Latvijas Radio 2  un Fonda Nāc līdzās! sadarbībā tapusi jau piektā audio grāmata – CD ar 28 latviešu tautas teikām. Iepriekšējos gados ierakstītas Annas Sakses „Pasakas par ziediem”, Imanta Ziedoņa „Blēņas un pasakas”, „Latviešu tautas pasakas” un Kārļa Skalbes pasakas.
Jaunākā audiogrāmata aicina ielūkoties  mūsu tautas teiku un nostāstu pasaulē. Gan teikas, gan pasakas ierunājuši Fonda Nāc līdzās! jaunieši un bērni, kā arī Latvijas Radio darbinieki un viņu bērni. Visi ierakstītie audio diski pirmkārt ir dāvana tiem, kas paši nevar lasīt un, protams, arī visiem, kas grib ieklausīties no sirds stāstītās teikās un pasakās. Tradicionāli diskus dāvinām Latvijas neredzīgo bibliotēkām, Latvijas Nacionālajai bibliotēkai un Bērnu klīniskās slimnīcas “Saulaino dienu stūrītis” bibliotēkai, kā arī aicinām klausīties LR2 mājas lapā un populārākajās podkāstu straumēšanas vietnēs.
Nosūtīt ziņu
6. janvāris 2022, 17:24
Rumzas pilsPasakas
6. janvāris 2022, 17:22
Rēzeknes pilsPasakas
6. janvāris 2022, 17:20
Talsu pilskalnsPasakas
Raidījuma ieraksti
Rumzas pils 1
6. janvāris, 2022
Rēzeknes pils
6. janvāris, 2022
Talsu pilskalns
6. janvāris, 2022
Cēsu pils teika
6. janvāris, 2022
Par veco Dundagas pili
6. janvāris, 2022
Kā Kokneses pils celta
6. janvāris, 2022
Mežotnes pilskalns 1
6. janvāris, 2022
6. janvāris, 2022
Kā Latgales ceļi radušies
6. janvāris, 2022
Turaidas roze
6. janvāris, 2022
Unguras baznīca
6. janvāris, 2022
6. janvāris, 2022
Lielauces ezera dzīvnieks
6. janvāris, 2022
Babītes ezers
6. janvāris, 2022
Lubānas ezers
6. janvāris, 2022
Alauksts, Inesis un viņu salas
6. janvāris, 2022
Kangaru kalni
6. janvāris, 2022
Kā Velns taisīja ceļu uz Sāmsalu
6. janvāris, 2022
6. janvāris, 2022
6. janvāris, 2022
6. janvāris, 2022
Kā Venta cēlusies
6. janvāris, 2022
Kā Ogre cēlusies
6. janvāris, 2022
Gauja un Tirza
6. janvāris, 2022
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Latvijas Radio 5 DJ skolas 2023 konkursa nolikums
Konkursa “Latvijas Radio 5 Eksperimentālais podkāsts” nolikums
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subconsciousimagism · 2 years
Zīmējums ar vārdiem part 2
Akls kakls kropļu sanāksme cirku paradīze pavasara dieviete šausmas drausmas pasaule mīksta smiltis dirsā apsisties papisties dura stulbā mauka kultā skola rītā darbiņš jāmīl kliedzošās vardes lidojošie lāči atnāc pakaļ savam parkam sakarīgs bezsakars atbildes sarakstītas jautājumi uzdoti melni velni apēd zvaigzni mamma sita mamasita puta putina žurkas lutina acis ciet visi zviedz bikses nost pirksti ieslīd neko nesajuti manī iekšā tukša dvēsele sasvīdušas acis ā nē asariņas
Paga, ātri aizskriešu pakaļ spainīšiem, piepildīšu un aiznesīšu kaķiem laukā
Zirneklis miseklis piseklis dirseklis kriteklis
Aaaaaaaaaaatkaaaaal gaaaaaaismaa atstaaataa iesleeegtaaa
Atkal ar netiram pedam gultaaaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaac
Melni velni velni melni melni velni velni melni
Ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch
Un tagad visi kristieši paceļat savus krustus, kustaties ritmā un sekojiet līdzi Jēzum, šovakar tas ir mūsu īpašais DJ.
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gavanaanaya · 5 years
Scandinavian Music Expo i Göteborg nu på lördag!
Scandinavian Music Expo i Göteborg nu på lördag!
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Vi ser verkligen fram emot Scandinavian Music Expo nu på lördag på Brewhouse i Göteborg. Som vanligt deltar vi med en monter hela dagen 12-19 för vår bok DJ-liv som man kan köpa på plats till ett bra pris. Tillsammans med grymma Martina Menforshåller vi också i en DJ-workshop för tjejer kl 15-16. Det finns endast 8 platser och anmälan tar vi i vår bokmonter. Direkt efter detta har vi arrangerat…
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changingourdestiny · 4 years
Season of the Hunt Part 3: Taking a Breather
After a day of hunting, Crow invites Paralight to the Empty Tank bar for drinks where they run into Tif and House Light. There, they are also introduced to Tif’s girlfriend: Azara.
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Previous Part: Here
Next Part: Here
“Ugh…I’m never gonna be able to get that taste outta my mouth…” Crow and Fireteam Paralight re-entered the workshop. They had been hunting the wrathborns for a few weeks now with their search expanding to the Dreaming City. Blaze was groaning as piece of Hive guts got in her mouth during a hunt. “That’s what you get for not wearing a helmet.” Crow chuckled, leaning against the workbench. “Yeah, laugh it up, birdbrain!” Blaze glared, but with a small smile on her face. Blaze and Crow had developed a friendly rivalry during their few weeks together, which mainly involved them showing off to each other and ribbing each other. “Don’t mind him.” Glint popped out of Crow’s hood, “He’s just using your experience to make himself feel better about the Ogre incident.” “Glint!” “Ohoho! I wanna hear this!” Blaze grinned, eager to hear this story. “Ok, so we were hunting an Ogre and in the middle of the fight, he stops and asks, ‘If it shoots from its eyes, how the hell does it see?’ right before being blasted into a nearby rock.” “Oh my stars!” Blaze laughed. “It gets better!” Glint chuckled, “That was his fourteenth death that day!” Crow’s face turned a dark violet as he tried to hide it with his hood. “Don’t worry about it too much.” Blaze chuckled, calming down a bit, “I could write a novel of embarrassing things that happened to me when I was a Kinderguardian.” “She’s not overexaggerating either!” Firefly piped up. “Also, if you’re still curious,” Rae began, “Ogres are blind. They use hearing and smell to get around and locate enemies. Learned that back when we had a stealth mission aboard a Hive ship. If they can’t hear or see you, they can still smell you. Which can make stealth missions a pain.” “That’s actually really useful to know.” Crow jotted the information down in what seemed like a small notepad on his workbench. Blaze peered over his shoulder, “What’s that?” “I use this to take notes about enemies and fighting strategies.” Crow explained, “I figured if I’m going to be working with experienced Guardians such and you three and Osiris, I might as well learn something from it.” “Wow, your notes are neater than Blaze’s!” Rae laughed. “As long as I can read them, they’re fine!” Blaze stuck her tongue out at Rae who returned the gesture. Crow chuckled, “Well, I don’t know about you, but I could use a break. Anyone care to join me at the Empty Tank?” “What’s the Empty Tank?” Adam asked. “An Eliksni bar next to the lair. It’s owned by House Dusk, but members the Spider’s faction are welcome there.” “It also has a fighting pit, but I doubt anyone is currently in the mood for that.” Glint added. “Nah. My joints are a little sore from that last hunt.” Rae replied. “Now you really are starting to sound like an Old Light.” Crow chuckled. “Which is kinda funny considering she’s the youngest of us in Guardian years.” Blaze added. “Ok, ok. You can make fun of me later.” Rae rolled her eyes, “Let’s head out.”
As they entered the nightclub, a few Fallen went for their weapons but stopped upon seeing Crow with them and went back to what they were doing previously. “Looks like a lot of the Eliksni here respect you.” “They think getting on my good side will get them on Spider’s. It wont but I respect them.” Crow explained, “As for the other houses that show up, they’d rather enjoy their drinks than start trouble. If any other Guardian entered here, they’d probably be met with gunfire. But since you’re with me, they don’t care too much.” Rae glanced about the bar in curiosity when something stood out to her. Amongst a group of Fallen in yellow and red armour was a familiar human with dark brown hair and dark skin. “Tif?” Rae’s voice was barely audible over the noise of the bar. Tif looked up and their eyes lit up upon seeing Fireteam Paralight, “Oh my gosh, hi!” Tif practically jumped from their seat and enveloped Rae in a tackle-hug, “It’s great to see you guys again! What are you doing here?” “Dealing with the wrathborns. Crow brought us here to take a breather.” Rae explained. “Oh yeah! We heard some of Spider’s members talk about that. I feel really bad for the Eliksni trapped by Xivu Arath.” Tif then motioned to where their group was sitting, “Come sit with us!” “Sure!” Rae smiled before motioning to Crow, “By the way, this is Crow. He’s a new Lightbearer.” “Hiya! I’m Captain Tifawt Kariuki of House Light, but you can call me Tif.” Tif grinned. “The Lightborn Captain?” Crow asked. “You’ve heard of me?” “Spider talked about the House of Light a couple of times. Mentioned a Guardian who served as one of their Captains.” “That’s me!” Paralight and Crow sat at the table where Mithrax and some other members of House Light were. “Good to see you again, Mithrax.” “Greeting, Rae.” Mithrax replied. “So, what brings you guys here?” Blaze asked. Tif was about to answer when the music began to quiet down. Tif grinned excitedly, “You’ll see!”
As the bar went quiet, a young woman approached the DJ stand with a guitar. She had tanned skin, amber eyes and long brown hair that faded into a dark red and gold on one of her bangs. She wore a red, orange and gold poncho, that was longer towards the back, over brown, black and gold leather armour with matching boots. She also had very familiar markings on her face. She tuned her guitar before leaning towards the mic, “Velask, everyone. Good to be back on the Shore. I have a new one for you tonight: it’s a parody of an old pre-golden age song from humanity and I’ve rewritten the lyrics to fit one of humanity’s heroes.” That’s when her eyes landed on Rae, “And it looks like she’s here tonight. Hope ya enjoy it.” She took a deep breath before beginning to play.
“When a captain small, Graced a ride along, With Rae of Paralight, Along came this song. For when the Dragon fought, Skolas, Kell of Kells, Her and her Fireteam, At their feet, how he fell. Cabal took the City. Came close to victory. Broke down the walls, And they kicked in their teeth. The Dragon bared her fangs, And Ghaul fell at her feet. The Dragon victorious, She can’t be beat!
Beware of the Dragon, O' system of plenty! O' system of plenty, oh! Beware of the Dragon, O' system of plenty!
In each and every world, She has fought them all: The Vex and the Hive, The Taken and the Scorn. Survived every attack, And then she tossed them back, Deep into the Darkness, From whence they came. She wiped out the pests, Light burning in her chest. Protecting humanity, She’ll never rest. Continue, does this tale. Against Darkness, they’ll prevail. Long live the Paralight, For they’ll never fail!
Beware of the Dragon, O' system of plenty! O' system of plenty, oh! Beware of the Dragon, Protecting humanity! Beware of the Dragon, O' system of plenty! O' system of plenty, oh! Beware of the Dragon, Protecting humanity!
Beware of Paralight, O' system of plenty. O' system of plenty, oh. Beware of Paralight: Saviours of humanity.”
A round of cheers filled the bar as the woman left the DJ booth with her guitar and a vandal took her place, starting back up the music. She walked over to where Fireteam Paralight, Crow, and the House of Light were seated, receiving a few pats on the back from some of the Fallen. “Azzy, that was amazing!” Tif got up and gave her a hug. “Thanks, Tiffy.” She laughed, “I didn’t know Paralight themselves would be here. It’s an honour to meet you.” “It’s an honour to meet you to. And to have a song about us.” Rae smiled, “It’s nice to meet you.” “Wait.” Blaze began, “Tif, is this…?” “Yup! This is my girlfriend: Arcstrider Hunter, Azara Cazadora.” Tif grinned. “Tiffy’s told me a lot about you guys.” Azara began, “That song was based off what they told me about your adventures.” “I’m the captain small.” Tif beamed. “Because you are a smol bean and I love you.” Azara kissed Tif on the head as she sat down, setting her guitar down beside her. “Tif’s told us a bit about you too. Says you came to their rescue several times.” “Aha…it’s nothing that grandiose.” Azara scratched the back of her head sheepishly, a small blush arising, “I just help out as much as I can. Besides, I’d never forgive myself if they got hurt. Not that Tiffy needs protecting. They took down Phylaks by themself for Light’s sake!” At this, a few of the House of Light members cheered and patted Tif on the back. Azara’s attention turned to Blaze who seemed to be staring at her intensely. “Let me guess…the markings, right?” Azara chuckled, “It’s been a while since I met another one of us. Well. One that isn’t trying to kill me or kidnap me.” “What exactly are ‘us’?” Blaze asked, “I know we’re called Phyonysians and we use fire. But aside from that, I’ve been in the dark about everything.” Azara’s expression turned serious for a moment, “I’ll explain eventually, but not here. The walls have ears. Another time.” A relaxed expression returned to her face, “For now, drinks on me! I’m thirsty after that song.” She motioned for the barkeep to send them a round of drinks. A shank floated over to them a moment later with the drinks on its head. Blaze swirled hers a bit before knocking down the drink. Crow smirked as Blaze grimaced at the taste. “Oh, wow.” She groaned, “That’s- yep. That’s strong.” Crow chuckled, “Oh, by the way. This stuff isn’t very smooth.” “No kidding…”
“By the way,” Rae began, “Adam and I won’t be around tomorrow. Adam’s helping Saladin set up the Iron Banner and I’ll probably be getting an earful from him once he finds out about Guardians using Stasis. Which reminds me, Ghost?” Rae held out her hand and Ghost materialised a small card into her hand which she handed to Tif, “You’ll need this from now on.” “What’s this?” Tif asked, taking it and looking it over. “Stasis licence. Since I’ve been appointed Stasis Vanguard now, Zavala’s making me give these out to Guardians I deem fit to wield Stasis. If you use it without one, you could be punished. You’re technically not a registered Guardian but since you’ve worked on missions with us, I thought I should give you one to be safe.” “Ooh! Fancy!” Tif handed the card to Berhane to keep safe. “So, you two won’t be coming tomorrow?” Crow asked. “Unfortunately, not.” Rae replied, “But Blaze should be around if you two want to hunt on your own.” “I’m sure we can handle it.” Blaze grinned. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she doesn’t eat more Hive guts.” Crow smirked. “And I’ll make sure he doesn’t get blasted by an Ogre.” Blaze fired back with a smirk of her own. “Just make sure you two aren’t too busy ribbing each other to deal with the wrathborn.” Rae sighed. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on them.” Glint reassured. “Thanks, Glint.” Unbeknownst to Rae and Adam, something very interesting would transpire while they were away…
To Be Continued…
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lespetitesmusiques · 6 years
Rituel de chaque fin d’année, madeleine-musique...
Ma petite liste est faite des albums, EP, morceaux, moments qui ont marqué ces 12 derniers mois. Aucune règle précise, aucune logique réellement cohérente, j’en ai écouté certains des dizaines de fois, d’autres quasiment pas, j’en ai rien à foutre.
Poing levé pour...
03 Greedo et Ty Dolla $ign, incarcérés pour un petit moment a priori, et qui sont peut-être les meilleurs chanteurs de rap et de rnb actuellement. Alors beaucoup de force à eux...
La fellation de Drake à Kodak Black, et son album, anti rappeur conscient par excellence, qui a plus de conscience politique que la plupart des gens qui nous gouvernent, mais surtout, qui fait cette putain de musique.
Ces russes, à l’alphabet incompréhensible, faisant bugger les moteurs de recherche spotify, qui font de cette musique techno/house quelque chose de passionnants, notamment ceux de Gost Zvuk
KA et ses monologues musicaux sur twitter, qui prêcha le bon rap au moment où j’en avais extrêmement besoin.
Noz, et sa boutique http://parkblvdrecords.com, qui fait ce vrai travail de disquaire, écouter et recommander, sans imposer, travail d’histoire, travail de creuseur... Ca donne presque envie de faire la même chose ici ! Si jamais quelqu’un est chaud...
Discogs, Twitter, forums et toutes ces listes qui s’agrandissent sans jamais se terminer, plus loin que l’Univers en expansion, et qui me font passer le temps à écouter de la musique, lire et creuser.
Frank Ocean, qui a réédité Endless, album sorti la même année que Blonded, cruellement... Parce que Blonded est immense, et que Endless n’est pas loin de l’être aussi. Frank Ocean est vraiment un des plus grands.
Shy Glizzy, qui a sorti son meilleur album à la toute fin de l’année 2017, Quiet Storm, et qui a donc accompagné quasiment toute la première moitié de l’année 2018. C’est certainement ce que j’ai le plus écouté cette année.
RAP, genre supérieur à tout autre.
Positions quasi-interchangeables.
1) SOB x RBE - Gangin’ II 2) Kodak Black - Dying to live 3) Sheck Wes - MUDBOY 4) 03 Greedo - God Level 5) Lil Durk - STTS3 6) Yungeen Ace - Life of Betrayal 7) NBA YoungBoy - Until Death Call My Name 8) Le best-of de Sada Baby 9) SCH - JVLIUS 10) Playboi Carti - Die Lit 11) BlocBoy JB - SIMI 12) Roc Marciano - Behold a dark horse 13) Payroll Giovanni - Big Bossin Vol. 2 14) Koran Streets - Late 20s
Et puis...
ALLBLACK & Kenny Beats - 2 Minute Drills Armand Hammer – Paraffin Black Fortune - OsshRock Blueface - Famous Cryp Chief Keef - Back from the Dead 3 Damso - Lithopédion Drakeo The Ruler - Cold Devil Drego & Beno - Sorry for the get off Earl Sweatshirt - Some Rap Songs G-Herbo - Swervo Hermit and the Recluse (KA) - Orpheus vs. The Sirens Husalah - H Jean Grae & Quelle Chris - Everything's Fine JPEGMAFIA - Veteran Kekra - LAND Kevin Gates - Luca Brasi 3 Meek Mill - Championships Mozzy - Gangland Landlord Peezy - No Hook Pusha T - DAYTONA Rae Sremmurd - SR3MM Rico Nasty - Nasty Roc Marciano - RR2 Saba - CARE FOR ME SahBabii - Squidtastic Shy Glizzy - Fully Loaded Ski Mask the Slump God – Stokeley Smino - NOIR SOB x RBE - Gangin’ Starlito - At WAR With Myself Too Trouble - Edgewood Vince Staples - FM! YBS Skola - Life of a shinner / Only Hope 3 ZMoney - Chiraq Mogul 03 Greedo - The Wolf Of Grape Street  21 Savage - i am > i was 70th Street Carlos - Compile
Mentions honorables : Bossman JD, Cash Kidd, Chief Keef, Chris Crack, City Girls, Co Cash, DaBoii & Yhung to, Glokknine, Goonew, Gunna, Jayo Sama, Lil Baby, Lil Dude, Lil Tre, Lil Yachty, LPB Poody, Lud Foe, Migos, Roddy Rich, SB Rich Noonie, Shoreline Mafia, Soldier Kidd, Trippie Redd, YG, YNW Melly, Young Nudy.
TECHNO/HOUSE, zarbi-catchy-ou-wavy-enough.
AEM Rhythm Cascade (AKA Flaty) - Litie Bavarian Stallion Series De Leon - De Leon DJ Healer - Lost lovesongs (mix) DJ Seinfeld ‎– DJ-Kicks DJ Taye - Still Trippin Don't DJ ‎– All Love Affairs Fail But They Never End Duckett ‎– Emperor's New Clothes Part 1 Heap ‎– The Brasserie Heroique Edits Part 5 Hieroglyphic Being - The red notes Hodge ‎– Beneath Two Moons & Exogenesis INFX ‎– Fences Of Metal Laurel Halo & Hodge - Tru / Opal / The Light Within You  Mori-Ra - Brasserie Heroique Edits Part 6 RP Boo - I’ll tell You What! Ross From Friends ‎– Family Portrait Via Maris - Glow Wall / CU2 | Shelleys  VA - Patina Echoes
Et puis...
Against All Logic - 2012 - 2017 DJ Earl - W3rk Dat DJ Lilocox ‎– Paz & Amor DJ Nigga Fox - Crânio Facta - Dumb Hummer / All the time Jay Glass Dubs - The Safest Dub Jamal Moss ‎– The Anticipatory Organization Joy O & Ben Vince - Transition 2 Joy O - 81b EP Kilchhofer ‎– The Book Room Laksa - Delicates & The Amala Trick Laurel Halo - Raw Silk Uncut Wood Loidis ‎– A Parade, In The Place I Sit, The Floating World (& All Its Pleasures) Niagara ‎– Apologia Oli XL ‎– Stress Junkie / Mimetic Peggy Gou ‎– Once Ploy - Ramos Skee Mask - Compro Theo Parrish - Preacher's Comin / Gullah Geechee Topdown Dialectic ‎– Topdown Dialectic VA - Cong Burn Yu Su - Preparations For Departure
Mentions honorables : Berceuse Heroique et affiliés, Fit Of Body, Dolo Percussion, Gábor Lázár, Principe records et affiliés, Puerto Rican Space Program, Shelley Parker, Thomas Fehlmann & Terrence Dixon, Toma Kami, Traxman, Zuli, тпсб et autres soviets.
RNB, donnant-envie-de-chanter-à-tue-tête.
1) 6Lack - East Atlanta Love Letter 2) Brent Faiyaz - LOST 3) Jeremih & Ty Dolla $ign - MihTy
Doja Cat - Amala Don Toliver - Donny Womack Ella Mai - Ella Mai Fatima - and yet, it's all love Jacquees – 4275 Jorja Smith - Lost & Found Kali Uchis - Isolation Noname - Room 25 Swae Lee - Swaecation Tirzah - Devotion
AUTRES MUSIQUES, passionnante-ou-dérangeante-assez.
1) Autechre - NTS Sessions 2) Yves Tumor - Safe in the Hands of Love. 3) Oneohtrix Point Never - Age Of 4) Various - Uneven Paths: Deviant Pop From Europe 1980-1991
Dean Blunt - Muggy Vol. 1 Eli Keszler - Stadium Elysia Crampton - Elysia Crampton Iglooghost - Clear Tamei & Steel Mogu Jlin - Autobiography (Music From Wayne McGregor's Autobiography) Kamaal Williams - The Return Kareem Lotfy - QTT10 Lolina - The Smoke Lonnie Holley - Mith Mohammad Reza Mortazavi - Focus Pendant (aka Huerco S) - Make Me Know You Sweet Pontiac Streator & Ulla Straus - Chat Rosalía - El Mal Querer Sarah Davachi - Let the night come on bells end the day Sons of kemet - Your Queen Is A Reptile ...Mais bon, la liste de ce que j’aurais voulu écouter encore, est toujours plus longue que ce que je viens d’écrire. Malgré tout, elle est chaque année de plus en plus courte, et cette année encore fut la meilleure année musicale de ma vie
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sisilafami · 7 years
Same as every year.
Kodak Black - Project Baby 2 All Grown Up & my compilation of his loosies
Playboi Carti - Playboi Carti
FMB DZ - Washington DZ
SahBabii - S.A.N.D.A.S.
Quelle Chris - Being You Is Great, I Wish I Could Be You More Often
Chief Keef - Thot breaker / Two Zero One Seven / Dedication
Meek Mill - the right mix of songs from Wins and Losses & Meekend Music ep’s
Famous Dex - Adex Twin
Goldlink - At What Cost
Tee Grizzley - My Moment
Payroll Giovanni - Payface
SOB X RBE - s/t
Mozzy - 1 Up Top Ahk
Mozzy & Gunplay - Dreadlocks & Headshots
Keydo - FunkLYFE 3
Smino - Blkswn
Tay-K - Santana World
Peezy  - Winter Grind
And then,
1WayFrank - Sunland Stunna
21 Savage, Offset & Metro Boomin - Without Warning
21 Savage - Issa
70th Street Carlos - BANG 2
Armand Hammer - Rome
Ball Greezy - Bae Day
Big Quis - MTV2
Cuban Doll - Aaliyah Keef
Daboii - Young Wild Nigga
DrakeO The Ruler - Cold Devil
Future - the right mix of songs from FUTURE & HNDRXX
Ice Billion Berg - Rare Is Real / I Never Lied
Kendrick Lamar - DAMN
Lil Durk - Love Songs For The Streets
Migos - Culture
Mulatto Beats - 22 Summers
OMB Shawniebo - Problem Child Dreams Of A Normal Life
Rich The Kid - Rich Forever 3
Rico Nasty - Sugar Trap 2
Shy Glizzy - Quiet Storm / Jefe - The World Is Yours
Starlito - GetthOut
Thouxanbanfauni - Heavy Weight Champ
Trouble -16
Valee & ChaseTheMoney - VTM
Ybs Skola - Only Hope
Young Nudy - Nudy Life
Young Thug & Carnage - Young Martha EP
ZMoney & ChaseTheMoney - ZTM
Honorable mention:
03 Greedo / Ca$h Out / Johnny Cinco / Koly P / Lil Durk & Lil Reese / Lucki Ecks / Lud Foe / Smokepurpp / Sniper Gang / UnoTheAactivist / Yo Gotti & Mike Will
Brent Faiyaz - Sonder Son
Kehlani - SweetSexySavage
Ty Dolla $ign - Beach House 3
Syd - Fin
Kelela - Take Me Apart
Digital Beats:
Jana Rush - Pariah
Sinjin Hawke - First Opus
Percentius - 0%
Iglooghost - Neō Wax Bloom
Various - Firma Do Txiga
Equiknoxx - Colón Man
DJ Earl - Meditate On Bass
DJ Nigga Fox - 15 Barras
Various - Guarapo! Forty Bangers From Barranquilla
Basic Rhythm - The Basics
DJ Tre - The Underdogg EP
Digital Bliss :
Lorenzo Senni - XAllegroX \ The Shape Of Trance To Come
Ryuichi Sakamoto - async
Various - Mono No Aware
Autechre - JNSN CODE GL16 \ spl47
Kara-Lis Coverdale - Grafts
Palta - Universel
Klaus - Cry Tuff Gus Bela
HKE - Dragon Soul
D.K. / S.K.
Visible Cloaks - Reassemblage / Lex
Aclds - Fuadain Liesmas
Inventing Masks - 2nd
Pop? :
Taylor Swift - Reputation
Bjork - Utopia
Laurel Halo - Dust
Dean Blunt & Johanne Robertson - Wahalla
Contemporary Composition, Improvisation and all that good stuff:
Luís Antero - Sound Places-Serra do Açor Vol. 1 / 3 Mountains
John Cage - Klang Der Wandlungen
Kate Carr - From A Wind Turbine To Vultures (And Back)
Moniek Darge - Sacred Balinese Soundies, Mauro's Song
Sarah Davachi - All My Circles Run
Benedict Drew - Estuary Magic
Bruno Duplant & David Vélez - Preservation
Morton Feldman - Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello
Jürg Frey - Ephemeral Constructions / Collection Gustave Roud / L’Âme Est Sans Retenue I
Klaus Filip & Noid - No No No No
Haptic - Ten Years Under The Earth
Eva-Maria Houben - Organ Sonatinas And Drones
Eva-Maria Houben & Ernesto Rodrigues ‎- Layering Time
Yan Jun & Ben Owen - Swimming Salt 游泳的盐
Alice Kemp - Fill my body with flowers and rice
Kostis Kilymis - A Void
Yannis Kyriakides - Subvoice
Giovanni Lami - Hysteresis II
The Necks - Unfold
Éliane Radigue - Occam Ocean vol. 1
Jeffrey Roden - Threads of a Prayer Volume 2
Ernesto Rodrigues, Emídio Buchinho & Ricardo Guerreiro - Fall
Vanessa Rossetto - Rocinante
Mark So - And Suddenly From All This There Came Some Horrid Music
Tyler Wilcox -  Works For Two Chapels
Techno / House:
Call Super - Arpo
Terrence Dixon - Like A Thief In The Night
Errorsmith - Superlative Fatigue
Fred P - Instinctive Rhythms
Galcher Lustwerk - Dark Bliss
Hieroglyphic Being, Sarathy Korwar and Shabaka Hutchings - ARE Project
Mori Ra - The Brasserie Heroique Edits Part 3
Nkisi - Ruin
Powell - New Beta Vol.1&2
Reboot - Are You Loosing My Mind (Ricardo Villalobos Remixes)
Sublee - Ideepsum
Various - Superlongevity 6 Disc 2
Untold - Tear Up The Club \ Watton Res
Villalobos & Einzelkind - Arnorac
Vtgnike - Collection
New Old:
Camp Lo - On The Way Uptown
Alice Coltrane - World Spirituality Classics 1 The Ecstatic Music of Alice Coltrane
Luc Ferrari - Hétérozygote ∕ Petite Symphonie...
Nature - Queens Classics vol. 2
Prince - Purple Rain Extended
Jaap Vink - Recollection GRM
If you made it through this long ass post, as a present, here’s a mix of contemporary music i made not so long ago.
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One-to-watch CalvoMusic showcases his unique approach to the Baltimore club sound.
Download (320 kbps)
Webtwerk - Timeless
JordanTheProducer- Got the whole club rocking
Dj Taj + DJ Smallz Girls Remix
BugzTheProducer - Blue Cantrell
H.e.r x Bryson Tiller - Could’ve Been Edit ( CalvoMusic)
Saucy P - 112 Theme
Oliver Tree - Alien Boy (TBJB Remix)
Diamonds and Pearls - CalvoMusic + Yetti
Flipmode Remix - JordanTheProducer+ CalvoMusic
Lildell x Crush on You Mashup - CalvoMusic Edit
JuiceOnnaBeat- Hyperactive Rise
21 Questions Remix (CalvoMusic + TBJB )
BugzTheProducer - No Challenge Clubmix
DJWEBTWERK - Bounce That shit feat. Brikisses
P.O.P (Pop A Perc ) Ripknoxx
YBS Skola Super Special (CalvoMusic Remix)
Living My Best Life - CalvoMusic Edit
Majid Jordan - A Place Like this (CalvoMusic Edit)
Dejavu Club Edit - Beyoncé + CalvoMusic
CalvoMusic +LamboBeach - Luv U Better 2
StrawBerry Haze 3 ( CalvoMusic Part)
Ski Mask + XXX Mashup - Who He Edit (CalvoMusic)
Rihanna x Travis Scott - Woo Remix (CalvoMusic + Sam XVI )
Tik Tok Remix - CalvoMusic
Return of the Mack - CalvoMusic Edit
(??? Unreleased CalvoMusic)
(Unreleased HYPIES Club - Mac +CalvoMusic)
(??? More Unreleased *Coming Soon Guys !!! )
Arielle McNeil - Wanna Have Fun (CalvoMusic Edit)
Bizarre Remix - CalvoMusic +DJ GLO 410
Ella Mai - Trip x Anymore Mashup (CalvoMusic Edit )
Sean Paul -Get Busy (CalvoMusic +808Los Remix)
Brain Freeze 2 - Yetti Da Kid + CalvoMusic
Produce48 - CalvoMusic Edit
0 notes
linneaber · 6 years
25/1-19 - TERMIN 10!
Förra veckan va ganska lugn. Skola i veckan och lite träning på det. I övrigt va det examensfest i lördags. Jag och Ingrid sågs hos mig innan och käkade mat från Esa (😍) och drack drinkar till det 😋 sen drog vi till Robin där vi träffade Filip och Co. Sen va det MF. Vi dansade och snackade och hängde i DJ-båset. Superlyckad kväll faktiskt! Sen följde Ingrid med mig hem och vi körde sleep över hos mig - myyyyys! 😁💕
Dagen efter chillade vi mest. Vi åt frulle och kollade på dokumentär om Arbogamorden. Sen lagade vi mat igen och Lovisa tillkom sällskapet. Emmelie hade fyllt år i veckan så det va dit det bar av senare på söndagseftermiddagen. Supergod middag hade de lagat och så blev det som vanligt massa härligt snack!
Den här veckan i skolan var första veckan av termin 10 - den sista terminen! 🙈
Veckan va ganska lugn. Det stora va väl att jag lämnade ut en efterlängtad protes till min patient. Hon blev jätteglad över den! Sen lämnade jag och Elin in ett till utkast till Nikos och Tassos - nu är det nästan klart! Så sjukt 😄
I övrigt är det spinning och plugg och vänner som alla andra veckor. Jag träffade Judit i tisdags - som vanligt heeelt sjukt värt att träffas. Vi behöver typ ses 1 gång i veckan minst bara för att vi ska få snacka av oss 😄
Nu väntar jag på tåget mot nypan. Jag hoppas på tacos ikväll och sen blir det nog bara mys och häng med familjen hela helgen - ska bli härligt! ❤️
0 notes
gittdj · 7 years
#Worldstar YBS Skola "The Top" (WSHH Exclusive - Official Music Video) https://t.co/dBdrtKMkne
#Worldstar YBS Skola "The Top" (WSHH Exclusive - Official Music Video) https://t.co/dBdrtKMkne
— GIVE IT TO THE DJ (@giveittothedj) February 13, 2018
via Twitter https://twitter.com/giveittothedj February 12, 2018 at 08:10PM
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rudolfsb · 7 years
Ansamblis Horsemen turpina taisīt dziesmas par aktuālajām lietām. Nesen izdots vasaras hīts "Kiss Kiss", kam sekoja dziesma "Miers un Bērziņš", tad "Paņem kredītu" un #KOMA. Nu visiem Latvijas skolēniem un studentiem, un arī skolotājiem tiek nodota jauna, aktuāla dziesma #SKOLA. Skolas tēma šobrīd ir ļoti aktuāla, jo daudzi pat nepamanīja kur tā vasara pagāja, ka atkal jādodas uz skolu, tieši tāpēc Ansamblim Horsemen radās ideja dziesmai #SKOLA. Dziesma ir ar mazliet ironisku piesitienu, kā izpaužas skolēnu "besis" kad no rīta agri jāceļas un jāiet uz skolu! Par dziesmas ideju stāsta Horsemen: "..Skolas vecuma bērniem ir grūti saprast kādēļ izglītība ir nepieciešama un tādēļ viņiem bieži uznāk "besis" ar ko grūti cīnīties. Protams, arī vairums skolēniem liekas, ka uz skolu dodas vecāku vai skolotāju dēļ lai atzīmētos, ka ir bijis - bet reāli jau tie ir tie cilvēki kas neļauj noiet no ceļa tādā vecumā, un grib lai iegūst izglītību ar ko konkurēt darba tirgū!.." SVARĪGI!!! Šī dziesma nekāda gadījumā nerekomendē darīt klipā redzamās lietas, jo tam ir tikai izklaidējoša nozīme par ko var pasmieties kad ir pārgājis "besis" :-) Veiksmīgu jauno mācību gadu vēlot, Jūsu - HORSEMEN Dziesmu ierakstījis un producējis DJ Dween. Video montāža un filmēšana - DJ Dween. Personīgai saziņai [email protected]
0 notes
gavanaanaya · 5 years
DJ-workshop för tjejer vid Scandinavian Music Expo i Göteborg
DJ-workshop för tjejer vid Scandinavian Music Expo i Göteborg
Vid Scandinavian Music Expo i Göteborg (Brewhouse) lördag 14 september kl 15-16 håller vi i en DJ-workshop för tjejer tillsammans med Martina Menfors. Anmälan sker på plats vid vår monter och det finns åtta platser. Varmt välkomna! 
View On WordPress
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gittdj · 7 years
#Worldstar YBS Skola "Down For" (WSHH Exclusive - Official Music Video) https://t.co/HGLeT60DAp
#Worldstar YBS Skola "Down For" (WSHH Exclusive - Official Music Video) https://t.co/HGLeT60DAp
— GIVE IT TO THE DJ (@giveittothedj) January 9, 2018
via Twitter https://twitter.com/giveittothedj January 09, 2018 at 02:13PM
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gittdj · 7 years
#Worldstar YBS Skola "Help?" (WSHH Exclusive - Official Music Video) https://t.co/HQ9JFN5QM5
#Worldstar YBS Skola "Help?" (WSHH Exclusive - Official Music Video) https://t.co/HQ9JFN5QM5
— GIVE IT TO THE DJ (@giveittothedj) November 28, 2017
via Twitter https://twitter.com/giveittothedj November 28, 2017 at 05:46PM
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gittdj · 7 years
#Worldstar YBS Skola Feat. Meek Mill "Check Check" (WSHH Exclusive - Official Audio) https://t.co/LIu2zNLyce
#Worldstar YBS Skola Feat. Meek Mill "Check Check" (WSHH Exclusive - Official Audio) https://t.co/LIu2zNLyce
— GIVE IT TO THE DJ (@giveittothedj) November 14, 2017
via Twitter https://twitter.com/giveittothedj November 14, 2017 at 04:11AM
0 notes
gittdj · 7 years
#Worldstar YBS Skola "Legacies" (WSHH Exclusive - Official Music Video) https://t.co/UJp3WXUm5e
#Worldstar YBS Skola "Legacies" (WSHH Exclusive - Official Music Video) https://t.co/UJp3WXUm5e
— GIVE IT TO THE DJ (@giveittothedj) October 25, 2017
via Twitter https://twitter.com/giveittothedj October 25, 2017 at 04:38PM
0 notes
gittdj · 7 years
#Worldstar YBS Skola "Beside Me" (WSHH Exclusive - Official Music Video) https://t.co/jIxuUu3t7p
#Worldstar YBS Skola "Beside Me" (WSHH Exclusive - Official Music Video) https://t.co/jIxuUu3t7p
— GIVE IT TO THE DJ (@giveittothedj) August 23, 2017
via Twitter https://twitter.com/giveittothedj August 23, 2017 at 03:44PM
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