bigglesworld · 2 years
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Airco DH.9. Biplane bomber that first flew in 1917. This aircraft was built and crashed in 1918
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madeofcc · 28 days
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DH MELODIA CHAP 9 : Time to say good-bye
Main Page / Previous / Epilogue
[transcript below the cut]
HIRO : Oh … You're already here
LEE : Yeah … So … You wanted to talk right ?
HIRO : I guess both of us know what this is about huh …
LEE : I think so … I'm …
HIRO : I'm sorry Leïla … I know it's been years but I don't think I'm ready to change … I mean, not in the way you want me to at least …
LEE : I don't want you to change Hiro. All I wanted during our relationship was to be there for you, to help you moving on you know …
HIRO : I know Lee but I don't need a second mom ! HE STOPS . I'm sorry … Let's not have another fight tonight, I'm exhausted …
LEE : Me too … Today, I couldn't stop thinking about us and you're right . I can't be your mom nor your girlfriend anymore … It's like I need to deal with myself now ? I don't know how to explain it …
HIRO : We're growing up so I can understand. We have lived so many adventures together I don't want to see us destroying one another. Your powers are way more powerfull than our love I guess …
LEE : I guess so ...
HIRO : I still think that you're my bestfriend you know … Even if your powers scare me sometimes ...
LEE : Hiro … Have you been with another girl tonight ?
LEE : Asshole !
HIRO : How do you know ? I mean, nothing really happened okay ?
LEE : I can smell her all over you ! SHE STARTS TO BURN FROM INSIDE, FLAMES COMING OUT OF HER BODY ! Guys … I swear, you're all the same !
HIRO : LEE ! CALM DOWN ! I know I've been a dick doing that, I was drunk and I'm sorry but please, try to calm down babe, you're going out of control
LEE : Don't ever call me babe again !!! You know what ?! I'm actually glad this is over !
HIRO : Leïla calm down ! The house is on fire !!!! DESTINY !!!!
AÏSSA : What the fuck ?!!!
DES : It's Leïla …
AÏSSA : It must be the spell !
DES : We have to calm her down !
AÏSSA : We have to go Destiny !
DES : No ! I'm not going to leave her here !
AÏSSA : She's a potential bomb ! What the fuck to you want to do ?!
DES : We have to wake her now ! HIRO !!! Are you okay ?
HIRO : I am ! She's out of control Destiny !
DES : It's the spell Hiro ! You have to calm her down !
AÏSSA : The fire is coming to us Des we have to go now !!!
DES : HIRO ! Do anything you can to save her okay ?!
HIRO : I'll try my best Destiny !
DES : Aaaaargh !!! Okay !
DESTINY LOOKS AT THE HOUSE ON FIRE : Fuck … Leïla what have you done ?
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alsosprachvelociraptor · 11 months
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Morioh gang, 20 years later
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akkivee · 9 months
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he’s so friend shaped lol 😭😭😭
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thechildisgone · 1 year
desperate housewives was the perfect suggestion for a silly show to binge thank u @californiagoddess for the tip
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zibanejad · 11 months
love to see tweets that start with “for the first time in yankees history” and my immediate reaction is “oh god how did they embarrass themselves this time”
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legofrans · 1 year
Oh goddamn this is absolutely Ambriel Gaming.
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spilladabalia · 1 year
Hammerhead - Brest
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preacherpollard · 1 month
If You See Something, Say Something
Landon Bryant Most of us have probably heard this phrase at one time or another in our life’s journey. This slogan was originally coined by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY MTA) in response to the 9/11 attacks. Later, it was adopted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). For many this slogan brings about feelings of patriotism, but for some there isn’t much meaning…
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wombocombo4x3 · 3 months
Sweet Baby Inc. Defenders Attack kson And Other "Ugly Japanese Mistakes"
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ieneira · 9 months
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i hate this game so much sometimes
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Welcome to the first bracket of US Government Agencies! This is being run by the mod of @centers-for-disease-control. Also, I am aware a couple of these technically are not government agencies, but this is just a silly tumblr bracket.
Tag list:
#mx gov speaks: me just talking, feel free to filter this tag if you just want the polls
#actual polls: just the polls minus round 1a because I didn’t implement this until after I posted those polls
#tumblr polls: talking about polls and the polls
#government agencies: talking about the agencies
#brackets: people’s personal brackets and the polls
Below we have the set up for round one:
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Round One A: ENDED ON FEBRUARY 22nd AT 9:30 AM EST
Nasa vs ICE winner: NASA
USPS vs MSHS winner: USPS
DEA vs NARA winner: NARA
DHS vs FDA winner: FDA
USGS vs DOC winner: USGS
Air Force vs USDA winner: USDA
NPS vs Navy winner: NPS
AMTRAK vs DOJ winner: Amtrak
DOL vs DOT winner: DOT
VA vs Coast Guard winner: VA
OSHA vs DOI winner: OSHA
FBI vs CIA winner: FBI
Army vs ED winner: ED
NIH vs IRS winner: NIH
DOE vs BIA winner: DOE
DOS vs CDC winner: CDC
Round One B: ENDS ON FEBRUARY 24th AT 7:00 PM EST
DODEA vs EPA winner: EPA
EEOC vs Smithsonian winner: Smithsonian
GSA vs FAA winner: FAA
The Fed vs NOAA winner: NOAA
DARPA vs FTC winner: FTC
SSA vs FEC winner: SSA
Marines vs CSB winner: CSB
ODWC vs LACounty winner: ODWC
NSF vs Mitre winner: NSF
BLS vs NLRB winner: NLRB
CFPB vs PHS winner: PHS
Census vs Secret Service winner: Census
WPA vs NIST winner: NIST
NPR vs Draft winner: NPR
Round 2 is schedule to be posted at 8 AM EST on February 25th and end at 8AM EST on February 26th
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itznarcotic · 1 year
not me realizing how scuffed my auto runs for dosolles holiday are bc they're designed to function on a shitty phone and me now playing arknights on a far better phone has made them jank af due to how frames work in this game
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nationallawreview · 2 years
DHS May Make Form I-9 Flexibility a Fixture
DHS May Make Form I-9 Flexibility a Fixture
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced it is considering changes to the Form I-9 documentation examination procedures. As human resources teams know, the remote workplace that became common during the COVID-19 pandemic made an already complicated I-9 process a logistical nightmare. With the U.S. government’s declaration of a national emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, DHS and…
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tragedy-of-commons · 2 months
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lay your life down and pretty
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various hsr x gn!reader | wc: ~2k
In which you die (or they've already lost you).
tags/warnings: character death (reader), it's implied in dh's part but explicit and semi-graphic in hanya's, descriptions of mara and the insanity that comes with it, hardcore angst, hurt no comfort, there may be Lore Inaccuracies
notes: this was originally supposed to be four parts. i'm sorry it's only two but it's just been uhhh... hope you enjoy & thanks for the incredible support lately <3
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Dan Heng makes the best pancakes.
You’ve expressed this undeniable fact to his face multiple times, louder in their progression just to see the tips of his ears burn that endearing red. These declarations are reserved for breakfast. At this time you also chide him for trying to weasel his way out of eating the most important meal of the day!
And he’d sigh, letting you hound him about food options until he’d crack under the weight of your grin and end up mixing batter at 7:30 in the morning.
(“I tried flipping them in the air once and the pancake slapped me in the face,” you’d regaled, head resting idly on your fist.
Dan Heng stared into the black of the skillet. “...Somehow, I don’t doubt it.”
“And just what is that supposed to mean?” you huffed.
He almost let not-quite laugh slip then, but because of his stuck-uppery, he just managed to look peeved. “I would appreciate it if you passed me the butter.”)
Instead it is around 9:00 in the morning, and Dan Heng is alone. 
He’d stayed up late the night before doing some reading, causing him to oversleep and rush the process today. He’s almost burned his hand on the stove eye twice, nearly dropped an egg on the floor, and has just narrowly avoided burning the batch. Dan Heng is not clumsy (not like you were), and he is painfully aware that he is late.
After he plates the food, the oven clock reads 9:19. He gathers everything, including two sets of utensils and one awkward wad of napkins - before setting the table by heart. Your plate goes in front of the chair closest to the window, and his goes in front of the one adjacent to yours. 
The rhythm of distributing each item eventually leaves him with empty hands. Everything is ready, but there is still something colossal missing from the scene.
Dan Heng stares hard at your empty seat before taking his own. 
The pancakes are blackened around the edges, but it’s nothing a good heaping portion of syrup can’t fix, and the smell that wafts upward is sweet and inviting. The sun’s rays shining in from the outside world paint the kitchen in flecks of light that occasionally catch on his arm when he brings his fork to his mouth.
Resigned, his silverware clatters noisily to the table.
“I’m sorry,” he breathes, “I’m sorry that I was late.”
Predictably, there’s no response. Dan Heng’s throat feels like it’s closing up on him, and the syrup definitely isn’t helping. He dabs his mouth with his napkin for a good long while.
He is sorry. It wasn’t enough that he’d stayed up late the night before, but that he deliberately kept glancing at the clock and counting the hours until daylight arrived - reminding himself that if he drifted off, the next day would come much sooner.
He isn’t the type to procrastinate either. Even when you’re not here anymore, you seem to have a profound effect on his character. Dan Heng pinches the bridge of his nose. The sound of his voice echoing off the walls of the lonely kitchen is unwelcome. “Happy birthday.”
It’s strained, imperfect, and painful; which only serves to remind him of your insistence on celebrating his birthday as well. You had practically prostrated yourself at his feet, begging him to let you fuss over him - even if it made his vision hazy and palms sweaty. He needs to return the favor, even if the mere idea of another important date passing him up without you makes him want to hide.
So here he is. 
Here he is, floundering terribly, missing you terribly, loving you terribly. Dan Heng wrenches his hand from its secure position in his lap to drum on the table.
“I got you something,” he says. “I… I didn’t know which color you’d prefer more, so…”
You’d tease him into an early grave if you were able to see the knitted oven mitt he’d picked out over two months ago. It’s an almost hideous shade of teal that he’s sure you’d love, especially since you forced him to bake with you regularly.
(He was shopping with March 7th when he’d seen it and then reflexively dumped it into his basket. His companion only asked him if he was planning on using it as kindling for the fireplace.)
Dan Heng closes his eyes and slides it over to your placement. For a second, he almost fools himself into thinking you might magically appear to brush fingers when you accept the gift with a bright smile. He has no such luck.
Your breakfast is getting colder, and there’s nothing to be done today; his friends, as much as he can say he appreciates them - also meddle quite a bit. His schedule was mysteriously cleared up and he was gently encouraged to go home and take the day off. The feeling of three pairs of eyes drilling holes into his back as he complied was a bit too potent to be coincidental.
So he sits there and pretends he’s eating with you for as long as he can. The stutters in the familiar rhythm that comes with today are things he can smooth out over time, even if it feels like a betrayal to you. You would never see it like that, which is why he can even live in a home without you in it at all.
(The oven mitt rests beside your full plate until the afternoon, because he cannot bring himself to clean up just yet. He doesn’t think he’ll ever be ready to.)
Dan Heng is not a man who can afford to hope, but he’s already been in debt since the moment of his birth. If just one of his prayers is granted, he hopes it’s the one he runs through his mind every night:
In the next life, please let us cross paths again. And if there’s room for it, please let me love you for as long as I can.
He’s never been one for optimism, but it’s all he looks forward to.
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Hanya’s hands cradle the expanse of your face.
Her fingers ghost over any healthy glow remaining in your cheeks. You’re slipping, rightfully so, but does it make her a monster if she wants to claw and rifle through the sands of time to search for any universe where you were spared from this cruel fate?
(She thinks it does.)
You can’t get the words out, but there’s a resigned film that glazes over your eyes - one that tells her that she needn’t lie about where you’ll be going. Your mouth forms silent syllables punctuated by wheezes that will surely send her careening under the depths of the unconscious at record speed.
“Han.. ya,” you croak, “Stay.”
“I will,” she promises, because she needs to - over and over, until you remember it always, even when you’re gone. Even when you’re suffering through the last moments of your fledgling life. “I will remain here.”
Her duty as a Judge of the Ten-Lords Commission is to oversee life and death on the Xianzhou. When Hanya drifts aimlessly like a spectre between inky darkness and blinding daylight, it has occasionally struck her that one day she might have to oversee yours.
Presently, your mind is being swallowed by the maw of mara, a madness that she’s all too familiar with; faced with her dull countenance, she must have witnessed thousands succumb to the fate of infernal life. 
“D-Don’t cry,” you beseech. There isn’t much time until you’re no longer Hanya’s secret reprieve, but instead a writhing abomination - and she only has herself to blame. Had she not embraced you so tightly, would you be free of this curse? Would you still be smiling and dragging her by the hand through Exalting Sanctum?
“I will not send you there,” she breathes, “You are not deserving of—”
The agonizing cry you let out next is still beautiful. Even now you can mitigate the emptiness that’s dug its claws in her heart so deep that it’s become symbiotic with the organ. However, instead of the empty, Hanya feels its distant relative: the pins and needles. The hollow white noise crackles until she’s pierced with an arsenal of skeletal knives.
She could take it, and she would take it, if it meant that you weren’t about to die and then awaken again as a monster that desecrates the very concept of you.
She releases your now matching tear-stricken cheeks before seizing both of your arms. The thrashing has crept in, meaning that there isn’t much time before you start sprouting leaves and weeds like a statue abandoned by its devotees. 
A sharp inhale through clenched teeth. “You have… to. M’gonna hurt—” you convulse in her grasp, “—somebody...”
Of course you’re worrying about others right now. Kindness is a relic of the past that you’ve somehow managed to exhume, restore to its full glory, and gift to Hanya like she deserves to touch others’ lives in the same way you have. 
Every shopkeep knows your name, face, voice, and smile. Your warmth is infectious - even before she knew you in person, she knew of you by word of mouth. Xueyi had told her that the reason Huohuo was so resolute in her duties lately was because of “the person who defeated a bunch of reprobate hooligan bullies tormenting her”. 
If her big sister held you in high regard, she figured you were one she wouldn’t mind exchanging greetings with if you ever crossed paths. However, the thing about you is that you always give more than you take; you too eventually gave her your smile over tea, your opinion on her writing, and a perspective from the light she usually only smothers upon first contact. 
It seems that it was just a matter of time before Hanya extinguished you.
“You are not ready,” she begs pitifully, “You are not!”
She knows it’s never about being ready. Bad things always happen to good people - to sons, daughters, friends, big sisters, and lovers.
The word is foreign on the tip of her tongue. It’s strange to be actualized and even stranger to ascribe that label to your relationship, but Hanya doesn’t know what else to think when the knives stab her over and over to the elegy of I love you, I love you, I love you.
The trek from Fyxestroll Garden to the Alchemy Commission is sizable. The Dragon Lady could see you and do her best, but she’s seen where that’s led; best efforts gone to waste, inconsolable loved ones given false hope because they were too stubborn to let go.
Is that what she is? Too stubborn to let you go, even when she’s brought this karma upon you?
(Yes, something ugly whispers, this is your penance. Now it’s theirs too.)
“I...” you let out a strangled groan, and when your chest jerks upwards, it barely registers that you brush your lips against hers. There’s tears and snot everywhere, and you’re getting stronger - too strong for her to hold. Hanya’s forearms ache with the strain as gingko leaves begin to ravage your humanity and rip you apart.
The transformation process is cruel, but she promised to remain by your side. Twigs protrude from your neck, nestled between thorny brambles that poke and prod. You are not a Cloud Knight, so your screams aren’t muffled by armor - or muted by the numbness she feels when dealing with other cases. 
It’s too real, it’s too much, and it’s not enough.
Drowned out by the previous mantra of I love you, the background vocals of I’m so sorry peter off into whispers that are soon lost among the sickening squelch of Xueyi’s blade cutting through you in one clean motion. The tip of the sword rests over Hanya’s heart, stained with your blood.
“...That’s not them anymore,” her sister says. It’s off-kilter, the way her brow is furrowed in a silent apology.
One can only hope.
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taglist: @flower-yi, @moineauz, @aphrodict, @nomazee
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four2andnew · 11 months
Canon Couples and the Random Heights I Assigned Them
Just because I recently re-read this post and it's on my mind. Here's what I think these canon couples' final heights came to be and some justifications behind my thought process, as well as some headcanons. Let's start with my OTP -
Harry (6'1") and Ginny (5'0")
I'm kinda obsessed with the idea that 17yo Harry being the same height as his 21yo deceased father would grow just a couple more inches
Ginny being 5ft fits with her being the noticeably "smallest one" in the DoM during OOTP and with Harry being able to easily look over her head during the infamous First Kiss scene in HBP, putting her head at chest height of Harry (as of HBP)
Ginny is the only one who knows about Harry's petty satisfaction when he ran into Draco Malfoy some years after the war and realized he had continued to grow and Malfoy hadn't
James (5'11") and Lily (5'8")
Because they're both tall enough to be considered "tall", but not the kind of tall that is shocking
Lily being 5'8" makes her tall enough to have to look down at 14yo Harry in the graveyard scene of GOF
Ron (6'5") and Hermione (5'8")
In order for Fred and George to be "shorter and stockier" than 14yo Ron, but still slightly over 6ft so as to shrink to 5'11" in DH, I have to assume Ron's final height came to be one that most people would put in the "Holy shit you're tall" category
I know I'm going to get shouted at for Hermione's height, because she's never described as particularly tall in the books HOWEVER she's never described as particularly short either, just shorter than Harry
This 9 inch height difference give Ron & Hermione the perfect height difference for Ron to comfortably rest his chin on her head without having to hunch over awkwardly like Harry does with Ginny, so I'm sticking to it
Arthur (5'11") and Molly (4'11")
I know the movies made Arthur short and round, but he was described as thin in the books and all the Weasley boys wind up being pretty tall, so they had to get that from somewhere.
Molly is consistently described as short and dumpy throughout the series, and while Ginny is often compared to Molly physically, I just like the idea that Ginny managed to grow that extra inch that Molly never did.
Draco (6'0") and Astoria (5'11")
we know in DH Draco was slightly taller than Harry at the Malfoy Manor scene (p.457, U.S. edition of DH), so if we assume the like linked post above that Harry was 5'11" during DH, then I'd put Draco at 6 foot.
we literally know nothing about Astoria (CC doesn't count), but I picked 5'11" because it is the curse of all tall women to wind up with men roughly the same height
Lucius (5'10") and Narcissa (5'10")
we know Harry and Narcissa are the same height in HBP, so I put her at 5'10"
correct me if I'm wrong, but Lucius is never described as particularly tall, while Narcissa is. And of course, tall for a woman is average for a man. I put Lucius to be around around the same height as Narcissa because I just don't see Lucius' personality allowing him to be with a woman taller than himself.
also, see the curse of tall women above
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