hedonists · 1 month
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ladyveronikawrites · 4 months
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Scar - Chapter Four
30 Days of Bad Omens
PAIRING: Jolly Karlsson x Sam (ofc)
What if your teenage daughter's fantasy became your reality?
Summary: Samantha surprises her daughter, Lyric, with tickets to see her favorite band for her sixteenth birthday. What's supposed to be one the best days of her daughter's life, also becomes hers.
CW: none so far, just a cute and a little sad story.
word count: 1.7k
This is a work of fiction, based on real people in fictitious situations. Please don't yuck someone else's yum; scroll on.//**
👑Royal Readers👑
@deathblacksmoke @mysticdoodlez @itsmrsfuentes @tearfallpixie
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@agravemisstake @whenthesummerdies @iknownothingpeople@nerdraging4point0
@dominuslunae @xxrainstorm @lyschko666 @kingdxmxfcxrds @the-ancient-fae
@measuredingold @to-be-written @lacktoesandtoddlerants @koskeepsake @blackveilomens
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Sam sobs hysterically in her car, driving aimlessly, wiping the tears from her eyes. The nerves in her stomach battle with her hunger. She doesn’t know how much time has passed but somehow finds herself at a place she hasn’t been in years. Sucking in a shaky breath, Sam checks her makeup in the visor mirror one last time before leaving the car. Her chest tightens when the bell chimes as she crosses the threshold and her throat dries instantly. 
Sam hasn’t been back to her favorite cafe since James passed away. Her hands clench and unclench as she steps closer to the counter. By some force, her tongue and mouth spout out her usual order, automatically responding with an I know, when the cafe owner mentions that she hasn’t seen her in a while. 
Phantom feet carry her to her usual booth in the corner, where she can finally exhale the breath she had been holding. She closes her eyes when she sips the tempered liquid which soothes her nerves almost instantly.  
An unusual accent rings in her ears before it registers. When she opens her eyes, she finds a tall man standing by her table causing her to start to cough-choking on the coffee. 
“Sorry, Sam, I didn’t mean to startle you,” he slides into the booth across from her. Sam swallows hard to clear her throat. “It’s ok, I just-” she says between coughs, “What are you doing here?”
“We have the day off and Nick and Noah were bickering this morning so I needed an escape, so when my Uber driver suggested this place, I was relieved… and finding you here well…” Jolly looks down at the rings on this fingers, a warm shade of pink dusting his cheeks as he trails off.
“Order for Joakim?” the owner calls, completely butchering his native name. Sam watches as Jolly quickly exits the booth to grab his order. Suddenly, her phone rings: Noah’s singsongy voice fills the booth as she digs through her purse.
“Hello, sweety,” Sam’s voice pitches with instant relief. Jolly mouths her daughter’s name with a questioning look and Sam nods. 
“I made it to the beach house just fine. The plane ride was quick and easy and the staff were amazing. Lexi’s dad picked me and mom..”
Sam’s phone beeps once to alert her that Lyric requests a video call. Sam’s cheeks heat, embarrassed. She doesn’t want Lyric to know she’s with Jolly so she puts a raised finger to her lips to show Jolly she wants him to be quiet before she switches to the video call. Jolly flashes a dazzling grin before gesturing to zip his lips and throw away the key, which earns him a small chuckle.
Sam adjusts her phone to be in the frame for the video call. Sam beams when she sees Lyric’s glowing face, “Hey mom, look!” Lyric moves her phone to capture the breathtaking sunrise. Sam sucks in a breath as she takes in the pastel hues of the sunrise on the ocean. Sam can hear Lyric’s laughter in the distance, making her chest ache. Tears pool at the corners of her eyes when Lyric brings Lexi into frame with her, smiling and laughing together. 
My baby is safe and having a great time and I am all alone. 
Sam swallows the thick lump forming in her throat before saying her goodbyes. Any longer and she is sure she would be a sobbing mess once again. 
“I love you Lyric, have a great time.”
“I love you too, mom.”
She quickly ends the call, slamming her phone onto the table, and buries her head in her hands to muffle the sob. He can’t see me like this. Get it together! 
Sam pushes herself out of the booth, not bothering with her phone or purse, as she rushes to the bathroom. Despite her blurry vision, her feet know exactly where to take her. 
When she closes and locks the door, Sam falls to the floor, her back thudding against the door, and starts to wail. She starts to shake as her breath becomes sporadic and heavy. She finds no relief in the coolness of the tile floor or the forced air. Everything hurts- especially her heart. What feels like an eternity passes until-
A soft knock on the door pulls Sam back to reality.
“Hey Sam, are you ok?” Jolly’s tone is soft and comforting, it fills the void in Sam’s shattered heart like warm tea on a cold day. His voice settles in her bones before she chokes out her answer, no.
“Why don’t we get out of here?”
Her body screams at her to stay put, that she’s too embarrassed and being overdramatic because he couldn’t possibly want to spend time with an old high school music teacher, but her heart answers instead.
“Yeah, ok,” Sam sniffles as she wipes away the tears before uncurling her legs and pulling herself up from the floor. She staggers to the sink to clean her face, her eyes puffy and red and mascara stains her cheeks. When she opens the door she finds Jolly standing there with her phone and purse in hand. 
“Oh, thank you, you didn’t have to…” Sam starts to dismiss but Jolly interrupts. 
“It’s no problem,” he says handing the items over. He steps back, shoving his hands in his pockets before asking, “Ready to go?”
All Sam can do is nod, her brain still trying to process how the tall Swede happened upon her favorite coffee shop and now just asked her…out? She mentally shakes herself willing her erratic heartbeat to calm down as she steps out of the bathroom. 
Suddenly, her back tenses to the touch of a large hand at the small of her back. There’s a comforting warmth that emanates through her cotton t-shirt and mixed with Jolly’s intoxicating cologne: an exotic blend of woodsy and spicy scents, it leaves Sam dizzy. She leans into him, basking in his body heat and scent as he guides her gently through the coffee shop.
The late morning sun is bright, hot, and unrelenting. Sam shields her eyes with a hand as Jolly walks into focus. 
“Have you eaten?” he asks, moving his large body to block the sun. A grin spreads over his face as he watches Sam huff in defeat, placing her hands at her side. 
“Thank you,” she says barely above a whisper, trying desperately to hold on to her dignity, but when her eyes meet his the breath leaves her lungs entirely. The sunlight illuminates his features in a way that softens them. His brown eyes fleck with hits of amber and the corners of his lips curl into a small smile. It’s when he flashes his teeth, that she realizes she is staring. Blinking quickly she clears her throat, “Sorry, yeah- I haven’t eaten anything since before Lyric caught her plane.” 
“Perfect!” Jolly’s accent is thick with excitement as his grin grows wider. “How about brunch?”
“Ok,” she says with some hesitation, not completely sure why a rockstar like him would want to go out with a widowed high school music teacher like her.
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It’s only a short drive to the diner as Sam parks the car. The ride was full of small talk and laughter and Sam finds out she loves to hear Jolly’s laugh. It makes her heart swell in her chest. Something she hasn’t felt in years. When she reaches over to open her car door, Jolly stops her with “let me get that for you.” Sam sucks in a breath as a memory of James flashes in her mind. He was always a gentleman, holding the door for her and making her feel cherished in every way. Tears prick at the edges of her eyes, but before she can wipe her moment of sadness away Jolly asks, “are you ok?”
Hastily, Sam scrambles out of the car, hoping he will move on from the subject, but he reaches out for her hands instead. “Seriously Sam, what’s wrong? I want to know how I can help.” 
She sighs, slumping her shoulders but her hands remain entwined with his. The coolness of his metal rings brings some clarity to her mind. Her voice wavers when she starts, but the gates of emotion burst instantly when she tells Jolly about her late husband James. Before she can finish, Jolly wraps his arms around her. Sam sobs into his chest, tears staining his grey henley. Between sniffles and hiccups, she fills Jolly in. She doesn’t know why she does, but the relief she feels reassures her that she made the right decision. 
“Thank you for listening,” Sam sniffles as she pulls away from Jolly, keeping her eyes cast to the ground. “You’re the first person I’ve ever told.” She picks at her fingernails as she continues. “All James’ friends became my friends. I have no one outside of his circle to confide in.” Tears threaten to resurface. “I haven’t seen them since his passing.” 
“I’m so sorry Sam,” his solemn voice tears Sam from her melancholy thoughts. 
“Thank you,” she says turning back to him, a small smile curling her lips. “Enough about that for now. Let’s go eat.” Sam extends her hand out to him, which he quickly accepts. With fingers entwined, Sam and Jolly walk into the old diner.  
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A few hours later, despite a copious amount of coffee and food in her belly, Sam finds herself trying to stifle yet another yawn. Jolly’s brown eyes shimmer as he chuckles softly, exhaustion also creeping up on him.
“I’ll get the check,” Jolly says when the waitress sets down the receipt. 
Guilt bubbles in her stomach when he reaches for the paper and her thoughts turn sour. She should pay for herself. She doesn’t deserve his kindness. A gentle squeeze to her hand jolts Sam from her thoughts.
“Oh sorry,” she quickly pulls her hand away to tuck a loose strand behind her hair. 
“Your phone?” Jolly nods his head in the direction of her purse. 
“Right,” she rushes out before rummaging through her purse. Her hands still, when he glances at the lock screen; an image of her and her daughter making silly faces. She smiles to herself when she unlocks her phone to find a message. 
Lyric: I love you mom🩷
Somehow her teenage daughter knows exactly what she needs to hear. Her smile grows bigger when she sets down her phone and turns her attention back to the handsome Swede sitting across from her. 
“Everything ok?” concern creases his eyebrows.
“It is now.” Sam reaches down and tangles her fingers into his. “Let’s get out of here.”
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purrvaire · 1 year
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they're so in love im gonna throw up real quick
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livhowlett · 2 months
S3 Crowley vibe
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itslucyhenley · 10 months
i love everything about Aziraphale’s interactions with Muriel. he’s so gentle every time he tells her she’s getting something wrong by just suggesting the right thing. there’s no stomping on her enthusiasm because he can clearly see they’re enamored with earth and humanity. and Michael Sheen’s little ‘concerned/exasperated/seeing himself in Muriel’ expressions during the teacup struggle bus moment are honestly everything to me.
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ineffableparents · 9 months
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GLOW book 2, pages 13-20
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sarosthewizarddude · 8 months
Crowley is such a dad he adopts every kid he finds
Oh you're the antichrist? Adopted.
Oh we had the wrong one? You're the right one? I'm adopting you too then. Yeah, I tried to kill you five minutes ago but you know how it is. Big misunderstanding.
You made a pot? Lovely. Adopted.
You're digging up bodies? Doing Wicked? Wonderful. Adopted. I will risk my existence to keep you alive.
Oh, so you're technically an immortal angel, but you act like a kid? Close enough, adopted.
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theeldermillennial · 9 months
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"I'm like you now....a Demon!"
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("You precious, precious little cherub...")
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*heart shattered*
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(can't even) "Sorry! Sorry!" XD
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(so innocent)
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"You really think you're a demon?"
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(complete toddler meltdown) "I'm a Fallen Angel!"
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("Ohh, he actually believes he's going to Hell. Alright...let's de-escalate things a bit.")
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"I LIED...to thwart the Will of God!" (this poor lamb)
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"Well yeah, you did but...I'm not going to tell anyone. Are you?"
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(You sweet, precious, dear, little cinnamon roll . It's going to be okay. Bildad the Shuhite is guarding over you.)
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"Well....then nothing has to change!"
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phoen1xr0se · 12 days
A while ago, I sent Neil an ask thanking him for bringing my Dad and I closer together, because he watched all of Good Omens so he could read my post S2 fic, Don't Fall Away From Me.
Highlights of my dad reading it are the time I came downstairs in the morning to find him sat in the rocking chair glaring at me with red-rimmed eyes. When I asked him what was wrong he said "you made me cry." And also when he sent me a flurry of texts at 2am in the morning guessing what might happen next (if you thought you lot were bad at begging me for a happy ending, it was nothing to what I had to endure irl from him!). And most importantly, my previously uncomfortable-at-anything-remotely-gay dad now wears a pride pin, is trying to do better and be better, and it's all because of this fandom, this story.
Anyway. Here was his comment on my final chapter.
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I bloody love my dad.
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doctorsiren · 3 months
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I have an idea (concept sketch that I will make a more refined version of in the morning since it is midnight)
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ech-e-sketch · 10 months
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Child of divorce things
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hedonists · 9 months
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ladyveronikawrites · 8 months
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Scar - Chapter Three
30 Days of Bad Omens @signs-of-ill-portent bingo card here
PAIRING: Jolly Karlsson x Sam (ofc)
What if your teenage daughter's fantasy became your reality?
Summary: Samantha surprises her daughter, Lyric, with tickets to see her favorite band for her sixteenth birthday. What's supposed to be one the best days of her daughter's life, also becomes hers.
AN: so far just cuteness and fluff
This is a work of fiction, based on real people in fictitious situations. Please don't yuck someone else's yum; scroll on.//**
👑Royal Readers👑
@signs-of-ill-portent @throwingmetothelions @the-way-of-words @kingdomof-omens @thebadchic
@strawberryruffilo @badhedonist @crimson-calligraphyx @nerdraging4point0 @deathblacksmoke
@naniolimpo @concretenoah @mysticdoodlez @comfortcharactercraze @the-ancient-fae @cowpokeomens
@tearfallpixie @itsmrsfuentes @sinkingteethinwhitenoise @bngurngheart @measuredingold
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The security guard leads the mother and daughter duo to the green room. The room is sparsely decorated with a coffee table, two leather couches, a coordinating chair, and a mini fridge in the corner. 
Sam takes a seat on the couch while Lyric explores the room. Before Sam realizes what Lyric is doing, Lyric whips out her phone and starts to record herself.  
"Hey guys, I'm in a green room with Bad Omens!"
"Lyric, that's eno-" The sound of chatter just beyond the door makes Sam freeze as the doorknob jiggle. Lyric is completely oblivious as the band members shuffle in.
“Hey, you made it,” Jolly says giving Sam a fist bump. Completely caught off guard, Sam tucks a strand of hair behind her hair then folds her hands in her lap, just as Jolly sneaks up behind Lyric. 
“Hey, happy birthday!” Jolly throws up peace signs behind the teen in the frame of her phone. Sam watches as her daughter squeals as the Swede takes his place beside her. 
“Cool shirt,” Nicholas says, plopping on the chair next to the couch.
“Thanks,” Sam says absentmindedly, as her daughter gives the tall tattooed man a hug. A ping of jealousy flashes through her. Sam, be cool, no need to be jealous. Jolly probably has a girlfriend or side thing. Get it together. Plus what rockstar would want to date a teacher?
“Have you ever seen them before?” the Swede mutters, bringing Sam back to the present. She blinks a few times, his proximity making it hard for her to concentrate. 
“What?” Confusion washes over her face and Jolly lets out a soft chuckle that bounces against Sam’s heart. 
“Have you seen the Chili Peppers before?” Jolly leans on his elbows from his relaxed position across from Sam. His bright hazel eyes focus on her, a genuine smile of interest on his face. 
“Oh,” Sam’s cheeks heat. “Yeah when I was in college, you were probably still in diapers.” Sam blurts out. In the corner of her vision, Sam sees Lyric cover her face. Oh shit. I can’t believe I said that. Dumb Sam!
Another burst through the door rips Sam from her internal berating. The sound of Noah singing Happy Birthday to her daughter brings tears to her eyes. The singer carries a box of cupcakes over to the birthday girl who squeals with excitement. It’s then that Bryan saunters into the room with his camera around his neck
“Thank you for spending your sweet sixteen with us Lyric!” Noah beams presenting her with a birthday treat. He leans down and whispers something that makes her giggle. Sam only catches a few words: Matt and errand boy. Sam can only speculate that Noah meant some more colorful vocabulary but it grateful he refrained. 
“Thank you,” Sam chokes out, her voice thick with emotion while she wipes her eyes as Lyric sits down next to her. 
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Jolly rises quickly from the couch to crouch in front of Lyric just as she is about to take a bite. Lyric freezes as Jolly plants a candle on her cupcake and Nicholas leans over to light the wick. Noah and Folio join Nicholas and Jolly as they all say “Make a wish!”
Sam’s heart practically bursts from the overwhelming joy of watching her daughter share this special moment with her favorite band. It is such a kind gesture Sam could not possibly repay them. 
Her daughter shuts her eyes tight and blows out the candle. The guys cheer and congratulate her at the same time Bryan directs them to squeeze together for a group photo. 
Noah and the Nicks slide behind the couch as Jolly sits on the other side of Lyric. He drapes his arm over her shoulder and that’s when Sam notices Jolly’s hand on her back. She steels a glance in his direction and he gives her a small smile and a nod like he’s asking permission to touch her. Sam smiles back in return just as Bryan starts the countdown.
Pulling her gaze from Jolly, she smiles wide knowing that her daughter had to best birthday ever. After Byran shows them the photo, Sam’s phone starts to buzz. She rifles through her purse and when she retrieves the device she groans inwardly. 
“Hey hunny, we have to go.” The sadness in Lyric’s eyes shatters Sam’s heart into a thousand pieces. “Your flight leaves in a few hours and I want you to get a few hours of sleep before you go.” 
“But we-” Lyric huffs defeated, looking down at her hands in her lap. Sam tucks a strand of her daughter’s hair behind her ear. “I know, Lyric. We will see them again, I promise.” Lyric’s eyes soften when she looks up and wraps her arms around her mother’s neck. 
“Thanks mom!” Sam hugs her daughter back fighting back the ever-present tears about to fall at any moment. The mother and daughter duo depart after thanking the band and crew for the amazing experience. 
Sam looks back once more before closing the door and catches a pair of hazel eyes. A flash of sadness crosses them only for an instant before they crinkle from a dazzling grin on the Swede’s face. Sam mouths a silent ‘thank you’ as something unfamiliar blossoms in her stomach. 
Sam doesn’t sleep a wink as her alarm blares on the bedside table. In a few hours, her baby girl will be flying to a different state all by herself. With a heavy heart, Sam rips off the covers and saunters to Lyric’s room, pounding on the door. 
“You better be awake or you’ll miss your flight!” Sam threatens and just as her hand leaves the painted wood, the door opens. 
“Come on mom, you know I didn’t sleep at all.” Sam’s mouth pops open as she takes a step back, her daughter is completely dressed in her usual crop top and joggers, rolling her luggage into the hallway. 
“I couldn’t stop thinking about the concert and the way Jolly couldn’t stop staring at you,” Lyric says nonchalantly stacking her pillows on top of her suitcase.
Sam is rendered speechless, mouth opening and closing like a fish as the teen casually ties her shoes. Sam only catches the end of Lyric’s question when she realizes she still needs to get ready not expecting her daughter to be so prompt. 
“Give me 10 minutes and I’ll be ready.” Sam whirls around and rushes into her bedroom as Lyric shouts,  “I’ll get our coffee order for on the way.” She raised a smart teen. 
Sam waits at the departure gate as Lyric gets her UM lanyard from the airline’s escort. She grits her teeth as she holds back tears until her daughter waves ‘goodbye’. Sam can’t hold it back any longer as the tears flow down her cheeks, she sobs into her hands a fury of emotions overtaking her body. Sam shakes as a pair of arms wrap around her waist. 
“I love you mom.” Lyric whispers. “I’ll be ok. I promise.” 
Sam squeezes her daughter tight before pulling from the embrace. “I know baby. Text me when you land.” 
“I will,” Lyric smiles back at her mom.
Sam watches her daughter walk through the gate as the water flows silently down her cheeks and neck. She hasn’t been alone since James took their daughter on a camping trip in the mountains all those years ago. 
Seven days without her daughter what will Sam do with her time?
Thank you so much for reading💜
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purrvaire · 1 year
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I'm having a moment
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
okay so i think it is almost definite that crowley and aziraphale do have a falling out right at the beginning of s2, and we have a time skip
people (understandably i guess) are getting vocal about crowley's aspect placement, but iirc mr g has said that the snake likes to be visible and therefore will move with his hairline. with that in mind, if we look at his sideburns (which btw, yum, dont @ me)
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are way shorter here (and the aspect is just above his jawline), compared to:
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plus his hair is shorter after the skip AND the glasses change
and yeah the skip may only be a couple of months/a year or so after the falling out, but so soon after agreeing to be on each other's side? after toasting to the world? im finding the nearest bridge
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raggedy-spaceman · 11 months
Everyone: Michael is gonna do it oh he’s gonna say it he’s the biggest shipper of all!
Michael: [crying shaking throwing up] best buddies
David: [bursting in with a steel chair] ✨✨ Eternal Marriage ✨✨
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