#Cursor Life Cycle
bipolarman2022 · 17 days
1 **"The Silent Creator"**
The keys on the laptop echoed softly in the silent room. The man, his back hunched and his eyes half-closed, stared at the blank screen, unsure of how to continue. He had been sitting in the same position for hours, accompanied only by the soft glow of the lamp and the silent presence of the books behind him. He had written countless stories throughout his life; each one a part of his soul poured into words. But now, at 45 years old, he found himself at a point where words seemed to have run out.
Javier had been a man of limitless ideas, capable of weaving worlds with his hands, of giving life to characters that resonated with human emotions. His stories were not just stories, they were fragments of his being, thoughts and emotions put on paper. But tonight, he felt empty.
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The tiredness was not just physical. It was an exhaustion that had been accumulating over the years. He wondered if perhaps he had already said it all. If the stories he had told were enough, or if they ever would be. He watched the cursor blinking on the screen, waiting, as if it dared him to find something new, something he hadn't explored yet. But Javier had no answers.
His fingers reached for the keyboard again, but paused. A slight discomfort ran through his chest, an anxiety he couldn't understand. He had spent so many nights like this, immersed in the creative process, shaping what arose from the depths of his being. But tonight was different. That night, creation eluded him.
Memories of his early days as a writer came flooding back to him. He remembered the fervor with which he had begun, the ideas that flowed like an untamable torrent, the passion to tell something the world needed to hear. But now he found himself here, surrounded by the same walls, staring at the screen, wondering if he could ever feel the same again.
Javier stood slowly, his muscles tense with exhaustion. He walked to the window and looked out at the dark night outside. The city lights flickered in the distance, but in his heart everything seemed silent. Creative solitude was an abyss, a place where the mind was lost and words became alien.
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He realized something he had been avoiding: the problem was not a lack of ideas, but that perhaps he had been running away from something deeper. The stories were no longer flowing because he had stopped listening to his own soul. Somewhere between success and expectations, he had stopped writing for himself, to try to meet the needs of others.
He sat down at the computer again, but this time not with the intention of writing something new. He stared at the keyboard and then closed his eyes, trying to remember what had driven him to write in the first place. It wasn't about creating impressive characters or fantastic worlds. It was about expressing what he couldn't say in any other way. Stories had always been his way of finding meaning, of connecting with himself.
He sighed, shoulders slumping, and began to write without thinking too much, letting his fingers take control:
*I have no more stories to tell today. At least not the ones others expect of me. I'm tired, and the words escape me, but maybe that's a story in itself. Maybe it's not about inventing worlds or heroic characters. Maybe, tonight, what I need is to write about silence. About what it means to get to this point, to this emptiness, where everything feels like a repetition. Maybe this is the end of a cycle, but also the beginning of another.*
The words came slowly, almost as if he were digging them up from somewhere deep. It wasn't a brilliant story, nor an epic one, but it was the truth. And that, at that moment, was enough.
Javier smiled for the first time in hours. He closed the laptop, turned off the lamp, and let the tiredness envelop him completely. He knew that tomorrow would be another day, and that, even if he didn't have all the answers today, he still had a lot to say. The stories would come again. But for now, silence and truth.
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Go out with a bang as it were | phan one shot
Summary: The cursor was mocking Dan as he was trying to work on his Terrible Influence Tour script and he kept getting distracted thinking about his life with Phil and the relationship to their audience. Until Phil shows up with water, steals his laptop, makes him faint and promises to love him for 100 years.
Tags: Established relationship, 2024!phan, domestic fluff, introspection, Terrible Influence Tour prep
Warnings: Brief fainting (he is okay!)
Word count: 3k
A/N: My 100th phanfic posted. First one I posted back in September 2016 (this one) and now we're here. Can you believe it? I certainly cannot. I could never have imagined I'd get here and have recieved so much love for my phanfics. It's a gift and I treasure it. Dan also decided to personally award me (as I see it) with my first ever Twitter notice when I was editing this.
Read below or on AO3
Dan was aware that his and Phil’s life felt a bit too much like a fanfic at times. He never felt it more keenly than when he had to sit down and write something that reflected their life.
Still, he liked to lean into the absurdity, fate and grandness of it all because there was nothing more lovely than romanticising stupid, silly parts of their life. And they did also have a frighteningly number of actual fanfictions written about them. It had been overwhelming at first but now they were veterans. They understood how fandoms worked. They’d always encouraged creation in their viewers and creative writing borrowing their likeness was no different.
He was quite sure that the number of the fics written had dropped during the hiatus. It was the natural cycle after all. In general, when less new content was coming out, there was less engagement in the belonging fandom. There were exceptions obviously, but it was still the rule.
It had happened with his and Phil’s audience too. They had anticipated it but it was still strange to see. 2018 had been the era of giving the audience what they wanted, absolutely committing to doing the most ever, so that Dan could take a step back and work on something else.
Something new. Solo projects.
Stepping back had never been about his love for Phil. Their relationship had never been for the audience. It was for them and they chose to share glimpses. The community they had created had been a crazy by-product through their shared passion and goofing off on camera. Just for the heck of it. Because they liked each other so much and it was easier doing something when they could look over and find each other’s eyes.
It was what Dan had missed the most during his solo tour. He’d kept Phil updated through messages and video calls, just to see each other’s faces but it hadn’t been the same. He had missed sharing the stage. And now he was going to have it again.
Their third joint tour was happening. It had felt surreal ever since they had come up with the idea. Even now, a month out from the announcement and so many venues sold out, it didn’t quite feel real. It wouldn’t feel real until they stood in front of their audience again.
The cursor was blinking at Dan, almost mocking him for how he could get all lost in his head but he couldn’t get it down on paper. He was trying to edit a monologue piece for the Terrible Influence tour and he’d decided that opening a new document would be a good idea. Let only the best bits carry over instead of overly nit-picking his existing script.
Phil came into the lounge, glasses at the very tip of his nose and pyjamas pants slouching as he walked. He was carrying two glasses of water, only it was the tall glasses that they’d used for the mukbang video.
“Dishwasher overloaded again?” Dan asked, as he sat up a little, adjusting his laptop in his lap before reaching out for one of the glasses. They were trying to maintain healthy habits to be in good enough shape to endure so many months of tour.
Phil just hummed before he plonked himself down at the other side of the sofa. He didn’t reach for his phone or his laptop. Just held his glass with two hands and slowly sipped.
Waiting for something.
No, waiting for Dan.
“I’m fine,” Dan insisted.
“You’re rewriting again,” Phil pointed out. “The first show is in less than a month.”
“Diamonds are made under pressure,” Dan said, staring at the cursor again. Blinking judgingly at him.
When he was in the zone, the cursor was his friend, it stayed a little black line just appearing after the words. The words that spilled from his fingertips as easy as breathing. He knew this shit. It was a show about them. It should be easy to write.
“It’s meant to be fun, you know,” Phil said and cocked his head just a little to the side. His blonde hair had a slight silver tint at the moment and it was growing out just enough to flop adorably. Phil would get a haircut before tour but he’d wait until they were closer to the first date.
“It is fun,” Dan said.
And it had been. Gaming videos, even though that was a very loose definition of the kind of videos that they were putting on the joint channel at the moment, were fun and easy. Outsourcing the most of the editing had been a weight off their shoulders and made it sustainable in the long term to have active channels. But big projects were something different.
It was Dan’s greatest joy and his greatest enemy. Because he felt like it had to be perfect, even though he knew no such a thing existed. He still wanted to strive for it, maybe because he was trying to capture that fanfic-worthy essence of how his and Phil’s life had fallen together like long-lost puzzle pieces.
They were embracing the moment and trying not to think too far ahead, mostly for Dan’s sake, but this time, it could actually be the last chance for a tour to see their audience. An audience that was really their audience now. No longer people who thought they were cool because they were British, tall, shippable and “popular” YouTubers. No, the ones still around now loved them for them and they were all a bunch of little weirdos, just like him and Phil.
Phil reached over and closed Dan’s laptop screen. He barely managed to pull his fingers back before they would have been snapped off.
“You want to cut my fingers off right before tour? You want to do tour with fingerless Dan?” Dan joked and shot Phil an accusing glare that carried no heat.
“No, your fingers are too essential. We can’t have them be gone,” Phil said and there was a glint in his eye that told Dan exactly down which kind of gutter Phil’s mind had disappeared into. It had been a while since they’d last done that.
But Dan didn’t rise to the bait. He tried to open his screen again, but Phil pushed it down once more.
“I can do this all day,” Dan said, attempting to open the screen again, just for Phil to shut it.
“Watch something with me,” Phil proposed. “Or we’ll be stuck here forever like that Syphilis guy.”
“Syh- PHIL, it’s Sisyphus! Syphilis is an STI!” Dan spoke with increasing volume and completely forgot about the computer in his lap. He was too busy staring at Phil in disbelief.
“Oh, my mistake.”
He was grinning. He was being a little shit on purpose.
“You said it wrong deliberately, didn’t you?”
“No? You know, I mess up my Greek mythology. That’s your nerdy area,” he said and he was a picture of innocence but Dan knew him too well. Just a tiny twitch of his left eye and it was enough to give away the lie.
“Don’t distract me with mythology, unless you want me to write a two-hour speech that ends up becoming the whole tour,” he threatened and wagged a finger in Phil’s face.
Phil, of course, simply tried to catch the finger with his teeth. His teeth actually graced Dan’s finger before he was able to pull it back without getting mauled.
“It doesn’t have to be that serious,” Phil said. “Just vibes.”
“It’s our lives,” Dan countered.
“Our lives are mostly vibes, if you think about it.”
Dan blinked at Phil several times. Worst part was that he was kind of right about it. He’d just put it so concisely that it was kind of annoying that he could be so poignant with so few words. Dan needed space to open up a discussion, arranging many words into sentences to make sure that he conveyed the right nuance.
Phil’s brain worked quite a bit differently.
“Fifteen years of vibes?” Dan asked, eyebrow raised, even as he tried to keep the smile off his face.
“It’ll be sixteen years when we’re on tour,” Phil corrected, and then he reached out to actually bop Dan on the nose. Clearly, it was just one of those impulse thoughts because he smiled so self-satisfied when Dan almost went cross-eyed trying to track the movement of his finger.
“Shut up,” he muttered.
“Yeah? Says the guy who got me a 100-day gift, and who made a point to figure out when we’d been together for 100 months too, now that I think about it. You could write about that? Your cute little thing about wanting numbers to be special. When will the next one be, when we’ve been together 100 years?”
Dan snorted. “You think we’ll get that old? Phil, our bodies will have fallen apart by then. We’re not getting to be 120 something.”
Phil shrugged, unbothered. “You never know. They could develop some kind of technology. We could just be floating brains in jars. Or like stretched-out like that lady from Doctor Who. Do you think we could reserve pods next to each other?”
Okay, Dan was taking back that part about Phil being poignant. His man was insane. Actually insane.
Even if his heart actually skipped a beat at the idea that even in some distant science fiction future, where they’d been turned into just skin or brains, Phil still wanted to make sure that they’d be next to each other. Obviously even in that scenario, they could not be separated.
“And be stuck with you for eternity while technology keeps us in some twisted kind of immortality? No thanks,” he said deadpan but his voice was too strained to be casual.
As he said it, he felt how his heart refused to fucking calm down. It was stupid. He knew Phil loved him. He knew Phil had chosen him again and again. It was their thing. They had gone through so much shit together that they wouldn’t let anything pull them apart. It was the long haul, and evidently also beyond mortal life, if Phil were to be believed.
But the reminder of that commitment never ceased to floor Dan. He’d not had a best friend for the first eighteen years of his life and now for the last fifteen, he’d had Phil. Phil who was his very best friend like he could never have dreamed, his favourite person in the whole wide world and the one person he always wanted to be around.
That was the kind of sentiment that he needed to capture for the monologue. Perhaps not that personal but to parrot Phil’s words, he should get the vibes of it at least.
He tried to open his laptop to grab the thought and get it down before it scurried away but he didn’t manage before Phil had evolved his tactic and snatched the whole laptop out of Dan’s hands.
“We’re watching anime, you still need a break,” Phil said, narrowing his eyes in a way that was perhaps meant to come off as threatening, but he just looked slightly constipated.
“I just need to get this down,” Dan insisted, jumping up from his sofa crease and trying to swipe the laptop out of Phil’s hands.
Only, he had probably been a little too overzealous and he’d once again forgotten that his stupid blood pressure and his stupid tall body liked to combine into a fainting nightmare.
“Oh, no,” was all he managed to say before he could feel himself falling forward.
His vision turned spotty and he was just in free-fall. He just had time enough to hope that he wasn’t going to hit their coffee table before he felt arms actually reach out to catch him.
Only to promptly continue falling while Phil was now yelping very loudly in his ear. It was enough to pull him back to the presence, even if his eyes took some more time to adjust.
They were on the floor.
“What happened?” Dan managed, trying to push himself up but feeling a little like his arms were jelly.
“You fainted again, idiot.”
“Thanks. I got that,” Dan said, dripping with sarcasm. “You caught me? Tried?”
“Tried being the opportune word here,” Phil said and he tried to sit up but he quickly gave up and just lied down on the floor sprawled out again when he realised it wasn’t easy to push Dan off him.
“You okay?” Dan asked, scrunching up his face and trying to make his eyes properly focus. He wanted to rub at his eyes but he knew that would only make the fussy sensation worse.
“You’re heavy,” Phil just said as a complaint, which Dan took to mean that he was actually fine.
“This is what happens when you try to steal my laptop,” Dan chastised and finally managed to push himself off of Phil. Only the prospect of actually standing up right now was a little daunting, so he ended up just rolling over to lie next to him. Now they were just both sprawled out on their backs net to each other.
“You need someone to steal your laptop every now and again,” Phil said and flopped his hand over so it hit Dan in the chest softly.
Phil was undoubtedly very right, but Dan wasn’t going to concede that right now. He wanted to tell Phil to shut up, get all whiny and annoying but really, he was a little too fucking emotional to commit to the bit right now.
“I hope we do make it to a hundred years of being together just so I can know I’ve gotten to annoy you for a whole ass century,” Dan said and tried to ignore how Phil had let his hand just rest on Dan’s chest after he’d playfully hit him.
It was a light weight, barely there, but it was resting right over his heart.
“An ass century?” Phil giggled.
He retaliated by trying to hit at Phil’s chest, mimicking what Phil had done to him. He’d planned to pull his hand back to himself but he found that his arm didn’t quite obey. His hand lingered, palm up, right on Phil’s chest.
Neither of them made a move to get up. Floor time was good after all. At least when it was this kind of spontaneous floor time and not the face-down existential dread kind. Phil was the one who pulled away that metaphorical laptop too, when he thought Dan had been down there for too long.
They probably made quite the picture right now. He wondered how it would have been described or pictured. It made Dan chuckle.
“What?” Phil asked softly.
Phil moved his hand a little, grabbing onto Dan’s old and soft T-shirt. The same shirt he’d grabbed hours ago when he’d pulled Dan into a lazy kiss good morning, which was really noon, because none of them could keep a normal sleep schedule unless forced.
“Just imagined if phan artists or phanfic writers could see us right now. Lying on the floor like this,” Dan said honestly.
Phil let out a thoughtful hum. “What’s sexy about fainting though?” he asked and pushed himself up into a sitting position, breaking the contact between them. “It’s just like super inconvenient.”
“It’s not about the sexiness and you very well know that,” Dan countered and found the strength to push himself up to sitting now that Phil had done it. It was always easier to do something when he had Phil doing the same right next to him.
Phil shot Dan a look.
“Sure, some of it’s about the sexiness, obviously, but it’s about the little moments too. The smallest moment can make a beautiful picture. What binds a good story together is the characters and how they care for each other or their surroundings. A story is nothing without that.”
“Must be why we’re so popular then,” Phil said with a completely serious face as he heaved himself off the floor. “But for now, let’s try to remember your fainting issue, so you don’t go out with a bang, yeah? Cracking your head open on the round marble coffee table would make a terrible end to our story.”
 Dan made an affronted noise at Phil’s even tone. “You wouldn’t even be sad?”
Phil rolled his eyes at him. “I’m the one that always dies, am I not?”
There had been a great deal of fic where Phil died. Dan had written one himself as well.
“No, that’s not allowed. You just told me you’re going to live until you’re 122. I’m going to hold you to that,” Dan said accepting the hand that Phil was extending, so he could get his ass off the floor. “A hundred years together, yeah?”
“Sure,” Phil said easily, as if it was something he could really promise.
Like the world would bend to his whims just because he’d said so. Like he believed so much in them that he trusted they would be together for as long as humanly possible and then even beyond that.
If anyone could manage it, then it would be Phil. It would hardly even be the strangest thing in their life. It would just be another curveball in the life of Dan and Phil.
“Seriously, let me just write a couple of notes and I’ll put away the laptop, yeah?” Dan said. “We’ll watch something together.”
Phil smiled like he had won and perhaps he had. But Dan had Phil, so he never really felt like he could lose in any way that mattered.
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localratbastard · 8 months
rudy f said he only writes when he’s falling in love or falling apart
there’s a cold Fanta freezing my inner thigh
(i couldn’t find a cupholder)
flesh and tin
is purgatory found between both?
an empty paper, shit home-life, and adoring partner
falling apart, falling in love, the end is the ground
in other words
sand and words aren’t all that different in a cupped hand, both are eager to leave for the soil
for a soft place to land, or harsh
it doesn’t matter as long as they’re far
take a fresh cup of ground coffee
the cursor can blink all it wants but it’s not devoid of responsibility,
words will nag and tug onto it’s sleeve until it drags them across the emotionally stunted paper
should i do the same to my toes, it’ll only be worthwhile across a finished poem
should my mother do the same it’s across a panel of nostalgia
what determines the order of keys on a keyboard
i understand one, two, three, four
but i mistook a for s and affection for suffocation
little typos like that change the narrative
do you understand?
dear old mistaken for young
the cycle continues
i think it’d be easier to console the past than reassure the future,
she can look back in hindsight
stop here before spontaneous rambling is mistaken for madness
listen to that stupid voicemail before picking up the phone and writing a poem
gods a nap would be killer right now
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cleave-and-plough · 1 year
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can an hourglass run slow?
the lens widens. souji's looming presence in this arc once again expands the show's scope, and this time in terms of genre. speculative fiction now joins fantasy, romance, and coming of age in the blend of tones: can science achieve the eternal? is it like a perpetual motion machine? or is it like a computer learning to love?
while the student council members try to investigate the black rose duelists, souji receives a letter-bearing visitor: akio, who seems to be the chief agent of end of the world, if not end of the world himself. he brings new orders for souji, who initially resists but finds himself recalling his past as professor nemuro.
in the distant past, ohtori academy seemed to be funding a project with the rumored goal of "revolutionizing the world" or "achieving eternity." to this end, 100 male academics were gathered, along with nemuro, a renowned scholar known as the "living computer." the academics seem to have a sense of a deeper purpose that they withhold from nemuro, though he remains skeptical of the entire affair and sees it as nothing more than a job. as with everything at this school, it's hard to tell who's truly informed and whose intent is being carried out. given the eventual fate of the laboratory, i have to wonder if the academics were gathered specifically because they were young and willing to pursue something as lofty as world revolution: wearing rose crest rings, they seem like prototypes of the student council duelists, wielding scientific instruments and equations rather than swords in their pursue of the eternal.
nemuro stands to the side of this quest, "a dry man living dry days," yet the arrival of tokiko chida and her brother mamiya stirs him from his apathy. chida's essence is one of prolonging and preservation: her over-steeped tea, her butterfly shadowbox(!), her candied flowers, and of course, her ailing brother. computer-like, nemuro notices the details of her home as if being notified by a blinking cursor, another instance of the show using effects and visuals to delineate a character's memories. seeing the tension between tokiko and mamiya, nemuro finds himself unusually emotionally affected. they both care for the roses in the garden, but to different ends; mamiya seems to honor the natural life cycle, wondering "if the roses like to be preserved," while tokiko does everything she can to elongate the moment.
as such, she reveals her reason for coming to the school: she hopes that the project will be successful and provide her a means of preserving mamiya's life. nemuro cautions her that the project wouldn't be able to cure him, and she responds simply by asking if there's anyone he cares for. "perhaps it's impossible for a computer to love someone." nemuro seems to agree, but something has changed within him. he finds a passion for his work, perhaps for the first time in his life, and yet he eventually reaches a wall, an insoluble equation. what can a computer do in the face of such an obstacle?
his only option is to revolutionize the world.
akio appears, counseling nemuro much as nemuro himself will counsel duelist candidates years from now. the path he must take has been prepared for him, though it costs too dearly. nemuro refuses, but having caught a glimpse of his next stage, he wanders the halls in pursuit of it and finds only akio and tokiko in each other's arms. the sequence echoes miki's discovery of touga and kozue, drawing a line between end of the world and touga, the erstwhile inheritor. having lost the object of his affections, nemuro accepts his contract, donning the ring. mysteriously, mamiya is the one to burn down the lab, though i assume nemuro enlisted his help somehow. another connection emerges here as nemuro compares the deaths to fossil fuels, a theme often prevalent in the duel songs' lyrics, which discuss ancient beings and geological eras. the present depends on the past.
emerging from his reverie, souji leaves his office with newfound purpose. his path crosses with tokiko, who has grown older and muses "it breaks my heart to see you like this now" as he passes by. she visits akio, noting that neither of them seem to have aged since she first came to the school, and akio acknowledges that "as long as they remain in these gardens called schools, people will never become adults." on the night the lab burned, nemuro and tokiko reversed roles: the building was reconstructed exactly as nemuro memorial hall and became the epicenter of nemuro's quest to preserve mamiya's life as the rose bride, while tokiko left the school, married, and returns now only to pay her respects at her brother's grave. what does this mean for the mamiya in the present? did he die and become resurrected? or does tokiko see his life now as merely a pale imitation of their time together, and the brother she knew is dead to her? and does souji see mamiya as his only means of preserving and expressing his love for tokiko? or has he come to transfer his feelings for her onto her brother?
yet again, the school is equated to a limbo state, both purgatory and edenic garden, endlessly cycling into the future ordained by end of the world. i notice now that while akio seems more adult than the main cast, he's also only engaged - tokiko being married symbolically marks her as having fully moved on from school life and into adulthood. and yet, she returns to his arms. her words and those of her brother echo here:
"for a plant to bear fruit, its flowers must die."
"nothing in this world is eternal, but a heart that longs for eternity can be considered beautiful."
stray thoughts:
this episode marks the first meeting between souji and utena, oddly inauspicious as it may be. kind of him to save chu-chu from a mousetrap, at least. his invitation to the seminar is intriguing and recalls akio's words about people with special destinies - does he wonder if he could turn utena herself into a duelist against anthy?
"i like when you give me an injection" - no siblings in this show have a normal relationship.
souji links utena & anthy and tokiko & mamiya in his mind: the former trying to instill the latter with a sense of self-worth and preservation, though the situations are markedly different.
the silhouettes discuss the construction of an all-powerful robot, ostensibly representing nemuro: never gets tired, never gets lonely, great at catching monkeys (as proven via chu-chu!).
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inksandpensblog · 2 years
( @lunafandoms base accout, since theirs no anon, please ignore this accout, it just exists cus I can’t delete it)
This is probably random but if you want to, can you talk about your headcannons that are based off the idea that second is Alan’s self insert :D I’m glad I’m not the only one with that idea
Oh, I’m so glad you asked.
This is gonna be a mishmash of headcanons and “theory evidence,” but in all honesty my interpretation of Orange’s character in general is heavily based on this idea.
We already know that the animator didn’t expect Orange to come to life, like he’d been expecting the victim and The Chosen One and The Dark Lord to. We also know several other things that set Orange apart from these other Becker-born stickfigures: he was the latest frame in a run cycle, he wasn’t manually converted to a symbol, and it’s possible that the animator isn’t the one who gave him his name (at least, we don’t see him being named, like we do the others; Orange’s project itself is “untitled-1,” and the animator doesn’t name that single isolated figure which would become Orange).
But something else I’ve noticed, which I haven’t seen many other talk about, is this: Orange seems to know a lot more about the world beyond the computer than the stickfigures who came before him.
Victim, Chosen, and Dark, when pitting themselves against the animator, all resorted to either attacking the cursor directly, or damaging the interface in ways that prevented the animator from using it himself. Now, Orange still attacks the cursor, and he still takes advantage of the interface in ways that the animator can’t, but he does a few things that none of the three that came before him ever did:
(continued below the cut)
He acknowledges that the animator is more than just the cursor. Before Ava4, none of the sticks gave any sign that they were aware of some human on the other side of the monitor screen. Victim, Chosen, and Dark all acted like the cursor was the animator, but Orange does not do this. He sees/hears the animator returning to the computer desk before the animator interacts with the pc at all. He somehow sends the animator a declaration of war via the error windows. When they talk, near the end of the video, Orange’s attention constantly switches from being directed at the words the cursor is typing, to being directed toward the monitor screen. Orange knew, seemingly from minute one, that the cursor was merely an avatar that the animator used to interact with the pc; he knew that there was more to the animator than just the cursor. (I should note that Orange is no longer the only stick to do this, as The Chosen One’s Return shows Chosen and the animator openly acknowledging each other through the monitor screen, while vs League also features the color gang attempting to interact with the animator through the monitor screen. But I will point out that, to date, Orange is still the only stick to go so far as to tap on the screen itself in an effort to get the animator’s attention, as we see in vs Pokemon.
He is aware of human societal conventions. Orange’s first attack against the animator isn’t through demolition of the pc, or through inhibition of the cursor; It's through defamation of character. Yes, I’m talking about Orange impersonating Alan on Facebook and leaving rude comments on posts. But think about what that means. It means that Orange understands why Alan “liking” that one post would be seen as a faux-pas. It means that Orange understands how ruining Alan’s friendships could have as negative an affect on Alan’s life as not having a computer anymore. It means that Orange has at least some level of awareness that there is a world separate from the digital one, and that this is the world that the animator lives in. And honestly, why would a stickfigure be expected to know that calling 911 if it’s not a real emergency could get Alan in trouble?
He seems to know that he’s not supposed to be alive. This one kinda speaks for itself, I think. He always makes sure the coast is clear (the coast being Alan’s office, beyond the screen, mind) before he moves.
He’s the only one who tried talking. No, I don’t think Victim’s wingding-swears count. Orange is the first stick to address the animator directly, first through the error windows, and then through text in the animation program. (Yellow does it later, in Showdown, and in the Actual Short involving the game of hangman we see the whole color gang doing it. But Orange still did it first, and he’s still the only Becker-born stick to have done so.)
Freedom is not his end goal. Victim wanted the animator to stop harassing him. Chosen wanted to escape from life under the animator’s thumb. Dark wanted someone to give a damn whether he lived or died, and the animator proved to not be that person. Meanwhile, Orange seems perfectly content to follow the animator’s any whim, so long as Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue are allowed to live life on the pc unimpeded. Freedom is still something that he doubtlessly wants, but it’s not what drives his conflict against the animator. Once his friends have been restored, and they’re all permitted to interact with the pc at liberty so long as they don’t break it, Orange seems content to remain there.
Orange is also the only stick, to date, who has used the pc to send himself to other devices owned by the animator, using electrical connections between the pc and said devices (Alan’s phone, via the charging chord; Alan’s Nintendo DS, also via the charging chord). I’m not discounting that Orange and Red have both learned how to send themselves to other computers via email, and I’m not discounting that Chosen and Dark apparently had to travel through the broadband connection before they made it to the wider web, but I think it’s notable that Orange seems to be so comfortable with the idea of using Alan’s personal electronics for himself.
The last thing I really think this idea influences, is how Orange acts during conflict.
When he’s in a difficult situation, Orange seems to make better decisions when he has a moment to think, rather than when he acts impulsively. The same can be said of the animator.
When Orange gets frustrated at things he doesn’t understand or things not going his way, he lashes out (vs YouTube, PvP, Note Block Battle, Lush Caves, The Warden). Just like the animator.
When Orange doesn’t want to deal with something, or can't think of another way out of the situation, he just. Ends it. (the original vs Minecraft, when he binned the Minecraft icon. Note Blocks, where he muted the volume. Note Block Battle, where he beat the color gang at their own game just to shut them down. The Piglin War, where he almost dismantled the nether portal before anyone had a chance to realize that Blue was missing. The Witch, where he tried to bring everyone home despite the rest of them wanting to hang out with Purple. The Ultimate Weapon, where he launched himself at King with no context. The Warden, when he broke the skulk sensor.) Just like the animator (AvA1, AvA4, The Virus).
We also see him remembering his solutions to previous problems, and using them to solve new ones that occur many videos later (remembering that sending the Minecraft icon through the portal would reset the game; Alan being quicker about trying to replace his cursor in The Virus than he was in AvA4).
Also, it’s been said by others that the color gang almost seem to be able to read each other’s minds, sometimes, with how synchronized their actions are. But look at Alan and Orange working together in The Virus and tell me it doesn’t feel similar. They started drawing the same gun, for crying out loud. Even as far back as AvA4, Orange’s sketches may have been better than Alan’s as far as technique but he was still drawing all the same subjects that Alan had tried drawing.
Alan threw rocks at Dark, during Showdown. The Second Coming through a rock at Dark, during Showdown.
And there's also a few things that were more prevalent in earlier episodes than in more recent ones, but: Victim, Chosen, and Dark all seemed to have an instant understanding of how they could interact with the interfaces on the pc desktop, while Orange seemed to be exploring it as much as the rest of color gang were. (In more recent episodes he can "type" just by tapping his hands in the text bar, just like Dark does in Showdown; whereas in AvA4 and the early Minecraft shorts he had to steal type from elsewhere on the page.)
I don’t have a formal conclusion for this. These are my thoughts on Orange being Alan’s self-insert. I know it’s already true in a meta-sense, but I think it may hold a little truth in-universe as well, though I doubt it was c!Alan’s intent.
Thank you for asking!
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my-names-kris · 1 year
Chosen, Taken
A FGODSwap One-Shot about Blue's reaction to Fate taking Faith from his universe.
Blue had never wanted to join Ink and Error's conflict. It was so much, their constant back and forth, Error trying to convince someone who couldn't be convinced.
It's not like he wasn't ok with Error's arguing, was okay with Ink's behavior, it's just...
He wanted to just have some peace. Talk with Fresh about who knows what, watch his chosen live out his peaceful life.
His chosen, one very similar to himself.
The Sans was happy and cheerful, believing in who he believed in without a doubt. Of course he would choose somebody like that, someone with as strong a belief in others as himself.
He knew that the way he picked him out was different from the others. All of the other three deities, Error, Dream, and Nightmare, had either approached Ink or Fate to create their own god.
Blue did not do that. Blue knew if he had approached either Ink or Fate, they would have messed up his life one way or another.
Ink had made Destiny stuck in a constant cycle with Fate. Fate had made Karma's path a harsh and unforgiving one. Hope was lucky to come out unscathed, but only because Fate favored him.
But still, his chosen's life was ruined.
Because Fate could not live her life without taking another god for herself.
"Why would she do that to him?" Blue exclaims, facing Ink.
The liquified deity only makes out a shrug in response.
"I don't see any problem with it." He responds. "It's not like she's harming him or anything, yeah?"
"She's harming him enough by taking him out of his universe!" Blue exclaims. "Now she's using him for her own benefit! He's going to get hurt, Ink!"
Ink rolls his eye. "C'mon Blue, bud, buddy, it's not that big of a deal. How do you not know that Fate just wanted another friend?"
"Because..." He groans, shaking his scarf's arms. "Because she isn't like that! Why would she pick him out of anybody else in the multiverse!?"
Ink shifts into a thoughtful pose. "Hmm... Dunno! Luck, I guess?"
"Do you even know why I chose him?" Blue exclaims, furious.
Ink still thinks. Or doesn't, nobody knows what goes on in his mind. "Uh... For funsies?"
"No! I chose him, because unlike all the other chosen, I wanted him to live a normal life! How can you not understand that?!" Blue snaps, angrily thrashing his scarf around.
"Blue, please..." He wraps his gooey arm around Blue's semblance of a neck. "It's more interesting this way, isn't it? Don't you think so?"
The other jerks away from Ink's grasp. "No! It isn't! Why would you think that!?"
"No." He interrupts. "I'm going to see Error. Maybe he was right. Maybe I do need to get involved after all."
"Huh." Ink says to himself as Blue disappears. "Wonder what's up with him?"
• ⭐ • ☄️ • ⭐ •
Error usually spent his time watching over his chosen, Destiny, talking with his partner, Nightmare, or trying to convince him and Fresh to join his side.
Right now, he was doing the first.
Silently watching, with a hard ">:(" on his face.
Him choosing the form of a text box didn't really give him many options for expressing emotions, but it was pretty clear how he felt watching her.
"Error?" Blue starts, tapping him on his "shoulder". "I need to talk... It's important."
The deity turns to face him, text box buffering before displaying and letting out a noise. "What about?"
"I- It's something you've been trying to convince me about for a while..." Blue sighs. "I'm sorry I didn't listen before."
Error jolts up in shock, and places his cursor on the center of Blue's scarf. "The balance? You're finally going to help?"
Blue places on of the "arms" of his scarf on top of Error's cursor. "Y- Yeah. I kind of regret not helping before. There's something that could've been avoided if I had joined sooner."
Error buffers yet again.
"It's your chosen, isn't it? Fate finally got him?" He eventually responds.
"Spot on... Heh..." Blue laughs softly.
Error moves his cursor over to Blue's head, and pats it. He always seemed like the older one out of the two, despite them appearing at the same time. Right now, he's grateful for that.
He really needs an older presence right now, and Ink wasn't cutting it.
Speaking of...
Error speaks. "Did you try talking to Ink? Something tells me you did before coming to me."
"Spot on, again..." Blue sighs.
The other moves his cursor so it appears as if he's crossing his arms. Well, arm. He only has one string connecting that arrow to his body.
"Of course he'd be of no help... Even now, when it's something less serious and major than what I'm approaching him with!" He exclaims.
"B- But-" Blue stutters.
It is serious...
Error notices his dismay, and takes it seriously, unlike another deity. "Oh, I uh," He buffers. "I mean in comparison. Apologies, Blue. I know how much this means to you."
Blue lets out another sigh. "Thank you, Error."
"No problem. Anyways, will you help me?" Error requests. "We really need you on our side right now. Just karma and destiny isn't doing it."
Blue reaches out his scarf's arm. Error meets it with his cursor. "I think you need some faith on your side."
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Vitality Headcanons
Around the same age as Sparks, but probably just a bit older.
Used to be red and blue, but saving Juliano drained so much of her power that she lost the blue color. She plays it off as her just deciding to change her color.
She used to be a lot more outgoing and very hot-headed. She made it her life's mission to save every code being she came across.
As the years went on, she mellowed out a lot. Her grumpiness comes from everyone always blowing off their injuries, but she does genuinely care.
Back during the time of the Five, she gained a reputation for being such a great healer. She even healed Sparks on a few occasions. She was always on the move, but easy to find.
She's one of the few who can condense her code into any type of Manuver Form, but she tends to choose a peacock. Why? She likes it.
She's able to warp her commands and code to look like bandages/ribbons. They're deadly, able to restrain anyone with minimal effort.
Some tales were made about her, back when the first Five were still prevalent, and people feared/hated ClearAll. They were tales about her cheating Death and tricking him. She loathes those, and anytime she found one of those, she destroyed them.
She and Sparks talk regularly, and she loves hearing his own stories. They don't meetup quite often, but whenever they do, it tends to last for hours and hours.
She had a brother-in-arms once, but when he tried to cheat death, she cut him off immediately. She has a heavy respect for the cycle of life, even with her job as a medic, and anyone who tries to change it isn't someone she thinks she can tolerate.
Her office is located in the medbay, towards the back. She's rarely ever in it, but when she is, it either means she has an alone moment, or she needs rest.
Everyone knows better than to go against her orders when it comes to something medical. She is downright terrifying if you refuse to rest or something of the sort.
She has a soft spot for the main group of Admins and the rest of the gang. She absolutely plays favorite when it comes to them, but what will they do, fire her?
Meeting Dale has made her open up significantly. She finds him pretty charming
She Knows every relationship or crush in the Adminspace, being perceptive gives her that advantage. She doesn't say anything though, but she is in the betting pools
Has attempted to kill Cursor once. No one knows
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lameboysp · 2 years
Occult Case Files: File One
A few months back we released a demo for a game I’ve wanted to do for a while: Occult Case Files. What started as a simple mock-up went on to become one of our most successful games!
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This was done specifically with games like Uninvited, Shadowgate and Deja-Vu in mind. I really enjoyed the style of those games, along with the horror elements found in Uninvited! Although nowadays it isn’t really all that scary, I’m sure for it’s time it was as scary as it could get though. With that in mind I sought out to make a similar styled game that actually IS scary. Overall, I set out to see how far I can get in development over a span of 2 months. I’ve really been trying my best to scope properly and manage time wisely. After a few years of doing this, I’m starting to feel more and more confident with these things. Yet... I still need more work on them haha.
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From the mock up to the final build, a lot of things were moved, changed, removed, etc. I think this UI layout is properly fitted and wont have to be adjusted anymore in the long run. Although with that said, accessibility was and is something I’m always willing to fine-tune. 
One major complaint I received overall was the constant changing of the selectable actions. Folks didn’t like having to select an option, go back up to the main screen, then going back down to select another option. So to combat that, I had it so hitting “Select”(Shift) would bring the selection you made back up. When that wasn’t enough, I made it so hitting it again would cycle through the options. When THAT wasn’t enough I made it so hitting CTRL would cycle backwards. And when THAT wasn’t enough, I had it so hitting the numpad will bring up the respective action as well. I may sound pessimistic about the above, but overall if it makes the experience for someone that much more manageable then I’m all for it. I get it, some of the design choices back then compared to now are a little archaic and there’s no reason not to improve upon them now. I think the only thing I can do to make it even more accessible is to have the mouse itself be able to act as the cursor as well. I’m kind leaning towards not implementing that though, unless of course there’s a big demand for it.
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One thing I really loved about developing this is art didn’t take me too long! The frame in the top right is 116x117. Smaller than the Game Boy’s resolution, but still enough room to work with. I’ve seen folks say I should make that part bigger (One guy suggested I ditch the entire UI and make the screen just that frame) but in the end that just increases my workload and its something I’m dead set on. The size of that part of the screen will remain as is.
What’s Next 
I was not expecting the reception this game got. It seems like folks really dig it for what it is and want more of it. It was something that came from a love of retro games, Japanese horror and an excuse to make some creepy art with a larger palette (Getting kinda tired of just using 4 colors hehe) and I’m glad folks are behind it. I was going to use the demo to gauge how folks felt about it, and depending on that figuring out whether I should put it on the backburner or give it priority over other projects. There’s so many games I want to make, and such little time. But thanks to the positivity folks have expressed over the project, it’s been bumped up on my list. I have an plan for story beats, locations and scares all in mind. I’m in the process of gathering it all up and writing it down so that when the time comes to ramp development back up, I’ll have everything laid out and read to work and expand upon. To give a brief idea of what to expect, the game will take place over a week. As a student, you’ll attend school, talk to classmates and folks around your community as well as explore your neighborhood and a number of locations surrounding that. From local shops to shrines in the woods, I hope I can really give life to these locations and give folks something cool to explore.
Once The Third Shift is wrapped up, Occult Case Files will be up next. It won’t take as long as TTS has, so hopefully it’ll be following it up shortly after. I’ll be sure to post progress here when the time comes, and I hope you all look forward to it. If you’d like to try the demo, you can find it on itch here: https://teebowah-games.itch.io/occult-case-files I’d love to hear what you think! Is this game something you’d be interested in seeing us finish? Let us know! In the meantime, please take a look at this marvelous cover art that our friend @sombrepainter painted for the game. They did a phenomenal job with it and it’s safe to say this project wouldn’t be the way it is without their contribution.
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 Thanks for reading!
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Study. Study. Study. That’s all she was good for. That’s what her parents say. That’s what her friends think. That’s what she knows. It’s all she knows and she wishes she knew more. More freedom. More fun. More this. More that. But the need to know more is cut short when her grades come in and the tunnel vision begins. Her parents assure her that they are still proud of the B she made but she knows otherwise. Academic validation is all she longs for, all she’s good at. Clawing and climbing up the never ending tower. Or maybe , it’s all in her head. Maybe she is free. Maybe she knows how to do more, be more than letter grades. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. But then her report card comes in. The cycle repeats itself. Night after night, hour by hour she stares at a screen. The cursor is blinking and the page is blank. She knows she should write. Anything, word after word after paragraph, but her mind is blanker than the screen and she can’t seem to pull herself from her thoughts. And then a notification dings on her phone and before she knows it it’s midnight and the paper is due tomorrow. Then she realizes how tired she really is. How she can’t seem to get out of bed in the morning, if only to repeat the cycle. But the cycle is all she known, but she wishes she knew more. And that’s the life of a gifted burnout.
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Hi, newbie writer here.
How do you get passed the embarrassment of writing smut? Hell, I’m struggling to get over the embarrassment of writing, period (I’m a mega perfectionist and hate everything I do 😅)
Any advice?
I'm going to answer both (writing in general and writing smut in particular) at kind of the same time, because a lot of the principles for getting around self-consciousness and embarrassment with writing applies to ALL writing, smut or otherwise. I will add a few things toward the end about erotica specifically though.
the short, boring, oversimplified (but correct) answer: Practice, practice, practice.
the expanded version:
Seriously, get into the habit of writing A LOT and CONSISTENTLY and SHIT-ILY until you wear down the part of your brain that's worried about getting it perfect on the first, second or 12th try.
This isn't just necessary for mining good work out of raw material, its essential to getting past self-consciousness and having fun with the process. Because once you start having fun with it, you'll stop holding yourself back. Which leads to writing more, which leads to better writing, on and on; it's an upward spiral, a virtuous cycle.
I have a notebook that I handwrite my ideas and rough passages and stuff in, and I write in pen. I do that for a specific reason: It puts me in the habit of crossing and scratching things out and not being able to take back what I say in the form of erasing with a pencil or a blinking cursor in a word doc.
That really, really helped me get over my own perfectionism because once I learned to stop expecting so much from myself in the drafting and pre-writing stage, the rest of the creative process really opened up for me. Once I let my writing be "ugly", imperfect, stream-of-consciousness chicken scratch, it felt more like play than work. That's the key.
Also: write for YOURSELF first, then worry about making it fit for others. You're going to be your first reader, your first fan, and its YOUR life, subconscious, interests and desires that are going to shape what you make. I'm so serious about this. No one - and I mean, NO ONE - reads and rereads my own work more than I do and that's because I write the kind of things I wish I could see more of and I enjoy giving myself exactly what I want.
Plus on a practical level, you're going revise and edit and rewrite a lot (depending on how you define your work's "readiness" for others to see it), so its essential to enjoy what you're making because you're going to be spending SO much time with it. No one but you is entitled to ever see your first drafts, so don't be afraid to get weird with it.
These are some books I highly recommend that not only go into the creative process, but also the mentality and emotional parts of being a writer: embarrassment, perfectionism, society's influence on us, how we struggle with the creative process because it differs so wildly from how we're taught to behave normally, the reasons WHY we write, etc, etc.
(And I'm only going to recommend these two, not because they're best, be-all end-all books on the subject, but because if I recommended everything I wanted to, we'd be here all damn day)
Immediate Fiction by Jerry Cleaver The Courage to Write by Ralph Keyes
Writing smut: This one's a little trickier.
I'm a very sexual person, have been for as long as I can remember, so I've gravitated towards erotic fiction (even before I should have been looking at that). And I tend to befriend others who feel the same way, so I'm used to not only writing about wild shit, I talk about it constantly as well. All that has given me an advantage because I'm pretty shameless.
Having said that, I was raised in a quasi-religious (don't ask) household, in the deep South as a closeted person so I'm no stranger to shame, guilt and self-disgust, as well as the self consciousness that comes with it. The cheat code for this is to eroticize the pain, turn it into a weapon for you instead of against you. It's hard to explain, but I wrote about it ... somewhere (can't find the damn link on my blog, I'll get back to you on this one)
Apart from all the advice above, I would say immerse yourself in erotic fiction and associate with others who do too. Get to know your likes and wants, seek out that kind of material and get a feel for how different writers describe and phrase things. This, in addition to writing more in general, should help you find your voice.
ALSO, ONE LAST THING (god this ask is a mess, I hope you got something from this)
As far as hating everything you do, that's totally part of the process. It sucks, but don't make it suck more by feeling guilty about it; it's natural. I know for me personally, I get to a point in my editing process where I hate everything I'm looking at, I feel like a fraud and I've tricked everyone into thinking I'm a real writer and I should just trash it all.
Aaaaand that's when I know its almost ready to post! Everything's going according to plan!
(... writing is a very weird process, if you take nothing else from all this word vomit, at least take that to heart)
Good luck and godspeed
- M.
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muhammadikrama · 1 month
Battery Version Mini2.4 GHz Wireless Optical Mouse#linkindescription #99... Product Full Name:113 Battery Version Mini2.4 GHz Wireless Optical Mouse Portable Mouse Wireless USB Mouse Notebook ComputerProduct Link:https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DkDVv3N Product Full Name:113 Battery Version Mini2.4 GHz Wireless Optical Mouse Portable Mouse Wireless USB Mouse Notebook Computer Description: Experience seamless navigation with the 113 Battery Version Mini 2.4 GHz Wireless Optical Mouse! 🖱️ Compact, lightweight, and designed for precision, this wireless mouse is perfect for work or play. With a reliable 2.4 GHz connection, enjoy smooth and responsive cursor control without the hassle of tangled cords. Ideal for laptops, desktops, and even on-the-go use, this mouse is your ultimate tech companion. Don’t miss out—grab yours now! #linkindescriptionSpecifications:Connectivity: 2.4 GHz wireless Battery: 113 Battery Version Design: Compact and lightweight Compatibility: Windows, macOS, and Linux Sensor: Optical tracking for precision Range: Up to 10 meters Plug-and-Play: No software installation required#WirelessMouse #TechGadgets #MiniMouse #OpticalMouse #113Battery #TechEssentials #GadgetLovers #WirelessTech #PortableMouse #TechAccessories #SmoothNavigation #100kview #linkindescription #Love #InstaGood #PhotoOfTheDay #Fashion #Beautiful #Photography #PicOfTheDay #Happy #FollowMe #Nature Travel & Adventure #Travel #TravelGram #Wanderlust #Adventure #Explore #NatureLovers #Vacation #Holiday #TravelPhotography #Trip Food & Drink #Food #FoodPorn #Foodie #Yummy #Delicious #Eat #InstaFood #FoodLover #Cooking #Foodstagram Fitness & Health #Fitness #Gym #Workout #Health #Fit #BodyBuilding #Yoga #Healthy #FitFam #FitnessMotivation Fashion & Style #Style #OOTD (Outfit of the Day) 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abishekmuses · 6 months
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Come Some Way
I feel inspired today. I'm writing this without any idea of what I'm going to write about. Just wanted to put pen to paper - or in this case, cursor to dialog box.
I feel flooded with a sense of "yes-we-can" today. Sure, these feelings are transitory and not to be trusted but it still feels good. I see a lot of opportunity around me.
I feel chuffed at the possibility of being able to express myself through writing. What an incredible miracle - using words to express stuff that goes on in thought-form in your brain box? language has never ceased to amaze me in all these years of living on this planet.
I want to write more frequently. I've been saying this for more than a decade now - but well, there you go. I do. I want to hone my craft and get really really good at writing. I wish to be able to create moods and share subtle inner feelings through words. I think the way to achieve this is by writing everyday and by reading a lot.
Something that I understood quite recently with life is this - when you feel bad, it's not necessarily because of something that's going on then - it could also be just a habit pattern of sympathetic arousal - what does that mean?
say you encounter a tiger in the woods; It's scary as fuck and your sympathetic nervous system activates. Your body secretes adrenaline and you go into fight or flight mode. Energy is redirected to strictly necessary functions in order to ensure survival. Unpleasant stuff, subjectively speaking. now, because we have these ginormous cortices (cortex - outer layer of the brain) that can remember the past, extrapolate into the future and work in abstractions, we have the unique ability among all animals to simulate this kind of "encountering a tiger" response in us, at will, even in the absence of any large carnivores.
Memory and Imagination are amazing things but they are also the reason why so many people feel so bad so often. Their brains' threat detection circuits are always on and people are going through their lives swimming in stress chemicals. In my own experience, there was a long history of poor decision making and extremely high levels of uncertainty. This led to a huge complex of sub-optimal coping mechanisms which each gave rise their own web of negative emotions and coping mechanisms. Before you know it, everything sucks all the time and you don't think it can ever end. Now, you get into addictions - because something's gotta give. it hurts too much otherwise. That just fuels the problem - you have even more difficulty making the kind of decisions that you need to make in order to get out of the morass of your life. It doesn't feel like it can ever end. This endless cycle of depression, anxiety, self-hate and poor life choices. Well, it can. it takes time. But it can and today, I stand here as proof that it can. It wasn't easy and it didn't happen overnight. But that whole web of suckiness can be burned. Here's the thing I actually wanted to talk about before I started rambling - the thing that I found out quite recently in life is this - when stressful/negative emotions come up in an intense manner, you don't need to do anything about it. You just need to understand the mechanism of how past experiences and habits are responsible for them and let them be. they eventually go away! This might sound super obvious to a lot of people but to me it wasn't. It was essentially a get-out-of-jail-free-card when i discovered this.
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All you have to do is sit and wait, and it goes away? damn. I spent years winding myself up and getting anxious about the fact that i was getting anxious. So many. thousands of hours listening to wise guys on the internet. Reading posts on how to "make it" in life. Jeez. The magic trick is to simply realise how the mind-body system works and then, making good decisions while also understanding that you won't get positive chemical feedback for a while - until you undo all that negative emotional patterning that has now created a pervasive complex of neuro-endocrine (i.e chemical) patterning in you. To put it more simply - you've probably come out of the stupidity that caused you the misery in the first place but now, when you're getting your shit together and doing the right things, you still feel bad. That's a. discouraging as fuck and b. confusing as fuck because now you feel disoriented, demotivated and lost. You don't feel good when you do the difficult thing, so why do it at all? Why not just watch porn, jerk off and smoke weed? That's why this breakthrough was so big for me. All you have to do is sit and surrender to your negative emotions, without any resistance. They leave you 100% of the time, if you don't reinforce those patterns again with your mind. Now, that's easier said than done. Takes some experience, skill, nuance and determination. That's why I said earlier that it doesn't happen overnight. But it does happen and boy does it feel good!
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anemovictorious · 9 months
The Viscous Cycle of Tori Procrastination
Common Sense: Okay, Tori. It's getting late, and you tend to have more inspiration when it's late. Therefore, since you want to impress your old friend AND be productive, you should work on the things you need to do. Me: *Gets on computer* Common Sense: Oh, are you going to work on your computer for once? Usually you work on your phone. Maybe a change of pace- Me: *Inches cursor towards Final Fantasy XIV* Common Sense: No- Me: *Clicks it and launches the game* Common Sense: Why?! Every time, it's playing some sort of game all day or goofing off and watching YouTube, or just goofing off doing nothing! Why are you like this? *This repeats for days on end as I girlflop and girlfailure through life.*
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Computer Science Projects for the Beginners
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Projects for Computer Science
Computer Science is itself Logic with Knowledge. Computer Science is the combination of computation and application, specifically to the design of computing machines and processes. It is the scientific and practical approach to working on the application. It performs computations and makes logical decisions. It can transform data into information.
Computation is a type of calculation that followed-define a defined model ex Algorithm
Personal Computing: General-purpose computer.
Client/Server Computing: Responds to a computer network to provide a network service. So that we can do work to be done in a specific manner as per client requirements.
Cloud Computing: A pool of computing resources accessible over a network. Pay as per you go model
Best Engineering Collages in Rajasthan says The first step to enter the computer science world is to have passionate about these fields. - Decide to learn, learn and learn.You have to learn also you have to be productive and share new ideas with science community. - Basic topic to learn and write a software in any programming language.
Programming means designing, writing, testing, debugging, and maintaining source code of computer programs.It was a difficult task in the early eras, as machines were not programmable at first. With the computer science, programming became an easy task that every one can learn. Your goal from the programming process is to create a set of instructions that computers use to perform specific operations. A programmer should be aware of different subjects including the application domain, algorithms and others.
As per the Top Engineering Colleges of Jaipur announced in one of the student seminars Existing Career in Programming, operation system, Networks, Graphics, and Database Management.
We can divide computer science into two major parts
Theoretical computer science: - Theory of Computation. - Information and Coding Theory. - Algorithms and Data Structures. - Programming Language Theory. - Concurrent, Parallel, and Distributed Systems. - Databases and Information Retrieval
Applied computer science. - Artificial Intelligence. - Computer Architecture and Engineering. - Computer Graphics and Visualization. - Computer Security and Cryptography. - Health Informatics. - Software Engineering.
Advantages of Computer Science:-
 The fastest way of communication.
Arithmetic problems can be easily solved.
Top Btech collages of Jaipur have some projects in computer science for beginners:-
 Face detection
Crime rate prediction
Android battery saver system
Symbol recognition
Evaluation of academic performance
e-Authentication system
Cursor movement on object motion
Public news droid
Search engine
Online eBook maker
Mobile wallet with the merchant
Software engineering is the application of engineering to software, it is also the process of making, testing, and documenting computer systems. Computer science includes taking information, putting your knowledge, Language processing, and human-computer interaction as its main areas. Then it comes with Business analysis to identify the business need and provide solutions for the same. system analysis is one of these roles:- Strategy, architecture, and system analysis.To make some project in computer science first need to Select your field and then put information then it will go to information systems and technology also it takes MIS work(management information system ) decision support system then it gave profit to a business or any organization.
It contains more things like
Information system analysis
Data analysis
Information Security
Project management
Knowledge management
Information engineering
Information systems development
Life Cycle
System engineering
Information system planning
Information system Strategy
Information system integration
Information system Management
Information system Exploration
Information Governance
Scope of Computer science:- The Job Prospect of computer science engineers from Top engineering colleges are increasing rapidly Both in India and abroad because of booming in the industry, employment in computer science is the fastest growing occupation. It will be increased by 38% in near future.
Necessary Skills are creativity, Curious, Detail oriented and logical thinker also know how to work in a team. Should know math, science, computers, etc.
Computers and Networks produce a new tangible digital dimension that adds to the physical one, as a collective result of the ongoing efforts of many different people. Computer Science deals with theoretical and practical techniques for the implementation and application of these foundations. Computer science has good career opportunities in terms of job and business.
Source: Click Here
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compilator · 1 year
Compilator: Week in Review #1
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Web development
New way to create modals using HTML only
Which open-source monospaced font is best for coding?
Drawing a star with DOMMatrix
The State of HTML 2023 survey is now open!
What are JWTs/Jots/JSON Web Tokens?
From WebGL to WebGPU
Ultimate solution for generating placeholder images
What Causes Bad CLS and How to Fix it?
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The Path To Awesome CSS Easing With The linear() Function
A (more) Modern CSS Reset
CSS Findings From The Threads App: Part 2
Responsive type scales with composable CSS utilities
Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - Polyfills gone rogue
How to Code Dark Mode for Google Sheets with Apps Script and JavaScript
Understanding the JavaScript Modulo Operator
The Origins of TypeScript: A Documentary
Optimizing Provider Context Usage in React
Build Your Own ChatGPT Clone with React and the OpenAI API
How to Build an Accordion Component with React.js
v0: “AI tool from Vercel that works like Midjourney for React, that is, it issues code snippets based on your requests (prompts)
Bootstrap a React app with smol developer
Understanding Props in React — A Comprehensive Guide
Clean Layout Architecture for Vue Applications
Optimizing Vue.js apps with web workers
7 Quick Tips about Vue Styles You (Might) Didn’t Know
Introducing runes
Exploring Astro and Svelte vs. SvelteKit: A comparative guide
How to Build an Etch-A-Sketch App with Svelte
Libs & Plugins
Benchmarks for JS minifiers: babel-minify, esbuild, terser, uglify-js, swc, google closure compiler, tdewolff/minify
MouseMove - JavaScript mouse cursor behavior automation for web presentation
Nue JS is an extremely small (2.3kb) JavaScript library for creating web interfaces. This is the core of the future Nue ecosystem. It is similar to Vue.js, React.js or Svelte, but without hooks, effects, props, portals, watchers, providers, injects, suspension and other unusual abstractions in your way!
swup 4 - a universal library for creating transitions between pages. It manages the full page load life cycle and seamlessly adds animation between the current and next pages.
What's new in DevTools (Chrome 118)
WebKit features in Safari 17.0
Image by vectorpocket on Freepik
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gertlushgaming · 1 year
Alaskan Road Truckers Preview (Steam Demo)
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For this Alaskan Road Truckers Preview, we experience life in the definitive trucker simulator. Deliver cargo to make our business a success. Get out of our truck to explore Alaska while maintaining our vehicle and preparing for treacherous conditions on the road.
Alaskan Road Truckers Preview Pros:
- Decent graphics. - 13.85GB Download size. - Controller support. - Graphics settings - resolution, screen mode, fps limit, view distance, anti-aliasing, foliage, post-processing, shaders, shadow, texture quality, vfx quality, and v-sync. - Controller settings - Invert axis and sensitivity sliders along with the ability to rebound. - Keyboard settings - can rebind controls. - Steering wheel support. - The gearbox can be set to automatic or manual. - Truck driving simulator gameplay. - Water, sleep, energy, and food systems in play. - Parking cargo - freestyle, forward or backward. - Roadblocks and hazards can happen, you can get out and remove/repair some hazards. - Day and night cycle with snow weather. - You need to use the heater to stay warm or you freeze to death. - When you are tired your eyes close for a short moment making the screen black. - Mini map and full map which can be toggled. - Wing mirrors can be turned off and on. - First-person view when out of the truck. - Driver's seat, out-of-truck, and two angled cameras make up your driving view choices. - You can sleep in your truck to regain health, energy, and advance time. - In bad weather, you can put snow chains on triggering a mini-game. - Visit shops for supplies. - You do basic maintenance of your truck out on the road like refilling the oil. - Traffic does show up on the roads. - When it's snowing, putting on your full-beam headlights does cause the light to bounce straight back on you. - Nice locations. - Pressing a button can show all Interactive points depending on where you are. - The radio is two choices - in-game soundtrack and Internet radio. Alaskan Road Truckers Preview Cons: - No Steam achievements, this is an FYI as it's a demo. - The controller is not optimized with the right stick acting as an oversensitive cursor and buttons all over the place. - The delivery parking of cargo is really bad and unclear. I parked in the lines with a five-star rating but it still didn't count and in the end it was so frustrating I just turned the game off. - The game music is really bad. - Controls are loose and not because of the snow. - The roads feel way too narrow. - Any view is either too close or too far away. - Parking as said is a nightmare. - So many systems and bars to manage. - The detail of the interior of the truck looked blurry and fuzzy despite playing on the highest graphics settings. - The tutorial pop-ups are not that clear, especially on hooking a trailer up. - If you have no cargo then you don't get any consequences for smashing into things or police being called. - The world doesn't feel alive in any way. - Very easy to damage your cargo. Related Post: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Review (Steam) Alaskan Road Truckers: Official website. Developer: Road Studio Games Publisher: Green Man Gaming Publishing Store Links - Steam Read the full article
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