maedaeme · 3 months
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working out some da4 body hcs
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emtherat · 4 months
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cinader · 8 months
College Radio and American Culture
Kate Jewell talks with Davyne Dial about her history of college radio Live from the Underground. Poet Laureates of Greenville, SC, Glenis Redmond and Anna Castro Spratt speak on Banning Books. Music and Spoken Word by DJs for Climate Change, Climbing Poe
Live from the Underground by Katherine Rye Jewell “I didn’t say I was right about things. I said I write about things.” –Oscar Peñaranda Airing on WPVM Radio 103.7fm in Asheville NC, and WPVMfm.org on Wednesday at 4pm, PST February 7. L&BH Podcast Season 2 Ep3 Subscribe at Spotify Subscribe at Apple Subscribe at Google Katherine Rye Jewell Katherine Rye Jewell is a historian and a…
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Cabbage is gone. Davyn brought him to the rescue org on schedule. He’ll have a healthy calm life with some old lady with too much money to blow on anti-crystal food and arthritis meds and heating pads and soft blankets and ramps to get him tall and jingle toys and lots of treats and wet food.
And I’ll never see him again.
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heartbreakincident · 8 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better
tagged by @idlenight hi thank you
Three ships: a few i've been thinking about lately are
clay/desmond from assassins creed (i loved them over a decade ago and as it turns out i still do)
vali/davyn from my brain. they're sort of always on rotation i love them so much.
edgin/xenk from D&D: Honour Among Thieves. my husband finally convinced me to watch it and i immediately read thru quite literally the entire tag on AO3.
First ship: Puck/Sabrina from a book series called "The Sisters Grimm" that I started reading when i was like 9. this ship. is literally why i started writing. it was my introduction to fandom and shipping and writing. this childish "schoolyard bully pulling his crush's pigtails" level shit is the reason i'm a writer now. the world is absurd.
Last song: "Weird" by Elliot Lee but I'd also like to plug "Melatonin" by Birds of Bellwoods which has been on rotation for me.
Currently reading: ive been reading a frankly irresponsible amount of assassin's creed fanfiction lately.
Currently craving: sour patch kids. but i think with my Constitution right now they'd kill me
tagging (also using some of my veilkeeper mutuals, hi, its me): @crossdressingdeath @spellmage @aetherealmoss @dynamicelk @saureliussy @transgortash @wilchur @gravedigg @transprincecaspian
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rlainarin · 2 months
got (double) tagged by @fivekoboldsinacoat for this tag game!
Three Ships: gonna double up w/ Jay because. you know I was going to say we're the entire fandom for Zethsolence since OCxOC ship (and, btw, if I try to type that w/ a slash it becomes OC/OC. wtf.) but that's not totally true. others are glad Insolence is out here w/ his monk boyfriend.
also doubling up for Wyllachstarion. because yes.
and for the third. Rlainarin. because we could be getting new content in a preview chapter any week now.
First Ship: you know, funnily enough it was an OC/canon my ex and I used to RP together when we were like, twelve. but also, one of those baby's-first-ships you only spot in hindsight: Davyn/Elidor in Dragonlance: The New Adventures. fellas is it gay to hold so much grief over a guy's death that you resurrect him with a cursed crown.
Last Movie: I think it was Wrath of Khan in theaters w/ my dad and boyfriend?
Last Song: currently listening to Bobby Sox by Green Day. bisexuality.
Currently Reading: technically Wind and Truth, I guess, since I'm planning to read the teaser chapters as they release. also I am staring guiltily at the volume of Boys Run The Riot on my desk.
Currently Watching: last time I was watching something was during the Doctor Who season.
Currently Eating: there is a milano cookie in front of me I will probably eat soon.
Currently Craving: weekend. gonna go on a quest to a new record store. which hopefully will not give me an asthma attack and may even have an affordable copy of whichever volume of Believers Never Die I don't own.
and is supposed to be a nine people tag. sooooo
@nightmarejunglegym, @jellydishes, @mocha-writes, @generalgrievoussummerbod, @thalion71, @hexblades-curse, @starlit-meloncholia, @kyrfiore
that's. eight. And Viewers Like You (Thank You)
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specialmouse · 2 months
I know you just posted paragraphs but do you have more tidbits about your OCs?
I do ofc ofc.. i'll give you everything i know..
davyne and opal arent all that fleshed out tbh like idk their backstories or anything. The script is about davyne realizing no one is watching her sets anymore so she puts blood capsules in her mouth before performing and pretends to cough up blood during dont let me be misunderstood by nina simone. Davyne pretends shes dying and opal posts the video to tiktok and it goes (relatively) viral (idk if tiktok would actually allow something they thought was real blood up there but idk and idk if this would even go viral LMAO), and the next gig she has the bar is completely packed and people are filming. Then davyne does a dramatic monologue, puts two blood capsules between her teeth and bites them then spits into the crowd, and starts lipsyncing to maybe this time LMAO it’s very heavyhanded. I titled it hard pill
The script with maryam and chunxiu are from is called venture. Chunxiu is 36, mixed as fuck because it’s 200 years later but his mom values her chinese heritage so she named him that. He was born on a wealthy space station and had access to the best education. He’s quite conceited and completely unaware of it; he thinks he earned his degree because he was smart, and he is, but it’s mostly because he was rich and had connections. Maryam is from Lebanon, which technically doesn’t exist anymore but the people there carry the name on (is lebanon an exonym? I couldnt really find an answer in the brief search i just did). They are one of the recipients of the rimco intergalactic scholar awards, which is where they take up 100 kids from earth each year based on their “academic promise”; it’s really a pr thing, because no one goes to school anymore. Maryam has been in space for 9 years when the script starts.
basically they go to a planet that's made just of a gelatinous clear ocean and a beach made of glass shards, with volcanoes on the seabed. it's like, literally nothing. it's supposed to be a one and done mission, in and out. chunxiu at this point has been to 30 planets to scout for a lack of life and he's getting angry at all of this; he's a biologist, he has a phd, he's meant for more than scanning things and finding nothing! he had actually found something a few years prior, several species of cyanobacteria, and it meant he had found alien life in the universe; then rimco had the laws changed as to what constituted life and it meant that he actually hadn't. so he's incredibly salty about that. anyway chunxiu and maryam have a discussion that reveals their disparate backgrounds and it goes into the ravaging of earth that the corporations have left behind, highlighting chunxiu's (and by extension anyone rich enough to life in space's) ignorance to what the corporations are up to, and have done in the past. they go to sleep, wake up, and it cuts to the pilot sent to retrieve them doing "peer review" (lazily doing their job again)-- and out in the ocean they see this blob creature with eyes like the moon that orbits the planet, and they're like HOLY SHIT LOOK LOOK WHAT IS THAT and the pilot kills it immediately. and theyre like WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU and hes like do yall not know protocol..? oh wait i forgot they dont tell the techies shit. and walks away and theyre left there to be like ohhhh fuck. even if we find it they're killing it and we're not even important enough for them to tell us anything. and that's where it ends but i imagine they'd go on to start a revolution or something idk. havent gotten there yet
sooo about the harrisons... i named cash after cash bundren from as i lay dying by faulkner, silas and celeste were from my great-great grandparents and i named andy that because he wants to go by andrew to seem more manly but everyone still calls him andy. i might change his name to laurie/laurence for the same effect. andy is older than cash but cash was always the more masculine one, he was a massive bully but handsome enough and he got more girls and more attention than andy ever did, who was more sensitive and shy.
andy moved out of the town when he was 23 to new york to become a writer (this was in the late seventies, mind) and while he was able to find work as a journalist, he never really became a published author, and wasn't of much acclaim either. celeste was one of the prettiest girls in town growing up but she didn't have much aspiration. everyone in the town was poor but celeste was even poorer. she married cash when she was 18 and cash was 24; andy was 27 at this point. they had a series of miscarriages for five years straight until they had silas. cash had become a cadet in that time and was working his way up the police force. as soon as silas was born, cash's anger turned into abuse; physical abuse as well as alcohol. andy only came home to go to their great-aunt's funeral (used it as an excuse to get out of doing a pop culture piece he found distasteful; i'll figure out what it would be in 1989 with some google searches, idk). in 1997 cash shoots himself in the head in their garage after a drunken bender, but not before penning a three page letter to andy. the content of the letter is nonsense, blaming everyone in his life for his struggles, saying they (celeste, his coworkers, silas, the child celeste is pregnant with (that's not actually his), the dogs) are of the devil, saying he's fighting against children of satan, etc. andy, who is now in his 40s, hasn't had a major relationship in 10 years and is rather worse for wear. he receives the letter, and uses it as an excuse to visit celeste, who is now widowed. he doesn't see this as him taking his husband's widow, but rather him saving her from a life of single motherhood. the script is celeste and andy talking to each other and it becoming increasingly clear what andy's motives are. the conversation gets more and more tense as his not-so-pure intentions are laid bare to the grieving, over-worked celeste, and she throws him out. as andy drives away, he sees a kid beating up another child in the front lawn of the neighbor's. the kid leaves the other on the ground and makes eye contact with andy as he's come to a stop. it is clear (through dialogue from earlier in the script) that this is silas, and that his father's ways have already been instilled in him. end of script!
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aceiined · 5 months
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i will always respect davyn for protecting me from the pedophilic stuff from my ex and the jokes he makes like this😭
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maedaeme · 5 months
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things owed to old friends
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emtherat · 1 year
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"Princess" Ophellia
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everthewip · 1 year
Hey! You also have such interesting titles! I would ask about all of them but for now I will stop to these:
Star Doe
Nameless Slave
I will send another ask for the others ;)
Thank you & thank you for the ask! My titles are all basic names i use to help me remember what's what lol. They're rarely meant to be official xD I just answered an ask about Star Doe with some background info, so for you I think I'll post snippets of these works instead :)
Star Doe
It all happened with such swiftness, and yet to Davyn the seconds felt an eternity. The arrow flew and he moved, stumbling from the saddle. A pained cry came from the cornered doe, and as the sorcerer pushed past the huntsmen he saw the blood. It spilled down her flank, staining the purity of her coat; a single arrow having snuffed out her light. But she was still standing, and so there was a chance. Without thought he rushed to her, putting himself between the predators and their prey. Without care the hunters released their own arrows, willing to kill Davyn if it meant earning their prize. Seconds before he became a bloodied pincushion, a shield of blue light erupted in front of him. The arrows struck, bounced off, and the young man exhaled a breath he hadn't meant to hold. His hands shook, but he kept the shield strong. “Please,” he begged. “Lower your bows, she is no deer!” It was the head huntsman who stepped forward, his bow still raised and a fresh arrow waiting to be released. The air around him shifted as shadows drew close, engulfing all light that dared touch his form. “We know.”
“When we tell the tales of the Before, of the Age of Growth and Science, we tell them with fear. The civilizations who once were have become monsters in the nightmares of our children. The technology left behind are avoided and stand as monumental reminders of what we, children of the After, shall never become. But here, in the Age of Peace and Magic, we have allowed the past to cage us. We are like rabbits hiding in our dens, too fearful of the cunning foxes to dare explore what lies around us. Yet where the fox is quick and sly, the rabbit is just as clever, if not luckier… Imagine what we could learn by studying the remnants of the past! Science and technology… what are they but a different form of magic?" Amalthea lowers her parchment and studies the King and Queen before her with a confident smile. They sit upon their respective thrones, glancing to one another in silent consideration, before their gazes return to the young budding archeologist. Beside them there is a third, smaller and empty chair. It takes only a glance to that empty seat for the corners of her lips to tug downward. “Amalthea...” the Queen begins, and by the sigh in her tone, Thea knows her answer.
Nameless Slave
“They took your names,” the woman repeated again. There was another crate pushed close to the fire, and upon this she sat - though even seated she loomed like the mountains at her back. Her eyes fell over the girl, taking in every tattered, thin, and weary detail. Beside them the men had returned and were hitching the horses to the wagon, passing quiet glances towards the fire.  “You are a slave,” she stated, and the girl gave a weak nod. “What is a slave doing out here, alone?”  “I ran.” In the early hours of the morning, before the sun had risen, when her owners were still lost to a drunken sleep. The overseer had been preoccupied with beating another slave and she had slipped away, quiet and with surprising ease. They had always been too afraid to run; she had eventually stopped caring, not even enough to live.  Her own hazel eyes rose to meet the dark blue of the mountain woman’s, and she was surprised to see a smile at her thin lips.  --- “I am Ylva,” she said after a while. “And if you have no name, I will call you Saga, for I expect one day you will have many tales to share, beginning on the day you became free.”
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lesbiandavyjones · 2 years
hello davyheads... davygirls... davsters... davynators... 
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cinader · 2 years
Black History, Radio History, Ancient Herstory
Davyne Dial, WPVM Radio, Dr. Kim McMillon, Tony Robles, Pam Suber, Alyeh Cady, Cleven Goudeau, Omnific Pictures, Jay Rodriguez Sierra, King Leopold, Queen Mella of Ancient Africa
Martha Cinader talks with Davyne Dial, the General Manager of WPVM Radio in Asheville, NC, and Dr. Kim McMillon, from her writing den in Merced, California. Tony Robles reports from the Rise Up! Black History Celebration in Hendersonville NC, where he spoke with dancers Pam Suber and Alyeh Cady. Also, a trailer for the film “Goodie, Outlining an Invisible Man”produced by Omnific Pictures. Poetry…
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Oh no, you don't have custody of your cats??? Will you be able to get them back any time soon??
basically no, i cant :( i'm allergic, charlie is allergic, also im broke as hell lol so theres no way i can take care of two cats also. davyn takes good care of them and they arent accosted by a grabby baby anymore so i know they're happy. i just miss them :'(
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heartbreakincident · 11 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @orc-apologist
*crawls out of my cave like a frightened creature* hello? a chance to to talk about me?
Three ships: Durge/Gortash (bg3, my sideblog is unfollowable right now), Isabela/Merrill (Dragon Age), and Venom/Eddie. i mostly ship oc x canon because i play a lot of rpgs oopsss. if im allowed to talk about my oc's, vali/davyn are always in the background, haunting me.
First ever ship: waaaay back when I was a wee child, I read a book series called "The Sisters Grimm," and I wanted Sabrina to kiss that terrible fairy boy Puck so bad that I discovered fanfiction because of it.
Last Song: "Obsessed With You" by The Orion Experience has been on loop
Last Movie: technically Mulan 2 because I rewatched that last but to give a genuine movie rec in the spirit of Halloween I implore you to watch Barbarian (2022) or #Alive (2020)
Currently Reading: finally (very slowly) reading Pride and Prejudice.
Currently Watching: Catching up on season 3 of "Only Murders in the Building" with my husband @goldencruel
Currently Consuming: im drinking iced tea?
Currently Craving: some fucking sleep i have been getting maybe 3-4 hours a night for the past few weeks i am not having a good time
Tagging @astarionhater @nazali @lesbianralzarek @bimyheel (edit i only just noticed lars also tagged you lol that's so fun i didnt know we were all in the same circle) @astarien @knightposting @knighterrante @matchaghostie @septemberbyearthwindandfire (and bonus @goldencruel you can do this too its fun)
(for my bg3 mutuals hi this is @veilkeeper's main)
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ilikedyourablogithere · 10 months
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Ranger Davyn
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