#Cullen x Mara Lavellan
altoclefgirl · 4 years
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The Homecoming Kiss
Cullen and Mara Lavellan
The long-awaited culmination of unspoken desires.
Dwell Within
Chapter 29: Here and Now
It felt the same. His feet soft and padding up the familiar stone steps. The uniforms were the same, but the sheer numbers of forces were astounding. Greeted, saluted, but he made no answer as he quickened the pace into the hold. A brisk walk through the great hall turned into jog, then a sprint as he rounded three staircases to the corridor.
A door he had walked through hundreds of times. A door that he had fretted before once upon a time, and a door that at one point was always welcome for his stay.
This door of darkened oak was all that stood before what could be. With only the smallest hesitation, he breathed in deeply and then quietly swung open the door. He could have collapsed, the fair and golden lover curled on the drawing couch with a journal at hand. Lip bitten, she appeared to be searching for words, or lost in a memory. In either matter, whimsy donned her rose cheeks as she stole a moment for herself and her thoughts.
A heavy, exasperated sigh was released from him, and his feet led him home.
Mara turned at the sound of the footsteps, pulling herself from the sweetened thoughts. She stood from the drawing couch to welcome him from his return from Ferelden. “You’re back.” A honeyed tone that revealed his return meant something more. He had decided to stay. Her heart pounded a little nervously as he returned to her in confidence.
The journal in her hand dropped and clambered to the marble floor as he glided in, sweeping her into a familiar hold of lovers, one arm wrapped around the small of her waist to lift her, one hand’s fingers sinking up into the braid of the base of her neck.
The motion too quick and perfect to respond, in some surprise he showcased a renewed love, sinking his soul into the depths of her. Upper lip flushed against hers, his bottom lip rounded and cupped below hers. This kiss paled to the one he gave her as he bravely whispered his love just a few weeks ago. Paled to the accidental kiss she initiated in their dreams. This was a kiss only fitting of a homecoming of the utmost and enamored lovers. And this grandeur left her weak. As he lowered Mara to the ground, her knees buckled and a quick reflex pulled her in tighter to his broad and strengthened stature.
Her lips twitched as she fought a smile, breathless. “What are you doing?” She whispered in between quiet pants. The affection lifted something small that dwelled unknown to her spirit.
After his confession, he asked for a short leave to help his family settle into a new home. And be away and sort through the revelation that the Inquisitor had not returned his love.
Unfazed, he continued, moving his hand to affectionately graze her porcelain face doused in red. “How did you survive?”
Continue Reading Mara’s and Cullen’s story on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23937004
Commissioned by @faelavellan for my fanfic Dwell Within 💗
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Lololol! Oh @slothquisitor I always have Mara x Cullen feels. *so thirsty*
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slothquisitor · 6 years
Cullen Rutherford, Author
So during last year’s #SLH event my husband, seeing @thesecondsealwrites and I write and post all the smut, thought he’d be clever and try his own hand at smut writing. What followed was a series based in different places of our new house and left for me to find in the mornings when he left for work. I was, and still am, beyond flustered by them. At one point in the yelling about how flustered I was I think I said something about how it was all fine to write about us but what about characters, and you guys my husband straight up wrote Cullen x Mara smut. So yes, my husband wrote fic of my fic just to prove he could. I still yell about it sometimes, but anyway for anecdote day I thought I’d fictionalize it a bit because it’s still kind of cute and I’m still flustered about it. So have some Cullen and Mara, Class Act AU, 800 words. Mostly SFW. 
Also on AO3. 
Mara had always looked forward to summer, but as a teacher, it meant something more than just warm weather. It was the longest uninterrupted break in the school year, and it was definitely a necessity. Most years she’d spent the summer recovering from the school year and moving to a new place. Last summer they’d had the wedding to worry about, but this year, this was just uninterrupted time for her and Cullen to be together.
They had a routine that worked pretty well. They’d get up and eat breakfast together, and then catch up on the news, workout, and then do their daily chores around the house and the yard. There was also plenty of sex, and that was a welcome interruption to any of their routine.
It was late afternoon, and the heat of a Denerim summer was in full force. They were both in the living room, blinds closed, and ceiling fan circulating. Argos had foregone his bed, and was instead situated right beside the vent that blew cool air into the room.
She and Cullen were both working on their laptops, separately. He was putting together new lesson plans, and she was writing up another proposal and hopes for more money for their English Language Development program.
Mara liked working with music on, so she had headphones in since Cullen preferred silence. She had a particularly awesome summer anthem blasting while she worked, so when Cullen handed her a piece of paper she was a little startled.
She pulled the earbud out and looked up at him. “What is this?”
Cullen smirked. “I got distracted.”
She laughed. “You got distracted?” Cullen’s focus was really unparalleled. She often tried to distract them both on self-imposed grading nights. She only ever managed to get him away from the grading with sex. So it really was surprising that Cullen had managed to get distracted by anything while she’d been working hard at her computer.
“Uh...read it?” Cullen said instead of offering an explanation.
He looked the tiniest bit nervous, but Mara couldn’t imagine why he would be. So she started reading.
And was immediately horrified.
Well, horrified wasn’t the right word, but it was definitely surprising. It was smut. Not just any smut though, it was smut about them.
Mara enjoyed a good romance book every now and again, and was grateful that Cassandra so often had the best recommendations with the best written sex scenes. Cullen teased her about it, but it was all in good fun. This was a whole other level of something. Mara wasn’t quite sure she had the words for it.
This was...this was sexting on steroids. And they’d tried sexting the last time she’d been away at a conference. They were really bad at it. Both of them too caught up in trying to write something good that it just hadn’t worked for either of them.
“What is this?” Mara asked, voice higher than she intended.
Cullen had sat down on the arm of the couch, hand rubbing at the back of his neck. “What I’ve been thinking about all afternoon.”
The piece was titled Living Room, and then it proceeded to go into great detail about exactly what they would do to one another: You crawl over to me, straddle my legs and sit facing me. Smiling mischievously you don't say anything, you just slowly start pulling your shirt up.
Mara knew her face was burning, and she hadn’t even really gotten to the smuttiest bits yet. She’d read plenty of smutty literature, usually without so much as a blush. This was next level.
“It’s...um...it’s us…” Mara was finding the words a little difficult to find as she reached the end of the very smutty page. It wasn’t flowery, words couched in beautiful turns of phrase. It was solid, and straightforward, rather like the man that had written it.
Cullen wasn’t looking at her, and his cheeks were just the slightest tinge of pink. “I’m sorry, I should have warned you or talked to you first or…”
His words drifted off and she realized that he had taken her being absolutely flustered for not liking what he’d written.
“No!” Mara said, still struggling to find the right words to express what it was she was feeling. “Don’t be sorry. I’m just...surprised.”
Cullen’s golden eyes lifted to meet hers. “Surprised? You don’t hate it?”
Mara smiled. “Of course not. Though I didn’t realize you moonlighted as a romance writer. Should we tell Varric?”
“Definitely not.”
Mara shut down her computer and stood. “So this is what you want right now, exactly?”
Cullen swallowed. “Well, not exactly...I mean, I’m open to suggestions?”
She laughed and gently guided him to sit down on the sofa, then she straddled his hips. Then she started to lift up her shirt. “So I think it started like this?”
Cullen caught her lips in a scorching kiss. “I love you,” he whispered before helping her out of her shirt.
Likes and reblogs are love!
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briarfox13 · 6 years
My fave type of question: Have your OCs any children? If yes, tell me about them, if no, is there a reason for it? 😁
Thank you my dear
Mass Effect
Saskia and Garrus adopt 4 orphans from the War of the Reapers:  Krash, a very excitable Krogan, two Quarians Mina’Mar nar Shepard and his younger sister Misa’Mozu nar Shepard both of whom are very shy. And the teeniest Turian ever called Julian who Shepard likes to carry round in a papoose.
Mara and Kaidan have at least one child, if not two-so far they don’t have names yet XD But they will get some eventually
As for my Ryders, I’ve not thought about it for them XD I can imagine Merrin and Jaal adopting some Angara children =)
Dragon Age
Asha and Alistair don’t have any children because of the Taint that affects them both. Plus Asha isn’t very found of children, so dependent on what happens in DA4 either they remain childless or have a serious talk about it. 
Amaya and Nathaniel, again I’ve not thought about. But I do think Nathaniel would make a great dad so maybe I’ll give them some children…..twins I think =D 
Merra and Anders never have children either, I just don’t think they children would suit their lifestyle, they move about a lot. And in all honesty I think Merra would prefer being a Mabari mum rather than an actual mother. 
Enna and Fenris definitly, although she’s worried their children would inherit her enormous powers and she’s also afraid she would be a bad mother. But in the end Enna falls completely in love with being a mother and adores her family to pieces. 
Blackie and Cullen have one boy, who has his dad’s noodles but just black (again unnamed, I am awful at naming children XD). But he goes on adventures during his early 20′s falls in love with a City Elf and they continue wandering Thedas together
Bramble and Blackwall do too, no idea how many children yet (I should probably make posts about my OC’s families and children). 
Zephyr and Solas, sadly not. But a lot depends on DA4 of course, who knows what will happen with Solas XD
And as for Deera, Thorn and Hope I have no idea. Both Deera and Thorn are so early in development and playthrough I haven’t got a feel for them yet and as or Hope, I need to think where I want their relationship and story to go =) Thanks for asking! I really enjoyed it =) 
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pikapeppa · 2 years
Pikapeppa says hello: welcome new followers!
It’s been a while since I updated this, so here we go!
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(Sketch by the insanely talented @lethendralis-paints​​!)
I am first and foremost a fanfic writer: Pikapeppa on AO3 (formerly queenofkadara). All of my writing is the result of expressing my love for fictional characters by wanting to give them tens (or hundreds...) of thousands of words’ worth of sex. 😂
An organized list of my writing is here on Tumblr, with links back to AO3. My writing tag on Tumblr is #pikapeppa writes. The main fandoms I write for are Dragon Age, The Witcher, and Horizon. 
As of Nov 2023, I’m writing for Baldur’s Gate 3 and Horizon: Forbidden West. My active projects are as follows:
Astarion x f!Tav (Brynn Bladetongue): kiss me on the mouth and set me free (but please don’t bite)
Halsin x f!Tav (Brynn Bladetongue): Who Heals the Healer?
Aloy x Avad: Coming In Like a Western Wind, set during Forbidden West.
Aloy x Kotallo x Drakka: Conditions of Training, a set of smutty oneshots which will also update whenever the urge strikes.
Other ships I write/have written for are as follows:
Horizon (Zero Dawn and Forbidden West): I have written Aloy with Kotallo, Drakka, Nil, Nil and Drakka both (OT3), Ikrie, Avad, Erend, and the Stealth Trials Keeper.
Dragon Age: Fenris x f!Hawke, Solavellan, Abelas x Lavellan, Felassan x Lavellan, Blackwall x Lavellan, Cullen Rutherford x Lavellan, Samson x Roman Hawke, Sten x Yara Mahariel, Teia Cantori x Viago De Riva
Mass Effect: Reyes Vidal x Mara Ryder, Reyes Vidal x Aria T’Loak
The Witcher 3: Geralt of Rivia x f!Reader. 
Baldur’s Gate 3: Karlach x Dammon, Rolan x f!Tav (Tavanah)
Far Cry 5: John Seed x f!Deputy 
Samurai Champloo: Fuu x Jin x Mugen
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: David Martinez x Lucy
I sometimes post tutorials about writing, which you can find here under #pikapeppa tutors. BE WARNED that I don’t have any formal writing training, so these are mainly based on my own experience as a writer.
I occasionally draw stupid cartoons, which you can find under the tag #pikapeppa draws.
Otherwise, my blog is primarily reblobs of others’ amazing art!
Finally, and most importantly, I have a daemon cat named Meeko, and she is precious and good and sits on my desk while I write. Here she is in all her judgmental glory.
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Thanks for joining me, friends, and enjoy your stay!
- Love from your friendly neighbourhood Pikapeppa xoxo
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qaanngi · 8 years
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Commission for @slothquisitor. Thank you for entrusting me with this scene between Mara & Cullen ❤
And if anyone doesn't know, it's from slothquisitor's fic, A Class Act (chapter one starts there).
(click for a much larger view)
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mysdrymmumbles · 5 years
Get to Know Me Meme
thank you to the fantastic @rederiswrites for the tag!
tagging: @headfoot, @ma-sulevin, @out-of-the-embers, @tamlinn, @memesupremo and anyone else who would like to do this!
Relationship status: spinster4lyfe
Favorite color: greens and purples, also black
Top ships: @slothquisitor‘s Mara Lavellan x Cullen Rutherford, @ellenembee‘s Nic x Roz, Zachary Hiyuzaki x Samantha Hedgeway, Weslyn Kagris x Lithenial Wraithemn, and I’m actually keeping up with this really cool comic that has Zelda x Ganondorf. Never thought I would say that last one, but here we are.
Oh, also Castle x Beckett forever <3
Last song: The opening them for Fruit’s Basket
Last movie: I don’t remember, but I think it was Hide and Seek?
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altoclefgirl · 4 years
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The First Commission of The Commander & Inquisitor Mara Lavellan 💗
With the release of yesterday’s Cullen-centric chapter, I am thrilled to present to you the first commission of Commander Cullen and Mara Lavellan from my fanfic ‘Dwell Within’.
As we come to know the Commander’s story of an ended world, I hope you find yourself loving him as I have.
Thank you @felandaria-draws for your beautiful work.
✨ Patreon: Altoclefgirl | Ko-Fi: Altoclefgirl
✨ AO3: Altoclefgirl
✨ Insta: Alto.Writes | Twitter: AltoWrites
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altoclefgirl · 4 years
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Dwell Within Chapter 1: Collapse
Fanart Gifted by @thedreadwolfswhisper
She closed the door behind her, letting out a low and heavy breath. The quiet reverberations of the chamber door echoed alongside her slowing breaths. Her eyes remain closed, her feet unwilling to move a step forward. When the world slowed—when the earth was quiet, chamber torches unlit, the busy chatter of her remaining Inquisition circle and network in the foyer shushed—it was this minute moment that held all the power. This small moment in which she was alone with herself held the power to capsize her. She could feel the boundaries of the fade press against her body, as if gravity suddenly pushed against her horizontally and threatened to suffocate her. These were the moments she could very well crumble; any lasting motivation could disintegrate.
The fade felt thinner in the moments of solace, as if beckoning her to join. A small part of her wished to concede. In the first days after Solas donned the nomenclature of Fen’Harel, she had welcomed the Fade wantingly, scouring the expanse of the Fade in search of answers from his own mouth. She became the hunter, hungry for his scent and his truth. As she hunted, she felt both preyed upon and having just missed his trail. It was a sickly game in which she was both led and preyed—always within his scope but Solas never quite within her grasp. He had not yet made himself known to her. He was unyielding, a fortitude who sought to know but never be known to her. She remained quiet on her hunt, forgoing her nature to call to him.
When Solas had just left upon the defeat of Corypheus, she would call to him in the Fade, a devout and breaking plead. On the night of his return to don the name Fen’Harel, it was the last time she pleaded his name in the Fade.
In the recent months, she chose not to step into the land of The Dreaming. And since her decision, it appeared the Fade hungered for her lingering presence. For months now, the Fade had often felt like a gentle, nodding breeze away, as if she could simply take one step forward into the Fade. And tonight in her chambers, the Fade excited the magic within her and around her. The magic buzzed and blanketed her with its weight, as she still stood at the door to her chambers. Let me take you, it whispered in her mind, but it felt like a warm breath and graze to her neck.
Mara drew in a breath, her eyes still closed. Dare she let the Fade take her?
The magic air around her swirled with warmth, even though the chamber had a cool, night breeze rolling through the window. The warm magic air roamed around her, capturing her hair and caressing her body in an almost affectionate manner. The ends of her tunic fluttered from the warm current, lifting so that her stomach was grazed with the warm magic. She swore she could feel weight pressed to her face, as if her cheek was being touched by a welcome lover. She lifted up her own hand to her face to feel the phantom guest. She sensed dense warm air upon her cheek—palpable to her own hand. She leaned her face against the grazing phantom hand, leaning into comfort she had been without.
She had kept everyone at arm’s length--her ambassador, her spies, her warriors, and the family she found with the Inquisition. The sad eyes from her friends never relinquished—she wasn’t sure if it was unending pity or reaction to the continued depth of her pain. Varric had once told her he wasn’t sure if Mara was the most unlucky person to have lived or chosen by Andraste herself. They both settled on miraculously bad luck. It felt as if there was consensus among her friends, that she was perpetually doomed to hurt and to save the world. Poor thing. She hadn’t talked to anyone about her feelings, or her dealings with perpetual misfortune.
But tonight she entertained the idea of company—whether it was a spirit, the Fade, or her lover shrouded in the Fade. She wasn’t quite sure who or what called for her, and this could be the moment to collapse. The Fade pulled harder on her body, as if magnetized, aching to draw her in. She did not dare move, not even a shuffle of her feet. The pull centered in her chest, and beckoned to draw her arms forward. She sucked in a deep breath, her chest trembling with the attraction and anticipation of company.
The warm breath that whispered in her ear moved to her face, and she felt a presence just beyond her lips. The warmth flooded her body, longing stirring within her. Eyes still closed, she moved her right hand forward to the bound presence of the Fade, and it felt as if there was a familiar face in her hand. The face was merely centimeters from her own. Her hand felt the jaw of the presence, and leaned her head forward, against the presence’s brow. Her breath quickened, heavy and warm, as the presence’s breath rushed over her lips. The singular moment felt like a drum roll of anticipation, neither party moving forward as their hearts raced. Her whole body trembled, and to regain any strength left she took in a slow deep breath, her body pulsing.
She opened her mouth, feeling their breath against her own. The presence of their mouth lingering over her own but not touching.
“Thank you for sparing her.” Mara let out, her hand moved from the presence’s jaw to their chest, faintly feeling a thump of a heart beat. The drum roll continued for a few seconds, then suddenly the boundary of the Fade snapped, the breath and heart beat and the pull of the Fade gone sharply. The suddenness gave out her legs, her whole body shaking until she hit the floor kneeling. She finally opened her eyes, and her chamber was just as it usually was. Her armor strewn across the bed, the covers on her side of the bed untucked.
At that, the clarity of the room was skewed, as tears poured from her. The pull from the Fade, the love of a ghost, did her in. The small moment of longing had cracked her, like the Elvhen artifact that was left for Corypheus. And the magnitude of magic pouring out of the artifact rivaled the explosive pain scouring from her soul.
She was capsized.
Continue Reading on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23937004
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altoclefgirl · 4 years
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💫You Chose Me💫
To the friend who never misses an opportunity to remind you of your own light and the gift of healing, ma serannas. 💗
“For you. Heaviness breaks, unrelenting. Words and thoughts spun, swirled, stuck. They consume.” Cole handed the Inquisitor a leatherbound book, golden letters fading to name an Elvhen lexicon. “This will help the words—flowing, faring, free in your native tongue.”
Mara’s eyes widened and in shaky hands received the leatherbound book, thankful she was now sitting as the weight could have snapped her into a collapse. She swallowed, her throat tightening as there were no words. And that was precisely why the Spirit nudged her along, asking her to reopen wounds to feel what she had poorly tucked away for so long.
Mara exhaled deeply, Cole coming back into view as he knelt before her, placing a hand atop of hers holding the bound lexicon. “The light is still there, fervent and radiant. The shadows are not here to stay. And you have what it takes to cast them away.”
Mara inhaled, her body slightly trembling. Cole squeezed her hand tightly, some beautiful wave of warmth cascading from her hands to her heart and every place within her that had been cast in darkness. After a moment she gave him a smile and a squeeze of the rogue’s hand. “I’m so thankful you chose me.”
💫 This excerpt is from the Snapshots of Winter collection, part of the Dwell Within Series. Live on AO3 (link in bio).
💫 Dwell Within is a Dragon Age fanfiction on Archive of Our Own, a mature story of Inquisitor Mara Lavellan’s journey post-Trespasser as a prelude to Dragon Age 4.
💫 Themes of hope, redemption, and all the feels. 💗
AO3 to Dwell Within Series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2074359
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altoclefgirl · 4 years
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Dwell Within Chapter 28
& Without Part III
The finale of a three part series exploring other choices on its fate of Thedas.
Cold and mid morning, Smoke drifted lazily from the remnants of the Rutherford home. No longer lit in flames, the residual embers met the still and frozen air, under turned by Mara’s wary feet.
There was nothing. Wooden beams turned to ash, the siding crumbled, cracked, and discarded. There were no distinguishable possessions...Everything had parished... and perhaps everyone.
Mara stifled a cry, her mouth opened and guard fallen.
“If you’re looking to loot, there’s nothing left.”
Mara and Leliana both turned as a silent bystander had watched the two approach the remains of the home.
His voice and features were rough, weathered. A worn man of at least his mid 40’s, overshadowing a pre-teen boy who stood just behind.
There was a kindness to his eyes behind his calloused look. She’d recognized those features anywhere. “Branson?” Mara asked gently. She had only met their sisters, but there was a distinct Rutherford look in his tired features. She watched as Branson stiffened, untrusting of the two women who stood before their fallen family home. “I’m Inquisitor Lavellan. And this is my colleague Leliana.”
His eyes softened some as he looked to Mara, her pointed ears, her Vallaslin free face, the staff strapped to her back. Branson looked back to his son, then to Mara. A heavy sigh left him. “Will my boy be safe if we talk?”
“Yes.” Mara and Leliana answered in unison.
Branson turned to his son, whispered he’ll be back shortly, then turned and started walking west. Mara followed him, stopping about 100 feet away from his son and Leliana.
“I’m guessing you have something to do with all of this.” His tone was hurt, jaded, but his voice carried quietly.
Mara remained silent but looked to him with compassion. His grief fluttered through the air.
“Last night when I came home, the house was engulfed in flames. The house had to have been burning for hours...” His eyes turned to the ground.
Mara waited for the answers that would break her.
“They were home.” Branson looked back up to Mara, whose eyes were full and misty. “The fire took them.”
Death had followed Mara over the years. Thousands passed, out of war, bravery, justice, innocence, or victimization. And now, two more souls died in her name. Fast tears rolled down her face, bringing her hand to her mouth to stifle her cry.
“Who did this?” Scorned, vindicated. He had to know.
Drawing a breath, she answered softly. “Enemies. They’re targeting our families.” Another sniff as she challenged to take a breath. “We’ve traveled for days to get to you.”
“They took my family!” Branson shouted his words, cutting into the guilt that Mara already held. He wanted to be mad at her. He wanted someone for whom he could channel his anger.
And she allowed it. If she could carry this burden and relieve him, she would always choose this. “I’m so sorry.”
He could see her guilt, and he could see what his siblings saw in her. He shook his head, pacing in spot for a minute before speaking.
“I remember they wouldn’t shut up about you when Cullen brought you home. It was all I heard for months... Inquisitor this, Inquisitor that... I had always been weary of his choice to join you. But how my family loved you...” Branson teetered in emotions of blame. “They’re gone because of your cause.”
Continue Reading on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23937004/chapters/60959113
✨ Patreon: Altoclefgirl | Ko-Fi: Altoclefgirl
✨ AO3: Altoclefgirl
✨ Tumblr: Altoclefgirl | Twitter: AltoWrites
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altoclefgirl · 4 years
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Dwell Within Chapter 29
Here and Now
Upon the world ending, her love led him home. 💗
It felt the same. His feet soft and padding up the familiar stone steps. The uniforms were the same, but the sheer numbers of forces were astounding. Greeted, saluted, but he made no answer as he quickened the pace into the hold. A brisk walk through the great hall turned into jog, then a sprint as he rounded three staircases to the corridor.
A door he had walked through hundreds of times. A door that he had fretted before once upon a time, and a door that at one point was always welcome for his stay.
This door of darkened oak was all that stood before what could be. With only the smallest hesitation, he breathed in deeply and then quietly swung open the door. He could have collapsed, the fair and golden lover curled on the drawing couch with a journal at hand. Lip bitten, she appeared to be searching for words, or lost in a memory. In either matter, whimsy donned her rose cheeks as she stole a moment for herself and her thoughts.
A heavy, exasperated sigh was released from him, and his feet led him home.
Mara turned at the sound of the footsteps, pulling herself from the sweetened thoughts. She stood from the drawing couch to welcome him from his return from Ferelden. “You’re back.” A honeyed tone that revealed his return meant something more. He had decided to stay. Her heart pounded a little nervously as he returned to her in confidence.
The journal in her hand dropped and clambered to the marble floor as he glided in, sweeping her into a familiar hold of lovers, one arm wrapped around the small of her waist to lift her, one hand’s fingers sinking up into the braid of the base of her neck.
The motion too quick and perfect to respond, in some surprise he showcased a renewed love, sinking his soul into the depths of her. Upper lip flushed against hers, his bottom lip rounded and cupped below hers. This kiss paled to the one he gave her as he bravely whispered his love just a few weeks ago. Paled to the accidental kiss she initiated in their dreams. This was a kiss only fitting of a homecoming of the utmost and enamored lovers. And this grandeur left her weak. As he lowered Mara to the ground, her knees buckled and a quick reflex pulled her in tighter to his broad and strengthened stature.
Her lips twitched as she fought a smile, breathless. “What are you doing?” She whispered in between quiet pants. The affection lifted something small that dwelled unknown to her spirit.
Continue Reading on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23937004/chapters/61058341
✨ Patreon: Altoclefgirl | Ko-Fi: Altoclefgirl
✨ AO3: Altoclefgirl
✨ Instagram: Alto.Writes | Twitter: AltoWrites
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altoclefgirl · 4 years
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Dwell Within Chapter 32
Last Man in Thedas
Live on AO3
This chapter has been in the works for two months as has seen many revisions (and has been in my mind for much longer). I owe it to you, to the story, and to myself to do this right. Thank you for waiting as I left you with a major cliffhanger.
I am so happy to share this with you. 💗
I do have a new goal on Ko-Fi to fund a couples commission for Mara and Cullen. I will also gratefully accept coffee to fuel my writing flow.
Dareth Shiral 🖤
✨ Patreon: Altoclefgirl | Ko-Fi: Altoclefgirl
✨ AO3: Altoclefgirl
✨ Insta: Alto.Writes | Twitter: AltoWrites
Mara offered her right hand across the war table, palm up anticipating his touch. Her gaze was focused yet soft, a kindness that would never yield. “It’ll be easier to join you,” she explained.
The Inner Circle had returned to the table in the war room after the intermission. Solas on Mara’s left, Cullen directly across from Mara, and Cassandra and Leliana filling in the other chairs at the table.
The table was now topped with warm tea among the vials of potions. Solas sat closely to Mara’s left, ready to direct guidance and supply lyrium or elfroot should she grow faint from the art of legilimency.
Without a glance to anyone else in the war room, Cullen met her eyes and her hand with his own, softly kneading his thumb to her open palm before taking her hand in his left.
Mara’s affect and tone did not change by his touch, aware of the peering eyes in the room. “The tea will help you relax, but without falling asleep.” Mara paused, feeling the buzz and warmth of magic from his gold band in her fingers. “Your willpower and experience as a Templar may make this very difficult. That’s okay. We can go slow and you can ask me to stop at any time.”
His honeyed eyes were trusting even with the task. Cullen nodded, ready to proceed.
Mara paused again, inhaling before she began.
“Close your eyes with me.”Mara instructed, watching as Cullen closed his eyes, his face softening in the rest. “Think of your home...Focus on one distinct feature.”
Mara closed her own, concentrating on the touch of his warm hand. “Think of it. Describe it to me.”
Cullen searched his mind and the month he spent there. There was pain and the entirety of the home weighed and spun in his mind.
One thing.
Cullen inhaled deeply, sighing as the antique writing desk came to mind.
There was a writing desk. Your letter was left on the surface, folded into thirds and addressed to me. Cullen stiffened, his upper back tensing as he recalled the letter. She had composed and left a letter explaining the home--a letter she prepared as she did not have the same optimism Cullen held for the fate of the world.
The desk is blue. Light blue, with brass knobs. And frankly, a little snug for me to fit into.
Mara waited in silence until a morsel of a thought found her. Blue. Except that it was abstract and without meaning, without form.
“Something blue,” Mara softly spoke. “What is around the blue?”
Cullen inhaled, trying to think of anything other than the letter penned to him. His name was written in soft and flowing cursive. He had memorized her letter word for word and recited it each night in her absence until he fell asleep.
There’s a velvet armchair. In the backdrop of bay windows. Cullen sighed, heaviness weighing in his chest. I used to imagine you curled up there, the sunlight dancing on your skin. There was a blanket on the armchair. Something to keep you warm as you read your favorite story as if it were new again.
The feeling, not the words itself, were warm and brimming from their joined hands and coursed up to her mind.
“Invite me,” Mara asked softly, a whisper that almost begged intimacy.
Cullen softly smiled to himself at her words. I want you here with me, Mara.
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altoclefgirl · 4 years
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Dwell Within Chapter 31
A Vow
In another world befalls destruction, but on whose hands?
A summit so soon, Inquisitor? Does that mean we’ll finally lay out the plan of our alliance with Solas?” Leliana removed her coat and set it on an antique brass hook against the oak walls of the war room. She had removed herself from the mission to trace an erratic Mortalitasi cell upon urgent word from Mara.
Mara inhaled, steadying herself for the seriousness of the matters at hand. “That…and more.”
Cassandra squinted after setting down a mug of chamomile tea. Cassandra had accompanied Mara to Solas’ fortress to take stock of his assets. “There’s more? To review the extent of the new resources under our influence will take a considerable amount of time, in and of itself.”
Leliana studied Mara, her posture and her pretense. Leliana’s head cocked, recalling an order to discretely locate their Commander. “Has he not returned?”
Cassandra stiffened, also turning to Mara. The air stilled and thickened as they waited for her to speak.
“We will be joined momentarily.” Mara exhaled, unable to take her chair at the head of the table and join those seated. “Something has happened… and the details of this event are of the utmost discretion. It cannot leave this room tonight, and it may be something we never share with anyone.”
Cassandra adjusted in her seat as Leliana’s face hardened awaiting the truth. Their minds were abuzz with dire scenarios. It had only been two months since Leliana and Mara tracked the double-agent, resulting in Sister Laudine’s death and the displacement of several families of the Inquisition. Cullen was due to return last night from helping his family settle into a new home in Ferelden, safe and away from their comfort in South Reach. Had Sister Laudine conspired with their Commander? Was this the news that could never be repeated?
Or had he foolishly struck his final blow in his intensive pursuit of the Inquisitor’s heart?
“Last night the Commander returned to the hold.” Mara swallowed, certain that whatever she was about to say would sound incoherent.
“The Commander who returned…isn’t from here. He has experienced things that haven’t happened, as if he has lived in another world.”
Continue Reading on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23937004/chapters/63477196#workskin
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altoclefgirl · 4 years
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As I’m sharing fan favorite moments, I wanted to share one of mine: the moment Solas humbles himself and returns to Inquisitor Mara Lavellan. 💗🐺🖤
This moment occurs 13 months after the Trespasser DLC, when the Inquisition continues their fight to provide order in a different capacity.
Solas reveals himself at an Inquisition-organized meeting with Ambassadors across Thedas, slaying all but the Ambassador from the Inquisition (Charter).
This moment—of Solas hoping to see Mara—was a breaking point for the both of them.
And in their shared harrowing pain, Solas returns to Mara, meeting her as an equal.
Continue Reading their story on Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23937004
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slothquisitor · 6 years
For the prompt list: #94 ("Stay there") for... Mara & Cullen, any universe? :o
Thank you so much for the prompt! I had probably too much fun with this one, and this is something that has probably NEVER happened.....*whistles innocently* 
The Floor is Lava
Class Act - Mara’s POV, 600 words. 
Also on AO3.
Skyhold High School’s schedule for the last two weeks of school made absolutely no sense. Which is just another way of saying that the School Executive Council had been the one to vote and decide on it. The first week was finals week, and that meant only two classes a day and that the students were done by noon. The teachers, however, were still required to be there until contractual time.
The SEC had probably thought that the teachers needed the time to grade finals, and they probably did, but on that Friday afternoon the teachers were not grading finals. At least the ones down in the science wing weren’t because they were playing “The Floor is Lava”.
“No one’s ever going to believe that there was absolutely zero alcohol involved in this,” Varric said from a particularly comfortable looking perch atop a table.
Mara leaned against the brick wall from her tower of desks. “We’re teachers in May, our brains gave out a month ago, we don’t need the alcohol.”
She felt like she needed to sleep for a week straight to recover from this school year. She knew it was the end of the school year by the amount of post it note lists that were required to keep things from falling apart.
“This whole thing is a lawsuit waiting to happen,” Dorian drawled as he jumped from a chair to a filing cabinet.
“Pffffttt...everything is a lawsuit these days.” Sera rolled her eyes. “Leliana says I need to add in more things to my disclosure.”
“To be fair, you use a lot of sharp things in ceramics,” Cullen offered. He was sitting on a lone desk a ways down the hall, and Mara wasn’t sure how he’d managed to get to it since there was barely anything around him.
They were finally replacing the carpets in the classrooms, and they’d all been asked to clear their rooms of everything, which meant the hallways were a mess of desks and bookshelves and filing cabinets. Naturally, Sera had decided to make a game of it.
“Dorian cuts things open!” Sera protested.
“We dissect them, and I have to send home a special disclosure too, I’ll have you know,” Dorian said.
“It’s annoying!” Sera replied. “We need to keep moving, or Bull’ll eat all the popcorn in the faculty lounge!”
Cullen looked around where he was doubtfully. “And you said if you touch the ground, no popcorn?”
Sera grinned as she edged along a row of desks. “That’s right.”
Mara was pretty sure she could get the rolling chair near her over to Cullen. “Stay there.”
Dorian sighed. “This is ridiculous.”
Varric laughed. “You know what’s ridiculous? Me trying to keep up with the rest of you.”
Mara managed to kick the rolling chair to Cullen while she clung to a bookcase. “Got it?”
He jumped on, letting the momentum carry him up the hallway to the table Varric had been on. Mara leapt across a few more desks to meet up with him. Varric and Dorian were still lamenting the ridiculousness of the game while they followed Sera up the hall.
Cullen shook his head. “I have so much grading to do.”
Mara laughed. “Me too.”
He groaned. “We’re going to hate ourselves on Monday when we have to get grades in by nine.”
She shrugged. “Probably.” She pulled him closer and smiled up at him. His arm wrapped around her waist before his lips met hers, and for a moment they forgot they were not alone in the hallway.
Until the sound of someone blowing a very loud raspberry reached them.
“Oi! Quit making out and hurry up!” Sera yelled.
Mara broke away and began moving forward, but not before glancing back at him. “You heard her, Rutherford.”
Cullen offered her an exasperated smile. “Right behind you.”
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