#Da Vinci Magazine
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Horizon, Vol. IX. No. 4, American Heritage Pub. Co., Autumn 1967
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batgovernor · 3 months
Jerome Betts, 'Overexposure On A Station Bookstall'
I Magazines courting raised circulation     Decked with models they think most appealing Merely generate mild irritation     When it’s clear what it is they’re revealing. Whether languorous, muscular, ditzy,      Strong and silent, demure, sentimental, Or suggestive, i.e. bum ‘n’ titsy,      They display far too much that is dental. Why this boom in bared teeth, all Macleany?      Why the…
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t0rschlusspan1k · 5 months
“We preserve our life with the death of others. In a dead thing insensate life remains which, when it is reunited with the stomachs of the living, regains sensitive and intellectual life.”
Leonardo da Vinci as quoted on the Smithsonian Magazine's Europe's Hypocritical History of Cannibalism (by Sarah Everts)
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colleendoran · 1 year
I received a note from someone who was upset I “failed to cite Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics” in my research for my work on Neil Gaiman's Chivalry and the essays I wrote about it. 
I really appreciate that people want to make sure credit goes where it's due, and I have a lot of respect for Scott McCloud's accomplishment with his wonderful book.  
I haven't read it myself in some years, and didn't cite it in my articles because I didn't reference it. I don't even know where my copy is so I don't know what McCloud referenced, either. 
The information in my articles re: illuminated manuscripts and the Bayeux Tapestry, as well as other theories about the development of sequential art from prehistory, not only predate McCloud's work (and in fact, predate McCloud's birth,) but they are so common and so well known in comics circles that asking me to cite them seems as weird to me as asking me to cite the information that George Washington was the first President of the United States.
A part of me wonders if someone is trying to play, "Let's you and him fight." 
But I’m happy to bring to your attention some reading material.
Stephen Becker in his 1959 work Comic Art in America: A Social History of the Funnies, the Political Cartoons, Magazine Humor, Sporting Cartoons, and Animated Cartoons was among the first to discuss the Bayeux Tapestry as comic art. I read that book sometime in the 1980’s. I think a lot of people assume the Bayeux tapestry as comic art was McCloud’s idea, but we don’t all walk around with a reference library in our heads, so there you go. I can’t find my copy of Becker’s work to quote, but I did find an article by Arthur Asa Berger with a mention of the Bayeux Tapestry as comic art in the summer 1978 issue of The Wilson Quarterly.
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My first exposure to the idea of comics as descendant of fine art was Maurice Horn’s 1976 The World Encyclopedia of Comics which was my first read re: comics history. I still have my tattered 1976 edition. 
While Horn scorned the idea that tapestries and manuscripts could be comic art (see, it was a matter of discussion way back then, so much so that authors were writing snarky asides to one another about it,) he believed the origin of sequential art was in the Renaissance sketches of Leonardo da Vinci - which I think everyone now agrees is kind of a bonkers idea.
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I think Horn was just intent on elevating the comic art form by hooking up with da Vinci.
You go, boi.
Comics as descendant of art on scrolls is a very common theory, the easiest to trace being in Manga! Manga! The World of Japanese Comics by Fred Schodt published in 1983 when I was still a teenager. I can't find my copy to show examples, but this text is still in print and you can go read it for yourself. 
I was introduced to manga by cartoonist Leslie Sternbergh and bought Schodt’s book at Books Kinokuniya on (I think) a trip to New York around the time of first publication of Schodt’s work. And years later took a trip to Japan with Fred Schodt and a group of cartoonists including Jeff Smith and Jules Fieffer, Nicole Hollander, and Denys Cowan as the guests of Tezuka Productions.
Here we all are.
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So, I’m familiar with manga, see.
As for comics as descendant of cave paintings, hieroglyphics and ancient art in general, Will Eisner’s 1985 Comics and Sequential Art not only made all of those points, but made those points with comic art examples. Like these.
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And this.
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And this.
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And more than a few words on this:
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I find it amusing that someone is questioning why I didn’t cite McCloud when what you should probably be questioning is why more people don’t cite Eisner who produced his book eight years before McCloud published his and who is well known to have influenced McCloud.
Whatever. My book's autographed.
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I also danced with Eisner. Eat your heart out.
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Understanding Comics is a terrific work with huge advantages over every book (that I know of) about comics that came before: it taught comics entirely in the language of comics. 
But the discussion in it about the origins of comics and my work especially re: illuminated manuscripts/tapestries, did not originate with McCloud. I research illuminated manuscripts because it’s my hobby and it informs my art. 
I encourage everyone to read Understanding Comics because it is an outstanding work.
But it’s not the book that introduced me to the concepts of the development of comic art. It’s not even the point of origin of those concepts. So, there is no reason to cite it.
Also, shocking as it may seem, I occasionally come up with ideas on my own. While I'm younger than McCloud, I've actually been a comics pro longer than he has. So I've had plenty of opportunity to, you know, read things and toss things around, and decide for myself.
When I first read Chivalry and first begged Neil Gaiman to let me adapt it, my head full of the work of Alberto Sangorski and his art for Tennyson’s Le Morte D’Arthur, Understanding Comics hadn’t been published yet.
It's been a good twelve years since I last read McCloud's work, and I don't think I've spoken to him five times in the last three decades. But I'm pretty sure he never mentioned Sangorski.
I hope that clears everything up, and maybe introduces some of you to some works you might not be aware of.
Have a great day.
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physalian · 21 days
25 Cheap and Easy Tricks for Naming Your Characters
Because I hate coming up with new names. I hate it. I write fantasy. Why do I do this to myself?
The credits of your favorite movies, video games, and TV shows
Scroll through your old yearbook
Pick a theme and go with it a la Sirius, Regulus, Arcturus or Pearl, Opal, Amethyst
Any baby names list, pick a year
Obscure mythological figures, full name or nickname derivative
Obscure or famous historical figures, like philosophers, politicians, artists, and reformers
Unabashedly Latin-based
Unabashedly literal a la every character in My Hero Academia
Biblical figures
Scrabble/Bananagram word salad until you get to something legible (my personal favorite, highly recommend)
Pick a regional dialect, go ham, a la “Mc-” or “Mac-” prefixes, “-sky” or “ski” suffixes (just make sure you aren’t being racist)
Rare colors, especially if they’re themed after said colors or color associations
The She-Ra/Thundercats method
The Transformers method
Pick two names. Create a ship name. Voila
Pick a letter and go with it, especially if they’re siblings or all related, like Jane, Jill, Julie, Jackie, Janet
Old magazines, newspapers, and local news, both author and subject
Go to library/bookstore, pick a random book off the shelves and scavenge their names
Wander Google Maps, steal the names of roads and towns
Dusty phone book/encyclopedia for address and authors
Your own ancestors
Name them after their hometown/region a la “da Vinci”
Name them after their most infamous act or notable trait a la “Frederick Hamhands”
Pick a real name. Make up a nickname and have them go by that
Let them pick their own name so it’s weird/quirky/unique/boring/cringey, but with reason 
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shinranposting · 2 months
Gosho Aoyama about ShinRan (Da Vinci magazine, 2024)
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Gosho Aoyama indicates that his favorite case is Memories from Sakura Class.
A: "I had already talked about this in the 30th anniversary book, however, I always felt that this story should be drawn".
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A: "Even though Shinichi is somewhat arrogant and conceited now, he wasn't like that when he was born. Just drawing conclusions and skipping the inference part is somewhat superficial but has the effect of surprising the other person. After learning this method, although he tried to practice it, it did not go as smoothly as he first imagined. However, by focusing on reasoning and developing his ability to observe, he gradually showed the qualities of a famous detective, and I wanted to portray this well. I'll be happy if people think this is interesting too"
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A: "For Ran, it was the anniversary of the first time she came into contact with Shinichi's clumsy yet gentle side. For Shinichi, it was the first day he used his reasoning ability to protect Ran. By changing the perspective, people can see how the two people's personalities and relationships are connected up to the present. The way the inference part is written in reverse is also very interesting".
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A: "Also, for me, chapter 1000 is a must-see, in which Ran kisses Shinichi. After 20 years of serialization, the time has finally come"
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A: "Recently I also really like the story scheduled to be released in volume 105. Initially, it was supposed to be a series about the confrontation between Kid and Hakuba but it is actually a romantic comedy story between Shinichi and Ran, this type of setup is also very successful".
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aihoshiino · 6 months
An Interview with Ai: Da Vinci Magazine Jan. 2024 (4chan Anon TL)
In the issue of Da Vinci Magazine dated for Jan 2024, there was an exciting surprise - four whole pages of an in-character interview with Ai of B-Komachi! Taking place shortly before her 20th birthday, Ai discusses various things with the interviewer, resulting in some surprising new information about her relationships with certain characters and her own home life...
To be clear up front: This is not my translation! I'm archiving and mirroring it from 4chan where it was originally posted by an anon. I've made no changes to the text save cleaning up some grammar errors and typos and formatting it for tumblr. I plan on doing my own translation of the interview, either via scans or buying the magazine myself when I have the money, but for now, I hope this will do!
Q: It seems to have been a turbulent year for B-Komachi and Ai as well. Looking back, what was your impression?
Ai: That's true. It really went by in the blink of an eye. Everyone was so busy, myself included. It was so strange. Before I knew it, we were already scheduled to perform in the Tokyo Dome (laughs). I thought to myself, "I see... so we did come this far."
Q: You have taken on many challenges so far. What is your most memorable job?
Ai: I had a great time in all of them. There were also many occasions when I thought, "Are they asking me to do this too!?". But if I had to pick something other than my idol activities, then my most memorable job would be all the times I had to work in movies. I met so many people that, at the end, it felt like hanging out with friends. And then, in the blink of an eye, the job would be over (laughs).
Q: You were really getting into it (laughs). But acting is completely different than being an idol. Did you find it difficult?
Ai: For me, it is normal to be photographed as well as being filmed while singing, on a music video, or during variety shows. I wonder if I was able to put that experience to good use, but then I think about it, and I believe I did it perfectly!!
Q: ...so was it difficult?
Ai: Having to deal with the waiting time was more difficult at first. I know I shouldn't say this, but sometimes I was sooo bored (laughs). But finding new ways to kill time was fun.
Q: It's like the saying goes, "Waiting is part of an actor's job."
Ai: Oooh, I had no idea there was a saying like that! How interesting!!
Q: Looking back, Ai's first drama was directed by Taishi Gotanda, and then you worked with him in subsequent films too. What impression do you have of him?
Ai: He has a scary face. But when I talk to him, there are many times when it feels like he's just a useless adult. In that aspect, I can sympathize with him. There were times I was eating my lunch, and whenever rice fell while eating, he would just jump and say, "WATCH OUT!" like a mom (laughs). But well, I love his works. Whenever I watched them, it felt like, "Ah, his passion for authenticity is genuine." As a creator myself, I knew I could trust in him.
Q: It certainly feels like he's good at depicting the inner lives of characters.
Ai: That's right, it always feels like instead of characters, his works show real people. And I love that. I'm not a big fan of movies; at most, I watch some dramas recommended to me, and they are usually really entertaining! I think I'm not good for the roles of such characters, and I thank that director Gotanda's works aren't of that type.
Q: Your acting feels quite natural. What kind of acting guidance did the director give to you?
Ai: None, really. He just said, "Do as you please," and I just went with it. However, I don't think everyone was on the same page. In one of the sets, there was a child actress called Kana Arima-chan. She is suuuuuper cute, and whenever she was acting, I was thinking, "Wow, she's just like the character," and that's when it sunk to me that actors are capable of anything.
Q: Maybe it was possible that you, without realizing it, were asking Arima-san to lead the scenes?
Ai: Pretty much. In fact, she even scolded me (laughs). "Can you take this a bit more seriously?" she told me. I was doing my best, though! (laughs). But seeing Kana-chan so serious about doing a good job made me want to put even more effort into my role.
Q: That reminds me, there's a child actor from Ichigo Pro called Aqua-kun working on it too.
Ai: Ahaha, Aqua-kun was so cute too! He has such a mysterious charm, it made me wonder "maybe he's a genius too?" Don't forget to watch his future projects, alright?
Q: I won't. Returning to the topic of your activities as an actress, what part of it was the most interesting for you?
Ai: I still have problems understanding what "acting" means. Sometimes it felt that, well… rather than trying to find a character in myself, the character itself was taking over my own actions. Even thought I was acting, I didn't feel like myself, as if every action was being performed automatically. But rather than make me wonder about my talent or lack of, I guess it was all thanks to the wonderful script.
Q: I see. So in a way it's similar to separating Ai as a person and Ai as an idol?
Ai: There are parts of myself that I still don't understand, but I believe it's the same for everyone. Everyone acts with an idea of what they "want to become". Until now and from now on, I will continue working hard just so I can become the person that everyone wants me to be. In that sense I could say that I'm acting, playing the role of Ai. Of course it doesn't mean that I'm forcing myself to, it just happens unconsciously, naturally. I also have to face everyone in B-Komachi, how cute they are as well as their honesty. They show that cuteness to the fans, and for me, that's not an act.
Q: And said B-Komachi is now going to perform at the Dome. Why do you think the group is so beloved by fans?
Ai: It's because we worked together, because I knew that by working seriously we could go this far. Also I don't believe the Dome is our ultimate goal, or better said, I can't quite grasp how amazing is for us to perform there. Our boss said that he always wanted to see us perform there so I decided to do my best in order to make that dream come true. That's why, till now and from now on, I will continue working hard to fulfill everyone's dreams.
Q: So Ai's forte is to want everyone around her to be happy.
Ai: Yes. But I wonder if the rest thinks the same.
Q: Don't you have any personal ambitions?
Ai: Ah, now that you ask, I have a bit of a naughty opinion and is that I'm happy that we are selling a lot and getting a good amount of money (laughs). Being able to buy a really expensive ice cream is pure bliss. As for the rest, just seeing my fans happy is enough to make me happy too. But rather than happy, I guess it makes me feel at ease.
Q: When you say you feel at ease, is that similar to saying that you found a place where you belong?
Ai: A place where I belong… I'm sure everyone search such thing, I think it's the same for some members of B-komachi.
Q: …is it different for you?
Ai: I can't quite tell, it's something I'm having problems figuring that out. Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in place, but then I feel like the energy I receive from everyone allows me to do my best as an idol as well as my other jobs, and in exchange, I'm able to bring smiles to them.
Q: I see. It's true that many types of fans have enjoyed your live performances in the past. Which reminds me, there was also this one video of baby twins cheering for you that went viral.
Ai: Oh yeah that one!! I can't believe how those babies could swing those glowsticks like that. It was so cute~. I feel so much bliss every time I watch it.
Q: During a TV show when they showed that video to you, many people in social media pointed out your smile while watching it
Ai: Oh right! I thought it was the same smile I always had. When I read those comments I couldn't help but ask to myself "Eh? What is so different?"
Q: From now I'll be making questions a bit more private. Could you tell us about how were you during your childhood?
Ai: I don't think I was a good child. If anything, I was a really nasty brat (laughs). Because our house was close to the railroad, during midnight I would often walk near the tracks wondering if the train is coming close. Once I hear it, I would run away. If I tried that today, I'm sure it would be a problem (laughs)
Q: Did you wonder where did you want to go back then?
Ai: I wonder. I didn't had an specific place in mind. I lived with my mother, but she had a boyfriend back then, always living in their own little bubble being loveydovey and it was rough for me. I just said "Ah, this is not my place" and ran away, I could think about the rest later.
Q: Maybe going to a friend's house was a better option.
Ai: I've always been a loner, since I was a kid. There were many times when people would get irritating and I would just prefer to be alone playing Tetris. Of course, that doesn't mean that I would take loneliness over company, but at times I could tell that, whenever someone was around, the mood between people would go sour and I then stayed away from them.
Q: But then, are there any fond memories you have from your childhood?
Ai: Let's see… I do remember my dad. It wasn't something that happened often, but this one time, we went to the grocery store and bought some natto. Then, when I took the plastic from it and wrapped it in seaweed, he said, "Oh, you did it well," and that made me happy. That's why, even to this day, I'm quite skilled at wrapping food in seaweed.
Q: Being praised by your parents is usually trivial, but for some, it's something fondly remembered when it happens. From your perspective, what were your parents like?
Ai: Maybe they were like me, seeing things from the same perspective. Rather than seeing each other like family, it felt more like partners in a way. But I can't hate them for that, no human is perfect and no one is actively seeking a parental role.
Q: That's quite a mature way of seeing things. 
Ai: I wonder. I'm in a parental role too… ooooor so I think that's what I feel whenever I see a child with their parents in the audience. It's because of my experience in my childhood that I can't comment on other parents whenever their children do something bad. Parenting is difficult, I'm sure.
Q: In that case, if Ai ever had a family, would you also treat your children as friends or partners instead of keeping a parent-child relationship?
Ai: It doesn't matter. As long as everyone is happy and smiling, then it's fine with me. If you asked me what a perfect family is, I just wouldn't know how to answer that. But it would be one as long as the children are happy. If I had a family, I would do whatever it takes to achieve that.
Q: I know I shouldn't ask this of an idol, but do you have someone you want to marry?
Ai: ...That's a secret (laughs)
Q: You were scouted in order to be an idol. What were your impressions about idols back then?
Ai: For me, they were so pure, always shining, and doing their best to support and care about their fans. That's how I saw idols. If the job of an idol is to make people happy, then I wanted to be like that too, well I'm still working on it.
Q: And now that you are one, has that image changed?
Ai: They are hard workers, just as I imagined. There are times when things get rough, but then I push myself like, "Let's just do it" and continue with pure momentum (laughs)
Q: It would be weird to not get used to the routine.
Ai: But I love it, with its ups and downs. There's been times I felt like I was doing something wrong, that maybe I didn't belong here, but then I remember that being able to be an idol is wonderful.
Q: For Ai, is this your dream job?
Ai: Hmmm, I wonder. I wouldn't go that far. A real idol truly loves their fans, is always kind, and would never lie. I'm still trying hard, doing my best, wondering if one day someone will look at me and say, "She is the real deal.".
Q: But there are many who describe Ai as an "unmatched genius idol."
Ai: Why do they even call me something like that? I'm just there in the group, being myself; I don't know which one of my actions qualifies me to be called that.
Q: In that case, for Ai, what does it mean to be an idol?
Ai: At times, I think that being an idol means being "able to express herself to others." Sounds cool, doesn't it? (laughs). In reality, I believe that it's about being able to replicate what others want from you. ….Hmmm, I guess it makes it sound like school or something.
Q: Do you feel B-Komachi in the same way?
Ai: B-Komachi is different. I met everyone when the group was created, and we wasted no time getting into idol activities. If I lagged behind even a bit, I felt like I was causing problems for others. But with the passing of time, we managed to spend more time together, and I feel like we share an irreplaceable bond.
Q: What is exactly this "irreplaceable bond"?
Ai: Ah, it's nothing too deep. It's just that I've started hanging out with the rest more often. I'm quite a home person, so when I ordered food for everyone, Takamii (Takamine) would get mad at me because the vegetable portions were too small. "You lack femininity! You will never become a wife at this rate!" (laughs). I never said I was thinking of becoming a wife! (laughs)
Q: (laughs) Earlier, you said that sometimes you felt alienated during your childhood. Didn't that cause problems for you, considering that you were chosen as the center of the group?
Ai: Kinda does. Even now, I still wonder if I should be the center. There are more capable members in the group. Of course, I feel honored, but I'm still unsure if I'm doing it right. Maybe other members should be in my position. Besides, it's hard to memorize the dance as a center (bitter laugh)
Q: As a final question, what are the current goals for B-Komachi?
Ai: We have new members joining us this year, so we are even more hyped than before, and we are finally performing in such a big venue as the Dome. B-Komachi has finally become a great group, and I'm sure they will be fine even after I'm gone. Not that I'm planning on quitting (laughs). All the members are so hardworking, kind, and cute. From now on, please, pretty please, support them as much as you can.
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sweetbottletops · 2 months
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Arai Sumiko illustration for May 2024 issue of Da Vinci magazine. [x]
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watcher-servant · 5 months
Rusted Arc: Summoning
In the summoning room of the storm border lies Ritsuka Fujimaru, Mash Kyrielight, and Kadoc Zemlupus were looking at the shield of galahad. Due to recent events, it was vest to try to summon another servant recently they had managed to get a sort of break due to a Guda Guda event and even summoned a new servant as well Yamato Takeru. For a moment, the trio were confused on how similar they were to King Arthur, but after 2 weeks, Yamato is fully accepted and even has a rivalry with Artoria but mainly in eating.
Now, this was different. Something was wrong. Something was coming was another singularity, a calamity, or was it similar to a lostbelt. They didn't know, but having another servant wouldn't hurt. "Sure about this, we already got a good group of servants," Kadoc asked his fellow master, the black haired young man letting out a breath as he only focused on the shield. "Yeah, I'm sure. Plus, who knows, maybe this servant could give us something unexpected," Ritsuka replied, holding out his arm as lights started emitting from the center of the shield. The balls of light started to slowly spin, going faster and faster, becoming a single ring of light turn to 4.
In the center of the light Ritsuka could see something a island that resembles something from Nursery Rhyme's book cover, ranging from multiple colored vegetation, talking animals, a purple blue cat, a dark beast wearing a mask, a blacksmith that seem to made of metal and wood and finally comes upon a sight. He was seeing a knight in rusted armor lounging near a big jackalope, and as if on instinct, Ritsuka reached out to the knight. The helm of the knight would look up, seeing the light a beacon reaching out for help. With hesitation, the knight got up as the jackalope followed close behind.
A bright flash would blind Kadoc, Mash and Ritsuka as in the command center of the storm border it was making note of a new servant being summoned already cataloging them as the emblem of what seems like a gentleman or smiling mask. "Wait, did he summon someone?" Da Vinci said, seeing the archive being updated registering the servant. Unknown to those in the summon room the presence of the new servant was felt across the base particularly affecting the servants of the Pretender class as a eloquently dressed man with butterfly wings let's out a laugh, a woman wearing black and red look up with slight interest, a girl with black and blue hair looking up from her magazine and goes back go reading not caring.
Back in the summon room, the mist would clear as appearing before the trio was a knight in rusted armor kneeling down as if they just landed from a long jump or swearing a oath. "In accordance to your call, I have been summoned to help protect humanity. Servant class: Pretender, tell me master what story you are trying to tell, " the knight said in a deep, tired voice as he gets up his blue eyes shining beneath the helmet. "I...what do I call you?" Ritsuka asked the knight, who started to take notes of his surroundings. "The rusted knight or RK if it makes things easier for you." RK replied. "Do you know our mission Mr.Knight?" Mash ask taking note if the weapon on the knight's back.
"I know enough. Humanity is in danger, and due to that, multiple servants are called to help. Though I will admit.....never thought I be summoned after.....Iori," RK said with a sullen tone with Kadoc, making note of the name but keeping it to himself. "I need to take this off. It gets stuffy in buildings," RK said as he took off his helmet, revealing his blonde hair with streaks of grey, a full beard, and deep, azure blue eyes looking at the trio. "Arthur?" Mash and Ritsuka asked, their heads tilting to the side. "That's not my name, and who's Arthur?" RK replied as the door to the summoned room opened, revealing a small girl in a black Gothic Lolita dress with braided grey hair holding a holding a big book and her purple eyes shining with glee seeing the knight.
(To be continued.....most likely in small posts)
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bobafettfanclub · 2 years
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Happy Thanksgiving!
Art: "The Star Wars Last Supper" by Eric Deschamp for Giant Magazine, inspired by the original by Leonardo da Vinci
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apeachkingdom · 2 months
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Tony Da Vinci for Playgirl Magazine, December 2007
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themuseumwithoutwalls · 7 months
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MWW Artwork of the Day (10/30/23) Boleslaw Cybis (Polish, 1895-1957) Portrait of a Young Lady with a Cigarette (c. 1928) Oil on panel, 77.5 x 56.5 cm. Private Collection
Boleslaw Cybis was a Polish painter, sculptor, and muralist. Cybis' paintings, sculptures, and murals won him recognition in Paris, Geneva, Munich, Frankfurt, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Bucharest and Vienna. From 1926 to 1930 he was fascinated by the peasants of the country side whom he likened to 15th century medieval portraits of the masters. Over the next four years he painted a series of peasant portraits now in various museum collections. During the 1930s his work first appeared by invitation in fine art exhibits and museums in the United States, where Studio Magazine (Contemporary… Masters," April 1934) found his paintings "a striking example… reminiscent of Leonardo da Vinci."
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Da Vinci magazine 3/2024 cover Translation thread of interviews
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lavenderjewels · 8 months
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In LOVE with this Da Vinci magazine cover of Kenjaku and Mahito 🧠🤲✨
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write-and-buried · 2 years
The Ethics of Forging Masterpieces
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(Again. Cold and flu meds. Warnings for rough oral sex)
"This article postulates that they're the same" Ezra's voice is a low, smoky rumble, warm and soothing.
He plays with your hair as he talks, running the strands through his fingers, brushing it back and forth over the shell of your ear, a soothing rhythm.
"That if they're recreated properly, there's no difference between a work created by Da Vinci and a work created in the shadowy basement of a criminal"
He meets your eyes, anticipating the question.
"The intellectual property? Have we not retold Romeo and Juliet a thousand times? Do the stories hold less weight when writ by pen, rather than ink and ornate feather?"
You hum, half agreeing as he lets out a soft groan. His eyes skate back down to the magazine, he's only at the first article, his eyes lazy as they skim the glossy pages. It's a monthly release, longform articles with deep questions steeped in the moral grey.
It's a ritual, a glass of brandy at his side as he reads, once a month of an hour or more, the silence as he sipped and swirled, the shift of leather as he gets more comfortable, sinks into this routine.
You choke. You're impressed with your ability to have kept it for so long, his hand on the back of your head as he forces you deeper, your cheek scratching the zipper of his pants as you take his cock deep in your throat.
"Do you need a rest?" He asks, eyebrow raising as he releases the back of your head. He watches as you pull off him, ropey strings of thick spit connecting him to your lips, dripping over your chest as you take heaving breaths, regaining your bearings as you sit back on your haunches. You shake your head, heat burning low in your belly.
His grip turns hard on your hair, forcing your lips back over him, your throat to part for the weight of him, the deep salty taste hitting the back of your throat as he manoeuvres your head, wrapping thick fingers around the back of your skull as he sets the pace he wants.
Deep, long strokes, enough for the head of him to slip down the back of your throat, his soft groan accompanying each hum and swallow. You have to listen. He wants your participation, asking you questions as he slowly fucks your face, interpreting your answers from the flutter of your lashes.
He wants your jaw to ache by the end of it, puddles of spit staining his jeans as you kneel naked on a pillow, resisting the urge to rub your thighs together, relieve some of the ache that builds and burns as he uses you for his own pleasure.
After, when he's come down your throat or on your tits he's going to pull you into his lap, pour the remaining brandy on your skin and lick it off, work his fingers inside your aching cunt and let you ride his hand.
But now? He wants your throat. Your lips, your tongue, for his use, moving your head to his liking, the only effort he puts in the gentle tugging of your hair as he indicates what he wants. Faster. Deeper. Messier.
He's two thirds of the way through the magazine when he abandons it, moving to curl his hand around your neck, pull you closer and shift his hips, fucking into your throat with half a snarl.
"Not a forgery are you little one?" He groans, wrapping your hair in his fist. "A masterpiece, on your knees for me. Letting me use your throat with nothing in return. Filling this room with the sweet scent of your leaking cunt while I fuck your pretty face."
He's close. You can feel it on your tongue, the swell of him as he digs his fingers into your scalp, the slightest twitch of his hips.
"Debauched little thing aren't you, letting me use you this way, take your glorious mouth and stretch it around me. Does your jaw ache for me? Will you feel me in the back of your throat for days? Will I get to hear your ragged voice beg me for my fingers in the middle of the night? Needy thing."
You whimper, his works skittering over your skin as your legs shake, arching and curving your spine as you seek some release, the cool tinge of slick on exposed skin making you break out in goosebumps.
You choke again when he forces his cock down your throat, the throb and pulse of him as he comes with a lengthy moan, holding you as your eyes water, your fists clench against the intrusion as he empties himself into your belly.
He doesn't let you up, holds you, stealing your breath as he looks into your watering eyes, allowing himself to soften as he slips from your throat, grinning as he watches tears slide down your cheeks, his grip still iron in your hair.
"Come here"
He pulls you to his lap, spit slicked and panting breath as he rubs soothing circles on your ribs letting you shake in his arms as he watches.
He curls a hand around your thigh, spreading your legs as he shifts you closer, stroking the hot slick skin.
"So pretty" he hums, brushing a thumb across your cheek, collecting a tear that sparkles in the light. You watch as he slips it between his lips, the quiet smile as he noses into your cheek.
"My very own work of art"
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shinranposting · 2 months
Takayama Minami (Conan's voice), Da Vinci magazine (2024):
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Your favorite character: "Mori Ran. Always by Conan's side, she is an indispensable entity. Conan considers her to be someone he has to protect, the person he loves the most on earth. As Conan and as Minami myself I adore Ran. Not only is she super feminine, but even the gap between her strength and weakness is fascinating".
The case that made the most impression on you: "Memories of Sakura Class is the number one by far. I think it is a really important episode because it is the beginning of the story. I have been playing Conan for more than 20 years, and this is the first time I learned about his past. Shinichi has been in love with Ran since he first met her at preschool. The moment when Shinichi falls in love is so wonderful".
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