solplparty · 1 year
🎥THE BOYZ FAN CON : THE B-ROAD l Concert Making Vlog✨ #shorts https://youtu.be/3SAYuaJxwN0 더비로드 어떻게 가요? ㄴ더보이즈의 'ROAR'요 드메랑 덥놀할 # 더비구함❤ ▶ https://youtu.be/gIHyVo0MyjU 📢 드림메이커 (DREAM MAKER) - HOME : http://dreammakerlive.com - YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/DREAMMAKERLIVE1 - FACEBOOK : http://facebook.com/dreammakerlive - INSTAGRAM : http://instagram.com/dreammakerlive_official - TIKTOK : https://www.tiktok.com/@dreammakerlive_official - TWITTER : https://twitter.com/dreammakerlive DREAM MAKER LIVE
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caterpillarinacave · 6 days
Just took a nap but the entire time I was having this really vivid dream that was made up entirely of Matthew Fairchild struggling with a modern day waffle iron
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hori7one · 1 year
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Marcus during the announcement of the final Dream 7 (HORI7ON)
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vivmaek · 4 months
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✰ my masterlist poems written by someone who has the same moon sign as you <3
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Edgar Allen Poe, A Dream Within a Dream
“Take this kiss upon the brow! / And, in parting from you now, / Thus much let me avow – / You are not wrong, who deem / That my days have been a dream; / Yet if hope has flown away / In a night, or in a day, / In a vision, or in none, / Is it therefore the less gone? / All that we see or seem / Is but a dream within a dream.”
June Jordan, You Came with Shells
“You came with shells. And left them: / shells. / They lay beautiful on the table. / Now they lie on my desk / peculiar / extraordinary under 60 watts.”
Toni Morrison, It Comes Unadorned
“it comes / Unadorned / Like a phrase / Strong enough to cast a spell; / It comes / Unbidden, / Like the turn of sun through hills / Or stars in wheels of song. / The jeweled feet of women dance the earth. / Arousing it to spring. / Shoulders broad as a road bend to share the weight of years. / Profiles breach the distance and lean / Toward an ordinary kiss. / Bliss. / it comes naked into the world like a charm.”
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W.B Yeats, A Coat
“I made my song a coat / Covered with embroideries / Out of old mythologies / From heel to throat; / But the fools caught it, / Wore it in the world’s eyes / As though they’d wrought it. / Song, let them take it / For there’s more enterprise / In walking naked.”
W.B Yeats, The Lover Tells of the Roses in His Heart
“All things uncomely and broken, all things worn out and old, / The cry of a child by the roadway, the creak of a lumbering cart, / The heavy steps of the ploughman, splashing the wintry mould, / Are wronging your image that blossoms a rose in the deeps of my heart. / The wrong of unshapely things is a wrong too great to be told; I hunger to build them anew and sit on a green knoll apart, / With the earth and the sky and the water, re-made, like a casket of gold / For my dreams of your image that blossoms a rose in the deeps of my heart.”
Louisa May Alcott, The Lay of a Golden Goose
“Oh! Be not rash,” her father said, / A mild Socratic bird; / Her mother begged her not to stray / With many a warning word. / But little goosey was perverse / And eagerly did cry, / “I’ve got a lovely pair of wings, / Of course I Ought to fly.”
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John Milton, Sonnet 19
“When I consider how my light is spent, / Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide, / And that one talent which is death to hide / Lodged with me useless, through my soul more bent / To serve therewith my Maker,”
Jala al-Din Rumi, The Guest House
“This being human is a guest house. / Every morning a new arrival. / A joy, a depression, a meanness, / some momentary awareness comes / As an unexpected visitor. / Welcome and entertain them all! / Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, / who violently sweep your house / empty of its furniture, / still treat each guest honorably. / He may be clearing you out / for some new delight. / The dark thought, the shame, the malice, / meet them at the door laughing, / and invite them in. / Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent / as a guide from beyond.”
Gwendolyn Brooks, a song in the front yard
“I’ve stayed in the front yard all my life. / I want a peek at the back / Where it’s rough and untended and hungry weed / grows. / A girl gets sick of a rose.”
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Lewis Carroll, A Boat Beneath a Sunny Sky
“In a Wonderland they lie, / Dreaming as the days go by, / Dreaming as the summers die: / Ever drifting down the stream – / Lingering in the golden gleam – / Life, what it is but a dream?”
Dante Alighieri, From “Inferno”
“It’s the pain / of the people down there that empties my / face. / It’s pity / that you’ve mistaken for fear. / And it’s the long way / that pushes us now. / Let’s go.”
Victor Hugo, Tomorrow, At Dawn
“Tomorrow, at dawn, at the hour when the countryside whitens, / I will set out. You see, I know that you wait for me. / I will go by the forest, I will go by the mountain. / I can no longer remain far from you. / I will walk with my eyes fixed on my thoughts, / Seeing nothing of outdoors, hearing no noise / Alone, unknown, my back curved, my hands crossed, / Sorrowed, and the day for me will be as night.”
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Sarojini Naid, Autumn Song
“Like a joy on the heart of a sorrow, / The sunset hangs on a cloud; / A golden storm of glittering sheaves, / Of fair and frail and fluttering leaves, / The wild wind blows in a cloud. / Hark to a voice that is calling / To my heart in the voice of the wind: / My heart is weary and sad and alone, / For its dreams like the fluttering leaves have gone, / And why should I stay behind?”
Shel Silverstein, Dreadful
“Someone ate the baby. / It’s absolutely clear / Someone ate the baby / ‘Cause the baby isn’t here. / We’ll give away her toys and clothes. / We’ll never have to wipe her nose. / Dad says, “That’s the way it goes.” / Someone ate the baby.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Aftermath
“When the summer fields are mown, / When the birds are fledged and flown, / And the dry leaves strew the path; / With the falling of the snow, / With the cawing of the crow, / Once again the fields we mow / And gather in the aftermath.”
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Maya Angelou, Caged Bird
“A free bird leaps / on the back of the wind / and floats downstream / till the current ends / and dips his wing / in the orange sun rays / and dares to claim the sky.”
Emily Dickinson, Good Morning – Midnight
“Good Morning – Midnight – / I’m coming Home – / Day – got tired of Me – / How could I – of Him? / Sunshine was a sweet place – / I liked to stay – / But Morn – didn’t want me – now – / So – Goodnight – Day!”
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, My Heart and I
“You see we’re tired, my heart and I. / We dealt with books, we trusted men, / And in our own blood drenched the pen, / As is such colours could not fly. / We walked too straight for fortune’s end, / We loved too true to keep a friend ; / At last we’re tired, my heart and I.”
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Robert Hayden, Those Winter Sundays
“Sundays too my father got up early / and put his clothes on in the blueback cold, / then with cracked hands that ached / from labor in the weekday weather made / banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him. / I’d wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking / When the rooms were warm, he’d call, / and slowly I would rise and dress, / fearing the chronic angers of that house, / Speaking indifferently to him , / who had driven out the cold / and polished my good shoes well. / What did I know, what did I know / of love's austere and lonely offices?”
Jack Kerouac, How to Meditate
“Thinking’s just like not thinking- / So I don't have to think / any / more”
William Faulkner, Study
“Muted dreams for them / for me / Bitter science. Exams are near / And my thoughts uncontrollably / Wander, and I cannot hear / The voice telling me that work I must, / For everything will be the same when I’m dead / A thousand years. I wish I were a bust / All head.”
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Walt Whitman, I sing the Body Electric
“I sing the body electric, / The armies of those I love engirth me and I engirth them,”
Oscar Wilde, The Ballad of Reading Gaol
“Yet each man kills the thing he loves, / By each let this be heard, / Some do it with a bitter look, / Some with a flattering word, / The coward does it with a kiss, / The brave men with a sword!”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Friendship
“A ruddy drop of manly blood / The surging sea outweighs, / The world uncertain comes and goes; / The lover rooted stays. / I fancied he was fled, – / And, after many a year, / Glowed unexhausted kindliness, / Like daily sunrise there. / My careful heart was free again, / O friend, my bosom said, / Through thee alone the sky is arched, / Through thee the rose is red; / All things through thee take nobler form, / And look beyond the earth, / The mill-round of our fate appears / A sun-path in thy worth. / Me too thy nobleness had taught / To master my despair; / The fountains of my hidden life / Are through thy friendship fair.”
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Shakespear, Sonnet 147
“My love is as a fever, longing still / For that which longer nurseth the disease, / Feeding on that which doth preserve the ill,”
Robert Frost, Acquainted with the Night
“I have been one acquainted with the night. / I have walked out in rain – and back in rain. / I have outwalked the furthest city light. / I have looked down the saddest city lane. / I have passed by the watchman on his beat / And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain. / I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet / When far away an interrupted cry / Came over houses from another street, / But not to call me back or say good-bye; / And further still at an unearthly height, / One luminary clock against the sky / Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right. / I have been one acquainted with the night.”
William Blake, Auguries of innocence
“To see a World in a Grain of Sand / And a Heaven in a wild flower / Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand / And eternity in an hour”
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Rudyard Kipling, Blue Roses
“Half the world I wandered through, / Seeking where such flowers grew. / Half the world unto my quest / Answered me with laugh and jest. / Home I came at wintertide, / But my silly love had died / Seeking with her latest breath / Roses from the arms of Death.”
John Keats, To Sleep
“Save me from curious Conscience, that still lords / Its strength for darkness, burrowing like a mole; / Turn the key deftly into the oiled wards, / And seal the hushed Casket of my soul.”
Lord Tennyson, The Eagle
“He clasps the crag with crooked hands; Close to the sun in lonely lands, / Ring’d with the azure world, he stands. / The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; / He watches from his mountain walls, / And like thunderbolt he falls.”
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John Donne, Air and Angels
“Twice or thrice had I lov’d thee, / Before I knew thy face or name; / So in a voice, so in a shapeless flame / Angels affects us oft, and worshipp’d be;”
Audre Lorde, Recreation
“my body / writes into your flesh / the poem / you make of me. / Touching you I catch midnight / as moon fires set in my throat / I love you flesh into blossom / I made you / and take you made / into me.”
Margaret Walker, Lineage
“My grandmothers were strong. / They followed plows and bent to toil. / They moved through fields sowing seed. / They touched earth and grain grew. / They were full of sturdiness and singing. / My grandmothers were strong. / My grandmothers are full of memories / Smelling of soap and onions and wet clay / With veins rolling roughly over quick hands / They have many clean words to say. / My grandmothers were strong. / Why am I not as they?”
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E.E Cummings, Love is more thicker than forget
“love is more thicker than forget / more thinner than recall / more seldom than a wave is wet / more frequent than to fail”
Mark Twain, Genius
“But above all things, / to deftly throw the incoherent ravings of insanity into verse / and then rush off and get booming drunk, / is the surest of all the different signs / of genius.”
Paul Laurence Dunbar, Ships that Pass in the Night
“Out in the sky the great dark clouds are massing; / I look far out into the pregnant night, / Where I can hear a solemn booming gun / And I catch the gleaming of a random light, / That tells me that the ship I seek is passing, passing.”
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🪐Choose a planet🪐
What are your talents?
1. 2. 3.
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Welcome to my magical space, fellow readers 🌙
I enjoy reading cards, if you just need counselling I will be here, you can reach me out!🫀
Commissions are open
Are you ready? Let's go
Ace of Swords
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Mercury is often called as the messenger of gods in many mythological stories. It is the planet of expression and communication. Mercury is fond of jokes. Mercury is often resonating with green, the colour of calmness, balance and harmony. So Mercury has the capacity to calm an agitated mind. Mercury governs things like information, communication, mental processing, timing, planning, and so much more. It’s a planet of many talents. Mercury likes discuss, even if that means ruffling others' mild-mannered sensibilities in the process. Mercury has good analysing skills, good social life and humour.
2. Neptune
The moon
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Neptune gets us more in tune with subtlety, and therefore increases the artistic side of one’s personality. Neptune rules all visual communication, whether with symbols or gestures, such as photography, film, ballet and other dance arts, music, painting and poetry. Neptune wants to escape mundane, everyday reality and to enter a more ideal, heavenly state. It urges us to excel and to exceed boundaries, to reject any and all limitations. It is considered a planet of inspiration, dreams, and psychic receptivity. Neptune can see past what is considered real, dreams, illusion, abstract thought and the mysterious are all governed by Neptune helps you know what your gut is telling you. Neptune describes the cosmic relationship of the native with the universe.
It is all about the invisible world, which makes our connection with aura, supernatural energies, and occult science that are beyond our reach.
3. Venus
The empress
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Venus rules attachments to others. It rules attractiveness–both the ability to attract and attraction to others (and things). Venus energy is harmonious, and this is why people with Venus prominent in their charts are often peace-makers. In Venus, we find a need to be appreciated and to appreciate. Venus rules, amongst other things, the arts, love and romance, beauty and the beautifying process, money, entertainment, leisure, sensuality, and comfort. This planet concerns itself with love, romance and harmony in our emotional attachments, marriages, friendships and other unions.
Venus represents the impulse towards harmony and beauty of all kinds. Venus is alluring, magnetic and receptive. This is one planet that is never aggressive.
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Credit for the pictures: Coocorina on Pinterest
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loveliestlovelygirl · 4 months
divine temptations | 111
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say yes to heaven, say yes to me
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fallenangel!anakin x nun!reader | lore 🪽 | playlist
synopsis: anakin, a seraph, has lost himself to his obsession of you. with every moment he can, he watches over you as you attend to your daily duties around the convent. and day by day his desire grows. when your guardian angels fail to protect you, anakin believes he has no choice but to intervene, breaking numerous heavenly laws in the process.
w.c: 2.2k+
highlights: {minors dni} dark content, heavy religious themes and imagery, inspiration taken from catholicism primarily, sexual themes, corruption kink, light sexualization of the reader as a nun, fem!reader & use of she/her pronouns, attempted sexual assault
table of contents | 222
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The crux of his obsession began with your voice. Harmonious and pure. Passionate and sweet. The soft vibrato and splendid timbre of your voice could be heard above all the clatter from the realms of Earth. The melodies you sang haunted him from the rise of the sun to the white shadow of the moon. And while he needed not sleep, he found no rest as he smoldered in his selfish desires for you. After he had fulfilled his duties for that day, when he was alone, he remained perched in the Heavens watching over you, drowning in the beauty of your voice, and lusting for your human touch.
His name was Anakin. And day after day he watched you, wishing he could descend to the realm which held your precious life. But that was a boundary that he was forbidden to cross. He was confined to be a guardian of the Heavens, not of Earth. To him, it was a cruel, cruel fate. Watching you from above, lightyears of distance between your realities, was as close to you as he was permitted.
An angel of his status, chosen to protect the thrones of the deity, a seraph, should give no eye to the realms beneath him nor find solace in the voice of human girl. The way that you had captivated him was unnatural and unholy. If anyone found out he entertained himself with you, he might be marked with shame by the highest councils, until he repented publicly. Though he might never obtain such a position as his ever again. As it were, he found himself considering these things, as if shame might be a solution to making contact with you.
He'd prefer to be your guardian angel than a guardian of his own father. He wanted to serve creation rather than its Creator. And that was sin. He could not deny this secret was a source of guilt. And it would not be long before the all-knowing Maker noticed how far from perfection Anakin had fallen.
But he wasn’t afraid of the fall. He wanted to connect with you in a deeper way than this parasocial existence. He wished to be your guardian angel. But you had many. Someone so beloved by the Creator had five guardian angels. And he hated each of them with equal rage.
Hate was dangerous. It was said that hatred lit the path of the fallen. And if it were true, then he had already doomed himself the moment he began desiring you.
He watched you as you prayed in the chapel, kneeling on the bench and making the Sign of the Cross, touching your beautiful skin with your fingertips. Contentment marked your face, and he felt it in your soul. It was only a feeling he had when he listened to your voice pray and sing with such grace and beauty. In your dainty hands, you held the rosary beads and began to say your prayer. Holding the first bead between your fingers, you whispered Our Father to yourself. Day after day you’d repeat the same prayers with equal passion. Your love and faithfulness to the one who gave you life was unmatchable. You had sacrificed much to serve him, cutting off your family and material possessions entirely to live a humble life in the convent. Your prayers never revolved around your desires, only for others. You often prayed for your sisters. Never for yourself. Anakin often wondered if you had any dreams of your own at all. Despite all his abilities, he could not hear your thoughts. He only heard what you said aloud to yourself.
As you worked with your hands in the garden, you often sang psalms of praise when you thought no one was around to listen. You sang softly, the most beautiful melody which would stain his thoughts day and night forever. He would hear you even when you were silent; the barriers of all the heavenly realms echoed with your voice, to his ears never ceasing. But perhaps, it’s only because he desired you so.
His obsession was different than that of men. Though not immune to your divine beauty, his craving for your touch transcended that of sexual pleasure. Sex is something created for humans to enjoy with other humans. His being was never made for intercourse with mankind, and he viewed it as a simple animalistic action. A way to express desire, but to him it was lacking in true passion.
What he felt for you was true desire.
He wanted to consume you.
Corrupt you.
He wanted you to desire him, crave him, lust over him, with every atom of your body and with every piece of your soul. He wanted to see you overturn your religious convictions and worship him instead. He wanted your prayers, your psalms, your whole heart.
Was that too much to ask?
Forbidden was what it was. Sacrilegious even. And enough to get him cast out of the heavenly realms forever.
But the longer he wished for you, the more he thought that it might be worth it. There was nothing he wanted more than you. And only you. He wanted to live out the rest of eternity adored by you. That would be enough.
But you were unaware of his existence. Which awakened rage within him strong enough to tear galaxies apart.
He could see you, but as long as he remained in his dimension, you would never be able to see him or know that he existed. He was forbidden to show you his glory, to share his voice, and to touch your skin. It was never meant to be.
And yet he still found a way to make contact, against all heavenly odds.
You were plucking red apples from the orchard trees close to the road. It wasn’t a common route from the convent to the market, but some used it. Anakin had finally caught a break from the council meetings with the Thrones and Cherubim and sneaked away to see you. He hated that your sisters sent you out alone where you could be harmed.
Your five guardians flitted around you in a circle. He knew that they would do almost everything in their power to keep you safe. Everything except actually physically intervening. For you, there would be no limits in how far Anakin would go to protect you. He would break every earthly and heavenly law.
For you.
And only you.
When you had filled your basket with apples, you climbed down the ladder to rest. You leaned back against the tree and looked up at the sky. If you had eyes to see the other dimensions, you would have been looking right into his eyes. His heart swelled with pride, knowing that you shared a connection, even if you didn’t know it yet.
An older human male was steering a small buggy pulled by two horses. Anakin had been watching him for miles coming down the road. Your guardian angels seemed to be unconcerned about his approach. And they could hear the thoughts of humans, which meant that you were likely safe.
But there was something about that man Anakin didn’t like. Perhaps it was only his proximity to you. He was jealous of anything that was closer to you than he.
You sang to yourself softly, and Anakin drew as near as he were permitted just to listen to your voice.
“You have a lovely voice,” the man said to you. He had gotten off his buggy and walked over the road and a stretch of grass to meet you at the tree.
Anakin held himself back somehow, though if he saw fit, he could scorch the man from the inside out until he returned to dust.
You looked up at this stranger standing over you, and instantly, your eyes widened in fear. Anakin assumed it had been a long time since you’d spoken to a man. It was natural for you to be afraid. You thought you were all alone.
Anakin only watched the interaction transpire.
“Thank you,” you said back, your voice trembling.
“Would you sing a song for me?” the man asked.
“I think… that you should leave. This is private land, sir.”
A sane person would have backed away and said his goodbyes, but he didn’t. And Anakin knew instantly that he should have trusted himself to know this man’s intentions for you. This despicable creature kicked the basket from your lap and grabbed you, holding you by the throat against the tree trunk.
Your guardian angels had failed you. All five of them. Were they not paying attention to his evil thoughts? How had they missed them? They held the power to influence the thoughts of men. They could have convinced him to turn away and leave you alone.
But they didn’t.
They were going to let this man defile you.
Anakin watched them scrambling around, trying when it’s too late to change this man’s heart. But they could do nothing to interfere with free will once man had decided.
And Anakin thought that to be a stupid law. One meant to be broken.
With a singular motion of his index finger, Anakin sent lightning from the clouds, lightning that struck this man and stopped his heart. He was burned and scarred instantly and fell back, turning to ash.
You screeched and cried and sobbed, crumbling to your knees in a shaking mess. He wished he could comfort you, but he had already done enough to ruin himself entirely. But it was worth it to keep you safe. This was as close to you as he had ever gotten. The electricity from his lightning bolt just buzzed your skin. And he felt it. He wanted you to feel him in some way.
Your guardians looked up at him all at once with fire in their eyes. Anakin smiled and gave them a wave. They were angry and picked him up. He could not overpower them when they were together.
They carried him to the high council and dropped him in the center of the chamber. Anakin did not need to explain himself; they already knew what had transpired.
“Need we remind you of the law of free will? The law given to humans by our Creator?” the Throne of Reason, Mace, said. His eyes were full of judgment and understanding at the same time.
Anakin picked himself up and stood, stretching out his layers of feathered wings. “I could not stand by and watch her be harmed.”
Mace closed his eyes and clasped his hands together. “You are in dangerous territory, young one. You know that what you did is one of the greatest of sins. To interfere with man’s will—” Mace pressed his lips together, “in such a physical way. Using the Heavens’ power against mankind. Anakin, you killed a man today.”
This was all such a waste of time. He knew what they were going to say. How they would interpret his actions. But why was no one speaking of that human’s sin. Rape. Raping a young maiden. That wasn’t worthy of a discussion? It wasn’t worthy of being mentioned?
“What about him?” Anakin asked defiantly.
Obi-Wan shot him a warning glare from where he sat. Obi-Wan was a cherub, one that was usually too busy attending to the wishes of the Creator to attend the high council. But Anakin did not doubt that his friend’s presence was needed today.
“The human?” Mace did not appreciate the diversion from Anakin’s sin.
“Yes. He was going to hurt her! And they—” Anakin pointed at your guardian angels, his entire being catching fire from his rage, “they weren’t going to intervene in any real way. They failed to listen. If I could hear the thoughts of men, I would have done something before he laid a hand on her.”
“Your obsession with this human is… concerning. Don’t think we haven’t noticed. Why are your thoughts on the Earth realms? Need I remind you that your duties are the greatest in all of Heaven?” Mace said.
“But they could have done something!”
Disapprovingly, Mace shook his head. “You can’t know that. Only the Creator does. And it is not your place nor mine to judge men. That is for the Principalities to determine. They enact rightful punishment on humanity. You are not to interfere.”
Obi-Wan spoke up, coming to Anakin’s defense. “He is young. Neither you nor I can say that we haven’t made mistakes.”
“It wasn’t just a mistake. He broke the law. He overstepped his boundaries. He killed a man.”
“In his eyes, he was protecting her.”
Mace sighed. “She does not need him for that.”
Anakin stood there for a long time, drowning in their criticisms. His chest felt heavy, and he couldn’t hear himself think. He couldn’t hear you. All that he could do was worry for you. He knew the human mind could not erase trauma. It would remain with them for good. Tears streamed down his face at the thought of your pain which you did not deserve.
“I don’t need to listen to any of you! You have no authority over me!” Anakin announced without shame. Seraphim were of the highest order.
“I was not the one who called this meeting,” Mace said sympathetically. He looked above.
There was only one who held authority over him.
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bitchy-craft · 7 months
Random Things About Your Future Spouse | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find out some random things about your future spouse you might enjoy. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Masterpost > Questions > Paid Readings
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
Your future spouse is great in knowing what they want, knowing how to get what they want, and actually do what is needed to get what they want. They are great at making plans and finding the most innovative ways to get to their goal. They don't make things complicated, but they make it enough to leave an impression.
They do have a tendency to think they are always correct in situations because of this. They always analyse every, single thing and rationalize it in their brain for them to understand and make up a solution or a reaction. Because they always think through like that, and not many others do, they often automatically assume they are right when they aren't; although they are able to realize they were wrong when it's told to them.
They have a close circle of friends, although many people are in there. They love to socialize with people and talk about things they had trouble with, or actually enjoyed in their life; they love to listen to stories and others experiences, they find it entertaining and educational.
Pile 2:
Your future spouse is a trouble maker when it comes to making decisions; they make it too difficult for themselves, and everyone around them. They take in so many future possibilities it makes you wonder how many things are even going around in their mind, it must be a maze.
Just like having trouble with making decisions they have many things they'd like to become in life, and like to learn. It might not be farfetched to say they change their hobbies every few months or so because they suddenly thought about something else, or thought about something they had done in the past. Because of this though, they are able to tell tons of fun stories, which can be interesting to listen to.
Something your future spouse posesses, which fits perfectly in the other mentions, is that they have eyes and ears everywhere, they absolutely love to know the drama and opinions of everyone around them. If you want more understanding of a social situation which is happening around you, around them; they'll tell you everything you want to know. They know just enough people to find out all about it.
Pile 3:
Your future spouse is someone of two ends. They can be incredibly depressing and negative; finding anything that could possibly go wrong, and worry about it a great deal even though what they made up is hardly possible in the first place. Yet they can also be the most positive and vibrant person you'll ever meet. Someone who finds little things in life beautiful and important, someone who can point out the things you've made progress at when you can't see it, someone who gives you a pep talk so you don't give up on your goals and dreams.
They are overflowing with energy, while thinking positive and negative, which can be something they can have trouble with; constantly using all your energy up when you don't mean to do so can be absolutely draining.
Something else they are good at, which again, is often directed towards other people, is being able to defend the ones they care about. Your future spouse isn't someone who is too scared to speak up, rather, they speak up a whole lot, whenever they are able to talk they do, and they will. If someone they care for has met with unjust, they'll fix it right up and confront the person they deem bad. But they'll also be honest if they believe you're at fault, and will help you get to know yourself a little bit better.
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solplparty · 1 year
THE BOYZ FAN CON : THE B-ROAD l Concert Making Vlog https://youtu.be/gIHyVo0MyjU 더비로드 어떻게 가요?🤷‍♀️ ㄴ더보이즈의 'ROAR'요 드메랑 덥놀할 # 더비구함❤ #THEBOYZ #THEB_ROAD #드림메이커 📢 드림메이커 (DREAM MAKER) - HOME : http://dreammakerlive.com - YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/DREAMMAKERLIVE1 - FACEBOOK : http://facebook.com/dreammakerlive - INSTAGRAM : http://instagram.com/dreammakerlive_official - TIKTOK : https://www.tiktok.com/@dreammakerlive_official - TWITTER : https://twitter.com/dreammakerlive DREAM MAKER LIVE
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hori7one · 1 year
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Marcus during Dream Maker The Dream Finale
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honeyhotteoks · 2 months
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i genuinely can't stop thinking about yunho as a fallen angel... like...
yunho’s catholic confirmation name is stefano, which is i believe a reference to saint stephen. saint stephen is the patron saint of several different things, but the one that caught my eye was the patron saint of coffin makers. ive had that knowledge churning around in my brain for a long time, especially after watching the kdrama doom at your service, but after seeing these pictures my mind is absolutely spinning with fallen angel soulmate yunho brain rot……… so come along with me
fallen angel yunho. he's been wandering the earth for years, passing through life and people and history and he's never known the reason that he was cast out until he meets her, you. he hears you first, a distant voice in the back of his mind, a prayer to his saintly name, a name he hasn't heard in what feels like a millennia. a whisper to saint stephen, the man he used to be, many years and many bodies ago.
no one prays to him anymore, not really. certainly not a voice like yours, ringing clearly and angrily in his ear, a bitter request for a coffin to be ready in early spring. he thinks about the way it's almost winter now, the air turning crisp, and he wonders what in your life has you so angry and yet so practical about death.
he thinks of you for days, weeks, idlily waiting to hear the voice again. he dreams of it, sometimes wakes from a stone sleep to your bitter tenor, the clear catch of tears in your throat, but it's always a memory. he finds himself wandering the city for you, searching through churches, reverent houses of worship that you might be hiding away in. he doesn't expect to find your voice ringing out clear as day across the crowded room of a museum, full of life and joy and the picture of health.
he finds a way to speak to you, he's practiced in the art of conversation, of seduction even when the end goal isn't sex. he just wants to know you, to hear your pretty prayer in person, to understand your voice just a little and why in the world you were praying to him and not god himself like everyone else. in the midst of many, he makes a space for you both alone, the connection and the pull immediate and essential.
for a while, you make him smile, laugh, relax, he feels more at ease and more like a person than he ever would have expected. he doesn't understand you or your prayer though, not until you cough painfully, fitfully into your sleeve and he sees the bright kiss of blood at the corner of your lips. he never imagined you sick, but he supposes it makes sense. in all the versions of meeting you he imagined, this outcome wasn’t one he ever entertained.
he's never watched someone he's loved die before, at least not since his first life, and shamefully he barely remembers the names of his family from then. but somehow he knows he'll remember yours, the way he aches is altogether new and even though he knows it would be better to watch over you from afar, he just can't. and it doesn't help that you keeps finding your way to him around every corner of the city, coincidence after coincidence. so easy to joke about how it must be fate when it is in fact fate, pulling you tightly together and tying the knot tight.
he allows himself to love you then, and you allow yourself one last, good thing. he never lies about who and what he is, and you never really believe him, for all you know he's just a figment of your imagination. a hallucination from one of your tumors like the doctor warned you about. you think if cancer can give you one gift before dying, at least it's him.
for a little while yunho thinks his purpose in falling from grace was to love you, after all you prayed to him, no matter how bitterly. but he understands the truth the moment he meets your daughter, the moment he realizes his purpose for you is much more than momentary, final happiness.
and so he carries you forward through those final months, easing your pain and your giving you one last chance at real, lasting love. and he helps ease you into the other side, his promises whispered tearfully into your hair, that he'll see you again but only after he stays by her side. your child's own guardian angel, happy to watch over her and guide her until it's her time to come home too.
and of course, that means he has to wait. you both do, but he's already waited, even when he didn't know what he was waiting for.
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gyulinoo · 2 months
yours, truly. | ot5
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a/n: and the most creative title maker goes to .... *drumrolls* BEA 1!1!!!1!!1! (i'm supposed to be studying for finals but the brainrot is consuming me rn.)
pairing: non-idol!ot5 x gn!reader (separately)
summary: basically some silly ot5 hcs on who i think would be the yapper/listener in a relationship
warnings: intentional lowercase, but other than that, nothing !!
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choi soobin — 최수빈 .ᐟ
no cuz have u seen that man argue with his members friends ...
(#1 yapper istg)
like i doubt he'd be any different when he's in a relationship
you'd always have to listen every time (which you'd gladly do)
would probably send random voice messages of him yapping about the members teasing him that day 😭😭
as you listened to soobin's voice messages, quickly overflowing your chats, his voice filled with a mix of exasperation and amusement. "you won't believe what they're going on about now," he chuckled "it's like they've found their new favorite hobby!"
you couldn't help but giggle in response, imagining the scene playing out in your head. "what are they teasing you about this time?" you'd ask, already expecting some weirdly hilarious anecdote.
"oh, you know, the usual," he replied with a message. "apparently, i'm the official target for their entertainment!"a
you laugh again. "well, at least you're providing them with some sort of entertainment," you send another message.
soobin sends another voice message, this time with a sarcastic tone in his voice. "yeah, lucky me,"
choi yeonjun — 최연준 .ᐟ
i feel like it varies with him
maybe on some days he'd be the one listening while on other days he'd be the one yapping
EITHER WAY he's still a good listener !!
you'd come home from your workplace tired and you just need to spill out your worries and yap yourself to sleep (while cuddling with him)
exhaustion weighed heavy on your shoulders as you drag yourself through the front door, the days work still echoing in your mind. all you wanted was to collapse onto the couch and let your sleep consume you. but, as if sensing your weariness, yeonjun walked in, a comforting presence in the dimly lit room.
without a word, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a comforting hug. "rough day?" he asked, his voice soft.
you nodded, too drained to form a response. "i just need to rest," you managed to mumble, leaning into his embrace.
"of course," yeonjun whispered, pressing a kiss on your forehead. "i got you."
nestled against his chest, you felt a sense of peace wash over you as fatigue tugged on your eyelids to shut. "i love you." you murmured one last time before drifting off to sleep.
"i love you too," he smiled against your head. "sweet dreams."
choi beomgyu — 최범규 .ᐟ
personally i think he comes close to soobin !!
he yaps a lot (soogyu arguments......)
he's probably a good listener (i'm not so sure about this one guys.. 😓😓)
like a lot of the times he comes to you and yaps about arguments he's had with soobin (or others, mostly soobin probably) but then whines when you don't swoop in to take his side 😭
as beomgyu settled beside you, his head finding its usual place on your shoulder. you sensed something was amiss. beomgyu's voice carried a faint edge, a hint of frustration as he recounted the playful argument he'd had with his friend earlier. "you won't believe what soobin said this time!" he began, launching into the details of their playful disagreement.
listening intently, you couldn't help but smile at the animated way he described their exchange, when he reached the climax of his story, his tone shifted, a touch of indignation creeping in. "can you believe he actually said that?" he exclaimed, looking up at you with a mixture of disbelief and annoyance.
you chuckle softly, trying to diffuse the tension with a light-hearted comment. "well, maybe he has a point,"
to your surprise, beomgyu's response was immediate, a mocking gasp escaping his lips as he lifted his head off your shoulder. "you're taking his side??" he protested, a pout forming on his lips.
as if caught off guard, you laughed, reaching out to pull him back into the comfort of your shoulder. "you have to admit, he did have a point,"
reluctantly, he relented, sinking back against your shoulder with a dramatic sigh. "fine, whatever." he conceded, wrapping an arm around your waist.
kang taehyun — 강태현 .ᐟ
i can't stress how much i think that he'd be a really really good listener
something inside me just tells me so (the voices.)
you can literally yap to him about ANYTHING. one time you were yapping about which goes first; cereal or milk, and he just sits there listening intently (like a good bf 🫶🫶🫶🫶)
you and taehyun lounged on the couch, the conversation drifted to one of those timeless debates; cereal or milk first. with a playful glint in your eye, you launched into your carefully considered stance on the matter, each point delivered with exaggerated seriousness.
"you see," you began. "it's all about logistics. pouring the cereal first allows for better control over portion size and ensures an even distribution of toppings."
taehyun chuckled, shaking his head in amusement as he listened to your impassioned monologue. "but think about it," he countered, his tone teasing. "pouring the milk first prevents the cereal from getting soggy too quickly."
you raised your eyebrow, considering his argument before shaking your head with a smirk. "ah, but where's the joy in living on the edge?" you retorted, unable to resist a playful jab.
as you both bantered back and forth, the debate evolving into a light-hearted exchange of opinions, you couldn't help but marvel at the simple pleasure of sharing such trivial matters with taehyun.
huening kai — 휴닝카이 .ᐟ
probably similar to yeonjun
like he yaps sometimes but he takes it into consideration that you'd also need to yap too sometimes
i feel like you'd both yap about your days at work during the weekend, like he'd yap and you listen, vice versa
saturday morning finds you both nestled in the cozy embrace of your shared bed, lazily entwined in the warmth of the sheets. with the sunlight filtering through the blinds, casting a soft glow around you and huening kai, you both indulged in the simple pleasure of sharing details of your whole week.
as you recounted your adventure with your friends from the previous day, huening kai listened with rapt attention, his eyes sparkling with amusement at each twist and turn of your story. "and then," you exclaimed, punctuating your story with exaggerated gestures, "we stumbled upon this hidden gem of a café, tucked away in a quiet corner of the city."
"maybe we should go there sometime!" he recommended, eyes lighting up as you mention the word 'café', suggesting that it could be a new place for you and him to go on a date.
"sure, maybe sometime." you responded as you stop telling your story and it's now his turn to share a story.
as you both traded anecdotes and shared some laughs, the boundaries between past and present blurred, each memory weaving seamlessly into the fabric of your shared narratives, in the comfort of your shared bed, surrounded by the remnants of sleep and the promise of a lazy morning ahead.
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please reblog if you enjoy!!!
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gabessquishytum · 3 months
Willy Wonka but Dreamling.
Dream Endless has become a complete recluse in the years following people attempting to steal his candy recipes.
When Dream sends out the silver tickets (because gold isn't really his color) Robyn gets the final ticket.
Hob, Robyn's SINGLE father, accompanies Robyn to the factory. He's very surprised that the recluse candy maker is so HOT.
Meanwhile, Dream is delighted by Robyn, especially compared to the other kids, and his father certainly isn't bad either. They are very much alike, even, for though Hob may be grown, he is still very much a child at heart.
Maybe instead of giving away his factory... he can simply invite them to live with him? Surely, they'll both provide wonderful ideas.
Besides, Dream definitely wants to break some health and safety codes with Hob, everywhere 😉👀
- 🐺
So we did have a Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory au a little while back BUT since the Glasgow Wonka Experience went viral, I think we just have to do something with that 🤣
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Here's Dream, who was hired to play Wonka at this fun immersive experience for kids! Unfortunately, its not going very well. The experience definitely isn't what was advertised, kids are crying, parents are fuming! Poor Dream, it's not his fault - he was just hired to be the entertainment.
Fortunately he finds an ally in single father Hob Gadling, who is extremely amused by the shenanigans. His kid, Robyn, is on the borderlines of being too old for this experience anyway, and he finds it pretty funny too. Hob joins in with Dream’s attempts at storytelling and Robyn laughs at his (awful) jokes, so that the mob of other angry parents calm down a tiny bit and don't come for Dream with their pitchforks. It's still a disaster, though. Dream is pretty sure that he'll never get another job after this - he'll be forever known as the Terrible Wonka Guy.
Hob gives him a friendly pat on the back and hands him a business card. He runs a small family pub and he's been looking for new entertainment for birthday parties and that kind of thing. He'll be happy to give Dream the gig if he wants it. Dream is so grateful, he kisses Hob on the cheek - and of course someone gets a picture. Gay Wonka Experience goes horribly viral, but Dream doesn't care. He's got a potential job, AND a date!
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kissingmilfs · 10 months
sleeping with the enemy | natasha romanoff
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summary: part of the dream girl evil! au something had to be done. everyone was sick of the fighting. but maybe being trapped in a van with natasha wasn’t entirely the worst idea. prequel to 🫀
cw: hate fucking, degradation, name calling, sorta pet play, mentions of weed and alcohol, slight blood, consensual(ish) bullying
word count: 4.1k
a/n: my gf @pocolottie did the banner! it’ll be posted to ao3 too.
you’re all squeezed in the back of Sam's dad’s company van. it’s a little silly pulling up to a college bonfire in a white van with a fishing company’s decal on the sides. our friend group is comprised of seven people originally. wanda invited some random boy from her chemistry lab. sam invited his sister because bucky gets really awkward around her and it’s funny seeing a drunk bucky trying to flirt with sarah.
it’s already hard enough sharing an opened, public space with natasha. even when you’re feet apart, there’s always something negative for natasha to spew at you. even if the girl is quiet, you can feel natasha throwing you disgusted looks. naturally it sucks having the girl sitting directly across from you with five other people squished around.
steve texted to warn about the tight squeeze in the van. the natural peace maker wanting to make sure everyone spends the ride without getting murdered. before they swung around to your dorm, you took two shots of some cheap tequila. you hung outside, smoking a joint, able to indulge since soccer season ended.
you needed all the help you could get. sometimes you tell yourself that you can handle natasha’s constant attacking and horrid attitude. but then natasha will glare at you and all your reservations are dropped. you saw the van bank the corner, ashed your joint and hopped into the back. natasha’s dorm is before yours, so naturally you were met with her face first.
the alcohol and the weed help maintain your calm composure. you say, “sup,” to everyone and climb into the van. once sam confirms you’re in safely and somewhat comfortably he drives off, heading to the clearing in the woods. your knees are pulled up to your chest, allowing your chin to rest on them. you’re listening to the lull of random conversations from everyone in the van. you even thought to yourself, “wow this is nice,” right before natasha opened her mouth.
natasha cannot resist truthfully. you make yourself an easy target for the girl. there’s always something for natasha to single out and make fun of. you dont even hide your disdain or contempt. she loves seeing a reaction come from you. something about seeing the muscles in your jaw tighten, or your eyebrows furrow with anger, continues the little game for natasha.
“it smells fucking rank in here.” natasha deadpans while staring directly at you.
you open your mouth then quickly close it. wanda leans over bucky and takes a whiff from you. both her and bucky exchange knowing glances and she giggles.
“its just weed, natasha. chill out.” bucky mumbles with a shrug, not wanting to spend another 20 minutes with both of them going at it.
natasha throws bucky a horrid stare and he retreats into himself like a scared puppy. wanda soothingly rubs his shoulder then glances over apologetically at you. you sigh, momentarily closing your eyes. the thought of entertaining natasha and her usual antics makes the tequila in your stomach churn.
“what? nothing to say, y/l/n? you must’ve really fried your brain with that shit.” natasha’s words are filled with disgust.
you open your eyes again, deadly staring at the girl across from you. “what do you want me to say, hm? i don’t owe you anything. you’re the only one with the fucking problem.”
natasha scrunches her face with one eyebrow raised. “oh? you don’t think the way you smell affects me? or anyone else in the van? maybe they’re all too coward to say anything.”
everyone in the van grumbles, muttering something about how they’re not cowards, or that they don’t care. it does not seem to phase natasha. she’s relentless and goes in for more.
“no wonder you’re such a pathetic athlete. matter of fact, i wonder how your coach would feel hearing what his star player gets up to during off season.”
“jesus…give me a fucking break. maybe you should try smoking some time. you’ll get that stick out of your ass. it’s probably making you constipated and that’s why you’re such a fucking bitch.” your hand curls into a fist against the fabric of your pants. you can feel the anger starting to boil in your veins. this is precisely what you wanted to avoid.
and on the other hand, natasha is failing miserably at hiding her pleased expression. it’s all part of natasha’s favorite game. pushing and pushing until you finally snap. natasha would be lying, if she said the malice in your tone did not excite her and incentive her to keep verbally attacking you.
“and what? become a burnt out loser like yourself? unlike you, i don’t plan on riding on the coattails of my college experience for the rest of my life. some of us have goals and ambitions.”
i scoff, rolling my eyes, trying my best to regain some control over my senses. “right, okay, whatever, natasha. you keep telling yourself that being a cheerleader and majoring in floral arrangements will get you far in life. your future looks like getting on your knees every time you need allowance money from your ugly, cheating husband.”
everyone in the van gasps loudly. you hear sarah, sam’s sister, saying “oh shit.” you do feel a bit embarrassed everyone had to hear and see you like this. no matter how many times you and natasha fight, part of you feels guilty for doing it in front of everyone. natasha simply never knows when to chill. the silence that follows is bone chilling. no one dares utter a word in fear of retaliation from natasha.
natasha, herself, is taken back by the words. she’s dangerously quiet which everyone, yourself included, knows isn’t a good sign. all natasha can do for now is stare at you while threats and insults brew in her mind. you think about apologizing, but then that would make you look weak. confirming everything natasha has ever said about you. you know it is in your best interest and everyone’s safety for you to shut up. stop while you’re ahead. but then again when has the other girl ever backed down? you decide probably to do the dumbest thing possible in the situation.
“hey, sam, mind rolling down those windows?”
sam obliges, letting the crisp air into the van. you pull out the container that holds a half smoked joint and another full one. you rummage around your pockets for the lighter, securing it after a few seconds. the filter rests snuggly between your lips. you nudge natasha’s foot with yours, making sure the girl is watching. then with a quick flick of your lighter, the joint is sparked.
you take a deep inhale then meticulously blow the smoke directly into natasha’s direction. you track the uptick of her plump lips. her jawline becoming more prominent as she grinds her teeth. you can even see natasha digging her perfectly manicured nails into her skin.
“you know…weed is proven to help sexual libido. so maybe it’ll help loosen—“
the van comes to an abrupt stop before you can finish. you’re all jostled around by the unexpected motion. from the view out the windshield, you’re most likely already at the party. sam slams his door shut and opens the back doors. everyone climbs out in somewhat uniformed fashion, you and natasha the first to exit. everyone stretches their limbs, giddy about leaving the confined space and ready for a party.
natasha starts walking away, but sam stops her by the shoulder. she glares at him yet he doesn’t falter. bucky taps on yours and you peel your eyes away from natasha and sam.
“you gotta get back in the van.” bucky whispers with his usual soft yet annoyed tone.
“huh? why? are we leaving or something?’
bucky sighs and shakes his head. “no, nothing like that, just…you gotta go back in. or me and rogers will make you. c’mon.” he steps aside, extending his arm towards the van.
you raise your eyebrows inquisitively, but decide not to protest, simply getting back into the van. the boys are having a lot harder time with natasha. funny considering she’s eight inches shorter and one hundred pounds lighter than all three of them. watching the scene unfold is a bit comical. sam, calmly, asking natasha to listen and not walk off. bucky standing behind her with crossed arms and steve on one side, looking very much worried and frightened. you can see natasha attempt to walk away, but sam grabs her arm. that causes natasha to snap.
she swiftly turns around and knees sam in the balls. sam keels over, cupping his wounded groin. steve’s face turns blank then looks to bucky for help. bucky already moved towards natasha, looping an arm around her waist, lifting the girl over his shoulder. like a petulant child throwing a tantrum, natasha thrashes and screams and pounds her fists into bucky’s back. her blows are landing hard, it seems like, considering bucky winces every time natasha’s fists forcefully meet his back. steve hurriedly grabs the van door for bucky. natasha is gently sat down and they both wait until she gets the hint. she rolls her eyes dramatically, scooting back, almost hitting my legs.
“good. so. we’ve all had enough with the constant fighting.” bucky starts off, rubbing his shoulder.
sam finally reappears with a pissed off expression on his face. “it’s becoming too much. you both ruin the fun every time we all hang out. it’s embarrassing bringing my sister around.”
“we don’t expect you both to become best friends or anything.” steve speaks up.
sam slams one door shut. “but the fighting needs to stop. you two need to figure out how to get along. or at least ignore each other.”
“there’s a child lock on the van door. you can’t escape. the windows are rolled down, so don’t worry about dying or anything. we’ll check back in like 45 minutes. if you need something text wanda. she’s the designated driver for tonight, so she’ll have enough sense.” bucky closes the other door, watching your shocked expressions before leaving you both here with one another.
you’re blinking back your shock, trying to gain some understanding. yeah, you and natasha fought a lot, but was locking you guys in the van really the solution? if anything, only one of you will come out alive.
“close your mouth. even with the window open, i don’t need you stinking up the air.” natasha’s back is leaning against the frame of the van with her legs extended and crossed by the ankle.
“fuck off.”
“brilliant idea! but i can’t, dummy. don’t know if you were listening, you dimwit. we’re trapped here for 45 minutes.”
you move towards the mesh barrier separating the driver’s side and the back of the van. you kneel with your side pressed against the divider, then spark your joint again. but this time, you blow the smoke through the mesh, not in the mood to further aggravate the girl.
natasha intently watches your movements. it surprises her that you have an ounce of consideration. she never ponders too hard on pushing your buttons. it comes like second nature at this point. part of the fun is the audience and humiliating you constantly in front of the friend group. natasha finds that entertaining, not embarrassing, considering that’s an emotion she rarely feels. natasha holds her tongue for now though.
you make note of the quietness. never knowing natasha to shut her mouth. unlike natasha you prefer the silence. you rather never talk to natasha again than fight incessantly. once the joint is finished you check the time—only six minutes have passed. sighing, you adjust back into a sitting position.
you take the time to check natasha out. her tight denim skirt hugs her thighs perfectly, but barely conceals the black underwear underneath. natasha’s baby tee accentuates her breasts and gives them an unneeded, but very welcomed lift. her curtain bangs tickle her eyelashes as her ginger hair rests below her collarbone. you always loved how natasha cut her hair, thinking the layered look frames her face perfectly.
this is all compared to your baggy green cargo pants with the band of your boxers, peeking through, and a basic white tank top that compresses your breasts comfortably. funnily enough, you both are without bras and the chillness of the air causes both your nipples to stay hardened. it seems illogical, but you feel natasha’s eyes on them. as if she’s mentally willing your tank top to remove itself. you shift your eyes to natasha’s face, almost gasping at the look in her eyes. there’s a hunger in them. those emerald orbs staring at you like prey soon to be hunted.
one of natasha’s wickedly delicious smirks appears on her lips. she presses her hands on either side of her body against the floor of the van.
“c’mere.” natasha gestures her head to the empty spot next to her.
you quirk an eyebrow, staring dumbfounded at the other girl. “are you gonna like bite me or something?”
natasha cackles, “you’ll have to beg nicely. now do what i say. i don’t like repeating myself, y/l/n.”
instead of protesting like usual, you sigh and nod, crawling over to natasha’s side. the girl turns her body slightly to look at you. the grin that spreads on natasha’s face sends chills down your spine.
“you know…sometimes i think you like fighting with me. it makes you feel alive. none of those silly, little girls you play with can compete. if you really wanted us to stop fighting, i don’t think you’d let me get under your skin so easily.”
“are you jealous or something? do you want to be one of those girls? is that that this is all about?”
natasha barks out a heinous laughter, throwing her head back. of course, your scope of the situation is small minded, limited to only your perspective. natasha calms down and shakes her head.
“absolutely not. i have a lot more self respect than those airheaded bimbos.”
you roll your eyes, huffing at natasha’s comment and shifting away from the other girl. you’re not sure why you’re letting natasha continue her berating and treatment. but where else could you go? all you do is listen and either fight back or stay quiet. natasha glares at you, once she notices your movements. she grabs the collar of your tank top, forcing you back while bringing you even closer than before.
“did i say you could move away? that’s your problem. empty headed and stubborn. never following directions.” natasha’s hold on your collar loosens, but she keeps you close.
“now…let’s try this again. i’ll give you instructions. you’ll listen. no back talk. i’m not afraid to hurt you. i’ll gladly make you feel some pain.”
natasha’s smile is sickly sweet. it’s tempting, yet stupid, to place an inch of trust in the girl. but maybe it’s not trust. but fear and…want. the curiosity gets the best of you. the weed and traces of tequila corrupt your senses. you should know better. despite the logic screaming in the back of your head, you nod along to natasha’s words.
“see? isn’t that easier?”
natasha’s eyes rakes down your body, tilting her head as if she’s just noticing you. noticing your developed figure with more muscles than the average 21 year old girl. perhaps she understands the allure. the stupid, lustful urge to fake stupidity at a chance of sleeping with you. but natasha regards herself to a much higher status than the girls on her team. it’s the reason she is team captain after all. every hive needs a queen bee.
“take off your shirt.” natasha commands.
she already dropped her hand from the collar. natasha patiently waits for you to follow the instructions. natasha arches an eyebrow when you haven’t made any movements. somehow that incentives you, pulling the tank top over your head and tossing it aside. the sudden rush of the chilly air hardens your nipples even more. your arms instinctively cover your chest needing the warmth and protection. both from the air and natasha’s predatory eyes.
natasha reaches over, peels your arms by digging her nails into your skin. “you don’t get to touch until i’m done with you.”
your breathing falters, heart skipping a beat at the sensation that washes over you. natasha’s faux sweet smile returns on her face. the other girl wastes no time. her hand finding solace on one breast, pinching and twisting your nipple. natasha’s smile spreads once you wince. the undeniable pleasure makes it hard to pretend you’re not into it. you cannot control arching your back into natasha’s unrelenting touch.
natasha’s fingers continue playing with your nipple. she finds the exact roughness that makes you pant. you need more though. even as natasha tugs and pulls, rolling your nipple between her fingers, it only makes you crave more. you unexpectedly let out a low moan. natasha chuckles, pausing her fingers.
“you want more, puppy? it’s not enough? huh? speak.”
your eyes feel heavy as you lift them up to stare into natasha’s. you try your best to form coherent thoughts. but all you can do is nod and say, “yes.”
“yes, what? you’ll have to do better than that. c’mon. you can be a good dog. tell me what you want.”
“more. i need more.”
the response isn’t enough for natasha. she slaps her hand across your breast. immediately afterwards the hand is pressed and wrapped around your throat. you’re still reeling and recovering from the slap. natasha whispers in a firm and clear voice.
“i know there’s more thoughts in that head. you’re not completely a dumb slut. you know what i want. c’mon.”
natasha squeezes the sides of your throat. the additional pressure does nothing for forming those sentences she wants out of you. your thoughts are leaking out of you as the time passes. the more natasha demands of you and touches you—the more your wetness pools more into your boxers. but natasha is right. you do know what she wants. the demanding tone of her voice paired with her roughness makes it clear. you wish you could spit out a, fuck you. yet where would that get you?
you groan once natasha tugs you by the neck, your lips brushing against each other. “f-fine. fine. god. please…natasha…i need more. i need you to fuck me…please.”
“ah! good puppy! you did it! see? you just need to be trained.”
natasha crashes her lips into yours as soon as the last words leave hers. you both moan at the immediate contact. all the years of fighting and hatred built up for this one moment. everything momentarily made sense. it clicked. natasha doesn’t ask for permission as her tongue creeps into your mouth. her grip is still firm on your neck. you graciously allow the girl access without hesitation. with quickness natasha sucks on your tongue making the most obscene noises to grace your ears.
you’re not sure when it happened, but natasha’s free hand already loosened the button on your pants and the zipper. it’s only when you feel the girl’s hand cupping your soaked pussy through your boxers that you noticed. your hips instinctively buck into the girl’s hand. natasha bites your lip in retaliation. once her teeth are removed, you taste a familiar metallic taste on your teeth.
“what the fuck natasha?” you touch your lips, pulling away slightly, to inspect the blood.
natasha only smiles, revealing a little bit of blood on her lips too. natasha rises on her knees, not saying a word, as she rolls her black thong down her legs. she sits back down next to you, in order to remove it completely. your eyes sparkle hopefully. the idea of fucking natasha or even tasting the cheerleader drives you crazy beyond repair. but natasha has other ideas.
once her thong is secured in hand, natasha commands, “open up, mutt.”
you obey, naturally, as natasha crumples the thong into a ball and shoves it into your mouth. as your eyes widen both in disbelief and at the faint taste of natasha, the girl pats your head.
“dogs have to be muzzled until they learn to obey and listen.”
you cannot even process the magnitude of her words before natasha’s hand slides down your boxers. her fingers dance across your tiny bush. you widen your legs in response. you’re practically panting, like the mutt natasha claims you are. her fingertips are already met with your slick. you don’t even know how it was possible to already be this wet. you must’ve been turned on a lot earlier and faster than you realized. you hold your breath when natasha briefly circles your clit, but it doesn’t last long.
without much warning, natasha sinks two fingers deep inside of you. you almost choke on the spit gathering in your throat. natasha surprises you by leaning into your neck, kissing and biting your neck. your eyes practically roll into the back of your head. your moans are muffled but natasha can still hear them. she curls her fingers then starts pumping them languidly. it’s definitely her way of teasing you, making you desperate for more. and you are. natasha savors the feeling of your pussy snug around her fingers. how warm and wet you feel every time her fingers move inside you. with each stroke, natasha can feel more of your wetness pooling around them.
but it’s still not enough. you know it and natasha knows it. natasha peels herself off your neck, removing the makeshift gag. an immediate whine leaves your lips. natasha rolls her eyes at your desperation.
“beg, mutt.”
natasha’s fingers have stalled until she gets what she wants. the girl stares expectantly. waiting with a subtle smile on her face because natasha knows.
“please, nat, faster…harder…it’s not enough, please. please, i’ll be good.”
“you will? then say you’re a pathetic mutt. then i’ll consider it.”
tears form in your eyes, as natasha starts moving her fingers in and out of you again. only giving you small doses of what you want.
“c’mon, say it.”
“i’m…fuck…okay. i’m a pathetic mutt. please.”
natasha’s giddiness translates into a giggle. she cannot believe she’s able to push you this far. it was almost too easy. natasha pretends to think it over. you’re about to protest but the thong is back in your mouth. then her fingers slam into you repeatedly, over and over, unrelenting and with no hesitation. through your muffled moans and cries, you can hear the squelching sounds of your cunt being fucked. natasha captures her bottom lip between her teeth. you’re completely blissed out. your head tipped back, bare chest rising and falling dramatically and eyes barely open. natasha can feel you tighten around her fingers. you whine pathetically not wanting to come so quickly. but natasha doesn’t care. somehow her fingers move even harder, pushing you even further to the edge. then her thumb sloppily massages circles over your clit. that’s all it takes for you to see white. the gag pushes out slightly. you bite down on it once your orgasm reaches its head.
you can hear natasha laughing, but it all sounds underwater to you. her fingers never once stop their force and speed. it’s all becoming too overwhelming as you attempt to squirm and wiggle out from her grasp. natasha’s free hand finds the back of your head. her fingers tangle in your hair, forcefully jerking your head back.
“only i get to tell you when you’re done, mutt.” natasha seethes near your ear. a text chimes on both your phones. time must be up soon. natasha groans, pulling her fingers out of your cunt.
the sudden empty feeling makes you almost weep. you stare at natasha with widened eyes. you can’t tell if you’re embarrassed or still horribly turned on. natasha removes her underwear before wiping her wet fingers on your chest. you watch as natasha shoves her thong into her tiny purse.
“don’t just fucking look at me. get dressed.”
once you’re dressed and somewhat decent again, you open your camera, noticing your busted lip. there’s bite marks on your neck and a few small hickeys.
“what the fuck natasha…c’mon. how am i supposed to explain this to everyone?”
you angle your neck towards the girl. natasha barely acknowledges them and shrugs. her expression is indifferent. natasha doesn’t even bother replying because the van door opens. the boys all stare nervously, like they’re half expecting to find a dead body. natasha pushes you off to the side, scooting out of the van, as if nothing happened.
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bitchy-craft · 1 year
Random Things About Your Future Spouse | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find out some random things about your future spouse you might enjoy. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
Your future spouse is a trouble maker when it comes to making decisions; they make it too difficult for themselves, and everyone around them. They take in so many future possibilities it makes you wonder how many things are even going around in their mind, it must be a maze.
Just like having trouble with making decisions they have many things they'd like to become in life, and like to learn. It might not be farfetched to say they change their hobbies every few months or so because they suddenly thought about something else, or thought about something they had done in the past. Because of this though, they are able to tell tons of fun stories, which can be interesting to listen to.
Something your future spouse posesses, which fits perfectly in the other mentions, is that they have eyes and ears everywhere, they absolutely love to know the drama and opinions of everyone around them. If you want more understanding of a social situation which is happening around you, around them; they'll tell you everything you want to know. They know just enough people to find out all about it.
Pile 2:
Your future spouse is someone of two ends. They can be incredibly depressing and negative; finding anything that could possibly go wrong, and worry about it a great deal even though what they made up is hardly possible in the first place. Yet they can also be the most positive and vibrant person you'll ever meet. Someone who finds little things in life beautiful and important, someone who can point out the things you've made progress at when you can't see it, someone who gives you a pep talk so you don't give up on your goals and dreams.
They are overflowing with energy, while thinking positive and negative, which can be something they can have trouble with; constantly using all your energy up when you don't mean to do so can be absolutely draining.
Something else they are good at, which again, is often directed towards other people, is being able to defend the ones they care about. Your future spouse isn't someone who is too scared to speak up, rather, they speak up a whole lot, whenever they are able to talk they do, and they will. If someone they care for has met with unjust, they'll fix it right up and confront the person they deem bad. But they'll also be honest if they believe you're at fault, and will help you get to know yourself a little bit better.
Pile 3:
Your future spouse is great and knowing what they want, knowing how to get what they want, and actually do what is needed to get what they want. They are great at making plans and finding the most innovative ways to get to their goal. They don't make things complicated, but they make it enough to leave an impression.
They do have a tendency to think they are always correct in situations because of this. They always analyse every, single thing and rationalize it in their brain for them to understand and make up a solution or a reaction. Because they always think through like that, and not many others do, they often automatically assume they are right when they aren't; although they are able to realize they were wrong when it's told to them.
They have a close circle of friends, although many people are in there. They love to socialize with people and talk about things they had trouble with, or actually enjoyed in their life; they love to listen to stories and others experiences, they find it entertaining and educational.
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akiology · 10 months
Phantom Thieves play a farming/life simulator game with S/O
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Note: purely self-indulgent... my friends and i booted up stardew valley again so have this . .. i mainly have stardew in mind while writing, so the mechanics will be reflecting that ehe no sumi yet! i have no idea how to write her yet </3 but i am currently playing through p5r so i might add her later!
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Ahh... he enjoys this game very much. Being somewhere peaceful and quiet AND alone with you? Perhaps a dream come true! As soon as the game is loaded, he starts planting the first few seeds he receives, and then proceeds to forage for things he could sell. When he finds a few flowers, he will give them to you and will pout if you don't accept them.
"You need to meet the people in town!" you tell him as he tries to give you the flower again.
"Why? I already have you. I do not need anyone else."
Definitely the type to do most things with you. You are planting crops? He will water them. You are petting the chickens? He will feed them. You are fishing on the beach? He is right beside you, doing the same. You are going to the mines? He defends you from the mobs while you mine away. He genuinely enjoys being with you all the time (even if in this case, its in a video game).
Enjoys playing househusband as well, should you advance that far in the game, and will be the type to seriously think about the names of your children (in the game). Once the house is upgraded, and there is a kitchen, he now has another purpose. The type to collect recipes and cook, going around town giving dishes to the townspeople. The type to send you off with your 'lunch' and a "Take care! The kids and I will be waiting for you."
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Probably giddy the first time you suggest playing the game. He will gladly agree, of course! The only thing though, he does not find the farm work to be entertaining, so you will have to do that. He does not mind taking care of the livestock though! As soon as the game starts, he'd probably hand you the seeds and go foraging instead. Probably the kind to always make sure to have something to sell at the end of the day.
He enjoys going to the mines, and so he is mainly in-charge of the upgrades. Will tend to give you a few pretty stones and/or artifacts he finds. Also the kind to 'unlock' things, such as new areas or new mechanics. He would probably go for achievements, but he's not really a completionist. More so does certain things for its benefits.
"Ryuji, I need a few earth crystals for the mayonnaise makers," you tell him as you were rearranging a few things in your farm.
"Alright babe! I also got you a diamond, by the way!"
He also tries to make your life easier while playing the game, such as letting you upgrade your backpack first, exchanges tools with you when he upgrades so that you have the better quality, and puts torches every where so you do not get lost. Will probably be blushing the whole time while you guys get married, and when you decide to have kids (in-game).
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The game is so cute! Yes, she will gladly play with you! When you first boot up the game, she is a little bit overwhelmed because there are so many things to do, but she will most likely look at the journal/tasks as a guide for things to do. She does not mind doing a little bit of everything, but she mainly enjoys taking care of the livestock. She also likes designing the layout for both the farmland and the inside of the house.
"Oh my gosh! Can I buy the chickens for our coop? Our first children!" Ann gushes, having just finished up the fencing for the said coop.
"Sure, just do not forget to buy food for them as well!"
Once you guys have reached the stage where you are living comfortably, she will try to befriend everyone! Extra resources she have will be given to the townspeople, curious for the lore and a few character backstories. As for the romanceables, she asks for your permission to befriend them beforehand. It's honestly adorable.
When you guys get married, she will dress up accordingly. She is giggling the whole time, and will whisper an 'I love you' to you at the end. When you decide to have kids, she's a bit disappointed that they do not grow up. She finds it fun to put different hats on them, though!
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He is a bit clueless at first, and will need you to guide him through most of the things. Once he gets the hang of it though, he will enjoy it. He really likes the background music and the art of the game so those are plus points for him. He tends to forget the farm chores though, as he will usually go to town to interact with different characters and see their stories.
If you let him be in-charge of the farm layout, it will be a beautiful farm guaranteed; even with just the use of flowers, crops, and some tall grasses. He asks that you do not touch it though, so you have two farms. One for profit, and one for whatever Yusuke decides it to be. He rarely goes to the mine, and almost never goes unless you invite him so you are in-charge of upgrading your tools. You, however, task him with buying things needed for the farm such as hay, seeds, etc. He accidentally bought 99 pieces of the wrong thing once though, and he apologized profusely afterwards.
"You bought 99 heaters?!"
"It was beside the hay, my love, I realized too late." Yusuke genuinely sounded apologetic, and you assured him that it was fine.
When you get married, he will give you a bunch of flowers he grew on the farm. He also tends to have a surprise for you every once in a while, like maybe an item he got while exploring, or rearranging your furniture. If you decide to have children, he diligently checks on them and does not want to leave them alone on the farm. You try to tell him it does not make a difference, but he refuses to leave them all by themselves.
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Another one who is a bit clueless. After watching a bit from you, she starts to learn though. You divide up the chores between yourselves, so that you get equal experiences. Also the one to fulfill all the side quests, even in-game she likes helping people. She finds the game as a good stress relief, given as it has a calming background music and cute art. Also enjoys exploring every new thing together.
"Makoto, will you be my partner for the festival?"
"Y-you don't need to ask. My answer is always yes."
She also likes the combat system, and will visit the mines sometimes. A casual player, she allows you to play even without her. Given that she is a very busy person, she's fine even with just updates on what is going on in the farm currently. Despite this, she somehow remembers which crops/products are the most profitable and encourages you to sell those instead.
If you decide to get married in-game, she is red in the face while the sequence is happening. She might also come back more frequently now, can't let her spouse do all the work on the farm by themselves now, eh?
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She is probably the one to initiate asking. She has played the game before, and wants to try playing with you as well. Will also probably play the game with a few mods, just to spice it up a little bit. As soon as the game loads, she plants the given seeds and goes to town to greet the people. An absolute completionist for achievements. Might play the game even if you are not online. The kind of player to advance ahead, just so she can help you later on. Despite this, she asks for your input in most things as she really likes including you in the decision-making.
"Should I put the coop near our crops so it's easier for you to navigate?" Futaba asks while she layouts the farm.
"Yes please!"
She keeps a mental list of the things she needs to do, and knows exactly what exact conditions are needed to unlock a certain thing, or the requirements to a certain event. So if you ever find yourself stuck, feel free to ask her! She also does a little bit of everything, therefore her stats are really balanced.
Married or not, she gives you an item every day. She says its a 'power-up', so you will have an easier time doing your tasks. Also, your cat's name is Morgana. She says you guys are one big family over here.
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Yes! It did not take much convincing, honestly. She does not mind being completely in-charge of the crops. She tends to do a few tasks from-time-to-time, though. Especially tasks related to crops, such as bringing a cabbage to a certain person in town. She very much likes the combat system, sure it's a little simple, but she loves it. Sometimes goes to the mines just for it. Not to get an ore, but just to battle.
She gives you flowers, sometimes from foraging, and some she grew on the farm. She studies which crops are the best to grow to ensure profit and also which ones you can eat for HP and fatigue, both for when you or she goes to the mines. She might drop a few fun facts about some of the plants, too.
She is a very casual player, playing for the vibes and also as a bonding quality time with you. Thus, she likes when you ask her to do stuff with you, such as visiting another island together, or going to the mines together. When you get married, she finds it cute that the whole town attended. And to be honest... this game is giving her ideas.
"What if we start a farm that could supply our café?" Haru asks you one night.
"H-Haru! Let us focus on graduating first... "
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A little hesitant to play, but he ends up playing nonetheless. He is a little bit unsure on what to do, so he ends up mimicking whatever it is you do. While he ends up enjoying the game, he will only play when you are online. If he has prior commitments, he lets you play but does not want you to play special events without him.
"Goro~ the festival tomorrow requires me having a partner. Can I ask one of the townspeople instead?"
"No. Do not even think about it. Wait for me," he leaves no room for discussion.
He also likes dividing the chores between you two, so you both get equal benefits. He likes exploring with you, but when he is not with you he is mining purely for the combat. If you ever need monster drops, he probably has a lot in his inventory. Will also redecorate your house a bit, and admittedly he likes the idea of living with you a little too much. Even if it is in-game. He is most definitely not remembering how you designed the house for later references.
He also really enjoyed watching the wedding sequence with you. Maybe one day, you can run away with him and live a peaceful life tending a farm instead? Would you say yes? Maybe it is not too late to start anew somewhere.
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solplparty · 2 years
🎥NCT 127 ‘NEO CITY : SEOUL – THE LINK+'✨ 2 Baddies(x2) 1 Porsche🏎💨 #shorts https://youtu.be/kRf7_E0sJCg NCT 127 in ‘NEO CITY : SEOUL – THE LINK+' Thank You NCTzens💚 📢 드림메이커 (DREAM MAKER) - HOME : http://dreammakerlive.com - YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/DREAMMAKERLIVE1 - FACEBOOK : http://facebook.com/dreammakerlive - INSTAGRAM : http://instagram.com/dreammakerlive_official - TIKTOK : https://www.tiktok.com/@dreammakerlive_official - TWITTER : https://twitter.com/dreammakerlive DREAM MAKER LIVE
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