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the-eeveekins · 9 months
The 25th Day of G-Witch
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For the first time in her life, Suletta goes against her mother's wishes. Pushing back against her mother, who reveals she'll soon be fully paralyzed and doesn't care about her fate, Suletta rejects the plan that would lose her her mother.
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Elan 4's appearance here is a surprising one, especially because there was no reason to believe people could be passively uploaded to the Data Storm until this moment. Even more confusing is that unlike the other "ghosts" seen in this episode, he seems to fully co-exist with the Data Storm like Eri. Suletta finally gets some much needed closure with her first friend, and Elan helps bear the load of the Data Storm so Suletta can connect to Quiet Zero and reactivate Aerial.
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Suletta has always struggled to voice her wants and needs, to express her desires. But here, finally, she calls herself a greedy person, because she doesn't want to accept a future without her mom OR Ericht, and she expresses that desire to Eri. Working together, their hearts aligned, Suletta and Eri surpass Permet Score 8 and create a massive Data Storm that even reaches the moon.
Rainbow Calibarn is my favorite mobile suit ever.
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Miorine's is so brave. We finally see the results of the deal she made with Shaddiq in the last episode. She dissolves the Benerit Group and transfers it's assets to Earth, just like Shaddiq had wanted to do. And with Shaddiq's testimony, the world will know that the Space Assembly League had a hand in the various terrorist attacks at Plant Quetta and Asticassia.
Despite that, the SAL still intends to fire the laser cannon, reasoning that they can still justify wiping out millions as long as Quiet Zero still exists.
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Suletta's crowning moment of awesome, as she uses the Gundam and Quiet Zero to create a massive Data Storm and override the laser and shut it down, all while The Witch From Mercury plays triumphantly in the background. It's the climax of the action in this series, and for a show titled "The Witch From Mercury", it's appropriate that it ends with the titular Witch casting a massive magic spell to save the day while her theme and the theme of the show itself plays. Suletta turns the Gundam's Curse into a Blessing.
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This scene breaks me every time. The culmination of the Samaya/Mercury storyline. Suletta's validation of Prospera's choice to save Ericht, the moment where the mask breaks, Prospera "dies" and Elnora sees her daughter for the first time in 17 years. As both her daughters tell her they're ready to move on and live together, Elnora finally gives up on her crusade and makes a tearful apology to both of them. Wish playing in the background is the cherry on top to this cathartic climax.
My only complaint was the implication that Prospera had long ago completely given up on revenge for Eri's sake. It's true that she set aside her hatred of Delling to work with him on Quiet Zero because she believed it was the only way to give Eri a future that wasn't trapped in a mobile suit, unable to directly communicate with anyone. But that also goes against her portrayal in multiple scenes. She's seen to be revenge minded in Cradle Planet, and one of her most iconic moments in the show is whispering in Miorine's ear that she wants revenge against Delling. And then immediately dragging Miorine through hell for seemingly no reason than as revenge for her father's actions.
It kinda felt like something added to the script at the last second to tone down the "harshness" of her actions while ignoring the fact that she was openly revenge-minded 8 episodes ago.
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I was firmly in the camp that believed they wouldn't kill Suletta at the end of the show. It just didn't make sense from a narrative standpoint and would've just been a downer ending for the sake of being a downer ending.
But despite that, the first time I saw this scene, they absolutely got me. The deafening silence of Miorine's screams and the absolute horror on her face sold me for a moment that they had killed Suletta, and I just felt my heart absolutely sink. And then Suletta finally responded, and I shared Miorine's relief and joy.
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Shaddiq's ending is often a contentious one, especially the fact that he ends up in jail and on trial for his crimes while the former heads of the Benerit Group seemingly escaped justice. But I think a lot of people take too much of a black and white stance on this topic.
Shaddiq is in jail and may even face the death penalty for his actions, something he was fully prepared for, but through Miorine's actions, Shaddiq achieved all his goals. The Benerit Group was dissolved, with Earth gaining the assets that once belonged to their greatest oppressor. His testimony likely did severe damage to the Space Assembly League in the process, exposing the crimes of it's members. And the girls he cared for have their freedom, working for Miorine as part of GUND-ARM Inc, free to make their own impact in the future. And as one final gesture to Miorine, he even takes the blame for Quiet Zero, so Miorine's newfound family won't have investigators trying to jail them. Shaddiq may not be a free man, but I believe he is a satisfied man, no matter what happens next.
As for the leaders of the Benerit Group, yes, they survived and have thus far escaped imprisonment for their various crimes. But their empire is over.
The Benerit Group is no more, the empire Delling built over two decades dissolved by the very daughter he neglected and tried to control. Delling himself doesn't even appear in a scene with Miorine in the epilogue, in stark contrast to the scenes she shared with her new family, and I don't think they're close. She definitely doesn't let him come around her family after all the pain he caused them. And he's under inquiry for this actions that led to Quinharbor and Quiet Zero, a sign that he may still face justice for some of his many crimes.
Likewise, yes the Peil Ladies appear to be in a retirement home and likely had some wealth hidden away so they can have a nice, comfortable retirement. Something 99% of us would be satisfied with, but not people like them. They lost their entire business empire, their plans to come out on top after QZ completely ruined, and even 3 years later they still look miserable that their vast wealth and power is gone.
These people did not come away with a happy ending, they're miserable, even if they're free. For now.
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Speaking of miserable, I wonder if Guel is truly happy with this path in life. Guel was an awful person at the start of the show, and through his often horrible experiences, he did grow into a more mature person who wasn't a raging asshole to the people around him, and maybe even learned to trust the people closest to him and not push them away.
But ultimately Guel is the only one not to escape the shadow of his abusive parent, still running his father's company 3 years later. It's unclear, but he's still likely running the company as a weapons manufacturer and possibly still contributing to the problem. I just wonder if he'd ultimately be a happier person if he wasn't trying to live up to his father and instead pursuing his own path like he did when he was "Bob." Regardless, he now has a short-term future of being absolutely sassed to death by Elan and Secelia.
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Another slightly contentious topic is Eri's fate. Is being trapped in a keychain really much better than being trapped in an 18m tall killing machine. For a few reasons, Eri is definitely better off now. She's still beyond score eight, something which allows her to reach out and connect to or override any Permet device. Her "body" may be a small keychain, but it comes across to me that Eri's consciousness has been extended and she can see and interact with things beyond her body now, and that when Suletta pushed her beyond score eight, it granted her the freedom that would have been possible under Quiet Zero, but without the massive Data Storm oppression the entire Earth Sphere. And of course, we're shown in this scene that Miorine wears a device on the back of her neck that Eri can connect to and directly communicate with (Suletta is also shown to be wearing one).
Even if she's still "trapped" in an object, she's far more free and mobile than she was as a mobile suit, able to travel and see the world with her family. And her family wears devices to accommodate her unique situation so Eri can communicate with her family. She's no longer trapped in a weapon, unable to communicate with her loved ones. Her existence may not be perfect, but it's undoubtedly better and I think Ericht is happy she's survived this long to once again experience a loving family.
Oh, and "Sister-in-law." It's not as common now, but when the show finished airing and there wasn't an on-screen kiss or wedding, there was a lot of complaining that the show was subtextual bait. And a lot of people overlooked or ignored the fact that Suletta and Miorine being married was explicitly confirmed in the text of the show with this one line. You'd literally have to invent another sibling for Eri that didn't exist 3 years ago for this line to mean anything else, but a lot of people ignored it to argue the show was only subtext because they only see textual romance as specific words and kisses.
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Three years have passed, Suletta and Miorine have married and live together on Earth with Ericht and Elnora. A family they fought hard to earn. Suletta was disabled as a result of piloting the Calibarn, with visible Permet scarring on her cheeks. But she's thriving and happy, and clearly loved by her family and friends, ultimate proof that she is loved for who she is and not her abilities. And she's accomplished all the dreams we saw her set for herself during the show: She's built her school on Mercury, married Miorine and saved her mom and sister so they can all live happily together.
It's an severe exaggeration to say that Gundam protagonists always have bad endings, but they're usually more bittersweet. But Suletta fought to earn her happy ending, and to see the first female main character in Gundam earn a happy ending while also being queer, disabled and a person of color is so inspiring to see.
Miorine too, is probably the happiest we ever see in the show. It was rare to see her genuinely let her guard down and smile, something she pretty much only did around Suletta. But she's all smiles when she's with her wife, and after pushing her away once and almost losing her forever at QZ, she just will. not. let. go. of Suletta now, both physically supporting her but also making sure she'll always hold onto the person she loves.
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In the first episode, Suletta was hungry, but too shy and nervous to ask for food when she saw Miorine tending to her tomatoes, and Miorine gave her food (and love). Now Suletta has grown and can comfortably express her wants and needs to the people around her, even if it's just the simple act of saying she's hungry. And Miorine responds with the warmest smile possible.
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Suletta & Miorine go home together to the house they share. Surrounded by friends and family, sharing a warm meal that symbolizes the love they've nurtured together. They're in love and they're happy, and they leave us with one final wish...
May All Blessings Find Their Way to You, I'm Wishing It
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I love The Witch From Mercury and I love SuleMio, and I love sharing my love of this show and these two wonderful characters with others. Is G-Witch perfect? No. But I love it far more than any other piece of media in my life.
Thank you for joining me during these 25 Days of G-Witch. If you celebrate, I hope you have a Merry Christmas, and if not, I hope that you're enjoying the holiday season.
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anesidoraa · 3 months
some info from the manual of the newly released hg gundnode, courtesy of pics posted by some japanese fans and gundampixel on twitter.
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The Gundnode is a mobile suit-type GUND-BIT, developed and produced in secret via Delling Rembran's arrangements. The unit was inspired by design concepts from Shin Sei Development Corporation. Its main purpose is to expand upon Aerial's data storm, functioning as an amp-shifter with additional Gundnodes providing the support to build a massive data storm network. However, it can also provide defensive support with its powerful mid-space combat abilities, and is compatible with an optional mobile armor unit. Even without the use of the GUND FORMAT, it is capable of autonomous movement via AI, which is said to make it the technological successor to drone units from a previous war. Though the Gundnode uses a GUND FORMAT technology that was rejected by the world, the Gundnode was to use this very technology to seize control of all weapons, becoming a pioneer in the project to create a world without war.
Quiet Zero
By connecting Aerial to Quiet Zero, and designating the Gundnode as a relay unit, Quiet Zero can create an enormous data storm network. From mobile suits to warships, everything in the world with a standardized Permet system can have its controls completely overriden under the effects of Quiet Zero, making it capable of considerable widespread damage.
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 2 months
Morally Questionable Anime Milfs Side B Round 2 Match 1
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Prospera -
[SPOILERS] "She manipulates her daughter, Suletta, into killing people, blackmails Suletta’s fiancée, Miorine, and gaslights her along with Suletta, does everything in her power to get revenge on Miorine’s dad, Delling, for getting her husband killed via his raid on the space station she and him worked on that developed GUND tech for use as Mecha and prosthetics, and she attempts to reactivate Quiet Zero and wipe out most tech all in an attempt to get her daughter, Eri, to be able to exist freely in the world via Quiet Zero’s data storm (Eri is a digitized ghost inside the Gundam Aerial and Suletta is a clone of her by the way). She also has a really cool helmet and is G-Witch’s resident main villain and Char Clone."
Yui -
"Yui Ikari was a brilliant scientist in a brand-new field, with a husband who adored her and a bouncing baby boy. Of course, this was just after the evil conspiracy who employed her blew up Antarctica and destroyed the world by poking a dead god wrong. So she built a giant robot powered by a human soul in order to fight God and/or aliens and be the last monument to humanity, and then got herself absorbed by it. In front of her son and husband, utterly traumatizing them both.
I must stress that this is the good guy plan.
Anyway, now that her son can't successfully connect emotionally to anyone, he has to pilot the giant robot and fight all those alien gods. Her soul is still stuck in there, and she only can do anything when her son is completely overwhelmed, in which case she awakens as a literal berserk murder machine. Meanwhile, her husband has discarded all his morals and integrity to play a complex game against the evil conspiracy that employs him and will set off a process to destroy what's left of the world to resurrect her."
~ propaganda courtesy of @taperwolf
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pencil-peach · 1 year
G Witch Onscreen Text: Prologue
I'm going to try my best to transcribe all of the (relatively important) text that appears on monitors and screens throughout the show, and talk about what they mean. Because they put WAY too much work into them just for them to be completely ignored. And also because I can.
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More Under the Cut awooo awooOOooooOOOooo
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Not very important, clarifying communication is active between THRALL (Control) and LP-03 (Lfrith Prototype 03)
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Device and Program Supporting Selection for Control Test
Just a Pre-Test status screen to make clear it's ready for the Permet Link Test
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Here we see the error message that's displayed when the Layer 33 Callback Test fails.
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Here we see the news station (INN) reporting on the ongoing investigation by the Mobile Suit Investigation Committee into Ochs Earth and the Gund Format.
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This is a graph showing the various health risks humans suffer from prolonged exposure to cosmic rays in space, which is one of the issues the GUND Format was originally created to solve.
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WARNING: DATA STORM could damage GUND linker.
This graph is displayed when the reporter is speaking about the appearance of physical damage to GUND pilots emerging as a problem. It's difficult to tell exactly what this graph means, but I'll give my best deduction:
The graph is measuring the amount of interaction a pilot is currently having with a data storm, measured in seconds. The higher the Interaction Score, the greater a pilots exposure to the data storm. Thresholds of exposure are called "Stages" (as seen in the second image.) Based on the coloring, the higher the current stage of exposure, the more danger a pilot is in.
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[Earthian Issue] Yes Poverty Reduction 95% Fair Trade 89% Educational Gap 89% Taxes 85% Employment 83% (Right)
[Spacian Issue] Yes Defense/Security 98% Free Competition 92% Infrastructure 90% Energy 87% Welfare 86%
I actually really really like this graph because of the stark difference between Earthian and Spacian issues. The issue of Gundams and defense doesn't even break the top 5 of what Earthians NEED policy makers to discuss. It's even more depressing when you realize the prologue is set 21 years before the main story, and not only have these problems not been addressed, they've actually gotten worse for the Earthians.
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It's Eri's BIrthday :3
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There's zero way to deduce what the text on the whiteboard or the laptop in this picture could mean, but I really love this picture of Cardo and Elnora, so you should just look at it anyway.
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What this means is hard to pinpoint exactly, but presumably this person is working for Delling, and has uploaded a file into the main server of Folkvangr that will disconnect it from the network, so that there will be no way for anyone in the institute to call for help once the massacre begins.
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Just the screen that appears when Eri is linked to Lfrith. Presumably this screen appears for anyone who links to it.
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The Disconnect Timer we saw installed onto the Folkvangr server has just gone off.
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The scene where Elnora sees that Ericht has not only gotten a callback from Layer 33, but has gone even further.
What I really like about this scene (and maybe I'm reading too much into it,) but look at the way the text is formatted on the screen. It's distinctly different than how it was when Elnora was trying to get a callback from Layer 33, specifically because, for some reason, it's displaying Eri's name. It didn't display Elnora's name earlier in the episode, and so the only way that makes sense is if, when Eri was talking to Lfrith and introduced herself by name,
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It was listening.
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(You can even see this during this shot. The display on screen is reacting to her voice)
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Bonus: We can't see what the display on Nadim's Lfrith is saying when he goes permet score four cause he's currently having his brains melted out of his skull, but I'm gonna assume it says something along the lines of "You are currently having your brains melted out of your skull."
That's all for the prologue ! This will probably take me a long time to finish. But eh, I'll have fun with it.
Click here to move on to Episode 1! >>
Click here to go to the Masterpost!
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mesmarique · 2 years
Yuri and Subtext in Spring 2023
Spring season is knocking at the door and the Yuri shipping in Spring 2023 will be unreal. I swear to Madoka.
There's at least two Yuris that are gonna hit us with full force, two at the very least subtext-heavy ones, and I'm sure the Uma Musume creators are gonna find a way to make it really gay in Road To The Top as well.
Here I list the shows (as far as I know, but in case there's gonna be last minute additions, I will edit this post accordingly) that are going to come out in April, as well as little side information, fun facts and my personal feelings about them:
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Season 2
This series is, like it says, a continuation of The Witch From Mercury which aired from October 2022 to January 2023, our protagonist is a shy girl from Mercury by the name of Suletta Mercury, who was thrown into a setting à la Revolutionary Girl Utena, with duels that determine who's going to marry President Delling's only daughter Miorine Rembran. I'm gonna keep the summary short here, because there's a lot of spoilers to beware of, but for the Yuri enthusiasts it's a show that should not be skipped over.
I personally really loved this show, it was very exciting to watch and the next cour promises a lot more than what we have already seen.
And the best thing is: You can watch all of it subbed on Youtube legally on the GundamInfo channel for free. The episodes are still being regionally unlocked, but a great portion of the world should be having standard access to most episodes by now, as well as the Prologue that is strongly recommended to watch before you get into the main series at all.
There is also a novel chapter set between the Prologue and Episode 1, which you're free to read anytime after watching the Prologue.
You are NOT required to have seen other Mobile Suit Gundam series' prior to this one, it's original and written by the author of the official Revolutionary Girl Utena novels (mind you, he is not the original creator of Utena!).
Season 2 is going to air from April 2023, every Sunday (presumably the first Sunday of the month, which is a 2nd. Oy, don't look at me like that, they did say it as cryptical as that! lmao). Edit #1: Set airing date is 9th of April!
Here you can watch an English subbed trailer for Season 1:
Edit #2: There is now a trailer for The Witch from Mercury Season 2 (it contains heavy spoilers for Season 1):
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story Season 2
This show is produced by Bandai, like the series above. The first season aired from April to June 2022. This one is honestly quite a messy but entertaining show, with quite a few genres mixed into it. The lead characters in this one are also girls and have a very soul-matey connection to one another (They legitimately can't stop thinking about one another for 5 seconds, there is also a noticeable attraction going on).
It's best described as a wlw soap opera with golf and other themes (to keep it spoiler free).
Fun fact, this series offers quite a few winks at Gundam fans and I would not be surprised, if somehow The Witch From Mercury and Birdie Wing were to collaborate in one way or another to promote the respectively other series during Spring season.
And even if you don't enjoy golf as a sport, you might still enjoy this series. I personally loved it even more as a casual binge, but that's to each their own.
Season 2 is going to air from 1st of April 2023. Edit #2: it's April 7th, my bad
Here is a PV for Birdie Wing: Golf Lesbians' Story Season 2:
Yuri Is My Job
I'm a huge fan of the manga and I can say for sure: YES, Yuri is indeed their job, but also part of their private lives.
It is personally one of the better Yuri dramas that I have encountered over the recent years and if I had to compare it to anything, then I'd say it's like Citrus, if you take away the SA, make it more manipulative instead, as well as diving deeper into the characters feelings, thoughts and struggles that come with those. I can't say for sure how much of its greatness there will be displayed in just one cour, but regardless of it, I'm excited to see the adaptation.
The general setting is the one of a café from an in-universe fictional German all-girls academy, with very sapphic display of affection among the waitresses as part of a roleplay.
Season 1 is going to air from 6th of April 2023.
Here is an English subbed trailer for the anime:
World Dai Star
There is a rising trend of Takarazuka Revue anime, but why would I complain?
For those who don't know: Takarazuka Revue is an all-female musical theatre group based in Takarazuka, Japan, that perform any kind of roles regardless of gender. Because of that the "genre"(if you can call it such) itself has very sapphic undertones. Directly or indirectly influenced by Takarazuka Revue have been Roses of Versailles and Revolutionary Girl Utena, of which the former inspired Kageki Shoujo!! and the latter inspired The Witch From Mercury (so many crazy coincidences in the upcoming season, aren't there?) and Revue Starlight. To get back to this series:
It's not known a lot (or translated) what the story of World Dai Star is gonna be roughly about, but judging the media footage alone, its focus lies in the Takarazuka Revue performances and presumably to make it big in the world, if the title is anything to go by.
Season 1 is going to air from 9th of April 2023.
The most recent non-subbed PV for the show:
Uma Musume: Road To The Top
Uma Musume is back at it again, after two successful seasons, and other medias, here we have a brand new story that is gonna be directly released as an ONA (Original Net Animation), likely on this Youtube channel. It's not known how long it's gonna be, but its primary focus is a retelling of the late 90s/early 2000s era of Japanese horse racing with 3 new protagonists and I believe some reoccuring characters from either of the seasons before.
Uma Musume retells historical careers of Japanese race horses in a kemonomimi setting, and the passion of the work behind it is tangible. The emotions are captivating.
I had a hate-love relationship with Uma Musume Season 1, because it drifted away from the historical aspects here and there that it initially covered so greatly, but Season 2 reignited my love for it so strongly, that it became one of my favorite anime. A Season 3 is also in the works, which I'm excited for.
Now for the legitimacy of the Yuri in this one: No, it's not Yuri, but it offers enjoyable subtext. Season 2 is a great example for that. Uma Musume is about racing, which also leads to great rivalries. And we all know and love a good girls-rivalry story.
The ONA is going to release (whether one by one or fully remains to be seen, as its length is not known) from 16th of April 2023.
Non-subbed trailer for Uma Musume: Road To The Top (I'm already loving this animation, it's the same studio that produced Season 2 and it shows):
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sturmovik · 1 year
GUND, Quiet Zero, and how giant mecha killing machines are connected to space medical technology
[G-Witch S1-S2 spoilers]
[wrote this responding to a YT comment asking how Gundams and QZ are connected to medical tech in the AS timeline considering how lethal they have been in the show, thought i’d put it here too]
Essentially, GUND format tech in the AS timeline was developed by the Vanadis Institute as a way for the human brain to directly interface w/ technology thru the use of "Permet," a fictional element that is capable of transferring information to and from a multitude of mediums/formats (whether machine-to-machine or in the case of GUND, human-to-machine). GUND tech could enable you to have artificial limbs, for example, that you could control as naturally as real ones or replacement/artificial organs that wouldn't be rejected by the body. The hope was that this tech would help humans survive in harsh environments across space - that was the original purpose of the GUND Format.
But what happened was that the Ochs Earth corporation saw its potential for warfare and bought out Vanadis so they could make mobile suits utilizing GUND - which gave pilots much finer control of their mechs as well as enabling the use of Gund-bits and similar swarm weapons. But controlling a mobile suit and its weapon systems with GUND put far too much strain on the human brain compared to things like medical equipment or cybernetic limbs, leading to the death of pilots. 
This is where Delling comes in; he uses the ethical issues as an excuse to crack down on Ochs Earth, annihilate Vanadis, and seize GUND technology for himself, having the GUND format outlawed but later secretly using it to develop Quiet Zero - a GUND system so powerful it can take control of anything that uses Permet (which in the AS is almost all their technology) - with the delusional idea that he can enforce peace all throughout the Earth Sphere by basically preventing anyone from fighting at all. Of course, enter Prospera, who becomes essential for the project and subsequently uses QZ to enact her revenge on Delling and the Benerit Group.
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ausetkmt · 7 months
AL.com: Legendary R&B singer retiring after 54 years: ‘It’s been a great ride through the decades’
Frankie Beverly, the charismatic frontman of Maze, has announced that he’ll retire this year, after a farewell tour with the R&B band that made him famous.
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Six shows were announced this week for Beverly’s “I Wanna Thank You Farewell Tour,” including an April 6 concert at the Mobile Fairgrounds, also known as The Grounds. The dates start on March 22 at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, and end on May 12 at the Kia Forum in Los Angeles. More tour stops will be announced in the weeks and months to come, according to a press release.
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Beverly, 77, is a favorite in Alabama, playing to cheering crowds at concert venues and festivals throughout the state. His signature tunes with Maze range from electric funk to romantic jams to classic R&B, and include “Southern Girl,” “Back in Stride,” “We Are One,” “Golden Time of Day,” “Can’t Get Over You,” “The Morning After,” “Joy and Pain” and “Happy Feelin’s.”
Fans needn’t worry, however, that the band will be defunct when Beverly makes his exit. He plans to hand the microphone to Tony Lindsay, best known as the lead singer for Santana. The band name will change when Beverly leaves, transitioning from Maze Featuring Frankie Beverly to Maze Honoring Frankie Beverly.
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“I want to share with my lifelong fans and associates that I’ll be going out on the road one last time, then retire,” Beverly said in a statement to Billboard magazine. “Thank you so much for the support given to me for over 50 years as I pass on the lead vocalist torch to Tony Lindsay. The band will continue on as Maze Honoring Frankie Beverly. It’s been a great ride through the decades. Let the music of my legacy continue.”
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Beverly founded Maze in 1970 in his hometown of Philadelphia, initially calling the group Raw Soul. The band changed its name in the mid-’70s, released several albums, 1977-1993, and developed a loyal following throughout the country. Beverly’s all-white attire on stage is one of his trademarks, along with his smooth baritone voice and ability to connect with the crowd.
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Frankie Beverly performed with Maze on the Coca-Cola Classic Stage at the 2008 City Stages festival in Birmingham.(AL.com file photo/Frank Couch)
Beverly and Maze have performed many times in Birmingham over the years, at venues that range from Boutwell Auditorium to the Alabama Theatre to the former City Stages festival. A concert typically becomes a big ol’ dance party when Beverly and Maze take the stage; in fact, some ticketholders have been known to bring maracas and use them for appreciative percussion.
Beverly’s farewell tour is produced by the Black Promoters Collective. “Beverly is embarking in this farewell tour before slowing down to enjoy life in his California Bay Area home,” a press release says. The artist plans to “complete the tour with several major city stops. He’ll then make his way to Philadelphia for a street renaming ceremony in the city where he and his group launched their phenomenal musical legacy.”
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Here are the shows announced thus far for the tour:
March 22, State Farm Arena, Atlanta, Georgia.
April 6. Mobile County Fairgrounds, Mobile, Alabama.
April 13, Toyota Arena, Houston, Texas.
April 27, United Center, Chicago, Illinois.
May 12, KIA Forum, Los Angeles, California.
July 6, Dell Music Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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qqchurch · 1 year
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what the fuck do you mean that Delling's entire "man has to kill man" speech at the end of the Prologue was actually connected to a past Drone War that's only mentioned in the instruction manual of a kit for a mobile suit that's only showed up in one (1) episode so far???
or that the Antidote tech was originally used for anti-drone attacks and repurposed for Anti-Gundam tactics
with the combat AI thing only being restricted to like the Darilbalde so far, how much do you think the entire reasoning behind the Vanadis Incident was that they caught wind of Cardo Nabo's experiment with Lfrith's AI and they got... twitchy.
the entire witch-hunt thing could've been an excuse all along just to stop another Drone War oh my god
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paxesoterica · 2 years
Watched The Witch From Mercury Episode 12 and I feel I’m the recipient of a monkey paw’s wish (here be Episode 12 spoilers):
All the characters whom I wanted to live, did, and ended the cour not in danger, not kidnapped, and not separated, so, that’s technically good, but geez howdy I am NOT okay with how that came about.
Norea, Sophie, and most of Dawn of Fold escaped, so they’re definitely recurring antagonists now, and since Gundam seems to have a time honored tradition of someone having a homoerotic rivalry with the protagonist, looks like Sophie will be filling that role.
Elan No. 5 seemed to have stayed behind at Asticassia after all, so Peil’s situation hasn’t really changed, and unfortunately that means Elan’s nature as a spy in GUND-ARM, Inc. hasn’t been sussed out either, though I do think that No. 5 is eventually going to try to turn the tables on Peil by eliminating and replacing the original Elan, but we’ll see how that goes.
Shaddiq seems undisturbed by his plan’s seeming failure, but since his stated goal is breaking up the Benerit group, he’s actually advanced considerably: Delling is badly injured and will need time to recover, meaning he will have to appoint someone less experienced as Acting President for awhile, and who will have greater difficulty regulating the other corporations (which they will absolutely take advantage of); the terrorists were identified as Earthians using stolen Jeturk suits, which means they are unlikely to be traced back to Grassley, leaving the company’s reputation intact (for now); and Vim Jeturk is dead, which means that he’ll be succeeded by Lauda as President of Jeturk Heavy Machinery, which will leave that company in a position of weakness due to the transfer of power to an inexperienced leader, leaving Peil as Grassley’s only serious rival at the moment (with the added bonus that Vim can no longer testify against Shaddiq, further concealing Grassley’s role in the terrorist attack). From Shaddiq’s POV, he’s definitely sitting pretty after this episode
I did think it was likely that Vim was going to die because of Shaddiq’s betrayal, but I did not anticipate *who* was going to kill him. Poor Guel lived, but he’s going to need a LOT of therapy, and I’m honestly not sure where he’s going after this: it’s likely he’s not going to be blamed for Vim’s death since, due to the terrorists’ use of Jeturk mobile suits and Guel’s own MIA status, it will most likely be blamed on the Earthians instead, and while previously I was pretty confident he was going to attempt to ally with Suletta, his guilt is likely to prod him to take revenge on Dawn of Fold, regardless of who he has to ally with.
Earth House all lived, yay! ...But now they know that Nika is somehow connected to the terrorists, who were Earthians, and that’s not only going raise questions about how much they can trust her, but is also going to make their existence at Asticassia much more precarious; they will likely need to rely more on their status as GUND-ARM, Inc. employees and the blessing of President Delling and Miorine to maintain their school life, and even then anti-Earthian sentiment seems poised to increase. Nika’s also going to have to be very, very careful, since she’s currently the only real loose end in Shaddiq’s plan to conceal Grassley’s involvement, and once he’s aware of that...well, I’m worried for her is what I’m saying,
So Delling lived (albeit badly wounded) which is good for Miorine’s mental health (girl’s already had enough trauma for one episode) and also because it seems dude’s got a lot of secrets between allying with Prospera for his Quiet Zero project and whatever is going on with Miorine’s mother (secrets which he’s in the best position to reveal); in a great bit of irony, his recovery is probably going to be enabled be GUND tech, the very technology he once persecuted (good thing he decided to invest in a medical prosthetics company when he did, eh?). In a morbid twist, and given that Delling is a results-driven ex-military guy, when he learns that Suletta was willing to kill in his and his daughter’s defense, he will likely give his future daughter-in-law his full approval and be pleased that she can be entrusted with Miorine’s well-being, which, yay? (no, I don’t actually think that’s a good development, Delling may not have won Worst Parent of the Year AS 122, but he’s still an asshole).
Speaking of Worst Parent of the Year: Prospera’s revenge plan continues to be enigmatic, but her level of manipulation over Suletta is terrifying at this point (and honestly, I don’t know what’s worse, the possibility that she doesn’t care about Suletta at all and the latter is just a weapon to her, or the possibility that Prospera’s worldview is so warped that, to her perspective, this *is* what loving and caring for Suletta looks like).
Remember when I mentioned that monkey’s paw wish at the start? So, it’s good that Miorine wasn’t killed (though I don’t think most people thought that likely), or kidnapped, or even separated for that long from Suletta, and she didn’t lose her dad or Earth House or her company, and her fiance is even likely to be celebrated as a hero after this...but now she has to deal with multiple traumas, including seeing a guy brutally killed in front of her, and the knowledge that there is something very wrong with Suletta at the moment, and figuring out how to deal with that. I suspect Miorine is probably going to throw herself into work for a bit after this, and part of that will hopefully include a badly needed investigation into what’s going on with Prospera, Aerial, and Suletta.
As for Suletta...Damn. 
I don’t blame her for killing that guy to protect Miorine and Delling, and ultimately I don’t think Miorine will either, it’s Suletta’s really *off* reaction to her just killing someone for the first time in her life that’s really unsettling; her state of mind is almost certainly a consequence of being traumatized by seeing people killed in front of her, combined with her mother’s long-term manipulation/gaslighting, but damn that doesn’t make seeing the effect on her any better. 
Tangentially related, I’ve been increasingly suspecting that, despite the fandom jokes contrariwise, Prospera did not intend for Suletta to fall in love with Miorine, with Prospera’s absolute neglect in informing Suletta about same-sex relationships (despite her own knowledge of such) being prime evidence, supplemented by Prospera encouraging Suletta to turn toward her (and not Miorine) whenever Suletta’s been encountering difficulty with her new relationships, and I think this is simply because outsiders could potentially weaken Prospera’s own influence (one of the main tactics in manipulating anyone involves isolating them from other relationships). Assuming that this is correct, then, Prospera’s underestimating Miorine’s ability to intervene may prove to be Suletta’s only path to salvation from her mother’s influence.
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j0ekw · 1 year
We gotta talk about Shaddiq
Hey long time lurker in the gwitch tag, I wanna change that. So Episode 20 of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury dropped and, amongst the continued death and destruction, it seems like Shaddiq Zenelli’s plan has been cut short, with him being incapacitated in his mobile suit and last seen surrounded by a dozen Demi Garrisons. With that I wanted to look at his character and see if he was actually any good morally speaking, since in this episode he laid his entire motive bare, and I’ve seen a lot of discussion on it.
To recap, Shaddiq Zenelli, Sabina Fardin, and the rest of the named Grassley Cohort are earthians, brought to the Asticassia school of technology via Grasley’s child-rearing academy
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We don’t really know where they all came from specifically, I’m of the opinion that Shaddiq was not a member of Dawn of Fold prior to going to the academy since A) he does not seem to be able to call them on his own, B) does not seem to have a connection with them like Nika does,
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and C) I don’t think the academy would take in someone from the Dawn of Fold, considering Nika is more than capable as a student but used a fake company made by Shaddiq to get her in, although that is my conjecture. That being said he may have been aware of them and certainly made contact during the academy somehow.
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He’s also said to be “Half-Earthian”, whether this is Sarius Zenelli conflating his adoption of Shaddiq as making him Half-Earthian or that Shaddiq’s original parents were and Earthian and a Spacian, we’re not sure. But speaking of, during the academy he was adopted by Sarius Zenelli, one of the members of the “Mobile Suit Development Council”  we see in the prologue (which seems like a sort of proto-benerit group) who decided stop gundam development and seize the assets of Ochs Earth, probably the most lucrative mobile suit company earth had. Of course what actually happened was Delling took a far more violent approach, something that Sarius was apparently not aware of at the time. At some point after the academy and before Suletta shows up, he creates a fake company to get Nika into the school, and has been using her connections to contact Dawn of Fold as seen before. This isn’t what she wants, but Shaddiq does hold dirt on her that could get her sent back to earth, so she has to comply. Conjecture again, but he seems to enjoy reminding her of what she’s had to do for him.
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Also at some point before the show starts, he develops an affection (or, in the latest episodes, obsession) for Miorine, but has never acted on it, something he comes to regret.
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For the start of the show he’s typically being a witness to the duels, however he starts taking action later on in the first cour, namely;  - He blocks the formation of GUND-ARM, with the intention of taking the gundam and the company from Miorine  - He partakes in a duel to own GUND-ARM, although it wasn’t his choic  - He sets up the Dawn of Fold attack on Plant Quessa, with the intention of killing Vim Jeturk and Delling Rembran, managing to kill one and severely injure the other. He is aware that Miorine is there  - Gets Sophie and Norea into the school, along with their gundams, with the same method he used for Nika - Organises an attack on Asticassia with the Dawn of Fold as a distraction so he can kidnap his dad  - Hides Norea, El5n and Nika - Run for presidency on behalf of Grassley, whilst partnering with Peil with the promise that he will transfer GUND-ARM to them.  - Tries to get GUND-ARM’s support through Prospera  - Tries to kill Guel before he can find Darius  - Releases El5n, Nika and Norea from custody, leading to Norea making another attack on Asticassia It is also revealed that he’s been working with the higher ups of the Space Assembly League, who’ve been supporting the still active Ochs Earth on earth, in the production of Gundams and pilots for them.
Whilst no specific death count was given, many people have been killed through these actions directly, and the three attacks on spacian colonies has increased tensions between earthians and spacians. Furthermore he’s consistently undermined Miorine’s desires as well as manipulating and using eathians and spacians alike for his goals. So, what are they exactly, and do they justify any of this?
His two major goals are two dissolve the Benerit group and sell the assets of the companies in it to earth, in the hopes of creating a cold war scenario where neither will attack each other, and stopping the continued earthian oppression, which is a continuous issue with the “security operations”
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This is why removed the three heads of the group, inciting a presidential run, and then moves to gain the approval of as many companies as he can. I think this is also why he tries to seize GUND-ARM at several points.
So given that aim and what he’s done, where does Shaddiq stand?
The ultimate goal of “the oppression of earthians is bad, I must stop it” is good, but “stopping” it can get contentious. For Norea, it’s kill everyone she deems a Spacian.
Furthermore I’m not sure about his more direct goals. For instance, he would have to convince all the companies to let go of their assets. The Mobile Suit Development Council were able to get Ochs Earth to let go because it was one company and a majority vote. I don’t see a company like Peil “child microwaving” technologies for instance willing to let go of assets because it’s the right thing to do.
Dissolving the Benerit group may not be as much a challenge, but only so companies would want the freedom to develop any kind of technology they want. Or perhaps the implication is that groups like the Space Assembly League can better regulate companies individually? That is ultimately changing one spacian authority for another spacian authority however.
Also even if all the companies hand over their assets and the Benerit group is disbanded, Earth and Space are still on uneven footing. Spacians have the means of production, as we saw with Plant Quessa, as well as 20 years of experience doing so (perhaps longer, earthian oppression doesn’t seem to start from the prologue). It’d take a decade or so for earth to start producing their own (and politically they’d want mobile suit construction to be local, not in space) in which they are still extremely vulnerable. He’d no doubt do some good as president, iirc the Benerit group is responsible for the “security operations” so he can stop them, again IF he can convince everyone. And again, if he’s dissolving it, the companies would be free to carry out “security operations”, as the Space Assembly League doesn’t seem to take issue with it.
Then there’s the means to the end, which I’m hoping shouldn’t need much explanation. He’s gotten so many people killed and made the earthian situation worse.
There’s also just him as a character. Like, above all else, he’s an entitled prick who thinks he’s the only one who knows what he’s doing, and if everyone JUST got in line everyone would be happy. He says as much in the fight with Guel. No doubt his days in the academy got to his head, being the best at everything and getting the name “The Prince”. But it leads to him foregoing what people may actually want and how his actions may be making things worse. For instance, the rulers of earth seek to prevent on earth conflicts by banning Spacians, rather than seeking a cold war.
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GUND-ARM, whilst initially created to protect Aerial and Suletta bc Miorine has such a “very big friendship” with her, has become a medical company which would represent, from what we’ve seen, the first earthian company to operate at a large scale. The earthians there want to establish themselves and help those at home.
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However if Shaddiq’s plan succeeded, Earth would still see conflict for some time, and I doubt GUND-ARM would be particularly welcome in space due to its Earthian ties (granted the earth’s desires and GUND-ARM’s desires are also in conflict, at least initially)
Again, operating on some unknowns, but I doubt Shaddiq would let go of the power he has. Whilst he says he would disband the Benerit group, he’s still tied with the League, Ochs Earth, Grassley and Peil atleast. He would still have a monumental amount of sway in the affairs of the earth sphere. Given his propensity of taking his own advice over anyone elses, I wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted to lead the earth in the cold war.
Which leads to another detail, that being his Earthian status. I feel the show is making an effort to show that the Earthian Spacian divide is arbitrary. Suletta, a spacian, is treated lesser than other Spacians because she’s from Mercury. Sabina has let go of her Earthian heritage, and Norea belives the earthians of Asticassia are traitors. Meanwhile we see Earthian and Spacian students slowly shedding the prejudices of their forebears, such as with members of Jeturk and members of Earth House.
This is something I feel Shaddiq weaponises. When confronting his father and Guel, he’s full Earthian, talking about taking the power from those above him. However he blackmails Nika into submission, he works with Ochs Earth who seem to be carrying out Permet experiments on kids like Peil, as well as endangering the earth house students on a regular basis, between the direct attacks, heightened earthian hatred, and blocking their company. He doesn’t seem to mind hurting earthians if its for his goals.
He’s also a massive creep, mostly around Miorine. Even after being ultimately rejected, he still can’t stop thinking about her, which even gets on Sabine’s nerves. He also seems to think she has no autonomy, “it’s Guel’s fault her hands got dirty”. It’s as Mio said, she’s an ornament to him, another prize he feels he’s deserved, or rather he’s the only one who knows how to treat her right. And if she disagrees?
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Obviously she’s crazy, just like everyone else who’s ever disagreed with him.
In short, I think Guel highlighted it quite well in the latest episode
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A part of me kind of wishes that he’d succeeded, bc I get the impression that if he actually got what he wanted, he’d start floundering as these other companies wouldn’t be willing to listen to him and he’d have to deal with the irony of becoming a new Delling. Having gone to find info for this, its interesting seeing how his personality was formed through his past and how his actions reflect that. That being said no, I don’t think he’s a good person, even if he has good aims.
Anyways I kinda ran out of steam writing this, let me know what you think. PLEASE note that this isn’t meant to imply Guel is a saint, that could probably be its own post
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gadgetrepairexpert · 17 days
Reliable iPad & Laptop Repair Near Me in Bracknell | Gadget Repair Expert
In today’s digital world, our gadgets—like iPads and laptops—are essential tools for work, entertainment, and staying connected. Whether you rely on your iPad for reading, streaming, or creative projects, or need your laptop for business, productivity, or gaming, these devices are integral to our daily lives. However, technical issues can arise unexpectedly, causing inconvenience and interruptions. Finding reliable iPad and laptop repair near you in Bracknell is crucial for quick and expert solutions to keep your devices functioning smoothly.
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While some may attempt DIY repairs or opt for less experienced repair shops, choosing a professional and trusted repair service is essential for quality and long-lasting results. Here are some reasons why:
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Check Online Reviews: Look for repair centers with consistently positive reviews from satisfied customers. Feedback from past clients can give you insights into the quality of service, repair times, and customer satisfaction.
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Ask About Warranties: A reputable repair service will offer a warranty on both the parts and the labor involved in the repair. Make sure to inquire about warranty coverage to ensure you’re protected if any issues arise after the repair.
Inquire About Pricing: While it’s important to get a fair price, avoid going for the cheapest option if it compromises quality. Compare quotes from different repair centers to find a balance between affordability and high-quality service.
Location and Convenience: Choose a repair center that’s conveniently located near you in Bracknell. Many centers also offer services like pick-up and drop-off or mail-in repairs, making the process even more convenient.
When your iPad or laptop is in need of repair, finding a reliable and trusted service center in Bracknell is crucial to restoring your device quickly and efficiently. Whether you’re dealing with a cracked screen, battery issues, software malfunctions, or any other problem, certified technicians with experience in iPad and laptop repairs can provide the expert solutions you need.
By choosing a professional repair center, you can be confident that your device will be repaired using high-quality parts, fast service, and warranty coverage. Don’t let a malfunctioning gadget disrupt your productivity—seek expert repair services in Bracknell today and get your iPad or laptop back to working condition in no time.
With the right care, your devices will continue to serve you well, keeping you connected, productive, and entertained wherever you go.
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mytechworld · 24 days
Best Laptop And Mobile Selling Store
In today’s fast-paced world, technology plays an integral role in our daily lives. Whether it's for work, communication, or entertainment, laptops and mobile phones have become indispensable tools. However, finding a reliable store that offers quality products, competitive prices, and excellent customer service can be challenging. This is where MyTechWorld steps in. As a premier laptop and mobile selling store, MyTechWorld has established itself as a go-to destination for tech enthusiasts and casual buyers alike. In this blog post, we will explore the various aspects that make MyTechWorld a standout choice for anyone looking to purchase laptops and mobile phones.
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doorsblacksea · 1 month
Alessandro's Istanbul placement takes aim at Black Sea marine activities
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As part of the DOORS Early-Stage Researcher Exchange (ESRE) programme, Alessandro Galdelli, a software engineer and assistant professor at the Department of Information Engineering (DII) Università Politecnica delle Marche, and a member of the Vision, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence (VRAI) laboratory, undertook a pioneering research project aimed at enhancing the monitoring of marine activities in the Black Sea.
His work focused on adapting and integrating an advanced algorithm, initially developed for the Adriatic Sea, into a data processing pipeline tailored for the unique conditions of the Black Sea. The primary objective was to improve the detection and analysis of fishing efforts, with a particular emphasis on identifying Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing activities—a task of significant importance given the geopolitical and environmental sensitivity of the region.
Alessandro had the privilege of collaborating closely with Professor Taner Yildiz, a leading expert in Faculty of Aquatic Sciences at Istanbul University. Under his mentorship, Alessandro was able to refine the algorithm to handle the unique characteristics of the Black Sea. This involved rigorous data preparation, including the cleaning and standardisation of Automatic Identification System (AIS) data, which was crucial for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of subsequent analyses. The collaboration also extended to the application of Geographic Information System (GIS) software, enabling Alessandro to perform detailed spatial and temporal analyses that produced highly informative visualizations and maps of marine activities.
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The collaboration resulted in several key outcomes. Most notably, the algorithm’s successful integration into this new context demonstrated its versatility and robustness, confirming its effectiveness beyond its initial application in the Adriatic Sea. This achievement not only validated the algorithm’s adaptability but also established a solid foundation for further research and potential publications. Alessandro’s work provided a clear pathway for understanding and quantifying fishing efforts in the Black Sea, with preliminary results already offering promising insights into the dynamics of marine activities in the area.
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This is just one example where we have matched early stage research interests with the scientific work ongoing in the project. This summer we have funded and supported 5 other placements through the DOORS Early-Stage Researcher Exchange (ESRE). This is an international programme of collaborative research mobility activities, to foster and deepen connections within and between Black Sea countries, and international partners across Europe.
The placements have covered a range of topics supporting students from universities all over Europe:
Olga Schmitz (Germany)- Collaborative Initiative for Enhanced Water Quality Monitoring in the Black Sea Region.
Leidy Maricela Castro Rosero (Spain) -  Analysis of spatial distribution of marine litter pollution in the western Black Sea through numerical model integration and in situ measurements.
Tatiana Sitchinava (Georgia) - Towards Sustainable Coastal Communities: Understanding and Mitigating Marine Litter in Romania’s Black Sea Beaches.
Alessandro Galdelli (Italy) - Advancing Marine Research through Strategic Collaboration: Integrating Cutting-edge Algorithm for Enhanced Fishing Effort Estimation in the Black Sea,
Florin Miron (Romania) - Analysing Coastal Hydrodynamics and Discharge at River Mouths: The Impact of Winds and Waves on Hydrological Processes Using SWOT Satellite Data,
Sofia Sadogurska (Ukraine) -  Taxonomic studies of the Black Sea brown algae (Phaeophyceae, Heterokontophyta).
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Beyond the technical achievements, this experience was profoundly enriching for Alessandro on a personal and professional level. As a software engineer with a primary focus on coding and algorithm development, he found the interdisciplinary collaboration particularly enlightening. Working alongside marine scientists, he gained a deeper understanding of the importance of data analysis in the context of environmental sciences. This exchange provided him with invaluable lessons on how to interpret and evaluate scientific data, which is critical for ensuring that computational models and algorithms align with real-world ecological scenarios.
Reflecting on his experience, Alessandro remarked, "This research exchange has been an incredible learning journey for me. It not only enhanced my technical skills but also broadened my perspective on interdisciplinary collaboration. Working with Professor Yildiz and his team, I learned the importance of looking beyond the code to understand the ecological implications of our work. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity and look forward to future collaborations and the exciting research possibilities that lie ahead."
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Alessandro's contributions during this exchange have significant implications for the future of marine monitoring in the Black Sea. Moving forward, he plans to further optimize the algorithm specifically for the Black Sea, acquiring additional AIS data from previous years to improve the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the monitoring efforts. The next steps also include publishing the findings from this study, comparing them with global datasets to validate the approach, and deepening the investigation into the impacts of geopolitical conflicts on marine activities in the region.
This experience has not only solidified Alessandro’s commitment to his research but has also opened new doors for potential collaborations, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence applied to marine science. The connections and knowledge gained during this exchange are expected to play a crucial role in his future career, driving forward innovative approaches to marine monitoring and environmental conservation.
You can find out more about Alessandro’s research by following him on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn 
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ericvanbars · 1 month
Dell Offers Laptops with Mobile Broadband | NASE.org
Dell Offers Laptops with Mobile Broadband | NASE.org https://ift.tt/Rb59cUq Did you know Dell offers laptops with Mobile Broadband? For more information, please visit our website: https://nase.org Join NASE Minute to watch more Business Success, Expertise, and Weekly Insights content: https://www.youtube.com/NASEMinute?sub_confirmation=1 Important Links to Follow: Maximize your business potential with NASE Member Benefits: https://ift.tt/IwRpBa9 Fuel your business growth or academic ambitions with NASE’s grants and scholarships: https://ift.tt/Hjn6KpC Stay ahead with the NASE Blog – cutting-edge advice for entrepreneurs eager to thrive: https://ift.tt/DAQlrBv Stay Connected To Us. Instagram: https://ift.tt/R3Sdvzq Facebook: https://ift.tt/2uW7zN8 Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/NASEtweets LinkedIn: https://ift.tt/TER8xCq Pinterest: https://ift.tt/deKIgAu Website: https://nase.org/ Other Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/NASEview ============================= Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: Medicare RX Negotiations $4,000 Grant to Grow Your Small Business Happy Holiday’s from NASE How to use Social Media to Improve your SEO ================================ About NASE Minute: Welcome to The Nation’s Leading Resource for Entrepreneurs The NASE was founded in 1981 to provide day-to-day support, including direct access to experts, benefits, and consolidated buying power that traditionally had been available only to large corporations. Today, the NASE represents hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs and micro-businesses and is the largest nonprofit, nonpartisan association of its kind in the United States. Lastly, The NASE Minute is a series of videos created by our own experts and released weekly that are designed to help you get the edge you need to help your business succeed! Hit that subscribe button for more Insightful Business Growth Strategies: https://www.youtube.com/NASEMinute?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred by you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of the NASE Minute. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © NASE Minute from NASE Minute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiVBRKViz4o from NASE Minute https://ift.tt/5Cenbq9 via Eric Van Baars https://ift.tt/DNOHBu5 August 19, 2024 at 01:15PM
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govindhtech · 2 months
Rakuten Cloud & Dell Telecom Blueprint for Rakuten Symphony
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Rakuten Cloud
The telecom industry is changing. The emergence of 5G and cloud-native, disaggregated software-based Core and Radio Access Networks is transforming the situation. In the midst of these adjustments, Communication Service Providers (CSPs) are being led by Dell and Rakuten Symphony in modernizing the way they install and oversee NFV infrastructure and services.
Telecom Symbols Blueprint
A Telecom Blueprint for Rakuten  Cloud was developed in partnership with Dell and Rakuten Symphony to solve these issues, and it was tested in the Dell Technologies Open Telecom Ecosystem Lab (OTEL). OTEL was created to make it easier for creative cloud-native 5G solutions to be tested, validated, and collaborated on. In order to bring together companies such as Dell and Rakuten Symphony to develop the 5G cloud-native technologies of the future, OTEL offers a secure environment.
Dell and Rakuten Symphony Cloud are providing a tried-and-true solution for CSPs with unmatched simplicity and automation capabilities through this design and test certification approach. This solution can improve efficiency, speed service delivery, streamline operations, and optimize network performance.
For CSP telecom cloud transformation, the Telecom Blueprint for Rakuten Symphony is crucial. Best-of-breed telecom cloud environment setup, management, and operations are made simpler by it. With a focus on 5G Core and RAN use cases, the Rakuten Cloud solution was evaluated and approved on a few Dell Technologies PowerEdge devices.
CSPs can benefit greatly from the synergy between Dell PowerEdge telecom infrastructure and Rakuten’s cloud-native technology. It offers the scalability and agility required to enable decentralized software-based Core and RAN networks as well as 5G. Additionally, by automating processes and controlling resource allocation, it improves performance and fortifies security.
Rakuten Symphony Cloud
When Rakuten Cloud-Native Orchestrator is deployed in a CSP’s network with tailored Dell infrastructure, the Dell Technologies Telecom Blueprint for Rakuten Cloud can increase operational efficiencies and save costs. Drawing from Rakuten Symphony’s Rakuten Mobile expertise, employing this architecture may yield significant total cost of ownership advantages.
The partnership between Dell and Rakuten Symphony, which offers unmatched simplicity, automation capabilities, and substantial cost savings, is propelling the cloud transformation of CSPs. We’re excited to collaborate with Rakuten as lead the telecom sector’s cloud transformation path as keep innovating and pushing the envelope.
Dell and Rakuten Symphony have created a solution brief that outlines the architecture to modernize the way CSPs deploy and operate NFV infrastructure and services. View it to learn more about the Telecom Blueprint for Rakuten Cloud.
The cooperation between Rakuten and Dell is a critical step in hastening the cloud transformation of the Communication Service Provider (CSP) sector.
Realising the open and contemporary telecom ecosystem
Dell goal is to quickly test complicated end-to-end technical solutions while expediting and streamlining the development of an open, contemporary telecom ecosystem. More than that, though, they give you the tools you need to generate new business prospects with the assistance of one of the top telecom sales teams globally.
Cooperate internationally
To securely expand telecom vendors and CSP laboratories anywhere in the world, use OTEL’s hybrid connectivity strategy.
Get access to cutting edge Dell and affiliated technologies
Give NEPs, ISVs, startups, and other telecom vendors access to the newest hardware platforms from partner ecosystems and Dell Technologies so they may validate their software.
Turn telecom solutions into consumables
With cloud operations modelling, numerous test-line configurations, user-defined end-to-end and on-demand validation at different scopes, and multi-vendor system integration at scale, you can accelerate time to value.
Products propelling the untapped 5G market
Industry/Partner Certification
Independent software suppliers can reduce deployment risk and make the ecosystem more consumable through self-certification.
Through the verification of ecosystem partner compatibility, joint certification enhances results and adds value to businesses.
With Dell’s pre-integrated and pre-validated solution, certification on Dell Telecom Infrastructure Blocks speeds up the deployment of 5G workloads with assurance.
Validation of Customer Solutions
Validation of the entire CSP solution, life-cycle management, and improved service support.
Validation of Idea
Develop early evaluation and sandbox development in collaboration with partners and CSPs to promote ecosystem adoption.
Training and Exhibition
Display new skills and assist with technical training initiatives.
what is csp cloud
Through this collaboration, Dell’s hardware expertise and Rakuten’s cloud-native, disaggregated network design are combined in a novel way. Future ramifications of this partnership could include the following:
Enhanced 5G Implementation and Further
Quick Network Virtualization
CSPs may quickly virtualize network functions, enabling a quicker rollout of 5G and a shorter time-to-market for new services, by utilising Dell’s infrastructure and Rakuten’s cloud-native strategy.
Edge Computing Advancements
The cooperation might develop edge computing solutions, providing low-latency apps and services to people. For augmented reality, driverless vehicles, and the Internet of Things, this is crucial.
Increased Network Scalability and Agility
Dynamic Resource Allocation
Through the integration of Rakuten cloud orchestration with Dell’s adaptable hardware, CSPs may optimise network performance and cost-efficiency by dynamically allocating resources in response to demand.
Microservices Architecture
Since microservices architecture permits separate creation, testing, and deployment of network functions, it will accelerate innovation by increasing scalability and agility.
Operational Efficiency and Cost Cutting
Infrastructure optimization can lower hardware and software expenditures as well as operating expenses by streamlining network operations with Dell’s technology and Rakuten’s cloud-native strategy.
Automation and Orchestration
By streamlining network management and providing more advanced automation and orchestration capabilities, resources may be allocated towards innovation and enhancing service quality.
New Sources of Income
New Cloud-Based Services
The partnership may encourage the creation of cutting-edge edge computing programs, network slicing, and network function virtualisation (NFV) technologies.
Partnerships for Digital Transformation
Dell and Rakuten  Cloud can work together to investigate joint ventures with other industry participants in order to develop creative solutions and seize fresh market opportunities.
Sector Leadership and Environmental Development
Adoption of Open Standards
Through encouraging interoperability and open standards, Dell and Rakuten can help create a vibrant ecosystem of developers and partners.
Thought Leadership
Through their partnership, Dell and Rakuten Cloud may establish themselves as frontrunners in the telecom cloud transition space, impacting best practices and industry standards.
In summary
The Telecom industry could undergo a significant transformation due to the collaboration between Rakuten Cloud and Dell. They may spur innovation, hasten cloud adoption, and open up new revenue prospects for CSPs by pooling their expertise.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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