peapeabrain · 6 years
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adding a new hot boy to the roster
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Stay - Harry x Reader
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* image from LucyDreams, Dangerous Fellows
Word Count: 1,174
Fluff (with a tiny bit of NSFW)
You and Harry were on night watch inside the school building. It was only as of late that you both had started flirting with each other during your patrols. Subtle gestures of affection exchanged between the both of you were now the norm.
Tonight was no different from the previous night watches.
You and Harry were both walking down one of the hallways when you notice that the moon was full and bright.
“How beautiful is the moon tonight?” You look out the window in awe of its serenity. You could feel Harry’s presence next to you; his gaze was not at the moon but fixated on something else. You turn to look at him; your (e/c) eyes meet with his amethyst ones.
“What?” You ask shyly, feeling a little flustered from the way he was looking at you.
“You look like a goddess under the moonlight.” He reaches out to tuck a piece of your (h/c) hair behind your ear. You giggle at his reply and quickly turn your head away trying to hide the heat of your blush that was creeping upon your cheeks.
“That was horribly corny, Harry!”
The corner of his lips curl into a smug little smile and Harry shrugs his shoulders, unapologetic at his cheesy comment. He took a step closer towards you and you couldn’t help but lock eyes with him. His gaze lingering down to your now parted lips and a small breath of anticipation escapes the both of you.
“Argh!” Harry suddenly gasps.
Startled, your eyes widen at his form. He was pressing a hand to his temple, the look of pain searing across his face. His shoulders tense and you knew instantly what was happening.
“Another one?” You ask gently, concern resonating in your voice. He nods slightly. You reach out to his right side and link your hand with his; caressing his arm with the other. “Let’s head back then. You need to rest.”
You could see that this migraine had hit him pretty hard and you guide Harry back to his classroom ending the patrol early.
After reporting your night watch to everyone in classroom 1-C, you return to Harry’s room hoping that the migraine had subsided.
You knock on the door. “Harry? Is it alright if I come in?”
You didn’t hear a response from him. Worried, you let yourself in and see Harry in the middle of the room, his body curled into a foetal position and cradling his head with both of his hands on the floor. He groans from the pain and your heartaches seeing him so helpless.
You close the door behind you and walk towards Harry. Taking your jacket off you sit beside him, crossing your legs together. You start folding your jacket several times into a makeshift pillow and place it in your lap.
Hopefully, this will help ease the migraine a little, you think to yourself.
“Wh-what are you d-doing, (Y/N)? You should go and g-get some rest. I’ll be f-fine. This will pass. Happens all the t-time.”
Harry staggers to sit up and gives you a weak smile trying his best to hide the grimace that was present on his face.
You give him a sympathetic look and without even thinking, you reach out and run your fingers through his soft silver hair.
“Please, Harry. Let me help!” Giving him a gentle smile, you pat your hands on your jacket welcoming him to lie down in your lap.
Harry lets out a soft chuckle, “Fine...You win.”
He nestles his head on your jacket and closes his eyes.
Feeling a little triumphant, you smile to yourself and place both your hands on either side of his head and start massaging all over his scalp. You work your hands simultaneously as you make circular motions down his neck and then up again. Kneading his temples soothingly, trying not to aggravate the migraine any further.
This is the first time you’ve done anything so... intimate. But it felt natural to touch, to nurture, and to adore him. Whatever this is, whatever you were feeling right now, you didn’t want it to end.
Harry let out a sigh of relief, lips curling into a relaxed and beautiful smile. You couldn’t help but admire his handsome features. The moonlight through the windows made him even more so. Your eyes linger to his supple lips as you begin to wonder how it would feel against your own.
Harry’s eyes open, eyelids hooded, he catches your gaze once more.
You’ve never heard him say your name with such sweetness before. Another blush paints across your cheeks.
You stop massaging as he reaches up to caress your cheek. With a feather-like touch, Harry traces his thumb along your cheekbone and down your jaw. Feeling the warmth of his hand, you let out a hum. Closing your eyes as you lean into his touch.
“Yeah?” You reply to him softly.
Harry props himself on to his elbow, tilting his head up to meet yours. He keeps his hand on your cheek and you could feel his breath against your lips. Your heart begins to pound in your chest with anticipation. Hoping and yearning for his next move.
“Thank you, for being here with me.” You felt his lips brush against yours as he whispers.
You give him a shy smile. However, this time you have no intention of hiding away.
Harry then traces his thumb along the bottom of your lips, staring at them with lust in his eyes.
Your name rolls off his tongue with such sensuality that it sends shivers up your spine. You reply with a breathy, “Yes?”
The gentleness of his lips finally meets yours. He slides his hand from your cheek to the nape of your neck and kisses you deeply. Slow, sensual, and full of desire that ignites your entire body.
Harry soon breaks away from your lips and immediately, you miss him.
He presses his forehead against yours and nuzzles his nose on your own, giving you little Eskimo kisses. His hooded eyes lock with yours and a gorgeous wide grin is present on his face. You let out a giggle, feeling giddy at what had just happened.
“Harry? What are we d-”
Before you could even finish your question, Harry pulls you into another kiss. This time passionate, full of hunger, and need. He caresses his tongue against your lips and your lips begin to part, welcoming him with your own. A dance of dominance in your mouth and you craved for more.
Harry gently guides your body to the floor refusing to part with your lips. He then manoeuvres himself on top of you. You instinctively widen your legs letting him fit into you like two pieces of a perfect puzzle. He presses into your hips. You let out a soft moan; one hand grabbing the front of his t-shirt and the other running through his hair.
Harry pulls away from your lips once again, both of you panting breathlessly.
A/N: *squeals*!! My first fanfic! I would love to hear your feedback guys! Reblog to spread the love (pls credit us as well if you are). I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed fantasising about it!
A/N (update): Ok! I’ll stop editing now haha I’m on desktop, so I’m happy with the end result! Final word count is 1,175!
x mod bambi
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astraterram · 6 years
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A little side character appreciation, Hailey is my favorite girl!
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nakukatti · 6 years
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And here is my entry for the  #DFEL_creation contest. I had to butcher the quality in order to fit the file in here :’DD
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esakyo · 5 years
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ethan’s touchy feely with lawrence
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yu-nyx · 6 years
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Apparently boys in orange coats are my type now
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tigereyes45 · 6 years
Little Memories Death Clings Too
Ethan watches as she and Harry climb through the window. Hopefully, the gate would be safe. Perhaps she would survive all of this. He looks back at the door, shaking as the zombies push against it ever more violently. Harry liked her too, he would make sure they both survive.
“Shit! I don’t want to die!” Eugene screams over the growing alarm of the bell. It was driving the zombies mad. Looking back at the door Ethan wishes he hadn’t been so blind. He knows who set it off. The person who was causing all of this. Only they had done the experiment. Only they knew about the noise.
“Shut up!” Zion orders as he holds his weapon out. “We just have to hold them off.” Ethan looks back at them. Two high schoolers, one his age, the other so much younger. They didn’t deserve to die here.
“Lawrence.” It was Lawrence who did this, was what he had been meaning to say. Yet his name was the only word Ethan could manage. Zion clearly heard him. The redhead’s eyes grew wide. Without any need for more explanation, Zion had connected the pieces.
“I’m gonna kill that bastard!”
“No you’re not,” Eugene announces bitterly. As the last word leaves the door breaks apart.
All at once Ethan’s life flashes before his eyes. His first baseball game, starting high school, getting on the team, hanging out with his teammates, meeting her. The memories flash through his mind in between swings. Slowly they become tainted by the sight of flying flesh. Eugene shouts, and Ethan takes the risk to look over. He was hiding behind Zion. As the numbers of zombies grew. Before they were trickling through the door and that was easy enough. Now as they all push through they were a swarm.
All Ethan could smell their rotting flesh. He swings his bat wildly in an attempt to clear a path to them. He was almost there when he felt teeth biting through his pant leg. Looking down Ethan tries to shake the zombie off. Half of its face was missing. All of it from the tip of its teeth up until right where an eyebrow would usually be. He doesn’t question how it was still able to move its mouth, or what it met now that he had been bitten. Smashing the bat into’s its head Ethan jumps in front of the others.
He points to the window as he kicks another away. More flashes of better times. He recalls the sight of her face when they found her. So terrified, but not yet ready to die. Neither was he, but after what Lawrence did he doubts there was a way for him to get out of this alive. When Eugene begins to cry he notices the burning sensation of his own face. He doesn’t bother to feel it, there was no time to do anything but fight.
He tries to think of better times. The promise she made of the future. The way her smile was so warm and bright when she saw Judy. How even though she always chose Harry, she still made him feel so special. She didn’t judge him for being silent. Or for the way he always trusted Lawrence.
“Eugene, no!” It was hard to hear Zion between the bell and the zombies. Still, Ethan managed to. His sore eyes look over his shoulder just in time to see Eugene dash for the window.  His small hands grabbing the pane just in time before he was dragged back down. His orange eyes shrinking as they tore him open. The way his mouth opened just a bit before life left him. He didn’t have time to make a noise, but Zion did. He grew so angry. Shouting insanely as he goes into a frenzy. He doesn’t notice when he hits Ethan in the shoulder. Or when he falls.
Swinging his bat still, he tries to crawl closer to Eugene as Zion pulls farther away. Resting his back against the wall. His knuckles growing white from how tightly. He remembers the way her blue eyes welled up with tears at Judy’s absence, and how she rubbed his hands to keep him awake. He was so tired now, and it all hurt so much. He couldn’t move his arms anymore. His legs were on fire as they skinned them with their teeth. He never remembers seeing so much read before. He only remembers her smile as Zion screams fill his ears one last time.
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emiibunny · 6 years
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BEST BOY. MY SON. EUGENE.~ good luck everyone~
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For Judy - A Dangerous Fellows Fanfic
A/N: The lack of fanfics for this fandom disturbs me. Here’s something to fix that.
Pairing(s): Slight MC/Judy, slight MC/Harry
Summary: MC wakes up after having a nightmare. Harry comforts her.
Disclaimer: I do not own Dangerous Fellows.
You wake with a gasp.
Sweat soaks your forehead. Your tattered blanket wraps around and between your legs. Goosebumps coat your arms. You jerkily sit up, panting, head snapping around to take in your surroundings.
Your room, one of the old classrooms in the high school building, is bathed in the moonlight that streams through the windows. Stubs of chalk litter the floor next to the blackboard. The desks are pushed out of the way to make room in the middle for a makeshift bed and your few meager belongings: an old faded backpack, a change of clothes you found while on patrol, a baggy jacket with an obscene amount of pockets, the watch your mother bought for your 18th birthday, and your dead cellphone with its rabbit keychain.
Your heartbeat slows as you calm down.
A nightmare.
You shudder and pull your knees up to your chest.
You dreamt of the last time you saw Judy. Her caramel coloured hair. Her warm purple eyes. Her open and inviting smile. You dreamt that her friendly face was covered in blood.
This room once belonged to her.
You take a shaky breath and stand, the blanket falling to the floor.
It’s too quiet in here.
You leave Judy’s room, closing the door softly behind you. The sound of your footsteps ring along the concrete high school corridor, empty and in disrepair. The snores of your companions fill your ears as you pass their rooms. You stop at the end of the hall outside classroom 1-C and push open the door.
The old desks are pushed together in the middle of the room to form one large table where your group sits, eats, and holds meetings. Extra chairs stand stacked against the back wall, piled high enough to barely scrape the ceiling. The to-do list is written on the blackboard next to the patrol schedule, the chalk of the names smeared where Jay brushed against it the other day.
You sit on the window sill and look down to the courtyard below. Three lone zombies wander the grounds, their shadowy forms illuminated by moonlight. One limps, its upper half bending backwards, hair swaying with its movements. Blood stains its face, hands, and torn clothes. It opens its mouth, a groan you can’t hear escaping its cracked lips. You grimace and stare at your feet, hands clenching at your sides.
‘Judy, where are you?’
The classroom door opens. You jump.
Harry, silver hair mussed and eyes wide, walks in and closes the door behind him. “Sorry, did I scare you?” He scratches his cheek. His other hand twitches as he shoves it into his jacket pocket.
“It’s alright,” you reply, relaxing. ‘It’s just Harry.’ “I… didn’t think anyone else was up.”
“Couldn’t sleep.” A pained grimace briefly flashes across Harry’s face before vanishing, shifting into his usual faint smile. “I heard someone moving around and figured I should check it out.”
‘That’s right,’ you think, biting your lip, ‘With Judy gone now… Everyone is on edge.’
“Are you alright?”
“… Yeah.”
Harry frowns. He carefully steps around the desks and sits beside you.
“Are you sure? I mean, with everything going on…” His eyes flicker to the ground before rising to meet yours. “… I’m here. If you want to talk.” His blue eyes sparkle and his eyebrows furrow in concern. He turns his body towards you, his knee briefly brushing against yours.
Your fingers tangle together in your lap as you look away. Harry sits silently, patiently watching, waiting.
You sigh.
“I… had a nightmare.”
He shifts beside you. When he says nothing, you continue.
“I was with Judy. We were outside our room the morning she disappeared. We were talking and laughing like we used to.” You hug your knees to your chest. “Next thing I know, her face is covered in blood and she’s on the ground and she isn’t moving and-”
“Hey, hey…” Harry draws you into a hug. The tears start falling and you shake in his comforting hold. He places his chin on your head and runs his fingers through your hair soothingly, repetitively. “It’s alright, it’s gonna be okay…”
“… It’s all my… it’s all my fault…!”
“Shh… Don’t blame yourself.”
“I was the last one to see her!”
Harry squeezes tighter. “It isn’t your fault.”
“Then I could have stayed with her! I should have stayed with her! If I did, then… Then she would still be here! She wouldn’t be out there on her own!”
“Judy’s smart. I’m sure she’ll be fine.”
“How can you know that?” You grab his shirt. The white material bunches in your grip. Your knuckles brush and bump against his stomach as you tug and twist it in frustration.
Harry swallows. He then pulls you even closer, re-adjusting his grip and pinning your hands against him.
“I don’t know. But I have to hope. I have to believe she’s okay. That’s the only thing we can do, right now.”
“We could keep looking!”
“We could.” His nose bumps the top of your head as he nods. “But Lawrence is right. We can’t risk it when we don’t know where she would go. It’s too dangerous.”
His voice wavers. His hands clench behind your back. He frowns into your hair, lips pressing lightly against your head. ‘He wants to look for her too.’
But Lawrence is right. We can’t risk losing any more people.
You cling to Harry and continue to cry. He slowly rocks back and forth, gently rubbing your back and mumbling platitudes, “She’ll be okay,” and “Shh…,” and “It’ll be alright.”
Eventually, the tears slow and your shaking subsides. You lean back with a hiccup and wipe your face with your sleeve. “Sorry about your shirt…”
He smiles sadly. “Don’t worry about it.” He takes a deep breath. “I know it’s hard right now. I know you miss her. But we’ll pull through. Okay?”
“For Judy?”
“For Judy,” he nods resolutely.
A watery smile appears on your face. You take his hands and squeeze. “Thanks Harry.”
He squeezes back.
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esolangs · 6 years
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it’s just strawberry jam...... right
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peapeabrain · 6 years
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our sweet and kind leader
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Home - Ethan x Reader
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* image from LucyDreams, Dangerous Fellows
Word Count: 1,135
Fluff (minor spoilers)
It had been an hour or so since the last meeting of the day had ended. Everyone had either left on their patrols or had decided to call it a night and head to bed early.
Except for you.
Lawrence had been kind enough to give you the night off, considering the recent events.
You decide to stay behind in the main classroom of 1-C, unwilling to go back to your now cold and lonely room. You can’t help but replay the accusations made against you from Scarlett at the end of the meeting. You know you shouldn’t let her words get to you, but it still hurts, now more than ever as you no longer hear a certain cheery voice defending you.
You hug your knees to your chest and rest your head upon them as you sit atop one of the desks. You gaze at the beautiful full moon, distracting yourself from the tears threatening to fall from your tired (e/c) eyes. 
You sigh softly, admiring how the moon can stay so bright during such an ugly and dire situation, never failing to provide light and protection every night for when the earth goes dark.
You stay in this position for a while until you hear the class door slide open. You turn your head to see Ethan back from his patrol, yawning as he slowly enters the room. His focus shifts to you and he nods, you return the gesture by nodding back as you’re not in the mood to happily greet him as you normally would. You turn your attention back to the window assuming Ethan would soon head to sleep once he realises Lawrence had already retired to his room for the evening, deciding to leave the reports for tomorrow’s breakfast meeting instead.
Unexpectedly, you feel the gentle placement of something warm envelop your back and a familiar scent wrap around you. You distinguish the mix of black and blue with gold accents and recognise it as Ethan’s jacket, only then realising that you are violently shivering from the Winter breeze seeping through the cracks of the few broken windows. 
You look up to see Ethan’s gorgeous turquoise eyes gazing down at you as he lightly places his hand upon your shoulder. He doesn’t say a word, but you understand that he is worried about how you were doing after what had happened. He was always like this; silently watching over you even when it felt as if no one else cared.You reminisce to the time Ethan had patiently waited for you to cry all your emotions out back in the library. Afraid of burdening him with the possibility of another break down, you simply reassure him with a smile while mouthing a ‘thank you’.
He lifts his hand from your shoulder to scratch the back of his head as he nods once more and you notice a faint blush appear on his cheeks.
Cute, you think to yourself.
Your eyes follow him as he grabs a candy bar from the back pocket of his pants, situating himself on the floor against the lockers behind you and gently placing down his trademark baseball bat. You raise your eyebrow, questioning yourself as to why he decided to stay instead of eating in the comfort of his room, wondering if this was perhaps his way of comforting you by keeping you company in this dark and icy room.
Your attention is fixated on him as he chows down on his late-night snack while mindlessly staring out the window beside you. Your gaze drifts towards his strong biceps peeking out from his fitted t-shirt and notice small goose bumps forming on the surface of his arms. A sense of guilt, yet warmth washes over you and you decide to hop off the desk to join him on the floor. You slide the jacket off your shoulders and drape it over both of your legs, sharing the residual heat with him. He faces you, expression unchanged. You smile back at him, tilting your head ever so slightly when he quickly looks away from you.
Still as cold as ever, you find yourself subconsciously leaning against the left side of his body and feel his body stiffen. Thinking that you had made him uncomfortable from the lack of personal space, you silently curse at yourself for making things weird. Before you could even shift your body away, you hear him clear his throat and feel him relax against you.
At this point, Ethan had already finished eating long ago, yet he showed no intention of leaving just yet. You are thankful to have his company despite not having said a word to each other this whole night. The silence was not awkward or suffocating. Instead, it feels quite comforting. You never feel the pressure to uphold a conversation with him like you do with others.
You feel his body heat radiating through your thin white tee. Slowly but successfully warming you up from the cold. It’s peaceful and serene, as the sound of his gentle breathing gives you a sense of tranquillity. It had been so long since you last felt this safe and relaxed that the exhaustion from today’s meeting catches up to you. You try to fight against the fatigue overcoming your body but your eyelids weigh heavy and you ultimately lose the battle.
Right as you are drifting off to sleep you were just able to hear a soft, barely audible chuckle followed by a large warm hand gently guiding your head to rest upon his left shoulder; accompanied by soft pats against your (h/c) hair. Now wide awake as ever, your face grows warm from the rush of blood to your cheeks.
Moments later, you notice that his breathing had become heavier and feel his cheek slowly come to rest against the top of your head. You try your hardest to calm your accelerating heart; praying that he doesn’t awaken from how loud it was beating. Curious, you turn your head slightly without moving his own, enough to allow your line of sight to fall on his handsome yet peaceful sleeping face illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight. You giggle at how innocent and adorable he looks in this situation, as well as how fitting the moment was. His very presence made you feel sheltered and safe, almost… familiar. It was then that you come to the realisation that he reminds you of the moon, a protector, watching over you during your most vulnerable state.
You smile at the thought of Ethan being the light that accompanies you through this pain-ridden world and you allow your eyes to close, basking in the moment and thankful for his existence.
For even in the darkest of times, you feel… at home.
A/N: YAAYY~ My first ever fanfic done and dusted! I’m over here still shakin’ my tea, but also super proud to create something for you Dangerous Fellows fans! Please don’t forget to reblog, credit us and show the blog some loveee <3 
Thanks so much for reading!
x mod luna
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spoopynoodlesseren · 6 years
Got bored so i did a little doodle of eugene in dangerous fellow cause i've been playing it.
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bloodredsakura-blog · 6 years
Lawrence X reader
It's been almost a week since the zombies came in and attacked us. Lawrence still doesn't care about the others. What if they survived? What if they are looking for us? Since Lawrence brought me here he's been smiling none stop I just want to be with the others again. All of us together smiling,laughing, singing, dancing the like. I miss everyone. "Goodmorning my love" he said slowly as he circled around me "sleep well?" I just stayed quiet, I didn't want to answer him. I looked away but he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him "what is with this silent treatment sweetie? Are you not happy? We have food, warmth,  each other. There is nothing else we need." I wanted to leave. I miss Harry, I miss Ethan, I miss Zion, I miss Eugene, I miss everyone. Judy... what happened to you? I believe Lawrence did something "honey..." oh no he sounds annoyed he has never had this tone with me ever. "Talk to me" I just stayed quiet "Talk to me!!" I wanted to cry "w-w-what" I chocked out. I wanted to leave "ah there is that beautiful voice" he smiles. Moving behind me and hugging me. "You need to speak more. How can I make you happy of you to speak?" I looked a way from him. "If you wanted me to be happy you would of saved the others too" I whispered but he seemed to of heard me "oh my love they would have stopped us being together. I can't have that. They were just pawns in this game." "Please stop this Lawrence.." my voice was kind of raspy. Whenever Lawrence wasn't around I would cry and cry. I just want to be with everyone in the safe zone. Why is Lawrence doing this? Why did he do it? He said it was because of when we met but I don't know what he is talking about. I treat everyone nicely. Could of that been my downfall? The times we were on patrol or night watch he seemed so nice. A little strange sometimes but nice. I guess one of the first signs was when he killed that man.... "But my queen we are in our own castle is there any need to leave? I said this before... we have everything we need right hear." His grip tightened on me and I felt every bit of my remaining emotions slip away from me. It was hell and I was never leaving.
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chesirecatwaltz · 6 years
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