#Dany and tucker sleepily following
The trio goes camping in Gotham
So for a senior project the trio needs to go to a city or place and study the wildlife
Sam managed to convince Danny and tucker to do the project about how the pollution in Gotham is ruining and mutating the forests around it
So Sam Danny and tucker need to camp out in the Gotham woods and take measurements, pictures and graphs of what it looks like to what it looked like 10 years ago
It was going fine, like yeah there are rouge attacks pretty often but they've felt with that
About half way through the trip around midnight they hear rustling and panting
Danny can sleep through the apocalypse as long as the alarm doesn't match the one he uses for his rogues he's now moving
Tucker is in the same boat as Danny and is in a slight state of depression from being away from technology
That leaves same who is a very light sleeper
She gets annoyed at the thing keeping her from sleep
She turns on the fenton-wrist-ray
The Gotham police station though it was a prank when 2 tired looking teens came to the station and said their friend caught something
They were preparing to call animal control thinking it was a racoon or fox
They weren't prepared for a pissed-off goth to come in dragging a knocked-out killer crock
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