#Dark Impulse my ass Mikey
kingleeh · 2 years
At this point, more than anything, I'm just really really pissed off at the whole narrative of-
'Takemichi is the only one who can save Mikey'
'Takemichi is the only one who cares about Mikey'
'Takemichi is the only one who never gives up on him'.
When literally all of Toman has been dedicating their lives to making this fucker happy and he doesn't seem to acknowledge that at all. Cause Michi is all that matters and the only one who'll stick by him no matter what and the only one who wants to save him.
Most of this is more the Fandoms rhetoric (especially Takemichi mega stans) and it makes me wanna rip my skin off.
It's always about Takemichi. What he has gone through and what he has done trying to save Mikey. What about the friends Mikey's had since childhood that have never left him but seem to matter so little to him?
Toman deserves better.
From Mikey and from the Fandom.
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bloominstorm · 2 years
Like… is Takemichi gonna die..
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#let me just say I’m disappointed in Mikey’s backstory/POV#we’ve been waiting for fucking ever to finally hear his thoughts and see what makes him tick and we got subpar shit tht didn’t explain#everything like WHY DOES HE HAVE THESE DARK IMPULSES IT WASNT BC OF HIS PARENTS DEATH OR SHINICHIRO#HES BEEN LIKE THIS EVEN BEFORE HIS MOTHER DIED AND HE DIDNT REMEMBER HIS FATHER BESIDES ONE MEMORY#then we finally get to see Mikey’s unfiltered and raw thoughts on shit tht happened and all the important shit gets ignored and the shit#shown is rushed and doesn’t really reveal shit??? like why didn’t we get more on his true feelings about takemichi#i for one wanted to know if his friendship/affection was genuine considering we’ve seen how he really is and how he has no issues trying to#kill him.. like did he only fuck with Takemichi because of his similarities with shinichiro it’s like wakui started on it then said fuck it#back to Takemichis POV it’s so annoying and not rewarding at all for readers who’ve been waiting on this#Mikey talked about Kisaki more than Takemichi Thts just ridiculous#also can we PLEASE get his feelings on Draken’s death like why tf are we still waiting for tht#but Mikey is fr evil af because he’s completely aware of what he’s doing and he’s still trying to kill his old friends#dude didn’t you leave to protect them I understand they came to you but beating them down is enough why are you actually trying to kill#takemichi like he’s genuinely trying to beat him to death and he’s doing this consciously#i get he’s far gone but there’s no way to come back from this#also Takemichi is literally so close to death wtf I wasn’t wakui to give Takemichi anything really since it’s clear he hates him and is up#Mikey’s ass but my God why have him just charge in endlessly to just get his ass beat are we gonna see some variety#like my dudes vision and hearing are literally impaired now because of Mikey’s deranged ass when is enough gonna be enough 😭#but now with the vision he got now I’m hoping this will give him the upperhand in the fight#because I’m actually tired of seeing him get his ass beat it’s enough now#he’s been getting dogged the whole series can he FINALLY have his moment fr#like an actual moment where he’s not the punching bag??? he had it against Kisaki but tht was bittersweet since he wasn’t the one to#actually kill his annoying ass#so at this point I’m over Mikey and want him taken out so like..let’s get on tht#tokyo revengers spoilers#Tokyo revengers 266
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penrose-quinn · 2 years
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When I wrote this line, I just meant it to be an expression lol. Like a nice little throwback to the manga and all. I had different plans for the whole time-leaping thing.
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liaarxse · 1 year
Get off damn it!
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TR characters cuddling with you after a fight
Characters: The Kawata twins (separately), Matsuno Chifuyu, Manjiro Sano
Warnings: None, crack
A/n: This freeky AI bot is giving me way too many ideas.
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Souya Kawata
Let's get straight to the point, you know it, he knows it, y'all cuddling after a fight ASAP
Not even a fight, even if it was just a meeting
Y'all cuddling ok? Ok.
He's usually pretty riled up after a fight and has more energy
Tells you all the drama bitch
Literally get out your notepad now
Maybe he let a tear fall here and there, but that's about it
But oh
God forbid he straight up cries like in that one manga chapter (I can't remember which one it was)
Even if you don't pray, pray
Even if you are a Satanist, pray
Even if you're a God or a Devil, pray
You and Nahoya both know the shit that's about to go lose
Just stay put and wait for him
He comes to your place as if in a matter of seconds, changing and throwing himself onto you, breaking down
Well, shit.
He's cursing them out, saying how he beat their ass and would do it again, while crying
Don't ask me they ain't real
But show this boy some love. He deserves it. Caress his scalp, play with his hair, place tender kisses on his face, and just hold him for a bit longer
He'll return the favor as soon as possible.
Nahoya Kawata
Ah, fuck, not again
He gets into a fight every single day
And always comes to your place so you can fix him up
"Hey baby."
"Nahoya your face is literally deformed what the fuck."
Just fix him
Not because he deserves it but because he's annoying as shit and won't leave you alone
Once, he broke your window and crawed into your room at 4 in the morning to tend his wounds
He paid for your therapy sessions dw
Since he's 24/7 injured, he always smells like blood
Like, ew?
Once he came by after a nasty fight all injured and blooded up
You gagged
"Fuck you."
He always throws his bloody ass on your new sheets, and you go BERSERK
You once hit him in the head cough Deja Vu cough with a broom because he ruined your sheets
He smirked at that comment
You kicked him outside
He crawled back in and trapped you in a hug
That lasted all night
"Nahoya let go I need to pee."
"Bitch hold it in."
He loves you, i swear
Matsuno Chifuyu
Blooded your sheets on accident
Don't be mad please
Here, pet Peke J
You mad?
You don't get to pet Peke J
In all honesty, he's reckless.
Every. Fucking. Time. He comes by the next day you're restocking on aid supplies.
Stg he better start paying up
Once called you in the middle of a fight with his nose bleeding and a few bruises on his face
"I'm coming over later, babe!"
He hung up
Your ass went CRAZY before he came knocking on your door
He was injured
A lot
Is he half dead?
Will he make it through the night?
Hey he brought Peke J!
Everything Is fine
He cleaned up before cuddling with you but still managed to dirty your sheets
"You're lucky my son is here."
"That's my son, pussy."
Y'all love Peke J more than your relationship/j
He changed your sheets and went back to cuddling you
If needed he'll buy new ones
Baby boy, baby 🫶
Manjiro Sano
Bfr, you woke up, and your boyfriend was sleeping right next to you, beaten up
You screamed
He screamed
You threw a book at him
He got a concussion
Great, more blood
"Damn it Manjiro I just bought these sheets!"
"Are you insane?"
Maybe lol
After leaving the room you still felt the smell of blood.
Looking down you saw your favourite pj smeared with droplets of blood from none other than MIKEY
He had cuddled you while you slept personally in blooded clothes
You chased him with a pan
Seven AM the usual morning line-up
Start on the chores and sweep till the floor's all cleEeeeeEN
Imagine Mikey as Rapunzel though
Them dark impulses gon kick in hard up inside that tower
Give him love too, please, #helptakemichiwiththesemessedupbastards
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rans-baby · 2 years
when they see you in someone else's jacket (pt. 2)
decided to do a pt. 2 with the men that i KNOW prefer to call you baby and princess ♡ also had to add some of @miyaniacsfaves :)
tw // bimbo-ish reader in koko's?, use of the word daddy
if y'all aren't in to that simply skip over it :) I like a variety of yn's: normal, bimbo, badass, you name it! so don't be surprised if you see a range in my writing
mikey would say he's a pretty satisfied guy
he had japan's underground on lock, all the desserts he could ever ask for, and most importantly, you
he met you when you saved him from bleeding out in the streets right outside of the bakery you worked at, and he decided you were his from then on
he knew that everyone knowing about your relationship would put you in danger so he kept it under wraps for the most part, only mentioning it to the other executives
you were lowkey a bit insecure about this, and just being a regular civilian, you didn't really understand why he couldn't just tell everyone
"do you.. not want to be seen with me?" "no"
but he also failed to recognize how that came across because yes, he meant it but he didn't mean it the way that you were thinking
you silently left him alone and wandered out onto the streets lost in your thoughts, not even recognizing it was starting to rain until it started pouring
coincidentally, your male co-worker was walking on the same path and offered you his jacket
you gratefully took it and he was helping you put it on when mikey saw the two of you
now he's dealt with his dark impulses a few times in his life, but nothing compared to what he was feeling in that moment
he kept his usual impassive facade as he approached the both of you, seemingly ignoring the sound of the roaring blood in his ears and aggressive pounding in his head
he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, just tight enough to make you squirm
"who's this princess?"
but before you could respond your coworker interjected "oh is this your brother? nice to meet you!" he said with an outstretched hand
you could feel his grip tightening but your previous conversation ran through your head and you responded "this is just a friend"
he started gripping you even tighter causing you to tap on his arms to release you but he just responded by laying sloppy kisses on your neck causing you to let out a short gasp
"do I look like her brother?"
sweet koko loves treating you, only the best for his pretty girl! but he knew you weren't in it for the money
which is why he was only mildly surprised when he saw you walk into his office in, was that h&m?
now he might be a ~material boy~ but he understood the practicality of having "normal" clothes on a day to day basis but what he couldn't understand was why it looked so big
it occurred to him when you went to go sit on his lap and he caught a whiff of cheap cologne
he has literally never dropped you so quickly
all you could do was look up at him with tears in your eyes while sprawled on the floor
"did I do something wrong daddy?"
he HATED seeing you cry, it was his least favorite feeling and this was especially true when he was the reason
"sorry princess couldn't help it"
he put you back on his lap and let you lay your head in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent
"so princess, wanna tell me where you got the jacket? promise I won't get mad"
you squinted like it was hard for you to remember exactly how it got on you
"oh it was a nice man's! he saw me at the mall and called me pretty then gave me his jacket and a little piece of paper with a bunch of numbers on it! :)"
koko prided himself on being the most level-headed of the executives in bonten, but that was still a low low bar and he was still an executive of the most powerful gang in japan
"you think you can show me the paper baby? just wanna give him his jacket back"
you slowly took off the jacket revealing a tight corset top and tiny tennis skirt that barely covered your ass
"'m bout to lose it" "what'd you say daddy?" "oh nothing princess, how about we look at gettin' you some new jackets, I think saint laurent just released a new collection that would make you even prettier" "really daddy?"
he loved when you got that sparkle in your eye because he knew it wasn't excitement about being able to use his money, it was because he knew that you knew it was his way of showing you his love
"yeah baby, gotta make up for lettin' you get cold and droppin' you. 'm sorry you know that right?"
most people assumed that he was only into you because of your looks, but he has never been more sincere in his life and it was all because of you
you brought such a warm light in his life, not overwhelming but enough to warm him and for the first time in his life, the warmth on his skin didn't scare him
wakasa preferred women who could fend for themselves, he barely had enough energy to fight for himself and most of the time he didn't need to
his hair was recognizable enough to where people knew not to mess with him
it didn't matter to him who knew of your relationship with him so it was pretty commonplace to see him in and outside the gym with you
he knew you could fend for yourself and loved that about you, but sometimes wished you were a little less stubborn and would accept his help
he'd offered you his jacket in the past but most of the time you took offense to it, thinking that he thought you were incapable of taking care of yourself so he stopped offering over time
you were sick one day and while he noticed you were shivering a bit, he figured you'd get angry if he offered his jacket so he kept it to himself
you secretly wanted to ask but your pride got in the way
you took a quick break and let him know you were gonna run to the convenience store
on the way to the convenience store, the dizziness starting kicking in and before you realized it, you were falling
you felt yourself fall into someone's arms and you thought it was your boyfriend's so you let him wrap his jacket around you but the unrecognizable scent broke you out of that train of thought
the fever made it impossible to break free of his grip
"hey pretty lady, seen you around here with that little boy. what'd you say about lettin' me take care of you? bet I could do it better than him"
on a normal day, you would've kicked his ass to the sun and back but the fever was really starting to get to you and all you could do was squirm
that was the scene wakasa stumbled into after deciding to chase after you because fuck your stubborn nature you were still his to take care of whether you liked it or not
he was, by nature, just not a flashy guy so he knew that people who didn't know of his reputation underestimated him and it never bothered him before now
before either of you knew what was happening, a flying kick was sent the creep's way and he snatched you from his arms
"now didn't baby tell you to leave her alone?"
right as the creep was about to retaliate, you mustered what strength you had left to rip the jacket off of your body and throw it in his face long enough to distract him as you landed three solid kicks on his torso, watching him crumple in pain
wakasa caught you in his arms right as you were about to fall
"wish you weren't so stubborn sometimes princess, but you know that's why I love you right?"
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kissesforsatoru · 1 year
Hii here for the event!
Ask for: Baji, Sanzu, Mikey
What if you meet your darling who is the opposite of you?, your a moron their really into their academic, your loud their really quiet, their into the arts and theater while your a violent menace- your really rough while their really soft their someone who have opposite interest of you?
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mikey : i don’t even know how i’d be able to touch my darling if they were the exact opposite of me. i’m filthy, you know, violent and aggressive and i have my dark impulses. i don’t want to hurt my darling at all. they’re so soft and sweet and so, so precious to me. i would treat them with the utmost care and spoil the fuck out of them because that’s what they deserve
sanzu : i would probably hate my darling at first if they were the opposite of me. i’m strong and rough and violent, so that would mean my darling is weak and soft and pathetic, which are the most annoying qualities. but i want to protect them. if they’re gonna be weak and pathetic then someone has to protect them from this shit ass world full of shit ass people, and i’ll gladly take on that role.
baji : they quiet and soft then? i’d probably tease the hell out of them just to see the way they get all shy and back away nervously. i would lean close and ask them to repeat themselves and back them against the wall so that they have no way to get away from me. shit that would be so cute. oh and if they decide to confess to me it would be even cuter to see them stutter and shit. i’m gonna get a bloody nose just thinking about this, fuck.
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have a question for your yandere lover? ask them! ⟶ masterlist
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y-umiko · 1 year
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Requested by 🛍️ Anon — for the 2k event Prompt : "Well done. You've officially pushed away everyone that's ever given a fuck about you" a/n: set in the Bonten timeline
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Mikey knew at some point that he would never find love, nor does he made effort to seek it, he accepted the fact that he has to protect his friends and family from himself.
he closed his heart from everyone, let it be clouded by the dark thoughts and his dark impulses, and hid himself from everyone and everything else. yet you manage to find him.
most days he likes to bask in your unconditional and selfless love. reminds him of his past days when everything was much simpler. but on days, when he let the dark cloud consume him, was inevitable, the darkness accompanied by recurring bad thoughts, was more common.
Mikey had a bad day, despite being the largest syndicate in Japan, things don't always go their way. a miscalculation, as Kokonoi likes to say. a mishap happening that they have no control over, and it drives Mikey mad, he rose to the top to be in control after all. and sometimes he can't help but bring the dark clouds from work all the way home.
"Mikey, you're right in time, I cooked dinner for the two of us"
"I don't want to eat" he quietly mumbled, dismissing the freshly cooked dinner set on the table. as he proceeds deeper into your shared home.
"Are you sure? It's your favorite, but if you want to eat something else I can go prepare it"
Mikey sighs at your stubbornness. at some point your voice had blurred, mixing with the others' voices, Sanzu asking him about something, Kokkonoi reporting missing funds. the Haitani Brothers' opinions he didn't care about, waves of laughter and whispers, all of it ringing against his ears. "I said fucking leave it! What is it with you and everyone else! all of you kept fucking flocking around me! why can't you just leave me alone!"
it hurt but you understand him, his pain and sacrifices, you understood the troubles he went through and if Mikey has one thing that frustrates him, it's the fact that you knew him better than anyone else.
frowning, you stepped in front of him, blocking the entrance to the bedroom, knowing all too well, his gonna lock himself away. "well I'm sorry that I'm worried about you"
"god", he dragged the word, voice full of annoyance, "you never shut up! I don't need you worrying about me! and I certainly don't need you constantly nagging on my ass!"
despite the furious look in his eyes, you didn't move from your spot, having full confidence that Mikey will never hurt you, and while you tried to understand his frustration from his previous words nothing prepared you for the next words that come.
"has it ever occurred to you that I don't need you!?" The only thing you can do was blinked back at him, trying not to mind the sting coming from your eyes. "I can dispose of you easily like everybody else and replace you the minute after"
you exhaled shakily, his word stung more than you can think. Your voice quivered, "If there's one thing you've been good at, it's pushing people away, if you're playing a game, well done, you've officially pushed away everyone that's ever given a fuck about you"
Mikey can only stand frozen on his spot as he watches your teary eyes drift away from his. your shoulder barely touching his as you walk passed him and out the door.
it was only a little later, in the familiar silence has he process the words he said, echoing repeatedly on the silent four corners of the house. the realization dawning into him that you were right, he drove away the last person who manage to stay with him, and he only has himself to blame.
for a little while, he debated going after you, knowing of the danger that lurks on the dark streets, but he can't risk leaving and you suddenly coming back in an empty house. but he can only laugh at himself because there's no way you'll come back after what he said.
the best solution he can think of at the moment was to call Sanzu and the others to survey the whole city and make sure you were ok. while he slumps on the cold hard floor, back against the wall, knees on his chest as he brought his head down to lament and think.
it was half an hour and so when Mikey got startled by the sudden noise of the door opening and closing back. and never once had his head snapped so quickly.
"Mikey what are you doing on the floor?" you gently called out, hesitantly, walking towards his slouch form on the floor.
"y/n" Mikey breathed, lips trembling as his eyes laid on your form, he didn't hesitate to stand up and tackle you, fully wrapping you in his embrace, almost like a child finding his lost parents."you're back, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't leave me"
"I wasn't planning on leaving in the first place, I just went out for fresh air." you coaxed, wrapping your arms around him, and rubbing his back soothingly. your heart stinging differently at the muffled sobs coming from him. "hey, it's okay I'm here"
Mikey just shook his head as he tightens his hug against you, afraid you'll slip and disappear if he let go. so instead you cup his cheeks to look him in the eyes and the look of love and adorableness was all Mikey needed to calm down.
"I'm sorry how I acted earlier, I didn't mean any of it, I can never live without you. I'll do my best to be better so please don't leave me" he sighs, as he watched your expression morph from concern into an expression full of love.
"I'm never leaving you, I'll stay with you for as long as you need me, so don't give up on yourself, on us, okay?"
"Of course, I love you so much Y/n"
Mikey knew at some point that your love for him was more than he can asked for, because while you love him during the ligther days of his life, you love him evern more, even after showing you his darkness.
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yandereloversblog · 2 years
Can I request Yandere Bonten gang react to when their partner says that they got chased by turkeys and can’t leave their car? Yandere Bonten gang dosent belive them at first but they send a video of the Turkeys outside their car door waiting for their partner to come out
Based on this tiktok it gave me giggles
𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄!𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧 [On crack]
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╰┈➤ . . . 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚢𝚜
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: 𝚃𝚘𝚔𝚢𝚘 𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚜
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚛𝚘 "𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢" 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚘, 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚢𝚘 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚣𝚞, 𝚁𝚊𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚒, 𝚁𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚞 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚒, 𝙷𝚊𝚓𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙺𝚘𝚔𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚒, 𝙺𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚘, 𝚃𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚘𝚖𝚒 𝙰𝚔𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒, 𝙺𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒 𝙼𝚘𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚣𝚞𝚔𝚒
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 , 𝚄𝚗𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚑𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚎𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗'𝚜 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢 𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚣𝚢 𝚊𝚜𝚜, 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛... 𝙰𝚗𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚋𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚕𝚢
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: 𝙲𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔- 𝙸 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: I'M SORRY BUT THIS WAS TOO FUNNY I HAD TO DO IT NOW IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT HALF ASLEEP- DAMN TURKEYS 😭😭 I did a good and included Mochi and Takeomi this time- and I did it as individual headcanons cuz on god- if they all were as a gang though it's basically Mikey taking one turkey and Sanzu and Mocchi fight the other. Rindou is recording, Ran, Koko and Omi are probably eating popcorn and Kaku is trying to get you out of the car and worried sick. Y'all had turkey for dinner that night.
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-> 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 "𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐲" 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨
Was spamming your phone when you abruptly ended the call.
Dark Impulses™
Legit thought you didn't want to talk to him and didn't even care enough to come up with a valid excuse
Then he saw the video and man just snapped. No he did not find it funny -he did but you needed help-
"Sanzu get the car, some fucking animals are harassing my angel."
Now Sanzu thought that actual people were harassing you so he hurried his ass up-
Then they pulled up to your location where the turkeys at this point were pecking at your car.
Mikey, the ever crazy and nonchalant fuck just walked up there and grabbed those two turkeys by their throat, not caring at all.
"Should've minded your own damn business and pick another person to bother."
-Yeah he strangled them to death-
Opened the door of your car and hugged you, back to his usual calm demeanor.
-Please praise Mikey or Sanzu will give you hell for making him miss his break and stain Mikey's hands with filthy blood like that-
"You must've been terrified, I killed them. Now never hang up on me again."
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-> 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮
Laughed his ass off at the video.
Continued to laugh his ass off more menacingly as he grabbed his katana and got in the car.
Takeomi probably thought Sanzu was high on some new drug -he probably was-
Those turkeys weren't letting you talk to him!
Man pulled up to fight the turkeys with a whole katana.
"Come at me you feathery fucks."
Lowkey the turkeys were winning for a second cuz they caught him by surprise but Sanzu slaughtered them.
He probably had a few feathers stuck in his hair and suit.
Made you clean him because technically this was your fault.
From then on Sanzu harbours a deep hatred towards Turkeys considering how much of a petty bitch he is.
And keeps them far away from you.
Whenever he's presented with one:
"If you don't remove these bird bitches from my sight I'll put you in the slaughterhouse instead."
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-> 𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢
Ran would find your excuse pretty funny and creative when you explained why you couldn't pick up the phone then he saw the video.
Would tease you the entire time.
But then he'll realize they're messing up your schedule and you literally can't get out of the car.
Probably gonna bring a few butchers with him when he arrives.
On God imagine the turkeys start chasing him when he arrives.
Now Ran is pissed instead, they ruined his pants.
"Make it slow and painful."
The butchers need a raise.
Ran gonna very gently knock on your car door and once you open up he'll smile.
Always brings it up for shits and giggles to tease you until he's reminded of how they ruined their pants.
"We'll be having turkey for dinner tonight honey~"
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-> 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢
You give the turkey excuse and man boutta send a whole 10 minute voice-mail of how bullshit your excuse was but quickly deleted it once you send the video.
Gonna save the video and laugh his ass off the entire month at it.
Rindou quickly arrived to your location to stand there still for 10 minutes because he was too busy recording how the turkeys harassed you.
"PFFFFT! Don't worry babe, you can fight them!"
If you actually become frustrated or they peck at you he's gonna shoot them dead.
Man went from 🤣💀 to 😐 in seconds once on of the turkeys actually caused the slightest bruise as you tried to get out.
Rin is the only one allowed to torment you!... Physically at least-
Whenever you disobey Rindou he'll try to use the turkeys as a threat.
And he'll never let it go that he helped you.
"Don't raise your voice at me, I can literally go buy 5 fucking turkeys to torment you. I'm not going to save you like I did last time."
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-> 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐢
Koko needing a minute to process the video.
But yes god just did that to you.
Turns this in his favor.
When he arrives at the scene Koko will somehow manipulate the turkeys fight each other instead.
Gonna take bids from whatever poor souls that were around and decided to watch.
"Yes this is legal, now shut the fuck up and bid something or leave."
Man said fuck the police and their rules.
Pulled you out of the car and left once he collected his money.
Yes he did take you to a nice dinner and you had turkey.
Whether it's those same turkeys or not you never found out.
Koko made it clear he paid with the turkey money.
"Enjoy it as much as you want darling~"
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-> 𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐨
Lowkey worried.
Like are you okay? You stopped responding to him?
When he saw the video he actually laughed then felt bad-
Quickly got up and drove to your location to help you.
The entire drive he was on the call with you.
"Darling please just stay in the car, I'll be there soon."
Luckily for you you didn't have to witness any blood this time.
He just shooed the turkeys away, probably shot off his gun at the ground to scare them off.
If they stayed it's their fault Kakucho already gave them two chances 🤷‍♀️
"Are you okay? Let's go home and properly check you, what if they hurt you and gave you some sort of sickness."
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-> 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐨𝐦𝐢 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢
Man's too tired for this bullshit.
Saw the video and lowkey wanted to pretend it didn't exist but then again he'd choose you over all.
Lowkey he did let out a few chuckles escape.
Pulled up to the scene with a whole hunting rifle. Probably stole it from Ran or smth.
The Akashi siblings bringing weapons to fight birds.
No he does not know how to use it.
"Alright, how hard can it be?"
Takeomi probably killed some innocent civilian walking by.
But hey it got the turkeys away.
Just know he'll make you do smth because of this, give and take right?
You'll be teased for an entire month for this.
You're driving him home. And he's getting more affection privileges.
-And being able to smoke inside the house again-
Will bring it up if you don't answer the phone.
"Are the turkeys harrassing you again or smth? Answer the damn phone."
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-> 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢 𝐌𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐢
Lowkey actually believed it when you send the first text.
But then he saw the video and straight up laughed for a few minutes before doing a Rindou and just 😐
He was walking out of his office with a purpose.
Takeomi regretted asking what was happening.
"[Y/N]'s being held captive by turkeys, Imma need to go help them."
Akashi's illegitimate sibling as he pulled up to the turkeys to fight.
But instead, Mochi use his fists.
Yes you did record Mochi fighting some birds.
He won, but like Sanzu got feathers all over him.
Mochi WILL take those turkeys home to make as dinner as some personal revenge of your own.
He's proud of his accomplishment-
"Yes I did fight turkeys for [Y/N] and I won. What's your point?"
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pandalexoxo · 5 months
i can’t stop imaging myself being transported into tokyo revengers. though, personally, i believe it would be bitter sweet.
i’d love to imagine meeting takemichi, and confiding in him that i know about his power, that, i too, have a secret. i would tell him that i’m not even from this universe. he thinks time leaping 12 years is weird? try telling him you’re from another reality (basically) where he’s an anime.
to sum up my thoughts (i wrote 13 paragraphs before deleting it bc this is suppose to just be a ramble lmfao, maybe i’m uploading it later and get your guys inputs) i just feel like i would try to be the sunshine guard dog protector, y’know? not necessarily swoop in to save takemichi (tho, i’d definitely swoop in to beat some characters asses just bc i have a personal vendetta) because damn! look at how badass and hot takemichi is, whenever he fights?! (that ass. thiccimichi 😩😼)
now, here’s where my heart aches and my brain fries from overthinking. do i tell takemichi that i watched the anime (read the manga too) and know who will die in the end? do i tell him that i know of the anime but haven’t seen it or read the manga?
so, we know that in chapter 275 of the manga (probably season 5 in the anime if we’re lucky) takemichi ends up dying by mikey’s hand, a blade through his chest (heart? stomach? idk i haven’t read the manga in a few months. i sobbed hysterically over his death and refused to open the manga back up. that was until chapter 276 came out, how foolish of me to believe takemichi wouldn’t stand back up like he always does. what a true mc)
funny enough, by using mikey’s hand, he’s able to time travel him and mikey, not just 12 years, but back to when they were kids (i think they were 8 or somewhere around there). thus they are able to help each other create their perfect ending.
though… this “perfect ending” can’t happen unless the characters who died stay dead. shinichiro, baji, emma, izana, draken. with these deaths, mikey indulges in his “dark impulses” and thus the kanto manji gang and toman gen 2 end up fighting to lead to takemichi’s death and end with the perfect book closing page.
it’s unfortunate. it makes me tear up, sob, want to throw up (maybe throw myself out the window) but everything needs to happen. not only the deaths but takemichi’s mental health diminishing needs to happen to. this (others teaching him how to fight and his visions) helps takemichi in the last battle to dodge, punch and get close to mikey.
though, how easily takemichi forgives?! boy just smiles off his pain and forgives others, especially in the final chapter??? he just has his beautiful dopey smile on his face when mikey recognized him and then they ride off into the sunset to save their future??? hell. no. i need everyone to put their fists up, stand in a line, and eat my fucking fist.
i need a takemichi villain arc series. would someone be willing to make that for me? what do you want? a cookie? therapy? a hug? emotional and mental stability? no mommy and daddy issues? (i can’t provide the last two unfortunately, still trying to figure that shit out myself lmfaooo. though, my dms are always open. i love chatting with people and sharing dark humor. muah!)
then again, this is why i whole heartedly admire takemichi. he may not be physically strong like the others but as mikey says, he’s incredibly mentally strong. he gets back up. he stays standing. he’s determined and won’t fall until he wins. he’s too kind. i love him so much guys you don’t understandddd. hina, please share, fuck i am on my knees, foaming at the mouth and barking.
ugh :( it’s okay michi. you get your perfect future, though, are you truly happy and at peace? just keep smiling, okay? anywhooo, you know, i could treat you better anyway! xoxo 😼🕺😽
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sly-fox-stalks · 2 years
Birthday Boy
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Feature - Bonten Mikey x afab Reader
Warning: Alcohol consumption, Heavy Dub/con, fingering, cunninlingus, explicit content, language
A/N: Happy birthday to the dark impulsed Bonten leader Mikey! Might make this a series since this was a thought for an entire story.  Also sorry for grammar/spelling mistakes! 
Word Count: 4377
Summary: It’s bad to show up to a birthday party without a gift.
MDNI (18 + Over)
Birthday boy
“I still don’t get why you couldn't just go without me,” you huffed and fixed your dress back over your ass for the 12th time. It was too short, but it was the only option for you on such short notice after your best friend practically threatened not to speak to you for a month if you didn’t attend this party with her. 
So you agreed and she dressed you up in one of her “sexier” (what you would call a “Ho”) dresses that included a pair of 6 inch heels which you were not crazy about either. She had plenty of friends that liked this kind of stuff. Rides on yachts, pool parties on rooftops, heavy drinking, drugs, ect. To be fair you enjoyed having a good time when the time called for it but you knew the kind of crowd you were walking into. Rude girls looking to compete with each other and men who don’t know how to keep their hands to themselves.  
The combo of not being able to walk, a dress that was continuously on the verge of riding up to expose you, and the knowledge of the company you were about to meet made you extremely grumpy. 
“Come on Y/n, it's gonna be fun. There’ll be some real cuties tonight and more importantly a nice open bar, calling your name,” she giggled and held onto my arm affectionately. Your mood lightened a bit. You couldn't stay mad at Eri for too long. She was your bestie after all.. The elevator took both of you up and the view of Roppongi got clearer. It was breathtaking and a small feeling inside your stomach fluttered and you felt happy. Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad. If anything you could get a drink and hang outside. 
The metal door slide opened and you step onto the red carpeted hallway. You were surprised to see men, dressed in black suits, lined the way. They didn’t acknowledge you as Eri pulled you up to the end where two guards bouncers stood in front of two rather large Mahogany  doors. 
The one holding the clipboards looked at us expectedly, his stare slightly harsh as he waited. 
“Eri Shinomori”, your friend announced and held your arm a little tighter. “And she is my plus one! We’re here with Kimiko-”
To both of your surprise the man interrupts her by opening the right door, music and chatter on the other side. Eri squeals under her breath and walks you in with excitement. You are met by another man in a tux and he offers to take your coats and purses. Eri gives him her things and she tells him her name. You give your jacket but opted to keep your purse. After giving him your name he walked off and you two went deeper into the apartment. You gasped quietly.
It’s huge.
The place held well over fifty people, all standing around talking amongst themselves. Eri led you over to a couches by the floor to ceiling windows where a bunch of girls were sat, all styled and made up beautifully. They looked like a bunch of super models and much to you disdain the woman you least liked was seated in the center. 
Kimiko Yue. A friend you could not understand why Eri had. She was extremely rude and talked like she owned Tokyo. She took what she wanted and was unnecessarily cruel to anyone she didn’t see “worthy” enough to be around.  Her sharp eyes noticed you two as you got closer and she squealed in delight. 
“Eri-chan! You made it!” She got up and hugged your friend. She was quick to pull away and give her a once over. “That’s an interesting choice of shoe, kind of reminiscent of the girls at Fugo.”
Fugo was one of the lower end strip clubs out in Shinagawa. Your nose crinkled at the comment but you stayed quiet. It was never a good idea to take the bait. You fight the frown tugging your lips and pulled Eri closer to you. You wished you would have gotten a drink when you first got there. Kimiko’s  friends giggled around her and then she turned her attention to you.  The few moments of silence of her looking at you gave you time to prepare for her ridicule.
“Who’s your friend Eri.”
Here we go. 
It wasn't like you hadn’t met months ago, or that you just spent all last week going shopping with Eri, her and her little posse. On top of that you were also the only foreigner that hung out in that group you could call friends.
“It's Y/n”, you reminded her nicely, forcing a soft smile to appease her. “You look so pretty Kimiko.”
“Of course she does,” a girl hummed and sipped her drink. “She’s gotta look all nice for the birthday boy.”
They group went into a fit of laughs and giggles and then started talking as if you weren’t there. Doing you best to not roll your eyes, you offered to grab you and Eri some drinks. She nodded, half listening as she tried to jump rope into the conversation.  Despite the apartment being so big you were able to find the bar after you sifted through the crowd. There were only a few guests standing and you could collect yourself in peace.  Catching the bartender’s eye you ordered two gin and tonics before turning to look at the room as you waited. You could barely see Eri and the girls but they were still at the couches gossiping about something. A part of you was sure it was about you. While you had been “accepted” into their group you were still an outsider. And if you didn’t know how to speak Japanese you would have been shunned the moment Eri introduced you. 
Not that you would’ve minded. 
Girls like Kimiko, you avoided like the plague. They were mean and acted entitled. It never sat right with you to treat someone as lesser but Kimiko lived off of it. The life of a high end stripper had perks but you’d rather go to a small bar and play pool or something goofy like karaoke. Looking away you people watched. There were a lot of men talking quietly amongst themselves in small pods. Most with drinks, some with lit cigars.  It seemed less of a birthday party and more like a conference. Eri never told you who’s birthday it was but you supposed it didn’t matter. The only people you would know were Eri and her friends. Your eye caught a bunch of movement at the door as several men walked in, to your amazement, all strangely unique in their attire and image.
“Here’s your drinks,” the bartender caught your attention, setting the glasses down. You broke contact with the group and looked at the drinks. You gave the bartender a smile and thanked him before heading back to the group. As you got closer you stopped walking when you noticed they weren’t at the couches anymore. Glancing around you couldn’t spot Eri anywhere.
 Taking a moment to calm your rising anxiety, you thought how dumb you must’ve looked holding drinks, looking like you got stood up. You made your way to the windows and found the door leading to the patio.  There was a couple kissing  by the railing so you moved to the other side around the corner where there were some chairs and a small table. You sat one drink down on the glass table carefully before  taking a large gulp of the first. If you were going to be stuck at a party by yourself you might as well get drunk and enjoy the view in solitude. No one was going to miss you and you weighed that the sight of the sparkling city and the two drinks would be better company.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKEY!!” The crowd inside roared,  shaking you a little. You tried to peek from your seat through the window but everyone blocked your view of the man of the hour. Smiling and turning back in your seat you raised your glass to the city and smiled.
“Happy Birthday Mikey.”
You downed the first drink.
~ * ~
You hadn’t come back inside yet. It wasn’t so much annoying but frustrating. Mikey had noticed you the moment he stepped into the party. You were standing alone at the bar in a pretty blue dress. The fabric hugging you tightly and dangerously close to revealing your ass. His eyes followed the length of your exposed legs till they drifted up and lingered on your glossed lips, puffed out in a small pout. He wondered what had you in such a huff. It was his birthday after all and everyone at his party should be happy. 
The gang made their way towards the back where they normally sat and a happy squeal reached the head of Bonten’s tired ears. Looking over his shoulder one of his girls strutted towards him looking pretty and dolled up. He gave a soft smile as the blonde kissed his lips.
“Happy Birthday Mikey,” Kimiko cooed and touched his cheek, her manicured thumb rubbing against his lower lip. “Do you like the party?”
He hummed in approval and sat down on the black leather coach. Patting his leg, Kimiko promptly sat down brushing her thigh close to his crotch as she snuggled into him. She went off detailing everything she prepared and who was invited. Sanzu handed him a drink and he took a quick moment to watch you. You had moved to the center of the room, looking around the room confused and flustered. The subtle hue of pink heating your face. Seeing you hold a drink in both hands had Mikey’s lips twitch, close to dipping down into a frown. Who was the other drink for? Had you come here with someone? Why had he never seen you before?
You were completely ignorant to his stare unlike most of the guests who knew to be on alert if he wanted them.   But you were just in your own world oblivious of his existence. Why weren’t you over here, surrounding him like Kimiko was? Like the handful of other girls that just appeared. But you were looking for someone else.
Eventually you gave up and headed for the patio, careful not to spill the drinks. You slipped out of his view and then he frowned and leaned back displeased. He tried to stay in the conversation between Sanzu and Ran but his dark eyes flickered every so often back to the patio.
 Sanzu leaned over catching his mood change.
“Need me to take care of something?” The second in command’s blue eyes were alert and slightly dilated. When Mikey didn’t say anything the pinkette followed his gaze, curious what was on his mind.
Mikey stayed quiet and took another drink, keeping his gaze on the windows. 
At some point Kimiko must have got off him because before he knew it a cake filled with lit candles was pushed in front of him and her and the other girls were shouting happy birthday followed by everyone else. 
Everyone moved in to watch him and his gut twisted. He didn’t want everyone looking at him. He tried to glance through the windows and see if you had finally come in but the crowd blocked his view. The silent pause pulled him back to reality and he realized everyone was waiting on him. Taking a deep breath he blew out all the candles and a puff of smoke tickled his nose and everyone cheered. He was handed another drink, this time from the younger Haitani who patted him on the back. 
Forcing a small smile, he felt a bit of relief as everyone spread back out in the room. 
“What’s up Mikey,” Mochi suddenly asked. Him, like the other executives, noticed the change in Mikey almost immediately.
Mikey watched Kimiko making her way back toward him, holding a plate with a piece of cake on it.  He stood up and looked at Sanzu. 
“I want to be alone.” A simple statement but Sanzu knew Mikey didn’t want to be interrupted from whatever caught his attention. So the mad dog smiled and stood up and bounced over to Kimiko before she could reach him.
“That for me Kimi-chan?” He grinned and gripped her hips. She hit his shoulder playfully and stuck out her tongue. “Don’t tempt me babe.”
“It’s for Mikey,” she tutted and tried to get around him but he wasn’t letting go. 
“Mikey ain’t hungry right now,” the executive cooed and brought his lips to her neck and nipped at the skin. “But I’m fucking starved.”
Kimiko hummed in delight and brought her free hand to his hair. “Sanzu~”
“You’ll feed me, right babe?” It was impossible to resist him when he asked so nicely. The blonde nodded and gave him a hot kiss before he led her off to a private room. 
Mikey was already at the door to the patio, Ran and Moichi close behind him. They got the hint and waited inside by the door so no one else would step out. It took him a moment to find you, but once he turned the corner he couldn’t miss you. Tucked away in the corner, staring at the city as you held a drink. His eyes flashed to the small table next to you, seeing the empty glass. Seems you were enjoying both by yourself. 
It didn’t take you long to finally notice him and he stiffened as your gaze shifted to him, bright eyes meeting his dark ones. It felt like he was on a rollercoaster when his tummy fluttered. Not wanting to be caught in a staring contest he looked out at the city but moved closer, hands slipping into his pant pockets. Now that he had your attention he felt weird. Exposed to your unfiltered stare. Sitting down in the empty seat he continued to stare out. 
“It's a nice view,” you hummed. He looked at you in slight surprise but was pleasantly pleased you started talking first. The friendly smile on your lips was a complete contrast to the pout you held early. He decided he liked both but the smile did something different to him.
“It is,” he agreed. 
The silence was back and he waited for you to say something else. But for some reason you thought your drink was more interesting. You kept your eyes down and swirled  the ice around slowly. 
“You want another?”
Your eyes widened  at his question, and you looked up at him. When his question finally registered with your brain you smiled but shook your head.
“Thank you but I’m okay. I just finished these two in less than a half hour,” you laughed and sat the glass down. “I’m planning on getting drunk but I should pace myself.”
That caught his attention. Why did you want to get drunk?
“Why’s that?” He probed and leaned back in the chair. “Not enjoying the party?” 
A buzzed giggle left your throat as you stared out.
“No, the party is good. I’m just not crazy about  the company here.”
He raised an eyebrow at your statement. 
“Oh?” He pulled his hands out of his pockets and played with his fingers, more curious than before. “Not a fan of the birthday boy.”
He tried to play it as sarcasm but he felt a little anxious to hear your answer. You shook your head.
“Can’t say I know him. I came here with a friend but her group of friends are a bit much for me. So I’m keeping a low profile tonight.”
Somehow Mikey knew exactly who you were talking about. Seems you had been introduced to Kimiko and he found humor in your reaction to her. She could be a brat when she wanted to. 
“I take it you met Kimiko.”
“You know her,” you sounded surprised.  Mikey tried not to smile.
“Most do.”
“Of course,” you mused, unconsciously grabbing  your drink to take a sip from the empty glass. Mikey caught it. You must be buzzed. 
“Y/n.” You introduced yourself and sat the drink back down.
Your name sat in his mouth. 
He wanted to test it out loud but chose silence to mask his excitement. He liked your name and for a fleeting moment he wondered what it would sound like saying it with you on top of him, head tossed back as you gasped his.
“Manjiro,” the name was out before he could stop himself. Why would he give you his name? To mask his slip up he looked towards the direction of  the door.
“Let me get you another,” he insisted. 
You stayed quiet for a moment then nodded., “might as well.” You tried to stand up but he was quick to grab your wrist to keep you seated. He shook his head.
“I’ll get it.” He rose and walked back to the door and opened it, mumbling to Ran to get him two whiskey sours before coming back to you.
It didn’t take you too long to get the courage to start a conversation with him. Asking him if he'd lived in Tokyo for long, what he liked to do for fun. He answered vaguely when you asked about his work and only hinted he was in the business world. He easily switched the conversation to your interest. 
“What’s your favorite treat, Y/n?” He finally spoke your name, finding pleasure in the way it sounded. It was exotic. He asked several questions. Where you were from, did you live in Japan, what you did for work. You blushed at the last question and confessed you were in between jobs. He nodded and both of you watched as Ran walked towards him holding drinks. He offered one to him first before giving the other to you. Smiling and thanking the newcomer, you took the drink. Nodding to the purpled haired executive to leave, he sat his drink on the table and focused on you once more.
“Are you gonna come to the after party?” He asked quietly, hoping to peak your interest. 
You hummed, taking a small sip. Shifting in your seat Mikey didn’t miss the view of your naked thigh as your dress rode up. You seemed unaware and he didn’t  feel the need to mention it. Your skin looked soft. His hand twitched, wanting very much to reach out and rub it.
“What’s at the after party?” Smiling, you gave him a playful grin and leaned back to further recline in your seat. You were trying to get comfortable. Mikey took the chance and turned his seat to face you, then reached forward and propped up your heeled feet in his lap, your ankle close to his groin. Thin fingers pressed into your calves and massaged them slowly.  
“I’ll be there,” he finally answered, hands creeping closer to your inner thigh to test the waters and see if you were interested. He watched you bring the glass back to your pretty lips and take a much larger drink. 
“I guess that's a pretty good reason,” your foot moved slowly, careful not to hurt him with your heel. A large smile spread your lips when the side of your foot touched his cock, not fully hard but getting close. “With my friend ditching me I suppose I don’t have any other plans.”
You hummed as he rubbed circles in your thighs. 
“Such service…” 
The look on your face was beautiful. The alcohol was getting to you now and your smile had softened, along with your eyes. Pink dusted your cheeks as you gave him a playful smirk, “pretty sure it’s not my birthday.”
 Mikey touched your skin in awe. It wasn’t like he didn’t have his fair share of people to grope and hold but something about you resting on him, his hands holding you felt good. Really good. He wanted more. He handed you his drink , gently tilting it for you to drink. You gulped twice before he pulled it away.
“Just cause it’s not your birthday doesn't mean you can’t get a gift,” he assured her.
“That’s bad etiquette,” you slurred in disbelief. A soft moan passed your lips as his hand traveled a little higher, fingers now pressed against the seat of your lace thong that barely covered your slit. The fabric was warm and damp. The thought of you wet for him had his cock twitching, now fully hard and pressed against his black pants.  
“What’s bad,” he murmured in your ear.
“The birthday boy gets all the gifts tonight-” the last part came out in cry. 
Mikey snatched your thong out of the way and sunk his ring and middle fingers into you. Soft gummy walls clenching around him as he slowly pumped into you. You were so wet and by the way you desperately clung to his shoulders, leaning in so your bodies were pressed close , you were very sensitive. 
“You wanna give me a present princess?” He mused and pulled you away from him so he could look right at your face. Pretty eyes full of want melted into realization.
“You’re Mikey,?” You blushed at the new information. 
“You call me Manjiro,” he corrected. 
You nodded, biting your lip in thought. He moved his fingers out of your slowly , pulling a pretty gasp. Watching him carefully you leaned forward and pressed your lips to his. He returned it and came down on you harder, thoroughly enjoying the way you tasted. All you could do was submit and lean back in your seat as he dominated you. His other hand grabbed at your breast, kneading it slowly. He pulled down the top of your dress to play with your nipples through the lace of your bra. He wanted to see them completely naked but had another goal that was more urgent. 
Kissing you one last time, he knelt down in front of you and spread your thighs wide. Your thong was soaked, familiar lace like your bra but it had turned translucent from your slick. Wet enough for him to see your pussy.  His breath on you seemed to wake you up a bit, you fully understanding the position you were in. You weakly pressed a hand to the top of his head.
“Manjio-ah…we should find a ro-omhmm-” You tried but he pushed his fingers back in. Mikey felt your muscles clench around him as he moved in and out of you. He snapped his eyes back up to your face and the look in his eyes immediately shut you up. Your lips pressed together to hold back your protest but was replaced by small whimpered as he fingered you. When you tried to look away, he tsked and reached to grab your chin with his wet fingers. “You said the birthday boy got all the presents ya? Then let me open my first one.”
Your hazy eyes blinked slowly as you nodded yet affirmation was cut short when he pressed his open mouth to your panty clad cunt. A heavy moan rumbled in Mikey’s throat as he tasted you, despite the barrier of fabrics but he wasted no time to savor you like this . Tilting his head up his nose brushed up against your clit, swollen and needing attention. His tongue  shot out and made small circles in the lace, making direct contact with your bud through the floral holes. When he felt he needed more, he hooked his finger around the fabric and moved it to the side. Laying his tongue flat he pressed it against your hole before moving up through your folds in one long stroke. Your thighs shook and you moaned his name louder.
 Fuck that did him in. 
Grabbing the fat of your ass he pulled your ups forward till they hung off the chair and he bent your knees back till they touched your shoulders.
“MmmManjiroo,” you whined, either from the discomfort of being bent back on the chair as you were or because now that your cunt was fully exposed and wide for him. His tongue sunk back into you, practically making out with your pussy.  A gasp that sounded more like an airy laugh hit the chill air.  Your fingers grasped clumps of his white hair, gently pulling him closer as you rocked your hips up into his face. His drool mixed with your juices, making a slurping wet sound as he ate you out. The both of you stayed like this for a while, Mikey humming in pleasure every time you came, sucking up your release like a thirsty kid at the water fountain.
 At some point he barely heard your weak pleas for him to give you a break. He supposed you gave him enough for now. 
Carefully,  he brought your knees back down and rested them on his shoulders while he stayed crouched. His stare was fixed on your fluttering pussy, watching the creamy drool leak out of you. Not able to resist he leaned forward and gave your cunt one more solid lick, cleaning you up as he did. Standing up in front of you, he decided it was time for the two of you to leave. He didn’t want to be there anyways, but he’d agreed to let Kimiko and the girls throw him a party. He fulfilled his promise.
He came, blew out his candles, and now got to open his  present wrapped up in the prettiest blue wrapping paper. He decided he liked you in blue.
“Let’s get out of here princess,”  he wasn’t asking you. He pulled you on your shaky feet and fixed your thong and dress. Bringing his fingers between your faces he rubbed your release between his fingers before he told you to open your month. Like the angel he knew you were, your lips parted and he stuck the soiled fingers in, pressing down on your tongue. You hands sought out his sleeve for support and you breathed and let him use your mouth. He pinched your tongue gently then pulled out. He quickly rewarded you with a deep kiss and hummed tasting you again. “We’re gonna go home kay?”
Please do not steal work ❤️
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angelsdevils · 2 years
Sano Manjiro
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Title: (I have no idea what the title should be, this should just be a crack fic LMAO I swear it sounded better in my head) 
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Mikey stared at you, as you were laughing and playing with your nephews. You haven’t changed at all, your love for basketball was still there. That smile and mischievous look in your eyes always got his heart pounding. He hated that he had to hide from you, just so you wouldn’t get caught up in this mess. After all, he was a wanted criminal now. 
“Mikey, we should go.” 
“I will give me a moment…” he said as he kept his eyes on your figure. You had matured in so many places and he couldn’t help but let his eyes wander. 
“Aunt (Y/N)…” Your nephew called before walking over to you.
“What is it bub?” 
“A guy is watching you…” he whispered and the other brother nodded. Despite their young age, they were quite perceptive of their surroundings.
“I know, I have my eyes on him. Don’t worry.” 
“You are so cool.” Your other nephew said and you chuckled.
“(Nephew 1), (Nephew 2), come in it’s time to eat.” 
“Go eat you two. I have to get home anyway.”
“MM, kay we love you.” You leaned down and they each placed a kiss on your cheek, you hugged your brother and then his wife bye.
“Call me when you get home. Be safe, and stay outta trouble.” 
“I know, I know… I may hit the courts beforehand.” 
“Dork, well, be safe.” 
You nodded and waited for them to go into the house before leaving. You walked to the sidewalk before sighing.
“You can come out now, no need to be a creepy Sano…”
“How did you know it’s me?” He asked walking out from behind the tree.
“Because you use to stare at me all the time when we were younger. It was so creepy, but god it’s creepier now. Why do you look so sickly…”
“Wow, still as blunt and mean as ever,” Mikey said with a slight smile, though he knew you meant it.
“Well, you went from actually being semi-cute to being so sick and fragile looking. And are you eating? You lost so much weight. Do they not feed you in Bonten? Jesus…” 
“Wow, thanks I guess. I think my self-esteem just plummeted to its death. You look as beautiful as ever.”
“First off good, secondly, please don’t flirt with me. It makes me think I only attract people like you.” 
He sighed softly as you began to walk home, with him hot on your heels. You knew it was no point in trying to talk him out of following you. He had never listened to you. 
“If you are gonna follow me home, we are dying your hair, we are feeding you… and you are gonna get some sleep.” 
“That’s not why I am~”
“Nope, my house my rules. If you don’t like it then don’t follow me…” 
“My hair isn’t even that bad…” 
“It’s bad enough… also if the rest comes… I am gonna kick their asses.” 
“I believe you…” 
“Good, ‘cause I know they are following too.” 
“You have a good eye, can never creep up on you.” He said as you walked into your home and he followed. You locked the door and stared at him cupping his cheeks. He felt warmth cover his cheeks and his eyes had widened. 
“Seriously what happened to you? You were this cute, sweet annoying, and creepy, but sweet nonetheless kid… Why are you like this now?” 
“Dark impulse I guess. I couldn’t keep myself out of trouble. I lost everyone I cared about… I don’t know.” 
“Tsk, you didn’t lose everyone… You have Draken, Takemitchi, Mitsuya, and everyone still. If you would have reached out, they would have been there for you.” 
“… as much as I hate it, I would have been too. I may not have liked you back then, doesn’t me I don’t care.” 
“That’s exactly what it means.” 
“No, I would have never wanted you to end up like this. I would have put everything aside to help.” 
“Anyway, go shower. I will get you some clothes.” You parted from him, and he blinked before watching you go. He placed a hand on his chest, with a small smile. He followed you before standing outside the room you were in.
“I should have some clothes that my brother had, they should fit you…” you looked him over before shaking your head.
“Actually they may swallow you up…but it will work. Here.” You handed him some sweat pants and a hoodie which he took. 
“Thank you…” 
“Mhmm, go get in the shower now…” 
“Wait…” he gently grabbed your wrist and you looked confused. He cupped your cheeks and placed his lips on top of yours. Your eyes widen as you went to pull away but he held you closer. He soon parted, and your eyes had widened as you covered your mouth.
“I love you (Y/N)…” he went to the bathroom to shower. You were frozen on the spot before hearing knocking on the door multiple times. You slowly dragged your feet to the door in an absolute daze. You opened the door, and Ran was about to say something but stopped noticing your look.
“Is…she okay?” 
“I- think she is broken.” 
“Oh… you guys… come on in. Makes yourselves at home…” You mumbled stepping to the side. 
“What did we miss?” Rindou asked confused as he poked your cheek but you completely ignored him. Normally when people touched your cheeks, you would have broken their fingers. 
“Where is Mikey?” Sanzu asked and you pointed to the bathroom where the shower was going.
“Oh… I guess we can wait for him.” They left you but kept an eye since you were just standing there. 
Mikey finished his shower and walked out with the hoodie and sweatpants on. If you were to compare your brother to Mikey, your brother was hella buff.
“Mikey, what did you do to (Y/N)? She is out of character.” Rindou asked.
“I kissed her, told her I loved her, and left to the bathroom.” 
“She didn’t kill you? We may be a dangerous organization but even we know better than to piss her off.” Kakucho said. 
“I took the risk, I think she may attempt to kill me after realizing what I did. But for now, I won’t regret anything.” Mikey grinned widely and everyone looked at each other.
“She may just be his light in the dark.”
“What does that mean for us?”
“If yall wanna fight her count me and Rindou out, she is crazy. She kicks harder than Mikey.”
“I doubt that…” Koko said and everyone looked at him.
“She can kick two bricks in half. Also, she trained her kicks against a tree multiple times.”
“Why do you know this Mikey?” Sanzu asked and Mikey looked away.
“We did the same martial arts training when we were younger. She really was the only girl before Emma. But she didn’t even notice me. She noticed my older brother, but not me…”
“SANO MANJIRO!” You rushed to him and punched him square in the face. 
“She is back to normal…” 
“I don’t regret it, but did your punches get even harder?” He mumbled tasting blood in his mouth.
“Yes. Yes, they did… I should kill you… I was saving my first kiss asshole.” 
“WHAT!?” Everyone yelled and stared at you in shock. You had blushing cheeks glaring at Mikey. He was just as shocked.
“Your first kiss? You never kissed anyone???” Ran asked and you shook your head.
“When I was younger I made a promise too~” you trailed off cheeks on fire.
“Never mind…” 
“No, I wanna hear this promise… who was it to?” Mikey asked and you huffed.
“Your brother…” 
“Oh no…” Mikey said making a face and everyone instantly knew.
“You had a crush on Mikey’s brother?” 
“Yes… yes, I did. Even told him I was gonna marry him. Dumb ass got himself killed though. But he said though I am pretty sure he was just entertaining the idea would have never gone through with it... but he said and I quote ‘If you never kiss anyone when you become an adult, then I will consider it.’ that was enough for me...” 
“I feel offended…and that is why you rejected me constantly?” 
“Yikes… wait you proposed to Mikey’s brother?” Sanzu asked next and you nodded.
“Yes and yes… I think I was the only girl who ever confessed to him. Considering every girl rejected. But because of my age, he rejected me each time. Makes sense.” 
“Point is, I wasn’t ready to give my first kiss away idiot. Doesn’t matter about the promise, but you took it without my permission.” 
“I am sorry, you were just so cute…”
“On second thoughts. After you eat, you aren’t sleeping here. None of you are, you are all leaving.”
“But you gonna feed him?” Takeomi asked and you shot him a glare.
“Yall clearly not feeding him… should be ashamed. You Mikey, you need to work on yourself. Ugh, not staying healthy. I really should knock some sense into you.”
“She just changed the topic off of her, to us… she is slick,” Koko mumbled over to Rindou who nodded. 
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted, etc. I do not own the character or the fanart, but I own the plots of these stories. All fanart goes to their appropriate owners.
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sweet-seishu · 2 years
you tease them on their bike
feat: mikey, draken, rindou, baji x fem reader
a/n: this is part 2 to this ask, cause for some reason people wanted it. all characters are aged up so if you even think about commenting about baji you can bite your tongue. i know mikeys is bad don't come for me.
network tag: @tokyometronetwork (m'gonna go back and tag the original bc i am dumb and forgot)
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𝕄𝕀𝕂𝔼𝕐 i feel like with Mikey, it kind of depends on his mood as to how he would act. if he were having a good day, then tbh, i think he would playfully tease you right back once you both got home, literally would both be giggling yenno, that playful banter before he fucked you absolutely stupid, in a loving way ofc. but dark impulse mikey? bestie i wish you luck. you would have a small smile on your face, lightly scratching your nails along his abdomen thinking it was all fun and games but fuck were you wrong. he wouldn't say a damn thing to you when you got home, one roughly dragging you to the bedroom before bending you over the bed, literally ripping your pants and panties before freeing himself and slamming into you. you cried out at the intrusion "m-mikey! s'too much! -" but he only laughed, one of those mocking laughs before pulling you up by your hair, your back against his chest before he basically growled in your ear "this is what you wanted, so you're going to take it."
𝔻ℝ𝔸𝕂𝔼ℕ he is a calm and patient man, and he is really good at controlling himself, but we also know he can get mad. so when you decided to have some fun while he was driving you home, he paid no mind to it. you let your hands wander under his shirt, feeling the hard muscles of his chest and abs before going lower, rubbing over he fabric of his jeans, which caused a wave of arousal to spread through you both. he held in the groan that wanted to escape his lips, making you frown when you didn't get a reaction out of him. but when you both got home? it was a different story. instead of denying you, he would give you exactly what you want. he would have you completely at his mercy, tears falling down your cheeks as he overstimulates you. "c-cant anymore k-ken fuck!" you'd cry, trying to push him away but he only grinned. "thought this was what you wanted? isn't that why you decided to tease me?" your eyes widened as much as they could, apologies falling from your lips as he rutted into you, making you cry out as another orgasm hit you "that's my good girl" he'd smile at the fucked out look on your face, finally pulling out of you and giving you a breather. don't worry though, the aftercare was top tier.
ℝ𝕀ℕ𝔻𝕆𝕌 lol yeah right. he may be a green flag, but he doesn't do well with the teasing. he would straight up smack your hand away when you tried to tease him, growling to himself as he weaved through the traffic. you were nervous getting home, knowing how rough rindou could be with you. so when he sat down on the bed, pulling down his pants and yours, before pulling you onto his lap, giving you a sheepish grin "you're gonna ride me till i cum, you understand pretty?" all you could do was nod, moaning as you lowered yourself onto his thick shaft, setting a pace that was perfect for you until he smacked the side of your ass "gonna have to go faster pretty, could be here all night" so you picked up the pace, your legs hurt, you were so sensitive, and all rin did was stare at you, a mocking grin on his face, you wanted to tease him, so you'd be punished for it. but being the green flag he is he made sure you were okay afterwards.
𝔹𝔸𝕁𝕀 another one who wouldn't put up with it. he loved you dearly, and you did tease each other from time to time like any other couple would, but the minute he felt your hand on the bulge in his pants as he was driving you both home? yeah no, that wasn't gonna fly. it was late, so he drove you both to a park, parking his bike and basically dragging you to the darkest area before pinning you against a tree "think you're funny sweetheart?" he'd ask, the glare in his brown eyes so easy to see even in the dark "kei, m'sorry.." you'd whimper, gasping when he put his hand down your pants, smirking at the wetness that pooled in your underwear. you moaned as he circled your clit, nipping at your neck as he brought you closer and closer to your release, but hey, you teased him, so he pulled away the minute you told him you were close, making you whine as you looked at him, your breathing heavy. "you tease me i tease you" he shrugged, licking his fingers before walking back to his bike. you stood there baffled before following him. but don't worry, he made up for it when you both got home.
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mitsuyeaah · 1 year
I've accepted my duty as a constant sanzu imposter as your husband 🫡
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waiting for my man to come back from the war (from whatever fuckin mission manjiro put him on) ☹️ mikey once i see your short ass ITS ON SIGHT!!! i will be fist fighting you mr. dark impulses 😁
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cocktailjjrs · 2 years
TR Manga Spoilers!
Be warned, there will be spoilers from Manga chapters (Mostly 200 - 262)
FYI, I have not studied Medicine or any related branch, so what ever i have here is completely based on what is available on google and TR manga. Pardon me if i make any mistakes. I acknowledge the following symptoms can also be associated with any other disorder, but i’m considering only one here.
So i read the manga from ch 200 onwards thrice after ch 262 (yeah, it was one heck of a ride and i lived through the pain thrice) and something just kinda clicked. So Yeah! there are Manga spoilers, read at your own risk.
Coming straight at it, I have a feeling that Mikey most probably has Split Personality Disorder.
For those who dont know (Source Google) -  
Split Personality Disorder or  Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a mental health condition. People with DID have two or more separate identities. These personalities control their behavior at different times. Each identity has its own personal history, traits, likes and dislikes.
People may experience: Behavioural: impulsivity, self-destructive behaviour, or self-harm Mood: anxiety, feeling detached from self, or mood swings Psychological: altered consciousness, depression, or flashback Also common: amnesia or blackout
Why did i reach to this one? Well the most glaring instance was this -
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Ch 200
When i first time read this, i didn’t think much of it. But as we go farther in the manga, this line makes so much sense. In the consecutive page he even names it as a “Dark Impulse” - like a person. 
In the same chapter, it is stated that - “The ones who held that impulse back were probably my older brother, Emma and Baji” - but to me it seems like Mikey had people for whom he tried to maintain control over his “Other Self”; but as they dwindled in numbers, he gave up trying to control his own body, letting his “Other self” take over more often than not. (This one have its flaws, im not totally convinced myself) So he did what was best, pushed everyone away (Ch 217 where draken has a small falshback explaining to Mitchi how mikey made them hate him) thus we reach the bonten timeline, where if we compared BontenMikey to the Mikey pic pinned on Naoto’s Memo board(or whatever that is called), to me it seems like the future got worse and worse for Mikey himself with every iterative time-skip. Like in the origianal timelike he atleast had some flesh on his bones and was not just a skeleton giraffe.
Even after all this, Mitchi still went to see him (bless our crybaby hero, he is going to need it ch 263 onwards). I think there Mikey snapped.
Idk how much this counts, but i think the sign of Dark Impulse / Mikey’s Other Self is not just mikey’s eyes turning white. Because, in Ch 202 we see him having black eyes throughout, but there is a subtle difference.
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Like this panel (ch 202), its when he shot Mitchi. Insted of having horizonal lines like most of the manga (for almost all characters), here we see them to be swirly or circular. And this, after two chapters is followed by (Ch 204) -
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Here two things,
“When i came to, i had shot you” - implying someone else (Most likely his ”other self”) had taken over and shot Mitchi. Symptoms say it is common for people with split personality to have blackouts.
His eyes are back to having those horizontal lines, again implying maybe he wasn’t in control of his own action
And then we move to the final arc (which i can’t believe is still going on!!!). We get more characters from here on. Honestly, i was confused about who belongs to which gang for half of these people till the second read, but then i realised it was mostly just Tenjiku ppl joining Rokuhara Tandai, while Brahman basically had all 1st gen Black Dragons lead by Senju (On side note - she is a badass girlboss and deserves utmost respect from every single one!)
By the next time we see Mikey (Which a long ass time) he had stopped caring for whatever is happening, his sorrounding, comrades or the situation as whole (apathetic is the word here)  Symptoms say for people with split personality have a feeling of detachment from self (I’m gonna add and say it also extends to detachment from their surrounding).
I also think that South having “Dark Impulse” was a clickbait; Mikey thought they were “Dark Impulse”, but to me it seemed like South had an extreme bloodlust riding on pure demonic pleasure that cannot be cured until it kills someone (I’m not saying Mikey doesn’t get these, i feel its his “other self” who has the Bloodlust) 
In Ch 231, we see the “Dark Impulse” taking over Mikey, that’s after he fells emply inside - no pain or suffering from Draken’s death or Kakucho’s punches.  (Depression is feeling emptiness; which also contributes as a symptom to split persoality) 
Interestingly, in the same chapter there is this panel, 
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It looks like some demon’s POV. That again made me think, its Mikey’s “Other Self” and that is how he views his surrounding, because this other personality only knows darkness, nothing else.
And then we see South vs Mikey, which is then followed by Mikey killing South and almost killing Mitchi (Now this Mikey sure has bloodlust, he asked three different people how they wanna die and told the fourth that he should die, not to ignore the fact that he actually killed one). Mitchi is only alive because Senju stepped in and disbanded Brahman (does that count as an off trigger?), i think its poetic how he saved her just earlier that evening and she returned the favour; equavivalent exchange i guess. (Okay, that was complete off topic and i touched a tanget there)
We then come to the whole Senju blaming herself for Mikey, Baji and Sanzu changing forever. Like most people, even i believe (or hope that atleast) there is a lot more to this story than just a toy-freaking-plane breaking. We don’t see Mikey after senju tells him it was sanzu who broke it (i can never hate her for that - i remember doing the same thing many times in my childhood just to save my skin, its general kids tendency). 
Also, Senju isnt the most reliable source here, she herself mentioned she couldnt remember why she lied, so it’s totally possible this whole matter had POV distortion, also the whole Sanzu getting scar seem to have happened after some time than the plane incidence - Even Sanzu mentioned that was just the trigger, Ch 250 (yeah, im still waiting for the explanation for that line Wakui san). But one thing can be, this maybe the firstime Mikey’s “Other self” made apperance (White irisis and all) - Something traumatic is to heppen for a person to be diagnosed with Split personality - here i debunk my own theory saying that there wasnt anything traumatic at all (unless we get the whole story, its pointless)
When the Final War begins between KMG and Toman 2.0, Mikey says “Is there a need for two “toman”? There’s no need for that right?”; because to him Tokyo Manji and Kanto Manji can be used irreversably, it felt like to him they are one and the same. (does that make sense?)
[Ch 245, when Mitchi punched Kakucho, that was the first emotion of Surprise final arc Mikey had shown contrasting to his apathetic behaviour till this moment]
And then we have savage mikey, sitting on top of container watching the fight unfold like he is having the first row sit for an action thriller (Only popcorn are missing, lol). Everything seems Normal till this point, way too normal to be good. 
And then we have the recent chapter. (I remember laughing when in Ch 247 Mitsuya said he will be dragging mikeys ass down, because i knew once Mikes decends from his perch its over for Toman 2.0 - which is basically Ch 262)
In all this, Sanzu’s role is a bit weird to me, there is Ch. 256 where he assures Mikey “no matter how deeper he fell into shadows”, Sanzu will always be with him because he is his only friend (Baji and Draken won’t approve of this though). But in Ch. 262 we see him clearly declaring he was specifically waiting for Mikey to be consumed by the said darkness, for Mikey’s “Other Self”. Now here’s the thing, for a person with split personality, their each personality has a different history, trait, likes and dislikes. Does that mean Sanzu is after something only Mikey’s “Other self” can give him? Was it about revenge? or something completely different that is yet to released? 
In Ch 261, Sanzu said “Mikey’s fate has been sealed since he was a kid”. When i checked how young can split presonality be diagnosed, the result showed between age 5 - 10; and wasnt this the same age Mikey was inseperable from Baji and Sanzu? Makes me think, the trigger he talked about had lead to something way more than imaginable, like a domino effect - only the succeeding pieces grew larger and larger. Maybe somehow, down the line Sanzu was convinced that if Mikey stays in darkness others wont have to? (Not sure here)
(I’m not going into the whole second time leaper thing, it makes my brain hurt with all the possibilities, theories and what-not’s)
In the latest ch 262, the trigger seemed everyone cheering Toman; it looked like Mikey had flashback’s of all the times they used to cheer for him, but now its against him. I’m gonna go a bit out of the way to say Mikey is currently in chaos himself, confused with two Tomans (KMG and Toman 2.0) and his own two personalities, add to that fact that Mitchi told him BontenMikey reveled his true feelings asked to be saved which might also feel threatening to one - someone knowing your deepest thoughts and thus he snapped. And we know the end results. 
There seems to be no cure for Split personality, the only thing that can Help is various forms of therapy (And we have all been saying to take these kids to a therapist for a long time now!). 
We are almost at the end now, makes me wounder how Wakui is gonna wrap this up; coz a haste work will take the whole manga to waste. I really hope there are legit reasons for the blank spaces that we have, i wish its not the ‘power of friendship’ that saves Mikey but an actual therapy or honest to god fight (which seems like asking for too much after ch 262)
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Because this last panel actually scared me, makes me think someone is going to join the party in heaven soon. (Let’s pray that doesn’t happen either)
With this, i rest my case.
Wow! That was long, i touched tangents a few times there. It had been going on in my head for quite some time now so i just had to get it off my chest. 
Anyways, thank you for coming to my ted talk! Toodles! 
PS: in chapter 224 we see “Kamikaze” written on Mikey’s bike, i was curious what it meant. 
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‘A Japanese aircraft loaded with explosives and making a deliberate suicidal crash on an enemy target’ (also known as “ reckless or potentially self-destructive.”) - objectively something self-sacrificing that takes out the target, like Mikey taking out everyone in his path (like in every freaking timeline!) while also self destructing (Manila Mikey and Bonten Mikey)
Yeah, sounds about right. 
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madeofchaos · 2 years
TR 275
We are 3 chapters away from Tokyo Revengers ending... but it won’t put me out of my misery any time soon with how everything is turning out to be.
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Mikey, my dude, you have been giving in to these impulses from the very start. The only reason you can go wild as you want is because you no longer have no worry about your dumb brother’s time-traveling ability being a secret.
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Boy..... if you don’t put that down right now..... That kanata is taller that you are... What, did you study the blade with Sanzu too???? Lol if you look at Mikey’s butt, you can almost see a face.
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Listen carefully Haruchiyo. You can use this to your advantage. When Kakucho’s body is found and they look for a suspect, you can pin this all on Mikey. You can avenge yourself this way instead of being sent to juvie... again, but like in this timeline. Mikey gets put away in that top-security correctional facility and hopefully learns about his impulse control from zen-master, Hanemiya Kazutora.
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Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to Pah-chin. The only one with any sort of brain cells asking the right questions. What is the point of all these fights? No one is benefiting anything from them.
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OMG! This gremlin is fast as fuck at striking. Takemichi, your best bet is running away! Or using that long rope thing to capture the katana or Mikey’s hands.... something! See I told you the katana is taller than Mikey on the 3rd image.
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It’s strange as fuck seeing Sanzu sharing his thoughts about Mikey to Takemichi of all people. He should have said this to Baji, Emma, or Draken. He grew up alongside Baji and Emma, so I don’t know why he didn’t just consulted with either of them. Baji would have believed Haru and Wakui could have these two childhood friends repairing this fucking broken relationship while making sure that Mikey didn’t fall of the deep end. It would have been fucking amazing. Emma and Draken could have been working together to help MIkey too. Emma could have kept an eye out on Mikey at home and relay any strangeness to Draken who would do the same when they are out. Not only would this bring these two together but they can slowly but surely get to know each other. I hate that there are many ways that Wakui could have written the bonds of Mikey’s close friends working together in order to help him.
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I was right. How did those visions worked out for ya? It’s frustrating as fuck seeing Takemichy get mortally wounded when it concerns Mikey. Bruh, at this point, can you even call it “hero-like”? What’s Hina gonna think when she finds out you died? The hell you mean, “I’ll carry your dark impulses on my back.” Do you not see how destructive as fuck they are? Those with impulses killed someone.
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uhhhh.....are you sure you can do that? He just kicked your ass and stabbed you. Friend for life? Excuse you! Sanzu would like to have a word with you about that.
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Shinichiro is a massive fucking idiot for giving away that time-traveling power. Granted, he wouldn’t know how Takemichi would use it but it still a fucking bad idea giving suck a power to someone with a hero complex. Takemichi is counting on redoing events but here’s something that people with power forget. There are limits, no matter how powerful those abilities may be.
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It’s just... I don’t know how to explain it. Takemichi got issues from his first life that he’s kinda projecting to others in this one. He thinks that he can erase bad things that happen to those from Toman just because he can time-travel but that’s not the answer. Takemichi, in a way, filters out the bad behavior/qualities from what he expects from them. Fuck, I need to word this better.
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I don’t think no one brought up the Mizo Middle Five in the back. That’s just heartbreaking.
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How did Mikey’s heart return? His brother killed a homeless man to give him a second chance. Said brother gave that power to a random kid who would later use that to save his loved one. But wait... it turns out the younger brother of the previous holder is responsible for his girlfriends death and is cursed because of his brothers actions. Shin, Mikey, and Kazutora all showed signs of having impulses. Why didn’t hina then or for that matter Takemichy inherit them too? Is it due to the non-violent manner in which he inherited the power?
What is the origin of this time traveling ability?
There’s no way Takemichi is time-traveling to the past or future. Is Mikey going have the time-traveling power now? Is that how he’s going to give everyone a bittersweet ending? Erasing this time line?!?! Is Haruchiyo going to get the memories of this timeline if that happens?
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unfinshedsentec · 2 years
…something’s not right with ryusei
i think he had something to do with whatever that guy said
there’s no other reason why he would actually try to push that mf off the damn railing for that like.. that’s a fatal ass fall.
bros head.. would splatter against the pavement like there’s no coming back from that..
there’s smth else going on and uh.. ion think this’ll be as light hearted as I thought 😔
if we get a character death in the spin-off I am losing my shit
I knew he was fucked up from the beginning…but honestly, his outburst reminds me a lot of Mikey’s dark impulses
Like, look at his eyes
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