#Dash Aniston
youremyheaven · 1 year
Kibbe Observations
Theatrical Romantics often have distinct husky voices. Morgan Fairchild, Jane Seymour, Salma Hayek, Mila Kunis (if you watch Black Swan you can listen to her speak at a lower pitch, people who have husky voices sound shrill when they speak at a higher pitch which is how Mila usually speaks)
I feel like every Kibbe type has a few celebs who intuitively always dress for their type and a bunch of others who absolutely never do lol.
Sofia Vergara, Kelly Brook, Ava Gardner, Christina Hendricks etc are Soft Dramatics who almost always wear their lines.
Salma Hayek, Joan Collins are TRs who pretty much embody TR glam most of the time.
3. Kibbe is based on vibes someone gives off, more than you would think. There are certain criteria that has to be met for each type but there are exceptions, always!!
Audrey Hepburn was 5'7 but she's a true Gamine. It's rare to see a tall Gamine but it's not impossible
Beyonce is also 5'7 but she's a Romantic even though most Romantics are short.
4. Kibbe is about image identity. That means the image you project. You can analyse the length & breadth of someone's shoulders & calves all you like but your image identity is MORE than that. I'll use an example. Mila Kunis & Sarah Hyland, pretty much look like sisters yet the vibes they give off are different.
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Mila Kunis has a very sultry, sensuous "femme fatale" essence (she's verified TR) but Sarah Hyland has a more innocent but kind of mischievous, more youthful vibe. You can easily see that Mila has a more "dark feminine" energy whereas although Sarah has similar coloring and features, she still feels more light feminine.
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Here she is in a very TR-esque outfit but something feels off
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This outfit would look really weird on a lot of people (a tutu skirt for God's sake 😭) but she looks good in it
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in this dress however, she looks like a kid who wore a grown up dress. her youthful vibe contrasts the heavy romantic vibes of this dress
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However, here she looks like a complete doll. again, this look seems to suit her in a way it wouldn't suit most people.
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This dress is a little too intense for her.
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However she looks great here!!
I would say she's Soft Gamine
She has Gamine essence and it's the kind of styling that looks best on her
Let's compare her to Mila Kunis now
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Mila, kinda looks like she's wearing a costume here. It looks very off.
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Here she's in a very Romantic outfit with a dash of glamour and she looks greattt
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Tea length dresses only look good on Gamines imo and here Mila looks very out of place
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despite being very short, tea length dresses, even in a more Dramatic style, does not seem to suit Mila
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Here she is, in a very TR look and it really harmonizes all her features and attributes.
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this dress would be more flattering on a Natural type but Mila does not look like herself here
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aside from the fact that this dress needed some ironing, this is probably the most TR look Mila has ever worn and it really makes her shine
5. In order to be SD, you need to have a T shaped silhouette. Broad shoulders, small waist and proportionately small hips. SDs are not "tall TRs".
6. Sofia Vergara & Joe Manganiello are my SD power couple
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its sooo easy to tell that they both have similar essences and project a similar image
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however, here she is with her former fiancee Nick Loeb. Sofia's overpowering Dramatic essence makes her stand out and she almost looks out of place next to Nick, who is FN. Their essences clash with each other and make them kind of awkward looking together.
There is a meme about how Brad Pitt imitates the women he's with. Let's see how he channels his different essences with different women.
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Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt are both Naturals (FN & SN) with Dramatic/Romantic essence
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Together they project a very larger than life, powerful, strong and intense vibe
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Here he is, with Jennifer Aniston. as a couple, they project a more grounded, couple-next door, warm vibe. they're like the cool couple on a college campus, two hot people who look good together but in a very earthy, grounded way. Jennifer Aniston is also a Natural (SN)
Brad has Dramatic essence however Jen is pure Natural. so while Brad can pull off a more intense styling, Jen would look kinda out of place in it.
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The dress and leather in general is too overpowering on her
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However, she really shines in outfits like these that let her true essence be reflected. everybody, especially in the last couple of years, has been imitating Rachel Green (and 90s style in general) but imo, its most flattering on Naturals because of the way clothes were designed in that decade.
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Here he is with Gwyneth Paltrow. Gwyneth is yet another Natural (FN) but she has Classic essence. The thing about possessing Classic essence is that you have a perfect yin-yang balance, so nothing stands out individually since everything blends together perfectly. Brad & Gwyneth together sort of bleed into each other, their essences don't contrast each other in anyway, they almost look like siblings😭😭😭 , there is no visible polarity at play.
Brad was with 3 different Natural women yet they all projected a very distinct vibe because of their very different essences.
7. kibbe is about image and how other perceive you. its futile to obsess over width and breadth and circumference and what not. dont miss the forest for the trees. also, there is a lot of variety within each type, not all Soft Classics look the same and not every Gamine is going to look great in tea length dresses. every individual is unique.
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Amy Adams is FN but she's only 5'2. imo, she has a blend of Natural+Classic essence.
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IMO, she was horribly miscast in Enchantment. She does not possess the wide-eyed, gullible "ingenue" essence necessary to play a lost princess. i just wasn't convinced that she's this naive, innocent princess because Amy exhibits a more world-wise, mature and "no-nonsense" vibe.
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be it in American Hustle, Arrival or Sharp Objects, she plays characters that seem to fit her like a glove. She's just very convincing in these type of roles because she seems like a grown up who knows what to do and how to get things done. She does not have the air of a ditzy, confused damsel in distress
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here's Isla Fisher. i specifically chose Isla because her & Amy kind of look alike but their essences are vastly different from each other.
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Isla is a verified Romantic and has Romantic + Ingenue essence and she's perfect in films like Confessions of a Shopaholic because she's convincing as a ditzy airhead who is slightly naive and very confused. (this being one manifestation of the ingenue essence) if you look at her career, she's by and large done a lot of romcoms. It's hard to imagine her in a show like Sharp Objects or a movie like Arrival because the image she projects is far more youthful and sweet.
8. there is a reason why kibbe has its roots in old hollywood. old hollywood studio system manufactured stars the way kpop companies manufacture idols today. the were assigned an image to project and each star managed by the company had their own unique appeal that set them apart from the rest. lauren bacall projects an aura thats entirely different from audrey hepburn or marilyn monroe. liz taylor is completely different from gene tierney. most big stars in those days possessed Dramatic essence, simply because Dramatic essence makes people stand out easily. its a very large, strong, intense essence and gives the individual an edge. but the market created space for all kind of stars, there were actors who had a more boy/girl next door aura, femme/homme fatale aura, a quirky,funny aura and more. these days, cinema in general lacks big stars. imo there hasn't been a truly big star in maybe the last 20 years or so of cinema because no one's projecting an image that appropriately fits them.
however, pop music has had many icons and a huge part of their success is their image. be it taylor swift or nicki minaj or even BTS. people connect to them because they have a stable image identity for others to connect to. they have lore, they switch things up and keep things interesting but there's a bedrock that is unchanging and thats what makes them "stars".
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bearfm · 4 days
wee mascot change for me, so if you see baby jen aniston on the dash, its admin blue !!
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gonehollywoodrp · 9 months
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CONGRATULATIONS, URSIE! your role of ANGELINA JOLIE has been accepted and we’re happy to welcome you to GONE HOLLYWOOD! now that your application has been accepted, here are a few things that you should do and we’re looking forward to seeing you on the dash!
send your account in within 24 hours.
follow everyone on the blog roll.
follow all the tracked tags.
make sure you’re following all the guidelines for your new role.
send us a message if you’d like a link to our OOC blog.
AGE: 29 years old
PRONOUNS: she/they
AGE & BIRTHDAY: June 4 (48 years old)
CAREER: actress
WANTED CONNECTIONS: Colin Farrell, Winona Ryder, Ethan Hawke, Damiano David, Jennifer Aniston. 
CAN YOU ENSURE THE GIFS YOU USE WERE EITHER MADE BY YOURSELF OR FROM A CREATOR WHO ALLOWS THEIR GIFS TO BE USED IN HOLLYWOOD ROLEPLAYS?: definitely! If I’m not using my own gifs, they are commissioned with a permission to use them in celebrity roleplays. 
MISC: I am bringing Angie along with her beloved gaggle of children: Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Vivienne & Knox. 
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dingoes8myrp · 2 years
Space Asks, Redux
I have a bad cold, so I'm doing one of these things. I'm gonna fill it out like a MySpace survey because that's how old I am.
Comet- What are you currently frustrated about?
My job.
Black Hole- What are you most afraid of? 
How little control I actually have over my life (i.e. whether or not someone nukes someone, the economy, the weather, etc.).
Galaxy- Do you have any nicknames? What are they?
I have a few online aliases. Dingo and Ruby are my most used. In real life I just get called the wrong name a lot. 
Star- What song(s) do you feel describes you?
Currently, Numb Little Bug.
Moon- Are you currently reading any books? If so, what book(s)?
I'm reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova and listening to Bram Stoker's Dracula as a audiobook.
Planets- If you could go anywhere, where would you go? 
Somewhere cozy, like a cabin with a fireplace or something. I usually like a warm beach, but it's Fall, so I'm in the mood for cozy stuff.
Mercury- Describe your aesthetic. 
Uh, 90s grunge (think Winona Ryder) with a dash of Victorian gothic (i.e. Eva Green in Penny Dreadful). Unless I'm at work. Then it's all business casual or whatever. Lame. In that case it's Jennifer Aniston from Friends with a dash of Zooey Deschanel in New Girl.
Venus- What’s your favorite tv show? 
Of all time: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Currently airing: I am LOVING the new Interview with the Vampire show. Yeah, I'm very into vampires.
Earth- If you could be anyone else for a day, who would you want to be?
Nicole Kidman. I just love her, and I'd love to know what her day-to-day is like.
Mars- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change? 
Get rid of my clinical anxiety.
Jupiter- If you had to pick one color to use for an entire week, what color would you choose? 
I mean, use in what context? Probably teal. Or purple.
Saturn- How far would you go for those you care about? 
Wow. Heavy question. Depends on how urgent the situation is, I suppose.
Uranus- What would you say is your greatest achievement? 
I don't think I've achieved it yet.
Neptune- Describe yourself in one sentence. 
I am very anxious but very creative.
Pluto- If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would you meet? 
Betty White.
Constellations- If you could have one talent, what would you want it to be? (can be magical or not)
Asteroid- When you die, what do you want to be done with your body?
I don't really care. Donate all my organs. Do whatever is less burdonsome financially. Just don't donate me to science. I don't want to be getting embalmed by some poor mortician, get possessed by some weird demon, and wreak havoc on people.
Aquarius- What’s a topic you enjoy learning about? 
Space. I love space (obviously). Also cultural practices and mythologies different from mine.
Aquila- Do you prefer to read books or watch movies?
Aries- What is something you enjoy doing?
Auriga- If you had to pick one villain from any media, who would you rather have to face and why?
Beetlejuice. I think I could take him.
Bootes- If you could have any animal, wild or not, fake or not, which would you want?
A bat. They just look super cute.
Cancer- How do you want to be remembered? 
As someone who left the world better than I found it.
Canis Major- How many friends do you have? 
Close friends? 3 - 5
Capricornus- What’s a song lyric that you relate to? 
This is me trying (from This is Me Trying by Taylor Swift)
Cassiopeia- What’s your favorite quote? 
"I heard 'Copper Boom'". It's a line from Gilmore Girls and me and my dad use it all the time when we can't hear someone across the house.
Cygnus- If you could go back to any time period for a couple days, when/where would you want to go?
Ancient Egypt. I'd say Mesopotamia, but I'm terrified there'd be like alien gods or something there.
Gemini- Do you have any siblings? How many?
Leo- If you could change the way any movie was made, which movie would you change?
The Mummy with Tom Cruise. There needed to be more Annabelle Wallis and more Sofia Boutella, less Tom Cruise Tom Cruise'ing.
Libra- If you could talk to your past self, what would you tell yourself?
It will get worse. BUT, after it gets worse it will get so much better. Toughen up. Don't take any shit.
Lyra- Would you rather be feared or loved?
Loved, wtf?
Orion- What’s your favorite type of weather?
Early summer when it's warm but not sweltering. Bonus if it rains.
Pegasus- What’s your favorite music genre? 
Rock - classic, 80s hair, or grunge.
Perseus- What’s your favorite movie genre?
Pisces- Describe someone you love without saying their name.
Kind, playful, always well-intentioned, sometimes goofy.
Sagittarius- What do you do when you don’t feel well? What do you eat/drink? 
I drink a shit ton of Oolong tea. I usually don't feel like eating much unless it's broth or something cold.
Scorpius- If you had to pick someone to betray you, who would you pick?
That friend from high school you think has changed as an adult, but really hasn't.
Taurus- What makes you feel comfortable?
A cozy blanket, a good book, a hot cup of something, and a cat.
Ursa Major- If you had to pick any job to have, what job would you want? 
Novel writer.
Virgo- What do you value the most- artistic ability/creativity, musical ability, athletic ability, intellect, or work ethic?
Work ethic. It's necessary in any profession.
Neutron- Are you more of a leader or a follower?
Depends on the team and what role I need to fill. I tend to be a follower who does what I ask, but if no leadership is happening I tend to take the lead to get things done.
Supernova- How do you feel about yourself? 
I could feel better, but not bad.
Supergiant- What’s something you like about yourself? 
My creativity.
Red Giant- Would you get into a debate/argument with someone if you heard them saying something you disagree with or know to be wrong, or would you stay silent?
I frequently get into these debates, mostly to understand their point of view.
Red Dwarf- What’s your favorite smell? What smell makes you feel most comfortable? 
Lavendar vanilla.
Protostar- Give a random fact about yourself.  
I love true crime. Not "The Thing About Pam" true crime where it's kind of campy and weird. I like things like Cold Justice - they're gonna find that fucker.
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youtubemundo-blog · 6 years
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Naruto Uzumaki le regala un ARMA ESPECIAL a Boruto Uzumaki Naruto Uzumaki le regala un ARMA ESPECIAL a Boruto Uzumaki
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cinematictapes · 4 years
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Brb! just have to throw away all my clothes! so that I can restart my style and base my clothes off of the “Clueless” show <3
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My ultimate list of 90′s style icons IMO
Okay so i’m going to make a list of what i consider my top ten list of trendy celebrity females in the 90′s. This is only my opinion and if you have any other suggestions then please reblog and comment below. Also this list is in no particular order.
1. Danielle Fishel
2. Sarah Michelle Gellar
3. Rachel Leigh Cook
4. Mellisa Joan Hart
5. Baby Spice
6. Beyonce
7. Trina Mcgee Davis
8. Carmen Electra
9.Jennifer Aniston
10.Stacey Dash
hope you enjoy the list and would love to hear your feedback.
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awed-frog · 4 years
Less favourite hobby: watch people on tumblr complain loudly about creators not writing non-white/female/queer/old/disabled characters while also reblogging the same three gifs [two attractive & straight & white men staring at each other and then one looks away and maybe there’s sadness in his eyes now because of a deep, untold secret between them also they both have abs] over and over again.
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greysgallery · 5 years
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♡   Please, like or reblog if you save or use so that I can continue doing this.  ♡
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hollywoodfamerp · 4 years
I’m going to have to say Nicki Minaj, Halle Berry, Jada Smith, Jennifer Aniston, Olivia Wilde, Meghan Markle, Sophia Bush, Mila Kunis, and Kajol all come to my mind!
Famers, who are some females you’d like to see on the dash? :)
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gonehollywoodrp · 2 years
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CONGRATULATIONS, TESS! your role of WILL POULTER has been accepted and we’re happy to welcome you to GONE HOLLYWOOD! now that your application has been accepted, here are a few things that you should do and we’re looking forward to seeing you on the dash!
send your account in within 24 hours.
follow everyone on the blog roll.
follow all the tracked tags.
make sure you’re following all the guidelines for your new role.
send us a message if you’d like a link to our OOC blog.
NAME/ALIAS: Tess AGE: 28 TIME ZONE: CLT PRONOUNS: She/Her ____________________________________
PREFERRED CELEBRITY: Will Poulter BACKUP CELEBRITY: N/A CELEBRITIES GENDER: Male CELEBRITIES PRONOUNS: He/Him AGE & BIRTHDAY: January 28, 1993 & 29 CAREER: Actor ____________________________________
WANTED CONNECTIONS: Dylan O'Brien, Kaya Scodelario, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Ki Hong Lee, Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston, Tom Hardy, Leo DiCaprio, Florence Pugh, Karen Gillan, Maria Bakalova, Kaitlyn Dever, Lucy Boynton GUIDELINES PASSWORD: rfp. DO YOU WANT YOUR CELEBRITY INCLUDED IN THE GOSSIP BLOG?: rfp. TRIGGER WARNINGS: rfp. ____________________________________
MISC: Will is single and he’ll be his own blog!  I have never played Will before, but Dopesick and Why Didn’t They Ask Evans convinced me I should give it a try. Also applied as Lily James and Jamie Campbell Bower.
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prestigeprojectrp · 4 years
mwf? :)
A few off the top of my head: Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Lawrence, Natalie Portman, Cate Blanchett, Natalie Dormer, Julianne Moore, Emily Blunt, Anne Hathaway, Viola Davis, Halle Berry, Amy Adams, Jennifer Aniston, Emma Watson, Kate Winslet and Reese Witherspoon!
Members, which other beautiful ladies would you like to see on the dash with us?
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aggressionbread · 5 years
2019 has been *so long* can you believe that:
- supernatural cancelled after the end of it's 19th season
- 4th Dark Property Brother
- Rory rcdart announced as guest animator on new Steven universe episode
- Iron Man 3
- Elijah Daniel / Christine Sydelko iconic duo breakup
- annoying orange reunion tour
- dat boi ( o shit) meme
-Belle Delphine accused of snorting coke
-tumblr user amputated toe necklace scandal
- Jennifer Aniston foot fetish grapes scandal
- Nicholas Cage expresses secret hatred of National Treasure memes
- dash con 2
All happened THIS YEAR?
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ladenahq · 5 years
Did YOU know that we still have Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pine, Elijah Wood, Cate Blanchett, Angelina Jolie, Kate Winslet, Charlize Theron, Jennifer Connelly, Sandra Bullock, Winona Ryder, Thandie Newton, Angela Bassett, Christina Hendricks, Ziyi Zhang, Mandy Moore, Lucy Liu, Jennifer Aniston, Gabrielle Union, Marisa Tomei, Megan Good, Elizabeth Olsen, Brie Larson, Lily James, and Lupita Nyong’o up for grabs?!
So come check us out and maybe bless our dash with your characters and those faceclaims up there!
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narwhallove · 6 years
Review of R&G—Deep dive into Gambit
Earlier reviews that Ludi & I have been batting back and forth linked here, with a most welcome guest post by Jessi:
1. Faces (by me) 2. Callbacks (by @ludi-ling​) 3. Jim Lee & Pere Pérez (by me) 4. More on faces, and ‘sex creep’ Remy LeBeau (by @ludi-ling) 5. Faces and ‘creep factors’ (by @jehilew​)
On sex creep Remy LeBeau:
If I’m not misreading, Ludi and Jessi, you’re both saying Remy’s behavior is generally sexy; that he is within the parameters of good behavior because Rogue’s implicitly given him permission to talk this way. As Ludi wisely says, “The whole conversation is a way for them to negotiate where they’re at in their relationship.”
I still find this a tad problematic. He may have intuited Rogue’s feelings correctly, he may be testing her boundaries, but at this point in time, there’s no indication that he is at all worried about her feelings. To me, he sounds like the type of guy who corners an inexperienced girl into reacting the way he wants her to—even if he isn’t actually that guy.
But I’m gonna blame it on the writing. Gambit is supposed to be charming. Jessi hits the nail on the head: “You can tell he was not written by anyone who is even remotely smooth with women here.” 
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So I’m glad that Thompson sweetens Remy’s dialogue. This scene is practically a perfume commercial.  Lee and Lobdell, etc., obviously could not write sexy and sweet, and so we’ve wound up with creepy (to me).
Reader, thank you for reaching this point. If you’re a Gambit fan, you’ve probably unfollowed me. But! The post below is a deep dive into Gambit’s . . . portrayal.
Ludi: So, Ms. Narwhal, what did you think about those transitions from down-time to the proverbial ka-pow? I’m interested because some of my most favourite X-Men issues were the down-time ones. Uncanny X-Men #337 - which is almost entirely focused on the X-Men having breakfast - is one of my favourites of all time.
I’m sidestepping your gorgeous question about breakfast, sadly, because I’ve changed my mind about where the art stumbles. After turning through the gorgeous TPB, I realized that it stumbles at the flashbacks. Which is weird, because the flashbacks were some of the most heady, charming parts of the series. And the art is definitely at its most ambitious.
It’s clear the team decided that they would imitate the visual styles that these original moments were rendered in, whether the original penciller was Mike Collins or Jim Lee or Andy Kubert. What a rad challenge for Pérez and D'Armata to flex their art muscles and have fun.
Let’s applaud the team for this. Thompson was ambitious in deciding to revisit of scenes from up to 20 years ago—can you imagine another writer wanting to touch Antarctica?! And Pérez was ambitious in his mimicry of styles that haven't aged so well. He’s done it with wit and verve, as below (and in my earlier post comparing Pérez’s and Lee’s versions of Rogue).
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On the left is Andy Kubert’s 1994 rendering of Remy at Scott and Jean’s wedding, done in the “edgy” style of the decade: lots of hatching, high-contrast shadows, viewed from a very dramatic angle. Remy poses in such a flamboyant way you’d think he just blew Magneto up. That’s 90s for “dashing.”
Pérez updates Remy with a look that’s as fresh as Thompson’s dialogue. Same hair and arching eyebrows, but his smirk has a smile now, and he looks playful rather than self-serious. Too bad Pérez couldn’t retcon that awful tie!
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It starts getting interesting when Pérez quotes Gambit’s facial structure from still earlier. The left is a detail from Gambit's first appearance in 1990, in Uncanny X-men #266, by Mike Collins. The middle is from an X-men Team card of the same year. And on the right is Pérez, clearly taking a cue from these precedents, down to the smoke drifting out of Gambit's eyes. His nose is even sharper. It's a fun reminder of how Gambit used to be portrayed—as someone capable, dangerous, and not a matinee romantic lead. 
However, this “facial quotation” means Pérez runs into some trouble when we return to the present day. Somewhere between 1990 and 2018, Gambit got a nose job. The decision to play with different styles means that Gambit doesn't look like the same person throughout the miniseries. 
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These panels precede that glorious kiss in #3, and Remy looks so earnest, so chipmunklike (with that new nose), that it’s hard to believe he could have ever been the naughty, fast-on-his-feet thief we see in #2. 
So the decision has pros—it’s clever, it’s charming—and it’s got cons. One con is that if we don't like the referent artist, then we're not going to appreciate the imitation, either. But the bigger con is that the style differences can be so jarring that it seems Rogue and Gambit are being played by a bunch of different actors.
This only gets weirder when clones are introduced.
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This panel is from #4, and tbh, I don’t know who these people are. These are not clones, but Rogue looks like a soccer mom, and Remy’s a chrome robot. Though I’ve developed an argument to account for some wildly different facial features throughout the miniseries, I am unsure what’s going on here. Maybe there’s a comic in which someone used Jennifer Aniston as Rogue’s reference. (I have a theory Jim Lee used model Stephanie Seymour for Rogue and Jean.)
Like Gambit, Rogue undergoes the same treatment throughout her flashbacks, though it’s more evident in her body and body language. Hopefully this post makes it clear enough that when you glance through them, you might see what I’m talking about.
Ludi, I know you had some thoughts about the ways Rogue's and Gambit's faces were rendered too, as well as when they were engaged in some important stuff—like the kissing. Were there moments you felt the characterization of our heroes wasn't as successfully conveyed? Or any big centerpieces you thought really nailed their histories?
We would like to invite anyone who wants to chime in about R&G to write a post, which we’ll link to as part of a chain. And we will comment the hell out of your posts, too. ;-) @jehilew @cmoineau @pastellarts @90sxmen4ever @bustedflipflop @awesomeamberlady @xevg and anyone whom I might have missed! Please PM.
Bullied Gently reminded by @ludi-ling that posts may be as short as a single sentence. Essays not required!
CREDITS Marvel Universe Series I Trading Cards by Fleer (1990) X-men Team Card (detail)
Rogue & Gambit #3, #4 (2018) Pencils: Pere Pérez Colors: Frank D’Armata 
Uncanny X-men #266 (1990) Pencils: Mike Collins Colors: Brad Vancata
X-men #30 (1994) Pencils: Andy Kubert Colors: Joe Rosas
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Examiner, July 27
Cover: The Mark Harmon only we know -- NCIS co-stars finally tell all 
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Page 2: Secrets behind Ghost with Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze 
Page 4: Stars sunny side up -- yellow is a great summer look -- Renee Zellweger, Michelle Dockery, Beyonce, Andie MacDowell 
Page 5: Olympia Dukakis, Eva Longoria, Blake Lively, Roma Downey 
Page 6: A Texas man went on a routine trip to the grocery store and ended up saving a woman’s life 
Page 7: Jack Hanna who’s been spreading his vast knowledge of animals on TV for the past 42 years is retiring at age 73, Brady Bunch sisters Maureen McCormick and Eve Plumb are teaming up again to launch a new HGTV show called Design at Your Door, it was Happy Days for Ron Howard when he was reunited with his teenage best gal -- a Volkswagen Beetle 
Page 8: Banana peels have lots of home uses 
Page 9: Take a road trip and steer clear of COVID -- tips for staying safe while enjoying time away from home 
Page 10: Teen’s device keeps germy fingers from your face 
Page 11: Look before you leap into a divorce -- what lawyers want you to consider before calling it quits, warning signs that your marriage could be doomed 
Page 12: A peek into Queen Elizabeth’s pricey purse -- the odd things she carries and what’s rarely there and the bag’s secret signals 
Page 14: Dear Tony -- colors are our guide to clarify our lives’ direction, Tony predicts late-night talk show host Jimmy Fallon being offered bigger and better things making him No. 1 in show business and he is a superstar in the making 
Page 15: Leo the bunny is missing her ears but she’s not missing out on any love thanks to owner Kylie Clarke with a soft spot for her 
Page 16: Love Story never died for Ryan O’Neal and Ali MacGraw 
Page 18: An 86-year-old Rhode Island woman created a stuffed-animal zoo on her lawn to delight passersby 
Page 19: When New Yorker Caleigh Farragher first noticed a tiny stray kitten had invited himself into her apartment she was shocked but now she believes it’s a gift from her grandmother in heaven 
Page 20: Cover Story -- NCIS co-stars reveal the real Mark Harmon -- he’s much more than the series’ leading man according to Sean Murray and Cote de Pablo and David McCallum and Michael Weatherly 
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Page 22: A little girl with an urgent need got a lot of help and a cookie from two caring college football players 
Page 24: When Breanna Lockwood’s dreams of motherhood were dashed she turned to a surrogate who will give birth in November to her own granddaughter 
Page 25: The Good Doctor
Page 28: Celebs lifted by a higher power -- Gwen Stefani, Denzel Washington, Chris Pratt, Beau Bridges, Matthew McConaughey 
Page 29: Stars who gotta have faith -- Pierce Brosnan, Mark Wahlberg, Kevin James, Mayim Bialik, Orlando Bloom, Jennifer Garner 
Page 30: Stars’ true haunted house tales -- Demi Lovato, Kris Jenner, Jennifer Aniston, Bryan Dattilo, Nicolas Cage 
Page 31: Lisa Rinna, Jenna Bush Hager, Adele, Carrie Underwood 
Page 44: Eyes on the Stars -- Brooke Shields (pictures), Kelly Rutherford (picture), David Foster singing the praises of wife Katharine McPhee, Ryan Seacrest and Shayna Taylor split, Jennifer Garner offered some encouraging words on Instagram to a fan who revealed she was going through a tough breakup, Sarah Hyland’s wedding to Wells Adams is on hold because of the pandemic, Jessica Biel is offering emotional support to her former TV sister Beverley Mitchell as she awaits the birth of her baby 
Page 45: Carl Reiner honored as a comedy great and much more 
Page 46: Vitamin in beer prevents obesity 
Page 47: I Do’s of the stars -- a fond look back at their big day -- Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner, Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner, Priscilla Beaulieu and Elvis Presley, John Wayne and Josephine Saenz, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh, Marie Osmond and Steve Craig, John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier, Caroline Kennedy and Edwin Schlossberg, Carl Dean and Dolly Parton
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