onryou-onryou · 7 months
Dysrhythmia 1999 Stalag 13 Philadelphia, PA.
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rastronomicals · 2 months
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12:37 AM EDT July 11, 2024:
Dysrhythmia - "Earthquake" From the album Contradiction (2000)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Progressive Metal
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toffeethief · 1 month
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jt1674 · 3 months
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georgethechen · 2 years
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sungtaro · 2 years
need today to b over
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kenniegeex2 · 1 year
My coworkers freaked out today because my blood pressure was so high they thought I was going to have a stroke. My heart kept skipping beats. I felt so fuzzy, and had such a hard time breathing that I thought I might actually be dying. 4 hours in the ER and some sweet talking to the cardiologist and nephrologist (it sometimes pays to befriend the doctors) I got to go home only because I was returning to work tomorrow and I can be monitored while I’m there.
I can feel something in my body is terribly wrong. But no one has a clue what, and I keep having this feeling of dread, fatigue, malaise. My brain hasn’t been as sharp as it usually is. I’m terrified something is going to happen to be and my kids will be left with just their father.
I didn’t used to fear death. I welcomed the thought of no longer struggling. Now that those munchkins are here, I can’t leave them alone just yet.
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drawbudd · 2 years
Romanticising waking up early as the sun rises in the attempt to coax my brain into doing it
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gunsandspaceships · 2 months
Tony's Heart: Arrhythmia
For at least 5 years (from IM1 to the end of IM3) Tony suffered from arrhythmia and had a pacemaker and ICD (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator) in his chest along with arc reactor. How do we know this:
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IM1 0:25:55 - There's no need to "run a heart" if there's only shrapnel in the chest. Yinsen's words only make sense if there is something running the heart that requires electricity from the reactor - a pacemaker and ICD.
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IM1 0:51:10 - In the scene where Pepper changes his reactor and takes out the old magnet, we hear Tony's heart went into tachycardia and he was about to get a cardiac arrest (caused by arrhythmias). After connecting the new reactor, Tony received an electric shock and his heart rate returned to normal. What happened: It wasn't the shrapnel that caused this reaction - even without magnet, the shrapnel would have been too slow to cause immediate danger. A pacemaker-ICD is a power source, chip, and electrodes that go to a heart. In this case, the power source is the reactor itself, the chip is part of the reactor, and the electrodes run from the base of the socket to Tony's heart. When Tony connected the reactor cable to the base plate, he connected it to the electrodes so that his pacemaker could work and save him from his irregular heartbeats. Apparently connecting the reactor to the base plate was necessary to power his pacemaker and nothing else, since the old magnet had been pulled out by Pepper and the new reactor had its own magnet. Without reactor-pacemaker-ICD, he had no protection against arrhythmia. So when Pepper touched the socket walls, it gave Tony a shock and disrupted his hearth rhythm (similar happened to him in Endgame), then she pulled out the magnet and that stressed him enough to give him tachycardia, and as soon as the reactor was reconnected, the pacemaker-ICD worked again and corrected Tony's heart rhythm by sending him a therapeutic electric shock.
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IM1 1:37:00 - Stane pulled out the reactor with pacemaker out of Tony's chest. Without the pacemaker, due to temporary paralysis and stress Tony's heart went to bradycardia (abnormally slow heartbeat), which gives us the diagnosis - Sick Sinus Syndrome (tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome). Tony managed to get to his lab and connect the old reactor. Shrapnel and electromagnet had nothing to do with it, because, as I already mentioned, shrapnel is too slow to cause damage in such a short time, and we also have to remember that the old magnet was outside the reactor and was pulled out by Pepper. So there was no magnet in this reactor. From that moment until the end of the battle with Stane, the shrapnel in Tony's chest was free. Tony needed this reactor first to correct the arrhythmia, and then to power the armor, and not to stop the shrapnel. He plugged it in, received a treatment shock that eliminated the bradycardia, and may have lost consciousness, which is why he was lying on the floor when Rhodes found him.
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IM3 Deleted scene "Tony, Harley and EJ" - Tony saves EJ using his reactor's ICD function. He had to take it out of his chest and give the boy shocks, receiving them himself, which disrupted his heart rhythm. This sent Tony into ventricular fibrillation, and Harley had to reconnect the reactor so the ICD could deliver the treatment shock you see in the second gif.
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Avengers: Endgame (1:20:30) - Tony asked Scott to induce a mild cardiac dysrhythmia (another name for arrhythmia) in his 2012 copy by pulling out a pin inside the reactor. This appeared to disrupt the normal functioning of his pacemaker and caused him to have a series of abnormal shocks that led to an arrhythmia and him falling to the ground in convulsions. Note that Tony knew what to do and that it (probably) wouldn't kill him, meaning his pacemaker-ICD would eventually solve the problem on its own, even without Thor's help.
And finally:
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In case my evidence is not convincing enough.
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fawnaura · 1 year
It's the soul that's erotic
Adélia Prado, The Mystical Rose; “Dysrhythmia” tr. by Ellen Watson
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89rooms · 7 months
It’s the soul that’s erotic.
Adélia Prado - 'Dysrhythmia,' The Alphabet in the Park, translation Ellen Watson
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rastronomicals · 12 days
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10:42 PM EDT September 8, 2024:
Dysrhythmia - "Bus-terminal" From the album Barriers and Passages (May 2, 2006)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Math Metal
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toffeethief · 1 month
Dysrhythmia - Annihilation I
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sparklingsin · 2 years
— lost time | ron weasley
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+ ron weasley x witch!reader
boy, the lack of ron fics on here is saddening. my goofy king is so under-rated so i just had to write someting. this is purely self-indulgent because i'm obsessed with auror!ron and miss hogwarts. can you imagine dancing with ron in auror robes? swoon.
tags: fluff, getting-together, aged up/adults, after hogwarts
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You're not sure how long you've been staring. It might have been an embarrassing amount of time — if you cared to check.
Time has been good to him. He is taller than you remember, lankier than ever, cheeks hollowing out and accentuating his strong, angled jaw. He's dressed in Auror robes no doubt, the thick black material cutting into the pale, freckled flesh and contrasting tastefully with his fiery red hair.
You spot Harry Potter beside him, who, to no one's surprise, is surrounded by a swarm of people as Ron snickers at him from the edges of the group. Harry throws him a disgruntled look. Their boyish tendencies make you smile, as your mind's eye turns back in time, to your years at Hogwarts.
While most people in your year had been obsessing over the Boy who Lived, you had had your eyes set out for his best friend. He had been, after all, your then closest friend's brother. But nothing had ever happened except for him once borrowing a quill from you and then he was someone else's.
And now, years later, there's just a small flutter in your heart at the sight of him. The dysrhythmia induced by a school girl crush has long disappeared but he's plenty handsome and that is hard to ignore.
"If you'd like me to introduce you, you need only say the word," Ginny's voice stirs you out of your daze.
You blush, tearing your gaze away from the red-head and look at the witch beside you. There's an all too familiar glint in her eyes that makes you frown. You had already caught up with each other several minutes ago, delighted at finally being able to meet each other at this Hogwarts Reunion, which was otherwise impossible because of your busy schedules.
"It's Harry you should be worried about," you retort, gesturing at the sea of innumerable witches he has now disappeared amidst.
"Ron's not seeing anyone at the moment," Ginny notes nonchalantly and you almost choke on your drink.
"It was a school crush, Ginevra," you mutter, but your words sound hollow to yourself as you watch Ron Weasley tilt his head back and laugh at something Luna Lovegood had just said.
"If only you had told me before year seven...," she mumbles, trailing off into her own thought. Only when Harry, Ron and Hermione had famously left their last year at Hogwarts to go on a quest to save the world (a story that was now a bed time tale for the new generation of wizards and witches) did you confess to Ginny that you had had an unrequited crush on her brother. But then the world almost ended, lives were lost and you lost touch with your only link to the Weasleys.
"If only. Too bad a dark, evil wizard was trying to kill us all," you mutter and Ginny throws you a look.
"You're actually perfect for Ron, you know," she remarks and you sigh, sipping the last of the enchanted beer.
"Why are you trying to play cupid, anyway? Do you not have people to meet? Hear Slughorn's looking for you," you say, in a vain effort to change the subject.
"He was?" Ginny asks, suddenly perking up and looking around with a troubled expression.
"If he asks for me again, I was never here," she whispers, slinking off into the crowd and out of sight.
Finally managing to shake off the flaming presence of one, adamant Weasley, you weave your way towards the bar. You order another round of the butter beer and look off to your left and back, only to find yourself standing beside... Ron Weasley himself.
"Hi," you say, a little out of breath, having been caught like a deer in headlights. He looks shocked too, not expecting someone to ambush him at the bar counter.
"I'm Y/N L/N," you add, trying to compose yourself and smile awkwardly.
"Oh...Y/N...?" his expression remains blank.
"Ginny and I used to be close...," you say, trying hard not to let the disappointment shine through in your voice.
"Ahh," Ron mumbles looking away and you're not convinced that means anything to him.
You wish the ground would open and swallow you whole. You're about to make a run for it and apparate, to save yourself from the embarrassment, when Ron speaks up.
"You wouldn't happen to be the girl who set Dean and Ginny up back then, did you?" he asks, as he gestures for the bar tender - Mrs. Rosmerta's son you've learnt.
You frown. "No, I don't think that was me. Why?" you ask, curious.
"Oh they were trouble, don't know why anybody thought they were a good idea," he mutters and you chuckle.
"'Suppose it's better having your best friend date your sister," you note, grateful for an excuse to keep the conversation going.
Ron turns towards you. "You'd think. But every time he's home, she takes up all his bloody time," he murmurs, so very sincerely, that you can't help but laugh.
"Don't tell him I said that though," he says, turning his head to look at Harry in the crowd who has finally managed to find his way to his old friends. "Don't need his head getting any bigger."
You grin. "I doubt it'll ever come up but I'll keep it in mind," you chirp, pausing to take a sip of the drink hat the bar-tender's handed to you.
You fall into easy conversation then, the awkwardness disappearing as Ron's smile gets wider and you start feeling more relaxed. He's sitting much closer to you now, drink in hand, smelling slightly like an old comforter and toothpaste and you're so happy, you've forgotten your drink beside you.
"We had a good run here," Ron is saying. He looks up and around him, at the adorned walls of the Great Hall and you nod.
"She's still so beautiful," you murmur, looking at the ceiling that has been bewitched to twinkle like with sky with stars today.
Ron sighs, wistfully. "Merlin, I miss Hogwarts."
"What do you miss the most?"
"Everything, you know, the food, the teachers, these halls, the dormitories. Blimey, even the classes, the girls—"
"What was so bad about the girls?" you ask, pretending to be offended and Ron's ears turn red.
"No, hell, I mean, it was so difficult to talk to girls back then.... but I'd take that over what I have going on right now."
He looks at you sheepishly, running a hand through his hair.
You frown at him.
"What do you mean?"
"What with work and everything, you know, there's no time," he admits, sighing.
"I'm sure any witch would make time for a wizard like you," you muse, eyes twinkling.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Ron echoes, quirking an eyebrow at you but there's a playfulness to his tone.
"I mean— you're an Auror— a great, distinctly famous wizard— and a good man from what I've heard," you say, as the red-head's eyebrows shoot up higher.
"And you're gorgeous," you add after a beat, not quite looking at him but Ron turns crimson. It's bold, for your standards and you decide to blame the beer.
"It's not that easy you know," he says after a moment, clearing his throat.
You look back at him through your eyelashes. There's a new shine in his eyes, a little pucker at the corner of his lips that makes your heart beat a little faster.
You're in the mood to play, so you lean over. "Oh, it's not? Do tell..."
"Well, I've been sat here twenty minutes," he says, leaning closer, voice dropping low, "...trying to rack up the nerve to ask a witch out for a dance and been failing spectacularly so far."
A shiver travels down your back and you tongue the inside of your cheek to keep from grinning. "Maybe try now?"
Ron suppresses a grin.
"Do you...," he's turned a slight shade of pink and you can't help but smile.
"Do you reckon you'd like to dance with me?" he asks, running a hand through his hair, tousling it and you have a mad urge to smooth it out but resist. There's a blush tinting his cheeks but the bashful grin on his face makes your cheeks heat up.
"I'd like that," you whisper as Ron stands up and bows before you, extending his hand.
You weave through a large part of the crowd hand in hand, to a somewhat empty space is the middle and Ron pulls you close to himself, taking one of your hands in his and placing a gentle one on your waist, taking the lead.
You blush a little, surprised by the charge he takes. You definitely like this cooler, confident Ron with bits of awkwardness and goofiness sprinkled in.
"You're a lot different than I remember," you blurt out, regretting it the minute the words roll off your tongue.
To your surprise, Ron looks amused.
"You have memories from school about me?"
You start swaying to the music, falling quite easily into the step of waltz.
Trapped. "Well...I was one of your sister's closest friends and you were only one of the most famous wizard's best friend," you say quickly, before you can embarrass yourself more by letting out your secret.
The song slows down, as you gently sway to the music, painfully aware of how warm Ron's breath is on your face. The hall is quieter now, the couples swaying silently on the floor as others watch and the gravity of the situation sinks in.
You're dancing with Ron Weasley.
You try to contain the flurry of butterflies erupting in your stomach at the realisation, but it's hard to focus when he's so gently holding you against him. You dance in quiet embrace for the rest of the song, fighting a losing hormonal battle, and just as it segues into something slightly faster, Ron spins you out on one arm.
"I'm sorry I don't remember you from school much," he says softly.
It's nothing— it's a pinch, a paper cut if anything. You already know he doesn't remember you but you can't help the flutter of disappointment in your chest his words.
You roll back into his arm gracefully and look up into his piercing blue eyes.
"Quite a shame really, you'd think I'd not be stupid and remember one of the most beautiful witches I've ever seen," he says, a genuineness in his eyes that makes you falter.
You freeze briefly in your little step, a wave of heat erupting over your chest at his swift words. School-girl-you would've melted into a puddle on the floor at these words, but adult-you knows better and wills your rapidly beating heart to slow down.
"You'd think so," you reply breathily, feigning disappointment and Ron chuckles.
"I'm sorry. You've got to excuse teenage Ron, he was a right git," he says and you can't help but laugh.
"I forgive him," you say. "We were all gits when we were sixteen."
"You know," he pipes again, pulling you away from the center of the floor. The music has turned faster now and by the time he's pulled you to the very edges, the floor is a chaotic flurry of limbs.
"We could make up for lost time."
You quirk up an eyebrow at him, surprised by his forwardness.
"For someone who was struggling to ask me for a dance only minutes ago, you're being awfully direct."
Ron blushes but the grin on his face grows wider.
"Something an old friend told me about letting people know you fancy them when you fancy them," he mumbles and you quirk an amused eyebrow at him.
"You fancy me?"
He smiles sheepishly. "I thought it was obvious," he quips, pulling you closer by your fingers.
"I'd like to get to know you better then," you whisper. Ron smiles down warmly at you, turning your stomach to mush.
"I'd like to get to know you better too," he says, and his smile quickly turns into a smirk.
"Your place or mine?"
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i write for harry & ron (and possibly others if inspiration strikes) please send in requests and your thoughts!
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roxiewyatthb · 4 months
Conditions I HC Some Of My Favs To Have
idk i just wanted to make a thing bc i got inspired from some shared dms, these aren't ALL my favs, just some from random fandoms bc we'll be here for days lmao
Godot (Ace Attorney)- Tachycardia + Arrhythmia
Wolf O'Donnell (StarFox)- Heart Murmur + Atrial Fibrillation
All Might (BnHA)- Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy (due to his injury)
Donquixote Doflamingo (One Piece)- Brugada Syndrome
Uzui Tengen (KnY)- Dysrhythmia + Restrictive Cardiomyopathy (due to poisoning)
Gyro Zeppeli (JJBA)- Sinus Arrhythmia + Palpitations
Kabal (Mortal Kombat)- Bradycardia
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Just You And Me
read on AO3
1.2k, Bruce Banner/Tony Stark, E-rating, Canon AU Summary: Tony recovers from being spat back into Earth's orbit and his mild cardiac dysrhythmia. Bruce worries as usual.
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