erradox · 1 month
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Help I've been turned into a marketable plushie
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circusballoon · 16 days
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More challenge nonsense with @erradox! This time describing characters' features with only one word per feature and the other person trying to draw based on that without knowing who they're drawing. Everyone came out relatively close to their actual selves, but we know each other's characters extremely well so it's easy to recognize them from description.
Also some bonus doodles of vampire space monkey boyfriends
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divinari · 24 days
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Hazbin Angel OC (Throne/Ophanim) named Daliel
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santoschristos · 10 months
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Giovanni Daliel Castillo Sinister33 Anything can kill a dragon, I tell you, but try to get used to it every morning and love the new world
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444names · 2 years
american cities + werewolf forenames BUT excluding "lf"
(post number 595 btw)
Abiles Adale Adall Adeng Adownsan Aklan Alinn Alle Altornti Alup Amforland Andge Anoriva Arks Athe Aton Aulvenix Aumbro Aury Badepit Bake Bakroche Bale Balle Band Bandalle Banfrit Banulvene Barka Barkennia Barlsa Bary Batent Baton Bayn Bayton Beacloux Beansan Beapo Bend Bente Beow Bercalk Billan Billitate Birhan Bochus Bodbringa Bodwolpha Bois Bores Borin Borka Borkas Boro Borvay Boux Bric Bris Brogas Brois Broitarem Brown Burbo Calto Caming Campe Canale Candal Candayler Canderoce Cando Canti Capeka Carde Cart Chandgas Char Chark Chelo Chig Chilk Chille Chro Chulley Citas Clakrock Clan Cland Clandle Clasconte Cleif Cloupus Colise Congand Cons Coram Corpran Culd Dale Daliele Dall Dallin Denbadia Denia Densand Denton Depemph Dolcand Doliege Dols Durod Duward Duwule Eddyn Edis Elege Elempton Elle Elph Elwairy Elwalia Euguan Ever Eyleen Fale Fallins Fallo Falph Faoux Felley Felmon Fend Fens Foralliso Foram Ford Fordown Foroll Fortco Fortlaton Forwai Fralle Framwolph Frantal Free Frekas Freta Frezso Friet Friverls Gand Gepitte Gincoh Gleim Glen Gleyorod Grachuste Grale Gran Gredi Grena Gron Gunna Gunt Haancity Heenallen Hicon Higa Hocendria Hocksvill Holio Holle Holleig Homaha Homar Homort Hongs Honiam Horaleig Houx Hria Hriet Hrinia Hrod Hulgerson Hunk Hustmia Huston Ingeno Ington Inia Inne Innorland Inta Irha Irhamph Iryuk Jacle Jersana Jolupu Kairy Kashville Kela Kelve Knorfran Knorioun Knoxvidge Lake Lakock Lanalber Lanca Land Landolup Lashomoh Lereen Lesta Lielenn Lingtona Lintgo Liock Lisey Lonaik Lonbean Lown Luper Luporover Lyalton Lyka Maccoup Macincity Mack Mackforo Magerdepe Mahance Maharo Makeegan Makeen Manate Mand Mandlas Mango Mansbock Marand Margh Marow Mcago Mcampall Mcant Mcaria Mcary Mcksvill Mecucson Mesant Midge Migashis Migh Minne Mobilmer Monco Mondeng Monix Nalk Newyortio Nobiley Nolledd Noln Norksont Noxvill Nunte Oakend Oakepo Oakerson Oakladal Odbro Odwolk Okeller Oken Okert Omate Ompeance Orks Orlsban Ormacha Orton Ovelasio Ovelwoog Paler Palubbort Parin Peka Peki Penstpa Pery Phis Phunn Pittelk Plakanman Plans Plas Plaurbuff Porle Portlad Pramer Priso Puer Puerson Rack Radalton Raffal Rage Rago Rairvill Ralevale Rall Ramialejo Ramiander Rance Randolle Randria Rangton Ranta Raolph Raouge Raouxfai Raus Reega Reki Renapeach Rendrinn Renta Reugus Riament Richrow Ridd Ridury Rillem Rincoh Rity Roison Roister Roita Rono Roston Roupus Rousta Rovidge Rown Ruce Rude Ruder Rudolafa Rudoll Rudolsand Sacont Salanter Salene Salphunta Sana Sand Sanfres Sangus Sans Santa Sapecity Sapeo Sapo Schard Shar Shunnolph Sidurba Siosale Siouvele Sonio Sprapitt Spria Sprolin Stard Stmia Ston Surhamive Surpric Surro Syraingas Taan Taanchit Tamfo Tchus Tcolph Tcoralle Telver Tersa Thestjo Thlavin Toce Tongfiele Tonk Tope Tort Tuce Tucso Tulgiley Tullin Tuls Udersine Udoln Udols Ulen Ulent Ulle Ulleimi Ullelph Ulrielasa Uwaio Vall Vanapeco Vand Vans Vard Vele Ville Viller Villsacha Villse Visver Vukerson Warran Wate Wathesta Wause Wayn Weld Westa Westjo Westpar Wicality Wich Wichill Willas Wingo Wiseycit Worpris Yley Ylovelk
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turglings · 7 years
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some pals who belong to @metmezekt !!
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marvelssecretlover · 7 years
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The Black Panther Character Posters
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di-dash · 5 years
Rosie is mine
Daliel is the chara of friend
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canaldelmisterio · 4 years
Los Bernoulli: la familia que cambió las Matemáticas
Los Bernoulli: la familia que cambió las Matemáticas
Cualquiera que se haya acercado en algún momento a un área científica habrá tenido probablemente contacto con los Bernoulli, una familia que es a las matemáticas y a las ciencias lo mismo que los Bach a la música.
En el seno de esta familia nacieron una decena de matemáticos brillantes pero sin duda alguna los más destacados fueron los…
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fire-bear · 4 years
I’ve decided to stop writing for NanoWrimo now. It gives me time to type out this post.
Though, to be fair, I did finish a few days ago, and then finished the actual story of my four-times-NanoWrimo novel earlier today. Instead of stopping, though, I decided to try starting the first chapter of the next novel in my series.
So, now, I have 60,228 words. :)
I have well and truly won NanoWrimo!
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Anyways, here’s an excerpt of the epilogue:
Mukasa swept through the foyer of the gigantic church, his cloak billowing behind him. He flung his hood back as he passed by the worshipping areas on either side of him, and headed straight for the wide stairs that led to the upper areas of this hidden church. It was attached to a cliff’s face with the ocean crashing against the rocks beneath his feet, and so the expansive rooms were all connected on several floors. Having been there before and spent a lot of time in this particular church, Mukasa knew exactly where he was going and he focussed on getting there rather than looking around at the faded splendour. 
Finally, he reached the specific room and threw the doors open, barely stopping as he strode inside. This room was reserved for the High Priests of Amia so they could do their private prayers, but Mukasa had long since been allowed to use it. At one point, the room had been open to the public, with the entire building filled with people. Now, the pews were blocked off with a thick, wooden railing and left in darkness. Candles around the front lit up that part of the room, giving the altar a pretty glow. The altar itself was a wooden block covered in a tapestry that depicted Amia giving magic to Daliel for the first time, the god’s hands cupped around a glowing ball that he handed over to a humble man. Beyond the altar was a pulpit that was also left in darkness, though Mukasa could just make out the glowing ball of magic, the symbol of Amia, etched into it. Where windows would be in other churches, there was only rugged stone.
Barely stopping, Mukasa made his way down the aisle until he reached the altar. There, he fell to his knees, put his hands together, ducked his head and prayed. “Amia,” he said. “I am your loyal servant, yet I have failed in my mission. He is still out there, able to bring darkness to our world. You placed your faith in me, as I have in you, and I must disappoint you, my Lord. But I pray that you will give me another chance, another way to stop the darkness spreading.”
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PERKIN WARBECK CAST Amy Conway -- King Henry Angie Cassidy -- King James Danielle Jam -- Perkin Warbeck Charlotte Driessler -- Daubeny Lesley Lemon -- Crawford Tanyaradzwa Gimani -- Katherine Molly Crighton -- Huntly Beth Frieden -- Oxford Kim Allan -- Durham / Astley EmmaClaire Brightlyn -- Daliell / Surrey Cate Barr -- Urswick / Heron Valerie Andrews -- Clifford / Hialis / Mayor of Cork Zoe Bullock -- Frion / Countess / Marchmont / Simnel Rachel Guthrie -- Jane / Skelton / Constable / Stanley
With thanks to Esme Bayley, Vivien Reid and Nicole Cooper
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erradox · 1 month
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The end of that story.
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recetasaludables · 5 years
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Jugo de manzana natural que no se oxida. TEMA DEL BLOG: Tonico reafirmante para el cuerpo, 100% natural. ** FACEBOOK: Daliel Oliet.
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newvisionmedia · 7 years
Jeremiah Daliel “Paradigm Uncovered” Book Launch
We were contacted by Jeremiah Daliel, author of “Paradigm Uncovered, Up Close And Personal”, to edit his new Book Trailer ahead of release. Once completed we were asked to film his Book Launch at which Jerry gave a talk on his experiences of writing the book.
Read more about the project: https://www.newvisionmedia.co.uk/portfolio-item/paradigm-uncovered-jeremiah-daliel/
Take a look at our portfolio for our latest projects: http://www.newvisionmedia.co.uk/media-portfolio/
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444names · 2 years
american, french and german forenames + theological angels BUT ending with "el"
Aarubiel Adiel Adixinel Adrenel Agmuel Aguel Aleel Aliel Alifel Almel Almuel Alorgel Altevel Amael Amariniel Ambel Ameel Amiel Amirael Amyrondiel Ancel Andiel Andoleel Andovièvel Andrafael Aniel Annetthel Anuel Araphel Areel Arlel Arliel Arranniel Arvichel Audel Audelviel Aurinhel Aurtriel Aurémicel Aziel Bechel Beraphinel Bergabiel Beriel Bermel Bermilhel Bernattel Bethuguel Bleidiel Bobelhel Bodeniviel Bodomael Bracolliel Branuel Bridiettel Briel Byrosel Béatiel Caliquel Cambel Camel Caraquetel Caravel Carcel Cartuel Caseriel Casmiliel Ceciniel Chael Chancel Chanleel Chanuel Chariel Chimel Choel Chriel Chuaquel Clael Claphiel Clarleel Cliel Clinel Clistasiel Clémel Cobiel Colel Corgargiel Corgileel Coronnael Cracquel Criquel Céliel Daisel Daliel Darinel Dartuel Davel Deashel Dethel Disel Dolael Dollraniel Dondiel Duarlhel Dwadel Ebhanniel Ediel Edollinel Elfriel Elhael Elliel Emabel Emabriel Emael Emicel Emirgel Emuel Ennathel Ergel Ermel Errichel Ertinel Ertuel Ervel Estisel Eundel Eunkliel Ewancel Fabiel Failodiel Faireel Fancel Fercel Ferosel Floniquel Fraphiel Friegiel Friel Friquel Galmel Ganiethel Garletel Garobiel Gelbel Gennael Georettel Georichel Geredel Gerhoel Gethiel Grael Grichel Guelsiel Gwesticel Hanniel Hantomel Harubel Heanzel Hedarubiel Heinariel Helaviel Heliel Helliel Herayel Hermael Hernael Himiel Hophenel Hugudel Huguel Hunkathel Héliel Immael Irandel Jachel Jacquel Jairistiel Jamildel Janiel Januel Jasel Jeacel Jeahiel Jeangel Jeanichael Jeaniel Jeathel Jeatrudel Jeffabiel Jegischel Jehael Jequel Jernel Jerobel Jesteriel Jilhanuel Jimel Joachazel Joaniel Jocel Jodel Joharriel Johnniel Joniquel Jopenel Joraphoel Jorgel Josel Josiel Jostancel Josthael Jostielhel Juaquel Judel Juniquel Jushael Karlhel Kathel Kathiel Katriel Katrookel Katthel Kaylvircel Kaytoniel Kerrettel Kertanuel Kircel Klaudel Kliashel Kliel Kricashel Kridiel Kriel Kristeriel Krittel Lacipathel Ladel Langetel Lapriel Laudel Laurel Lenzel Lettangel Letthel Level Lexannel Liedel Linhel Liniel Liquel Llistiel Lodel Loriel Loristel Lormael Lormiel Louel Loughiel Lucel Lucifrémel Ludel Lukel Lupettel Luthandel Lydiel Lérookel Maarinetel Magginriel Maguisel Maimael Mamiel Manfrazel Manniel Manursuel Marbel Margel Mariel Marlel Marmauliel Marreel Marriel Mathel Matjacel Maxel Maxiel Maximel Maxinel Mereel Metthel Mickimel Migiel Mikel Milexancel Milliel Miltel Miltophiel Miniel Ministiel Mirgel Mohael Monianael Monniandel Morithel Mottiel Myriel Méliel Naddiel Nichel Nifertuel Ninhel Nittel Ochrithel Odiannel Olgeorazel Orayel Ottelikel Ottennel Pamabel Pamel Pathel Paudiercel Paumel Pealertuel Pennikel Perreel Petamel Pettel Phannael Phiel Phitacel Priel Racquel Radel Rangel Raphel Raphiel Raprichel Raptismiel Raqqiel Raqundel Rarisel Razancel Redgenael Reenriel Renel Rettaliel Rhael Rienzel Risamsiel Robbiel Robel Rochel Rolarobel Romel Romichael Romilliel Roniel Rookel Rosamel Rosemmel Rosermael Rosiel Rostiel Royelisel Rubentoyel Rudel Rédériquel Réliel Rémel Rémyrachel Sabel Sacquel Salbel Sanuel Saytophel Scastaliel Schel Seliel Selilorel Shadel Shael Shaelsel Sharimel Sharsuel Sheliel Sheriel Shiel Silmiliel Simarcel Sirichriel Soniedreel Sonnel Sophel Stannakiel Stylevel Susabasiel Sverichel Sveriel Sylel Sével Tachel Temaxel Tentinael Tephianiel Termel Thael Thardolgel Thilhel Thuel Tinel Torgel Trael Triel Uthel Vadrel Valphael Valwilliel Verael Veriel Verriel Vettliel Viditchael Visel Vistel Vivel Volacquel Vérèsel Werlel Whiel Wighimel Wiloddiel Wolauriel Wolinel Wookel Woreancel Woriel Yolel Zacel Zachel Zadrebel Zazel Éliel Étiel Étindiel
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andyfliz · 4 years
Tell the Truth and Run: George Seldes and the American Press
Tell the Truth and Run: George Seldes and the American Press
This documentary examines the 80 year career of journalist George Seldes, his encounters with Lenin and J. Edgar Hoover, his long battle against press censorship, the tobacco lobby, and his eventual blacklisting.With Ben Bagdikian, Jeff Cohen, Daliel Ellsberg, Ralph Nader, and Marian Seldes
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