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designingsolutions · 11 months
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mildlyromanticperv · 3 months
What did you expect of me?
Karina x MReader. Fluff. Enemies to lovers.
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-For christ sake, what a bitch! -Your anger boiling in your heart and your brain tells you, no, yells you to go to your managers office and demand a fair treatment, it's just ourageous that among all the workers in the office you have to stay late every single day of the week to cover the "last project of the quarter".
No matter what you do, how hard you work, how many late nights and how many cups of coffee you drink at a day, it just feels like a prison in here, the office that hired you as the main developer for the website on their new brand "Supernova."
Plus, who names a project "Supernova"? Sounds like with just a simple code here and there you'd make the market implode and then explode in money... If your manager Karina expects for that to happen she's either naively hopeful or a total delusional.
-You, come to my office. -Her cold words stabs your brain, after a whole week hearing her low pitch condescending dictatorial voice you can't bear to listen to it one more time, but you need this job like, DESPERATELY need this job, so there's no talk back to the boss.
-Yes boss?
-We're behind on the project, have you been slacking off again? -Her cold judgemental gaze falls upon your black sacked eyes showing off the immense exhaustion you have tu put up with during the project.
-Look boss, I'm doing my best, I haven't slept well these past few days but I assure you I will have everything ready by next month even if the useless of my coworkers don't do shit. -Your tongye got the best of you and runs wild. -I just need to have a good night sleep, can you let me out early today?
-No, we are all hands on deck and you know that. -She sighs and rubs her forehead in a clear show of stress and disappointment. -Just go back to work and don't screw anything up.
Any person with enough patience would put up with that shit, but not you, not now at least. The condescending tone and the past sleep deprived week has been just too much for you, clearly you're not thinking straight anymore, or perhaps you're thinking clearer...?
-Fuck this.
-Excuse me? -She responds with equal or perhaps even higher anger.
-Fuck this Karina, I'm not doing any more shit today and I'm tired to put up with your fucking demands. Fire me if you want I'm going home to sleep. -You really shuld've thought that better, but what is done is done, you start to pick up your stuff and bracing yourself for the shouting match.
-You cross that door and you're suspended, one week half pay. -Surprisingly enough instead of picking up a fight and shouting her vocal cords off as she usually does, she just stares straight into your eyes with a gaze so cold it could freeze hell itself. -You're not the only developer in our payroll, if I wanted I could fire your sorry ass right now and make it so you never work as a developer never again in your life, so consider this a favour.
Don't let that tone of hers get into your core.
Just, breathe.
-Fuck you. -It's the only thing you get to say before actually leaving.
-One week suspension no pay, and don't you dare call me or text me asking to forgive you. Jackass.
With the anger oozing through your pores you just slam the door and head out. You start your car and praying you don't crash you go from 0 to 100 in just a couple of seconds screeching the tires of your car.
-Please god, take care of him... -She sighs under her breath.
But wait... What?
Take care of him?
During that next week there was absolutely no news from you on the office, things started to be more... tense. You've received a ton of messages from your coworkers basically begging him to come back, but the answer is defenitive: No.
However things don't ever go your way.
*Bzz* *Bzz* *Bzz*
-Hey, we need to talk, come to the office. -Again, that swee... No. Annyoing voice again.
-I'm suspended. -Your answer comes as soon as the thought hits your brain.
A sigh from the other line and a faint whisper.
-This man is going to be the death of me some day. -But then the usual tone returns. -Look, I made a rash decision and we need your intel, you're the one that knows the way around our software.
-I thought you had several developers in your payroll, I bet they can help. -You say sipping through the wine you bought for that dinner for one you've been pushing away so much due to the job.
-I'm asking nicely, and around here you know that's as rare as an unicorn. Just come here tomorrow and finish the project, we're ahead.
-Ahead? What do you mean ahead? You said we we're behind last week! -Your voice comes harsher and harsher, even though your chest is telling you not to.
Not to her.
-I lied to try and make things faster, okay? Just come and we can talk like professionals. -She couldn't come to acknowledge the fact that she just wanted to see you. She couldn't admit that she misses your cologne, your three day beard and your stoic gaze when you're so deep in thought. -I'll send you the advances that have been made.
Right away she hangs up the phone, relieved she didn't break down into yelling or insults. Right away an email arrives on your computer with such incredibly... small advances looks like you carried the entire project all by yourself.
-Why am I not surprised? -You sigh under your breath as you pause the movie you were watching and read what has been done, immediately you start chaning... well, almost everything.
Next day...
You should at least turn off the car, for real, have you seen how expensive the gas is around these days?
"Just go, I avoid her any longer... I- I don't want to..." -It's the only thought that crosses your mind, the thought of seeing her piercing eyes again, the feeling of her gaze piercing and burning through your very soul, the loud beating of your heart as you look at her lips...
Her lips...
If only she wasn't your boss, right?
-So, I checked the non existent advances the useless guys did, and...
-How you've been? Have you slept well? -For some reason her tone wasn't condescending anymore, the worry present on her voice...
Could it be?
-Yes, finally in months I've been sleeping great... -Her eyes, oh. my. god... Her eyes... -Anyways, I have everything finished now, you can present it to corporate. -You say trying to avoid her eyes as you speak sarcastically and look at your watch.
-Big date coming or something? -She asks, doing an awesome job yo hide the jealousy.
-Just wondering how long this will take. -She sighs again, feeling the anger and stress of your cold demeanor.
-Your week of suspension ends today and the weekind is off by legal, so you can go now and I'll see you on monday.
After that you just go back to your usual routine, the weekend goes great and the next week of work comes, with so much less stress that even the busiest day feels like a walk through the park. The time off work led you to watch so much shows, and so much free time, time spent in imagining your life outside of work with that person that would make your days so much happier.
Thinking of love.
What a great future you could have, perhaps you could get married and have kids, after all that's your dream.
In a year you'd ascendo in your job, start earning more, you'd start dating to finally get the chance to let you feel that love you so desperately look for, In a year your boss wouldn't be your boss and perhaps you could date her, in a year you'd buy your first...
Your boss? Date... your boss?
Why would you think that? She's a bitch.
"But she's a gorgeous bitch." You thought, perhaps... only perhaps... You wanted that, you liked your boss...
*Bzz* *Bzz* *Bzz*
Your phone rings with a text from your boss.
-Corporate loved the project, we were given monday to celebrate, so I'll be expecting you monday 7:00 A.M. sharp for the party.
-Got it boss. And hey, sorry for snapping out last week. -Perhaps this could be a beginning, you know you should keep things professional, you keep telling yourself to stop but flesh is weak.
-Yeah, just don't be late. -Her response cold as always after 5 minutes of writing and deleting, she's also in the midst of an inner debate, whether let herself feel what she wants to feel for you or just don't say anything.
But why? Why shouldn't you try? Because she's your boss? There's plenty of people that date with their boss and make it work, you shouldn't keep ahold of the prospect of your happiness just because people might judge, that's the whole point, living for yourself and be happy yourself. Isn't it?
That very Monday at 7:00 A.M. you show yourself at work wearing a new white T-shirt and some loose jeans, your usual wrist watch and a new cologne you bought just for your boss, nothing else is going to stop you.
-Hey, boss. -You came to talk to her made a nrevous wreck not really knowing what to do to get her attention.
-Oh, here he is, the brain behind it all. -She wrapped her arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to present you to some corporate officers like if you were a prize, like you never shouted before... Like you two were friends... Being so close to her made your every sense enter overdrive and your nostrils welcomed her particular scent, that magnificent smell of lavender and strawberries sent your head over the moon.
The rest of the party went completely normal, talking here, showing off there... Taking glances at your boss every once in a while as well.
Wait, did she looked at you as well?
Was she blushing?
-Hey boss can I talk to you for a sec? -You got closer and whispered into her ear, not long after she pointed you to the balcony where you usually go to have your lunch.
-Make it quick.
-Look boss, there's no easy way for me to say this, but I think I should quit... I... I have feelings for you.
-Is that so? -Her cold demeanor makes you back off for a second, unable to tell the truth in her eyes you stutter.
-I know, I know that I was rude last week and I'm being just way too out of line. -Her eyes shine with a glint never seen before, in her mind the thoughts are divided whether she should speak from her heart, as Karina. Or speak from her brain as Ms. Jimin, regional Manager of your branch.
-You know you're my worker, and this is incredibly inappropriate.
-Don't you feel the same for me? I saw you looking for my eyes before.
-Don't be ridiculous, I'm your boss. -Despite the way she feels work ethics comes first, how can a manager could let a worker speak to her that way?
-I don't care. -It's the last thing you said before leaning forward and placing your hand against her cheek, caressing her soft skin and pressing your lips over hers.
For a second all that exists is you and her, together in a tight embrace holding her waist desperately thinking that if you'd ever let go of her she'd just vanish in the thin air. She responds to your advances letting your body invade her personal space, for mere seconds that feel like an eternity all that she can feel is your hands gripping her blouse until she lets go of any ties and wrap her arms around your neck, tipping into her toe-tips to match as much as she can your height.
-We... We can't... I'm your boss... -Her voice comes out cracking, breathing unsteady due to the raw passion she just felt a while ago. -It's inappropriate.
-I don't care, I'll quit if needed, I just care that I want you.
-I want you too. -She rests her head on your shoulder nuzzling her face in the crook of your neck.
You then caress her soft hair, taking a deep breath of her unique scent that send jolts of electricity along your brain.
-So what now, boss? -This time the words come out strong, lovingly, softly.
-Now we talk to HR, couples need to fill paperwork. -She pulls back and looks into your eyes again. -You always make me do more and more paperwork... -She then whispers in your ear. -Sweetie.
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beesmygod · 1 year
we can all look back on and laugh at this when im wrong, but it seems like social media in its current incarnation is dying an undignified and overdue death. it turns out throwing all of humanity into one room and expecting everyone to develop a single ethos was beyond insane conceptually and the artists who built their following on social media are probably in a tail spin right now. people jumping to bluesky are insane lol. did you forget jack dorsey is the idiot who got us into this mess in the first place. why would you choose to subject yourself to this shit again. for what purpose?
the stock answer i got was that "for discoverability/audience" and if that's true thats a problem. i've been hollerin about this to anyone who would listen prior to this but the customer base of twitter (and all social media) is its advertisers. they have not been shy from the start about that fact because its the only way they generate income, as far as i know. YOU (the user) are the product. YOU (still the user) are also what draws people to the site. there is not a social media website on earth that has figured out that making a good website (which would require hiring and paying for quality labor over an extended period of time) is more likely to result in economic success than exclusively courting the businesses whose interest is in making the website worse to use with ads. at no point were our interests ever a factor.
in fact, imo, the number of people following you is not an accurate representational sample of your audience. the reasonable assumption you should make is that the vast majority of numbers involved with any website (esp those with a vested interest in showing off big numbers to VC investors or advertising execs) are inflated or just outright fake. the numbers exist solely to drive you insane and make awful people happy. the numbers cause you and everyone around you to start spontaneously spawning myths about a beast called "the algorithm" that possesses the incredible traits of being both something you can game for success or blame for your failures. it coerces you into enacting out nonsense superstitions to try to counteract or appease it in the hopes of, let's be honest, breaking it big and going viral. this way, you, the creator, do not have to do the hard work of building up a rapport with an audience. none of this goes anything but adds more numbers for the ceos to look at and nod approvingly or disapprovingly at.
the people running the world today are, without exaggeration, cartoon villains. they are deeply stupid, devoid of empathy, and open about their intent to do deeply evil acts in order to further their economic interests. trying to derive some kind of financial benefit from the creations of these unapologetic losers was always bound to be a wasted effort. the best thing i can say about twitter, a website i was banned from countless times and returned to out of stubborn desire, was that i got to make some great jokes with friends and cause some chaos lol. letting people know i have a web comic was always a secondary function once the realization of what social media was turning out to be set in like 7 years ago. any artist who insists that you have to do this or that on this or that social media site is trying to drag you down into the quagmire of online numbers poisoning.
run away!!! children heed my advice!!! the joy of creation does not lie on a path that encourages you to cater to the lowest common denominators while casting your net. just fucking have fun with it. if its not fun then it wont even be fun to do financially anyway. and isnt that, like. the point.
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shojoqueendom · 4 months
The whole story of the illegal sale of Candy Candy products by Yumiko Igarashi
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What is Candy Candy?
Candy Candy is shojo manga that was published between 1975 and 1981 in Nakayoshi magazine. It was written by Kyoko Mizuki (Keiko Nagita) and illustrated by Yumiko Igarashi. It was adapted to anime between 1976 and 1979 with a total of 115 episodes by Toei Animation.
The dramatic story of the sweet and optimistic Candy was an international success and is today an icon of shojo manga and one of the best sellers.
Evidently, the copyright holders are both Mizuki and Igarashi, and the trademark rights holder is Toei Animation.
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Beginning of the conflict: Cancellation of the contract with Kodansha
According to Igarashi, her subsequent works at Kodansha didn't achieve significant sales, so the publisher abandoned her.
Candy Candy's views were decreasing over time and Kodansha did nothing. So Igarashi asked Mizuki to cancel her contract with Kodansha, Mizuki chose her friend and they did so on February 26, 1995.
Toei Animation also had a contract with Kodansha for Candy Candy, which automatically expired when Mizuki and Igarashi canceled their contract. To broadcast Candy Candy, Toei Animation had to sign a new contract with Igarashi and Mizuki. Toei Animation and Mizuki tried to contact Igarashi many times for this but were unsuccessful.
Meanwhile, Igarashi was working with Fuji Sankei (now Qualus), through which she was able to offer licenses to many companies to sell Candy Candy products without asking permission from Mizuki or Toei.
The unmasking: Banpresto's purikura
One of these companies was Banpresto Co., Ltd., which develops video games and makes collectible figures. Igarashi lied about creating a new (fictitious) company in Hong Kong with Mizuki and Toei called "Candy Corporation." Igarashi and Banpresto made a "purikura" (Japanese photo booths) contract. Banpresto asked Igarashi many times if Mizuki was aware of this contract, Igarashi always confirmed it. Banpresto considered it rude to ask Mizuki herself to confirm, so they agreed.
So how did they find out what Igarashi was doing? Candy Candy's purikura was set up at the Tokyo Gulliver Store in Matsudo, Chiba Prefecture, which was a large gaming center managed by Banpresto.
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Banpresto intended to install its purikura machines throughout the country, including Candy Candy.
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Igarashi stated that she accepted the purikura because it was only "a test case" and that she would have no compensation. She said that she was worried that Mizuki would reject the offer because Mizuki didn't like games at all (which Mizuki never said), so she planned to talk to Mizuki later if the test was successful. News of Candy Candy's purikura spread through the media and reached Mizuki in May 1997. Igarashi says that Mizuki told her over the phone that if she had known she wouldn't have refused, and that Igarashi was trying to keep the profits for herself. She said that Mizuki forced her to cancel the purikura event and that she hired a lawyer to sue Igarashi. Mizuki refuted this on her official website. Igarashi stated that she didn't receive any benefit from the purikura because it was only a prototype. Even if it were, purikura isn't free, so benefits were generated.
The problem is that the idea of ​​creating a purikura was Igarashi's, not Banpresto's. Banpresto, upon realizing that they hadn't received permission from Mizuki, removed the purikura and wouldn't move it until the copyright issue was resolved. That's why Mizuki didn't sue Banpresto. Still, Banpresto apologized profusely for being involved in the scam.
Mizuki comments that she wasn't sure about canceling the contract with Kodansha, her husband didn't recommend it, but she still did it and regrets it. Her husband asked the legal advisor who had drawn up the contract, the legal advisor didn't know. Worried, Mizuki and her husband wanted to talk to Igarashi to discuss what they would do with Candy Candy from then on, but Igarashi kept putting off her request, saying that she was busy and for her to wait until the next month, and so on.
Mizuki became suspicious and finally they found out about the purikura issue, they even went to Banpresto to ask for explanations, to which Banpresto responded that they received the copyright to do it from the (fictitious) company that Igarashi created without Mizuki or Toei. They also told her how Igarashi confirmed to them several times that she had Mizuki's permission. Although purikura was considered a test, they received benefits for it.
As a result of this, everything that Igarashi had been doing in Hong Kong was discovered: she published manga products without authorization through Jade Dynasty Publishing. When this publisher found out that they didn't have Mizuki's permission either, they canceled the contract with Candy Corporation.
So far it was discovered what Igarashi had been doing without Mizuki's permission:
Original reproductions by Fuji Sankei and others.
Candy Candy reprint by Fusosha Publishing.
Fuji Sankei CD-ROM.
Postcards and cards manufactured by Jade Dynasty Publishing.
The Banpresto purikura.
Legal CD-ROM Manga.
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Illegal CD-ROM Manga.
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To all this, Igarashi insisted that 80% of Candy Candy belongs to her, and that only 20% belongs to Mizuki.
The case of fake original illustrations
In August 1997, the sale of original illustrations (again, without Mizuki's permission) was announced in the Sankei Shimbun. Finally, in September 1997, Fuji Sankei was sued for its lack of sincerity. These illustrations were actually prints made by a printer, they went on sale in February 1998 as a high quality print, but people in the art world warned that it wasn't a high quality print. That is, they were selling reprints at a high price as if they were high quality but they weren't.
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An expert commented that these fakes have a real value of 30 to 200 yen ($0.19-1.27). If they were originals, it would be between 8,000 and 20,000 yen ($50.73-126.84) (and framed); but Igarashi and Fuji Sankei sold them for between 40,000 and 140,000 yen ($253.67-887.85). The deceived fans were deeply hurt, if they had known that they were buying it without Mizuki's permission and at a higher price than the real one, they wouldn't have bought it.
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Mail order advertisements in newspapers ceased, but they were still distributed and sold in art galleries, for example Atelier Beauty and Prince Gallery.
The problem of selling products without the Mizuki's name
A friend of Igarashi spread the false rumor that Mizuki sued Igarashi without talking to her first. In fact, the decision to report a friend of 20 years wasn't easy for Mizuki, but she had to do it AFTER talking to her. But she and Fuji Sankei refused to have a conversation with her about what happened. Several people told Mizuki to be careful with Igarashi, but Mizuki always defended her.
In the indication © on products, the names of all copyright holders must be added and never omitted without their consent. In the following images you can see which are the official products and which are the Igarashi products.
In this bag we see that the three names are included, it is original.
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This backpack is also an official product, it contains the names of Mizuki and Igarashi.
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Let's now look at the illegal merchandise. In this product we can see only the Igarashi's name.
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This other one used Mizuki's name without her permission.
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The impossible broadcast of Candy Candy
In 2001 all broadcasting rights granted to foreign companies expired. So the later copies are pirated copies disguised as official products. This was done, for example, by Power International Multimedia Inc., Igarashi's business partner in Taiwan. Even after Igarashi lost her lawsuit in 2008, Power International released this DVD box set unlicensed from Toei Animation.
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When it was discovered what Igarashi had been doing, Toei and Mizuko planned to resolve the situation by ratifying the illegal goods (confirming the counterfeit products and rebirthing them as an official product) if the Igarashi side appealed and didn't fight further after the court's ruling, with the intention to help scammed companies. But the matter reached the Supreme Court. The products spread so much around the world that nothing could be done about it.
On August 23, 1999, Mizuki and Toei signed an agreement stating that Toei Animation could register "Candy Candy" as a trademark so that it can broadcast the anime.
Currently, Toei Animation is wary of digitally remastering all 115 episodes (which would cost a considerable amount of money) only to have it eventually canceled due to the ongoing copyright dispute.
Mizuki allowed the anime to be broadcast. But there are many factors why it cannot be broadcast, even abroad:
The contract with Toei Animation hasn't been renewed.
The copyright dispute.
The problem of infringement of trademark rights by Igarashi.
Igarashi sent Toei Animation to court to invalidate its trademark on July 10, 2001, but this was dismissed.
Igarashi filed a lawsuit against Mizuki requesting consent to remake it.
In short, if both creators don't recognize the copyright and give their consent, the anime cannot be broadcast. But Igarashi didn't want to, she even wanted the trademark rights for herself, but Mizuki didn't allow it. Anyway, it's not fair because the anime version is also the work of Toei staff and voice actors. Igarashi gave Toei permission to rebroadcast it, but without acknowledging Mizuki's copyright, it became a vicious cycle.
Japan Manga Society against Kyoko Mizuki
Igarashi has publicly stated on many sites that Kyoko Mizuki isn't the original author. This is quite questionable because the story was written by Mizuki, Igarashi drew it. The Japan Manga Society doesn't offer Mizuki's presence and instead allows Igarashi to present convenient arguments and dismiss the Supreme Court's ruling. The Copyright Subcommittee of the Japan Manga Society declared that Mizuki's blocking the sale of products produced by Igarashi without permission from Mizuki and Toei was an abuse of rights without justifiable reason, even suggesting that Igarashi file a lawsuit against Mizuki.
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During and after losing the case, Igarashi continued her illegal business saying that she had reached a deal with Mizuki (a lie).
Yumiko Igarashi on trial
Kodansha itself attempted to persuade Igarashi to apologize and reconcile with Mizuki by submitting a total of 3 statements to the district court in 1998 by Mitsuro Shimizu, the editor in charge of Candy Candy at Kodansha. Still, Japan Manga Society said Kodansha didn't testify. Mitsuro Shimizu explained that the editorial department selected Mizuki as the original author, the concept of Candy was discussed between Igarashi, Mizuki and Shimizu. Igarashi expressed her wishes and opinions but in the end it was Mizuki who made the final decision as the writer. Kunio Hase, the director of the Japan Manga Society said that these statements were false. Yukio Shindo, director of copyright business promotion at Kodansha, stated in court in October 1998 that manga works written from the original work are always subject to the original copyright of the original author, which to use a work for secondary use, permission must be obtained from the original author and the manga artist whatever it may be (even if they're illustrations) and that Kodansha always considered Kyoko Mizuko as the original author during the 20-year contract. The Japan Manga Society said that the Supreme Court's decision to position Mizuki as the original author is an absurd ruling that doesn't reflect the real situation of the manga industry. Kodansha has always maintained with legal opinions that Kyoko Mizuki is the original author and the manga work is a derivative, the work of the original manuscript. Yumiko Igarashi commented that the Supreme Court ruling naming Mizuko as the original author was unfair and doesn't accept that the person who wrote "just the words" has the copyright. In this situation, neither Kodansha can reprint the manga, nor can Toei broadcast the anime.
List of court cases related to “Candy Candy”
February 25, 1999: "Candy Candy" Case (Fuji Sankei)
Mizuki denounces the sale without her permission of false "high quality" illustrations by Igarashi and Fuji Kasei. The court recognized Mizuki as the owner of the copyright and ordered Igarashi to stop publication. Characters can't be used without Mizuki's permission. In November 1995 they signed a contract that established that their consent was required for the use of the characters, but Igarashi breached it.
April 8, 1999: "Candy Candy" Incident (Yumiko Igarashi Museum)
Mizuki denounces that products with Candy Candy's image continue to be sold without her permission, even after winning the first trial. The Yumiko Igarashi Museum had been conducting mail-order sales of Candy Candy products on the official Yumiko Igarashi website.
March 17, 2000: Candy Candy Illustration Sales Case (Shizuka Art)
Mizuki sues Shizuka Art for selling Candy Candy's image without her permission. An interim injunction was granted against Shizuka Art to prohibit sales. Shizuka Art was exhibiting and selling new paintings by Yumiko Igarashi as original paintings.
March 30, 2000: "Candy Candy" Case (Fuji Sankei)
The judge noted that in manga, the illustrations and the development of the story are inseparable and integral. You can't sell the illustrations.
May 25, 2000: "Candy Candy" Case (Kabaya Foods)
Between 1998 and 1999, Kabaya Foods, with only Igarashi's consent, manufactured and sold candy bags featuring the Candy Candy characters. The judge stated that the original author can exercise copyright even if only images are used. The Tokyo District Court ordered the defendant to pay approximately 3 million yen ($19,029.75).
October 17, 2000: Candy Candy Paintings Sales Case (Shizuka Art)
The "Hello Candy Candy" exhibition displayed and sold paintings of Candy Candy, again without Mizuki's consent.
December 26, 2000: Candy Candy Commercialization Case
Mizuki demands Fuji Sankei and Yumiko Igarashi.
March 2001: Japanese anime remake test
Igarashi filed a lawsuit against Mizuki demanding a remake of Candy Candy with Nippon Animation.
August 7-September 28, 2001: Toei trademark invalidation trial
Igarashi filed a trademark invalidation suit against Toei Animation on July 10 but it was dismissed because in 1999 Mizuki and Toei signed an agreement establishing that Toei Animation would register Candy Candy as a trademark.
October 25, 2001: "Candy Candy" Case (Fuji Sankei)
For the third time, the judge explains to her that copyright can't be enforced without the consent of the original author and the manga artist. They granted the copyright to the original author, Mizuki.
February 23, 2002: "Candy Candy" Incident (Lucky Corporation, Osaka)
Lucky Corporation sues Igarashi because it suffered damages of approximately 45 million yen ($285,446.25) from the manufacture and sale of "Candy Candy" products, a right granted by Igarashi but not by Mizuki. Igarashi paid about 10 million yen ($63,432.50) and a settlement fee.
April 2002: Otaru Art Museum Exhibition Test
Yumiko sued Mizuki over the exhibition at the Otaru Art Museum.
May 30, 2002: Candy Candy Clothing Sale (Tanii, Dan Enterprises, Sunbright, Earth Project)
Mizuki sues several clothing sales companies for commercializing Candy Candy characters without permission. The damage claim was for 55 million yen ($348,878.75), but the Tokyo District Court ordered her to pay approximately 29 million yen ($183,954.25).
September 10, 2003: "Candy Candy" merchandise breach of contract case
Toymaker Apple One made Candy Candy puzzles, again, only with Igarashi's permission, not Mizuki's. So they sued Igarashi and other companies that claimed to own the copyrights they granted them to make the puzzles.
July 21, 2004: "Candy Candy" merchandise breach of contract case
The Tokyo District Court of First Instance sentenced Igarashi to pay approximately 1.75 million yen ($11,100.69).
September 2005: Kurashiki Art Museum Exhibition Test
Mizuki against the Kurashiki Art Museum, which held an exhibition of Candy Candy with only the permission of Igarashi, who said "I don't need permission to show it."
甜甜 Lady Lady: The Taiwanese Candy
You may have ever used an image mistakenly thinking it was Candy. That's because Igarashi created a "new original work" called "Lady Lady" in Taiwan that curiously resembles "Candy Candy" (the difference is in the bangs and that she doesn't have freckles). The other two characters also look like Anthony and Terry.
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In this way, Igarashi challenges Toei Animation by infringing (again) Toei's trademark rights. As if that were not enough, "Lady Lady" is the title of the animated version of "Lady!!" by Yoko Hide and trademark of Toei Animation. Also, Candy Candy's title in Chinese is "小甜甜" (Xiǎo tián tián), literally "Little Candy Candy". I mean, it's a shameless mix between Candy Candy and Lady Lady. 甜甜 is the Chinese name of Yumiko Igarashi's Lady Lady.
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Current situation
Since as of today they have not reached an agreement, the anime cannot be broadcast nor the manga can be published either in Japan or abroad. The authors continued with their professional careers. Igarashi can't create or sell any products related to Candy Candy, something Mizuki can do, without using Igarashi's illustrations.
To date, Igarashi has't expressed any apology to Mizuki or Toei Animation. In fact, she is suspected of still producing illegal goods on the foreign market. Mizuki feels sad, not only because of everything that happened, but also because of the malicious mentality that Igarashi had about her, thinking that she was her friend.
Please, be careful with the products you buy of Candy Candy, try to make sure they're original and not illegal products. Do not contribute to Igarashi's illegal business.
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yvetteheiser · 6 months
Yvette Heiser- Is it possible to start a career in photography without formal education? 
If you are passionate about photography but don't know how to get a career out of it, this read is for you. Many people are interested in photography but also doubt whether it brings a good career if it needs any formal education, etc. The answer is photography is a good career option which doesn't always require formal education. But it needs a lot of effort to attain excellence. Watch out, Yvette Heiser investigating the Transformative Power of Photography to get an understanding of the power of photography. Here, we will discuss how we can excel at photography without a formal education.  
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Self-Taught Photographers
One of the recent significant developments is the rise of self-taught photographers who have honed their skills through online resources, workshops, and mentorship programs. The internet is teeming with tutorials, forums, and video workshops covering every aspect of photography, from technical knowledge to creative composition. Platforms like YouTube, Skillshare, and Udemy offer various courses taught by industry professionals, allowing aspiring photographers to learn at their own pace and choose topics that align with their interests and career goals.
Mastering the Basics:
To get started with your photography career without formal education, it is essential to master the basics of photography. Understanding exposure, composition, lighting, and post-processing techniques are fundamental skills that every photographer should possess. Exposure, controlled by aperture, shutter speed, and ISO settings, determines the amount of light that reaches the camera sensor. Composition principles like the rule of thirds guide how elements are arranged within the frame, while lighting techniques can dramatically impact the mood and tone of a photograph.
Building a Strong Portfolio:
Creating a compelling portfolio is essential for showcasing your work and attracting clients. Quality often trumps quantity, so selecting the best images demonstrating your style and versatility is crucial. A diverse portfolio with different genres, subjects, and compositions showcases your photography range. Have a look at Yvette Heiser Texas – Why Hire a Professional Photographer at Your Wedding which explains the ongoing demand for wedding photographers. So, there is an absolute career awaiting professional photographers. Whether it's landscape, portrait, product, or event photography, your portfolio should reflect. Your unique vision and aesthetic. In today's digital age, having a personal website or utilizing social media platforms to display your work can significantly enhance your visibility and credibility as a photographer.
Networking and Collaboration:
Networking plays a vital role in building a successful photography career. Connecting with other photographers, joining photography groups or clubs, and attending industry events can provide valuable opportunities for learning, collaboration, and mentorship. Assisting experienced photographers on shoots can offer insights into professional workflows and client interactions, helping you navigate the intricacies of the industry. Engaging with potential clients and understanding their needs is essential for establishing relationships and securing job opportunities.
Final thoughts 
While formal education can provide a structured learning environment and mentorship opportunities, it is possible to start a career in photography without it. With dedication, perseverance, and a passion for storytelling through images, the possibilities are endless for those who dare to pursue their dreams behind the lens. 
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first-digi-add · 1 month
Common SEO Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Common SEO Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
In today's digital world, having a strong online presence is critical for business growth. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in achieving this by boosting your website's ranking in search results. However, understanding the dynamic world of SEO may be challenging. That's where SEO Services come in, offering expert guidance to optimize your website and attract more organic traffic.
What Exactly Are SEO Services?
SEO services encompass a range of strategies professionals employ to enhance your website's visibility and search engine ranking. These are some of the main topics they cover: 
Keyword Research: Identifying relevant keywords users search for to find your products or services.
On-Page Optimization: Fine-tuning website elements like title tags, meta descriptions, and content for optimal search engine understanding.
Technical SEO: Make sure your website can be indexed by search engines, loads quickly, and is compatible with mobile devices. 
Content Strategy: Develop high-quality content that engages users, provides valuable information, and incorporates relevant keywords naturally.
Link Building: Acquiring backlinks from reputable websites to demonstrate your website's authority and expertise.
Local SEO: Optimizing your website for local searches if you cater to a specific geographic area.
SEO Analytics: Tracking website traffic, ranking performance, and making data-driven decisions to further optimize your strategy.
Benefits of Hiring SEO Services:
Expertise and Efficiency: Professionals possess in-depth knowledge of SEO best practices and the latest algorithms, saving you time and resources.
Improved Search Ranking: With a well-optimized website, you'll attract more organic traffic, leading to increased leads and sales.
Enhanced Brand Awareness: Higher visibility in search results translates to greater brand recognition and trust among potential customers.
Long-Term Growth: SEO is an ongoing process, and an SEO service provider can offer continuous monitoring and adjustments for sustained success.
Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid in 2024:
1. Keyword Stuffing: Overusing keywords unnaturally within your content results in a poor user experience and penalties from search engines. Focus on creating informative content with a natural flow of keywords.
2. Neglecting Mobile Optimization: With a significant portion of searches now conducted on mobile devices, a website that's not mobile-friendly is a major turnoff for users and search engines alike.
3. Ignoring Core Web Vitals: These Google metrics address loading speed, responsiveness, and visual stability. Poor Core Web Vitals will make it difficult for a website to rank well. 
4. Low-Quality Content: Search engines prioritize websites with informative and engaging content. Avoid thin content with little value to users.
5. Backlink Spam: Building backlinks from irrelevant or low-quality websites can hurt your SEO performance. Focus on obtaining backlinks from established and trustworthy sources.
Staying Ahead of the Curve:
The world of SEO is constantly evolving. Here are some of the latest updates to be aware of:
Entity SEO: This approach focuses on establishing your website as an authority for specific topics by building connections with related entities in your field.
Voice Search Optimization: As voice search becomes more prevalent, optimizing your content for conversational language queries is crucial.
Focus on User Intent: Understanding the intent behind search queries allows you to tailor your content to provide users with the information they truly need.
Evolving Core Web Vitals: Google regularly refines its Core Web Vitals metrics, so staying updated on these changes is essential.
Investing in professional SEO services can significantly improve your website's visibility and drive sustainable business growth. By avoiding common pitfalls and embracing the latest trends, you can navigate the ever-changing SEO landscape and achieve top rankings in search results.
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seovirtualassistan · 1 month
Unlock Your Website’s Potential with an SEO Virtual Assistant
In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business. However, navigating the complexities of search engine optimization (SEO) can be overwhelming, especially if you’re juggling multiple tasks. That’s where an SEO virtual assistant comes into play. If you’re wondering how an SEO virtual assistant can help you achieve your digital marketing goals, read on to discover the benefits and services offered.
What is an SEO Virtual Assistant?
An SEO virtual assistant is a professional who specializes in providing SEO support and services remotely. This role involves a wide range of tasks aimed at improving your website’s search engine rankings and driving more organic traffic. From conducting keyword research to implementing on-page optimization strategies, an SEO virtual assistant handles the technical and strategic aspects of SEO so you can focus on running your business.
Key Services Offered by an SEO Virtual Assistant
Keyword Research: Identifying the right keywords is crucial for targeting the right audience. An SEO virtual assistant performs in-depth keyword research to uncover high-traffic, low-competition keywords that can boost your site’s visibility.
On-Page Optimization: From optimizing meta tags and headers to improving content structure, on-page SEO is essential for making your website more search-engine-friendly. An SEO virtual assistant ensures all elements on your site are optimized for better performance.
Content Strategy: Quality content is the backbone of effective SEO. An SEO virtual assistant can help you develop a content strategy that includes keyword-rich blog posts, engaging articles, and compelling web copy that resonates with your audience.
Link Building: Building high-quality backlinks is a critical component of SEO. An SEO virtual assistant manages your link-building efforts to enhance your website’s authority and credibility.
Performance Tracking: Monitoring your website’s SEO performance is key to understanding what works and what needs improvement. An SEO virtual assistant tracks and analyzes metrics to provide insights and recommendations for ongoing optimization.
Why Choose an SEO Virtual Assistant?
Expertise: With specialized knowledge and experience, an SEO virtual assistant can navigate the ever-evolving SEO landscape to implement the best strategies for your site.
Cost-Effective: Hiring a full-time SEO specialist can be expensive. An SEO virtual assistant offers a more affordable solution, providing high-quality services without the overhead costs.
Flexibility: Working with a virtual assistant means you can scale services up or down based on your needs, offering you flexibility and control over your SEO efforts.
In Conclusion
Partnering with an SEO virtual assistant can be a game-changer for your online marketing strategy. By leveraging their expertise, you can improve your website’s search engine rankings, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately, grow your business. If you’re ready to take your SEO to the next level, consider working with a dedicated SEO virtual assistant who can help you achieve your digital goals efficiently and effectively.
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apcseo · 4 months
Elevate Your Brand with Effective Brand Management Agency Services
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Elevate your brand with effective brand management agency services. Learn about the role of brand management agencies, the services they offer, and the benefits of hiring them.
In today's competitive marketplace, building a strong brand presence is essential for success. A well-managed brand not only differentiates your business from competitors but also creates lasting connections with consumers, fosters loyalty, and drives revenue growth. However, managing a brand effectively requires expertise, time, and resources that many businesses may not possess internally. This is where a professional brand management agency can make a significant difference.
What is a Brand Management Agency?
A brand management agency is a specialized firm that offers a comprehensive range of services aimed at building, enhancing, and protecting a brand's reputation and equity. These agencies work closely with businesses to develop strategic branding initiatives, manage brand communications, and ensure consistent brand messaging across all touchpoints.
Services Offered by Brand Management Agencies
1. Brand Strategy Development: Brand management agencies start by developing a clear and cohesive brand strategy tailored to the client's goals, target audience, and competitive landscape. This involves defining brand positioning, values, messaging, and brand architecture.
2. Brand Identity Design: A strong visual identity is crucial for brand recognition and recall. Brand management agencies create compelling brand identities, including logos, color palettes, typography, and brand guidelines, to ensure consistency and coherence in brand representation.
3. Brand Communication: Consistent and effective communication is key to building brand awareness and engagement. Brand management agencies develop integrated communication strategies encompassing traditional and digital channels such as advertising, public relations, social media, and content marketing.
4. Brand Experience Optimization: Every interaction a consumer has with a brand shapes their perception and loyalty. Brand management agencies focus on optimizing the brand experience across all touchpoints, including product packaging, website design, retail environments, and customer service.
5. Brand Monitoring and Reputation Management: Brand management agencies monitor brand mentions, customer feedback, and market trends to proactively manage brand reputation. They employ various tools and strategies to address potential issues, mitigate risks, and maintain a positive brand image.
6. Brand Extension and Licensing: Brand management agencies explore opportunities for brand extension and licensing to expand the brand's reach and revenue streams. This may involve partnerships, collaborations, or the development of new products and services aligned with the brand's values and identity.
Benefits of Hiring a Brand Management Agency
1. Expertise and Experience: Brand management agencies bring specialized expertise and experience to the table, allowing businesses to benefit from best practices, industry insights, and creative solutions that drive brand success.
2. Time and Resource Savings: Outsourcing brand management to a dedicated agency frees up internal resources and allows businesses to focus on core activities while leveraging the agency's capabilities and networks.
3. Strategic Perspective: Brand management agencies offer an external perspective and fresh insights that can help businesses identify new opportunities, overcome challenges, and stay ahead of industry trends.
4. Consistency and Coherence: By centralizing brand management activities, agencies ensure consistency and coherence in brand representation, messaging, and customer experience across all channels and touchpoints.
5. Measurable Results: Brand management agencies employ metrics and analytics to track the performance and impact of branding initiatives, enabling businesses to measure ROI and make data-driven decisions.
In today's dynamic business landscape, effective brand management is more important than ever. By partnering with a reputable brand management agency, businesses can elevate their brand presence, connect with consumers on a deeper level, and drive sustainable growth and success. Whether you're a startup looking to establish your brand identity or an established company seeking to revitalize your brand, investing in professional brand management services can be a strategic decision with long-term benefits.
This post was originally published on: Apppl Combine
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aaksconsulting · 4 months
3 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Magento Developer Right Now
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Magento developers are responsible for the entire development, customization and maintenance of e-commerce websites. The demand to have these developers on staff is high right now and they are in high demand. However, these developers can also be a lot to handle so if you’re considering hiring one of them, here are 3 things you should consider when you will hire a magento developer.
There are many reasons why you should hire a Magento developer right now. First of all, Magento developers are in high demand. This is because Magento is currently the most popular eCommerce platform on the market.
Second, Magento developers have a lot of experience with this platform. They know how to create customizations and modifications that will make your website stand out from the rest.
Third, Magento developers are very knowledgeable about SEO and online marketing. They will be able to help you improve your website’s visibility and traffic flow.
Finally, Magento developers are extremely reliable. They will always deliver on their promises and commitments, no matter what. Therefore, you can trust them to help you grow your business online.
There are a lot of reasons why you should hire a Magento developer right now. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits:
1. Magento developers can help you improve your website’s performance.
2. They can help you make changes to your Magento installation that will improve its functionality.
3. They can create custom extensions for your Magento site that will make it easier for you to do your business.
4. They have the expertise and knowledge to design and build websites that meet the needs of your customers.
5. They can help you troubleshoot problems with your Magento site and fix them quickly.
All of these benefits make it clear why you should hire a Magento developer right now. Don’t wait any longer – call us today and we’ll set up a consultation with one of our experts!
1. Magento is the number one ecommerce platform in the world and continues to grow in popularity.
2. There are a lot of reasons why you should hire a Magento developer right now. Here are just a few:
-Magento is extremely scalable, which means it can handle large amounts of traffic and transactions. -It’s easy to update and manage, which means you can keep your site (and customers) up-to-date with the latest changes and updates. -It’s versatile and customizable, so you can create a site that looks and feels unique to your business.
So why wait? Hire a Magento developer today to get started on a successful ecommerce venture!
1. Magento developers offer a wide range of features that can be added to your website. They will be able to design and build custom extensions, themes, and modifications to your website.
2. Magento developers are experts in the field of ecommerce and can help you increase your traffic and revenue. They can also help you improve your website’s conversion rates and increase your customer base.
3. Hiring a Magento developer is the best way to ensure that your website is up to date and compliant with current industry standards. They will be able to help you keep your site updated and compliant with new regulations and changes in the market.
There are many reasons why you should hire a Magento developer right now. Here are just a few of the advantages:
1) A Magento Developer Can Help You Scale Your Business
If you are looking to scale your business, a Magento developer can help you do this. A skilled Magento developer can create customizations and modifications to the Magento platform that will allow you to grow your business faster. They can also help you find new customers and drive more traffic to your website.
2) A Magento Developer Can Help You Improve Your Website Year Over Year
A good Magento developer will be able to improve your website year over year. They will be able to fix any problems that you may have with your website and make it as responsive as possible. This will help you attract more customers and increase your online presence.
3) A Magento Developer Can Help You Save Money On Operating Costs
A good Magento developer will be able to save you money on operating costs. They will be able to create customizations that will lower the cost of running your business. This is especially important if you are running a small business or an online business.
4) A Magento Developer Is Adaptable .A good Magento developer will be able to adapt to changing trends and meet new demands that may arise. They will also be able to work with any changes that come about in the future. For example, if you decide that you want your website to become more mobile-friendly or responsive, they should be able to do this for you.
5) A Magento Developer Will Be Able To Support Your Needs. A good Magento developer will have the skills and expertise to get the job done. They will also be able to produce a product that you are happy with.
6) A Magento Developer Will Be Able To Help You grow your website by suggesting new ideas or providing you with new ideas on how to make your service better. They should also be able to ensure that any changes are carried out correctly and with minimal downtime for your business.
As a business owner, it is important that you keep up with the ever-changing trends in the online marketplace. One such trend is Magento development, and as a result, it is becoming more and more common for businesses to outsource their Magento development needs to specialist developers. There are a number of reasons why you should consider hiring a Magento developer right now: first and foremost, they are experts in this particular platform; secondly, they have the experience and knowledge to help your business grow; finally, they will be able to provide you with detailed cost estimates so that you can make an informed decision about whether outsourcing is the best option for your business. Thanks for reading!
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designingsolutions · 11 months
Best Web Development Companies - Designing Solutions
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Are you looking for a web development company that can help you create a website that is both functional and visually appealing? Our list of the best web development companies can help you find the right company for your needs.
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Welcome to C&K Incorporated where we put the future in your hands
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Word count: 639
Warnings: distribution of illegal substances, overall shady business practices, your dealing with shady business men who have enough power and money to sway governments— what else are you expecting?
Notes: While this post is being treated like a short story it's both an introduction to my Original Character's Caine and Kaine while introducing their company.
Artwork credit: 妖男子メーカー through picrew and Krmr through picrew
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Founder information
Kaine Yone Shizka
C&K Incorporated was started by Caine Malne and Kaine Shizka in an joint partnership that blended two beloved companies into what it is today. Our founders and current CEO's welcome you to our family.
Caine Ifer Malne
Kaine Shizka was born into the royal family on Fynve-IV planetary system. After leaving he started Yone and Company, an once small distribution company that now stands as the second largest distribution and transportation company that side of the nebula. Kaine now acts as both the front of C&K Inc and one of the CEO's.
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Caine Malne was born on Pamu in the Otais system. Born into an small family he started his business from scratch, starting out in an garage he made the now used nebula wide Optix™ artificial intelligence and auto navigator. After the success from Optix he founded Mintext, an computer software and parts company. Years later he came into ownership of multiple companies that now work under the C&K Incorporated name. He now stands as one of the CEO's and head of development for the continued updates for Optix™ and other software.
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Current business and operations
Caine and Kaine incorporated has businesses on multiple planets and different nebula's. From shipping operations, manufacturing, software and physical stores alongside our online services we are sure to have what you need.
Currently we are manufacturing over 950 parts of different kinds of devices, medical parts, furniture and more. If you need assistance with your manufacturing needs email us at 𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚊 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚍.
Our shipping is the top of the line, beating most available competitors. Where others won't go we will, need to ship something to earth when our competitors say it's to dangerous? We'll do it. All we need is the receivers name, address, plant, galaxy/or equivalent and payment and your package will be on its way. Please see our other website for all your shipping needs.
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Company wide updates
Any shipments regarding Silas Quinn or Moore are to be expedited. If shipments are found under those names they are to be recorded and sent to Malne no questions asked.
We are sure you're all aware but we will no longer be seeing Malne in promotional materials or hiring process. We ask that everyone is respectful for what happened to Malne even though he is still able to work, Shizka is aware that Malne was turned into a dog, a Newfoundland in particular. If you see Malne treat him with respect, he's still very capable even.
Yes we are aware someone called him "An goodist boy" we are still very concerned and confused as to why anyone would speak to there superior in such an way. Refrain from it or dispensary action's will be taken.
Happy New Year everyone! While we are aware that the intergalactic Federation is looking into our business practices that doesn't mean anyone is getting laid off. What they are looking into will have no affects on your employment. We are exited to see you all back after the holidays.
Best wishes, Caine and Kaine.
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Intergalactic Federation correspondence
While the Federation is partners with C&K Inc we do not support there illegal affairs and active movements to hide information on wanted criminals.
In the past 30 years sense C&K Inc started working in Federation space there has been over 150 packages seized with illegal substances, weaponry, chemicals and stolen goods. It's currently unknown if this is done by the owners of C&K Inc given the records for the shipments not holding illegal goods. Contrary to belief C&K Inc has on multiple occasions willing shared the names and other information of those snuggling and selling illegal goods. Those actions helping arrest 30 people and help take down multiple drug operations.
Given the company's behavior they have received an 6/10 rating for user safety and satisfaction.
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shraviya · 1 year
Incredible High-paying Career Paths for Web Designers
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In today's digital age, web design has become an exciting and changing field with many options. There's a big demand for web designers who can make websites that look good and are easy to use. If you recently finished learning web design, great job! You're starting an exciting journey. In this blog post, we'll talk about all the different jobs you can do after learning web design.
Web Designer:
Make websites that look good and are easy to use.
Work with clients to understand what they want their website to look like.
Design how the website will look, including picking colors and fonts.
Create pictures and graphics to make the website look nice.
Use computer programs like Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, or Figma to design things.
Learn about the latest design trends to make modern and good-looking websites.
Front-End Developer:
Turn web design ideas into working websites using code like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Make sure websites work well on different devices and screens.
Add fun things like buttons that change when you click them.
Work with web designers to make their ideas real.
Find and fix problems with how websites look and work.
Keep up-to-date with new tools and ways to build websites.
UI/UX Designer:
Focus on making websites and apps that are easy for people to understand and use.
Talk to users and test websites to learn how to make them better.
Draw pictures and models of websites before they're built to see how they'll work.
Work closely with people who make websites to make sure they look like the designs.
Think about who will use the website and how they will use it.
Try to make sure websites are easy to use and look nice for everyone.
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Graphic Designer:
Make pictures and designs for things like logos, posters, and ads.
Use computer programs like Adobe Illustrator and InDesign to create pictures.
Work with marketing teams to show what a brand wants to say with pictures.
Understand things like colors, fonts, and how things should look on a page.
Keep a collection of your best design work to show to others.
Change designs to look good both on computers and when they're printed.
E-commerce Specialist:
Make and make better websites where people can buy things online.
Make sure it's easy for people to find and buy things on the website.
Make sure it's safe for people to pay for things online.
Use tools like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento to help make online stores.
Look at how people use the website to sell more things.
Keep up with what's new in online shopping.
Digital Marketer:
Make things like pictures and ads that look good and get people's attention online.
Make things for social media, emails, and online ads.
Work with other people in marketing to make sure the pictures match what they want to say.
Use tools to see how the things you make do online and make choices based on what you learn.
Make sure the pictures look good on different places online and on phones and computers.
Learn about new ways to do marketing online.
CMS Specialist:
Change and keep up websites that use special programs, like WordPress or Joomla.
Change how websites look and work to match what the owner wants.
Make sure websites are safe and work well.
Teach people how to use the special program to make websites.
Fix problems with the special program.
Learn about the updates and extras for the special program.
Work for yourself and make websites for people.
Choose when you work and how much you charge.
Make a lot of different kinds of websites for different people.
Tell people about your work online and meet other people in the same job.
Do everything for your work, like talking to people, making websites, and getting paid.
Keep getting better at your work and get more people to hire you.
Web Design Educator/Trainer:
Teach other people how to make websites.
Make plans and materials to help people learn how to design.
Teach classes and workshops, or teach people on the internet.
Help people learn and give them feedback.
Keep up with new ways to teach and new things in web design.
Encourage and help new designers learn.
Start your own company that makes websites.
Build a team of people who design, build, and manage websites.
Talk to people who want websites and make a plan for how to make them.
Make a brand and a way to tell people about your company.
Do different kinds of websites for big and small companies.
Try to be creative and make the best websites.
User Testing and Research:
Be an expert in seeing if websites are easy to use.
Ask people and look at how they use websites to see if they're good or need to be better.
Make reports and ideas for making websites easier to use.
Work with designers and builders to make websites better.
Tell people why it's important to make websites that anyone can use.
Teach people how to make websites that work for everyone.
Mobile App Designer:
Design how apps on phones and tablets look and work.
Make sure app designs work well when you touch the screen.
Work with people who make apps to make sure the designs work.
Keep up with how to design apps for different kinds of phones.
Think about how people use apps and make them easy to use.
Test and change app designs based on what people say.
Art Director:
Be the boss of art and design projects and tell the team what to do.
Watch over how ads, campaigns, or design projects look.
Lead a team of designers and give them advice.
Talk to people who want art and design work to understand what they want.
Make sure designs match what a brand is saying and how it looks.
Keep high standards for how designs look and how creative they are.
Web Accessibility Specialist:
Be an expert in making websites work for people with disabilities.
Follow rules for making websites easy to use for everyone, like WCAG.
Check if websites are easy to use for people with disabilities.
Suggest changes to make websites better for everyone.
Work with designers and builders to make websites more accessible.
Tell people why it's important to make websites that everyone can use.
Finishing web design is like getting a key to many opportunities. You can make great websites, make things look good, and create your own path online.
But here's the trick: It's not just about making things look nice. It's about making things work and making them helpful. As a web designer, you're a digital magician who combines art and usefulness.
So, as you start in this field, remember that you're not just a web designer; you're a digital creator. Embrace challenges, stay curious, and keep being creative. Your canvas is the internet, and your tools are your skills. Paint your digital future and make it fantastic. If you want to start your web design journey, I recommend ACTE Institution because they offer training, job placement, and certification. Have a great day!
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uswanth123 · 6 months
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Title: SAP SuccessFactors: A Modular Guide to Transforming Your HR
Human Resources (HR) departments are pivotal in driving organizational success in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. SAP SuccessFactors (SF) is a powerful ally, transforming traditional HR into a strategic force with its cloud-based suite of HR modules. In this blog, we’ll explore these modules and how they can revolutionize your HR processes.
What is SAP SuccessFactors?
SAP SuccessFactors is a cloud-based Human Capital Management (HCM) solution that streamlines and optimizes HR functions. It offers a comprehensive array of modules, each addressing specific HR needs. Whether you want to enhance employee engagement, optimize talent management, or gain actionable HR insights, SuccessFactors delivers the tools for success.
Key SAP SuccessFactors Modules
Let’s break down some of the most potent SAP SF modules:
Employee Central: The core of SuccessFactors. It serves as a centralized HR system of record, housing employee data, payroll, time and attendance, organizational structures, and more.
Recruiting: Streamlines your hiring processes with powerful tools for job postings, applicant tracking, candidate management, and seamless onboarding of new hires.
Onboarding: This provides a welcoming and structured experience for new employees. It automates tasks, provides essential information, and fosters early engagement.
Performance & Goals: Aligns employee goals with organizational objectives, fosters regular feedback, and drives continuous performance improvement.
Compensation: Helps you design and manage competitive compensation plans, ensuring fair and performance-based rewards.
Succession & Development: This department identifies future leaders, develops development plans, and creates a pipeline of talent for critical roles.
Learning: Offers a robust employee training and development platform, supporting diverse learning styles and tracking progress.
Benefits of Using SAP SuccessFactors
Improved Efficiency and Automation: Replaces manual, error-prone processes, saving valuable time and resources for HR teams.
Enhanced Employee Experience: Delivers personalized, self-service HR portals, fostering employee engagement and satisfaction.
Data-Driven Decision Making: Provides powerful analytics and reporting to uncover HR insights, drive informed decisions, and improve strategic workforce planning.
Global Scalability: Supports multinational organizations with a cloud-based system accommodating multi-country regulations and compliance.
Continuous Innovation: Benefits from regular updates and new feature releases, ensuring your HR technology stays at the cutting edge.
Getting Started with SAP SuccessFactors
Implementing SAP SuccessFactors takes careful planning. Here’s how to begin:
Assess Your Needs: Identify your HR pain points and areas for improvement.
Choose the Right Modules: Map those needs to specific SuccessFactors modules.
Partner with an Expert: Consider a certified SAP SuccessFactors consultant to ensure a smooth implementation.
SAP SuccessFactors is a game-changer, empowering HR to catalyze business growth. Its modular approach lets you tailor a solution to your organization’s unique needs. If you’re ready to modernize your HR, exploring SAP SuccessFactors is an investment you won’t regret.
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unogeeks234 · 6 months
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Title: The Power of SAP HCM: Transforming Your HR Operations
A robust Human Capital Management (HCM) system is crucial in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. This is where SAP HCM enters the picture. SAP HCM is a comprehensive suite designed to streamline and optimize all core HR processes, delivering efficiency across your entire organization. Let’s explore what makes SAP HCM so powerful.
What is SAP HCM?
SAP HCM, previously known as SAP HR, sits at the heart of SAP’s newer Human Experience Management (HXM) suite, SAP SuccessFactors. It’s a cloud-based solution offering a range of modules to manage the entire employee lifecycle, including:
Recruitment and Onboarding: Attract, source, hire, and seamlessly onboard the best talent.
Talent Management: Develop employees with performance management, goal setting, succession planning, and training.
Core HR (Personnel Administration): Manage essential employee data, payroll, time, and attendance.
Workforce Analytics and Reporting: Get real-time data insights to support strategic decision-making.
Why Choose SAP HCM?
Improved Employee Experience (EX): SAP HCM puts the employee at the center with intuitive self-service portals, fostering engagement and driving satisfaction.
Boost HR Efficiency: Automate manual HR tasks, saving time and resources while reducing errors.
Streamlined Global Operations: Manage HR processes consistently and competently across countries and regions.
Data-Driven Empowerment: Robust analytics tools enable strategic workforce planning and evidence-based decision-making.
Scalability and Adaptability: SAP HCM is flexible and grows with your business, adjusting to changing HR needs.
Key SAP HCM Modules
While it’s impossible to cover every module or feature, here’s a glimpse into some of the most critical SAP HCM solutions:
Organizational Management: Build your organization’s hierarchical structure, reporting lines, and job descriptions.
Personnel Administration: Centrally manage employee records, contact information, and crucial HR data.
Time Management: Track work schedules absences, calculate leave entitlements, and streamline time-administration processes.
Payroll: Accurately process payroll, meet local tax regulations, and handle benefits complexities.
The Future with SAP SuccessFactors
SAP HCM is continually evolving, and with the introduction of the broader SAP SuccessFactors suite, HR departments now have access to even more advanced tools and features. This includes solutions for continuous performance management, social collaboration, engaging learning experiences, and an emphasis on the holistic employee journey, transforming HCM into HXM (Human Experience Management).
Getting Started with SAP HCM
If you’re looking to unlock efficiency, improve employee satisfaction, and gain valuable HR insights, exploring SAP HCM is a worthwhile venture. Careful planning and teaming up with an experienced SAP implementation partner will ensure your SAP HCM journey is successful. https://youtu.be/61LqSu0GI-Y
You can find more information about SAP HR in this SAP HR Link
Unogeeks is the №1 IT Training Institute for SAP HR Training. Anyone Disagree? Please drop in a comment
You can check out our other latest blogs on SAP HR here — SAP HR Blogs
You can check out our Best In Class SAP HR Details here — SAP HR Training
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webomazesworld · 6 months
Digital Marketing Company: Driving Your Business Forward.
In today's digital age, having a robust online presence is crucial for the success of any business. With millions of consumers turning to the internet to research products and services, businesses need to leverage digital marketing strategies to reach their target audience effectively. This is where a digital marketing company plays a pivotal role. In this article, we'll delve into the world of digital marketing companies, exploring what they do, why they're essential, and how they can help your business thrive in the competitive online landscape.
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Understanding Digital Marketing Companies
Digital marketing companies specialize in utilizing various online channels and strategies to promote businesses, build brand awareness, and drive sales and leads. These companies employ a team of experts with diverse skill sets, including SEO specialists, content creators, social media managers, PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertisers, and more. Their primary goal is to develop and execute comprehensive digital marketing campaigns tailored to each client's unique needs and objectives.
Services Offered by Digital Marketing Companies
Digital marketing companies offer a wide range of services to help businesses establish a strong online presence and achieve their marketing goals. Some of the key services include:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
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SEOis the process of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords. Digital marketing companies employ various strategies, such as keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and content creation, to improve a website's visibility and organic traffic.
Content Marketing
Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a target audience. Digital marketing companies develop content strategies and produce high-quality content in various formats, including blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and more, to drive traffic and conversions.
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
SMM involves using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others to connect with your audience, build brand awareness, and drive website traffic. Digital marketing companies develop customized social media strategies, create engaging content, and manage social media accounts to help businesses reach their marketing objectives.
Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)
PPC advertising allows businesses to bid for ad placement on search engines and other digital platforms. Digital marketing companies create and manage PPC campaigns to drive targeted traffic to a website, generate leads, and increase sales. They optimize ad copy, target keywords, and monitor campaign performance to maximize ROI.
Email Marketing
Email marketing involves sending personalized emails to a targeted list of subscribers to promote products, services, or events. Digital marketing companies design and execute email marketing campaigns, segment email lists, create engaging content, and track email performance metrics to nurture leads and drive conversions.
Website Design and Development
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A well-designed and user-friendly website is essential for attracting and retaining customers online. Digital marketing companies offer website design and development services to create visually appealing, responsive, and functional websites that align with a brand's identity and goals.
Benefits of Hiring a Digital Marketing Company
Partnering with a digital marketing company offers numerous benefits for businesses looking to enhance their online presence and grow their customer base. Some of the key benefits include:
Expertise and Experience
Digital marketing companies have a team of experienced professionals with specialized skills and knowledge in various areas of digital marketing. They stay updated on the latest trends, algorithms, and best practices to ensure their clients achieve optimal results.
Hiring a digital marketing company can be more cost-effective than hiring an in-house marketing team. With a digital marketing agency, businesses can access a full range of marketing services without the overhead costs associated with hiring and training employees.
Digital marketing companies can scale their services according to a business's needs and budget. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, a digital marketing agency can tailor its services to meet your specific requirements and goals.
Managing digital marketing campaigns requires time, effort, and expertise. By outsourcing your digital marketing efforts to a reputable agency, you free up your time to focus on other core aspects of your business, such as product development, customer service, and strategic planning.
Measurable Results
One of the significant advantages of digital marketing is its measurability. Digital marketing companies use advanced analytics tools to track and measure the performance of campaigns in real-time. They provide detailed reports and insights, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions and optimize their marketing strategies for maximum impact.
Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Company.
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Experience and Reputation: Look for digital marketing companies with a proven track record of success and positive client testimonials.
Services Offered: Consider the range of services offered by the agency and whether they align with your business goals and objectives.
Industry Expertise: Choose a digital marketing company that has experience working with businesses in your industry.
Communication and Transparency: Opt for an agency that values communication and transparency and keeps you informed about the progress of your campaigns.
Budget and Pricing: Determine your budget and choose a digital marketing company that offers services within your price range while delivering quality results.
In conclusion, a SEO company  plays a crucial role in helping businesses navigate the complex world of online marketing and achieve their growth objectives. By leveraging their expertise, experience, and resources, businesses can establish a strong online presence, attract more customers, and drive revenue. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, partnering with the right digital marketing company can make all the difference in driving your business forward in today's competitive digital landscape.
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synwolf · 7 months
Best digital marketing agency in Bangalore | Synwolf
Looking to get noticed in this busy digital world? Synwolf is your ticket to success as it is the best digital marketing agency in Bangalore . We're not your average digital marketing agency – we're your partners in achieving great height . Here's why hiring us is your best move:
Personalized Strategies: Your business is special, and we treat it as such. Our team designs customized strategies that match your goals perfectly, guaranteeing that every decision we make works in your favour by making it brings you close  to your goals.
     SEO Skills: Ever felt like your website is hard to find online? Our SEO experts do their best to make sure your website is easy to see. We help your website get to the top of search engine results so that people can find you easily.
  Social Media Expertise: In today's digital era, social media is essential. Our  social media marketing team crafts engaging campaigns that not only grab audience's attention but also start real conversations about your brand. Whether it's getting likes, followers ,reach , engagement  and generating leads, we've got all covered to reach your goal.
Branding success : Your brand is your identity, and we're here to make it unforgettable. Our creative team specializes in developing engaging brand stories and visually stunning designs that connect with your audience, leaving a lasting impression every time.
Design Creativity : A picture can say a thousand words, and ours  shout in high  volume. With captivating Visuals  and eye-catching graphics, we make sure your brand shines bright in the online world.
ROI-Driven Advertising: Say goodbye to estimation and hello to results. Our Google Ads and Facebook Ads experts ensure your advertising budget is well-spent. With targeted campaigns and data-driven insights, we maximize your ROI and deliver real results for your business.
In a nutshell, Synwolf is one of the best  digital marketing agency in Bangalore – your trusted partner on the road to success. With our expertise, innovation, and determined  dedication, we'll help you  achieve your goals  and make your brand popular in this   dynamic digital landscape. Ready to take the dive? Let's make magic together.
For more information visit our website : https://synwolf.com/
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