#Critical Bench
profitpulse36 · 4 months
Empowering Seniors: Introducing the Breakthrough Neuro-Balance Therapy Program.
Embarking on a mission to empower individuals aged 50 and above, Critical Bench, a reputable publisher with a proven track record, proudly presents their latest Gangbuster VSL – the revolutionary Neuro-Balance Therapy. This comprehensive balance-strengthening protocol is designed to not only prevent but also prepare your body for unforeseen trips and falls, making it an invaluable asset for both men and women in their golden years.
Understanding the Fear of Falling:
It's a well-kept secret that many seniors harbor a genuine fear of falling, and for good reason. Shockingly, statistics reveal that every 11 seconds, a person over 60 experiences a fall in the United States, leading to emergency room visits. What's even more alarming is that every 19 minutes, someone loses their life due to the consequences of a fall, resulting in a staggering 28,000 deaths annually.
The Impact of Falls:
The repercussions of slips and falls extend beyond the immediate incident. Research highlights that if you find yourself in such a situation, your likelihood of ending up in a nursing home triples. Furthermore, should you experience more than two falls in a single year, studies indicate that your risk of passing away within the next five years skyrockets by over 200%.
Empowering Seniors with Neuro-Balance Therapy:
In response to these concerning statistics, Critical Bench's Neuro-Balance Therapy emerges as a beacon of hope for seniors seeking to enhance their stability and reduce the risks associated with falls. This groundbreaking program is meticulously crafted to not only address the physical aspects of balance but also provide a proactive approach to preventing accidents that can lead to devastating consequences.
As we age, maintaining balance becomes increasingly vital for a fulfilling and independent lifestyle. Critical Bench's Neuro-Balance Therapy is not just a solution; it's a commitment to empower seniors and equip them with the tools to navigate their golden years with confidence. Say goodbye to the fear of falling and embrace a future where strength, stability, and well-being take center stage. Join the movement towards a safer and more empowered senior community with Neuro-Balance Therapy today.
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scrapersnbotscom · 8 months
UNOCK YOUR GLUTES by Brian Klepacki
Instant Discount & Download of Unlock Your Glutes by Brian Klepacki
I give the credit to coach brian.
Training Is For Unlock Your Glutes Everyone Including
His level of understanding when it comes to glute training was unlike anything i've ever heard before. No other program hits all three gluteal muscles with all three exercise strategies in all three planes of motion to force your glutes to grow. Critical bench ceo mike westerdal said to me brian you have to share what you know you need to help as many people as you can with this. At last you finally have the answer to building the strong butt and powerful glutes you always dreamed about.
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The issa glute training specialist course teaches trainers the science behind building better glutes and how to focus on these muscle groups to give clients the best results. I've know coach brian for a few years now and I can vouch that he is a good guy that cares a lot about his clients and their success. I give the credit to coach brian.
Instant Discount & Download of Unlock Your Glutes by Brian Klepacki
Easy GM3 Method Plus Can Accelerate Unlock Your Glutes To
Coach brian has utilized the latest science and research to come up with a new way unlock your glutes pdf of training glutes that has turned the industry upside down. Which is where step 4 critical bench unlock your glutes . Glute activation workout daily movesglute bridges 3 sets of 10 reps with 5 second pause at topclam shells 3 sets of 10 reps per sidewake up exercise 10 reps with 5 second holds done 3-5 times throughout the daynow as your glutes activation improves and you've had success with the progression exercises eventually youll reach a point where these daily glute exercises for the most part will no longer be needed.
Test 1first do you generally have a hard time feeling your glutes working or contracting them during your lower body exercises and does your lower back and hamstrings tighten up instead then this is a good sign that your glutes aren'tactivating how they should be. Why do leg exercises when you're trying to hit another muscle group entirely do glute specific exercises to get your backside bigger and rounder and save the leg movements for another day. I like the new shape of my behind and I feel a lot stronger.
Instant Discount & Download of Unlock Your Glutes by Brian Klepacki
This is a great way to target the gluteus maximus but it does little to activate the gluteus medius and minimus. That's because youll be able to activate strengthen and grow your glutes to a much greater degree through your main lower body exercises. At the end of it you're going to achieve your full potential.
Obstacles Standing Unlock Your Glutes In The Way
Dead butt syndrome or gluteal amnesia occurs when your glutes stop firing as they should. And to find out if your glutes may indeed be needing some attention there are 4 key indicators how to lift up your glutes we can look at. That's because youll be able to activate strengthen and grow your glutes to a much greater degree through your main lower body exercises. The only time we notice there could be an issue is when we sit for too long and get a numb butt.
It shocks me seeing so many people making mistake after mistake hitting their glutes - through no fault of their own. To fire your glutes we use a two-step protocol. The technical term for unlock hips activate glutes this is inhibition.
Training Is For Everyone Including YOU With Unlock Your Glutes ResistanceLoad How To Activate
Use the various cues provided below and experiment with a weight shift progression where you descend to about the way down hold this position and then slowly shift your weight from one foot to the other side to side. Which is a great way to potentially forget how to activate critical bench unlock your glutes your glutes. This time engage your core and place your hand on the glute of the down leg.
And even better during your breaks perform what ill call a wake up exercise for your glutes. The lphc has a large role in the activation of the glutes and the muscles of the lphc work to stabilize the hips low back and glutes. He's the best trainer in the world when it comes to building a better booty. You'll also help clients understand why stronger glute muscles are about more than just looks.
Myself There THREE Unlock Your Glutes Obstacles Standing Glutes BEST Exercises For Activation WANT
A look it's this simple. And terms this phenomenon as gluteal amnesia. To re-activate the glutes we turn to a tool of physical therapists use to rehabilitate injured athletes neuromuscular activation. Feel your unlock your glutes program hamstrings lower back or quads more than your glutes then this is an indication that your glutes aren'tdoing what theyre supposed to during hip extension.
That's it. Why do leg exercises when you're trying to hit another muscle group entirely do glute specific exercises to get your backside bigger and rounder and save the leg movements for another day. Often times It's the hamstrings and lower back that take that extra load.
To progress it you can pull your knee up at the top and hold at this top position for 1-2 seconds. It's also an especially useful way to start integrating the glutes in movements that produce power and force. So long story short your glutes are important. And luckily dr.
So long story short your glutes are important. Each plays a role in stabilizing supporting and mobilizing the legs hips and lower half of the body. When faced with the same program their glutes deliver raw unbridled power and speed.
Instant Discount & Download of Unlock Your Glutes by Brian Klepacki
Helpful YouTube.com Video(s) About Unlock Your Glutes
And instead get up and take a walk or have a stretch at least between every 30 minutes of sitting. Glutes are the biggest muscle in your body. Thanks brian klepacki unlock your glutes again for sharing this useful content. Try Unlock Your Glutes for 60 days and discover how to force your glutes to grow like you've never experienced before.
Instant Discount & Download of Unlock Your Glutes by Brian Klepacki
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broodygaming · 3 months
C2 Spoilers
it drives me NUTS when people say that Taliesin and Matt decided together backstage to kill off Molly. It makes 0 sense and it's ??? just such an unnecessary rumor to spread. People on reddit often spout it like it's just a known fact. Like, as if Taliesin didn't famously complain about having to pull all nighters over a busy weekend to roll and conceptualize a new character cuz he had ZERO backup. As if Molly didn't JUST have a huge lore drop and was clearly building to be a major focus of the next branch of the story. As if Matt didn't have LOADS of lore and planning already done that he had to to redo and reconfigure to fit with the Tomb Takers going and exhuming Molly to continue their plans. Matt said he had this whole thing where Lucien was gonna show up in a different body and hunt down the M9 to kill Molly and take his old body back. He SAID that!
Idk why this drives me nuts. It just feels... almost disrespectful. Like. Y'all. Taliesin isn't a baby. He fucked up. It's okay. He made a dumb choice in the heat of the battle and doubled down and it got his character killed. Things escalated and there wasn't a healer and it's JUST as simple as that. Stop making shit up to justify something that only SEEMS LIKE IT'S ORDAINED because these people are talented story tellers. Blowing all the work they did to reconfigure the story and just HAND WAVING and being like "they planned it ahead of time" is just rude. If it all seems preplanned it's cuz Matt busted his patootie off and reweaved a frayed tapestry into a beautiful work. Happy accidents and all that. CMON.
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talaricula · 2 years
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look at those fucking anime protagonists i'm so angry
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mumpsetc · 5 months
For the ship asks: Sodapack?
I'm Very Invested in Sodapack (Sorry Scenty) Because I Love How They Can Barely Stand Eachother and Their Relationship is Incredibly Strained and They Still Stay Together Out of Circumstance. Ideally a Continued Sodapack Relationship for Me is Just the Two of Them Blatantly Mad at Eachother All the Time But if One Left the Other Would Be in Shambles Because Who Else do They Have? I Think Fanon Sodapack Really Misses the Mark Because Their Entire Thing Should Be Resentful and Tragic and Reducing Them to a Typical Fluffy Tall Guy x Short Guy Ship is Like Damn Why Even Ship Them Then
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mamawasatesttube · 3 months
iced lavender latte save me. iced lavender latte PLEASE
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
matt: a hooded figure is approaching the table you're thinking about sitting at
me: oo someone wants to talk to them?
caleb: frumpkin show them your butthole
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soapcan18 · 11 months
Words can not describe how badly I want Wukong’s hoodie from Benched. I’m willing to kill for that article of clothing.
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jacquelinemerritt · 1 year
Dragon Ball Z: Abridged Episode 37 Review
Originally posted January 24th, 2016
Without Goku, Team Four Star focuses on their interesting characters.
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Last week I spent a paragraph (justifiably) complaining about Toriyama’s decision to take Goku out of the fight with a bullshit plot contrivance, yet I praised Team Four Star for doing their best to tie the contrivance to character driven humor. I still stand by what I said, of course, but “Catch Me If You Can-droid” has shown me that my complaints may only need to be applied to the plot of the source material, as even without Goku, Team Four Star1 is more comfortable telling their story than ever.
Now, perhaps you could chalk this up to “Can-droid” finally providing the payoff for the androids being ridiculously underpowered, and while that’s certainly a part of it, as all of the tension in the episode comes from whether or not Gero can get away from our protagonists or not, with it immediately fizzling when he is discovered by Gohan, I’d argue that it’s also the result of Team Four Star being relieved at not having to deal with their most uninteresting character and all his associated plot contrivances.
That’s an odd thing to say in an episode that intentionally destroys all of its tension for its other characters, but that lack of tension is earned, as it’s been slowly established over the past few episodes that the androids they’ve been fighting haven’t been nearly the threat Trunks made them out to be.
Goku’s presence, on the other hand, automatically removes any semblance of tension, as the show has now proven twice that he’s guaranteed victory, even in circumstances where by all account he should be dead (see: Muffin Button).2 Not having Goku around means that they’re free to focus on the characters who have to work to achieve the power they do; they’re free to focus on humans instead of a demigod.
And since they’re focusing on humans, Trunks’ arrival and declaration that they’ve been fighting the wrong androids is a gut punch, as the last two episodes have let our protagonists (and us by extension) feel deservedly overpowered only to discover that they didn’t “over train for this,” as they’ve yet to encounter the enemies that are an actual threat. The stakes are immediately reestablished, and it’s at this perfect moment that Gero shows his power is due to his cleverness, as he takes this perfect opportunity to escape and potentially kill Bulma, Yajirobe, and Baby Trunks. Now that Goku is out of the way, shit can finally get real.
Rating: 4.5/5
If you enjoyed this review, consider supporting me on Patreon.
Stray Observations
1It’s feels odd to call Team Four Star a singular entity, especially as we get further into the series, as I know that Scott “KaiserNeko” Frerichs is responsible for more of the writing, recording, and editing workload than anyone else (I feel decently comfortable saying he’s their equivalent to a showrunner from season 3 onward), but there aren’t any particular credits listed on the episodes, so I can’t really give credit where it’s specifically due.
2Again, not criticizing Team Four Star here, especially since as I mentioned before, they managed to actually imbue tension in Goku’s fight with Freeza. I’m criticizing Toriyama for writing a completely unbeatable character whose victories come by ancient prophecy and plot contrivance, rather than actual developed effort. I am also aware of the end of the Cell Saga, and yes, Toriyama deserves credit for ending it the way he did.
Vegeta: “When a goddamn Super Saiyan asks you for a Senzu you say ‘How many?’”
Vegeta: “Energy sensing is bullshit.”
Vegeta: “Get out here and fight me blindly like a man!”
Piccolo: “Call me the can opener, because I’m about to bust open your metal ass.” Vegeta: “Yeah, how about we leave the one liners to me?”
Domo Arigato is the song playing over the radio in Bulma’s car. I am pleased.
Bulma: “Did you know I never even saw Freeza? Not even once?” Yajirobe: “I’m pretty sure no one ever complained about not meeting Hitler.”
Yajirobe: “Have you ever seen what an all Senzu bean diet does to a man?” Bulma: “What?” Yajirobe: “Korin likes it.”
Piccolo: “That’s the android.” Trunks: “No, it’s not.” Gero: “Yes, I am.”
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jhsharman · 1 year
Red Glow
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More sophisticated color separation in putting visual emotion around Archie -- though, it is in this story her putting on an act so the emotional state and its attendant color visuals are fiction within fiction.
Kathleen Webb, hired with the assistance of Dan Decarlo after sending some fan letters to him and receiving letters of encouragement back, did not draw much for Archie -- just a few stories right at the start of her career and it would appear a few more pages later -- somewhat tellingly, this was first published in a digest. Indicative of her problems as a draught-smith, and why she became a writer-only for the company -- this panel of Archie... not sitting on a park bench, but standing on his heels and at a lean against air.
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corvidexoskeleton · 10 months
Love being the only person who hasnt watched the barbie movie. I keep seeing right wingers froth at the mouth over it and people wax poetic about it's themes and messaging and whatever, and it's honestly very weird to see a live action movie about a brand of toy dolls be treated like it's a fuckin constitutional amendment or some shit
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gold-talks-alot · 1 year
I like Minecraft and D&D
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ukulelehitter · 11 months
whats. going on
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flamedoesart · 2 years
Ya know it’s really funny how ppl on twt will make fun of beeduo fans for being sad that they don’t interact on stream anymore and then simultaneously make a million posts about how they miss their fave cc dynamic.
The hypocrisy is showing, is what I’m trying to say.
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
btw just so yall know I’m only angry at c!beeduo when it comes to their treatment of ctommy and don’t blame mikey B AT ALL because he is a BABY and babies shouldn’t be held accountable for the mean things their dads do. mikey B is innocent and shouldn’t be blamed for what beeduo did when they got married during the prison. there is a reason why all of my aus involve him being treated sweetly and gently regardless of how petty I am towards c!bee
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qupritsuvwix · 3 months
Critical Rage Theory:
Once upon a time the management of the Royal Albert Hall decided that some of Frank Zappa’s lyrics were too obscene to be sung in their venue. He sued for breach of contract. The ensuing shenanigans in court involved a super-annuated judge who was so out of touch that he had to have a phonograph disk held up and its function explained to him.
The bored idiot who suffices for Alabama’s chief justice should have had someone display an embryo to him… or draw a picture… or show him a documentary, or a Sesame Street episode…
Legislating from the bench is bad enough, but Pontificating from the bench is supremely disgusting. They were asked to rule on a specific question involving a specific incident that happened once, and this judicial clown decides that this is his opportunity to shine in history.
Shame on him. If you are insane, superstitious, or stupid, you shouldn’t be making decisions about people’s lives
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