#Custom Website Development Services For any Business
designingsolutions · 11 months
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There are a number of affordable web app development companies available. Affordable web app development companies can help businesses to create high-quality applications without breaking the bank. Visit our website today online.
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bloodyarson · 2 years
visit my new tag #ellis's adventures in late capitalism customer service and predatory business practices for highly entertaining accounts of my experiences dealing with any kind of company's or government's wonderful treatment of their obviously very strongly valued customers and their very astronomically high quality offered services
#psalms#a new tag for any rant posts like the last one i just made or the one from a few weeks ago about the fun of cancelling a subscription#under the influence of current day late capitalism business management practices#truly makes me feel seen and cared for as a client i promise you#10/10 customer service would recommend if you want to have a laff at how hilariously atrocious someone is at doing their job#or at how fucking deluisonal companies and businesses can be when faced with even a little bit of notoriety#and dont even get me started about government offered services and how much i love having to get anything from them#quebec's gubbermint cant even make a website that doesnt look like it's still the year 2005 and whose menus make any kind of sense#like yall trying to find information about anything on a gov site is a lost cause both in the case of qc and canada#both official government sites couldn't be more confusing and disjointed and info couldn't be any harder to access if it was on purpose#their websites are so so so badly made that it's almost fucking hilarious#i have never felt frustration such as when we were working on my wife's immigration papers and had to find answers on the CIA's website#canadian immigration agency you know that cia not... you get it#maybe put some of those tax dollars you love allocating to military budgets à la con into making yourself an usable website you fucks#maybe with some of the money you're not actually fixing roads and schools and hospitals with you could hire a web developer#anyways#im v mad w the state of things tonite :)#ellis's adventures in late capitalism customer service and predatory business practices
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bliow · 2 months
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In today’s digital landscape, a captivating and functional website is crucial for any business looking to thrive online. Full service web design encompasses a comprehensive approach, ensuring every aspect of your site is tailored to meet your unique needs. From the initial concept to the final launch, this service provides an array of offerings, including website service, responsive web design, and custom design services. Whether you’re a startup seeking to establish your brand or an established enterprise aiming to enhance your online presence, understanding the elements of full service web design is essential. 
Full service web design
Full service web design encompasses all aspects of creating a website, from initial conceptualization to ongoing maintenance. This approach ensures that every detail is carefully considered to meet the specific needs of a business or individual. With a team of experienced designers and developers, full service web design offers a seamless experience that integrates aesthetics, functionality, and user experience.
One of the key advantages of opting for a full service web design is the cohesion of the website elements. Since all parts of the project are managed by a single team, there is less chance for miscommunication or inconsistency in design. This results in a more polished final product that reflects the brand’s identity while providing an engaging experience for visitors.
Additionally, full service web design allows for customized solutions tailored to unique requirements. Whether you need an e-commerce platform, a portfolio site, or a blog, a full service provider will offer dedicated support and expert advice throughout the entire process, ensuring your vision comes to life exactly as you imagined.
Website service
In today's digital landscape, website service is essential for businesses to thrive and maintain an online presence. A well-structured website serves as a powerful tool that encourages customer engagement and drives sales. By investing in a comprehensive website service, businesses can ensure that their website not only looks great but also functions seamlessly across all devices.
A key aspect of website service is the ability to optimize for search engines. By implementing SEO best practices, businesses can enhance their visibility and attract more organic traffic. This is where a reliable website service provider plays a crucial role, as they possess the expertise and techniques necessary to elevate your search engine rankings.
Furthermore, ongoing support and maintenance are vital components of a reliable website service. As technology evolves and user needs change, having a team that can promptly address issues or updates will keep your website relevant and effective in reaching target audiences. This ongoing relationship is instrumental in achieving long-term success in the digital realm.
Responsive web design
Responsive web design is an essential aspect of modern web development that ensures a seamless user experience across a variety of devices. With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, having a website that adapts to different screen sizes is not just a luxury but a necessity.
The core principle of responsive web design is fluidity. This means that the layout of your website adjusts dynamically based on the screen width, ensuring that content remains accessible and visually appealing regardless of the device used. This approach improves usability and can significantly boost conversion rates.
Incorporating responsive web design techniques involves using flexible grids, images, and CSS media queries. These elements work together to create a layout that responds gracefully to changes in screen size, making your website not only functional but also competitive in the digital marketplace.
Custom design services
In today's digital landscape, custom design services have emerged as a vital component of creating a strong online presence. Businesses understand that a one-size-fits-all approach does not cater to their unique needs and branding. Therefore, opting for custom design services allows them to differentiate themselves in a crowded market.
These services offer tailored solutions that resonate with a company's specifics, from colors to typography and layout. By leveraging custom design services, businesses can ensure that their websites not only reflect their brand identity but also provide an intuitive user experience. This is crucial for keeping visitors engaged and encouraging them to take the desired actions.
Investing in custom design services ultimately contributes to better customer satisfaction and improved conversion rates. With a website designed specifically for their target audience, businesses can more effectively communicate their message and achieve their goals. This bespoke approach is invaluable in today's competitive environment.
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pb-dot · 1 year
Some Thoughts on the Reddit Blackout
Like many new arrivals on Tumblr these days, I used to be a Redditor until recent developments encouraged me to take my business elsewhere, and I have been following the development of the story as thoroughly as I can without actually giving Reddit any more traffic. With the most recent development of the Reddit admin corps taking on a suite of strategies lifted straight from the depression-era railroad baron playbook, I figured the time has come to talk a little about the wider implications of this whole story.
The Tech sector is, to the best of my understanding, in a vulnerable place right now. After the Web 2.0 gold rush and years of consolidation and growth from the biggest actors, your Alphabets, Twitters, Metas, and so on, many of the larger sites and services are reaching the largest size they can expect to grow to. How, for instance, could Facebook or Twitter grow much more now that everyone and their mother is on Facebook and Twitter? Prior to the Musk buyout, Twitter seemingly settled on upping engagement, making sure people were on Twitter longer and invested more energy and emotion in the platform, usually by making damn sure the discourse zapping through that hellhole was as polarizing and hostile as possible. Meta, meanwhile, has been making bank on user data as advertisers, AI folks, and any number of other actors salivate over getting their hands on the self-updating contact and interest registry that is Facebook.
With the rise of what we apparently have decided to call AI, data is now more valuable than ever. I consider this to be yet another Tech Hype Bubble on the level of NFTs or Metaverses, but, like with the two above, I can imagine it's hard to explain that when you are a Tech CEO and your shareholders ask you "Hey, how do you plan on earning us money off of this AI/NFT/Metaverse thing?" This is not to say CEO Steve Huffman isn't handling this whole thing with the grace of a three-legged hippo, but merely to suggest that his less-than-laudable decisions and actions in this mess don't arise from his character alone but also is a result of wider systemic issues.
One of these issues is the complicated role user data plays in modern websites and -services. Since its inception as a publicly accessible space, the question of how to monetize the Internet has been a tricky one for site and service owners. Selling ad space on your website or service has long been the go-to, but this in itself presents its own issues, having to curate content that is considered ad-friendly, malicious or careless actors making using said service or website less attractive for customers, and finally how to convince your advertisers that they get what they pay for in the first place, ie. "how do I know people even look at our ads?" All of this is before you even stop to consider how ads massively favor large, established actors.
It's no small wonder, then, that several startups in the era of internet mass adoption chose to forgo ads, or at least massively deprioritize them and/or relaunch them as "promoted posts," in an attempt to escape the stigma around ads. Meta/Facebook is probably the biggest fish in this particular pond, but we also see other services such as Twitter and Reddit follow the same pattern.
What makes this work is that the data these platforms collect from their users isn't all that valuable on a person-to-person basis, knowing that so-and-so is 32 years old, lives in a traditionally conservative part of the city, goes to Starbucks a lot, and listens to Radiohead isn't particularly useful information for anyone but a dedicated but lazy stalker; When viewed as an aggregate, however, large collections of data on a large population becomes quite valuable. This is especially true if you're working with, say, targeted ads or political campaigns. Look no further than the Cambridge Analytica data scandal for an example.
Now, all this is to illustrate the strange position the user occupies in Web 2.0. We tend to think of ourselves as the customer of Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr, and so on, but it isn't the case. After all, we don't pay for these services, and if we do it's to buy freedom from ads or other minor service modifications. It is more correct to say that we make up the product itself. This is true in two respects, first, an active social community is vital for social media to not be entirely pointless, and second, we generate the data that the platform holder seeks to monetize. This hybrid product/participant role doesn't map cleanly to traditional understandings of "worker," but I argue it is a closer fit than "customer."
All of this is to say that it is immensely gratifying to see the Reddit Blackout taking the shape of a strike rather than the more typical boycott model we've seen in the internet-based protests of yesteryear. Much of this, I think, we can thank the participating Reddit moderators. While the regular platform user can be *argued* to be a worker, the moderator inarguably is one, and the fact that they aren't paid for their efforts is more a credit to the prosocial nature of humans than to the corporate acumen of the platform holders. Either way, moderating a subreddit is work, if the subreddit is large, it's quite a lot of work, and moderators keeping malicious actors, scammers, and hatemongers out of everyone's hair is a must for any decently sized social space to not be an objectively terrible experience. So, if you were to, for example, withhold your labor (moderating for free) which you as a worker can do, it would be plain irresponsible to leave the place open for said bad apples to ruin everyone's bunches, thus the shutdowns.
I don't think it's a controversial take to claim that the Reddit admins also view this more as a strike than a boycott, given their use of scabs, intimidation, and other strikebreaking tactics in an attempt to break the thing up. This is nothing new, and the fact that Reddit admins are willing to stoop to these scumbag tactics tells us that their bluster about the shutdown not affecting their bottom line is nothing more than shareholder-placating hot air.
As this entire screed has perhaps demonstrated, I believe the Reddit Blackout is important. My stay at Tumblr so far has been excellent and will probably continue past this strike no matter what outcome it has, but for others in my situation, or perhaps entirely alien to the Reddit biome, I ask you to consider: If we do not stop this level of consumer and user-unfriendly bullshit Reddit have been pulling on the API change, where will it pop up next? Who's to say the next bright idea in corpo-hell isn't "Hey boss, how about we charge these nerd losers a dollar per reblog? And maybe a fiver for a Golden Reblog (TM)?"
This is perhaps getting into grandstanding, but I believe we are way past due for a renegotiation of what it means to be a platform holder and -user on this hot mess of an internet. If we as users do not take an active, strong stance on the matter, the Steve Huffmans, Elon Musks, and Mark Zuckerbergs of the world will decide without us. One does not have to be a fortune teller to see that the digital world this would create would not have our best interests in mind any more than the current one does.
So, in closing, I wish to extend my wholehearted support to the participating Moderators of Reddit and everyone who has decided to take their business elsewhere for the duration of the shutdown. Even without getting into the nitty-gritty of the API situation, this is a fight worth having, and may we through it make a world that's just a little bit less shitty.
Become Ungovernable
Become Unprofitable
Stay that way.
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izicodes · 8 months
Hello! Do you have any advice on getting into freelance coding or remote jobs in the field? I'm having trouble with my current endeavors of applications and my current customer service job isn't doing me well enough to want to stay, so I'm hoping for progress sooner rather than later. Anything helps, thank you!!
Hiya 🖤
Thanks for reaching out with your question about getting into freelance coding or remote jobs. Making a transition can be challenging, but with dedication and strategic steps, you can definitely progress in your career.
Firstly, consider specializing in a specific field of computer science rather than trying to learn everything. This will help you become an expert in a niche, making you more attractive to potential clients or employers.
The big thing to look at is (1) what specific job do you want? Don't know yet? That's the first thing you need to find out. (2) Found the job you want? Go to this website "roadmap.sh" and click the job title you want and look at the roadmap to become it. (3) Have an idea of what you need to learn? Now study :)
Here are some extra key pieces of advice:
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Public Code Repositories
Showcase your coding skills by contributing to public repositories on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or others. This allows potential employers to see your projects and assess your coding abilities.
Online Certifications
Earn certifications from reputable online courses like Freecodecamp, Codecademy, or SheCodes (if you're a woman). Displaying these certifications on your LinkedIn profile adds credibility for remote work or even freelance work because then clients will trust your skills more if it's back up with evidence (projects and/or certificates).
Links: "Massive List of Thousands of Free Certificates" / "The Udemy courses I use" / "FreeCodeCamp" / "Codecedemy" / "SheCodes" / "Udacity" / "Coursera" / "Google"
LinkedIn Profile
Revamp your LinkedIn profile to reflect your job title. Use a title that aligns with your dream job, and highlight your skills, certifications, and projects. You don't even need work experience OR do what a lot of my developer mates do have no work experience and set your "job" as a self-employed freelance developer... little cheat there~!
Links: "LinkedIn Career Explorer" / "Tips for speaking to/reaching out to Recruiter" / "Tips for Landing Your First Entry-Level Developer Job" / "Career Services for Web Development" / "The Talent Cloud Community: Careers Workshop"
Help someone out with a project for their business or whatever. For example, I helped a guy I met in a programming discord server build his portfolio page for free, but I care more about the experience. Search online for volunteer jobs with your dream job title e.g. Volunteer App Develope, but in your country would be better. The experience you can you can add to your LinkedIn. the project you work on you can add to your resume/experience.
Link: "SkilledUp Life"
Connect with professionals in your field on LinkedIn, even if you don't know them personally. Growing your network can open up opportunities and expose you to valuable insights. Events in person or online, servers (I found volunteer opportunities here), forums, Twitter (I found some mates on there), Instagram (another place I found developer friends). Networking can even help with building group projects~!
Link: "Tips for speaking to/reaching out to Recruiter"
Project Building
Work on both small and big projects to demonstrate your capabilities. Highlight these projects on your resume and portfolio.
Links: "Building projects after learning a new concept advice" / "Tips from learning using multiple resources" / "Tips on learning programming with ChatGPT" / "Harvard University Free IT Courses" / "The Udemy courses I use" / "Free Programming Books" / "Coding Advice for beginners" / "800 free Computer Science classes"
Online Presence
Share your learning progress and projects on various platforms like Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube. Employers often appreciate candidates who actively showcase their work and commitment to learning. I made a post for Tumblr coding blogs:
Link: "Codeblr Blog Advice: 8 Blog Coding Post Ideas"
Good luck!!
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mariacallous · 4 months
One of the biggest hacks of the year may have started to unfold. Late on Friday, embattled events business Live Nation, which owns Ticketmaster, confirmed it suffered a data breach after criminal hackers claimed to be selling half a billion customer records online. Banking firm Santander also confirmed it had suffered a data breach impacting millions of customers and staff after its data was advertised by the same group of hackers.
While the specific circumstances of the breaches—including exactly what information was stolen and how it was accessed—remain unclear, the incidents may be linked to attacks against company accounts with cloud hosting provider Snowflake. The US-based cloud firm has thousands of customers, including Adobe, Canva, and Mastercard, which can store and analyze vast amounts of data in its systems.
Security experts say that as more details become clear about hackers' attempts to access and take data from Snowflake’s systems, it is possible that other companies will reveal they had data stolen. At present, though, the developing situation is messy and complicated.
“Snowflake recently observed and is investigating an increase in cyber threat activity targeting some of our customers’ accounts,” wrote Brad Jones, Snowflake’s chief information security officer in a blog post acknowledging the cybersecurity incident on Friday. Snowflake has found a “limited number” of customer accounts that have been targeted by hackers who obtained their login credentials to the company’s systems, Jones wrote. Snowflake also found one former staff member’s “demo” account that had been accessed.
However, Snowflake doesn’t “believe” it was the source of any leaked customer credentials, the post says. “We have no evidence suggesting this activity was caused by any vulnerability, misconfiguration, or breach of Snowflake’s product,” Jones wrote in the blog post.
While the number of Snowflake accounts accessed and what data may have been taken have not been released, government officials are warning about the impact of the attack. Australia’s Cyber Security Center issued a “high” alert on Saturday, saying it is “aware of successful compromises of several companies utilizing Snowflake environments” and companies using Snowflake should reset their account credentials, turn on multifactor authentication, and review user activity.
“It looks like Snowflake has had some rather egregiously bad security compromise,” security researcher Troy Hunt, who runs data breach notification website Have I Been Pwned, tells WIRED. “It being a provider to many other different parties, it has sort of bubbled up to different data breaches in different locations.”
Details of the data breaches started to emerge on May 27. A newly registered account on cybercrime forum Exploit posted an advertisement where they claimed to be selling 1.3 TB of Ticketmaster data, including more than 560 million people’s information. The hacker claimed to have names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, some credit card details, ticket sales, order details, and more. They asked for $500,000 for the database.
One day later, the established hacking group ShinyHunters—which first emerged in 2020 with a data-stealing rampage, before selling 70 million AT&T records in 2021—posted the exact same Ticketmaster ad on rival marketplace BreachForums. At the time, Ticketmaster and its parent company Live Nation had not confirmed any data theft and it was unclear if either post selling the data was legitimate.
On May 30, ShinyHunters also claimed to be selling 30 million customer details and staff information from Santander, putting a $2 million price tag on the information. Both posts on BreachForums have drawn attention to the illegal marketplace, which was recently revived by ShinyHunters after the FBI took the website down on May 15. The posts may, at least in part, be efforts to restore the disrupted forum’s damaged reputation with criminals.
The two hacks were linked to Snowflake’s systems by Israeli security firm Hudson Rock, which, in a now-removed blog post, posted conversations its researchers had with the alleged hacker who claimed to have accessed Snowflake’s systems and exfiltrated data. The hacker claimed they had tried to sell the data back to Snowflake for $20 million. (Hudson Rock did not respond to WIRED’s questions about why it has removed its research).
The Hudson Rock post claimed that a Snowflake employee may have been infected by an infostealer that collected the details the hacker needed to log in to its systems. Charles Carmakal, the chief technology officer at Google-owned security firm Mandiant, told BleepingComputer that its investigations, which have been taking place in recent weeks, indicate information-stealing malware may have been used to get Snowflake account credentials.
A Ticketmaster spokesperson told TechCrunch that its stolen database was hosted on Snowflake after the company acknowledged a data breach in a filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission on Friday evening. In the middle of May, before its data was advertised online, Santander first said it had seen unauthorized access to one of its databases “hosted by a third-party provider,” however it has refused to name the third party.
Snowflake’s CISO, Jones, acknowledged the security incident on Friday, saying that if a “threat actor obtains customer credentials, they may be able to access the account.” The company says it became aware of the suspicious activity on May 23 but has since found out it had been happening since mid-April. Jones’ post says Snowflake has notified all of its customers and “encouraged” them to review account settings and ensure they have implemented multi-factor authentication. In an additional security bulletin, Snowflake says it has seen “malicious traffic” from a client calling itself “rapeflake” and also connections from another client called “DBeaver_DBeaverUltimate.” A company spokesperson tells WIRED they have “nothing else to add” beyond the information included in company posts.
Cloud security company Mitiga says its investigations have seen a threat actor targeting organizations using Snowflake databases and using an attack tool called “​​rapeflake” in the process. Roei Sherman, field CTO at Mitiga, tells WIRED one possible scenario is that a threat actor managed to get information about Snowflake’s systems and then stole information about its clients, possibly using automated tools and brute-forcing their way into accounts.
Sherman says little is known about what data was stolen at the moment or the “​​rapeflake” tool, but that the attack could have wider ramifications going forward. There are already early signs other companies may be impacted.
Sherman says some of Mitiga’s customers have reached out to it for help, while Mandiant told BleepingComputer it had been assisting Snowflake customers in recent weeks. Cybersecurity researcher Kevin Beaumont shared online that he knows of six companies that have been impacted. And Australian events company Ticketek has also revealed customer names and email addresses stored in a “cloud-based platform, hosted by a reputable, global third-party supplier” have been accessed, although a spokesperson refused to confirm if this was related to Snowflake at all.
“We haven’t seen the entire blast radius yet,” Sherman says. “Snowflake has thousands of clients—they offer self-registration—and some of their clients are huge companies. We expect to learn about additional companies compromised.”
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moonofthedevil · 1 year
Beginnings of a little Steddie idea…
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It’s been three months since Steve started working at this fancy bar in New Orleans as a waiter. It’s going well since he’s never been able to keep a job longer than a month or two. Something about his bitchiness or customers not liking his attitude. It’s ridiculous, they’re allowed to berate him as much as they want but as soon as he gives it back it's out of line and they go running to his manager.
This job seems different, the customers are rich but they enjoy his quips, they smile and tip him extra with a wink, occasionally asking for his number or in some cases offering to pay for any gifts he may want.
His manager, Robin, is nothing like them, she’s a bartender and around the same age as him. She always struggles to hold in a laugh at every bitchy remark or eye roll he sends a customer's way. But nearly every time he does, she’ll tell him the same thing…
“Make sure you don’t-“
“Don’t do that to the boss,” he finishes her sentence, having heard it thousands of times. He’s exaggerating but you get the point. “Yeah I got it, Robin. I actually think I got it the first time you said it.” He smiles sardonically and Robin huffs a laugh in response.
The boss in question, Mr Theodore Munson. Steve’s seen him plenty of times but never long enough for an actual conversation to take place. He spends most of his time in the building, often Steve will see him enter but be off his shift before he leaves. Mr Munson and his friends spend all their time in the private room in the basement, an endless stream of young people entering and stumbling out anywhere from twenty minutes to four hours later with their clothes askew and a glazed look in their eyes.
He’s asked Robin what happens in there, she’s as clueless as he is but tells him not to go digging around. So naturally, when he’s told not to do something, he wants to do it even more. He waits until he has an evening off and dedicates it to finding out more about Theodore Munson and what goes on in that basement. He orders takeout, pours himself a glass of wine and his eyes don’t leave his computer screen for three hours straight.
That’s when he comes across it…
‘Bloodlust’ The words are bold and red on a black backdrop, a small droplet falling from the letter ‘t’. The website design is gothic but sexy. A small tagline reads, ‘You’ve got the blood, we’ve got the lust.’
‘If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to spend the night with a vampire, to dance with the devil, then look no further. We have vampires of all ages and plenty of different services for you to take a bite at.’
As he continues to scroll he comes across a list of services with vague descriptions but just enough for Steve to figure out what it is. His mouth falls open slightly he doesn’t know what he expected to see but it definitely wasn’t a vampire-themed escort and prostitution business.
He scrolls to the bottom of the page. ‘Ask to enter and we will be at your service.’ Underneath is the address of the bar, the top line ‘basement’.
He’s lived in New Orleans long enough to know all about the supernatural based tourism, he knows this is just another side of that but something about it feels different, a tingling at the base of his neck makes it feel more real than anything he’s come across before.
He closes his laptop and tries to forget about it. He goes to work as normal and doesn’t mention any of his findings to Robin. But with every sighting of Mr Munson his curiosity grows. It’s like he’s developed a sixth sense as to when he’ll enter the bar, Steve’s eyes always drawn to him, a deer in headlights. His eyes trailing from his long curly hair, down his chest and arms, ending on his thighs, the fabric of a perfectly fitted suit hugging them tightly. Mr Munson’s eyes /never/ move from wherever he is headed to, like he knows everyone in the room is staring, but none of them are good enough for his attention.
It’s infuriating, it makes Steve crave his dark eyes and ring covered hands on him more than anything else. He finds himself opening up the Bloodlust website and reading over their services before jerking off to the images of Mr Munson doing it all to him. He’s all that fills Steve’s mind night and day.
However, instead of satisfying him it just makes him even hornier, he hasn’t been fucked in months and the idea of some vampire roleplay sounds hot, especially if it’s with Mr Munson.
Two weeks after Steve found Bloodlust, he’s going into the bar on his day off. He passes the counter where he and Robin spend a lot of their chatting and she’s not there, she must have the same day off as him.
He goes down the dingy steps to the basement, brushing down his clothes before knocking three times.
The door swings open, a short, curly-haired woman that Steve recognises from passing through the bar, stands there. Her face doesn’t move, doesn’t show any signs of whether she recognises him or not.
He remembers the instructions on the website. “Can I come in?”
A small smirk forms on her face as she steps to the side to let him inside. The room itself is almost identical to the bar upstairs, just darker and silkier. Where there are mirrors on the walls upstairs, this room has various paintings. Booths are scattered about the floor with a small stage in one corner. To the right of that sits a throne, plush and decadent, though it’s currently unoccupied Steve can very clearly imagine Mr Munson taking that seat. He has that kind of silently powerful energy.
He hears the door close behind him, the woman coming back into view.
“How can I help you, Steve?”
It’s a little creepy she knows his name and he doesn’t know hers but he brushes it off. He works upstairs and she seems like the kind of woman who makes it her business to know things.
“What, do I just…pick someone from a lineup or something?”
The woman chuckles softly, she looks shy as she does which is almost /more/ unsettling.
“Unfortunately, as you can see many of our vampires are preoccupied right now but I can give you a print out of everyone with individual photos and descriptions?”
Steve takes the opportunity to look closer around the room, he sees one man with a petite woman on his lap, her back to his chest. A trail of red rolling down from where his lips are attached to her neck, Steve’s eyes follow it into her top where one of the man’s hands rests, the other in her pants, fingers moving in circles to the beat of the music.
He has to admit whatever special effects they’re using to fake the bites is convincing, he wants to be in that position with Mr Munson underneath him, hands and lips bringing him pleasure.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear, it's then that Steve spots him, leaning against the bar talking to a guy whose face he can’t see. He smiles and Steve can see his fake fangs, it stirs something deep within him.
“Well…” He looks to the woman waiting for her to give her name.
“Well, Nancy. I’ve already chosen.” He nods his head in the direction of Mr Munson. “I want him.”
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sean-parnell · 2 months
How Manufacturers Can Leverage Content Marketing to Grow
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Cold calls, print advertising, tradeshow participation, and knocking on doors once worked well manufacturers can no longer rely on them to generate leads that fuel sustainable, double-digit growth despite having an effective sales team that may still have some skills in these areas.
Inbound lead generation in commercial and industrial markets requires compelling brand storytelling and thought leadership that educates prospects along the buyer’s journey, who don’t want to talk with salespeople before they’re good and ready as they fear being “sold to” by people that don’t have their best interest in mind.
Problems Solved vs. Products & Services, Features & Benefits
Powerfully resonating with prospects requires brand storytelling that converts website visitors into prospects then into customers.
Your brand story begins with having a deep understanding of the problems faced by your prospects, what they need to overcome them, and the value to them in doing so before promoting all of your products and services and their features and benefits. Prospects are searching for who can solve their problems and may have a limited understanding of what will solve their problems, so claiming your solutions are “the best” and that you’re an “industry leader” may mean nothing until they have an understanding of how your products will help them.
The hero of your prospects’ story is themselves, so you need to educate them on how you can solve their problems, and how your people, process, products, and services – not just products – do so. This is what will resonate powerfully with them. In this way, you serve as a guide for achieving success and avoiding failure. Your products and services with their features and benefits are how you solve these problems..
Thus, your “brand story” needs to be told throughout all of your marketing: on your home and about pages, blogs, guides, case studies, marketing collateral, presentations, proposals, press releases, third-party website profiles, direct mail, email campaigns, your tagline, and anywhere else you promote your company.
A brand story for each product and service you sell can also be developed as each of them solves different problems in different ways for different markets. This “sub-brand storytelling” is also effective for different vertical and geographic markets as each has different requirements.
Extracting & Promoting Thought Leadership
When they have a problem that they want to solve – because the pain of not changing exceeds the pain of the change – prospects self-educate themselves by researching the internet before speaking with any vendors, so it’s important to provide educational content that will help them understand how you can solve their problems:
TOFU: Top of Funnel: this content builds awareness by providing an overview of the problems you solve and how your products solve them
MOFU: Middle Funnel: this content goes one level deeper and helps them consider between different options that can solve their problem
BOFU: Bottom Funnel: this content gets very specific and helps prospects make their final decisions
OOFU: Out of Funnel: this content is created in a misguided attempt to maximize keyword rankings and website traffic as part of a flawed search engine optimization strategy (SEO) but fails to generate leads though can be quite costly
Tip: it’s important to have a good balance of all types of content (except OOFU).
It’s especially important for manufacturers to understand that, in addition to learning about how you solve their problems with your products and services, your prospects want to know how your solutions and business practices compare with both direct and indirect competitors. They also want to understand how their investment can be cost-justified so they can sell the idea of buying from you to internal decision makers that may not be in communication with you. Product comparisons are very useful because this is what prospects try to compile themselves, especially if they include areas where your competitors have an advantage over yours. Case studies that include return on investment (ROI) estimates are also highly useful for prospects.
Lead-Generating Content Begins with Keyword Research
Understanding and prioritizing what your prospects are searching for is a critical first step for lead generation, which begins with conducting keyword research on all the different terms your prospects may use.
Onsite SEO then fully leverages the content you’ve already developed when you work the highest priority keyword phrases into your page titles, meta descriptions, H1 headers, and throughout the content of each page – just remember it has to read well and should only be performed by someone that thoroughly understands your business and what prospects value.
Brainstorming content ideas that incorporate these keyword phrases and educates prospects along the buyer’s journey is the next step, following by prioritizing these content ideas into an editorial calendar. The best content comes from getting a professional copywriter to interview your company’s thought leaders and then writing up what is learned in the form of foundational website content, blogs and guides.
Best Practice: Google Search Console reports the keywords people searched for to find you.
Creating Lead Magnets
When your prospects discover that you are providing education and thought leadership for how you can solve their problems, many will be willing to provide their contact information to download this gated content – especially long-form, MOFU and BOFU content including guides, whitepapers, ebooks, and webinars. It’s also important that your contact forms ask prospects where they found out about you so you can attribute each download to the marketing or other activities that generated them. It’s not recommend to gate promotional material that prospects expect to be freely available, including blogs, brochures, data sheets, infographics, case studies, and similar materials.
Promoting MOFU and BOFU also generate even more website traffic and leads, including in Google Ads, LinkedIn Campaigns, Microsoft Ads and other pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, your social media profiles (especially LinkedIn and Twitter), on third-party article publishing sites (e.g. Medium), and throughout your public relations activities.
The Manufacturing Content Creation & Lead Generation Process
Here are the steps for creating content that has been proven to generate leads and product sales from many commercial and industrial manufacturers:
Conduct keyword research and optimize all of your current content for search
Develop brand storytelling and implement it throughout your home and about pages, marketing collateral, presentations, and all other marketing materials
Write blogs and publish them on a consistent schedule, educating prospects on a wide variety of topics that help them understand how your products and services will solve their problems
Syndicate unique versions of this content on high ranking, third-party websites
Launch Google ads and email campaigns to bring more prospects in
Create microsites to promote how you solve specific problems in your top vertical markets
Launch ecommerce to supplement sales through your channel partners for people that want to speak with and buy directly from you – just don’t undercut them, so selling only at list price is recommended
Evaluate new market opportunities where your current competitors are irrelevant with Blue Ocean Strategy
This approach routinely generates sustainable, double-digit sales growth with an ROI of over 300% within 12-18 months when executed by an experienced industrial marketing agency – and your company will no longer be a well-kept secret in your markets.
The Case for a Marketing Audit
While it may be appealing to hire a full-time content marketer, SEO specialist, or to outsource to a manufacturing marketing agency that may wow you with shiny objects, conducting deep dive marketing due diligence with an experience marketing consulting resource understands your industry is typically a better way to start.
An effective marketing audit will identify what it will take for you to generate sustainable, double-digit growth by leveraging brand storytelling, content marketing, SEO, content syndication, email campaigns, marketing automation, social media, advertising, PR, and more.
Most marketing audits focus only on promotional marketing communications, so you may want to find an industrial marketing agency that can auditing the other three Ps of your marketing: products and services, pricing and placement (selling through channels and go-to-market strategy).
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idiosys1 · 5 months
10 SEO Tips For Classified Websites
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If you’re owning or are about to build a classified website, you need to prioritize SEO. Irrespective of the size and strength of your company, SEO is a must to get a sufficient number of leads to your website. With the help of the best SEO strategies, your page is going to be indexed in the right way. This is the reason why many classified website companies hire SEO expert to make their sites highly scalable. Here, we are going to share our insights on the role of SEO to improve the scalability of classified websites. So, scroll down to know all about SEO and classified sites in detail.
1. Use Creative Content: Every company has its specific missions, visions and goals. And so, these things need to be highlighted with quality content. But, content is not only important for your business promotion but also for SEO. To apply the best SEO strategies, you need to use creative content that tells your audience precisely who you are, what you do and how you do it. It will create a bigger impact on your potential customers and keep them on your site for longer. Also, you need to use relevant keywords to optimize the content for search engine result pages.
2. Make Images Optimized: Studies show how images can create a positive impact on website visitors and attract a huge number of them. But, did you know that you can also use your images to generate new leads to your website way before they know you exist? Well, you can do the same by optimizing your website images in various ways. You need to compress the images first to reduce loading time and then upload them with relevant names. ALT tags are also important for image optimization, which you need to ensure. Mobile responsive images are a must.
3. Create Header Tags: Your classified website needs to have header tags to become SEO-friendly. Header tags or HTML tags play crucial roles in making your website look organized and meaningful. And so, you need to ensure these tags in the best possible way. Generally, you’ll find 5–6 header tags such as H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6. H1, the headline or title tag, is the most essential one of all. Most website articles or blogs have H1-H4 tags and if needed H5 and H6 are also included. You can also incorporate keywords with these tags to get the best results.
4. Meta Descriptions and Titles: Next, you need to include meta descriptions and titles while developing your website. Meta Descriptions are descriptive one or two-liners about your website pages that the readers will be able to see as your webpage link appears in the search engine pages. Titles are the main headings of web pages, which needs to be attractive and simple. Content and keyword play really significant roles when it comes to optimizing these meta descriptions and titles of the web pages. These are the things that you can’t miss.
5. Ensure URL Keywords: If you’re looking for an SEO expert in Kolkata, you can ask the expert about the role of URL keywords. In SEO, URL keywords play the most vital role in optimizing websites in SERPs (search engine result pages). For example, if you have an e-commerce apparel website and someone searches Google for “women’s salwar kameez”, your website will be shown by Google at the top. But, to achieve this position, you need to include the keyword ‘women’s salwar kameez’ in your website URL and apply other SEO strategies correctly.
6. Build Sitemaps: To make any website SEO-friendly, sitemaps are essential. Your classified website also needs to include the same. Sitemap refers to a file that has all your web pages listed down. You also need to add information about the last update made and how frequently you would be changing your page info. Then, search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and others will use your sitemap to know about your website and its services. While creating your sitemaps, you need to ensure that you give accurate information about all your website pages.
7. Create Backlinks: If you’re wondering what backlinks are all about, let us explain. These are the links that lead to your website from other websites. To create backlinks, you need to work on your website content really well. Then only, other sites will find your content useful and would want to use your website’s link on their pages. If you’re planning to hire any SEO company in Kolkata, the SEO experts will be able to explain to you the role of backlinks in more detail.
8. Create Search-Engine URLs: Search engines need to index and understand your company URL easily. And so, search-engine URL is something you need to focus on. The key to creating a superior-quality URL is to keep it descriptive and yet short. If you are able to do it, search engines will be able to understand your web content better and thereby, enhance the visibility of your website in the result pages. You can discuss with your SEO expert how to create search-engine URLs.
9. Organize Your Website Data: If you want your classified website to be SEO-friendly, you need to organize your site data first. Microdata, schema.org and other structured data are available that you can use for this purpose. The main role of structured data is to make it easier for search engines to understand your company profile through the content. But, while using structured data, it’s essential to find one that aligns with your business niche.
10. Ensure Google Analytics: To get huge website traffic, Google Analytics can help you a lot. It’s a free tool that lets you see the number of visitors on your website and the way they are finding your site interesting. You can track the performance of your classified site through this analysis and improve it further. This performance tracking service has helped a huge number of websites to find their potential customers and keep them engaged in the right way.
The above 10 tips to improve the SEO-friendliness of your classified website are quite helpful. If you want to try them in the correct way, you need to hire SEO expert. These strategies are ever evolving and only an expert can help you make the most of them. If you’re already on the lookout for top SEO company in Kolkata that provides exceptional services for classified websites at an affordable cost, you can feel free to reach us at Idiosys Technologies. To know more about our services and packages, contact us right away!
Check out the blog post: https://shorturl.at/aAD35
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akashgh522 · 1 year
New Business Marketing Tips and Tricks for Success
Starting a new business can be an exhilarating adventure, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges, especially in the competitive landscape of today's marketplace. To stand out and thrive, effective marketing is crucial. Here are four essential marketing tips and tricks to help your new business succeed:
Define Your Target Audience and Create Customer Personas:
One of the first steps in crafting a successful marketing strategy for your new business is to identify and understand your target audience. Who are your ideal customers, and what are their needs, preferences, and pain points? Creating customer personas can help you visualize and humanize your audience, making it easier to tailor your marketing efforts effectively.
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Start by conducting market research to gather data about your potential customers. Analyze demographics, psychographics, and behavior patterns to create detailed customer personas. These personas should include information like age, gender, income, interests, and pain points.
Once you have a clear understanding of your target audience, customize your marketing messages and strategies to resonate with them. Craft compelling content, advertisements, and promotions that address their specific needs and desires. By speaking directly to your ideal customers, you'll increase the chances of building meaningful connections and driving conversions.
Leverage the Power of Digital Marketing:
In the digital age, online presence and digital marketing are indispensable for any new business. Here are some essential digital marketing strategies to consider:
a. Build a User-Friendly Website: Your website is often the first point of contact for potential customers. Ensure that it is well-designed, easy to navigate, and mobile-responsive. Optimize it for search engines (SEO) to improve your visibility in search results.
b. Content Marketing: Create valuable and relevant content that educates, entertains, or solves problems for your target audience. Blog posts, videos, infographics, and social media updates can all be part of your content marketing strategy.
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c. Social Media Marketing: Identify the social media platforms where your audience is most active and engage with them there. Develop a content calendar and use a mix of organic and paid content to reach a wider audience.
d. Email Marketing: Build and nurture an email list to stay in touch with your customers. Send personalized and relevant content, offers, and updates to keep them engaged and informed.
e. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC): Consider running targeted PPC campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads to reach potential customers actively searching for your products or services.
Emphasize Customer Relationships and Engagement:
In a competitive market, building and maintaining strong customer relationships is vital. Consider these strategies to enhance customer engagement:
a. Provide Exceptional Customer Service: Respond promptly to inquiries and address customer concerns with care. Happy customers are more likely to become loyal advocates for your brand.
b. Personalization: Use customer data and segmentation to personalize your marketing messages and offers. People appreciate tailored experiences that cater to their unique preferences.
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c. Encourage User-Generated Content: Encourage customers to share their experiences with your products or services on social media or review platforms. User-generated content can build trust and credibility.
d. Loyalty Programs: Reward repeat customers with loyalty programs, discounts, or exclusive access to new products or services. Loyalty programs can foster long-term relationships and increase customer retention.
Monitor, Analyze, and Adapt:
Marketing is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. To continually improve your strategies, track key performance indicators (KPIs) and adapt based on the data:
a. Use Analytics Tools: Employ tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and email marketing metrics to monitor the performance of your marketing efforts.
b. A/B Testing: Experiment with different marketing approaches and compare their results through A/B testing. This allows you to refine your strategies over time.
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c. Stay Informed: Keep up with industry trends, competitors, and evolving customer preferences. Stay open to adjusting your marketing plan as needed.
In conclusion, successful marketing for a new business involves understanding your audience, utilizing digital strategies, fostering customer relationships, and staying adaptable. By implementing these tips and tricks, your new business can navigate the competitive landscape and carve out its own path to success.
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designingsolutions · 11 months
Best Web Development Companies - Designing Solutions
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Are you looking for a web development company that can help you create a website that is both functional and visually appealing? Our list of the best web development companies can help you find the right company for your needs.
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crossbordernarratives · 2 months
Instagram Model Forced Followers Into Sex Work, Kept Them As Slaves
Former Brazilian model and US-based wellness influencer Kat Torres has been sentenced to eight years in prison for the human trafficking and slavery of women, after an FBI investigation found that two women living with her had gone missing in 2022.
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Women who claim that they were also trafficked and enslaved by Torres have spoken out about their harrowing experience living with her. Talking to BBC, the women claimed they were attracted to her rags to riches story as she went from living in an impoverished Brazilian neighbourhood to partying with Hollywood stars.
Torres, who was once rumoured to be dating actor Leonardo DiCaprio, also claimed she could make predictions using her spiritual powers and was a common face on reputed Brazilian TV shows.
“She was on the cover of magazines. She was seen with famous people such as Leonardo DiCaprio. Everything I saw seemed credible,” the woman named Ana told BBC.
Torres' former flatmate, who shared a home with her in New York, told BBC that her Hollywood friends had introduced her to a hallucinogenic drug called ayahuasca. It was through the use of this drug that she reinvented herself as a life coach and hypnotist.
Soon, Torres developed a wellness website and subscription service that promised customers “Love, money and self-esteem that you always dreamed of.”
She also created self-help videos offering advice on relationships, wellness, business success including hypnosis, meditation and exercise programmes. She offered one-on-one video consultations for $150 that would solve "any of their problems."
In 2019, Ana moved to New York to work as her Torres' live-in assistant. Escaping a violent childhood and an abusive relationship, she moved alone to the US from Brazil and was studying nutrition at university in Boston.
The work required her to look after Torres' animals, cook for her, do her laundry and clean for $2000 a month. But when she arrived, the situation in Torres' house shocked her. The house was filthy and she was forced to sleep on a sofa covered in cat urine. She was expected to constantly be available for Torres, only being allowed to sleep for a few hours. She would sneak away to the building's gym to sleep for a few hours. She was never paid.
After Ana escaped, Torres hired two more women -- Desirre and Leticia-- who moved with her to a house in Texas. What started out as a life coaching and healing retreat quickly turned into a nightmare for the women.
Within weeks, Desirre was pressured her into working at a local strip club while Torres performed “witchcraft” on her. The two women were forbidden from speaking to each other and had to ask her permission to leave their rooms, even to use the bathroom.
Soon, Torres convinced Desiree to turn to prostitution. If she didn't meet the earning quotas that Torres set, she was not allowed to return to the house that night. “I ended up sleeping on the street several times because I couldn't reach that,” Desirre told BBC.
In September, the two women's friends and family launched social media campaigns to find them. To escape media attention, Torres and the women travelled from Texas to Maine. From there, the two were made to post Instagram videos denying being held captive and demanded people stop searching for them.
Over 20 women have come forward with stories of being scammed or exploited by Torres. They are still undergoing psychiatric therapy to recover from what they say they experienced.
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gonzalez756 · 18 days
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Starting an e-commerce business can be an exciting venture with immense potential. However, with the opportunities come challenges and uncertainties. Before diving into the world of online retail, it’s crucial to plan carefully and set a solid foundation. Here are some essential tips to consider before launching your e-commerce business:
1. Conduct Market Research
Understanding the market is fundamental to any successful business. Start by identifying your target audience and analyzing competitors. Research trends, customer preferences, and potential gaps in the market. Tools like Google Trends, social media analytics, and industry reports can provide valuable insights. This research will help you tailor your products or services to meet market demands and differentiate yourself from competitors.
2. Define Your Business Model
E-commerce offers various business models, such as B2C (Business to Consumer), B2B (Business to Business), C2C (Consumer to Consumer), and subscription-based models. Determine which model aligns with your goals and resources. Each model has its own set of challenges and requirements, so choose one that best fits your product or service and target market.
3. Create a Solid Business Plan
A comprehensive business plan serves as a roadmap for your e-commerce venture. Outline your business goals, strategies, target audience, marketing plan, financial projections, and operational plan. This document will not only guide your efforts but also help secure funding if needed. A clear plan can keep you focused and organized as you navigate the complexities of launching and running an e-commerce business.
4. Choose the Right E-Commerce Platform
Selecting the right e-commerce platform is crucial for the success of your online store. Popular platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, and BigCommerce each offer unique features and capabilities. Consider factors such as ease of use, scalability, customization options, payment gateways, and integration with other tools. The platform should align with your business needs and provide a user-friendly experience for both you and your customers.
5. Develop a User-Friendly Website
Your website is the face of your e-commerce business. Ensure it’s designed to be user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for mobile devices. A clean, intuitive layout with easy navigation will enhance the shopping experience and reduce cart abandonment rates. Focus on high-quality images, detailed product descriptions, and a seamless checkout process. Additionally, implement search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to improve your site’s visibility in search engines.
6. Implement Secure Payment Processing
Security is a top priority in e-commerce. Customers need to trust that their payment information is safe. Choose a reputable payment gateway and ensure your website uses SSL certificates to encrypt data. Additionally, offer multiple payment options, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and other payment methods that are popular with your target audience.
7. Plan Your Logistics and Supply Chain
Efficient logistics and supply chain management are vital for e-commerce success. Develop a strategy for inventory management, warehousing, and shipping. Decide whether you’ll handle fulfillment in-house or partner with third-party logistics providers. Consider shipping options, delivery times, and costs. A smooth and reliable fulfillment process can significantly impact customer satisfaction and repeat business.
8. Craft a Marketing Strategy
Effective marketing is essential to drive traffic and sales to your e-commerce store. Develop a multi-channel marketing strategy that includes social media, email marketing, content marketing, and paid advertising. Create engaging content, run promotions, and leverage social media platforms to build brand awareness and attract customers. Monitor and analyze the performance of your marketing efforts to refine your strategies over time.
9. Focus on Customer Service
Exceptional customer service can set your e-commerce business apart from competitors. Provide multiple channels for customer support, such as live chat, email, and phone. Ensure timely responses to inquiries and resolve issues promptly. Building strong customer relationships and encouraging feedback can enhance customer loyalty and drive positive reviews.
10. Monitor and Adapt
The e-commerce landscape is constantly evolving. Regularly review your business performance, track key metrics, and gather customer feedback. Stay informed about industry trends and technological advancements. Be prepared to adapt your strategies and operations based on insights and changes in the market.
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smsprovider · 1 month
Bulk SMS Provider in UAE
Bulk SMS Provider in UAE
UAE Bulk SMS Provider Forwardvaluesms.com With the ever-increasing competition in the business world, it is more important than ever to invest in area marketing systems that give you an advantage. In the meantime, the rise of the mobile age and the expansion of the media transmission industry have made it possible for nearly everyone in your target segment to own a cell phone. Because of these factors, it is now extremely reasonable and essential for marketing strategies to incorporate selecting mass SMS services. Utilizing a robust Mass SMS framework, developing a product, or outsourcing these services all play a significant role in expanding your business. Reaching Out to Specific Groups of People:
1. The fundamental benefit of realizing a Mass SMS application is preparing to be to unendingly attract with productive clients and snare them back to your thing or organization line.
2. The probabilities of successfully correspondence your message is a significant measure use, by virtue of choosing mass SMS plans, basically considering the way that the gatherer will without a doubt go through it later whether or not his versatile is switched off at the time of passing on the message. Cost-effective and productive: 1. In addition to being more cost-effective than calling each person on your database individually, sending a mass SMS is also more effective. 2. Additionally, because the framework is electronic, it is a cost-effective method for contacting global audiences.
3. By integrating mass SMS benefits with your company website, you can further reduce costs. This project also does not require any upkeep.
Relevance in Reaching Advertising Objectives:
1. Compared to mass emails, which are more likely to end up in the recipient's spam folder, SMS messages have a much higher degree of credibility.
2. Organizations often find that mass informing makes it simple to spread information about new advertising campaigns, limited-time offers, and even invitations to special events.
Ineffectiveness in General Correspondence and Execution:
1. Mass SMS services are just as useful for internal communication as they are for outside correspondence, particularly with representatives who are typically out in the field.
2. You can effectively maintain contact databases for future correspondences by investing in a mass information framework.
3. Mass SMS arrangements are easier to put into action than you might think. All you need is a good internet connection. You wouldn't need to hire any specialized staff because this is a mechanized programming program that is incredibly simple to use.
Basically doling out the ability to a current specialists part is good. In a matter of minutes, you can immediately convey each of your messages. Investing in this strategy is a great way to ensure customer satisfaction and keeps target audiences fully informed with relevant information.
It is basic to check that your expert center for conveying your mass compositions is strong and not a fake. This is to moreover ensure that your data sets are not abused and the legitimacy of your correspondence is kept up. Use these services wisely to grow your business and implement an effective mass SMS advertising strategy!
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corusview-it-services · 2 months
Transforming Digital Landscapes: The Excellence of Corusview IT Services.
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In today's fast-paced digital world, having a reliable and innovative technology partner is crucial for businesses aiming to stay ahead. Corusview IT Services, a leading web development company, stands out by offering top-tier software, web and mobile application development services. With a commitment to quality, reliability, and global reach, Corusview IT Services ensures that clients receive exceptional value for their investments.
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses often face a myriad of challenges when it comes to web, mobile, and software development. Navigating these hurdles can be daunting, but the right technology partner can turn these challenges into opportunities.
Common challenges in Digital development:
Complexity and integration challenges
Web Development: Building dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly websites that effortlessly integrate with existing systems can be quite intricate.
Mobile Development: Creating mobile applications that function seamlessly across various devices and platforms while delivering an excellent user experience poses a significant challenge.
Software Development: Developing custom software solutions that need to integrate with multiple other applications and databases often results in compatibility issues.
Staying current with technology
The fast-paced nature of technological advancements makes it challenging for businesses to remain up-to-date with the latest trends and tools.
Ensuring digital solutions are scalable and future-proof demands continuous investment and specialized expertise.
User experience and design
Developing an intuitive and engaging user experience is essential for the success of any digital product.
Subpar design and usability can result in low user engagement and satisfaction.
Security and compliance
Maintaining the security of digital solutions and adhering to regulatory requirements is a critical concern. Data breaches and security vulnerabilities can have significant consequences for businesses.
How Corusview IT Services can assist:
Corusview IT Services provides a broad range of solutions specifically crafted to tackle these challenges and support businesses in thriving within the digital landscape.
Expert web development
Custom web development: Tailored solutions crafted to fit your unique business requirements.
Content Management Systems (CMS): User-friendly systems that simplify website updates and maintenance.
Cutting-Edge Mobile App Development
Mobile App Creation: Bespoke apps designed to meet the needs of diverse industries.
Cross-Platform Solutions: Strategies that extend your app’s reach and boost its effectiveness across different platforms.
Ongoing Updates and Support: Regular enhancements and maintenance to keep your app fresh, secure, and up-to-date.
User-centric designs
UX and UI Innovation: Creating immersive and visually appealing designs tailored to enhance user interaction.
Prototyping and Usability Testing: Developing and refining prototypes to ensure optimal functionality and user satisfaction.
Ongoing Enhancement: Continuously evolving designs based on user feedback to maintain relevance and effectiveness.
Pioneering Technology and Innovation
Forefront of technological advancements, embracing the latest innovations to deliver state-of-the-art solutions.
Cutting-edge technology ensures your digital products are not only scalable and future-ready but also perfectly in tune with the latest market trends.
Rigorous Quality Assurance:
Implementing comprehensive quality assurance processes to ensure that every solution meets the highest standards of performance and reliability.
At Corusview IT Services, we’re dedicated to helping businesses tackle digital development challenges and achieve their ambitions. Whether you need a cutting-edge website, a bespoke software solution, or a trailblazing mobile app, our skilled team is here to provide top-notch results.
Elevate your digital game with us and witness the transformative power of our solutions. Learn more about how we can boost your company’s digital presence by visiting www.corusview.com.
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mariacallous · 8 months
Lobbyists for cable companies and advertisers yesterday expressed their displeasure with a proposed “click-to-cancel” regulation that aims to make it easier for consumers to cancel services.
Federal Trade Commission chair Lina Khan has said that changes are needed because “some businesses too often trick consumers into paying for subscriptions they no longer want or didn't sign up for in the first place.” The FTC proposed the new set of rules in March 2023, and comments from industry groups were taken this week in a hearing presided over by an administrative law judge.
NCTA – The Internet & Television Association, the primary trade group for cable companies like Comcast and Charter, said the rule would make it harder to offer deals to customers who are trying to cancel.
“The proposed simple click-to-cancel mechanism may not be so simple when such practices are involved. A consumer may easily misunderstand the consequences of canceling, and it may be imperative that they learn about better options,” NCTA CEO Michael Powell said at the hearing. For example, a customer “may face difficulty and unintended consequences if they want to cancel only one service in the package,” as “canceling part of a discounted bundle may increase the price for remaining services.”
Powell said that cable company reps can usually talk customers out of canceling. “Out of millions of cancellations, complaints received by NCTA members amount to only a tiny fraction of 1 percent,” he said. “Three out of four of the cable and broadband customers who called to cancel end up retaining some or all service after speaking with an agent.”
Powell worries that retaining customers will become tougher because, he said, the FTC “proposal prevents almost any communication without first obtaining a consumer's unambiguous, affirmative consent. That could disrupt the continuity of important services, choke off helpful information, and forgo potential savings. It certainly raises First Amendment issues.”
Powell also said the cost of complying—including retraining employees and maintaining records for longer than current practice—could force cable companies to raise prices. He claimed that the FTC's estimate of compliance costs is too low.
FTC: Sellers Must Take “No” for an Answer
The FTC said one of its proposed rules “would require businesses to make it at least as easy to cancel a subscription as it was to start it. For example, if you can sign up online, you must be able to cancel on the same website, in the same number of steps.”
Sellers would also have to obtain customer consent before they “pitch additional offers or modifications when a consumer tries to cancel their enrollment,” the FTC said. Before making those pitches, sellers would have to “ask consumers whether they want to hear them. In other words, a seller must take ‘no’ for an answer, and upon hearing ‘no’ must immediately implement the cancellation process.”
The FTC also proposes that sellers be required to “provide an annual reminder to consumers enrolled in negative option programs involving anything other than physical goods, before they are automatically renewed.”
At yesterday's hearing, the FTC also heard from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), a lobby group for the online advertising industry. “The proposed rule would disrupt the current regime by adding specific requirements dictating what auto-renewal disclosures must say and how they must be presented,” said Lartease Tiffith, the IAB's executive VP for public policy.
Tiffith argued that the rule will burden businesses “and restrict innovation without any corresponding benefit. And as the technology develops, these prescriptive requirements will constrain companies from being able to adapt their offerings to the needs of their customers.”
Tiffith defended auto-renewals generally, saying the practice of automatically renewing services brings “significant benefits to both businesses and consumers in the form of cost savings, convenience, and heightened value.”
Cable Lobby Complains About Cost
Powell claims that complying with the rules would require “rebuilding” cable company systems and that the cost “could easily exceed $100 million for initial implementation by our industry alone.” These costs “would likely lead to higher prices for consumers,” he said.
An FTC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking offered a much different take on the costs, estimating that the “annual labor cost for disclosures for all entities is $4,695,800.” That's based on “an estimated hourly wage rate for sales personnel of $22.15” and an “estimate of 212,000 hours for compliance with the Rule's disclosure requirements.”
The FTC said that non-labor costs for complying with record-keeping and disclosure rules, “such as equipment and office supplies, would be costs borne by sellers in the normal course of business.”
Powell argued that the proposal shouldn't be applied to the cable industry. “The ominously labeled ‘negative option’ feature is merely a plan that continues until the customer cancels,” Powell said. "Most such plans present few concerns … In many industries like ours, automatic renewals are the only model that makes any sense. Consumers expect their internet service to flow reliably and without interruption."
The cable lobbyist contended that consumers are happy with cable company cancellation practices, and that adding the rules to “established processes that are well understood by subscribers will create more confusion, not less.”
“Tens of millions of consumers use our services. They know they are paying for continuing service … and they know how to cancel, rarely complaining about the process,” he said. “The FTC's highly prescriptive proposal requiring numerous disclosures, multiple consents, and specific cancellation mechanisms is a particularly poor fit for our industry.”
Referring to the requirement to obtain consent before offering new deals to customers who are trying to cancel service, Powell said that “placing speed bumps on conversations between consumers and providers will deny them a rightful chance at a better deal and providers a fair opportunity to retain a good customer.”
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