#Crowley's wings
fuckyeahgoodomens · 8 months
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Angel Crowley: Well, if I was the one running it all, I'd like it if someone asked questions. Fresh point of view. You can't just create a universe, run it for a few thousand years, and then stop.
Angel Aziraphale: I like the pinky-blue bit in the corner of the… the nebula. Yes, it's very umm… ahhhhh! Um, but look, word to the wise, I'd hate to see you getting into any trouble.
Angel Crowley: Mm, thanks for your help. And thanks for your advice. I wouldn't worry though. How much trouble can I get into just for asking a few questions?
Here, during their first meeting Angel Crowley is sort of more naive than Angel Aziraphale who seems to sense more that questions will not be welcomed and afraid of God's reaction. 🥺
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Bonus 2:
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I always loved how in the trial scene, when walking towards the courtroom, the silhouette of the two guards looks like Crowley's massive wings 🙂
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vavoomed-for-crowley · 6 months
Update on my Crowley Cosplay
And I think I'm about to tear up out of joy
Today, I stayed up to finally finish all the feather with the thick EVA Foam.
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Which are 220 of 350 feathers.
The wig is finished as well.
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And that means, 75% of the wings are done. Now I just need to finish the 130 thin feathers, get the wire and glue everything together, and it's done 🥳 I know it'll be a long and hard way... But look at this!
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Everything in the colored area is prepared 🥳
I'm so happy. There's finally some progress with the Cosplay. I was at a point where I didn't think this would be possible. I'm so relieved.
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the-bimbo-bunny · 1 year
I'm really tired and not willing to put in the work to find it right now (and the only pictures I know I have of it are ones I took on my phone of my TV during my like second watch, so I don't want to dig for that for subpar quality pics), I've only seen one other person point it out, but I LOVE how Crowley’s wings get ruffled when he's upset. Like the wings move with their gestures and fluff out so much when they learn about the 6,000 year plan. like dude. bless you mfs, loved seeing the cute little upset wings
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dennissima · 11 months
Spread wings
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When Aziraphale was absent from the bookshop for a few days, Crowley manned the fort, lazily prowling the shelves and answering the phone in case the angel called. It happened when Crowley had no intention of accompanying him, because it was usually at book fairs where Crowley was bored to death. Aziraphale bought train tickets well in advance, planned his stay away from home in great detail and invited Crowley to wait for him in the bookshop. He liked waiting for him in the bookshop. And he liked to know that he was safe in the bookshop while he was away. 
That particular time, however, something went wrong. 
Crowley arrived as always laden with his beloved plants and a case of something alcoholic to drink. He had parked the Bentley on the street so that it was visible from the bookshop's large window, had enquired about the angel's departure and return times and reassured him that everything would be perfectly under control.
'I'll wait for you here, have fun'.
Aziraphale took his bag under his arm, took one last look at Crowley seated on the sofa and walked out the door.
He walked briskly through the crowd of people, he noticed that the traffic was particularly heavy that morning and people were a little more nervous than usual. He arrived at the train station and found a situation that to call it chaotic was an understatement. To his disappointment he discovered that it was a strike day. Trains were delayed when they had not been cancelled. And his train was among those that had been cancelled. He saw Shax moving through the crowd of disgruntled people, stirring up arguments and verbal aggression. 
The air was really bad and he did not want to get involved. He distributed a few kindnesses to the people he was up against on his way out of the station and strolled towards the bookshop. He was determined to unleash his doe eyes to convince Crowley to accompany him in the Bentley. 
By now he had missed most of the morning and would arrive at the Book Fair very late. He was very annoyed, because arriving too late meant risking missing a collector's best chance. He turned the key in the keyhole of the bookshop door and his astonishment and embarrassment was great when he caught Crowley in what was probably an intimate and personal moment he had not expected to witness personally. 
The demon, in the centre of the room, at the most spacious spot in the bookcase, had unfurled its broad black wings, having momentarily obscured the window panes, of course. He had his back to the door and the tinkling of the doorbell made him turn around with a terrified look. 
If he had been frightened by the idea that a human intending to buy books had entered, while he was sure he had locked the door and posted the CLOSED sign, he had now turned burgundy with embarrassment at being caught in a moment of relaxation by Aziraphale. Who looked at him with adoring eyes. Letting his gaze run between the folds of her feathers and the sinuous pattern of their movements. 
'I can explain!' he said, quickly retracting his wings, clasping them to his body.
Aziraphale, lost at first in the unexpected vision, then quickly realised Crowley's obvious embarrassment, even though he was doing nothing wrong. Intimately he was delighted that the demon felt so comfortable within those walls that he allowed himself to assume his ancient form.
'There is nothing to explain,' Aziraphale replied, as he unfolded his, of wings.
Crowley stood looking at him open-mouthed. His astonished expression soon turned into a smile. 
'Look at you! You are so...', he interrupted himself, crossing Aziraphale's eyes pointed into his own.
'Are you in the bookshop? Shouldn't you be on your train?' Aziraphale recoiled, retracted his wings holding them close to his body.
'I arrived at the station, a terrible demon was fomenting riots, I didn't know there were strikes today. My train was cancelled. You give me...'.
'...a lift with the Bentley,' Crowley interrupted him, as with one hand he smoothed an Aziraphale wing that had caught on a shelf with some feathers.
'Let's go. But before we get out of here we'd better pull ourselves together,' he remarked, tilting his head to the right. The angel blushed, and as the wings of both disappeared from behind their backs, she picked up her bag and followed Crowley out the door. **** You can find this on AO3 too: just click on the upper image ;)
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giantmushyfriend · 8 months
Talking about the Crowley Clipped Wing Theory (ft. a small portion of Ethel Cain talk, autonomy and the reclaiming of it, stars, and why Aziraphale loving Crowley's fallen angel traits may mean more than we initially realize)
I will never get over the headcannon that Crowley cannot use his wings to fly because they were clipped before his fall. It hurts on so many different levels, but mostly for one:
It is just another reminder of what he is. What he was made to be. He can do good as a demon all he wants, he can save the world, he can fall in love, he can separate himself from other demons by associating with a different type of animal than we've seen most demons portray (i.e., bugs, reptiles, creatures that are viewed as scary and gross, as opposed to a crow, which despite still being seen as a bad omen, is held in much higher regard) but certain aspects of him will always reap the punishment of simply asking questions. He cannot fly, and in that way, he is once again reminded for eternity that he was cast to slither on the ground as a snake, a creature now commonly associated as a symbol for trickery, malicious behavior, and betrayal, for the rest of time. Like his eyes, it is a permanent reminder that those who were supposed to love him and cherish him cast him out for something so juvenile as asking questions, a reminder that on some level, he loves his creator more than so loved him.
It reminds me so heavily of one of the songs of an album that I think Crowley would really like, Preacher's Daughter by Ethel Cain, specifically one of the lines from Family Tree (Intro),
"And Christ, forgive these bones I'm hiding
From no one successfully
Jesus can always reject his father
But he cannot escape his mother's blood
He'll scream and try to wash it off of his fingers
But he'll never escape what he's made up of"
Like Cain's exploration into generational trauma, Crowley, whether he wants people to see it or not, is still grappling with trying to dissociate himself from Hell because he doesn't believe he belongs there (i.e., "all I ever did was ask questions" "I never meant to fall"). But the world around him, the institutions of Heaven and Hell, have shackled him to it; he can never escape it. He cannot free himself of this association. He can change his appearance (i.e., portraying black wings that look more like a bird than demons, hiding his snake traits, changing his name from Crawly to Crowley). He feels robbed of that autonomy, which is cemented by the fall, taking both his vision (because of his eyes, snake eyes) and his ability to move freely by taking his ability to fly, and he's trying to refine himself by making choices that take it back, which makes it even more crushing when we look at these things he inherently can't get rid of. Like mother's blood, he cannot escape what he's made up of.
And as if that wasn't painful enough, there is also the salt to the already gaping wound by limiting Crowley's ability to fly; they further limit his access to the stars. Heaven knew how much the stars meant to Crowley; he took such pride in his creations, and they were the thing he loved most. They took this into consideration when thinking about his eternal punishment, firstly by taking away his ability to physically see his creations, as his snake eyes cannot see the stars since they are so far away, and then by making it almost physically impossible for him to go see them up close by making it so he could not fly.
Now, Heaven probably doubted Crowley's imagination because we all know he was 100% ready to drive the Bentley to Alpha Centauri with his houseplants, maybe husband, and Queen tapes in tow- but that is beside the point.
Things like his wings and eyes were meant to strip Crowley of everything he had when he was an angel; they're meant to be a punishment, a reminder of the privileges he lost when he asked questions. They are designed to make him feel nothing more than a lowly creature cast to the Earth and make him hate what he is. And that's why theories of Aziraphale loving these aspects of Crowley, finding them beautiful, are so meaningful. Because, at the end of the day, Heaven is no longer what it should have been, Crowley recognizes that. He understands that Heaven, alongside Hell, is dysfunctional and corrupt. So, when he sees this angel, the one thing who he sees as inherently good, the best thing that Heaven has ever produced, loving these things that he's supposed to hate, are meant to mark him as a disgrace to all creation, it's like a freight train. Because, to him, Heaven's opinion doesn't matter. He has Aziraphale, who loves these traits because they are so unabashedly Crowley. Aziraphale loves how he has reclaimed these traits, and for him, that's enough. He may not be able to escape the fact that he's a demon, cast out for something so juvenile as asking questions, and he may never be able to fully separate himself from Hell, but it's in these small strides of stepping away and reclaiming things that were meant to be a punishment, that is so endeared to the only being who he truly loves, that Crowley finds peace. And isn't that just beautiful?
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camilleflyingrotten · 4 months
Another Good Omens Faeries AU
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yourangle-yuordevil · 9 months
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That time in ancient Greece when Aziraphale needed a speedy horse and accidentally invented the pegasus
Whatever Crowley had going on in medieval times
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asleepyy · 9 months
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i'm not nice, nice is a four letter word. just like love.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 years
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yamisnuffles · 6 months
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Give me shelter.
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vavoom-sorted-art · 11 months
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I wonder how soft these feathers feel.
really, just an excuse to draw some pretty wings...
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galaxyspeaking · 1 year
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Oh my darling, we’ve been dancing since the start
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blairamok · 5 months
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a comm i did a little while back for an AU. they are going on a date to the ritz 😌
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nipuni · 1 year
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😔 Oh Crowley..
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pikipouet · 8 months
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Sweet dreams
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