#Crossdressing Jaskier/Dandelion
yennskier-feed-ao3 · 1 year
The enemy of my enemy
The enemy of my enemy
by ravenbringslight
It's winter solstice at Kaer Morhen, and Jaskier and Yennefer drunkenly try on each other's clothes and talk about Geralt too much.
They also kiss.
Words: 7498, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Witcher (TV), Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia
Relationships: Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, there's geraskefer in all its permutations but this is mainly a yennskier fic
Additional Tags: Post-Episode: s01e06 Rare Species (The Witcher TV), but nothing else in canon happens, Getting Together, Feelings, Banter, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Apologizes, Crossdressing, Winter Solstice, Porn with Feelings, Drinking & Talking, Pining, Roleplay, so many musical metaphors, Winter at Kaer Morhen (The Witcher)
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Do You Know Who I Am?
I love assassins, and I love the idea of a cross dressing Jaskier, so here you all go. I hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think? I might make this into something. We shall see. Maybe give you some exploits of what happens when Jaskier is a way. Thank you Nerdynix for the beta.
Jaskiers alias actually has a meaning. Ill tag it in the tags.
Oh the smut is at the end and doesn't have to be read to enjoy the story. its denoted by: xXxXx
Rated M or E depending on where you stop.  Murder obviously.  Cross posted at AO3 to SennexTheAssasinKingOfLight
________________________________________________________________ Do You Know Who I Am?  
Geralt has been looking for Jaskier for a week. Ciri is studying with Yen and he finds the silence on the road to be suffocating now. He won't admit it. Not ever to anyone, but he misses the sounds of company. Specifically he misses Jaskier. They had parted ways a while back, on mutual terms. Jaskier to go to some competition, where Geralt learned later he had won, unsurprisingly. And Geralt took Ciri to Yennefer. Yennefer had portaled him and Roach to Jaskiers last known location at his not so subtle suggestion. Both Girls had laughed as he had left.
It wasn’t that funny, he thought, but then perhaps they both knew how he felt for the bard. They were keen like that. He growled lowly. He and Yennefer were reconciled enough that they could do what needed to be done, and had become quite amiable friends. And now that the dust had settled and Yennefer had up and portaled her and Jaskier away for a few hours things were very good between them all. He still didn’t know what they had talked about; but when they had come back, Jaskier despite his obviously red and puffy eyes, was smiling and laughing at Yens jokes. He accepted it for what it was. Their banter on the outside seemed harsh but it was like the two of them had some kind of understanding. They knew their boundaries, and stayed within them. 
Geralt smiled at the thought. It had taken him a while to reconcile with Jaskier, and it was thanks to Cirilla, really, that it had happened at all. It had gone like this. He was low on coin so he left Ciri at the inn to go on a hunt. Paid the innkeeper's wife to keep the girl fed and safe while he was away. Said she was his niece come ward. She had agreed, and Geralt reluctantly left to deal with the creature. It would only be a night. “She'll be fine” he had thought.  It took two. When he returned he found Ciri at the darkest most secluded table in the inn. She had picked that up from him, and with her was Jaskier. Neither seemed to notice his arrival so he stood out of sight where he could listen.
“C- sorry, Fiona he’s been gone two days and it was what?”
“Vampires I think.”
“Oh Melitele's sakes, he’ll be fine.” 
“You’re sure?”
“Yes, probably he had to track down a few stragglers.”
“Chin up sweetheart, he’ll be back soon.”
“I trust you Dandelion. Thank you. It’s good to have a familiar face around.” “It’s good to see you too, Little lion. Have you had supper?” The rustling of fabric, a shook head.
“Well then why don’t the three of us eat.”
“Oh yes, Geralts, just listening in and brooding.”
“What? Really? Where?” Ciri said looking around.
“How’d you know?” Geralt asks perturbed that the bard had noticed him but not said anything or given himself away. Had he always been this observant, this sneaky, he had wondered.
“The atmosphere, dear witcher, always changes when people notice you. My job is to be aware of my audience.” Jaskeir responded not looking away from Ciri who was making a face at Geralt.
“You said one night! Liar.”
“I’ll just go order food.” Jaskier left the table.When he returns to the table he doesn’t sit. He looks at Geralt with a very particular look. There is anger in it. He taps the table and Geralt meets his eyes. He nods and stands.
“We’ll be right back dear one.” Dandelion winks at Ciri and leads Geralt into the back alley. It’s late. The sun has set. They stand there while a cart pushes past the mouth of the dimly lit alley. Jaskier gave one more look around and Geralt is about to ask him what he wants. Because he’s angry and guilty and relieved all at once and can’t process it.
“YOU! YOU!” Jaskier drops his voice from a shout to a low, dangerous tone.
“You fucking arse! What the hell were you thinking leaving a fourteen year old girl alone in a seedy tavern inn! Not just a fourteen year old girl. Princess Cirilla! What if someone had noticed her. Recognized her! Geralt you are a fool if I ever met one. What the bloody-” he cuts off, takes a breath and gets in Geralt's face.
 “Do you even know what could have happened to her? Do you? Slave trade. A crime lord who saw a pretty little girl and decided he needed her. What the fuck Geralt.” His voice is dangerous and low, his eyes wide and full of rage, hurt, pain.“What if I wasn’t me? What if it was someone else who had sat beside her and was able to convince her that he was a safe person? She knows me. I’ve played in Cintra since Pavetta and Duny. Do you ever think? Oh nevermind, we know the answer to that. You don’t. You just fucking act. Consequences be damned. Then you don’t take responsibility for them, but if something had happened to her it would have been your fault and you’d have no one to blame. What then? That's it, like it or not I’m going with you. You obviously can’t be trusted with her well being.” He crossed his arms in challenge without leaving Geralt's space.
He hadn't spoken. Just swallowed and gave a stiff nod. He felt like he’d been kicked in the gut by Vesemir during training.
“Oh no. No. You're going to tell me you understand you big oaf.Your going to tell me it won’t happen again and then you’re going to make sure it doesn’t or I’ll run you through with your own sword. Poison you with your own damned potions. Am I clear?”
He blinked, who was this man? “Yes, Jaksier. I understand.” He nods, transfixed by the man in a sea of colors before him. “ It would be good of you to join us.” 
He wasn’t sure what had changed for the bard, but he was fiercer and this anger was genuine and righteous. What was he to do? The bard would come with him asked or not. He turned towards the door.
“Oh, and Geralt.” Voice softer now, heart rate just as even and steady. “ It’s good to see you.” 
He’d stopped and turned to him then,“Likewise. I- I’m glad you’re well. And…” silence hangs between them, Jaskier arches an eyebrow at him waiting.
 “I’m sorry. You’re right… not just about this, but me, my faults.”
“We’ll work on it.” Then the bard had brushed past him and swept into the tavern. Shortly after that he’d managed a real apology for the mountain incident. Jaskier had laughed, called him a fool and forgiven him all in a single breath. Ciri clung to Jaskier like a life line and so it was good that he had stayed.
Roach snorts bringing him from his memories. They are nearing a new city. Jaskier had left the other one and Geralt hoped from what he gleaned that he would be here. He missed him. He really did, though he’d not say as much.The town had a fair going. Of course it did, or some kind of large gathering. A festival. He shakes his head and wrinkles his nose. The scents are overwhelming. 
It takes a while before he finds an inn with a free room available. A little one on the far end of town from where he had entered. It's better than nothing he supposes. Roach is happy in the town stables so he starts looking around. The town had just started this celebration, it was for the harvest. The main square was a bustle of colour and loud noise. Vendors from all over selling their wares and catching the attention of any passerby they can. The market smells of food and sweat and ale. The perfumes are strong and many. There is no way he will be able to scent Jaskier out if the entire town smells like this. Every inn and tavern had. He looks around still breathing deeply, and gods forbid Jaskier changed his perfumes. He growls. The best he can do is check out taverns at night, watch the square and its musicians by day. Keep his ears open for any mention of or sound from the bard.
He’s walking towards the music when he whips his head around suddenly. He’d caught the slightest hint of a familiar scent, but it was too muddled to make it out. He scans the area. There is much to notice, much more to ignore. Something does catch his eye though. A woman with broader shoulders than most. Her hair is shoulder length and blond, done in curls using hot tongs. A hat sits atop her head with a peacock plume in it. This is what caught his attention. One is white the other is colored. She stands with the other woman by this silk cart and smiles, turned just enough from him that he can’t quite make it out. He does a double take. He stares but the woman doesn’t turn towards him. Instead she walks the other direction arm in arm with another lady. An amber and midnight blue silk shawl in her other hand. He huffs, annoyed and continues on his way. He can feel eyes on him, but that's nothing new, so he ignores it.
He stays in the town two days. He keeps hearing whispers of Jaskier playing, but never seems to be in the right place at the right time. The city is large and over crowded. There are people in tents filling the field outside the city gates. The festival is large and there is a ball two days from now at the house of the nobleman who rules over the city. One needs an invitation to get in, and yet he intends to go despite that. If Jaskier will be anywhere it will be there. 
As he walks back to his inn, he keeps to himself and takes the alleys. Even these are crowded. It’s late so there is more room. Most of them are unlit which isn’t a problem for him. What is a problem is a woman with long brown hair braided down one side being chased into his path by a shouting group of men. She runs past him, knocking against his side in the dark. She stumbles.
“Where’d the bitch go?” 
He hears one of them shout.“Down the alley!” Another says angrily. Without thinking he grabs her arm and pushes her against the wall, effectively blocking her body from their view.
“Don’t scream.” He whispers in her ear. “I won't harm you. Play along.” He keeps his voice light as he can. She nods. Blue eyes down cast. Are they blue? He can’t tell. It doesn’t matter. He leans into her. Lets a hand rest low on her waist, the other on the wall behind her. She buries the fingers of one hand in his hair. His breath ghost her neck. She smells strongly of spice and too much chamomile. Medicine. He wrinkles his nose. One of the spices making him want to sneeze with its strength. She lifts her skirt above one knee and leans into him hiding her face in his shoulder. The men start to pass, one of them stops.
“A girl run past here?”
“Busy.” He snarls. The men move on. Only when he can't hear them does he move back to the other side of the narrow alley.
The girl lets her hands fall to her sides, then keeping her face down cast plays nervously with her braid.
“You alright?” He asks voice its normal level of gruff. He rubs at his nose. His eyes water. She nods fervently.
“What was that about?” The girl swallows. Her voice is pitched a little high and it grates on his ears. He shakes his head.
“ ‘ook eh loaf o’br'd from me M'ster, for me brotter sir.”
He nod’s satisfied.“Don’t get caught next time.” 
He starts for the mouth of the alley way. He can hear her follow but doesn’t look back. She goes the opposite direction from him. He sniffs. His nose is dead to the scents around him and it makes him angry. He quickened his pace and rubs at his ears.
When he returns to the inn he washes his face three times and changes but the scent is still there. It seared to the inside of his nostrils. He send his clothes to be washed. He glares at the ceiling. He knows Jaskier is here. He just can’t find him. He keeps catching his scent, hidden, buried, weak but there. He keeps hearing whispers that a well known bard is there, but he can’t seem to be in the same place. He growls. He knows that the ball is his best shot. He just needs to figure out how to get in.
The following afternoon, the day of the ball, he’s in one of the side squares. There's a fountain in the middle and children play in its water. It’s unusually warm for an autumn day. He continues to look for signs of his friend. Because that he will admit. Jaskier is his friend. He watches as all members of society move around the smaller square. He notices a woman who looks familiar. A peacock feather in her hat. She walks with the grace of all noblewoman. She’s pretty, he notes, a little flat chested. She pales her skin with powder and colors her lips a purple. It suits her. It happens very quickly. 
A man, a thief grabs something of hers and she yells. The guards can’t get to him from their locations and he looks as though he will make it out of the square with whatever it is he had grabbed. He smirks. This is his chance. Catch the thief and maybe a grateful noblewoman can get him into the ball. Casually he moves into the thieves path and stares him down.
“It doesn’t suit you. Give it here.” The thief steps back, looks for an alternate escape. He's about to change course.
“Don’t make me maim you.” Geralt says, still smirking, hand reaching for his sword. The Thief looks up at him, lip quivering. Geralt gives him a meaningful look and his shoulders slump. He hands the items out to him.
“Please here. Take them, just let me pass. Please.” He begs quickly. Geralt takes the items, considers it a moment and says,
“If they catch you you’re on your own.” Then he steps aside. The guards give him an incredulous look and chase after the thief. Carefully he approaches the woman with the peacock feather. Smiles just barely. Trying for human, trying to use every trick Jaskier had taught him. He can hear the bard lecturing him in his head. “Yes, there's a good smile. No teeth, keep your eyes soft. There. That's the one. That's how you should smile at balls and towards people in general.” It was hours of practice with Jaksier poking and prodding his face Ciri laughing beside them at night. The lady hides her face behind her fan, keeps her eyes turned down.
“These belong to you. I believe.” He bows slightly holding a gold necklace and a broach out to her.
“Thank you, kind witcher.” He startles some. He shouldn’t be surprised that she knows he’s a witcher. But there is something prickling on his skin. He trusts his instincts, but he needs into the manor.
“Of course my lady.” She holds her hand out to him palm down. He understands, takes it in his free hand and kisses it lightly. She giggles a bubbly laugh from her throat at the act. She smells strongly of Lilac and Daffodils, he can just barely make it out. His nose is still dead from the night before.
“I am Lady Narcissus Oszust. Thank you for retrieving these.” She takes the items with her free hand. “The necklace was my mothers’ and the broach, my grandmothers.” 
Her voice is a little deep for a woman but he doesn’t question it. He’s been around the continent enough to have met many people that seemed odd. Men with voices like women, women with faces like men, women with hair short as a man and men with hair as long as a woman. He lets it be without much thought. He’s seen many things.
“How may I repay this debt?” She asks lightly. He smiles a little. He feigns uncertainty for a moment.
“Oh, well. Perhaps, My lady... You see, I am looking for a friend of mine and I have reason to believe he may be at the celebration tonight, and I find myself, sadly, without an invitation.” He will suffer one night at her side if it means finding Jask. He hopes however, that she will simply have him added as a guest of hers and that will be the end of it. She flicks her crystalline blue eyes along his body, but never meets his gaze.
“Do come better dressed than that. And I expect at least one dance from you.” Then she turns.
 “Oh I suppose I need your name for the list.” She adds over her shoulder, face hidden by a curtain of blond curls.
“Geralt of Rivia.” He grins, a little too sharply.
“I’ll see you tonight, White Wolf.”
He makes his way back to the inn with determination. He orders a bath. He has a few hours to kill before the celebrations begin. He takes his time, treats his hair as Jaskier would insist. Dressed in clean clothes, the set Jaskier insisted he keep in his pack should they need to infiltrate a noble estate, he ties his hair back. It goes against all his instincts but he leaves his swords. Instead he places a dagger at his waist, neatly hidden, it's a thin blade, and a knife in his boot. His instincts tell him there is something amiss. He meditates. And when the sun is low enough he makes his way towards the manor. 
They are expecting him. No one stops him as he makes his way up the main entrance on rounded steps. A fountain, shaped like a siren sending spray into the air at their base.Once inside he makes his way to the main hall. It opens into a garden behind the large mansion. A cool breeze blows through the open doors, it’s pleasant against the warmth of bodies pressed into the confines of the room. It brings with it the scent of fresh cut flowers, and autumn air. The golden glow of the sun cast long shadows across the marble floor, it’s fading quickly. He remains at the edge of the room, in the shadows, watching, waiting. He sips at an ale that he takes from one of the many servants. There is no sign of Jaskier among the musicians or nobles yet. So he waits. It would be much easier if it weren't a masquerade.
“Find your friend yet?” He turns to look the woman over. Narcissa is standing to his left, blond hair done up without a hat. The amber and dark blue shawl cover her shoulders, the sleeves of her dress are long and flowing. The gown itself is deep midnight blue, or perhaps it more closely resembles the ocean at midnight. Amber thread binds it together and there are golden accents like stars on the sleeve edges and the corset. It stirs something in him. Her face is hidden behind a mask, half like a burning sun, half like a slumbering moon. Two halves of the whole.
“Not yet.”
“Perhaps, you could tell me his name. And here, I forgot to mention this affair was a masked ball.” She hands him a mask, in the shape of a wolf's snout. Its white, and soft. She sips some wine. She wears delicate gloves also of white. Geralt realizes this woman is a complete mystery. If pressed he isn’t sure he could describe her face. The jaw is strong up close, but also slightly round, innocent looking. The chalks make it look thinner, more feminine. He furls his eyebrows and nods, donning the mask.
“That’s better. Now his name?” She smiles at him behind her mask.
“Jaskier. He's a bard.”
“ And a Lettenhoven.” He narrows his eyes at her behind the mask.“ Don’t worry. I know Julian quite well. Though, I cannot say with certainty that he will be here.” She frowns. Geralt let out a sigh.
“Will you be staying the duration of the evening?”
“Only until I am satisfied he won’t be here.”
“Then perhaps I should claim my dance now.” He clenches his jaw and then aquiessaces. They move to join the dancers. Narcissa is an exceptional dancer, and he finds that he enjoys dancing with her. So when she asks for a second, he agrees. They don’t speak much but she occasionally bats her eyelashes at him, squeezes his arm, or lets her hands brush against his hair, down is back. Finally another Lord wishes to dance with her and he returns to his spot on the wall. He finds it difficult not to watch her. 
There is something ethereal about her, too mysterious and his senses are telling him something isn’t right. She’s not a vampire. He can tell that much, even from here. He begins going through a list, but is pulled from his thoughts when the clock strikes the tenth hour. He’d leave if he weren’t so concerned about what Narcissa is. It's obvious the bard won't be here. He knows he’s spent too many days here. But he had been certain. He added that to the list of confusions in his mind. He watches Narcissa for a while longer. Occasionally she makes eye contact with him across the room and smiles.
Just after the eleventh bell, one of the lady’s collapses in the middle of the dance floor. Instantly the comotion begins. Someone shouts for a doctor, others go rushing towards her, trying to help. Geralt recognizes her as the woman who had been with Narcissa the day at the market. It's blurry but he’s almost certain of it. He looks around swiftly and catches the train of her dress sweeping across marble leading into the hall. 
He navigates across the room, blocked far too often by some person or another. He straightens his shoulders and people move for him. He casts the mask to the side, and that hasens his pace as people actually part for him. A witcher on the hunt. When he enters the hallway no one is there. He growls. He continues onward, he can barely make out her scent. He follows it straight out the front door.
Neither guard looks up from their game so he presses onward into the brisk night. He follows, breaks into a run even. She can’t have gone far, but she is fast. She takes all the alleys, avoids the main streets and well lit places. He stops abruptly. Her scent at the door of his inn. He swallows and enters, a cursory look around reveals that she isn’t in the main room.
 He follows her scent up the stairs, slowly. He removes the stiletto blade from his waist. Or he tries to. It’s gone. He reaches for the knife in his boot. Carefully he pushes the door to his room open. He steps inside. Narcissa sits on his bed, legs crossed, her chin propped on her hand, elbow on her knee, curled in on herself, completely relaxed and pouting. In her other hand lies his blade. He inhales sharply. There is excitement in the air, radiating from her. Familiar. The room is lit by a few well placed candles and the fireplace stoked hot and bright. It casts shadows about the room, but Geralt can see Lady Narcissa clearly.
“Do you know who I am?”
“An assassin.” She leans back on his bed, supporting her weight on her hands. Exposing herself to him, almost playfully. She’d known where he was staying and had fled there. He clenches his jaw. ‘What does she want?’
“Oh Geralt. Of course I am, that’s a part of me trained from birth. But it’s not what I asked. Do you know Who I am?” She moves and he moves faster. His only weapon is the knife in his hand. He won't need it though. They fall backwards, his knee between her legs, arms locked above her head in one hand and his blade at her throat in the other. She looks up at him from beneath the mask, smirking, and laughs. He goes ridgid. He knows this laugh inside and out, blind, would know this laugh, deaf he would know this smile.
“This has been a fun game of cat and mouse. Tell me love, do you like me all dolled up for you?” He swallows and looks down at swirling blue eyes. They meet his gaze for the first time.
“Jask?” he asks again.
“Geralt?” With an unsure hand he pulls the mask off. He doesn’t shift his position or lose his hold.
“Hello darling. Do I look good in a dress?” He licks his lips.
“Yes.” It falls from his mouth before he can stop himself.
“What about pressed against the dark wall of an ally?” Geralt stares at him confused. Jaskier pouts.
““ ‘ook eh loaf o’br'd from me M'ster —”
Geralt stands abruptly and stares at him wildly, face contorting in an array of emotions. Finally he whines,
“You fucking destroyed my nose.” He rubs at it instinctively, the memory causing it to burn.
“Only temporarily, Geralt, nothing permanent. I just couldn’t risk you catching my scent.”
“What the fuck?”Jaskier stands and goes to the washing basin. He wets a rag and sets to work removing the makeup.
“Subterfuge me friend. Lady J— and her family were getting rather pesky. I was asked to resolve the issue.” He says like it's not a big deal that he’d just killed a woman.
“A concoction of nightshade and hemlock in her wine. Very effective, no mess, easy enough to slip to her.”
“But why?”
“Because I was asked too and had access.”
“No I mean. Fuck. Jaskier when did you..”
“Oh this, I’ve always been able to. Part of my training growing up around nobles, you learn quickly how to deal with enemies. I just happen to be an actor and I didn’t want it connected to the Lettenhovens in any way. It would ruin my reputation.” The bard smiles cheekily at him, face clean.
“Why...” He gestures at the gown and swallows. Something about it being Jaskier in the gownhas him reeling. He pushes it aside, he can’t let it in.
“I’d be recognized or noticed if I’d been a man. People would think I was trying to court her… to many variables. A new female friend at court that came from nowhere and disappeared, much harder to trace.” He smirks at Geralt from the dresser.
“When did you take my dagger?”
“Second dance, when you were trying to figure out what kind of monster I was and not rip my hands off for taking liberties.” He winks. Geralt tears his jacket off in frustration.
“You've been in this town the entire time dressed as a woman.” He seethes.
“You looked right at me. I just couldn’t tell you anything. I thought you’d get a clue from my color scheme. Daft as always.”
“What?” He looks at the bard again.
“Blue and amber? The color of our eyes.The peacock feathers? Oh you foolish man.” Jaskier frowns at him. Geralt can only stare in disbelief.
“Is this what you were doing? Is this where your courage came from?
”“I’ve always had it. I just didn’t think I’d ever need to use it on you. Then I did.” Jaskier pushes off the dresser and glides towards him. He stops short, chest inches from Geralts and looking up at him through his eyelashes whispers,
“Get me out of this dress, witcher.”
Geralt looks at him, stiff and unmoving. The dam in his mind breaking free, dislodging well hidden thoughts. Jaskier tilts his head, hair falling off it and exposing his neck.
“Or am I mistaken?” 
He asks with false shyness. Geralt doesn’t miss a beat. He launches forward and kisses Jaskier hard on the mouth. The Bard smiles into it, fisting his hands into the witcher's shirt. He pulls away to catch his breath all too soon.
“I swear to every god, if you rip this gown or my corset I’ll make you beg for me.”
 Geralt promptly spins him around picking up one of his knives in the process and cuts through the laces of the corset. He pushes the sleeves of the dress from Jaskier shoulders and kisses them instead. Jaskier pulls the corset from around his chest and lets it fall to the ground. He shrugs the rest of the dress off. 
Geralt tugs at the fabric of the chemis and pulls it roughly over Jaskiers head. The bard laughs.
“Why the hell are there so many layers?” He whispers, dragging his teeth across Jaskiers neck. The wig came undone and Jaskier tosses it to the side.
“Virtue?” He deadpans as he turns to face Geralt in nothing but his underclothes. Jaskier tugs at his shirt and Geralt kisses him again, deep and wanting. He can feel Jaskier working the buttons of his shirt. He breaks the kiss only to pull it over his head, and then he’s licking back into Jaskiers mouth. It tastes sweet, like the wine from earlier. He explores, threading his fingers through Jaskiers hair while the bard undoes his trousers. He tugs sharply when he feels them get pushed down and Jaskier moans. The bard pulls away and pushes more urgently at the pants.
“You’ll get as good as you give if you keep that up.” Geralt growls, low in his throat and kicks his trousers to the floor. Then they kiss again and Jaskier pulls at his hair just as hard. He groans into it. He lifts Jaskier and feels his legs tighten around his waist. He moves his mouth to suck at his throat and the bard throws his head back and moans. Geralt bites down. He knows Jaskier will tell him to stop if he goes too far or if he hurts in any way, but the way the other jerks against him says he doesn’t have to worry. He knows Jaskier, knows he doesn’t have to be as gentle, as careful as he does with the others he’d taken to bed in the past. He settles Jaskier on the bed and tosses his dagger to the floor. Neither of them needs to be stabbed with a real blade.
Jaskier tugs at his hair again, frantically and squirms. He understands. Standing he removes the last of his clothes and Jaskier does likewise, kicking them off the edge of the bed. He looks down at the bard, fully undressed and aroused below him. Jaskier makes eye contact with him, and makes a show of stretching out to be seen.Geralt licks his lips and takes a step back towards the bed. Then he stops.
“You're sure?” Jaskier laughs at him, that heavenly sound that Geralt wishes he could put in a bottle to listen to at his convenience.
“I don’t sprawl myself out for just anyone.” “You do.” “Haven’t in years.” “Oh.” Jaskier sits up, leans on his hands, “Seriously? Really? You oaf. Get down here.” 
And then they’re crashing against each other and it's glorious. Jaskier rut’s up against him and doesn’t make any attempt to be less vocal. Geralt lets him, shivering in delight when he adds a hand to the mix, deft fingers working in all the right ways. He lets out a soft moan against the newest bruise on Jaskiers collarbone.
“Fuck me.” He says against the bards neck.
“Is that an option?” Jaskier asks, completely surprised.Geralt looks at him, all innocent curiosity on his face and fire burning through the lust in his eyes.“It is now.” He says and Jaksier is pushing him up and backwards and he lets himself be manhandled. It’s been a while since he allowed someone this control, but Jaskier. Jaskier has control of every other part of him,whether he knows it or not so why not this? He looks up at the smaller man.
“You're sure?” The bard copies. He nods.
“Say it, Damn it Geralt. Use your words.” He flushes at the command.
“Yes Jaskier. Please.” A glint in the musicians eyes.
“Please what?” Geralt groans as hands position his legs just the way they’re wanted.
“Fuck me.”
“Hmm…” a pause “uhm.” Geralt looks up at him confused and exasperated. He’d like to get on with it. The abruptness of the pause is grating and not at all like he expected from Jaskier.
“Oil?” Jaskier asks.
Geralt leans back into the bed and laughs almost hysterically. His cock is so hard it’s almost painful from the way they’ve been touching and teasing. Jaskier leans over him with a quirked eyebrow and a deadly expression on his face.
“I will kill you if you don’t shut up and suck.”
There are fingers near his lips, he grins and teasingly takes them into his mouth. Jaskier maintains eye contact the entire time. He sucks each finger individually, coating them thoroughly in saliva, runs his tongue up and down each one, sometimes catching them with his teeth. He Moans when Jaskier pushes more than one into his mouth at the same time. He watches through half lidded eyes as Jaskier swipes his own precum down his cock, uses his own spit to slick it. 
Finally he pulls his fingers free from Geralt's mouth, trails his pinky also soaked down his chest, his abdomen, around his cock and down to his entrance. He tenses and takes a steadying breath. He forces himself to relax. Jaskier watches him, waits until he’s comfortable and presses his index finger inside. It's been sometimes since he was so vulnerable and Jaskier seems to know it. The bard leans forward and peppers kisses along his thigh, his hip bone, anything he can reach. After a while he adds a second and a third. He teases Geralt's cock with his tongue and occasionally his other hand, he never takes more than the tip into his own mouth, giving soft sucks as it pleased him too. 
Abruptly Geralt lets out a gasp as his hips twitch. He feels Jaskier smile against him.
“Jask, please” he says horsley. 
The bard obliges, makes sure that he’s as well slicked as he can be without proper lubricant and presses against the witcher.
“How are you this tight.” He chokes out, pressing in at a painfully slow rate. “Will you relax please, Geralt.” 
The witcher does as he’s told. Finally Jaskier is seated inside him. It satisfied something in him that he hadn’t realized he was missing. They stay like that unmoving for a moment, catching their breath. Jaskier leans over and kisses him, and he groans into it, the movement pleasant as it forces Jaskier a little deeper. Slowly, the bard begins to rock against him, he doesn't move all the way out, not at first. It's a rhythmic rolling of hips against hips. Eventually they pick up speed and if anyone were outside their room the only thing they would hear was the obscene sound of skin against sweat slicked skin, erotic moans of pleasure, the words, “More, harder, fuck, Jask, shit, and gods above Geralt”.
It doesn’t take long for the foreignness of it to push Geralt over the edge. It’s a good new, something he could get used to; something that he enjoys. His own release brings Jaskier over the edge just as quickly, he pulls out just in time to spill on his hand and Geralt's chest. The witcher just laughs and pulls him against the mess between them and kisses him breathless again.
“You should wear Lilac and Daffodil more.” Gealt whispers against his ear when they’ve cleaned themselves as well as possible, and curled together under the blankets. “Lilac is Yennefer's scent...” Jaskier trails off looking up at him from the circle of his arms, chest to chest. “It smells better on you.” He says meaning it, and gives the poet a pointed kiss. He isn’t great with words, so he hopes it's enough.
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katieamnesiaandrews · 2 years
Title: distract my heart
Chapters: 1/2
Fandom: The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Jaskier/Yennefer of Vengerberg
Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer of Vengerberg
Additional Tags: Intimacy, Telepathy, Crossdressing, Blow Jobs, Cunnilingus, Fingerfucking, Choking, Dirty Talking, Top Yennefer, Bottom Jaskier
Summary: Your smile blooms, as pretty as larkspur and just as deadly. "Distract me," you urge him in your kind, with and edge of desperation that does not show in your face. "Make me forget."
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iboughtaplant · 3 years
Tumblr media
Dandylion Designs
A collaboration for the 2021 @geraskierbigbang! Thank you so much to @ghostinthelibrarywrites for kindly betaing this fic for me!
Fic by @iboughtaplant
Art by @reckmore
Fic rating: M
Word Count: 20476
Relationships: Geralt/Jaskier
Warnings: No Archive Warning Apply
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Modern without Magic, Youtuber Jaskier | Dandelion, historical costumer Jaskier, vet tech Geralt, Veterinarian Geralt, Good Parent Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Soft Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Fluff, Meet-Cute, Getting Together, Going on Dates, Domestic Fluff, Crossdressing, sort of, men in corsets, Sewing, Anxiety
When Jaskier, a historical costuming Youtuber, takes his cat Buttercup to the vet, he meets Geralt, a vet tech whose daughter happens to be a big fan of Jaskier's. Geralt would like nothing more than to sew a historical dress for Ciri, and ends up watching all of Jaskier's videos—and developing a crush in the process. With the dressmaking process not going well at all for a beginner like Geralt, he resorts to emailing Jaskier for advice. Cue fluff and pining.
Art post
Read the fic here on AO3
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by Witcher_Trash_Party
It's senior year, and Geralt has realized that he's in love with his best friend. Sadly, Jaskier is Absolutely Straight, No Doubt About It, and so Geralt decides that he will never, ever confess his feelings. But then he discovers Jaskier's fleshlight, inadvertently altering the course of their friendship forever.
Or maybe not. After all, it's not gay if you say "no homo".
Words: 19437, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Countess de Stael, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Jaskier | Dandelion's Father
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Pining, Friends to Lovers, Masturbation, Sex Toys, abysmal sex toy hygiene, Prostate Massage, Porn Watching, Praise Kink, Mutual Masturbation, Anal Sex, First Time, Loss of Virginity, Feminization, Crossdressing, Multiple Orgasms, Creampie, Rimming, Consensual Underage Sex, Underage Drinking, Prom, Closeted Character, Internalized Homophobia, Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Happy Ending, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Loves Jaskier | Dandelion, minor Jaskier | Dandelion/Countess de Stael - Freeform, Bad Matchmaking, it's not gay if [x], Oblivious Jaskier | Dandelion, Requited Unrequited Love, Coming Out, Feels, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, idiots to lovers, Jaskier and Geralt are 17/18, Betaed, Jaskier | Dandelion's Father Being an Asshole, intricate rituals: the fic
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
What About The Bard, Kitty?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3Cl76Wv
by UldAses
My attempts to answer the event "What About The Bard"
Words: 0, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki (TV 2021)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Loki (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Crossdressing, Crossover, Loki is Jaskier's Dad
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3Cl76Wv
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Victorian, henry cavill sherlock holmes, Bathing/Washing, Wiedźmin | The Witcher-Typical Bathing, How to care for your witcher, corsets, Crossdressing, i guess?, but not really, I digress - Freeform, Hand Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Oral Sex, Bottoming from the Top, Light Bondage, Bottom Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Summary:
Returning home from a hunt was always the light at the end of preverbal tunnel for Geralt.
It was even more of a shinning light when he realized that Jaskier had a plan for his return.
__ otherwise known as the historically accurate Victorian AU smut fic no one asked for
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sunflowersupremes · 4 years
I think, respectfully, that there is a lot of people who misunderstand what Yennefer’s storyline is about. Yennefer’s storyline is not actually about having a child. She says she wants one, because she dreams of being loved unconditionally. But that’s not the crux of her character arc. Yennefer’s storyarc is about autonomy, freedom and choice. It’s also about abuse.(1/7)
I’m not sure if this is a responce to Why Yen’s Storyline is Frustrating to me, A Childfree Woman or if it’s a responce to Jaskier is Better than Yennefer so I’ll link both. 
I’ll agree with you that her storyline is about autonomy, freedom, and choice. As I specifically said, I was fine with the idea of ‘I can’t have kids and I’m bitter about it’ as it was presented in the books. My biggest issue was that Netflix fucked it up and turned it into some sort of ‘overcoming disability is strength torture porn’ (because of the weird surgery that she was awake for) and also went into ‘womb magic’ which is just.... nah. 
When Yennefer of Vengerberg was fourteen years old, she was sold to Aretuza. She had no choice in the matter and no means of escape. She was told over and over again that her only real path to power is to follow the path set forth by the Brotherhood: She learns, she ascends, she takes the transformation, and she becomes a powerful, admired mage who can create her own legacy. To do this, she is told she has to give up a part of herself.(2/7)
Yeah slavery is bad. 
And yes, the sorceresses go through a lot of shit. 
But they’re also incredibly spoiled and privileged once they get out of school, so don’t forget that. It’s specifically stated in Season of Storms that the mages could make everyone on the continent immortal and immune to disease but they choose not to because they like having power over poor, non magic people. 
If Yen really wanted to fuck over Aretuza she would share her knowledge and make the world a Utopian paradise, but instead she’s all “me, me, me” and just wants a baby, fuck the poors. 
Yennefer is not someone who is sterile for a medical reason. She was not born this way. She did not give up her reproductive ability as part of a medical procedure to save her life. This isn’t even a matter where the use of magic lowers her fertility naturally (as is implied, I believe, in the books.) Yennefer of Vengerberg was eighteen years old. She was promised everything she’d ever dreamed of. And she also knows what happens if she fails. (Anica says hi from the eel tank).(3/7)
I never said Yen was sterile for medical reasons, I said that her storyline was dangerous to people who want that sterilization.
Just like how JK Rowling’s book about a crossdressing serial killer is dangerous to Trans folx despite having no Trans characters (I know this is an extreme example, it’s all I could think of). 
Things don’t have to be exact for people to draw correlations if they have no other experience with that thing. 
But like you said, that’s not how the books handled her infertility, and there’s my whole problem. The books which were written 30 years ago by a man somehow handled this better than a show written in 2020 by a woman and that’s insane. 
It is not clear that the Brotherhood would accept no for an answer. She was also very desperate and not necessarily thinking clearly. She’s discovered that she was betrayed. The person she trusted gave her secret to people who are now using it to screw her over. She’s desperate. She makes the choice. And then, she learns that everything was a lie. The power and respect are non-existent.(4/7)
How is it not clear that they would accept no for an answer? Discount Dandelion was already putting his tools away when Yen came to him. He was done doing surgeries. He is clearly uncomfortable performing the procedure on her. 
She spends thirty years cleaning up messes of people who are happy to insult her as soon as she’s not doing what they want. She’s not going to have a legacy at all. Neither Yennefer, nor the show itself, has ever tried to say that a woman needs a child to be complete. But what did happen is that Yennefer was abused and manipulated into making a huge sacrifice for absolutely nothing. And she’s incandescently angry about it.(5/7)
She didn’t make a sacrifice for nothing. She got a lot out of it. In fact she got exactly what she was told she was going to get: power, beauty, and magic. 
You just said she can create her own legacy and now you’re saying that she needs a kid for her legacy so???? 
Children are not your legacy. Full stop. That’s ridiculous. Children are indepent, free thinking humans who do not owe their parents unconditional love.
It’s not about a child. Not really. It’s about having choices taken away. If being an Aretuza sorcerer required celibacy, she’d be having a hundred orgies. If it forbade marriage, she’d be hunting for spouses every day of the week. She has convinced herself she wants a baby, because it represents what Aretuza stole from her.(6/7)
LIke I said before, if she really wanted to fuck over Aretuza she could help poor people without demanding money and share their magical secrets, but she doesn’t do that because it doesn’t directly benefit her. That would annoy them so much more than one random chick having a baby. 
Is that a great reason to have a kid? Probably not, as Geralt points out. But let’s be honest, there are plenty of uterus having people in the world who have children for worse reasons, or sometimes without any reason at all. Why shouldn’t Yennefer have that right? Why should Yennefer allow herself to be deprived from something she never really understood she was giving up?(7/7)
Just because other people are having kids for bad reasons doesn’t make it okay for Yennefer to do it. If that were true then everyone could do anything to their kids and just say “yeah, but the Duggars” and we’d have to accept it. 
No you’re absolutely valid that she’s abusive
(I’m not sure if this is the same anon or not)
Yeah I wish Netflix would acknowledge this more. Yen is much more complex than they showed. Instead of giving us random people watching her and Istredd fuck they should have developed that out more.
They took away everything that makes Yennefer an interesting character and just tried to turn her into a Super Feminist who Can Do No Wrong (tm). 
They don’t acknowledge her complexities, they don’t acknowledge that she’s abusive, they don’t acknowledge that she’s still incredibly spoiled and immature despite being fucking old as balls. 
Mostly because I think it’s important to show that Geralt, a physically strong, large and able bodied man, is still able to be a victim of domestic violence and sexual assault.
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janiedean · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Witcher (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Additional Tags: Canon Universe, Crossdressing, Crossdressing Kink, Lingerie, Corsetry, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Rimming, Multiple Orgasms, Explicit Sexual Content, Bottom Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Service Top Jaskier | Dandelion, Light Dom/sub, Dancing, Idiots in Love, Jaskier | Dandelion Loves Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Loves Jaskier | Dandelion, The Author Regrets Nothing, this is some of the most self-indulgent porn i ever wrote and idc, Geraskier Kink Bingo (The Witcher), Banned Together Bingo 2020, jaskier's definitely up for best boyfriend of the century Series: Part 3 of silken Summary: in which things are brought up a notch or ten, Jaskier decides that introducing the corset into the mix was an excellent idea and Geralt is entirely on board with it.
or: have a very self-indulgent fill for the lingerie square on my geraskier k/ink bingo card and explicit orgasms on my banned together 2020 bingo card.
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dancinglassie · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game), Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, Wiedźmin | The Witcher Series - Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion Characters: Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Jaskier | Dandelion, Various members of Oxenfurt Academy Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, silliness, University traditions, Crossdressing, Ciri has PTSD, but she's slowly learning how to smile again, Jaskiers acting as Ciri's dad, Pretend Father/Daughter relationship, Oxenfurt Academy, Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, But Geralt hasn't arrived yet, He's a bit slow on the uptake, But Jaskier pines for him from a distance, Even if he also fantasises about slapping him, Found Family Series: Part 2 of Oxenfurt Academicals Summary:
“You can't keep yourselves locked away until the world returns to the way it was. I'm coming over for dinner tonight. As one of your oldest and dearest friends, I insist on meeting your daughter properly. If she's anything like her father, we'll become great friends. Make sure you tell the kitchen to send you up the beef; the other option tonight is carp, and you know it gives me bad gas.”
Jaskier can't keep Ciri locked away in his rooms at Oxenfurt forever. One of his oldest friend's wants to meet his new 'daughter' and introduce her some of Oxenfurt Academy's rather... unusual traditions. Everyone loves a family picnic. Right?
The second part of Oxenfurt Academicals that I meant to post in February, but got distracted by River God Jaskier...  Oops.
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by UldAses
My attempts to answer the event "What About The Bard"
Words: 0, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki (TV 2021)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Loki (Marvel), Eskel (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher), Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Additional Tags: Crossdressing, Crossover, Loki is Jaskier's Dad, Flirting, Swordfighting, Alternate Universe, Inspired by Hades and Persephone (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore)
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by stevie_RST
When Jaskier, a historical costuming Youtuber, takes his cat Buttercup to the vet, he meets Geralt, a vet tech whose daughter happens to be a big fan of Jaskier's. Geralt would like nothing more than to sew a historical dress for Ciri, and ends up watching all of Jaskier's videos—and developing a crush in the process. With the dressmaking process not going well at all for a beginner like Geralt, he resorts to emailing Jaskier for advice. Cue fluff and pining.
Words: 20476, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion & Priscilla
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Modern without Magic, Youtuber Jaskier | Dandelion, historical costumer Jaskier, vet tech Geralt, Veterinarian Geralt, Good Parent Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Soft Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Fluff, Meet-Cute, Getting Together, Going on Dates, Domestic Fluff, Crossdressing, Sort Of, men in corsets, Sewing, Anxiety
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by PanTrashPanda
Words: 1915, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Eskel (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher)
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Additional Tags: How Do I Tag, I'm a beginner go easy on me, Fluff, Song Lyrics, Sappy, My First Work in This Fandom, Geraskier for life, They have a husky named Aspen and a maine coon named Panini (geralt named the cat), Slow To Update, Slow To Update?, Song: Tightrope (The Greatest Showman), Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Has Feelings, Crossdressing
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by DesertPersephone
Returning home from a hunt was always the light at the end of preverbal tunnel for Geralt.
It was even more of a shinning light when he realized that Jaskier had a plan for his return.
__ otherwise known as the historically accurate Victorian AU smut fic no one asked for
Words: 7390, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Victorian, henry cavill sherlock holmes, Bathing/Washing, Wiedźmin | The Witcher-Typical Bathing, How to care for your witcher, corsets, Crossdressing, i guess?, but not really, I digress - Freeform, Hand Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Oral Sex, Bottoming from the Top, Light Bondage, Bottom Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia
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by TinyThoughts
“Oh my, Geralt.” Dandelion all but purrs, doing nothing to push him away. “I never knew you were into dresses.” “Me neither.” Geralt says, pulling Dandelion against him, one hand snaking up towards his chest.
Words: 2950, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game), Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, One sexy dress
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Additional Tags: i usually dont write this but, Jaskier | Dandelion In A Dress, geralt likes it, Like, likes it a lot, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, who knew the power of a good dress, Lipstick, Bottom Jaskier | Dandelion, Top Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, damn tagging can be really freaking emberassing, i am such a prude wth did i write this for, ok i know why i wrote it, its kinda hot shut up, but this is a lil filthy, Sorry Not Sorry, Anal Sex, no beta we die like renfri, kinda crossdress?, NSFW
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by fannishliss
Aiden puts Geralt in a dress. Why????
Words: 22, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Aiden (The Witcher)
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Eskel/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia
Additional Tags: Illustrations, Geralt in a dress, Crossdressing
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