#discussing headcanons because I have no self control
giantmushyfriend · 8 months
Talking about the Crowley Clipped Wing Theory (ft. a small portion of Ethel Cain talk, autonomy and the reclaiming of it, stars, and why Aziraphale loving Crowley's fallen angel traits may mean more than we initially realize)
I will never get over the headcannon that Crowley cannot use his wings to fly because they were clipped before his fall. It hurts on so many different levels, but mostly for one:
It is just another reminder of what he is. What he was made to be. He can do good as a demon all he wants, he can save the world, he can fall in love, he can separate himself from other demons by associating with a different type of animal than we've seen most demons portray (i.e., bugs, reptiles, creatures that are viewed as scary and gross, as opposed to a crow, which despite still being seen as a bad omen, is held in much higher regard) but certain aspects of him will always reap the punishment of simply asking questions. He cannot fly, and in that way, he is once again reminded for eternity that he was cast to slither on the ground as a snake, a creature now commonly associated as a symbol for trickery, malicious behavior, and betrayal, for the rest of time. Like his eyes, it is a permanent reminder that those who were supposed to love him and cherish him cast him out for something so juvenile as asking questions, a reminder that on some level, he loves his creator more than so loved him.
It reminds me so heavily of one of the songs of an album that I think Crowley would really like, Preacher's Daughter by Ethel Cain, specifically one of the lines from Family Tree (Intro),
"And Christ, forgive these bones I'm hiding
From no one successfully
Jesus can always reject his father
But he cannot escape his mother's blood
He'll scream and try to wash it off of his fingers
But he'll never escape what he's made up of"
Like Cain's exploration into generational trauma, Crowley, whether he wants people to see it or not, is still grappling with trying to dissociate himself from Hell because he doesn't believe he belongs there (i.e., "all I ever did was ask questions" "I never meant to fall"). But the world around him, the institutions of Heaven and Hell, have shackled him to it; he can never escape it. He cannot free himself of this association. He can change his appearance (i.e., portraying black wings that look more like a bird than demons, hiding his snake traits, changing his name from Crawly to Crowley). He feels robbed of that autonomy, which is cemented by the fall, taking both his vision (because of his eyes, snake eyes) and his ability to move freely by taking his ability to fly, and he's trying to refine himself by making choices that take it back, which makes it even more crushing when we look at these things he inherently can't get rid of. Like mother's blood, he cannot escape what he's made up of.
And as if that wasn't painful enough, there is also the salt to the already gaping wound by limiting Crowley's ability to fly; they further limit his access to the stars. Heaven knew how much the stars meant to Crowley; he took such pride in his creations, and they were the thing he loved most. They took this into consideration when thinking about his eternal punishment, firstly by taking away his ability to physically see his creations, as his snake eyes cannot see the stars since they are so far away, and then by making it almost physically impossible for him to go see them up close by making it so he could not fly.
Now, Heaven probably doubted Crowley's imagination because we all know he was 100% ready to drive the Bentley to Alpha Centauri with his houseplants, maybe husband, and Queen tapes in tow- but that is beside the point.
Things like his wings and eyes were meant to strip Crowley of everything he had when he was an angel; they're meant to be a punishment, a reminder of the privileges he lost when he asked questions. They are designed to make him feel nothing more than a lowly creature cast to the Earth and make him hate what he is. And that's why theories of Aziraphale loving these aspects of Crowley, finding them beautiful, are so meaningful. Because, at the end of the day, Heaven is no longer what it should have been, Crowley recognizes that. He understands that Heaven, alongside Hell, is dysfunctional and corrupt. So, when he sees this angel, the one thing who he sees as inherently good, the best thing that Heaven has ever produced, loving these things that he's supposed to hate, are meant to mark him as a disgrace to all creation, it's like a freight train. Because, to him, Heaven's opinion doesn't matter. He has Aziraphale, who loves these traits because they are so unabashedly Crowley. Aziraphale loves how he has reclaimed these traits, and for him, that's enough. He may not be able to escape the fact that he's a demon, cast out for something so juvenile as asking questions, and he may never be able to fully separate himself from Hell, but it's in these small strides of stepping away and reclaiming things that were meant to be a punishment, that is so endeared to the only being who he truly loves, that Crowley finds peace. And isn't that just beautiful?
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eff-plays · 1 year
There's one convo with Astarion that's one of my favorites that I haven't seen mentioned or discussed yet happens (I assume) if you have high approval with him but play a good-aligned character. (This is at 60+ approval, start of Act 2.) It's probably because it's not a romantic cutscene so it doesn't get mentioned as much as the others (or because he's racist in it and some of y'all don't like to acknowledge that he has character flaws), but I think it's vital to his character and to explain his early relationship with a good-aligned Tav.
I would like to break it down a little, step by step. Because we are all cringe here.
First, he claims to feel a connection between Tav and himself, and the reason for this is because he believes he's identified "ambition" in Tav (and I'll explain why he's wrong later, but that's mostly headcanon territory, so we'll ignore it for now).
But, there's also clearly something holding Tav back from realizing their full potential, which is their naivete.
"Just that you ... have a big heart. You like doing what's right."
(The animations and voice acting here make him look and sound so fucking condescending, 10/10.)
However, Astarion doesn't tell them this is wrong, or that he disagrees. He implies it's a flaw, but doesn't state it outright. That's dangerous territory, see, and might predispose them to get defensive and reject what he has to say next.
No, he tries (and fails in my case, but it's cute that he tries, bless him) to manipulate Tav by appealing to that big heart of theirs.
"So I was thinking, what would be the right thing to do when we get to Moonrise Towers? When we come face-to-face with whoever is controlling the parasites in our heads."
"I'm just saying there's an opportunity here. If we can control the tadpoles, we can keep ourselves safe and liberate the world from this evil."
See what he's doing? You like doing what's right, so what would be the right thing to do? We can keep ourselves safe. Liberate the world from evil.
It's very blatant, but he's trying to appeal to Tav's good nature by framing his questionable ideas as something that will benefit the greater good, something that's morally righteous that they would agree with.
And of course, it's incredibly funny when you ask how he thinks you'll do that, and he fumbles and admits he's not a "details person," but it's also revealing.
He thinks he's found in Tav ambition, when all he's actually found is ability. Tav exercises power proficiently, while Astarion does not. If he had the authority they have, he'd let ambition drive his actions, which is why he assumes that's what drives Tav when they exercise their power. A good-aligned Tav has very little ambition, I'd argue, but they have plenty of opportunity to exercise their power, which they do when their hand is forced.
So what Astarion is saying is, in effect, hey, you have power, I have ambition. Will you please use your authority/ability to do what I want? Here's how it'll totally be for the greater good, I prommy.
This is brilliant writing, and I really applaud Larian for managing to walk that fine line of making Astarion so sympathetic while he's literally trying to manipulate the player character. Because when I first got this convo, my thought was both "wow, I adore how blatant and terrible his manipulation attempts are, it's kind of endearing" and "he's so terrified, it's genuinely quite tragic."
If we control the tadpoles, we can keep ourselves safe. This works only somewhat as an appeal to good-aligned Tav, because it could also potentially sound very selfish, especially if Tav is the self-sacrificing sort. So notice how, when he says "liberate the world from evil", it sounds kinda tacked-on, an afterthought designed to bury his main goal, which is keep "ourselves" (i.e. himself) safe. Like, yes, this will keep us/me safe, but if you're not into that, then it'll totally help the world, too! It doesn't quite work, because he still sounds ironic and like he doesn't believe they'd be liberating anything from any evil (work that 10 Charisma, boy), but that's the intent, I think.
Does he want power for power's sake? Yes. Is he gleefully powerhungry? Absolutely. But he's also fucking terrified, and that slips through just a little bit, even behind the smug and confident facade.
He's trying to get Tav, whom he's seen exercise their power over others, to lend some of it to him, so that he may never fear anything ever again.
All of this from a short, smug convo where he admits he's too stupid to figure out how to fulfill his dreams of world domination.
God tier characterization, 10/10.
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forgeofthenine · 11 months
Can I request headcanons for Dammon, and Zevlor unconsciously wrapped his tail around their waist or leg (I can't decide because I love both of it too much XD) when his human gn crush is about to leave? They're surprised because they thought he was being too nice to tell them to leave so they asked with hopeful eyes if they could talk to him a bit more.
I had a great time writing this, I love tiefling tails! I hope you don't mind Anon, I added Rolan into the headcanons too :)
I'd also like to point people over to @underdark-dreams again as their recent tail headcanons have been my latest brainrot and these definitely take some inspiration from them <3
Tiefling bachelors stopping you from leaving with their tails
Dammon finds it so hard to control his natural instincts around you
His tail swishes and curls towards you near constantly
It's something any other tiefling can recognise as him showing interest, but to you it's just 'how he is'
This time, you're both talking at his forge, discussing inconsequential things despite the fact it's already falling dark
As Dammons tail starts to sway faster you think it might be that you've overstayed your welcome
Dammons lovely after all and might not want to send you home
Your attempt at saying good night is interrupted however, as a firm tail wraps over your back and holds you in place
As your voice fades, Dammons face bursts into a blush, finally realising what he's done
The tail leaves you almost as fast as it appeared, a disappointing development
Dammon clears his throat, eyes not knowing where to settle, and finally he looks at you again
"Well, would you like to stay for dinner?"
This man has great self-control
Years of military work in the hellriders has perfected how he acts
What threatens to undo that is your very presence
You're with him in his makeshift office again, having a good go over the maps before lunch
Standing with a short yawn, you mention not wanting to take too much of the leaders precious time
It's then that a small panic runs through Zevlor, the man not quite ready for his company to leave, so what does he do?
Wraps his tail gently around your calf
He near hangs his head in shame over how forward the gesture was, even for a non tiefling like you
What reassures him is hearing your laugh ring through the room, surprised eyes looking back up at you
"I'm- I am so sorry, I didn't mean to."
"Zevlor, if you want me to stay, I'd love to."
This man never wants to let you go
I can very vividly see how exactly this would happen with Rolan
We all know this man is so, so stubborn and he hates doing what others tell him to
He's the master of Ramaziths tower, it's been a long day of lectures, he's still grading papers despite the raging cramp in his hand
So you creep into his study to try and ease him away and off to his bed
Rolans shoulders tense under your touch before relaxing again, the only response you'll get from him other than a small hum
After what feels like ages, you decide he's much too stubborn even for you
Nothing works, soft words, rubbing his shoulders gently, whispered threats-
It's only once you turn away that a sneaky tail wraps around you waist and pulls
In no time, you find yourself sitting across the wizards lap, his face pressing into your neck
His breath is warm over your skin, his tail even more so as it curls comfortably around you
Rolan sounds truly exhausted when he finally speaks
"I'll go to bed, but only if you come with me."
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saiyanmazen · 6 months
Parenting styles in Dragon Ball Z (and Super)
You know, to me, the interesting thing about this scene (and the one where they could to the aforementioned park) isn't the fact that Vegeta keeps his promise.
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It's the fact that he uses positive reinforcement to motivate Trunks.
Do you think Vegeta was ever rewarded for landing a good hit? Definitely not. It was expected of him.
As an expert in children's development, I find it fascinating to look at this example of Vegeta parenting Trunks and what it says about his parenting style. I've seen headcanons that go from calling 'Dadgeta' authoritarian to neglectful, but I disagree.
In the following, I will briefly describe the four styles of parenting with focus on the authoritarian and the authoritative styles. I'll also compare them to how DBZ parents appear to raise their children, but mainly focus on Vegeta.
This is the old school parenting method where restrictions and punishments go hand in hand. The parents expect the children to obey rules without a clear explanation as to why and corporal punishment is used when the children overstep.
Unsurprisingly, it seems like a lot of people believe this is how Vegeta raises his children (If he is even involved; I'll address this later on.) It was likely how he was raised.
However, the only parent we actually see using this style is Chichi. She's not entirely unreasonable, but we do see her expect things from Gohan without explanations and she has a lot of restrictions set up. This might have something to do with Goku's parenting style, but more on that later.
Piccolo also uses authoritarianism with Gohan, but he isn't trying to parent him, just train him.
What's really interesting is that children raised in a household practicing authoritarianism tend to hold a lot of anger inside. They also have low self-efficacy and high self blame. Remind you of someone?
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Here we see nurturing, accepting parents who don't have behavioral expectations of their children. They are responsive to the children's needs and wishes, but do not expect them to be the same toward other people. The parents want to be the child's friend rather than a demanding parent.
Children of indulgent parents tend to grow up without a sense of others' boundaries and generally have less discipline than their peers. They lack impulse control and are often irresponsible.
In DBZ we do see signs of this parenting style, but only limited. It's not commonly used in Asia and therefore, Toriyama didn't add it. In GT it's obvious that both Trunks and Bulla seem have been parenting this way by Bulma. It's also why many doubt that Vegeta has been much involved.
It's also easy to argue that Goku parents this way, although it's up for discussion.
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Although many think that the indulgent parenting style have created a generation of undisciplined young people, the neglectful parenting style has actually had a greater effect.
The parents are either more interested in themselves and their own goals than their children's. (Although sometimes it's because the parents struggle with stress or depression) Children of these parents are usually lonely and melancholic, often have very low self esteem and are needy after affection and approval. This leads them to be easily manipulated and they are at a higher risk to end up in abusive relationships.
I think many of the Vegeta antis and those claiming Goku is a bad parent would place the two Saiyans here.
However, Goku is clearly involved in Gohan's upbringing, albeit choosing a more casual approach than Chichi, and returns after being dead for seven years, ready to be involved with Goten (and Gohan if he wants it). The reason that Goku mainly focuses on training isn't just because it's his own interest. It's what he knows for sure how to do.
Most importantly: it was how Goku was raised himself. First by Grandpa Gohan and later from his other father figure, Master Roshi. It isn't just in his blood; it's in his upbringing.
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And then there's Vegeta’s parenting style which was my main focus for this post. It got a little out of control, but we have finally arrived at the last parenting style:
This is the most modern parenting style, even though it isn't really new. It's been used for years in well functioning familes. This type of parent is both demanding and nurturing, being present and engaged in their children's lives. They explain things to their children, teach them how to regulate their feelings and therefore expect a mature behavior from them.
Children of authoritative parents tend to be more successful in their adult lives, capable of discipline and well-liked. Because they aren't constantly being restricted, they naturally develope autonomy within set boundaries and learn to respect others, regardless of authority.
So, what does this have to do with Vegeta and Trunks?
As I mentioned in the beginning, in the scene in the Gravity Chamber, Vegeta uses positive reinforcement to motive Trunks. Positive reinforcement has proven to be a healthy way to motivate children (and animals) and is a part of the authoritative style. By using it, Vegeta provides Trunks with rules that foster motivation and discipline in the child. The fact that Vegeta knows about the amusement and can use it as an incentive also shows that he is involved enough to know what may get Trunks to do his best.
But the most important thing we see is that Vegeta upholds his promise, despite hating every second of it. It shows that he respects Trunks' efforts and achievement. By honoring his word, he also teaches Trunks to do the same.
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Of course, this is a small scene and we don't know how Vegeta behaves otherwise in regards to Trunks. But it's safe to say that Vegeta does take his son's wishes into account and uses it to encourage him to move beyond his limits.
I admit that I'm not a fan of GT and don't consider it canon, especially because of Toriyama's lack of involvement. So, while I dislike many aspects of DBS, I do think it's the best representation of the characters.
In Super, both Goten and Trunks are well adjusted boys who both have discipline and test the boundaries of their autonomy. They act like boys their age, albeit with incredibly strength, and it goes to show that their parents have raised them well.
Of course, it's also important to remember that both DBZ and DBS (and even GT) are a product of their time and the parenting styles reflect that. DBZ is from the 80's where the authoritarian (Chichi) and indulgent (Goku) styles were the most common. GT is from the 90's where the media started to focus on indulgent and neglectful parents - even though it wasn't a new thing - and it's shown that Trunks, Bulla and Goten have grown up as spoiled and undisciplined. DBS shows that the parents in the show have become authoritative and their children's behavior reflects that.
It's clear that the parents are doing their best and that the fathers have become more involved nowadays than before. This is the case in modern parenting as well.
Anyway, this is the end of my long rant. I think, as both an expert in children's development and as a parent myself, it's interesting to look into the relationships between the characters, especially the father-son interactions which are explored the most. There's no doubt that Toriyama knew the importance of being a father and wanted to portray it, mainly in Goku and Gohan's relationship.
I don't think Toriyama saw Goku nor Vegeta as bad fathers, but he knew that everyone has different strengths, even in parenthood.
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a little self-indulgent, but may I request Full headcanons of M6 reacting (and accommodating?) to MC who's easily jealous and possessive due to their trauma? (for example, MC got cheated on before and now they can't bear the thought of M6 doing the same to them, if it makes sense.)
The Arcana HCs: When MC struggles with jealousy
Cheating simply Does Not Occur to him. It doesn't enter his mind
Seriously. He doesn't doubt his capacity to be attractive, but for such a complicated person, experiencing love is a straightforward matter for him. He loves you. Why bother with anything else?
Of course, if it's a source of pain for you, then it's a concern for him too. He's had his fair share of unhealthy relationships and isn't in the dark about just how badly cheating will mess someone up
He's also the type to overthink things, so once you bring it up as your own issue, he's naturally taking it on as his issue too
He wouldn't! ... but now he's going to go out of his way to prove to himself that he's not the kind of person who would
It also drives the point home to him just how precious it is to have your trust (and why he really should have never tried to briefly dump you on the docks). That did need some discussing
In general, he's so transparent and talkative with you that there's nobody in his life you don't know about. If he has a high opinion of them, he's already trying to get you two to be friends as well
And if you ever worry that someone else is better for him, he will take that as a challenge to outdo your sense of unworthiness /j
They would never. You know this. They know this. Every citizen in Vesuvia knows this. The major Arcana know this
But the horrible thing about traumas and fears is that they don't have to be rational to hurt you, and Asra knows that too
Your relationship actually went through quite the rough patch with this at first. Asra's plenty familiar with heartbreak, but he doesn't have a jealous bone in his body and struggles to understand it
What's more, their own traumas make them practically allergic to feeling controlled or trapped in any way, which doesn't help their love of being mysterious and unpredictable
Which, of course, only fed your anxieties, and in turn left him easily triggered if you tried to get a solid answer out of him about what he'd been up to all day on his spontaneous solo side quests
What's most important, though, is that they love you with everything they are, and they're dedicated to helping you heal and being the best partner they can as they build a happy life with you
It's a catalyst for both of you to confront and work through your traumas together - your jealousy, and his fear of constancy
They do find telling you all about their day is actually lots of fun
She is so glad you're bringing this up
Would she ever cheat? Absolutely not. She takes relational boundaries very seriously and what she has with you is a kind of love and safety and closeness she's waited for her whole life
However, while she and Lucio never cheated on each other, they did have an open marriage which meant other lovers were in the picture, and knowing you're not comfortable with that is important
She will happily get into the nitty gritty of past grievances and unsatisfying relationships and the details of every boundary
She also strongly values your sense of safety and security with her, and if there's any little things she can do to equip you to battle your demons, she will happily do them. Just tell her what helps
However, it is also very important to her to clarify that your jealousy is your situation talking and not a slight on her character
Because if it helps you heal to see her be transparent with you, she'll practically become glass, but if you start questioning her own intentions and moral code, you're not giving her space to do right
Can and will set things up so you can watch her beat down anybody flirting with her in real time (and kiss you afterwards)
Cheating is an entirely foreign concept to him and the fact that someone would actually do that is completely horrifying to him
He is so, so sorry you had to find out what that was like
He's also baffled about how that could even happen. In his case, you're the first person he's even considered having a relationship like this with. Who else would he even want to be with?
The first time you express any insecurity or jealousy about him specifically, he's a little thrown. Just the thought of betraying you like that disgusts him, do you really distrust him that much?
Of course, that's his own traumas and insecurities affecting him, and he knows better than anyone how poor past experiences make him fear hurt from his loved ones which he knows they'd never do
If you have the patience to soothe him when he flinches from your sudden movements or unexpected happy shouts, he easily has the patience to reassure you of your importance and safety with him
He'll also hold a grudge even bigger than yours against whoever gave you that relational trauma. In his mind, they have a reserved spot right next to Lucio in the not-fun part of the afterlife
Still doesn't know who else would find him desirable anyways
Oh, she gets it. She doesn't necessarily experience this to the level that you do, but she certainly relates on multiple counts
Feeling left behind by a loved one and struggling not to be insecure about it? Check. It's why she's so free to steal Julian's kneecaps
Feeling like she's just the good option people pick until they find their ideal option? Feeling like it's just a matter of time until she gets dropped again, no matter how well-meaning that person is?
Yeah, she gets you. Not to mention that it's a little hard not to compare herself to the incredible people you're friends with who would all clearly love to be the focus of your affections
The fact that you feel this too is such a relief. You two are about to spend so many hours on her couch with tea and baked treats while you talk about your similar experiences and unpack those feelings
And honestly, hearing you voice your doubts gives her space to voice hers. You can be open about how she's clearly the Countess's favorite and she can be open about your past roommate setup
If either of you finds it just a little bit attractive when you get to flaunt your relationship at ambassador events when another partygoer gets a bit too friendly - well - it's a guilty pleasure
Look, he knows he's not a shining example of a model citizen, but he wouldn't disrespect the boundaries of someone he loves
At the same time, his assumptions about what those boundaries are aren't exactly monogamous. Will he be in a closed, exclusive relationship with you if those are your boundaries? Absolutely!
Will he need you to explicitly tell him that those are your boundaries? Also yes. Otherwise he might randomly ask how you feel about inviting a new friend to go on a date with you two
He's still working on his emotional intelligence, too, so the chances of him understanding the relational trauma aspect of that are slim
However, he understands the insecurity. You could leave him tomorrow and as heartbroken and betrayed as he'd feel, deep down he wouldn't be able to find it in himself to blame you
The last thing he wants to make you feel is less than or unworthy. You are worth so, so very much and you deserve only the best
Because he's still learning new habits, accountability is something he finds as uncomfortable as he does necessary and while he doesn't need it in this area, he still values it
Still needs reassurances that you don't think he'd actually do that
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writerblue275 · 6 months
Heartsteel!Kayn NSFW Alphabet (18+)
Previous Members: Ezreal
Inspiration: I mean A. feral hours. B. This is for @mysticdelphox97 and everyone else who is absolutely wrecked by Kayn. 😏 Enjoy! (Again used the NSFW alphabet template from @the-coldest-goodbye.)
Champion: Heartsteel Kayn
Genre: Headcanon
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader
TW: Swearing, discussion of NSFW activities/kinks. Ex: Semi-public sex, mention of BDSM. Smutty as FUCK.
Extra: Implied settled relationship!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Fully believe Kayn is better at aftercare than people might think him to be. Yes he can be wild in bed and take a lot, but he also gives a lot. He’s not a selfish lover. He cares deeply about you and wants to make sure you’re fully enjoying yourself with him. He understands that extends to aftercare, especially after an intense session. Will wash you off and help you into a bath/shower and get any snacks/beverage you might need.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Himself: His hands. He loves how you respond when he tugs your hair and moves his hands around your body. His hands can do a lot of good things and he knows it.
His partner: Your lips. Whether wrapped around various parts of him, kissing his neck, moaning his name, when he’s nipping them, etc…Kayn absolutely loves your lips.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His absolute favorite place to cum is your mouth. You on your knees waiting with open lips? One of his very favorite sights.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
As discussed in a previous headcanon (HERE), Kayn has a secret phone with photos and videos of you/you and him which he takes on trips. Obviously you know about it and he only started taking videos and pics once you and him talked about everything extensively and you consented to him doing so. Everything on that phone is for your eyes and his eyes only.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing)
Kayn’s probably the most experienced of Heartsteel. Definitely knows what he’s doing (even better for you).
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy-style. Absolutely doggy-style. Or in general anything where he can hit it from the back. He loves being able to control the pace and being able to pull your hair a little bit (if long enough).
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Can’t see Kayn being super goofy, per say. Teasing? Absolutely, but goofy no. He’s pretty serious/focused/in the zone when it comes down to things.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Keeps things pretty tidy. Definitely doesn’t match the drapes though. (Lmao can you imagine?)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Ok so in general Kayn’s not super romantic when it comes to sex. Definitely a guy who prefers “fucking” to “making love.” But if you ask him, or he can tell you want him to slow it down and be more on the romantic side, he fully can and he does it well. (A/N: I wish there was a better phrase to describe romantic sex because “making love” just sounds so fucking awkward.)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Oh absolutely he jacks off. No question about it. Probably every day and occasionally multiple times a day. Of course, nothing compares to time with you, but you can’t be around him 24/7 and a guy has to do what a guy has to do.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
HAHAHA It’s easier to say what his kinks aren’t! This sexy motherfucker (affectionate) is kinky as hell.
Some of his big ones though: dirty talk (giving), BDSM, edging/orgasm control (giving), and semi-public sex.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
While he definitely enjoys having you to himself, there really is something about semi-public sex that excites Kayn. The boldness, the risk, the excitement, it all drives him wild.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Kayn is a man with a very high sex drive. It really doesn’t take much to turn him on. Give him bedroom eyes and he’s pulling you into a dark corner to at least make out. He sees you wearing something of his at home? Well let’s just say you won’t be wearing it for very much longer 😉.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Age play. As kinky as he is, age play is just something he cannot get into.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He definitely prefers to receive oral. As stated earlier, seeing you on your knees for him is a sight he absolutely loves. But dont get it twisted, Kayn will gladly reciprocate and it’s something he’s extremely talented at.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Definitely a more “fast and rough” sort of lover. Loves when he’s able to get your noises to the point of only gasps and broken attempts of his name. But again, Kayn can occasionally surprise you and go slow and sensual.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Big fucking fan of quickies. Kayn’s down to have a quickie whenever you are, really. Since he loves semi-public interludes, quickies are a staple for that.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Risk is Kayn’s middle name whether in or out of the bedroom. He’s always down to try something new, especially if it makes things better for you as well. (Again, he’s not selfish as a lover.)
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Oh man Kayn has quite a bit of stamina. In one sitting, he can go like 3-4 rounds as long as there’s a short break in between. His refractory period is remarkably short. If it’s not a quickie he can last around 20 minutes a round, with each following round after the first getting a little shorter.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
This is an interesting thing to consider. Yes Kayn does, but they’re mainly for you. He might have one or two toys for himself, like a cock ring or a plug of some kind, but most toys he has he bought as your physical relationship progressed and he figured out what you enjoy.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Kayn’s a master at teasing you. He will rile you up in public then pull away. He will lean over and whisper something absolutely filthy into your ear at random and inconvenient times where you can’t slip away. He’ll send you NSFW teasing voice messsges and texts. He loves to make you blush and he loves making sure he’s on your mind.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Definitely louder when not risking something semi-public, but even then he can’t fully silence himself. Low growls, groans, moans, and dirty talk galore, Kayn will audibly express his pleasure.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Will absolutely fuck as Rhaast, mask on and everything, and his intensity is turned up to 14/10. Like those are the truly wild nights, but boy are they fun as hell.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Around 6”. Fairly thick with a little curve to one side at the tip.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
No question Kayn has the highest sex drive in Heartsteel. He just really enjoys sex and enjoys having it often.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
During nights with you Kayn definitely doesn’t fall asleep immediately. He’s up for a little bit, making sure you’re alright and even cuddling or partaking in some surprisingly intimate and occasionally vulnerable pillow talk. This is the time when his walls are the most down.
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hypnoticmoth · 1 month
Some ramblings about the version of Vox I draw/write for my AUs, stories (and RP). It's a mixture of headcanons/canon/AU, putting it under a read more so you can skip if that ain't your cup of tea ~
I HC him as transmasc if you couldn't tell yet with some of my art ~ When he arrived in Hell, though, he didn't yet identify as male (lived in life as a woman). He dressed masculine because he thought it would be easier for him to achieve stuff. And he just eventually realized he felt more comfortable with that identity.
His body is an awful amalgamate of artificial and organic fused together. He bleeds both blood and coolant and other mechanical fluids if injured.
His head isn't a part of his body that can regenerate. The TV he uses starts off as a normal one, but once he connects to it, its properties change. Like the rest of his body it gets invaded by organic material. The screen is a solid surface but can disperse when he opens his mouth (which is another can of worms
His vision is tied to the type of TV he uses as a head. Black and white TV means black and white vision, grainy and desaturated colors screen means the same for his vision, ect
Changing his head is not a pleasant experience in the slightest.
His bent antenna is self inflicted after Valentino got his own antenna burnt in an Extermination saving his ass. He felt guilty Val got permanently injured and did this so mothman wouldn't feel alone and bad (he did feel bad)
This injury is what brought his glitches/seizures whenever he gets too emotional.
Vark is a gift from Valentino to Vox (and was trained as a service dog in case Vox glitches out when Val isn't there)
He didn't call himself Vox for his first few years in Hell. His name only came about later.
His very first Extermination happened only two weeks after he arrived in Hell. Man had no idea what the fuck was going on and after his screen got smashed in the chaos, played dead for the remaining how many hours left of it.
Valentino was a prominent name in Pentagram, and Vox saw his chance to ally himself with someone powerful. He was the one to seek out the other.
When he allied with Valentino, he was on good terms with Alastor. The two had disagreements about the place of technology in Hell and how it could be used to further their control over the masses, but they got along. Vox had decided to do his thing on the side to prove Alastor he was right. His idea was that once he'd proven his point, Alastor would come to him to stay allied (it didn't happen shkshksh)
The beginning of Val and Vox's partnership (as in business) was rocky. Vox was very reserved and Val was temperamental, leading the two to often have angry matches. It wasn't helped by the fact Val also made physical advances towards him but Vox "ignored" them because he felt insecure about being a trans man (and thought Val would think lesser of him)
Val and Vox started their relationship because Val caught Vox watching him on camera like the little freak he is.
Vox was the one to recruit Velvette. Valentino didn't like her at first, feeling jealous as the Vees were just him and Vox for the longest time (and he wanted Vox's attention on him and him only)
Velvette isn't in a relationship with the other two. They're friends/have familial like bonds. She's, however, in a relationship with Verosika (i saw art of these two and my heart is forever changed) There's a lot more but i don't feel like boring everyone who wanted to read this already hskjsgkjsg, maybe i'll expand on some points another time. Don't be afraid to trade ideas, i'm always happy to discuss o7
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lunarw0rks · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet | Simon Riley
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Warning(s): explicit content (18+), established relationship, kink discussion, GN!Reader, a small mention of his trauma, smut
Word Count: 1.5k
꒦꒷ MAIN MASTERLIST ꒷꒦ GHOST MASTERLIST ⋆ ⚘ 🕊 ˚✧ ₊˚ʚ ao3 ver. // have a request?
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
It would depend on the mood and time of the hookup. If it was a quickie, there wouldn’t be much aftercare. But if you two were together in the comfort of your own home, he’d definitely make sure he wasn’t too rough with your body. Kissing the bruises/red marks, getting you some tea, cleaning you off, etc.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his partner’s lips—the way they feel against his own, or how they get reddened and puffy during oral. Even outside of sex, the way you bite them when you’re concentrated, he can’t look away.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His favorite place to cum would be his partner’s mouth, whether they let it spill out or swallow it—he’s aroused by the sight of it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Has a scent kink. Your shampoo, perfume, or a distinct product that you use will get him going.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s not actively hooking up with a lot of people before he meets his S/O, but he got a lot of experience from his young adult years, so he knows his way around during the deed.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy is a top contender for him—he loves pulling on his S/O hair, yet on the contrary, shoving their head down so their back is as arched as possible.
Mix of mating press/missionary—the classics do well for him. One leg on his shoulder so he can go deeper, all while level enough so you can maintain eye contact with him.
Butterfly—He’s standing, holding you up as your legs are wrapped around his waist, guiding you up and down on his length. Playing into his size kink because he’s able to hold onto you like you’re nothing, and he’s controlling all your hip movements.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Simon would be more serious in the moment, no doubt. He wants to keep the person comfortable, but also secure, so the jokes would be at a minimum.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I feel like he keeps himself relatively ungroomed, so he couldn’t give two fucks if his partner had hair either (he’d probably like the sensation of it anyway). He’ll contain the bush if it’s out of control, but he probably finds it useless to fuss over his hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s not very showy or talkative, but for you to even be having sex with him—he obviously loves and trusts you. If he didn’t, you would’ve known a long time ago.
If his partner enjoys something more romantic, he would do it for them, but he doesn’t give two fucks about aesthetics to get himself off.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I think he’s able to suppress his needs well, only masturbating if he’s truly needy. When he does, it’s quickly and quietly in the shower.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Somnophilia (giving)—He’d pick random days to wake you up with foreplay (fingering, oral, etc.) I don’t think he’s into using his partner completely when they’re asleep, because he wants them lucid to see their reactions.
Size kink—look at him, he’s a unit. He would totally adore it if his partner was shorter than him, or even just less muscular, that way he can feed into his size kink. The way he can just manhandle them without ease, no matter what height or build his S/O is. The way one of his hands can restrain your wrists, or wrap around your entire thigh.
Oral fixation—sticking his fingers into your mouth and watching you drool and gag around them is the cherry on top.
Overstimulation—he loves overstimulating you, but also when he is as well. When you feel so good that he can’t stop his movements, even long after you both climax.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bed/couch is what he goes for. He doesn’t like the extra work that comes with unorthodox locations.
Might do it on his desk, but that’s about his limit I would say.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
If he knows you missed him when he comes home, he’ll be aroused thinking about that. Especially if you’re the one to initiate it by teasing him, or just straight up telling him bluntly. He’s turned on by his partner’s forthrightness in asking for sex.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
There’s heavy debate on this bc of his past. Some think he’d be super cruel and kinky, while others think he’d be the opposite—both stemming from what he’s been through.
I don’t think he’d ever want to do anything truly violent (gun/knife/blood) with his partner. He sees too much violence every day and has experienced too much of it to genuinely harm you. Also, sorry to disappoint, but I don’t think he’d follow through w/ a breeding kink given his childhood.
Might be obvious but non-con is a hard no for him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He’s 50/50 with giving and receiving.
Receiving—After a hard day, a blowjob would be perfect, especially if you let him facefuck you with all his force.
Giving—He’d adore what he can do to you with just his mouth and hands, and would probably get off just teasing you like that for a while.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He would be rough and fast 90% of the time, but every so often he’d slow it down, especially if his partner and he had an argument or he’s overall just lacking the energy. No matter the pace, he’ll keep a firm grip on his partner the whole time, however.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’d probably utilize the time for quickies whenever you were both down for that. He doesn’t want sex to become a chore, so it’s nice to be quick every once and a while. They wouldn’t happen often though, especially if you’re visiting him at work—he’s got a lot on his plate for that.
Besides, he likes his privacy with you, and he’d be pissed if someone interrupted.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
If it’s something you really want, he’ll at least attempt it. His hard NO’s are clear though, and he won’t try something that’s going to trigger him or put your life in danger.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Overstim./teasing you? He’ll go on for a while before he finally gives in to his own needs. If it’s just casual sex, he would only go for a few before he needs a break.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t mind toys, but I don’t see him actively using them during sex or on himself. He’s not offended if his partner uses them on themselves (duh), but he sees it as an opportunity to prove how they’ll never pleasure you as well as he could. It’s a boost to his ego.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He can be very patient. If he knows you enjoy being teased, he’ll do it so long you’ll regret being so adamant about it—it’ll take a lot for him to give in if he’s deep into it.
He’d also tease verbally a lot as well, probably through the entire act.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He seems like the type to make almost no noise, so much so that it’s eerie sometimes. He makes up for it by muttering phrases under his breath and in your ear, however. When he’s close, the most out of him would be small guttural grunts and praises for his S/O.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He’s strictly a top. But to amuse you, he’ll let you think you’re in control every so often and ride him at your own pace—then switch up and rearrange his partner’s guts to assert dominance after.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Referenced this in “K” but he’s pretty large (6’4) so I have a feeling he’s above average. 4-5IN went soft; 6-7IN when hard. Bonus points for his wide girth, as well. It’s definitely something to get used to over time.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not a very high sex drive. If he’s not in the mood, he’ll get his partner to get off without taking his clothes off and will be offended if you tell him it’s not necessary. His sex drive probably changes based on the stress of his work life, so it would be situational.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He doesn’t sleep much as it is, even with how exhausted he is. The only exception is if he’s back home from a long deployment, but 99% of the time he’ll watch his S/O sleep afterward (a mix of protective instinct and insomnia).
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midnightloversmusic · 1 month
Tara Yummy - NSFW Alphabet
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Tara Yummy x Fem!Reader
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
She’s definitely the best. She’ll always cuddle you, bring you water and snacks. Then she will discuss what happened and make sure you liked everything. She’d be overall the best at making you feel comfortable and safe.
But if she was the one needing comfort she’d be very clingy and expect a ton of cuddle that you are happy to give her :))
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I feel like her favorite thing about herself is her hands or her tongue. She loves when she makes you get off. It is such a turn on for her to know that she can bring you so much pleasure through just her fingers or her tongue.
Her favorite body part on you would be your boobs. When she goes down on you she loves to reach her hands up and play with them. Plus they make a great pillow when you’re cuddling.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
she would definitely make you cum on her fingers just to kiss down your body and “clean you up” with her tongue.
She definitely loves riding your face too. She loves when you taste her, and just the thought of cumming on your face can push her over the edge.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Before you started dating she’d stalk your instagram and get off to your photos
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I feel like she’s not that experienced but she’s very eager to learn and is excited to know exactly what to do to make you cum.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
She definitely loves face sitting, especially sitting of your face.
I think she’d also love doggy. She loves when you put on the strap and fuck her from behind.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
She can be goofy in certain moments, if one of you slips or anything awkward happens, but other than that she’s pretty serious and too lost in pleasure to even think of any jokes.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
She’s said before because she’s Persian she grows hair in a lot of unwanted places. I feel like she’s pretty well groomed but wouldn’t mind growing it out or shaving. Honestly she’d probably match her partner’s preference.
She wouldn’t mind if you didn’t want to shave, she definitely understands.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Tara is a very romantic person and will always make you feel loved and appreciated. She uses intimacy as another way to show her love for you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Most of the time when she’s horny, she’ll come right to you. If you aren’t in the mood or not around she’ll respect it and take care of it herself.
When you aren’t around/at work she will send you messages telling you how wet she is and how badly she needs you, just to tease ;)
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Bondage: I feel like she likes being tied up. She likes the feeling of letting go and letting you take control of her pleasure
Edging: Tara’s a big tease and i feel like she’d love to bring you right to the edge just to pull away at the last second and watch you squirm. Don’t worry though, when she finally does let you cum you’ll be seeing stars.
Praise: she’d love it and i mean she’d just melt if you told her she’s a good girl. She loved being praised especially when she’s eating you out,
“You’re doing so good for me. Making me feel so good, what a good girl”
she’d be moaning into your pussy.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
I feel like she’d like to keep it simple and in the bedroom. I feel like the “craziest”place she would fuck would maybe be in the car? even that feels a little too risky for her though.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
jealousy. You love to tease her, have someone flirt with you just to rile her up. She’s drag you away from them….and let’s just say you’d have a very long night ahead of you.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I feel like she’s not into anything that could seriously hurt herself or her partner. She’s okay with a little spanking and light pain play, but nothing too extreme.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
She loveeessss making you feel good. She could spend hours in between your thighs. She wasn’t that experienced when you first got together, but she’s a very quick learner and was very eager to please you.
She also loves when you go down on her, she loses all thought and most of her ability to speak which is quite impressive considering she usually doesn’t know when to stop talking :))
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends on her mood. If she’s jealous or pent up she becomes very rough and likes it fast but if she has the time she likes to drag it out for as long as possible and push you over the edge as many times as she can.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
They aren’t her favorite, she likes to take her time making you fall apart.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
She’s not a big risk taker, I feel like she’d rather be able to enjoy the moment by doing something she’s comfortable with than try something new.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
She could go all night. With her, you are both cumming until you physically cannot cum anymore lol
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I feel like she definitely owns a vibrator for herself, but loves to use it on you. She also owns a strap on and enjoys using it on you every once and a while.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Tara is the biggest tease ever. She loves to work you up and leave you hanging. She loves edging you and dragging your orgasm out for as long as possible.
But when you tease her, oh boy. She will immediately start begging. She loves when you tie her up and take control, even if it means you tease her a bit.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
She’s LOUD. like really. She definitely moans a lot. She has no shame about it and wants you to know how good you make her feel. She definitely talks a lot too
“yes just like that.” “that feels so good, baby” “I wish you could see yourself. You look absolutely sinful right now. So hot, lovely”
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
She has a mommy kink. No further explanation needed.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
I feel like she’d definitely want to get intimate about 3-4 times a week. You both have busy schedules so it’s hard to find tim but you both make it work.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
I feel like she is still buzzing with energy afterwards. Have you seen her youtube videos, she always has energy. But she’d be willing to cuddle with you and stay with you if you were feeling tired. She just would want to be with you after.
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eimids · 8 months
C, D, J, Y, X, Z for bottom Leah?
Bottom Leah Williamson NSFW Alphabet
All letters
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Hehee me and @rachdalysworld decided to do this together (i'm a bottom at heart so it's hard for me to imagine topping someone haha)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Aftercare is important to Leah. She want's to feel loved and the best way for that is to draw her a bath and wash her body. She loves when you take care of her and be gentle with her afterwards. And she needs A LOT of kisses, anywhere you can just give them.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
She loves your boobs and curves. She loves to suck on your nipples and just hold on to them. She just uses them as her personal stress balls sometimes hehe.
On her own body, she loves her arms and the muscles in them. She loves to work out to get her arms bigger.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
When Leah comes on your tongue, she loves it when you lick her all clean when she is sensitive and after that you will kiss her to make her taste herself. She would be a moaning mess for you when you like her sensitive pussy all clean.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Wanting to be fucked in public is a dream of Leah's. She would love for you to sneakly finger her at a restaurant or use a controllable vibrator on her at a party.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Leah usually tops, that's just a fact. So as a top she has a lot of experience but as a bottom she has nothing. It was all new to her to be your pillow princess and just take everything you have for her.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Subby Leah would love to be fuck on all fours. Face in the pillows and back arched as you fuck her from behind. But tbh she loves anything you give her.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Leah is more serious in bed. Things as a bottom are new to her so she wants to be more serious to make sure everything goes well.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
She likes to keep it neat and shaved. She shaves often and feels more like herself with none of hair.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
She likes to feel loved and loves when you use cute nicknames on her. So I would describe her as more intimate during the moment.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
She can only cum if she has your permission. She loves to call you and show herself while she pleases herself. She want's you to talk her trough it because she is just way too needy for you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Mommy kink. She calls you mommy all the time. She first said it by accident but after a discussion with you, she started to use it more and more. She just wants to be your baby and suck your tits. (me with @rachdalysworld)
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Leah loves when before or after a game you drag her to a random room to fuck her. She loves the way you put your hand on her mouth to keep her quiet so no one finds out about the two of you.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
If you are only wearing like her jersey, she will go feral. OR like some pants where she can see that you are wearing a strap. She will go insane and just cling to you till you decide to fuck her completely senseless.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Leah is okay with bondage but just not with handcuffs. She just worries that they will hurt and leave marks so that's something that she doesn't wanna do. Other would be humiliation. She doesn't like if you humiliate in front of others or even in the bedroom where it's just the two of you. She likes degrading but not humiliation .
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Well she is a bottom so I think that the end of the day, she will much rather receiving nut she know that she has to get you off first before she can have your mouth on her pussy.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Rough, she want's it hard and fast. To be honest, she gets nervous often if you fuck her slowly. She just need a good, rough fuck.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Often, often and very often. She loves to have you between her legs even if it's just something quick.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Yes ma'am, Miss Leah is a risk taker and loves if you fuck her in any public place. She loves the exitement that anyone could see or hear you guys.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
She can go for long times but only can take like 3 orgasms. If she is receiving, she can't go for very long but if she is giving, she can go for all night.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
She loves straps. She love when you wear them, loves when you use them on her and loves it all. She might look very masc, but in the bedroom she just loves being fucked by a good cock.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Hates being teased. She hate's that if you are a party and you're wearing a strap. You will grind on her ass with it but won't leave before the party ends. She will be all hot and bothered.
She likes to tease you. Often times she will be eating you out and licking everywhere except where you need her the most. After a threat of a punishment she will stop teasing.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Loud. Wants everyone to hear that she is yours and you definitely are not complaining about that. Often times she is loud and you have to quiet her by kissing her or straight up putting your hand on her mouth.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
When you take Leah's clothes off, you will most likely find out that she is already wet. You will also find her perfect muscles that she often loves to show off. They are her pride and god you love them too.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
She is basicly always in the mood. Maybe not before matches cause she is nervous and wouldn't be able to concentrate.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
She needs her aftercare and won't fall asleep before or during it, but after that she is a goner. (haha like gooner)
I had so much fun while writing this with my girl <3
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Hello, Nanami's alphabet was so good, and I was wondering if I could request Senku (as adult ofc) NSFW alphabet too? I hope it's fine, thank you!
Got it right here! =D Thanks for the request, hope you like this alright! To be honest, I always have trouble seeing Senku in sexual situations, so I did my best to keep it true to him and how I see him while still being sexy. Hope you enjoy, thanks for waiting!
Fandom: Dr Stone
Character(s): Senku Ishigami
Warnings: None
ao3 | Ko-Fi
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He needs a moment to catch his breath, but after that, he's surprisingly cuddly. He might not usually be one for physical touch, but he's not so averse to it that he'll leave you dry. Plus, just about everyone needs a hug once in a while- this is his once in a while.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He's not so focused on the physical, at least, not to the point that there's a specific part of your body he's more attracted to than any other. He thinks you, as a whole, are very attractive, end of sentence.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Mostly irrelevant because he pretty much always uses a condom. He doesn't have penetrative sex until they can make condoms in the stone world, and then always uses them until they re-invent other forms of birth control, or you discuss having kids and decide to try for a pregnancy. Whatever comes first.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
When he first decided to broach the subject of sex with you, he wrote down and practiced what he would say because he felt his typical blunt "brutal honesty" attitude wouldn't go over super well in this particular instance. He tried as hard as he could to make it sound like he hadn't spent hours rehearsing. He still has the notes where he drafted it hidden away, but if anyone ever found them he might die of embarrassment.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Yeah, it would be a shock if he had any experience before he met you. He's never been in a serious relationship before, and he's certainly not one for casual sex, so, yeah, you're almost certainly his first. He has no clue what he's doing your first couple of times having sex, but he'll get the hang of it pretty quickly.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He's a fan of cowgirl and any other position where he's sitting or laying down and doesn't have to exert himself too much (not that he's lazy, but his physical strength and stamina is... Well... You know. He's Senku.) Don't take that to mean he's submissive, though; Senku is quite the power bottom.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He doesn't really purposely try to be humorous, but if something funny happens, he can laugh and go with it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
As funny as it would be, he doesn't have any green streaks in his pubic hair- it is white/platinum blonde, though. He keeps it trimmed and well-groomed.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He can be quite romantic, in his own way. For Senku, an emotional connection is a non-negotiable prerequisite for sex, so he almost has to be. He might not show his love in the most traditional of ways, but if you know him, and you do, you'll be able to feel it in the way he touches and talks to you during.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't do it all that often, especially once he's in a relationship. On the rare occasions he gets horny enough to want that release, he's going straight to you. He only jerks off on the rare occasion that he gets really horny and you just aren't available for whatever reason.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He's mostly vanilla, but he's pretty into dirty talk to a point you could probably call it a kink.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bed. Maybe a chair in a private place if he's feeling spicy. He has a fantasy of fucking you in the lab, but knows that you probably shouldn't actually do that (too many dangerous chemicals).
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Really, you just have to tell him straight up that you're horny and want to fuck. If he's in a good mood and not too tired, that'll start getting him nice and worked up on its own, then the foreplay will really get him ready to have some fun.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
No pain, no fluids, and no completely unprotected sex (at least, not without a lot of discussion and a clean STD test beforehand.)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He likes giving oral a little better than receiving it. He enjoys receiving, of course, but feels it can spoil things a bit if he comes before the 'main course', so to speak. But when giving, he can just focus on your pleasure, especially if you have a little more stamina than him and he can make you cum once or twice without any fear of ruining anything.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Usually, he lets you set the pace, but he prefers it to be on the "fast and rough" side.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not really his thing. His sex drive isn't very high, so a quickie just feels like a wasted opportunity. If he's in the mood, he wants to really enjoy it, and that usually means taking his time.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Experimentation is core to science, isn't it? So yes, he's game to try out new things. As for anything risky... Not really his thing. It's not like he's scared to take calculated risks, he just doesn't find them particularly sexy.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
We all know Senku isn't the most physically inclined guy. Unfortunately, this does affect his stamina in sexual situations, too. He can go for one round, and if you want more, he needs quite a bit of recovery time- though this is lessened if you go for a position where he doesn't need to exert himself as much, like cowgirl or other 'riding' type positions.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He kind of likes toys, though only uses them for his partner, not himself. He sees them as a tool mainly for foreplay- not the main event themselves. Of course, there's not many options for toys in the stone world... Though that may be a private little side project he works on occasionally.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Only a little bit. He's not trying to deny your orgasm or anything, just, draw out the foreplay a little bit more than is strictly necessary. He just wants to get both of you properly worked up and if that requires a bit of teasing, so be it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's very quiet. To the point that if you're in the dark, you could think he's fallen asleep or something. But he knows most people like more noise from their partner, so he'll start to fill the silence with words, since he's just not the type to moan and groan a lot- see entry W.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He is shockingly good at dirty talk. You're honestly not sure if it's natural talent or he's copying what he's seen online or what, but his talent at whispering just the perfect thing into your ear to get you going is unbelievable- and unbelievably hot.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
His dick is about 5 and a half inches in length and also has a pretty average girth- nothing special in terms of sheer size, sure, but we all know it isn't the size of the wave, it's the motion of the ocean, right? ;)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Quite lower than average, honestly. He needs a bit of motivation to get him going, so you'll have to get used to being the one to initiate most of the time.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He usually dozes off after 10-20 min if he stays in bed- which he often does, because he gets pretty tired, especially after more intense rounds. He doesn't stay asleep for long, though, it's almost always more of a nap than anything.
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nebula-remnants · 2 months
oh man... you have no idea what i'm about to drop on you all.
HEY!!! so. I made a GIANT list of headcanons for Sun and Moon that are all autism related since I have an excuse to now. I gave twitter a warning but I forgot to here so sorry to anyone who clicks to keep reading and goes into this post unprepared.
I did want to make an attempt to make this easy to read so, Green is just going to be for regular but still have some in depth meaning for why it's on this list, Orange is for a headcanon that is more serious!! I try to word myself correctly and explain why these ones are important in the case of accurate. (sometimes PAINFULLY accurate) representation. I wanted to go in depth for symptoms that are less discussed. so i'm going to discuss them the best I can regardless because their just as important to representation. ideas that stray from canon and are more my interpretations of how I think they'd act in certain situations will be pink
Both get frustrated when you mess with their stuff (this could just be a cleanliness deal for the daycare exclusively, however the barrels aren’t exactly a major mess since there are so few of them, so it can also be taken as wanting items a certain way. I kind of headcanon it as a bit of both tbh
I think Sun would have a strong sense of justice. He is a “hero” character as far as old theater traits go. And his canon behavior suggests he’s both petty and controlling of his environment. I believe those traits are a result of his current situation, but with this headcanon a sense of justice would go in perfectly because it means he’s strongly bound to his moral beliefs. Now it’s good to mention a strong sense of justice is NOT always a good thing!! Having a strong sense of justice does not automatically mean someone has all the correct moral beliefs, but it can sometimes make people self righteous (especially when they aren’t self aware.) but anyways moral righteousness does not always mean correctness!! I really like this headcanon especially because it’s complex, it falls into morally gray areas. Has good intentions but can hurt people by accident. Some of this applies to Moon too but I have less canon material to work with.
I think Moon would go COMPLETELY non verbal when upset, but it would go easily unnoticed because people might just assume he’s always quiet. which y'know. isn't okay obviously, but for his circumstance I do feel it would be at least accurate.
I don’t think they would know about being autistic themselves. LET ME EXPLAIN. So if the Fallfest thing is right they’re potentially from the 70s, that makes them old. Plus they’re robots. It’s not like someone realistically would go and diagnose them with autism, unless like, the guy that made them was autistic and was projecting onto them HARD. but what i’ve noticed from older family members that went nearly their whole life without a diagnosis?? They kind of just. Suffer and think it’s normal. My father has ADHD and kind of went most of his life thinking he was just a problematic kid in school, actually i still think he does 😭 (spoiler: he had a hard time focusing on subjects he wasn’t hyper fixated on and was treated without any accommodations even considered) the reason i bring this up for Sun and Moon is i think they sort of just go about their business thinking it’s normal and everyone experiences those things. So basically I think they’d be undiagnosed in the fnaf universe (or could have some outdated information about autism stored somewhere, like I even did a few years ago. because in my opinion I haven't really seen any widespread information until more recently and that's how I found out LATER in my life, when some damage was already done). Someone tell them please
I think masking would be minimum, they probably try a little bit but give up and decide they don’t care anymore (like I said, it’s possible that they’re older, so give them a break)
On the topic of not being aware of symptoms I headcanon Moon (or at least pre security breach one, maybe, idk) as the kind of autistic to have a hard time realizing he’s upsetting or genuinely scaring people. He’s being whimsical, but like, wouldn’t realize unless specifically told so. I don’t believe a potential nicer form of moon would be there to intentionally hurt people (i don’t like the idea of him being evil just BECAUSE) but i think he could still cause all kinds of distress by accident. I certainly don’t think he’s shy (and i believe Kellon Goff corrected himself in a later tweet and said Moon wasn’t exactly shy himself but he used a shy part of his life to bring Moon to life, if i remember correctly (correct me if i’m wrong bruh i don’t wanna misquote the man himself 😭)) Canon Moon probably isn’t shy but instead he gets to be fluent in being awkward in a conversation
I mean don’t get me wrong I adore the idea of shy moon but it’s most likely not going to be anything we see in canon. But in an au? Or in your own headcanon? Go crazy, make that man shy, be a little self indulgent. You’re not required to stick to canon to a tee.
I definitely think Sun and Moon would have clashing sensory needs. being opposites but also having a common root in an issue whether they want it to be there or not is like their whole thing. A lot of clashing except maybe the clicking they do. They fidget and click a LOT and the clicks are so pleasant to my brain so i think that could be maybe a similarity. As far as clashing sensory needs I think, y’know, if they were to be given separate bodies, because I actually really like that idea of seeing how their dynamic plays out that way (lots of fighting, so much fighting)... I DONT CARE IF IT MOST LIKELY WON’T BE A THING IN CANON BECAUSE OF THE DYNAMIC STEEL WOOL IS LEANING INTO SHSHHSHSHSH I CAN DREAM. 
Anyways I think Moon would have sensory issues related to lights (duh) and sound (MAYBE sun for sound too, if he has less control of it. Just because he’s generally louder doesn’t mean he couldn’t have an issue with unwarranted sound. And if anything, in the daycare I think that would contribute to his burnout MORE.) thought i definitely think Moon would be more reactive to noise and lights considering he’s much less used to them (that doesn’t exactly dwindle sun’s ability to become overstimulated to a sound because he’s used to it, but he might have a much more subtle response to it after a while like the snappy behavior/burnout in hw2. While I imagine Moon for once having a much more obvious response. (kind of like how he reacts to the lights in ruin but probably only half as much)
I think they both reacted to overstimulation through getting snappy, so like in an au where they’re physically separated and they have clashing sensory needs that’s… an easy argument starter. Visibly doing some small behavior that screams irritation on Sun’s part. And moon probably stares at you, but angrily (you can’t tell because he doesn’t have fucking eyelids)
I think the movements they do in canon are some form of stimming. Like I mentioned before, I think they enjoy the clicking. Moon does the movements with his head and rotating his face a LOT. and i began associating it with stimming a while ago. As for negative stims when stressed and anxious. Their wires are exposed. There may not be evidence for it but maybe that’s something they mess with. Also, no evidence for this but I felt like there damage in ruin was both from the situation and themselves, can be taken as a more self destructive (kind of like how scratching/hair pulling can be considered stimming at times for humans) but most likely accidental form of this. Or more likely a stress habit and causing more damage from fighting for control (idk man I kind of lost myself on this one)
Also!! The staff bot parts in their room, and later in Ruin more parts from endos are present. I think they fidget with parts on occasion. This strays from autism related headcanons but Those parts being there in the first place i think is Moon’s doing, and based on his behavior in ruin along with similar cases recorded in security breach i take it as frustration/misguided anger. And eventually because those parts are yk, there after Moon did whatever it is he may have done, i wouldn’t be surprised if the stuff in their room is occasionally fidgeted with as a distraction. The only evidence I really have for this is that in Ruin those items are all sorted. Someone was doing something as a distraction.
There’s no way they would be flirted with in a roundabout way and immediately understand, you need to be DIRECT AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU WANT!!!
I think Sun might easily misinterpret all kinds of things he's told, and be completely confident with his interpretation, while while recognize when he's a little unclear, decide it's probably not important if someone wasn't being clear, and then forget.
For whatever possible circumstance this would EVER come up I don’t think Moon would enjoy phone calls, nor would Sun but I think he likes yapping so he’d probably talk your ear off and then get really sidetracked. Moon would just respond with simple one word answers, or not all (me, i do that, i’m projecting) I don’t think Moon is shy in canon but i do headcanon he just, sucks at holding up a conversation (projecting again)
basically canon but hypo verbal Moon and hyper Verbal sun. (this gets a little too personal and realistic and a second) I just want to say that because it’s a trait associated with autism and instead of them just being considered too quiet or too loud, they are literally just being themselves. This also goes along with the idea where they wouldn’t realize they have autism, and just think whatever they’re doing is considered normal for everyone else so hey might recognize people think of them poorly but might not realize what someone has a stick up their ass about until someone is like “ermm you talk too much/too little 🙄” actually i definitely think they would get criticized on a daily basis for that. I have my own ideas about how they would react in an immediate situation vs over time after being told over and over again. And basically, I think Moon would kind of… NOT react at first but it would get to him later on and that’s when he goes completely quiet or makes sure to avoid people. I think Sun would react negatively on the dot (in one way or another) and stew in frustration for a bit, and sometimes it might come back to him on occasion.
A part of me wants to believe moon is capable of yapping but he spaces it out, like I think he’d randomly tell you a fact and then go quiet for a while. OR!!! OR!! He’d tell you a joke then wait for you to laugh as he stares at you intensely and silently.
I think Moon would mutter to himself a lot, but so quiet and muddled from an outside perspective it's completely incoherent. Sun too but a little easier to hear. Speak out loud in a quiet voice but still loud enough that still makes people briefly pause wandering if he’s speaking to them.
What if they were both heat sensitive… imagine getting to go outside (if they were part of Fallfest than maybe first time and years) but it’s during the summer, and they're both fatigued and miserable. I see a lot of people say sun would absolutely love summer, but considering if he is from Fallfest, and assuming they shut off animatronics when not in use, he’d realistically he might not even be used to summer at all. Then in this case it would actually be sort of an ironic situation where he grows to dislike summer heat.
okay ya'll I think it's done for NOW. I have a few I left out because they were half baked, or too vague for what I wanted to say so I may edit or add onto this in the future. a whole load of this ideas are also things I wanted to implement into my AU so!!
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major-wren · 1 year
Eggman's programming
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I know this has been mentioned before, but isn't it so weird that Eggman programs emotions and personalities into his robots??
People point out that this is really self destructive on his end because it can lead to some of his creations turning against him after building resentful emotions toward him, like Omega, Gamma, and all of the robots on Scrapnik Island.
My personal headcanon behind his thought process is that not even pure mechanical obedience can rival the loyalty a creation will have to its creator, or "father." It doesn't matter if you reprogram or rewire its entire structure to have its own free will if it's inherent personality, aspirations, and deepest desires will always be to make eggman proud of them, because of the way he's designed and conditioned them. They'll always return to him no matter how many chances you give them, because he's made it so that their biggest desire is to make him proud, even when given free-will or reprogrammed.
We see this most clearly with Metal Sonic, and Sonic will even tease him and take digs at him for it in the comics, telling him to "run home to daddy" (cringe). Clearly, even the characters in-story can see how eggman has raised all of his creations to depend on him for any sense of self worth or purpose. Truly evil, and I think something that's always overlooked when discussing eggman. People say he's not a respectable villain but I think this is really compelling and a unqiue way for a villain to function. Especially because his design is pretty dad-like to begin with, with the mustache, glasses, round body, and bald head lol.
It's so effective, that even when Metal Sonic gains even more power than Eggman through becoming Neo-Metal, he still only wants to take over the world to gift to Eggman. His influence even goes past his creations and gains loyalty from other aspiring inventors, like Dr. Starline.
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Most of all, I think it's so effective because it's genuine. He really does love his creations, but simultaneously holds them up to impossible expectations and holds severe disappointment in them when they fail. I mean, think of it. Isn't it awful to design a creation that entirely depends on you for any feeling of worth or purpose, and to make it capable of love and such, only then to neglect and abandon it when it doesn't live up to your impossible standards? Just think of Scrapnik Island and the sheer amount of abandoned bots there.
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I think after seeing Mr. Tinker and Belle, it raises the question, does Eggman deep down just want to foster these fatherly connections? To build childrens' toys and fun-rides and kiddy amusement parks, with his helpful heart-filled robot creations? He does often say that he only wants to take over the world in order to "enhance it" with technology, and that people just aren't cooperating. Maybe somewhere down the line his pure intentions got corrupted somehow into this extreme need for absolute control.
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stitchzin · 2 months
Sasuke The Demisexual King
I was a bit apprehensive about making this post because English is not my native language. So, apologies in advance. But thank you @kirinlady for the comment.
First of all, being demisexual has nothing to do with being gay or straight; you can be either. Another point is that you can have your headcanon; you are free to do so. But I am focusing on the canon line Kishimoto intended, which was SasuSaku from the start, according to the databooks and the novels.
Let's start!
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In the first part of the Naruto series, Sasuke is very touch-deprived, traumatized by his family's murder by his brother, living in the house where they were killed, and self-isolating. A more correct way to describe it is to say he is touch-starved. Lack of physical touch can lead to feelings of emptiness and loneliness.
Sasuke had been without care for so long that being touched in a non-aggressive way might have given him sensory overload.
It's important to discuss these points when it comes to Sasuke's story. Naruto was also touch-deprived, but he externalized it, while Sasuke internalized it. This context aside:
A good part of the reason why people think Sasuke is gay is because he repels the touch of women and rejects flirtations from many girls. Sasuke doesn't need to feel anything towards these people, no matter their intentions. A man rejecting a girl does not make him gay, just as a girl rejecting a guy does not make her a lesbian. People have the right to their own bodies. It doesn't matter if you or many people would act differently; Sasuke is not that guy.
As I said, you can have your headcanon, but even fictional characters are people. Doubting someone's sexuality just because they don't follow a pattern says more about people in real life than about the character.
A good example is Gaara, who is clearly asexual with clear romantic feelings towards Naruto. I can see that in him more than in Sasuke. But this is my headcanon. I said Asexual no Aromantic.
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Back in the series, Sasuke eventually gets more comfortable with Team 7. Kakashi respects his boundaries, Naruto is not the hugging type with him, but Sakura is another story. He can not avoid her like all the girls.
But this time is different. He sees her maturing, becoming a friend to him, and like a sister to Naruto. And this is the part where Sasuke starts to change. Seeing Sakura and Naruto's interactions makes him angry, maybe jealous. Sakura's attention was entirely his, but now it isn't, though a lot of it still is for him.
And this healthy distance makes him realize he misses her, maybe even wants her close. This brings us to the second part of being touch-deprived: What do you do when someone touches you? Mostly, he stands there or keeps his arms still. But he is not annoyed or pushing her away. He could, but he just doesn't want to.
She has such power over him that she can stop him even while he is controlled by Orochimaru's seal. He reaches for her while in pain, he gets mad when she is hurt. We all love the phase "who did this to you". He remembers her hug when he is losing control. She is that light.
They are kids at this point, but I really think he had feelings already. He wanted to protect her as a friend, and as something he did not understand. Lets not mention the blant Jealousy at adate ( =I think that's his name", and feeling powerless when Naruto saves her instead of him. But he had no time to figure out his feelings before being manipulated by Orochimaru's machinations to leave.
Even when he left, Sasuke accepted her feelings but chose to go anyway. But accepting her feelings, doesn't mean he is ready or is the time to act on them.
I have a post on their goodbye.
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Now to the point of the post: Is Sasuke demisexual?
Demisexuality means being sexually attracted to someone only when you have an emotional bond with them.
The first part of the post was about 12-year-olds. This part is about 15/16-year-olds. Sasuke could have had any girl, and this is the age where most people's hormones are crazy. But he does not feel that need.
When facing Sakura for the first time, he recognizes her immediately. Sure, her hair is the same, but it has been three years. He is not attacking; he is just looking at her. It could be coldness, or it could be a boy who does not know what to do. I can't know what would have happened if they were alone. Sasuke shifts after Naruto gets there. His voice tone is different; he is not as pleased to see Naruto as he is to see her.
(there are great fics on this cenario, I would love some links because it was the SasuSaku fanfiction golden age)
This part is a more general view, but MOST demisexuals don't flirt like most people. Since it is deeply connected to emotions, there are a lot of acts of service, a lot of stares, and small touches. Much of what Sasuke shows towards Sakura and only Sakura.
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And there is Karin. I dont have her, I like her. She is a great charact with great backstory if you don't agree fight me.
But Karin is very disrespectuful at the begning. Maybe that is why there was so much hate.
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Sasuke pushes Karin away in a more respectful way than she behaves with him. He is not interested in that. Karin is pretty; anyone would want to be with her, but Sasuke did not because does not have feelings for her, plus she did not respect him. Even traveling with him for some time, she still did not respect his boundaries. Maybe that is why he has no warm feelings towards her. Feelings that would keep him from doing that infamous Danzo scene.
Karin did nothing to harm Sasuke, yet he harmed her because she wasn't important to him. So there were no feelings to hold him back, even a little. The once-manipulated Sasuke, this time by Obito, had no problem getting rid of her.
Yes, he was wrong. Terribly wrong, because she had helped him so many times. But the reason was that she wanted him carnally. And this does not flowrish in Sasuke.
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Sakura and Sasuke are on a whole other level. Sasuke was fed up with Naruto and Kakashi because, even though Sakura also wanted him in the village, her methods to pursue him were different on his eyes. Sakura had hugged him, Sakura had begged him to stay. He had a completely different vision of her.
He attacked Naruto first.
But Sakura attacked him first, so he reacted.
I really think "losing Sakura" made him even madder. He dived even deeper into his sadness. She was that one thing he was sure about. Honestly, I think his offer was to push her away because hurting her would hurt him.
Sasuke put those feelings inside once more. But seeing her again at the war, he answers only to her. The more he tries to push her away, the stronger those feelings come. And he is always watching her. He smiles when she destroys the ground, she shakes when she calls him.
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And he claims, "I have no reason to be loved by her or to love her," even if that was not what Kakashi said or asked. He said Sakura wanted to help him. Honestly, he brought up the romance card. The moments their eyes clicked, when he came to save her and succeeded, the way he once felt powerless to do as a child. So he puts her to sleep because her words would stop him.
Maybe he could take Naruto in a fight, but he could not handle Sakura's cry one more time.
Because he thinks he does not deserve her. He leaves and travels. Again, he could have had anyone at this time once more. Now a man with crimes pardoned, a respected man. Only when he was complete did he come back.
People talk about Sakura's constant "afterglow" when Sasuke is in the village. They comment that they have pillow talks, the intimacy he craves, and a person to go and call home.
Sasuke never loved another because he had already accepted Sakura's feelings at age 12. Sasuke never wanted another physically because he had wished for only one person. His desires are connected to his emotions.
Sasuke says that no matter how far they are, or how long they haven't seen each other, his feelings for Sakura will never change.
And neither have hers.
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Ending with this frame because it shows what I think is the start of his feelings. Look at how beautiful she is; this is Sasuke's vision. I think Sakura is very pretty. But here, she is much prettier than normal.
He sees her as more beautiful than we do.
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deathnguts · 3 months
I see a bunch of people discussing what they think Regulus’ birthday and therefore zodiac sign are but I’m here to not contribute at all to that and instead give you a birthday headcanon of mine that isn’t about dates (this is with trans regulus in mind, I should mention)
Regulus was given the middle name Arcturus despite it being masculine, literally his grandfathers name, because they share the same birthday. I imagine they wouldn’t have celebrated Regulus’ birthday at all if it wasn’t, but it was so his grandfather feels the need to make that a big deal and all about him by extension. He proclaims Regulus to be his favorite grandchild, he showers him with attention on the day, when he was small enough he would hold him all night and show everyone his ‘favorite gift.’ Though this is sweet in concept, it’s all self serving.
Arcturus is the family patriarch, the one who passed the lordship down to Orion. He was the original black family member to have his oldest son (Alphard) run off on him. I feel he’s so outwardly proud of regulus for something completely out of his control just because he doesn’t like Sirius, again for something completely out of his control. Since day one Arcturus believed the next oldest boy in the family would run off like Alphard did, and he was right. So he felt he should make Sirius feel guilty for his eventual betrayal before he even committed it by liking his brother (sister, at the time) more. And this was also a spit in the face to Cygnus’ children because Arcturus had made it such a big whiny deal when Cygnus and Druella only bore girls. He claimed they were a waste of the title of Black and that women, especially in such abundance with three of them, were merely holding them back with all the useless work put into raising them just to be married off. (He was probably born in the 1910s or earlier, i can’t imagine he likes women that much.) So every year he takes an extra shine to show his least favorite granddaughters that they’re lesser to this one for no reason other than this one is more like him.
This all puts a certain resentment against regulus, especially on that day. Even Sirius, who at the time loved his brother so much he would have killed for him if needed, couldn’t stand to be around him without getting snippy. And Arcturus knows this, it’s why he does it. Every parent on this family is quick to realize how easy it is to pit the children against one another to further keep them under your thumb, he was very insistent on that when raising his own. He views regulus as a scapegoat to continue his favorite game. Get Sirius and Narcissa to resent regulus for being the favorite when they try so hard. Get Cygnus to resent Orion for simply baring a better ‘daughter’ when he tried so hard. Get everyone in the family so desperate to please and willing to try so hard to make it happen so surely they won’t make silly mistakes like displeasing him.
And then this leads to a few strange connections being made despite the rivalries. On Arcturus’ birthday (never is it referred to as Regulus’) you can catch Walburga and Sirius getting along, for they share a certain anger. Walburga bore regulus, why isn’t she getting praise like Orion is? Sirius is older than regulus, why isn’t he cherished the way regulus is? And then on the flip side, you can catch famously aloof and distant father Orion approving of his child. Arcturus is his father who Orion has done plenty to try and please, with taking up lordship when Alphard left and that, so I imagine seeing his child be a source of a pride is a source of pride for him.
It’s at these parties that regulus learns from a pat on the head from his father who never even looks at him that bringing pride to the family feels good. It’s at these parties Sirius learns that bringing pride to the family is circumstantial and impossible.
Anyway I don’t imagine the black brothers enjoy celebrating their birthdays all that much.
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Your Boyfriend Tomura Headcanons ❤️
Main love language is Quality Time. 99% of the population annoys the hell out of him. If he wants to spend a lot of time with you, out of his own will, it's probably because he likes you a lot.
Secondary are Acts of Service and Gift Giving, in no particular order. It usually takes a casual form of giving you food, medicine, sending you helpful articles when you're doing research etc. With gift giving it's similarly casual - him noticing you're running out of that one product. Him leaving your favorite snack somewhere you can notice etc.
He doesn't really clock it as his love language though, or even really making an effort. It's just "something you do for some people". He's hopeless lmao
Naturally gets into most of your interests
Granted, he has a preference for those of the non-physical variety
Meaning, yes, he will absolutely watch this new tropey romance shojo with you
He's probably the type to talk during though. On topic but still.
I feel like his main ways of showing affection are very non-verbal
Not at all the cuddly type, though likes being constantly close to you. Touching shoulders when standing close to each other, you sitting between his legs when he's reading, leaning against his thigh, etc.
Also likes propping his chin against the top of your head, or just lean his head against yours. If you're taller than him, he will find a way.
Sometimes when he's tired or fed up, he will physically lean against you and sigh, loudly. Absolutely does not care if he's too heavy for you.
In other words, cat-coded lmao.
Very dry, sarcastic humor. Will mutter snarky shit under his breath, no matter how serious the situation, and you will crack sooner or later. He will be very proud of himself, but won't show it. If it gets you in trouble, occasionally will send you a smug self-satisfied grin.
Secretly loves it when you wear his clothes. Underwear included. Outwardly will complain about you "making him run out out of clothes"
If you say you won't do it anymore, he will absolutely switch sides at the snap of a finger and complain you're making a big deal out of this for no reason. What does he care? He doesn't care. At alll
He's rude. Kind of?? If you do something stupid, don't expect to not get called out lmao. It's not really a lack of respect for him, he's just very matter-of-fact.
In major denial of his feelings when he first starts to feel something. It's just… Inconvenient. So he pretends it's not real.
Needs time to think and talk things through, during every decision. At the start, he will shut you off completely during this process but as time goes on, he will either involve you in its entirety or have his time to think and then discuss his thinking process with you later.
Very perceptive. Hiding things from him tends to be rather impossible.
Kind of jealous? Not really suspicious or controlling but lowkey gets really pissed off at people trying to hit on you, or even just seeing you in a romantic or sexual light.
Not the type to make things official official but extremely loyal and expects complete loyalty in return. Doesn't really see the point of following the traditional couple behavior - you like him, he likes you. What's more to it?
Lowkey would want to get married though. Doesn't care about making it a huge thing but likes the thought of that sort of symbolic commitment.
Very slow about certain things and breakneck about others. For example, basically living together after like a week is fine. Won't sleep in the same bed for months though.
Generally doesn't like to be touched, much more prefers to be the one touching. Especially if it's something like being grabbed, or hugged. Makes him feel kind of suffocated. Has a pretty good chance to make him go into fight more if it's by surprise. He can tolerate but for the most part, won't be something he enjoys.
And for the love of God, don't ever attempt to pick him up, unless he specifically says it's alright.
Okay with surprise kisses… Will send you a look about them though.
Very protective of his partner, in a surprisingly healthy way. Including sometimes physically placing himself between you and something that makes you just uncomfortable, let alone being threatening.
Only amusement is suffering… Well, that's not exactly true. He's amused at banter or some jokes but hearing him laugh without malice or irony is like hearing an unicorn sneeze. I feel like he truly laughs at the dumbest things though. You just see him choke-laughing at some shit like the "rat jumps off the balcony" video.
Gets annoyed with no direct communication. He doesn't care about the form it will take - written, verbal, whatever. But if you have something to say, he wants you to say it. Doesn't play mindgames in a relationship
Overall, probably not a good fit for sensitive, or "communication/understanding by emotion" people lol
Prefers you to do house chores but surprisingly flexible on that. Hates most of them, but will put in the work.
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