quits-writing · 2 years
sukuna ryomen x jujutsu sorcerer! male reader
a/n: this was supposed to be a smut but i fell out of the fandom so yeah.
cw: gun, mentally ill reader, mentioned violence, gutting out reader threat, pre-sex, cringey old wip, unfinished, NOT PROOFREAD
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the man in front of sukuna is nowhere near sane. no sane person would bring up a gun and threaten a person they’re about to fuck, no. scratch that. no sane person would fuck a curse.
are people really insane enough to give a mad man a gun? you’d think there’s no such thing however, the said man was now holding a gun and shoving it against sukuna’s throat.
did they not care enough for the suicidal man to have a gun? certainly they should’ve kept dangerous weapons, especially a gun, from the dangerous man like preventing a child from choking hazards.
no, we’re talking about those damn old jujutsu sorcerers. they couldn’t careless if one suicidal sorcerer maniac kills himself as long as it doesn’t affect them and lessen the troubles. hell, these higher ups would even be glad if the maniac kills himself. for them it was like killing two birds with one stone.
the cursed spirit was already planning on wiping all of the jujutsu sorcerers but looks like those damn higher ups are on his top list once he’s done with this, or IF he gets out of this situation.
a mouth formed in another part of the curse’ body.
“do you know what you’re doing, pest? the guts you have in order to do this to me, the king of curses, is astonishing! although you’d lose it all right after i’m done with you”
the strange man only laughed, pulling the safety trigger and replies.
“you seek for something that’ll excite you. luckily for you, i am here to feed on that hunger of yours. you see, i have a deathwish, my king”
looks like his future plans of mass murdering an entire older generation of jujutsu sorcerers will be held for a moment.
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majormeilani · 1 year
anyway. what is y'all's favorite hattytime deathwish and no you can't say none you have to pick at least one and tell me why you like it (even if it's just because of the reward you get). mine is obviously killing two birds bc it's hilarious i laugh the whole time i play it. but wound-up windmill is a second runner up tbh bc the platforming is actually really fun.
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gryphsdeadbones · 4 years
party hard
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jadelotusflower · 3 years
Robin Hood Rewatch: 2x13 We Are Robin Hood
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So we come to the end of this season, and where my personal headcanon departs the narrative. I will be continuing the rewatch into season 3 however, since I remember very little of what actually happens and am kind of curious to to view it with the distance of time.
But first, we have to say goodbye to a good chunk of our main cast in a showrunner decision that baffles (and irritates) me to this day. Get comfortable, because this is a long one.
We jump right into things with Vaisey and his plotty plots and this week’s henchmen Nasir and Karim, and Robin and co’s arrival in Acre.
Marian’s in a rather lovely and very practical outfit for the desert, while everyone else seems to have added clothes.
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She makes a final play to Guy’s conscience (or greed, depending on how you want to look at it), offering to marry him if he kills Vaisey. I do wonder if she still would have made this move if she knew Robin was still alive.
“Then we find Djaq’a uncle’s friend” aka Bassam the pigeon handler, and I’ve always though it odd they added this extra degree of separation. Why not just Djaq’s uncle?
Much has a bit of fun at Allan’s expense to signal the show has moved past Allan-the-traitor plot completely, removing the need for any actual on screen attention. The time skip, while necessary, is unfortunate as all the developments of 2x12 (Allan rejoining the gang, Djaq x Will, John’s deathwish, etc) are all glossed over as we are to assume the fallout happened during the travel to the Holy Land. But hey, it’s fan fic fodder (recs appreciated).
Notably, Robin (visibly on edge the whole scene) shuts this down, perhaps to protect Allan (having forgiven him, he’s the type to move on from it), perhaps because he can’t stand the levity when there’s so much at stake.
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Much and Robin prop outside the house where Marian is being kept in this episode’s dose of dramatic irony - she hears them but her chains won’t let her get close enough to the window to see, and they move on unawares. It’s quite nicely done.
Much also does a tentative mental health check on Robin, while also signalling his discomfort at being back in the Holy Land, but they’re back in old patterns - Much wants to talk about it, Robin shuts down. It’s also interesting that Much characterises his unease as “being the enemy again” - while in Sherwood they are the enemy of the state, they’re warriors for the people; in the Holy Land, they are invaders and I think while Robin keys into the mission (find Marian, bring the King home), Much is thinking of the bigger picture.
Robin has his sword back, and also the leather vest and hood we haven’t seen since early season 1 (the first episode, I think) - when he came home to Locklsey he tried to divest that part of himself, but he’s completely back to soldier mode now.
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Djaq covers her head as she first enters Bassam’s house, but leaves it uncovered later on. Bassam is also very sweet and they have a warm bond (Djaq: But you love [the birds] Bassam: I love you) and credit to Anjali Jai she really plays Djaq and joyous to be back in a place she feels at home to give credence to her deciding to stay at the end of the episode.
Robin shows off his Arabic and convinces Bassam to show him Richard’s camp, but wait, Evil Blue Peter Presenter overhears and rushes off to tell Vaisey.
There’s no follow up to Djaq’s fears in 2x09 (”if they’ve got Lardener, they’ve got the Sultan, and if they’ve got the Sultan, they’ve got everyone”) so we are to assume Richard did have control of Acre for a time (or at least pillaged it) and was then expelled, but I would have liked for Bassam maybe to have revealed that the town was occupied and his birds commandeered, to have more reluctance to help the gang because of his experience with crusaders.
Really, the trip to the Holy Land and then plan to rescue Marian/convince Richard should have been the two parter (or three-parter, taking into account the barn/Marian’s attempt to kill Vaisey). Would anyone have missed say, Childhood or Booby and the Beast in exchange? I think in rewatching there’s too much filler in the front half of the season, and too little time spent on the overarching narrative of the second half.  
But there’s a nice little shot of Much enjoying the food.
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And it’s Carter! And King Richard, played by the great Steven Waddington (who you may also remember as the Duck of Buckingham in The Tudors). The show’s version of Richard is an interesting one - ahistorical of course (as almost all Richards are in Robin Hood retellings), but they have to walk a very fine line with him as a character. He must be noble enough for us to believe that Robin would be so devoted to him, that his returning to England would actually fix things (to make Marian’s sacrifice worthwhile), while also remaining within the confines of the story i.e. Richard as a crusader/coloniser, who won’t return to England even when he knows his brother is trying to unseat him, who will shortly turn on Robin on a dime.
Richard is a character of contradictions - in the scene with Nasir he proclaims that he “rules from the front lines” and that is why Saladin “will never defeat [him]” but then claims he wants to make peace with Saladin. He also doesn’t question Nasir’s “warning” about his most loyal subject being recruited to kill him (crucially, while Carter is out of the room), or why Saladin would have this information. He’s just expertly manipulated by Vaisey’s plot (again showing Vaisey as a formidable villain who knows exactly what Robin will say to Richard and how to sow doubt) - but honestly he’s just looking like the lesser of two evils rather than praiseworthy king.
I will give them credit for giving Richard a bit of nuance rather than the deus ex machina role he usually fills, although I wonder how much was deliberate.
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Marian tries to convince Guy to take his “last chance to be a good man” (subtext: his last chance to have Marian).
“You’re not a killer.” I mean, this is demonstrably untrue, Marian, and you know it.
It seems Guy almost goes through with it. Vaisey is of course prepared with a dagger of his own, but in the end Guy chooses him.
“When we return to England, I will take her by force.” Well we almost made it to the end of the season without another veiled threat of someone raping Marian, but alas.
There’s a nice moment between Djaq and Bassam, who gives her his blessing about Will which again, would have made more sense if he was her uncle, but hey.
Much is elated to be back in the King’s camp, which makes sense based on what was revealed last episode - this is the place where Much was valued, where there was a sense of camaraderie, where he didn’t feel like “the enemy” but part of a tribe.
He doesn’t know the meaning of the motto he so happily shouts, and neither do I. It’s certainly not Richard’s motto Dieu et mon Droit (God is my Right) or the crusader battle cry Deus vult (God Wills It)
Since this was annoying me I actually went and pulled out my dvds and turned on the subtitles - apparently it’s Ut Prosim which means “That I may serve” - which yeah, makes sense.
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What is a group of henchmen called? A glower of henchmen?
Two of these men are dressed for the climate (and Nasir very stylishly indeed). The other is probably very stinky and covered in heat rash.
Vaisey throwing chicken bones at Marian’s back is character perfection, Keith Allen really knew what he was doing.
“Your heart must be the coldest place on Earth” is an underrated Marian line, if ineffectual against Vaisey. However the follow up hits (”so I’ve served my purpose”), and he switches from cool mockery to outright rage in an instant, then back to savage cruelty.
Which is ultimately his mistake - of course Vaisey is going to kill Marian, he can’t have her still around to tempt Guy’s loyalty, but rather than do it then and there, he has to go for the big show, to inflict as much pain as possible by reuniting Robin and Marian before they die. Much like the Emperor, his overconfidence is his weakness and he underestimates Marian’s strengths.
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Allan giving Robin quite the side eye in this shot, and you know what, fair. For two seasons Robin has being going on about Richard being a great man and king, that everything will be fixed once he returned and so the gang had to fight for him, particularly this season when feeding the poor seemed to come second to saving the king. And what happens when they actually meet He Who is Chosen by God? Richard believes a stranger over Robin, the former captain of his personal guard, who once saved his life, and is willing to let them all die a terrible death rather than entertain the possibility that he is wrong.
“And I’ll remember you as the king who spent too long at war. You’ve forgotten your people back home.” This is a big moment for Robin, when he finally sees Richard’s feet of clay and gives him some home truths. It’s like his worldview coming apart before his eyes as the man he loved and the king he served ultimately proves unworthy of both.
Will telling Djaq he should have made her stay with Bassam feels very ooc to me? Like a direct contradiction of his speech in 2x12 (”I love the way you fight like a man”).
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Little John really shaved his armpits for this huh? But hey, credit to him for realising that the desert is hot af and planning accordingly, although I hate to think of the sunburn he’s going to experience on the trip home.
Much’s confession of love while Robin’s attention is on Marian coming over the horizon is just heartbreaking, and then the music cue after “there is no God” is chef’s kiss.
I just really love this entire scene - again Vaisey bringing the jokes and then switching to rage (”We thought we had a spy in your camp” as he slaps Allan with his glove. “but you had one in ours.”), and while Robin is trying to deflect his attention from Marian (”there will always be people who work for me”) Vaisey isn’t buying it, and gives what he thinks is a final twist of the knife (”now you have your bride”).
John moves on from his suicidal ideation by proclaiming that “Today is not a good die to die!” and that when he dies he wants to be with his wife and son - a statement that significantly affects Marian. 
Robin, meanwhile, is clinging to his last shred of delusion - that they are dying for England, and Allan very rightly points out that they are dying because of the King of England. “It’s not the King’s fault” Robin says in response, and not even he believes it.
This is such a hard moment for Robin, not only because he thinks they’re all going to die, but because he must blame himself for it - he loves Richard, is loyal to him, just like his gang love and are loyal to him. And because he can’t bring himself to blame Richard, he has to blame himself, he led his friends into danger and likely death, having not achieved anything other than find Marian only to have her die alongside them.
So I think that’s why Marian chooses that moment to marry Robin - not only to prove that her love and loyalty is still with him despite everything, but also seeing John’s distress and realising that she has the chance to have what he cannot, and die with her loved one by her side, to bring happiness to their final moments, not recriminations and doubts.
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It’s important to remember that during this time period (I believe) all that was required for a marriage to be valid was for both parties to give verbal consent, so from this point, Robin and Marian are married. (Now for a legally binding marriage consummation was required, which obviously does not happen, but with Marian’s death it was unlikely anyone was going to argue this was not a valid marriage).
Marian very deliberately chooses flowery vows, and the deliveries are an interesting juxtaposition - for Robin they are tragic, for Marian joyous - Robin cries, Marian smiles (and Much blubs).
Carter arrives with a nice “laughing on the wrong side of his face” callback, and we run headfirst into the third act.
“There is a place in Nottingham, called Bonchurch...” Respect Much’s hustle here!
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Richard acknowledges Marian’s existence right before she’ll go off and die for him.
Robin fights Karim and when the latter gets the upper hand Marian leads to gang to charge down to help him - there’s some incredibly bad ADR when Guy sees Marian, smacks his fist against the sand and his mouth doesn’t move at all when he says her name. This part of the episode is littered with editing issues, and I wonder if they just didn’t get enough coverage when they were on location and the editor wept trying to piece it all together.
Interesting to note that it’s Robin, not Richard, who gives the order to follow Vaisey and co into the town - I wonder how many times that decision played on his mind afterwards, and how things might have been different had they simply retreated to the Crusader camp.
Robin has once again lost his sword (leaving it behind in the sand) - he has his bow and dagger, and Marian, crucially, is unarmed.
Ok let’s do the battle count: Richard kills Karim to save Robin, Robin kills Nasir to save Richard, Vaisey shoots Richard, Vaisey kills Carter, Much kills James to save Robin again, the others are seemingly running around doing nothing, and finally Guy and Marian meet in the square.
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But this is what I’m talking about re the editing - there’s slo mo shots of Guy and Marian seemingly hearing Richard get shot, but where exactly has Marian been up to this point? Where is she in this shot (which was clearly reversed)? Where is John, Will, Djaq, and Allan? I honestly feel they needed more suspense and would have been better served to actually see that Marian was the only one close enough to stop Guy.
Also I hate that they killed Carter - it’s a footnote to Marian’s death with no reaction to it by anyone. Why not keep him around to leave their options open with characters in season 3? I get the narrative through line - Carter was going to Richard and Vaisey stopped him, leaving only Marian but still. I like Carter a lot.
A great deal has been written over the years about the final scene between Guy and Marian so I won’t rehash, except to say I do think it’s part calculation, part emotion with Marian’s confession - on the one hand she can finally be completely herself without artifice, but on the other hand she is also still trying to manipulate him - to distract him so he won’t kill Richard, and it just so happens that the words that will hurt him the most are also the truth. 
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She looks directly at Guy as she tells him she would rather die than be with him and that she’s going to marry Robin, but then her attention falters slightly as she says “I love Robin Hood” the first time, almost as if finally admitting it to herself, before she makes eye contact with Guy again and says it a second time as a declaration.
I know Richard Armitage was very unhappy about this development and had a time trying to imagine how his character could commit this murder, I think landing on that his first instinct was to grab her and shake her, but the sword was there in his hand (forgive me, I can’t find the original source for this) - I can see this interpretation as a good explanation of how Guy might rationalise it to himself.
But watch the shots - we see Guy thrust the sword and the initial impact on Marian’s face, then we see Guy ram the sword through her body as he pulls her into his arms (the sexual overtones are rife) - so there was a moment of choice to go through with it, unconscious or not. Guy’s first instinct has always been to aggression first, to lash out with violence.
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There’s a final moment where Marian looks at Guy with judgement? Triumph? Disappointment? Surprise? I’ve never really been able to decipher it.
I’ve written extensively about Marian’s death as a classic fridging so won’t go into it here, except to say that fourteen years later I still find it infuriating, particularly when Dominic Minghella remains completely tone deaf about it, calling Marian’s death is a “logical conclusion” to the love triangle, which shits me no end.
Over time the fandom furore may have died down, but if you want to get a gauge for the reaction at the time, the comments of this article are enlightening.
As much as I hate Marian’s death, her final scene always destroys me - her saying she’d love to argue with Robin, that she was a fighter and she was proud, Robin saying he can’t fight without her and Marian extracting a promise that she will. Lucy Griffiths really sells it.
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What really breaks my heart is how much this scene mirrors 1x12 in Robin showing affection to Marian - stroking her hair, her hand (his thumb caressing her palm really gets me), her face - even the way he kisses her, except this time they get to declare their reciprocal love for each other rather than deflect or leave it too late.
I think the repeat of the vows is unnecessary, but we get another ring thrown in the mix (what happened to the one he gave her before I wonder?) - this time Richard’s big ass ruby that will presumably go with Marian to her grave, since we never see it again.
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Even this, Robin kissing her hand is a reflection of 2x07 and 2x09, and ugh, my emotions.
The montage as Robin carries Marian to her grave is also affecting, except for that first clip which always annoys me, since although Robin was technically present during that scene, Marian wasn’t looking at him! For the final moment to be that iconic first shot of Marian with her bow however is absolutely the right choice.
We see Carter’s grave but again, he’s just an afterthought. Everyone has a very subdued reaction to Marian’s death (since they used up the good moments in 2x13) - just emotionally wrung out, across the board.
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Will and Djaq leaving the show, never to be mentioned again, is always a sour note for me (however nice their new clothes are). Particularly egregious to exit stage left your two main female characters in the same episode, but Minghella probably thought this was a “logical conclusion” to the Allan/Djaq/Will love triangle too (i.e. he didn’t know how to write it after this point). We don’t even get any interaction at all between Will and Djaq and Allan, so things feel unresolved.
Allan has Lardner - but not that we’d know since the scene was deleted, and as far as I recall, the bird is never seen or heard from again.  
Robin is very soul dead in this scene, but his goodbyes with Will and particularly Djaq are very affecting. I can’t remember a lot of season 3, but IIRC from now on it’s a slow march to death for Robin - he’s never quite the same again, although he tries to be. In many ways Robin the man died with Marian, leaving only Robin Hood the shell.
Relevant that ultimately, although they saved Richard’s life, they failed to bring him home to England, and they failed to rescue Marian. At the start of the episode Robin says: “Save Marian. Save the King. Save England.” One out of three ain’t bad?
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When Richard tells him to grieve his loss, there’s a callback to “For every man there is a purpose which he sets up in his life: let yours be the doing of all good deeds.” The implication is that Robin does not intend to grieve, but throw himself into his purpose - which will be completely reversed in 3x01.
But this is also for Richard’s benefit - he’s been diminished in Robin’s eyes, and it’s a pointed barb that Richard’s purpose has not been the doing of good deeds - although the King doesn’t seem to hear it. He still has Robin’s loyalty, but perhaps not as much love.
I do like “You are King Richard, and we are Robin Hood” though. 
And that’s it! I’m going to take a little break from these and maybe start on season 3 in the new year.
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mvssmallow · 4 years
Blood and Dust: Prologue
Whoever controls the Water, controls everyone. 
My name is Chan. In a former life I was the son of a farmer and soldier. After the World fell, the War for Dust and Water began, claiming every weak scavenger without loyalties and eliminating those without the right ones. There was no room for autonomous thought, only universal law enforced by Haelend and his anaemic army of psychopathic War Dogs. 
After they claimed the Eastern Oil mines, they came for the Northern Greenlands that my Grandfather protected. Few of us were spared in the war, they killed the men and mothers and branded all the children, the ones they didn’t kidnap and torture. They took whatever viable seedlings there was and only fled when a resistance led by my father staged a stealth attack at the last minute. But we were not a district of War, not back then anyway, and there was no victory march in the aftermath. There was only death and loss. 
Those who were left behind were driven mad by either grief or anger. Many left for other territories, trekking across the Dustbowl like lost immigrants, but I stayed behind, vowing to rebuild and replant on the Earth where my ancestor’s blood and ashes had fallen.
That was 8 years ago. Not much has changed. It’s hard to grow much when there’s only dirt and sun. 
Whoever controls the Water, controls everyone. 
And right now, Haelend still controls the water. 
But he doesn’t control everyone. Not yet. 
“Chan! Visitor at the gates.”
“How many?”
“Just one. I disarmed him already. Don’t know how the hell he got past the spikes but he’s covered in whole lot of blood.”
Chan looks up from the radio transmitter he’s been trying to fix for the last 2 weeks and sighs wearily in Changbin’s direction. “Aren’t they all?”
“Not all of them.” Changbin shrugs with a smirk, “The last stray we took in was covered in fur.”
“That mutt better not have chewed the cables again.” 
At the mention of his (alleged) crimes, a black Akita-Wolf huffs indignantly but tries to push his nose against Chan’s fingers as he follows them dutifully down the corridor. 
He’d been against taking it home but Chan had seen how dangerously closed off Changbin had gotten over the years and before Felix had collapsed at their gates last winter, he admits it had been a lonely existence with the two of them. Loneliness was so deeply an ingrained and accepted normalcy for Chan that sometimes it’s easy to forget that not everyone could survive like that. Not even grumpy guarded ones like Changbin. 
“Bear doesn’t do that anymore.”
“He did it last week.”
“He was bored.” Changbin says dismissively, reaching down to scratch behind Bear’s soft furry ears. “He thought he saw a rat.”
Chan looks over quizzically, about to ask his best friend when he started talking to animals, but decided this probably wasn’t the time to hear about ridiculous anecdotes. 
Felix is already waiting for them, crouched in his bird box look-out with one hand on the scanner and one on the trigger of his sniper rifle, poised for orders like the loyal kid he’s always been. He eyes Chan and gives the ‘ok’ signal to move ahead. 
Before any further words are uttered, a wet cough draws their attention to the stirring bloodied figure Changbin had tied to the weathered stone pillars by the gates. 
“You disarmed him before he passed out?”
“Yes.” Changbin replies, “A few knives hidden in his boots and an old rusty shooter. Magazine was empty.”
“How’d he get past the spikes?”
“Felix is trying to figure that out. Sandstorm last night might have jammed the cogs?”
“Fuck.” Chan mutters in frustration. It’s always the sandstorms. “What else?”
“Young. Male. Early twenties maybe. Too bloody to see any markings or inkwork. Defensive wounds all down his arms though.”
Unarmed, bleeding, injured or not, all visitors are treated with the same level of caution Chan reserves for War Dogs. Though, this one wasn’t nearly pale enough to be one, which meant that the majority of the blood on him wasn’t actually his own. The fact that their visitor was even alive means one of two things: he’s one hell of a fighter (there’s no such thing as luck in the Dustbowl) or he’s bait. 
The thought prickles the skin across Chan’s neck and as he tightens his grip on his double-barrel shotgun and pulls up the scarf covering the lower half of his face he can hear the tense heavy loading of Changbin’s crossbow as he does the same. Bear is, as always, hovering behind them, his menacing rumbling growl is enough to stir the visitor back into consciousness. 
Chan takes a step forward and nudges a bare bloodied foot. 
“Wake up sunshine.”
There’s a heavy pause before the visitor rolls over with a pained groan before gasping for breath like all his ribs were broken and he was suddenly hungry for air. 
“What’s your name?” Chan asks, his shoulders are aching from the anxious tension he always gets every time they have to do this.
There’s a wet splutter in reply and the visitor blinks blearily at them for a few slow seconds before the realisation of his precarious situation suddenly dawns on him all at once. “Are they gone?”
They means plural.
Nausea churns in Chan’s gut as he straightens to take in their surroundings. Looking up at the Bird Box, Felix is already scanning the perimeters with hurried efficiency, it isn’t until there’s a thumbs-up thrown in their direction that Chan breathes a sigh of relief. 
“Who is they?”
“East Block. War Dogs. Desert Snakes. Take your pick.” 
Chan looks down at their visitor with a mix of disbelief and awe. “They were all hunting you? Why?”
“They don’t need a reason.”
There’s truth in that statement. There might be Haelend’s universal law but outside the central citadels, in the vast expanse of the Dustbowl, it’s a lawless state. Few reasons are needed to justify kill. Sometimes no reason at all. 
That being said, to piss off three separate factions is a rare unenviable feat that Chan wants no association with. That fact alone sets off alarms bells and the only logical decision here is to cut their visitor loose and send him back into the desert. 
Changbin hasn’t moved or taken his eyes off the bloody mess on the ground, his crossbow remains loaded and aimed at the visitor’s head. Subtlety was never his strong suit. 
“What are you doing here?”
“Trying not to die for a few hours?”
“How’d you get past the spikes?”
“What spikes?”
Chan can feel the frustration creeping into his head and when he looks across, he can tell by Changbin’s tense jaw that his patience is also fading by the second. They don’t kill unnecessarily and Chan doesn’t want the bad karma on his territory but there are exceptions to every rule.
“Listen mate, unless you’re gonna answer the questions, you’re welcome to spend the next week back out in the Dustbowl.”
That seems to shake their visitor out of his stupor. Chan knows all too well that the only fate as bad as captivity in a citadel is to be let loose in the desert with no water or supplies. Death is all but inevitable. 
“No! Wait. Don’t send me back out there by myself again. I swear, I didn’t mean to do it!”
“Do what?”
The visitor pulls himself to sit down against a pillar and when he looks at Chan in the eyes, there’s a hard defiant glare there that is completely unexpected for someone with three weapons aimed at their head. 
“I tried to take an oil rig over in the East Block.”
There’s an uncharacteristic snort of disbelief to his right and Chan isn’t even sure how to respond himself. 
“You and what army?”
“Just me.”
“Are you crazy in the head or you just got a deathwish?”
“It was mine! I won it fair and square!”
“You won an oil rig?”
“Yeah. I’m pretty good at Desert Poker.”
He blames it on being around each other for far too long but Chan can tell the exact moment when Changbin has heard enough and is ready to kick the visitor back into the desert and bolt the gates behind him. 
But Chan also knows that Changbin is nothing if not a pack animal.
And pack animals always wait for the pack alpha, so Chan presses on.
“You can drive a rig?”
“Of course, I’m not stupid.” Comes the snotty reply and Chan has got to hand it to their visitor, this kid has balls of steel. 
“How many kill switches are there?”
“Six. But the newer models can go up to eight, if you got the money for it.”
“What are you, some kind of annoying mechanic?”
“Yeah.” The visitor grins at him, black eye, split lip and all. His outward cockiness cracking for a moment to reveal the uncertain smile of a lost kid. 
“Cut him.” Changbin whispers beside him. “This isn’t worth it.”
9 out of 10 times Chan would agree. 9 out of 10 times they think alike and execute the same plan. It’s how they’ve been able to survive and maintain their meagre territory. It’s not very much, and probably deemed worthless by the bigger factions, but 9 out of 10 times their teamwork and partnership is how they’ve managed to have anything at all.
But this is that 1 out of 10. 
There’s something different Chan sees in the visitor’s eyes but more than that, there’s something very familiar. He saw it in Changbin then Felix. He’s seen it in himself. It’s not desperation, he sees that all the time, everyone is desperate in the Dustbowl. This is longing. For safety. For protection. For peace. For belonging. 
“Which district has your loyalty?”
“The one that doesn’t take a pint of my blood every 3 weeks.” The visitor pulls up his shirt and scrubs at his skin to reveal a dark black “B” inked onto this chest.
A phantom ache surfaces along Chan’s forearms. “You’re a War Dog Bio-Donor.”
“Ah, so you heard of us. You gonna try and blood bag me? Because I gotta tell you, they kinda bled me dry last time.”
“No, we don’t do that here. Whose blood is on you?”
“My sister’s.” The visitor says too quietly. “I buried her yesterday.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” Changbin curses beside him, taking a step back and lowering his crossbow a fraction before signalling Bear to heel.
Chan pulls the scarf off his face and has to agree with the sentiment. 
“I’m sorry.” He says, his mind already made up now. “You got a name?”
“Does it matter if you’re going to kill me anyway?”
Chan smirks for some reason, maybe there’s something in him that enjoys collecting broken strays like this and seeing them learn to become human again. He’s down it twice now. He can do it again. 
“No name, no entrance mate.”
There’s shock in the visitor’s eyes, followed by confusion, conflict, trust and anti-trust. But in the end, shelter from the Dustbowl is too powerful a hope. 
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lamiasluck · 5 years
Summary: After a particularly bad adventure, Illinois finds himself in a tough spot. He got arrested. So him, being the man that can't be cooped up, decides to plan his escape. However, fate has decided that he doesn't deserve something that easy. So his plans hit a bump in the road when he accidentally pisses off a certain prisoner.
Characters: Yancy & Illinois
Warnings: Minor violence and fights
Words: 1719
Read on AO3! 
Chapter Two  Chapter Three
This wasn’t supposed to happen. It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this.
It was because he panicked. He panicked and now look what happened.
Illinois got arrested.
It was something stupid, truly. Oh, he shouldn’t trespass here! Oh, this is a government protected historical sight. Oh, stop resisting!
Bullshit. An adventurer like him shouldn’t be held down like that.
They took everything, absolutely everything. His clothes, his treasures, his dignity as a well-known adventurer. Even his hat, his goddamn hat. How could they disgrace him so? At this point he knew that Lady Luck screwed him over. But it didn’t matter what he thinks, what mattered was how he was going to fix this.
Illinois scanned his surroundings to try to spark ideas. There were lots of people - criminals - that eyed him like children to a fish tank. Lots of security, too, there was no way he could escape without losing an arm here. Alone, at least. The security looked tough, but the prisoners had their fair amount of strength by the looks of it. Either way… Illinois was probably going to charm one or the other.
First, Illinois looked around for the “leader”. Every scene like this had one, even the toughest guy had to respect someone. He looked around for the brooding ones. Tatoos, scars, the whole nine yards. As intimidating as those guys were, Illinois was surprised with everyone flocking to some random guy. Sure, he looked pretty tough, not as tough looking as others though, and not as harsh on the eyes as Illinois assumed he’d be.
“So I heard there’s a new guy in ‘ere?” the man asked, voice booming over the sea of prisoners. Immediately everyone looked at Illinois. Yep, this was definitely the leader.
The man paced slowly to Illinois, crossing his arms while puffing out his chest. He even had a different aura than the other prisoners. He was clearly in charge and knew that fact very well. Illinois kept his face neutral as the man stood in front of him.
“Allow me to give youse a warm welcome.” He opened his arms and gestured to everyone else. “I’m Yancy, glad to meet ya.”
“Name’s Illinois, it’s a pleasure. However, I’m afraid I can’t stay for too long,” he explained, quirking an eyebrow at Yancy’s confused expression.
“Why’s that?”
“Adventure calls, my friend~” No one reacted to his charming attitude. At least, no good reactions. “There’s been a mistake, I’m afraid. I shouldn’t be here.”
“Oh come on! It’s not so bad ‘ere. Youse are gonna fit right in.” The prisoners began to exchange suspicious looks amongst each other before staring at Illinois again. They fidgeted while Yancy talked.
“I’m sorry, but you don’t understand.” Illinois’ composure cracked. “I can’t be kept here. They can’t keep someone like me here!”
“Well… what ‘someone’ are youse?” Yancy’s tone turned cold and in an instant the other prisoners glared at him. Illinois glanced between all of their hostile gazes, like a pack of wolves to a rabbit. Looks like he upset the pack leader.
He caught himself panicking again. If panicking in his adventure got him in jail, who knows what could happen if he panicked here? He certainly wasn’t charming the prisoners at this rate.
“I mean no offense, Yancy.” Illinois raised his hands as if he were surrendering. “I’m just an adventurer, a thrillseeker, if you will. I’m sure this place is as charming as you say, but it’s just not for me.”
“Oh, I see…” Yancy turned to the others, smiling like the Chesire cat. A simple chuckle from him sent the group in fits of laughter. “We gots ourselves one of ‘em freebirds, yeah?”
“I guess you could say that.” Illinois ignored everyone’s judging looks, stepping closer to Yancy and leaning in. “I was hoping you could help free this bird,” he whispered.
Yancy laughed again. “As if,” he sneered.
Illinois huffed, but still cracked a tight smile. “Is that how’s it’s going to be, jailbird?” He tilted his head, which caused Yancy to scowl. “Then don’t worry about me. I’ll find another way out of here.” He turned on his heels to saunter off, only for Yancy to grab him by the shoulders and turn him around again.
“Youse think you’re so special, yeah? Well, hate to break it to youse,” Yancy pretended to ponder to himself, “No, actually I’d love to break it to youse! You’re no better than any other scumbag in ‘ere.” He shoved Illinois away from him, the adventurer stumbled but caught himself. “And if I gotta show you,” he went into a fighting stance, “I’m more than happy to welcome youse.”
Illinois’ eyes widen. The other prisoners began to cheer and encourage Yancy’s actions. He raised his hands up again in a surrendering gesture. “I’m not here to fight.”
“Then you’re here to get beaten up.”
Illinois was never one for fights, as shown by his unsure movements and seconds too late reactions. It was surprising how often his personality got him out of trouble. Though, Lady Luck really must hate him today.
Illinois fell to the ground after a hard hit to the jaw. He groaned and clutched his face, barely registering the chorus of laughs above him. Yancy snickered and turned his back to face the crowd.
“All bark, no bite.” Admittedly, he had his fair amount of bruises and cuts, but he was still standing. He ran his tongue over his busted lip as he reveled in the other’s impressed cheers. He tasted bitter blood and sweet victory at the same time.
A deep frown was plastered on Illinois’ face as he stared up at Yancy through a bruised eye. He clenched his fists. Even if Illinois was never good with fights, he was always resourceful.
Yancy fell to the ground with a yelp when Illinois landed a sharp kick to his shins. Before he could react, Illinois dug his knee into his chest and punched him. “I’m not done yet, jailbird,” Illinois growled at the dazed prisoner. He never let Yancy recover as he threw punch after punch. “I am getting out of here. One way or another.” He raised his hand once more, only to be abruptly grabbed from behind.
“Now what is going on here?!” the warden called out from within the crowd. The guard that grabbed Illinois’ arm pulled him up and twisted his arms behind his back in a painful angle. Yancy received the same treatment, staring fearfully as the warden slowly approached.
“Let me go-!” Illinois gasped.
“Well what do we have here?” The warden stood in front of Illinois. “You just shown up and you’re already starting fights?” He shook his head.
“He started it,” he replied, glaring at Yancy.
“Now that’s not a surprise…” the warden sighed and turned on his heels. Yancy continued to cower in his presence. “What have I told you, boy? You can’t keep doing this.”
“W-Warden,” Yancy stuttered, “Youse don’t understand I-”
“Send him to solitary!” Immediately the guard escorted Yancy out of the room, ignoring his desperate pleads. The warden turned back to Illinois and pointed at him. “And you.”
Illinois swallowed the lump in his throat, breathing heavily.
“You’re going to get a warning, new guy.” He gave him a hard pat on the shoulder and gripped harshly. “But if I ever, and I mean ever, hear another peep outta you… well, you won’t want to hear the punishment. Is that understood?”
“Yes, sir.” He nodded frantically.
“Take him to his cell.”
This jail must love to surprise Illinois. His cell was oddly homey upon first glance. Besides the dull grey walls, it was decorated like a cheap hotel room, which was more than he could expect. There was even a small TV in the corner! Still, Illinois ignored it all in favour for rest. His head throbbed in pain. At least the guards had the decency to give him bandaids and cleaned the blood. There was a bunk bed that Illinois gladly hopped up on top of. The bed creaked which only added to his growing headache.
The silence was killing him.
A pained groan was the only sound in the confined room. Illinois covered his eyes with his arm and tried to get some sleep. The gravity of the situation was like a boulder crushing every fibre of his being. Even thinking about staying cooped up away from society - away from adventure - was hell.
He doesn’t keep track of how long he slept, but eventually he hears the cell door unlock and someone shuffle in. A cellmate was a thought that barely crossed his mind, but he had no energy to complain.
“Youse got a deathwish? That’s my bunk,” a familiar voice said.
Oh, fuck.
Illinois cracked one eye open and, yep, Yancy stood before him with that same pissed off look. At this point he was surprised that a laugh track didn’t start playing at his misfortune. While he didn’t have enough energy to complain about his situation, he did have the energy to be snarky.
“I didn’t realize I was dealing with prison royalty here,” Illinois grumbled. “Why don’t you take the bottom bunk tonight? Less work for you.” He covered his eyes again and pretended to ignore the fuming prisoner.
“Why don’t you sleep in a ditch? Youse ain’t gonna last one more day with this shitty attitude.” Yancy snapped.
“I don’t care…”
Yancy blinked in surprise. “What?”
“I said, I don’t care,” He uncovered his eyes briefly to glare at Yancy, but quickly laid back down. “We already fought. Just sleep for god’s sake.”
Yancy stood dumbfounded. As much as he wanted to argue back, he was quite tired as well. All the bandages in the world didn’t help him stop swaying from nausea, nor did it help in in the dark cramped room of solitary. So he frowned and collapsed on the bottom bunk. Just for today, of course, because no new guy was going to boss him around like that.
“I won, by the way,” Yancy huffed, glaring at the top bunk as if Illinois could see him.
“Tell yourself that, jailbird. Maybe you’ll sleep better.” Illinois grunted when he suddenly felt Yancy kick his bed. This was going to be a long and excruciating adventure…
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winkingwinchesters · 5 years
maybe the sky isn’t falling
Dean couldn’t tell you when, exactly, Castiel became part of his non-routine routine, but the fact that Cas hasn’t responded to Dean’s last text about the stupid cat cafe near his motel sparks the worry Dean tries very hard to keep smothered in his chest.
on AO3 | dean has OCD, human!cas au, 2k, G
What Dean can tell you is the moment he recognizes that Cas has become one of his people, on par with Bobby if not quite at the same level as Sam. (Hardly anyone comes close.) He’s in Oregon, just got done with a werewolf hunt, and realizes he hadn’t heard from Cas in over a week. He lost track of how long it had been, having spent so many days following one of the wolves back to their den, but now that he’s noticed, it’s all he can think about. They don’t talk every hour of every day or anything, but one of them will usually send a text about something they saw that reminded them of the other to varying degrees of insult. The fact that Cas hasn’t responded to Dean’s last text about the stupid cat cafe near his motel sparks the worry Dean tries very hard to keep smothered in his chest.
He locks and unlocks his phone, looks at the date of the last text, locks the phone again. He stares at the dark screen reflecting the top of his face and the ceiling of the motel room, puts the phone in his pocket. He cleans up the room, trashing all signs of the case, and packs his clothes back in his bag. His hand hovers over his pocket. He’s not going to be weird; he’s just going to send another text. Maybe Cas just forgot to text him back, and getting a new text will garner a response.
Yeah. That makes sense. Sometimes he puts his phone down after he listens to a voicemail from another hunter and doesn’t remember to call back before they call again.
I haven’t seen so many neck beards since I passed through Amish country. Why do people like Oregon again?
After Dean hits send, he zips his phone in his bag and drops off his room key with the woman he doesn’t think has left since he got there. He puts the bag in the backseat of his car and then twists around in the driver’s seat to pull out his phone and repeat the locking and unlocking, tallying how long it’s been since he sent the message (barely 6 minutes). It’s just past noon here so it’s after 2 for Cas. He’s probably working. He really only leaves the library at night, even when Dean’s in town. It’s fine.
Dean will give it until he reaches Wyoming, a solid day-and-then-some of driving. That should give Cas enough time to answer, or enough time for Dean to rationalize some more so he doesn’t go full psycho on the guy.
Idaho comes and goes and the only person to contact Dean is Bobby, letting Dean know there’s a hunter who could use a hand in Ohio if he’ll be around. It is the third day since they’ve had contact; it has to be a coincidence, or else Bobby has figured out Dean’s routine and Dean can never face him again. That provides him a few minutes of relief before he latches back on to Cas, and what could’ve happened to Cas, and how he’s probably just freaking out over nothing, but you can never really be sure, Cas does forget to lock the doors all the time, and—
“God, enough,” he mutters.
Is it? his worry replies.
Cas texts him back when he’s halfway across Wyoming, 14 hours into what became a mad dash back to Illinois. Dean reads the message (Perhaps there is a growing Amish community in Beaverton.) approximately twelve hundred times as he sits at a red light, unwilling to put his phone down in case it’s all in his head. It sounds like Cas. There’s no reason it wouldn’t be Cas. It’s fine. Cas is fine.
Fine, fine, fine.
I’ll be in your neck of the woods in a couple days, he sends back. Cas replies after he’s started driving again, now to find somewhere to sleep.
Yeah, that’s Cas. Dean doesn’t know anyone else that puts a nose in emoticons.
Crisis averted, he thinks, and that’s about as much thinking as he can handle until morning.
Here’s the thing: Dean’s not superstitious. He hunts monsters for Christ’s sake—he knows that most superstitions are bullshit. There are just some things he occasionally feels like he has to do, like wear his mom’s ring or the necklace Sam gave him when they were kids, or check in on everyone in a time period specific to them (twice a week every other week for Bobby; every Sunday and Thursday for Sam because those are his least busy days). It hadn’t occurred to him that Cas would join their ranks and need a day, mostly because they hadn’t gone that long without speaking yet. He refuses to pick a day, even while his brain tells him Thursday or Sunday would work for Cas, too, because that’s when the library is closed.
He’s just not going to start that again.
It’s fine, I’m fine, everything is fine, fine, fine. Dean repeats it until it feels somewhat true, and then he says it some more, just to be sure. It’s easier to stitch himself up when his hands aren’t shaking so bad. The bathroom of this motel has probably seen worse.
The worst part is that he knows better. Being distracted on a hunt is a deathwish, and even if the slice to his side isn’t the worst he’s ever had, he never would’ve let the shifter get the drop on him if he wasn’t such an idiot. He’d thought the hunt itself would be the distraction; he knew where the shifter was hiding out, he would surprise it, kill it, no big deal. Instead, he’d been forcing himself not to take his phone out of his pocket to check if Sam had answered him yet, to the point where he barely heard the shifter come up behind him. A second later and the knife would’ve ended up buried in his spine.
He cleans up as best he can without bending, decides to just trash his clothes rather than work all the blood out, and finally eases himself onto the bed as it’s starting to get light out. Another foolish decision, because his gun is across the room. He gets up, grabs it, puts it under the pillow. Then he gets up again to retrieve his phone. Again to check the lock. Again to get more gauze because he’s bleeding again. Again to check the door. Again, again, again.
No matter how many times Dean brings it up, Cas still leaves his doors unlocked. Even if he only does it when Dean’s on his way, there’s a flower pot on the porch with an extra key that Dean could use. Cas never seems very concerned.
He’s still up when Dean gets to Pontiac just past three in the morning. He glances up from his book, and Dean must look as terrible as he feels, because he closes the book entirely before he puts it down.
“You left your door unlocked again,” Dean says. He hovers in front of the door until—
“You can lock it,” Cas says.
Dean does, and then he kicks off his shoes and sets down his bag and joins Cas on the couch. His side is still at risk of reopening so he goes slow when Cas makes room for him to recline against his chest. If Cas notices, and Dean is sure he does, he doesn’t bring it up. He lets Dean be quiet, running fingers through his hair until Dean starts falling asleep. Cas kisses the side of his head and starts prodding him to get up.
“We’re too old to sleep on a couch,” Cas says when Dean grumbles a complaint.
“You’re too old,” Dean mutters, but Cas isn’t wrong, so he gets up and follows him back to his bed, dropping on the mattress while Cas goes about his nightly routines. He must’ve been reading all night if he hasn’t even brushed his teeth yet. Dean smiles at the thought. He manages to kick his jeans off and settle somewhat comfortably on his back, his side emitting a dull throb.
Cas climbs into bed next to him, turns off the light, and shifts closer until he has his head on Dean’s shoulder. Dean falls asleep while Cas is still getting comfortable.
Cas doesn’t keep a clock in his bedroom, so Dean has no idea when he wakes up, just that Cas has already gone to work. This he knows because of the post-it on his face covered with Cas’ scrawl asking him to come to the library for lunch (with lunch). His phone, which he’s able to dig out of the bag Cas must have moved upstairs for him, tells him it’s just past ten.
He can’t remember the last time he slept for seven hours straight.
He goes and makes coffee and drinks it just fast enough for it not to get cold before he finishes it. Usually when he does this, Cas is eating some fruit for breakfast and drinking enough coffee to fell a lesser man. (Dean is only half-joking when he says Cas’ caffeine addiction has a caffeine addiction.) Even without Cas around, Dean feels comfortable leaning against the kitchen counter, watching birds flock around Cas’ weirdass bird feeders. Cautiously he thinks, I could get used to this.
He washes his mug and goes back to the bedroom to grab fresh clothes and showers, and by the time he gets out it’s nearing eleven. He could head to the library already, then leave around noon to pick up lunch and go back, or he could stay and make lunch and kill some more time before he heads out. He considers the fact that Cas probably only got two hours of sleep and decides to make Cas’ favorite.
You’d think PB&Js were a finite resource the way Cas lights up when Dean hands over his lunch. Dean gets the same way over a burger, so he can’t really judge. Plus Cas kisses him for it, and Dean would never knock that. Cas closes his office door behind him, so Dean takes the opportunity to kiss him some more. He winces when Cas’ hand drifts from his back to his side. Cas pulls back and frowns at him.
“You’re hurt.”
“It’s nothing,” Dean says, but he doesn’t stop Cas lifting his shirt to see for himself. Dean had inspected the wound when he got out of the shower; aside from being a little red around the edges, it’s healing like it should. Cas’ hand hovers over it.
“You gave yourself stitches,” he says. “That isn’t nothing.”
“Well it didn’t kill me,” Dean says, which was the wrong thing judging by Cas’ deepening frown. Dean pulls his shirt down. “Seriously, Cas, don’t worry about it.”
Cas gives him a look and sits at his desk. Dean fights the urge to apologize. He of all people knows when something is worrisome. He sits in the chair across from Cas, unable to help another wince. Cas doesn’t say anything about it.
He doesn’t say anything, actually, until he’s eaten half of his sandwich. Dean asks him what he’s working on, and instead of answering, he says, “I am allowed to worry about you.”
Dean blinks. Cas looks like he’s willing to fight him about it, so Dean swallows the chip he stole and says, “Okay.”
Cas picks up the second half of his sandwich. “I’m trying to arrange for a compendium of Native lore to be sent from Springfield. The librarians there are strangely possessive; it isn’t even a first edition.”
“Those greedy bastards,” Dean says once his brain has caught up. He watches Cas work his way up to explaining the entire frustrating process and relaxes. He steals more of Cas’ chips, his own sandwich long gone, and smiles when Cas rolls his eyes so hard he leans back in his chair. This he could get used to, too.
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strangersihavedrawn · 6 years
170ish albums/EPs you should have bought in 2017.
This year has been a strange one. After a pretty desperate 2016, our bubbles remain burst, our political systems are still in shambles, the planet is slowly dying. It’s business as usual pretty much, except this time all of our heroes are sex pests (Cue a bit of guesswork as to which album has been redacted from this list). Fortunately, business as usual means there’s too much good music to even keep track of, but I’ve done my best. So, without further faff, here’s my annual list in chronological order, with my featured album from each month in a doodle, as I am want to do.
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04/01 Pink Guy - Pink Season (Self-Released) 13/01 Code Orange - Forever (Roadrunner) 13/01 Omar Rodriguez-Lopez - Roman Lips (ORL Projects / Ipecac) 13/01 The xx - I See You (Young Turks) 20/01 As It Is - okay. (Fearless) 20/01 When We Team Up - Shut Up and Fly (Self-Released) 20/01 WSTR - Red, Green Or Inbetween (No Sleep) 21/01 Palladino - Supersymmetry (Hembleciya) 27/01 Japandroids - Near To The Wild Heart Of Life (Anti-) 27/01 Omar Rodriguez-Lopez - Zen Thrills (ORL Projects / Ipecac) 29/01 On a Hiding to Nothing - Formaldehyde (Umlaut) 31/01 Push Over - Demo EP (Esque)
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03/02 Less Than Jake - Sound The Alarm (Pure Noise) 03/02 The Menzingers - After the Party (Epitaph) 03/02 Smile and Burn - Get Better Get Worse (Uncle M / Grand Hotel Van Cleef) 10/02 Homebound - The Mould You Build Yourself Around (Rude) 10/02 Omar Rodriguez-Lopez - Chocolate Tumor Hormone Parade (ORL Projects / Ipecac) 13/02 Glowbug - Fantasma Del Tropico (Self-Released) 24/02 Broadbay - Five Year Plan (Hanger / Copper Top) 24/02 Crystal Fairy - Crystal Fairy (Ipecac) 24/02 Decade - Pleasantries (Rude) 24/02 Guillotine - Sapphire (Failure By Design) 24/02 Nightlife - Salt & Acid (Speaking Tongues) 24/02 Thundercat - Drunk (Brainfeeder)
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03/03 Converge - Jane Live (Deathwish, Inc.) 03/03 Minus The Bear - Voids (Suicide Squeeze) 10/03 Can’t Swim - Fail You Again (Pure Noise) 10/03 Self Defense Family - Bastard Form b/w Maybe You Could Explain It To Me (Alternatives Label) 11/03 Atta Girl - Betty’s Begonia (Trrrash) 13/03 Traits - Limits (Self-Released) 17/03 Pulled Apart By Horses - The Haze (Caroline International) 17/03 Sorority Noise - You’re Not As ____ As You Think (Triple Crown / Big Scary Monsters) 17/03 Stolas - Stolas (Equal Vision) 17/03 Western Addiction - Tremulous (Fat Wreck) 24/03 Catch Fire - A Love That I Still Miss (Rude) 24/03 Coast To Coast - The Length of a Smile (Fox) 24/03 Creeper - Eternity, In Your Arms (Roadrunner) 24/03 Fucked Up - Year Of The Snake (Tankcrimes) 24/03 Great Cynics - POSI (Specialist Subject / GUERRILLA ASSO / Lame-O) 24/03 Lotus Eater - Lotus Eater EP (Self-Released) 31/01 Mastodon - Emperor of Sand (Reprise)
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07/04 Blood Youth - Beyond Repair (Rude) 07/04 Father John Misty - Pure Comedy (Bella Union) 07/04 The Flatliners - Inviting Light (Dine Alone / Rise) 07/04 The Smith Street Band - More Scared Of You Than You Are Of Me (Specialist Subject / Pool House / Side One Dummy) 14/04 Loathe - The Cold Sun (Sharptone) 15/04 Lost Avenue - Best Friends (Rustys Rekords) 16/04 Kendrick Lamar - DAMN. (Aftermath / Interscope) 20/04 Eternity Forever - Eternity Forever (Esque) 21/04 Bear Trade - Silent Unspeakable (Everything Sucks / Dead Broke / Waterslide) 21/04 Have Mercy - Make The Best Of It (Hopeless) 21/04 Self Defense Family - BBC Session (Deathwish, Inc.) 21/04 what gives - feels good (Skeletal Lightning) 21/04 The Winter Passing - Double Exposure (Big Scary Monsters / 6131) 28/04 Gorillaz - Humanz (Parlophone / Warner Bros.) 28/04 He Is Legend - few (Spinefarm) 28/04 New Found Glory - Makes Me Sick (Hopeless) 28/04 Thurston Moore - Rock N Roll Consciousness (Ecstatic Peace!)
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01/05 X-TV - EXIT (Self-Released) 05/05 At The Drive-In - in.ter a.li.a (Rise) 05/05 Gnarwolves - Outsiders (Big Scary Monsters / Tangled Talk) 05/05 Mac Demarco - This Old Dog (Captured Tracks) 09/05 Self Defense Family - Wounded Masculinity (Triple B) 12/05 Gun Shy - The Long Dance (Wrong Way Round) 15/05 Jordan Mackampa - Tales For The Broken (Self-Released) 19/05 Employed To Serve - The Warmth of a Dying Sun (Holy Roar) 19/05 Higher Power - Soul Structure (Venn / Flatspot) 19/05 Miss Vincent - Somewhere Else (Uncle M) 19/05 Tigers Jaw - Spin (Black Cement) 26/05 Create To Inspire - Sickness (Basick) 26/05 Frenzal Rhomb - Hi-Vis High Tea (Fat Wreck) 26/05 Pet Symmetry - Vision (Polyvinyl)
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02/06 ‘68 - Two Parts Viper (Cooking Vinyl) 02/06 Dystopian Future Movies - Time (Oak Tree) 02/06 Grove Street Families - VOL 1.0 (Venn) 02/06 Mutoid Man - War Moans (Sargent House) 02/06 Rainfalls - Creep (Self-Released) 05/06 EAT DIRT. - I (Self-Released) 08/06 Bares - Salty Kiss / In Lieu (Self-Released) 09/06 BROCKHAMPTON - SATURATION (BROCKHAMPTON / EMPIRE Distribution) 09/06 Donnie Willow - Exhibition (Sunbird) 09/06 Kamikaze Girls - Seafoam (Big Scary Monsters) 16/06 Broadside - Paradise (Victory) 16/06 Chon - Homey (Sumerian) 16/06 Color Film - Living Arrangements (Epitaph) 16/06 Faux - Faux (Speaking Tongues) 16/06 Fleet Foxes - Crack-Up (Nonesuch) 16/06 Harbinger - Human Dust (Basick) 16/06 Portugal. The Man - Woodstock (Atlantic) 16/06 Single Mothers - Our Pleasure (Dine Alone / Big Scary Monsters) 23/06 Aviator - Loneliness Leaves The Light On For Me (No Sleep)  23/06 Rozwell Kid - Precious Art (SideOneDummy) 23/06 Slowlights - I Try So Hard (Killing Moon)
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07/07 Melvins - A Walk With Love and Death (Ipecac) 07/07 Puppy - Vol. II (Spinefarm) 12/07 Baggage - The Good That Never Comes (Self-Released) 14/07 Bad Sign - Live & Learn (Basick) 14/07 Fights and Fires - Live Life Like a Tourist (Lockjaw) 14/07 The Gospel Youth - Always Lose (Rise) 19/07 Listener - Being Empty: Being Filled I (Truth Seeker / Black Bassett / Smiths Food Group DIY) 21/07 Energy - The Witching Hour (Self-Released) 21/07 Tyler, The Creator - Flower Boy (Columbia) 21/07 Wot Gorilla? - Angel Numbers (Self-REleased) 21/07 Young Hunger - Wear Me Down (Self-Released) 25/07 Converge - I Can Tell You About Pain (Epitaph / Deathwish, Inc.) 27/07 MC Lars - The Jeff Sessions (Horris Records) 28/07 Manchester Orchestra - A Black Mile to the Surface (Caroline International) 28/07 Milk Teeth - Be Nice (Roadrunner) 28/07 Oceans Ate Alaska - Hikari (Fearless)
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04/08 Dale Crover - Fickle Finger Of Fate (Joyful Noise) 04/08 Dead Cross - Dead Cross (Ipecac) 11/08 The Cribs - 24-7 Rock Star Shit (Sonic Brew) 11/08 Mush - Protect Your Brand (Skeletal Lightning) 18/08 Everything Everything - A Fever Dream (Sony RCA) 18/08 Wallflower - Where It Fell Apart (Self-Released) 24/08 Fizzy Blood - Summer of Luv (Killing Moon / Ayla) 25/08 BROCKHAMPTON - SATURATION II (Question Everything, Inc. / EMPIRE Distribution) 25/08 Queens Of The Stone Age - Villains (Matador) 25/08 Turnover - Good Nature (Run For Cover)
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08/09 Comeback Kid - Outsider (New Damage / Nuclear Blast) 08/09 Death From Above - Outrage! Is Now (Last Gang) 08/09 Stray From The Path - Only Death Is Real (Sumerian) 08/09 Such Gold - Deep in a Hole (Bird Attack) 08/09 Angelo Badlamenti - Twin Peaks: Limited Event Series Original Soundtrack (Rhino) 08/09 Various Artists - Twin Peaks: Music from the Limited Event Series (Rhino) 15/09 The Apology Tour - This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things (Save Your Generation) 15/09 Arcane Roots - Melancholia Hymns (Easy Life / Red Essential) 15/09 Beaumont - Honestly (Reclaim Music) 15/09 Hot Water Music - Light It Up (Rise) 15/09 Seaway - Vacation (Dine Alone / Pure Noise) 22/09 The Bronx - V (Cooking Vinyl) 22/09 Caracara - Summer Megalith (Flower Girl) 22/09 Circa Survive - The Amulet (Hopeless) 22/09 Mastodon - Cold Dark Place (Reprise) 22/09 Metz - Strange Peace (Sub Pop) 22/09 Prawn - Run (Topshelf) 29/09 Primus - The Desaturating Seven (ATO) 29/09 Propagandhi - Victory Lap (Epitaph) 29/09 The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die - Always Foreign (Epitaph)
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06/10 Citizen - As You Please (Run For Cover) 13/10 Beck - Colors (Capitol) 13/10 Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile - Lotta Sea Lice (Matador / Marathon / Milk!) 13/10 The Front Bottoms - Going Grey (Fueled By Ramen) 13/10 Iron Chic - You Can’t Stay Here (SideOneDummy) 13/10 Knuckle Puck - Shapeshifter (Rise) 13/10 Roam - Great Heights & Nosedives (Hopeless) 17/10 FUCK *(It’s Pronounced SHIT!)* - It’s Still Pronounced SHIT! (Self-Released) 20/10 Movements - Feel Something (Fearless) 20/10 Muskets - Chew (No Sleep) 21/10 Listener - Being Empty : Being Filled Vol. II (Black Basset) 27/10 Gold Key - Hello, Phantom (Venn) 27/10 Heavy Hearts - On a Chain (Failure By Design) 27/10 Jamie Lenman - Devolver (Big Scary Monsters) 27/10 Slaughter Beach, Dog - Birdie (Lame-O / Big Scary Monsters)
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03/11 Converge - The Dusk In Us (Epitaph / Deathwish, Inc.) 03/11 Lifetight - Self-Tightled (Crooked Noise) 10/11 Listener - Being Empty : Being Filled Vol. III (Sounds of Subterrania) 10/11 Quicksand - Interiors (Epitaph) 10/11 Versus You - Birthday Boys (Noiseworks / G Chord) 17/11 Milk Teeth - Go Away (Roadrunner) 17/11 Onsind - We Wilt, We Bloom (Specialist Subject) 17/11 Valliers - Lost In Familiarity (Dream Atlantic) 24/11 At The Drive-In - Diamanté (Rise) 24/11 Björk - Utopia (One Little Indian) 24/11 Lightcliffe - For a While (Failure By Design) 24/11 Rain - Abstract Vision (Venn)
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01/12 The Dear Hunter - All Is As All Should Be (Self-Released) 01/12 Glassjaw - Material Control (Century Media) 15/12 BROCKHAMPTON - SATURATION III (Question Everything, Inc. / EMPIRE Distribution) 15/12 Gun Shy / THE EAST / summerbruise / Superdose Gangway - BSR / OPR 4-Way Split (Beth Shalom / Old Press) 15/12 Lemuria - Recreational Hate (Turbo Worldwide / Asian Man / Big Scary Monsters) 15/12 N.E.R.D - No One Ever Really Dies (i am OTHER / Columbia) 21/12 Original Sharks - Hundred Grand to the Man (Self-Released) 26/12 Scum Couch - Ignorant Bore (Self-Released) Okay, that’s your lot. Now go away.
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gryphsdeadbones · 5 years
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there is not enough dj grooves content!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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