fabbyf1 · 1 year
Happy Friday, Besties!!!!!
It's been a hell of a week.
I think it's time to reveal the pairing of my current WIP.
I'm not sure how long this one is gonna be, but it's heavy on the plot (...and the porn) so it's definitely going to be Fabby Length. I'm having a blast writing it, but lengthy fics take time to write, so it'll be a while before this is complete.
I've gone for a different pairing this time... it's okay if it's not your cup of tea. But godddddaaaaammmnn is it mine. Sip, sip, sip, bitch. I'm having so much fun and going so feral for the dynamic. I hope you will give it a shot, even if it's not your fav pairing.
(Though it should be, because they're hot as fuck together.)
ANYWAY... enjoy the snippet 🫡
Daniel looked over at him, dart held tightly in his fingers, only to find Lando smiling at him. 
He was so pretty. 
Daniel threw his last dart at the board and then turned to face Lando properly. He wasn’t even sure where the dart had landed. It could have missed the board altogether for all he knew. They looked at each other for a long moment before Daniel asked, “Why did you cancel your club night to come here with me?” 
Silence washed over them as they looked at each other. 
Daniel wasn’t sure what he was expecting. Things with Lando were usually lighthearted and funny, so he mostly expected him to make a joke out of his question. But when Lando spoke again, his words were quiet and sincere. 
“Because I’d rather hang out with you.” 
“Yeah?” Daniel asked, eyes soft and way too fond. 
“I’ve missed hanging out with you,” Lando said, shrugging a bit. His cheeks seemed to get a bit pinker, and it sent a thrill down Daniel’s spine to think he was the reason for it. 
“Yeah?” Daniel repeated, feeling like his heart might actually burst out of his chest. They looked at each other for another long moment, their eyes unmoving. When Daniel finally spoke again, there was a teasing lift to his voice. “You missed me?” 
Because he couldn’t help himself. 
Because Lando missed him. 
Fucking hell. 
“Of course I missed you, you muppet,” Lando groaned, rolling his eyes and reaching out to punch Daniel’s shoulder. In Lando’s language, that was the same as giving him a hug. Daniel was so fucking endeared by it. “You’re...” Lando started to say but trailed off. 
“I’m what?” Daniel urged, wanting to know the end of that sentence. 
“You’re Danny Ric,” Lando finally said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. It wasn’t a real answer, and it didn’t technically make any sense, but it somehow was exactly what Daniel needed to hear. He couldn’t help the blinding smile that took over his face. 
“And you’re Lando Norris,” he said, equally as stupid. 
He was pretty sure it was a love confession.
“Yeah, I am,” Lando said, grinning at him as he reached out and tweaked Daniel’s nipple.
“Ouch!” Daniel laughed, twitching out of Lando’s grasp. 
“Are you going to tell me you missed me too, or what?” Lando asked, reaching to pinch his other nipple, but Daniel batted his hand away before he could get there. Lando frowned at him as he said, “Come on, Danny. I’m a growing boy. I need constant affirmation.” 
“You’re fucking ridiculous,” Daniel said, giggling at him. Lando pouted harder, and Daniel suddenly wanted to lean forward and kiss him. He wouldn’t, obviously, but the intrusive thought was there, and it wasn’t going away. That was why he said, “Do you need people to praise you in bed, too?” 
That happened. 
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dannyleclerc · 7 months
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my dando heart is smiling 😭🥹❤️‍🩹
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captainnameless · 1 year
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standbyric · 2 years
so basically the ex won, the new girl from the city lost?
real talk: what a crazy move, though. Very daring but hell, we only live once, and Daniel loves extreme sport 👀 I hope red bull has matured enough to not let 2018 and whatever led Danny to leave happen again this time. As much as I hate red bull, mclaren’s toxicity was the one that broke him, so I hope Danny’s happy now!!
so this is where I start a new chapter of hating and loving at the same time. hating red bull and their shitty, political-heavy moves all the time, while loving Danny being where he can be confident again~~
hope he can put on a healthy weight too!! may all his stress washed away.
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my fav gif of Danny in red bull 👆🏻
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1vidapoeticando · 8 months
Quando vejo lindas paisagens como esta, minha vontade é ficar por horas apreciando...Quando nasce o sol, quando der põe, quando chove e os pássaros cantam felizes...Queria entender o que eles cantam, tenho certeza que é alegria e gratidão pela chuva...Sinto o vento, sempre gosto de sentir ele tocando no meu rosto...Observo o vento,que leva folhas,flores e amores...E exala a vida, levando as folhas e flores, dando a todos o perfume do seu fundamento aqui nesta terra... Tão perfeito, tão de Deus...
Cuando veo hermosos paisajes como este, quiero quedarme durante horas apreciando... Cuando sale el sol, cuando se pone, cuando llueve y los pájaros cantan alegres... Quería entender lo que cantan, estoy seguro de que es alegría y agradecimiento por la lluvia... Siento el viento, siempre me gusta sentirlo tocando mi cara... Observo el viento, que lleva hojas, flores y amores... Y exuda vida, llevando las hojas y las flores, dando a todos el perfume de su fundación aquí en esta tierra... Tan perfecto, tan de Dios.
When I see beautiful landscapes like this, I want to stay for hours appreciating... When the sun rises, when it sets, when it rains and the birds sing happily... I wanted to understand what they sing, I'm sure it's joy and gratitude for the rain... I feel the wind, I always like to feel it touching my face... I watch the wind, which carries leaves, flowers and loves... And it exudes life, carrying the leaves and flowers, giving everyone the perfume of its foundation here on this earth... So perfect, so God's.
Fonte : 1Vidapoeticando 🌺 🍃
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whencyclopedia · 4 months
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Legions of Pannonia
Located west of the Danube, Pannonia was essential for the protection of the Roman Empire's eastern frontier. It had been occupied since 9 BCE but did not willingly accept Roman authority. Pannonia and Dalmatia revolted in 6 CE, and it would take three years and a total of eleven legions to finally bring Roman victory in 9 CE. To ensure peace, four legions were assigned to Pannonia: X Gemina, XIV Gemina, I Adiutrix, and II Adiutrix.
The Pannonian Revolt
After years of conflict with Rome, Pannonia had finally fallen under Roman control in 9 BCE. The uneasy peace that followed would not last long. After the Roman commander and future emperor Tiberius (r. 14-37 CE) withdrew legions from Pannonia and Dalmatia for his Germanic campaign in 5 CE, the two provinces seized the opportunity to rise up and revolt. The Pannonian rebel army struck first, marching into Macedonia. Meanwhile, Dalmatian rebels began to raid neighboring towns, attacking Roman auxiliaries and massacring Roman citizens. With this initial success, more and more Dalmatians joined in the cause. Eventually, the rebels would number over 200,000 – one-fourth of their combined population. Although surrounded by the rebellious army, the governor of Dalmatia, Marcus Messalinus, and cohorts of the 20th legion were able to rout the rebels. After the Pannonians laid siege to Sirmium (in modern Serbia), the governor of Moesia, Caecina Severus, and his legions marched westward to meet the Pannonian commander and his army and defeated him.
With the Dalmatian attack on Salonae (in modern Croatia) and much of the Adriatic coast in rebel control, panic across Italy forced the Roman emperor Augustus (r. 27 BCE - 14 CE) to recall Tiberius. With Legio VIII Augusta, Legio XI Hispana, Legio XIV Gemina Martia Victrix, Legio XV Apollinaris, and cohorts of the Legio XX, he marched into the rebelling provinces. In addition to Tiberius, Augustus sent the young Germanicus (15 BCE - 19 CE) to the Balkans with a force of evocati and non-citizen troops. Meanwhile, Aulus Caecina Severus and Plautius Silvanus arrived from the East with five legions. In total, the Roman army numbered 10 legions, 70 cohorts of auxiliary, 14 cavalry wings, and 10,000 evocati.
The Pannonians abandoned their plan to march on Rome, and the Dalmatian commander grew suspicious of his counterpart's loyalty to the cause. The Pannonian leader was captured, put on trial, found guilty, and executed. After this, the Roman army laid siege to several Dalmatian towns. Casualties were high on both sides, and it took one-third of the Roman army to finally suppress the uprising. Before the Dalmatian commander was led off to live the remainder of his life in house arrest, he had one final comment, blaming Rome for the war: "We are your flocks, yet you didn’t send shepherds to look after us, you sent wolves." (quoted in Dando-Collins, 234) Writing years later, the historian Suetonius (c. 69 - c. 130/140 CE) wrote in his biography of Tiberius about the seriousness of the rebellion. He said the revolt "proved to be the most bitterly fought of all foreign wars since Rome had defeated Carthage" (Twelve Caesars, 114).
In his The Complete Roman Legions, historian Nigel Pollard places four legions permanently in Pannonia:
Legio X Gemina
Legio XIV Gemina
Legio I Adiutrix
Legio II Adiutrix
Continue reading...
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Xangô Aganjú by Kypris Aquarelas
Xangô e Aganjú são dois Orixás que estão fortemente associados tanto em terras africanas quanto na diáspora brasileira. Da família de pai Xangô, figurando entre sobrinho, primo ou até pai de Xangô, ambos são Orixás que foram alafins (título que significa "Senhor do Palácio") do império de Oyó, são simbolizados pelos oxés (machados duplos), pelas cores vermelha, marrom e branco, estão relacionados aos raios, trovões e ao fogo. Segundo os antigos, ele é o Orixá da força, dos vulcões, da lava em chamas que emerge das profundezas da terra, muitas vezes visto como um "Xangô Menino".
Com a realidade imposta pela diáspora, o culto de Xangô e de Aganjú, em muitas tradições, sofreu uma aglutinação, dando origem ao famoso "Xangô Aganjú". Ele é cultuado em religiões afrolatinas como os Candomblés, as Umbandas, nos Batuques de Nação, na Santeria cubana onde é sincretizado com São Cristóvão, entre outras.
"Estava olhando a pedreira
Uma pedra rolou, ela veio
Rolando e bateu em meus pés
E se fez uma flor
Quem foi que disse
Que eu não sou filho de Xangô?
Ele mostra a verdade,
Se atira um pedra
Ela vira uma flor.."
Que pai Xangô e Aganjú, Sogbô, Zambará e Nzazi transformem todas as pedras nos nossos caminhos em lírios!
Shango and Aganju are strongly associated Orishas, both in African yoruba lands and in the Brazilian diaspora. Belonging to Shango's family, Aganju sometimes is depicted as his nephew, cousin or even his father, but both were once alafim (a title which means "Lord of the Palace") of the Oyo empire. As some of their symbols, the oxés (double axes), along with the colours red, brown and white, the element fire, lightnings and thunders are numbered. It's said that Aganju is the Orisha of strenght, vulcans and of the burning lava that emerges from the depths of the earth. He's commonly seen as a "Xangô Menino" (young Shango).
As the reality imposed by the diaspora developted, the cult and worship of Shango and Aganju in many traditions suffered an agluttination, giving rise to the cult of "Shango Aganju". He's worshipped in many afrodiasporic traditions such as Candomblé, Umbanda, Batuque de Nação, in the Cuban Santeria where he's sincretized with Saint Christopher.
May pai Shango, Aganjú, Sogbo, Zambará and Nzazi all turns the stones in our way into lilies!
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Capítulo 1: Sean bienvenidos, japonistasarqueológicos, a una nueva entrega de arqueología nipona, vista desde un punto de vista filosófico, una vez dicho esto pónganse cómodos qué empezamos. — Seguramente, todos nos hacemos las mismas preguntas cuando se nos pregunta determinados temas de historia y de arqueología. ¿Quiénes eran nuestros antepasados y por qué llegaron a este determinado lugar y no a x? ¿De qué medios disponían para lograr determinadas hazañas históricas? En nuestro caso nos centraremos en dos preguntas determinadas ¿Quiénes fueron los primeros pobladores del archipiélago japonés? Y de ver cómo dicha idea ha llegado a nuestros días sin una respuesta clara, ya que tanto arqueólogos, historiadores, antropólogos, entre otros, han intentado dar una posible respuesta a una de las mayores incógnitas de la historia de la arqueología japonesa. — ¿Cuándo surgió la arqueología japonesa propiamente dicha? La historia de Japón es un tanto complicada, debido a que la ciencia propiamente dicha no nace hasta finales del siglo XIX, para ser más exactos 12 de abril 1877 ¿Cuándo surgen las sociedades arqueológicas, antropológicas y el laboratorio de antropología en Tokio? Además, tuvieron mucha influencia de gente tanto de Europa como de Estados Unidos, ya que tenían una gran influencia para aquel momento y mencionaremos algunos y a uno de los arqueólogos más destacados del mundo japonés. — ¿Cuándo surgen las sociedades arqueológicas, antropológicas y el laboratorio de antropología en Tokio? Para responder a dicha pregunta: A partir de 1880,vino un proceso gradual de institucionalización a la arqueología, generando un nuevo marco académico y universitario: Dando lugar al nacimiento de la Sociedad Antropológica de Tōkyō 1884, se creó el Laboratorio de Antropología en la Universidad de Tōkyō 1888,la fundación de la Sociedad Arqueológica se fundó en Japón en 1895. — Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones que pasen una buena semana.
Chapter 1: Welcome, Japanesearchaeologicalists, to a new installment of Japanese archaeology, seen from a philosophical point of view. Having said that, get comfortable and let's begin. — Surely, we all ask ourselves the same questions when we are asked certain topics in history and archeology. Who were our ancestors and why did they arrive at this certain place and not x? What means did they have to achieve certain historical feats? In our case we will focus on two specific questions: Who were the first settlers of the Japanese archipelago? And to see how this idea has reached our days without a clear answer, since archaeologists, historians, anthropologists, among others, have tried to give a possible answer to one of the biggest unknowns in the history of Japanese archaeology. — When did Japanese archeology itself emerge? The history of Japan is somewhat complicated, because science itself was not born until the end of the 19th century, to be more exact April 12, 1877 When did the archaeological and anthropological societies and the anthropology laboratory emerge in Tokyo? In addition, they had a lot of influence from people from both Europe and the United States, since they had a great influence at that time and we will mention some of them and one of the most prominent archaeologists in the Japanese world. — When did the archaeological and anthropological societies and the anthropology laboratory emerge in Tokyo? To answer this question: Starting in 1880, a gradual process of institutionalization of archeology came, generating a new academic and university framework: Giving rise to the birth of the Tōkyō Anthropological Society 1884, the Anthropology Laboratory was created at the University from Tōkyō 1888, the foundation of the Archaeological Society was founded in Japan in 1895. — I hope you liked it and see you in future posts, have a good week.
第1章: 日本の考古学者の皆さん、哲学的観点から見た新しい日本考古学へようこそ。 — 確かに、歴史や考古学の特定のトピックを尋ねられたとき、��たちは皆同じ質問をするでしょう。 私たちの祖先は誰でしたか、そしてなぜ彼らは x ではなくこの特定の場所に到着したのでしょうか? 彼らは特定の歴史的偉業を達成するためにどのような手段を必要としたのでしょうか? 私たちの場合は、2 つの具体的な質問に焦点を当てます。日本列島の最初の入植者は誰ですか? そして、考古学者、歴史家、人類学者などが、日本の考古学史上最大の未知の一つに可能な答えを与えようとして以来、この考えが明確な答えがないまま、どのようにして現代に至ったのかを見てみましょう。 — 日本の考古学自体はいつ頃から生まれたのでしょうか? 日本の歴史はやや複雑です。科学そのものが誕生したのは 19 世紀末、より正確には 1877 年 4 月 12 日です。考古学人類学協会と人類学研究所が東京に誕生したのはいつですか? さらに、彼らは当時大きな影響力を持っていたため、ヨーロッパとアメリカの両方の人々から多くの影響を受けていました。彼らの一部と日本の世界で最も著名な考古学者の一人についても言及します。 — 東京に考古人類学会や人類学研究室が誕生したのはいつですか? この質問に答えるには、1880 年から考古学の制度化が段階的に進み、新しい学問と大学の枠組みが生まれました。1884 年に東京人類学会が誕生し、1888 年に東京で人類学研究室が大学に設立されました。考古学協会の財団は 1895 年に日本で設立されました。 — 気に入っていただければ幸いです。今後の投稿でお会いしましょう。良い一週間をお過ごしください
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fabbyf1 · 3 months
danny signing lando’s hat… kate ur dando fics live rent free in my head
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dannyleclerc · 9 days
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finally getting legitimate dando content 🥹
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captainnameless · 1 year
have y’all seen this 😭
“Daniel’s my inspiration for smiling”
“I love Daniel”
“We had dinner the other night.”
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capyst4r · 4 months
Por demanda popular, un escrito para alimentarlos hijos míos/ By popular demand, a writing to feed you my children
La música y gritos sonaban a todo volumen en aquel lugar mientras el público enloquecía cantando la letra, saltando, gritando o simplemente las cosas que haría una persona normal en algún concierto cualquier de su cantante favorito, todo era normal como siempre para Missa como para su grupo.
Era lindo ver aveces en sus presentaciones que parecia que él fue a su propio concierto por como se emocionaba el público reconociendo sus canciones con sólo algunas notas, como creaban olas entre ellos con luces, como elevaban aquellos carteles de palabras de apoyo, uno que otro meme que lo hacían reír y querer seguir esforzándose cada día más.
Unas cuantas canciones más y el concierto tomaría su fin, aunque amaba el entusiasmo del público todos nesecitan un descanso luego de horas de acción en el escenario, no reconocía muy bien aquel entusiasmo hasta que lo vio.
Una figura a lo lejos, surgió entre el público elevándose entre los aires dando vueltas por aquí y por allá siguiendo el ritmo de la música por sus movimientos, fue fascinante ver los suaves movimientos de aquella extraña persona en el aire, se extraño al ver como la figura se acercaba un poco a donde estaba él, pues a su vista solamente era una sombra.
"Ah ching.. espera un segundo.." Pensó Missa viendo a la familiar figura.
Cuando se dejó ver con un poco de las luces del escenario se quedó algo confundido observando aquellos ojos azules y aquel cabello dorado, sintió como un tipo de deja vú.
Juraba a ver visto ese cabello en alguna parte.
La canción siguió sin problema alguno mientras varios pensamientos llenaban la mente de Missa tratando de recordar hasta que su mente hizo un pequeño click.
Vaya.. que cosas le llegan a pasar a Missa con las extrañas jugadas del destino con él.
/ English ver!! (If you have any translation problems, you can tell me!)
The music and screams sounded at full volume in that place while the audience went crazy singing the lyrics, jumping, shouting or simply the things that a normal person would do at any concert of their favorite singer, everything was normal as always for Missa as well as for his cluster.
It was nice to see sometimes in his presentations that it seemed like he went to his own concert because of how the audience got excited, recognizing his songs with just a few notes, how they created waves among themselves with lights, how they raised those signs with words of support, one or another meme that made him laugh and want to continue trying harder every day.
A few more songs and the concert would come to an end. Although he loved the enthusiasm of the audience, everyone needs a break after hours of action on stage. He didn't really recognize that enthusiasm until he saw it.
A figure in the distance emerged from the audience, rising into the air, spinning here and there following the rhythm of the music through its movements.
It was fascinating to see the soft movements of that strange person in the air. It was strange to see how The figure was getting a little closer to where he was, because in his view it was only a shadow.
"Ah ching.. wait a second.." Missa thought looking at the familiar figure. When he showed himself with a bit of the stage lights, he was somewhat confused looking at those blue eyes and that golden hair, he felt like a type of deja vu. I swore I'd seen that hair somewhere.
The song continued without any problem as various thoughts filled Missa's mind trying to remember until her mind made a little click.
Wow... what things happen to Missa with the strange plays of fate with him.
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tooxmanyxships · 11 months
[  VISITING  HOURS  ]:     upon waking in a hospital bed, one of the muses turns their head, and finds the other sleeping in an uncomfortable chair by their bedside. w dando!!!
Okay, all I could think about was Daniel waking up after his hand surgery and finding Lando sitting next to his bed 🥺🥺🥺 Sooooo.... That's what we're rolling with.
Daniel had woken up once already after the surgery, in the recovery room.
They told him that everything went fine and for him to just rest as they took him back up to his room.
By the time they wheeled him into the room, Daniel was already back asleep. They'd given him something for the pain, which had knocked him out once again.
A few hours went by until he woke up again, blinking against the light that filtered in through the window.
He was barely awake and groaned softly as he tried to stretch his muscles and tried to get acquainted with his surroundings.
White room, white sheets,... White everything. Or almost everything at least.
He was at the hospital. Hand operation.
It's while he's getting used to his setting, and the quietness, that he notices it..... Another person breathing beside him.
He turns his head and a very peculiar sight is in front of him.
It's Lando, curled up on the biggest chair in the room, pushed closer to the bed probably, sleeping peacefully.
Peaceful.... But it must be incredibly uncomfortable too.
Daniel just stares at him for a minute or two, it's all he can do to be honest, then clears his throat.
"Lando?" he says softly, then a bit louder when he gets no reaction. "Lando. Wake up."
Daniel is surprised by the sudden jerk of Lando's body, making him almost fall out of the chair, as he shoots awake.
He hadn't said his name that loud, had he?
Lando is still barely awake as he looks around shiftily, taking in his surroundings, his eyes finally setting on Daniel in the hospital bed.
"Oh! You're awake!"
Lando's tentative smile makes Daniel's heart melt a little.
"Yes. So are you." He grins as he sees Lando take off his cap to scratch in his hair, head ducked down. He knows he's blushing. "What are you doing here, Lando?"
There it is.
The nervous shuffling and fidgeting. The obvious trying to avoid eye contact maneuver.
Daniel raises his eyebrow. Waits until Lando finally looks at him.
"Can't I just visit one of my best friends?"
And Daniel's second eyebrow rises up. That's not the right answer and they both know it.
"I doubt that chair is comfortable enough to fall asleep in, even for you, if it's just for a short visit."
Lando's head drops again, staring at his fiddling hands in his lap.
Daniel waits patiently.
"I just--- I didn't want you to wake up alone."
Daniel's silent, one of the rare moments that he is, and Lando wants to hide. Wants to run away.
He can hear Daniel open up the drawer of the bedside table, rumble through it, then close it again.
He finally looks up when Daniel clears his throat again because he's curious.
There's a marker being held out to him and he looks up at Daniel's face in confusion.
"Are you gonna sign my cast or what?"
A grin spreads across Lando's face as he takes the marker and eagerly starts drawing on the cast on Daniel's hand, the tip of his tongue slightly poking out of his lips in concentration.
Daniel's watching him with a soft smile on his face.
When the younger man is done and drops the marker on the bed, Daniel grabs his wrist with his uninjured hand.
Lando looks up at him with wide eyes.
Daniel runs his thumb over the inside of his wrist.
"I'm okay, Lando."
And Lando breaks. Dropping his head on Daniel's shoulder as he moves to sit onto the edge of the bed.
Daniel runs his good hand over the other's back while the young Brit sighs and cradles Daniel's injured hand between his own.
"I just don't know what I would do without you."
Daniel smiles and rests his head against the top of Lando's, which is still resting on his shoulder.
"Well, you won't have to find out just yet."
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mcl4r3n · 1 year
not to be mushy on main but dando + 35? 🫶
"I want to make love to you," Daniel says, nuzzling into Lando's neck, tickling him with his stubble that's grown out so much now over the summer break.
Lando laughs out loud, unable to hold in his snort while he pushes at Daniel. "That's like, so gay, mate," he whines. Daniel always says ridiculous shit when they're alone, but this one kind of takes the cake.
Except—Daniel's pulling back, bracing himself over Lando, pushing up on his hands while his knees bracket Lando's hips.
"I mean it," Daniel says softly. "All we ever do is fuck and while I enjoy that, I really—I wanna go slow today, if that's okay with you."
Lando's breath leaves him in a sort of wheeze because Daniel looks so serious, and worse, he looks so fucking—fond.
Lando likes him so, so much.
He reaches up to loop his arms around Daniel's neck, rises from the mattress to kiss him slow and deep.
"Yeah," he whispers against Daniel's lips. "Yeah, make love to me, Danny."
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musicshooterspt · 3 months
Reportagem Evil Live - Dia 1
O Evil live regressou em 2024, a Lisboa, com alguns nomes de peso do panorama de rock/metal no cartaz. O primeiro dia apresentou um lineup diverso que, ainda assim, não foi o suficiente para atrair muitos espectadores à MEO Arena no dia 29 de Junho, como foi possível ver logo no exterior do mesmo pela hora em que as portas abriam.
Os portugueses Men Eater, liderados por Mike Ghost, abriram o festival e apresentaram temas como "Multitude", recolhendo aplausos do público que ia chegando ao local aos poucos.
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Seguiram-se os japoneses Jiluka, numa estreia de uma banda de visual kei no nosso país. Porém, os portugueses mostraram que a banda não lhes era desconhecida, como foi possível ouvir pela forma como aclamaram a mesma ao entrar em palco.
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O set começou com "S4VAGE" e terminou com "KUMARI", num concerto onde, além da parte sonora, a componente visual saiu vitoriosa em mais uma demonstração da força atual da música do país do sol nascente.
Outra banda que conseguiu deslocar vários fãs ao Parque das Nações foram os Wolfmother. Naquela que foi a sua 5ª actuação em terrotório nacional, trouxeram com a sua sonoridade mais rock temas como Rock Out, Woman ou Joker And The Thief, para agrado de todos aqueles que os vieram ver.
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Os Katatonia foram a 4ª e, sem dúvida, a mais azarada banda a subir ao palco do festival no primeiro dia. Pelas 20:05, aquando da sua entrada, surgiram problemas técnicos que demoraram mais do que seria previsto a ser resolvidos. Passados 15 minutos, parecia que tudo se iria recompor e o concerto pôde finalmente arrancar, porém já com a setlist mais reduzida devido ao infortúnio inicial.
Ainda assim, o set foi o suficiente para apresentarem músicas como "Forsaker" ou "Old Heart Falls", além de outras do seu último álbum, "Sky Void of Stars", que marcou presença com temas como "Birds" e "Colossal Shade".
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As grandes estrelas da noite e que mais público trouxeram ao Evil Live foram os Machine Head. Com uma performance poderosa e literalmente explosiva, como o uso de pirotecnia o demonstrou, além da música, levaram ao delírio os fãs que tornaram a MEO Arena um pouco menos despida nessa noite de Junho.
O grupo formado por Robb Flynn, Jared MacEachern, Matt Alston, e Reece Scruggs fez valer bem a pena o primeiro dia do festival. O set abriu com "Imperium", passando por outros clássicos da banda como "Ten Ton Hammer" (durante o qual foram arremessados para o público martelos gigantes insufláveis), "Now We Die" ou hinos cantados por todos em uníssono como "Is There Anybody Out There?", "Locust" e "Davidian".
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Enquanto Machine Head tomava conta do palco como só eles sabem, o público vibrava e os circle pits e momentos de stage diving multiplicavam-se, dando muito trabalho aos seguranças presentes no recinto. Um concerto estrondoso que acabou com "Halo" como encore e, sem dúvida, deixou todos os que estavam presentes já a pensar numa próxima vinda da banda a Portugal, onde é sempre recebida de forma apaixonada e intensa. Muito à imagem do que Robb Flynn e companhia entregam em palco.
A noite terminou com Kerry King, que por motivos de logística relacionados com um concerto no dia anterior em Helsínquia ficou com o título de "cabeça de cartaz". Porém, o público presente já era ainda menos do que antes, uma vez que muitos foram os que saíram depois do set dos Machine Head. O que não impediu que os presentes, muitos dos quais fãs de Slayer, pudessem apreciar o concerto que teve início perto da meia noite, ainda que de forma menos efusiva.
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Com músicas a saltar entre o seu repertório a solo ("Where I Reign", "From Hell I Rise", etc) e outras da banda pertencente aos "Big Four", como o clássico "Raining Blood", além do uso de chamas no palco que ajudam sempre à componente visual, encerraram assim a primeira noite num festival que teria o melhor guardado para dia 30, como foi possível ver pela diferença esmagadora na quantidade público.
O que não tira o brilhantismo dos intervenientes de dia 29, que nos proporcionaram momentos de encher o olho!
Fotos e Texto: Miguel Batista
Galeria Completa (ambos os dias) brevemente no Facebook
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patowrd · 10 months
dando fic snippet pt. 5 😳 (one day soon i'll actually post the first third of this fic - i promise - but for now have a dando club scene)
Of course it’s Carlos’ idea to go clubbing.
Everyone’s here, even Max, and everyone seems keen on getting absolutely fucking hammered. Daniel can’t remember if he has anything planned for tomorrow, so he orders a gin and tonic, specifying “double” as the bartender nods.
“Feeling brave, are we Danny?” Max asks. He's nursing a pint, an orange slice floating languidly in his glass.
“Feeling like I’ve got nothing to lose mate,” he shouts over the house groove. He brings the glass to his lips and swallows, inhaling through his teeth as the alcohol scrapes its way down his throat. He loves this feeling, the bitter bite of the tonic lingering on his tongue. It fades to soft sweetness as he turns to the bartender, ordering another before he even leaves the bar. 
He's aiming to get drunk enough to silence the nagging worry in his brain. Lando and Carlos have found their way onto the dance floor, and Daniel can’t help but stare at Carlos’ hands, which smooth down the faux-satin fabric of a girl’s slip as they sway, wordless. There's something enticing about the rhythm they’ve found, the breathless buzz of a couple of beers and two endorphin-seeking hearts. Daniel can’t remember the last time he’s felt that rush, the novelty of an unknown body pressed against him close as he loses himself in sensation, in pure feeling. He hasn’t had time lately, at least that’s what he’s told himself, that between standing behind the bar and smoking at the back door he’s had no break long enough to taste a stranger’s gin-soaked lips. He finds the need growing in him though, a need which crests as Carlos grips her waist, one hand firm as the other gently cradles the small of her back.
He pretends the bartender’s eyebrow doesn’t raise when he orders his third drink.
The table Daniel finds (as far away from Carlos as he can manage, so that the ache he feels when he watches can subside), is covered in a film of spilled drinks and cigarette ash. He sits alone and stares at the ice melting in his glass, wondering whether he’d better order a fourth or just head home and call it a day. Maybe this isn’t him anymore, he thinks, maybe he’s too far gone to go back to partying, to be the kind of person who, easy as breathing, can find someone to share a dance floor with. He downs the drink and inhales sharp, and he’s a second away from standing up when someone smacks him across the shoulder and sits in the booth opposite him.
“Danny!” Lando says, something strong and sweet on his breath. and then, in mock sadness, “Man you’re all alone out here.”
Daniel laughs, pretending the remark doesn’t sting something deep within his heartstrings, “Ah, and you’re drunk”
“You’re not?” he asks, eyes gliding over Daniel’s now empty glass.
“Nah, not yet buddy”
“Well we’ve gotta work on that” Lando says, matter of fact, a playful smirk on his lips, “Don’t wanna leave our guest all by himself to sulk.”
There's a beat where Daniel says nothing, his eyes fixed on Lando’s own, which stare back, unwavering. The smirk doesn’t fade, and Daniel notices how it spreads to Lando's eyes, how he stares back like a trickster, taunting, teasing.
A sharp inhale as he looks away, “So, you’re a bit of a dick, hm?”
Lando giggles, taking a sip of his drink and fiddling with the straw, “Only when I don’t know you”
“Planning to get to know me?
“Not before another drink” and it’s then that Daniel notices the concoction in Lando's glass, a dark red and orange liquid swirling and swishing as Lando twirls the straw around.
“God, what are you even drinking?”
Lando's eyebrows rise as he blushes, a smile (bashful now, Daniel thinks, fascinatingly bashful) drawing itself across his features. He takes a sip and pretends to really be evaluating it, his inexperience showing as he replies “Dunno really.” a further sip, where he swishes it around in his mouth like he’s at a wine tasting, an impression which has Daniel doubled over laughing, unsure if Lando's really that funny or if the three g&ts have finally had their effect.
When he swallows, Lando wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, lips turning a plush red as he adds, “I just let Carlos order for me usually.”
Daniel swipes the tear away from his eye, trying not to look too much like a smitten schoolgirl finally talking to her crush, “God i’ve got to teach you about actually good drinks some time,” his smile is honest here, bright and luminous, “Honestly i’ll bartend at the villa, free of charge.”
And Lando only laughs at the offer, his head thrown back and eyes screwed shut.
Daniel thinks that, at least as far as he can remember, he’s never seen a boy quite this beautiful.
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