#Day 5: Tulips and Edelweiss
artistocrazy · 1 year
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Edelweiss 🎶
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Finally the prompts for aushun week 2023 have arrived!
Day 1 (June 5): Hugs and kisses | “Wouldn’t want innocents to see hand holding.”
Day 2 (June 6): Duel | “I give up! I give up, you win!”
Day 3 (June 7): Horse ride | “Race you.”
Day 4 (June 8): Wedding/ Wedding dress and suit | “I wish I had a say in this.”
Day 5 (June 9): Tulip and edelweiss | “Oh, a note?”
Day 6 (June 10): Private concert | “I think this a much better date idea then the one _ suggested.” (_ is meant to be filled with whoever’s name you want!)
Day 7 (June 11): Free Day
Use the tag aushunweek2023 and @ this blog (hetalia-aushun-week) when posting your work. Be sure to check the rules page and faq page for more information, or send an ask if your questions are still left unanswered.
Reblogs are appreciated! They help to spread word about this event!
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Peggysous Masterlist
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Marvel Masterlist
Main Masterlist
☀️ - Fluff   ✨ - Humor ☁️ - Angst ⭐️ - Author Faves
Newest fics will be at the bottom
Learning Together ☀️✨
After Jack and his SO baked 200 cupcakes for Daniel and Peggy’s engagement party, Jack managed to use it to guilt-trip the newly-married couple into making 100 cupcakes for Jack’s one-year wedding anniversary. The only problem is, Daniel and Peggy have no idea what they’re doing.
Peggysous Week 2020:
Edelweiss ☀️✨
It’s Peggy and Daniel’s wedding day, and like everyone else, they hope nothing goes wrong on their special day. They should’ve known: as agents of the SSR, they’d never be able to put on a big event without something going wrong.
Morning Glory ☁️
After a Hydra weapon fallen into the wrong hands literally blows up in Daniel’s face, Peggy is forced to cope with the aftermath.
Tulip ☀️
It’s Peggy and Daniel’s 11th wedding anniversary, and as they go through the day they can’t help being reminded of an earlier time, when they were just as in love but not quite as good at showing it. Also, I know ranch dressing didn’t exist until 1954, but for the purposes of this story we’re pretending it’s existed at least since the end of World War 2.
Dahlia ☀️
Peggy and Daniel were chasing Dottie in Paris, but she managed to give them the slip. Neither of the agents has had a real vacation in years, so they decide to stay a few extra days to just enjoy the sights and end up with a vacation they’ll never forget.
Peony (Part One, Part Two) ☁️☀️✨⭐️
Peggy and Daniel have finally moved in together after dating for a while. It seems like nothing could go wrong for the happy couple, but their worlds are rocked when a person Peggy never though she’d see again reappears in her life.
Carnation ☀️✨
Peggy and Daniel finally get to go on a family vacation with their kids, away from all the danger and craziness of the SSR. They don’t even make it one full day without an unexpected surprise.
Marigold ☀️
It’s Christmas, and the extended SSR crew is gathering at Howard’s place to celebrate. Peggy’s night is off to a less than amazing start when she has to trudge through a winter storm, but little does she know she’s about to get the best present she could’ve asked for.
Peggysous Week 2021:
Captain Carter ☀️
Daniel’s being assigned to a mission oversees to work as an SSR liaison to a British officer. He’s not the happiest with Jack for sending him across the ocean, but that might change when he meets the woman he’ll be working with. Captain Peggy Carter is ready to punch out the next man who underestimates her, and has told the Colonel that she WILL NOT get stuck with another fool who only slows her down. Fortunately for her, Daniel Sousa is on the way, and he’s a standout among his peers in the 1940s.
5 Times Peggy & Daniel Almost Kissed (& the 1 Time They Finally Did) ☀️
Peggy and Daniel have been dancing around feelings for each other for a long time. When they’re finally ready to admit it and make a move, however, it seems like the universe is conspiring to get in their way.
The Night Shift ☀️
A missing scene where Daniel and Peggy work the night shift together, inspired by a Jack Thompson x Reader fic of mine called “Kitty Captain”. Requested on Wattpad, this is Daniel and Peggy’s side of that night.
Lover ☀️✨
Peggy and Daniel are celebrating their first wedding anniversary. They planned for a romantic, quiet, intimate night with just the two of them, but of course with friends as crazy as theirs, nothing like that is ever going to go according to plan.
Friendly Advice ☀️✨⭐️
Jack’s been watching Peggy and Daniel dance around each other since the day she started working at the SSR. He’s tired of seeing them exchange longing looks in the bullpen, and especially after finding Daniel in a low moment, Jack decides it’s time to take things into his own hands and give Sousa the help he won’t give himself.
Peggysous Week 2022:
One Bed ☀️✨
Jack, Peggy, and Daniel are going undercover abroad in the hunt for Dottie Underwood. Jack's going in as a businessman, and Daniel and Peggy are going in as a married couple. The problem is, neither of them have gotten up the courage to admit their feelings for each other yet. And their hotel room only has one bed.
Peggy, Jack, and Dooley Tell Daniel to Relax ☀️✨⭐️
After some unusually sage and serious words from Thompson, Daniel decides it's finally time for him to take the leap and tell Peggy how he feels. Things don't quite go according to plan.
Goodbye ☁️☀️
It's Daniel's last day at the SSR. This is the moment between seasons 1 and 2 when he packs up his things and leaves the New York office to start over in LA.
Hangover ☀️✨⭐️
Peggy and Daniel have been dating ever since the Howard Stark case wrapped, when Daniel finally got up the courage to ask her out for drinks. Everything's been amazing, and they make a point of regularly spending time together whenever they have a free day or two from work. Nobody in the office knows, since Peggy and Daniel decided it was none of their business, but that's all about to change when a date night doesn't go as planned.
Babysitting ☀️✨
With Jarvis and Ana away on holiday, Peggy and Daniel are on babysitting duty for Howard and Maria's night out. Any night with the couple's favorite toddler Tony Stark is chaotic, but it also never fails to be a good time.
Blind Date ☀️✨
Daniel and Peggy have clearly had feelings for each other much longer than either is willing to admit. After Peggy said no to drinks and Daniel moved to LA to forget his heartbreak, it seemed like they'd missed their chance. When newly-single Daniel moves back to New York, however, they have an opportunity for a second chance. And their friends are going to make SURE they don't miss it.
M. Carter ☁️☀️✨
After months of work, the team at the SSR have finally tracked down the man who shot Jack Thompson. Daniel and Peggy are responsible for bringing him in, but the mission might be a little more complicated than they first anticipated.
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30 Day Drawing Challenge: Flowers
For each day, draw something featuring/inspired by the flower for that day.
Day 1: daisy
Day 2: sunflower
Day 3: orchid
Day 4: hibiscus
Day 5: lily
Day 6: carnation
Day 7: magnolia
Day 8: pansy
Day 9: lilac
Day 10: rose
Day 11: poppy
Day 12: iris
Day 13: mistletoe
Day 14: daffodil
Day 15: tulip
Day 16: peony
Day 17: chrysanthemum
Day 18: black-eyed susan
Day 19: amaryllis
Day 20: bluebonnet
Day 21: lotus
Day 22: marigold
Day 23: violet
Day 24: dandelion
Day 25: geranium
Day 26: poinsettia
Day 27: lavender
Day 28: edelweiss
Day 29: hydrangea
Day 30: dahlia
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Peggysous Week 2020 Masterpost
Day 1: Edelweiss
Day 2: Morning Glory
Day 3: Tulip
Day 4: Dahlia
Day 5: Peony
Day 6: Carnations
Day 7: Marigold
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harmoniark · 3 years
Flower-Themed Prompts For May!
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May Flower Writing Prompts
Day 1 - Red Chrysanthemum (I love you)
Day 2 - Striped Carnation (Refusal)
Day 3 - Pink Camellia (Longing For You)
Day 4 - Butterfly Weed (Let me go)
Day 5 - Bittersweet (Truth)
Day 6 - Black-eyed Susan (Justice)
Day 7 - Belladonna (Silence)
Day 8 - Daffodil (Unequaled/Unrequited Love)
Day 9 - Oak-Leaved Geranium (True Friendship)
Day 10 - Hollyhock (Ambition)
Day 11 - Ivy (Friendship)
Day 12 - Lilac (Joy Of Youth)
Day 13 - Holly (Foresight)
Day 14 - Goldenrod (Good Fortune, Encouragement)
Day 15 - Gardenia (Secret love)
Day 16 - Edelweiss (Courage, Devotion)
Day 17 - Singular Dahlia (Good taste)
Day 18 - Lemon balm (Sympathy)
Day 19 - Yellow Tulip (Sunshine In Your Smile)
Day 20 - Iris (A Message)
Day 21 - Tansy (Hostile Thoughts, Declaring War)
Day 22 - Snapdragon (Deception)
Day 23 - Blue Salvia (I think of you)
Day 24 - Magnolia (Love of nature)
Day 25 - Lavender (Distrust)
Day 26 - Yellow Jasmine (Grace and Elegance)
Day 27 - Purple Hyacinth (Sorrow)
Day 28 - Hibiscus (Delicate Beauty)
Day 29 - Coreopsis (Always Cheerful)
Day 30 - Chamomile (Patience in Adversity)
Day 31 - Zinnia (Thoughts of Absent Friends)
Prompt pieces can be about the flowers, flower meanings, or both. It is suggested that you name your piece after the flower of the day.
Please @ me in your post if you do use these! And please credit me!
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wiff-waff · 3 years
5 days to go and I am super excited.
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Apart from the litter (obviously) what will I miss least about MK?
Driving, pot-holes, speed humps. I hate getting behind the wheel which is just as well cos this weekend we took our trusty motor to New Malden where it will reside for the summer. We were a bit naughty actually, spent 2 nights at David's folks and whilst it was great to spend some time with them it's a a worry to see how much older and doddery they are getting.
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And we go away for 2 nights, come back and Lennie is in love. Has the world gone nuts? We saw him yesterday and it was Heather this, Heather that and apparently Heather couldn't get enough of the legendary Lennie love machine AND he bought her pizza! The world has gone truly mad, next you will be telling me Brexit was just a bad dream and the Boro got promoted back to the Premier league.
I wish.
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Now that the paint has dried I have put my plants back on the roof and my pots are ablaze with spring colour. Daffodils, tulips and edelweiss all competing for best in show, they gladden my heart and fill me with joy.
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It's party time on Friday afternoon (all invited) and I hope for no tears but I fear they will flow. We have made some firm friends on the marina and it will be so sad to say goodbye.
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David has had his second jab but it now looks like I won't get mine before Saturday. I suppose when the due date arrives I'll jump on a train which is a pain because I haven't been on public transport since Covid erupted and the thought of spending any time in a busy carriage fills me with no joy at all but needs must, I want that jab.
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ghostofskywalker · 4 years
Peggysous Week 2020: Theme and Prompts
It’s that time!! I was so happy about the reception to my announcement post and I’m now more excited than ever for Peggysous Week!
Dates: Sunday, August 2nd to Saturday, August 8th
The theme of Peggysous Week 2020 is:
For the prompts, I’ve gathered seven different flowers and provided a list of some of their common meanings, both positive and negative (for both the fluff and angst lovers out there), with each prompt corresponding to one day of the week. You do not have to show or mention the flower by name in your work, but it should reflect at least one of its meanings. 
Everything is welcome: fic, meta, videos, edits, art, gifs, etc. If you are planning on creating something artistic and you’d like to use the flower for a color scheme, that’s cool too! In your post, just mention the flower and the meaning (or meanings) you’ve chosen to focus on :)
You have about six weeks to create your tributes to Peggy and Daniel until it’s time to post! (I added a week this way it’s a little less stressful) There’s no minimum for the amount of prompts you have to do, but I would love it if everyone did at least two or three :) If you’re done with your work before the due date, I just ask that you hold off from posting it until that day of the week.
On the posting days, I’ll be keeping a running list of everything created by y’all, so make sure to tag me in your tumblr posts (@fandomsandxfiles-writes) and use the tag peggysous week 2020 so I can find your stuff! If ao3 (or another such site) is more your jam and you don’t want to post on tumblr, that’s cool, just let me know directly so I don’t miss your work when I’m making the masterlist!
The prompts are under the cut! :)
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August 2 (Day One): Edelweiss:  
Fluff: signifies deep love and devotion. Native to the Alps, so those who harvest this flower must face danger to prove that love and devotion.
August 3 (Day Two): Morning Glory
Angst: Unrequited Love, Mortality of Life, Restricted Love, Love that is in vain
August 4 (Day Three): Tulip
Fluff: Perfect, enduring love between partners or family members, Undying passionate love, Royalty and a regal nature, the 11th wedding anniversary, Abundance, prosperity, and indulgence.
Angst: Forgotten or neglected love
August 5 (Day Four): Dahlia
Fluff:  Staying graceful under pressure, especially in challenging situations, Drawing upon inner strength to succeed, Traveling and making a major life change in a positive way, Standing out from the crowd and following your own unique path, Staying kind despite being tested by certain life events, Finding a balance between adventure and relaxation, Commitment to another person or a certain ideal.
Angst: Warning someone about a potential betrayal.
August 6 (Day Five): Peony
Fluff: Honor, especially for people who are bringing honor to their entire family through success, Wealth and riches, Romance and romantic love, with a particular focus on love between two strangers, Beauty in all forms. 
Angst: bashfulness and shame
August 7 (Day Six): Carnation
Carnations can have different meanings depending on their color: 
Red: deep love and admiration
White: Pure love and good luck
Pink: A mother’s love
Yellow: Disappointment or Rejection
Purple: Capriciousness (subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable change; erratic)
August 8 (Day Seven): Marigold
Fluff: Winning the affections of someone through hard work, Creativity and the drive to succeed, cheer and good relations in a relationship
Angst: Despair and grief over the loss of love, Cruelty and coldness due to jealousy
*i don’t know if this applies to anyone, but please make sure any NSFW creations are tagged as such*
If you plan on participating, make sure to follow the tag “peggysous week 2020” to get updates as I post them!
if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! I hope everyone is as excited for this as I am!
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sesskag-week · 5 years
SessKag Week 2019
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WHEN: 29th of July to 4th of August
THEME: Hanakotoba
HASHTAGS:  #skw2019 &  #sesskagweek2019
Day 1: Carnation - Fascination, distinction, love
Day 2: Iris - Good news, glad tidings, loyalty
Day 3: Red Tulip - Fame, Charity, Trust
Day 4: Red Spider Lily - Never to meet again, lost memory, abandonment
Day 5: Blue Bell - Grateful
Day 6: Edelweiss - Courage, Power
Day 7: Forget-me-not - True love
PROMPT LIST 2: Generic
Day 1: AU
Day 2: Humor 
Day 3: Flirt
Day 4: Drama
Day 5: Trust
Day 6: Crossover/Fusion
Day 7: Kiss
Please use the tags so we can find your works! You can use either #skw2019 or #sesskagweek2019. Remember also to use #skw2019d1-7 to indicate for which day's prompt the work is for! (e.g. #skw2019d1 for Day 1)
As you can see there are two prompt lists, one that's themed and one that ‘s more generic. You can choose a prompt from either list or if you're feeling ambitious, even combine the two! You also do not need to stick to one list of prompts. You can use a themed prompt for day 1 and change to a generic one for day 2. Whatever most inspires you to create!
All kind of fanworks are welcome: Fan fics, fan art, edits, moodboards & gifsets, playlists, podfics etc. And if you're not a creator, SessKag week is an excellent time to show appreciation to your favourite creators! You can make fic rec lists (using the day's prompt if you want) or reblog your favourite fan art or make shout out post to thank the creators you like! And of course, you can always comment on the new fanworks created for the SessKag week and/or reblog them to share with others!
If anything is unclear, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Hope to see many of you participate! 💙
- Chie / @chierafied
Banner fan art by the lovely and fantastic @sayuri-watanabe 💙
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
OC Stats Meme!
Another fun tag from @rainofaugustsith​, thank you! :D Note that my dates/ages are likely off, I’m easily confused by the dating system in Star Wars so do feel free to correct me if they’re wrong hkjgdyugd. Note that my fanfic doesn’t stick rigidly to the canon re: Valkorion/Vitiate’s origins and takeover, though the dates are the same, the actual circumstances do differ for the sake of my narrative (cause it’s fanfiction and I can do what I want within reason and I wanted to do something “different” so yeah! don’t like that then my blog ain’t for youuuu sorry, you go do you and I’ll do me! :D) and I cannot elaborate further than that as of yet without giving spoilers. So yes, Saarai is “very old” in comparison (though not for a Pureblood, she’s still quite young for her species!)  and yes, it is on purpose ;) No pressure to do this, but if you want to great! :D I shall tag @swtorpadawan​ , @resol-nare​ , @koltosaber​ , @a-muirehen​
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Name: Aria Saal-Shenly (Ari (to Vano only), Darth Canis, Commander Canis)  Face Claim: N/A, in-game face, though Aria has a streak of blonde dyed into her fringe on the left side which isn’t an option with the in-game customisation, and she also stops hiding the Sith tattoos on her face after the formation of the Alliance. You can see what those look like here in this lovely commission done for me by moonlitalien! :D)  Age: 38 in 3629 BBY if my math is correct (though physically looks about 24 because Force sensitivity and all)  Height: 5 ‘ 1″ or 1.54m  Species: Sith Human  Gender: Female  Birthday: 3667 BBY, I think. I’m awful at working out the dates and I have no idea how the months work in Star Wars but if it were in our universe her birthday would be July 14th and she’d be a Cancer  Residence: Odessen, formally her ship, the Seraphim. Small getaway apartment on Manaan which she shares with her wife.  Marital status/Love interest: Married and Force bonded to my Sith Warrior, Vano.  Good Drink: Aria is partial to alcoholic drinks of all sorts and isn’t particularly fussy, she’ll drink pretty much anything, though the stronger the better. Has a particular fondness for Corellian Whiskey and Arkanian Sweet Milk (on occasion)  Food/snacks: Meal-wise, Aria likes good, hearty food like stews or curries, whatever meat they would make it with in the Star Wars verse, I assume Uxibeast/Bantha and so on? hahaha), snack-wise, she’s partial to bantha jerky but will eat just about anything as long as it’s quick and isn’t too fiddly, the last thing she wants is to have to stop working to eat said snack ;)  Day or Night: Either, Aria doesn’t have a particular preference  Pet: Two Tuk’ata named Chwûq and Taral and a Varactyl (who I still need to find a fitting name for)  Colour: Gunmetal grey  Flower: Oleander, Peony, Snapdragon  Sexuality: Demiromantic pansexual  Body Type: Short, very stocky and extremely square in shape, not curvy at all.  Eye Colour: Dark side amber, naturally heterochromic (left is dark brown, right is grey)  Hair Colour: Raven black with a dyed blonde streak in her fringe
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Name: Vano Saal-Shenly (Va (to Aria and Merak only), The Emperor’s Empire’s Wrath (formerly), Commander Shenly)  Face Claim: N/A, in-game face, though Vano is missing her left eye circa The Quinncident, that’s not an option in the in-game customiser so I did the best I could with the scar on her face :))  Age: 41 in 3629 BBY if my math is correct (though physically looks about 27 because Force sensitivity and all)  Height: 6 ‘ 2″ or 1.89m  Species: Mirialan  Gender: Female  Birthday: 3670 BBY, she’d be a Pisces, somewhere around March 7th is jumping out at me for her birthday for some reason. I’ll update these if I ever figure out the month system in SWTOR hahaha  Residence: Odessen, formally her ship, the Razor. Small getaway apartment on Manaan which she shares with her wife.  Marital status/Love interest: Married and Force bonded to my Jedi Consular, Aria. Briefly involved with Xerid Ferral (my Thana Vesh stand-in) in her younger years before being “apprenticed” to Baras  Good Drink: Green tea. Will drink alcohol, but nowhere near as much as Aria, tends to prefer light, fruity wines as opposed to the heavy hitters.  Food/snacks: Meal-wise is not particularly fussy, will eat just about anything as long as she knows it won’t kill her. XD Loves dried fruit (particularly peach and apple or whatever the Star Wars equivalents of those are, I need to look them up properly I admit, it’s been a while hahaha) as a snack  Day or Night: Day  Pet: A Varactyl (in addition to Aria’s, the two Varactyls are also a mated pair) who also also needs a name, technically Chwûq and Taral as well though they are more Aria’s than Vano’s, they do follow and protect Vano as well because they’re almost always together  Colour: Red  Flower: Edelweiss, Tulip, Violet  Sexuality: Bisexual  Body Type: Tall and muscular, but very lithe, about 80% leg and 20% everything else, looks like a sprint-runner.  Eye Colour: Dark brown, nearly black  Hair Colour:  Black
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Name: Saarai Ahaszaai (Rai, Lord Rubrum, Empress Ahaszaai)  Face Claim: N/A, in-game face, though she does have a scar across her nose and another on her lip that I forgot to add because I put her through the character creator at like 4am when I should have been asleep and my brain was almost pudding. I will be getting her to the appearance designer on the fleet once she’s done Korriban to add as close of one in as I can XD  Age: 110 in 3629 BBY if my math is correct (which would be the equivalent of a human 25 - 26 year old according to my personal Pureblood lore/age ranges :))  Height: 6 ‘ 3″ or 1.92m  Species: Sith Pureblood  Gender: Female  Birthday: 3739 BBY, if I’m working these out correctly *keyboard smash* She’d be a Scorpio, with her birthday sometime in November  Residence: Odessen, formally Rishii and Dromund Kaas before that  Marital status/Love interest: Canonically married and Force bonded to my friend’s Nautolan Sash, but in the Subterfuge-verse is married to Lana Beniko  Good Drink: Sparkwine  Food/snacks: Bacon (or whatever the Star Wars equivalent is...exoboar fillet? XD), anything with meat in it. Like most Purebloods (in my verse), Saarai is a carnivore, though she can manage small amounts of fruits or veg she usually sticks to meat. Fond of native Korribani and Kaasian cuisine as it’s a reminder of Sith Space, where she has not set foot for many, many years  Day or Night: Night, especially if the sky is clear and she can see the stars  Pet: None  Colour: Dark blue  Flower: Anemone, Carnation, Lotus  Sexuality: Bisexual, but female-exclusive due to a bad past experience with her son’s father. She hasn’t been comfortable letting another man touch her since and never will be.  Body Type: Tall, broad-shouldered and muscular. Slight hourglass shape but very chunky and heavy-set. Literally a tank, not someone you want pelting towards you on the battlefield because she could (and will) run you over but good.  Eye Colour: Sulfur yellow  Hair Colour: Maroon
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chadphobia · 7 years
all the plant asks????
bless u, ofc!! 💞💞 hang in w me bc this is on mobile so it’s bound to b even more terrible than usual ahhahaha
baby’s breath: 5 things you associate yourself with? - uhh?? staying up all night and watching the sun rise sleepily, looking at things upside-down, ur heart dropping on a roller coaster, laughing about stupid inside jokes, and walking in the rain
bleeding heart: what makes your heart go mushy? - hhhNNG rly soft music,, c, or people jus showing me music bc they thought of me or even jus think that i would like it, it makes me cry happy tears like legitimately every time
bell flower: what’s the title of the song that makes you want to jump around out of joy? - OBLIVIUS by the strokes
evening primrose: what’s your sleeping playlist (give me 5 songs?) - moon river (sung by audry hepburn), edelweiss from the sound of music, flow by cage the elephant, liability by lorde, & busted and blue by gorillaz
forget-me-not: who is your favorite blog who isn’t following you? - tbh,, im a ho,, scotchtapeofficial
daffodil: what is one plant you want to have but can never get? - a MASSIVE MUSHROOM, MEGA SIZED
calla lily: are you more of a sunny day or a rainy evening? - rainy evening
foxglove: what is your favorite color and in what shade? - orange! pale orange or sunset orange or velma orange, u name it, it’s cool w me!!
lavender: what is something that you’ve always wanted to be/have/get but can never have? - i wanna be a lotus eater on a faraway greek island eras ago orrrrr mayb an old lady that makes ceramics and lives in a lighthouse. either one
love in a mist: what is the latest dream that you remember? - i was running across an arizona-lookin kinda place but i could never find the end, so im just running and running from something but i don’t know what but i know it’s bad?? n ive had this for a couple weeks it hurts my head
daisy: what is your favorite flavor of cotton candy, ice cream, and juice? - reg?? pink cotton candy i guess??? i love cookies n cream, and then uhh grapefruit juice nsnsnsmmmmmm
painter’s palette: are you more of a singer, dancer, painter, or instrumentalist? - instrumentalist
tulip: what is your most favorite make-up product? do you like it more natural, dark, or etc? - idk natural is more my style w makeup, i can’t rly name a favorite
waxflower: are you a bee or butterfly person? a dog or cat person? - IC ANT DECIDE STOP
sugarbush: do you have a sweet tooth? if yes, what’s your favorite sweets? - yes obv???? i rly like sour patch kids and laffy taffy, idk i just love it sm
sunflower: would you like to be a fairy or a mermaid? - either would b rad, maybe a fairy??
sweet pea: what would you like to call your s/o? - asshole, punk, etc 💓💓 or normal shit like honey
sea lavender: can you swim? which strokes can you do? - im actually rly good at swimming and always have been, i can do most anything
windflower: list 5 of your favorite blogs and explain why i like them - @resilientreader is so amazing ily ur a miracle, @depressedasexual is amazin, @satirepurple is BLESSED ilysm, n others but u kno im tired. snark is rly cool too, don’t kno if they made another account but ):
golden rod: are you more of a baker or a cook? - i overcook pizza rolls, i cant do either for shit
bloom: what is something that you would like to tell your children? - that they mean more to me than the moon and stars and the sky itself and ill always be with them
peony: what is something that you wish your parents could’ve told you? - find something to live for, like ur brother or a little bud in the front yard that opens every morning, n always b thankful
prarie gentian: do you have a s/o? - yea
september flower: are you more of a sunshine or a sunset person? - sunset
bird of paradise: do you wake up early? do you sleep early? - typically i go to bed at midnight / 1 / 2 and wake up at 6:30 on weekdays, then i go to bed at like 3 on weekends and wake up whenever the hell i want
marigold: what’s your favorite tea? - idk what the fk, down south we only have one type of tea and that’s MEGA SWEET TEA
peruvian lily: what are the names of your pets? - nixie, khaleesi, doggor, and lucy 4 dogs, then we have janie, panda, mesa/cletus, and asteria aka asshole for the cats,,, uhh?? i have a bunny named tenor and four chickens that i usually just call weird soccer mom names like helen and martha
hyacinth: do you name your plants? - yeah lol
lilac: would you rather sleep and be cozy or hang out with your friends? - prob hang out, i love my friends
poppy: do you like to dip your fries or do you like it as is? - i eat them reg, but xtra salty/seasoned
dandelion: any special talent that you have? - being a super indecisive asshole!
thank u for the asks love, this was long n i typed it up on mobile so it’s bound to be shitty, but i answered them
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Day 5 (June 9)
Tulip and edelweiss | “Oh, a note?”
It's now day five! You can do one of these prompts or combine the two, it’s up to you! And remember to tag your content with #aushunweek2023 and @ this blog.
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sesskag-week · 5 years
SessKag Week 2019 Masterlist
Here are all the fanworks that were posted for SessKag week 2019. Thanks again so much to everyone who participated! 💙
Day 1: Carnation - Fascination, distinction, love OR AU
Enough to Catch Her Eye by @jafndaegur​
Messages by @chierafied​
Step Into Love by @stormielikeweather​
Day One - Carnation: Fascination, Distinction, Love by @ladygoshawk​
Prompt 134: Hanakotoba: Carnation by Lady Nefertiti (in Dangerous Dance, MA)
College Daze by @beautysbeast-sesskagstyle​
Day 2: Iris - Good news, glad tidings, loyalty OR Humor 
 The Affect by @chierafied​
(Un)expected Pack Growth by @stormielikeweather​
Ghost of Recognition by @jafndaegur​
Prompt 135: Hanakotoba: Iris by Lady Nefertiti (in Dangerous Dance, MA) 
Day 3:  Red Tulip - Fame, Charity, Trust OR Flirt
Healing Technique by @mythicamagic​
Sailing to Sunset by @chierafied​
Warm Fire and Home by @jafndaegur​
Lost at Sea by @stormielikeweather​
Prompt 136: Hanakotoba: Red Tulip by Lady Nefertiti (in Dangerous Dance, MA)
Day 4:  Red Spider Lily - Never to meet again, lost memory, abandonment OR Drama
Foil by @chierafied​
Sewn Back up with a Fine Silver Thread by @jafndaegur​
Prompt 137: Hanakotoba: Red Spider Lily by Lady Nefertiti (in Dangerous Dance, MA)   
Day 5:  Blue Bell - Grateful OR Trust
Starvation by @chierafied​
Prompt 138: Hanakotoba: Blue Bell by Lady Nefertiti (in Dangerous Dance, MA) 
Day 6:  Edelweiss - Power, Courage OR Crossover/Fusion 
Prompt 139: Hanakotoba: Edelweiss by Lady Nefertiti (in Dangerous Dance, MA)  
CROSSOVER; InuYasha X Jang Geum’s Dream by @sesshypatrick
The Deal with the Yakuza by @chierafied
Day 7:  Forget-me-not - True love OR Kiss
Kiss by @sesshypatrick​
Prompt 140: Hanakotoba: Forget-me-not by Lady Nefertiti (in Dangerous Dance, MA)
Satiation by @chierafied​
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