#Cullen X Amell
knuttydraws · 1 month
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I don't know where all my free time went recenty and I'm not drawing as often as I would like to, but at least I managed to take part in our annual (ex)Templars themed exchange! This regency inspired piece is a gift for our lovely @charmcity-jess 💖 Captain Ruherford and miss Solona Amell in a stare-down contest with absolutely ZERO feelings involved! 🤭
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schwarznummer2 · 1 month
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Cornelia* trying to distract Cullen
(pre DAO)
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demigoddessqueens · 9 months
*crashes into the room out of breath and a crazed look in my eyes*
“you are so difficult, i’m trying to tell you something!”
“tell me what? what could you possibly tell me that would change this?”
“i love you!”
Who were the first characters that came to mind for this prompt and how? I must know everything, I beseech you!
don’t hurt yourself nonnie!! 🤣
But I immediately saw this and it came down to an internal vote of Anders or Cullen!!!
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The day seemed more frazzled than normal.
Talking to Iron Bull, meeting Josephine, breaking up whatever spat between Cassandra and—-
Or….wait! Was your meeting with Josephine today or tomorrow??
Noticing a letter that had King Alistair’s insignia on it, you felt your heart sink as you realized you were late for a meeting with him too.
Andraste preserve me, you thought as you snatched it and started to run for the door.
In your haste, you threw the door open and came to face the surprised face of Commander Cullen Rutherford. He seemed more nervous than usual? The slightest tinge of pink to his cheeks and under his eyes
“Inquisitor, you’re up early! Uhm, I—needed to speak with you—erm, about—.”
“Make it quick, Commander. I’m late for a meeting and who knows what else on this forsaken day!”
You hastily walked past him through the hall with the curly-haired man trailing behind you.
“Right, yes, as I was saying, I mean—-you and I, or rather I have started to—.”
There was a small sigh of frustration and the slightest eyeroll from you as he stumbled over his words.
Cullen could see the determined look on your face, no sign of listening on your part.
There was a deep sigh on Cullen’s end before he spoke.
“You are so difficult, I’m trying to tell you something.”
Throwing your hands up in exasperation, your voice was raised a few octaves.
“Tell me what, Cullen? What could you possibly tell me that would change this?”
You immediately regretted the biting tone in your voice as he flinched just the tiniest at your words.
“…I love you.”
It became so quiet in the hallways you swore a needle could drop.
Oh. Oh.
“Cullen, I—.”
“You don’t have to…say anything right now, but I had to tell you.”
There was no possible way you could leave him like this. Yes, the guilt was starting to eat at you but it was more than that.
Being thrown to each other’s side to work against Corypheus brought about more than just a professional dynamic. Late nights, travels, countless pouring over documents and physical training, you and the Commander were past being platonic.
Seeing a human side to Cullen was endearing to you, and there was a soft element that started to cultivate over all this time.
You grabbed the inside of his wrist, much to Cullen’s surprise, and pulled him close to hear your whisper.
“No, I mean it. I do apologize for my outburst.”
There was a glimmer of hope in his warm eyes as you tried to reassure him.
“We’ll talk later. I swear it, Cullen.”
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chibichibisha · 1 year
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“Using my shame against me... My ill-advised infatuation with him... A mage, of all things.” x
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konigs-left-pec · 26 days
Guys, I really need some filthy fem!mage x Cullen fics. Preferably where he uses his abilities to silence her o m g
Link me your faves, babes ❤️
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laniardraws · 1 year
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Continuation of this
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kitigai · 1 year
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Cullen x warden Amell  ♥  
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nelkenbabe · 1 year
I was tagged by @galaxywhale and funnily enough I've actually been writing for the first time in a while - lost in the post-Trespasser Cullen x Amell Sauce once again. Thank you for tagging me, Emily ♥️♥️
I'm curious if and what you guys are working at @isayashai @nabulsi
"I don't know why I came," Cullen said thickly. "I don't know what I was expecting."
"Perhaps you simply wished to see me." Everett's voice was so flat and genuine that Cullen felt almost dumb-struck by the suggestion. He felt Everett's thumb gently stroking over his cheek. "It needn't be more complicated than that."
Cullen swallowed down the anxiety sitting in his throat.
Maybe you can allow yourself this. Without guilt. Without shame.
A wave of relief washed over him as he recalled Amary'll voice, the sense of settlement within himself he left her quarters with last night. The muscles in his shoulders unclenched themselves, and Cullen allowed himself for the first time tonight to actually meet Everett's eyes, calmly and with intent.
They were cooler in the dim light of his room, with moonlight gently reaching through the window. Dark and still like the surface of the pond Cullen sought refuge at as a child. Long, downturned lashes framed Everett's brown eyes, casting shadows beside his uneven, bended nose.
With a steady breath out he relaxed further and could tell that something in Everett's face softened as well. He didn't smile, Cullen felt like he had never seen him smile, but something about his expression...
"I did want to see you."
"Then I am ever glad you came."
A pause, tentative and careful, then Everett bridged the gap between them and leaned in. Just before their lips connected, the mage held off, just a little. A quiet question. And Cullen, to his own mild embarrassment, answered by nodding instead of just leaning into the man on his lap. The quick breath that met his lips indicated a silent chuckle from Everett, and with renewed determination, Cullen closed the distance between himself and the other man, kissing him.
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knuttydraws · 5 months
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I'm slowly getting back to life after a flu, so I can publish more of my Satinalia exchange pieces. As per usual, Solona and Cullen for @kittynomsdeplume in what was a very quick and sneaky treat 😆
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schwarznummer2 · 13 days
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A scene of young Cullen and Cornelia I've always wanted to draw...playing hand shadows at night lol
AND screenshot of a current commission...
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hexxalite-hecate · 1 year
a compendium of  s o m e o n e  looking super cute
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Amaranthe Amell, Warden Commander, Arlessa of Amaranthine, Chancellor of the Ferelden crown, maybe-long-lost-crush-of-a-certain-templar, accidental Inquisitor
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chibichibisha · 1 year
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Afterhours + the Commander's office ♥
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ostagarfortress · 11 months
This past Cullen x Amell, Inquisitor!Amell, lovers-to-enemies-to-something AU that I'm not writing is living rent free in my head again and it's making me feral
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alondradina · 1 year
Done for the 30+ Valentine's event! We had to choose from a list of romantic songs and write a 1k or less fic based on one. I chose Wicked Games by Chris Isaak.
Fandom: Dragon Age, Dragon Age Origins
Pairing: Cullen/Amell (Disguised Desire demon/Cullen)
Rating: T
Uldred has fallen, and the mages' rebellion has ended in a blur of blood magic and abominations. Demons stalk the halls; commanding and compelling their mortal prey. Cullen stands firm in his belief that there is nothing they can tempt him with.
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kitigai · 1 year
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Cullen x Amell  ♥  
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i made some romance playlists back in february and somehow never shared it, so here you go:
alistair x warden:
zevran x warden:
cullen x amell:
alistair’s and zevran’s i think fit with most ocs, but cullen’s was made specifically for my amell x cullen headcanons, where thay had this tentative innocent thing going on in the circle, both being kids and just enjoying each other’s company, not thinking about how this thing doesn’t really have a future, and how all what happened between amell’s conscription and the borken circle affected their relationship. and how they still missed each other even when they knew they shouldn’t, in the ten years between origins and inquisition, when they meet again.
also. cullen is experiencing massive religious guilt every time he thinks fondly of amell in kirkwall. he has massive ptsd from the broken circle.
amell has nightmares about cullen being tortured by that desire demon and often think of what if’s - what if they went to circle sooner, what if she pushed to talk to cullen afterwards instead of giving him space.
yes, it’s fully self indulgent and made in hope that it will inspire me to actually write something either in my au or my canon setting with alistair.
note that it’s still a work in progress and i am not fully sure of a few songs and i have more to add, i just need to pass my exams first. if you have some recommendations i will happily look into them.
and yeah, many songs are in all playlist, but let’s say they’re just fitting for origins’ vibe and warden’s story (i just love them and i couldn’t decide xd).
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