#Crowley cents
cathalbravecog · 1 year
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I'M ACTUALLY DOING REFS FOR ONCE BEFORE ART FIGHT!! (Has like 20+ ocs to make refs for and ref updates to do because I can't stop making OCs) anyways here's CROWLEY CENTS !!! fierce flatterer. the crawler. centipede guy
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sasasartblog · 9 months
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[edit: on my defense I personally thought it'd be funny not sad]
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ineffableteeth · 7 months
So I’m still flipping out over this hand holding thing
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Because I keep thinking about what had prompted it, especially since we aren’t sure what was said between them getting off of the bench to their seat on the bus
There’s not much to go off of
But despite this, this was definitely some sort of minor Comfort, they had JUST stopped Armageddon and have yet to hear from their respective sides, Aziraphale isn’t affiliated with heaven for the first time since his creation which is probably overwhelming and terrifying, Crowley knows both heaven and hell are coming for them and he can’t do a thing about it, and this could very well be the last time they see each-other
They held hands here as a silent all-encompassing “I’m still here and I’m not letting you go”
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once-upon-the-earth · 22 days
Look I think I said it before somewhere but I need to talk about it again.
Aziraphale (in the show - his characterization differs in the book and I’m talking about show Aziraphale here) is a soft character. He started out as a soldier and he made the conscious decision to give the sword away to someone who would use it for protection, instead of keeping it to fight (leaving out the whole thing about War owning it later on cause that’s a different topic and definitely wasn’t what Aziraphale had in mind when giving away the sword). He also makes a conscious decision to look and act as non-threatening as possible, instead deciding to look soft and huggable and gay as hell a tree full of monkeys on nitrogen oxide. We don’t see him fighting anybody even when he gets the sword back - he just holds it and swings it around a little, he doesn’t even lift it when they face Satan (I think. I’d have to go back and watch again but I’m fairly sure he just stands in the background behind Adam with the tip of the sword facing the ground).
We know, or at least suspect from the scene where he fixes the hole in the wall that he’s physically strong and we know he’s still technically a soldier in Heavens eyes (Gabriel going „you’re a lean mean fighting machine“ and him having and possibly leading a platoon in Heaven) but he fully rejects that position in episode five to go back to Earth. He doesn’t want to be a soldier at all. He’s still a protector, we see this in season two with Jimbriel (he literally says „I said I would protect you and I will), but even THEN he doesn’t physically fight the demons entering the bookshop (he lights the circle but it’s Maggie and Nina throwing fire extinguishers and encyclopedias).
I know we as the fandom love badass Aziraphale. I love badass Aziraphale as well. I take a little bit of an issue with how him actually being badass is portrayed in fanfic sometimes because a lot of trying to make him physically fight demons comes across as trying to make him more masculine, more fit, less the campy, soft, kind character that he is and it annoys me. (A part of that is also how people try to make him more like Crowley, which I don’t like the undertones of either but that’s a whole different topic.) Both because I don’t like the implication that to make him badass you have to change that part of his character and because we’ve seen him being badass in the show already and it was either a) trying to protect humans/Crowley/Jimbriel, which involved a lot more threatening that him actually throwing hands or on one occasion b) him being bitchy (Furfur pronouncing his name wrong). It was him being kind and caring about people and their lives! And possibly their reading skills.
And I know there’s a lot of hope for more badass Aziraphale in season three, because hell yeah, Heaven getting obliterated from the inside? Absolutely. But when we get to see BAMF Aziraphale in season three (because I don’t doubt we will, in some form or other) I’d much rather see him be badass by outsmarting Heaven (magic tricks anybody?) and getting away with it or threatening the Metatron or whatever than by punching somebody in the face. And IF he does have to use physical violence, then I want there to be a reason for it and I want it to be portrayed as a bad thing. Like I want I to be the absolutely lowest point of the character because we know how much he detests doing it and he hates having to do it anyways.
In that case also want it to end with the Metatron dead in a ditch.
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symphonyofsilence · 2 years
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starofhisheart · 10 months
Someone might have made this connection already but in episode 6 of s2 I noticed that Gabriel and Beelzebub are shown right from the beginning of the flashback continuously swapping sides
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and I think this may have been a deliberate choice to contrast with aziracrow and highlight that ineffable bureacracy are on equal footing right from the start and had abandoned notions of "different sides". We know that aziracrow being shown on different sides of the screen is symbolic of when they have swapped sides/positions in relation to heaven and hell, good and evil, etc. So perhaps its the same for ineffable bureacracy?
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kingpippthe2nd · 10 months
We need to retire the coffee theory, you guys.
I get it. We all want a clean explanation for why Zira did THAT. But there isn't one. They are an angel and a demon, yes, but they are very human in their own ways, too. And what's more human than messy decisions and relationships and whatnot. I think it's probably because they seem to have way more emotions than most other ethereal beings.
To say things ended the way they did because of a miracle takes away any kind of agency from Aziraphale. It takes away any chance of the resolution we are all longing for. If the metadron can miracle Aziraphale to do as he pleases once, what's there to stop him doing so in perpetuity?
No, it was Ziras decision. Don't forget that we don't know the full story yet. We don't actually know what happened in that conversation between the metadron and Zira. We only know what Zira told Crowley. He could have lied to protect the being he loves most. Be it that he thinks he can restore Crowley to an angel and make him happy again as he was when they first met or be it that the metadron actually threatened Crowley and Zira is trying to shield him from harm. There is a reason somewhere in there.
Ziras relationship with heaven has never been a healthy one. I've seen so many people go back into abusive situations, even though I thought they made it out. Even though I've tried my hardest to show them, just how toxic the relationship was and how much it damaged them. Just like Crowley is trying to show Aziraphale.
Humans are messy. Relationships are messy. It's never as easy as a miracle....
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lavandulacosmos · 8 months
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Inktober Day 17: DEMON
Demon!Aziraphale & Angel!Crowley
“This reminds me of something. Even though it should be your line, my dear.”
“Demon... Don't you dare-”
"Did it hurt when you fell-"
"All right, all right! That's quite enough out of you!"
[Good Omens days - Part 2]
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procrastiel · 6 months
I’m queer and you know why I love it so much that people read Aziraphale and Crowley as a friendship?
Because that’s exactly what gay love was like, and in most places still is. Secret. Subtle. Hidden. Coded.
You can’t openly love the person you love. Too much danger. you need to make sure you’re seen as friends. Best friends maybe, but definitely not a ‘couple’.
So, if anything, the fact that Neil Gaiman was able to capture this relationship dynamic so well just goes to show what an amazing writer and producer he is.
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hellshee · 10 months
i don't quite believe in the coffee theory. this is aziraphale learning a lesson that crowley has already learned. there is a message here, even if aziraphale isn't as quick as crowley to getting it. aziraphale doesn't consider heaven as toxic as hell and he might actually miss it: see aziraphale reporting his good deeds to crowley as he did to heaven before.
sure, deep down he's been hurt by heaven and he knows they're not on the same wavelength, but it feels like metraton is not only offering him hope, but supposedly control over what heaven might look like, and by extension new hope for crowley too. aziraphale loves crowley and is, to a degree, aware that what they craved out for themselves on earth is special, but he's still clinging to the hope of fixing things when he's given the option. time and again we see aziraphale do deeds that maybe we wouldn't do, or crowley wouldn't want to do at first, like taking care of gabriel and generally choosing kindness more often than not, so of course when he heard the offer he thought "i could fix this. we could fix this.".
i feel like the coffee being a spell or a miracle or whatever not only isn't necessary for where they are in their stories: remember that they never actually got to talk and face their feelings, especially aziraphale, the way nina and maggie pointed out, but it would take from aziraphale's genuine rection to the whole thing.
the tragedy of that moment is that aziraphale genuinely believes he's doing this for the right reasons, for good, for crowley, and s3 will be his last knock down on his ass from heaven and it will end with his inevitable return to crowley one way or another.
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i-have-41-protons · 11 months
‘Tis getting closer………… ‘Tis coming out tomorrow………………….. ‘Tis Good Omens.
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cathalbravecog · 5 months
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various doodles of all my current cog ocs (minus frostbite) done on mobile
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dionysia-does-stories · 8 months
Love Letters and Big Words
Cringetober 2023, Day 21: 50 Cent Words
On AO3
Rating T - 438 words - Good Omens - Aziraphale/Crowley
Summary: Aziraphale finds Muriel and Gabriel searching dictionaries to find words to use when writing a love letter on his behalf to Crowley. And while Aziraphale doesn't want "to get into a big word contest with newly earthly corporeal angels," he does want to make them stop
Aziraphale followed mad giggling to the back of his book shop.
“Quixotically,” Jim (Gabriel)’s deep register was lowered by amusement.
There was a slew of giggles.
Then Muriel’s ringing voice said, “Lubricious.”
“OooooOOOoooo, that’s a lascivious word.”
“Positively licentious,” Muriel agreed.
“A slanderous description!”
‘Those aren’t quite synonyms,’ Aziraphale thought to himself. The jump from ‘licentious’ to ‘slanderous’ was conspicuously lacking in congruity. But he wasn’t about to get into a big word contest with newly earthly corporeal angels. He had nothing to prove after all.
Aziraphale followed the giggling to a corner of the shop. Muriel and Jim had set up a small encampment. They were surrounded by stacks of dictionaries and thesauruses. Each held a cup of tea gone tepid from the entropy of thermodynamic heat loss inevitable when one drinks a hot beverage in a cold room.
They were passing a piece of paper covered in hand written notes between them.
“What exactly are you doing?” Aziraphale asked.
Muriel grinned. “We’re writing a love letter!”
“For whom?”
“For you.” Muriel became uncertain. “Weren’t you talking about writing Mr. Crowley a love letter but not knowing what to say?”
“NO!” Aziraphale exclaimed so adamantly that he rocked on to pointed toes for a second. “I was going to write a letter for the ladies that were the subject of the love miracle.”
“Ah,” Muriel said with dawning comprehension. “I didn’t—“ she took a quick glance at the dictionary she held, “disseminate that information meticulously.”
“Those words aren’t even next to each other in alphabetical order.”
“I’ve been taking notes,” Muriel proudly announced.
Aziraphale let that go. “Any way no need for you two to write a letter. I just thought it might help things along.”
“Shouldn’t the miracle do that?” asked Jim.
Aziraphale grit his teeth. “Human love is complicated and happens slowly over time.”
Jim nodded. “But you definitely should write a love letter to your Crowley instead. If human love is slow. It’s best to get started immediately.”
Muriel nodded to this sage wisdom. “Superb logic.”
Aziraphale pasted on his brightest smile. “Muriel? Why don’t you show my shop assistant, Jim, what a real life human police constable does. And Jim you can tell Muriel about what a real life human assistant book seller does.”
“But I don’t know myself,” said Gabriel.
“Great!” Aziraphale helped them both to their feet. “Then you can talk about your shared benightedness.”
“That’s a good word,” Murial commended him. “What does it mean?”
“Ignorance,” said Aziraphale as he shoved them out the door.
He missed when there was never anyone in his shop but Crowley.
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banchie · 1 year
hc Crowley accidentally invented homophobia
he got really bored in the tenth century and made a bunch of misprints of the bible like
and god was like FUCK SHELLFISH and FUVK MIXED CLOTHES and also god said to take a BATH because you smell like SHIT and also god said FUCK GAY PPL GAY PPL SUCK and and and and he said DONT GET DRUNK because you SUCK and I HATE FUN
accidentally makes too many copies until the most common copy of the bible is a completely fake one made up by a drunk crowley, then COMPLETELY forgets about it
centuries later he's telling Adam about his favorite demon works and he brings it up and from the other room aziraphale drops his book or w/e and just goes CROWLEY. CROWLEY DID YOU COME UP WITH HOMOPHOBIA. CROWLEY
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themasc · 8 months
One thing I'm getting kind of tired of seeing in Fandom discourses is the "Just talk it out guys!" Yes, the Miscommunication trope is fucking annoying, but there is a point, where it's not a trope. There are points, where it's actually incredebly realistic.
People do have miscommunications in real life.
People don't constantly explain thouroughly every single word they're saying and what they mean. People don't know that the reciever of their words misunderstands their meaning. Often people themselves don't even know why they're reacting the way they are.
So when you have a character like Crowley from Good Omens, who misunderstands the "Nothing lasts forever" from Aziraphale or Edward from Our Flag Means Death, who keeps messing up in his love life, they CAN'T just "talk it out" - because they don't know what to say. Ed doesn't know himself properly enough, to be able to articulate his emotions. Crowley THINKS he knows what Aziraphale was trying to say, but he actually misunderstands it.
They can't just solve it by talking. Because they don't know what words they should say.
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symphonyofsilence · 2 years
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