#Dalmatians are such a good dog breed I agree!
plushie-lovey · 4 months
Dizzy arrived early to! Although Lucky is definitely one of my favorites already especially since Dalmatians are one of my favorite dog breeds!
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Look at those two! The sillies!!! They look so good next to each other. They're buddies :3
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chibijinebra · 3 years
Let’s not call it a hot take, this is me, err, critique? on the Cruella critiques This is not directed everyone that didn’t enjoy Cruella because is just a movie and as people we have different tastes and opinions and if you don’t like is ok, people don’t have to like it, people can like different things like, whatever is not about that, my “take” is on people that have all this long list of issues with the movie and have not seen it themselves but have their opinions from posts Online or have seen the movie, hates the movie but keep comparing it with Maleficent or that just didn’t like the movie and are here poorly explaining it to people so they hate it too and you should not like Cruella under any circumstance and… 
As you can see my issues are very specific and because is a “take” lets make a sort of list 
Cruella was sold as a prequel when it really is a reboot- I personally I don’t remember Disney saying this was a prequel, just the “origin story” to their Disney Villain, just like they did with Maleficent and just like with Maleficent it turns out that yes, it was more like a reboot. This Cruella is not the same Cruella from the animated movie just like Maleficent is not the same Maleficent as the animated movie. Yes, they should have sold it more like a reboot but even then I feel that still wouldn’t have change the view of people who had already decided they were going to hate dislike the movie. 
Cruella is worse than Maleficent because they are trying to make you sympathize with a woman who wanted to kill dogs- How is this worse than Malificent because of that? I don’t know if you remember that Maleficent wanted to kill a 16 year old girl? I love dogs, I love puppies but we really have to stop with this idea that dogs and animal lives are worth more than people’s lives. These are just movies and I get you wanting to kill people that killed a dog in John Wick or so but in this scenario you are literally saying is worse for a person to kill dogs than to kill a teenager. I personally did not like Maleficent other than visuals, I did not like what they did to the story and the characters and I do have an issue with Disney here saying “Now all villains are antiheroes”, I am also just saying the amount of critique, scrutiny and hate the Cruella film is receiving is nothing compare to the Maleficent one and that film decided to make Kin Stephan a r*p*st so ???
This movie didn’t need to be Cruella, it was a good movie on its own and it could have been with another character. It didn’t need to be about Cruella- Agreed. They changed the character so much is no longer Cruella. Is a good movie that had no need to be Cruella. But is the same with the Joker, here is when you can actually make those comparisons. The Joker is movie did not need to be The Joker, it has the Joker because it would pull more people to see it but the character is so different it really didn’t need to be the Joker so, yeah this is the same thing. 
We didn’t need this. Glenn Close is a better Cruella- Yes, we did not need this. Yes, Glenn Close does a much better representation about the animated Cruella but as we stablished before, this is not the same Cruella. Go watch that movie again and literally the only thing that is still good, amazing, is Close acting because all the other character are nothing, they are boring, the dogs are cute but because for good or bad they do not talk on this movie you remain the majority of this movie just watching animals making sounds and run around. Glenn Close is my favorite Cruella, she looks amazing, she steals the movie and she is the only reason to watch that movie. But that is another Cruella, on another story. I do agree that we didn’t need it, but is already here so- 
 Cruella hates Dalmatian dogs and this movie explains why and is stupid and hilarious- Ok so, I don’t know how to tell you this but Cruella never hated Dalmatian dogs, In 102 Dalmatians sure, she does because the dogs had already ruined her life but in both the animated 101D and the Live Action, Cruella do not hate dogs, she doesn’t like them but she doesn’t like any animal other than to use their fur. but the character doesn’t have some sort of hate towards just one animal, she is just a horrible person that wanted to make a coat, they could have been Dalmatians or puddle or any other animal, the woman just wanted a coat.  I personally also laughed with the killer Dalmatian dogs scene but the movie once you actually watch makes you see that not only Cruella did not hate those dogs it was not the dog’s fault.  I did laughed when it happened tho, but I laughed with a bunch of stupid things so idk.
The Dalmatians commit incest- That’s… that’s just how pure breeds are made. It is horrible  and breeders that do this are horrible people exploding dogs for money but is sadly a things that exists and also this is a movie like, do you also complain about incest watching The Lion King? 
If you read all my crap, thanks~ Overall, I just want you to watch the movie, you can either wait for it to be free on Disney + or you can pirate if you want like, if you don’t wanna pay for it don’t do it, is your money, I just want people to watch the movie and decide if they like it or not and not just blindly believe the 101 (he ehe) posts about “I watched the Cruella movie so you don’t have to” or “This is everything that is wrong about the Cruella movie so you don’t have to see it” 
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americxn · 3 years
What about headcanons abt how The Evans are with animals?
this is kinda basic but it was fun to write
warnings: swearing
tate langdon
I feel like Tate is good with more 'conventional' pets like dogs, cats and rabbits but hates more exotic animals like snakes and other reptiles. He's definitely scared of snakes.
He probably had goldfish growing up but completely forgot about them and Constance sold them because he couldn't take care of them. He probably wouldn't have even noticed that she sold them either.
Or maybe he had rats or one of his siblings had them and he took a liking to them but would never want to get any of his own.
He likes animals and he’s good with them but I don’t think that he would ever want to get any of his own. I just can’t see Tate ever committing to buying/adopting an animal of his own.
kit walker
Kit + a golden retriever would just be a pairing made in heaven. Definitely more of a dog person but I doubt he has anything against cats.
He strikes me as a person to adopt animals instead of buying them and would probable take in a few strays. I can imagine him finding an abandoned kitten or something and taking it in, staying up all night to make sure that it was healthy and being so careful to feed it properly and ensure that he’s taking good care of it. 
Especially because of the land around his house, I think that there would be a lot of animals and a few strays that he puts food out for each morning.
kyle spencer
I imagine Kyle to be pretty good with animals but not really caring about having any of his own.
Definitely a dog person, I can’t see him liking cats very much but tolerating them. 
Maybe had a hamster or guinea pig growing up but felt kind of relieved what it died because he didn’t like taking care of it.
franken kyle
I mean, we all saw what happened with that dog.
He would definitely have good intentions and wouldn’t want to hurt an animal but he would not be able to take of any kind of animal.
If you got a shared animal with him, it would probably be okay but it might take him a while to understand that the animal relied on him and that he would need to be gentle.
I also feel like he has no concept of danger so wouldn’t expect any animal to bite/attack him which, considering that he probably wouldn’t understand that he needed to be gentle with an animal, could be problematic.
jimmy darling
I can imagine Jimmy putting up a little pen outside of his caravan and keeping a bunny in there. He would make it little salads everyday and make sure to always clean out it’s cage and give it a constant supply of clean water.
Like Kit, I can’t really imagine Jimmy buying an animal but maybe he found one on the grounds of the camp and just decided to keep it.
I feel like there could be a stray cat or two that live near the camp and everyone kind of takes care of them and feeds them scraps of food and leaves their caravan doors open to give them somewhere warm to sleep.
Also, I’m not sure why, but I can imagine Jimmy with a pet tortoise? Like just watching it walk around and feeding it bits of lettuce. Don’t ask, it just makes sense to me.
james patrick march
I don’t think that James would be very tolerant with any animal and he wouldn’t be interested in ever taking care of one.
In saying that though, I feel as if James is really into evolution and natural history so he may have an interest in animals, just not any household pets that he has to take care of.
I mean, he did hunt and kill wild animals so that’s a bit of a red flag.
If you were in a relationship with James, I can imagine him being against you getting a pet, claiming that he didn’t have time to deal with an animal shitting and shedding all over his hotel. But if you got one, I think that he’d hate it at first but tolerate it because you loved it and eventually warm up to it and you would catch him talking softly to it and petting it, especially if it was a dog.
rory monahan
Definitely a dog person and probably grew up with several dogs. Loves visiting family and getting to spend time with his family’s pets.
He would love to get a pet of his own but because of work, especially with having to travel for long periods of time, he wouldn’t have the time to fully commit to it.
I think that he would really want to get a budgie or something and have it sit on his shoulder and teach it to curse but just can’t because of always filming away from home.
He probably also lives in a really expensive apartment that doesn’t allow pets. 
kai anderson
No. He would probably sacrifice it or some shit. 
In saying that though, I feel as if he grew up with cats but his dad hated them and was really aggressive towards them and it put Kai off ever getting more animals of his own.
Maybe Winter would get a pet, like a Kitten or something, and Kai would like having it around but would never let it in his room or help take care of it.
malcolm gallant
He weirdly strikes me as the type to have a slightly more exotic pet, like a lizard or something. He would probably pay someone else to take care of it but he would enjoy having it around and take a long time designing a really ornate cage for it.
Either that, or he would have one of those naked cats and buy it an over priced gold collar and give it matching food bowls and a massive cat tree. Whatever animal he gets, he would probably take care of it well but treat it more like an accessory than a pet.
Spends a ridiculous amount of money on toys, bedding and food for the animal.
Maybe he grew up with one of those crusty white dogs? I’m not sure but he definitely seems more like a cat person.
colin zabel
I can imagine Colin being a bit awkward around animals that aren’t his own, especially big dogs or really friendly cats. 
I also don’t think that he would want an animal of his own because he spends too much time working and doesn’t want to commit to a pet that he can’t take care of properly.
I think that, if he married and had kids, he would agree to get animals for their sake.
In saying that though, I can kind of see Colin walking a big breed of dog, like a german shepard or a dalmatian or something but I just really don’t think that he would have a pet of his own. 
taglist: @kitwalker02 @three-eyed-snail @forevercountess @kitwalkerangel @milly-louise @thecountessesglove @undeadcortez @kitwalker64 @samsassinparvismagna @xmaximoffic @divineruler @liandav @tatesweaterweather @evanmybeloved @tatelangdonsupremacist @ikkleroniekins @ananad1 (dm me to be added or removed <3)
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spine-buster · 4 years
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander) | Chapter 14
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A/N: Thank you so much for the reviews on the last chapter.  I hope you guys like this one! :)  A quick reminder that I’ve set up a Ko-Fi incase you want to support my writing --> ko-fi.com/spine_buster .  Enjoy!
December 25th, 2019
Aberdeen Bloom was celebrating Christmas.
Siena was home from Ottawa, having finished another semester of law school.  Camden was the first one up, naturally, screaming at everybody that it was time to open presents.  The family had been to Midnight Mass the night before, a tradition Orla had the family do every Christmas since they were young.  After opening presents, everybody would shower and help her make the day’s big lunch before passing out in food and wine comas all over the house.  If all went well, Gramma Frances and Grampa Alistair would call and they’d all say hi in a short FaceTime.
“Get up!  Get up!  Get up!” Camden could be heard screaming from the hallway, his footsteps getting louder and louder.  “It’s time to open presents!”
“If he comes in here I’m gonna scream at him,” Siena mumbled into her pillow.  Aberdeen laughed from her side of the room.  
“Siena!  Aberdeen!”
“We’re coming!” Aberdeen yelled, not bothering to move.  
“Hey mom!  Can I finally try coffee?!” their little brother wouldn’t shut up.
The girls snorted, with Siena groaning as she stretched in her bed, unable to fall back asleep.  Eventually they got up and got ready, their little brother’s screams getting too annoying to ignore.  “He’s getting more annoying as he gets older,” Siena said playfully, running a brush through her hair.  
“Yeah,” Aberdeen agreed, “but at least he doesn’t jump into mom and dad’s bed like we did.”
“Remember that time you almost punctured dad’s lung?”
Aberdeen snorted.  “Remember that time you almost broke mom’s nose?”
“Maybe we should do it again for good measure.”
The girls finally emerged from their room, finding Orla in the kitchen pouring coffee.  Camden was dragging Mirza out of his room, Mirza playfully pulling him back in so Camden would slide on the floor.  The family hugged each other before Aberdeen opened a cupboard to get the Chips Ahoy cookies.  Camden snatched one right from her hands.  She chased him around the house.
Opening presents was always fun.  This year, Aberdeen was able to ask around the office for something for Camden, and she ended up with a Kyle Lowry Raptors jersey.  When he opened it, he automatically loved it and hugged it like he was five and it was his favourite new toy.  Aberdeen’s parents gifted her practical things – a chic new laundry basket and a nice throw she could use when she cuddled with Minerva and a bag of Doritos, and Siena bought her two new books she’d wanted to read.  To his credit, even Camden’s gift was cute: a mug that said, “Cat hair, don’t care” in fancy lettering.  
Once the gift giving was over and the family room cleaned of all the wrapping paper, everybody started to get ready.  Orla began seasoning the roast beef and Mirza began preparing the potatoes.  The kids showered and got ready so they’d look nice for photos and for their eventual FaceTime with their grandparents.  Siena stayed on the main floor to begin whipping up the trifle.  Aberdeen brought Camden to the downstairs kitchen with her to help with seasoning and roasting the Brussel sprouts and carrots.  
“So what are the Maple Leafs doing today?” Camden made conversation as Aberdeen sliced the carrots and he laid them in their tray.  
“Which ones?” she asked.  “It’s not like they’re spending it together as a team.  They’re all spending it with their families.”
“What’s John Tavares doing?” he asked.  Camden knew much more about sports than she did.  He found it genuinely cool that his sister was working for the Toronto Maple Leafs, even though he liked the Raptors a little bit more.  When she told him how she sat with Masai Ujiri at the Major Donor Gala, he freaked out and bragged to all his friends.  He was officially one of the coolest kids in school.
“Well, John and his wife Aryne just had a new baby in September, so this is their first Christmas with him.  I think they’re spending it at John’s house with both their families there,” Aberdeen explained.
“What about Auston Matthews?”
“Auston’s entire family came up from Arizona – they’re having a big family lunch like we are.”
“What about Mitch Marner?”
Aberdeen smiled.  “Mitch is spending it with his family, his girlfriend Stephanie, and his dog Zeus.”
“His dog?!” Camden’s face lit up.  “Mom and dad won’t let me get a dog yet.  They say I’m still too young.”
“Just wait,” Aberdeen encouraged him.  “Mom will eventually want to replace me and Siena with a dog, and dad will be too powerless to say no.”
“You think so?”
“Mhm.  What kind of breed do you want?”
“I want a German shepherd.”
Aberdeen laughed at her brother.  He always dreamed big, which was good for a kid his age, but a German shepherd would be bigger than him.  There was no way he’d be able to handle it out on walks.  “Aim smaller.  What about a corgi?”
“That’s your dream dog cause of their butts,” Camden furrowed his brows.  “If mom won’t let me get a German shepherd then I think I want a goldendoodle.  Greg at school has one and it’s really cute.”
“Why don’t you just get a regular poodle and cut its hair really weird like that lady in 101 Dalmatians?”
Camden started to laugh as Aberdeen sliced the last of the carrots.  She made sure they were all lined up nicely before starting on the Brussel sprouts.  “We can shave the Toronto Maple Leafs logo into its hair.”
“Then it can become the team dog!” Camden giggled, liking the idea already.  
Aberdeen and Camden stayed in the basement kitchen for almost an hour – enough time so that all the carrots and Brussel sprouts were sufficiently roasted and seasoned properly as Orla taught them.  When the carrots were ready to be brought upstairs, Aberdeen made Camden put on oven mitts and told him to grab the dish.  “Go run these up to mom,” Aberdeen said.  “And absolutely no funny business.  If these fall on the floor nobody in this family will forgive you.”
Camden did as he was told, going up the stairs slowly.  Aberdeen stayed down for another ten minutes, waiting for the Brussel sprouts to finish before putting on her own pair of oven mitts and bringing the plate upstairs.  By then, the roast in the oven smelled impeccably delicious and Aberdeen could already see most of the food on the table as she rounded the corner.  Before she could move any further, Siena came through and blocked her passage and sightline towards the front of the house, a look of panic on her face.  “Ab—Aberdeen,” she was staring at Aberdeen wide-eyed, like she’d just seen a ghost.
“What?  What’s going on?” Aberdeen whispered.
Aberdeen knew that voice.  She knew that voice anywhere.  She’d be able to recognize it from miles away.  It was the voice that tortured and soothed her all at once.  What was it doing here?  In her house?  Her head turned quickly like she was in The Exorcist.  
And there he was.
William Nylander.  Standing in the middle of the family room.  Her family room.
With her mother.
Aberdeen was going to pass out.
“What are you doing here?” she demanded, almost dropping the plate of Brussel sprouts at her feet.  What was he doing here?  What was he doing here?  How the fuck did he even find out where she lived – where her family lived?  And why did he have a glass of water in his hands?  How long had he been here for him to have been offered a glass of water?  Why didn’t she hear the doorbell?  Why didn’t she hear a knock?  Why hadn’t her parents called down to her in the basement to let her know he showed up unannounced to their Christmas Day family celebrations and why didn’t they—
“Aberdeen!” her mother scolded her as she walked towards her.  “I know he’s a little early but that’s no way to treat the guest you invited.”
Aberdeen glared at William and then glared at her mother.  She was almost rendered speechless by William’s stupid grin on his face.  “I did not invite William to Christm--”
“Aberdeen, please, the Brussel sprouts,” her mother wasn’t having it, walking towards her and grabbing the plate from her hands, only to put it on the table.
Aberdeen looked at William, dressed in a nice pair of navy blue slacks and a fitted grey Ralph Lauren sweater with a collared shirt underneath.  He definitely looked the part of innocent-hockey-player-come-to-spend-Christmas-with-a-welcoming-Canadian-family, but he wasn’t fooling her.  Aberdeen looked back to see her mother disappear into the kitchen again.  Siena was already gone, too.  Good, it made it safe for her to cuss him out.  
“How do I look?” he asked, waiting for one of her famous retorts.
He wasn’t going to get one.  Not this time.  He looked too wholesome, but more than that, he didn’t deserve one for crashing her family Christmas.  “Seriously, what are you doing here?” she hissed as she stepped forward so she could get closer to him.  
“Better than spending Christmas alone,” he shrugged his shoulders, the playful grin still on his face.  
“I thought you were Skyping with your family,” she said, immediately regretting it.  She knew Skyping was nowhere near close to spending actual time, physically, with your family on one of the most important holidays of the year.
“I already did, while I was having breakfast and they were having lunch.  Six hour time difference,” he said.  
“Will, I’m serious, what are you—”
“I thought you’d need a friend here after everything that happened,” he said quickly, his tone serious.  His blue eyes looked into hers and every ounce of anger and shock in her dissipated.  “I figured you probably haven’t told your parents, and definitely not your brother, but I know you told Siena, and I just thought it would be nice for you to have a friendly face around beside your sister that…I don’t know…might make Christmas more fun.”
He knew her.  He knew he so well that she almost hated it, but mostly found it so admirable and so damn…cute.  He knew that she’d only tell Siena because Siena was the person she was the closest to in the world, and he knew she wouldn’t tell her parents because…well, because they didn’t need to know their daughter got sexually harassed at work.  She didn’t know what she was feeling right now.  “How do you even know where my parents live?”
That trademark grin came back.  “Don’t worry about it.”
“Aberdeen!  You didn’t tell me William Nylander was coming for Christmas!” Camden’s voice rang from behind her.  She turned around to see her brother with his arms crossed playfully around his chest.  “Would have been nice, you know.”
“I guess I forgot,” she said absent-mindedly.  She couldn’t believe this was happening right now.  She couldn’t believe William was at her house for Christmas; that he was going to be spending Christmas with her family because, well, it wasn’t like she could kick him out onto the street now.  
“Did you see I brought a dessert?” William said, his voice upbeat as he looked at Camden.  “I picked up some treats from a Swedish bakery in downtown Toronto.”
Camden’s eyes lit up at the words.  “Double dessert!” he screamed.  “Siena made a trifle!  You’ll like it.  It’s got strawberries in it.”
“Alright!  Everyone to the table!” Orla’s voice boomed throughout the house.  “Is the wine on the table?  Are there drinks?”
“Does everybody have a spot?” William whispered to Camden.
Camden nodded his head quickly before pushing William to the opposite side of the table.  “Mom sits at the head,” he pointed, “Siena sits there, dad sits there, I sit at the other head, and then Aberdeen sits here.”
“So I guess I’m sitting—”
“Right here,” Camden took out the chair for him.  
William took his seat.  Aberdeen slipped into her seat beside him, still staring at him like he wasn’t real.  Siena took her seat, then Mirza.  Camden last.  Then Orla brought in the roast, smelling absolutely delectable.  William’s eyes widened at how good it looked.  Everybody brought their plates forward and she put a few slices of the carved meat and gravy onto everyone’s plates – only then did the other dishes get passed around to fill up their plates: the Yorkshire puddings, the roasted potatoes, the Brussel sprouts, and the carrots.  
“Are you Catholic, William?” Orla asked as she sat down at her seat.  
“No ma’am.”
“Well, Christmas and Easter are the only two days of the year that we pray before our meal,” she informed him.  “So, congratulations.  Camden, why don’t you say a Hail Mary.”  William watched as everybody around the table except Mirza did the sign of the cross, though Mirza did bow his head in respect.  William quickly followed with his own sign of the cross.  He listened as Camden recited a Hail Mary.  When he was done, Orla spoke up again.  “Lord, we would like to thank you for bringing us together to celebrate your birth, and we would like to thank you for bringing us William today to celebrate with our family.  Amen.”
“Amen,” everyone said.
“Hallelujah!” Camden exclaimed, grabbing his fork.  Everyone else did too, while Mirza stood up to start pouring the wine in everyone’s glasses, save for Camden.  
“So you mentioned your family is in Sweden, William?” Orla asked, slicing her roast beef in pieces.  “Whereabouts?”
“Most of my family is there, right in Stockholm.  But I have a brother living in Chicago who also plays hockey.  My sister Jacqueline is also in Texas at SMU playing tennis, but she was able to get home for Christmas,” he explained.
“And where’s your brother in Chicago going?”
“He has a teammate and his family.  He lives in their basement,” William smiled. 
“Orla has a habit of wanting to feed the entire congregation, if you know what I mean,” Mirza smiled from across the table.  “Clearly Aberdeen knew, since she invited you.”
Aberdeen wanted to say that she didn’t, that he was hear because he somehow found their address and wanted to make her life a complete circus, but she decided against it.  It was Christmas, after all.  “Yeah, well when Aberdeen offered, I thought it was so nice, but I didn’t want to intrude,” William said from beside her.  She could have killed him right then and there.
“Intruding?  What are you intruding on?  The more the merrier.  And God knows I make enough roast,” Orla commented.  “Besides, it’s not the first time Aberdeen’s brought something home and said ‘Surprise!’.”
“We all love Minerva and she is a great cat,” Aberdeen said firmly before anyone else could say anything.  
Conversation flowed nicely.  William was a natural, Aberdeen thought, and she chalked it all up to his endearing charm – his best quality.  Well, at least to Aberdeen.  It was what attracted her to him in the first place.  That and the fact that he was so persistent.  But everybody seemed to take a liking to him, and despite being the only person at the table who knew what had happened between them, Siena was surprisingly calm, warm, and chatty.  Camden was an everyday 11 year old, asking William about the Leafs and if he’d met any Raptors and what playing hockey was like.  He made them smile.  He made them laugh.  He made them love him.  It was all so sickeningly sweet.
Camden cleared the dishes and Aberdeen cleared the food platters and Orla and Siena fetched the desserts. Mirza stayed to keep William company at the table.  Aberdeen watched as Orla scooped all the remaining leftovers into a Tupperware – Aberdeen knew she’d give it to William when he left, and now she was stuck thinking about how William was going to return one of her Tupperwares without anybody on the team or in the offices knowing.  It sent her head for a bit of a spin until Camden almost knocked her out with a swinging fridge door.  “Camden, get the dessert plates on the counter,” she ordered, and he did as he was told.  She got the trifle out of the fridge.
“Show him mine!  I was so much cuter!” she heard Camden exclaim from the dining room.  What was he on about now?
Aberdeen turned the corner.  And then she saw it.
William Nylander.  Sitting at the dining room table with her father.
Looking through her baby book.
Her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach.  “Dad!!!” she exclaimed.
William looked up at her, the biggest, goofiest, most sincere smile on his face.  “You were a cute baby, Aberdeen.”
She was mortified.  She thought about walking outside and freezing to death because that would be a better option than what was happening in front of her.  She set the trifle down on the table loudly, her jaw on the floor.  “Dad, come on!” she complained.  “I work with William!  He doesn’t have to see my baby pictures!”
“Well excuse me for wanting to show off my two darling daughters,” Mirza waved off her complaint.  “Besides, I can’t say no when a guest wants to see.”
Aberdeen glared at William, who still had that smile on his face.  “Oh, you’re gonna get it when we’re back at the arena.”
“Am I?” he taunted her.
“Look!  Look here!  Siena at four, Aberdeen at two,” Mirza diffused the situation, pointing to a new picture on the page.  “We sent copies of this one to Orla’s parents in Derry.  They had it up for years.”
Aberdeen knew exactly which picture Mirza was talking about.  She and her sister were photographed by a professional photographer, with Siena wearing a frilly yellow dress and Aberdeen wearing a pink one, equally as frilly.  They were both smiling at the camera while sitting on some sort of box, and both wearing small, dainty necklaces.  They were adorable, but William didn’t need to know that.  “These are evil eyes, right?” he said, pointing to the necklaces they were wearing in the photo, a small smile on his face.
“We say nazar.  It protects from the evil eye,” Mirza nodded his head.  “They’re very popular in Iran.”
“What made you come to Canada?” William asked.
“The revolution, mostly,” Mirza said.  “I was fourteen.  My parents didn’t want me to stay so they changed my name and I escaped the country.  It wasn’t safe for me anymore.  I went to Syria first – to Aleppo – and had all my documents processed there to become a refugee.  I came to Canada when I was eighteen in 1984.”
William was quiet and had a solemn look on his face as he listened to Mirza.  It was so unlike any other story he’d heard before, in terms of people’s parents at least.  He grew up with a lot of “My dad played in the NHL” or “My dad works in hockey” – never “My dad escaped a revolution”.  It was very new to him, and he almost felt ashamed at the lack of diverse stories his friends, acquaintances, and all the kids he grew up with had in comparison to this.  “And you chose Canada?”
“Canada chose me, I think,” Mirza smiled.  “Look at these pictures here,” he said, flipping to the back of the photo album.  When he reached the page, he showed William, and Aberdeen already knew what it was: the few pictures he had of himself growing up in Iran with his parents, some photos of him in Aleppo, and the first photos of him in Canada.  “That one was the year before I left Iran,” he said, pointing to one, “and this one…the month I arrived in Canada.”
William smiled.  He looked up at Aberdeen, who was already expecting his reaction.  “Sugo hat outfit,” he said, like it was a code language.  “Holy hell.  You weren’t kidding, Aberdeen.”
“Told you.”
“Sugo hat outfit?” Mirza asked.
“It’s nothing, dad.  William just has an interesting fashion sense.  Very European.”
Mirza shrugged, letting it go.  “Canada led me to Orla.  Led me to have this,” he motioned around at his house, “led me to my job, led me to be a father,” he nodded towards Aberdeen.  “Canada has been very nice to Orla and I, because even she had her troubles.  Literally.”
“Orla grew up in Belfast and Derry during the Troubles in Northern Ireland.  There was religious violence all around her growing up.  Catholics versus Protestants,” he explained.  “She came to Canada to escape it, too, in 1988.  And it brought us together.  We met in 1993 at our citizenship ceremony, married in 1995, and had Siena in 1996.”
William couldn’t help but smile.  Meeting your future spouse at your citizenship ceremony as you swore an oath as a new citizen of Canada?  “That’s the most Canadian thing I’ve ever heard,” he giggled.
“I know!” Mirza smiled along with him.  “Orla married the mailman – I mean literally married the mailman.  You should have heard all the jokes we got from her friends when she got pregnant with Siena.  They never ended.”
Dessert and most of the afternoon continued as thus: retelling old family stories and recounting family memories as everyone devoured both desserts, with William explaining each of the Swedish pastries he’d picked from the bakery.  They called their grandparents in Derry just as they were finishing, with William politely staying out of view, and then everybody relaxed around the house.  William promised Camden he’d teach him some stickhandling tricks with the old sticks they had somewhere in the garage, “once my food baby has passed.”  Mirza and Orla sat on the couch, watching the Christmas specials on TV.  Camden opened and started to organize the pieces of a Lego set he’d received as a Christmas gift on the dining room table.  Siena, Aberdeen, and William went down to the basement to “watch Netflix”.  They got through one episode of Brooklyn 9-9 before Siena told them to sneak back upstairs into hers and Aberdeen’s bedroom for some alone time.  Aberdeen tried to say no but William was already up.  When he winked at Siena as a thank you, Siena immediately understood what attracted Aberdeen to him in the first place.
When he walked inside Aberdeen’s room, he thought that it was everything yet nothing he imagined all at once.  A small twin bed, a stylish comforter, a view pictures of her with friends strung along draped string and a corkboard above her headboard.  “So this is your room?”
Aberdeen nodded.  “Well, used to be just Siena’s room.  Then when the little monster was born we moved in together.”
“You didn’t care?  Didn’t demand a room in the basement?”
Aberdeen shook her head.  “I told you how close Siena and I are.  I actually didn’t mind at all.”
He sat down on her bed, looking up at some of the pictures she’d hung.  He recognized Kasha in one of them, and what he assumed to be other university friends.  There was even a picture of the family together, for what looked like one of Camden’s birthdays.  “You have such a nice house…” he started, looking around some more.  “A nice, like, home.  It’s very homey and just, like, perfect.  And your family’s really…warm,” he said, choosing his words carefully.  “They remind me a lot of mine.  Close knit and stuff.  You’ve all got each other’s back.”
“Yeah,” she agreed, sitting down on her bed next to him.  “Does it…I mean, does it make you miss your family?”
“Tons,” he replied automatically.  “Especially on days like today.  But it’s okay.  I know this summer when we’re all together it’s gonna be a blast.”
“I know…” Aberdeen began.  “Listen, I know you don’t like to talk about your feelings much, but if you ever do want to talk when you’re really missing them…you know I’m here to listen, right?”
William looked at her and smiled.  God, he got so lucky.  “I know,” he said.  “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
He paused, staring into her eyes before knowing he had to continue.  “Listen…I got you something,” he said.
“You what?” Aberdeen was flabbergasted.  As if enough didn’t already happen today.  He saw her baby photos for God’s sake.
“I couldn’t help myself.”
“I really think you could.”
He sighed and smiled, reaching into a bag Aberdeen hadn’t noticed was there and pulling out a wrapped box, a ribbon tied around it perfectly.  She had a hard time believing he wrapped it himself, but then again, he had a lot of siblings.  That was his excuse for knowing how to do a bunch of things that he had no other logical explanation as to why he knew how to do it.  “Merry Christmas, minskatt,” he said.
“I don’t have anything for you,” she blurted out, immediately regretting it.  
“I don’t need anything.  It’s fine,” he shook his head, pushing the box onto her lap.  “Open it.”
It was small.  Too small for her liking.  She gave him one last look before sliding the ribbon off and ripping the paper.  The box was neutral, which made her even more nervous.  She opened the lid.
Inside, she was met with a ring.  An evil eye ring made of yellow gold, with the centre of the eye bedazzled with a black diamond, circled by two bands of rich blue diamonds, and finished off with regular diamonds outlining and filling out the rest of the eye shape.  Her breath hitched in her throat audibly as she stared at it and took in its beauty.  She couldn’t believe William got this for her.  She couldn’t believe he…he…
“I hope you like it,” she heard William’s voice say softly.  “I know rings are…well, whatever, but…I saw it and I thought of you.  It…it went beyond when you told me your dad was Persian.  The blue…it sounds stupid, but the blue reminded me of your tattoo.  The waves.  Like now whenever I see anything blue I think of you and your tattoo and the waves and stuff, and…and—” he was rambling, and he knew it, but he couldn’t stop, “—and I just figured, I don’t know, you always wear nice jewelry, nice rings, and this can be part of it.  And it’ll protect you, according to tradition or whatever.  And maybe, I don’t know, every time you look down at your hand and see the ring, you’ll be reminded of me.”
Aberdeen took every word to heart.  She’d been looking at him the entire time, and her heart was so full by the end of his rambling that she couldn’t think straight; she couldn’t think of what to say, how to say it, how to thank him, how to truly express how much she loved it, so she did the only thing she could think to do.  The only thing she couldn’t do.
She kissed him.
It was slow at first, and it took William aback – never in a million years did he think Aberdeen would initiate any kiss, let alone a kiss on her bed while they were alone in her bedroom after he’d crashed her family’s Christmas celebrations – but eventually, and gradually, the kiss deepened and became more passionate, with William’s hand going lightly to her hip, and Aberdeen’s hand resting gently on his thigh.  They stayed like that for a while, just kissing on her bed, William absolutely basking in the feeling, as if a thousand lightning bolts were moving through his body all at once, having waited for months – six months – to feel his lips against hers again.  It intoxicated him as much now as it did that night in June so long ago; perhaps even more so now, now that he knew what her lips felt like but was denied for so long, only to be given the luxury again.  He was drunk on the feeling.  
It was only until William couldn’t help himself, when Aberdeen felt a slip of his tongue against her lips, that she was brought back down to earth, only for her to pull away quickly.  “Oh God,” she worried.  “I wasn’t supposed to do that.”
William half smiled as he bit down on his bottom lip.  “It’s not like I’m gonna tell anybody.”
She felt William’s hand on her hip move to hold her hand that was resting on his thigh.  He held it so warmly, still looking at her, and rubbed circles onto her hand.  His touch was so delicate, so tender.  So unlike other touches she’d experienced, other touches she never wanted to experience again.  “Will?”
“Hmm?” he licked his lips.
She finally met his eye.  “I…I never thanked you for going to Brendan about…you know…” she trailed off.  
His face shifted.  “Aberdeen—”
“No – please,” she interrupted him, looking down nervously at their fingers that had now entangled with each other’s on his lap.  She didn’t know why she couldn’t look him in the eye.  She’d just kissed him, for God’s sake.  “I never thanked you.  Or Pierre for that matter.  If you guys hadn’t gone to Brendan, I’d still have to be dealing with him, and…and I just…”
“Aberdeen, you don’t need to thank me for doing the right thing.  Anybody would have done the same thing,” William said.  “Believe me.  Any one of those guys in the locker room would have done the same thing.  Pierre and I actually made the decision to wait until after the holidays to tell everyone what happened so they wouldn’t get upset before Christmas.”
Aberdeen furrowed her brows.  “Why?  They…they’d get upset?”
“Are you kidding me?  Of course they’d get upset,” William said.  “Jason would have gone insane if he knew.  The guy has four girls.  Auston, Morgan, Kappy – everyone thinks you’re a bit of nerd or whatever, but they’d all go to bat for you.  And everyone’s gonna be really upset when they hear about it.  Actually, they’ll probably get mad at me for not telling them so they couldn’t whoop Ethan’s ass themselves.”
Aberdeen never considered that.  She knew the guys liked her well enough, but she never considered that they liked her enough that they’d be upset something like that happened to her.  She never considered that they’d be protective of her in that way.  For all that she was Brendan Shanahan’s executive assistant and on the administrative side of things, she never felt part of the team more than she did in this moment, in her room alone with William Nylander.  
“Can you…can you tell me something?” William asked as he watched her think.
“Why didn’t you tell me…you know, what Ethan was doing?”
There was the million dollar question.  Aberdeen didn’t want to admit why.  She didn’t want to admit to William that the reason she didn’t tell him was because she didn’t want him to know, didn’t want him to get involved, didn’t want to endanger his position in any way with the team by him speaking up on her behalf.  She didn’t want to tell him it was because she didn’t think it was worth it.  But she knew she had too.  She took a deep breath and shrugged her shoulders.  “I didn’t think you cared that much,” she admitted softly.  “I didn’t think that it was…you know…worth caring about, even.”
It was William’s turn to furrow his brows.  He looked pained, physically pained, at the words that had just escaped her mouth.  “You’re always worth caring about, minskatt,” he said firmly, with no space to debate his tone or words.  “You’re always…fuck, Aberdeen, you’re always fucking worth it to me.”
She couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth; couldn’t believe how much conviction was in his voice and how much he meant each and every word.  Nobody had said those words to her before.  Well – no guy had said those words to her before.  She remembered Zane and how he refused to acknowledge how she wanted to become a writer.  She remembered how, a second after she told him, William said she’d make a great writer even though he’d never read any of her work.  To William, she was worth it; in every sense of the word, she was worth it.  She was worth late night walks back to her apartment.  She was worth sneaking into hotel rooms at night.  She was worth calls to Sugo and paying extra to get dinner long after they closed down.  She was worth sneaking around to get her phone number, and her parents’ address to show up for Christmas.  She was worth spending whatever amount of money on a ring that reminded him of her.  She was worth it.  She was worth it all.  
She moved closer to him again.
And closer.
“Aberdeen!” she heard Camden scream her voice down the hallway.  So he apparently knew they were in her room.  She and William moved at lightning speed not to be so close to each other.  She shoved the box into her bedside table.  Camden’s loud footsteps echoed down the hallway until they stopped outside her door.  
Camden at least had the knowledge to knock.  She’d yelled at him one too many times for him to forget.  “Come in,” she said, her voice still a bit shaky from what had almost just happened.  
He opened the door and stuck his head through.  “William promised he’d play some hockey with me in the driveway before he left,” he said.  
“William and I are talking right now,” she said quickly, trying to get him to go away.
“About what?”
“About work stuff.”
“What’s happening at work?”
“Is Mitch Marner okay?”
“Can you give us maybe, like, five or ten minutes to solve this problem?” William asked.  “I’ll meet you in the driveway after that.  Practice your stickhandling so I can show you what to improve on.”
Camden nodded his head quickly and closed the door behind him as he rushed back down the hallway, yelling at his dad to open the garage and get his hockey stick.  William looked at Aberdeen and laughed as she let out a breath in one long sigh, giggling to herself before shaking her head.  “God…what am I doing?” she mumbled to herself.
“Realizing you’re worth it,” William said quickly, inching closer to her and kissing her again.  It was nice, and it was innocent, and it was beautiful, and it was lovely, but it was also wrong.  Aberdeen pulled back quicker than last time, but William didn’t seem to mind.  He knew this kiss was gratuitous – an extra gift.  “I can’t wait to see you on the plane to New Jersey wearing that ring,” he mumbled, grabbing her hand and holding it in his.
She stiffened for a second.  “I can’t wear that to work.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s from you.  Everyone’s gonna ask about it.”
“Have any of the guys, including Brendan, ever asked about any piece of jewelry you’ve worn before?” he deadpanned.  Okay, so he had a point.  “Besides, just tell them it was a Christmas gift from your parents.”
She shook her head.  “You underestimate how good of a liar I am.”
“You spent six months lying trying to convince yourself you didn’t like me.”
She blushed.  Okay, so he had another point.  “Touché, Will.”
He licked his lips, biting down on the bottom one gently.  “Why’re you so scared?”
“I’m not scared,” Aberdeen answered.  “I’m just aware of how inappropriate this is and how much I’m starting not to care anymore.”
William smiled.  And he leaned in again.  But before he could kiss her again – helping as best he could to get her to not care anymore – Camden’s voice boomed through the house again.  “Aberdeeeeen!”
She practically growled at another moment ruined.  “Camden!” she screamed out.
This time, he didn’t bother to knock when he opened the bedroom door.  He poked his head through again.  “Do you know someone who drives a black Porsche Cayenne?”
Aberdeen furrowed her brows.  As if she knew more than one person who drove a car that expensive.  “My boss does…” she said.
“Well, it’s in the driveway.”
Aberdeen’s eyes bulged out of her head.  She shot up from her seat and grabbed William and dragged him towards her closet.  “Is that—” he tried to ask.
“Is that Brendan?” he asked as she practically tore her closet door off her hinges to open it.  “What’s he doing here?”
“I don’t fucking know!” she exclaimed in one of those loud, frantic whispers.  “Do you honestly think if I knew he was coming sometime today I would have let you stay in my house this long?  Now shut up.”
“Aber—oooooowwwwww!” he protested as she grabbed the top of his head and pushed him down and into her closet like he was getting into the back of a cop car.  He belonged in a cop car, Aberdeen thought, for showing up at her house on Christmas.  “Aberdeen!”
“Shut up!” she said hurriedly, putting her hand over his mouth.  “If you value your life as well as mine you will stay in here and stay quiet until I come get you,” she warned, closing the closet door in his face.
“Who’s that now?” Orla asked as Aberdeen hurried to the front of the house, where she saw her mother looking out the window.  “We don’t know people who drive Porsches.”
“It’s for me.  It’s my boss.  Brendan Shanahan.  The president of the Toronto Maple Leafs,” Aberdeen informed everyone.  She saw Siena send a panicked look her way.
“Oh, did you invite him to Christmas too now and he just came late?” Orla joked.
“Is he here to see William?” Camden asked.
Aberdeen took a deep breath.  She felt like her heart was going to explode in her chest.  “Everybody listen,” she said loudly.  “Brendan cannot know William was here…is here.”
“Why can’t Brendan know about W—”
“I’ll lose my job, okay?” she said quickly.  Her parents’ eyes widened.  “Brendan doesn’t like the players, uh…he doesn’t…just please, please don’t ask me to explain.  Just take my word for it.  Just don’t mention anything and…please be normal.”  She knew Siena already knew.  And she knew her parents were good for it – though she’d have to explain to them in more detail later.  It was Camden she was worried about.  She looked down at him.  “You say a word about William being here and I take that Kyle Lowry jersey back and tell everyone at your school that you still sleep with Bubby.”
Bubby was the stuffed giraffe Camden got as a kid.  He slept with it religiously when he was small, but he didn’t still sleep with it, though it stayed perched on his shelf.  Camden grimaced but understood the ultimatum his sister was giving him – no kid would ever recover from that rumour being spread.  “Fine.”
Their doorbell rang.  Mirza moved to open the door.  He couldn’t even see Brendan’s face – it was obstructed by a giant basket.  “Oh my goodness!” he exclaimed, noticing it was teetering a bit.  “Let me help, let me help!” he said, taking some of the weight of the basket.  “Come in!  Come in!” he moved backwards, and the two men balanced the basket on the half-wall that separated the entrance from the front family room.  
Aberdeen felt like she was going to faint.  Brendan Shanahan was now in her front entrance while William Nylander was stuffed in her bedroom closet.  “You must be Mr. Bloom,” Brendan said, extending his hand to shake.  “And Mrs. Bloom,” he said once he noticed Orla, shaking her hand too.  “I’m Brendan Shanahan – I’m Aberdeen’s boss.”
“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Brendan,” Orla smiled.  “Aberdeen speaks so highly of you.”
He waved and smiled at Aberdeen.  Then he noticed Siena and Camden.  “You must be Siena,” he smiled at her, “and Camden.”  Camden nodded enthusiastically and silently.  “I don’t mean to intrude on your Christmas,” Brendan held up his hands slightly.  “I just – well, my family and I are on our way to my mother’s house in Mimico.  I’m an Etobicoke boy too, you see.  And when Aberdeen told me her mother was another Belfast lass, well, I had to see for myself.”
Orla giggled.  Mirza had a smile on his face.  “Irish too, then?  Well, with a name like Shanahan, how could you not be?” Orla quipped.  
“I don’t mean to stay long – we’re already late as is – but I just wanted to pass this gift along as a token of my thanks and gratitude,” he said, motioning to the giant wrapped basket.   It had an assortment of things in it that Aberdeen couldn’t make out because she was scared William was going to scream out from the closet or walk around the corner any second and then she’d be out of a job.  She knew Camden would take it all apart the second Brendan left, anyway.
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that, Mr. Shanahan—” Orla said.
“No no, I insist.  It’s the least I could do,” he said.  “I’m sorry for taking your daughter away from you so much and having her travel to every corner of this continent.  I know it must be hard on you as parents.”
“It is,” Mirza said, “but she enjoys her job very much.  She’s always letting us know about the cool things she’s doing or the cities she’s going to.  She feels very fortunate to be in the position she’s in.”
“We’re very lucky to have her as a member of the Toronto Maple Leafs team,” Brendan smiled warmly.  “Anyways, I’m so sorry for taking up your time,” he turned to leave.
“Don’t be sorry at all, Mr. Shanahan.  This is a very lovely gift, thank you.”
As he stepped through the threshold of the doorway, he turned back.  “If I want to drop by St. Leo and bring some of the boys, am I calling you?” he asked Orla.
“You bet your arse you are, because you’re not going to anyone else’s class but mine.”
Brendan smiled.  “I’ll call you to arrange something, then.  Have a very Merry Christmas.”
When the door closed, Aberdeen let out a sigh of relief.  “Was that harmless enough, Aberdeen?  Was it to your liking?” Orla asked sarcastically.
“Camden, go fetch mummy a card from the drawer in the kitchen so we can write a thank you note to Mr. Shanahan for this enormous basket full of…full of…” she stopped, eyeing the contents.  Suddenly, she jumped up.  “Oh Lord!  Oh heavens it’s a basket of Irish and British goodies!  And sweets!  Oh, bless that man!  Bless that man!”
Aberdeen didn’t care about sweets.  She thought about William in her closet and rushed towards her room.  She closed the door to her room behind her and opened the closet door to see him holding up her high school kilt, like he was examining it.  “What the fuck are you doing with that?”
He smirked at her.  “Can you wear this for me sometime?”
“Get out of there!” she ordered, snatching her kilt away from his hands as he giggled like the schoolgirl she once was.  She hung it back up in the back of her closet.  “You’re a perv.”
“Only for you,” he continued to giggle.
William held on to the Tupperware Orla had given him full of leftovers as he and Aberdeen stood on her front porch.  Aberdeen made sure not to get too close; partly because she had a feeling that at least one member of her family was spying through a window, but also, because if she got close to him, she didn’t know what she’d do.  
William had charmed her entire family.  Her mother invited him back for Easter.  Camden thought he was the coolest guy around.  Siena understood now why Aberdeen was so drawn to him.  And Mirza – well, Mirza just liked him.  Thought he was a good kid.  And he was a good kid.  Despite his upbringing and despite his job being one of the stars of the Leafs, he was just a humble, polite, guy when he came over – just a guy from Sweden who worked with Aberdeen.  Aberdeen thought that maybe that’s all he wanted to be when he was around her – just a guy from Sweden.  Not William Nylander, hockey star.  He certainly showed that he liked and preferred it that way.
“You’re coming to Jersey, right?” he asked.  She nodded her head.  “What about New Years?”
“I’ll be there,” she nodded again.  “Kinda sucks that we won’t get to spend it here, though.  I think this is the first New Year’s I’ll spend outside of Toronto.”
“Well it has to be extra special, then,” he smiled.  
Aberdeen bit her lip.  She didn’t know what that meant.  A part of her didn’t want to know while another part of her did.  “Will…” she began.
“Why didn’t you ever move on from me?”
William was taken aback by the question.  The notion was absurd to him.  “Why would I ever want to do that?”
Aberdeen couldn’t believe his answer.  Was there really nobody else for him?  Nobody in Sweden that summer he could have had fun with?  Nobody in Toronto he could call?  She didn’t know why he insisted on his life revolving around just her when she’d barely given him anything the past six months, three of which were spent in two separate continents.  Was he insane?  Was she?
A car pulled up in front of the house, and Aberdeen knew it was his Uber.  He glanced at it before taking one last look at her.  “Have a good night, Aberdeen.  I’ll see you Thursday morning.”
She watched him get into the car, watched it pull out of the driveway and drive down the street.  When she opened the door and stepped back into her house, she saw Siena waiting for her.  “You’re fucked,” was all she said.
Aberdeen nodded.  If other people could see it, then she needed to start accepting it.  “I know.”
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spyrkle4 · 4 years
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Before I get started my 101 DS project posts I wanted to post about my hc for Delilah’s previous partner
Meet Dandy Dot! Aka Dan-man. He’s the sire of Dylan, Dawkins, Triple D, and Dorothy (in terms of main pups). (and maybe Dizzy or DeeDee but let’s not talk about that rn shh) More info under cut cuz it’s a mouthful:
He has a pretty chill human (a yoga instructor) who doesn’t bat an eye when Dandy goes a few hours away to Camden to visit his gf However due to their long distance, Delilah’s and Dandy’s short-lived relationship only produced 2 litters
Dylan and Dawkins (who are littermates) were an “oops!” litter early in the relationship. Dandy has 0 parenting skills so he just tried being a good role model, but later on as Delilah was starting to have her second litter, both dogs realized that it wasn’t going to work. And Dandy noted that Delilah was starting to have budding feelings for Doug (who had recently moved to Camden with his pups) so they mutually broke it off. Despite that, they’re still good friends and Dandy gets along pretty well with Doug. Delilah and Doug even named one of their future pups after him (see the pup song.) 
Dandy’s personality is a laid back surfer type of dog who gets into trouble (ie: see the scar on his neck from a rather nasty human who threated one of the Dalmatians). He’s visited the Dalmatian family a handful of times and fills the “fun uncle” role, out of all his biological pups he’s closest with Dawkins. “Wait if he’s Dorothy’s sire then is she part of the second litter?!” you might ask. No, that second litter had some of the other main pups since there were 2 sires (its a thing that happens w/ animals dw). Dandy might’ve accidentally had an “oops” puppy with a girlfriend and she didn’t want to have pups in the first place so she broke up with Dandy and dumped Dorothy on him. Dandy panicked since like I said he has 0 dad skills and went to Delilah for help. She and Doug offered to take in Dorothy for him and he agreed thinking that the pup would be better off with the Dalmatians than him. 
So all and all he’s a chill dude! Might not be 1# Dad material but he does care about his family. 
Note: The second litter thing had both him and Doug as the fathers, it’s a thing in nature where if a female breeds with multiple males then there could be multiple litters, so while all of the pups are Delilah’s they either have Dandy (Triple D, and Dizzy or DeeDee) or Doug (Deepak and Dante) as their biological father)
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xenowlsome · 5 years
Ivanhoe daemons
Ariel settles as a lioness, big, sleek, whiteish-gold, with heavy paws and a heavy voice. Rebecca is glad of it most of the time, because people part before a lion daemon, and listen to its human much more readily, even if that human happens to be a young Jewish woman - categories usually not worth listening to. At other times, she hears whispers, from Gentiles and Jews alike, how a lion is an arrogant beast, bloodthirsty and vengeful, and what kind of healer does that make her? She tries not to hear them, and hugs Ariel more fiercely then usual. Rebecca’s definitely glad of it when Ariel jumps between her and the Templar, roaring her defiance, and later, when she stands alone in the sea of white cloaks and defends herself of crimes she did not commit. The night before the execution, a stray, illogical thought comes to her- how the smell of burning fur will be the last thing she will remember of this life, and she’s ready to give up then and there, to agree to whatever demands Brian de Bois-Guilbert will set. But she has a lioness’ soul, so instead, she curls beside Ariel’s bulk and sleeps.
Pelegria is a bearded vulture, an enormous, blood-red bird with a wicked beak and talons looking sharp enough to pierce mail. (Brian never tells anyone that the red is not natural - like her animal counterparts, she has to paint her feathers with mud and iron dust. Luckily, there’s enough of both in any armory.) She swoops above him during a charge, and cows lesser men into obedience with her red-rimmed glare. He should have known that something is amiss when she circles the tower, anguished beyond words as the Jewess promises to throw herself from the battlements rather than give herself to him… But sometimes he’s more headstrong then is perhaps good for him. On the day of the trial, Pelegria circles the field as well, never landing and refusing to speak to him. She sees the lone rider long before anyone else, and when Wilfred of Ivanhoe comes to challenge him, she starts to rise… and rise… and rise, until there’s nothing but a terrible aching coldness in his chest, and death seems a small mercy. (She tumbles down, screeching, when he falls, and dissolves into golden dust before she hits the ground. Brian dies reaching for her.)
(I am mostly interested in those two but I wouldn’t be me if i didn’t try to do all of the cast.)
Isaac has a rock hyrax, a plump but surprisingly agile animal,the nearest relative of elephants. They live in tight groups, and The Proverbs laud them for their wisdom.
Wilfred has a Dalmatian, a friendly, energetic and extremely loyal breed, who also have been used as dogs of war. They are also very compatible with horses, which is fitting because…
Rowena has a (spotted) stallion, named Horsa. Having such a large daemon often leads to all sorts of awkward or inconvenient situations, but not when your captors are standing in the middle of the hallway arguing where to put you without having to find a very large wicker basket.
Cedric has a boar, a true warrior’s daemon, but also aggressive, unbending, and willing to take enemies down with her.
Athelstane has a bear who seems to hibernate all year round. Nonetheless, very few daemons would willingly put themselves in her way when she bothers to fight.
Gurth has a deerhound, a giant of a dog with a coat as presentable-looking as her human’s attire. But she’s strong and durable, and, above all, fiercely loyal.
Wamba has a common jay, a brightly-colored bird hopping from leg to leg on his shoulder, a silly, nonthreatening creature who’s only good at mimicking the others. ...But jays are corvids, as clever as their black cousins, and vicious when they want to.
De Bracy has a large orange cat, swift and cunning, but beside Brian’s vulture and Front-de-Boeuf’s wolverine she looks decidedly out of place.
Prince John has a stoat, whose winter coat is considered worthy of royalty, but in the end, they’re just fancy weasels.
Waldemar fitzUrse has a nightingale, a sweet-singing bird that, like his relative, managed to incur the displeasure of Thomas Becket, though with less bloody results.
King Richard has a lioness, and is very pleased about it.
Queen Eleanor’s daemon is a golden eagle, which helps when confronting your enemies and decidedly does not when you are put into glorified house arrest for a decade.
Beaumanoir has a mute swan, white as his cloak and as aggressive as her animal counterparts.
Locksley has a red fox, because tricksters will be tricksters in all universes.
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pawsitivevibe · 5 years
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Have not done an update on Haley's recovery in a while.
Photo is of her at the vet. I really love that our clinic has a big open reception. A lot of vet offices have these tight little waiting areas that can get really crowded and stressful for the pets. Ours allows for lots of space between people if you want it. I mean, it's a detached building along a street with basically nothing on it, so it's not like those clinics crammed into strip malls. It's a pretty big office.
Haley is slowly but surely improving. We were at the vet on Tuesday and she certainly agrees she's getting better. The vet also likes seeing Haley because she's such a good cooperative patient. We are going to wean Haley off of the Meloxicam slowly and see how she does. Ideally that's one drug she won't have to stay on long-term as it can affect the kidneys. After that it's just the Gabapentin left, and she said we can figure out that one once the other is out. She's currently on the lowest dosage possible, but we could cut it from 3 times a day to 2, or possibly use a compounded version usually used for cats that's at a lower dose. Gabapentin MAY need to be a drug she stays on indefinitely to manage the pain, or one she goes on and off when needed, or we may be able to manage the pain without drugs. It really depends how she does.
We had her third physio on Wednesday. The physiotherapist thinks she's really really improved. She was glad to hear that she's been more active, and that she's doing well with the exercises. She gave us some more exercises that are more physically demanding. Rapid sit to stand (basically ask her to stand before she ends up rocking onto one hip), and bows with front legs on unstable surface. She had said she usually sees improvements after 3 weekly sessions. And now she likes how it's going, so our next appointment is in a month. If Haley seems sore or going downhill in the meantime, I can call her to make another appointment. But she thinks monthly maintenance laser treatments might be fine now.
The physiotherapist also loves making the people who are leaving as I'm getting there, or coming in as I'm leaving, guess what breed Haley is. She thinks it's hilarious that she's a Beagle-Sheltie-Aussie-Dalmatian-GSD-Eskimo-Supermutt. Most people get the Aussie and/or Sheltie.
So yeah. It seems to be going well. Just when I was starting to despair that she wasn't really improving, she kind of suddenly made massive improvements. I mean today she even went up the stairs at home. Which she is not allowed to do, but I was upstairs and my brother left the gate open ... But like that's something she wouldn't have even tried to do before.
We start scentwork classes on November 4th. The physiotherapist thinks it will be really good for her. I think it will be really nice for her to go to classes and stuff again. She very much still wants to train. She gets excited when we do her exercises. She gets excited when we go in the car to other places, even when it's just the vet and physio. But we used to go in the car to the dog park, hiking trails, the agility field, disc practice, rally classes, trials ... She seems bored stuck in the house. So I hope she'll be excited about scentwork. She loves the little games I've been doing with hiding treats for her.
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centralparkpawsblog · 5 years
Best Outdoor Dog Houses
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51UuiyCnQXL.jpg Every dog I’ve ever lived with has been an indoor dog.
I slept on the couch with them, shared ice cream cones with them, and cuddled together during my favorite TV shows.
I wasn’t introduced to the idea of an outdoor dog until I was in middle school.
One of my friends had a dog that lived mainly outside in their backyard. He had his own giant water bowl and cute little dog house.
His dog house had the classic dog house look.
It was made of wood and painted red, although it didn’t have his name over the door or anything.
It left me wondering what kinds of dog houses are out there for dogs to try.
Here’s everything I’ve learned and which ones could be the best for your pup.
Best Dog Houses
There are different reasons why dog owners may look into an outdoor dog house, so here are the best options that I’ve found for the most common reasons that lead people to buy a dog house.
ModelMaterialStyleRatingPrice Our Pets Tuff-N-Rugged Dog HousePlasticShed4.2$$$$ Check Price Suncast Outdoor Dog House DH250PlasticShed4.2$$ Check Price Arf Frame Dog HouseWoodStandard4.4$$$ Check Price Petmate Indigo Dog HousePlasticIgloo3.9$$$$ Check Price Suncast Outdoor Dog House DH350PlasticShed3.8$$ Check Price ASL Solution's Dog PalacePlasticBarn4.3$$$$$ Check Price SENYEPETS Outdoor Dog HousePlasticStandard4.6$$ Check Price Petsfit Outdoor Dog HouseWoodShed4.1$$$$ Check Price Tangkula Dog HouseWoodStandard4.2$$$ Check Price
My Top Pick
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Our Pets Tuff-N-Rugged Dog House
The Tuff-N-Rugged dog house is one that’ll please any dog.
It has the picturesque dog house shape without compromising on the materials it’s made out of.
This dog house keeps dogs cool in the summer and warm in the winter, since it’s constructed out of weather-proof materials.
Special insulation makes it great for any dog who spends time outside when the weather turns cold.
What I Liked
A special feature I appreciate is how it’s built. This dog house is double walled for extra support and insulation.
It also has fade resistant paint, so constant exposure to UV won’t make it look dingy right after you set it up.
Cleaning with this dog house is a breeze too. You can easily hose it out and let it air dry. There’s no risk of mold or deterioration if it’s wet for a long period of time.
Don’t worry about your dog’s size either. It can fit dogs up to 125 pounds, which covers most standard breeds.
One concern I’d have if Maggie used a dog house would be the house getting flooded during heavy rainstorms, but this dog house is raised to prevent rain runoff from becoming an issue and to better insulate the dog from the cold ground.
What I Didn’t Like
The individual walls are thin plastic.
Heavy chewers can damage this dog house and heavy winds can move it around.
It’s also not a good choice if you have a heavier dog who likes to lay on top of their dog house because this can cause the roof to cave in.
Final Thoughts
The Tuff-N-Rugged dog house is definitely an investment, but it’s well worth every penny.
Plenty of thought and care went into the design and production to make this a long lasting product. The careful attention to detail is what makes this dog house the overall winner for me.
No dog living in this house will be left wanting.
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Best Value Dog House
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Suncast Outdoor Dog House DH250
Most dog owners would agree that we want to provide only the best for our dogs, but unfortunately sometimes we’re restricted by a tight budget.
That’s where the Suncast Outdoor Dog House, model DH250, comes into play.
It averages around the same price as other dog houses but it still provides some key features that will make you want to click “Add to Cart.”
First of all, it looks like one of those mini houses kids can play with when they’re little.
I used to have one in my backyard, complete with the plastic kitchen inside it and windows that opened.
This dog house looks very similar, although its windows don’t open.
Still, it has a vinyl door cover.
Dogs can easily come and go through this door cover, but still be protected when they go inside during rainstorms.
And if you’re concerned about ventilation, don’t worry. There are plenty of built-in vents to make sure there’s always fresh air available.
What I Liked
It can also be put together without tools!
I have a mini tool kit in my closet that has a dusty hammer and a screwdriver, so not having to buy extra supplies to build this dog house would be a huge bonus for me.
What I Didn’t Like
One thing to note is that it’s not insulated.
It’s meant only to house dogs when the weather is nice, so dogs who spend time outside in the winter will need a heat lamp and some additional insulation.
Final Thoughts
The Suncast Outdoor Dog House may not be the best outdoor dog house on the market but it provides a lot of bark for your buck.
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Best Dog House for Small Dogs
Best for breeds like...
Shih Tzu
Lhasa Apso
Yorkshire Terrier
French Bulldog
Bichon Frise
Miniature Goldendoodle
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Arf Frame Dog House
The Arf Frame Dog House is too adorable to handle. It’s a little log cabin for dogs to hang out in, complete with raised framing.
This dog house is made out of fir wood, so it’s lightweight and easy to handle while assembling.
Fir wood is also naturally weather resistant.
It’ll last a lot longer than typical wood frame dog houses, especially since it has a sheet-lined inner roof.
The fir wood makes it cost a bit more than plastic dog houses, but it’s an investment that’s worth your money. 
What I Liked
Some small dogs also prefer a tighter den.
It makes them feel safer, which is something the Arf Frame can provide. It’s tiny and cozy, perfect for curling up in after a long day of being a dog.
Did I mention that it comes in different colors and can even be painted if you want to decorate your dog’s future home?
Literally the definition of adorable!
What I Didn’t Like
Be careful if you decide to order this house, since it’s meant to be a tight fit and could end up being the wrong size if you don’t compare measurements first.
Anyone interested in this dog house should also know that it isn’t an insulated house.
You’ll need to add your own insulation if your dog will be using this during the winter.
Final Thoughts
If Maggie was a small dog, I’d consider getting her an Arf Frame dog house as soon as we upgrade to a human home with a backyard.
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Best Dog House for Medium Dogs
Best for breeds like...
Australian Shepherd
Chow Chow
Norwegian Elkhound
Basset Hound
English Springer Spaniel
Poodle (Standard)
Border Collie
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Petmate Indigo Dog House
I could totally see Maggie hanging out in the Petmate’s Indigo Dog House.
It’s made with medium sized dogs in mind, so it has plenty of room for them to stretch out and sit up comfortably.
The offset door protects dogs from rain and wind once they’re inside the dog house.
There’s no need to squint around the structure and try to find the vents.
This dog house has roof ventilation that’s easy to check for clogs or damage. It circulates fresh air without letting in any rain or snow.
Medium dogs are also known to track in dirt and mud. Maggie’s basically a sponge in dog form whenever there’s even the slightest bit of rain.
It’s inevitable that your dog will make their dog house dirty, which is why this dog house has microban antimicrobial product protection on all surfaces.
What I Liked
Bacteria stand no chance in this dog house, even if you can’t get out to clean it every few days.
It’s also made with heavy-duty construction, which provides sufficient insulation for both hot and cold days.
What I Didn’t Like
The opening can be a little bit small, so be sure to pay attention to the sizing.
You might want to size up.
Also, rain can get into the entrance and flood the inside during heavy storms. You can fix this with a dog house door but those are available separately.
Final Thoughts
The Petmate Indigo dog house is a little pricey, but medium sized dog houses typically are.
If you have any extra money to spare when you purchase it or later on, you may want to add their specially made dog house pads for extra comfort, since this dog house is raised but still a hard plastic.
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Still curious about the Petmate Indigo? Check out a more in-depth review here!
Best Dog House for Big Dogs
Best for breeds like...
German Shepherd
Labrador Retriever
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Cane Corso
Golden Retriever
Catahoula Leopard Dog
Afghan Hound
Irish Setter
Doberman Pinscher
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Suncast Outdoor Dog House DH350
Suncast is back with their outdoor dog house but with a better model for big dogs.
The Suncast model DH350 outdoor dog house has everything that makes a Suncast product so great.
It’s super cute, with its sky blue roof and beige walls, plus a nameplate over the door.
It also has a vinyl door that’s split down the middle, so large dogs can get in and out of the dog house with ease.
This door is especially important, since the extra large door frame would potentially let in more rain and debris without the vinyl door there.
It’s extra large for big dogs up to 75 pounds and looks great in backyards, patios and porches
What I Liked
Just like with their smaller dog houses, this dog house also snaps together without any tools.
Anything that saves me a trip to the hardware store is something I’m especially interested in.
There are vents on all sides of the dog house for extra help with air circulation.
It’s also slightly raised, so puddles that form during rainstorms won’t cause an issue to any dog hanging out inside.
What I Didn’t Like
Just like the smaller model, this bigger version lacks insulation.
It’s also constructed of lighter-weight plastic, so rambunctious dogs can disassemble it for you.
Final Thoughts
Larger dog houses often cost more money than ones for smaller dogs. The Suncast Outdoor Dog House for Large Dogs is a good large dog house for small dog money.
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Best Dog House for Winter
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ASL Solution’s Dog Palace
During the winter, some dogs enjoy continuing their outdoor lifestyle.
They shouldn’t have to be cooped up inside when they don’t want to, which is when dog owners should check out ASL Solution’s Dog Palace.
This massive dog house will keep any medium or large dog (up to 150 pounds) comfortable during cold temperatures.
It doesn’t play around with its insulation, which is two to four inches of real foam (styrofoam and expanded polystyrene [EPS] foam).
This foam retains heat in the winter and also keeps it cooler in the summer.
There’s also a self-closing door that works as a barrier against the cold. It’s also insulated and secures itself every time a dog passes in or out of the dog house.
The window panes on the door are what really help it stay functional during all seasons.
They can be repositioned from being completely closed in the winter to being open during the summer for better ventilation.
This is also useful for dogs who are being trained to use the dog house, since the open panes will encourage them to go in and out of it frequently.
Don’t worry about the floor being too cold either. It’s completely insulated and raised an incredible four inches off the ground so it’s always dry and warm.
When you need to clean it out, you can take advantage of the slightly sloped flooring. It leads down to a minor drain hole, which makes cleaning this dog house quick and easy.
You can get the Dog Palace as a kit with a fleece bed as well
What I Liked
This dog house is good for most of the year and can handle heavy winter storms.
All the features come together to make a dog palace, not a dog house.
What I Didn’t Like
A massive and well-made dog house like this won’t come at a cheap price, so prepare to save up for this purchase.
The door may also taken some getting used to by your dog.
But there are ways to help your dog get used to their new dog house.
Final Thoughts
Even if it takes a bit to save the money, ASL Solution’s Dog Palace won’t disappoint.
Your dog will be well insulated and protected during winter weather.
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Best Dog House for Hot Weather
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SENYEPETS Outdoor Dog House
When the weather gets hot in the summer, dog owners who let their dogs hang out in the backyard share a main concern.
There’s always the worry that your dog will be overheated in their dog house, no matter how windy or cloudy it may be.
That’s the concern that SENYEPETS had in mind when they created their outdoor dog house.
The SENYEPETS Dog House has optimal ventilation, so heat will never be trapped inside.
Standard dog houses may have a few vents on the sides of the dog house or even the roof, but SENYEPETS’ dog house has both side ventilation and skylights
The skylights lift up and can be held in place, so the wide plastic framing will welcome in any breeze.
The side ventilation is also considered heavy duty, without exchanging usefulness for how good it looks.
With the slide of a tiny lever, the side ventilation opens up and allows for continual air exchange. Sliding the lever back will close this ventilation for cooler days.
Another great feature is that this dog house is raised off the ground. Excess water will run right under it and not bother your dog a bit.
What I Liked
Not only is this dog house great for sunny days but it’s a good indoor house, too.
What I Didn’t Like
This dog house is light so it’s easy to move, which also makes it a little flimsy for bigger dogs.
This is really a dog house that’s best suited for small breeds.
You’ll also want to give your outdoor dog a different house when winter hits.
Final Thoughts
The SENYEPETS Outdoor Dog House is close to the average price of dog houses, though, so most dog families should be able to afford it during summer heat waves.
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Best Dog House for Rainy Weather
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Petsfit Outdoor Dog House
Rainy weather can feel like the end of any good dog house.
It can soak through the cheap dog houses, create an environment for mold to thrive and leak through the tiniest cracks.
It’s a battle that every dog house has to fight, which makes it even more difficult to find a good dog house when you live in an area that experiences frequent rain.
Petsfit is here for those dog owners who want their dog to be sheltered from the heaviest rainstorms with the Petsfit Outdoor Dog House.
Petsfit created this dog house that looks modern and fashionable while still being the best protection against rain.
It’s made of natural cedar wood, which would be concerning if it wasn’t painted over with water-based paint.
Water-based paint acts like non-toxic water sealant, causing rain to slide right off instead of soak into the wood.
Although, if you want more protection, you could also apply a water-proofing varnish to the outside of the dog house.
This dog house also utilizes an off-center door. Your dog can snuggle up off to the side and not worry about being hit by the falling rain.
Another measure of protection against rain is the door flap that comes with the dog house.
You can take it on and off as needed, but it’ll further protect your dog against rainstorms.
What I Liked
You’ll only need a basic screwdriver to put this dog house together, which isn’t what I expected at first.
Wooden dog houses make me picture working with a tool kit for an hour or two to assemble it, but it comes with all the screws and pre-drilled holes you’ll need.
Another concern some dog owners have about wooden dog houses is the cleaning. Once it’s all screwed together, you may feel like it’s impossible to clean well.
This dog house has a slanted roof that’s an added bonus for two reasons:
The first reason is that the roof can be propped and held up on its own so the interior of the dog house is completely exposed.
The second biggest benefit to this dog house is that the slanted roof encourages constant drainage. No amount of water will sit on the top of the dog house and soak through or damage it.
Oh, remember how this dog house is made from cedar?
Cedar resists mold and mildew[1], which is a concern in rainy areas.
What I Didn’t Like
Even the large size can only hold dogs up to 75 lbs. Weight, not height or length, is the sticking point thanks to the removable floor.
Also, this dog house is rather expensive.
Finally, some dogs are allergic to cedar. Keep an eye on your pooch for any signs of allergy or pain!
Final Thoughts
The Petsfit Outdoor Dog House isn’t as fancy looking as many dog houses but it’s very well built for keeping out the rain and for being easy to clean.
You can give any possible concerns a good month to work themselves out. Everyone who buys this dog house gets a full 30 day warranty which covers any damages or issues.
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Best Wooden Dog House
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Tangkula Dog House
Many dog owners look for a wooden dog house that will work seamlessly with the design of the backyard.
It’s all too easy to find a dog house that stands out like a sore thumb, but the Tangkula Dog House won’t.
This dog house is made of fir wood that has a natural reddish brown hue and is coated in a water-based, eco-friendly paint.
It blends in well with yards that have fertilized grasses, pinestraw, or mulch.
The roof also has a red and brown asphalt rain roof. The color works perfectly with the tint of the wood, and it protects any rain or snow from entering the dog house.
The dog house is also completely raised off the ground.
The bottom won’t be penetrated by moisture or cold, which guarantees a longer lifespan for the dog house.
What I Liked
I like how this dog house was made with eco-friendly materials and paint.
Also, the floor is removable for easy cleaning.
Plus, it’s an adorable looking dog house!
What I Didn’t Like
Owners should be aware that while natural wood has the ability to insulate a bit, this dog house has no insulation built into it.
It’ll be good for spring and summer weather, but insulation should be added if the weather dips below 70 degrees Fahrenheit at night.
This dog house does come in small, medium, and large sizes, but it’s intended for small to medium dogs.
Also, the given sizes are for the roof, not the dog house itself, so it’s easy to accidentally order the wrong size.
Final Thoughts
The Tangkula Dog House is slightly more costly than similar plastic dog houses, but it’s a fair price when the quality of the dog house is taken into consideration.
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Best Overall Plastic Dog House
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Suncast Outdoor Dog House DH350
When it comes to plastic dog houses, you want to know that you’re getting a quality product.
Too often, plastic dog houses are made with cheap standards all to make a profit, but that doesn’t happen with Suncast products.
I reviewed the Suncast DH350 dog house above. It’s not only the best dog house for large dogs, it’s the overall best plastic dog house.
The DH350 plastic dog house comes in all sizes with a colorful exterior that looks at home in any yard.
It has all the great features you’ll look for in a dog house, like a vinyl door, venting, and simple construction.
What I Liked
What sets it apart is the plastic siding.
This dog house is made of resin material, which has been studied and proven to be a stronger, higher quality plastic than traditional plastics.
It has a high cohesive and compressive strength.
It also has a higher level of microhardness, which makes it less susceptible to abrasions.
Dog owners know that dog nails can do a lot of damage even when your dog isn’t trying to dig into a surface.
This tougher plastic ensures that your dog will be able to use this dog house for a much longer period of time.
Gone are the days where you’ll have to replace the dog house every couple months!
What I Didn’t Like
As I mentioned before, you’ll need to insulate this dog house yourself if you plan on leaving your pooch outside in the winter and this dog house is best for calmer dogs.
Though, you could probably make the assembly permanent with some epoxy.
So, these negatives are minor and fixable!
Final Thoughts
Plastic dog houses may look like playground equipment, but playground equipment is good for surviving rough handling for long periods of time.
The Suncast Outdoor Dog House, model DH350, will protect your dog for a long time as well!
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Benefits of Dog Houses
There are many benefits to getting your dog a dog house.
They wouldn’t have been invented and be so widely used if they didn’t have a strong purpose.
The first main purpose of a dog house is that it provides a much needed den for your dog[2].
Indoor dogs typically have crates they can use when they want alone time, but if your dog is outside all the time, they may not have access to a den-like space.
Dog houses also provide much needed protection for outdoor dogs.
Putting a crate in your backyard wouldn’t keep your dog from getting sunburnt during summer months or shelter them from cold winter winds.
Instead, dog houses are an aerated shelter that can work in any kind of weather, depending on if it’s insulated and well ventilated.
Being protected from the weather is the main concern for dogs that live an outdoor lifestyle, which is why dog houses are so important for owners to research and invest in.
What to Look For
Now that you know the best dog houses for all different kinds of sizes and purposes, it’s time to learn about what you should look for.
You’ll have to decide which factors are the most important depending on the size of your dog and the weather where you live.
The material is what really makes a dog house worth your time and money.
You’ll want to buy quality material, plus the right material for where you live.
Standard wood dog houses work well in dry and sunny environments.
With the right ventilation, they’ll last a long time in the right weather.
Woods like fir and cedar have a long lifespan and stand up well to things like dog nails and sharp bones or sticks.
You’ll also want to look into wooden dog houses that have some kind of protection against mold and mildew.
Wood is especially susceptible to these in rainy climates, or when they’re placed in a part of your yard that doesn’t get much sunlight or wind to dry it out.
Plastic dog houses must be well researched before you buy.
Plastic is easily made for a cheap price in factories, but cheap plastic won’t hold up when it’s put to the test of your dog’s wear and tear.
Resin based plastics are the strongest[3], which is why you should look for this kind of plastic in any dog house you seriously consider buying.
This is about as much metal as you want in your dog’s house
Metal can be used in dog houses, but shouldn’t be the sole material that makes the dog house.
For example, a wooden dog house with metal framing will be much sturdier than a traditional wooden dog house.
At the same time, no dog house should be made entirely of metal.
Metal is an excellent heat conductor. When sunshine or higher temperatures hit a metal surface, the delocalised electrons carry the kinetic energy throughout all the metal.
Your dog would essentially cook inside a metal dog house or freeze when laying on a metal surface in the winter.
Quality metal, like steel, should instead be used to reinforce the structure of a dog house.
Just like size is important to consider when buying a dog crate, it’s just as important to keep in mind when you buy a dog house.
Getting the wrong sized dog house will make buying the house pointless.
How to Choose the Right Size
Your dog will be spending a lot of time in their dog house, and while they’ll have the freedom to come and go as they please, they should never be constrained to a tight space that they don’t actually fit in.
Measure your dog’s length and height when they’re comfortably standing and sitting. They should be able to walk into their dog house easily and relax without squishing themselves in.
Don’t try to fit a mastiff into this dog house!
You can also look at how your dog sits in the dog house after it arrives and they try it out.
If they’re being pressed in on all sides by the walls and even ceiling of the dog house, it’s definitely a size too small.
Check to see if the dog houses you’re interested in have a sizing guide that you can read before buying
You should also read customer reviews.
Your 100 pound German Shepherd may be within the correct size measurements, but another German Shepherd owner may have left a review that indicates the right or wrong size based on their experience.
Dogs have roamed the world in all kinds of temperatures for thousands of years, but that doesn’t mean it was safe for them.
When you’re buying a dog house that will help your dog through colder temperatures, it should have the proper insulation for the temperatures you’re expecting.
When the outdoor temperature drops below 45 degrees Fahrenheit, that’s when your dog really needs some assistance.
Foam and padded insulation are great to have in a dog house at this point, as well as a rotating or solid door. A vinyl flap won’t cut it when the temperatures get that cold.
If your dog will be dealing with many feet of snow, freezing temperatures, and gusting wind chills, you’ll want to find a dog house that has the most insulation possible.
Ventilation is important for dogs in cold and hot weather.
It makes sure that your dog is always breathing fresh air.
When the weather is extremely hot, ventilation keeps the temperature inside the dog house from rising to temperatures that are higher than the actual outdoor air.
Consider what happens when it’s summertime and you sit in a car with all the doors and windows closed.
It gets really hot really fast and eventually leads to heat stroke.
Dogs can get heatstroke too, even if you think the door to their dog house will be good enough.
Ventilation is typically found on the walls of the dog house, but additional ventilation can be put on the roof or even installed twice as much on the sides of the house to catch wind gusts.
Ventilation can also keep the inside of your dog’s house from becoming humid, keeping mold from growing.
Weather Door/Flap
At first, a vinyl flap or door to your dog’s dog house may not seem like very much protection at all.
If it flaps around when your dog moves through it, why have it at all?
Weather doors are actually very important to keeping your dog dry and safe when the weather is bad.
Even if you get your dog a dog house that’s extra big and has space for them to lay down away from the door, rain can still get in if the wind has it falling at a slanted angle.
A weather door or flap will keep that rain out of the dog house, along with any flying debris like sticks and leaves.
It’s an extra measure of protection that’s especially useful for dogs that live in rainy areas.
Ease of Cleaning
It’s no secret that you’ll have to clean out the dog house in your backyard eventually.
No matter how clean your yard is or how much your dog avoids getting dirty, it’s still left out to the elements.
Dirt, debris, water, and even bugs will find their way into your dog’s dog house. That’s why it should always be easy for you to clean the dog house whenever you decide that it’s time.
Easy cleaning features will look like a roof that can be lifted off or walls that can be taken apart.
If a dog house is too heavy or permanently put together after you build it, it’ll be much more difficult to get it cleaned.
Last but not least, the dog house you buy should look great!
It should look at home wherever you put it. You don’t want it to end up being an eyesore you have to look at every day.
Look for colors you enjoy and designs that appeal to you.
Some dog houses are made to look like tiny human homes, while others have their own style.
Keep this in mind while you look, since you shouldn’t have to buy something you don’t like just to make your dog comfortable.
Dog House Styles
I definitely fall into the group that had only one image of a dog house in mind.
The truth is that they come in many different styles that set them apart from other dog houses on the market.
Each style will have a different purpose and setting in mind, which is why every dog owner should know what each style is all about.
No one wants to end up buying a dog house that’s cute but doesn’t actually end up working for their dog.
The standard dog house is the one everyone first pictures when they think of a dog house.
It has the slanted roof, the wooden walls, and the arched doorway.
They come in many different colors and sizes, and can be easily personalized.
This dog house is good for dogs that will be outside in mild temperature conditions.
It’s meant to be a place to relax, not necessarily protect the dog from the most extreme elements.
It can be a good idea to let your dog start out with a standard dog house to train them that it’s a safe place for them to relax.
After that, you can upgrade to a dog house that’s designed more closely to your outdoor environment.
Igloo dog houses are meant for exactly what igloos do:
They shelter dogs in winter weather.
They usually have an entrance that’s followed by a short tunnel that leads into the domed shelter.
The offset entrance keeps snow and rain from blowing into the dog house with the wind, and also helps keep your dog’s body heat in a centralized location away from the entrance.
They may have more insulation than other dog houses, although dog houses of all shapes can keep your dog warm during the winter.
Canopy dog houses are like an outdoor crate that’s covered in a weather-resistant fabric.
They’re collapsible and easy to put together, so you can take it on the go.
This kind of dog house isn’t meant to be a permanent fixture in your backyard.
Instead, it can be switched between the outside world and the inside of your home, so your dog has their den wherever they need to go.
Soft-sided dog crates can be used as temporary canopy dog houses and are also good for traveling and camping.
Shed dog houses look like a human shed.
They’re boxy and may not even have openings to see inside.
These are meant for dogs that live in extremely cold weather for most of the year. They have inches of insulation on all sides, they’re raised off the ground, and won’t let any melting snow in.
These are best for dogs that will be outdoors in freezing or below freezing temperatures.
Shed dog houses are well sealed and insulated, so you won’t see these out in the backyards of anyone who lives where it’s sunny and hot all the time.
For owners interested in a more decorative dog house, the porch dog house may be what you’re looking for.
They come in all shapes and sizes, but offer an attached, covered porch area for your dog to hang out in.
An advantage of having a porch dog house is that your dog doesn’t have to be inside to watch the birds fly by.
They can be out in the breeze, without being at risk to get covered in bird droppings or a sudden summer storm.
How to Make Your Dog’s House Better
Dog houses are made with a great level of care, because no dog should be at risk of getting hurt in the place where they find safety.
Still, sometimes there are a few things you can do to help make your dog’s house better.
Add a Fan
You can also get a solar powered fan that’s good for dog houses, chicken coops, and many more uses!
Even if your dog is hanging out in the most ventilated dog house, they’re still going to get hot during the summer.
You don’t have to depend on just the wind and passing cloud coverage to cool your dog off.
It’s common for people to add a fan to their dog’s house with an extension cord.
Clip or fasten it to the outside or inside of the dog house, depending on where your dog hangs out the most.
Be aware that if you leave a fan on in your backyard, you should always remember to turn it off if it looks like it’s about to rain.
Younger dogs may also not benefit the most from a fan, since they could be tempted to chew on the plugged in extension cord and hurt themselves.
Add Insulation
You may enjoy the look or build of a certain dog house, then realize later on that your dog actually needs something a little more insulated.
This happens all the time, which is why you can always add extra insulation.
There are a few kinds of insulation for you to choose from before beginning your project.
Some dog house companies produce insulation for their dog houses, too
The first is fiberglass insulation, which is actually made of glass. This should never come into direct contact with your dog.
Instead, after you install it, it should be contained within the walls of the dog house or be covered with plastic sheeting.
Fiberglass insulation works well in all temperatures and resists moisture, but can’t be touched or breathed in by your dog. It may not be the best insulation for dogs who chew on their dog house.
Another option is to use is reflective insulation.
It’s a roll of reflective foam that can be easily installed in a plastic dog house.
Reflective insulation is non-toxic and won’t accumulate heat, but doesn’t do well with insulating a dog house in cold weather.
Foam spray is the third type of insulation used when trying to insulate a dog house.
It can be sprayed in those cracks, corners, and holes that let in hot or cold air.
Foam spray won’t absorb water and keeps mold from growing where it’s sprayed, but it can be costly.
This is the best kind of insulation to use if the dog house is small or only needs patching up.
Add a Heater
You can also get “pet-safe” heaters which are installed through your dog house’s door, if you’re the DIY type
Just like with a fan, a heater can be added onto a dog house to encourage more warmth during the winter.
These can be installed in a dog house where your dog won’t lay right up against it.
The cord should also not be where your dog can chew it when they get bored, since it’ll be turned on most of the time.
Heaters can be left on for long periods of time as well, as long as they aren’t against a plastic wall that could begin to melt.
They’re used in dog houses across many different cold climates, so it may be the solution your dog ends up needing.
Put it in the Right Place
Where should you put your dog’s dog house?
It’s a simple question that many owners don’t even ask themselves until after the dog house arrives.
Where you place the dog house will play a key role in making it a comfortable home for your dog.
Don’t put it in an area where it’ll be exposed to constant direct sunlight or winds.
It also shouldn’t be left in a part of your yard that’s known to flood during rains. Raised dog houses will keep the water from getting in, but only until a certain point.
Your dog should also be able to easily access the dog house.
Where does your dog currently hang out the most in your yard?
That may be the best place to put the dog house and then see how it does there.
There’s no such thing as a simple trip to the store for an outdoor dog house.
There are many different factors and concerns to think about before you decide which dog house is right for your dog.
Think about the practical matters first. Your dog should comfortably fit in the dog house and be sheltered from the rain, snow, and wind.
Then the house needs to last. Constant rain, nightly freezes, and direct sunlight shouldn’t fade the colors too quickly or deteriorate what it’s made out of.
You can also always read the reviews and see what people are saying about it.
Will the dog house work once it’s put together?
How well does it hold up?
Doing your research before you buy your dog a dog house will get you the best purchase for your money.
It’s always good to be informed before you buy something your dog will use as frequently as they’ll use their dog house.
What is the Best Dog House for Outdoors?
Anything that’s described as being weatherproof or weather resistant will be the best kind of dog house for outdoors.
There are other factors to consider too, but weatherproof dog houses should be the first thing to look for.
The Tuff-N-Rugged dog house is a good example of the best outdoor dog house on the market.
What is the Best Insulated Dog House?
The best insulated dog house is the ASL Solution’s Dog Palace.
It has up to four inches of insulation around the walls and floors, so your dog won’t lay against any surface that’s directly exposed to the winter weather.
Are Igloo Dog Houses Good?
Igloo dog houses are good for dogs that need protection from cold weather.
They have an offset entrance that keeps the elements away from the inside of the igloo.
The only way they could be better is if they come insulated or become insulated after purchase.
Are Dog Houses Good for Dogs?
Dog houses are great for dogs!
Dogs are descended from wolves that were used to having a den to run home to at the end of the day.
Dog houses provide dogs with a safe place to hide away in when they feel anxious, scared, or want alone time.
Should a Dog House be Off the Ground?
A dog house doesn’t necessarily have to be off the ground to be a good dog house.
If your dog will be outside during frequent rain storms or snow melts, that’s when it’s best for the dog house to be raised so they’re protected from anything flooding the dog house.
Will an Igloo Dog House Keep My Dog Warm?
Yes, igloo dog houses were designed to keep dogs warm.
All the heat they produce is kept in the main part of the igloo house, while the entrance to the dog house is kept at a distance. This prevents any excess cold temperatures from being pushed inside.
What Are Igloo Dog Houses Made Of?
Igloo dog houses can be made from a variety of materials, but they’re most commonly made with hard plastic.
They may also be made with structural foam, which provides better insulation.
Can a Dog House Be Too Big?
It’s always good to leave your dog with extra room to move around in and lay down comfortably.
Still, the dog house shouldn’t be big enough for your dog to have room to go to the bathroom in
Like with an indoor crate, dogs should have enough room to lay down, but too much room will go against any potty training they’ve learned.
Does a Dog House Need Ventilation?
Yes, dog houses need ventilation even if they have an oversized entrance.
Ventilation introduces fresh air into the dog house from all angles, which increases the likelihood that wind will get flushed through.
The more ventilation your dog has, the more comfortable they’ll be.
By the way, if you’re interested in the dog house from the main image, it’s $3700 and you can find it here.
The post Best Outdoor Dog Houses appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/dog-houses/best-outdoor-dog-houses/
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incorrecttheboyz · 6 years
can i get a 5 + sunhak can i please get a 5 + sunhak (thank u in advance i love u 💕)
haknyeon loves animals. when a dog cafe opens its doors near the university, he clears his weekend and makes sure all his black shirts are in the wash. sunwoo is the first one he calls, and he feels a swell of relief as his boyfriend agrees to come along. he knows that sunwoo used to hate dogs, having had a traumatic experience with them as a kid, but it’s big of him to overlook that and accompany haknyeon anyway.
on saturday, wearing a white hoodie and jeans, he enters the dog cafe with sunwoo close behind. the waitress greets them, as do a hoard of barking canines with wagging tails. there are yorkies, labradors, dalmatians, poodles, pugs – possibly every breed of dog haknyeon can name. his excitement must show, because the waitress laughs and leads him and sunwoo to a booth near the back.
a few of the dogs follow, sniffing at the newcomers’ hands, snouts poking at their fingers. once they sit, the waitress hands them two menus and lets them read over the options. all the while, various dogs come to their sides and bother them. haknyeon loves the attention.
when the waitress returns, they tell her their order: a fruit parfait and cheesecake, a latte and orange juice. the smaller dogs weave between her legs as she walks, but she seems used to it. haknyeon giggles as he picks up a beagle, letting it sit on his lap until their order arrives. sunwoo pets it on the head, only when haknyeon asks him to.
once they get their food and drinks, haknyeon puts down the dog so they can eat. he asks sunwoo how his cake tastes, which is the equivalent for him asking for a bite. haknyeon gets fed and feeds sunwoo a spoonful of parfait, too. as they’re eating, one of the dogs – a poodle – is interested in haknyeon’s pant leg and doesn’t stop chewing it until he sets down his spoon.
“hello,” haknyeon greets, stooping down to scratch the poodle’s head. a chihuahua jumps in the way, so he poke its ear. “oh, hello to you, too! aren’t you full of energy?”
“you’ve got fur in your parfait.”
haknyeon narrows his eyes at sunwoo. “i do not, liar.” he starts to rub the chihuahua’s belly, and she yips as she tries to lick his hand. “you’re a good girl, aren’t you? happy, huh?”
while haknyeon plays with the dogs, sunwoo picks at his cake. he watches them with a frown, not saying much at all. when haknyeon notices, he immediately feels guilty.
“sorry that i dragged you out here,” he says, sheepish.
sunwoo shrugs. “i like dogs.”
“your face says otherwise.” sunwoo grimaces, which proves haknyeon’s point. all teasing aside, haknyeon tells sunwoo, “i’m proud that you’re out here, nonetheless. if you wanna leave, we can.”
“no, i’m fine.” sunwoo looks down, gaze falling on the pomeranian gnawing on haknyeon’s shoelaces. “it’s whatever.”
haknyeon puts two and two together. “wait a minute. are you… jealous?” sunwoo scoffs, but haknyeon can see right through him. “you are!”
“am not!”
“oh, you totally are!” haknyeon snickers. “that’s why you look so pissed!’
“this is my face’s default setting,” sunwoo retorts, waving around his fork.
haknyeon picks up the pomeranian and waves its little paw at sunwoo. “aw, isn’t he cute?”
despite himself, sunwoo’s lips quirk into a smile. “the little sucker is, i guess.”
haknyeon was talking about sunwoo to the pomeranian, actually, but sunwoo doesn’t need to know that.
(send me a tbz pairing + # and i’ll write you a drabble)
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kentuckywrites · 7 years
A Ruff Afternoon
@/love410 ‘s Rosetta and @kingddd17 ‘s Christie decide to spend an afternoon together, but notice that a certain Interceptor is having trouble with something...
After a long afternoon of training, Christie had offered to buy Rosetta a coffee as thanks. She didn’t anticipate the commercial district to be so quiet, but she didn’t complain. The quiet was nice, compared to the district’s usual chaotic nature. She did wonder where everyone was, if only for a brief few seconds. She reminded herself silently to check the BLADE Concourse later - maybe there was an influx of missions. And maybe Rosie would join her on a few.
Rosetta picked a table outside the coffee shop after they’d ordered and gotten their beverages. The shade was adequate and the breeze felt nice, so Christie grinned as she took the other seat at the table. The wooden chair creaked against the hard concrete ground as she leaned backwards. It was comfortable somehow.
With her flat white in hand, Rosetta struck up conversation. “Your form’s improving so much, Christie. You should be proud of how far you’ve come.”
Christie felt the heat rising in her cheeks as she replied, “You think so? I think I still have a lot to learn.”
“Of course you do. So do I, and so does every other BLADE. No one’s perfect, but that won’t stop me from saying that you’ve really come a long way.”
“Thanks. I wouldn’t have come this far if I didn’t have such an excellent mentor.”
Now it was Rosetta’s turn to blush. “I’m not the best out there, but I’m honored you think so.”
Christie took a small sip of her hot chocolate latte. It was still hot, but the flavor was beautiful. Her tongue stuck out just past the lips as the taste buds on its tip started to sting. It got a small chuckle out of Rosetta.
“Still hot?”
“Very.” Christie smiled, keeping her hands wrapped around the styrofoam cup. “Anyways, I was wondering - ”
Before she could finish her sentence, Christie watched as a Dalmatian sprinted past the coffee shop, attracting the attention of several passerbys. She raised a curious eyebrow as someone she didn’t recognize chased after it. He was dressed in a combat vest and leather jeans - not standard BLADE wear, at least not below the waist. She couldn’t get a better look at him because in the same second he’d vanished, running after the dog.
“Huh…” She turned back to face Rosetta. “That was odd.”
“I know him,” Rosetta said suddenly, “His name’s Pongo. A friend of mine - Jaynix, I told you about her right? - rescued him out of the Ganglion Antropolis.”
“Is he a BLADE?”
“Yes. He’s with the Interceptors.” She explained, “I don’t know him well, but Jaynix trusts him. And from what I saw, he has a good heart.”
Christie nodded in understanding. “If you trust him, then I will too. We should go help him out.”
“We should.” Rosetta took a quick sip of her coffee before getting up. “He went towards the northern part of the district. I don’t think he’s gone too far, we should be able to catch up to him.”
“Right! Let’s go!” Christie chirped, and together the two women dashed off in Pongo’s direction. Rosetta was a bit faster than Christie, but she made sure to keep pace. Even if this was a Ganglion spy they were chasing after, Rosetta wouldn’t leave a teammate behind - Christie believed that with all her heart.
Rosetta stopped at the corner of the main road. Cars went back and forth on the street, quietly humming as they made their way through the light traffic. Christie let out a breath as she asked, “Why did we stop?”
“I don’t see the dog or Pongo anywhere,” She responded, “We might’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere.”
They both looked around for anything suspicious, but everything seemed normal. People walking along the sidewalks, the street lights turning on as sunset approached, the distant sound of a dog’s barks - wait a minute.
“Did you hear that?” Christie asked.
“Yeah. This way!” Rosetta told her, running in the direction of the parking building at the end of the block. The gates to its entrance were closed and a sign above said NO VACANCY, but it didn’t stop Rosetta from sliding over the bars that would normally block a car from entering. Christie simply ducked under and followed after her.
On the very top of the building, there were no spots left, just as the sign had said. Sports cars, SUVs, Volkswagens - Christie could name any of the now futuristic looking models and they’d be here. She blinked once, and her vision suddenly shifted. Something pushed her down onto the ground and she landed with a hard thud. There would be bruises in the morning, she reckoned.
As soon as she regained her senses, Christie realized that something was licking her face. She was staring into the big brown eyes of a Dalmatian, who was panting heavily. She couldn’t help but laugh. The dog looked like it was smiling, and it gave her a few more dog kisses before an unfamiliar voice called out to it.
“Oh come on Pongo Jr., let her breathe! Come here, boy, come here!”
The Dalmatian climbed off of her and ran towards the voice, allowing Christie to finally sit up. Above her stood Rosetta, who was watching as a raven haired male knelt down to click a leash onto the dog’s red collar. He closed his eyes as the dog gave him some kisses, leaving behind a wet slobbery mess on his face.
“Well, looks like we came in the nick of time,” Rosetta exclaimed with a gentle smile. “Are you okay?”
The man stood up, and finally Christie could get a good look at his features. His hair was longer than it looked, falling past his shoulders in a wavy mess. A strand stuck straight up into the air, bent in the middle to form a heart shape. His skin was on the paler side, and his face was on the angular side, but what caught her attention was his eyes. They were black, indigo, void of pupils. A mim modification, perhaps? Christie wasn't sure.
“I am just peachy!” The man answered with a childish giggle. Christie noted that he had a British accent. It even carried a bit of an echo, even on a roof like this one. “Man, I have been chasing him all day. Feels good to have him back again, I was worried sick that I would not be able to catch him -”
Christie couldn’t tell at first, but now his eyes were on her. His expression changed drastically. “O-Oh...ah, um, hi there! D-Did he hurt you? H-He gets excited w-with new people…”
She smiled. “I’m fine. He just gave me a few doggy kisses, that’s all.”
Rosetta offered her a hand up, which she took. Now that they were all standing, Christie noticed she was about the same height as this man. He smiled nervously. “Good, good. I have bandaids if you think you need them - but it is your call! You look fine, I think, wait NOT IN THAT WAY -”
Christie gave a small chuckle. “I understand.”
Rosetta stood aside from the two of them, hands raising as she introduced them to each other. “Christie, this is Pongo. Pongo, Christie. We’re all a part of the same division, believe it or not.”
Pongo’s eyes widened. “Hi there, fellow Interceptor! - oh, right, yes, my name is Pongo! With the Interceptors! - Rosetta just said that.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Christie told him. There was a sort of charm in his innocence that she found herself grinning without noticing.
“You too! Now, ah, Pongo Jr. is probably starving, I should get him home soon,” He said, looking down at the Dalmatian now sitting quietly by his side.
“His name is Pongo Jr.?” Christie’s eyebrow raised.
Pongo laughed. “Yeah. Not my idea, but it stuck. Apparently it was the name of a dog from a popular Earth movie? - wait, it was the name of one hundred and one of the dogs from an Earth movie! Same breed from the movie, he is. And my name is Pongo, hence the ‘junior’ part. So overall, fitting - but not my idea.”
“Whatever the backstory, you’re right, you should get him home.” Rosetta said, “Want us to come with you?”
“You can if you want to! But I mean, if you were doing something you can go back to doing it because it was probably very important and BLADE depends on it -”
“We were having coffee.”
Christie agreed with Rosetta, “We can come back. We can all make sure Pongo Jr. doesn’t escape again.”
Pongo nodded a few times. “As long as it is okay with both of you! Now then, onwards march!”
As he walked back towards the ramp leading to the lower levels, he whistled a small tune. It was a song that Christie recognized - Black Tar. She hummed along quietly enough that only Rosetta could hear it, and upon noticing she smiled.
“See? He’s a good guy.”
Christie started to follow after Pongo, Rosetta strolling next to her. Their footsteps were in sync as they headed to the lower levels.
“He seems like it,” Christie said with a small sigh. “Now let’s make sure Pongo Jr. stays on his leash. I don’t know about you, but I’m a bit tired after all that running.”
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Raphael, the Dog Lover (TMNT)
This is the pitbull thing that was requested a while ago and I figured I’d write it while I’m in the swing of writing requests. ^.^ Plus this so cute and I love doggies... My only issue is because I love doggies, I know there are several breeds of dog that are called 'pit bull'. It's a type of dog, not a breed. Personally I'm going to write the dog as a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Why? My own dog is a staffie, and a recuse for that matter. Serious note before we get onto the fic, pit bulls are often victimised by the media but the dogs are sweethearts and anyone who knows anything about the breed is well aware of this. Owners are to blame. I say this as someone who owns a dog who was quite nasty when I got her. Now she is very sweet. Her old owner used to beat her. I think that speaks miles about it. Because of this abuse of the breeds known as pitbulls, most of them end up in shelters. About half a million pit bulls are euthanised in shelters every year, about 40% of all dogs euthanised. (Not that kill shelters aren't a problem in and of themselves) Please, please, please, if you're thinking of getting a dog, consider a pit. It's a bit of a long story and this foreword is getting too long as it is, but my pitbull saved myself and my sister from being murdered. And it's not we might have been hurt, we would have died. I'll never forget that. And I'm not trying to say another dog breed wouldn't do that, all dogs would but that's my point. Pits are not these evil creatures the media makes them out to be. They're dogs. - Raphael sighed, as he ventured the rooftops. Alone. Unusual for this time of night. He should be heading home, with his brothers but tonight had been different. He'd had a small... Exchange with Mikey forcing Leo and Donnie to step in- But dammit Mikey had started it with that dumb prank! So now, he was taking the long way home. Descending from the city buildings, he made his way into the alleyway, only to hear... Whimpering? It was a strange noise but in a city like this it was one he could recognise as a dog. There were so many pet pooches around, he'd grown used to their noises. While he could have just went home and forgot about the whole thing, he was up for anything in order to avoid going home to confront his family. So follow it he did, tracking the noise to the back of some garbage cans. Lying there, nursing a clearly broken paw and a skeletal body, was the thinnest dog Raphael had ever seen. She whimpered and whined, licking at the blood seeping from the wound. Raphael grunted a little, the sight unnerving him. Poor dog, how had she gotten into such a state? He wondered. " Yer not lookin' yer best, are ye, girl? " He asked, making a few soft kissy noises to get her attention. In response the dog's head snapped up, her ears pinned back, a low growl escaping a throat. Raph slowly raises his hands. " S'alright, I'm not gonna hurt ya, " He assured, trying to work out how to calm the canine. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small wrapper. It was just a cereal bar, mostly oatmeal and honey. He usually carried one or two on him, for working out if he got hungry so he didn't need to stop. Unwrapping it, he held it out carefully to her. The dog seemed to give a small sniff, examining the extended morsel before giving a few uncertain licks. Having come to the decision it was not dangerous and tasted good, she wolfed it down, her tail wagging heavily; beating against the ground. " There's a good girl. Were you hungry? " He asked, very slowly moving a hand towards her to sniff, clenched in a fist. At the sight, the dog howled, whimpering and trying to back off. Quickly Raph stopped and she calmed. He paused for a moment, frowning before he tried it again, his hand held loosely now. She seemed more calm with this, her wet nose rubbing his scales. Raph clenched his teeth a little. " It was a person that did this to you, wasn't it girl? " He asked, as she continued to explore his hand with her tongue. He wasn't really sure why he was talking to the dog, she couldn't talk back, it just felt more natural than silence. After staying there for maybe ten, fifteen minutes, slowly building up some trust with her; Raph very carefully moved to slip his strong arms beneath her, scooping her up, paying no mind to the blood that coated his arm now. The dog seemed somewhat happy to have the pressure taken off of her leg, it seemed. Slightly less so about the smell of the sewer. Upon arriving, Mikey was the first to greet him, as usual. Looking up from the comic he was reading, he took a moment to register before gasping in shock. " Dude, that's a dog, " He said, leaning over the couch, childishly. Raph grunted. " Yes, Mikey, she's a dog, " Raph agreed, making his way to Donnie's lab. " What's wrong with her leg? And how'd you know she's a she? " Mikey asked. " Someone hurt her... And you can tell on pitbulls, " He responded. " Pitbull? " Donnie looked up from his work as Raph walked in, the messy bundle of chocolate and white fur in his arms still. Studying the creature as he rose out of his chair, he corrected, " Actually I think she's a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. While Pitbull is technically correct, that's a type of dog, not a breed. " " Whatever you say Kennel Club, can you help her? " Raph asked nervously. " I don't know, I'm no vet... I'll call April and Casey, if they're free I'll ask one of them to take her to a vet. I'll try and make her comfortable until then, " Donnie agreed, clearing a space on the table for her while searching for his phone. " Al'ight, but don't mess around, " Raph agreed, patting soft ears as he placed her down. - It was a week later when Raph got a call. From April. Placing his weights to the side, he grabbed his phone and answered. " Hey? " He asked, wondering what she wanted. " Hey, Raph, it's about that dog you found. The vet's prescribed her a medical plan and they've operated on her leg but they've had to amputate it, " At the mention of this, Raph winced at the memory of the mangled leg. He wasn't surprised, it'd been a mess. " She's really underweight but the vet says she should make a full recovery and she should still be able to walk once she figures out how to balance, " April finished. " That's great, I'm glad she's doing good, " Raphael told her, as he picked up a bottle of energy drink, downing half the bottle. " Yeah but now they want to know what to do with her. The state could take her but... The nearest shelter is a high kill one. So the vet asked if I wanted to take her... But I really don't have the time for a dog. " " You're asking me if I want her? " Raph asked. " Yeah, I am... I guess if you don't we could try and find someone el- " " No, " He cut her off. " I'll take her, " He agreed without a moment of hesitation. Master Splinter was going to kill him. But it was the right thing to do. - Once she got home, she was like a new dog. Raph could hardly believe this dog April had brought with her was the same pitbull he'd found last week. " Thatta girl, " He praised, rubbing her belly as she ambled over to him, still trying to perfect the balance of running on only three legs. " Are you going to name her? " Leo asked, watching vaguely amused from the couch. " Name her? " " Well, duh, she needs a name, " Mikey quipped in response. " I vote for Turtledog. Like Batdog, but a turtle. " Raphael rolled his eyes, considering for a moment. " I don't know, I'm no good at names, " He admitted. " What about Tenshi? " Leo offered idly. While Raph's Japanese might not have been as great as his brothers, he could translate that well enough, Angel. " Mm, I guess it's better than Turtledog, " Raph agreed, chuckling as he pet her ears. " Oh and Raph, the vet mentioned something else, " April said. " Really what? " " Just to mention she's recently had pups. Maybe she was part of a puppy farm and they decided they didn't want her anymore? " April offered, trying to explain it somehow. Raphael nodded, looking back to Tenshi as she snuggled up to him. A sigh escaped him, " Where are your babies girl? I hope they're doing better than you were. " - The next day, Raph was walking Tenshi. It was a little hard, given he had to avoid being seen and let her pee and all, but he managed it. Somehow. He didn't have a leash but he didn't seem to need one, as she happily plodded along. At some point however, she seemed to be leading him, rather than him her. " Tenshi, Tenshi c'mere, where ye going girl? " He called after her, carefully following as she crossed the street. This was near where he'd found her, only maybe a block or so away. He continued to follow her, all the way to a seemingly abandoned warehouse, continuing to call after her but stubbornly she seemed to be ignoring him. Once inside, he followed her further, round the back of some dusty crates that hadn't been touched in what could have been years. There he found something most unusual. Tucked into a makeshift bed of the sheets that used to cover crates were four skinny puppies, guarded by a Dalmatian; his face battle scarred and worn. Tenshi greeted the other dog happily, nuzzling and licking faced as Raph followed curiously. Upon getting closer the Dalmatian snarled, baring his fangs however Tenshi happily trotted up to him and pressed some slobbery kissed to his leg and the spotty dog accompanying her seemed to understand. " Tenshi, these are your babies, " Raph said happily, a very proud smile on his face, his heart melting. He was glad his brothers weren't around to see him consumed by his soft side. Carefully holding out a hand to pet the Dalmatian who was now equally as curious about him, he smiled. " Is this yer mate? Has he been looking after yer pups? He's a good boy, " He praised, ruffling his ears. " C'mon, " He said, gathering up the pups in the sheet with no protest from either parent. " Let's go home, all of us. " - A year later, Raph lounged by the TV. To one side of him Tenshi was snuggled up to him. Her stomach was once more swollen with pups, she'd give birth soon. By his feet lay her loyal protector and 'Raph's good boy', Butch the Dalmatian. Only two of their first litter still remained in the Lair. Turtledog, who was of course Mikey's bundle of fun and Hana (Flower in Japanese) who had become something of a therapy dog for Master Splinter. Beowulf and Godzilla were never far behind their master, Casey. " You want some beef jerky? " Raph offered the dogs and at the mention of 'beef jerky' Turtledog had somehow appeared from the woodwork for her fair share of the food. Hana didn't seem so bothered, resting still by Splinter's feet. Looking around him, Raph was very happy he had decided to keep Tenshi. She had only brought their family happiness. She was an angel, just with four legs and a tail rather than wings.
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sixlegnag · 7 years
@duskhaze messaged me to discuss no-kill v. kill shelters and described the no-kill rescue they’ve fostered for.
They’re letting me quote them because that rescue is what a no-kill rescue should be like, and I don’t think there are enough pointers on ‘what is a good rescue like?’
“ as someone who works heavily with a no-kill shelter and has fostered 15 puppies and one adult dog, i dont really agree? at least at my shelter they really do their best to field out adopters that would be inappropriate for that dog's needs? a woman tried to adopt one of my pups from my last litter but she had a) two elderly dogs b) wanted a 'couch potato' (which?? a puppy?? couch potato??) and c) didnt want to do anything beyond 'short walks' w/ the puppy and was denied instantly. im from southwestern MI, and yeah ive definetely heard horror stories about adoptions gone bad, but a lot of them stemmed from adopters lying about personal history. my shelter pulls from the pound, will take dog owner surrender, and also goes down to kentucky and pulls puppies and moms once a month. they tend to get get 'bully-mixes' and small breed chihuahua/shitz-tzu/etc and lab mixes w/ the occasional husky/shepherd/bulldog. they had a lab that was in the shelter for two years and when they start to get long term they really work hard to get those animals into fosters, and did with that lab mix and he finally got adopted last year! they also have basically two lifer cats (one of whom did get adopted but the owners apartment got damaged in a fire and he had to return her) but they live in a big open cat room so its not as bad. at least my shelter doesnt prescribe to adopt dont shop. one coordinator does serious agility w/ aussies and the other has had 5 dalmatians.      theyre called animal rescue project by the way if youd like to see and a lot of question on their applications are actually to kind of weed out people like some people wanted to adopt cats but were going to let them be indoor-outdoor and threw the application out right away. not to mention if anyone puts theyre going to give an animal as a 'gift' then those are automatically thrown out as well. and any of the 'poor reviews' they have are like people mad that they couldnt let any dog out that they wanted to meet (they have a very strict 'no fingers in cages or meeting animals willy nilly) and they DO keep animals w/ illness in a back room or with fosters like me so? or that the people are 'rude' which yeah they can be gruff but they work in animal rescue and deal w/ a lot of shitty and entitled people who think they deserve any dog/cat they want or dump animals at their door but most of their reviews are very positive and i adopted my cat from there 4 years ago.”
Key features:
1) applications designed to weed out people who shouldn’t adopt at all, as well as just to decide if someone is really a match for the animal they want. an open-ended application shows more commitment to thoughtful placement than a set of minimums like ‘fenced yard, no kids under seven, owns own home.’   2) strong foster network with emphasis on getting animals that haven’t had success in the rescue or need medical help into those foster homes. a foster network makes or breaks a rescue. the more animals a rescue lists as ‘living with foster’ the better. in a foster home, animals get much more one on one attention and that helps work out their kinks. 3) the people involved in running the rescue have ties to the world of breeders and showers. it surprises some people how the most dedicated, knowledgeable rescues are full of people who own purebreds, but when you consider that these people know a lot of trainers because of what they do (or are trainers), that helps them both evaluate animals and provide adopters with resources such as who to see for reactivity.         
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mysticdaddies · 8 years
So I decided to do a little collaboration with the beautiful @sketchyy-pencil with using her art as inspiration to write HCS for the cute doggies c: I have her permission to use her art. The drawings are hers and you can find the post HERE with their names HERE
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Zen’s Dog: Jun the Siberian Husky
 He was hungry for love... hungry for being wanted... hungry for someone to run up to him and welcome him home.... but also... someone to be there for him as a friend.....who looks up to him.... THAT IS WHY HE GOT A DOG.  Dogs are loyal, love you unconditionally, will welcome you home, will look up to you, THEY ARE A MANS/WOMENS BEST FRIEND COME ON. He went to a breeder, and found this dog who was being ignored by everyone else. All of its brother and sisters were playing without him and when hew white dog tried to play with them, they growled at him and he walked away. THE FEELS WERE HIT OKAY. ZEN WAS GETTING THOSE FLASHBACKS AND HE RAN TO THE DOG AND HUGGED HIM SAYING THAT HE WILL BE HIS NEW FATHER. He took the puppy home and educated himself on how to take care of a husky. 
Look, Zen becomes the way Jumin is with Elizabeth the 3rd. Zen practices his lines with the dog. He got a little care seat on his motorcycle so the dog can go with him to his special place. You do not fuck with his dog. The dog is like an exact replica of Zen. White fur with Red eyes making all the other dogs want to be him or want to be with him. The dog is really there for Zen in a emotional level. They both know how it is to be ignored and not loved. Okay TBH, Jun rarely gets dog food, he gets meat, chicken, ham, all that good stuff. Zen makes sure he runs the the fat off so he doesn't get sick D: He makes sure the dog takes frequent ice baths c: He loves to go to the park and play catch with his doggie. They cant be there for long because of fans wanting to take pictures. BEST BELIEVE THIS DOG IS THERE POSING FOR THE PHOTO
Yoosung’s Dog: Rin the Corgi
Yoosung was tired of feeling lonely all the time and he decided to do something about it. He decided to join a new club at campus and he decided to join the CORGI APPRECIATION SQAUD club. He always wanted to be apart of a squad so he was an active member c: He started to find appreciation to the breed and decided to get one of his own c: The club gave him directions to this adoption center and thats where he met his best friend RIN THE CORGI :,D Rin was Yoosungs hype dog! Yoosung bought LOL shirts for her and everything. He loVES PLAYING WITH HER TINY LITTLE LEGS!!! HE LIKS TO FLICK IT AND SING TO HER WHILE HE RUBS HER BELLY. SHE BRINGS HIM HAPPINESS. LIKE HE BUYS PAJAMAS FOR HER AND EVERYTHING. REASON TO LIVE. REASON TO DO GOOD IN SCHOOL. SHE IS JUST A GOOD GIRL. LOVES TO HUG. SHE TRIPS SOMETIMES BUT ITS OKAY. YOOSUNG PICKS HER UP AND TAPS HER BUT A BIT. 
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Saeran’s Dog: Ciel the Doberman
Saeran actually met Ciel in the worst way possible. Ciel was Saerans personal guardian angel.
When Rika manipulated Saeran to join Mint Eye, he wasn't “conditioned” yet. He didnt know what Rika meant by that but 2 months later he was locked in the basement with little food and water. Men wearing white robes and black masks came in the basement and hosed down Saeran leaving him soaked and wet. They have him eat special food 3 times a day and thats all he gets. He doesn't have clothes or a blanket. He just has a mattress and a pillow. He couldn't believe Saeyoung would trade his freedom for his brother. Rika finally was convincing him that Saeyoung left him to die and that he must be cleansed by the lord. “The enemy is the RFA. The stole my happiness away from me. My main target is my own flesh and blood Saeyoung Choi. Mission? To Kill Him.” That was all he was thinking about when he was holding himself in the night trying to spread warmth throughout his body. Later in the night, he heard rapid footsteps around the basement. He thought it was a rat but he rubbed his eyes to try and see better. His vision cleared a bit and he saw a white puppy hiding behind one of the boxes holding bread in its mouth. The puppy looked at Saeran and ran into one of the empty boxes. Saeran went closer to the pups territory and kneeled down extending its hand so the puppy can know Saeran means no harm. The puppy trusted him and from that day on, the dog shared its stolen meal with Saeran and cuddled with him in the night so they both can stay warm. 
However one afternoon, the puppy was hiding in its box waiting for nightfall to sneak out and grab food. The puppies nap was rudely interrupted when Rika and her followers barged into the basement to beat up Saeran because they accused him of stealing food. The three masked men were punching and kicking him leaving Saeran defenseless. The puppy didn't think twice leaving his hidden box and went to attack the men. The puppy was biting their legs as if they were pieces of meat protecting his friend. Rika saw what was happening and was about to attack the puppy till Saeran interfered and protected his friend. Saeran finally decided to fully join her and her cult if they let him and his friend live like decent beings. Rika agreed knowing the medicine was now taking affect. She gave them a room and Chef to feed them and everything. From that day on, they were eachs other ride or die.
Jihyun/V’s Dog: Angel the Australian Shepard 
Angel traveled around the world with V. She is a very loyal and friendly dog. The only problem V had with Angel is that for an odd reason, she hated Rika. Whenever Rika walked into the room, Angel growled and walked away. When Rika tried to cuddle with V, Angel jumped on the couch and sat on his lap demanding attention. Rika hated Angel and Angel hated her. She tried to convince V to get rid of Angel because her excuse was it was “damaging the relationship”. He told her no that he rather lose her than Angel. Angel barked and slept with V while Rika was planning on a thing called Mint Eye. Rika told V about her idea and Angel went and laid on top of V and growled at her. A sun can always disappear but an Angel will always be there.
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MC’s Dog: Shin the Dalmatian
This dog is legit the worse dog guard ever. Zen convinced MC to get a dog to make sure she is safe and protected. She told Zen she already had a dog and that her name was Shin and that she was your pride and joy. The whole RFA felt better knowing you had a dog there ready to protect its master from any harms way. 
V saw the messages and began to freak out thinking the dog could possibly smell the bomb so he just never logged back in LMAO IM SORRY  HE HAS IMPORTANT SHIT TO DO 
However, MC didnt tell them that Shin is the most friendliest dog ever. She plays with everyone and loves to play little jokes. MC usually smiled because Shin had the same personality as the person who gave MC the adorable Dalmatian, MC’s grandfather c: Whenever she had to make phone calls or answer emails for the party, Shin was mostly annoyed because she wasn't getting any attention
When MC heard her window shattered she was frighten seeing a white haired man in her home. She knew that was Unknown but before she could say anything, Shin jumped ontop of the man knocking him to the floor. Shin was wagging her tail with a ball in her mouth. Unknown did not expect that reaction. 
Unknown started to play fetch with Shin and joined them for dinner eating spaghetti with them. 
Seven’s Dog: Chip the Shibu Inou 
He was inspired to get this dog because he saw a meme on social media about Doge and he wanted one so bad. Screw Elly, if she didnt want or need his love, he was going to give it to someone who needs it. He decided to go to a shelter hoping he can find famous meme breed and after 8 different shelters, he couldn't find the meme breed D: He was beginning to lose hope but he decided to try one more shelter. When he entered the shelter, he saw a 7 month year old Shibu Inu and he screeched like a little girl. He ran towards their cage and was beginning to baby talk to it. He paid for the papers and everything. He didnt prepare to have a animal in its home, so he fed it honey buddah chips. When the dog stuck his face inside the bag it got stuck and Seven began laughing. He removed the bag from the puppies face and noticed there was a chip on it heads. He decided to call his perfect companion Chip :) Short for Honey Buddha Chips :) The thing he loves the most is named after his love :,D 
Seven decided to wear a Shibu Inu costume and slept on the floor with Chip so Chip wouldn't feel lonely :,) After a couple of days later, he brought chip to sleep with him in his bed because the floor was getting uncomfortable. When Chip started to sleep with Seven, Sevens nightmare started to fade away. The guilt he carried inside his head and heart was being cured by chip, but it didnt mean his episodes stopped. One night Seven was having episodes when he was coding because he thought he saw a code saying “Saeran” in binary and he totally lost it. He fell to the ground crying grabbing his own hair. Chip grabbed a potato and ran to Seven giving the potato to him. He then went on his lap and cuddle him giving of “I'm here, everything will be okay vibes” :)
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Jumin’s Dog: King Charles the German Shepard 
Jumin only thought about getting a dog because he was getting tired of Saeyoung trying to sneak into his pent house and grab Elizabeth 3rd. 
He knew Saeyoung could get past the guards and fuck up the security system easily, so he decided to tell Assistant Kang to look for breeder that has the highest qualifications to breed guard dogs. He finally got the information from Assistant Kang and personally went with Elizabeth 3rd to find the perfect dog to protect Elizabeth. Of course Elizabeth must come along to help him find the perfect dog that is suitable for her taste. He had Elizabeth the 3rd in his arms with security guards around him because he was paranoid a dog might react aggressively seeing a precious feline. 
He entered the training camp and noticed how obedient the dogs where, but they already belong to the trainers. The breeder took him to the 1-2 year old dogs who matured enough to be obedient. He walked in the special area and there was this black German Shepard that has been eyeing Jumin and Elizabeth from far away. Jumin didnt notice because he was noticing how Elizabeth the 3rd was feeling a bit nervous. Jumin didnt notice that there was an untrained angry dog on the lose and it was heading towards Elizabeth the 3rd. Elizabeth knew she was in danger and jumped out of her fathers arm and ran for it, she put Forest Gump to shame, she was having her own kitty Vietnam flashbacks. Jumin notice the angry dog about to attack Elizabeth till a black German Shepard who've been observing the whole situation decided to attack the other dog and defend Elizabeth. The two dogs were fighting till the owner of the untrained dog got a hold of the rude dog and took him back to his cage for training. Jumin ran quickly to the fierce black German Shepard and notice it had a bite mark around its neck. He noticed Elizabeth 3rd climb onto the back of the dog and licked the battle wound and Jumin fell in love with the dog. He bought the dog right away and he was preparing paperwork to sue the trainer for almost hurting his precious feline. He welcomed King Charles with open arms because it saved his heart, his everything, Elizabeth 3rd. 
Jumin left a camera in the penthouse and camped out in his car to see if King Charles can do his job 
1 hour later Seven sneaked in and right when he made it pass the kitchen, King Charles attacked Seven by barking and chasing him off the penthouse. 
Jumin trained him to not the hurt the RFA but to scare them LMAO 
when he noticed everything on the camera, he bought King Charles a diamond collar. 
Jaehee’s Dog: Mocha the Beagle
This precious little Beagle is Jaehees best friend. She is always waiting for Jaehee to come home from a long day of being Jumins slave. She picked up Mocha while she kicked off her shoes and threw her fake as glasses on the couch. She gave Mocha a quick kiss on her adorable forehead and gently flicked her long soft ears. UGH MOCHAS EARS. 
Jaehee then went to kitchen and placed Mocha on the chair and began talking to Mocha about her day while making coffee. People may not believe her when she tells them, but Mocha actually responds back by giving different variations of a bark. If she disagrees with something, mostly what Jumin makes her do, Mocha gives a mad bark with a little growl. If she agrees, she barks happily with a little pant. 
Jaehee just smiles at her canine thanking the moment she first met Mocha. 
It was a heavy rainstorm that on particular night and Mr. Han offered to take Jaehee to her apartment because she took a cab to work. She politely agreed and hold and umbrella over Mr. Hans head so he wouldn't get wet. 
Her whole left shoulder was soaking wet but she had to do it for her boss. They were halfway there to the limo but she heard a faint cry. She stopped and Mr. Han got a bit week and looked annoyed. He was tugging her to continue walking but she didnt. She kept looking for the noise and saw a box with a little head poking outside of it. She dragged Mr. Han to the car and pushed him inside and ran back to help the helpless creature. She almost lost her job but she knows Jumin cant find no one better than her. :)
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midnightcreaturexx · 6 years
Tagged by @celestrials
(totally reminds me of those myspace bulletins, I use to post)
What’s your favorite song(s) to sing/hum? 
Always changing, depending on what's stuck in my head! Today it was that song Hector sings in Coco, "Well everybody knows Juanita..." 😁
What’s your favorite flower/tree/plant? 
Roses!! 🌹
Favorite colors?
Blues, greens, pinks. 🎨
What do you always doodle? 
Skeletons, or way cool punk girls! ���️
How do you take your coffee/tea? 
I like my coffee when it's covered up with something sweet, like in a frappacino or ice cream! Tea, I'll take by itself. ☕
Favorite candle scent? 
Black Cherry Merlot from Bath & Bodyworks is pure bliss!! 🍒
Sunrise or sunset? 
Sunsets. 🌅
What perfume do you wear? 
I've noticed most of my perfumes smell like peaches! 🍑
Favorite quote? 
"Always keep an open mind, and a compassionate heart" - not sure, just heard it once and decided to live by that! 💙
Favorite self-care routine? 
"Sleeping in, buying things off my wish list." (Celeste, I agree 100%!!) 😉
Fuzzy socks or house slippers? 
Fuzzy socks!! 👾
What color are your eyes/favorite eye color on others?
My eyes are Dark Brown. I have no preference for other colors, all are beautiful! 👀
Favorite season/weather? Why?
Spring/Winter. I like the cold, because it's easier to warm up, than to cool down in the heat. ❄️
Cheek, neck, or nose kisses? 
All the kisses! 💋
What does your happy place look like? 
Relaxing anywhere, either listening to tunes or w/ a good book/sketchbook. 🤗
Favorite breed of dog? 
Dalmatians or Husky's, ever since I was little! (Thanks to 101 Dalmatians and Balto!) 🐾
Cursive or print? 
Cursive! 💜
Let's tag: @she-may-be-sane @whorticia @beatles-girl just for fun! (Y'all don't have to, if ya don't wanna!)
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zanewhitington-blog · 4 years
Dog Groomers
I use to be quite reluctant about going to a dog groomer. I was fearful of giving them my money, thinking that they might not do a good job and I would wind up with a poor-quality dog. What a pleasant surprise that was. The cleanest style is known as hair from the backbone on down. This is a dressing table style that is generally used on dogs that have a problem with heat, such as longhaired dogs, or dogs that have a serious problem with ear infections, such as Dalmatians. This style involves not only cutting the hair down to the neck, but also cleaning out the nasal cavity and intestines. Learning some dog grooming tips for pet care when you're pregnant is important, so make certain to follow these tips to ensure that your puppy has a happy and healthy pregnancy. Taking care of your pup during her pregnancy will decrease the amount of time that she needs to stay in the vet's office. You can dress up your dog in style. If you have noticed the clothing your dog is wearing aren't quite right, now's the time to use a product such as this. Most grooming products will include soft bristles, but if the brush does not, you will want to use a rough brush to properly groom the coat. The rough bristles should be able to glide over the jacket without damaging it. When using a rough brush, the bristles should only be somewhat rough, not abrasive. - Brush his/her ears. Sometimes an ear ache can be caused by hair being trapped on the ear when cleaning. Interestingly, cleaning the dog's ear can help him/her get used to the brush and help remove earwax that can clog the ear. If you have found it necessary to brush the ears, be certain that you do not tug too hard. You might think that because you've been dressing your dog from the past that you know how to do it correctly, but you can be wrong and think that if you simply call a local area professional that your dog will be groomed properly. Sometimes this is true, but sometimes it is not. If you ask for information, make sure the professional is experienced in pet grooming and understand what you require. An Interesting frequent dog grooming tip is to brush your dog's ears. This is because many dogs have very sensitive skin and you'll need to do this in order to protect their skin from getting dirty. Just be sure that you take special care with brushing these ears and be certain that you are putting out the proper amount of pressure. If you don't feel comfortable doing the above step yourself, ask the dog groomer to come over and do the grooming for you. Lots of people have been able to find great dog groomers who can do this job for them. This is usually a very quick job, but you might want to request an estimate before you agree to any work. Regular grooming is slightly different depending on the breed of dog and how much hair they have. Depending on your particular needs you can choose from one of the following methods. The cleanest style is known as hair from the backbone on down. This is a grooming style that's generally used on dogs that have a problem with heat, such as longhaired dogs, or dogs that have a significant problem with ear infections, such as Dalmatians. This style involves not only cutting the hair down to the neck, but also cleaning out the nasal cavity and intestines. If you're a pet owner, you know how important it is to brush your dog's teeth every day. You can also give your dog a bath with dog shampoo once a week to keep the fur shiny and your dog clean and smelling fresh. You should brush your dog's teeth twice a day to prevent stains and gingivitis. The right temperature for your dog's teeth is between thirty-five and forty-five degrees. Although it's always important to keep your pet's teeth healthy, it's even more important when you have teeth that were knocked out. You will not be able to see a dog groomer in a bunch, but they are everywhere. How do you spot a good groomer? If the dog groomer appears to be in the right place at the right time you should be aware of the dog groomer.
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carasueachterberg · 5 years
We survived our record-setting weekend.
Now we just have fourteen dogs. Which we’ve had before.
Gosh, this makes me sound like a dog-raving lunatic. Which maybe I am. Or at least I feel like one after this weekend.
Saying we fostered fifteen dogs this weekend is somewhat misleading since ten of those fosters were under the care of their mama and didn’t need anything from me except that I take good care of their mama (and maybe oogle them on occasion and weigh the runt each day).
Mama Bell is a good mom. Having birthed her babies in a shelter and then lived there with them for a few days, she arrived pretty stressed out from her five-hour drive. She snarled at us from inside her crate as Regina (the transporter), Nick and I carried the crate into the puppy room.
We carefully set the crate down and I fed Bell turkey hotdogs through the grate trying to bribe her into trusting me. Then I clipped the zipties holding the crate together, backed out of the room and carefully lifted the lid off as I left.
Bell popped right out, took a drink of water, and then jumped up at the gate to greet us. She nuzzled Regina and me, in almost an apology. I took Bell out for a much needed potty break and Regina got the puppies settled in the whelping box.
  Regina and I talk briefly before she headed back to her Pot Belly Pig rescue (she also serves on the board of the shelter where Bell came from). We talked about the challenges of spay/neuter and she agreed that Katie was right to insist on the exception to the board policy that saved the lives of the ten little darlings now residing in my puppy room. Listening to her, I realized that as a rural northern shelter they have some of the same struggles that many of the southern shelters I’ve visited face – educating the community, spay/neuter, veterinary access, and funding.
Regina volunteered to drive the ten hours on Thursday so that Bell and her puppies could get out of the shelter setting as soon as possible. I never cease to be amazed at the people in this world who sacrifice so much of their lives and their livelihood to save animals. Regina told me a few stories and shared pictures of her current foster puppies, and I thought of her all evening driving that long way back to Northeast PA.
Before I went to bed, I messaged Katie that mama and pups had arrived safely and thanked her once again for saving their lives. In the morning Regina messaged me asking about an OPH program I had mentioned to her. And so this web of dog-hearted people continues to weave its way through my life.
Just before Regina and the PA Pups arrived, Scott had dropped off Daisy for us to babysit for the weekend. She was thrilled to see me and happy to inspect the play yard and her secret hide out. Everything in her lair was untouched since none of the other dogs have attempted to squeeze through the opening she made to access her spot under the deck.
Her favorite friend Paul came for two visits and she was more than happy to see him (and steal his busy bones).
Daisy was excited to see Nick, and even Ian. Maybe absence makes the heart grow fonder. She looked good and we enjoyed plenty of snuggle time. We took a long walk together on Sunday after the big rains up the hollow, and if felt as if she’d never left.
On Friday I met a transport (by the time the van finally arrived it was technically Saturday) to pick up Houdini, aka Hot Diggity. If you follow the blog, Who Will Let the Dogs Out, you may remember that I originally met Houdini in Alabama over a month ago. He was quite literally dying from life in a shelter.
Walker County is a pretty good shelter, as shelters go, but some dogs simply can’t handle life in a shelter. Imagine for a moment if you were taken from all that you know and placed in a metal building with a cement floor where everyone erupted in screams at frequent intervals. It’s a busy place and you get very little contact with others except to walk you to the potty and back. You are fed but it’s nothing fancy or special. There is nothing to do except stare at your neighbors (who don’t like to be stared at and will likely tell you so). I imagine from a dog’s view, living in a shelter is like going to prison.
Houdini got his name because of his penchant for escaping. By the time I met him, he had escaped multiple times usually injuring himself in the process. He’d finally been contained in a corner pen with tall sides and a chainlink roof secured in place with heavy weights. I don’t have a clear picture, but you can see from my fuzzy one what we saw – a small white dog curled in a ball in the back of his kennel. He looked sad and defeated.
Unlike the other dogs around him, he did not get up to meet us, despite the fact that we were handing out treats. (And now that I know him, this is probably what shocks me the most because this boy LOVES his food.) When we pulled him out of his kennel, he was frantic and skeletal. I couldn’t bear the idea of putting him back in that kennel. I wanted to take him with me right then.
Houdini was dying of shelter stress. In fact, even when I was able to get OPH to agree to pull him for me to foster, the vet said he was too sick to travel. Now more than a month later, he arrived plump and happy with an endless appetite for treats and attention. He’d spent the time since I last saw him, at the home of the shelter director, Kay, where she’d gotten him dewormed and neutered and healthy.
He still has some of the scars from his time at the shelter (and likely from before he got there)—permanent stains on his white coat, torn ears, and small bumps and scabs. His nails and his teeth show the evidence of his escape attempts and a cut on the top of his head is almost completely healed up. But he is alive and happy and sweet and eager for the good life.
He trots along nicely on a leash, loves the Frank bed, gets along with all the resident dogs, and is ever vigilant for falling crumbs and hamburger buns left unattended on the kitchen table. As a dog who had almost starved to death, I doubt he will ever lose that voracious appetite.
I took Houdini to the Shrewsbury Pet Valu for a bath over the weekend and discovered that beneath that white coat his skin is covered in black spots, not unlike a dalmatian. Because of his rough start, it’s not easy to know how old he is, but it makes me wonder if he won’t be a spotted dog someday. He was not a fan of the bath and without the help of Amanda, a Pet Value employee who held him and fed him nonstop treats (and took these pictures), I’m sure I would have been the one who got the bath, not him.
Houdini indulges Fanny, but not like Tommy Hilfiger did. That boy could play for hours. Luckily, he was adopted the day before the masses descended on this foster house by a family who have a perfect playmate for him. Thor is as big as Tommy is (in his mind) and reports are that they are doing great together and Tommy is much loved.
Shew. Are you tired? I am too, but there are dogs to walk and books to write, so I’ll tell you more next week. In the meantime, you can always catch daily moments in the Facebook group, Another Good Dog and occasionally on Instagram.
Thanks for reading!
 For more information on me, my writing, and my upcoming book, One Hundred Dogs and Counting: One  Woman, Ten Thousand Miles, and a Journey into the Heart of Shelters and Rescues, visit CaraWrites.com.
And if you’d like to know where all these dogs come from and how you can help solve the crisis of too many unwanted dogs in our shelters, visit WhoWillLetTheDogsOut.org.
Our family fosters through the all-breed rescue, Operation Paws for Homes, a network of foster homes in Virginia, Maryland, D.C., and south-central PA. OPH is always looking for more volunteers, fosters, and adopters!
If you haven’t already, be sure to check out my book Another Good Dog: One Family and Fifty Foster Dogs released by Pegasus Books.
I love to hear from readers and dog-hearted people! Email me at [email protected].
  What happens when fifteen #dogs descend upon your house. #controlledchaos #fosterdogs #mycrazylife We survived our record-setting weekend. Now we just have fourteen dogs. Which we’ve had before. Gosh, this makes me sound like a dog-raving lunatic.
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