#Cut Throat
delightfulkingtyphoon · 10 months
I have a vision
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spoiler: I'll make them lesbians
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tragicc · 4 months
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Mirabel and pepa sleeping as pepa resd her a book but fell asleep aswell♡
I just think they’re neat ❤️
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bloodyboiswhump · 2 years
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Whumptober 2022 no.3 - SAY GOODBYE Just a whumpy fantasy scenario UwU Nothing inspires me to draw at 4 AM more than a character dramatically bleeding out in a cathedral while their love interest walks away from them coldly. 
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Razor -  Cut Throat
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munsonology · 1 year
👀 i have the bare bones of my Eddie /Sinclair oc prologue
It’s really creepy and i love it but I think I can make it even more dark. Think it sets the tone for the entire storyline
I’m still gonna revise but hopefully I can stay motivated because work is physically draining!!!
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kaymanj · 2 years
My new normal
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Nobody shuns quite so coldly as a therapist shuns his client after their 45 minutes are up.
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crankybutthead · 2 months
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Striped Book page 65
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delightfulkingtyphoon · 10 months
This is the makeup she uses
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 7 months
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"MURDER NEAR CAPE VINCENT," Kingston Daily Standard. November 6, 1913. Page 1. --- Body of John Byers Was Found Yesterday. ---- MISSING FOR SOME TIME ---- Dead Man Was Lying on the Floor, and There Were Evidences of Foul Play. ---- The finding by neighbors of the dead body of John Byers, aged about sixty, who lived alone about three miles from Cape Vincent, N.Y., establishes a clear case of what the county authorities claim is murder.
Byers worked around the Cape and sometimes took excursions away from the vicinity, and when he was missed a few weeks ago nobody thought much of the incident. His continued absence, however, raised suspicion and yester day afternoon neighbors entered his house and a ghastly sight met them. The dead body was found lying on the floor and the surroundings gave every evidence of murder, which had been committed some time ago.
The authorities were immediately. notified and officers were dispatched to the scene. An investigation was begun, and detectives were put on the trail of the person who committed the horrible crime.
The Standard was called up on the long-distance phone this morning by the chief of police of Cape Vincent and informed of the finding of the body. About a month ago one of The Standard staff in his daily rounds picked up a hint of a murder which had been committed near Cape Vincent. The matter was investigated at the time, one of the persons questioned being the Cape chief. The story was denied, the authorities knew nothing about it.
Yesterday when the body was found, and the circumstances surrounding the death of Byers proved beyond doubt that murder had been committed about the time that The Standard made inquiries from the border town officials, the incident was recalled by the police chief. He communicated with The Standard and asked that the source of information be traced up.
The man was fully dressed and had on a pair of boots. A search of the pockets revealed no money, but about his neck were two bank books sewed in a cotton sack.
The victim had been dead about four weeks, according to the under- taker. The body was not moved until viewed by the coroner. It was said that an examination would reveal a fracture of the skull. The door to the house was found locked from the outside, a padlock having been used for the purpose. All the windows were down but one or two had not been fastened.
Mr. Byers was a veteran of the Civil war and drew a pension each quarter. He leaves a daughter, residing in Carthage, and one son, who attends the Cape Vincent School. About the village it was commonly supposed that he was fairly well to do.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
A lot of art
I have. These but y’know. Imma js post them here 💀
Some protective Alma and Pepa cause I can never get enough of them <33
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Mermaid tings⁉️⁉️ Camilo and Mirabel telling Pepa they like her rain and Isabela literally stealing the miracle so she can give it to Mirabel as a birthday gift lmao
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Lil bowser Alma, she was made fun of a lot for being so much taller than kids that were her age or older<\3
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Camilo being a good primo <3
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A redraw 👊💥
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And some sailor moon, because that’s what’s then on my mind
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Aight I’m going to bed pea
Peace out 🏃‍♀️💨💨💨
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johnjohntheplushking · 7 months
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Meet project cut throat a deadly droid who slices who he needs to get the job done and hunting his targets with joy unless his target is more competent than he can handle he mercilessly slashes them till their nothing but scrap
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flashfuckingflesh · 1 year
The Death of a Daughter Leads Down to a Psychological Path of EVIL! "The Haunting of Julia" reviewed! (Imprint / Blu-ray)
Limited Edition of “The Haunting of Julia” Available at Amazon.com! This morning was like any other as the Julia rustles up breakfast for her all-business husband Magnus and their lively vivacious daughter Kate, but when Kate violent chokes on a piece of apple and Julie performs a bloody, untried tracheotomy in a state of panic in order to save her daughter’s life, their lives are forever…
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Pro-Pain  -  Cut Throat
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munsonology · 10 months
Should I post the prologue to my Eddie/oc fic? I finished it a bit ago but felt it wasn’t the right time. It’s very dark, probably the darkest I’ve ever written.
Don’t think it counts as dead dove, but I’m not super familiar with the term anyway. So be prepared yall!
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