n41r · 3 months
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One of my very bad habit when drawing is how I always zoomed in to my canvas way too much that my drawings always end up small
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iobartach · 9 months
𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙻𝙻 𝙾𝚄𝚃 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝚄𝚁𝙻 𝚄𝚂𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚂𝙾𝙽𝙶 𝚃𝙸𝚃𝙻𝙴𝚂, 𝚃𝙷𝙴𝙽 𝚃𝙰𝙶 𝙰𝚂 𝙼𝙰𝙽𝚈 𝙿𝙴𝙾𝙿𝙻𝙴 𝙰𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴 𝙰𝚁𝙴 𝙻𝙴𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂 𝙸𝙽 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝚄𝚁𝙻 : i -- invisible - saint phnx o -- one more shot - dvddy & steele b -- baby said - måneskin a -- alive - skindred r -- ruin your life - besomorph & riell t -- the tale of cú chulainn - miracle of sound a -- always tired - weathers c -- clockwork - sensitive sean h -- hurt - lownborn
tagged : @viskozen (cheers <3) tagging: you! :)
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naive41rika · 4 months
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This is a close up of White Knight CuChulain, Heavy Armor Knight Culann, and Blaze Warrior Burn that I previously drawn for the thumbnail of the video against The Red Dragon
EDIT (21th April 2024): If you're curious about what Oreca Battle is, please check this post about a quick introduction for this game!
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tainbocuailnge · 1 year
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[points] the boy is taking a youthful form in a likely subconscious attempt to distance himself from the gruesome and lonely circumstances of his death and to that end refuses to use the name he already had at this age because the hound of culann died as premise of the story and setanta killed it because he wanted to live
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trans-cuchulainn · 4 months
tell me about him.
the story i remember: an orphan boy is raised to be very good at sports. he accidentally kills the local king’s favorite dog, and takes the dogs place as a guard??
not an orphan! he has many dads. really a disproportionate number of dads. and also a mum. she's called dechtire or dechtine and doesn't come up very often, but she's the sister of conchobar, king of the ulaid, so cú chulainn is the king's nephew
he gets his name by killing (deliberately) the watch dog of a man named culann, bc he was late to a feast and the dog had already been let out to guard the place so it tried to kill him but he got there first. culann wasn't thrilled about this, so young sétanta (or sédana but it's sétanta in all the versions of the boyhood deeds that i know) is like "i will get you another dog and in the meantime i will guard your land for you" and everyone is like, cool, that seems a reasonable thing for a six year old to say, let's give him a new name while we're about it
anyway then he grows up to do a shitton of murder, most notably in táin bó cúailnge, which is the story of one 17-year-old boy (cú chulainn) versus the armies of ireland, and he's winning. also he kills his best friend/foster brother in a deeply homoerotic duel, as ya do.
bunch more murders, bunch more adventures, then eventually it catches up with him ~16 years later and the kids of loads of people he killed are like "hey so fuck that guy in particular, right?" and team up to murder him bc truly he was great at making enemies. bye bye cú chulainn. he dead.
cú chulainn's best friend, best weapon, and probably the sole reason he didn't die at 15 instead of 33 is his charioteer láeg mac riangabra. láeg my best beloved. bit of a weirdo, bit obscure, no one's totally sure where he comes from and also he is entirely down to do murder for cú chulainn when necessary. probably a similar age to cú chulainn which frankly explains a lot. they play fidchell together which is a strategy board game a bit like chess so basically they are the chess club nerds who will beat YOU up
i love them, your honour
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finnlongman · 1 month
Why does do Irish names seem to like...I don't know a good word for it but maybe like "mutate" or "shift" when used in a Patronymic/Possessive Context?
Like, the obvious example is Culann -> Chulainn when used in Cu Chulainn, but also Cumhall to Cumhaill in Fionn Mac Cumhaill
Is there a particular rule in the grammer regarding this, or is more of a case-by-case basis due the development of the language in writing or something similar to that?
Thank for your time and I hope you have a great day.
It's the genitive case (tuiseal ginideach). If you see the word "of" in an English translation ("son of", "hound of", etc), it usually means that the next word will be in the genitive. It applies across the language, not only in names, but it's easier to spot them in names since you'll often have the nominative form nearby to compare it with! Because English doesn't have grammatical cases, these rules can be confusing to English speakers, but they have a lot of parallels in other languages.
Medieval Irish had five cases: nominative, accusative, dative, genitive, and vocative (which is hardly a case, to be honest). Accusative and dative sort of collapsed into each other and now aren't very clearly marked out in modern Irish, though you'll see them in some words, particularly to do with directions and movement. Nominative, genitive, and vocative remain pretty solidly present.
Some explanations of the genitive here:
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wanderingmausoleum · 3 months
My latest Shadow of the Erdtree theory:
Could Messmer the Impaler have been partially inspired by Cú Chulainn and his spear, the Gáe Bulg, from Irish mythology?
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This will be a long post with a lot of heavy speculation so buckle up!
According to the Táin Bó Cúailnge via Wikipedia (which I apologize for using as a source; I don't know much about this topic and other results seemed untrustworthy or were behind paywalls), the spear Gáe Bulg was made from a sea monster's bone, and it "entered a man's body with a single wound, like a javelin, then opened into thirty barbs. Only by cutting away the flesh could it be taken from that man's body."
Which brings me to this iconic moment in the trailer:
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Although the thing impaling this person doesn't look like Messmer's spear, it looks like it may have impaled them similarly to how the Gáe Bulg is described: spear-style, with extra barbs erupting out of it afterwards. I'm not sure how the living corpse in the trailer would have kept their head and body somewhat intact unless the barbs extended from the central spike after the impaling happened. Although it doesn't look like this was done with Messmer's spear, this gruesome injury's similarity to what the Gáe Bulg was said to do makes me think it's worth mentioning.
In some versions of the legend, the Gáe Bulg had seven heads with seven barbs each. Thus it may be worth noting that Messmer's spear has 6-7 metal barbs (depending on the angle and whether you count the spear point as one) formed by its fire design:
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And, right after the trailer's scene of the impaled corpse, Messmer is shown to have an attack where he stabs the floor with his spear and a bunch of identical spears erupt from the ground around it, which is another slight similarity to the Gáe Bulg's multiplicity.
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Now onto the even more speculative part of this theory...
Messmer and Shadows
We know Empyreans in Elden Ring are given guard dog-like Shadows to be their guardians: Ranni has Blaidd, and Marika has Maliketh. However, Malenia and Miquella are both Empyreans, and we are given no information about their Shadow(s), a significant absence in the lore and a topic which has been given much discussion in Elden Ring spaces I've participated in.
There has also been extensive theorizing about Messmer's place in the lore, with his red hair and M initial leading many to believe he may be another of Marika and Radagon's children, alongside Malenia and Miquella.
While learning about the Gáe Bulg spear, I learned its owner, the mythical warrior hero Cú Chulainn, "gained his better-known name as a child, after killing Culann's fierce guard dog in self defence and offering to take its place until a replacement could be reared," after which he obtained his well-known spear (Wikipedia).
With this and my prior speculation about Messmer's spear and lineage in mind, this makes me wonder: did Messmer kill Malenia and Miquella's Shadow(s), and possibly become their replacement himself (whether he later defected from that position or not)?
It may be notable to mention again here that the DLC's title is "Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree" and Messmer features prominently on its cover. Considering Shadow characters are an important part of Elden Ring's lore, with Blaidd being crucial to the game's most popular ending and Maliketh being necessary to defeat to complete the game, I wouldn't put it past the Elden Ring team to give the word a double meaning here: shadows meaning literal darkness as shown in the trailer, and Shadow meaning an Empyrean's guardian.
On the other hand, of course, Messmer with all his various heretical symbolism (fire, snakes, etc.) seems to exist in opposition to the Erdtree, so if the DLC title is referring to him, him being called the Shadow of the Erdtree doesn't make much sense lore-wise.
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In conclusion:
There are no conclusions yet, really! Everything I'm theorizing here is based on a lot of speculation and vague connections. There are contradictions in the Gáe Bulg's lore itself, too (such as how it "had to be made ready for use on a stream and cast from the fork of the toes" [Wikipedia], something Messmer is definitely not doing in the trailer—although, since Fromsoft decided to give so many of their character models toe articulation and Messmer's toes are out, this could be a very funny way to make use of that). On the other hand, since Fromsoft very rarely takes inspiration 1:1 from existing mythology, I still think it's possible Messmer was influenced by it even if it doesn't fit his known lore with 100% accuracy.
I welcome thoughts/theories expanding on or contradicting this, especially from anyone who knows more about Irish mythology than me! I do not know too much about Cú Chulainn's story or this mythos in general, so I'm sure there's a lot of notable information I missed.
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n41r · 3 months
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ragingduststorm · 4 months
R U Mine?
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Since I'm in my Ed Skrein phase right now and just watched the first Deadpool again, I just had to write some smut about baby boy Ajax.
Little background: OC is a mutant water bender (ATLA style) and gets paid to heal people. On their first meeting, she accidentally heals his lack of emotion and he develops an obsession for her. They become something like friends and she constantly teases him for not being able to do nothing and just chill. He finally takes his chance after orchestrating some time off for them.
OC's name is Ray, uses she/her pronouns, self-conscious about her body
Word count: ~5k
Warning (this is a long one): 18+, so, so much sex, obsession, oral (both f and m receiving), degradation (the b word is used several times), praise, a lot of biting and scratching and pain, edging, dom/sub, lots of swearing I might forget something, it's honestly so much
“Just give me a second. Stay there!”, she laughed as she sprinted into her bedroom. She could have purged the alcohol from her system, but she enjoyed not worrying all the time. Her brain was constantly filled with questioning whether she acted normal, if she was too much or too loud. He’d never given her the impression or made a mean comment about it, but still the thoughts were there. Not when she was mildly drunk, though. She laughed as loud as she wanted and spoke whatever came to her mind. And that’s why they were in her flat now. Because she’d blurted out that the morally grey love interest in the book she’d just finished, looked alarmingly like him. She would probably regret all of this by tomorrow and ghost him as a result. But that was a problem for the Ray of tomorrow.
Now, she rummaged around the room, looking for that damned book. She’d finished it last night and had decided to take it back instead of keeping it here in the safe house. It was a beautifully bound hardcover filled with illustrations. Something like that had to be displayed, even if she was the only one who’d ever see it. By the third pile of clothes she started to panic. Ajax was in the other room, in her home, alone. And that nosy shit would absolutely be snooping around. She had to hurry. There! Underneath a stack of papers and some spare sheets. How on earth did it get there? It didn’t matter. She flipped through the pages, looking for a suitable picture as she returned to the living room.
 Ajax was nose deep in her video game collection, of course. “You know, we haven’t done that part of the list yet.”, he said as he turned around. “Patience, young Padawan. I’ll beat you in Mario Kart later.”, Ray grinned as she stepped closer to him. “See, this is your good twin. Culann, Lord of the Risen Court and Master of the Wind and all its creatures.” Ajax looked at her sceptically and then at the illustration. “Hmm, I don’t know.” Her reflexes were sluggish from the alcohol, so he snatched the book from her hand with ease. “Hey!”, she said, but he was already on the other side of the room. God, that bastard was fast. He flipped through the pages as she chased him through the room. “So that’s what you read, ey? I mean, I knew you had a dirty mind, but this is utter filth.” Ray’s whole face burned red hot as she knew exactly what page he was on. “Give it back, that’s private!” The adrenaline paired with the alcohol made her completely forget about her powers. She tried to jump at him, but he dodged easily. “Doesn’t look very private to me. That’s quite an audience in this picture.” This time, when she tried to grab the book, he didn’t dodge. Instead, he grabbed her wrist and before she knew it her back was pressed against his front. His free arm was draped around her chest, making it impossible for her to flee as he held the book so that they both could look in.
“A medieval fantasy setting and still they have showers. Wouldn’t it make more sense to fuck in a bathtub?”, his mouth was dangerously close to her ear, his voice low and threatening. An involuntary shudder gripped her body, making her lurch, but still, he held tight. The illustration showed the winged love interest kneeling in front of the female protagonist, eating her out like his life depended on it. Ray remembered the moment she’d read the scene. How it had turned her own and how she’d taken care of herself afterwards. In her imagination it hadn’t been Culann, though.
“You fucking piece of shit.”, Ray stammered, out of breath not only from the struggle. He’d pressed her so close to him, she could feel his body through the thin clothes she was wearing. It wasn’t only his abs that were surprisingly hard. “Such a filthy, filthy mouth.”, he breathed into her ear and her legs almost gave out from under her. Ray was utterly confused and horny at the same time. They were…friends, right? Sure, they had flirted before, but it had always just been a joke. He was teasing her, making fun of her. “Ajax.”, her voice was quiet and he could feel a shift in him. “Stop me, if you want to.” It wasn’t sarcasm, it wasn’t malicious, it was genuine. If she wanted to, she could stop this, could have stopped this at any point. She could sober herself up, force him to get away from her, but she didn’t. Not because she had forgotten, but because she didn’t want to. She liked this. She craved this. 
“I yearn for the day when we can cast aside the façade and embrace the chaos we’ve sown together.” Ray’s mind cleared. She turned around in his arms as he threw the book onto the couch. They were so close. Closer than they’d ever been before. She could smell his cologne and beneath, his natural scent, could see every little imperfection. She looked up into his icy eyes that were fixed on her. “You read it.”, she said, surprised. He smiled at her and brushed a few stray hairs out of her face. The gesture made her breath hitch. “Bought it yesterday. I’m not as fast a reader as you, so I’m only on page two hundred something.” So, he’d spent almost the whole day before dinner reading. “Congratulations, you know how to chill.” “It’s a lot more fun with you around, though.”, he said almost inaudibly as he caressed her face. His mouth was so dangerously close to hers. They were so close, she could feel his heartbeat, could feel his blood pumping through his body. She could stop this. She could make him back off. She could make his heart stop with just her thought. Instead, she reached up and kissed him.
It was like the floodgates had opened. All the pent-up tension that had built up for more than a year exploded as they kissed frantically. She pushed him back against the wall that he hit with a thump. Their hands wandered, exploring each other’s bodies. But he didn’t overstep. Only when his hands moved underneath his shirt, so did his under hers. When she took off his shirt, he in return took off her top. “Fuck.”, she whispered as she looked at him, shirtless and hers. “Likewise.”, he laughed as he took off her bra and caressed her breasts. He took one of them in his mouth and flicked her already erect nipple with his tongue before biting it lightly. Ray cried out and almost lost her footing, so she moved them to the bedroom. It was utter chaos in there, proving that she hadn’t in a million years believed this was a possible outcome for the day. But he didn’t see it. He only had eyes for her.
She opened his belt and he stepped out of his jeans, leaving him only in tight underwear that showed a perfect outline of his hard cock. Her mouth watered just glancing at it. She pushed him down to sit at the edge of the bed. He kissed along her stomach, reaching her waistband. With one clean sweep he pulled both her pants and underwear off. Good, because she’d been wearing some embarrassingly old panties today.
She stood in front of him now, completely naked. Embarrassment rose in her as she compared his perfectly sculpted body to hers. She couldn’t understand why he wanted her or maybe he was just horny and she was simply there. She tried to move, but he’d grabbed her ass as he kissed along her hips. As if he’d read her thoughts, he looked up, right into her soul. “You’re so god damn beautiful, you know?” She didn’t know. But before she could reply, he pulled her down onto the bed, right beneath him. He parted her legs with his body as he kissed her with such passion, she couldn’t form a coherent thought anymore. His still restrained erection brushed against her delicate spot, making her moan. “Oh, I love that sound.”, he growled into her ear. Her body burned with desire for him. She wanted him to touch every part of her and she wanted to touch all of him in return. He went lower and lower, kissing and biting while she scratched his back with one hand. The other caressed his head.
Still, he went lower and as he reached her thighs, she couldn’t help but move towards him. “Patience.”, he laughed as he kissed the sensitive skin on the inside of her thighs. He took his time until she couldn’t take it anymore. “Ajax, please.” He looked up at her from in between her legs and it was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. “Please, what?”, he asked with a smirk. “Touch me, lick me, fuck me. Anything!” Her voice was thick with need for him. “Your wish is my command.” And finally, he ran his tongue along her. His strong hands held her legs apart as he dipped inside her, flicked her bud, drove her wild. She couldn’t take it anymore. She grabbed the backside of his head and held him in place.
“Fingers.”, she ordered and he obeyed immediately. He covered one of his fingers in her slick and his spit and moved inside her. “More.” As the second finger joined the first one, she screamed out. “A little faster and harder.” Exactly like that. As she got closer and closer, she screamed profanities, screamed his name. “Come for me.” His voice reverberated through her body, sending her over the edge. He didn’t stop. He kept going at the exact rhythm she needed until she’d ridden out her high. When she signalled that she was done for the moment, he came back up to kiss her passionately. 
“I didn’t think you’d be such a good girl for me.” His smile paired with the look in his eyes made her immediately ache for more. “You want me to be a brat?”, she asked. “Later.” “Good, because I really need you to fuck me right now.” His eyes darkened. “Say please.” She swallowed hard. “Ajax, please, I need you to fuck me senseless right now.” He slid off the underwear he was still wearing and sat back on his knees. His throbbing erection was now free and well, large. “Please, please, please.”, she moaned as he guided it closer to her entry. He covered himself in her slick but he didn’t enter. “Look at me.”, he ordered and she obeyed. Slowly, so slowly, he entered and her eyes widened. He studied her face closely and stopped for a second when it felt like too much for her. She breathed in hard. “No, keep going.” “Pain can be good sometimes, right?”, he repeated the words she’d said to him ages ago. She nodded and bit as he continued. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Finally, he was inside her. All of him. “Fuck, Ajax. You’re so…” But she couldn’t finish the sentence as he started moving. Slowly, out and back in, as she got used to his size.
She had to focus to look at him. One hand was low on her abdomen, where he could feel himself through her skin. The thumb on his other hand he took to his mouth and licked it before lowering it to her clit and stroking in lazy circles. She would never be able to get this god like sight out of her head. He picked up the pace as she adjusted. Now, she was entirely unable to speak. She couldn’t even swear. All she could do was moan and scream and feel. “Shit, you feel so good. You take me so well, baby.” He lowered himself onto his arms, making her angle her legs and resulting in him hitting even deeper into her core. Her hands scratched along his back hard and as she came again, she drew blood. Instead of slowing down, he picked up the pace, making her scream in a mix of pleasure and pain. “Keep going, make me bleed.” He struggled to get the words out and she could feel how close he was. Her hands wandered, one hand now clawing into his ass, the other into his side. “Say my name.” He sounded utterly feral now. She obeyed. Again and again she screamed his name until he buried himself so painfully deep. He came with a roar that tore right through her body and brain. It was the hottest thing she’d ever heard. She could feel his hot cum inside of her and she was so glad that she didn’t need to worry about it. 
He collapsed onto her when he was entirely spent, burying her underneath his bulk. His weight felt calming as she hugged him tight. He breathed rapidly against her ear, she could feel his blood running through him, could feel it leaving his cock, spilling out of the wounds on his back.
They stayed like this for a while. Silent, except for their breathing. Ray’s mind began racing again. What if things got awkward now? What if he’d gotten what he wanted and he would leave? That was absolutely his right, of course. He owed her nothing after all. And she didn’t want or need anything from him, either. These past few days had been like a beautiful fever dream and now it was over and…  he kissed her. Carefully. He lifted himself onto his forearms to gaze down upon her. She’d expected to see indifference on his face, but the way he looked at her took her breath away. She’d never seen him like this. Vulnerable and soft. “Do you need anything?” The question made all of her worries fly away. “Uhm, no…well, maybe. I need to take a shower.” Not because she was covered in his sweat and scent, she quite enjoyed that, but because she absolutely needed to heal her downstairs area. It had been a while since she’d last had sex and even longer that she’d been fucked like that, if ever. “Of course.” He pulled out and sat back down on his knees in front of her. “Do you need any help?”, he asked concerned. “No, I’ll be fine.”, she answered. And groaned as she stretched her legs and sat up. Fuck, she was in an even worse state than she’d thought. She was too proud to let it show, though. Slowly, she moved to get up. And immediately sank back down onto the bed as her legs didn’t support her. Ajax was by her side immediately. He swiped her hair out of the way and kissed the tattoo on her shoulder. “I’m sorry, I got a little caried away.” “No, no, it was good…really fucking good, I’m just not used to…that.” ‘That’ was vague on purpose. ‘That’ was his dick, his strength, his enthusiasm, her feelings. One of his fingers traced down her spine, causing her to close her eyes and hum. “Do you want to?”, he asked as he reached right the base of her spine. “Hmm?” “Get used to it, I mean.” Her eyes opened with a start. He hadn’t noticed though, as he was studying her tattoos. What did he mean by that? Surely not… he must mean his size. Nothing else. “Uhm, I mean, uuuhhh…”, was her witty reply. He laughed and before she could stop him, he’d scooped her into his unbelievably strong arms and gotten up.
“Take a shower. Heal up. You can answer me later.” He carried her into the small bathroom and lowered her carefully back onto her legs, making sure she could support herself before he let go. “Don’t have too much fun without me.”, he quipped and he smacked her ass so hard, she lurched forward and had to steady herself on the edge of the bathtub. “You fucking piece of shit!”, she yelled but he was already out of the room. “You can return the favour later!”, was his answer. The throbbing of her cheek joined the rest of her body. She stepped into the tub and turned on the water. Steaming hot, just as she liked it. Didn’t matter that it was still hot as fuck outside, she needed her skin to burn right now.
She bend the water to clean up every part of her body before she concentrated on healing herself. Her insides had been in a worse state than she’d thought. She let out a sigh as the pain began to subside. Now she could see that Ajax had also bitten harder than she’d assumed. Bruises were forming along her body and Ray was sure that her ass sported an imprint of his hand. For a moment she debated whether or not she should heal all that. She quite liked how his marks looked on her body and she was one of those weird people that enjoyed pressing on a bruise. But no, it would be too weird if she healed everything except for this.
She stayed under the hot water for a while, just enjoying the heat before turning it off. She had no clothes to put on so, even though she was dry, she put on one of the gigantic fluffy towels she so loved. She’d expected Ajax to be gone or at least to be clothed and on his way out, but the sight in front of her made her jaw drop. He was lying in her bed, spread out naked like a Greek god, next to him a tray of fruit and snacks and a carafe of water. “Oh, no, no, no, that won’t do. This flat is officially a clothes free zone.”, his voice was playfully severe and he motioned for her to come closer. “First, this is my flat and I refute such a stupid rule.” She stepped a little closer, holding her towel tight. Her anxiety was now completely gone. This was her element. This was what she knew and what she was good at. “Second, a towel doesn’t count as clothes.” That bastard just sat there, lazily eating a grape, watching her. There was a glint in his eyes that sent a shiver down her spine. “You know, when I said later to that whole brat thing, I didn’t mean now.” Ray took a slow step towards the door to the living room. Ajax perked up, ready to pounce. “Too fucking bad. You should have specified.” They looked at each other like wild animals. He was the predator, she was the prey. The only question was, who would move first.
Ray did. She sprinted towards the door, opening it and slamming it in his face, but he was right behind her. Still clutching the towel, she jumped over the sofa to the other side of the room. She regretted not springing for a bigger apartment. “You little bitch. The more you struggle the more you will be punished.” He was in hunter mode now and Ray felt sympathy for anyone he’d ever been after. The man standing on the opposite side of the room was freaking scary and imposing. Adrenaline was pumping inside of her and her core was in knots. His cock was hard again and standing at the ready. She bit her lip. “Maybe I like the punishment.”, she hissed. He jumped and she ran into the kitchen. There was nowhere else for her to go, except the terrace, but she did not want to let the whole neighbourhood know what they were doing. The kitchen was kind of small and…tidy. He’d fucking tidied up when he got the food. Bastard.
He was blocking the doorway now and she was pressed against the sink. She had an idea. A terrible idea that was sure to make him mad. “You have nowhere to go. Come quietly and I might play nice.” She turned to look at him, catching his eye and holding his gaze. Slowly, she moved her arm towards the faucet. “Right. You bastard don’t know what nice means.” She threw an arm full of water towards him to slam him away from the door, but he’d expected that. He dodged and before she could move past him, he’d grabbed her. She screamed as he pressed her close to him for the second time today and he yanked the towel away from her.
“Oh, you bad, bad girl. You got rid of all the marks I left on your pretty little body.” Her naked back was pressed against his front. One hand held her close and aggressively fondled her breasts while the other was between her legs. “Don’t worry, I will make new ones.” His cock was throbbing against her naked ass as his hand slid along her folds. “God, you’re wet already.” It was true. Her face turned red at how embarrassingly quickly her body wanted him. But instead of admitting it, she struggled against him. He could take her right then and there. He could just thrust into her, make her scream again. “Fuck you.”, she spat out. “Your filthy mouth is just begging to be filled at this point.” And it was the truth. She longed to take his hard cock into her mouth. To choke on his length. So, instead of keeping her mouth shut, she proved him right. “Go to hell.” She hadn’t expected him to bite into the nape of her neck so hard that she gasped. He turned her around and the darkness in his eyes made her heart stop. If she didn’t know better, she would be scared. But they both knew that she was in control. She could stop this anytime.
“On your knees.”, he ordered and he pushed her down so hard she had no choice but to obey. Her face was now right in front of his cock and her mouth watered. All brattiness had left her body. Before he could say anything else, one of her hands was stroking him as the other cradled his balls. “Fuck, good girl.” She looked up at him and the feral look he gave her drove her wild. She opened her mouth but instead of taking him in, she licked the tip that was already leaking precum. His moans undid him. This man had no idea what was in store for him. She licked along his shaft while stroking him off lazily. His cock throbbed in her hand and she smiled right before she began taking him in. Slowly, she took him deeper and deeper, her tongue swirling around and licking his precum. He tried moving his hips, but she signalled him to stop. Not yet. She worked herself closer and closer to his base, taking deep breaths whenever she could and choking herself on him. Now it was his turn to swear profanities and to say her name like a prayer. His considerable size was a challenge and she doubted many had been able to take him like this. The thought made her a little proud and even more eager to please him. He held her hair out of her face like a gentleman and she gave him a sign to start moving.
He held her head steady by the hair as he fucked into her face. Careful at first, but more and more frantic as he realized that she could take it. One of her hands was still on his balls, kneading them as her other hand wandered between her legs. It was just a small release of the pressure she felt, but she knew she would get her turn later. The good thing about her power was that she could bend down the excess spit that would have made her cough and choke otherwise. Her knees began hurting on the cold tiles, but in the moment she wanted nothing more than to have Ajax cum right into her mouth. She could feel he was close. Until he hit her just as she was breathing in and she began coughing. He pulled out immediately to check if she was okay. “I’m fine.”, she said in between coughs, but he wasn’t having it. He pulled her back up on her wobbly legs to kiss her. “Fuck, baby, you did so good.”, he was genuinely impressed, but Ray was indignant. “I wanted you to cum in my mouth.” “Oh, no, I wouldn’t have. I have other plans.” 
He made her wrap her legs around his waist and carried her back into the bedroom, where he threw her onto the bed. That bastard had planned that, the tray was already on the floor. “That wasn’t much of a punishment if you enjoyed it, don’t you think?”, he asked as he stood at the foot of the bed, lazily stroking himself as he looked her up and down. Like he was going to devour her. Ray got goosebumps. “I mean, I almost choked on your cock, so I’d say that’s punishment enough.” Her voice was cocky to goad him on. She had no idea what else he wanted to do to her, but she desperately wanted to find out. “Turn around, on your stomach.” She gave him a smile. “No.” “Ray.” She’d always loved how her name sounded from his lips, but this was something else entirely. “Ajax.”
He didn’t take any more of her shit. He straddled her and even though she did her best to struggle, he turned her onto her stomach without a problem. Then, he sat down so she was trapped. “You little fucking brat.”, he spat and she couldn’t see him, but she could feel what he was doing. He jerked himself off. “No, no, no.”, she protested, her pussy aching for the relief she’d counted on. He pushed down onto her back with one arm. She couldn’t move. She was helpless. “You don’t deserve to cum.” “Ajax, please!”, her voice was so needy, it was embarrassing. “Oh, no. Begging won’t help you. You’re a dirty little bitch and you don’t deserve this.” And when he said ‘this’, he touched the wet spot between her legs, making her squirm. “I know how much you want it.” He moved lower down so he sat on her legs, his dick so close to both holes she wanted filled. She moved her ass closer. And jerked back as his hand hit her cheek hard. She cried out. He hit her again and again, alternating hands and cheeks and she just knew he had the nastiest grin on his face. But she didn’t dare look. She just screamed into the pillow. Healing the bruises had been a terrible idea. She wouldn’t make the same mistake again.
Right before she told him to stop in earnest, he already did. He lay his body down on top of hers, his dick between her ass cheeks. And he moved. Her tears turned from tears of pain to tears of frustration. He was so close. Just a little adjusting and he would be inside of her. But he didn’t let her shift. Instead, he bit into her neck, into her shoulder, never breaking skin, but leaving nasty, painful bruises. “Please, Ajax. I can’t-“ another bite made her yelp. “I can’t take it anymore. Please!” Her voice was full of the frustration she felt. He let up a little and turned her painfully so she could see him. “Are you sorry?”, he asked, his gaze was hard. “Yes!” “What are you sorry for?” “I’m sorry I got rid of the bruises you left on my body.” “Do you swear to never do it again?” “Yes, of course!” “I don’t think you understand. Do you swear to let my marks on your body heal naturally, even when I’m not around?” Ray’s voice caught before she could speak. What? Was he serious? He, of course, noticed her silence. “Do you swear?” She could feel him stroking himself again. “Okay, yes, I swear!” She would have said anything in that moment to get him to fuck her. He couldn’t be serious anyway. It was just a game. “And do you swear to always see me before the bruises fade so I can give you new ones?” Oh. “What?”, Ray asked, now completely confused. He lay down back on top of her, pressing her into the bed. His mouth was right by her ear when he said: “Do you swear to let me fuck you, to let me hurt you, regularly? Do you swear you will make time for me, to let me come to you whenever either of us wants to? Do you swear you will keep yourself safe so that I won’t have to worry about you when we are apart?” Her head swam. She was horny and confused and so fucking turned on and insecure. His cock throbbed against her back. She had no idea what she agreed to when she said: “Yes, I swear. Now please, please, fuck me.”
“With pleasure.”, he said with an obvious grin in his voice. Before she could say anything else, he’d buried himself inside of her. The tears came back, now because of the pleasure and the release she felt. He fucked her hard and deep and she came almost immediately. “Say my name.”, it was more of a plea than an order, but she was happy to obey. Her body was in so much pain and her head was confused, but she relished in the first thing and refused to acknowledge the second. When she came back down from her admittedly very long high, he pulled out and she could feel hot ropes of cum shooting across her back. Another way to mark her as his, even though she didn’t quite realize it yet.God, she was so tired. The alcohol was completely out of her system now, making her sluggish. The fact that it was five in the morning didn’t help either. Ajax carried her back into the bathroom, but this time he carefully put her in the bath and turned on the water. She knew it was both because he wanted to take care of her and because he wanted to make sure she only healed what was necessary and not one bruise more. He carried her back to the bed when she was finished and tucked her underneath the blanket. As he returned from his own shower, she was already half asleep. They didn’t say a word when he cuddled up against her as the big spoon. He pulled her close and she used his arm as a pillow. It was surprisingly comfortable. Usually, she had trouble falling asleep even when she was tired, but his steady breathing and the beating of his heart were like a lullaby to her. She must have already been dreaming because she could have sworn she heard him say “You are mine.”
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ancientorigins · 11 months
Cu Chulainn is one of the most famous Irish mythological heroes. He appears in the stories of the Ulster Cycle, and Scottish and Manx folklore. His given name at birth was Setanta but he gained the name Cu Chulainn, meaning ‘Culann’s Hound’ after he killed a ferocious guard dog belonging to a smith named Culann. The legends of Cu Chulainn are still told to this day. As a mythological hero, the stories of his strength and power have lived on, re-told throughout the years in many ways.
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beholdingslut · 11 months
thinking about how cú chulainn was originally called sétanta but he killed culann’s hound in self defence then offered to take its place and became known as the hound of culann instead…
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neomedievalist · 1 year
if whatsapp was in the ulster cycle😂😂😂😂😂😂 Fergus mac Roich: You should kill yourself NOW!! Queen Medb: You should kill yourself NOW!! Culann: i NEED my hound back Emer: i NEED COCK Cuchulainn Laeg: i NEED COCK Cuchulainn Ailill: Medb has 100 BILLION dollars. The population of Connacht is… Scathach: can you juggle 9 apples
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sunflowerjune · 11 days
Ok Rosemary Sutcliff fandom, I just had a revelation.
Y'know Cullen from the Silver Branch? Weird little guy who's only ambition in life is to be the Emperor's hound? Also the guy who has the titular silver branch...
Do you also know Cú Chulainn, Irish folk hero?
Well here's this from the wikipedia page on him.
Tumblr media
So Cú is hound, and Culann is Cullen, then Rosemary Sutcliff (and probably Cullen himself!) named him after the Irish hero!
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tainbocuailnge · 1 year
"the hound of culann" is a name given to one who killed the hound of culann -> setanta wants to become cu chulainn but doesn't use that name even though he's at an age where he killed the dog already -> the dog is chilling with him because not using the name means he didn't kill it -> he needs to kill another "hound of culann" to earn the name -> he needs to kill "himself" to become himself
setanta became the hero cu chulainn when he killed the hound of culann -> "the hound of culann" dies as premise of the story -> the prophecy promised an untimely death in exchange for unparalleled glory -> cu chulainn dies as premise of the story -> to become cu chulainn means to kill himself -> he needs to kill himself to become himself
setanta claims to not be bound by his death -> draco was bound by the scene of her suicide both at the thrice setting sun and her attempted repeat in the testament world into being the beast others saw in her instead of herself -> killing herself with locusta's gentle poison instead of dying the violent lonely death that was meant for her opened the path to live past that death and become a new self that is herself -> setanta needs to die a different death if he is to overcome the death at medb's hands that is meant for him -> he needs to kill himself to become a better self
lancer way back in ubw was forced to kill himself -> he got back up saying "if that was enough to kill me I wouldn't be a hero" and only actually died afterwards because gae bolg inflicts wounds that can't be healed (because it represents his sealed fate) -> setanta kills the cu alter and scathach in the imitation singularity saying "if I can't overcome the limits of my servant vessel I wouldn't be a hero" -> persisting past the bounds of his death is the litmus test for his heroism -> he needs to kill himself to become the version of himself that he wants to be
setanta's sword is a combination of the nameless sword from when he took up arms and the named sword wielded in later tales -> although it wasn't named he wielded a sword in the tale of his death because he had to surrender his spears to protect his honor -> while his enemies were cutting off his head his sword arm moved one last time to retaliate -> the sword is him deciding for himself where his path as hero starts and ends
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clarenecessities · 5 months
✨🍀 re: wow toons (idk what that is so pls enlighten me!)
AHAHAHA YES!!!! <-sicko voice
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
these go hand in hand so i'm doin' 'em together >:3c so wow toons are what you call your different world of warcraft characters, of which i have... 12? 15? some multiple of three. i shall describe each of them in turn bc you've inadvertently activated my trap card.
Sétanta - my very first wow character. he's a worgen bc obviously i'm going to pick the werewolf race, come on. i made him a druid bc i heard you could turn into even more animals and this pleased me. He's named for Cú Chulainn (Hound of Culann), who renamed himself that as a kid. I pronounce it 100% wrong, with an /s/ at the start and a /t/ in the middle, but that's what happens when you learn all your words by reading as a small child. i pronounced seamus See-Miss until i was like 16. it could be worse.
Seidrin - As I was fleshing him out i accidentally went way too hard on his mom's backstory, so when I wanted to make a tank she was the natural choice. her dad is the wolf god Goldrinn, who I decided (fancifully) to pretend was named for galdra, one of the kinds of norse magic. -inn being the masculine name suffix, i changed it tothe feminine -in and named her for seiðr magic instead. went with a d instead of a th bc logan very wisely pointed out the "-drin-" mirrors Goldrinn.
Crimthann - Sétanta's dad. I wanted to make a healer and I was like you know what would be really funny? If I named his dad after another guy who renamed himself for an animal. And Crimthann (an old irish name meaning 'fox') is often alleged to be the birth name of St. Colmcille, 'church dove'. so i made him a priest but unfortunately priests are very boring to play so he's... languishing.
Donn - I wanted to make a Horde character but I didn't know how to play anything but a druid so I was like... surely, this will work. I was gonna name him Donn Cúailnge after the Brown Bull of Cooley but it turns out you can't put spaces in the names. But Donn (shockingly) wasn't taken so... here he is! Tauren druid!
Jettion - I was bullied into making a dracthyr, the newest race, bc they have a fun starting quest. Dragons in wow have name suffixes according to their 'flight' (color) and he's a male black dracthyr (who are like anthro dragons) so his name had to end in -ion, and often the black flight's names start with shades of blade, so... it was either Jetion or Jettion, and I liked Jettion better bc it looks like Jettison.
Shannock - We all made vulpera, the little fox people together. but i'd already used the name Crimthann. so I was like 'maybe sionnach'? but if you can believeit some bastard already snagged it. so i went with a rough anglicization. i should play him more.
Lokworg - I've twice been bullied into making a monk bc supposedly they get fun later on & i just need to keep doing quests with my pals, but my pals are much faster than i am and outstrip me quickly. The first monk i deleted bc i don't care about him and honestly lokworg's not doin' much for me either. His name's orcish, lok is song/cry (noun) and worgs are the large, extra smart wolves orcs ride as mounts. More or less 'direwolf song'.
Rumpelteazer - Peer pressured into doing the worgen starting quest & I wanted someone who could learn to pick locks one day, so rogue it was! Originally named Scátha (irish for shade but also kind of an oblique reference to scáthach, the scottish warrior woman who trained Cú Chulainn (and my own pseudohistorical ancestor)), but I kept pronouncing it wrong and was listening to Cats 1998 soundtrack and... well... he's a rogue! and Mungojerrie was taken!
Ulfhedrinn - in keeping with the norse theme, he's named after the Ulfheðnar (singular Ulfheðinn, wolf+what's basically a hooded vest made of fur) that were an appropriately lupine variety of berserkers. I wanted to make a Horde healer and i was like you know... i haven't made this insane little family big enough yet.
Galdrulf - Okay, honestly? He was supposed to be Ulfhedrinn. We were starting with new Horde characters and we were gonna level together, but I got so lost in the customization sauce that I forgot Ulf's particular flavor of orc starts at level 10 instead of 1. So I panicked and made a warrior, and I named him galdr+ulf bc I'm not very creative under pressure.
Fuil - Bullied into making a dark iron dwarf but i'm not clear on why bc we never got farther than unlocking them? guys? are we doing anything with these? irish for blood bc he's going to be a Blood Death Knight. one day. probably.
Tigernmas - I was peer pressured into making a Demon Hunter, whom I wanted to name Crom but noooo, that was 'taken', so I named him after a pseudohistorical king that got himself and 75% of the men in Ireland killed worshipping Crom Cruach.
you know i'm sensing some themes here. a lot of irish. a lot of peer pressuring. jesus christ is seidrin my only woman? she doesn't even use the fpose model no wonder they keep he/himming me
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finnlongman · 1 year
It's almost 3am but I cannot sleep at all, in part because my brain has decided now is a good time to rewrite Welcome To The Black Parade to be about Cú Chulainn.
when I was a young boy
my uncle took me to feast with Culann
and fight his mighty hound.
they said, kid when you grow up
would you be the saviour of Muirthemne,
the Ulaid and this land?
they said, will you defeat them –
Medb's army
and all the men of Ireland,
the plans that they have made?
because one day we'll need you –
a battle
to fight as a lone hero
to be the Ulaid's hound
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