#Danielle Lauzon
philoursmars · 1 year
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Je reviens ENCORE une fois à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 55800 photos (environ).  On est en 2017 et comme ce blog est né en 2017, j’arriverai donc au bout de cette présentation.
Avec Christine, on avait décidé de partir de Pau vers Vichel en Auvergne par les petites routes. Nous voici enfin aux environs de Vichel.
Le très beau village d’Auzon. Dans la Collégiale romane Saint-Laurent, des chapiteaux avec la crèche et Saint Daniel entre es lions, des ferronneries au portail avec une tête de diable, une sirène et une chaire dont les inscriptions sont toujours indéchiffrées...
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choiceofgames · 2 months
7th Sea: A Pirate's Pact
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"7th Sea: A Pirate's Pact." Fight for what's right—as an up and coming pirate! Battle slavers, sea monsters, and your own corrupt government to become a hero of the high seas. But will you betray your own crew for wealth and power?
Looking for adventure at sea? You’ll get more than you bargained for when you end up joining a pirate crew. These pirates are known among sailors for having their own moral code, one that is now yours. You'll have the chance to rescue prisoners, uncover a secret plot, and even build a navy to liberate an island fort full of slaves.
But you'll also be tempted to break your pirate bonds to seek your own gain. Would you still free the slaves if you could take out your own rivals instead? How far will you go to save your friends? And when you uncover corruption in your homeland, will you choose villainy or vengeance?
Earn your crew's loyalty and they might make you their captain, but get careless and you might have to walk the plank!
"7th Sea: A Pirate's Pact" is an interactive fantasy novel by Danielle Lauzon, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—200,000 words and hundreds of choices long, without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.
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theonyxpath · 4 months
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At The Gates Developer @impernious appeared on the Not DnD Podcast this week to talk all things At The Gates! Head over to https://notdnd.podbean.com/e/89-at-the-gates-with-danielle-lauzon/ for the interview and support At The Gates on Backerkit at https://www.backerkit.com/c/projects/onyx-path/at-the-gates?ref=OPPTumblr
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camille-lachenille · 11 months
I was discussing with a friend about the translation choice for The Fellowship of the Ring in French. In the first translation, the translator Francis Ledoux uses ‘communauté’ for ‘fellowship’, in the meaning of ‘a group of people united by a common goal or shared traditions’*. This is almost exactly the same definition the online Cambridge dictionary** gives for ‘fellowship’. However, ‘fellowship’ has another meaning, a little outdated, that keeps the idea of a shared goal or interest but with the added nuance of a bond of friendship formed over this goal.
And that’s where the new French translation comes in, with the title La Fraternité de l’Anneau instead of La Communauté de l’Anneau. Daniel Lauzon chose ‘fraternité’ for fellowship, meaning ‘the bond between people within a same group, working toward a same goal’*** There is an outdated and specific use for ‘fraternité’ in the context of a medieval, feudal society, to design the bond between knights who swore to protect each other in battle and always fight for the same cause. And knowing just how much Tolkien was influenced by the Middle Ages for his universe, this seemingly trivial difference of translation has me foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog. Because it means the translator, Daniel Lauzon in this case, really took the time to study and look for the exact nuance of a word to best render the idea of The Fellowship of the Ring in the translated title of the book. This is so in line with Tolkien’s love for languages and words, I am over the moon.
There is a big debate amongst French speaking Tolkien fans about old vs new translation but I am a hardcore defender of Daniel Lauzon’s translations of The Lord of the Rings because it’s the one that made me fall in love with Tolkien’s style and poetry even though it was not the original version, and that’s a feat. It’s not perfect, no translation is ever perfect, but it had this feeling of deliberate choice for each word to best render the multiple meanings of a sentence or poem. Francis Ledoux’s translation feels too dry and artificial to me, even though I love how he translated Strider by Grand-Pas, or ‘Big-Steps’
* https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/francais/communaut%C3%A9/17551
** https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/fellowship
*** https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/francais/fraternit%C3%A9/35113
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virtchandmoir · 2 years
'Bringing the energy': How Scott Moir is moulding the next generation of ice dancers
Scott Moir hasn't lost his edge. 
January 10, 2023
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Former Olympic dance figure skater Scott Moir, one half of the gold medal team of Virtue and Moir, now coaches teams from the U.S., Mexico and Canada. Moir works with Canadian ice dancers Jacob Portz and Alyssa Robinson as they practise at the Komoka Wellness Centre west of London on Friday Jan. 6, 2023. (Mike Hensen/The London Free Press)
“We're going to kick Charlie's ass,” Moir, 35, quipped during a lively training session last week at Komoka Wellness Centre. “Quote that one.”
The one-liners, verbal jabs, laughs and hockey talk is so familiar to anyone who closely followed Moir’s career with his longtime partner, Tessa Virtue of Ilderton, to Olympic gold and the top of the skating world.
Later this month, the ice dance superstar-turned-coach will be in San Jose, Calif., to support one of his promising teams – Christina Carreira and Anthony Ponomarenko – at the U.S. national championships.
In the fall, he bet Ponomarenko, a die-hard San Jose Sharks fan, the Maple Leafs would beat them. When Toronto didn’t, Moir wore one of Sharks captain Logan Couture’s jerseys on the ice, then handed it over to his student.
“He loved that,” said the head coach and managing director of the Ice Academy of Montreal’s Ontario campus.
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The American ice dance team of Christina Carreira and Anthony Ponomarenko work through their routine under the gaze of coach Scott Moir at Komoka Wellness Centre on Friday Jan. 6, 2023. (Mike Hensen/The London Free Press)
This week, Moir will wear out a path to the Kiss and Cry area at the Canadian figure skating championships in Oshawa. His local crew is looking to take big steps after some international success.
Londoners Lily Hensen and Nathan Lickers aim to crack the Top 5 in the senior ranks while Ridgetown’s Alyssa Robinson and Calgary’s Jake Portz have that potential, too. Haley Sales and Nikolas Wamsteeker, who relocated from B.C., hope to grab a podium spot.
Kilworth’s Jordyn Lewis and Ilderton’s Noah McMillan want to earn a junior worlds berth and former novice champs Layla Veillon and Alex Brandys, both Londoners, are taking the next step up the ladder. Lewis and Veillon are also on the Ice Ignite synchro team seeking a junior worlds spot.
Internationally, Leia Dozzi and Pietro Papetti skate for Italy and Samantha Ritter and Daniel Brykalov represent Azerbaijan.
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Senior ice dancers Nathan Lickers and Lily Hensen of London work on their routines under the guidance of Olympic champion Scott Moir and his mom, Alma Moir, at Komoka Wellness Centre Friday, Jan. 6, 2023. (Mike Hensen/The London Free Press)
“The project here is to create two equal schools,” Moir said. “Montreal is, by far, the most dominant in the world. At the last Olympics, they had 10 of the last 20 skaters (in ice dance). That’s a lot. It’s a big ask, but I think it’s possible now.”
Moir studied the Montreal way when he and Tessa Virtue moved there for their dominant run to the 2018 Olympic title. They worked under old friends Marie-France Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon, then Moir brought the spirit of camaraderie and friendly, in-house competition back home.
“The kids have to create the atmosphere they want,” he said. “They cheer each other on. Even though a lot of them will go and be on the competition ice with each other, I learned the real magic is if you have each other’s back. There’s a balance to be struck.
“We (Moir and Virtue) didn’t have the same in Canton (Mich.),” he added. “We had it early when Charlie and I were really firing in 2010. I wasn’t the most mature young man in 2014, so I didn’t use that environment to my advantage. But we doubled down on it in 2018 (alongside the French team of Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron) and it was to our advantage, for sure.”
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Former Olympic ice dancer Scott Moir now has a thriving business coaching teams from the U.S., Mexico and Canada. Moir skates past his mom, and fellow coach, Alma Moir, at Komoka Wellness Centre on Friday Jan. 6, 2023. (Mike Hensen/The London Free Press)
LENDING A HAND: Moir grew up surrounded by figure skating coaches. That family connection remains at the academy. His mother Alma, aunt Carol and cousins Sheri and Cara are part of the staff.
“It’s fun – it’s kind of hard to call him my boss now, though,” Alma joked. “He stresses a positive attitude to the coaches and an old (veteran) here sometimes, I have to do a check on how positive I am some days. It took a while for the kids to feed into it, but you could see the energy change from the summer to now.”
Moir has some non-family help, too, in Justin Trojek and soon-to-be-married Madison Hubbell and Adrian Diaz, a Spanish ice dancer. Hubbell, who finished third at the last Olympics with Zachary Donohue, called her immediate jump from athlete to full-time coach a rare transition.
“It was really after meeting Adrian and seeing his love of skating and different perspective that I started enjoying analyzing skating together,” the 31-year-old from Michigan said.
“When we trained together (in Montreal), one of my favourite things was Scott’s energy – whether it was doing back-and-forth cardio or competing on a daily basis. It can feel like a very solo sport and Scott made a point of including you and cheering you on with a compliment or kind word. He’s a big instigator in what I would consider more of a hockey mentality: rowdy, yelling and having fun.”
MOVING FORWARD: Moir, who’s married and has a two-year-old daughter, recently congratulated Virtue on her engagement to Toronto Maple Leafs defenceman Morgan Rielly. Once in a while, he admits he will press her for some inside info on his favourite team.
His skaters want to hear stories about Virtue, too.
“I looked up to Tessa so much and still do every day,” said Carreira, 22. “She came to the rink once and it was literally the best day. Getting to train with Scott Moir every day is a privilege. I grew up in Montreal and they were my heroes.”
Moir believes the much-loved on-ice connection he shared with Virtue can be taught technically, but he has no interest in churning out mere carbon copies.
“These athletes aren’t going to be able to be Tessa and Scott, because in four, eight and 12 years, Tessa and Scott aren’t going to be good enough,” he said. “They already aren’t. We wouldn’t have won the last Olympics. The sport is evolving, the skaters will and I have to, as well. It’s about making it their own. Everyone has a different look and story.”
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Former Olympic dance figure skater Scott Moir coaches American skaters Christina Carreira and Anthony Ponomarenko on Friday, Jan. 6, 2023. (Mike Hensen/The London Free Press)
Carreira and Ponomarenko, whose parents Marina and Sergei won 1992 Olympic ice dance gold, are developing that mature skating connection that served Virtue and Moir so well. But Moir isn’t designing similar programs for Veillon, 16, and Brandys, 17.
“You can’t coach two athletes the same way and you motivate the man and woman different,” Moir said. “That’s the fun of coaching. I don’t come here to walk down memory lane. I come here to learn, too. How can I teach this kid a counter even though I was a good counter turner? Now, I need to figure out a different way. It’s a challenge and my coaching staff challenges me. Hopefully, this momentum turns into a snowball and keeps rolling.”
The bond is already encouraging.
“Even though I’m one of the youngest, you completely forget an age gap,” Veillon said. “You get to come to the rink every day and skate with some of your closest friends. The coaches are amazing, they want the best for us and we have such a fun time.”
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Former Olympic dance figure skater Scott Moir demonstrates some footwork for one of his teams at the Komoka Wellness Centre on Friday, Jan. 6, 2023. (Mike Hensen/The London Free Press)
Has your approach to the sport changed since on-ice retirement?
“I was much more performance and result-based. I wanted to win. I studied the points and what needed to be better to be on top. My experience with Tessa, as a coach, showed me if I strategize properly, it can work. I was a little riskier as an athlete, because it’s you out there. You’re the one who puts your heart and soul into it. Now, I feel I owe it to the kids. You feel responsible, but you still have to be a little dangerous. That edge is what gives us an advantage. The goal is not personal-best skates alone. It’s taking advantage of your opportunity. Go for it and take the lessons of being able to perform in front of people, because you have to really bring it on this stage.”
What’s the goal of the Ice Academy of Montreal’s Ontario campus?
“To make great people. It sounds so stupid, but we believe success is a byproduct. You’re a good person first, support your teammates, demand the best of yourself, never stop wanting to grow and be ready to learn. It’s not a trade-off. I used to think you can drink the Kool-Aid and be your best self, but I wanted to win. Patrice, Marie-France and Romain (Haguenauer) showed me it all goes hand-in-hand. We’re an elite school and we want to be on top of the world. As we develop these kids and these skills that will serve them well in life, we want to become excellent athletes able to stand on top of podiums. We don’t have a ton of great skating schools in Canada and our success doesn’t mean we can’t have great schools in Scarborough, Vancouver and Calgary. We’re the most dominant skating country with the most rinks. I hope we can get the footprint a little bigger so we can affect more athletes. Hopefully, we can compete against our Montreal teammates and push their boundaries, too.”
How can you affect the skating experience for your students beyond the technical elements?
“I had success in my career, but I got bogged down in the negatives over many years. Who knows if we would’ve beaten Marilyn (Davis) and Charlie, but I think my outlook on skating kept me from being my best self leading up to 2014 (silver medal in Sochi). I’d love for the kids to hear my wisdom and not have to go through the black period I did. At the same time, it’s their journey and they need to have their own path. I can have a direct impact on the negative parts of the sport that don’t need to exist. There are parts of the sport people may think of as ugly or the judging, but being able to be happy about yourself no matter what people think can be a positive. In this age of social media and all that s—, it’s important. Even before the scores, are you personally happy? Did you give everything you had? I’m hoping to prepare for them to deal with those issues the right way.”
How do you impact a generation of skaters who didn’t face the same challenges you did?
“They motivate very differently. It’s tricky for me. I grew up in the other one. My dad was fair and hard on me. If I deserved it, I got it and I deserved it a lot. He didn’t baby me and I thrived. I have fantastic parents. I had some coaches that were a little harder on me and when you go through the Russian schools, of course, that’s the way it is. I loved it. There were also dark parts it created that I also had to deal with later in life. I think there’s a way to expect the most out of these kids and have them expect it, but through love and support. There’s a balance. You can be critical and deliver the message the right way. This generation motivates from exciting things. You’ve got to keep it fresh and keep them rolling and feeling good. My first couple of years, I got bogged down in hammering on them, because I like being in the trenches. The kids felt it was super heavy and it didn’t work. I started being more positive and bringing the energy every day and you see them lift up with results much better. We’re trending that way and it’s natural for me, too.”
Are you able to watch old videos of you and Tessa Virtue skating without finding every little fault in it?
“My perspective of our career is probably the most jaded. You can’t really watch yourself without it. Watching it is getting better and better, actually. You forget the cues you’re supposed to be doing and I’m able to just watch Tessa much more than what I’m doing wrong, so that’s enjoyable. I watch it with a different eye now that I coach. I was very critical and it wasn’t fun to watch tape before, but it’s getting better. I think for the sake of ice dance – and I think that’s why 2018 was such a success for us – the sport evolved. We came back, dove in, pushed ourselves and were able to come away with Olympic gold again. It would be foolish for me to step in and say if I can create 10 Scott Moirs, we’re going to be successful. I don’t believe that.”
—The London Free Press
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bluart106 · 2 years
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Danielle Lauzon
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dlauzonpeintre · 2 years
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Play, digital work, 2023 29 x 33 (74, 84 cm) I will soon add to my Etsy shop prints of my digital work. Making prints available for my customers and followers means that collecting a Danielle Lauzon will be more affordable. Each digital work will be in a limited edition. Je vais mettre en vente très prochainement mes estampes numériques dans ma boutique Etsy. J’attends d’avoir les prints en main. C’est une façon d’avoir une de mes œuvres à moindre coût. J’essaie de réduire le prix le plus possible. Elles seront signées à la main et numérotées. Ce sera des éditions limitées à 10 exemplaires. #abstractwork #artforsalebyartists #artforsaleonline #artoftheweek #artwatcher #artwork_daily #canadianartdaily #contemporaryartcollector #contemporarycurator #dreamart #emergingart #followart #intuitiveartist #mixedmediaartwork #digitalwork #digitalabstract #mixedmediaonpaper #mixedmediapainting #modernabstract #originalartforsale #abstractobsession #abstractogram #abstractpainter #artbuyers #artcollections #abstractartist #artforsalebyartist #artistofinstagram #artnews #daniellelauzon https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn67YfYuKT9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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squiddieteam · 9 hours
Hello! ╮('◡'✿) (wip pinned)
I'm Molly!
Ride or die Seattle Kraken fan 🦑😤
I like the Coachella Valley Firebirds by default but have no time to watch them ❤️‍🔥
This is a sideblog: Likes and Follows come from my main, hwestil
Because of that, I don't always follow back! But I keep up with the "kraken lb" and "seattle kraken" tags: that's our space and I love our community and fans!!!! 🩵🩵🩵
I'm one team only except for when I have time to watch international play: I support Team Latvia 🇱🇻
Not active on off season
Goalie Kisses
This is the WIP section - still figuring out who goes where per normal roster/AHL/developing Kraken players and going through to add links to tags - and deleting names of players I never posted about
Seattle Kraken Broadcast Crew
JT Brown
John Forslund
Piper Shaw
Current Roster
Matty Beniers
Oliver Bjorkstrand
Will Borgen
André Burakovsky
Joey Daccord
Vince Dunn
Jordan Eberle
Yanni Gourde
Philipp Grubauer - the horse
Tye Kartye - 💎
Maxime Lajoie
Adam Larsson - 😼
Josh Mahura
Jared McCann
Ben Meyers
Brandon Montour
Jamie Oleksiak
Jaden Schwartz
Chandler Stephenson
Brandon Tanev -👻
Eeli Tolvanen
Ryan Winterton
Shane Wright
Usually on the Firebirds
Ryker Evans
Cale Fleury
John Hayden
Max McCormick
Logan Morrison
Gustav Olofsson
Kraken Pipeline Players
Jagger Firkus
Former Kraken 😭
Mason Appleton
Nathan Bastian
Pierre-Édouard Bellemare - 💔
Colin Blackwell
Ryan Donato
Joonas Donskoi - 💔
Chris Driedger -💔
Brian Dumoulin
Haydn Fleury
Jesper Frödén
Morgan Geekie
Mark Giordano
Calle Järnkrok
Marcus Johansson
Martin Jones
Karson Kuhlman
Jérémy Lauzon -💔
Kole Lind - the original team goalie kisser 💔
Jaycob Megna
Derrick Pouliot
Justin Schultz
Riley Sheahan
Devin Shore
Carson Soucy -💔
Daniel Sprong
Marián Studenič
Tomáš Tatar -🐟💔
Alexander True
Alexander Wennberg
Kailer Yamamoto -🍠💔
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atelierfigurine · 22 days
Hobbit de l'anneau 2
Frodon Sacquet (Frodo Baggins en version originale, ou encore Frodo Bessac dans la traduction de Daniel Lauzon et Christian Bourgois), est un Hobbit. Il est le personnage principal de la trilogie Le Seigneur des Anneaux, publiée entre 1954 et 1955 par l’auteur anglais J. R. R. Tolkien. Sa mission est de transporter un anneau maléfique, appelé Anneau unique, jusqu’à Orodruin, la Montagne du Destin…
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poettier · 3 months
The Pulse Within from Vallée Duhamel on Vimeo.
Short film, 2024 Premiered at Tribeca Festival as part of the “AI Shorts program”
Sarah breaks free from the confines of her mundane existence, delving into the depths of her imagination. Through surreal experiences and introspective moments, her reality transcends into a realm where creativity knows no bounds. Utilizing dance as a medium, she embarks on a journey allowing her imagination to shape her reality.
* Directed by Vallée Duhamel Featuring: Lauri-Ann Lauzon D.O.P. Antoine Ryan Camera operator: Austin Grass 1st AC: Mathilde Lytwynuk
Styling: Tinashe Musara H&M: Miles Petrella
Produced by Sailor Productions Produced by Runway Studio
Executive producer: Mathieu Dumont Head of production: Joelle Raymond Production manager: Martin Couture Gaffer: Mathieu LeFrancois Key grip: Maxime Latraverse
Edit & AI operator: Julien Vallée CGI & VFX (space & explosion scene): Mr. Flowers.tv & Pipe Camara CGI (Fred characters floating scene): Vincent Ghiotti Color grading: Simon BoisX @ Arketype Music: Nick Chotkowski Parallel People Collective Sound: Daniele Devirgilio Parallel People Collective
Special thanks Christian Bach, Mathieu Arivisais, Hector Ayuso, Frederick Ross, Psyop, Mels Studios
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christophe76460 · 8 months
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Voici un verset que j'aimerais partager avec vous : "Je lève mes yeux vers les montagnes… D'où me viendra le secours? Le secours me vient de l'Eternel, Qui a fait les cieux et la terre."
Psaumes 121:1
Lorsque nous traversons les épreuves, il peut nous arriver à certains moments de douter de la capacité du Seigneur de changer les circonstances en notre faveur.
La Bible ne nous encourage pas à marcher par le doute mais par la foi. Même si la situation semble impossible, nous devons toujours nous attendre à Dieu, il est le rémunérateur de ceux qui le cherchent.
Parfois, nous pouvons penser que le secours viendra d'un homme. Le psalmiste David a déclaré un jour ces paroles : "je lève les yeux vers les montagnes d'où me viendra le secours, le secours me vient de l'Éternel".
Continuez de vous confier au Seigneur, il va vous secourir ! Il va changer la situation. Tout comme il l'a fait pour Anne qui était stérile, pour le roi Ezéchias qui était malade, pour Pierre qui était en prison.
S'attendre à Dieu, c'est lui faire confiance, ce n'est pas douter de ses promesses ! C'est croire qu'il ouvrira un chemin pour vous là où il n'y en a aucun.
Soyez béni abondamment !
Pasteur Danielle Lauzon
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nurthor · 1 year
Lectures du moment: Croqueur d’or (livre + JdR), l’Oraison des immortels et le SdA nouvelle traduction
Lectures du moment: Croqueur d’or (livre + JdR en annexes) bientôt une critique chez Scifi-Universe, l’Oraison des immortels (livre de SF) de l’ami Jean Vigne membre de la Team Flan et le Seigneur des Anneaux nouvelle traduction de Daniel Lauzon dont on parle dans le dernier Casus Belli n45 avec un dossier spécial JRR Tolkien ! Tous les liens pour les acquérir ci-dessous ! :O ❤ Et c’est la vraie…
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ions-in-the-ether · 4 years
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Danielle Lauzon
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autumn2may · 2 years
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Today Richard Marpole reviews Matthew Dawkins' They Came from Beyond the Grave! from Onyx Path Publishing! 🐉
"Drawing on the…horror tropes and poor budgets of 1970s horror films…It’s fun and funny, gruesome and gory, over-acted and overblown. [In the best way!]"
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songedunenuitdete · 2 years
Atlas de la Terre du Milieu de Karen Wynn Fonstad
🦋#AVIS🦋 Aujourd'hui, je reviens sur Atlas de la Terre du Milieu de Karen Wynn Fonstad / @BragelonneFR ⭐Que vous soyez un érudit de l’univers de Tolkien ou bien un novice, vous ne pourrez que vous régaler en découvrant ce bel Atlas ! Mon avis complet⤵️
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sunskate · 2 years
iam.o program music 2022-23
Christina Carreira and Anthony Ponomarenko
RD: The Juju Orchestra, Kind of Latin Rhythm; Shirley Bassey, (Where do I begin) Love Story, Something Else (remastered); Gloria Estefan, Samba FD: Danshin & Arooj, Rainy Streets (Backbone soundtrack), Public Disquiet (Backbone soundtrack); Louis Armstrong & Ella Fitzgerald, Summertime; 101 Strings Orchestra, Summertime
(coaches: Scott Moir, Madison Hubbell, Adrian Diaz, Patrice Lauzon; choreo: Marie-France Dubreuil, Madison Hubbell, Adrian Diaz)
Haley Sales and Nikolas Wamsteeker
RD: Pink Martini, Quizas, Quizas, Quizas; Ohayoo Ohio
FD: Phantom of the Opera (All I Ask of You, Josh Groban and Kelly Clarkson)
(coaches: Scott Moir, Adrian Diaz, Madison Hubbell; choreo: Adrian Diaz)
Leia Dozzi and Pietro Papetti
RD: Celia Cruz, Quimbara; Bonga Balumukeno, BUNT, Cuba
FD: Adios Nonino
Lily Hensen and Nathan Lickers
RD: Afro Cuban All Stars, Amor Verdadero; Bueno Vista Social Club, Chan Chan; El Rubio Loco, Salsaton
FD: Hozier: Work Song, Movement
(choreo: Adrian Diaz RD, Sheri Moir FD)
Samantha Ritter and Daniel Brykalov
RD: Santana: Black Magic Woman, El Farol, Corazon Espinado
FD: Harry Styles, She
Alyssa Robinson and Jacob Portz
RD: Rodrigo Amarante- Tuyo (Narcos Theme), Deorro (feat. Pitbull & Elvis Crespo)- Bailar
FD: Eweezy- Love is a Bitch, Two Feet- BBY, You
Jordyn Lewis and Noah McMillan
RD: Piazzolla (Gidon Kremer), Oblivion; Hans Zimmer, Seville (from Mission Impossible 2)
FD: Mumford and Sons (w Baaba Maal & the Very Best and Beatenberg), There WIll Be Time;
(coaches: Scott Moir, Adrian Diaz; choreo: Cara Moir, Sheri Moir)
Layla Veillon and Alexander Brandys
RD: Johannes Linstead, Sangre Del Toro; New Tide Orquesta, The Swan Crash Concert: Still Life- The Blood
FD: Dear Evan Hansen: You Will Be Found (coaches: Scott Moir, Alma Moir; choreo: Cara Moir, Sheri Moir)
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