#DN spoilers
kittennature · 4 months
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i love being inspired by shitposts on the internet
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darklight-owl · 4 months
Happy (late) Light Yagami Death Day
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Turnabout Notebook was definitely one of my favorite Ace Attorney cases fr.
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mint-mumbles · 1 year
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What did I walk into?!
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reaperlight · 6 months
I had a very involved dream last night.
Light deliberately ate poisoned candy to escape accountability.
(Candy--is somebody perhaps missing their detective?)
In the afterlife he meets his family (who all died in the dream universe) who all pretend that nothing happened.
Ryuk lied because this is clearly implied to be Hell.
Also Naomi Misora was still alive in this au, having faked her death and outlived L and is uncovering all of Light's secrets (both the murder notebooks and gay for L...) At least she was until the ending when Light, after poisoning them both, drove his car into a building.
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meandmypagancrew · 7 months
It’s done.
We did it.
After over a month of dithering about and every excuse you could think of, from being out of state to having Covid, we finally watched episode 25.
As for how I’m doing? Well, halfway through the episode I crawled over and sort of laid of him, which he was surprised by but did not object to and when Watari started to seize up I grabbed his arm and wrapped it around me and held onto him for the rest of the episode.
We could only watch that one episode (though the reason I picked this friend is I knew he would hold me accountable and make sure I finished the series and not just stop after ep25 like I’ve always done before) before he had to take me home cause he had a date to watch Attack on Titan after that one episode.
As for how I’m doing…
I immediately got how and made this video
Please send thoughts and prayers. Not easy to watch one of your top three all time favorite fictional characters die, no matter how far in advance you know it’s happening.
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curseofdarkness · 1 year
Not us forgetting light fucking died ☠️
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caitrose · 2 years
Goddamn it every time I watch death note ep 29 I get so pissed off, Chief Yagami was a good dude who deserved better
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coddda · 17 days
Someone's probably already pointed this out by now but I love how the game exercises the concept of the princess being "whatever you percieve her to be" before the game even begins.
After following one of the dialogue trees while questioning the Narrator you get the ability to ask why the Shifting Mound is, specifically, a princess. She is transformation, she is whatever she is perceived to be, the concept of change itself, death itself, etc. but why is she a princess? And the Narrator says that he does not know, just that there must be some reason why she appeared as a princess to you.
But the reason why she is a princess is because that's what was promised to you when you bought the game. If you take the blade, the princess will be just as suspicious and cautious as you are of her, something unsettling but not explicitly a threat yet. If you don't, she will trust you as you trust her not to be dangerous, and she will not display any indication that she can do you any harm. Her personality and mannerisms are variable based on how you play, however, she is, no matter what, a princess. Whether she is a vague idea of a princess (The Stranger, because you have not met her yet), a cold and only dubiously trustworthy princess, or a helpless and friendly princess, she is still a Princess, just because that's what you are going to believe she is just from the title of the game. The Shifting Mound is already taking form of what you are believing her to be, before you even meet her, and once she becomes known As the Shifting Mound, she becomes a shifting mound of, well, princesses. Because that is your first, "base" impression of her.
Idk I just think the entire concept of a character only taking form of what you Think they are is really cool and it was pulled off so well and this game makes me insane. (I can't find the specific dialogue but one of the potential ways you could've asked this question to the Narrator goes something like "Okay but why a princess? Why couldn't she have been a slice of bread or something?" (it wasn't that exactly but it was Something about bread). Slay the Bread Slice, and she would've been. A bread slice. Slay the Shifting Mound and she would've been an incomprehensible mound of, not princesses, but whatever the hell you believe that vague mound could've been made out of. I don't know I just think it's really cool and neat and this game is amazing. The Shifting Mound lives rent-free in my head
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woozi · 1 year
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loml (loser of my life) <3
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crabussy · 9 months
I'bm going tothro w up I can't handle this okay okay okay okay okay
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twolovelyberries · 2 years
people call the second half of death note boring as if it doesn’t contain both the worlds most pretentious love triangle and the worlds most tedious hate triangle. L Lawliet 2: Electric Boogaloo. everyone except light gets a narrative foil. light experiences Teenagers for the first time as a young adult. matt is there. near wears an L mask for no reason other than the drama. light at his most pathetic. excessively convoluted notebook scheming. light constantly saying things like “who is the guy who killed L. i’d like to have a word with him.” death note’s worst and best haircuts, both on the same guy. what more do you guys want
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sluttywonwoo · 10 months
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jun vs performance unit watching a kiss scene
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darklight-owl · 7 months
Hiii it's like 10:30pm but happy "L died today" day!
I had no idea what to draw for such a momentus occasion in the Death Note fandom but then I remembered
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it's also Sycamore Sunday
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mint-mumbles · 1 year
Reminder that not only is Another Note canon…
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…but Beyond has also been confirmed to have died by Light’s hand.
(This date is before Misa started killing people. The reason why I bring this up is because I’ve seen people say that Beyond died of a heart attack because he was a burn victim)
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Very Important Bonus:
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meandmypagancrew · 6 months
My brother sent me this video and this comment from it
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And I have no comment on the video itself but that comment was me trying to keep up with the second part of the anime
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Near is an L who is completely steeped in a childish appearance but mostly stripped of childlike traits, while Mello is an L that throws himself into adult situations and aesthetic while being infinitely more childish and trigger happy. Both of them share traits of L who is both incredibly analytical yet also immature and wants to win. The point of them is that they can only beat Kira when they come together, not that Near is L 2 and Mello is also there . I understand why ppl dislike Near or see him as a repeat of L but his whole existence is based on the fact that the original L was ultimately too solitary and couldnt work with others better than on his own YOU MORON . sorry that wasnt nice
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I understand why ppl dont like Near or think hes poorly written but i will never believe the woke propaganda of Near hate
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