#Day 6 historical/period drama
queerquaintrelle · 2 months
Period Drama Appreciation Week 2024: Day 6 - Favourite (Historical) Era
Rococo (1730s to mid to late 1780s).
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Hi M, how are you? Coming after the high of Shogun's yesterday's win at the Emmy's made me wonder if you have a favourite historical movie or tv show that is underrated or in the category more-people-should-watch-this? Hopefully you indulge in this type of movie. 😊
For example, for me, one such movie is "Master and Commander: The Far side of the World" :brilliant ensemble cast all across the board, good chemistry between the main leads, engaging story, very good soundtrack, fx that still hold, 99% hystorically accurate 😂 but despite this not many have heard or watched this movie.
Have a nice day!
P.S. can't believe that tomorrow the last episode of AYS will air 😭.
Hi @shimako! Sorry for answering your question late, but I postponed it because I kept trying to think of a list. And honestly, I saw the words historical drama and forgot the underrated part so this is a bit of a disaster, but I'll make it work. Let's just say this is an incomplete list of tv shows that had an impact on me at the time and ages that I had when I watched them. And you'll see that I barely remember the plot, but I sort of know how I felt.
1. Rome
Is this underrated? Hell no! But perhaps in today's age of tv, a lot of people have forgotten about that show. Only two seasons, but it was among the first batch of prestige tv in the middle of the 2000s. I liked it so much that it made go to the bookstore and buy a book about Caesar. If I went through my Egypt phase in middle school, then my Ancient Rome period came in high school.
2. The Borgias
At the time of its runtime, I think it was pretty big. Although I don't think it won many awards. I also remember it being used as an example on scholarly papers about Hollywood using Eastern and Central European studios because of cheap labor and good locations. Budapest and Prague can replace Florence, lol.
The Borgias was naughty. And it had Jeremy Irons who is a fantastic actor in my opinion. Eventually they actually leaned heavily into the siblings relationship which I thought was daring. They went there 👀. And the costumes were so beautiful!.
3. The Tudors
I remember this show through the eyes of a 13-14 year old that developed a massive crush on the actor portraying Henry the VIII. This was like the rock'n'roll version of the story. And it was sexy. A bit over the top. A stepping stone for some actors that would become a lot more famous in the years to come. I think it was on HBO so probably not underrated at the time, but mostly forgotten nowadays.
4. Versailles
I can't remember if it's French or they talk in English. But it was lots of fun. And really gay. They didn't stay away from that. That's all I remember, but give it a try.
5. Taboo
This is that show with a really brooding Tom Hardy who remains like that throughout the story. But if you're interested in 1800s London and England's imperialist plan and its effects on colonized territories, this might be it.
6. Babylon Berlin
I don't know if this fits into the list, but it is a great portrayal of 1920s Berlin. A period in which artistic freedom and experimentation was at its height, but also juxtaposed with political unrest, creating this environment that would lay the ground for the rise of the fascist party. It's a german show, an HBO production and I like that it's not glamourized. You can see it in their clothes, their hygiene habits, their visible sweat and run down outfits they wear in clubs. It feels real.
7. Black Sails
I first heard of this when I wanted to watch more Toby Stephens movies/series but I almost stayed away because it was a Michael Bay production. Black Sails is so smart. At first, it might lure in the wrong audience, even based on the first trailer. It looks like a pirate show full of action sequences and machismo. And then you actually watch it and it flips that exact narrative. It is a direct critique of imperialism. It is also such a good case for any film and gender & queer studies analysis. But more than that, what really sealed the deal for me in what is considered a grade B series with grade B actors, is the meta-textual discourse on storytelling. It's about creating those pirate legends, of creating narratives to protect themselves against the empire. And all that is unfolded through brilliant lines of dialogue. It still remains a 10/10 tv show for me and the actual underrated one.
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TTEOTM is the most viewed non-dangai xianxia drama since Ashes of Love 😮
With the conclusion of Yunhe (云合)'s airing period on Jun 11, we can officially say that TTEOTM is the biggest non-dangai xianxia drama since 2018, with 68M views/episode!
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2023 Yunhe Playback per Episode - #1 is The Knockout, #2 is TTEOTM
Kuyun (酷云), a different data platform unaffiliated with any online streamer, also put TTEOTM at 70M views/episode, but its data only go back two years, so we use Yunhe to compare further back.
This makes TTEOTM the #2 show in 2023. Since 2023 is not yet over, if it aired in another year, it would overtake #2 in 2022, #4 in 2021, and #6 in 2020. (Viewership used to be higher in past years, more on that later)
Just to provide a bit context on why this is so insane, so beyond anyone's expectations:
TTEOTM aired exclusively on Youku, the weakest of the big 3 platforms. Youku only has 1/3 to 1/2 of iQiyi and Tencent's daily active user base. If you look at the top 10 dramas in 2018-2022, all of them aired on iQiyi, Tencent, many of them on both or even all 3 platforms. Before TTEOTM, Youku's biggest web exclusive drama is Who is He, police mystery featuring Knockout Star Zhang Yi at 44M views/episode. And before 2023, the highest a Youku exclusive web drama has ever ranked on the annual list is #15 (The Blue Whisper).
The xianxia genre is thought to have a limited audience (young women) even though it generates a lot of fanfare. This might be surprising given how well it travels abroad. However, if you look at the top 3-4 shows each year, it's usually a mix of historical family dramas, crime/thrillers, modern/urban dramas.
April is considered a shit airing slot, especially for xianxias which rely on students on break. Almost all of the top shows in previous years aired during summer or winter holidays. The #1 show in 2022 aired in Nov-Dec, but that was when everyone in China was stuck at home with Covid...
TV viewership has been on the decline with share of attention shifted to short form content and other forms of entertainment. Since 2019 there have been very few mega hits at the same level of Eternal Love or Yanxi Palace until Knockout came along. Very few costume dramas are able to land a coveted TV slot, and web dramas now tend to air on one instead of multiple platforms.
Therefore, most of the data observers thought that 35-40M would be a win and 50-60M near impossible. It's fun to see people bumping up old posts/polls to see how far off predictions were (especially when commenters start backtracking and raising the bar for an explosive hit.) Most people, like myself, benchmarked against Youku's 2022 xianxias: Blue Whisper (37M) and Immortal Samsara (36M). Both featured dual dinglius and the latter aired during the summer.
There are also a few other things stacked against TTEOTM's playback numbers:
Yunhe is affiliated with iQiyi (created to provide data to advertisers). It tends to discount views more harshly when it comes to Youku & Tencent dramas.
Youku has weaker "long-tail" effect again due to its smaller default user base. The drama is bringing users to the platform, not the other way around. After the big promotional push and buzz dies down, it's harder for new viewers to discover the show.
Immediately after TTEOTM finished airing, Youku pushed users towards Back from the Brink and stopped promoting TTEOTM on its main page.
In fact, Youku locked most episodes unusually quickly (such that people have to purchase VIP to watch older episodes) and only unlocked it for the last few days of the airing period. (Some fans argue it's because TTEOTM is a "copyright" drama. This means Youku only has the airing rights and may even have to pay Otter a bonus for high playback volume)
That's why it's a pretty exciting/shocking that TTEOTM is now just behind Ashes of Love, which aired during the summer on all 3 platforms and 2 TV channels back in the heyday of 2018. (Basically we just love watching LYX being bullied and spitting blood)
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Online playback volume of non-dangai xianxia dramas, 2018-2023, *Year not over yet
(Before 2018, there's also Eternal Love and Journey of the Flower which are definitely bigger hits, but I don't have the data and the industry landscape is too different back then for fair comparison.)
TTEOTM seems to have attracted a group of "data fans" who enjoy watching expectations blown apart. (Some don't even rate the story or the actors. They just like the idea of data prevailing over fan wars.) It's especially fun when the drama is strong in every dimension possible. Here's a compilation (and a bit of explanation) of the drama's achievements:
Commercial Value
1. Viewership
This is the most important & direct measurement of a drama's success in general.
Opening - good indicator of how much drawing power the stars have, but not how well the drama does overall (big debuts often flop while dark horses emerge)
>5.4M reservations ahead of the premiere, highest of any drama in Youku history
Reaches Youku's maximum heat index of 10,000 in 29 hours, fastest in Youku history
23.74M views on its premiere day, highest of any drama in 2 years (Yunhe) - In fact, it's nearly double the views of other dramas led by bigger stars
22.76% market share on its premier day, highest of any costume drama in 3 years (Dengta)
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Top Dramas by Opening Viewership, 2021-2023
Market Share - how well the drama is doing compared to other shows airing at the same time
33.2% peak daily market share, highest of any xianxia drama in history (Yunhe)
24.39% peak daily market share on Kuyun (very high considering that it includes TV)
#1 drama in Dengta (everyday), Yunhe (all except 3 days)
Playback Volume per Episode during Extended Airing Period - how well the drama retains its viewers till the end and performs overall; since it's per episode, it penalizes shows where viewers drop midway. Because the airing period ends X days after the last episode airs, it's also an early indicator of whether the drama will have a long tail (which is key to becoming a classic)
67.98M views per episode during airing period (Apr 6-Jun 11), #2 in 2023 (see above)
70.06M views per episode during airing period (Apr 6-Jun 8), #2 in web drama since 2022
Most number of days at heat index of 10,000 for the full day (Youku)
2. Platform new user acquisition 
Arguably what matters most, at least to online streaming platforms, whose income mainly derives from members. Youku is the underdog, so I'm sure customer acquisition is their #1 KPI and why they've invested so much in promoting TTEOTM
TTEOTM has generated the highest number of Youku iOS app download in 5 years
Highest premiere day viewership, new user count, and membership income in Youku history
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Youku App Downloads, 2018-2023
3. Advertisement
A major income for platforms. Brands can place ads on specific shows (should be cheaper if you bet right) or pay for random, dynamic placement (you can tell based on whether the drama's title is on the ad itself). The earlier the brand buys in, the cheaper the rates, which I believe is a fixed amount based on production class. Often big IP, big stars, modern dramas get the most upfront, especially if the star brings in their own "brand daddies" (sorry, that sounds naughty).
Some shows start out with nothing, but as more and more people watch, advertisers place more ads in subsequent episodes. The opposite also happens. That's why it's also an indicator of how well the show is performing according to the industry. Advertisers have access to proprietary data and are putting a lot of money on the line.
TTEOTM has 27.6 seconds of ads per episode, 2nd highest of any costume drama in 2023
This includes 26 brands, highest of any xianxia drama in 3 years
It is only one of 12 dramas this year so far with ads in every single episode
Big brands like Huaiwei and Master Kong placed ads as the show progressed, with ad time peaking in episodes 26-30. This is a big stamp of approval from advertisers.
After the drama finished airing, a brand "chased" the hype by placing more ads, which is quite rare
4. Merchandise Value 
Beyond being supplementary income (more here), this is also an indicator of fan engagement. Expect this to become bigger going forward as platforms perfect the process of commercializing IP and fusing e-commerce with entertainment.
TTEOTM has broken the merchandise sales record for TV shows, selling >25M RMB to date (this number does not include Shi Shan Yu costumes and other co-branded products like the ice cream, video game, and photography studio)
>10M RMB came from the bracelets alone, with 3M RMB worth of Ancient Demon God bracelets sold within 24 hours (it's likely a new record but no one has kept track before)
Tantai Jin and Ye Xiwu's costumes were auctioned off for charity for 170K RMB and 100K RMB respectively
In addition to commercial value, another major dimension of success is buzz/heat -- whether fans are talking about a show, whether the general population knows about the show. This gets into subjective territory, but there are three broad types of data sources:
5. Heat Indices
Heat indices such as Maoyan, Datawin, VLinkage, pull data from the social media platforms like Weibo, Douyin, Xiaohongshu, Kuaishou and have their own proprietary methodology to assess how "hot" a drama or a character is based on views, likes, comments, trending topics.
Maoyan (tends to peak on the first few days)
Peak daily index of 9898.15, highest of any drama in 3 years
Heat index of >9800 for over 20 days, on par with historical record
Most popular character in the weekly ranking for over 6 weeks
Datawin (penalizes for negative sentiment)
Avg index of 2.188, #1 drama in 2023
Peak index of 2.669, #2 drama in 2023 behind Knockout
6. Social Media Platforms
This is where fans congregate, so more a measurement of how much fan engagement and discussion there is, or fan intensity in general.
Douyin (biggest platform by daily active users right now, and the new battleground for marketing)
>29B views on the official hashtag, highest of any costume drama and 2nd highest behind Knockout (~60B views)
Heat index of 120M on the platform, a new record for dramas
35 clips with >1M likes (of which 11 were from the official account)
More importantly, TTEOTM inspired a lot of user-generated/led trends & memes on the platform (e.g. the Black Moonlight dance, Bengbu tourism) which engage viewers in a deeper way than just watching clips from the show.
Read Douyin's own "battle report' here.
Weibo (China's Twitter, where different fandoms congregate)
5774 ranked trending hashtags, highest of any drama in 2022-2023 (TTEOTM is differentiated in having a lot of low-ranking trends in the "rising" and "trending outside fan circle" tables. These are not bought but truly user-generated)
>30B views on Weibo, #3 highest in 2023
TTEOTM's official account has the highest number of followers (622K) of any drama that aired in 2023. It'd be the third highest if including dramas from 2022.
Read Weibo's own "battle report" here
7. General Indices
Not entertainment specific and mostly pulling data from parts of the internet that are more functional, where the show doesn't even have an official presence. Good indicator of general population interest and awareness. Difficult for fans to manipulate and "manufacture data"
Baizhi (Baidu search, equivalent to Google): Heat index of 790K, highest of any xianxia in the last few years. TTEOTM is also #5 drama in 2022-23 combined, behind Knockout (1894K), Sword Snow Stride (936K) (both aired on CCTV), Dream of Splendor (913K), and Reset (892K)
Weixin Index (WeChat, equivalent to Facebook & Whatsapp): Peak heat index of 166M, #1 drama in 2023 (even in front of Knockout) and highest of any xianxia or costume idol drama in the last few years. (Note Weixin is owned by Tencent)
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Baike Page Visits (Wikipedia): A bit random, but if you take it at face value, it's just how many people have heard about the show and looked it up. A good indicator for general awareness. Note that this is cumulative so we cannot fairly compare across years. TTEOTM is #1 costume drama (likely #2 overall) 2023 and even ahead of some of the dramas from previous years
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Socio-economic Contribution
8. Tourism GDP
Finally, people are starting to look at tourism GDP as TTEOTM unintentionally generated a lot of interest in Bengbu (literally "clam town"), which has sculptures related to Mingye and Sangjiu. According to the local government, Bengbu gained an incremental 1.5B RMB in tourism GDP during the May 1 holidays thanks to interest from TTEOTM fans. (I feel like this might be a post for another day)
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alrightsnaps · 3 months
Other than the genderswap twist what did you think of season 3? If you'd rather not talk about bridgerton feel free to ignore xx
All of it was a big no for me tbh
The leading couple was predictably boring and underwhelming as hell (which was expected), but the rest of the season felt super meh too.
Kate and Anthony coming and going instead of having an actual arc... to the point of having a heavily pregnant Kate undergoing a long and physically straining journey to India (and by the way no, this wasn't done to phase them out and explain their absence in season 4 because Simone has spoken about coming back next season. So they're literally having them doing express trips to a different continent in under 6 months for no reason). No baby Edmund even though there was time for the Featherington sisters children. Not even a pregnancy announcement to the Bridgerton family, just Violet and Lady D.
Benedict’s “vital” role of the season was apparently whoring around yet again, except this time he's completely forgotten about his art too?? Y’know the one thing that's supposed to be central to his character arc??
Eloise was predictably robbed of any character growth and there wasn't even a proper resolution to her and Penelope’s conflict. She just forgave her overnight for some reason?
The Whistledown reveal had 0 impact or consequences by the Queen even though last season we were led to believe things were so dire Penelope had absolutely no other choice but to out her best friend as a political radical and a fallen woman. We legit didn't even get a reaction by the Bridgerton family when they found out the girl they'd spent their lives treating like family was out there trashing them for years.
Cressida’s arc was underwhelming to the extreme and she was once again reduced to a cartoonish villain for the sake of Penelope's redemption. I also think I officially reached my limit with the Cowper family after season 3 and I hope they don't turn out to be Sophie's family cause I've grown sick of them.
Other than the genderswap I'm not sure how I feel about Francesca’s overall characterisation this season? Yes, book!Frannie was supposed to be different from the rest of her family, in the sense that she wasn't as over-the-top, super dramatic as the rest of the Bridgertons, but she seems to have undergone a complete personality change in the show. Francesca is someone who had her boundaries but she was also easygoing and comfortable and witty around her family and loved ones. CVD gave us a glimpse of that with Ruby’s Francesca but Jess Brownell made her into a painfully shy and socially anxious individual. And that's just not her in the books. Compare her scene of playful banter and flirting with Michael in WHWW to her being practically tongue-tied when she met Michaela.
And of course the elephant in the room, which is her relationship with John. A season of building their love story reduced to Francesca being disappointed by their kiss and falling for another person on their wedding day...That's Jess Brownell's version of bisexuality? Cause frankly it's insulting.
Add to that the atrocious costumes and makeup that make the show feel less than a period drama and more like Hunger Games Capitol cosplay. The entire show just feels off, dull and tedious to get through.
That's not really what I signed up for back in season 1. And like, I see many people jumping to defend the show with the “bridgerton was never historically accurate” argument but that's just bs. We know season 1 wasn't historically accurate! No one is asking for it to be a documentary. But it used to feel like a period drama. Through the costumes, the makeup, the dialogue, the world building. That's just not there anymore. The showrunner change is felt and since she's here for the long run I'm afraid the good days of the show are behind it.
I shudder to think what she's gonna do with Sophie’s character..
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brian-in-finance · 2 years
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Caitriona Balfe is never short of something to say.
Caitriona Balfe in Quotes: Here are 13 funny and interesting things the Outlander star has said about fame, acting and love
She’s won multiple awards for her role opposite Sam Heughan in hit time travel drama Outlander – and the show is just one of the subjects she’s happy to have her say on.
Born in Dublin in 1979, Caitriona Balfe always planned to be an actor, studying drama at the Dublin Institute of Technology.
But at the age of 18 she was scouted by an modelling agent at the age of 18 while collecting charity money at a supermarket and quickly became successful – closing fashion shows around the world for the likes of Chanel, Givenchy, Dolce & Gabbana, Moschino, Alberta Ferretti and Louis Vuitton.
A minor role in the 2006 film The Devil Wears Prada saw her return to acting and she moved to LA in 2009 to focus on her first love, winning parts in films including Super 8, Now You See Me, and Escape Plan.
Global fame beckoned when she signed up to play Claire Fraser in the Starz historical drama series Outlander in 2014. Since then the six series of the hit show filmed in Scotland have earned her a British Academy Scotland Award, an Irish Film and Television Award, two People's Choice Awards, three Saturn Awards, two Critics' Choice Television Awards nominations, and four Golden Globe Awards nominations.
Here are 13 interesting quotes from her many interviews.
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Photo: Lia Toby
1. Caitriona Balfe on...visiting Glasgow
"I was at a restaurant in Glasgow, and I was walking down the stairs. A woman passed me and said, 'Oh my God, what are you doing here?' I didn't know who she was, and I was like, 'Sorry?' She goes, 'Oh no, sorry, I follow you on Twitter. I just didn't expect to see you here.'"
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Photo: Roberto E. Rodriguez
2. Caitriona Balfe on...the Highlands
"The Scottish Highlands are incredible. There seems to be magic and poetry everywhere."
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Photo: Mike Coppola
3. Caitriona Balfe on...love
"There is a moment in your story when you can pinpoint the exact time you fell in love, be it with a place or a person. I can remember both like it was yesterday."
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Photo: Jeff Mitchell
4. Caitriona Balfe on...loss
"How do people move on after they've lost the love of their life? It's a really interesting thing to look at. It happens to people every day: you see people... even in the worst, most war-torn places, people get up and continue with their lives. And it's a fascinating thing about human nature. That ability to just continue on."
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Photo: Joe Maher
5. Caitriona Balfe on...her Outlander character
"While 'Outlander' is a brilliant period show, Claire represents so many qualities of a 20th century modern-day woman: someone who is forging her own path, fighting for what she believes, and doing so with integrity."
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Photo: Paul Archuleta
6. Caitriona Balfe on...sleep
"For me, if I have the choice between an extra 45 minutes in bed or getting up at 4:30 A.M. to go to the gym, I will always choose bed."
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Photo: Phillip Farone
7. Caitriona Balfe on...progress
"The people who used to hold the purse strings were a select group of white, middle-aged men, but that's changing, and the more it continues to change, the more we'll see inclusive stories get told."
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Photo: Momodo Mansaray
8. Caitriona Balfe on...modelling
"Modelling wasn't a passion of mine, so that made it get old kind of quickly. I was getting very frustrated."
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Photo: Vivien Killilea
9. Caitriona Balfe on...having a career before acting
"I'm just so glad that I started acting when I did because I had this wealth of life experience. I don't know if I'd have been able to handle it had I gone out to LA at 22."
This is where Brian reached his 10-photo Tumblr limit. 🙄
10. Caitriona Balfe on...being a modern woman
"I think women today are really struggling with these dual roles: How do you have a full-time career and be ambitious and still take care of your family?"
11. Caitriona Balfe on...Paris
"It's true, you never forget your first love, and, for me, that will always be Paris."
12. Caitriona Balfe on...starring in a period drama
"I never thought of myself doing period. When you're in your acting classes, and you think about the kind of roles you want to play, it's always 'modern relationship drama'-type things."
13. Caitriona Balfe on...women in film and television
"Every so often, we - women in film and TV - get annoyed and frustrated. We kick up a fuss and make some gains. But then we become complacent, and things slide backwards again until the next generation comes up and gets frustrated again."
The Scotsman
Remember… for me, if I have the choice between an extra 45 minutes in bed or getting up at 4:30 A.M. to go to the gym, I will always choose bed. — Caitríona Balfe
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discluded · 2 years
some people think the new mileapo movie would not be a love story 💀💀💀💀 have they confirmed that it's a love story tho?
*MUFFLES SCREAMS* I wrote the entire reply and it got swallowed by Tumblr. This is the 5th time I've made this mistake because I am a FOOLE (though more likely it's because tumblr's editor sucks). Anyway, here we go again.
Formally, the film's genre is historical. And its working title is #ThaiPeriodMovie while they tease us about the movie title.
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However, several things stood out to me in the way this film has been discussed (potential spoilers, but mostly fan theory!)
Here's Apo speaking about how the film came about at Kis x Farger and how Pond contextualized Mile's role in the film. Please note the conjecture is one of the translator's theories, not what was explicitly said. But the part about Mile was what was said 🤗
Pond then came up with the idea that it would be so gorgeous if Apo could perform a Thai dance. Pond also said that Mile has a personality that goes well with Apo* so together they should make a movie that celebrates Thai culture.
[*they may be a couple lead in their movie]
Also, this LGBTQ Thai youtuber was able to identify cultural details in just the short trailer. He starts talking about some of the important details around 6:27 (which I am not retyping again)
Basically, he was able to identify that Apo was performing a Lakhon Nai, which is performed in the royal court and traditionally only had female dancers even for male roles.
However, he noted that because Apo was a male dancer in the royal court, the movie likely takes place in the period of King Rama IV-V, which was most likely validated by BOC's production staff recently!
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He also theorized that Apo and Bas were were performing Inao (Punji), which is a Lakhon Nai epic that had queer elements. I can't find a good English source about this epic, so watch the video to learn what he has to say about the story.
He mentioned the possibility that in the movie, there might the duality with a reflection of Apo's character having a stage life in an epic with a queer story while the character's real life is embroiled in a love affair with the handsome Taphon player 😝
Actually, I was rewatching the Leslie Cheung and Hong Kong LGBT Cinema video essay a couple of weeks back and this part really stood out to me as what they might be trying to do with this film.
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The film cleverly ties homosexuality to traditional Chinese art, making an, at the time, unfamiliar topic much more approachable to a Chinese audience, allowing the audience to feel the loss, pain, and persecution LGBT people had been feeling.
But its contribution to inclusivity is, perhaps, even more direct than that. The casting of Leslie Cheung in the role creates this feeling that we aren't looking at a fictional character, we are facing the real struggle of Leslie Cheung. Leslie was sympathetic, so his characters, and by extention LGBT people, were sympathetic.
Anyway, this is all speculation! I want to point out again that historical LGBTQ films don't need to have a romantic plot, AND even if a romance between characters occur it's often interwoven with the characters' other struggles and drama/tragedy of the period. Don't expect KPTS episode 8 😭
I'm less bothered by whether or not Mile and Apo's characters will be queer than the fact that so many people are openly dismissing that they can't be queer in the film because it's a historical film (what). As @cookiedoughfiesta mentioned to me, some idiots have said that they can't be gay because it's a historical film and gay people didn't exist then (THE IRONY OF SUFFERING HOMOPHOBES EVERY DAY IN THIS FANDOM 💀💀💀)
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johnnyraine · 9 months
Top Shows I Watched in 2023 (not of)
7. Loki (Season 2) - 6.5/10
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I don't have much to say about Loki other than I loved the final episode, Natalie Holt deserves some kind of award for her music and it makes me cry.
6. One Piece (Live Action) - 6.5/10
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As everyone has already said, this should not have worked. I didn't have much faith in it, but I chose to watch it anyway. And I'm glad I did.
Though there were moments of stiff acting and/or line delivery, I still like it overall.
Though I still liked Roger's anime death more than here.
5. My Beautiful Man/Utsukushii kare (Season 2) - 7/10
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I don't remember much considering I watched this months ago. But I do recall wanting and waiting for this for a WHILE. I was not disappointed and Utsukushii Kare stands as my favorite BL series. Minato's Laundromat would've been on the list, but it failed me, Utsukushii Kare hasn't. So yeah.
4. Jack O' Frost (2023) - 6/10
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I have issues with the whole "an MC has amnesia" plot and considering this has happened 3 times in the same year is crazy to me.
But do recall I Fucking LOVE the music! OOOOHHHH, Shit! I love it. As soon as "Winter Days" started playing during episode 2 or 3, I immediately started looking for the soundtrack.
I also have yet another celebrity crush in Kyoya Honda.
3. Taira no Kiyomori - 8/10
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This is unfair given the fact I started this last year and left for a month, making me finish this in January or February. But I still finished in 2023, so it counts!
As per my previous review, I was fucking bored with the first 6 to 9 episodes. After them, however, I loved this show. I love the music, I love the characters, and I like some of the comedy. There are so many great moments that I absolutely love.
Despite knowing how it ended, historically, I was still upset at the characters' deaths.
2. More Than Words (2022) - 6/10
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I heard this was a Japanese BL, my favorite type of BL, and I guess. But as others have said, it's mostly about the relationship between Makio and Mieko. Though perhaps not for the second part of the story...
Anyway, I loved this show. It fucked me up, but I did stay up all night till 12 or 1 am to finish it, and I couldn't stop thinking about it for a month. So yeah, despite the score, I am putting it up here.
1. Kamakura dono no 13 nin/13 Lords of the Shogun - 7/10
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The main man himself, the man who wrote my favorite Taiga Drama, SANADA MARU! No wonder I was fucking addicted to this show. For first time in A WHILE I watched and finished this entire show in a week.
I was drawn into this show by the fucking neck. I just was.
I remember seeing You Oizumi as Minamoto no Yoritomo and thinking, "Nah." I couldn't get behind him, I simply didn't see it at first. Then he died and literally episodes later, I was missing this man.
All my favorite characters died. ALL! And since I don't know much about the Heian nor Kamakura period, I was taken out. Fucking Kazusa, dead; Minamoto no Yoshinaka, I knew this was so it's my fault, but dead; fucking Wada Yoshimori, I fucking loved him, and I didn't know it! DEAD!
They killed my pathetic twink, Minamoto no Sanetomo. And he was gay! FUCK! I was heavily upset.
And the fact that it ends with Yoshitoko's death via his sister not giving him his medicine and watching him die! Gods dammmmmnnn!
Kōki Mitani you heavenly fucker! Ah!
I also love the music, one of my favorites Taiga drama themes.
Now, that wasn't all I watched, but simply all I felt should be on the list. I refuse to put ten shows up here if I don't care enough for them.
Here's to another year.
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bookswithsyd · 1 month
Too Many Timeline Jumps | Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
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We have officially hit the halfway point of Grandmaster of Cultivation. Points are beginning to be connected and questions are finally being answered, but that also means that I have even more questions after finishing this novel.
With so many jumps in the timeline, it was a challenge to keep track of what happened where and how this effected the timeline. We get to see glimpses of childhood, the Sunshot campaign, and even a bit of the current day.
The biggest section of this book for me was the time spent during the education period held by the Wen Clan. This set up a lot of information like the extreme existent that the Wen Clan went to in order to retain control over the other cultivation clans. Threatening and punishing people for the smallest issue that could be spun into a call to overthrown the Wen’s was such an overstep of power, only to be followed up by a forced education program where every clan had to send juniors to be taught by the Wen clan on how to be proper cultivators. This was not the case (shocking, right?), but instead was a stage for Wen Chao to boast about his subpar skills and take credit for other’s hard work.
In taking the swords of the cultivator, they are left defenseless to large monsters and were used as live bait in order for Wen Chao to swoop in and deal the killing blow. This is shown in full force when the group is sent to an underground cave to hunt down a large yao beast. When push comes to shove, things take a turn for the worst and the juniors end up abandoned in the cave with a historical yao beast who has already eaten thousands of people. Through self-sacrifice all but Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are able to escape from the cave and flee to their homes.
The time in the cave is the only real point where we can see Lan Wangji saw raw emotions from the overwhelming stress he is under. We also see Wei Wuxian be able to a good person and put Wangji before himself. This does lead to the two pairing up to take out the big bad that is keeping them trapped, but in that 6 hour raid boss battle, Wei Wuxian’s injuries just get worse. You would not think that a quick moment riddled with sickness haze would lead to the moment Lan Wangji would recognize Wei Wuxian in a whole new body, but it does. A simple song that Lan Wangji sings to a half conscious Wei Wuxian leads to this huge story unfolding the way it does.
The only time that we see current day is when Wuxian and the Lans try to uncover evidence that Jin Guangyao is the evil mastermind behind these terrible events of the past book (the corpse puzzle). The big secret is revealed that the purity song that Xichen taught to Guangyao was altered to interweave a song that pushed for the death of a close friend. With the huge blow to Xichen’s mental state knowing that his sworn brother might have betrayed his good will, the brothers set out to meet at the Burial Mound.
This period is where we get a short reprieve to a more might hearted mood. With Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian paired up again for their journey, they run into a sea of bunnies, a pile of soft stray, and Wen Ning following them like a stray cat. Once the three get to the Burial Mound, they free the trapped cultivation juniors only to be surrounded by cultivators set out to rehash the original battle on the Burial Mound some ought fifteen years earlier.
The second big arc of this book is the Siege Hunt. Putting young, prideful cultivators from different clans together to fight it out for the most kills is bound to bring up drama. And the games didn’t even start before the pride jumped out. Egging on Wei Wuxian to one-up a bullseye on a horse can only result with him matching it with a blindfold on.
The blindfold leads to the scene that (to me) came out of nowhere. The first kiss. Happening with only one side knowing and being hidden in the dense forest surrounded by yao beasts and ghosts was not how I expected Lan Wangji to make his move.
A lot of tension happens on the mountain. From Lan Wangji about to have a mental breakdown, to Wei Wuxian and Jin Zixuan about to hash it out with swords and fists, emotions run high.
The last main section is a spotlight on Wei Wuxian and Jiang Chen’s childhood and rough start. Getting off on a terrible start, Jiang Chen is a menace to Wei Wuxian. Being force to get ride of the dogs that he loved for a random kids off the streets didn’t set well with Jiang Chen. The boiling point came when he was meant to share a room with the new burden in his life. Locking Wuxian out of the room and tossing his sleeping mat out into the hall was not the welcoming that was expected. Riddled with terror, Wuxian runs away only to be brought back by Jiang Yanli, the loving big sister that she is. They dynamic never seems to really change with the two boys. One always seems to be chasing after the other, jealous of the other’s abilities and insecure about his own.
This book seems more about putting pieces together as we only get a glimpse at the current day and set up the biggest suspense cliffhanger. Now officially over the halfway point, full pictures are beginning to come to light and the hostility is ramping up in preparation for the big fight. I can only image what can happen after the inevitable big reveal. The only question is how and when it can happen.
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everythingblreview · 1 year
Short Introductions to BL Games (Part 2)
Taishou Mebiusline (R18+)
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In the year 1923, during the last days of the Taishou Period, Hiiragi Kyouichirou leaves his home in the countryside to attend the Imperial University. As soon as he arrives in Tokyo, though, he runs right into a conflict between the all-powerful Imperial Army and the mysterious Gohongatana Clan. The Imperial Army wants him for his ability to see the spirits of the dead now, and he’ll have to figure out where his loyalties lie. Is it to his country? To the Emperor? To his fellow man? Or is there an even greater cause?
Genre: Historical Japan (Taishou period), Action, Sword Fights, Japanese Mythology
Story 5/5
Characters 5/5
Romance 4/5
Artwork 5/5
Sadness level 1/5
Level of disturbing 2/5
Language: Japanese, English (Text document, only common route)
Comments: Animated CGs, Fandisk, non-con route
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Kami-sama (Kari) (R18+)
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You play, Azumi, a “useless” Kami who is given missions to complete and prove his worth to the Creator.
A Kami is a being created to control the fate of humans. Most Kami in the world possess empathetic wisdom and strict logical reason and are supposed to rule over the human world… however…
With an exception of one Kami in the Heaven realm. Azumi is just like the humans he is supposed to judge over. He is wishy-washy and has zero judgement sense. He makes decisions based on his emotions and inconveniences everyone around him. He doesn’t behave or can do anything that is expected of a Kami.
If he is unable to complete his missions and help the 6 people, he meets to achieve happiness, his own existence will be erased…
Genre: School life, Comedy, Slice of life
Story 2/5
Characters 3/5
Romance 2/5  
Artwork 4/5
Sadness level 1/5
Languages: Japanese
Comments: There are two games, in which you can play either as student/adult or adult/old man, teacher x student relatioships, reversible (MC can be top/bottom with everyone in every version), light-hearted, rather short
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Omertà ~Chinmoku no Okite~ (R18+)
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J.J is a most dangerous hitman in a city befitting of his profession, excelling at his job to such a degree that his nickname is ‘Death scythe’. Given a job with a lot riding on it by one of the city’s factions who are at war, when it’s time for him to go in for the kill his target isn’t in the room he was assigned to. Instead, a couple lie dead on the floor who’ve nothing at all to do with the job. As if things weren't getting suspicious enough, the son of the couple bursts into the room and assuming that J.J is the murderer of his parents, wants revenge and vows to kill him no matter how long it takes.
Five years later they’re living together and keeping a low profile, to avoid rousing suspicion over what happened then. J.J still takes assassination jobs, shady deals are still being made, and the factions Dragon Head and King Caesar are still at war. Eventually J.J manages to draw the attention of the two groups. In the end, whose side will he take?
Genre: Action, Mafia, Drama, Crime
Story 3/5
Characters 3/5
Romance 3/5
Artwork 3/5
Sadness level 1/5
Language: Japanese, English (party translated with Visual Novel Reader)
Comments: Reversible (MC can be top/bottom depending on the love interest), 8 main routes
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Hello! The name's Bun and I'm a writer and casual artist. On this blog I focus on sfw size content most of the time, so expect to see giants and tinies, humans and littles, and occasionally all three at once!
I tend to keep things lighthearted in my visual art for the most part (most of which you can find on my art blog here). However, my writing will range from fluff, drama, action, suspense, and anything in between. Some stories will have more mature themes, but they will be appropriately tagged so you can avoid them entirely if you want.
🌼 Master tags: #sfw giant #bun does writing #jac in the beanstalk society #oc: jac #oc: richard
Meet my characters:
Jac // Richard // Aiden // Jillian // Bo // Rod // Gerald // Goro // Marcellus
🌹Literature Master list:
🌿Main Series: Jac in the Beanstalk Society☘️
Synopsis: Jac is a human who has lived her entire life in a society where humans, giants, elves and other fae coexist. Jac's best friend, Richard, is a Wile giant who is trying to get through the struggles of everyday life. This series gives us a window into their lives as they face the many ups and downs of the world around them. Through it all, they continue to enjoy the pleasant and simpler things one day at a time.
High School Daze:
As it says on the tin, this arc takes place in the early years of Richard and Jac's friendship.
The First Day chapter 1
Modern Times:
Most of the episodes are set in this time period, when the main ocs are in their early to mid twenties
Main episodes: I Want To See the Fireflies • Snowed Out • Melody • Lullaby • Secret • Forlorn • Serenade • Regret • Midnight Rendezvous • Sanctuary
Other one shots: The Cookie Thief • Hug a Giant Day comic • blurb 1 • Poison • Gentle • Moth • Reverie • Cozy • Harvest • Slice • Puppet • Fragile • Quilt
Later Years:
Set when the main protagonists are in their late 20s/early thirties (and beyond!)
On the Edge chapters 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
It's like the main series, but there's more magical and spooky stuff going on in the world. Some of the more dubious stories were moved here to exist in its own canon
Haunted chapters 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
🖤AU: The Witch and the Raven🖤
Synopsis: Set in medieval times, Jac discovers that she is more than human and she must adapt to life in an enchanted forest where devious creatures (aka the Wile giants) dwell.
The Fugitive
Playing With Fire 1 - 2 - 3
AU: Jac the Fairy World Detective
Synopsis: Jac and Richard travel through time to meet the real characters behind the classic fairy tales (which are considered historical facts in this world). Hilarity ensues.
Cover art and short explanation
Mirror • Golden
🏵Other AUs: Forest of the Living Candles
Gift Writing from some really cool people (check em out!):
Cherry On Top A Fork In The Road Dashing Through the Snow Hide Gt Prom The Ultimate Move The Cookie Thief part 2 The Hunter's Remorse
For additional info regarding some more... niche works of mine, they are discussed below the cut. CW for snack themes.
I do dabble in snacks and mouth related things (you can probably guess what they mean) but aside from the latter on occasion, I will not post these stories here. However, they are considered a big part of what makes my characters... who they are (especially with the Wile giants). So for those who are curious, you can find said writing and art in the archives of my 18+ side account here.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'As a fan of cinema, it’s very easy to get disillusioned with the current state of the industry.
Between — well, take your pick of threats to film as we know it — it’s been an exhausting past several years. Fantastic films are still regularly being made, but the idea of the classic trip to the movies feels like it’s being erased in real-time.
There have, of course, been exceptions. “Spider-Man: No Way Home” became the first film post-pandemic to cross the $1 billion mark toward the end of 2021, and last year had the double-whammy of “Top Gun: Maverick” in the summer and “Avatar: The Way of Water” in the winter, glimmers of brightness in an otherwise bleak series of box office returns.
Then, this year, came “Barbenheimer.”
The timeline is hard to pin down, but at some point audiences collectively realized that Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” and Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer” would release together on July 21. What followed was what can only be described as a phenomenon.
Custom posters and t-shirts, plenty of memes and a good heaping of irony built up this date as a true event. And the best part was that it felt entirely organic; neither Warner Bros. (distributing “Barbie") or Universal (distributing “Oppenheimer”) really acknowledged it, leading to a campaign that was driven by word-of-mouth through social media. The fever of anticipation confounded even box office predictions, which only climbed higher and higher for both films as the crowds gathered that July weekend.
Crowds that included me and my friends.
On Saturday, July 22, we arrived bright and early at 10 a.m. to the AMC West Chester 18 for our 10:30 a.m. showing of “Oppenheimer” in IMAX, a showing that was almost entirely sold out. Sporting our brand new “I am become Ken, destroyer of worlds” shirts (courtesy of our Managing Editor Luke Macy), we settled into the three-hour drama with an excitement shared by the entire theater around us.
I was worried going in that the crowd would be too rowdy, taking away from the serious nature of “Oppenheimer’s” tone and subject, but they were largely respectful the whole time. Some periodic chuckles at the film’s few comedic moments (and every time Einstein showed up) and some gasps of awe during the Trinity test only occasionally permeated, leaving us to sink into the film’s excellence.
That said, due to both how early we saw it and the film’s somewhat depressing ending, we left the theater already pretty drained. We trudged over to the nearby Barnes & Noble to kill some time before our 6:00 p.m. showing of “Barbie,” which is where it really sunk in how big “Barbenheimer” was.
On the walk over we passed several other groups with their own unique shirts and outfits. The parking lot was close to capacity with people coming and going. Even Barnes & Noble got in on the action, with custom displays for historical novels about the atom bomb and various pieces of Barbie media as well as an impromptu sale at the store’s Starbucks for people wearing Barbenheimer clothing.
Even if you weren’t participating, you couldn’t escape it.
By the time we regrouped at the AMC Classic Hamilton 8 for “Barbie,” our spirits had mostly lifted and we were ready for the bright and campy fun of Gerwig’s interpretation on the colossal brand.
This time the crowd was much more vocal throughout the film, but due to its nature as a comedy that didn’t bother me as much, and in fact added to some parts thanks to a couple of on-point reactions. We all came out grinning and abuzz about our favorite moments, calling each other Barbie and referring to each other’s Kenergy.
And even at 8:30 p.m. as we were leaving, there was still an overabundance of traffic to catch the theater’s latest showings.
Thinking about that day in retrospect, there are two major takeaways I have. The first is practical: “Barbenheimer” proves that people haven’t completely abandoned theaters.
The box office returns of both films show this abundantly, but more impressive to me are the clear cultural imprints. Discussions surrounding the films didn’t vanish after they came out, continuing even past their second weekend in theaters which normally would have other new releases swoop in and steal that thunder (as happened to “Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part 1,” which came out just a week before “Barbenheimer”).
My second takeaway is more personal: “Barbenheimer” is a reminder of how powerful film can be as a communal experience.
I’m not one to shy away from going to see movies by myself, but one of the best things about art is being able to share your experience with it; to come out of a movie and endlessly ramble on about it with someone else, to dissect and analyze the themes, to joke about your favorite moments. There’s just something about having people next to you while watching something that elevates it beyond just entertainment.
For one weekend — and if the box office holds, multiple weekends after — millions of people rediscovered the joy of the movie theater together.
This holds true for my own group. By the time I headed home after spending the entire day with my friends, I felt closer to them than ever. Sure, general togetherness helps, but I like to think the movies helped by giving us a platform to spend that time and share in each other’s excitement.
It turns out that we needed “Barbenheimer” just as much as “Barbenheimer” needed us.'
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featherdownmoor · 2 years
Every night my mom takes her notebook and pencilbox and sits in front of me at the dining table. she writes out her fitness plans for her clients, like what workouts to do, time slots for one of her clients etc. she reminds me of anthony bridgerton doing paperwork in his study after dinner lol. they both look quite serious while doing it xD
like a few weeks ago, my sisters and i stayed over at my cousins house for a few days. one night i turned bridgerton on at my cousins house and expected everyone to clown on me (jayden and i lay on the sofa and watched it from the beginning cuz period dramas are a hugeee guilty pleasure of ours lmaoao), but initially all the others did clown on us lol) but 15 minutes in, everyone just crowded around with a bag of chips, even nickhil! i was so happy. then after bingeing like 5 or 6 episodes we went upstairs and goofed around some more.
we all slept in my aunt and uncle’s room, the master bedroom, some sleep on the bed and some sleep on mattresses on the floor. it has light pink or sorta magenta walls and it’s also unreasonably big lol. the ceilings are suuuper high and the fan is quite literally all the way up there. and the whole room is probably equivalent in length to the length of my body (1.58m), times 5 or 6. so that’s like prolly around 8 or 9 metres. and we were just lounging around the room talking to each other. the next morning too, we just turned on spotify on the tv and played songs while engaging in some aimless banter (aimless but hilarious). i get that same feeling at home too, at the dining table in the morning, some are in the kitchen doing something, some are sitting at the table eating breakfast, just talking and making each other laugh. it reminds me of scenes from the bridgerton drawing room, everybody just sitting in the same space, enjoying each other’s company. conversation just flows so easily. 
anyway, we went upstairs. first, jayden and i randomly started discussing lord and lady names for each of the cousins. i taught jayden how to do a random ballroom dance that i mostly made up (palm to palm, spin around, and then he dips me. xDDD) then that turned into jayden and i speaking posh regency english (”she has a beautiful face, but i’ve never met a girl with an uglier countenance!”), me rambling to jayden about regency english quirks that i’ve picked up on, and then just coalescing into a fullblown roleplay where jayden (Lord Nishen) and i (Lady Dilusha) were the sassy, loud gossipmongers of the ton, and Lady Beatrise, Lady Nivon, Lord Nickhil and Miss Bernadette were the innocent members of court who are subject to our preachy ramblings. at one point we even pretended to get on a carriage by shutting ourselves in a closet LMAO. this is why i love them so much. but also, the historical parallels. i mean my historical knowledge is def not limited to period dramas, but it gives me equal parts amusement and comfort to think about us goofing off like that. it’s timeless to me :’)))
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ink-flavored · 2 years
Ask game for prohibition au/story! 2, 3, 6, 11
For the unfamiliar, I posted a little snippet for a Prohibition AU I have in the works for Day 5 of AU-gust, and you can read it right here!
Since Bad Deal is only a few thousand words and I wrote it in a single day, I'm going to treat this like you're asking about the whole AU, not just that one little bit. Or else I'd have very little to talk about.
2: What scene did you first put down?
Funnily enough, I actually wrote the end first. The premise of this fic came to me in a dream after an entire day of bingeing documentaries about the 1920s, specifically about the organized crime aspect of the prohibition. And the dream was about the end of the story where the Baddest Bad Guy gets revealed. The next day, I had no choice but to start writing it, and now it's a monster.
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
Oh, so many. There's so many.
This one's from the first chapter, which I do plan on posting as a teaser at some point:
He flopped back in his chair and laughed, deep and rich and unnaturally pleased among the glacial silence.
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
Well, it's the first time I've ever attempted writing a dual-POV narrative (I know HHSH had some alternating perspectives but in this fic it's all the way through)! It's also the first mystery I've ever written. There's a lot of firsts for this one!
It's also particularly special to me because I just love the prohibition as a historical period so so much. There are people who are weird about WW2, there are people who are weird about the Cold War, I am weird about the 1920s.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
The crime.
Okay but seriously, I'm really excited for this fic because the two POV character have juxtaposed character arcs. One of them gets better, the other gets worse. I'm so excited to write that part, and I'm already proud of coming up with the idea in the first place. It's gonna be so fucking good. There's gonna be drama. I'm so hype for my own shit.
[ask me a question about one of my fics]
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nitrateglow · 2 years
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I posted 2,982 times in 2022
167 posts created (6%)
2,815 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 395 of my posts in 2022
#thoughts - 67 posts
#buster keaton - 22 posts
#wait until dark - 20 posts
#audrey hepburn - 11 posts
#silent film - 10 posts
#lmao - 10 posts
#alan arkin - 10 posts
#halloween 2022 marathon - 7 posts
#wuthering heights - 6 posts
#halloween marathon 2022 - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#so many adaptations make cathy look like her mother in a blonde wig but the book emphasizes that she only really inherited her mother's eyes
My Top Posts in 2022:
I was reading about Singin’ in the Rain and it shocks me how often people criticize the Broadway Ballet number. Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen both thought it was too long. Several critics claim it’s pretentious.
It’s weird because it technically has little to no bearing on the main plot of the movie, but I just love everything about it-- the dancing, the costumes, the stylized sets, even the rags to riches narrative. As a teenager, I just thought it was about the most beautiful thing ever. Maybe it doesn’t bother me because the movie has such a light, breezy story as is.
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36 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
Happy birthday, Buster Keaton!
Today is Buster Keaton's 127th birthday. Usually, my birthday posts for Buster wax poetic about the impact he's had on me, but this year I've decided to talk about my favorite Keaton film-- which also happens to be my favorite movie of all time-- The General. Perfect time too, since I watched the film again recently to celebrate Keaton's big day.
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Ever humble and practical, Keaton would have never called himself an artist, and yet The General is undoubtedly more than a gag machine. It's one of the most visually appealing movies ever made-- Keaton and his creative team took the greatest care to replicate the Civil War photography of Matthew Brady, resulting in gorgeous compositions, evocative lighting, and a strong sense of period accuracy that outdoes most "serious" historical dramas of its time (and hell, ours too).
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59 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
Out of all the movie costumes throughout cinema history, I still covet Alex Delarge’s purple Willy Wonka coat the most.
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71 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
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93 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
For real, it drives me nuts when people act like I’m “behind the times” for still collecting physical movies and books.
Like when I blind bought Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange on bluray and the classmate who recommended it to me looked at me like I confessed to writing on stone tablets.
“But it’s on Netflix!”
And guess what was taken off of Netflix a few months later?
I like watching my movies when I want to watch them.
And you know what else? I like not depending on the internet to watch things. The internet in my apartment? Dodgy as hell. There are periods where streaming won’t even pull up on my TV because the internet will blip for 5-10 minutes. And it gets REALLY annoying when you’re in the middle of a show.
Also, there are people who live in more rural areas who can’t get decent internet either. Those people tend to still use cable and rent a lot of DVDs from the library.
So yeah, between streaming companies censoring content and pulling stuff down, and the internet not always being consistent, long live physical media.
19,214 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
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overnewtoncastle · 9 days
Tips for Finding the Perfect Venue for High Tea in Keilor
High tea is often considered a tradition that must be experienced at least once in a person’s life and when you select the perfect location hidden away, overlooking stunning hills and breathtaking landscapes, the experience is unlike any other.
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Imagine stepping into a scene that is reminiscent of a period drama, where every detail is charming and sophisticated. The aroma of freshly brewed Earl Grey tea making its way through the air and the sight of perfectly arranged finger sandwiches and delicious pastries is a sensory explosion that transports you to a different time.
But high tea in Keilor is so much more than just an ordinary culinary experience; it’s a celebration of history, nature, and the art of luxury living. As you take your first steps into this unforgettable atmosphere, you should let yourself be taken away by the rich experiences that await you.
Many factors add to your high tea experience. Here are a few ways to make sure that your high tea experience is one to remember.
Tip 1: Look for an air of historic charm
When it comes to high tea in Keilor, the venue’s atmosphere is something that you must consider before committing to any plans. Embrace the region’s rich history by selecting a location that’s known for its old-world charm. Imagine sipping a fragrant cup of hot tea surrounded by elegant Victorian decor or within the cosy confines of a beautifully preserved setting. The historic backdrop will transport you to a different time, setting the stage for a memorable experience that you’ll remember for years to come.
Tip 2: Don’t overlook stunning views
Keilor’s natural beauty is an integral part of what makes it an appealing high tea option, and what better way to appreciate it than by taking part in an afternoon of high tea while immersing yourself in breathtaking views? Look for venues that offer breathtaking views of the hills, lush gardens, or tranquil waterways that only add to this region’s landscape. Don’t forget to make sure that the scenery is the perfect complement to your afternoon — whether it’s an outing with friends, family, or colleagues.
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Tip 3: Go for the perfect backdrop
For an authentic high tea in Keilor, many venue options offer a luxurious backdrop such as a stunning castle. These intimate spaces often provide impeccable tea rooms, gardens, or lounges, where unmatched service and attention to detail are important. Expect beautifully curated menus, fine china, and an atmosphere that speaks to the sophistication and refinement you’re searching for, creating the perfect backdrop for an afternoon out with loved ones.
Tip 4: Seek out private dining experiences
If you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply want an extra touch of exclusivity, explore venues that offer private dining experiences for high tea in Keilor. Imagine having an entire room or secluded space all to yourselves, where you can savour each decadent treat in an intimate setting. These personalised experiences often come with attentive service and the ability to customise the menu to your preferences, ensuring a truly memorable afternoon.
Tip 5: High tea with a tour
Imagine taking a casual stroll through historic spaces decorated with tapestries or walking down immaculately manicured gardens. A castle setting adds an extra layer of sophistication to your high tea afternoon, allowing you to step into a world of timeless charm. Before booking, call ahead and ask about the possibility of including a castle tour as part of your high tea experience. It’s a chance to dive into the castle’s rich heritage, learn fascinating anecdotes, and experience architectural marvels, all while indulging in an afternoon of high tea. Make your day truly unforgettable by combining the elegance of high tea with a tour of a historical castle.
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Tip 6: Customize to your taste
Before finalising your high tea plans, take a moment to ask about the venue’s ability to accommodate your dietary preferences. Whether you’re vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or have specific allergies, it’s important to make sure that your high tea experience is tailored to your unique needs. Many venues are happy to customise their menus or provide alternative options to cater to diverse dietary requirements. Communicate your preferences in advance if you want to enjoy your high tea without any concerns, knowing that every dish is created with careful consideration to suit your taste and dietary needs. After all, a truly memorable high tea experience is one where every detail is personalised to perfection.
A lasting memory of high tea in Keilor
Whether you’re looking for historic charm, stunning gardens, elegant castle backdrops, private dining experiences, or themed indulgences, Keilor offers a wealth of venues to satisfy your craving for the perfect high tea experience.
As you sip your fragrant brew and savour each delectable treat, allow the ambiance to surround you, creating lasting memories that will linger long after you’ve left your high tea experience. Embrace the timeless tradition of high tea, and let its charm and elegance sweep you away.
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goyountokki · 28 days
Go Younjung's Filmography
From a supporting role to main role, let's see Go Younjung's acting career journey since 2019 to this day.
He is Psychometric | 2019
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as Kim So-Hyun (supporting) Native Title : 사이코메트리 그녀석 Broadcast : March 11, 2019 - April 30, 2019 Chanel : tvN Genre : Superpower, Romance, Thriller Production : Studio Dragon Director : Kim Byung-Soo Screenwriter : Yang Jin-Ah Number of Episodes : 16 episodes + 1 special episode This drama is Go Younjung's debut project.
The School Nurse Files (2020)
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as Choi Yoo-Jin (cameo) Native Title : 보건교사 안은영 Broadcast : September 25, 2020 Platform : Netflix (original) Genre : Fantasy, Mystery, Thriller, Comedy Horror, Action, School Production : KeyEast Director : Lee Kyung-Mi Screenwriter : Jung Se-Rang, Lee Kyung-Mi Adapted from : 보건교사 안은영 (novel) Number of Episode : 6 episodes
Sweet Home (2020)
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as Park Yu-Ri (supporting) Native Title : 스위트홈 Broadcast : December 18, 2020 Platform : Netflix (original) Genre : Thriller, Horror, Action, Dark Fantasy, Drama, Sci-Fi, Survival, Dystopia Production : Studio Dragon, Studio N Director : Lee Eung-Bok Screenwriter : Hong So-Ri, Kim Hyung-Min, Park So-Jung Adapted from : 스위트홈 (webtoon by Kim Carnby and Hwang Young-Chan) Number of Episodes : 10
Law School (2021)
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as Jeon Ye-Seul (supporting) Native Title : 로스쿨 Broadcast : April 14, 2021 - June 9, 2021 Chanel : JTBC Genre : Crime, Mystery, School, Court Production : JTBC Studio, Studio Phoenix Director : Kim Seok-Yoon Screenwriter : Seo-In Number of Episodes : 16 Episodes
Alchemy of Souls (2022)
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as Naksu (cameo) Native Title : 환혼 Broadcast : June 18, 2022 - August 28, 2022 Chanel : tvN Genre : Fictional Historical Drama, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Romantic Comedy, Action Production : tvN, Studio Dragon Director : Park Joon-Hwa, Jang Yang-Ho Screenwriter : Hong Jung-Eun, Hong Mi-Ran Number of Episodes : 20 episodes + 2 special episodes
Hunt (2022)
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as Jo Yoo-Jung (main) Native Title : 헌트 Premiere : August 10, 2020 (Korea), May 19, 2022 (Cannes Film Festival) Genre : Action, Thriller, Spy, Drama, Noir, Period, Suspense, Picaresque Production : Sanai Pictures, Artist Studio Director : Lee Jung-Jae Screenwriter : Lee Jung-Jae, Cho Seung-Hee Hunt is an espionage action film depicting the bloody battle between two National Intelligence Service agents Park Pyeong-Ho (played by Lee Jungjae) and Kim Jeong-Do (played by Jung Woosung), who suspect each other in order to hunt a North Korean spy with the code name Dongrim, that hiding within the organization. In this movie, Go Younjung play as Jo Yoo-Jung, a college student who gets caught up in the spy-hunting operation. Note : <Hunt> is Go Younjung's screen debut
Alchemy of Souls : Light and Shadow (2022)
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as Jin Bu-Yeon (main) Native Title : 환혼: 빛과 그림자 Broadcast : December 10, 2022 - January 8, 2023 Channel : tvN Genre : Fictional Historical Drama, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Romantic Comedy, Action Production : tvN, Studio Dragon Director : Park Joon-Hwa, Bae Hyun-Jin Screenwriter : Hong Jung-Eun, Hong Mi-Ran Number of Episode : 10 Episodes
Moving (2023)
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as Jang Hui-Soo (main) Native Title : 무빙 Broadcast : August 9, 2023 - September 20, 2023 Platform : Disney+ (original) Genre : Human, Action, Superpower, Drama, School Production : Studio & New, Mr. Romance Director : Park In-Je, Park Yoon-Seo Screenwriter : Kang Full Adapted from : 무빙 (webtoon by Kang Full) Number of Episodes : 20 Episodes
Sweet Home 2 (2023)
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as Park Yu-Ri (cameo) Native Title : 스위트홈 2 Broadcast : December 1, 2023 Platform : Netflix (original) Genre : Thriller, Horror, Action, Dark Fantasy, Drama, Sci-Fi, Survival, Dystopia Production : Studio Dragon, Studio N Director : Lee Eung-Bok, Park So-Hyun Screenwriter : Hong So-Ri, Park Soo-Jung Number of Episodes : 8 Episodes
Death's Game (2023)
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as Lee Ji-Soo (cameo) Native Title : 이재, 곧 죽습니다 Broadcast : December 15, 2023 (Part. 1), January 5, 2024 (Part.2) Platform : TVING (original), Prime Video Genre : Dark Fantasy, Reincarnation, Action, Thriller, Revenge, Social Criticism Production : SLL, Studio N, Saram Entertainment Director : Ha Byung-Hoon Screenwriter : Ha Byung-Hoon Adapted From : 이제 곧 죽습니다 (webtoon by Lee Won-Sik and Ggulchan) Number of Episode : 8 Episodes
Resident Playbook (tba)
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as Oh I-Young (main) Native Title : 언젠가는 슬기로울 전공의생활 Broadcast : tba Channel : tvN Genre : Drama, Medical, Slice of Life, Comedy, Human Production : Egg is Coming Creator : Shin Won-Ho, Lee Woo-Jung Director : Lee Min-Soo Screenwriter : Kim Song-Hee Number of Episode : tba
Can This Love be Translated? (tba)
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as Cha Moo-Hee (main) Native Title : 이 사랑 통역 되나요? Broadcast : tba Platform : Netflix (original) Genre : Romantic Comedy Production : Imaginus, Tree Studio, Studio Sot Director : Yoo Young-Eun Screenwriter : Hong Jung-Eun, Hong Mi-Ran Number of Episodes : tba
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