the front right fender, while its rear seat could be folded forward for further storage if necessary.
It is believed that the trusty 'Brake remained in the family for some years, no doubt having seen routine service at hunting parties on the Moors. In 1961 the Bentley moved south to the Bristol area and became the property of R. Acheson Crow. This is the last recorded British owner, before the car migrated to the US in 1980 and arrived in the distinctly different climate of California, with its next custodian Michael R. Clark, who maintained the car for nearly a decade. The next keeper was noted collector Warren French, in whose care the car was a frequent sight on Rolls-Royce Owners Club events. Records on file depict and note how appropriate the car looked at a Winery tour!
After some years of Mr. French's ownership the Shooting Brake began a new chapter of its life on the East Coast with the much respected collector Henry Petronis of Easton, Maryland. Mr. Petronis' status as a true connoisseur of the automobile was well founded for his garages at his Normandie home at one time housed such serious machinery as Alfa Romeo 8C 2300, multiple Bugattis and the famed Captain Hewitt 8 Liter Bentley.
The present custodian of this charming 'wagon' acquired the car publicly from noted collector Craig McCaw in 2016. On arrival it was sent to Automotive Restorations to work through the technical aspect and to put it into a more satisfactorily reliable condition. Since when it has been used periodically on trips to the golf club and other such excursions.
An exceptional rarity, the 'Brake' would make a refreshing alternative to your Wrangler or Hummer at any beach, or indeed race circuit paddock.
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gone2soon-rip · 2 years
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SUSAN JACKS (Susan Pesklevits 1948-Died April 25th 2022,at 73.Kidney disease).Canadia singer-songwriter and music producer,who,alongside Canadian musician Terry Jacks (who later had a solo 1974 hit with Seasons in the Sun),Craig McCaw,and Satwant Singh,was part of the 60′s psychedelic rock band,The Poppy Family.with hits such as Where Evil Grows,I’ll See You There,and Which Way You Goin’ Billy?, She later moved to country and folk music.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Jacks
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stevestonbike · 3 years
The weather has been interesting.
It has been rather stormy. That includes things we do not see around here very often.
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(Craig F. McCaw - image credit)
That is a waterspout. AKA a tornado over water. It was about 8km from my house. All I heard was lots of thunder and wind. All I saw was a really angry cloud. In this picture the water in the foreground is the northern branch of the Fraser River. The chunk of land in the middle is a bit of Iona Park which is the place I ride my bike to on the YVR loop.
This thing passed over UBC and knocked down a lot of trees and caused havoc. The day had been pretty nasty and this was the end of it just before sunset. I did not go out as well just look at the weather!
The snow line is coming down over the north shore mountains. Winter is on the way.
I did a one hour hardwood ride. I am trying to inure myself to the discomfort and frustration of longer indoor rides. With the conditions as they are I will need to do those. I hate them.
The ride was a simulation of sorts with pushes at where the bridges would be. It is fairly effective to make the ride more bearable. I mean real rides are full of distractions. My training effect score was 4.0 aerobic and 2.9 anaerobic. 2.9 is almost good. It is basically holding your own. I think getting a good score on that is quite hard. I did it once, but that was the 50ish km simulation ride. I did fairly long hard pushes. Strange that they were not as hard or as long as if I had done the real ride. I never score well on the real rides. Weird.
It really comes down to "do I need it?" My routine has been fairly steady over the years. I can already do things that impress some people. I confess to a bit of reluctance to "try harder" as there is that cardiac risk thing.
So heading for mid 4000s now.
In a minor related thing the crank arm power meter and the green monster power reading are fairly close. At average efforts they are almost bang on. At the upper end they drift apart, but that may be just the different time averages. One is 5 seconds the other is 3.
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mariacallous · 4 years
Dear signatories, Thank you for signing the Letter by Concerned Economists Regarding “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics. http://chwe.net/irle/letter/ In one week, the letter has gained 2876 signatories, including 1067 professors of economics, 345 professors who work in game theory, 181 professors who are legal scholars, 129 professors who are Law and Economics scholars, 113 professors of history, 326 professors who are scholars of Asia, and 231 professors who are former or current editors or co-editors of scholarly journals. Please share widely, in all your networks, the link for our letter and ask friends and colleagues to sign.  There are more resources, including responses by many scholars and community members, available at http://chwe.net/irle/ On Saturday, Prof. Al Roth, Craig and Susan McCaw Professor of Economics at Stanford University, 2012 Nobel Laureate, and Prof. Paul Milgrom, Shirley and Leonard Ely Professor of Humanities and Sciences, Department of Economics, Stanford University, 2020 Nobel Laureate, released the following statement: "The two of us have been thinking and talking about the article by Professor Ramseyer, which is distressing in so many ways. (We can’t help being reminded of Holocaust denial.) The soundness of an historical account should be judged based on a review of the evidence, which can never be overruled by some simple game theory model. The appeal Professor Ramseyer makes to game theory provides no support for his claims." Also on Saturday, Prof. Roger Noll, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Stanford University, released the following statement: "As someone who has published two articles in the International Review of Law and Economics, I am saddened and dismayed that the Review’s review and editorial process is so unreliable that it would publish this article, “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War,” by Professor Ramseyer. I now regret my prior decisions to publish in this journal." Thank you so much for your support. Best, Michael Chwe
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bighousela · 4 years
Kiss the Ground (Official Movie Trailer 2020)
directed by
narrated by
produced by
executive produced by
cinematography by
written by
music supervisor
co-produced by
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timothymudd · 5 years
Best of 2019
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If I thought I'd experienced challenging years in the past, 2019 redefined my measure of difficult times. This year was nothing short of a relentless rollercoaster of events from death to new work opportunities to brutal family drama to the devastating loss of a pet to buying a home; and, all the relative learning that comes along with hit after hit after hit. All in all, I survived. Was it graceful? Barely. But, when moving forward is the only option at the end of the day, that's all you can do and hope the next go-round will be better. While I just about kept up with my music listening, I've replaced the word 'Favorite' with the word 'Defining' in my list of 2019's personal moments. It better encapsulates the feelings I'm left with as this year's circus leaves town. Zooming out a little further, overall, this has been a decade of personal honesty and massive growth. I plan to honor and respect its teachings from the thrilling highs to crippling lows. Looking ahead, all I'm striving for is my health and a little bit of peace. Boredom wouldn't be that bad for a while, either. As ever, enjoy the music; and, happy New Year.
Favorite Songs of 2019
'Tenderness,' Duff McKagen
'What You Don't Know,' Caroline Spence
'Not,' Big Thief
'bad guy,' Billie Eilish
'Seventeen,' Sharon Van Etten
'You'll Need A New Backseat Driver,' The New Pornographers
'Lover,' Taylor Swift
'555,' Jimmy Eat World
'White Noise White Heat,' Elbow
'VTr,' The Twilight Sad
'Something to Hope For,' Craig Finn
'At It Again,' Erin Rae & The Heartbeets
'Catch Me I'm Falling,' The Chemical Brothers
'Weird Ways,' Strand of Oaks
'Loaded Gun,' Jack Peñate
'The Sea,' Lily Kershaw
'Hollywood,' Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
'My Wing,' Hiss Golden Messenger
'Wild & Lonely,' Melissa Etheridge
Favorite Albums of 2019
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Ghosteen
The New Pornographers, In the Morse Code of the Break Lights
Duff McKagen, Tenderness
Caroline Spence, Mint Condition
Michael Kiwanuka, KIWANUKA
Elbow, Giants of All Sizes
Craig Finn, I Need A New War
The Chemical Brothers, No Geography
Angel Olsen, All Mirrors
Big Thief, Two Hands
Kim Gordon, No Home Record
Wilco, Ode to Joy
The Raconteurs, Help Us Stranger
Julia Jacklin, Crushing
Brittany Howard, Jaime
Lana Del Rey, Norman F*#$%&$ Rockwell!
Favorite Shows of 2019
Duff McKagen, Showbox, Seattle, WA 06/16/19
Neko Case, McCaw Hall, Seattle, WA 12/5/19
Nick Cave, Moore Theatre, Seattle, WA 10/11/19
Tank & the Bangas, Thing Festival, Port Townsend, WA 08/25/19
Hannah Gadsby, Moore Theatre, Seattle, WA 06/08.19
The French Tips, Columbia City Theatre, Seattle, WA 03/27/19
Erin Rae & the Heartbeets, Sunset Tavern, Seattle, WA 08/19/19
De La Soul, Thing Festival, Port Townsend, WA 08/24/19
Calexico, McCaw Hall, Seattle, WA 12/5/19
Jeff Tweedy, Thing Festival, Port Townsend, WA 08/25/19
The Black Tones, Thing Festival, Port Townsend, WA 08/25/19
Among Authors, Capitol Hill Block Party, Seattle, WA 07/19/19 
Sam Cobra, Spanish Ballroom, Tacoma, WA 11/14/19
Defining Moments of 2019 (in chronological order)
Performing multiple fantastic shows throughout the year with Erin Rae & the Heartbeets
Taking my first step back into higher education in 20 years
Our first real Seattle snowfall
The passing of Jen's mother, Pat, and everything that ensued
Truly learning what it takes to be there for your partner in life 
Starting my new position at Trident Seafoods; learning and growing my career
Finally understanding my relationship with my father
Losing Luff—my new definition for utter heartbreak and grief
Buying our first home in West Seattle, and everything that ensued
Completing the UW Data Visualization Certification Program
Being invited back to UW as an instructor in 2020
Remotely being there for Dave as he and Cora welcomed Gloria into the world
Finally learning the difference between what people are and can be—no matter what you want them to be
Sarah & Tyler's wedding (after ten months of relentless testing, it's perfectly acceptable to spend a Sunday afternoon drinking in a Cancún swimming pool)
DIY Weekend with Regan and Paul (and all the tool buying that ensued)
Recording with Jack Endino
Introducing my Mum to Seattle during her first Thanksgiving
Finally, a quiet Christmas in our own home
Letting the dust settle, examining the scars and looking forward to a healthy, more stable, future
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johnkremer · 6 years
College Dropouts Hall of Fame - M
College Dropouts Hall of Fame – M
Famous, Rich, and Successful People Who Were High School or College Dropouts
You don’t have to go to college to be a success. Even if you go for awhile, you don’t have to graduate to be a success. Here are just a few of the people who have become famous and/or successful without graduating from college and/or high school.
Andie MacDowell, Golden Globe-winning actress and model. She dropped out of…
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queenmotherbird · 3 years
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koliasa · 3 years
Astra goes public with boost from Craig McCaw and Bill Gates
https://koliasa.com/astra-goes-public-with-boost-from-craig-mccaw-and-bill-gates/ Astra goes public with boost from Craig McCaw and Bill Gates - https://koliasa.com/astra-goes-public-with-boost-from-craig-mccaw-and-bill-gates/ Astra’s Rocket 3.2 sits on its Alaska launch ...
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sciencespies · 3 years
Astra completes first day as a public company ahead of launch ramp-up
Astra completes first day as a public company ahead of launch ramp-up
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TAMPA, Fla. — Astra’s shares closed up 4.5% to $12.90 July 1 after the launch vehicle developer’s first day on the Nasdaq stock exchange, which raised nearly $500 million ahead of its first commercial mission this summer.
The venture started trading on Nasdaq after merging with special-purpose acquisition company Holicity, whose shareholders approved the deal June 30.
Astra’s mission this summer will be for the first of three undisclosed customers it has committed to launch in 2021.
Next year, the company now trading under the ASTR ticker has publicly committed to 15 launches as it works through 50 customers under contract.
The venture expects to be carrying out daily launches to low-Earth-orbit (LEO) by 2025.
“What is really starting to cause Astra to stand out from everyone else out there is our focus on scale,” Astra CEO Chris Kemp told SpaceNews in an interview.
“Not the scale of the rocket, but the scale of the factory and the scale of production and the number of launches.”
He said customers are willing to pay a lot more for responsiveness than “waiting six months or a year” for launches that could potentially face more delays.
Alameda, California-based Astra has been hiring former SpaceX employees that helped set up the Falcon 9 production line, as well as senior staff from Tesla from the Bay Area, to help scale up its factory facilities to meet this demand. 
Benjamin Lyon, who spent more than two decades supporting the mass production of Apple products, including iPhones and iPads, joined Astra as chief engineer in February. 
Astra anticipates unveiling its first customer when a launch date this summer for its upgraded Rocket 3.3 has been set. It will be its first launch since Rocket 3.2 fell just shy of reaching orbit in a Dec. 15 demo mission after running out of fuel early. 
The startup has only disclosed one commercial customer so far: Earth-imaging venture Planet with a multi-launch agreement starting in 2022. 
It has also announced two separate NASA contracts that call for launching multiple satellites from next year.
The 50 customers Astra has under contract are roughly split between commercial and government.
Under a deal Astra has reached with Nasdaq through 2025, Kemp said every Astra launch would be broadcast on a Time Square billboard in New York City to highlight its customer mission.
Successful SPAC
Astra announced plans Feb. 2 to trade on Nasdaq by merging with Holicity, a blank check company run by  cellular industry pioneer Craig McCaw that went public in August 2020.
Its listing comes a few months after satellite constellation developer AST SpaceMobile (ASTS) completed the space industry’s first SPAC merger of 2021, becoming a public company April 7.
AST SpaceMobile’s stock closed up 1.8% to $11.81 at the end of its first day of trading, before gradually declining to close at $7.15 April 19. The stock languished around that level before an upward trend that started at the beginning of June to close at $12.95 July 1.
Six more space SPAC deals are slated to close this year.
However, the number of new SPAC deals has declined following increased scrutiny over how they operate. 
New accounting guidance from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) April 12, affecting how warrants that give investors the option to buy shares in the future should be listed in accounting books, threw a curveball at the SPAC trend.
Holicity had been preparing to file its accounting documents just as the new guidance hit, forcing it to pause the merger process for a couple of weeks to refile the paperwork. 
The SPAC seeking to merge with in-space transportation company Momentus faces additional challenges, recently slashing the value of its deal in half amid security concerns and other issues.
However, Kemp said the SPAC process is still a good fit for capital-intensive companies in this industry, predicting “a whole wave of technology companies that are going to come out and create a whole new space sector that’s pure-play space.”
Scaling up
Astra’s SPAC merger proceeds will help scale up operations and expand its vertically integrated approach to space, which June 7 saw it acquire electric propulsion venture Apollo Fusion in a deal valued at up to $145 million. 
Apollo Fusion thrusters will boost Astra’s move into the small satellite manufacturing business next year, enabling it to provide launch and space services beyond LEO. 
Astra also plans to grow the payload capacity of its rockets from 50 kilograms to 500 kilograms, targeting growing demand from satellite megaconstellations.
Asked whether Astra’s vertically integrated strategy could lead to acquisitions outside of rockets and spacecraft, Kemp said: “Are we going to start laying fiber-optic cables under the ocean? I don’t see that coming. I think there are some great companies that have done that.
“I think that, in terms of building the infrastructure in space, vertically integrating that and building that is where Astra’s focus is, and so I think we’ll certainly look to partnerships on the ground with the leaders in the infrastructure needed to support what’s happening in space on the ground.”
Unlike launch providers SpaceX, Blue Origin and Rocket Lab, Kemp said Astra will not develop systems capable of human spaceflight, saying this enables it to optimize technology for applications closer to Earth.
“We’re never going to Mars and that’s OK,” he added.
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phoenixshirtstore · 4 years
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Derek Bevan And Jonny Wilkinson And Richie Mccaw And Craig Joubert And Jonny Sexton Shirt
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