#Dean Winchester One Shots *Request Fills only*
arjwrites · 3 months
Times You Threatened to Kill Dean Winchester- Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: A brief account of all the times you wanted to kill a certain hunter.
Warnings: Language, character death, thoughts of suicide, references to sex, threats... A good mix of fluff and angst! Word Count: 2.3k A/N: This one was a labor of love! I have a few other fics in the works as per a few requests I have received, but this one was speaking to me tonight, so I sat down to write it! Please enjoy- in the meantime, your requests are coming soon! <3
“Dean Winchester, I could just KILL you!” 
You were extremely familiar with the Winchester boys’ prank wars by now. You had been witness to a few different cycles of this behavior over the many years you had known them- in fact, if someone were to dig through the old cardboard box you kept hidden in the spare room at Bobby’s, they’d probably find a few faded teenage pictures of a bald Sam after Dean snuck Nair into his shampoo, or a sleeping Dean with some sharpie-d enhancements adorning his face. But up until now, you had always kept to the sidelines. Time and time again, you claimed Switzerland to avoid their shenanigans, because it always got way too out of hand.
But today, when you climbed out of bed, still groggy with sleep, stepping into the bathroom of your shared motel room, an entire bucket’s worth of ice water that had been balanced atop the door came crashing down on you. The sensation sent a shockwave through your whole body, and from the noise that escaped your lips, you would’ve thought you had been shot. And to add insult to injury, the bucket itself smacked against your head on its way down. 
So to start your day, you were soaking wet, freezing, pissed off, and nursing a swelling bump atop your head. A blind rage filled your body. You knew it had to have been Dean, it was his turn to retaliate after Sam had messed with the stereo in the Impala so that it only played Barbie Girl. It had been a long, silent ride home after last night’s hunt. 
“Dean Winchester, you are a dead man!” The words came bursting out of you as you stormed your way out of the bathroom.
“What did I- Oh my GOD. That wasn’t for you.” Dean’s eyes looked like they were going to bug out of his head. He knew he had fucked up. 
The first thing to go flying across the room was the bucket, which nailed Dean in the chest with an anticlimactic thud. You followed close behind it. At full speed, you sprinted into Dean, knocking him back onto the bed behind him.
“Get off me! You’re soaking wet!” Dean protested, throwing his arms between you two in an effort to shield himself. 
“Yeah, how do you like it?” You weren’t going to back down. 
So that is how you ended up wrestling with Dean. You put up a surprisingly good fight for a lot longer than you expected, able to overpower him via sheer force of will. Once Dean got his bearings, though, he flipped you over, hovering on top of you and pinning you to the bed by your wrists. You held an intense eye contact for a brief moment while you each caught your breath. In doing so, you came to the mutual realization that this was ridiculous. You didn’t know who cracked the smile first, but as Dean’s grew, so did yours, until you were grinning like idiots and erupting into laughter.
“You know, this isn’t what I meant when I said I wanted you wet and in my bed,” Dean raised his eyebrows and tossed you a sly wink.
“Yup, I’m doing it. I am killing you.” 
“Dean I swear to God, if you keep me cooped up in this motel room for one more minute I am going to lose my mind.” 
“Would you relax? Sam and I are almost back at the witch’s house. We’ll gank her, it’ll reverse the spell, you’ll be right as rain.”
“God I hope so. This is driving me up the wall. I will never watch another second of daytime TV after this.” With the press of a button, you hung up the phone and tossed it across the room onto the bed. This was getting seriously old.
While taking on a vengeful spirit case, you and the Winchesters had run into a particularly pesky witch. Long story short, she cast a spell at you, and none of you could figure out what it was. It was driving you crazy, and what was driving you crazier was that the boys had locked you in the motel room for two days while they tracked the witch back down. All around town, all over the area, until they finally caught her trail heading back to her own house. Where they had started.
The problem was, you felt fine. You really didn’t think there was anything wrong with you. You wanted to get out there and help them, do some research, go to the damn grocery store, literally anything. But Sam and Dean had insisted that the safest thing for you to do was to stay behind. We don’t know what she did to you, Y/N. It could be dangerous for you to leave. It’s better if you stay here and do absolutely nothing. It made sense, to an extent, you just weren’t very happy about it. 
After a few hours and several more episodes of the most mind-numbing daytime talk shows you could imagine, you heard the sound of keys jingling and the motel door creeping open. In came Dean, wearing a strange expression on his face. If you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve thought it was fear.
“So? Ding dong, the witch is dead, I don’t have to blow my brains out?” You asked, more than ready to be done with the whole fiasco.
“Um.” Dean was avoiding eye contact. His hands slipped into his pocket and he sucked in a long, sharp breath.
“So, uh, maybe…” He slipped a hand across his mouth, stalling his words. “Look, you might have to stick around here for one more day. We uh, think she might be in the town over, but we kind of lost her trail.”
On the car ride back to the motel, Dean had prepared for you to react by yelling, screaming, hitting, anything to unleash the anger he knew was coming. In fact, that was why Sam had waited in the car- to give him a little time to break the news. But in front of Dean was something much, much scarier. Your jaw was clenched, your gaze was distant, and your eyes narrowed. You were just… sitting there. The silence lasted for what felt like ages. It was enough to send the man spiraling. Finally, you looked up.
“... Yes?”
“You better kill that witch tomorrow before I kill you.”
“Duly noted.”
Losing Sam had been just about the worst thing that could have ever happened to any of you. Watching him fall to his knees after Jake backstabbed him, Dean cradling him as the life finally slipped from his body… It brought you to tears just thinking about it. You had loved Sam like a little brother. But as much as it tore you up inside, his death had happened. So goes the life of a hunter. It was time to let Sam rest. 
Dean, however, had still refused to make peace with the loss of his brother. It had been several days and Sam’s lifeless body was still laying out on a mattress. Dean just couldn’t let go. You and Bobby had begged him to let you lay Sam to rest, but he simply wasn’t having it. Dean was angry, defensive, and hurt, far deeper than you had ever seen. After conferring privately with each other, you and Bobby figured maybe it would be best to give him a little time alone with Sam, for closure’s sake. 
So a day later when Sam Winchester, live and in the flesh, waltzed into the room to thank you and Bobby for patching up his wound without so much as a second thought, your heart dropped like a rock. The feeling that washed over you was worse than any grief you had felt this past week. Of course, it was amazing to have Sam back- it felt like a miracle. But miracles don’t just happen, especially not to Winchesters. And when you looked to Dean, he refused to meet your eyes.
Not wanting to alert Sam of the situation, you made an excuse to get Dean to follow you outside. You trudged as far as you could in silence, you not daring to look in his direction, until you knew you were out of earshot from the house. 
“What did you do, Dean?” Your back was still turned, and your voice was hardly a whisper. You were surprised Dean could hear you at all.
“What did you DO? How long did they give you?” The question ripped from your chest, but you weren’t sure you were ready to hear the answer. 
“A year.” 
One year. You dropped to the ground. The gravel dug into your skin, but all your senses were numbed with hurt. You wanted to ask what made him think he could do this- to Bobby, to Sammy, to you? But when you opened your mouth to speak, the ache that resonated through your chest stifled the words.
Dean slid down next to you in silence. He wrapped a single arm around you, and you leaned your head into him. All you could do was cry silent, heavy tears. For what felt like hours, there was nothing you could say. The pit in your stomach swirled back and forth from anger to despair to fear, culminating in a blinding nausea. You looked up at Dean, who simply stared straight ahead. There was a staggering coldness in his eyes that drove the knife further into your core.  
“God damn it Dean Winchester, I could just kill you myself, right now.” 
“You’ll have to get in line, sweetheart.” 
If you thought a few days without Sam had been bad, four whole months without Dean was your own personal hell. After Dean’s time was up, you couldn’t bear to be around anyone who reminded you of him. You hadn't spoken to Bobby or Sam or any other hunters- any other people, for that matter. You had practically dug yourself a grave, isolated from the world around you, lost and in the dark. 
This was the worst hurt you had ever felt in your life. Four months later and the wound in your heart was just as fresh as the day it arrived there. Every time it began to heal, one wrong move and it started aching, throbbing, bleeding again. But at this point, the pain was all you had left of Dean. So you let it bleed. 
The knock on the motel room door did nothing to stir you from your place in bed. It had been days, maybe a week, since you had risen for anything but your basic needs. You had called the front desk to extend your stay multiple times, running up a scammed credit card Dean had probably given to you at some point. There was nowhere else for you to go, so you laid down weary roots right here. 
The knock persisted but you remained still. It could’ve been the police, the president, or the pope and you couldn’t have cared any less. Go away. There was a clanging noise followed by the shifting of the lock’s mechanisms. Whoever it was, they were breaking into your room. A few months ago, you would’ve jumped into action, but all of your hunter self-preservation instincts were long gone. Whoever it was could come in and take whatever they wanted and shoot you dead in the process. Maybe they’d be doing you a favor. 
You rolled over in bed as the door creaked open, prepared to lay eyes on whoever was here to bring your demise. However, you were met with the one face that could have coaxed you out of the bed. The face you hadn’t seen in four months. The look in his eyes teemed with love and longing, which made your stomach churn. 
“This is a real sick joke.”
“No, Y/N, it’s-” 
For the first time since before Dean’s death, you snapped into hunter-mode, rising to your feet and snatching holy water and a knife from the bag under your bed in the process. It was a little slow, a little clumsy, and clearly a bit out of practice.
“You know, I was about to let whoever you were come right in and kill me. What reason do I have to stick around anymore? But this- this is just sick.” You laughed- your first laugh in months, and yet nothing was funny. 
“It’s me, Y/N, I-”
“No. I’m going to kill you now.” And you lunged, splashing holy water with one hand and thrusting the knife with the other. 
When Dean caught your hand before the knife could strike him, twisting your arm to defend himself from your lackluster attack, it took you longer than it should have to realize that the holy water hadn’t fazed him. Before it registered, you struggled against his grasp, but months of malnutrition and stagnant muscles had left you weak. You cried out as you fought, before fully dissolving into tears and dropping the knife in a mix of defeat and acceptance. Dean placed two heavy hands on your shoulders as if to ground you back in the moment.
“It’s me. I swear.” The beads of holy water that rolled off his face paralleled the tears that rolled off yours. Your hand reached up to wipe a droplet away- partially out of habit, partially to test that he was real, that he wouldn’t disappear at your touch. He didn’t. Instead, both his hands planted on your face, matching your movement. 
“Oh, Dean.” That was the only way you could express it. Dean. Here, real, standing in front of you, and not a demon. Just pure Dean. 
“Hi sweetheart,” he whispered, and it felt like home. He pulled you into a gentle hug, as if he harbored the same fear as you- that you may disappear beneath his very touch. But you were real, and so was he. You wouldn’t disappear, and neither would he. Dean was back, and because of that, you were back too.
“Good thing you didn’t kill me, right?” 
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muffinbeliever · 1 year
Green with Envy
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The reader is flirting with a guy for a case, and her boyfriend Dean is not happy about it.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 1732
Warnings: SMUT !!!! obv lol, thigh riding, choking, use of sir, degrading, hmmmmm that might be it lol
A/N: hello hello hello my lovelies its kinktober y'all know what that means *wink wonk* please enjoy this little smutty one shot with our favorite daddy dean (except in this he isn't daddy he's sir) this was written for @candy-coated-misery0731 per request
Dean was pissed. He was beyond pissed. 
He was absolutely furious. 
You could feel his piercing eyes glaring at the back of your head. Twirling your hair in your fingers, you nodded along to whatever the guy in front of you was saying, throwing in a flirtatious giggle every now and then just to add to your performance. Internally, you huffed at your boyfriend’s obvious annoyance. 
It wasn’t like you wanted to talk to this guy— he was over-confident and loud— you just had to distract him long enough for Sam and Dean to grill his friend about the recent deaths in town. But seeing how Dean was standing in the corner, gritting his teeth, you assumed the brothers determined only one of them would be needed for the job.
The man across from you (you couldn’t recall his name… was it Jackson? Jasper? Whatever.) placed his hand on your arm, and you realized you had zoned out. 
“Did you hear what I said?” He asked. His breath reeked of alcohol, and you wanted to cringe away from his touch, but you had a job to do. You swallowed your disgust and flashed him a sultry smile.
“Sorry, I was focused on your arms. Do you work out?” You feigned interest as you placed your hand on his bicep, and he smirked while flexing. 
“Yeah, I lift,” he said, smugly. He glanced at your empty glass sitting on the bar and frowned. “Another round?”
You shook your head. 
“No thanks, I have work in the morning,” you said, politely hinting that you wouldn’t be spending the night with him like he had hoped. 
“Oh come on! Just one more drink wouldn’t hurt,” he encouraged, and with a sigh you caved, figuring that if you’re going to be stuck with him for God-knows-how-much longer, at least you’d get a free drink out of it. 
“Alright, sure,” you agreed, resigned to your duty of the night. 
As he hailed down the bartender, your eyes swept through the room, finding your boyfriend still brooding in the same corner. His eyebrows were tightly knit and his lips were slightly pursed. His arms were crossed over his chest; his arm muscles bulging in his black t-shirt without even trying. His dark green eyes met yours from across the bar, and you flashed him a smile. He raised a single eyebrow in return. 
You knew that look. 
You were fucked.
The bartender slid you a glass filled with amber liquid, presumably whiskey, but you weren’t sure. You thanked him and threw it back, knowing you’ll need it later when your jealous boyfriend decided to confront you. 
The man across from you laughed and saluted you with a cheers before throwing his glass back as well. Suddenly, he was a lot closer than before, and you stood in shock as he reached out his hand, placing it on your cheek, and wiped at your bottom lip. You jerked from his touch, not at all pleased with his straightforward style. 
“You had some whiskey on your lip,” he explained before he leaned in closer. “Would you have preferred I kiss it away, instead?” 
Before you could say anything, you felt a firm hand clasp your shoulder and you were pulled away from the man in front of you and straight in to the familiar broad chest of your boyfriend. 
“H-hey!” The man sputtered, confused as to what had just happened. 
Dean ignored him and held your hand tightly in his. 
“Y/N, we’re leaving,” he said quietly but firmly in your ear. His low voice was laced with anger and jealousy, and you hated to admit that it turned you on. Whether it was the liquor you practically inhaled or the dark promise of what was to come, you fluttered your eyelashes at him.
“But I was having fun,” you said with a pout. “And Sam isn’t even done!” 
His eyes hardened even more at your disobedience, and he spun you towards the door. 
“Let’s go. Now.” 
With a dramatic sigh, you waved at What’s-His-Face, and he waved back, perplexed. You led the way out of the bar, Dean’s steady hand against your lower back. 
The cool breeze hit you like a breath of fresh air, but you had no time to appreciate it, as Dean was already opening the passenger door to Baby, and you got in without argument. Without a word, he started the car and backed out of the driveway. His knuckles were white as he gripped the wheel, not quite speeding back to the motel, but definitely making a hasty exit. 
“What about Sam?” You asked, sighing when your boyfriend clenched his jaw and kept his eyes on the road, ignoring your question. “Dean, look I—”
“Be quiet.” 
His words were soft but demanding, and you couldn’t help the rush of excitement that swept through your body. You did as you were told and crossed your legs to provide some friction to your heated core. The last time Dean was this upset, he had spanked you so hard that you had bruises on your ass for a week. You watched as the night scenery flashed by, hyperaware of the rumbling vibrations of Baby’s engine that seemed to send sparks through you with every bump in the road.
He sharply pulled the car into the parking lot and you were quick to unbuckle your seatbelt. Dean, on the other hand, took his time, making you impatient for what was to come, but you knew better than to complain, so you kept your mouth shut and waited for him to guide you. 
He got out of the car first, before making his way to your side where he stiffly opened the door. Ever the gentleman, he offered you his hand, and you took it, climbing out of the car. 
It was silent as you entered your room, and you were thankful for Dean’s foresight of getting a separate room from Sam this time. You placed your bag on the bed, and Dean took a seat on the armchair facing you. His legs were spread and he looked leisurely, like a king, but you were not fooled. There was anger brewing in his eyes. 
This time, you knew better than to argue. You started with your top, crossing your arms over your body before slowly pulling it off. Your breasts bouncing as they were released. You unbuttoned your jeans before shimmying them down your legs. You hooked your thumbs in the waistband of your thong, and slowly pulled it down, turning around and bending over as you did.
Before long, you were fully naked, and Dean drank your body in with hungry eyes. He shifted in the chair, and you noticed his pants were tented where he had grown hard watching you strip. Without another word, he spread his legs even more and patted his leg. Understanding his request, you sat on him, your legs on either side as you straddled his thigh. 
His leg was thick and hard under you, and you couldn’t help but press down further, creating friction between your clit and his jeans. His arm shot out and his hands wrapped around your throat, restricting you from grinding against him anymore. 
“Did I say you could move?” His voice was low. Menacing. 
“No,” you whimpered quietly, shaking your head. He tilted his head and tightened his grip around your throat.
“No, what?” 
“No, sir,” you choked out. His tight hold relaxed slightly, and you inhaled deeply. 
“I’m not happy with you, Y/N,” he stated simply. 
“I know.” Your voice was shaky, partly from his grip and partly from your bubbling excitement. 
“You know, do you? And what exactly do you know?” 
“I shouldn’t have been teasing you like that, sir. I’m sorry.” 
He chuckled darkly, and his other hand came to rest on your waist, shuffling you around, knowing it only made you more desperate. 
“Teasing me? You think this is about you teasing me?” 
You nodded quickly, causing him to chuckle more. 
“This is about you parading yourself around the bar. Acting like a slut,” he hissed, pulling you closer towards him to whisper in your ear.
“Like you aren’t mine.”
You could feel yourself getting wetter with every word, whimpering from his intoxicating smell and touch that surrounded you. 
“Tell me, Y/N, did you like when he touched your arm? And when he touched your lips that are only meant to be wrapped around my cock?” His thumb traced your bottom lip with a soft reverence that contrasted with his anger and rage. His hand tightened around your throat once again.
“Answer me.” 
Immediately, you shook your head. You hadn’t enjoyed it. Not one bit. 
“No, sir.” 
He slowly began to rock your hips against his thigh, pulling you flush against the denim so you could feel the rough fabric. 
“No? And why should I believe a whore like you?” He muttered into your hair as you ground your hips against him faster, whining and closing your eyes as you felt sparks in your toes moving up towards your core. Suddenly, you were stilled, and your eyes shot open. 
“I asked you a question. You seem to be having trouble answering those tonight.” 
Still dazed, you shook your head. “Yours. I’m only yours, sir. No one else’s.”
“Only mine?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Prove it.” 
And with that, he sat you back down on his thigh. His large hand that was still wrapped around your throat tightened again, and you moaned as you rode him. Your hands gripped the arm of the chair and his thigh, steading yourself. You ground your hips against him and the room filled with your moans and whimpers. 
“That’s a good girl. Wanting to prove to me that you’re my whore, and my whore only.” 
You gasped when a sharp smack was delivered to your ass, speeding up your pace as waves of pleasure rolled through you, faster and faster, until you reached your peak, your body shuddering against his as you came with a wail. 
Spent, you slumped against his clothed form, a slight sheen of sweat covering your body. He placed a kiss on your forehead, and you mumbled nonsense tiredly into the cotton of his shirt. He chuckled at your tiredness.
“You’re not getting out of this so easily, sweetheart. We’re not finished yet.”
Taglist: @akshi8278 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @lanea-1 @slamminmine @bluedragonflylady @cevans-winchester @bakugouswh0r3 @muhahaha303 @allaroundjejje
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queen-of-deans-booty · 7 months
Raging Storm
Pairing: Dean Winchester x 18!Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Warnings: angst, being bullied, harsh insults, being called freak and worthless, someone wanting you to kill yourself, heartbreak
Request by anon: Hey can i request a one shot where the Winchester brothers and Castiel find out that before Michael and Lucifer go to hell they pregnant a woman that died giving birth to the reader (yn) that is the most powerful being in the existence and she is the first hybrid of all species, she is also the embodiment karma and the void, the princess of heaven and hell, the antichrist, Dean Winchester soulmate, the niece of angels and demons, descendant of the pagan gods and four horsemen of apocalypse, and more things and they need to find her because she is so powerful and she can destroy everything but in the end she is super innocent and shy girl???. with fluffy ending.
Summary: You've always been different than everyone else around you but you have no idea why. Things happen around you that you can't control or have no understanding of, but then Dean Winchester comes into your life promising to help make sense of it all.
Square Filled: window for @spnonewordbingo (deleted bingo)
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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This is the third week this month that the sky has been cloudy and gray. It’s fitting since it matches your mood. All you want to do is get through today and go home where you feel the safest. You hate it here. You’re about to graduate but it needs to come faster. You want to get out of this hellhole and away from these hellish people.
You look up and see your school in the distance with people shuffling into the building. God, I hate everyone here. You’re not even sure how it started but you walked into school one day and everyone hated you. The internet talks about bullying and how much it can ruin a person’s life, but you never knew it could get this bad.
You’re not sure why you’re getting bullied. Sure, you’re very timid and shy but you’re one of the nicest people there is. You’re sweet and friendly to everyone, but that doesn’t seem to matter to some people.
You keep your head down even when you get to school, ignoring the stares you get from some people. The first class of the day is science, which you love, but there are three people in that class that make those fifty minutes feel like hell. You take your seat in the very back by the windows when one of the most popular girls in school comes in. She is followed by her two friends who are basically puppies looking for attention.
“Look girls, the neighborhood freak is here.”
Your heart hurts at her words. You’ve always been bullied by her ever since you could remember. You two attended the same elementary school, the same middle school and junior high, and now the same high school. She’s been tormenting you ever since she knew she gained power by her words.
Maybe she senses you’re a bit different than everyone else. You certainly feel that way. Why do you feel different than everyone here? What makes you not the same as everyone else? That’s the reason why you get bullied because you don’t fit in. You don’t dress weird, have a pimply face, or are into weird things. Stacy took one look at you one day and decided you were going to be her target for as long as you let her be in power.
You haven’t found it in yourself to take that from her.
“What, have nothing to say?” she smirks and looks at her friends. “I hear her Daddy hits her while at home. Her whole family is a bunch of freaks.”
That’s not true. Your father loves you dearly. She’s just looking to stir up some drama, and the only way it’ll get worse is if you antagonize her.
“I heard takes poor defenseless animals and cuts them up,” one of Stacy’s friends says.
“You hear that, Freak? Better not get caught or else I might sic Darren and his friends on you. You wouldn’t want to end up like those animals, now would you?”
You put your head down and drown out her words with the beat of your own heart. The cloudy sky hasn’t gone away, in fact, it has gotten much darker since you’ve arrived at school. Stacy and her friends sit down next to you and gossip loud enough for you to hear every word they say.
Freak. Useless. Ugly. Burden. Waste of space. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. It got so much that you let your emotions get the better of you. Tears would stream down your face if you weren't in front of a bunch of people. Your heart jumps out of your chest just as all the windows in the classroom shatter around you, causing everyone to scream and back away from it. You stay seated, unsure if you did this or if something outside had caused this.
The storm clouds roll in quicker than anyone expects, and a light rain starts falling from the sky. Some of that rain comes inside but you barely feel the water on your skin. You look around at every person who seems scared of you. Maybe she’s right. Maybe you are a useless waste of space freak.
School is shut down for the day while authorities figure out what the hell happened. The rain comes down a tad harder than before but if you can get home, you can curl up in bed and pretend the world doesn’t exist.
As you’re walking, someone bumps hard enough into you that you almost go crashing to the ground.
“What did I tell you girls? She’s a super freak. Did you see what she did to those windows? How did you do that?” Stacy asks.
“Please, I just want to go home.”
“Are you a witch? A freak and a witch. God, why don’t you just go kill yourself? The world will be better off without you in it.”
“Please, just let me go home,” you beg.
“I like it when you beg,” she smirks. “Come on, bitch, beg to me like a dog.”
You’re not sure how this happened but you thought of her getting hit by lightning and then she suddenly was. She falls back in a fit of screams while everyone else but you jump out of the way to avoid getting hit. One of her friends ends up calling 911 but you’re already running away from the scene.
The rain pours down harder and lightning strikes near you to reflect how heartbroken you are. It seems like the weather follows exactly how you feel, and right now, you just want the world to swallow you whole. You don’t bother going home in fear you’ll hurt your parents. Instead, you run to the one place you feel safe outside of your own home.
“Alright, I have storms hitting New York and New Jersey, but I don’t think it’s what we’re looking for,” Sam says as he browses his laptop.
“I got a small tornado in Louisana.”
“Anything else?” Sam asks Cas.
“Check this out,” Dean says before the group gives up hope. He turns the laptop so that the other two men can see the page he’s on. “There is a small town in Nebraska that is having rolling blackout storms like the city has never seen before, and the windows of the local high school had been shattered without anyone or anything touching it.”
“Do you think that’s her?” Sam asks.
“Gotta be. She’d be in high school by now.”
“There’s only one way to find out.”
The trio gathers everything they can before setting out to Nebraska. They’ve been tracking you ever since you were born because you’re one of the most, if not the most, powerful beings in the universe. You’re the offspring of Lucifer AND Michael when they decided to both have sex with a human woman at the same time. They manipulated their power to create one big super sperm (as Dean likes to put it) in order to create you.
You’re the Princess of Heaven and Hell, the antichrist, and the embodiment of Karma and the Void. If Dean had to guess, you don’t know just how powerful you are, and you don’t. They have to find you before you do something bad like level an entire town because you got upset over something. Your mother died by giving birth to you and your fathers went to Hell after being imprisoned in the Cage yet again.
Your foster family took you in, adopted you, and loved you with everything they got. There’s a reason why you felt so different than everyone else. You’re not human. You’re not like anyone else. You just don’t know why because you were never told what you are or taught how to be what you are.
Sam, Dean, and Castiel try to traverse the storm when they get into town. It’s gotten a lot worse and has residents fleeing from the city to seek shelter elsewhere. No one knows where this storm came from but they are preparing for the worst. The heart of the storm is where you’re at and gets lighter the further out it goes.
They track you to an abandoned farm you often go to when you want to be alone. You found this place while taking a shortcut home and made it comfortable enough for you to spend hours there. Now, you can’t find a big of comfort anywhere here.
The trio gets out of Baby and sees you outside the barn huddled on the ground. The rain is coming down in buckets but that won’t stop the Winchesters and Castiel from talking to you.
“Maybe I should go. You know, angel to half-angel,” Castiel offers.
“No, let me,” Dean says before he can stop himself. “You two stay here.”
“What? Are you crazy?!” Sam gasps.
“Sammy, I got this.” He leaves their side and approaches you slowly and carefully. You look up and see the three strange men which causes you to scoot away from them in fear. “Y/N, you’re okay!”
“Go away! I don’t know you!”
Lightning strikes the ground where Dean is, and he jumps back before he is struck. Sam wants to join his brother’s side but he knows Dean can handle this one alone. Plus, he’ll jump in if it looks like Dean is in trouble.
“Y/N, my name is Dean Winchester. I want to explain what is happening to you.”
“I don’t even know who I am!” you sob. “Go away before I hurt you!” Dean walks closer to you but you feel a sense of warmth coming from him. You can feel that he is a safe person to talk to which is why you allow him to come closer to you. “I don’t know what’s happening to me. I feel so lost. I don’t belong here. I don’t fit in!”
“Believe me, I get it. I understand how you feel.” He kneels next to you so you can see him without the rush of rain between you two. “I know what it’s like to feel alone in a room full of people. I didn't think I belonged for a long time. Sometimes, I still feel that way.”
“What’s wrong with me?”
“Nothing is wrong with you.” You fall into Dean’s arms and just cry, and he smooths down your drenched hair as a means to comfort you. “There is nothing wrong with you.”
“All I want is to be normal. I didn’t ask to be this way.”
“I know. You’re not alone, Y/N. My brother and I can help you. Castiel over there can help you. We can help you control this.” You sob into his neck uncontrollably. “You’re going to be okay.”
For some reason, you believe him, and the storm calms down just a bit both in your head and outside.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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justroaminground · 1 year
a little distraction (Sam Winchester x Reader)
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summary: sam got his soul back and the three of you are working a case. sam is still all over the place and you decided he needed a little distraction.
warnings: NSFW, smut, 18+, fluff/smut, oral, sex
Enjoy! If there are any requests feel free to leave them. Sorry for mistakes i am sure you get the point. ;) xx
dean, sam an you were working a case, which sam has already been working on with samuel. unfortunately since he just got his soul back, his memories were still gone, but he seemed to have flashbacks the further you guys worked into the case.
you sat at the table in the motelroom, hacking surveillance cameras to check some traces you had. dean sat across from you and sam was switching through police files. from time to time you were able to see from the corner of you eye, he was struggling. sam rubbed his forehead and sighed.
"fuck it we are done here!" dean shot up and went over to sam, to get the files out of his hand.
"dean what the hell?!" sam looked at dean confused.
"you are scratching the damn wall sam! over and over again! you know exactly you aren't supposed to do so!" dean was frustrated and tried to knock some responsibility into sam's stubborn head.
"dean look, i am fine! yeah sure memories come back but only in relation to this case! i don't remember anything from hell. please.." he looked at dean with his face full of pain and regret. "i just wanna end it the right way here. i closed this case in a horrible way."
until now you just watched the two of them having this heated argument but you're done watching. you cleared your throat and got up.
"honestly i think dean ist right sam." you added in a calm way. both of their heads shot into your direction and you smiled softly. "i am not a huge fan of fighting. dean and i are very concerned for your wellbeing sam. be the responsible one you are and listen to dean. at least stay here and let us finish the case."
sam lowered his gaze to the floor and slightly nodded. his hands rubbing against eachother and he took a moment until he answered.
"alright." he spoke up looking back up at the two of you. "but i want to stay. you two finish the case and i will stay here doing all the research."
"thank's god!" dean said and exhaled loudly. he put his hands on his sides and took his glass from the table, filling it up with whisky.
you smiled at sam and padded his shoulder. before sitting down you went to dean and replaced his whisky glass with a bottle of water.
"talking about being responsible." you gave him a warning look. "you better stop drown you frustration in alcohol." you sat back down at the table.
sam looked at dean amused and mouthed "fuck you!" to him. dean mouthed a "shut up!" back.
your look went from one brother to the other and you laughed. "seriously?!" shaking you head you went back to the laptop with your concentration.
after a few hours, you had a rough plan for tomorrow and the three of you went to bed. you got up early with dean and the two of you headed out to get this case finally finished.
the day seemed like it would never end, hopping from one questioning to the next. looking at traces over traces. talking to frustrated and clueless people sometimes weighed hard on you. not just you, but dean was way better at hiding it.
"i feel like we should get lunch and take a bit of a break?" you suggested to dean and handed him a bottle of water. "you haven't been drinking all day long"
"yeah you're probably right." he rubbed his eyes with one hand. the other one still resting on the steering wheel. "thank's love" he took the water bottle from you and took a sip.
dean parked at the next restaurant and you got out. you noticed he wasn't getting out and you looked back into the car.
"are you coming?" you questioned.
"i think i'm gonna call sam real quick. you can already go ahead and place the order" he answered and took his phone out of his pocket.
"fine, se ya" you added and made your way into the restaurant.
you took a seat and looked through the menu. the waiter took you out of your mind and you looked up at him smiling sweetly.
"hello beautiful, what can i get you?"
"i'd love to have the chicken wrap and a coke and for my friend, which will join, a bacon cheeseburger and a beer please." you told him and nodded.
"thank you very much for your order. food will be here asap" he smiled at you and left.
dean made his way to your table and sat down. his face was pissed and you tried to catch his gaze.
"hey grumpy bear what's going on? didn't he answer?"
"he did."
"i just got a call from ben. he said lisa was in trouble."
you had to process for a minute what he just said and you nodded. "ugh..then why are you still sitting here?!"
"i can't just leave right now. sam is still smoshy in his head and you'd have to work alone on this case which is complicated enough." dean gave back and frustration was written all over his face.
you raised an eyebrow and leaned back in the chair, inhaled deeply and placed your hands on the table. "yes i am a woman and sam is still weak, but that doesn't mean you have to manage everything. ben needs you now and i want you to get your ass up after we ate and leave. do you understand me?" you questioned him in a serious but quiet ton so no one would hear you, giving him the talk.
"i never-"
"dean. my question is a simple yes or no question. i do not want any rants." you smiled at him sweetly and crossed your arms in front of your chest.
"fuck you y/n. but i love you." he mumbled and nodded. "but if it's getting risky i want you to call me!"
you nodded and with that the food arrived. both of you finished your meals and after paying you made your way out the restaurant.
"i'll take you back to the motel" dean said while walking to the car.
"oh no! we have to finish some questionings?" you said.
"but not alone!" dean insisted.
"i am not alone" you smirked while getting with him to the car to simply get your gun. carefully putting it into the waistband. "the heaven always provides us with the lovely angels. "you winked at him and dean rolled his eyes.
"well that makes me even more insecure about leaving you alone"
"oh shut up and drive dean!" you rant back and made your way out of the parking lot.
you gathered your thoughts and worked off point after point on your to do list. being on your own made you slower since you had to be extra careful, but you got there. after talking to the last victim you finally decided to go back to the motel. it was a one hour walk back and you reached the motel pretty tired. you loosened up your ponytail and let your hair fall down over your shoulders. trying to get in the room you noticed you forgot your keys. before you could knock the door swung open and sam stood there.
"y/n?! are you okey?! where is dean?!" he pulled you into the room and was completely all over the place.
"sam calm down.." you laughed slightly and closed the door. kicking your shoes aside and undressing your blazer. "dean had a emergency and went to lisa and ben. i finished the to do's we had for today alone." you explained to him and handed him some more files and notes. "we can look through them tomorrow"
"hold on you went on your own?!" sam looked at you in disbelief. "are you out of your mind? anything could have happened! why didn't dean tell me to join you?! don't the two of you believe in me anymore?!
"sam please" you looked at him tired and shook your head. "just take it as it is. it has nothing to do with you. you're all over the place right now. let's just end the day and start fresh tomorrow alright?" you didn't wait for his answer and vanished in the bathroom.
you took a shower feeling your muscles relax after the warm water rushed along your body. you smiled to yourself and felt instantly better. it took you about and hour, finishing in the bathroom and went back into the room. wearing your black leggings and a bralette.
"would you mind if i borrowed your hoddie sam?" you questioned while separating your clothes from what you're still able to wear and what has gotten dirty.
"uh-y-yeah just g-go ahead!" he stuttered and you turned confused to him.
"are you okey?" you looked at him worried and went over to his bag, taking it out of his bag and pulling it over your head. letting it hug your body.
"yeah. course why wouldn't i?!" sam shot back and turned a bit so his back was facing you.
his behavior seemed very out of place and you walked over to him. rested your hands on his shoulder and looked at the laptop.
"don't you think we had enough for today sam?" you said while looking at his profile. watching his lips press together and fingers stop from typing. he bit the inside of his cheek and nodded slightly.
"are you nervous?" unsure you let go of his shoulders and sat right onto the table next to him.
"no!" he blurred out and closed the laptop real quick getting up and walked a few steps back from you.
confused you just looked at him. as wrong as it felt you kind of enjoyed him being so jumpy.
"am i distracting you..sammy?" you asked sweetly, your legs swingging slightly and you smiled.
his eyes looked anywhere but to you. "uhm i think i just need a break" his hands rested at his hip and he nodded quickly.
"maybe you need something else." you looked at him and slipped of the table, tiptoeing towards him.
he followed every movement you made and walked slowly back.
"sorry i can't follow you y/n" he mumbled nervously.
you continued to walk over to him and played with the way to long sleeves. he bumped into the wall behind him and and he was literally nervousness in person.
you stopped right in front of him and looked up at him. taking his belt buckle into your hand and pulled him closer. he melted like butter and you bit your lower lip.
for months he made you feel this way. without his soul, sam constantly crossed your boundaries. there was always this tension between you an sam. the two of you even happened to have sex once but it was right before he said yes to lucifer and from there on everything went downhill, you distanced yourself as best as possible from him and spent your time hunting with bobby.
now that he's the warmhearted sam you knew from before, even more cautious and innocent than before it made you feel some type of way.
quicker than you were able to comprehend what he just did, you were the one standing on the wall. the two of you got very close and you felt his breath hitting your face.
"what do you think you're doing?" he whispered, looking deeply into your eyes.
"testing your memory?" insecure your voice cracked and you laid your hands onto his sides.
"i know what happened before i said yes and i also remembered what happened after.. between us. i was a complete asshole. that's why i keep my distance. " he gently pushed your hands from his body and turned away from you sitting onto the bed.
"sam don't.." you quickly walked over to him.
"y/n please don't. i don't trust myself right now. we should really keep a distance for now.." he explained not even looking at you.
"sam no please, don't do that to me!" you pleaded while getting closer and kneeling down in front of him so he had to look you in the eyes. "it felt so pure..and real, don't you remember that?!"
his face expressed a painful look and he still managed to not look at you. you took his hands into yours and rested them on your sides. you took his face in your hands and tears were forming in your yes.
"don't end things like that." you whispered and felt his grip getting tighter on your sides. he tried to push you away but you grabbed onto his shoulders and pulled yourself back to him. his body pressed against his, kneeling between his legs. he was fighting so hard against his desires, but couldn't hold them in any longer.
he rested one hand on your cheek and the next thing you knew was his lips crashing against yours. you kissed him needy back and wrapped your arms around his neck. he pulled you up onto his lap and you pulled away only to undress the hoddie.
"i missed you so much" you whimpered into the kiss, your hips working against his and you felt his hard member growing.
you felt that he was still holding back, being very hesitant. you pulled away and got up from his leg. getting on your knees, unbuckling his jeans while looking up to him.
"y/n i-i don't know if we should.." he stuttered while following your hands with his eyes.
"relax sam.." you spoke softly and stroke his member through his boxers.
"i-i don't wanna hurt you. if i am getting to rough you need to stop me." he suppressed a moan and his breath getting heavy.
gently you pulled his boxer down, exposing his fully hard cock and you looked up at him. "think you can try but maybe i want it to hurt.." you whispered cheekily and started to kiss his length.
you saw his jaw clenching and he grapped into the sheets hard. you teased him by flicking your tongue around his tip, hurtfully slow taking him into your mouth.
a raspy moan escaped his lips and it send shivers down your spine. your legs got weak and your body got very hot, feeling the tingling under your skin.
you opened your mouth just a bit more and started to bump your head. you supported blowing him off with your hand since you couldn't fit him in completely and looked up at him.
his lips were slightly parted, heavy breaths left his mouth and his eyes were closed. he let himself go and buried his hand in your hair.
"you're doing so good. making me feel very good love" he praised you and opened his eyes. following every movement you made.
you took him out of your mouth and kept moving your hand. before you could say anything he made you undress your leggings.
he stopped you from getting back onto your knees and pulled you back onto his lap. he kissed you needy and undressed the last piece of clothing you had on. your bralette. you moved your body against his and his hard cock stroke you pussy.
a moan escaped your lips and you pushed him back by the chest onto the mattress. you sat gently onto his cock, moving your hips and therefore your pussy along his length and you bit your lower lip.
"i can't wait any longer sam.." you breathed out impatiently and managed to grab his cock. you brought him shaky to your entrance.
"w- i- y/n" sam stumbled on his own words and sat up. he lifted you gently onto his cock, letting you slide down at your own speed.
you laid your head onto his shoulder and moaned surprised against his skin.
"g-god sam!" you needed a minute to adjust to him and started to move your hips at first slowly. he placed soft kisses along your shoulder and stroke your back with his hands.
then he made you look at him and kissed you softly. holding you against his body and supported you moving on top of him. he moaned against your lips and you held onto him as if he could vanish any minute. you missed the intimacy between the two of you so much you wished this moment wouldn't end.
you picked up the speed and it got harder to kiss him gently. your bodies got sweatier and rubbed against eachother. the kisses got filthier and the two of you fell back onto the mattress.
"i've waited for this so bad.." you moaned out as you felt his arms wrap around your torso, pressing you down against his body and fucking into you harder.
you cried out and literally melted into a puddle of ecstasy, laying there while he made you feel things, you never thought existed.
"fuck y/n i needed that so much" sam moaned against your neck and left a hickey.
"p-please i'm-" you couldn't finish your sentence as this thrust hit you g-spot and you body clenched up. sam didn't stop but fucked you through your orgasm as he then finished into you.
completely unable to say anything meaningful right now your body just laid there on top of him, not being able to move. he loosened his grip right away and pulled you softly off his cock, laying you carefully down next to him. he moved to your side and eyed you up and down. one hand rested on your tummy and his eyes looked at you worried.
exhausted you placed your hand on his cheek and stroke it softly. "don't look at me like that." you kissed his lips.
"did i hurt you?" he whispered against your lips and pulled you even closer.
"stop worrying." you told him and shook your head. "you're not a monster sam. your still you and you will get used to it." you calmed him down and gave him one last kiss before getting up.
"yeah you're right." he nodded, rubbing his hands over his face and took a minute to collect his thoughts.
"shower?" you asked with a sweet smile and took his hand into yours. without hesitation, the two of you vanished in the bathroom, getting clean after sweating your soul out. ;)
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vaguesxrrow · 2 months
Hey, I already sent one request, so here's a second (your choice which you write first!)
Can I request a Dean Winchester x werewolf! Reader who can actually control when they turn? Like they could choose to turn to benefit a case whenever they want
The only downside of a full moon is that they turn like other werewolves, but atp reader is more annoyed than anything cuz they keep accidently ruining shirt with the claws or be unable to eat a regular midnight snack bc of the teeth
HII <33 i started with this one, because you definitely got me hooked on writing for dean and now im going through a phase LMAO
dean winchester / werewolf!reader
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a/n: do i rmb what werewolves from spn are like? no. did that stop me? also no. (resilience, guys!!)
cws: swearing, mild violence, injury, and blood
wc: 982
tags: gender neutral reader, humour, a splash of sabriel, reader during their full moon shift is me on my period minus the pain and crying
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"y'know, babe, this would be a really great time for you to wolf out," dean muttered, turning off the safety on his gun. both of you were hiding behind a stack of barrels, trying to avoid getting your asses handed to you again. your lower back was still sore from when you had been caught by surprise by a demon, and had been flung across the room like a rag doll.
you rolled your eyes at dean's suggestion, even as your pupils changed colour to a dark amber.
dean grinned at the sight, clapping you on the shoulder in glee. "hell yeah."
you bared your fangs at him.
"woah, my bad," he said, raising his hands in mock surrender. "save the rage for the demons we got coming."
"then let's go," you growled, fingers elongating into claws.
dean looked at you in awe as you stepped out, the slashing of flesh sounding immediately. "can't believe i'm dating them," he whispered. usually, it would be too quiet for you to hear, but now with your enhanced hearing, it was as if he was saying it right next to your ear. you smiled fondly as the first demon advanced.
dean joined you in taking down the remaining attackers, shooting the ones you couldn't take. soon enough, black smoke filled the air and the host bodies went limp, falling to the floor as the demons deserted them.
you shifted back, sharp claws and teeth retracting with minor pain. turning back and forth was easier now - you supposed it helped a great deal that you could actually control it, unlike the other werewolves you knew. practise made perfect, and you’d had many opportunities to practise, namely when saving dean (and sam) from getting killed. of course, you still shifted against your will every full moon, although even then you still had an impressive hold on your wolf.
"you good?" dean asked you, holding out a hand. you allowed him to tuck you underneath his arm as you made the walk back to the impala. you didn't miss the way his critical gaze scanned your body, looking for any injuries.
"back is killing me, but i'm fine,” you responded. “you?"
"busted lip that hurts like a motherfucker, but nothing worse."
"mm." you smiled. "does it hurt too much to give me a kiss?"
"never." he leaned in to give you a chaste peck, chuckling when he pulled away. "uh, you got a little blood-"
you licked it away, toothy grin emerging at dean's expression. "werewolf. i don't mind a little blood." you winked.
he shrugged in acceptance. "okay. hot."
you shoved him away, both of you laughing.
⌦ ----
as the sun set and the moon peeked over the horizon, you groaned, falling dramatically against the sofa cushions. sam and dean were already sat on the couch, fight club on the tv paused at the first frame, and they shot you sympathetic yet amused looks.
"i hate full moons," you complained, reaching for a piece of popcorn. "in a few hours, i won't even be able to eat this."
sam huffed. "honestly, i'm just glad that's the biggest of our problems whenever you shift. at least you don't go psycho on us."
you looked at him reproachfully, flashing your puppy dog eyes. "but popcorn."
he threw a piece at you.
"i'll feed you when you come looking for a midnight snack," dean supplied helpfully. you looked at him lovingly and 'aww'ed, blowing a kiss. he mimed catching it and pressed it to his lips, winking playfully.
sam fake gagged, standing up. "okay, this couple stuff is getting to me. call me when you actually start the movie!"
"as if you aren't as bad with gabriel!" dean yelled after him. you cackled as sam flipped the two of you off.
⌦ ---
you stumbled down the stairs, wincing as your claws scraped against the wood of the railing, undoubtedly leaving marks. your shirt was torn - a recurring accident that happened every full moon. you cursed aloud upon realising you had worn your most comfortable sleep shirt to bed.
once you reached your desired destination - your beloved kitchen - you stared reproachfully at the fridge, which was notably harder to open with your elongated nails.
"don't punch our fridge," a voice said sleepily.
you nearly jumped dean, arms raised, before realising it was him. "jesus effing christ," you hissed. "don't sneak up on me during full moons like that!"
dean merely yawned in response, opening the fridge door for you. he grabbed out various items, listing them as he went. "what're we feeling tonight? snickers, gummies.. aw, c'mon, sammy put pretzels in the fridge again?"
you snatched the pack of gummy bears from his hand, a single claw going right through the packet so it hung lamely from your finger. you sighed, sounding long-suffering and completely done. dean snorted, taking the bag back from you and ripping it properly.
"open," he instructed, throwing a gummy into your mouth. "loving the edgy, emo look, by the way." he gestured to your torn shirt.
"shut up, dean, you know this happens every time," you grumbled, chewing your snack more aggressively. suddenly, a fang pierced your lip, a small jolt of pain going through your body. "ow, shit." you brought your hand to your mouth.
"what happened?" dean asked in concern.
you showed him the blood on your fingers incredulously. "i split my lip with my fangs! are you kidding me right now?"
he visibly relaxed, relieved it wasn't serious. "more for me, i guess." he shrugged, obnoxiously chewing a piece. "mm, this is so good."
scowling, you dabbed the cut with your T-shirt, which was already ruined, so it didn’t matter. a smirk appeared on your face as you swatted dean, attempting to steal the bag from him. "dean, when i catch you-"
he dodged, fleeing to the living room. "nope!"
"oh, fucking hell-"
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whorefordean · 11 months
hii i love your writing and i was wondering if i could request a dean winchester x fem!reader fic where the reader basically comforts dean after he has a nightmare and just helps him feel loved and appreciated !
thank you
to hell and back d.w
pairing: dean winchester x reader
word count: 710
warnings: none as far as i can tell
a/n: i'm slowly working my way through all the requests in my inbox and i'm super excited about it. i hope you enjoy!!
sweat rolled down dean’s neck as his body shook. gasping and with furrowed brows, dean shot up in bed. his chest felt heavy as he heaved for air to fill his lungs. or for them to stop working altogether, just so he’d stop doing this. 
dean flinched when a soft hand grasped his bicep lightly. with wide eyes, he turned to look for the source, still dazed from sleep. you waited patiently for recognition to register on your husband’s face. 
eventually, dean’s heart rate slowed into a steady beat when it finally clicked that he was still with you. that he hadn’t been dragged to hell again. the same nightmare had been haunting him for weeks, and you were usually the one there to pull him back to reality. the one time you hadn’t been, dean nearly broke sam’s nose when he was told it would take a few more hours to get back to you, seeing as you weren’t with them on that particular hunt. 
dean wasn’t sure what was causing this specific nightmare to plague his psyche. it had been years since he’d been dragged to hell. it felt like a lifetime ago, and honestly, he hadn’t thought about it in quite a while. 
“same one?” you asked quietly. you had been rubbing dean’s arm and playing with the hair at the nape of his neck trying to ground him. he nodded stiffly. his shoulders ached with tension, and he could feel the headache coming on from how hard he was clenching his jaw. 
“i don’t even know why it’s that one. i’d go back a thousand times if it meant keeping you safe,” dean grumbled, rubbing the palms of his hands over his eyes. he was angry with himself for burdening you with this nearly every night though he knew you didn’t mind. you wanted to make sure dean knew he was cared for. 
“think it’s something deeper than just your subconscious trying to scare you with the thought of going back?” you inquired. you hadn’t meant to be so nosey, but dean usually shut down after this specific dream. you wanted to help him while he was still open about it. 
“i think i’m scared of getting dragged away from you and leaving you alone without me,” dean confessed truthfully. he hated how self absorbed it sounded, but he wouldn’t lie about this. he couldn’t. not when it was about you. not when he swore the first time he met you that he’d do whatever it took to protect you. you were it for him, and he knew that the first time he’d laid his eyes on you. he’d be damned if he lost you again. 
“dean, i will crawl down to hell myself just to drag you back up, and you will wish i was as gentle as a hell hound if you even think about dying on me. again,” you joked, though you were half serious. dean chuckled causing you to grin at him. you pulled dean into your arms, and eventually, he allowed himself to relax fully into you. his body weight on you was comforting.
“i mean it, dean. you’re stuck with me. i don’t believe in that ‘til death do us part’ bullshit. you are half of my soul. i will always need you,” you murmured against his shoulder. 
“sweetheart, not even hell could keep me away from you. i will always find my way home to you,” dean confided. he burrowed his head into the crook of your neck, but you still felt the warm tears soaking into your exposed skin. you squeezed dean tighter prompting him to do the same. 
dean’s warm hands clutched onto any part of you he could. curling your fingers around his hair, you placed soft kisses to the top of his head. dean’s was sure you could feel his heart beat in your chest with how hard he was pressing his body to yours. you didn’t mind. you only hoped he could feel how yours was beating for him. 
dean knew in his heart that he wouldn’t feel like this forever, but he couldn’t help the tremors that shivered through him every single time his brain plagued him with the thought of leaving you. 
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deanstead · 2 years
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Requested: yes, by @caritobbg
Summary: Dean’s first news about Y/N after their fallout is not good news and everything else is thrown out the window as they rush to her, hoping to make it in time.
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Square Filled: Hurt Feelings for #resa.3kfiestabingo
Word Count: 2K+
Warnings: canon-typical mentions of blood
A/N: I changed the request a little based on how I was able to envision/write it so I hope that’s okay, do let me know what you think! Special thanks to bestie @mertes4cker <3 Feels great to write for Dean again after a long break!
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“So what, Dean? You’re telling me to give up?”
“I’m telling you to take a freaking step back and use your goddamn brains, Y/N! Instead of getting us all killed! Just like…”
Dean stopped and you looked up. He didn’t need to finish that sentence for you to know what he was going to say.
“Say it, Dean.”
“A stupid hunter is a dead hunter.”
“Like Mark? Or my parents? You know what, if I’m so stupid why do you bother keeping me around!” You turned to storm out.
“If you walk out that door, don’t you ever come back, you hear me, Y/N?”
You heard, but you kept walking.
You didn’t go back, and Dean didn’t call. Before you knew it, you’d been on the road for six months on your own, but everytime you thought about that night, or even the name Dean, it smarted and hurt. It hurt that the man you were in love with had said and thought those things about you.
But now, you glanced back down at the darkening pool of blood by your abdomen before you sunk to the ground.
You'd spent months tracking down the demon that had been responsible for the death of your parents but it seemed like an impossible task, until it wasn't. With no one's help, you'd managed to finally catch up to it except that you had absolutely no back up and no friends. And that's how you found yourself here now.
Dean had been right. You were an idiot.
You'd finally put that knife through the demon's heart, you'd killed it and exacted some form of revenge against him, but at what expense? You were now sitting in an abandoned building, leaning against a bunch of crates and probably going to die on your own - a realization that you'd had from the moment you'd first felt the knife the demon was carrying pierce through your skin while you fought with him, but it was already too late to back down. The price of revenge was death.
Maybe it was the blood loss as you sat there, cradling a wound in your side and feeling the blood leave your body that made you fumble for your phone with one hand and press the last number you could call.
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Bobby glanced up at Dean who was wolfing down a burger while Sam sat next to him, flipping through a research book.
"Exactly how long are you boys planning to…"
Bobby was interrupted by his phone ringing and he headed to answer it, acutely aware that it was his personal cell.
"Bobby?" Your voice reached his ears immediately, the moment he'd answered the call and Bobby frowned.
"Y/N?" Bobby asked, not missing the way that Dean's eyes shot up, although he pretended that it didn't as he averted his eyes almost immediately, looking away from Bobby and looking around the room again.
Your voice was weak, which only made Bobby more concerned. "I did it. I killed the son of a bitch. But… I don't think I'm... going to make it. I just wanted… I wanted to t-tell you… thank you. Thank y-you for everything."
Bobby was the father figure you'd needed in the aftermath of losing your parents and honestly, you couldn't have asked for anything more.
"Where are you, Y/N? Give me something, coordinates, a city or building name. Give me something." Bobby said, his voice a little strained.
You mumbled the coordinates that you'd followed to get here in the first place. "You're not going to make it. Just… w-wanted you to know…" You took another breath, trying to breathe through the pain. "…that you were like a... a father to me."
"Listen, we're going to head there now. Alright?" Bobby said quietly.
He could hear the smile in your voice. "Listen, can you tell Dean and Sam something for me?" There was a pause before you continued. "Just tell Sam that... that he was the older brother I'd always d-dreamed to have. And tell... tell Dean that... I didn't mean anything I said and that I… I love him. Always have... always will." Your voice was coming out in short breaths.
Bobby's eyes flicked to the Winchesters. Sam was paying full attention like he'd already figured something was wrong, while Dean looked like he was trying not to look interested.
"We'll be right there, don't… You're going to be fine, kiddo."
Bobby hung up the phone and glanced back at the Winchesters. Sam was already on his feet. "That was Y/N, wasn't it? What's wrong?"
"Listen, she…"
Dean put the plate he was holding down with a thud and glanced up. "It's none of our business. I told her not to come back if she left and she left anyway. I'm not…"
"You stupid idiot!" Bobby let out the outburst, stunning both Dean and Sam. "Well, boohoo, I'm sorry your feelings were hurt! I thought I pounded this into you years ago! Family, Dean. Family. Right now, the girl who just confessed her dying love for you to me on the phone is alone and bleeding out somewhere so get off your ass and get moving!"
Dean froze. "What?"
Sam glanced at his older brother. "Come on, Dean. Let's go."
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Throughout the whole journey towards the coordinates that you'd given Bobby, Dean was quiet. Sam didn't say anything, although he glanced at Dean a little more than he usually did.
Dean barely noticed, absolutely preoccupied with the thoughts flying around in his mind.
He'd never meant for you to disappear from their lives. Never. The fight still made his stomach churn with regret every time he thought about it - anytime he looked in his rearview mirror and saw the empty backseat. Or when he'd found something of yours somewhere in his car when he was least expecting it.
All he'd been trying to do was protect you, but he'd failed miserably at it, pushing you further away, hurting you by bringing up the death of a hunter at a hunt gone wrong when it hadn't been your fault, and now he didn't feel any better knowing that he had a part to play for the fact you were bleeding out by yourself somewhere.
The only consolation Dean got was that the coordinates were not far. They'd be able to get to you in time. He'd make sure of it.
Sam glanced at Dean again, but Dean just pressed harder on the accelerator, pushing Baby forward.
The place was quiet and empty when Dean pulled up outside the building all of ten minutes later.
Sam put a hand on his gun as he climbed out, but Dean was already heading in, Bobby bringing up the rear.
They didn't have a lot of time but that didn't mean they could be careless, so Dean glanced around cautiously even though he didn't slow down at all.
Thankfully, there were no surprises waiting for them and Dean spotted you almost immediately, your body slumped against one of the corners, your eyes closed.
Dean held his gun by his side but raced towards you, getting to his knees so he could check you out.
There was blood everywhere, spilling out of your abdomen, on the ground next to you, smeared across your hands from where you trying to apply pressure on your wound.
"Y/N, wake up. You with me? Y/N!" Dean raised his voice louder, his voice echoing against the walls as Sam and Bobby watched helplessly.
Your eyes fluttered open, and you paused, like you weren’t quite sure if you were seeing things.
A small smile fluttered across your face. “Huh.” You breathed, amused that you’d hallucinate about Dean right before you took your last breath.
“Y/N.” Dean’s breath came out like a sigh, a mix of relief that you were awake that was overshadowed with the worry that you really might not make it.
“Dean?” You felt the uncertainty that this was more than just a hallucination shake you.
Dean nodded. “It’s me. Alright? We’re going to…” Dean’s voice trailed off, his attention once again taken by the sheer amount of blood pooling out of your wound and he hastily pulled his jacket off, reaching forward to press his balled up jacket against your wound even though he knew it wouldn’t do much good.
“Dean, I… I…”
“Shh, it’s okay.” Dean reached for one of your hands and squeezed it. “You stay with me, alright? We’re gonna patch you up, you’re going to be fine.”
Dean could feel the fear start to pulsate through him, the real possibility of your life literally slipping through his fingers dangling right in front of him. “We gotta get you to a hospital.”
“Dean.” Sam interrupted for the first time, as he bent next to you, opposite from Dean.
“Hey squirt.” Sam said affectionately, putting a gentle hand against your head.
You gave him a small smile and Sam turned towards Dean now, talking in a low voice as if you couldn't hear every word. “We can’t move her. Bobby’s calling an ambulance as we speak but…”
Dean knew what Sam was telling him, in not so many words. Moving you could shorten whatever time you had left, but what else were they supposed to do?
Dean glanced back at you and then at Sam. “So what, we’re just going to let her bleed out?”
Sam didn’t answer and you turned to look back at Dean. “It’s… okay. D, I… I’m sorry.”
Dean frowned and Sam quietly excused himself, leaving you with Dean while he headed out towards Bobby.
“No, don’t do this, Y/N. Do not give up on me.” Dean said, his voice low but soft and even in the state you were in, you could hear his voice crack a little. “You’re supposed to continue to argue with me, fight with me, make up with me. Don’t leave me, Y/N.”
Your eyes welled up with tears. “I love you, D. Always have.” The energy leaked out of your voice. “Always will.” You whispered.
“No. No, Y/N. Please just a while longer. I haven’t told you I’m sorry. I haven’t told you I… I love you. Don’t…”
Your eyes fluttered shut, just as there was a flutter of wings.
Dean’s head snapped back around. “Cas, do something. Anything. Now.”
Castiel didn’t say anything just reached down, putting his hand over your abdomen as his hand glowed.
Dean didn’t even have the presence of mind to snap at Castiel for just getting here, even though he'd been praying all the way down here.
As the glow from Castiel’s healing powers died down, Dean glanced back at you, where you lay motionless. It was too late. You…
Dean felt like he couldn’t breathe, the pressure on his chest as heavy as if he was lying under a car. He couldn’t…
Your fingers closed around a few of Dean’s again, your eyes opening slowly, just staring back at Dean.
“Y/N…” Dean exhaled your name.
You glanced at Castiel. “Cas.”
Castiel just gave you a small smile. “I’m glad I got here in time.”
You looked back at Dean, seeing a range of emotions swimming in those green eyes of his along with unmistakable tears and you sighed. “Dean, if you’re still mad, I…”
Dean just pushed himself forward, never mind the blood surrounding you both on the ground and on your clothes, pressing his lips against yours gently in a tender kiss, the tears slipping down his face and onto yours.
“D…” You whispered, as he pulled away now.
Dean just smiled gently. “As long as you’re back.” He whispered. “I need you to argue with me for a long time more.”
You smiled and nodded. “If you’ll have me.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” Dean whispered back, before Sam and Bobby came running in again. Sam sighed in relief to see Castiel standing there, before he headed towards you and pulled you into a hug.
“Welcome back.” Sam whispered, his hand cradling the back of your head affectionately as Bobby just smiled at his kids.
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ryrywrites · 11 months
𝕺𝖈𝖙. 16. Hair Pulling - Sam Winchester
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mdni divider cred: @cafekitsune
pair: Sam Winchester x hunter!fem!reader
description: Sam and Y/N have been at each other's throats since they met. After their most recent hunt, they're finally back at the motel but Sam's locked out of his room and Dean's out with the only key. They decide to be mature and stay in Y/N's room until Dean gets back.
warnings: 18+ mdni, rough hair pulling, slight choking, facefucking, slight dubcon, oral (m & f receiving), softish!dom!Sam, sub!reader, lil rough, pretty angsty, fluffy near the end, enemies to lovers, little bit of forced proximity, lemme know if I missed anything
WC: 3.4k (this is my first post, I'm so sorry y'all 😞)
A/N: if you've read my rules or requests, you'll know I use Y/N for your character's name but I'll be using you, your, you're . if you wanna request a one-shot or drabble, my inbox is always open. this is set around episodes 5-6, season 5. Enjoy, my lovelies! ❤️
kinktober masterlist × main masterlist
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"Wipe your feet," he was tracking mud all over the carpet. "Where?" Sam countered with the same level of distaste and annoyance Y/N held in her tone. She scanned the room for a mat but remembered she was staying in a filthy one-bed motel room. "Just take them off." Sam sharply exhaled, sitting in the rustic (gaudy) yellow recliner and fumbling with his laces. He dropped the gunk-filled boots with a huff and rubbed his eyes. The rain started off peacefully but as soon as she and Sam got out of the impala, they were welcomed by a cold wind and raindrops coming down like bullets. Dean had insisted that this was the perfect weather for a six-pack and a burger so he headed out to find a dive bar that served both. He claimed he'd bring them back some burgers but the likelihood of him remembering what they wanted was little to none so they found contentment in the mini bar and turkey sandwiches.
Y/N had never preferred the younger Winchester brother in any way besides his good looks. Sam only tolerated her attitude because Dean trusted her (and because he secretly enjoyed her company). There was always a snarky remark, he was never bored with her around. Y/N, on the other hand, found his determination to irritate her whenever possible, exhausting. She often chose to overlook his aggravating side because she liked him. She appreciated his witty, sarcastic humor and the way they could come together to save lives. She admired the loyalty and love he had for his brother and the gold in his eyes. She had never seen eyes like his, she caught herself staring at him constantly. He was, though she wouldn't admit it, beautiful. Sam shared this attraction, despite their animosity towards each other. He found himself captivated by the groves on her hands, her lips, her laugh. He found her charming and so infuriating.
When they got to their rooms, Sam realized Dean had the only key to the room. He considered breaking into the room with his lock-picking set but Y/N knew she'd feel guilty about leaving him out in the rain. They were partners or, at the very least, co-workers. So, she invited him in and locked the door behind him. She grabbed two towels off the small rusted rack, tossing one at Sam's head and drying her hair with the other. He laughed dryly and wiped his face. "So," she started. "You good?" He quirked a brow at her, "What do you mean?" She looked at him for a second too long and quickly focused on drying her hair. "Since the...everything? Are you okay?" She tried not to seem too concerned, the last thing she wanted was Sam Winchester thinking...she cared? She knew she wanted one thing right then; to be there for him. Even if that meant breaking down some of their walls.
Sam knew exactly what she meant. It had been weeks since they'd last had a real conversation, since he and Dean had separated. When it came down to Sam leaving, he wasn't surprised when Y/N told him she was staying with Dean but it still stung. He was trying to redeem himself but it was obvious his guilt was eating him up inside. He had lost her trust, not completely, but mostly. When he chose Ruby over her and Dean, it felt like a betrayal. They had been working together since John had gone missing back in '05 and he still abandoned her and his own brother. Y/N had never been the type of person to judge someone based off of their mistakes but...Sam was different. If their relationship was rocky before, it was on eggshells now. She expected more from him, set him apart from his brother. Sam was someone she considered reliable but now...it would be harder to get it back to the way it was. But Sam didn't want it to go back to them bickering daily, stolen looks, the tension, those little touches they both missed. He wanted something...just something.
"I haven't seen Lucifer since that night in the motel, if that's what you're asking." It wasn't. She wanted to know he was okay, all of the bullshit they were in aside. She was convincing herself he could still do this, that he could still be the man she knew he was. "What about the nightmares?" She squeezed her eyes shut at the bluntness of the question, wishing she had self-control. "I mean," he rubbed his eyes, thinking before he spoke. He understood she was trying to help, he just felt so undeserving of her understanding. What had he'd been to her in the last couple of months? "Better." He lied. She knew the second he cleared his throat before he answered. That was his tell, she knew. And he could tell she didn't believe him. Y/N grabbed a shirt she had stolen from Sam months ago and tossed it his way, "You can change into that. Here, Dean's." She tossed Dean's sweats. "You're gonna get sick, sitting in those wets clothes." He got the hint to change and headed to the bathroom, half-heartedly swinging the door semi-shut. She crossed the room to grab his soaked towel and hang it up when she caught a glimpse into the dimly-lit bathroom.
She had seen Sam shirtless before, same as Dean. When you live around someone long enough, you see a load of things you wish you hadn't. This was not one of those times. To say he was built would be an understatement. He had the physique of a Greek god and his hands, they were three-times the size of her own. His fingers were slender and long and his hair fell perfectly, still wet, over his eyes. She felt creepy after a second of staring and just when she thought it was time to look away, they made eye contact in the mirror. Y/N panicked, trying to rush away from the bathroom as quickly and casually as she could manage in the moment. She was standing over her folded clothes, pretending to look for something to change into herself when she heard the bathroom door creak open. She didn't make eye contact, she tried to forget what had just happened by becoming more and more interested in finding adequate pajamas. She had given her only pair of sweats to Sam so the only option she was left with was a large shirt (another she had stolen from Sam) that stopped about halfway down her thighs. The rest of her clothes were in the trunk of the impala so this was the best she had.
Sam, being the flustered dorky gentleman he was, tried to make her feel as comfortable as possible by standing as far away from the bathroom, where she was changing, as possible. This made her feel a thousand times worse about peeping on him. "Fucking weirdo." She mumbled quietly to herself. When she got out of the bathroom, she felt dirty for looking at him the way she did. And even worse for continuing to stare at him while he attempted to set his clothes out to dry properly. It irked her that he was so oblivious to hanging clothes out to dry (but what really irked her was the way his back muscles flexed as he did the most simple of tasks). She nudged him to move over so she could do it for him. He watched her intently, admiring how delicate she was being with his tattered clothes. So, as their clothes slowly dried, Y/N asked Sam if he would grab her some M&Ms from the machine outside. The second he was gone, her thighs instinctively rubbed together. The tension was unbearable, she was so pent-up. It had been months since she got laid and even then, it was so bad. The guy was lame and the sex was lamer, that's what she gets for sleeping with some bartender while tipsy.
Sam came back into the room and this made Y/N jump a little bit. He eyed this and seemed convinced she had to be guilty of something to jump like that all of sudden when he came back in the room. "What's wrong?" He questioned her, closing the door with his foot. "Nothing," she tried looking unsuspecting but the whole deer-in-headlights thing didn't work on him. He brushed it off as him overthinking but his suspicions were correct. She was guilty of something. She couldn't focus on anything, not when Sam turned on the TV and settled on Family Feud. She could only shake her leg mindlessly and chew her bottom lip, fidgeting with the bottom of her shirt and staring at him. She was disgusting, this was someone she had known for years, since they were children, but she couldn't control her thoughts. Now, all she could think about, was his lips. Everywhere. On hers, on her neck, kissing in-between her thighs. She munched her M&Ms and tried to distract herself with the game show but found it impossible to think of anything but his hands gripped her hips for dear life- "Hey, you feeling okay? No stimulating conversation tonight?"
She knew he was expecting a chuckle or at least a smile but when he said 'stimulating,' all she wanted was to rip their clothes off and be shoved face first into a pillow. She scrunched up her nose and rubbed her neck, "Since when do you find our conversations interesting?" He shook his head in protest. "Didn't say interesting. Stimulating." He corrected. Any other night, this would've sparked a heated debate on whether or not 'stimulating' and 'interesting' could mean the same thing in this situation but she didn't have the mental capacity for anything but dirty fantasies involving a certain hunter and his pretty eyes. He, again, waited for a smart-ass retort but got nothing. "Tough crowd." He accepted defeat and pretended to focus on the show. Really, he was paying attention to Y/N's every movement. She was nervous, anxious...excited? Almost like she was in her own little world. Sam looked through the channels to see what was on, hoping to find a good movie. He stopped at one he didn't really care too much for but knew Y/N liked it. Prom Queen, with Jamie Lee Curtis.
At this point, she didn't give a fuck about the movie they watched. All she wanted was him, all over her. Sam knew something was off but ignored the building tension. Y/N sat up against the bed's headboard and picked at her nails, willing this frustration to go away. Sam scooted to sit next to her, accidentally grazing her thigh. He went on to talk about how Prom Queen was one of Jamie Lee's lesser horror films and how he preferred Terror Train. She would've called him crazy if she thought she could without her voice cracking. Her anxiety was through the roof and his leg was resting against hers. She wanted to hear him groaning in her ear, she wanted to feel him bite her, she needed him. "You're wrong. Jamie Lee's performance in Prom Queen completely outranks Terror Train. There's no comparison." She looked over at him, her head resting against the metal bars of the headboard. She was staring again but this time, she didn't stop herself. She wanted to see what he'd do, she wanted him to see how much she cared. He finally turned to look at her, meeting her eyes. Y/N's pupils were blown out and she felt like she was ready to explode.
Sam quickly looked down at her lips and up to her eyes. She hesitated for a split second, gathering the courage, and slamming her lips onto his, she was chasing a release. He placed both hands on her face, gentle as he could be. He didn't want to hurt her or be too rough, he didn't want the kiss to end. The kiss started slowly and quickly progressed into a full makeout. He pulled her deeper into the kiss by her neck, controlling the pace of the kiss. His hands explored her exposed skin and he caught himself completely enchanted by her taste. He traveled down to her neck and kissed every sensitive spot he could find. He nibbled and licked, making her squirm and grab at the back of his shirt. His fingertips brushed the soft skin of her thighs, never ceasing his bites. Y/N was a mess, horribly vulnerable. It all felt like heaven, so passionate and intense. She couldn't believe she was letting this happen. She was letting Sam Winchester grapple at her thighs. She hated how well he knew her body, never having felt so intensely attracted to someone. How could he resist her for so long? He was grinding so subtly, he guided her legs open to gain better access. "Fuck, Sam." Y/N was whispering his name like it was a prayer.
His fingers dipped between her thighs, tenderly rubbing her sensitive clit through her panties. Her mouth fell open in praises, "Please, Sam. Oh my-baby. So good, yes, baby." Slurring her words and knowing there was no turning around from here, she gripped his hair and clenched around nothing. This was torture, he was so gentle and loving and considerate, but she wanted a different side. She wanted the Sam that called her insatiable, she wanted Sam take her, she needed Sam to mean it. She tugged slightly on his hair, he let out a muffled groan that felt almost like a growl against my neck. In a haze, Y/N moaned out his name in a way that drove him absolutely insane. The next thing she knew, he was kissing down her chest. He lifted the night shirt above her thighs and kissed down her stomach. He didn't want to miss a square inch of skin, he was greedy and wanted every detail of her satiny skin to be his. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to steady her breath. All those hunts, all those late nights, through storms and scorching heat, she never would've guessed this would be happening. Her father always told her, 'don't get involved with other hunters, they're not long for this world.' But Y/N couldn't think that way, not anymore.
Not while his head was slowly tracing its way to the place she needed him most. Every look, every touch had led up to this moment. Sam knew that in the morning, she may want him gone and never want to speak to him again. But for that night, he would give her everything under the moon. He halted his pace and looked her in the eye, "May I?" Y/N's jaw dropped at the image in front of her. Sam Winchester, his calloused rough hands massaging her legs, his hair tousled. He looked like he needed her more than she needed him. "Please," she quietly begged. A switch flipped in Sam, he was taken over by a hunger; the need to make her feel him. He dove into her clothed clit with this hunger. He licked the fabric separating his tongue from her core, this sudden warmth sent Y/N into overdrive. Her senses were heightened, she could taste how badly she needed more. He pulled her black panties to the side and plunged his hot tongue into her cunt, sucking and pinching her clit. Her eyes opened to catch a glimpse at the pleasure he was awarding her.
His eyes were completely fucked out, he was already staring at her. Her legs were placed on his shoulders to allow him deeper access. He gave her a look and she didn't know what it meant until he had slipped a finger inside her sopping wet cunt. His fingers were so long, so much thicker than she expected. A second later, he inserted another long finger and began to curl them. He was deliberately hitting her g-spot relentlessly and licking her clit in rhythm. The room was filled with the filthy sounds of squelching and moaning. "You okay, hon?" He had a shit-eating grin on his face. "Shut up, dick." He smiled condescendingly and sat up. Instinctively, Y/N shut her legs and sat up right, trying to cover herself back up. Sam watched her squirm and realized just how much he loved this newfound power she had over him. His fingers gone from her sore cunt, she felt an emptiness. She wanted more, she felt so helpless. She could feel the hold he had on her. But then came the overthinking, why was he suddenly so interested? He didn't know what the fuck he wanted. She scoffed at her behavior, how could she be so immature? She got out of the bed and rubbed her temples. Sam was surprised and concerned, did he do something wrong?
"Y/N, wait what's wrong?" He followed her off the bed, she turned around quickly and put her hand out to stop him. She could feel the heat radiating off his chest, she wanted to ignore her doubts and jump into his arms but she knew this wasn't right. "Sam, I'm not...God." He was confused for a second but understood what she meant. "Woah, nothing else has to happen." "You need to know that this-" she pointed between them, "isn't just some small town hookup." she had worked dozens of cases with Sam and Dean and every time some small town fling came along, life went on for the boys but time stood still for the women they leave in their wake. Lisa, Dr. Roberts, Sara, Cassie... "If we cross this line, it has to be more than that. It has to be-" it was so obvious for so long, how did he not see? "I've broken every rule I've given myself," he sucked his bottom lip to keep himself from blurting out everything he was thinking. "I've wanted this for so long." She jumped into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. Sam quickly cupped her ass and attacked her neck. He slammed them up against a wall, he needed some sort of friction. Y/N noticed his desperate thrusts and decided he deserved a thank you.
She hopped down and fell to her knees, hating the feeling of the itchy carpet against her sensitive skin. Sam couldn't believe his eyes; Y/N, the intense, guarded hunter he'd known all those years, was gone. Wearing her smile and cat eyes was a completely different person. She wasn't looking at him with her usual uninviting glare, she looked...in love. Sam brought his hand down to run his thumb over her bottom lip. "So beautiful." She could feel her face burn red. She looped her finger into the band of his sweats and pulled them to his ankles. His pupils were blown so big, his eyes looked brown instead of their usual blue-green hazel. She slowly pulled down his briefs and watched in shock as his eager member sprang loose. The tip of his cock was red and she swore she could feel him pulsing in her hand. He was biting his lip so hard, he thought he might break skin. His hands traveled from her lips to her hair, yanking her head back to look up at him. She slowly stroked his thick, heavy cock. He tensed for a moment before relaxing in her petite hand. She brought his tip to her warm tongue and licked the slit, the unexpected pressure had him jerking her head back. He gave her a warning look, she kept her smug smile hidden as best she could.
Sam began to thrust the air in anticipation, she loved teasing him so gently. She couldn't resist; she licked a long stripe up his cock, from the base to the tip. He shuddered and gripped her hair so tightly, she knew she'd have to ask Dean if he could grab some aspirin on the way home. She decided to give him what he wanted, wrapping her lips around his member and bobbing her head. She started slowly, circling her tongue around his tip. He groaned and mumbled curses under his labored breath, "Aw fuck, just like that," he started thrusting at the same pace she was sucking. "You're so sweet, angel. So good." Y/N choked on his member, tears streaming down her cheeks. Sam let her up to breathe and just then, the door opened to a shocked and horrified Dean. Sam quickly tucked himself away and helped Y/N onto her feet. Dean placed the burgers on the bed and put his hands up in defeat. "I don't even-" He walked away in disbelief. "SICK!" He shouted down the hall, they flinched. She readjusted her shirt and stood bug-eyed. "I'm gonna-" Sam started, "Yup, nope, go." Y/N agreed. "Okay, I'll be back." He kissed her passionately and went after Dean. She huffed and grabbed one of the burgers, finishing Prom Queen and wondering how much Dean saw.
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kdogreads · 2 years
Dean and redheads is something I never thought I’d love 😩😩 Can you do more?
The Devil’s Work
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Dean x Reader Smut (18+)
Summary: Dean pays you a late night visit with one thing on his mind.
Warnings: oral sex (fem-receiving), hair kink(?), very slight degradation, rough sex, unprotected sex (don’t do it), cursing; please let me know anything else
Word count: 2184
A/N: Ask and you shall receive, my fiery friend. Please tell me what other redhead adventures you want to see Dean go on! Enjoy at your own risk 🤤
This is the second part of my Dean x Redhead series of one shots. Please send suggestions this way! Read the first one here
Requests are open! Message me :)
A firm knock rasped on your bedroom door and echoed through the cavernous hallways of the bunker. You figured both the boys were in their rooms by now, so your mind wandered with all the terrible reasons one of them could be coming to get you this late.
Dressed only in an oversized t-shirt and plain underwear with your crimson hair tied up in a loose braid, you cracked the door open and stood mostly behind it.
There were only two possibilities as to who could be the body behind the knock, but you were still surprised to see Dean standing in the dimly lit hallway.
“Hi?” Is all that escaped your lips, looking up at him with furled eyebrows.
“Hey, y/n. Ya busy?” Dean questioned you in a low, slow voice.
“As busy as you are, sunshine,” You replied suggestively. You could read Dean’s intentions all over his face like an open book.
You looked at each other a moment longer, Dean’s eyes wandering down your body to your bare legs as you stepped out from behind the door. You toyed with the end of your soft braid that fell over your shoulder.
“So, you comin’ in or stayin’ out there?” You swung the door open further and motioned for him to come in.
Dean took a swift step in and cupped his hands around your face, pulling you closer to him. His eyes shifted to your plump lips as his tongue swiped across his own bottom lip subconsciously.
“Can I kiss you?” Dean whispered to you, his warm breath filling your senses.
“You better, Winchester,” A devilish smile crept across your face.
Before you could take another breath, Dean’s lips crashed into yours. Your hands melted into his skin, clawing at his back and his neck, fingers twirling through the short hairs at the nape of his neck.
The two of you took another step into your room, lips never parting, and Dean kicked the door shut behind him.
His hands slid under your shirt and pulled it over your head in one quick motion. Just as swiftly, his hands went to the back of his neck, pulling his shirt over his head and onto the floor.
You pressed your bare torsos together again and you shivered as the warmth of his chest contrasted the cool air around you.
Dean walked you backwards until the backs of your knees touched your soft mattress. You slid your hands down Dean’s firm chest to his stomach before reaching the buckle on his belt.
His tongue was now swirling around your mouth, sloppily kissing you. Desperate for your touch.
You undid his belt and unbuttoned his jeans, fumbling with the stiff fabric before he took over from your hands and slid them down his legs kicked them off. You stood there, pressed together, with only thin pieces of underwear separating where you most desperately wanted to touch.
His lips parted from yours for the first time as he sat back onto your bed. Eyes screaming for you to come get him.
You lifted one leg and swung it onto the bed next to his, grabbing onto his shoulders for stability, while he gripped your other thigh firmly and pulled you onto his lap.
His emerald eyes met your dark ones as his large hands glided up your body. Both of you savored the view of lust-filled eyes and heaving chests in front of you. Dean’s cock grew harder under your aching center as you slowly rounded your hips into his.
Dean’s large hands reached your loose red braid. He twisted his fingers around the furthest ends while you tugged at his own short spikes on the back of his head.
He loved to play with your waving auburn locks, and you loved seeing the look of desire on his face while he did.
Carefully, he slid his fingers through the loose gaps.
Before you even realized it, he took a firm hold on your locks and tugged your head back. You let out a gasp as the sharp pain made your throbbing core grow wetter.
“Why don’t we let this down, hm?” He breathed into your ear and all you could do was nod while your whole body ached for more of Dean.
He carefully slid the hair tie off the bottom of your thick crimson braid. His fingers intermixed between the loose gaps and slowly unfurled it piece by piece until your flaming waves were falling all around you both.
Dean tangled his hands into the soft fire engulfing your shoulders and pulled your face back to his, kissing you with a slower, deeper pace than before.
He pulled away from you again, drawing a low whimper from your lips, already missing the pressure of his on them.
“On your back,” He growled into your neck, leaving a small bite just above your collarbone.
You hissed at the sensation and felt the pit in your stomach stir, the tension already building up.
“Do I have to ask again?” Dean spoke louder this time, grabbing a fist full of the hair he loved so much and yanking your face to his.
“No,” You panted, “No sir.”
“Good girl,” Dean hummed into your lips as you climbed off of his lap and laid back onto your mattress. Your locks fell around you like a halo of fire.
“Don’t they say the devil made you redheads?” Dean questioned, lips pouted slightly with his head tilted to one side. He looked at you like he was taking in every inch of your soft body, memorizing all the lines and curves.
“I didn’t think to ask,” You breath out with a snarky tone, sliding your underwear down to your knees before Dean pulls them the rest of the way off. He made quick work of his boxers and gave his throbbing cock a few pumps in one strong hand.
Dean smiled a cocky smile before grabbing your hips and sliding you closer to him. He ran a thick finger up and down your glistening folds drawing a sharp inhale into your lungs. He dragged the slickness up to your swollen clit and drew tight circles over it, sending your head back sharply and your hips to buck into his hand.
“This eager for me?” Dean spoke as he slid the thick finger to your entrance and broke through the opening. A low moan escaped from your throat.
“This wet?” He pumped his finger slowly at first before adding another and speeding up the pace.
“Unholy,” He breathed through a crooked smile, his tongue poking out to lick his lower lip. His pace never slowed and you cried out when his thumb swiped over your aching bud.
“Beg,” He growled.
“Dean,” You whined, “Please.” You could think of nothing but how desperately you wanted Dean inside you, filling your walls and stretching you in the ways only he could. You would have said anything he wanted.
“Please, Dean, I need you inside me,” You grabbed a handful of bedsheets as you felt your walls tightening around his calloused fingers.
“Maybe you are a good girl after all, hm?” He leaned down to place a playful bite on your left breast, fingers still pumping in and out of you, drawing you closer and closer to your release.
You whimpered when his fingers suddenly disappeared.
“I love that look on you, baby girl. So desperate for my cock,” Dean hissed as he lined his throbbing tip up with your dripping core.
You bit your lower lip, your eyes rolling back at the anticipation of Dean sinking into you.
You let out a sharp exhale as Dean slowly slid his throbbing tip into your anxious entrance. Groans escape both of your lips as he works his way into you, tight walls stretching to adjust to his demanding presence in your aching core.
He backs out until only his tip remains past your entrance before plunging back into you, bottoming out as his thighs meet yours.
“Oh, fuck, Dean,” You gasp between thrusts, “God, you feel so good.”
He keeps a punishing pace, throwing your legs over his shoulder and grabbing hard onto your thighs. The new angle sends you spiraling towards your high, each thrust crashing into your deepest sweet spot.
“I- I can’t,” You try desperately to articulate the tension threatening to break deep in your core, “I’m so close, Dean”
“That’s my good girl,” He hums, “Cum for me baby. Let me feel you.”
His words were enough to cause the string in you to snap. Your eyes slam shut, head falling back while your back arches off the bed. Dean’s hand reaches for your clit, the small circles of his finger tip sends you gasping for air. Pleasure courses through your veins as the world disappears around you and all you can focus on is the way Dean’s large cock feels inside you, the way you can feel every move all the way in your toes. The noises escaping your lips are like music to Dean’s ears.
He rides you through your climax, a smirk growing across his face as your eyes flutter back open, grounding you back to the earth.
Dean’s pace slows for the first time as he slides your legs back down to meet the mattress. He slowly slides his still rock hard cock out of you and you let out a low whine.
“So pretty, baby,” He leans over you and kisses you, his tongue fighting its way into your mouth, “Turn around, sweetheart. Let me see that pretty red hair I love.”
You quickly obey, eager to feel Dean deep inside you again. He grabs you by the hips and moves you to exactly where he wants, instantly gliding his tip over your dripping folds.
He swiftly slides all the way back into you, eliciting a deep moan from your parted lips. You lift your head slightly as he resumes the rough pace, allowing your loose waves to fall around your shoulders, bouncing up and down with each thrust.
One of Dean’s large hands remains glued to the flesh just above your round ass, slamming you into him and watching the way your body rolls and jolts each time he plows into you. His other hand glides up your spine, sending shivers over your shaking body, and grabs a fistful of the messy auburn waves, pulling your head to the side so he can see your face.
“Stunning, baby,” He bites his lower lip, his face contorting into looks of painful restraint, “‘m gonna make a mess out of you.”
You slam your body back into his, his cock poking your cervix with each movement. The hand that was gripping into your flesh wraps around your thigh and reaches for your swollen clit. His rough fingers skillfully draw you towards another orgasm as he nears his own.
Your vision blurs as Dean’s thrusts become more desperate. The waves of pleasure take over your senses as your walls tighten around him and your legs threaten to give out beneath you.
You moan out Dean’s name as your head falls back, his fingers still tangled in the flaming locks. The shockwaves coursing through your dripping pussy send Dean over the edge.
“Ah, fuck, y/n,” Is all Dean can manage before he hurriedly slides himself out of you and releases his load onto your arching back. The sticky warmth reaching up to your shoulders and into your messy red mane.
A cocky grin spreads across Dean’s face as he comes down from his high. You lay your head down against the bed as Dean quickly grabs his discarded shirt to clean you up.
“Always a gentleman you are, Dean,” You tease as you flip over to your back once his hands leave your reeling body.
He lets out a chuckle in response as he climbs onto the bed beside you, pulling your blanket over the two of you. You curl into his side, instinctively tangling your legs with his and place your hand on his chest.
“Anything for you, my little fireball,” Dean cooed into your ear as he planted a soft kiss onto your temple. He reached for your messy crown and played with it absentmindedly while you settled into him.
“I’m going to have to wash this now, you know,” You playfully complain as he keeps twisting pieces around his fingers.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” He whispers into the top of your head and you feel a laugh vibrate in his chest.
“No you’re not,” You quip back with a smile.
“No, I’m not,” Dean answers with a laugh. You lay comfortably together for another long moment.
“Y/n?” He whispers to you.
“You’re the devil’s work for sure,” Dean proclaims playfully, landing another kiss on your temple.
You looked up at him and rolled your eyes, placing a light smack onto his chest. Both of you laughed as you took your place back on his chest and let the post-high calm wash over both of you and send you into a content, satisfied sleep.
Join my tag list! Thank you so much for the love ❤️ @this-is-me19
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fallingintolife · 2 years
Hold Onto Me, I'm A Little Unsteady
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Request @trexrambling : Always good to see you on my dash ❤️ For a request…what about - The reader being seriously injured on a hunt to the point where she may not walk again. All the angst and potential comfort that comes with that. My main man Dean, please!
Summary: When your entire life, entire identity is taken from you in a moment; what do you do?
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Semi-graphic description of wound, traumatic injury, ANGST, reader is diagnosed as a paraplegic, this is a really angst filled fic so please heed the warnings guys 💕
Word Count: 1,896
A/N: First of all thank you so so so much for giving me this request @trexrambling . I really loved the challenge of diving into these characters and really trying my best to depict their feelings accurately.
With that being said, I personally have never gone through this injury I did do a lot of research however if I did portray anything inaccurately please don't be afraid to let me know.
Thank you again so so much for this request. I really hope I did it justice and that you enjoy it.
Sending all the love, hugs, and positive vibes
Quiet. Everything was so quiet. Dean hated it. There was no laughter, no talking, no you singing and dancing around the Bunker, no you taunting Sam about how you beat him home from the morning run; just quiet. You'd only been home from the hospital for two days now, after you being there for the last two weeks. You still weren't speaking to anyone, or at all. The last time he had heard your voice was when you were sobbing, screaming, begging that the doctors were lying. All Dean could do was hold you as you cried and attempt to comfort you, all while drowning in his own guilt.
You, Sam, and himself had been on a routine hunt, (to be honest though was any hunt ever routine?) After loring the werewolf into the woods with it chasing you as bait, (which Dean had been against from the beginning). Dean had just shot it, when as it fell, you tried to dodge it however, you over corrected and fell- straight onto a broken tree branch. He still couldn't get the scene out of his mind; the gasp you made when you fell, the tree branch sticking out of your lower abdomen, the panicked look in your eyes as you reached for him with blood dripping from lips as you continued to gasp for air.
As soon as Sam saw what happened he called an ambulance as Dean tried to keep you calm. Luckily it arrived pretty fast, even though it didn't feel that way. After a four and a half hour surgery was when the doctor led the boys to your room and had told them your diagnosis. You had suffered a spinal cord injury to your lower lumbar vertebrae. They wouldn't be sure until you were awake what the full amount of damage was, however, they said that because of where you were injured you may never be able to walk again.
Dean was so angry. He had never been more angry in his life. Not you. This couldn't be happening. Not to you. You were one of the most active people he knew. You loved to dance around the Bunker, go on runs, and brag about beating them at any sport because you honestly could, you even gave Sam a good run for his money when you went on morning runs together. For that to be taken from you…it wasn't fair. So when you had finally woken up on day three was when reality hit; you couldn't move your legs. You didn't have much sensation rather than pain. That was the last time you spoke. That was eleven days ago.
Dean didn't know what to do. The hospital almost didn't release you because of your mental state. You weren't speaking, or really eating but the moment you had heard them wanting to keep you Dean saw the panic back in your eyes as pleading tears ran down your face. You wanted to go home so that's what he did.
When you both had gotten back to the Bunker Dean had taken you into his and your shared bedroom. That's where you had stayed for the past two days; completely quiet and still, almost cationic. Dean was terrified. Even though you were here, alive and breathing you weren't, not really. This wasn't you. Yes, psychically your heart was beating but when he looked into your eyes you weren't there. The girl he fell in love with was completely shattered into the smallest of pieces. Dean didn't care though. He would put you back together piece by piece, from the ground up because he would be damned if he lost you after everything that you had gone through.
Not to say that he wasn't scared because he was. He didn't know what to do or what to say because he wouldn't lie to you. He wouldn't tell you that everything was fine and it wasn't a big deal, because nothing was fine and it was a big deal; a fucking huge deal. You may never walk again. You had every right to feel however you did and honestly he didn't care if you screamed at him right now and blamed him because at least then you'd be showing some kind of emotion. He didn't know what to do but what he did know was that he was going to be with you every step of the way to figure it out. You never left him, even in his darkest moments, so like hell would he leave you.
You and the boys had grown up together. Bobby had taken you in at a young age after he had found you on a hunt gone wrong. Your parents had been murdered and then drained in front of you by ghouls. The ghouls had just started to cut into you when Bobby and Rufus had gotten into the house. You were only seven at the time and they way you had hugged on to Bobby for dear life he knew he couldn't just drop you off somewhere so he took you with him.
The first time you had met the boys you and Sam had immediately bonded over movies and books since you were only a year older than him. You and Dean however had more of a love/hate relationship. Dean enjoyed trying to act like the tough guy and teased you mercilessly for years to the point that you had just resigned yourself to the fact he didn't like you. It wasn't until eighth grade after you saw him beat up a couple guys for making fun of your scars on your wrist, (from when the ghouls had tried to kill you), was when you realized he was just pretending not to like you. After confronting him about it and calling him an asshat was when things between you both slowly changed.
You and Dean dated off and on for a while. You had joined Dean when he went to find his dad and pick up Sam. Between then and now your relationship with Dean wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination. How could it be with hunting thrown into the mix? From him making a deal to save Sam which was understandable but also painful, to him abandoning you to be with Lisa, to him going to purgatory, and of course the Mark of Cain…point being; you and Dean had been to Hell and back, shit Purgatory and back and throughout all that you were still with him. So no. He wasn't going to leave you no matter what you did or what you said because he loved you and nothing could change that.
A loud thump at 3:10 in the morning was what startled Dean awake. On instinct he reached for you with one hand, and for his gun under his pillow with the other. As his hand made contact with his gun he realized that his other hadn't made contact with you. A chill immediately ran down his spine as he turned on his lamp ready to kill whoever had taken you when- laughter. Your laughter filled the room. Which honestly scared the shit out of Dean for a couple reasons; one being you hadn't made a peep for the last thirteen days and two; why the hell were you laughing? After making his way to the other side of the bed he saw you laying on your side still laughing.
"Y/N…sweetheart? What are you doing on the floor?" Crouching down to your level, he tried to scan your body to make sure you weren't hurt.
"I- I woke up and had to pee so, I went to get out of bed and immediately fell because I forgot my legs-my legs don't work!" You laughed hysterically as tears ran down your face. "How the hell did I just forget they just don't work?" Dean steadily watched you for a moment knowing what was coming next. He'd only seen you do this on a few occasions where you'd laugh and cry at the same time before you broke down. One of them being when you came to terms with him dying after taking the deal for Sam. Your laughter began to calm down and the tears began to flow freely down your face, as you poked at your legs with your pointer finger.
"I mean, if not being able to make them move isn't sign enough then-then what about how even though I can't feel them, I have a constant pain running through them?" At the end of your question you let out a mirthless laugh. Dean sat next to you and within five seconds is when he saw reality set in, truly set in and you lost it.
"I can't walk. Dean, I can't walk. What- what am I gonna do?" Pulling you into his lap he held you as tight as he could as you cried into his chest, your body shaking as panic hit. When you began hyperventilating was when Dean turned your face towards his.
He could see your mind racing as it finally was coming to terms with the reality that it was trying so hard to keep you safe from. As much as Dean wished you didn't have to go through this he knew there wasn't another way.
"Sweetheart, look at me. Y/n, sweetheart I need you to look at me." You focused your eyes on his as he gently wiped away your tears with his thumb. "There we go. That's my girl. I need you to breathe with me okay?" You shook your head in a panic mouthing the word 'can't'. "Yes you can. You can breathe baby. I need you to focus on me. Can you do that? Here," he gently took your hand and placed it on his chest as he took a deep breath. "Feel that? I need you to match it. I know you can sweetheart. Deep breath." He took a breath in, and as he did you shakily followed. He gave you a smile as a tear fell down his own cheek. "That's my girl. There we go, keep going sweetheart. You're doing so good Y/N, so so good."
Twenty minutes went by as Dean held you close to him coaching you through your breathing, still not moving even when you calmed down.
"Dean?" It was a ghost of a whisper but he heard you regardless. He looked down, still stroking your hair.
"Yeah sweetheart?" You avoided his eyes.
"I know this isn't what you signed up for. Hunting is your life and I can't do that anymore-" He gently, but firmly lifted your chin so you would look at him.
"I'm gonna stop you right there. Hunting isn't my life. Maybe it was at one point but not anymore. You, you're who I want to be with, who I want to spend my life with so if that means no hunting, then so be it. I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me sweetheart." Your eyes met his smirk before meeting his green orbs filled with nothing but love, sincere and honest love.
You didn't know why he would stay but you couldn't find a reason to doubt him at this moment because you didn't want to spend the rest of your life with anyone else either.
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Request Rules Get To Know Me (coming soon) My Socials
Current Works
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When The Rain Falls ( Avatar Na'vi OC)
Description: After entering a glitchy pod to connect with her avatar Ryla must navigate the ways of the Tayrangi clan it wasn't an easy switch. Being stuck for a whole year she decides to take on the right of passage better known as the Iknimaya.
Say You love Me (Neteyam X Metkayina OC)
description:  follow Luaewe as her world literally gets turned upside down with new na’vi joining her village. Never having to face many obstacles besides finding her way back home. How will she be able to handle the constant jealousy she's faced with and an unwanted love triangle.
Jake & Tonowari
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Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Black Panther
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Homecoming ( Namor X Black OC)
Description: After being away from home for so many years due to school keeping Adella busy she's finally able to go home after her hard work pays off but what she didn't expect was such an eventful homecoming.
To New Beginnings ( Namor X Shuri)
Description: Though Queen Ramonda survived the attack on Wakanda By Namor of Tolokan Shuri still saw this as a sign of disrespect and despite her mother's wishes she carried on and fought with Namor which only left both injured in the end. As a means to try and maintain peace between the two nations, she demands that her daughter fix the matter before it ends in a disaster.
Original works (Non-Fandom related)
Forbidden Fruit
Description: Once you set eyes on the forbidden fruit it draws you in, and temps you. Puts you through all these battles and wars will it change you for the better or change you for the worse.
Bahlam Feeki
Description: Jamila Barlowe, A young art curator embarks on her journey across the Middle East. Walking into something that was bound to happen sooner or later is this what they call fate or just bad luck only time will tell ..... 
Satans Spectacle Read on AO3
Description: Tabitha Hudson a young 26 years old woman living in new york city after many years of trying to figure out who she was and who was the right company she finally got her feet back on the ground well that was until her coworker asked her to fill in for her shift at 'the blossom'
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of-many-fandomss · 2 years
could I please request a Valentine’s Day one shot with Sam Winchester? Him and the reader would be engaged (I know you don’t do male reader but could I request background destiel? If not that’s okay!) but the reader is a witch, Hogwarts style, and she had to go help out at the school for a little bit and since her and Sam haven’t really ever done anything for it she didn’t think they would but since she’s been with the boys since end of season 1 and it’s been a while they know her parents and her dad sends her flowers and calls Sam to make sure she got them because she hasn’t sent a thank you message yet and then Sam sort of hears how big a deal it was for her before she started going hunting with the boys so he plans a surprise for her? Sorry if that’s too long or complicated
Yes, yes, thank you so much for adding destiel!!
Sam anxiously tapped his foot up and down, glancing over at Dean and Cas, who stood to the side. His brother gave him encouraging thumbs up and the angel simply nodded.
You would be back to the bunker any minute now after being called in for some last minute help at the school you had gone to to learn witchcraft at a young age. Of course, you had come out being one of the most powerful witches of your age.
You had been hunting with Sam and Dean for years, and you and the youngest Winchester had started dating early on. And though you did everything together, one thing you never did was celebrate Valentines Day.
The man never thought much of it until receiving a phone call from your father earlier that day to check and see that you got the flowers he had sent you. Soon enough, the two had gotten captured in a conversation that lead Sam to realize how much the holiday had actually meant to you before your hunting days.
Right after hanging up, he had sought out his brother and just brothers boyfriend to try and help him come up with something special he could do for you, not wanting to let another Valentines Day pass you by without some celebration.
Between the three of them, they had managed to get all your favorite foods and drinks as well as put your favorite music on. They also found scented candles to burn and were able to turn the library into a small, romantic ‘get away’ for the two of you for the evening.
“Hey, guys, I’m home!” You called as soon as you stepped through the door, only to come to a halt when you saw all three of them grinning up at you from where you stood overlooking the war room.
“Happy Valentines Day!” All three of them cheered in sync, Dean being the most enthusiastic out of all of them.
Your eyes flitted behind them to the library and you let out a gasp of joy, racing down and taking in the decorations in awe.
“What is…”
“We found out how much this day means to you,” Sam walked over and handed you a bouquet of your favorite flowers along with some that your father had gotten you, “And wanted to do something for you.”
Tears began to fill your eyes as you looked between all of them, “Guys, I- thank-“ You got choked up.
Instead, you settled on giving Cas and Dean each a hug before pulling your boyfriend in for a longer one and giving him a kiss.
“Thank you all so much.”
“It’s no problem,” Sam hummed, “I just wish I had known how much you enjoy Valentines Day sooner.”
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queen-of-deans-booty · 11 months
Three Peas in a Pod
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Female!Reader x Jared Padalecki (no J2 action)
Word Count: ~1.1k
Warnings: fluff, poly relationship, brief smut (not explicit or detailed but it's there)
Request by anon: Hi so can i request a J2 x reader one shot where the reader is a normal girl who is dating Jensen and Jared but the fan never seeing her face only hear her voice like twice because she is super shy and introverted person but Jensen and Jared convince her to go to a comic con and the fan meet her for the first time and instantaneous like her? Something fluff and romantic between J2 and reader 
Summary: It's crazy to think a celebrity wants you but two of them? Being in a relationship with them is the best thing to happen to you, and all they want to do is tell the world about it.
Square Filled: poly fic (2022) for @spnfluffbingo
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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Never in a million years did you think you’d end up in the situation you’re in. It all started when you were out grocery shopping when you ran into Jared Padalecki. He had just given his kids back to his ex-wife when he decided to do some shopping for the week. You had the last of an item in your hand when you barrelled into him, dropping and shattering the item. He felt so bad that he offered to give you his that he grabbed.
It was like something clicked in the air because you two couldn’t get your eyes off each other. You were a stuttering mess but he was so confident in both of you that he asked you out right there and then. It all happened so quickly but when were you going to get another chance like this? You were a small-town girl who was noticed by a huge celebrity.
Of course, you said yes.
He took you on a romantic dinner date overlooking the bustling city. You’re not a talker since you like to keep to yourself, but he kept you talking all night. It’s as if you two were best friends rekindling a friendship. He made you laugh, made you feel beautiful, and was super charming. Supernatural happened to be on your “watch later” list but you’ve seen many spoilers and videos of him and Jensen.
What they said about him is true. He’s super lovable, loves hugs, can make you laugh, is dorky, and loves eating. Being with him makes you feel like you’re the only woman in the world. How can things get better than this?
He took you back to his place for some intimate drinks where his roommate and best friend, Jensen, lives. Jensen is also newly divorced but is open to looking for another relationship if not something temporary. Being in the same room as Sam and Dean Winchester was a little overwhelming but the alcohol dulled those senses so you could enjoy the evening.
Meeting Jared was like love at first sight if you’re into that sort of thing, but meeting Jensen was something completely different… something raw and vulnerable. He tugged you to him subconsciously because he made you feel alive like you could jump off a cliff and be completely fine. You’re not sure if either man felt the same as you were feeling but you weren't going to say anything to them to scare them off.
They set out some games to play while playing an irrelevant TV show in the background. It was friendly at first until the alcohol promoted Jensen to suggest a stripping game. One thing led to another, and the game was long forgotten. The only thing that mattered was the three of you at that moment.
All you could think about was Jared’s lips on your neck, his hand massaging your breast and tugging at your nipples until they were pebbled and ready, Jensen’s tongue on your pussy, and his fingers digging into your thighs. They used you like a cock slut that night but you were more than okay with it. One thing led to another and you’re now dating both of them.
It’s your first polyamorous relationship but you three make it work.
With you having a job that you can work remotely for, they’d take you whenever they had to do interviews, press junkets, and conventions. You’re not one for the spotlight so you’re content with being backstage while they take all the glory. They have yet another convention that they brought you along with, so you’re in the back room watching a video they made recently.
Jensen and Jared talked about serious issues going on in the world currently and how they would take small steps to try and eradicate some of those issues. They are part of a group that works on removing plastic from the ocean, they donate some of their time at food banks and local shelters, and they donate money to groups looking for resources to make the world a better place.
“Listen, these are real-world issues that we need to start taking seriously today. These kinds of events can affect our children and our children’s children,” Jensen says.
“Jar, Jen, dinner is ready,” your voice comes from off-camera.
Jared and Jensen look at each other and just laugh. They’ve been really careful not to give an inkling of their relationship but then things like this happen and it can’t be helped.
“We’ll be right there,” Jared clears his throat.
“We gotta go. That's our girl.”
They leave it at that, and the comment section is raving about them being in a relationship. There are a few other videos where your voice can be heard but you’re never seen. Most of the fans are happy that the boys are happy, and since it’s 2023, being in a poly relationship isn’t that unusual. All of the fans are wondering what you look like but you’re not ready to give that out just yet.
“Hey, we have to go on now,” Jensen says from the door.
You put your phone away and approach Jared with a smile. He pulls you into him and kisses you. He keeps it short and sweet but Jensen is the completely opposite. He kisses you for much longer and in a more intimate way. Jensen is a good kisser with all the practice he’s gotten on you.
“Okay, don’t suffocate her,” Jared playfully says.
“Break a leg, you two,” you grin and watch them leave.
There is a big TV in the back where you can watch what’s going on stage, and you clap when everyone else in the audience does when they walk on. This convention is going like all the others with them telling stories from set, from their lives, and fans asking all kinds of questions. There comes a time when a fan stands up and asks a question regarding you. You knew it was coming sooner or later, and you’re curious how the boys will answer it.
“When are we going to see Y/N? No pressure on you two or her, but just curious.”
“She’s a little camera shy,” Jensen chuckles. “She’s here. She’s backstage but she doesn't really like cameras.”
It’s true, you hate them. Maybe you can give them a little something instead of a full-face reveal. You walk out of the backstage room and over to the edge of the curtains so you’re still hidden from the audience. Jensen and Jared see you creeping up on the curtain, and you stick your hand out to wave at them.
“There she is,” Jared laughs.
Everyone cheers for you which brings a smile to your face. After two seconds, you run back to the room you were in, and Jensen watches you go with a smile on his face.
“We’re working on that part of her,” Jensen jokes.
Maybe one day you’ll be more open to meeting fans and taking pictures because they seem to genuinely love you already, and it’s all thanks to your boys.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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Fool for You | Dean Winchester
✦ pairing — Dean Winchester x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 2.8k
✦ request — I was wondering if I could request a one shot of dean and a female reader. Where they’re best friends with benefits. They also aren’t exclusive in their friends with benefits, Dean still sleeps around. But she tries not to let it get to her. The reader loves him and one day realizes that she doesn’t know if she can do this anymore.
✦ warnings — angst, friends with benefits, making out, mentions of sex, a twinge of jealousy, fluff.
✦ author's note — the ending was requested too.
Fresh out of the shower, you sat on your desk and opened your laptop. You had a TV show to finish and a spin-off to start.
You always tried to avoid distractions during hunts. Research took up most of your time, and even when it didn’t, you preferred to be as sharp as possible.
The show wasn’t particularly good, but it was so entertaining that you could ignore most of the nonsensical plot elements.
A knock on your door prompted you to pause the show. Whining, you stood up and stretched before taking a couple of steps towards the door.
You found Dean in your doorway. He gave you a charming smile and entered your room without asking.
“You okay?”
You must have looked surprised to see him because he rarely asked such a thing. “Yeah.”
“Good.” He immediately leaned in, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as he placed his lips on yours.
Reflexively, you kissed him back. You rested a hand on the back of his head, bringing him even closer.
Dean set his other hand on your ass, tickling your mouth open with his tongue. You didn’t fight it, getting distracted by the taste of minty toothpaste in his warm mouth.
Before things would escalate, you placed your hands on his chest and pushed him off you. “I’m tired, Dean.”
“What? Oh, duh! We slept like shit last night, you’re right.”
You didn’t mean it like that. Could he really not see that?
Dean kissed your cheek. “Get some sleep, yeah?”
“You too.”
He left the room and closed the door for you. His steps echoed down the hallway until the creek of his door filled your ears.
You hated this. You hated feeling like you would lose him at any moment. Would it count as losing him if he wasn’t even yours? Not entirely.
He never would.
Somebody always falls in friends with benefits arrangements, you knew that, but you had naively hoped it would be him.
There was no such thing as a relationship without feelings. Why did you fall for that trap so easily? Did wanting to have a tiny part of him make you look desperate?
He could easily go fuck somebody else. He probably would do it that same night.
You were used to it, to the smell of somebody else’s perfume on his clothes and other people’s marks on his skin.
While the arrangement had been clear from the get-go, you had hoped you would be enough to satiate him. He was enough for you.
You closed your laptop and sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the wall Dean had pinned you to so many times.
You couldn’t end things with him, not yet. Having a tiny part of him was better than not having him at all. You just needed a break.
He was your best friend, the benefits part wouldn’t change that. Everything would be fine between you.
Yeah, a break would be good.
For the next few days, declining his invitations to the bar or for a supply run proved to be difficult. Usually, you joked around during those and talked for hours over a few drinks whether it was at the bunker or the bar.
That was until he either fucked you or found somebody else to fuck and you were reminded he only wanted you for your body, obviously.
Being wanted only for your body by a hot person wouldn’t have been an issue if you weren’t in love with them.
So that evening you declined too and it felt horrible. You missed him, you wanted to have his attention and mess around with him.
Dean hadn’t asked if something was wrong, he probably couldn’t tell the difference at this point. You hated that you fell for him and you hated even more that he didn’t reciprocate.
The hardest part was when Sam and Castiel came back to the bunker well into the night and he didn’t.
He used to tell you about his hookups before the arrangement. Now he kept the details to himself but didn’t try to hide the fact that he had just fucked somebody else.
It was part of the arrangement, you too were free to see other people. But you weren’t ready.
The empty library welcomed you in its silent glory.
Setting your laptop on the table, you searched for a book related to the potential case you had found.
You were always careful with the books, some were so old that you feared they would turn to dust in your hands. You didn’t need that in your conscience.
Thankfully, you didn’t need such an old book. Carrying the couple of tomes that could be useful, you set them on the table beside your laptop.
Sitting down, once sure you had closed the door, you started your research. Or attempted to.
You tried every trick there was to focus. Ambiance audios, rain sounds, your favorite playlist... maybe a snack would help, but you weren’t hungry.
Taking a gulp of water, you rested your back against the chair and sighed. Breathing exercises didn’t help either. You needed fresh air.
“You going out?” Sam asked from the kitchen.
“Just for a walk, I need to stretch my legs.”
“I’ve told you to come with me in the mornings.”
“I’m not a runner. Or a morning person... but thanks!”
Sam huffed a laugh and told you to be careful. You went along, pulling the front door open and finally stepping out of the bunker.
It hadn’t felt like its namesake in so long... you usually called it home, it had been easy to do so. Both Dean and Sam had gone out of their way to make you feel welcome, to assure you that place was to be your refugee and much more.
You remembered it was a Saturday the moment you reached the park. Children were laughing and yelling in the playground and parents were not too far from them watching them.
Some people were walking their dogs, others were buying ice cream, and you saw a few couples too.
One of the couples caught your eye. She was shorter than him, bigger too, and she was smiling brightly as he took a photo of her.
He showed it to her, but you didn’t get to see where the exchange ended. It felt like you were watching something too intimate, even if they were in public.
You could have that, you deserved something like that.
Seeing them made you miss Dean even more. He was surprisingly sweet and caring, he would probably do that for you if you caught him in a good mood.
Well, would he do it for you specifically? You weren’t sure, you liked to tell yourself he would do things for you he wouldn’t do for anybody else. You would for him, anything.
What was the use of tormenting yourself like this? Dean could be like that with anyone, but he was clearly not interested in doing it with you.
You should have fallen for the corner store’s handsome clerk. At this point, he had shown more interest in you than Dean.
Continuing with your walk, you focused on what you needed. The change of scenery was good, so good that you didn’t mind the dry spring warmth.
Your heart dropped as you turned around to go back, the twinges of sadness so familiar that you wouldn’t be yourself without them.
You walked slowly on your way back, taking your surroundings in. The area hadn’t changed since you moved in and thankfully most people kept to themselves.
Stopping at the front door, you pulled your keys out. Without hesitance, you slid the key in and unlocked the door.
The first thing your senses processed as you crossed the doorway was the sound of a sports commentator on the TV.
You had to cross the living room either way, so you followed the sound and cringed as it became louder and louder.
Dean was alone, sitting on his favorite side of the couch, with a beer in hand and the remote control on his thigh.
He took a swig of beer and without taking his eyes off the TV, asked, “Where were you?”
“I went to the park.”
“The park?” he repeated as though it was hard to believe.
“Yeah, you know, the big public area with trees, benches, playgrounds—“
He snapped his head towards you and interrupted you, “I know what a damn park is!”
“Well...” You awkwardly shrugged. “I was there.”
He was glaring at you and you were lost as to why. Did he really care that much? You doubted it.
“I have research to do,” you announced.
He hummed and went back to watching the TV.
He didn’t even try to hide the hickey on his neck, but somehow you were supposed to tell him where you were at any given moment? He knew you hadn’t gone out in days!
You needed to get over him, that way you would get your best friend back.
So you downloaded Tinder. It took you a long time to set up the profile, choosing a photo was tedious, and coming up with a good bio almost gave you a headache.
But swiping through people’s photos and profiles was entertaining. The rush that matching with people gave you was worth the hassle, at least for now.
Talking to people was fun. Nothing serious would come out of it, you rarely were in town and even if you were, you didn’t think you could trust people from a dating app. Not with your line of work.
You had forgotten what flirting was like. Thankfully, you didn’t feel that embarrassed because you weren’t serious about it.
Maybe by the end, you would have another friend or two. You needed more people in your life.
Your phone lit up on the counter. You leaned in to read the notification and so did Dean. It was a text.
“Who’s Max?”
You never went on any dates with people from Tinder, and unlike Dean, you didn’t even consider hooking up with anybody. But you did end up exchanging numbers with a couple of guys.
Max was your favorite of the two, he didn’t mind if you took more than five minutes to reply to his texts, was funny, and had interesting stories to tell.
You started dodging his attempts at flirting fairly soon, yet you were sure you would have gone out with him if you weren’t already in love with Dean.
“A friend.”
“Oh, you have friends?” he teasingly asked.
Playfully, you elbowed him on the side. “You know very well I do, jerk.”
“I’ve never met this Max.”
“You haven’t met all of my friends.”
“You’ve met all of mine.”
Had you? Was that important?
He stared at your phone as Max double-texted you. “So where did you meet him?”
“Tinder,” you answered naturally, not thinking much of it.
You had naively harbored hope that you would have a normal conversation as friends, but he turned around and left the kitchen.
His heavy steps disappeared just as the slam of a door echoed through the bunker.
What was his fucking problem now?
Left with the entire workload of making dinner, you started the task at hand in an attempt to avoid thinking about him.
He had never been this prissy or infuriating. There had been a time in which you would have been content with him being your only friend, but it was neither healthy nor sustainable.
You wished your line of work allowed you more freedom, but you rarely complained because it was worth it.
Even the heartbreak from your unrequited feelings was worth it, Dean was worth it.
Thankfully, Sam was the one who summoned him for dinner. You hated seeing him angry or upset, you hated that you couldn't make it better.
Tension hovered over the table like a giant cloud. Sam avoided looking at either of you throughout the meal while Dean clanked his utensils against the ceramic plate which you knew he was doing to bother you.
Sam tried to ease the tended once the meal was over. “Wanna hit the bar?”
“No,” Dean grumbled.
“No, thank you, Sam,” you answered as you stood up. Picking up the plates, you carried them to the sink.
It was Dean's turn to do the dishes, but you weren't going to poke the bear over something as small.
You did the dishes under his scrutinizing gaze. Sam told you both to call him if something came up on his way out, seemingly choosing to ignore whatever was going on between you and his brother.
Silence didn't reign — Dean broke it. “Hey.”
He stalled, reaching over for the cloth to wipe the table.
You dried the dishes with your heart in your throat. Just to keep your hands busy, you put everything in its place even though you three rarely bothered when you used the same dishes so frequently.
Dean washed the cloth in the sink, then his hands. This time he didn't complain about the coconut hand soap you always bought.
“Is... is he the reason why you’re avoiding me?”
Startled, you asked, “Sam?”
“No!” he exclaimed incredulously just to stall once again. Dean set his jaw, then clarified who he meant, “Max.”
You shook your head. It was now or never. “When... when I said I was tired, I didn’t just mean physically tired.”
“I know what you meant.”
“That’s even worse.” You should have known the friendship wouldn’t survive. “I couldn’t help it, okay? It’s fine, I’ll get over it.”
“You should have told me.”
“And embarrass myself? No thanks.”
“Sweetheart, come on… I thought you knew me better than anyone.”
You hated the way your stomach made somersaults every time he called you that.
As you fiddled with the edge of your top, he added, “I wasn’t gonna lie to you and say I don’t feel something too.”
“And what does it change?” you wondered out loud. “You hate that type of commitment.”
Dean lowered his gaze. He couldn’t counter your comment, you had spoken about it many times in the past.
You understood where he was coming from back then. Hell, you understood now too even though you didn’t share his point of view.
“Maybe…” He lifted his head. “Maybe it’s time to try.” Dean got closer to you upon seeing the doubtful expression you adopted. “I’d hate seeing you with somebody else.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“Of course I do. Why would I say shit I don’t mean?”
You shrugged, not daring to say what you were thinking. Even while coming clean, you were scared of offending him.
“Would I ever lie to you?” he insisted.
“I don’t know. You could be lying to me right now and I wouldn’t—” You gave him a sad smile. “I wouldn’t know, Dean, I wouldn’t even mind. Do you know how fucked up that is?”
“I‘m not lying.”
You nodded. “Okay. I hope you’re telling the truth because I believe you.”
He mirrored your nodding. “We good?”
“Yeah, we’re good.”
He took your hand and pulled you toward him. You expected a kiss, you wanted one — but instead, Dean let go of your hand and wrapped his arms around you.
You hugged him back, burying your face in his flannel.
He kissed your forehead, lips lingering on your skin as both of you refused to withdraw from each other.
Still, he moved away first. “Come.”
You dropped your arms, confused. “Where?”
He walked towards the couch and sat down. You turned the kitchen lights off and followed him.
Dean patted his lap. “Sit.” You were about to climb onto his lap when he set his hands on your waist and stopped you. “No, no, giving me your back.”
You did so, slowly settling on his lap. Dean wrapped his arms around you, shifting his legs so both of you would be more comfortable.
“We’re going to watch the stupid show you finished without me, you’re going to delete Tinder, and we’ll have a nice night.”
You tried not to laugh as he pulled you flush to his chest. “Why in this position?”
“I dunno. We’ll move if you get uncomfortable.”
“You should be worrying about your legs getting tired.”
“Nah.” He curled an arm around you and reached over for the remote control with his other hand. “Which episode were we on?” he asked in your ear, tickling you.
Moving away from his face, you answered. “Eight.”
Dean hummed and rested his chin on your shoulder. “You’re not getting away from me.”
“Is that a promise or a threat?” you lightheartedly asked.
“Promise,” he humbled and kissed your cheek.
You hoped he would keep it.
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bi-bard · 2 years
Goodnight - Sam Winchester Imagine (Supernatural)
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Title: Goodnight
Pairing: Sam Winchester X Reader
Requested: nope
Word Count: 2,068 words
Warning(s): major character death, violence, grief
Summary: After what seemed to be a normal hunt, Sam and (Y/n) are forced to face a harsh reality they never wanted to confront.
Author's Note: I'm going to be honest; this one really got to me. I do my best writing when I can step into the mindsets of the characters I'm writing for. This can be for the perspective and inner monologue parts and for the dialogue from all the other characters. I had to step away while writing this. It was an idea that I just couldn't shake, but it hurt like a bitch to actually write it.
Please, read this with caution. If you think it's going to cause you high levels of distress, then don't read it at all. I understand it's a bit of a heavy one.
Hey! I did a rewrite of the ending of Supernatural. It took a really long time to complete, so it would mean a lot to me if you check it out. Here’s a link! (it’s on my personal account)
I gasped as I was thrown back against the far wall of the run-down house that the witch had been hiding in.
Sam, Dean, and I had tracked down the witch after a series of deaths that seemed to only affect stupid kids that had tried to explore the abandoned property. We thought we were ready. We were convinced.
The witch had caught us off-guard. It took us longer to take her down than we had originally hoped it would.
Sam shot the witch a few seconds after I had been thrown. I was trying to get my breath back from the impact when he ran over.
"Are you okay," he asked, checking me for injuries. I nodded. "You sure?"
"Yeah, just a hard hit," I grinned at him. "I'm fine."
He let out a sigh. I leaned up and kissed his cheek.
"I'm okay."
He nodded.
"Now, come on," I grabbed his hand and started pulling him outside. "I wanna go home."
Sam chuckled at how excited I was. I basically jumped into the passenger seat. As Sam started the car, I leaned over and kissed his cheek again.
"Sammy," I said gently.
"Yeah," he looked at me.
"I love you."
The smile he gave made my heart melt. Not that it was a new thing for me. His smile always did that.
"I love you too," he leaned over and pressed his lips to mine.
I smiled into the kiss before leaning back slowly.
The drive home was calm. Well, most of it.
We were about an hour out from the bunker when my stomach started turning. I let out a sigh and touched my stomach.
"You alright," Sam asked.
I nodded, "Yeah."
A few minutes later, I felt something bubbling up in my throat. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't after a bit.
"Sam, pull over," I said.
He nodded and pulled the car over. As soon as it stopped, I got out of the car and made it to some kind of bush or shrub before I knelt down and started vomiting.
"Hey, hey," Sam touched my back gently and ran his other hand through my hair. "It's okay. Let it out."
I looked down at the pile and my eyes went wide. I reached up and wiped the edge of my mouth. I pulled my hand back to see blood on it.
"S-Sam," I said softly.
He looked at my hand.
"Come on," he replied simply, helping me off of the ground.
I tried to walk to the car, but I felt dizzy as soon as I stood up. I stumbled a few steps before black spots started filling my vision. I leaned more on Sam and stopped trying to walk.
"Alright, alright," he muttered.
I tried to speak. Explain what was happening. I couldn't. I just ended up collapsing against him and losing consciousness.
When I started waking up, we were like fifteen minutes from the bunker. Probably far less because of how fast Sam was driving.
"Sam," I muttered.
"Hey," he replied, grabbing my hand. "You feeling better?"
"I'm not about to vomit anymore, but my head is killing me," I pressed the heel of my free hand to my forehead. "And I'm really tired."
"We're almost home," he said. "Rowena's gonna meet us there. We'll figure out what's happening, I promise."
I nodded and closed my eyes.
When we got home, I tried to get out of the car, but Sam stopped me.
"Sam," I muttered.
"Stay put," he replied and got out.
He circled the car and opened the door. He tucked one arm around my back and the other under my knees. I just leaned against his shoulder as we walked through the bunker.
"Sam, what happened," Dean asked as we made it through the map room and to the bunker's equivalent of the med bay.
"Witch hit (Y/n) with something," Sam replied quickly.
Rowena was already waiting for us. She must've not been very far away. Sam set me down on one of the beds and I laid flat on my back.
"Oh, dear," Rowena mumbled. "You're so pale."
"I did vomit about half my body weight on the side of the road."
Sam pulled a chair up and sat next to me. I reached over and grabbed his hand, grinning at him. He grinned back, trying to hide his anxiousness from me.
"Can you tell me the spell the witch used to hit (Y/n)," Rowena asked, looking at Sam.
I rambled off the words before Sam could. I saw her face drop for a minute.
"What," I asked.
"Nothing, nothing," she replied. "I just need to go look up the spell."
I nodded.
Rowena walked out, telling Dean to follow her.
"Do you need anything," Sam asked after a minute.
I shook my head. He leaned over and kissed my forehead. I hummed and smiled.
"How do you feel," he asked.
"Head still hurts," I shrugged. "Stomach's acting up again."
"Want me to grab the garbage can?"
"No, no, it's not like that," I shook my head. "It's just the pain."
"I'm sorry, baby," he leaned down and kissed my hand. "We'll get this sorted out."
"I know you will," I grinned.
We sat together for... I have no idea how long. My pain continued getting worse. Sam made me keep him updated. I ended up curled up on my side. The stomach pain turned into what felt like my insides being shredded.
Dean eventually came in and grabbed Sam.
I was willing to let them all talk alone until I heard Sam start yelling. I stood up and dragged myself from the med bay to the map room. Sam was yelling at Rowena and Dean, who both looked incredibly guilty.
"We need to fix this-"
"Samuel, there's nothing we can fix," Rowena cut him off.
"No," he snapped. "No! I... I am not losing them! You need to fix this!"
"Sammy, you read the spell," Dean said, trying to be as gentle as possible. "We... We have no options."
"Any magic will just accelerate the process," Rowena added.
I stumbled slightly as I walked in, "I'm dying... aren't I?"
The entire group turned to look at me. Sam jogged over and held me up. Dean looked down and Rowena stammered for a minute.
"I'm sorry, dear," she said, walking over slowly. "Anything I do will just hurt you more. It's intense magic. It's likely the witch died from casting the spell, not Sam's gunshot."
I had watched apocalypses take place, but it never felt like my world crumbled until then. I looked at the ground, trying to put my thoughts in order.
"How long," I asked after a minute.
"Hours, maybe," she explained.
My heart sank. I wouldn't even get a proper goodbye. I didn't have time to accept what was happening. A shaky breath fell from my lips.
"I'm sorry," she repeated. I stepped forward, causing Sam to hesitantly let go of me, and hugged her.
"Thank you," I mumbled. "You did everything you could. Thank you."
Rowena stepped back and nodded, looking down.
I looked over at Dean. He had his jaw clenched and he was staring at the floor.
"Dean," I said softly.
He looked at me and took a deep breath. His shoulders were tense, and he was clearly holding back tears. I stepped forward and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back, almost like he was trying to hide me from the world.
"Thank you for everything," I muttered. "I wouldn't be who I am without you."
"Thank you," he basically whispered. "You're an amazing person... and you've made Sammy so happy. I can't thank you enough for that."
I let out something between a laugh and a sob before stepping back.
I looked over at Sam, who was crying. He looked down for a moment, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. I walked over, stumbling again.
He rushed to grab me, picking me up just like he had when he was helping me out of the car.
Instead of going back to the med bay, Sam carried me to our room. Dean followed to move the blankets for Sam. Sam pulled my shoes off and adjusted the blanket to cover me.
He went to talk to his brother. I grabbed for his hand, scared that he was gonna leave me.
"I'm right here," he promised. "I'll be right back."
I didn't hear whatever he and Dean were muttering about. I just heard Dean open and close the door behind him. I looked up as Sam moved the blanket to lay next to me.
"Thank you," I said quietly. He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "For everything. You've been so amazing to me. You are so much more than I ever deserved."
"I should be thanking you," Sam replied. "You made me feel loved when I thought I was unlovable. You stuck by my side when you probably shouldn't have. I just... I can't thank you enough."
We fell into a comfortable silence together. We just laid together. He held me close, one hand cupping my face as he studied my face. We would kiss every now and then, mumble small comments to each other. We just let our own small world form around us, ignoring what else had been there.
My final hour was clear. The pain was so much worse. I was just curling into his chest and was almost shaking at the feeling. I looked up at Sam. We both seemed to understand what was happening.
"I don't want you to go," I heard Sam mumble.
"I don't want to go either," I replied. "I just want to stay with you forever."
I just felt Sam hug me tighter. I tried to blink back another wave of tears.
"Goodbye, (Y/n)."
"Don't say that," I mumbled.
"What should I say then," he asked.
"Something that doesn't sound so... final," I replied. "I don't know... say 'goodnight' or something."
As I said that, I hid my face in his chest. Like I had so many nights before. Like I had grown so accustomed to. I felt my tears soak into the fabric of his shirt. I felt his chest shake as he let out a breath and held me closer.
"Goodnight, (Y/n)," he finally said in a strained voice.
He was trying to hold himself together for me. He didn't want me to feel any guilt for leaving.
"Goodnight, Sam," I whispered. "I love you."
"I love you too," he said. "I will always love you."
With one more deep breath, I closed my eyes. As my world faded away from my grip, I barely felt Sam start shaking as he finally let the wall break down.
And in a moment, I was gone.
--Sam's P.O.V--
I don't know how long I spent with (Y/n)'s body.
I didn't have it in myself to go get Dean or Cas or Rowena. If I got up, I had to admit it was over. I had to admit that (Y/n) was gone and that this wasn't just them resting after a hunt.
The door slowly opened, but I didn't move.
I had managed to shift so my face was hidden in the crook of (Y/n)'s neck as I held them as close as possible. I was like a kid clinging to a favorite toy.
I only looked up when Dean touched my arm. He frowned at me before sitting on the edge of the bed. He didn't rush me. He didn't speak. He sat there, resting his hand on my arm as I sobbed.
"They were supposed to make it," I finally got out. "They were supposed to be the one to make it, Dean."
"I know, Sammy," he nodded. "I know."
I heard more footsteps approach the door. I heard them leave when Dean waved them away.
"Do you want me to go," Dean asked.
I shook my head.
"Okay," he replied. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna be right here."
I just tried to pull (Y/n) closer to me. I had been praying. It was silent, but it was real. I begged someone to bring them back. To just let me have (Y/n) back.
I just wanted things to go back to normal.
I knew it would never happen.
And that's what hurt most.
Masterlist (Includes links to All Writing Challenges)
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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hoboal87 · 3 years
The Fear
Title: The Fear
Pairing: Dean x pregnant!Reader, minor Sam x Eileen
Characters: Dean, Sam, Reader
Summary: Dean comes home to find Y/N missing.
Word Count: 2300+
Warnings: angst with a happy ending, kidnapping, violence, fluff, pregnancy, non-graphic descriptions of childbirth, 15 x 20 adjacent.
A/N: my entry for @princessmisery666's #daily mix challenge combined with a Nonnie request.
Edit: I forgot to thank the lovely @lovealways-j​ for beta-reading this for me. Thanks, Sabrina!
My song is "The Fear" by The Score
My Full Masterlist
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Something’s wrong.
Dean can sense it the moment he steps into his shared room with Y/N. He looks carefully around the room, trying to find a clue as to what’s got his hunter instincts in high gear. It looks no different then when he and Sam left three days ago, and yet, every bone in his body is telling him something is off.
“Y/N?” He calls out hesitantly as he makes his way towards her old room down the hall. She’d been in the process of turning it into a nursery for the last month and had a tendency to get lost in paint samples and baby supplies. As he closes in on the room, he can feel himself becoming more on edge and instinctively reaches for his gun. “Sweetheart? You in there?”
Dean’s heart sinks further into his stomach as he reaches the newly-converted nursery. The usually meticulously organized room was in a state of disarray as if there had been some sort of struggle. Dean calls out for Y/N again, willing her to give him some kind of sign that he was overreacting to what he was seeing.
He quickly pulls out his phone dialing Y/N’s number, he and Sam should have never gone on that hunt, Y/N was due in less than a month, but she insisted that they go.
This is Y/N, sorry I can’t come to the phone, if it’s an emergency please contact Sam or Dean…
“Fuck,” Dean mutters, waiting for her message to end. “Hey sweetheart,” he does his best to keep his voice steady. “Me and Sammy just got back and I just got a feeling…” he takes a deep breath. “Call me back. Love you.”
Dean pockets his phone, before taking in the room again, trying to convince himself that it’s his new-father instincts and not his hunter instincts that have him so on edge. That’s when he sees it: under a discarded bag, a small pool of blood. Dean’s breathing grows heavier, and he scans the room again, looking for any kind of sign of what may have happened in the room.
“Sam!” Dean yells out, his breath quickening. “Sammy!”
Sam’s behind him, skidding to a stop before taking in the sight of the room before him. Even with only a cursory glance Dean knows that Sam’s thinking the same thing as him, something’s happened to Y/N.
Dean hurries down to the infirmary, Y/N had insisted that they have everything to monitor her in the final months and in the worst-case scenario anything needed to help her deliver. The simple fetal monitor is right where they’d left it three days prior, Dean insists on listening to the heartbeat of his unborn child on an almost daily basis, letting the rapid thump thump thump put him at ease.
Dean’s phone buzzes in his back pocket, and he breathes out a sigh of relief when Y/N’s picture fills the screen. He takes a minute, calming himself, she doesn’t need to know that up until this moment he was on the verge of a panic attack.
“Sweetheart,” he smiles, “y’know you had us worried for a minute.”
There’s silence on the other end of the call, save for heavy, scratchy breathing.
“I’m sorry, Dean,” Y/N whispers, choking back a sob. “I shouldn’t’ve trusted her. Now–”
“Baby, listen to me,” Dean finds Sam in the hall and mouths trace the call, Sam nods and bolts towards the library. “Are you okay? The baby?”
“That depends on you, Dean,” an unfamiliar voice replaces Y/N’s. “Now, be a good little soldier and do as I say. Only then will your precious wife and child have a chance to make it through this unharmed.” Dean can feel his blood boiling, this is why he could never not be a hunter. He and Sam have made too many enemies over the years, and now Y/N and their baby may be paying the price.
All the fear that he felt when Y/N first told him she was pregnant comes rushing back to the surface. Dean never thought he’d get married, let alone be a father, but with Rowena keeping the demons in check, and Jack limiting the angels' interaction on Earth, with the exception of Cas, life became some version of safe for the brothers.
That’s why Y/N insisted that they take the simple salt n’ burn just one state over. She knew that they were going a little stir crazy, Bobby, Jody and Donna, had started training the next generation of hunters so that boys could retire. Dean was hesitant to leave, Y/N was only a month away from her due date, but she shooed them out the door, claiming to need her own space from her overprotective husband and brother-in-law.
“Are you listening, Dean?” The voice tuts and Dean tries to clear his head of ‘if’s’ and ‘could’ve’s’ all it’s doing is driving him crazy.
“I’m listening,” Dean repeats through gritted teeth. The voice gives coordinates to a location a few hours away and before he realizes it he’s in the Impala, ready to do whatever it takes to save his wife and baby. Sam tells Dean what he’s already sure of: this is a trap and Y/N is being used as bait. He doesn’t care, he can’t lose her, lose their baby, not when she’s done nothing more than love him.
The sun is setting when they pull up to the abandoned farmhouse, original, Dean thinks. Dean wants to go bursting in, guns ablaze, but Sam stops him, reminding him that they don’t know who or what has got Y/N, and they have to be smart. He wants nothing more than to punch his brother for suggesting that they wait even a second longer to rescue Y/N, but he lets the words sink in and reluctantly agrees.
Silver bullets, holy water, dead man’s blood, witch-killing bullets and machete’s are divided between each brother, knowing that whatever has Y/N, one of these things will most likely kill it. When they enter the farmhouse Dean’s eyes lock on Y/N, who’s against a wall, two chains around her wrists.
Dean rushes towards her, the only thing on his mind is getting her and the baby out of this place and back home. Her breathing is shallow when he reaches her, and he gently inspects her body. Gingerly, he touches her face, allowing her Y/E/C eyes to meet his and she smiles lazily at him. Knew you’d come, she whispers, and Dean leans forward to place a kiss on her forehead. His free hand lands on the swell of her belly, where he can feel a slight kick against his palm.
“I love you,” Dean says softly so that only Y/N can hear him. “I’m gonna get you outta here, sweetheart, okay?” Y/N nods slightly as Dean focuses his attention on freeing her from her bonds.
There’s a grunt behind Dean, and when he turns around, Sam’s on the ground, and there’s a somewhat familiar woman standing behind him.
“Dean Winchester,” she exclaims as two large men appear and pull him to his feet. “Been too long.”
“Jenny,” he utters, remembering one of the first cases he worked with Sam. “You look good, a little dead, but, good.”
“Always the charmer, weren’t you Dean?” She takes a step towards Y/N. “I could smell you on her the second she walked past me. Women always trust other women, made her think I was a hunter; a tragic backstory here, a name drop there, and bingo, the dumb bitch is leading me into your home.”
Dean feels his anger rising as he tugs against the two men, his eyes flicker to Sam, who slowly starts reaching for the blade next to him.
“Up,” Jenny orders and when Y/N doesn’t comply she produces a blade, and presses it against her stomach. Dean’s heart stops at the threat to Y/N and their baby. “If you want to give your baby a chance to ever see the light of day, I suggest you cooperate.”
Y/N’s legs are wobbly as she stands, tears glistening in her eyes as Jenny slowly runs the blade against her. Dean’s gaze doesn’t leave her, watching as Jenny uncuffs her, and leads her slowly over to him.
Adrenaline pumps through Dean’s veins and he frees himself from his two captors; headbutting one and throwing a punch at the other as Y/N is pushed out of the way. Sam is up on his feet and in a swift move, swings the blade through Jenny’s neck, her body falling limp to the ground. For the briefest of moments, Dean relaxes, only for a vamp to be coming at him again.
Dean can barely keep track of anything, his eyes tunneling in on the large vamp in front of him. He can hear the grunts of Sam, and the familiar sound of another vamp going down. Y/N isn’t in his line of sight, and through the blood pounding in his ears, he hears Sam call his name.
It was just the distraction that the vamp needed and he barrels towards Dean, slamming him against a wooden post. He feels something pierce his side but he keeps fighting against the vamp. As the vamp is about to take his final shot, his head is gone, and Sam is quickly resheething his blade.
Y/N cries out, cradling her stomach and even from a distance he can see the pool blood between her legs. Go, Dean orders Sam who quickly obeys.
“I think she’s in labor,” Sam mutters. “I don’t think we can get her to a hospital in time.”
Dean rushes to Y/N’s side as best he can, telling her everything will be alright. Dean returns to Baby, grabbing the first aid kit, hastily patching up the wound, and retrieving a blanket from the trunk. The pain hits him all at once, but he pushes through it, his pain doesn’t matter, all that matters is that Y/N and the baby are safe.
Y/N’s screaming out in pain, begging for someone to make it stop as Sam does his best to calm her. Dean closes the distance in only a few steps, positioning himself behind her. He takes her hands in his, whispering praises in her ear as Sam orders her to push.
Within only a few minutes, Evelyn Marie Winchester is brought into the world, wailing loudly as Sam wraps her in his flannel and hands her over to Y/N. Dean offers Sam a silent thank you as he takes in the appearance of his daughter. Evie’s the perfect combination of him and Y/N.
The moment of bliss doesn’t last long, as Sam reminds them that they still need to get Y/N and Evie to a hospital. Dean moves from his place behind Y/N and winces at the pain now radiating through his body. Sam gives him a curious look, and Dean shrugs, trying to convince his brother that he’s fine.
Dean takes Evie out of Y/N’s arms, and cradles her against him as Sam helps Y/N to her feet. Dean takes a few steps before legs start to give and his vision starts to blur. The last thing Dean hears before everything going black is Y/N and Sam calling out his name.
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Five Years Later
Dean watches as Evie runs around the backyard of their new home, chasing Miracle and laughing hysterically. Y/N was right, the Bunker was no place to raise a little girl, she deserves everything that he and Sam never had, and he is determined to give it all to her. Evie will never know what it’s like to go to bed hungry or cold, or wonder when she’ll see her parents again.
The opening of the front door tears Dean’s attention away from his daughter, Sam’s voice filling the otherwise silent house. He turns to see his brother carrying a ridiculous amount of gifts followed by a very pregnant Eileen with a shaggy haired toddler attached to her hip.
“Unca De!” Little Bobby tries to squirm out of Eileen’s hold and she carefully lets him down. The toddler bolts for Dean, wrapping his arms around Dean’s leg. “S’Evie’s birfday!”
“I know, buddy!” Dean laughs at his nephew, “how ‘bout you go tell her ‘happy birthday’?” Dean opens the side door and lets Bobby out.
“You are going to spoil my daughter rotten, Sam Winchester,” Y/N appears from the back of the house. Dean’s still amazed that even after years together, Y/N can take his breath away.
“Well, if I had another niece or nephew, I could spread the love.”
“I think you’ve spread enough love, Sammy,” Dean jokes as he heads into the kitchen, Sam following behind him. “I mean, you’re basically having your kids back-to-back.”
“Three years is hardly back-to-back,” Sam reaches out to grab a beer. “You’re just mad ‘cause I one-upped you.”
“Actually,” Dean peeks into the living room. “We’ll be even. Y/N’s pregnant.”
The words have hardly left Dean’s mouth before Sam’s engulfed him in a hug. Dean’s positive that Eileen and Y/N are having a similar conversation at this very same moment, but what neither Sam or Eileen know is that they have a bet on who will crack first.
“Just found out a couple of weeks ago,” Dean continues with the ruse. “She wanted to wait until after yours was born, didn’t want to take Eileen’s thunder or something.” Sam nods, seemingly understanding.
Hours later, after the last present has been opened, and the final piece of cake has been eaten, Sam and Eileen take a very sleepy Bobby home. Evie sits at the kitchen table, listening carefully and a smile growing on her face as Dean and Y/N tell her that in six months she’ll have a little brother or sister.
“Or both,” Y/N corrects with a knowing smirk.
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This one-shot was requested by a nonnie, my requests are currently open, you can send me an ask or DM me if you’d like to request something. 
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