#Dean Winchester x Lisa Braden
ninii-winchester · 2 months
Unveiled Sorrows (Part 5)
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Pairings : Dean Winchester X Reader, Sam Winchester X Reader (platonic), Dean Winchester x Lisa Braden (mentioned)
Word count: 4.6k
Warnings: heavy angst, spoilers s1-s6, mentions of violence, foul language, brief mentions of pregnancy and childbirth.(no details).
A/n : This series follows canon plot line but some scenes might happen differently or be completely changed. Check the warnings for each part before continuing
A/n: For the purpose of this series, Sam came back with his soul. Gemma and Will Campbell are OCs.
Bobby watched Dean drive away. He never imagined he'd do something like that. He turned to see y/n on the ground.
"No...no Sammy. Come back." She dug her fingers into the ground. "Please." She sobbed as she continued digging as if the cage would still be under the ground. She hoped by some miracle it would open up and give her best friend back.
"Y/n let go." Bobby tried prying her hands off the ground. "Let go God dammit your fingers are bleeding." He jerked her body upwards and dragged her off to his truck. He made her sit inside and grabbed her stuff from her car. He got into the driver's seat, and took off. After an hour of driving she calmed down.
"Hey! How come you're walking again? I mean not that it's bad but I'm curious." Y/n asked Bobby.
"I sold my soul to Crowley to find Death. He said he could give me anything so he gave me my legs back too."
"Crowley the demon? Gave you your legs back?"
"Strange world we live in." Bobby shrugged. Y/n give him a look. "What?"
"Are you stupid?"
"Excuse me?"
"You sold your soul to a demon? You're gonna have your ass dragged to hell you know that?"
"He said he's borrowing it."
"Wow Bobby, he said and you believed. Thats a demon. You can't trust demons." Bobby didn't say anything after that. Halfway through the drive Y/n called out Bobby's name. He glanced at her urging her to go on.
"I'm pregnant." She said making Bobby hit the brakes abruptly.
"Come again?"
"I'm pregnant."
"What?" He was shocked to the core at the revelation. She only stared ahead not looking him in the eye. "What the hell were you thinking confronting Lucifer? Are you mad? Did you have no regard for your life or that child's?" Bobby yelled as he started to drive again.
"I'm sorry I just couldn't sit back and watch." She whispered.
"Did you three plan this scheme 'kill Bobby of a heart attack'." He sighed and then he paused. "Who's the father?" He asked.
"Dean." She looked out of the window as the scenery passed.
"Figures. Did you tell him?" She shook her head 'no'. "Will you tell him?"
"Do you really think he wants anything to do with me after the way he left?" She snapped. Bobby stayed silent.
"I'm taking you to a hospital, we need to get you checked." Y/n nodded.
The two of them made their way back home after a long drive and a pit stop at the doctors. She was fine and the baby was healthy too. They gave her some prescription and told her to rest. Bobby had told her she'd be staying with him from now on and he won't take no for an answer. He cared for the three of them like their own. Now with Sam being dead and Dean being God knows where he'd like to keep her here safe. Ever more now that she's pregnant.
"I'm telling you, you should tell Dean. He deserves to know."
"Dean didn't give two shits before walking away from us Bobby, we've known him for years. Do you think he'd care for a bastard child like that?" Y/n retorted.
"Watch your language, young lady. That's my grandchild you're talking about." Bobby scolded her. Ofcourse he thinks of Y/n as the daughter her never had.
"Well news flash Bobby this ain't no love child." Bobby rolled his eyes at her comment.
"I'm sure he'd-"
"You know what actually? I'm sure he would want to know but I don't want to tell him. Walking out was his decision and not telling him about this is my decision." Y/n said walking away.
It had been two months since Sam died and Dean left. Y/n still mourned Sam's death and she missed him dearly. She wondered how he'd react to the news of her being pregnant. She's at five months now. She was in the main room cleaning and refilling her guns. Just because she's not allowed to hunt for the time being doesn't mean she won't be cautious.
She heard a knock on the door and she knew Bobby wasn't supposed to be back until later. She grabbed her gun and stuffed it in the back of her jeans. She grabbed her shotgun and went to the door. When she opened the door, her jaw hit floor. She couldn't believe her eyes. There stood Sam Winchester in the flesh.
"Y/n." He breathed out and she pointed the shot gun at his chest. "It's me, Sam."
"Not you're not. Sam's dead."
"I know I died Y/n but I'm back."
"That's not possible. Who brought you back? Was it Dean?" It pained her to say his name but now's not the time to think about that.
"I don't know what or who brought me back but I'm willing to go to every test." He raised his hands in surrender.
"Alright." And with that she shot him.
"Ow son of a bitch. That hurt Y/n." He complained.
"It was just rock salt, don't be a bitch."
"Jerk." Sam replied and for second her guard dropped. Still pointing the gun at him she grabbed a silver knife from her back pocket and threw it at him. He caught it and sliced his arm, he showed her as the blood trickled down his arm. She then grabbed the holy water and threw it at his face.
"A little warning would've been appreciated." Sam sassed  as he wiped the water from his eyes. "Can I hug you now?"
She kept staring at his face. She grabbed his arm and dragged him to main room and made him stand under the devils trap. Sam looked up and then moved away from the trap. Before either of them could say anything Y/n jumped up and wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back and he felt something different about Y/n as he hugged her.
"How did this happen, Sammy?" She asked as they pulled away.
"Uh i don't know." He replied looking at her oddly. Y/n was thankful that she was wearing one of Sam's shirts, it was huge on her so her body was completely covered. Not that she had huge bump but still whatever she had, it was covered.
"How long have you been back?"
"Two months?"
"TWO MONTHS? SAM WINCHESTER YOUVE BEEN BACK FOR TWO MONTHS???" She exclaimed loudly. "Where have you been for the past two months?"
"Yeah I've been researching, I needed to know how I came back and uh I went to see Dean." He explained.
"You met Dean? Why's he not here?" She shouldn't care but she did.
"I didn't meet him. I just saw him." Sam replied.
"What do you mean? Why didn't you meet him? Where is he?"
"He is living with Lisa and Ben. He uh... he looked normal, he's living the apple pie life he always wanted and I couldn't go up there and take it all away from him." Sam told her with a sad smile. They both knew Dean would drop anything for his brother.
Y/n knew Lisa, she's met her once when they helped her get her son, Ben, back. Lisa was in Dean's life way before Y/n was. That was his only serious long term relationship she's ever known of. Lisa is a wonderful woman and it made sense why he left Y/n for someone like her.
"Was he...did he seem happy?" She had to ask.
"The happiest I've ever seen him. I didn't have it in me to go ahead and ruin everything. He looked so happy but I knew if I went in there he'd leave all of it to be back in hunting. I couldn't do that to him." Sam told her honestly.
"I agree."
"Where's Bobby?" Sam asked and the man in question entered the house and gasped at the sight in front of him. He grabbed the shot gun by the stairs and aimed at Sam. "Aw dammit not again."
"It's alright Bobby i checked. I did all the tests." Y/n intervened. The older man lowered his gun.
"Tell me something only Sam Winchester would know!" He demanded.
"A month before I fell, you lost your years to a witch in poker and then Dean lost to get your years back which made him old. But then I won back Dean's years and he turned back to normal." Sam narrated.
"What? When did that happen?" Y/n giggled as Bobby pulled Sam in a hug.
"When Bobby came to help us with the witch. You stayed back when we last hit the road." Sam replied.
"Oh I remember that, but you didn't tell me Dean got old." She laughed.
"Dean told me not to." Sam replied.
"Did you tell him?" Bobby asked Y/n and her eyes widened.
"Tell me what?" Sam asked warily.
"Uh look at that would ya? It's time for lunch. Why don't you wash up Bobby I'll set the table. You must be hungry too Sam." She said walking into the kitchen as Bobby went to freshen up. Sam followed her into the kitchen and she brush past him.
"Tell me what Y/n?"
"Would you like a beer, Sammy?" She pulled out a bottle and passed it to him. He banged his hand against the table gaining her attention.
"Tell me what?"
"I'm pregnant. It's Dean's." Y/n said calmly. The beer bottle slipped from his hands onto floor and shattering into a million pieces.
"What?" He asked completely in shock. Y/n pulled her shirt up a bit and it showed her bump. Sam stared at in utter disbelief. "I had no idea you and him? You and Dean you...?" He stuttered.
"It happened one night. It was a mistake." She lied. Ofcourse it wasn't one night and it wasn't a mistake either. But what can she even tell him.
"Does he know? Did you tell him?"
"No." She replied as she continued to set the food on the table.
"Why? Why wouldn't you tell him? he wanted a family for as long as i can remember."
"And he has a family. With Lisa. And Ben. I'm a hunter Sam, he can't have that white picket fence life with me which has with them. Don't you think he should live with the woman he loves and not with some good lay and a bastard child?" She snapped.
"How many times do I have to tell you not to say that word?" Bobby glared at Y/n as he entered the kitchen.
"What? That's your summoning? I say bastard child and you appear out of thin air?" Y/n replied sarcastically.
"You watch how you speak to me." Bobby's glare deepened.
"You can't kick me out. I'm carrying your grandchild." She stuck her tongue out the man she's come to love, as her father, over the years.
"I can when it's born."
"You wouldn't." She rolled her eyes.
"Are you two done? Because i would like to rewind to the part where you called yourself 'some good lay'." Sam sighed.
"What? You want me to say I was bad?" She joked.
"How are you not affected by all this? Stop acting like it doesn't bother you." Sam bellowed. He knew it must've been killing her inside.
"It doesn't bother me Sam."
"You have to tell Dean." He pressed on.
"I will not and if you did, I will shoot you. Not with a shot gun filled with rock salt but I'll put an actual bullet through you. And this is not an empty threat."
"I know things weren't good the last time we were here, he said things, he was stressed -"
"No Sam. It has nothing to do with what happened the last time."
"What is it then?"
"He left." Bobby said. "After you fell, he drove off leaving me and her behind. He didn't look back and we haven't heard from him since." He said solemnly looking at Y/n.
"I won't tell him. I promise." Sam said to y/n and She nodded. Sam felt a pang of guilt hit him. He remembered the talk he had with hin on their drive to Detroit. If only he hadn't made Dean promise to not find Y/n and go back to Lisa, things would've been different. Dean would've been here with his child and Y/n wouldn't have to go through this all alone. If only he had known. But how could've he known.
"Sam? You zoned out.!" Y/n called out.
"Yeah uhm I'm fine just too much to take in." Y/n nodded in agreement and Sam filled the two of them about the past two months. How his grandfather Samuel is also back from the dead. And he's been staying with him distant maternal cousins for the past two months.
Sam introduced Y/n to Samuel and his family. They've been getting along fine and Sam's back to hunting with the Campbells.
Three months later Y/n gave birth to Adeline Mary Winchester. No-one other than Bobby and Sam knew who the was the father of Adeline. Adeline was the cutest baby Sam had ever seen and much to Y/n's dismay, she looked exactly like her father. She had bright green eyes and dirty blonde hair. She had freckles all over her cheeks and nose just like Dean's. She reminded her too much of Dean.
"She looks exactly like Dean, no offence y/n." Sam said as he cradled his niece.
"None taken, Sammy. I know she looks like him." He placed her in her arms gently. "Hi there sweetheart." Y/n cooed at her daughter. "Isn't she adorable?"
"She's lovely." Sam commented. "I wish Dean was here." She wished too.
"But he's not."
"Because he doesn't know." Sam replied.
"I'd like to keep it that way. And we're not having this conversation again."
Y/n missed hunting. She'd been staying put and helping with research at Bobby's but she missed hunting. Neither of the men allowed her to go on hunts even if it was a basic salt and burn. Adeline had turned four months old three days ago. She was currently in Bobby's arms as she slept and Sam's on a hunt with Samuel.
The phone rang and Y/n answered it before it rang too much and woke up Addy.
"It's Gemma." She's one of Sam's distant cousins. Barely eighteen but a good hunter. "Me and Will are on a hunt and seems like we might need backup." Y/n relayed the information to Bobby hoping he'd let her go since there's no one else. The old man rolled his eyes and nodded. Y/n squealed with happiness and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you. Addy darling mommy's gonna be back before you know it." She kissed her daughter's cheek. "Don't bother the old man okay? I love you."
Y/n packed her stuff and drove her car to the town Gemma told her they would be in. It was dark when she left Sioux Falls and she arrived at the town at 4:20am. She met up with Gemma and Will. They decided they'd get those ambush the nest first thing in the morning. The three stayed in a motel room where Gemma took one bed and Y/n slept on the other. William was kind enough to give up on a bed and opt for the pullout couch instead. It had been a while since Y/n had been in a motel room.
It reminded her of Dean, how he would pull her in for a kiss every time Sam went out. Or how he would make her feel good when they shared a room. How he would make sweet passionate love to her and how the two of them created Adeline in a motel room. Then she felt bitter. He didn't make love to her, he had sex with her. If only he loved her like her told her, he would've never hurt her this bad. Or leave her alone by herself.
The morning came earlier than she expected and the three of them drove to the warehouse which was the supposed Vampire nest. There were nine vampires in total. Y/n hadn't felt this thrill in the past few months and she was thriving on it. Pumped up with adrenaline, she went in for the kill and ended up killing five on her own. All her frustration washing away with vampires' blood . Gemma and Will finished off the other four. The two rookies were impressed by her skills. The sun had set when they were with cleaning and disposing off the bodies. The three skipped town as soon as they cleaned up because a few of Gemma and Will's guns were at the motel, out in the open, the cleaning maid saw them and called the police.
They stopped two towns over to grab a few drinks. It was around nine pm. It had been a long time since y/n had alcohol. They went inside the bar and grabbed a table. Gemma and Will ordered beers but Y/n went for whiskey. She downed it one go and asked for another.
"Hey don't look at me like that, it's been a while i hunted or even drank." The two smirked and cheers to her. She decided to give Bobby a call and let him know that she'd be home in a few hours and asked if Addy was doing okay. To which he told that Sam's back and Addy has been with him since. She sighed in relief when she heard that.
"How's Addy?" Gemma asked.
"She's good. Sammy is back and she's with him right now." Y/n smiled thinking about her little girl. Her Dean jr.
The bar door opened and two men walked inside, one of the them was chattering too loudly which made Y/n look up and she wished she hadn't. She saw Dean walking in with a man she didn't recognise. She watched as Dean heard his friend's chatter with a smile on his face. He looked...normal. Just some guy you'd find at a bar on the weekend. He didn't look like Dean Winchester. The one she knew. She hoped he doesn't see her but has luck ever been on her side? He looked at her and their eyes met.
Dean stopped dead in his tracks as soon as his eyes landed on her. His heart felt like it would burst out of his chest. It's almost been an year since he last saw her but the mere sight of her was enough to make him fold. She looked just a beautiful as the day he left her. The day he broke her heart but ripped his own into pieces. She looked like he had gained some weight, but it suited her. And then his gaze dropped to her lips, those same lips that he used to kiss sore, the same lips let out those sinful noises when he made her feel good. Those lips, he'd give anything to feel against his own.
"Dean, are you okay?" Sid asked as he noticed Dean stop.
"Yeah man, I'm good." He said still looking at her. He knows he shouldn't, but he couldn't help himself before he spoke, "i think I saw someone from my high school, let's go say hi." He said walking towards her table.
"Sure." Sid followed behind him.
Y/n's heart rate picked up as he got closer, why is he walking towards us. Is going to act like he knows me? The sheer audacity of this man. Hasn't he broken me enough why..
"Hey.! Gracie Henderson, right?" Dean spoke as he reached their table. Gemma and Will turned to look up at him.
Damn you Dean. Fuck you. He had to strike a nerve there. That was their alias when they had to go undercover as a couple. It was always Y/n and Dean since Sam couldn't like a couple with Y/n. He just had to make everything awkward, so it was always Dean and Y/n. Gracie Henderson and her husband Troy Henderson.
Ofcourse he couldn't miss the chance to hurt me again. Y/n thought to herself.
"Huh?" Y/n feigned ignorance.
"You're Gracie right? We went to high school together." Dean said looking right at her.
"Sorry? I think you have the wrong person." Y/n spoke the alcohol in her system giving her the courage to speak to him. "I never went to high school and its Adeline."
"Alright my bad." Dean said, his friend mumbling a sorry before they went to sit at the table beside theirs. His friend went to order for them and he sat there eavesdropping the conversation happening at the table beside him.
"He definitely knows you. That was one of your aliases." Gemma said as soon as Dean left. Y/n shrugged in response ordering another drink. "Cmon y/n tell us why did you act like you didn't know him?"
"Because he's Dean Winchester." She practically sneered his name. Dean flinched at the way she said name.
"What really ? He's Dean?" Will spoke for the first time in awhile. Y/n nodded.
"Why didn't you tell him to join us?" Gemma asked and Will added a "yeah why not?"
"Are you two dumb? What part of his appearance says he's a hunter? He's not in the business anymore. And the guy that came with him? He screams 9 to 5. So what did you two expect me to invite him to our table and reminisce the time we went to a fucking high school to burn the body of his brother's friend and his friend's bully?" Y/n spoke agitatedly and the two nodded in understanding. She downed her drink.
"I can't believe i came here out for this. You two needed backup for nine vampires? You know Bobby doesn't let me go on hunts. I came out to hunt after almost a year and its some stupid fucking vampires." She sighed dramatically.
Dean perked up when he heard her say she hadn't hunted in almost an year. Is she out of the business too? What does she mean Bobby doesn't let her hunt.
"You haven't hunted in almost a year and still you took down five vampires on your own." Will sat there in total awe. "You're my new role model."
Sid had already came back but Dean's attention was still on y/n. He smiled when he heard she took down five vampires on her own, that's my girl. He thought to himself.
"You two kiddos did good too. I'm sorry I snapped, I'm a bit stressed." Y/n said.
"It's alright." Gemma smiled.
"I'll head out." Y/n said grabbing her jacket and threw a few bills to for her bills.
"You're driving back to Sioux Falls?" Will asked and she nodded. "Aren't you drunk?"
"I've only had three drinks."
"Yeah of whiskey." Gemma added.
"Trust me kiddo. It takes a lot more than that to get me drunk." She replied and Dean noticed a lingering sadness in her voice.
The love of his life has been through hell and back and she's still kicking it. He wishes he could just grab her and disappear from the surface of the earth. To keep her from harms way and keep her protected from all the sadness and hurt. He wish he could love her the way she deserves to be loved. He watched as she left the bar before yelling a "get home safe kiddos."
The first thing y/n did as she reached home was to see Adeline. It was around five in the morning when she reached home. She saw Sam in the kitchen eating cereal and looking at his computer while he held Adeline on his lap.
"Good morning." She said as she entered the kitchen.
"Look Addy, mommy's back." Sam said holding her up. The baby giggled as she saw her mother approaching her.
"There's my baby." She picked up Adeline in her arms. "Did you miss mommy?" She asked in baby voice and the little girl flailed her arms, excitedly tapping her mother's cheeks.
"How was your 'first' hunt?" Sam joked earning an eye roll.
"It was good, vamps nest." She said sitting beside him, pulling her hair away from Adeline who was gripping it too tightly.
"Are you okay?" Sam asked noticing the stress lines on his best friend's face.
"I'm fine, why'd you ask?"
"You have that look on your face." Sam replied gesturing to her face.
"What look?"
"That look when something is bothering you but you're too prideful to say."
"I don't have such look on my face." Y/n said bouncing Addy on her lap.
"Y/n." Sam stared at her. He knows it's only a matter of seconds before she's spilling the truth.
"I met Dean okay? No big deal." She sighed.
"What? You met Dean? How?" Y/n filled in him with everything that happened after the hunt.
"He looked like a common man, it was weird seeing him. And the audacity to walk up to me and say hi? He was lucky he was with someone or I would've bashed his face in the table." Y/n growled her hold tightening on Adeline.
"Maybe he missed you and he thought after seeing you again he could talk to you." Sam said hoping he could get her hate him a little less.
"Well he thought wrong." She said angrily making her way out of the kitchen.
"Do you want me to watch Addy while you rest?" Sam called out from behind her.
"I am very much capable of taking care of my daughter on my own." She snapped, she didn't mean she didn't need Sam's help, she always appreciated his existence. But at the moment her words had a different meaning. She wanted Sam to know that just because she met Dean doesn't mean she will let him be in Adeline's life.
Sam sighed as he watched her walk away. He most definitely understood the meaning behind her words. Y/n went to her room and laid Adeline on the bed. She kneeled beside the bed and looked at her daughter. Adeline wiggled amd giggled staring at her mother. Y/n couldn't help but let a few tears run down her cheek. She never wanted this to be her daughter's life, she didn't need her innocent baby to grow up around monsters, without her father being there to protect her.
"How I wish I could hate your father, Addy. I resent him for what he did to us but I still love him. How could I not when he has given me you." She whispered, her daughter stared up the her with her bright green eyes that reminded her so much of her lost love. She placed soft kisses on her chubby cheeks before putting her in her crib. Y/n sighed as she got into bed. Little did she know this was the last time she had a good night's sleep in a long time.
@spnfamily-j2 @queensilber @deangirl96 @galway-girlatwork @hobby27
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waywardimpalawriter · 8 years
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Summary: For a moment, just a moment you thought the prefect life might be in your grasp.
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Dean x Lisa
Warnings: angst
Word count: 1,156 (with lyrics)
Setting: The year Dean spends with Lisa so between season 5 and 6
Notes: #SPN Anti-Valentine’s Challenge by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing I chose Miranda Lambert’s song More like her.
Tag list:
  She's beautiful in her simple little way She don't have too much to say when she gets mad She understands, she don't let go of anything Even when the pain gets really bad I guess I should've been more like that
Reader POV
I should’ve held onto my pride, should’ve walked away just like he is with my head held high. But I guess stupidity runs in my veins. Stupidly thinking he’d want to settle down with me, have that white picket fence, Apple pie life we only dreamed about. He hadn’t promised forever, never knowing my true feelings, never figuring out how I felt about him, nor returning them. Ones I pushed aside to keep from getting hurt, and in the end they’re what done me in. Not watching Sam fall, Lucifer contained inside his body, into the cage, sealed away for the good of mankind. It’s not seeing Castiel’s vessel explode or Bobby’s neck snapped, both returned to normal thank God that has me wanting to curl into the fetal position and cry.
No it’s the look on Dean’s face when we pulled up to the curb, relief mixed with pain and sadness. He’s not looking at me of course but at her house. A place he’ll be calling home from now on, with a woman that should’ve been me. If I’d gotten the courage to speak my heart.   
“You wanna come up?” deep voice a touch rough with unshed emotions, his eyes never leaving the front door.
You had it all for a pretty little while And somehow you made me smile when I was sad You took a chance on a bruised and beaten heart And then you realized you wanted what you had I guess I should've been more like that
For a moment shock took hold of me, questions of why he’s asking, of is he serious doesn’t he know? In the end shaking my head, just to stare out the front windshield, “Go on Dean, Lisa’s waiting for you right?”
“Where will you go?” from the corner of my eye, catching those strong hands resting on the steering wheel, but I don’t look over, not fully. If I did there’s no telling what’ll happen and I couldn’t risk that.
Instead I shrug, “Doesn’t matter, anywhere,” the cadence in my voice not sounding like my own, but that of a stranger as I lie to Dean for the first time since knowing him.
“I can give you a ride to the nearest bus stop.”
Shaking my head, hand going to the handle of Baby’s door, “Don’t bother Dean, I’ve always taken care of myself, not gonna stop now.”
Feeling warmth rest on my shoulder, cursing my weak will to stay aloof and show no emotion when it comes to this man. “You’ve got Bobby and Cas,” softly though I think I miss heard him adding, “me.”
Opening the door, one foot already on the curb, while shrugging his warm callused palm off my shoulder, “Better alone than put through the ringer.”
“Don’t be stubborn Y/N at least head back to Bobby’s,” there’s anger in his tone and I know it’s directed at me, but I could careless right now.
Stepping out, giving the Impala a fond rub down the side of her sleek black side, so many memories both good and bad ones held within the metal, leather and rubber. “I’m not, I’m being realistic Dean. You’re getting out, an apple pie life, go live. Don’t worry or think about me, I’ll be fine.”
Pushing away, opening the back door of Baby to pull my duffle bag out, chancing a foolish glance at Dean, who’s watching every move I make. Why I’ll never know, never ask, before closing the door, turning on my heel and starting down the suburban street away from the one man I’ve loved longer than I can remember. She’ll have him now and he’ll forget all about me, about the life we shared even if it’d been as friends.
I should have held on to my pride I should have never let you lie I guess you got what you deserved I guess I should've been more like her
I don’t hear the footsteps that follow, till an arm pulls me back, making me turn and gripping my shoulders. “I’m sorry.”
Puzzled, knowing Dean Winchester never apologizes for anything in his life, “For what?” I’m trying to act as if his touch, the very present of him being so close doesn’t have an effect on me.
“It’s your choice Dean I’m not going to tell you what or how to live it,” motioning with my head back towards the house needing him to let me go. “Go, I have a bus to catch and evil to put in their graves.”
 “Come by anytime,” he offers pulling my unwilling body in for a tight hug that I don’t return.
Gathering my voice, “Yeah, sure next time I pass through,” pulling away I don’t look back, don’t wave or add anything more, just walk away it’d better this way after all. I’d never see him again despise what I’d said I’d make sure never to pass through this town or anywhere near it again.
Forgiving you, well, she's stronger than I am You don't look much like a man from where I'm at It's plain to see desperation showed it's truth You love her, and she loves you with all she has I guess I should've been more like that
I should have held on to my pride I should have never let you lie I guess you got what you deserved I guess I should've been more like her
She's beautiful in her simple little way
Dean’s POV
Wanting to stop you, to gather you in my arms and never let go, yet that’s what I’m doing. The coward in me is letting the best thing in my life beside Sam, his name making me wince remembering he’s gone, Cas, and Bobby, I’m letting you walk away with no other words. I’d promised Sam to live a different life, but for the first time I wonder if it’s going to be with the wrong person.
I never told you what I felt all those nights we’d fall asleep together, how fighting alongside you every day kept me sane. How you’d become a deeper part of me, even more so than her.
While my heart screamed at me to follow you, explain and just run away together, my brain reasoned she would be a better choice, safer. Though would be mean happier? Would she be able to understand the nightmares, the need to check every lock twice, devil’s trap by each door, salt everywhere? I didn’t know, but as I watched you walk away, I knew one thing you’re taking my heart with you and I knew I’d never see you again regardless of what you promised.
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theexcass · 5 years
Summary: “He talks about you in his sleep.”
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Warnings: Language, Cheating if you squint, Angst
A/N: This is my first reader story, so be kind! Obviously (sort of) based on the Dolly Parton song Jolene.
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You were surprised when you heard your phone ring. Not one of your throwaways, but your actual phone. The number that only Sam, Dean, and Bobby had. The number that no one else in the world should have.
Sam was gone. He'd sacrificed himself to gank the devil, and save the world. It was a month and a half that he'd been gone and... you knew it wasn't him. You'd had a conversation with him before it happened, before he'd said his goodbyes to everyone. He had explicitly told you not to try to find him, to let him stay dead this time. And you knew that he was serious about it. So, you listened.
Bobby had been giving you your space. He knew that the recent events had been more than rough on you, and he knew what a toll it had taken on you. He left you alone to grieve and hunt on your own. Well, as long as you called him every Friday so that he knew you were still alive.
And Dean... Dean was gone too. Not dead, but he was gone. He was out living a nice, pretty, apple pie life with Lisa and Ben. He'd had the family he'd always wanted, playing Daddy and husband and no doubt doing an amazing job in both roles. You hadn’t heard a peep from him, and sometimes the insecure little demon in the back of your mind piped up to tell you that he probably forgot about the ten or so years of friendship you shared, in favor of his new family.
Turning your phone screen on, your brow immediately shoots up. It was a number you'd never seen before.
You questioned who the hell it could be. The gears were turning in your head as you tried to figure it out. You knew the boys' and Bobby's number by heart, and they always told you when they got a new throwaway. Aforementioned situations aside, you knew one of them sure as hell wouldn't be calling you bright and early with a brand new number with no prior warning. After a beat or two, you decided to answer the damn thing.
Silence, for a moment, before you heard her voice.
"It's Lisa."
Your eyes went wide and your jaw damn near hit the floor. Lisa? Why the hell was Lisa Braden calling you?
While you didn't hate each other per say, you weren't on the best of terms either. You hated the way she yo-yo'ed Dean's heart and feelings around, the way she used Ben as a ploy to draw him back in, and just generally used Dean only to toss him to the side whenever he was inconvenient to her. She hated you and Dean's close bond, and hated the way he would run and jump for you and Sam the second you or Sam needed him.
"Dean okay?" was your response, after a beat or two.
"He's fine." She answered coldly.
"So...why're you calling me?" You asked, deciding to just bite the damn bullet.
"I need to talk to you." She answered quietly. You couldn't help the snort that came through.
"We're talking now."
She sighed, and you could practically hear her eyes roll. It was silent for more than a few moments, and you thought maybe she hung up. Just before you went to pull the phone from your ear to check, she spoke again. This time her voice was soft, and sad sounding.
"He talks about you in his sleep."
Your heart stuttered in your chest, and you found yourself more than speechless for a few moments. You were floored. He talks about you in his sleep. What the hell did that even mean? She was talking about Dean, obviously but... talking about you in his sleep? Your brain went into overdrive as you wondered just what that meant.
"What?" You managed breathlessly.
"Dean." She said, voice strained. "He talks about you. At first it started with a mumble or two every couple of nights or so, and I could ignore it. Then it slowly escalated and now... Now he cries out for you."
It was more than a shock to hear. Dean had talked in his sleep for the entire decade‘s worth of years you'd known him, and Sam and Bobby said he had done so long before that. Normally, it was nonsensical bullshit about people stealing his pie or random mutters about Led Zeppelin or some hot chick he'd been with weeks prior. But to hear now that he was talking about you, crying out for you apparently in his sleep? That was news, in a big way. And you didn't know how to take it.
"What... What does he say?"
She gave a soft, bitter laugh. You almost felt bad for her. You figured it must suck, hearing your boyfriend cry out another woman's name in his sleep. But your pity for her was overshadowed by the fact that you were hearing earth shattering information.
"It changes nightly." She replied. "Sometimes it's just your name. Other times he asks for you. He says he misses you, that he needs you. And..."
She took a deep breath and you knew that this one was gonna be a doozy. You mentally prepared yourself, steeling yourself for the hard information that was about to flood out of her mouth.
"He says he loves you."
The brakes came on in your mind. Everything stopped in a moment, like someone had just hit pause on your life.
He says he loves you. The words echoed over and over in your mind, never stopping. Dean says he loves you? On a regular basis? It was in his sleep, meaning his subconscious was saying it. The deep down, true part of his self was crying out for you, asking for you by name and saying that he needed you. And that he loved you.
You took a deep breath and you knew you had to say something, anything.
"Lisa, I-"
She cut you off, stopping you from needing to figure anything out to say.
"Have you seen him?" She asked. "Do you meet up? Talk on the phone? Anything?"
"No." You answered, honestly. "I haven't seen him since the day that Sam... Sam.."
You both fell into an almost deafening silence. No one said a word. It wasn't the response that Lisa wanted to hear, and you knew it. It would be easier for her to accept that you had been seeing him, been with him recently and that that was why he was calling out for you.
It was worse to know that he hadn't seen you in months and you still elicited that reaction.
She sucked in a breath and was about to speak, to say something, but cut herself off.
"He's home."
She hung up, leaving you to slowly ease down onto your motel bed and stare at your cell with wide eyes, wondering what the hell had just happened.
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ninii-winchester · 2 months
Unveiled Sorrows (Part 7)
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Pairing : Dean Winchester X Reader, Sam Winchester X Reader (Platonic), Dean Winchester X Lisa Braden (mentioned)
Word count : 2.9k
Warnings: angst, mentions of sex (soft smut), language, fluff, Taylor Swift reference (?)
A/n : This series follows canon plot line but some scenes might happen differently or be completely changed. Check the warnings for each part before continuing.
A/n 2: gif (1) from Pinterest. Credits to owner.
After the confrontation, Y/n went to her room and locked the door behind her. She let out soft sobs clearly distraught over what happened in the last hour. She sat on the ground with her back against the bed. She held onto Adeline as if she was going to disappear if she didn’t hold her tightly.
Dean paced in the hallway and he could her cries through the door. He has to make this right. He cannot live without her, not anymore. He's willing to do whatever it takes to make her trust him again. He knocked on the door twice waiting for her to open the door. Y/n looked away from the door pretending she didn't hear the knocks and hoped whoever it was might take a hint and leave.
"Sweetheart, open the door." She heard Dean's voice. "Baby please." He said softly. She didn't move at all. “Please." Dean begged.
Y/n sighed. There was no point in stalling. She can't trap herself in this room forever and the sooner she gets over with it, the better. She got up and unlocked the door but didn't open it. She sat on the bed with Adeline happily bouncing in her lap, unaware of all the chaos happening around her.
Dean heard the lock turn but the door didn't open, so he did it himself. He walked inside the room and sat beside her on the bed. Neither of them spoke. Adeline peeked at Dean's face with curious eyes. He smiled at the baby and she giggled in response. Dean could swear he has never fallen in love this fast. He has his whole world sitting beside him yet it seems so unreachable.
"Her name is Adeline Mary Winchester." Y/n spoke quietly. "She's four months old."
"She's perfect." He whispered.
Sitting beside him was too much. It was overwhelming her. Y/n put Adeline in her crib so she could play with her toys. Dean's eyes followed her as she stood and walked across the room. He walked the distance between them and stood behind her. He was too close, she could feel his chest pressing against her back.
"What do you want, Dean?" Her voice was low and strained.
"I want you. I want to be with our daughter." Dean whispered.
"I can't." She replied. He turned her so she was facing him. "Dean you shouldn't-" he didn't let her complete.
"Why should I not?" He asked.
"You shouldn't feel obligated to...you should have a family with the woman you love." She said moving away from him.
"You are the woman I love, that baby," he pointed to the crib, "we made that, she's the proof of our love."
"It wasn't love, Dean. It was just sex. Between hunting it was just a need." Y/n raised her voice a bit. She gasped as Dean grabbed her waist and pushed her against the nearest wall.
"You and I both know it wasn't just sex. What about the nights we shared other than on hunts, or the mornings after. Do you really think it was just sex when I could barely breathe without you." She averted her eyes from his.'
She knew it wasn't just sex. Maybe during hunts it was rough, to chase a release and let loose but she could vividly remember when he would go slow, his actions filled with passion, how he would hold her close when she would fall apart, tell her she means the world him. How he would wake her up with soft kisses and gentle touches. It was not just sex. 
"I know I was a coward. I thought I was protecting you, I guess I was just protecting myself from the inevitable heartbreak. I'm nothing without you, baby. Just a shell of a man. The past year, I've been holding onto the last thread of sanity. Living with Lisa and Ben, it was just familiarity. I would've gone mad had I been alone. I missed you like crazy, sweetheart. I love you so damn much." He said pressing his face in her neck, breathing her in.
"Dean." She sniffed. She pulled his head away from her neck. "As much as I want to, I can't keep you away from Adeline. You're her father. She deserves to have her father in her life. I can let you be a part of her life." He nodded and she continued. "You can't half ass it, either you're in or you stay gone. I don't want her to live off crumbs of her father.."
"Lisa and Ben, they..-" Dean started. "They're in danger." He can't just up and leave them alone to fend for themselves. The Djinn knows where they live and they can't even protect themselves.
"You have to make a decision, Dean."  Dean stepped back giving her, her space. Her heart broke. He's never going to choose her, is he? He always has something to choose over her. His conscience, his brother, the god damn world. It's anything but her. The look on her face was enough for Dean to know what she was thinking.
"Is there anything I can do to make it better?"
"Choose something, I've got nothing to believe unless you're choosing me."
"Why can't I..-" Dean rubbed his hands over his face. "Why can't I protect them and be with you.?"
"People riding in two boats usually end up drowning. And I won't let my daughter be collateral damage."
Dean looked at his daughter and something familiar in her crib caught his eye. It was his flannel that she was laying on.
"Is that..." he cleared his throat. "Is that my shirt?"
"Yeah, I wrapped her in it sometimes, just so she could somewhat feel the warmth of her father. Pathetic I know." Y/n chucked humourlessly.
"Can I hold her, please?." Dean asked though he wasn't sure if she'll let him. But he was willing to beg on his knees just so he could hold his daughter once.
"Go ahead." Her words caught him off guard. He didn't think she would, but then he wondered how tired she must've gotten of all the arguments, the tears and didn't have the energy to fight anymore.
Dean carefully picked up the baby girl supporting her head with his hand while he cradled her against his chest.
"Hey baby." He looked Adeline and he was mesmerised, in complete, utter awe. "You're so beautiful." He said gently rocking her. He would hold her as long as he could. Cherish the moment and brand it in his memory.
Y/n watched as Dean held Adeline. Why can't it always be like this. Why did he have to prioritise everything above their happiness. She's going to have to watch Adeline grow up without a father because he's too busy saving and protecting people. And this is why we can't have good things.
"I love you so much, my darling. You're my light. You're my angel. I wish I could've had more time you." Dean spoke to his baby who did not understand a single word. No thought behind those beautiful green eyes as she continued patting her father's tear stricken face.
Dean held his daughter for hours but for him it felt like a few minutes. Adeline started getting fussy since she was hungry and wanted her mother. Before Y/n could go over to him, he walked over to her. She scooped Adeline in her arms and brought her to her chest so she could breastfeed her. Dean looked away giving her privacy.
"I know I'm in no place to ask for favours but can I ask you for something?" Dean said still looking away from her.
"What is it?"
"Can we... pretend that everything is normal, just for today. Just you, me and our daughter?"
"I'd like that." She rasped. She knew she wants him. Just because she can't have him forever doesn't mean she can't pretend for one night. Dean was surprised but he didn't show it. A small smile graced his lips. A few moments pass in silence and Adeline was full.
"Do you want to... uh burp her?" Y/n asked uncomfortably. She wasn't sure why she did but that's what normal families do right? How would she even know. She's never known a 'normal' family.
"I'd love to but I don't know how." Dean rubbed his neck nervously. She grinned at his bashfulness.
"Here I'll teach you." She said standing up and making him stand too. She gave Adeline to him and put a towel on his shoulder. "Now you hold her up straight and pat her gently on the back." She showed him how to do it and he hesitantly tried. Addy let out a little burp and y/n cooed at her daughter. "See." She smiled at Dean who looked proud of himself.
"That wasn't so bad. I couldn't have messed that up." Dean grinned.
"Yeah yeah." She sat back on the bed.
Dean laid Adeline on the bed in the middle and laid on his stomach to watch his little angel. He pressed kisses to her cheeks and forehead. He kissed her little feet and feigned biting that made the baby giggle. Y/n had a huge smile on her face as she watched him play with her. Dean blew raspberries on her stomach. Adeline flailed her tiny arms and legs as he did that.
"You continue doing that and she'll throw up on your face." Y/n chuckled warning him.
"She would not." Dean gasped. "You wouldn't do that to daddy would you, my angel?" Dean asked Addy.
"She might." Y/n smiled and sighed sitting back against the headboard. No matter how much they pretend it would all come to an end soon. "Also, sorry to cut you fun short but it's time for her to sleep."
"Already?" Dean whined like a child.
"Its nine pm, Dean. You've been playing with her for hours." She reminded him softly. Dean truly lost track of time while being with his daughter. "You can put her to bed."
She watched as Dean rocked her back and forth, lulling her to sleep. Her heart constricted in her chest. Why did they have to sacrifice everything. It wasn't their fault they were hunters. This life was thursted upon them, they had no say in it. Why couldn't they live a normal life where everyone was safe and happy. Dean started humming a song and she recognised it as 'Hey Jude by The Beatles', he’d told her, it was the song his mom sang to him. Y/n watched Adeline's eyes droop as she laid her head on her father's shoulder. Mintues later she was fast asleep. Dean laid her in her crib and leaned over to whisper.
"Good night baby. The angels are watching over you." That made y/n suck in a deep breath at that. His mother used to tell him that every night.
In another world, Dean Winchester would've been an amazing father to Adeline Winchester.
Y/n got settled into bed and got under the covers. Dean noticed and couldn't help but ask.
"You're sleeping? You haven't even eaten."
"I'm exhausted. I just need sleep." Dean knew his luck was in overtime, he shouldn't be asking for more. He couldn't stop his tongue before he blurt out.
"Can I stay?" His question shocked them both. But what's done is done. He said what he said. He waited in anticipation for her answer. He knew he pushed his luck. To make it less awkward for both of them it was better if he left. He turned to leave but her voice stopped him.
"Stay, Dean." Those two were enough for him to kick off his shoes and get into bed with her. They had a decent distance between them. Y/n stared at ceiling while he stared at her. "She's a good woman. She'll keep you happy." She whispered in the silence.
"I don't want to talk about that." He replied grabbing her waist and pulling her into him. His other arm going under her head so her head was laying on his shoulder. She didn't protest. She let him pull her closer. God knows she wanted to be in his arms just as much.
"Why did it have to be us?" She wondered out loud.
"I don't know baby. But I know it all sucks." Dean replied hiding his face in her neck.
"You got old." She chuckled lightly.
"Huh?" Dean asked looking at her.
"You got your ass handed to you at poker by some witch and you turned old." She laughed, a real laugh.
"I'm going to kill Sam." Dean groaned but smiling nonetheless.
"You've got a bit of stubble." She cupped his face and caressed his cheek with her thumb.
"Yeah well I was on the verge of being killed by a Djinn so I'm sorry if I didn't have time to shave." He sassed.
"It's alright. I like it." Dean continued to gaze at her lovingly, his hands caressing her bare skin. "Dean." He hummed in response. "I love you."
"I love you. So much." He whispered, he thought if he spoke too loudly the spell would break and he won't be where he was.
"Love me goodbye." Y/n said her voice barely audible.
"Don't say that." Dean begged.
"Please." He doesn't know whether it was the way she looked at him or the way she said it but something in him snapped and he pressed his lips to hers. It wasn't like any kiss they've shared. They've had their fair share of passionate kisses but this was slow and sensual. Dean hovered above her leaning on his arms placed on either side of her head. She grabbed the back of his head pulling him even closer if that was possible.
"Dean." She gasped as the broke apart.
"It's okay baby, I've got you." He said placing open mouthed kisses on her neck. "I'm here." He assured her between kisses.
It was only a matter of seconds, their clothes were strewn across the room. Her heavy pants and breaths filled the room as Dean kissed all over her body. Starting from her collarbone, her chest, moving down to her stomach.
"What do you want, sweetheart?" Dean asked grabbing her hips.
"You, Dean. I want you."
"You have me sweetheart, I'm right here." He kissed and nipped at her jaw. "As long as you want me. I'm here." His deep voice sending jolts throughout her body.
"I need to feel you." She whimpered.
"Is that what you want, baby?" He slid his hand down over her body. She nodded eagerly. He didn't waste a second to give her what she wanted. She gasped at the sudden intrusion. One of his hands intertwined with hers and his other arm was propped on his elbow as he moved the hair from her face. "There's that pretty face. There's my angel." He cooed snapping his hips against hers.
"Oh Dean." She dragged her nails down his back.
"I know baby, i know." Dean captured her lips in a searing kiss. "Close?" He asked against her lips never wavering or pulling away. She nodded, lost in his loving. "Go ahead, give it to me." And the coil snapped. She let go with a loud moan of his name, Him following behind. He shivered resting his on her forehead. "You okay?"
"Yeah." She whispered and whimpered at the lost of contact as he rolled off her. He cleaned himself and helped clean up her. He put on his boxers before he got into bed with her. They both knew everything ends here now, for now they could only hold onto each other. She rested her head on his bare chest and drifted off to sleep. Dean didn't sleep, he didn't want this night to end. He stayed awake and cherished this moment for as long as he could.
A loud cry distracted him from his thoughts. Y/n groaned pushing the covers from her body.
"I've got her, you go back to sleep." He gently pushed her back to lay down.
"Sleep sweetheart, I've got her." He kissed her forehead before getting out of bed. He walked over to the crib and picked up Addy. "Alright alright, daddy's here. Shh now." He said bouncing her lightly. Her cries died down slowly as he sang a lullaby to her. He looked at his baby sleeping on his chest and the woman sleeping in the bed. He could get used to it. After Addy fell asleep again, Dean went back to join Y/n in bed as wrapped his body over hers like a second skin. "I love you."
The next morning Y/n woke up at six am. Her eyes fluttered open, she looked around and realised, her bed was the same as her heart. Empty.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @deangirl96 @queensilber
@s0urw00lf @monkey-d-hoshizora98 @deans-baby-momma @fullbelieverheart
@riah1606 @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @hobby27
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blushingjared · 5 years
Cherry Flavored Whiskey
We Get What We Deserve CH. 1: Cherry Flavored Whiskey (Rockstar! Dean Winchester x Reporter! Reader) 
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Square(s) Filled: Tattoos for @spnkinkbingo , Lust for @spndeanbingo , and Growling/Whining for @spnabobingo Ship: Rockstar! Alpha! Dean x Reporter! Omega! Reader Characters: Lead Singer! Dean, Reporter! Reader, OMC, Manager! Crowley, Bass Player! Sam (mentioned), Drummer! Castiel (mentioned) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Tattoo Kink, A/B/O Dynamics, drinking, drugs, Oral (male receiving), Dom! Dean, Also Bon Jovi (in case you don’t like the music) Word Count: 7.7k words (oof I know...) Beta’d by: @impandagrl
Summary: Dean Winchester has been compared to the Rock Gods of old. He’s rebellious, gorgeous as hell, and an amazing musician. Times have become tough for his band though and with no one else to turn to, he decides to go solo. His manager wants to spread the word, so he offers Common Measure, the magazine you work at, an exclusive interview with Dean. Knowing you need to prove yourself, you offer to perform it. 
We Get What We Deserve Masterlist
A/N: This is heavily inspired by the movie Rock of Ages and Tom Cruise’s character (I save heavily when really most of this is lifted straight from it). I absolutely love the tattoos from it (reference in the upper right hand corner of the banner) and so this Fic was born. I am in love with the song Wanted Dead or Alive and I hope y’all enjoy my longest fic to date. Let me Know if you want to be tagged in this series!
“Y/N! Get in here!” A voice screamed out for you as you picked your head up. You’d had your nose buried in your work, but being yelled at seemed to refocus you to the present. You quickly collected the few stacks of paper on your desk and rushed towards your boss's office.
Your boss, Thomas Gallagher, ran Common Measure, a pop culture and music industry magazine centered in the hub of it all, LA. Being his assistant wasn’t easy, he was constantly looking over your shoulder, making you scramble to reach the deadlines he set and  had you attempting to get exclusive interviews for the good of the magazine. All the while, you were trying to learn how to be a better reporter.
It was your dream after all. Working for a publication like Common Measure. You’d ached to be in the center of gossip and learn what was really going on behind the people that everyone always looked up to. Most would call what you wanted to do harmful. All you wanted to do was get to the bottom of a story. That’s what mattered, the story.
“Yes, sir?” You squeaked as the man swiveled around to face you in the giant chair behind his desk. The weight of the paper stacks that you had grabbed making your arms ache with exertion. This job was harder than you had initially expected and you half wished you had listened to your mother’s warnings more closely.
She hated that you wanted to escape the boring life that was planned for you as an Omega. You needed more, you needed to be able to choose your own path, and right now, that didn’t include an Alpha.
Thomas reached forwards and opened his desk drawer to slide a CD towards you. You recognized the artist, Dean Winchester;rockstar, playboy, and public rebel. “I need you to get an interview for me.” Your eyes went wide as he spoke. “Dean’s decided to go solo.” The news shocked you.
Team Free Will, a band made up of Dean Winchester, his brother Sam, and Castiel Novak had been formed almost a decade ago. While the group wasn’t nearly as popular as it had been in recent years, the more pressing issue was the fact that your boss was asking you to handle such an important assignment on your own- and as your first interview for the company.
“Sir? Are-are you sure? I mean this-“ Thomas’s voice cut you off.
“If I had any other option besides you, I’d be sending them in there, but none of my other reporters will go. He’s got a reputation for uh…sleeping around with the press.” He cleared his throat and looked up at you. “And the other half complain he’s too hard to work with, which is why I’m sending you.” He smirked, standing up and stepping towards you.
“I understand, sir, but still…I’d need time to research and- and..” You trailed off as your boss sat on the edge of his desk. Never in your life would you have dreamed of giving up a story. This was the opportunity of a lifetime
“You’ll have time. Team Free Will is performing at The Roadhouse next week as the start of the band’s farewell tour. You’ll go then. If you can get a good interview out of him, I’ll promote you to a real journalist Y/N..”
Words formed in your mouth but none left. It’s impossible. He was dangling the golden apple right in your face; giving you everything you wanted. All you have to do is complete an impossible task.
“Okay sir. I’ll do it.”
After a week of research on Dean Winchester, you’d come to the conclusion that the man had to be going insane. Despite having sold out shows, none of his current work had been doing any chart topping. And to make matters worse, the band hadn’t released a full album in at least two years. You could only assume it was because Dean had been growing ever increasingly harder to work with. Story after story came up with how Dean would show up to sessions drunk, high, or with the random guy or girl of the day. He would spend thousands of dollars a day on his life philosophy about “knowing yourself” as he would say it.
Born and raised in Kansas, he had a rough home life growing up. An absent mother and a more than likely abusive father, Dean seemed to have only one family member that he still kept in touch with, his baby brother. He had left home when Sam turned 18 and brought along his high school sweetheart, Lisa Braden.
Dean began playing covers of classic rock bands with Sam in his mid 20’s before adding Castiel Novak to the group four years later. Not only was Dean able to play the guitar, but he also played piano, drums, bass and sang (although when the group performed he stuck to guitar and vocals). Sam played bass and back up vocals, while Castiel rounded them out with drums.
At some point after the band’s first original album, that high school sweetheart seemed to disappear, only to be replaced by an endless string of lovers that couldn’t resist a Rock God Alpha, alcohol and drugs. While there was a period of 5 good years, the other half of the band’s decade had been filled with mediocre hit after mediocre hit.
It was obvious Dean had grown out of favor with the public, but Dean couldn’t let that stand, even to the point of going solo and picking fights with his bandmates, Sam included. He needed to be in the spotlight, otherwise he’d have to actually think about what he’d done in his life. While you’d known some of those details already, no one had put them together in a way you had.
Now, standing in line outside the Roadhouse, you felt fully prepared for this interview. You'd had your concerns that being here, where Team Free Will had played their first concert would be daunting. Instead, you had a focused drive to rip the man's life story from him.
What had to be thousands of fans had lined up around the outside of the small bar. Bulky security guards stood around them, holding back hoards of screaming fans. Mostly Omegas by the smell. You crinkled your nose at the scents of sweat and slick. It almost made you want to vomit.
A large security guard opened the door and asked to see your pass. You raised the Press Pass that was dangling around your neck and tilted it towards him. He grunted and nodded his head, indicating she could enter. A second guard walked up to you soon after. “I’m here to take you to the green room, Miss Y/L/N.” You gave the man a soft nod before falling behind him.
Crowley MacLeod stood outside the double doors that must have been the entrance to the greenroom. He offered you a smile, though it felt ice cold. You knew the man was Dean’s Manager. A harsh and ruthless individual and though he was always ahead of the curve on what the music industry was looking for, never really cared about what it actually meant to be a musician.
“Miss Y/L/N I presume.” He extended his hand towards you and after a moment, you took his hand in a firm grasp and shook.  While most accents seemed to put people at ease, Crowley’s only made you shiver. “It’s always a pleasure to work with Common Measure.” The man held your hand a little too long for your liking, but eventually he let go. Turning around, he pushed open the doors and walked into the room.
A wave of sex hit you, the smell was so bad that it physically made you stumble. Once you’d straightened up, you tugged your bag closer to your chest, hoping it would ground you. Not long after that, the tell tale odor of weed hit you next. Your eyes lingered on the  pool table in the center of the room, where Dean Winchester lay.
An omega woman up on the table with him, lying legs extended, legs extended for Dean to place his head on, a  cowboy hat placed over his face. Four Omegas, two women and two men, stood by the bar, huddled around another man making them all drinks. It took every last cell in your body not to roll your eyes, but you manage to control yourself for the moment. Bottles of empty booze, food trash and a comical amount of drugs litter the room as well. It feels so damn cliche for Dean to really be as bad as what you’d been reading.
Crowley ushered you closer,  and you’re able to get a better look at his body. He’s wearing what had to be the tightest leather pants that you’d seen on a man, a matching leather jacket lays fanned out so that anyone can see his chest- seeing as he was bare underneath.
While you’d seen what his looked like before, seeing them in person was a whole other ordeal.
They were enough to make you swoon. You had to quickly check yourself before unconsciously tugging the pencil skirt you wore further down your legs. An indisputable sense of connection hit you out of nowhere. You could smell his scent from here and while the weed and smell of sex is definitely there, underneath there’s a layer of whiskey and something sweet, cherries if you had to pick something.
The most eye catching of his tattoos were the dual pistols drawn over his v-line. To onlookers, it seemed like the guns were being holstered around his belt. Over his left pec an intricate heart was drawn, the word Mary written in cursive. The first thoughts that popped into your head were something to the affect of, sexy.
You averted your eyes, while Crowley leaned forward and spoke into Dean’s ear. “Hey Dean, there’s someone here to meet you.” He turned around to look back at you, making you push your glasses up the bridge of your nose. The information didn’t seem to be too important to the Rock God as he continued to lounge on the table. Crowley gave you an awkward laugh before turning back to Dean.
“It’s Y/N Y/L/N from Common Measure. She’s got a couple questions for you to answer.” You held back a laugh as Dean continued to lay there. Of course. One of the male Omega’s behind you giggled, the other three of the pack leaned in and whispered to each other as they stared at you. You forced yourself to remember that you didn’t care what they thought, you were here to do a job.
Crowley must have finally said something that got Dean’s attention as he began to sit up. “Common Measure...” He trailed off as he moved the hat off of his face and set it aside. Dean dropped his feet to the floor and looked around before turning to face you, the sunglasses on his face, hiding his eyes. “Where’s Thomas?” His voice was gruff and full of sleep, he looked around again before looking back at Crowley.
“Thomas is a little busy, so he sent his newest reporter, Y/N. She’s here to do a report on your new solo career, Dean.” A groan fell through Dean’s lips as he turned away from you both, Crowley gripped his arm, whispering something once more that convinced Dean to do what Crowley wanted. 
After a pause, Dean slowly turned back to you; that cold, heartless smile spread across Crowley’s face. He stepped back from and clapped his hands together. “You know what? I’m gonna leave you two alone.” He began to back out from the room. “Gotta return some phone calls.” With one last wink he was gone. “Play nice!” He called out behind him.
Finally alone, well sort of, Dean gave you a proper once over. The attention made you once again lower your gaze the floor. Your tongue peeked out and ran over your bottom lip. Seconds ticked by before you  extended your hand to Dean. “Pleasure to finally meet you.”
Something about you must have bored him, because he didn’t even look at you. Your hand still stuck out, waiting for a hand shake. Before you could say something else, a high pitched scream rang out and made your head turn.
A blonde haired girl ran past the still-open doors, past the distracted security guards and right up to Dean. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I love you Dean!” The guards finally reacted to the runaway fan, but stilled as she opened up her shirt and proudly showed off the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath. 
Your eyes widened as you watched the small omega unashamedly show off her tits. Dean held up a hand to hold her off from coming any closer. Once more he looked towards you and stepped in close. He grinned as he slid his hand along your waist and into the bag hanging at your side. An almost inaudible gasp left your lips as he touched you. Warmth began to blossom through your body as he did. Dean must have found what he was looking for as he pulled out your sharpie and bit down on the cap to pull it off.
The girl began to pant heavily as Dean reached down and began to sign his name on the girl’s chest. You and the fan made eye contact for a split second, but she didn’t seem to mind the fact that another woman was watching this happen.
When you turned away, you noticed Dean’s face was turned towards you. Though you couldn’t actually tell, you were certain he had been staring right back at you the whole time. Once his name was proudly written on the womans tits, he leaned forwards and kissed the girls cheek, making the omega moan and release a distinct scent of slick. Only then did the two security guards decide to pick her up and drag her back out.
She continued to call out for Dean, though. “I love you. Love you...” Her voice echoed out. Dean spitting the cap from his mouth brought your attention back to him. You offered your hand out for the sharpie and he moved to hand it back. At the last second, he dropped it to the floor on purpose and brushed past you to sit down on one of the couches provided for him.
Wrinkling your nose in disgust, you picked up both the pen and cap, wiping away the saliva from the later before setting the /used/ item back into your bag. “Okay...you get five minutes.” Dean slumped back, arms stretched out. A sense of panic flooded your systems.
Though it wasn’t nearly enough time to get what you needed, it was the best you were going to get from him. You scrambled to pull out your voice recorder to set  on the table then grabbed a pen and your notebook filled with the list of questions you had prepared. Once sitting, you shouldered your jacket off and looked back at Dean.
“Five minutes.” He slurred as he looked at his watch. “Anndddddddddddddd…” He trailed off for a second as you waited eagerly for your time to start. “Go.”
“Okay, Dean Winchester, back at the Road-“ Dean cut you off with his voice, still looking at his watch. Confused, you waited.
“No, no, no.” He paused yet again as he looked at his watch. “Now go.” Dean gave you a soft smirk before settling back into the couch.
“A-at the Road House where it all started.” The pause had made you stumble for a moment, but you were eager to get back on track. “Your first album gave birth to some of rock’s greatest anthems and now a solo career. Why now?” You tilted your head as you waited for a response.
Dean’s eyes lingered on your voice recorder, leaning forwards to pick it up and bring it closer to his mouth. He looked relatively serious as he answered. “Well, due to the changing nature of the music industry. The changing uh...” he stuck his hand out and gave a small wave as he thought. “Cultural trends. And uh… when you think of blah, blah, blah..”
Unable to contain his smile, Dean grinned at you and started laughing as he continued. “Especially once you take in blah, blah, blah.” You sighed and sat back, unamused by his joke. Dean laughed so hard that he even let out a snort, although it was much more likely that he simply didn’t care about this interview. You’d have to push back and not be afraid to be mean to him. While daunting, yes, he was still just a man…
“Four Minutes.” Dean still laughed every so often, but extend the recorder to you, holding on to it. Giving your question list a once over, you leaned forwards to ask him your next question.
“You know,” you started, eyes narrowing at him. “Some people say that you’ve become quite difficult to work with. That you’re constantly late, reclusive, sometimes even nonsensical.” Dean pulled the recorder back towards his mouth and tilted his head as he looked at you.
“And I ask you this, have these /people/ even met themselves?” Yet, again he extended the recorder back to you. A part of you wondered if he’s doing this to try and keep control of the interview and that he’s afraid to let go of his control of every situation.
Pursing your lips together, you decided to hit him with the answer. “Well, I’m talking about your band.” A silence fell between you  before he scooted closer and looked over at you. He seemed to not believe you, perhaps because his own brother is included in that. Perhaps he couldn’t believe his brother would say that about him.
Dean pulled the recorder away and whispered. “Let me tell you something. I know me better than anyone else.” To you, he sounded more than a little defensive. “Because I live in here.” He pointed to his head, before reaching down to grab one of the bottles of scotch on the table.
He used the top of it to push the sides of his sunglasses up. Tipping his bottle to you, he looked back down at his watch. “Eight minutes.” He spoke into the recorder. It throws you because even the man's own timeline is being fucked up. Is he so drunk that he can’t keep five minutes straight in his head?
“You just said four.” You leaned forward, your anger so great it seeps into your words; the need to call him out is so overwhelming, you don't even consider taking advantage of his slip up. You had gotten absolutely nowhere with him.. You needed something about Dean Winchester to bring back.
Realizing his mistake, Dean brought the recorder back to his mouth. “Three.”
“But you..” Dean dropped the thing back down onto the table, making a loud THUD noise.
“Do you think that it’s possible that you shut out and alienated so many people in your life that you had no other option, but to go solo?” Of course, Dean wasn’t paying attention. Instead his focus is on the bottle of booze in his hand. He has it completely tipped over and poured the last drop into his mouth, giving it a little shake even, to make sure that nothing else would come out. He held it above his head for a couple more seconds before swallowing and bringing it back down.
“Gotta stay true to the music. Hey dude! Can I get some more Scotch?” He leaned to the side to catch eyes with the bartender. The man smirked and pushed a small trolley towards the both of  you, filled with what must be the most expensive alcohol you’ve ever seen.
It sits closer to you, so that Dean had to walk towards you to get it. His crotch now eye level with you and the tight leather left nothing to imagination. You could clearly see the outline of his cock and that made your face burn red. It’s more than a little hard to focus on asking him another question. He leaned forward to reach out for a bottle planting his hips squarely in front of your face and pressing forward. You had to lean away for his body not to mash into your face. Dean didn’t even seem to notice what he’s done. 
“Who is you're mu-muse?” You stumbled again as Dean popped open the top of the bottle and resumed drinking. When Dean didn’t answer, you cursed under your breath and resituated yourself in the chair. You needed to glance down at your notes to figure out where you left off in your list of questions.
“One Dean Winchester, raised in Lebanon Kansas, raised by a Mother who died when you were four and your Father who died almost 12 years ago now. You dropped out of High School in 11th grade. Your first concert was Aerosmith. And you were 22 when you hitchhiked with your little brother all the way to L.A., along with your High School Sweetheart.” All of this was information you already knew but there was a point you were trying to make. “Remember her?”
Dean’s face grew somber, his eyes focused on the bottle of scotch in his hand and he didn’t answer. “No comment?” You let a teasing tone bleed through, it was enjoyable to watch him have nothing to say. He inhaled and glanced at his watch.
“Two minutes.” His voice was soft, his teasing smile from earlier completely gone.
“Did I hit a nerve?” You smiled and sat back, enjoying the look on his face. He was close to cracking, you could tell. “Was it Aerosmith? Lebanon?” You paused as you leaned forwards to whisper to him. “High School Sweetheart?”
Dean continued to say nothing as he dropped his head, matching your gaze. You kept pushing. “Lisa Braden. Your first love. And your last hit single, it was written about her.”
His jaw clenches as the anger in him  builds before sadness hits him instead. “Record sold a hundred million copies.” He mumbles, before brings the now empty bottle to his lip. He’d sipped through it all during your talk and his eyes focused on it instead of you.
“And that record was released about eight years ago. Some people say you’ve sold out since then.” Dean growled in anger. It caught you off guard and you had to fight back the natural instinct to whine, submit to his anger and shut up. You find a way to suppress it.
“I’ve sold out, alright; every seat, every stadium I ever played.” Behind the anger, his previous untold sadness still lingered. You felt desperate to be real with him. Nothing he’d said to you so far has been true.
“And yet, creatively you’ve come to a stand still. You’ve been in and out of the studio for the past two years? And no results. Nothing.”
The two of you locked in a harsh gaze as you wondered what his eyes looked like. What color they were, what emotion he’s truly feeling behind all the makeup, leather and tattoos. You had grown to genuinely enjoy the man’s early music. A part of you could feel something you had never felt when listening to other bands music. You desperately wished that Dean would stop acting so surface deep.
Dean shrugged his shoulders and set the bottle on the table. After a glance at his watch, he stood up. “Time’s up.”
“You know, you’re not so special. You’re just a lonely man with a lot of regrets.” You fired back. Dean, instead of replying,  reached down to the recorder on the table and pressed the Stop recording button.
“I said time.” Dean sighed as he moved away from you and over to the bar. Huffing in frustration, you began to pack up your things, sliding the notebook and pen into the bag. You stared at the tape recorder for a second before standing up and pressing the record button.
“Final question. What happens when you realize you can’t get rid of Dean Winchester?” He stilled for a moment, back to you, before turning around and narrowing his eyes at you.
“You have no idea what it’s like to be me.” A calloused hand came up to his face and rubbed at his jaw. You stepped purposefully towards him.
“Well now’s your chance to tell me. What’s it like to be /the/ Dean Winchester.” Finally, as if the words resonated with him, Dean slid his sunglasses off to reveal deep forest green eyes. They’re weary and older but a hint of playfulness was still in them. A determined look filled them too, as he stepped in front of you and crooked his finger.
“I’ll show you.” He leaned in to whisper, his beard scratching along your jaw. The small pain made you jump a bit and he stepped back and motioned towards his security guards. Each man took one of your arms and carried you out to the stage where he would be performing later that night. It seemed the Technicians needed Dean for a mic check.
You are forcibly plopped into a seat near the edge. It irked you that you’d been manhandled, but if Dean was willing to talk about himself truthfully, then you were there to listen. He stepped up on the stage and narrowed his eyes as he began to sing.
“It’s all the same, only the names will change. Everyday, it seems we're wastin' away. Another place where the faces are so cold. I drive all night just to get back home.” You recognized the song. One that Dean had always been fond of and had even recorded a cover for one of their more recent albums. “I’m a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride. I’m wanted dead or alive, wanted dead or alive.”
Even though Dean was looking at you, one of the omegas from the green room moved to the stage and began to touch across his chest, even going so far as to kiss along his chest. Soon a second and third one joined in. One of the male omegas dropped to his knees and kissed the inside of Dean’s leather clad thighs.
“Sometimes I sleep, sometimes it's not for days. The people I meet always go their separate ways. Sometimes you tell the day. By the bottle that you drink, and times when you're all alone all you do is think.” Dean grabbed a bottle of scotch from the floor of the stage and took a shot of whatever was in it. He grinned as one of the girls tugged him by his belt over to her instead.
“I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride. I’m wanted dead or alive, wanted dead or alive.” Four pairs of hands yanked off Dean’s jacket, revealing his torso completely to you. A surprised gasp left your lips as he turned around- only to reveal more of his tattoos. Shit. You groaned as you let your mind wander for a split second, imagining yourself on your knees for him, dragging your tongue along the pattern of each and every one of his tattoos.
You brought your thoughts back though, knowing you had to stay focused. No matter how desperately your omega side wanted to give in and let him really show you what it’s like to be a cowboy.
“I walk these streets, a loaded six-string on my back.I play for keeps 'cause I might not make it back. I been everywhere, still, I'm standing tall. I’ve seen a million faces, and I've rocked them all.” Dean finally seemed to get lost in the song. His eyes were wide as he picked up his guitar and strummed the lead guitar portion of the song. He seemed to have transported his mind somewhere else. He no longer looked in your direction, but at an undetermined spot in the distance, like he was imagining a sea of people there watching him.
In that moment, he’s relaxed. Despite the sweat gathering on his body, he seemed completely calm. Once more, you could practically feel the energy from him, but in your own skin. Pain hit you deep in your core, followed by a unmistakable sense of longing.
“I’m a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride. I’m wanted dead or alive. I’m a cowboy, I got the night on my side. I’m wanted dead or alive, and I ride, dead or alive. I still drive. Dead or alive. Dead or alive, dead or alive, dead or alive, dead or alive.” But then, just as Dean’s concentration and beautiful form is created. It’s broken by something. He’s snapped out of it and looked around as the song finished. He swallowed thickly and set down the guitar.
Dean stepped down and headed towards you once again. “Does that answer your question?” He asked and headed off, shouldering his jacket back onto his body. The security guards picked you up once more and dragged you into the green room again. You managed to shove them off and follow behind Dean on your own, feet stomping loudly as you did.
Once there, you found Dean back on the couch, beer in hand. Only this time, Crowley was there. He raised his hand and frowned when he sees how pissed off you are. “A great interview, love. Hope you got everything.”
You ignored him , stepping up right in front of Dean, anger building inside you. Where was the passion that he had on stage? Dean was nothing more than a blob of sex, drugs, and booze now. He was lifeless, dull. No wonder his albums stunk. None of his albums in recent years had come anything close to the level of passion that you had seen on that stage.
“You’re not cowboy. You’re a man child, stuck in a rut.” Dean only laughed and closed his eyes, He tipped his head back.
“Love it when you talk dirty.” Crowley stepped towards you, not liking the comments you were hurling at his star.
“You know Dean, you were great, but whatever made you that way is gone.” You don’t even have the anger to yell at him. Instead you spoke with a broken whisper.
“That’s right, just give it to me.” You realized his sunglasses aren’t there to hide the emotions that he’s really feeling at the moment. He was vulnerable to you but he doesn’t hide. He knew you’re right too.
“Now you’re just another rocker asleep at the wheel, singing the same songs you wrote ten years ago.” Crowley let out a tense laugh as you spoke.
“Okay lady. Why don’t-” But you’re not about to start caring what some dick in a suit thought about you.
“And as long as you’ve got this manager keeping you on the road and doping you up with girls and booze and-and..” You point to the bar, where the omegas have come back and are huddled against it. They all smile over at Dean.  “And million dollar record deals. He’s gonna keep you asleep and drive your career right off a cliff.”
As soon as you said it, you know you’ve gone too far. If you’re honest with yourself, you’ve become personally invested now that you know what Dean used to perform like. Something inside of you needed it to come out, even if it meant having to  bruise Dean and his manager’s ego.
“Alright, lined crossed. Let’s go.” Crowley reached forwards for your arm, but you force it out of his grip and snarl at the Beta.
“Don’t touch me.” Crowley only scoffs, but Dean looked to actually be listening to you now. No jokes, just listening. Maybe what you’d said was getting to him. “You used to write great music. Where are they now?” You plead with him for an answer. For something. This has become so much more than your editorial piece now. No, now it’s about you, asking Dean where he went. “Where’s the real Dean?”
“You know what? I’m gonna have to get your editor on the phone. You’re out of here.” Crowley pulled his phone from his jacket pocket and dialed a number. “Thomas Gallagher’s office please.”
“Get out.” Dean whispered. Your heart ached as he says that and you nodded as you backed away
“My feelings exactly. This interview is over.” With a snap of his fingers, the guards moved in and began to surround you. Dean raised a finger and moved it from you over to Crowley.
“Not her. You.” Dean’s eyes stayed locked with yours, a small squeak of happiness left your lips. It made a soft smirk fall on the rock stars lips. “Everyone but her.” He replied. A confused Crowley hangs up the phone and sighed as he left, along with the omegas, bartender, and guards. Once the door’s shut, you realized. You two are alone, more than you were comfortable with at the moment.
“You know, I think you have this sense of entitlement. Due to the fact that you’re a rock god.” It takes a second to register the fact that Dean has started to move towards you. Once he’s close enough to break your personal space bubble, you began to step back. “But it’s not real. It’s not…love.”
Dean shook his head. “It isn’t love.” He repeated. The two of you continued the dance, when Dean took one step forward, you took one step back.
“Off the record?” He breathed. Warmth from his words fanned across your face and your steps faltered before you regain yourself. You nodded yes, sparing a look down to his lips. “Sex,” he drawled the word out and you slipped down onto the couch after the back of your thighs hit against it. “And other people’s projections of what they want me to be."
You clear your throat, having to scoot away as Dean began to slide down beside you. Heat made its way through your lower belly. He purposefully tried to get close to you and while your head screamed Don’t let him. He just wanted into your pants. Another part, the omega in you, said that Dean thought you were special. You understood him like no one else had. “Of what you want me to be.”
Every part of you ached to turn your head and look at him. You stole a glance, but forced yourself to turn  away from Dean, having to further shift away from him on the couch.
“Sex. It keeps me from going out and getting the one thing that could save me.” Dean grinned as you once again half turn to face him, but will yourself to face forward. “But I can’t have that now. I’m a slave to rock and roll.” Again and again, Dean crawled towards you but again and again you slid away. “Like I said, I know me better than anyone, because I live in here and no one else can.”
It got you, the pain that Dean had. The anger was all because of the burden he was carrying. He once had someone to love but she left and then Dean was on his own. He didn’t know how to share himself with another person.
“I can.” You whispered and turned your head to face Dean. Eyes wide as he looked at you with a primal need you’ve never seen in someone’s eyes before. It’s because he believed that. He needed that.
And yet, he’s slow and gentle as he leant forward and pressed your lips together. One hand moved up to cup your cheek and bring you closer to him. A soft sigh left your lips as you tried and pull back for a second, only to dive in deeper the moment his tongue swiped across your bottom lip. “Open for me Omega.” He growled into your lips and you answered back with a high and needy whine.
You do as he asked and you let your lips part in the kiss. His hand moved down and began to press you further into the couch. One of his hands moved up to your face to pull your glasses off. You decided to reach up and pull your hair out of the tight ponytail that you had it in.
Dean moved up to really look at you, a hand moving through your hair and fanned it out. “Is this really what you want, omega?” He asked as a hand moved up to squeeze at your breast. His large hands gripped onto you tightly and pulled at the soft flesh under his grasp. A soft breath fanned over your neck as he drug his lips across your skin.
You jumped at the way his beard brushed against the skin of your neck, you let out a desperate whine for more. “Dean.” You breathed his name out in pleasure and tried your best not to sound too desperate. A breathless chuckle left the man’s lips as he spread apart your thighs.
“You..you’re different, aren’t you Y/N?” Dean tilted his head and you’re a bit surprised he remembered your name. “You don’t expect something from me. Do you?” You shook your head at his question. Part of you wondered if he’s guessing what you want, his truth. You expect nothing, but honesty from him.
“I’ve been looking for you ‘mega.” Dean sat up on his knees and looked down at you. He shouldered off the jacket that hid those beautiful tattoo’s of his.
“I’ve been look for you, Alpha.” Heat begins to rise to your cheeks. Now tinged pink due to the fact that you’ve never called someone alpha before. It felt perfect. Dean’s eyes rolled back a bit and he let out a low growl.
“Say it again.” Dean placed his hand over your throat. He forced  your head back to look him in the eyes. “Tell me what I am.” He demanded.
“My alpha.” You whined as he looked down at you with lust blown eyes. He looked down at his hand on your throat and pulled it away only to push up the pencil skirt you wore. The itchy fabric dragged along the smooth skin of your thighs. Dean's eyes zeroed in on your panties, but you snapped your thighs shut.
You placed the tip of your index finger on Dean’s skin to draw a shudder  from him. The touch shocked you and the both of you sat in silence as you traced the pattern of the pistol along Dean’s adonis line.
“Mmmm, you like them?” He questioned and brushed his thumb along your lower lip, pulling it down for a split second. Eagerly, you nod your head yes for him. It’s hard to deny the look Dean’s replicated. An eighties rock god was definitely befitting of Dean Winchester.
“I love them. Can I..?” You start to question, but you don’t even have to finish. Dean moved off the couch and stood on his feet in front of you. The Alpha’s right hand moved through your hair as he guided you forward, letting you do whatever you want.
You purse your lips and kissed his hip bone before you dragged your tongue over to where Deans tattoo was.  You outlined the design with your tongue. Not wanting to leave the other one unattended, you moved over to the matching design and gave it the same amount of attention as the other one. You brought your hand up and started to unbuckle his belt. The leather pants he wore, pushed far enough down his body to get to his cock. It came  as a bit of surprise as his cock sprung right into your face.
Dean didn’t order you to do anything. Once you pressed your mouth to the side of his cock, you could feel his grip tighten on your hair. Every time he let out a growl, your body reacted before you can. Slick began to collect inside your folds, but you pushed past it. Eager to please Dean and get him off.
A few gentle kisses and kitten licks have the Alpha’s cock hard and aching for the attention that you planned to give. “You ever suck a cock before sweetheart?” While it wasn’t your first, you wouldn’t say you were an expert. So, you gave him a tentative nod.
“Relax okay? You’ll get used to it.” Dean offered you a reassuring smile as he let you take the first part of his cock into your mouth. A few movements and you realized that his whole cock wasn’t going to fit inside your mouth, not like this anyway.
Dean bucks his hips into your mouth and the tip of his dick rams past your gag reflexes and makes your eyes widen. It burns your throat but you can handle it. So, you pull away, a small string of saliva connect dick and lips, how romantic.
“Use me Alpha. Wanna..” You struggle to catch your breath as you speak. “Wanna make you feel good.” It’s all he needs to hear as he really grips onto your hair with one hand, the other on the back of your head.
“Tap out if you gotta.” He whispered before he moved his cock back into your mouth. His dick slipped past every barrier and slipped into the back of your throat. It stung and you’re certain your throat will be sore tomorrow. Only when he sees you handle the depth he’s reaching does he pull out and slam your face against his pelvis. Your nose squished against his skin.
You didn’t notice it at first but you feel tears stream down your cheeks. Dean’s head is tipped back and his eyes closed, full lips parted in pleasure. Even though your face is being fucked, you realized that you enjoy the way Dean looked in this moment more than anything. The concentration that he had on stage is back and you love the way he looked in this moment.
Just as you think you can’t last much longer, Dean stilled, his cock completely buried in your mouth and comes. You don’t know if you should swallow or not. So you let instinct guide you as you swallow what he gave you. There’s a moment of silence as you lingered on the floor.
Dean stepped back and eased his cock back into his leather pants and guided you back up onto your feet. He tilted his head before he smashed your lips together in a bruising kiss. Teeth banged each other as he held onto you.
Once you feel the need for air, you pulled away and looked up at Dean, wondering what he’ll do next. “I..I think I’m ready to give you that story you were looking for.” He breathed out and pressed his forehead to yours.
Dean’s eyes opened up to gaze at the familiar ceiling of his bedroom in the bunker. Moments tick by and he turned his head to glance at the cheap clock on the opposite side of the room. It displayed the time- 3:16 am. 
Despite the time, Dean felt wide awake. He hissed as he tried to move around, feeling a sick pain/pleasure course from his cock. The seasoned Hunter was unbearably hard, to the point where it was a struggle to get out of his bed.
He’d had the dream the night before and last night when he’d woken up, Dean had to fight with himself to jack off to it. Sure, dreaming about getting sucked off was always nice, but the other stuff weirded him out. He didn’t understand what Alpha’s and Omega’s were, but he didn’t think he wanted to know. Everything worked a bit too much like a bad romance novel.
Now, he laid in bed and tried his best not to think about his dick or the way Y/N had the prettiest mouth he'd ever seen. Dean had wracked his brain, unable to figure out why he dreamt of this you in particular. Dean grabbed his laptop and looked up your name. Unable to find any in any database that matched your description, Dean set his laptop back down. 
Dean hesitated before he grabbed the laptop again. His eyes lingered on the search bar as he typed in Alpha and Omega. God. I'm already regretting this.
Tags: @tarot--thot @cuddly-cat-in-a-trench-coat @timeless-crow @musiclovinchic93
165 notes · View notes
huntertales · 6 years
Part Two: Let’s Get a Few Things Straight. (We Need to Talk About Kevin S08E01)
Episode Summary: Two years have passed since the unexpected death of the reader. Sam and Dean Winchester have continued without their hunting partner, believing that she is gone forever. However an accidental run in on a college campus makes the boys wonder if someone they had lost has come back from the dead, the reader. Dean quickly realizes it’s her. But there’s one problem, she has no idea who she really is. Will the boys be able to get her memories back and figure out what happened? Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Temp. OFC x Reader) Word Count: 6,059.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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Back in the day when you were still alive, Dean had this routine he used to do. This was when you were living at home with your days filled with endless research and the idea of hunting and saving the world as a passing thought of “What If?” before it disappeared for another day. Sam was at school and Dean was hunting with his dad, sometimes taking the odd job by himself if a case consumed John to the point where he wanted to work alone. Dean would always check up on you every few months to see how you were doing and if things were all right, but it wasn’t always announced.
He had this little habit of just following you around town, watching as you go on your daily routine and completing a list of errands. Get some groceries, stop at the post office, pick up a few new books of lore you found at the bookstore you didn’t have to learn about a new creature you thought you were never going to hunt. Every so often Dean would take you by surprise, pretending to come up for a visit when you were home from your running around town.
The smile on your face when you saw him always made him laugh, it was almost like a private joke with himself. More like the satisfaction of seeing how happy you got when you saw him. You had grown to enjoy living on your own. You kept yourself busy enough to pass the time, with mundane tasks one has to do as an adult, along with other things like reading about all sorts of different topics and watching a copious amount of TV to pass the time. And the research asked from the Winchesters was enough to fill your time in between when you were out of tasks for yourself. You might say you enjoyed living on your own, but it got lonely sometimes.
You admitted one night over dinner, tipsy from the wine you had been drinking as Dean nursed a beer, that you liked it when he was here. The house felt a little bit less scary. You still suffered from nightmares about the day you saw your mother’s dead corpse possessed by Azazel for the longest time. At times you wished that things were different and the brothers would be able to put their differences asides to be a family once in a while. You respected Sam’s urge to go to college and John’s unhealthy obsession with abandoning everyone to hunt down a monster.
You adapted to the Winchester’s ways of showing love and affection—Distance and communication every once in a while to make sure one another wasn’t dead.
You tried for so long to bite your tongue, that was, until you started hunting with the brothers and saw John and what kind of “bullcrap” he’d been putting you and the boys through. (Your words spoken in a fit of rage.) That's when the real Y/N started to come through. You were more tough, you spoke what was on your mind and you stood your ground on what you did and didn’t like. You were stubborn at times, but you meant well. You wanted nothing more than to hunt and do things that benefited the world from outside of your house. The more you spent on the road with the boys, the closer all of you became. You were the glue that kept the boys together. Dean desperately wanted you back more than ever to help fix things back together.
Despite the reunion with his brother that went more in a bitter direction than Dean pictured, the boys put asides their personal differences to work on the strange situation in front of them. Sam worked on finding any sort of paper trail made this Y/F/N Thompson a real person and any kind useful information they should know. Dean bruised himself most of the afternoon following this Y/F/N around from college to sitting in the college parking lot until about four when she emerged with an armful of papers tucked in one hand and the handle of a messenger bag draped over her shoulder. She seemed innocent enough as she waved at her fellow coworkers and smiled at what Dean presumed might have been a few of her students.
Y/F/N patted around her pockets for her cell phone she accidentally dropped after bumping into Dean, not realizing it was sitting in the man’s palm. He watched as she struggled for a minute or so until she gave up and got into her car, driving off to the first location. First stop was to pick up a dress in town and a few groceries, along with some other places. Seeing all of this made Dean feel for a moment like he was back into his old routine with you. But it was when Y/F/N went home when reality came crashing in like a freight train, making him realize the woman he had been following around for the past hour and a half wasn’t you. She was a complete stranger.  
Dean pulled into a rather modern suburban looking neighborhood, where every house looked the same and all the lawns were prestigious and green. It was the complete opposite of where you used to live. Ella, your mother, bought a house that was big and a little bit rundown, with a homeowner who wanted it off their hands. He remembered the times he used to be over when he was much younger, his father helping fix up things even if Ella protested such help. She wanted the place perfect for you. You thought it was home, the boys thought of it as their own as well when they were younger. It had been Sam’s first taste of normalcy. Ever since you had died they hadn’t even stepped foot back into that house, afraid of the memories it would bring back.
Dean called up Josh Carver on a whim to see if he could help figure out the situation that was going on. Josh thought along with everyone else that you were dead. However when Dean told him he saw someone exactly like you walking around and didn’t recognize him or Sam, Josh didn’t sound all that surprised. He gave the older Winchester a bit of information that helped shine some light on what might be really going on here. The night you were turned human you and Josh went to a local bar to let off some steam from the falling out you had with Cas. You admitted over a few drinks that you “wanted to be someone else for a change.”
“What I would do just to start over. Just for a little while. No knowledge of angels or demons...I want parents, I want to know what it feels like to be married. Hell, I want a mortgage.”
Dean had spent two grueling long years trying to come to terms with the fact that you were dead for good, but he could never lose hope, always trying to find some sort of way to bring you back. And then there was the constant guilt for thinking that all of this was his fault, if he had done something different maybe things would have changed the outcome. But he had a feeling it wouldn’t. There was only so much he could do. Dean hoped that this woman he had been watching all afternoon was the real Y/N. He wondered what he would have to do in order to get you to remember him.
What if that wasn’t a possibility? What if Cas had wiped your memory completely like he did to Lisa and Ben? Talk about opening up an old wound from the thought. Dean chose to make the Braden family forget about himself and the supernatural for their own protection. Now he wondered out of fear the angel, who wasn’t in his right mind at the time, had taken the liberty to do the same with you as well? Maybe the body that the boys and Bobby watched burned was the one your demon side had been using. And the real you was still out there, thinking she was someone else. And there was no way to change what Cas did.
It was sort of frustrating not having his two best friends here to help him with the situation. Dean felt another wave of guilt when he remembered Cas was still in Purgatory, and here he was getting angry about the fact that he wanted to see the angel and ask him a question about what he did two years to you. It was the Winchesters’ problem and they were going to have to deal with it, along with Kevin, who remained in the back of Dean’s mind. What the older Winchester was focused on right now was Y/F/N and figuring out who she was.
Dean focused his attention back to the woman and watched as she pulled into a fancy looking house and stepped out of the car. She was about ready to unload the thing she picked up and head inside, only he noticed someone come up from behind her, taking Y/F/N by surprise when the stranger wrapped his arms around her waist. Dean leaned forward in his seat slightly in caution, only it turned out to be some sort of “cute” thing couples do when he saw her quickly turn around to see a man that made her break out into a grin. You used to smile at Dean like that. And now you were doing it to someone else. Dean swallowed slightly, trying his hardest to stop himself from doing something he would ultimately regret.
The older Winchester watched as you wrapped your arms around a man he’d seen before in your social media pictures and others you had saved on your phone. Facebook said that you were married to this douche looking guy, Dean remembered his name was James. It hurt as he watched you lean forward and give a kiss to the man that wasn’t him. He wondered if this was how you felt around Lisa when you came back from the dead. This constant urge screaming in your head to jump up to your feet and tell Dean that Lisa was all wrong for him, it was you that knew him better than he knew himself. You were the only one for him. But you couldn’t. So you had to fight back your feelings. He didn’t know how you did it for that year.
Dean’s attention to the couple he was stalking was turned away for a moment when he heard his own phone going off. He answered the phone when he saw it was his brother, but his attention never left Y/F/N or that guy, his lips turning into a frown when he saw his grubby hands touching her body. She smiled when he said something and headed into the house with the belongings and disappeared from Dean's sight.
“So I did some digging and found some interesting stuff. Turns out there is in fact a real Y/F/N Thompson. Found her birth certificate, social security and driver’s license.” Sam said. “She’s been married to a James Thompson for the past six years. Only child of Louise and John Daily. Straight A student from middle school until high school, played soccer for most of her life and went to college at University of Michigan. She’s also a professor at the same college Channing goes to, which explains why we bumped into her there.”
Dean felt his stomach sink when he realized that you might be living a very real life and didn't have a clue about who you were anymore. "Great. You think Cas did a little too good of a job on erasing Y/N's brain and changed her completely?”
“You didn't let me finish. Here comes the weird part.” Sam said. His brother could almost picture the smile on his face from what his hacking abilities could dig up. “Y/F/N Thompson was in a car accident three months before Y/N died. She was hit on by a drunk driver. Unfortunately she wasn’t wearing her seatbelt, ending up going straight through the windshield and slipped into a coma. Doctors doubted she was ever going to wake up. But, low and behold, three months later, she wakes up with no memory of the accident or injuries. Louise, her mother, claimed ‘it was a miracle from God.’”
“Let me guess, family is a church going and God fearing family.” Dean muttered. Sam scoffed, giving his brother his answer. He looked over to the window when he saw a figure pass the window before vanishing from his sight again. “When did this Y/F/N wake up?”
“3:15 A.M.”
“Wait, isn’t that when—“
“Y/N was pronounced dead? Yeah. And here comes the
weird part. All of Y/F/N’s social media was created after she woke up from the coma. The only pictures I can find on the internet look like Y/N. But I hacked into the DMV and police database to see crime scene photos of the real Y/F/N. I’ll send you a few.”
Dean took his phone away from his ear and pulled up the photos his brother had send them to give them a quick look over. He saw a woman with a barely recognizable face lying on a hospital gurney with nurses and doctors surrounding her. But he could tell straight away this wasn’t you. It was the complete opposite of you in fact—from the skin color, hair, body shape. He felt a little bit more relieved as he continued the conversation with the younger Winchester.
"Okay, so let's say Y/N's really been alive this whole time pretending to be this Y/F/N. It's an interesting theory, but we've got no way of knowing if she remembers herself." Dean said. He felt a little bit of relief when he realized that you were really alive and well after all of this time. Life always had a funny way of working. But an obstacle was in the boys' way. "I mean, we can't just knock on her front door and ask if she remembers us."
"Yeah. But I found something that might work that could get us closer to her. I’m thinking if we do this, maybe we’ll jog her memory.” Sam said. “It’s a long shot, I know, but we don’t have a lot of options left here.”  
+ + +
The next morning you were up earlier than you anticipated, and alone again. You stopped being surprised at the odd hours your husband worked from his new promotion he got a few months ago. Bad guys don’t put themselves away, and they sure don’t stop when you were trying to at least have one decent date night. You had enough things to do today from stopping back at your office to meet a student to discuss their failing grade and finish up the lecture you had planned for Tuesday’s class. And you couldn’t forget your lunch date with Melody, along with swinging by your parents house quickly to discuss your father’s surprise sixth birthday party. On top of it you still needed to find your freaking phone.
You got to work on getting ready for the day and heading to your office before ten so you had enough time to swing by your local coffee shop to get a drink to wake you up. Your student was probably going to be late as per usual. They missed three of your classes already this month and they barely handed one assignment in that didn't seem like a twelve year old wrote it. You got to your office a little after you planned and settled yourself down, not the least bit surprised to see you were alone.
You went to your desk and spent the first twenty minutes answering emails from coworkers and a few of your students. You reached for your coffee as you read through an email from a student of yours, not noticing there were two strangers lingering in the doorway. It took a soft knock on the door for you to break your concentration away from your laptop screen to see a set of two men dressed in suits, their focus on you. You gave them a small smile as you pushed yourself up to your feet, wondering if they might be lost.
“Can I help you, gentlemen?” You asked them.
“Are you Y/F/N Thompson?” The shorter one of the two men spoke up first, bringing your gaze over to him. You nodded your head to answer his question. You watched as they pulled out what appeared to be badges from the inside pocket of their suit jackets, making you realize they were from the FBI. "I'm Agent Dean Rorak. And this is my partner, Agent Sam Freedman. We’re investigating the disappearance of Edna White. Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?”
“Of course. Have a seat, agents. I was supposed to be meeting a student of mine, but I doubt he's going to be showing up." You gave the both of them a smile as you peered out the door slightly to see there was nobody there. You ushered the men to sit as you took your seat back to your desk, shutting your laptop and moved around some papers so it appeared that you had things somewhat together. “This is a little weird, I have to admit. I'm a little bit surprised the FBI is interested in something like this. My husband—he’s a detective—said she would come back eventually.”
"Well, we take the matters of missing people very important." Agent Rorak said. You gave him a smile as you looked in his direction when he spoke, relief crossing your expression. His partner seemed the remark was a bit out of line, he cleared his throat and gave the man a bit of a dirty look, which went unnoticed by the both of you.
"So, you're Edna White's next door neighbor, is that correct?" Agent Freedman spoke up, bringing your attention over to him. You nodded your head to answer the man’s question. “And you were the one who filed her missing?”
“She's only been gone for a few days, but I don't know where she would have left without telling anyone. Her husband died a few months after my husband and I moved into the neighborhood. She has no kids. She's seventy years old with a heart condition." You said, your voice dropping into a serious tone to show your concern. "I’m just worried about her.”
“Did she seem out of character leading up to her disappearance?" Agent Freedman asked. You gave him a bit of a confused look, wondering what he meant by that. "Was she acting more hostile or violent? Like she wanted to hurt someone?"
"No. Nothing like that. But...she was acting a bit paranoid the very last time I saw her. She was acting like someone was following her.” You said, trying to remember the best of your ability. "My husband and I are quite fond of her, she’s practically family. We went to check up on her to see if she was okay, but when we did…she freaked out when she saw my husband. And on top of it she wouldn’t believe how long it had been since we saw her last.”
“Wait,” Agent Rorak stopped you, finding a piece of your story a bit interesting. “What do you mean about her being afraid of your husband?”
“Edna’s getting older. She forgets things, and I can’t tell you how many times she locked herself out of her house. Sometimes she even thinks James is her dead husband. But it wasn’t like that.” You explained the situation a bit better for them to understand. You were about to continue on to the part of the story about what happened that got you nervous, but when you thought back to the memory, your lips stretched into a faint smile from how ridiculous it sounded. “You’re gonna laugh at what I’m going to say. It’s sort of...weird.”
“Trust us,” Agent Rorak reassured you with a slight smile as he leaned forward in his seat. “We know weird.”
“Well, uh...she claimed my husband was taken over by a ‘cloud of black smoke.’ She said she saw it the day she went missing—the day she thought it still was when we checked up on her. She was shaking.” You told them the story, waiting for one of them to crack up laughing like how James and his coworkers did. However the agents sat there with a serious expression, they seemed even a little bit disturbed by what you saw. “She kept saying that he needed to get away from her, that I needed to run. He was a ‘monster with horrendous black eyes.’ Weird, right?”
“Had Edna expressed these kind of claims before she disappeared?” Agent Freedman asked you. You thought about it for a second before shaking your head. “Has she complained about the smell of rotten eggs? Flickering lights?” “She didn’t complain, but her placed did reek of it when I went to go check up on her the day I filed the report. I thought maybe it was a gas leak and she...you know, didn’t make it out. But she wasn’t there. And all of her appliances were working just fine.” You answered the man’s questions honestly, however you felt a little silly, unsure of how this could help. “And as for as the lights go, it’s been happening for the past week or so. The entire neighborhood has been going weird. We think it’s an electric problem. They’re building a new development not far from where we live.” You noticed that the two agents seemed a little uneasy from the information that you gave them, leading you to believe they must have thought you were crazy as Edna. Agent Freedman gave you a smile as he pushed himself up to his feet, you and his partner followed. “All right. I believe that should be all. You’ve been a big help, Y/F/N. I believe that should be all.” Agent Rorak pulled out something from his pocket, you noticed it was a business card with his number printed on the front. He handed it over, “If you happen to see or hear anything—even remember anything, don’t hesitate to contact us.”
“Of course.” You agreed, examining the card for a moment before looking back up at him to give the man a reassuring smile. “Have a good day, agents. And thanks again for this. It really means a lot you’re taking this seriously.” The two men returned the gesture before they showed themselves out to the hallway so you could get back to work. Dean was just outside when he saw someone come straight out from the corner of his eye, heading straight for your office. He stepped back in time when he noticed the student you were supposed to have met fifteen minutes ago came sprinting into the room, apologizing left and right about being late. You let out a sigh and showed your discontent with his tardiness. Never less, you gestured a hand for him to sit down where Dean was just a moment ago, the both of you getting back to your business of why you were here this morning.   “Sounds like demon possession to me.” Sam said, making sure to keep his voice no higher than a whisper as he discussed the matters with his brother. “You think Crowley found out Y/N’s alive somehow? Decided to have one of his goons jump the husband just to make sure?” “Old lady sees him get possessed, freaks out and doesn’t show her face for a while. Y/N, being the good samaritan she is, checks up on her to see if she’s all right. But when she opens her mouth, demon gets afraid Y/N might start remembering so he kills Edna to keep her quiet.” Dean tried guessing what was going on here from the story you told him and the younger Winchester. He peered inside the office to see you were deep in conversation with your student, having no clue what was going on. “I’ll tell you one thing, I’m not letting her out of my sight.”
+ + +
It was the late afternoon when you finally got home from your somewhat successful meeting with your student and lunch with your friend that turned into a shopping trip to spend money of things you really didn't need. You made your way into the house and dropped the bags by the front door, deciding you would take care of them in a little while. You headed into the kitchen to grab yourself something to drink. As you made your way into the next room, you smiled when you saw a familiar face sitting at the island, drinking what smelled to be coffee.
“Hi, honey.” You greeted the man you thought you knew so well and loved, the smile across your lips grew wider as you reminisced about the night you spent with him what was hours ago. You leaned down to give him a quick peck on the lips before you went to the countertop where you smelled the freshly brewed coffee calling your name. “How was your day?” “It was just terrific.” James said. You looked over your shoulder as you gave him another smile from his answer. The man brought the coffee cup to his lips to take another drink as he watched you turn your back to him, missing the smug smirk that began to spread across his lips. You asked him what put him in such a good mood. "It's work related. You see, my boss has been bugging everyone nonstop about this...well, let’s call her a criminal who has friends in a lot of high places who tried to hide her. Real nasty bitch. And I finally found you.” You found yourself stopping midway through pouring yourself a cup of coffee when you heard a series of words coming out of your husband’s mouth that sounded awfully unlike him. You slowly looked over your shoulder to see your husband was standing on his feet now with that smug smirk on his lips that seemed permanently frozen on his face. When you looked into his eyes, you felt the grip around the coffee pot slowly slip out, the glass crashed to the countertop, breaking into tiny pieces when you saw those...eyes. The ones Edna had warned you about.
In the house next to yours, the Winchesters made true to their promise of not straying too far from where you went, however they decided to check out Edna White's house while they were, curious to see if what Dean suspected what was going on was true. The boys wandered through the home, searching for some sort of clue that you might have missed while you searched. While the house didn't show any signs of a break in or a struggle, not even a drop of blood, it didn't mean that one took place. Demons might be bastards, but they knew how to be tricky.
Dean searched in a few closets and peered down to the basement to see if he might be able to find anything. He headed into the kitchen and poked his nose around while his brother took the living room. When the older Winchester noticed a shut door he hadn't seen before, he cautiously stepped forward to open up the door, and when he did, the very thing that he had been looking for appeared, dropping at his feet. Dean let out a quiet sigh when he saw the face of one Edna White, throat slashed from ear to ear, a fine yellow powder scattered across the pantry floor.
"Sam," Dean called out his brother's name. "I found her.”
The younger Winchester stepped back into the kitchen to see the sight that he had been silently dreading to see, an old woman who had been viciously killed, probably for a while from the awful decomposing smell coming off from her body. Seeing her dead body meant one thing, what she had tried to warn you about might have been true. Sam took his gaze away from the dead body for a moment when he heard something echo in the air, it sounded like a scream. He furrowed his brow as he looked out the kitchen window. Sam noticed right away he had a perfect view of the house next door, which was yours. “James, don’t scare me like that!” You screamed on the top of your lungs, your petrified expression changed quickly into anger when you felt your skin starting to burn from the coffee you accidentally spilled on yourself at what you saw. The liquid wasn’t scolding hot, but it was still hot enough to make your skin burn, quickly making you rush to turn on the faucet sink. “God, I think I burnt myself. You’re just an ass, sometimes. You know that?” You were about to put your burnt hand underneath the cold water, but before you could, you felt someone roughly grab a hold of the tender skin, squeezing it while they turned you around. James yanked you so you were looking at him, you noticed right away that his eyes were back to normal. "Do you know how long we all thought you were dead, Y/N?” “James, let go of me.” You ordered at your husband, unsure of what was going on with him. It was like a switch in him changed. You’ve never seen him like this before. Sometimes he pulled pranks to scare you for fun, but nothing like this. All you knew was that your hand was throbbing now in pain from how hard he was holding you. You tried to get yourself free, but he only squeezed the flesh harder. “You’re hurting me.” "This hurts?" James asked you in a mockingly sympathetic tone. He roughly squeezed the burned flesh, making you let out a noise that made his smile grow wider. “Oh, baby. This is foreplay compared to what Crowley has got in store for you after what you did, Y/N.”
“Who the hell is Y/N?” You questioned the man in a shaky voice. “James, seriously. “What has gotten into you?”
"Wow. Castiel really did a good job of scrambling up your brain, didn't he? You don't recognize my kind, baby?" James wasn't making any sense here. You furrowed your brow in confusion as the throbbing pain in your wrist started to slowly weaken. When you saw your husband blink, you found yourself letting out a terrified gasp, somehow his eyes transformed into the same pair of inky black eyes that made a shiver run down your spine. "I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Hey, you ugly ass son of a bitch.” A male voice came from behind you, taking the both of you by surprise. Suddenly you felt the grip around your arm disappear, only to be replaced when James grabbed a knife from the sink, the sharpest one you owned, and pressed the blade against the hollow point of your throat.  You felt James’ arm wrap around your body, pinning your arms to your side so you wouldn’t fight back. You were too afraid to breathe from how close the knife was. Your eyes wandered over to a familiar face you saw just earlier this morning standing in your kitchen, a loaded gun pointing at your husband. It was Agent Rorak. At least, that’s who you thought it was.
“Dean Winchester. Well, what a surprise!” James greeted the hunter with a smile as he blinked, showing off the set of malevolent eyes the man knew that belonged to only a demon. “How the hell are you, man?” “Pissed off.” Dean replied. “If you know what’s good for you, I’d suggest you let her go.” The demon pretended to think about the request for a moment before he responded, “Nah. Crowley has been looking for her for a while. If I let you and Y/N run off into the sunset, my ass is on the line. And you don’t want to be on his bad side.” "Do I look like I give a rat’s ass what your piss poor king wants? I just spent a year slaughtering my way through monsters. Do you really want to me on my bad side? I'll say it again." Dean narrowed his eyes on the demon as he repeated his order one more time for him to understand. “Let her go, you son of a bitch.”
“You know, you got yourself a fine girl, Dean. Too bad she doesn’t remember you. Hell, she doesn’t remember anything. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?” The man you thought to be your husband suddenly felt like a stranger. You winched when you felt him lean his head down so his lips were hovering over your ear, making you want to do just about anything to get away from him. Dean could feel his grip around the gun tighten in anger. “Took us a while to find her. But I must say, the hunt was worth the wait. I could have dragged her to Crowley the moment I jumped this meat suit, but then I thought, 'Nah. Let's stick around. See how good she's in the sack.’“ “Wow.” Dean pretended not to be fazed by what the demon said. “Do you kiss your mother with that filthy mouth of yours?” “No. But I’d gladly kiss your mother’s with it.” The demon replied back with a smik. “Speak of family, where’s that brother of yours? I know if there’s one Winchester, there’s always another.”
The demon should have been careful about what he asked for. You felt the blade press closer against your neck from what unfolded next, but it barely grazed the skin before it disappeared, along with James’ hold around your body. You stumbled forwards when you suddenly heard the sound of something heavy hit the ground. Looking down to your feet, you noticed it was your husband, standing over his body was the agent you had seen earlier as well. You noticed that he was holding a knife, too. But it looked like any other one that you had ever seen before.
You felt frozen in your spot for a moment as your brain tried to comprehend what the hell just happened. Your wrist was throbbing in pain from the burn that was neglected as you realized your husband flipped a switch. He kept calling you, Y/N...he tried to kill you. You inhaled a deep breath as you slowly lifted your good hand to your throat where James had pressed a knife against. One second his eyes were black, and then they were normal. And then there was talk of demons. You furrowed you brow as you continued to stare at the dead body bleeding out on your kitchen floor. But you slowly looked away when you heard someone speak up.
"It's gonna be okay." You looked up to see that it was Dean who was speaking words of comfort as he lowered his gun. But you couldn't hear what he was saying. The only thing you could hear was your heartbeat pounding loudly in your ears. "We're not here to hurt you..."
You weren't sure who the two men were standing in your kitchen, you didn't know what the hell was going on anymore. All you knew that you suddenly felt yourself growing lightheaded. You moved one foot forward to try and take a seat somewhere before you could pass out. The logical side of you was trying to tell you to run, but another part of you felt safe. You only managed to move a single step before you felt your knees give out. You felt your vision grow black before you fell into the arms of Dean, not realizing what other mess you were about to wake up to.
[Next Part]
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Dream A Little Dream Of Me- Part 4
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,643
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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You rushed to the hospital to your dad’s room, opening the door and walking inside. You smiled when you saw him staring back at you. You sniffled and ran to him, giving him a big hug while Dean and Sam walked into the room, shutting the door.
“You’re okay.” You whispered to him, pulling away to look at him.
“Thank you,” Bobby whispered back to you and you nodded, taking a seat by his bed.
“It’s good to see you up and breathing,” Dean said with a smile, walking over to the bed and taking a seat next to you. “We brought you something.” Dean held up the files and research Bobby did before he was affected by the Dream Root.
“Yeah, I don’t know what happened to you guys but I encountered the person who was doing the damage. I’m going to go see if I can find him in his dorm room. You were right, Dean. It’s one of Dr. Gregg’s patient’s.” Sam said.
“Okay, call us with what you find.” You said and Sam nodded before walking to the door.
“It’s good to have you back, Bobby,” Sam said with a smile before he left. You sighed and turned back to your dad. Dean gave Bobby his research and while he looked at it, you stared at him.
“Hey, Bobby. That, uh... That stuff, all that stuff with your wife?” Dean asked and Bobby sighed.
“What actually happened?” You asked him.
“Everybody got into hunting somehow,” Bobby answered.
“But my mom…?”
“It happened after your mom and I. Look, we weren’t going to work out. It was something you try with a good friend to see if you can make it work but it didn’t. We remained good friends after that and she was actually Karen’s maid of honor.”
“Oh, okay, sorry.” You nodded.
“Don't be sorry. If it weren't for you, I'd still be lost in there. Or dead. So, thank you.” Bobby said.
“Yeah, anytime.” You said with a smile.
“Hey, Dean, can you get me some water?” Bobby asked and he nodded, getting up.
“Of course,” Dean said, leaving the room.
“Hey, I heard what you said,” Bobby said once you were alone.
“What do you mean?” You asked, having no clue what he was talking about.
“Your mother wasn’t a witch.” He said and you tensed up, not believing he actually heard you.
“You heard all that?”
“I did and I’ll tell you anything you want to know about her but witchcraft isn’t one of the things she could do.”
“Can I show you something?” You asked and he nodded. You looked around you and grabbed some pens you found on the bedside table and laid them on his bed. You sighed and put your hand over them and concentrated on using your magic on them. Suddenly, the pens started floating and you looked at Bobby who stared at the pens as if it were aliens. You raised your hand higher and the pens floated higher on command. You sighed and pulled your hand away but the pens still floated.
“Is that normal to you?” You asked, looking at Bobby.
“But if your mother was a witch, I would know about it.” He said and the pens dropped when the door opened.
“Here you go,” Dean said, handing Bobby a cup.
“Does Sam and Dean know?” Bobby whispered and you nodded.
“Do Sam and I know what?” Dean asked, taking a seat next to you.
“Her powers, what she can do.”
“Oh, yeah, we’re trying to figure that out.” Dean sighed. Before anyone else could say anything, the door opened and Sam walked in with a frown on his face.
“So, uh, stoner boy wasn't in his dorm. My guess is he's long gone by now.” Sam sighed.
“He ain't much of a stoner,” Bobby said, picking up a photo of the man in question, the man that Sam saw in Bobby’s head. “His name's Jeremy Frost. Full-on genius. Hundred-and-sixty IQ. Which is saying some, considering his dad took a baseball bat to his head. Here’s Father of the Year.” Bobby handed over a copy of Jeremy’s dad. You sighed and looked at it.
“He died before Jeremy was 10,” Bobby added.
“Looks like a real sweetheart,” Sam said sarcastically.
“Injury gave him Charcot-Wilbrand. He hasn't dreamt since.” Bobby informed.
“That is until he started tripping on the Dream Root.” You sighed.
“How did he know how to dig up your worst nightmare and throw it at you?” Dean asked.
“Hey, he was rooting around in my skull. God knows what he saw in there.”
“Yeah. How'd he get in there in the first place? Isn't he supposed to have some of your hair, your DNA, or something?” Sam asked, confused about that.
“Yeahhhh. Before I knew it was him, he offered me a beer. I drank it. Dumbest fucking thing.” You looked over at Dean to see him uncomfortable with what Bobby just said.
“Oh, I don't know. It wasn't that dumb.” Dean laughed nervously.
“Dean, tell me you didn’t.” You said, sighing.
“I was thirsty?” Dean tried to justify his actions.
“That's great. Now he can come after either one of you.” Sam said angrily.
“Well, now we just have to find him first.”
“We better work fast ... and coffee up. Because the one thing we cannot do is fall asleep.” Bobby said. Great, this thing is going to get worse before it gets better.
It’s been two days and neither Dean or Bobby had been sleeping. You could tell it was getting to him because he was irritable all the time. You still hadn’t found Jeremy or even know where to begin looking. You were running out of time because sooner or later, they were going to have to fall asleep sometime whether by force or not.
“I mean, this Jeremy guy's not a fucking ghost. Where the hell could he be?” Dean asked, driving along the road in the middle of the night. He shouldn’t be driving when he was this tired but he wouldn’t give up.
“Dean, you sure you don't want one of us to drive? You seem a little... caffeinated.”
“Well, thanks for the news flash, Edison!” Dean said angrily. You sighed and suddenly his phone rang. Dean grabbed for it and fumbled with it, clearly frustrated about this whole thing. You sighed and leaned over, grabbing his hand to calm him down. You looked into his eyes and he sighed, handing the phone over to you.
“Please tell me you got something.” You said to Bobby once you picked up.
“Strip club was a bust, huh?” You, Dean and Sam, had taken a lead but Jeremy was nowhere to be found at the strip club.
“That was our last lead.”
“Come on, Bobby, isn’t there something else? Does Bela have anything?” You asked. Bela was with Bobby right now after he called her for her help. She really wanted to pay Bobby back for saving her life.
“What do you got Bela?” You heard Bobby ask but you didn’t hear her response.
“Well?” You asked your dad.
“She got nothing.”
“Great! Dean is very close to going off the rails,” You said and by the looks of Sam and Dean’s faces, they knew Bela and Bobby didn’t have anything else to go off of. “Just keep trying and call us if you find anything.” You hung up and handed Dean his phone back.
Suddenly, Dean pulled over to the side of the road and turned off the car.
“Alright, that’s it. I’m done.” Dean said, leaning back and resting his head on the back of the car seat.
“Dean, what are you doing?” You asked.
“Taking myself a long-overdue nap.”
“What?! Dean, Jeremy can come after you,” Sam said like he was crazy.
“That’s the idea.”
“Excuse me?” You and Sam said at the same time.
“Come on man, we can't find him, so let him come to me.”
“On his own turf? Where he's basically a God?” Sam asked.
“I can handle it.”
“Not alone, you can’t.” You said, reaching over and plucked some of Dean’s hair right out of his body.
“Ow!” Dean flinched. You handed some to Sam while he got the nasty ass drink ready.
“What are you two doing?” Dean asked, looking at Sam who was busy making the drink.
“We’re coming with you,” Sam said as if it were obvious.
“No, you’re not.”
“Why not? At least then it'll be three against one.”
“Because I don't want you digging around in my head.” Dean grimaced but you rolled your eyes.
“Too bad,” Sam said.
“Dean Winchester there is nothing about you that I don’t already know. Stop being a baby and let us help you.” You said and he sighed, knowing there was no way he was going to get you to change your mind. Sam finished making the drink and handed you a cup of it. You put in Dean's hair and downed the drink coughing a bit at the taste. Sam did the same.
“See you on the other side, boys.” You said, laying in the backseat as you closed your eyes. You could already hear the snores coming from Dean.
“Wake up!” Sam said, hitting your arm. You groaned awake and leaned up, seeing as how you were in the same place as you were before.
“Did it work?” You asked and Sam woke up Dean.
“Jeez. For the love of God,” Dean muttered as he woke up, extremely tired. “What are we still doing here?”
“I have no idea,” Sam said. You looked out the window and heard a noise come from somewhere in the shadows. This was Dean’s head, hopefully, but it was a very dark place to be in.
“There’s someone out there,” Sam said, getting out of the car. You and Dean did the same thing and walked in front of the car, looking around. Suddenly, music could be heard and you saw Dean walking towards the source. You sighed and decided to follow Dean because you didn’t want him to be alone with his own scary thoughts.
You came to a clearing which lit up as the sky brightened. In the middle of the clearing sat Lisa Braden, sitting on a blanket with a picnic basket. Your heart hurt because so far, he was dreaming of Lisa and you hadn’t seen yourself not once.
“Hey. You gonna sit down?” She asked, not noticing you at all. Dean didn’t respond or move, just stared at her. She held a glass of red wine in her hand and she reached for another glass. “Come on. We only have an hour before we have to pick Ben up from baseball.”
“Dean, seriously? You’re dreaming of her?” You asked, making him snap out of it.
“I’ve never had this dream before,” Dean said, looking at you before looking at Sam who was still by the car. You stared at Dean and you knew he was lying. He wouldn’t look as if he could have hope that he could have it. You knew he was lying.
“Stop looking at me like that,” Dean said, looking at you.
“I know you’re lying.” You said, clenching your jaw before looking away.  
“Dean. I love you.” Lisa said and you scoffed, looking back at her. Suddenly, she and the entire surroundings shake before they disappeared. You looked around, not knowing where she went.
“Where did she go?” Dean asked.
“Dean, look,” Sam said, looking to where Sam was pointing. You saw Jeremy standing by the edge of the woods and Sam suddenly took off, making Jeremy run away.
“Okay then…” Dean muttered and when he turned back to see if Lisa was still there, he wasn’t staring at a clearing in the woods, he was staring at wallpaper. You looked around you to see the setting change into a hallway with two doors ahead of you and Dean. You and he walked to the door and when you reached out to open it, you didn’t have to since it opened on its own. You peered inside to see a motel room.
You looked at Dean before walking in, Dean right behind you. You frowned when it looked like the exact one you and the brothers had been staying in. You noticed across the room sat a man at a desk and a woman standing next to him, both of their backs to you. You saw the man clicking the lamp on the desk on and off, the light flickering.
“Jeremy?” Dean asked, not knowing who it was. You didn’t know who the woman was either but you hoped it wasn’t Lisa. The man didn’t answer but kept clicking the light on and off. Suddenly, when the light is on, he turned around and you gasped, seeing Dean but he didn’t look very nice. The woman turned around and your eyes widened when you saw yourself staring back at you.
“Hey, Dean.” Dream Dean said with a smirk.
“Nice to see you, Y/N.” Dream Y/N said to you.
“Well, aren't you a handsome son of a gun.” Dean smiled, trying to make light of the situation.
“What the hell are you dreaming about?” You asked Dean, looking at him.
“We need to talk.” Dream Dean said, making both you and Dean look at him from across the room. Dean walked closer to himself but you just stared at yourself. She looked like you, talked like you but you knew she was different. Something was different about her.
“I get it. I get it. I'm my own worst nightmare, is that it? Huh? Kind of like the Superman III junkyard scene? A little mano y mano with myself?” Dean said to himself, both of them walking towards each other.
“Joke all you want, smart-ass. But you can't lie to me. I know the truth.” They both stopped walking and somehow, they managed to switch places with Dream Dean by you and Dream Y/N by Dean, by the desk.
“I know how dead you are inside. How worthless you feel. I know how you look into a mirror... and hate what you see.” Dream Dean said, trying to rile him up but you wouldn’t let that happen.
“Leave him alone.” You said, making Dream Dean stare at you.
“You think you’re better?” Dream Y/N said and you looked over at her. “You’re no better than Dean.”
“You’re not real.” You said, moving away from Dream Dean but he grabbed your arm, making you stop.
“She’s right. You’re not real.” Dean said mostly for himself because what Dream Dean said was true. That is how Dean viewed himself.
“Sure I am. I’m you.” Dream Dean said, looking at Dean.
“I don't think so. Because see, this is my siesta. Not yours,” Dean said, raising his left hand. “All I gotta do is snap my fingers and you go bye-bye.” Dean snapped his fingers but the grip on your arm stayed there. Nothing happened and Dean’s smile faded as he tried again and then a third time.
“I'm not going anywhere. Neither are you. And Neither is she.” Dream Dean said, pulling you closer to him. Suddenly the motel door slammed shut and locked. You gasped and looked at Dream Dean’s evil look in his eyes as the grip got tighter.
“Ow, you’re hurting me.” You said and Dean was about to go over to himself and knock him out but Dream Y/N grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back to her.
“I don’t think so. You’re not going anywhere.” She said, smirking at you. Why were you acting this way?
“Like I said…” Dream Dean spoke, holding up his left hand in which he held a sawed-off shotgun. “…we need to talk.”
Series Rewrite Junkies:
@helllonearth @amyisabellal @deanwnchstr  @caseykitten6 @roxalya19 @quixoticcat @supernaturalblogging  @notmoose45 @crowleysminion @mina22 @tahbehonest  @oreosatmidnight @seninjakitey @flyonlittlewinchester  @earthtokace @gingersnapped13 @superrandomnatural @my-wayward-heroes @stevetrevorstardis @supernaturallover2002  @teamfreewillsstuff @gucci-daddario @22sarah08 @gh0stgurl  @put-my-favorite-record-on @rhiannonj79 @onlydeanandjensen
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flamencodiva · 4 years
Getting Back to You 11 - Hustling and Nightcaps
Description: Amaya Campos and Dean Winchester had a playful rivalry. what happens when Dean is no longer her Dean. Will this change make one of them realize what they really desire, or will they continue to keep secrets?
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Amaya Campos (Original Female Character) , AU Dean Winchester x AU Amaya Campos
Warnings: Language, Violence, Smut, Fluff, Angst
Word Count For Series: 100K+ words
Beta: @superfanficnatural​ and @emoryhemsworth​​​ and @jensengirl83​​
Book Cover by @talesmaniac89​
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
A/N: Special thanks to - @crashdevlin​ @atc74​ @smol-and-grumpy​ @winchest09​ @waywardbeanie​ @deanwanddamons​ @malfoysqueen14​  @emoryhemsworth​ @janicho88​ @jensengirl83​ @whatareyousearchingfordean​ @katehuntington​ @anathewierdo​  and to all my friends who listen to me ramble about my writing. your words of encouragement mean the world to me! Without you I don’t think I could have found the courage to come back and share what I love most to do, WRITE.
Getting Back To You Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Amaya tossed and turned as the night went on. There was something nagging her in the back of her mind. By now, Dean would be groaning in his sleep, or at least snoring. But there was a deafening silence that just seemed out of place. Running a hand across her face she sat up and looked around the motel room. 
There sitting in the kitchenette, was Dean. A bottle of beer in his hand, a far away look on his face. It was a look Amaya rarely got to see in her Dean. Throwing the covers off, she got off the bed and walked over towards him. 
“Couldn’t sleep?” she whispered. 
She chuckled when Dean jumped a bit. He was deep in thought when she had approached him. She could see his Adam's apple bob as he took in a soft swallow. 
He gave her a small smile before he cleared his throat, “I dunno… just felt kinda anxious, you know?” 
“Yeah, I hear ya,” Amaya sighed. “It’s weird not having to hear Dean toss and turn or snore sometimes.” 
“He snores?” Dean snorted. “I shouldn’t laugh… Amaya would pinch my nose from time to time if I snored. But I’m worried about her and her nightmares.” 
“She gets nightmares? About what?” Amaya asked. “If you don’t mind.” 
“Not at all,” Dean assured her. “Being abandoned, or people not wanting her. Her dad left her at the academy back home. She always kept mostly to herself.” he took a sip of the beer he was drinking. “I kept trying to be her friend. I started out being this… cocky, know it all, until she knocked me on my ass a few hundred times.” he chuckled at the memory. 
“Sounds like Dean and me,” Amaya gave him  a thin line smile. “He was this tough, cocky dick. And I found ways to knock him down a peg or two.” she chuckled. “This one time, we were at a party in high school out in the woods.” she closed her eyes at the memory. “I was seeing this guy at the time. One of those, just passing by flings.” she shook her head. “Well, needles to say, Dean used a scar from when he had to save me from a ghost. Lady decided to use her cutlery as weapons and she was gunning for me.” 
“What did he do exactly?” Dean raised an eyebrow. 
“Mind you, I saw this from afar and I thought he was trying to show off how macho he was.” she shook her head. “So I go up to the guy and wrap my arms around him and he just gives me this look of disgust.” she sighed. “He starts calling me every name in the book and saying I’m insane for stabbing my ex when he did nothing and I was confused as hell.” 
Dean watched as she paused to take a gulp from the beer bottle. When she was done, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her nose before continuing. 
“I walked up to him and whatever slut he was flirting with, grabbed him by his neck, and said in his ear, ‘Since I’m your crazy ex, guess it’s okay for me to act like it!’ So I pulled him away from blondie and dragged him away from the party and just laid him out on the ground in an arm bar. Almost snapped his shoulder until Sam pulled me off.” 
“Why am I an ass in this world?” Dean ran a hand across his face. “Honestly, I mean, what is the point of doing that?” 
“Defense mechanism,” Amaya sighed. “I mean, I’m not going to deny it. I fell for him.” she let out a laugh. “It’s cruel that I would fall for him when he doesn’t love me back.” 
“You don’t--” 
“I do,” Amaya whispered sadly. “If he did. If he really did, he would say fuck it, grow some balls and be with me. But no matter how much I’m there for him in every way… even as just a warm body,” she chugged the last bit of her beer and hissed. “I have to face the facts. I need to move on. If I don’t, I’m only going to hurt myself.” 
Dean stayed silent as her words sunk in. He still couldn’t grasp the severity of what this version of himself went through. 
“I always tried to convince Amaya I wasn’t going anywhere.” Dean whispered. “She seemed to think that when I first asked her out that it was some prank orchestrated by the other huntresses.” Dean chuckled. “I would spar with her and she would just lay me flat time and time again and I would look up at her and say, ‘see, you keep knocking me off my feet. Would you just go out with me, already?’ And she would call me a jackass and just walk away.”  
“So what made her finally give in?” Amaya asked with a smile. 
She could tell that Dean loved his Amaya. The way his eyes shined at the mere mention of her. When he said her name, he would smile. 
“I killed the vamp that decided to take a bite of her.” He sighed and leaned back in his chair as he played with the label on the beer bottle. “She lost some blood, I took her back to our hotel and stitched her up. I stayed up all night just making sure she was okay.” He grabbed the beer and began to chug its contents. “Next morning, she woke me up from drooling on her arm. Called me an idiot, said thanks and kissed me out of nowhere.” 
Amaya watched as the corners of his lips curled up into a soft smile. But she knew he was feeling sad, feeling homesick. 
“After that kiss, I took her out on a real date and we dated for about five years before I popped the question.” He let out a laugh. “I should have married her after I almost died. But we have this tradition that--” he paused to take a drink. “It seems stupid, but it is practical. There is a ceremony that is supposed to ‘protect’ the newly weds.” he shook his head and rubbed his eyes. “I should have just married her and done the ceremony at a later time. I shouldn’t have listened to my mother at the time and now look… and… and…” 
“Dean?” Amaya sat up as she saw something she rarely saw Dean do, cry. 
The last time she saw Dean, her Dean, look as broken as he was before her was when he had been dragged out of hell. She watched as he clenched his jaw, her heart jumped slightly at the look. The clenched jaw, the way he tried to swallow the guilt.  
“What happened in your world?” Amaya whispered. 
“I was grading papers at the academy,” he took in a shaky breath. “There was a knock on the door and Lisa Braden walked in.” he let out a scoff and sneered. “She kept digging at how Amaya and I hadn’t gotten married. Wedding is set for next week,” he grabbed the beer and finished it off before standing up to open up another. “I was an idiot getting out from behind my desk. But I wanted to seem busy. I also needed to write some things on the board but… besides the point.” 
He opened the bottle and chugged as much as he could before clenching his fist. Walking back to the table, he knocked on it slightly before slumping onto the chair. 
 “Next thing I know she’s kissing me and I want to pull away but… something strange happens.” he closed his eyes trying to stop his eyes from crying but a single tear escapes. “But…” he grit his teeth and turned his head. “Something was wrong. My heart was screaming it’s not Amaya, but my head… in my head it was her. I could almost feel her and then… I opened my eyes and it was her… I swear for a moment, Amaya was in front of me and not Lisa.” 
“And that’s when the other version of me walked in. I’m guessing.” Amaya muttered and finished her second beer. 
“She called off the wedding, too,” He let out a frustrated laugh. “I need to get back. I need to marry her next week.” 
“Okay,” was all Amaya said. “Since we can’t sleep, might as well get dressed and entertain ourselves.” 
“By doing what?” Dean ran a hand across his face. “Salsa dancing?” 
“We hustle pool,” Amaya said matter of factly.  
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Dean sighed as he slept on the hotel bed. 
He could feel her in his arms. The smell of her lavender shampoo filled his senses as he felt her fingers brush against his skin. 
“Maya,” He whispered as her lips brushed his. “You know we shouldn’t be doing this?” 
“You chicken, Winchester?” she said with a teasing smile. “You know there is no turning back from this.” 
“Hey, you’re the one that said yes,” He chuckled. “Just want to make sure you aren’t backing out now.” 
“We’re getting married in the morning and we’re breaking the number one rule,” Amaya giggled. 
“Since when do Winchester’s play by the rules?” he reminded her. “Besides,” he kissed along her neck and collar bone. “Need one last run as singles before the big day tomorrow.” 
“Perv,” She slapped at his arm but giggled anyway. 
The sound made him smile to the point his cheeks were hurting. Next thing he knew, he watched her walk down the aisle. She wore a corset style top with a fitted and flared skirt. She was glowing as she walked down the white carpet they had decided on. With Cas standing in as their officiant.  Dan smiled at Amaya as she smiled back. The scene moved quickly until Cas asked the important question. 
“Do you, Dean Winchester,” Cas breathed with a smile. “Finally take Amaya Campos as your wife? Mostly because this wedding is illegal since you are both technically considered dead.” 
Dean let out a laugh and smiled at Amaya, “I do.” 
“Do you, Amaya,” Cas sighed. “Do the same thing I asked but with Dean?” 
“Maya?” Dean whispered as blood began to seep out of the corner of Amaya’s mouth. “No.” 
“Dean, Dean, Dean,” 
The voice sent a shiver down Dean's spine as an arm wrapped around Amaya pulling her away from him as he felt something restraining him. All around his arms and legs were hooks sinking into his skin. 
“Alastair,” Dean growled as the Demon pulled Amaya towards him, her back to his chest as he held a knife over her belly. “Let her go!” 
“You didn’t really think you actually left my rack, did you?” Alastair ran his knife along Amaya’s cheek as she whimpered. “She whimpers so nice, Dean. I mean, that is very sweet. I love it when they squeal.” He plunged the blade into Amaya’s abdomen. 
“NO!” Dean screamed and cried when he pulled on the hooks that dug into him. “MAYA!” 
All he could do was watch as Alastair dragged the blade along her belly, slicing her open. Her white dress now stained red with her blood as it began to pool on the floor. Dean closed his eyes only to feel a slap on his face. 
“No, no, no, Dean,” Alastair said with a laugh. “Open your eyes and look at what you brought on her.” he pulled on his hair. “Look at what loving her did. This is why you can never love anyone.” Alastair hissed in his ear. “You’re poison. You bring nothing but death to the people you love. And she is only your latest casualty.” 
“Maya,” Dean whimpered as the tears rolled down his face. “MAYA!” he screamed as her cold dead eyes stared right back at him. 
Dean’s eyes flashed open as he sat up on the bed. Sweat dripped down his face as he took in deep breaths to try and calm down. He hated when he dreamed. That was the worst one yet. It wasn't the only one that had featured Alastair, but it was the goriest one. 
“Bad dream?” a voice called from across the room. 
“Not really,” Dean took a deep breath through his nose. “Bed isn’t all that comfortable for dreaming.” 
Amaya let out a snort as she held her glass to her lips, “Yeah, okay. “ 
“What about you?” Dean pointed out. “You get up to have a nightcap often?” 
“Couldn’t sleep,” she grumbled. “Want some?” 
Dean smiled as he saw the whiskey bottle. Walking over towards the table, he pulled out the chair and sat down. Grabbing the bottle, he poured himself around two fingers full. The familiar burn in his throat gave him a small bit of satisfaction. 
“So…” Dean clicked his tongue. “Why are you running from love? See me, I know why I’m running. I’m poison. Anything I love, anything I touch, will die.” he admitted. “From what you told me about how you grew up here, I think you’re running from something.” 
“Am not,” Amaya snorted. 
From the look of the bottle, Dean surmised she was already slightly drunk. 
“He was just going to leave anyways,” she snorted. “It’s why my father abandoned me. Last-- las’ thin’ he said was that I am going to end up alone.” 
“What?” Dean raised an eyebrow at her. “Omar said you were destined to be alone? Come on!” 
“He did!” Amaya exclaimed. “He-- he never contacted me again. And I was always alone. I mean… the girls all hated me because I was good at everything and I caught Dean’s attention.” she let out another snort. “Me.. golden boy had his eyes on me. I always thought it was a cosmic joke.” 
“So,” Dean finished his whiskey and poured himself some more. “Let me get this straight. You are running from Dean because he is eventually going to leave you because you feel you’re cursed to be abandoned?” Dean let out a scoff. “Sweetheart, if he ever did that then he isn't anything like me.” 
“He isn’t. But he did. He kissed Lisa. I don't care if a spell was behind it. He kissed her. He wrapped his arms around her and…” she sniffled a bit. “After everything I heard, what the other female hunters were saying… they said it served me right. That I was too cold for the Knight of Hunters.” 
“Is that what they call him?” Dean smirked. 
“More like what he was to me. He saved me in terms of being alone…” she admitted. “He never gave up on me, though.”  She said sadly. “He just kept pushing and pushing. I kept knocking him down and knocking him down. Until we were on assignment together. It was a vamps nest.” she seemed to smile at the memory. 
“What, did you save his ass?” Dean chuckled. 
It seemed to be the pattern with them. She would kick this version of himself in the ass, while he just tried to show her that she was not worthless. A part of him knew that if Amaya ever felt that way in his world, he always tried to make her feel wanted. At least until he felt he was getting too close. Then he cut it to the quick and distanced himself. 
“Actually,” she paused and finished her drink before reaching for the bottle to pour herself some more. “He saved me. I was too cocky for my own good and I didn’t realize I had missed one.” she recalled. “I had my back turned and it chomped on me from behind. Dean jumped in and killed it just in time.”  
“Funny,” Dean let out a small huff. “Opposite happened to me and Maya. I had my back turned and she saved my ass. Not the first time either.” he admitted. “I--” he slammed back the rest of his whiskey before grabbing more. “She’s my best friend. I’m sure she knows that, deep down. But… I always seemed to push her buttons and--” he took a sip and hissed as the amber liquid flowed down his throat. 
“You love her,” Amaya whispered. 
“What?” Dean let out a high pitched sound. “No. I mean I… She’s my friend so I care about her but I don’t love her like THAT.” 
“Your lips are lying, but your eyes,” she swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’ve seen that look. It’s the look Dean would give me. Or rather, still gives me. Even before this whole thing happened. When I was packing my things and he tried to stop me. I could tell. He--” she wiped the stray tear that had started to fall. “He was hurt that I would leave. But his eyes still showed love in them.” 
“Yeah? And how do you know that I feel the same way about my Maya? Huh?” he grumbled. “You don’t know--” 
“Because you look at me the same way,” her brown eyes met his green ones.
Dean could feel a small sense of familiarity at the way her eyes stared into him. He noticed the emotion, she was sad. She missed her Dean, even though she was pushing him away, running from him. She missed him. And as much as he hated to admit it, he missed his Amaya. 
 “When we first met,” she interrupted his thoughts and licked her lips. “You had this… look in them. You were guilty about something. But they flashed with a hint of longing, if that makes sense.” 
Dean stayed silent as her words washed over him. Damn her for being just as observant as he was. Fucking bitch had figured him out in just days of knowing him. Clenching his jaw, he gave her a hard glare before leaning towards her. 
“You know nothing about me, sweetheart,” he huffed. “IF I were to even think of Amaya like that, which I’m not saying I am, she’s as good as dead in my arms. Because that’s how they all end up.” He continued to hold her gaze as he spoke. “Every single relationship I had, everyone I ever cared about ended up hurt or dead. Hell, I had to have an angel erase the memory of a woman I spent a year with, helping her raise her son, after she got captured by demons. So let’s get this thing straightened out. I do NOT love Maya in that way. All we are is fuck buddies. Understand?” 
Amaya raised her hands in defeat, “Okay. I get it. But remember this. You’re running away just like I am. I don’t judge you, if you don’t judge me.” 
“Deal,” Dean huffed. “Know a good place to hustle pool?” 
Amaya gave him a devilish smirk, “You know how to hustle pool? You’re yanking my chain.” 
Dean let out a chuckle, “Sweetheart, I’ve been hustling pool since I was in diapers.” 
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In the pool hall, Dean fidgeted nervously. The way Amaya walked around the pool table made him nervous. It wasn’t that he didn’t know how to play pool, he did. He just wasn’t good at hustling. He watched as Amaya walked up to him carrying the pool cue in one hand and a glass of whiskey in another. 
"You need to relax," she whispered in his ear.
Her breath sent a shiver down his spine.
"I can't… this is… my Amaya was better at this than I was." He whispered back. "I was the one she would play against and lose." 
Amaya tilted her head to the side in thought, “Okay, let’s play one game and let me see what you’re all about.” 
Dean simply nodded as he moved to the side and let her rack up the balls. He watched as Amaya studied the table with a smirk. He recognized that look, it was a look of strategy. She was measuring all the angles she could use. Next thing he knew, she hit the cue ball and the game began. He was only able to sink in a few solid balls as she sunk stripe after stripe. The one thing he noticed was that, while she was measuring for trick shots, she never used any. In fact, she had missed a few on purpose with a smirk. 
“What are you doing?” he whispered to her. He made himself seem as though he was flirting with her. 
“Trying to catch a big one,” she breathed back, using her eyes to point at a few men that were watching. 
“You know,” Dean raised his voice as he gave her a wink. “You’re pretty good at this, mama.” 
“Yeah,” she let out a giggle. “What makes you say that?” 
“You wiped the floor with me.” Dean walked around the table as they finished their game. 
“Hey toots!” one of the men who was observing them called out. “Why don’t you play with a real man?” 
“Call me when you find one,” Amaya sassed with a smile. 
“You give me your number, and I’ll give you mine.” the man had walked up to the table and leaned over it shooting her a wink. 
With a small glance at Dean who nodded, she flashed the man a smirk. 
“Rack ‘em up,” she walked over towards him and ran her index finger along his cheek, trailing down his jaw, and towards his chest. “Big boy.” 
Amaya could smell him a mile away. This man thought she would be an easy target, so she decided to play it up. She was thankful for the off shoulder black tube top she was wearing. It squeezed her breasts just right, giving off a large amount of cleavage. As she leaned over the table, she made sure to give Mr. Cocky a good view of her own rack while pushing her ass out in her skin tight jeans. Her hair in a neat braid as she moved around the table, sinking in shot after shot. 
“Eight ball,” she called lazily. “Corner pocket.” 
Dean watched as she sunk it with ease while the gorilla who was watching her grabbed his cue so tight, his knuckles were turning white. 
“Beginners luck,” he grumbled as he set down the five hundred dollars they bet on the table. 
Amaya gave him a sweet purr as she let her fingers brush along his arm. 
“Want to double or nothing?” She whispered. “I mean, this was my first, real, game.” she brought her face dangerously close to gorilla’s. “What do you have to lose?” 
It wasn’t long before Amaya and Dean were walking out of the pool hall. Amaya hummed happily as she counted off the money they made. 
“Four thousand dollars!” she sighed contently as they climbed into the Impala. “Oh man, Dean would have flipped if we ever got this much in one night! This was a lucky night.” 
“I guess it was.” Dean chuckled. 
The smile on Amaya’s face made him both happy and sad. Sad that he wasn’t with his version of her, but happy that he could make any version of her smile. Without even thinking, he reached over and placed a stray strand of hair behind her ear, his fingers brushing her cheek as he pulled his hand back. 
“Sorry,” he whispered. “I... um…” he cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. “We should try and go back and get some sleep. Got a long drive to make.” 
“Yeah,” Amaya whispered. 
There were days that she wished Dean would look at her the way this alternate version was looking at her. Weeks that she would dream about even the gentlest touches coming from him. Closing her eyes she shook away the feeling and swallowed the lump in her throat. 
“We should get back and try to sleep.” she echoed, refusing to look at him. 
The drive to the motel was filled with silence as they undressed and got comfortable before settling in and letting sleep over take them. 
Dean and Amaya were back on the road. To say that sleep did not come easy was an understatement. Despite the fact that Amaya insisted on them drinking whiskey to help, it did nothing but fill both of them with dreams of longing. Each of them dreamed of being with the right versions of the people they loved only to be disturbed when the light of the sun woke them.  
“You okay over there?” He asked as they barreled down the road. 
“Yeah, fine.” She brushed him off.  She had grabbed her phone and began dialling Sam. “Please tell me you have more information on what’s going on?” she sighed. 
Dean focused on the road as he heard her talking to Sam. In the middle of the ‘uh-huh’ and ‘yeah that sounds like it’, Dean had a thought. 
“Can you ask him if it has anything to do with Hecate?” 
The question left his lips and he could feel Amaya’s eyes on him. 
“Did you just say Hecate? As in Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft?” Amaya said. In that instance she let out a groan. “When the fuck were you going to tell me you guys were messing with Witches of Hecate, Winchester?” she yelled into the phone. “Don’t give me that bullshit, Sam! You are dealing with a Greek Goddess and not just any Greek Goddess I might add!” 
Dean sighed, he thought back to what Hecate said in his universe. He said that it was nothing against him, but at the same time maybe it was his fault. Back in his world, it didn’t matter if Witches were white or dark. A Witch was a Witch and they had to die. 
“I think that would be my world’s fault.” Dean rubbed at his eyes as he pulled the car over.  
“Hold on, Sam,” Amaya sighed as she turned to Dean. “What do you mean?” 
“In… In my world, a Witch is a Witch.” He explained. “So when someone is caught, we either imprison them or…” he trailed off. 
“So,” Amaya pinched the bridge of her nose. Pulling the phone away from her ear she pressed the speaker button. “Okay, let me get this straight. You guys felt that no matter what kind of magic was used, a Witch was always evil?” 
Sam let out an audible groan. “And now she’s trying to get revenge. But why target our Dean?” 
“He hates Witches Sam… He’s an easy target.” Amaya huffed. “Of course put him in a world where his ‘all witches are bad’ motto will make him happy.” 
Dean let out a groan and placed his forehead on the steering wheel. “This is all kinds of fucked up. I just want to go home!” he whined. 
“This isn’t a picnic for us either, pal,” Amaya grumbled. “I want grumpy back. I hate to admit it, but the faster we get him back the faster I can go off on my own.” 
“Maya,” Sam’s voice came in. “you know that he--” 
“Save it, Sam,” Amaya hissed. “He’s been pulling this shit since I can remember. So no, I won’t stick around when he comes home. Besides, Jason is meeting us in Salem.” 
“What?!” Sam and Dean both echoed. 
“Just... let’s keep driving. We’re wasting time! Not to mention we need to do some investigating when we get there, if Jason hasn’t started already.” 
Dean started the car back up and continued the drive, pushing the Impala as fast as he could.
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Dean let out a laugh as Amaya finished wiping the floor with another sucker. They had decided to split up and make it a small competition to see who could win the most money. Only after Dean had proven it to her that he could play. He had a difficult shot to make, and with a smirk, made the cue ball jump over one of the balls in his way to sink the eight ball in. At the time, they were the only ones at the pool table. 
Amaya had found a small pool hall that was just empty enough to test his skill before the patrons filtered in. Drinks were flowing and laughter filtered through. The groans of disappointment echoed as both Dean and Amaya’s tables were filled with onlookers. 
“You know,” Dean heard one of the men say to Amaya as she bent over the table. “Why don’t you come back with me and I can sink some balls in some holes for you?” 
Out of the corner of his eye, Dean watched as Amaya pulled the cue back quickly hitting the man in his solar plexus. 
“Oh,” she cooed. “I’m sorry, amor. I only let certain balls sink into particular holes.” with that she lined up her shot and sunk in the eight ball. “I believe the stakes were triple, right?” 
Before he knew it, between the two of them they made a good eight thousand dollars. Dean gave a low whistle as they counted up the money, Amaya giving him his four while she kept hers. 
“I call that the best night I’ve ever had,” he chuckled. “We need to play pool more. Could probably clean house.”   
“Yeah,” Amaya sighed as she leaned up against the Impala. “You are really good. You weren’t kidding when you said you’ve played since you were young.” 
“Told ya,” he shot her a cocky smile. “I take it we should get some sleep while we can.” he cleared his throat and shoved his hands in his pockets. 
By now, he and Amaya would have gone back to the motel, drank some whiskey, and ended up in bed together. Mostly with Dean giving her gentle touches as she slept. Mostly because he couldn’t do it while she was awake. He would never admit to having a few secrets of admitting he loved her to himself. But damn it if he didn’t miss her.  And damn it if thinking about her didn’t give him the biggest hard on in his life. And here in front of him was her doppelganger. Dressed in a crop top band tee, tight jeans, leather jacket, and biker boots. Her hair flowed around her with a smile that reminded him of what his heart wanted.  
“Yeah we should,” she agreed, clearing her throat. “I take it, you had to hustle to survive.” 
 Dean reached over and grazed his thumb along her lips before recoiling it back as if touching her burned him. 
“Sorry,” he rasped. “You had a smudge and I-- I just…” 
“It’s fine,” Amaya whispered. “How about we celebrate with some more whiskey?” 
“That sounds like a plan, sweetheart,” Dean said as he smiled. “I could get used to that.” 
The drive back to the hotel, with a pit stop at a liquor store, resulted in good music, crude jokes, and stumbling into the hotel room. 
“So… so, we barge into this coven that’s out in a cabin and… Dean and I have to turn away because they were--” she paused to take a drink from the bottle as they sat on the floor, before passing it back to Dean. “They were worshiping in skyclad. And we had walked in on their orgy. It was butts and tits, and penises everywhere!” 
“That must have been one messy massacre,” Dean grumbled. 
“Why do you say it like that?” Amaya frowned at him. 
“Were they Wiccan’s or witches?” Dean tried to clarify. 
“Witches are witches, nothing more and nothing less.” Amaya gave him a slight glare. “Magic is dangerous, no matter what it’s used for.” 
“And yet,” Dean took a gulp from the bottle hissing as the liquid gave him a slight burn. “The incantations we use to send demons back, the key of Solomon, incantations to beef up weapons, or puzzle boxes,” Dean listed off. “That’s all magic.” 
“Are you sympathetic to witches?” Amaya asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Fuck no,” Dean chuckled. “I hate hags as much as the next hunter. But… not all witches go darkside. There are white witches, and witches who work with gods. I mean probably not THE God, but Greek gods? Definitely.” 
“What is your point,” Amaya drawled. “Monsters are monsters, Dean. They are almost all under control here that we hardly have any cases to filter through.”  
“Just,” Dean ran a hand across his face. “Not all monsters are evil. Some of them, if not all of them, were human at some point or another in their lives. And they learn to live quietly.” 
 Amaya pressed her lips into a thin line. She had seen it before, monsters who had families and were living off the blood of livestock. Witches who never harmed anyone, but were still on the list because of a spike in magical energy that scared the council. 
“I guess Hecate lied about it not being our fault,” she hissed. 
“Hecate? You mean, long skinny, black eyes with silver specs in them Goddess of witches?” Dean asked. “THAT Hecate?” 
“Not as dumb as you look,” Amaya sighed. “Yes, that Hecate. We had captured her followers and one of them had invoked her. Nearly destroyed the bunker. That was the day Eileen told me I couldn’t have kids. I was almost crushed to death.” 
Dean stayed silent as her story sunk in. 
“Well then, guess whoever these witches are in Salem,” he groaned as he got up off the floor and held out his hand to her. “We’re going to have to ask them how we put things right.” 
As Amaya held onto his hand to get up, Dean pulled her a little too hard. She tumbled forward and almost fell, but Dean moved quickly to pull her toward his body. His arms wrapped around her as her hands pressed on his chest. They both froze as they stared into each other's eyes. Dean swallowed the lump in his throat looking at the woman in his arms. The familiar scent of Lavender mixed with gunpowder and... something else. Something he couldn’t put his finger on. 
“You uh,” Dean whispered and offered her a smile. “There’s something to your smell, I can smell gunpowder, Lavender, but there is something else. I can’t pinpoint it.”  
“Jasmine,” she answered. “It’s a lavender shampoo with a jasmine body wash. The gunpowder is obvious.”   
She dared to look into his green eyes. Eyes that were full of pain, and loss. Eyes that were of a stranger and yet, at the same time were familiar. His own scent hit her own senses. Gunpowder, leather, and whiskey. The leather was unfamiliar. She guessed, from the story he shared earlier, was from sleeping in the Impala for most of his life. 
The two of them stood in the center of the hotel room. Neither of them moved away. The deafening silence surrounded them as their hearts pounded in their chests. Dean was the first to break the trance as he cleared his throat and moved away. 
“We should…” he trailed off and pointed to the beds. 
“Right,” Amaya agreed. “We should get some rest. We have a bit of a drive.” 
“Yeah,” Dean said as he turned away and began stripping his clothes to get comfortable while Amaya did the same. 
“Night, roughneck.” she muttered once she was nestled between the sheets.
“Yeah, night, Ice Queen,” Dean huffed with a smile as he settled into the bed. 
Both of them layed in bed until sleep was able to consume them. The nightmares still played, but they didn’t dare to move as the night went on. By the next morning, the car ride was filled with the sounds of classic rock as they made their way to Salem. Being used to driving long distances on little sleep, Dean was able to convince Amaya to let it happen. It worked out in the end as they were able to make it just as the sun began to set. 
“Take this next exit and drive to The Merchant Hotel,” Amaya instructed. “Unfortunately I had to book us a king suit. The Lark.” 
Following Amaya’s directions, Dean found the hotel and parked the car as close as he could. Settling into their room, Dean pushed a few chairs together. 
Amaya bit her lip, “You know… we can share the bed.” she sighed. “It’s big enough for both of us and… I can ask for extra pillows.” 
Dean hated to admit it, but the bed did look inviting. And even though this Amaya wasn’t his, he couldn’t help but feel that pull towards her. 
“No, I’m good. I can sleep on that corner there where that bench seat is up against the wall. You can have the bed.” Dean cleared his throat. “Besides, I can’t stand cover hogs. And the way you hogged the covers at the last hotel makes me think I’m going to freeze to death in this room.” 
“Fine, jackass,” Amaya grumbled as she grabbed a few pillows and threw them at him. “I’m going to head down to the bar.” 
Before Dean could stop her she was already out the door. Running a hand across his face he let out a frustrated groan and continued to arrange the small couch so that he could sleep when he was ready. Once it was adjusted to how he wanted it, he made sure he had his wallet before following Amaya out of the room and down to find the bar. What he didn’t expect to find was Amaya hanging off the arm of a man dressed in a sharp suit, and perfectly combed hair. 
“Dean, ole chap! How have you been?” The man smiled as he walked up to Dean and shook his hand. 
“I’ve been great, uh…” Dean looked at Amaya for help. 
“Ketch,” Amaya interrupted. “Your drink is ready at the bar.” 
“We should catch up over a night cap and a cigar,” Ketch said as he made his way to the bar leaving Amaya and Dean alone for a moment. 
“That is Ketch,” Amaya sighed. “I guess British base sent him to make sure London is really what I want.” 
“He seems like a douche,” Dean snorted. “Is it what you really want?” Dean asked. 
“Ketch?” Amaya asked, confused. 
“No, London, is it what you really want? Or are you using it as an excuse to run away and never see Dean again?” Dean breathed. 
“It’s none of your business, roughneck,” she sneered. “Just don't get in the way of this hunt. Our research team worked very hard for this for some highschool drop-out to ruin it.” 
“And the Ice Queen makes her appearance,” Dean scoffed. 
“And the roughneck is just as surly as ever,” Amaya hissed. 
“Amaya, mi amor. ¿Cómo le ha ido?” Ketch smiled as he looked between Dean and Amaya. (Amaya, my love. How have you been?). 
Before Dean knew what was happening, the conversation between Ketch and Amaya turned into a rapid fire of Spanish. Nothing coming out of their mouths was slow enough for him to understand. Next thing he knew he caught the words, ‘estupido’ and Amaya glancing at him. 
“I’m not stupid, sweetheart,” Dean growled in her ear. 
 “Dean you look ragged, ole chap.” Ketch slapped a hand on Dean’s shoulder. “I’m sorry that you and Amaya won't be tying the knot though.” 
“Still have a week left Ketchy boy,” Dean said through gritted teeth as he shrugged Ketch off. “But you had a long flight, from merry ole England, right?” 
“Not too bad,” Ketch picked at his nails. “But I was able to sleep on the flight.” he leaned in towards Dean. “Give it up ole boy. You took her from me once, I won’t let it happen again. You messed up and are paying the price. She’s mine.” 
“I love how you're an opportunist, Ketch,” Dean eyed him up and down. “But I won the girl. She has my ring on her finger. And if I have to drag her down that aisle, I will!”
Dean was shocked by the words that came out of his mouth. He was supposed to be going home. But here was this sleazy guy, eying Amaya like a steak dinner. He was the only guy, in any universe, allowed to do that.
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Amaya sighed as she flopped down on her bed at the Clipper Ship Inn. In truth, it was probably a lot nicer than some of the motels they had ever stayed in, but it still had the motel feeling. Dean had gone off to grab some supplies as she began researching. She had tied up her hair in a messy bun as she always did when working. But there was something in the crime pictures that she had pulled up thanks to Sam’s hacking.
There, at one of the crime scenes, was the symbol of Hecate. The symbol was a five pointed star with a circle that had almost a maze-like pattern to it. Amaya tilted her head as she studied the crime scene photo. There was something else to the symbol, something that didn’t quite fit. Grabbing her phone she began to dial Sam’s number. 
“Hey Sam, I have a question for you,” She breathed just as Dean walked into the room with a bag of fast food. 
‘Uh, yeah, what’s your question?’ Sam tried to stifle his yawn. 
“Did you get any sleep?” Amaya asked softly. 
‘I’m fine, Cas says he’s going to do some digging up in heaven for something. Maybe there is a way to track Dean’s soul since it’s a part of our universe and not the other Dean’s.’  He let out a small huff. 
“Yeah, that sounds good,” Amaya sighed. “Look Sam, about what I said… before I left, I’m--”
‘I know, Maya. You don’t have to say it. You’re in a bad place, we all are and we just want our Dean back.’ 
“As grumpy as he is, yeah. He owes me a Macarena,” Maya tried to lighten the mood. 
‘Yeah he does,’ Sam let out a small chuckle. ‘Just, be careful out there, okay? Don’t lose your head.’  
“Unless I’m dealing with the Queen of Hearts, I don’t plan to. Should get back to strategizing. We’ll start with the police station tomorrow once we get all the info we can get out of what you hacked for us.” 
Amaya never noticed Dean looking at the screen from over her shoulder. He had begun eating his grilled chicken salad. As he took a forkful into his mouth he tilted his head and put his food down next to her. Reaching over her, he zoomed in on the symbols and tapped on Amaya’s shoulder. 
“Put him on speaker,” he commanded as he grabbed a paper and a pen and began writing down notes furiously. 
“Um… Sam, I’m going to put you on speaker.” Amaya said. Her tone was full of confusion on what Dean was doing. 
‘Okay, is there something wrong with the research?’ Sam asked as the sounds of computer keys clacking came from the speaker. 
“No, no. It’s good work. I just need some books from the archive.” Dean pushed the paper towards Amaya so she could look. “If you can find a way to send us digital copies of the pages I need that would actually help.” 
‘What do you need ?’ Sam asked. 
“Okay, going to need Scriptura Deorum. It should be on the third shelf, third bookshelf.” Dean recited. “Then from the fifth bookshelf I need, Signum Deos. Next, you are going to the opposite side, bookshelf number ten, top shelf, Runes Anam. Last book might need to get back to us. It’s in the dungeon room. The title is called Siombail Anamacha.” 
‘Okay, let me repeat the titles, you want, Scriptura Deorum. Bible of the Gods. Then you want Signum Deos, Symbols of Gods. Then Runes Anam, Soul Runes, and Siombail Anamacha, Symbols of Souls?’ Sam sounded surprised. 
“That’s what I said.” Dean chuckled. “Omnia facere volo ire in domum suam.” 
‘Yeah, Dean. We know you want to go home.’ Sam translated and sighed. ‘Fucking weird hearing perfect Latin from you.’ Sam muttered. 
“I think that’s everything, Sam. Just let me know if we have anything archived that I can look at digitally.” Amaya said as she rubbed her temples.  “Necesito un trago fuerte.” 
(I need a fucking drink.) 
“¿Qué tipo de bebida quieres, cariño?” Dean gave her a devilish smirk. (what kind of drink do you want, sweetheart? )
“Can you stop that, please!” Amaya looked away from him.
“ No, no voy a dejar de ser quien soy solo porque te incomoda!” Dean exclaimed as he looked at Amaya. “Puedo hablar español, latín, japonés, ruso. Puedo seguir y hacerte girar la cabeza. Entonces, no, no dejaré de hablar los muchos idiomas que conozco sólo porque su amigo emocionalmente carenciado con beneficios no puede.” ( No, I will not stop being who I am just because it bothers you! I can speak Spanish, Latin, Japanese, Russian. I can go on and turn your head. So, no, I won't stop speaking the many languages ​​I know just because your emotionally lacking friend with benefits can't.)
“Sabes que? Te puedes ir a casa carajo!” She got up from her seat and poked at his chest. “no tienes derecho a quedarte allí y juzgarme o lo que tuve con MI Dean.” she seethed, her eyes burning with anger. “Podemos ser amigos con beneficios, pero todo terminará de todos modos.” She reminded him. “Una vez que te devolvamos a donde perteneces, no tengo que pensar en cómo tú y tu Amaya tienen una relación perfecta o un matrimonio perfecto o --” 
(you don't have the right to stand there and judge me or what I had with MY Dean. we may be friends with benefits but it's all going to end anyways. once we put you back where you belong I don't have to think about how you and your Amaya have a perfect relationship or a perfect marriage or--)
Before she could keep going, a knock interrupted her. Raising her eyebrow at Dean who simply shrugged, she grabbed her Colt M11911A1 with a custom lavender handle that Dean had gifted her for her twenty first birthday. Walking to the door, she cocked the gun before opening it to see a smiling Jason with a bottle of Havana Club rum and a box of Hoyo de Monterrey cigars. 
“Hi Amaya,” He said with a smile. 
“Jason,” Amaya whispered. 
Chapter 12 
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authoressskr · 7 years
Misery Business
Pairing: Dean x Reader  ++  Warnings: Language, Mentions of cheating, Lisa Braden (Does that count?)  ++  Word Count: 1712
This was written for @idreamofhazel Hazel’s Throwback Challenge. My given song was: Misery Business by Paramore.
Note: Do NOT repost, copy and paste, post or share my works on any other platform without my EXPRESS PERMISSION. -+- REBLOGGING is fine! -+-
A/N: I rewrote this twice. This is the version that sucked less. Enjoy! 
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When she’d left home for college on the west coast, she had kissed him in the airport, stunning not only himself but their combined families.
“Couldn’t leave without doing that.” Her smile was infectious - making a slow, wide one creep onto his face to mirror hers before his big hands came up to cup her face and pull her into a deeper kiss, ignoring the loud coughing of her dad at this development.
“That’s how you kiss someone goodbye, kiddo.”
“Noted.” Licking her lips, her eyes shifted over to Sam with a promising smirk. “Wanna say goodbye to me too Sam?” Dean’s lips were on her again, firm and chaste as his arms pulled her tight against him.
“Don’t even think about it, Sammy,” Dean muttered afterward, Sam rolling his eyes as Dean released her - watching her hug his parents and then her own as she fought back tears.
“I’ll see you guys at Christmas for sure.” She promised before handing her ticket to the clerk and with a short wave, boarded the plane and flew off to her new adventure.
When she’d come home for Christmas, her bright eyes landing on him as Dean entered the house for dinner that night - having been dreaming of coming back and falling into his arms - was suddenly dashed as he tugged a petite brunette into the house behind him. His eyes had dropped when they’d met your own, slightly ashamed. Turning promptly around and heading back into the safety of the kitchen, you ignore your mother’s questioning looks, simply pointing to the living room as you tug on your snow boots and then grab your heavy jacket, fighting back tears once more.
“When I thought he was mine, she caught him by the mouth.” You mutter to yourself, heading towards your best friend’s house as the tears finally slipped down your cheeks.
She’d gone without saying goodbye.
Hadn’t even answered his texts or calls.
He didn’t mean to...Lisa just came into the shop one day. And the one night stand turned into a few times a week sex and then into something else.
Sex with Lisa was good. Really good. But, Jesus, dealing with Lisa had been an experience. Dean couldn’t blame her for liking the nicer things. He liked nice things too, but, the shit she was always pointing out constantly - Dean couldn’t even hope to afford at this point in his life. A few weeks later, she suddenly wants him to move in with her and her five-year-old son, Ben. They’d compromised by him spending Friday through Monday at her condo, which was nice at first.
Everything was nice at first.
Then it evolved into subtly dropped hints that her grandfather’s factory needed some help. And “Besides, you don’t want to work as a mechanic forever, Dean,” mentioned a few times.
That morphed into “Granddaddy said he’d be willing to bump you straight to a supervisor since you’re taking care of his baby and Ben.” Three months later: “I don’t see why you won’t take it, Dean. It’s more than generous. Being a mechanic will never pay you as well as this will” and finally to “You’ve only been staying with me because you got attached to BEN?! I can’t believe you, Winchester! I am NOT money hungry! I want a lifestyle, Dean. One you’ll never man up and provide me and Ben with. Get your shit and get out, please.”
Pretty fucking harsh words from a woman who cheated on him...
When his kiddo finally came back home again, she’d granted him one wary look at the airport arrival gates before dropping her worn, purple carry-on and wrapping her mom in a crushing hug. Dean could hear her say how much she missed home and them as she reached out to repeat the process with her dad. Giving everyone else a bright, but slightly watery smile, she linked arms with her mom as they all left shuffled out of the airport.
After they’d all eaten lunch, she’d gone upstairs to take a short nap - hoping to help rid her body a little of the Dramamine she’d needed to down to combat the motion sickness. When his sharp ears had heard her moving around upstairs, he headed up. Pausing a second to take a deep breath, Dean knocked on her bedroom door.
“Got a minute, kiddo?”
“Sure.” Her body language said she clearly didn’t want to speak with him, but Dean wanted - no, needed - to lay everything out for her. Best to start simple though...
“How was school?”
“Fine. I took an extra class and it kicked my ass.”
“Don’t overdo it, princess.” Dean shook his head with a wry smile. “And don’t try to compete with Sam. Dude was born an overachiever.” Okay, she’s smiling - now or never. “I, uh, I broke it off with Lisa.” She just raised an eyebrow before looking down, fiddling with the throw tossed over her legs.
“I can’t lie to save my life Dean, you know that.” Nodding, even though she isn’t looking, trying to guess at what she was going to say next as he attempts to calm the sudden rapid beating of his heart. “You’re the only one for me.”
“Oh, thank fuck.” Lunging forward, hands pulling her as close as possible while lips molded to lips. “Same, kiddo, same.” Dean smiled, stupidly happy at the best outcome he could’ve hoped for.
You’d transferred schools after that, deciding that the University of Kansas, Lawrence was just as good - grumbling in defeat that yes, your father had been right. Yes, dad, it was easier to be at home. Yes, dad, I should have listened to you initially. And cue good-natured eye roll.
When you’d been in Oregon, you had kept mostly to yourself. Your days consisted of going to your classes, going to the library and then going to your dorm room. Which was usually empty due to your hippie-light roommate, Paisley, crashing at her brother’s apartment nearly every evening. However, being that alone had made your homesickness at least double, so transferring had been an easy decision. Did dating Dean significantly added to the ease of that choice? Yes.
You had waited until your semester was up to switch schools, which had been a long three months. And to celebrate getting everything signed over, you were having lunch with Dean at Lafitte’s Bar and Grill, close to his dad’s mechanic shop. After you two ordered, you saw Charlie - part-time bartender and lifelong friend - behind the bar, excusing yourself to chat with her until the food arrived.
That’s when Lisa sauntered in, her eyes almost immediately landed on Dean, raking over the snug heather gray shirt (the one you’d bought him) that fit oh-so-nicely. You were leaning against the bar when she’s nodded her bright red-head towards where Dean sat. Quirking your head to one side before turning your eyes widen to a near-comical level. Well damn, you had to give Lisa one thing - she had balls to chat up the very loving, very loyal man whom she cheated on.
“Long time, no see,” She cooed behind him, placing a tanned hand on his strong shoulder as he turned, his food-lust-filled gaze at the arrival of his burger snapped quickly to tight and uneasy.
“Lisa! Uh, yeah. Long time.”
“You know, Dean, I’ve missed you.” Oh, you bet your sweet ass she did. You thought as you pushed away from the bar and eased up behind her.
“I’m seeing someone.” Dean shuts her down, giving the burger that’d just been placed before him a long look at it that made you smile.
“We don’t even deserve a second chance?” Dean’s mouth opens, but he doesn’t get the chance to answer.
“Second chances they don't ever matter, people never change. Once a whore, you're nothing more, I'm sorry that'll never change.” She whipped around to face you, her three necklaces tangling in her hair as her eyes burned into your furiously.
“What did you say to me?!”
“Well, there's a million other girls who do it just like you, you know? Looking as innocent as possible to get to who they want and what they like. But you fucked up and suck your fingers in too many pies, Lisa. You had Dean Winchester, a grumpy teddy bear of a man whose loyalty knows no bounds, and you decided that wasn’t enough?”
“You know what, little girl? You’re a class A bitch!”
“But God, does it feel so good!” You call after Lisa as she storms out, sitting down across from Dean with the smuggest of smug grins on tugging at the corners of your mouth.
“Benny!” Dean calls over his shoulder. “Box!”
“What are you doing?”
“You verbally handed Lisa her ass. I’m taking you home to fuck you senseless for everything you just said.” Benny appears from the kitchen, tossing Dean a box with a shake of his head and a deep chuckle. “Don’t drop this.” Dean shoves the box into your hands as you wrinkle your forehead. Why would he want you to - oof! He tossed you over his shoulder, earning a startled cry and then an eye roll as he waved to Benny and Charlie. “Add it to my tab!”
He sets you down more gently in the passenger seat of his ‘67 Impala than you thought he would, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before closing the door with a crooked smile gracing his handsome face. Once he’s slid in, the key in the ignition, he stops to look over at you with all the adoration and love you’d glimpsed a handful of times before.
“What?” Your voice is soft, searching his face for some hint.
“You. You make all my wildest dreams come true.”
“I never meant to brag, buuuuuut - ya know - I am the complete package.” You slide over until you’re pressed firmly against his warm side, his emerald eyes are so bright and, at the same time, so soft as they lock with your own. “Wanna go make some more of your wildest dreams come true?”
“Fuck yeah, baby.” He manages to get out prior to your lips meeting for a quick, hot kiss - the car rumbling to life before he pointed her towards his apartment.
Tagging: @lucis-unicorn @chelsea072498 @clockworkmorningglory @sakurablossom4 @idreamofhazel
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ninii-winchester · 2 months
Unveiled Sorrows (Part 6)
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Pairings : Dean Winchester X Reader, Sam Winchester X Reader (platonic), Dean Winchester X Lisa Braden (mentioned)
Word count: 4.4k
Warnings : angst, so much angst grab your tissues pls, spoilers s1-s6, violence, language, mentions of Djinn. Sam has his soul.
A/n : This series follows canon plot line but some scenes might happen differently or be completely changed. Check the warnings for each part before continuing.
Sam had been acting strange for the past two days and it wasn't sitting right with Y/n or Bobby. He was anxious, paranoid and jumpy. He acted like someone was out to get to him. And then suddenly Y/n started acting strange too. It was as if the two of them had been going crazy, which scared Bobby and Samuel. Truth is, someone was actually after the two.
"Bobby I swear there was a werewolf in the yard." Y/n panicked holding Adeline to her chest.
"Have you gone mad? Werewolves appear on full moon and at night. It's the middle of the day." Bobby replied throwing his hands in the air.
"Sammy cmon you have to believe me." She turned to her best friend. Sam stood still with his arms crossed against his chest. A knock on the door was heard and Y/n jumped in her place clutching Adeline even more firmly. Sam went to see and came back with Samuel, Christian trailing behind him.
"Anything?" Bobby asked Samuel.
"You two ever run into a Djinn?" Christian asked Sam and Y/n. Sam raised his brow at the question.
"Yeah, a few years back. He took Dean, we had to kill it." Y/n replied flatly.
"It's Djinns that are after you two. Didn't know why they were but now it makes sense. They're here for revenge." Samuel told them.
"Wait what?" Y/n asked. "Why haven't they attacked out front."
"It's easier. The things you two are seeing aren't real. It's them messing around with your heads. And soon enough you two will go insane and kill yourself." Samuel explained.
"What?" The two exclaimed.
"Well luckily for you, we have found an antidote." Christian said showing them a syringe filled with white liquid. "But we have to kill them before they come for you again."
"I'll have it first. Can't be too sure until we've tried." Sam says looking at his grandfather.
"Sammy no." Y/n stopped him.
"Y/n, respectfully. Shut up." Sam replied and then nodded towards Christian who injected him with the liquid.
"Do you feel anything Sam?" Bobby asked.
Suddenly, y/n screamed. Bobby immediately took Adeline from her arms as she backed up against the wall. her breathing laboured as she saw Azaezel in front of her. Her eyes widened, she knew it wasn't real and it was the Djinns doing but she couldn't help but choke as 'Azaezel' grabbed her by her neck. She felt herself being thrown towards a heap of books. The men watched as she was slammed against the window, the glass shattered with loud noise, she groaned at the impact.
"We can't wait Sam, she'll kill herself." Samuel said getting worried.
Sam nodded and Christian went to tranquillise her but she resisted, Sam grabbed her tightly and Christian stabbed y/n with the needle, injecting the liquid and right then she stopped moving completely. A few seconds later she opened her eyes and Sam sighed in relief. The two looked at each other when realisation dawned upon them.
Dean hadn’t slept well since the night he saw her. She was plaguing his mind whether he was awake or asleep. Every time he would close his eyes he'd see her face, hear her voice. Now it's gotten to the point where he sees her when he's awake. It's like he's hallucinating. Then the appearance of the claw marks all over the neighbourhood. He assumed she might be here to hunt whatever is out here but he hasn't heard of a single death in the area. Not even a missing person's report.
He ought to check. He went to the garage of the house he shares with Lisa. He opened the trunk of the Impala and grabbed his gun. He felt a presence behind him and felt someone throwing him against the garage wall. He watched as Azaezel walked closer to him. Blood trickled down Dean's forehead.
"This isn't possible, i killed you. I shot you with the Colt." Dean said.
"Did you Dean? You might have but you didn't succeed. You can't ever do anything right Dean. You let Sam die. You couldn't save him. Your precious Y/n oh i wonder how she's doing." Dean growled as he heard him say her name. Azaezel grabbed Dean and bashed his head against the wall. The next thing he knew, everything thing went black.
When Dean came back to consciousness, he blinked slowly trying to adjust his eyes to the lighting. He gasped when he saw Sam sitting in front of me.
"Sam?" Dean asked sitting up.
"Yeah it's me." Sam said cutting his arm with a silver knife, showing Dean that he's in-fact Sam. Dean stood up and pulled Sam in a tight hug. "I expected a lot more scepticism." Sam joked as he hugged him back.
"How?" Dean questioned looking at Sam, still not believing he's here.
"I don't know." Sam shrugged. "I've researched for weeks i have no clue how i am back."
"Weeks? How long have you been back?"
"Almost a year, now!"
"You've been back for a year and you didn't come to me? What are you doing here now?" Dean snapped.
"Dean I wanted you to be happy and i knew you were happy here so I didn't bother you. You've always wanted all this." Sam replied.
"I only wanted my brother, alive." Dean replied pacing the room. "What have you been doing all this time?"
"With other people?"
"They're...more like family." Sam replied. "Look, I didn't want to come here but I had to, the things you were seeing weren't real. It was the Djinns, they came after us and I knew it was a matter of time they came after you." Sam explained.
"Us?" Dean questioned.
"Y/n and I." Sam replied. Dean stayed silent.
"So she's your only family now? You've been hunting with her?" Dean said with an edge to his voice.
"No Dean, y/n doesn't hunt and I'm not talking about her."
"Don't lie to me Sam, I saw her a few days back, heard her talking about a Vampire hunt."
"That was the only hunt she went on over the past year." Sam replied.
"Where've you been living? Bet its with this family of yours?"
"You might want to come with me."
Sam took Dean to the place where Samuel and the Campbell's lived. Gemma, Will, Gwen, Christian and Mark introduced themselves to Dean. He recognised Gemma and Will from the bar.
"Campbells as in..." Dean trailed off looking at Sam, not mentioning the fact that's met Will and Gemma.
"Mom's relatives." Sam confirmed.
"Dean." A voice called out and he turned to see his grandfather who was supposed to be dead. He looked like he had seen a ghost which is ironic considering he hunted them.
"Samuel?" Dean said walking towards him. The older man pulled his grandson in his embrace. Dean's face showed pure confusion.
"Whatever pulled Sam up, pulled me down as well. Who or why, we don't know." Samuel told Dean. And the latter nodded in understanding.
The group of hunters was now discussing their plan of action to defeat the Djinns. Dean clearly stated that he has no intention of coming back to the business, he just wants to keep Lisa and Ben. Speaking of,
"Lisa and Ben!" Dean exclaimed. "Sam you have to take me home, those Djinns know where I live, they could harm them." Sam nodded in understanding and took Dean back to his house.
Dean rushed the house and called out for Lisa. When he got no answer he grew anxious, he ran all over the house trying to find them. The front door opened and Lisa and Ben walked in. Dean immediately pulled them in his embrace sighing in relief.
Sam's jaw clenched as he watched Dean place a kiss on their heads. The way he was caring for Lisa and her kid like his own, oblivious to the fact that he has a biological daughter who deserves the same affection and love from her father.
"We need to get them out of here and somewhere safe." Dean said looking at Sam.
"Yeah we'll get them to-"
"Bobby's." Dean interrupted Sam.
"Dean, I don't think that's a good idea. We'll get them to Samuel's."
"Sam no offence but I don't trust anyone else except you and Bobby. And we're going to Bobby's, that's final." Dean stated leaving no room for argument.
It was a rare occurrence when Y/n was happy, like genuinely happy and today was one of those days. She's been trying for while to get Adeline to sit up on her own without any back support or falling back. And today the little baby sat on her own for a few seconda before plopping back on heap of pillows behind her.
"Bobby did you see that?" Y/  asked excitedly, a huge smile gracing her lips. The old man nodded, his expressions mirroring her own. "I can't wait for Sam to come home and see this. He's going to be ecstatic." She smiled.
Y/n thought had she asked for something else she would've gotten because the moment she said that, she heard the sound of Sam's car's horn thrice. He always did that, it was their secret code of sorts. Y/n picked up Adeline from where she was laying and excitedly made her way towards the front door, she heard the car door slam shut more than once indicating Sam brought company.
"See baby Uncle Sammy is hom-" She opened the door and her words got stuck inside as saw the company Sam brought.
Her gaze moved from Sam to Dean and then stopped on Lisa and Ben. None of them spoke a word. Dean's eyes dropped to the little baby in Y/n's arms and his heart dropped to the deepest pit of his stomach. He felt like couldn't breath. The baby looked like an exact copy of him.
"You promised, Winchester." Y/n's gaze turned to Sam who at least looked apologetic but she felt betrayed. She moved her arm behind her back and retrieved her gun from the back of her jeans.
"Y/n look i can explain.." Sam stuttered and she turn the safety off, of the gun. "Wait you can't shoot, Adeline's ears are sensitive." Sam said holding his hands in the air.
Sam's words broke Dean out of his trance, Adeline's ears. Adeline. Adeline. Adeline. It kept ringing in his ears when it clicked. Thats she name she told him at the bar.
"That's why I have a silencer on my gun." And with she shot Sam in the arm. He groaned as the bullet pierced him. Lisa and Ben flinched and Dean rushed to his brother's side still not believing she actually shot him. "I wish I had it in me to put a bullet in your head." She told Sam before turning her attention to the other two people.
"Hi Lisa. How've you been?" She said.  "Hey Ben, remember me?" She smiled at the boy.
"I'm good." Lisa said even more shaken up at this point.
"You're y/n. You saved me from that monster." Ben said happily.
"I sure did." She wrapped her other arm which was not holding Adeline around Ben's shoulder. "You've grown, kiddo." She told him bringing him inside, Lisa followed behind.
Dean helped Sam inside as all of them settled into the main room. Bobby looked at Dean and froze but then jumped into action as he saw Sam's profusely bleeding arm.
"What happened to him?" He asked Dean and Dean eyed Y/n. His gaze again settled on the child in her arms.
"Uh I had it coming." Sam groaned as Bobby cleaned his wound and patched him up.
An awkward silence fell into the room as nobody knew what to say. And Y/n took it upon herself to break the tension.
"I'm assuming we were right about the Djinn? Him going after Dean." She asked and Sam nodded.
"Yeah i barely reached there in time." He grunted sitting in the desk chair. "We had to bring them to somewhere safe and this is safest place we know." Sam looked at Y/n hoping she'd understand why he brought them here. He added 'we' hoping she'd know it wasn't his decision.
"Alright, since we've got no leads on the Djinns at the moment its safe to say you'll be here for a while." Y/n said to Lisa. "I think we've got enough rooms."
Bobby told the group he'd get Lisa and Ben to help settle in and show them to their room, he felt like the tension in the air would suffocate him to death so he opted out. Y/n cradled the little girl who was on the verge of falling asleep. She made her way to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of beer with some painkillers. Dean couldn't keep his eyes off of her or the baby. He followed her every moment and watched as she handed the pills and beer to Sam.
"I'm glad you know you had it coming." She patted his good arm. He chuckled shaking his head. "I'll arrange some food." Y/n said leaving the room. She laid Adeline in the crib in her room and made her way into the kitchen.
Sam avoided looking at Dean and the older Winchester was shooting glares at his brother. Dean was angry, sad, disappointed and heartbroken. He finds out that his brother has been alive for a whole year and he apparently has a daughter too. He couldn't take it any longer and rushed out the back door to clear his head. Sam followed behind him.
"Dean wait." He called out.
"She's mine, isn't she?" Dean stopped and turned to face Sam who looked away. "Dammit Sam answer me."
"Yeah." Sam replied.
"And you've known all this time?"
"I did but-"
"But what Sammy?" Dean yelled. "What could you possibly say to make it better? My brother who I thought was dead has been here the whole time, and now i find that I have a daughter, who I had no idea existed until this day?" Tears were pooling in Dean's eyes and he didn't care at this point.
"I told you Dean I didn't want to ruin what you have. And as for Addy," Sam sighed. "I didn't even know it happened between you two. Y/n said it happened once and it was mistake."
"She said what?" Dean recoiled. "It wasn't a mistake and it certainly didn't happen only once." He growled, now his grief turning into anger.
"What?" Sam exclaimed.
"Why didn't you tell me Sam? I could've had what I so desperately wanted." Dean cried, hurt that his brother kept such a huge secret from him.
"She made me promise not to tell you." Sam confessed.
"I don't know, when I came back she asked her if I met you and I told her I did see you but you were with Lisa and I didn't want to ruin that. When she told me she was pregnant and it's yours I told her to tell you but she told me that you deserve to have a normal life with the woman you love and not some...." Sam paused not whether to continue or not.
"Some what Sam?"
"Some good lay and..a child made out of it." Sam whispered lowly, he wasn't even sure if Dean heard him. This broke Dean's heart and he wasn't sure if he could ever piece it back together.
"That woman is a not some good lay, she's the love of my life, Sam. I was pathetically in love with her. I still am." Dean said with his head in his hands.
"You told her the world doesn't revolves around her."
"I know what I said, damn it. I just wanted her to be safe. I knew she wouldn't have left had I not told her all that. I thought if our plan was to fail, at-least she'd be away from all this. She'd be safe. And if it went well, I would go back to her, tell her everything and keep her safe with me until my last breath. But you made me promise. I kept my promise and I left and I never looked back." Dean breathed heavily.
"Dean... I had no idea. I am so sorry. I wish I hadn't... God this is all my fault, I have to make this right." Sam blamed himself and that's the last thing Dean wanted.
"It's not your fault Sam. You just wanted to die in peace." Dean made a failed attempt to ease the tension.
Y/n was in the kitchen when she heard someone clear their throat. She turned to see Lisa standing in the doorway.
"I hope Ben like sandwiches, I don't know much cooking." She said as she placed the ingredients on the counter.
"He likes them.." Lisa said joining to help her with the preparations.
"I can see why he loves you." Y/n said as she watched Lisa work effortlessly and still look amazing.
"Yeah but he's in love with you." She replied without looking at her.
"Rubbish." Y/n waved her off with her hand. "I think you're still tired from the long drive."
"It's the truth. I've lived with Dean for a year now, you're his waking thought and his dream." Lisa said softly. "I think i know more about you than you know yourself." The woman added with a smile.
"Don't you love him?" Y/n bit her lip. Her asking this question was showing a sign that she still cared about Dean as much as she shouldn't.
"He's a dear friend." Lisa replied vaguely. Loud footsteps were heard as Ben entered the kitchen looking for his mom.
Sam and Dean came back inside and Dean locked eyes with y/n for the first time since he came here. He wants to hate her for keeping his daughter a secret from him but one look at her and he's a puddle, willing to do anything she wants him to do.
"We need to talk." Dean said to y/n.
"I believe there is nothing to talk." Y/n replied without wavering.
"Its your choice, you talk to me while I'm asking nicely or I drag you out, because we're talking either way." Dean said keeping eye contact.
"You watch how you speak to me, Winchester. My gun still has five bullets." She replied. She knew she had to have this conversation at any point in her life, she was hoping she had more time. She let out a loud sigh before speaking, "Ben, honey can you go up and watch Adeline for me?" She asked the eleven year old boy. And he nodded happily running upstairs.
"Now you talk." Y/n ordered Dean, who turned around and walked to the main room. She rolled her eyes and followed him. "I don't have time for your bullshit so if you could get on with it before Adeline wakes up, I'd appreciate it." She snapped as he kept his back to her.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He turned to her, his face red.
"Tell you what?"
"About our daughter! Don't act dumb."
"She's my daughter." Y/n sneered. Sam and Lisa watched from the side. "Why do you even care? You didn't care a year ago."
"I.. how can you even say that. She's my daughter too. You had no right to keep her from me."
"Yeah right." Y/n scoffed. "What did you want to me do, Dean? After you pushed me away time and time again. Did you expect me to get on my knees and beg you to stay?" She said raising her voice. "You left. You left when I needed you the most." She felt a lump forming in her throat and she knew the waterworks were on the way. "You left me at the cemetery without a word. How do you think it made me feel?"
"I'm sorry i left, had you told me about Adeline I would've never..-"
"I don't need your pity, Dean. Nor does my daughter." She yelled. "You had a choice. And you left." She felt a tear drop down her cheek as much as she hated to cry in-front of him she couldn't hold it in.
At that moment Dean hated himself. He never knew he could be this weak. He watched Y/n look so broken, exhausted. It was as if sadness has etched itself on her face permanently.
"Cas told me I was pregnant when we got back from Carthage." Dean's eyes widened as the revelation. "That's why I asked to sit out when you guys decided to hit the road. I thought I'd tell you when you'd come back. But when you did you said awful things to me, Dean. It broke my heart." She gasped taking in a deep breath as cried. "I knew it was a hard time for us with everything happening. When I arrived at Detroit I thought maybe, just maybe things could be different but..." She didn't continue, everyone knows what happened in Detroit.
"I'm sorry, you have to believe me when I say I would've stayed.." Dean's eyes watered.
"Sorry doesn't cut it, Dean. I was scared, every night I was scared for my daughter's life because I didn't have the luxury to sleep peacefully and pretend that's nothing out there. Even the rustling of leaves would wake me up at night." She cried.
"I wish i could turn back time, i would do it a heartbeat. You know that." He cried. He knows he doesn't have the right to feel bad about himself but he couldn't help it.
"I'd do it too. If i could turn back time I'd do it and never associate myself with you."
"You don't mean that." Dean whispered, his voice almost begging her to take it back.
"I do." She looked him in the eye, even though her vision was blurred. "Even for a second if we forget that Addy exists, you left me when I needed you the most. My best friend jumped into the pit and I felt like my heart had been ripped out from my chest." She was now full on sobbing. "I needed you. I knew nobody could've understood what I felt except you. I dug the ground with my hands until my fingers bled hoping the cage was still there and Sam would come out." She cried holding her hand to her heart as if it pained her physically. "I just wanted you to hold me tell me it'd be alright. We'll figure something out like we always do."
If anyone of them wasn't crying before they were now. They hadn't realised she'd been through so much pain. She's suffered and she was carrying a child. She held on for so long. Lisa's heart ached for the sobbing woman in front of her.
"Y/n." Sam spoke having enough. He needs to clear this out. He can't watch them fight knowing it wasn't any of their fault but his'. "It's my fault."
"Sammy." Dean warned sternly.
"No Dean. It was my fault. Let me do this." Sam replied.
"What do you mean?" Y/n asked looking at Sam.
"After you left I asked Dean to promise that he won't find you. I told him to go live with Lisa." Sam stated.
"Why would you even say that?" She whispered.
"Because i knew if you two had been with each other you'd just find a way to bring me back. Even worse make deals with demons or shit." Sam said holding his head down. "It wasn't his fault y/n, if I'd known he loved you i would've never asked him to leave."
"Dean doesn't love anyone but you." Y/n scoffed and that irked Dean. He could listen to her say the worst things about him but doubting his love for her wasn't something he'd take queitly. He took a few steps towards her and grabbed her arm making her look at him.
"Why're you talking about me as if I'm not here? And how dare you say that?" He growled. "How dare you say I don't love you. You're the only woman I've ever been in love with." He said pulling her closer.
"Some way you've got to show it." She scoffed pulling her arm away. "Alright I agree Sam was in the wrong but you don't get to put the blame on him completely. You took the easy way out."
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Dean asked, his face contorted in anger.
"Oh please, don't be so naive now." She gritted her teeth. "You're acting like you didn't have a choice."
"I didn't..- " Dean started but she interrupted him.
"You were Michael's vessel Dean, you were destined to be a part of that war. You fought tooth and nail, you told the literal angels to shove it up their ass, that you'd never say yes. YOU FOUGHT DESTINY AND YOU'RE SAYING YOU DIDN’T HAVE A CHOICE?" She yelled having enough of his excuses.
Dean knew she was right. There was nothing she said that wasn't true. But he had been scared. Whoever he gets close to gets hurt. He never wanted any of this to happen. If only he had manned up and told everyone how he felt, alot this could've been avoided.
Y/n felt betrayed. Not only by Dean but Sam as well. All her life the only people she considered her family, betrayed her in every way possible. She wondered has she been naive or they were just too good at using people? If Dean loved her as much as he said he did, then why didn't he stay. Heavy footsteps and loud cries filled y/n's ears.
"Y/n, she woke up and started crying." Ben said carrying little Adeline to her mother.
"Thank you for looking after her, sweetheart." She said wiping her tears and taking her baby into her arms. Adeline stopped crying once she was in her mother's arms.
"Are you okay?" Ben asked, oblivious to the tension in the room, standing beside his mother.
"I'm okay." She replied. "Just realised I spent my whole life loving and caring for the Winchesters only to be betrayed by them." She whispered lowly that only the adults could comprehend. She held Adeline up and looked at her face. "I'll have to wait for yours too, it's only a matter of time you do. After all you're a Winchester too." She smiled sadly, breaking Sam and Dean's heart along with her own.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @deangirl96 @queensilber
@s0urw00lf @monkey-d-hoshizora98 @deans-baby-momma @fullbelieverheart @hobby27
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lunarsaturn88 · 7 years
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sandlee44 said:
I'll request a song fic, how about Stay by Sugarland , and Dean               
Warnings: Angst, swearing, very little fluff
Words: 2103
Pairing: Dean x Reader
A/N: I’m sorry that it took me so long to write this one. I hope that you  enjoy it sandlee44.
I've been sittin' here, starin' at the clock on the wall
And I've been layin' here, prayin'
Prayin' she won't call
It's just another call from home, and you'll get it
And be gone, and I'll be cryin'
You sat in the motel room with Dean and Sam since the three of you had taken up a hunt together. Sam had just revealed to you and Dean that he had been back for quite a while and didn’t deem it worthy enough to tell the two of you that he had been back. Your heart raced inside of your chest as you looked at the elder Winchester who was casually sipping at his beer.
Your brain going a mile a minute thinking of how the two of you reunited. He had given you a nice warm hug, but there were no words of I missed you coming from his lips. That was something that hurt you the most. You had been with Dean before Sam had asked him to live an apple pie life with Lisa Braden… a woman that you knew Dean had history with. It stung when he went off and did exactly what Sam had done leaving you behind with Bobby, crying your eyes out. You truly had loved Dean, and Bobby was back in Stull Cemetery picking up the pieces of your shattered heart.
You now were afraid that as soon as this hunt was done… that he would be leaving you in the care of his brother while he went back to Lisa to continue living his life with her. That would end up tearing you down even more. You knew that Dean didn’t realize a few things since he had been with Lisa for the year and a half… that you loved him more than you did in the past… you just, well you couldn’t set yourself up for heartbreak again. Not like you had done a year a half ago in Stull Cemetery.
And I'll be beggin' you, baby
Beg you not to leave
But I'll be left here waitin'
My heart on my sleeve
Oh, for the next time we'll be here
Seems like a million years, and I think I'm dyin'
You didn’t want to be on your knees begging him not to go back to Lisa to live the apple pie life that you couldn’t be in. It wasn’t like you didn’t mind Sam, but Dean… you couldn’t even explain it to yourself anymore. Not since that day in Stull Cemetery when he had left you alone with Bobby and Cas.
You remembered how hard Bobby tried to glue your heart back together, since he was like your father and he hated seeing you in pain. And Cas had really no idea how to handle human emotions seeing you like that had confused him.
But now having Dean back and hunting with you and Sam… you really truly didn’t want him to go. Not when Lisa called anyways. You knew that his heart was in the right place. He cared about others, but he never knew when he ripped other people’s hearts out with the choices he had made.
What do I have to do to make you see
She can't love you like me?
Dean looked over at you his brows furrowing. “Y/N is there something wrong?” He asked genuinely concerned about you. He had never heard you this silent in all of the years that he had known you. He knew that you were one to voice your opinion when something was wrong. But you being this silent… well it actually scared him, and it scared him a lot.
You looked Dean dead in the eye. You wouldn’t allow yourself to fall for his charm… not this time anyways. Not when he was thinking about most likely leaving you and his younger brother to continue on hunting even though you knew that Sam couldn’t do it without him like Dean had done years ago when he had first picked up Sam from Stanford when John had gone missing and you were with Dean. “No, there’s nothing wrong.” You said lying through your teeth. It was probably one of the things that you were good with.
Dean pursed his lips together as he looked into your eyes. The only way that he could tell if you were lying or not. He could see the emotion swirling in your eyes and it wasn’t a good kind of emotion that he saw in them. He could see the hurt in your eyes. “Y/N… you’re lying.” He said looking at you, his lips pursed together.
Why don't you stay?
I'm down on my knees
I'm so tired of bein' lonely
Don't I give you what you need?
When she calls you to go
There is one thing you should know
We don't have to live this way
Baby, why don't you stay?
Sam cleared his throat. “I’m gonna go out to the bar… let the two of you talk.” Sam said walking towards the door. He couldn’t stand how tense the room had gotten between you and Dean. He saw you as a little sister, and he hated seeing you hurting. He knew that he had been gone a year and a half and things were tense between you and his brother and he understood why. He knew that you loved Dean more than you had let on. And it was the one thing that he hated seeing.
The two of you hadn’t noticed that Sam had left the room as the two of you eyed each other up. You more defiantly than Dean’s concerned look.
“You’re lying to me. Tell me the truth Y/N. There’s something wrong and you won’t even tell me.” Dean said his tone relaying that he was hurt that you wouldn’t even tell him what was going on with you.
You shook your head. “You have a life to get back to.” You said as you crossed your arms. Your chest heaved a little bit in sadness. You missed being around him, but every time that he left… it hurt you.
You keep tellin' me, baby
There will come a time
When you will leave her arms
And forever be in mine
But I don't think that's the truth
And I don't like bein' used, and I'm tired of waitin'
“A life that Sammy wanted me to have.” Dean said looking at you as he saw the tears that welled up in your eyes.
“You left… leaving me, leaving Bobby, and Cas… you got to live your apple pie life… perhaps you should’ve stayed there instead of coming back.” Your words came out in a rush of emotion as some tears slid from your eyes. You just couldn’t take it having those green eyes on you.
“Y/N… I came back because you and Sammy needed me.” Dean said his green eyes wide at what you had said.
You shook your head. “Sam needs you… what makes you think that I needed you?”
Dean’s eyes widened in hurt. He hadn’t expected you to say that.
It's too much pain to have to bear
To love a man you have to share
“I’ve been hunting alone for this past year and a half before Sam brought you back into this life. I don’t need you Dean. Not when you have a woman waiting patiently for you at home. A son that adores you that’s not even yours.”
Dean’s green eyes went even wider as you went through your tangent of how you didn’t need him. Each word cutting him like a knife.
“You insist on sharing a bed with me while you’re away from her… it makes me sick…” You said softly as a few tears fell from your eyes. “From now on you get the bed.”
“Y/N we’ve always shared.”
“Yes, before you were with Lisa.” You snapped as the emotions came from you. You had never expected your emotions to be this forceful.
I can't take it any longer, but my will is gettin' stronger
And I think I know just what I have to do
I can't waste another minute
After all that I've put in it
I've given you my best
Why does she get the best of you?
“Y/N…” Dean said softly flabbergasted at how you were acting. Now all the pieces were beginning to fall into place. You were truly upset that he was always going back home  to Lisa. A woman he had thought he loved. She was  a person that always gave him a chance, but he couldn’t even look past his own damn nose to see that you had been there through everything with him up until Sam fell into Lucifer’s cage saving everyone from the apocalypse.
“Just stop Dean.” You said softly not wanting to hear another word from him as a few more tears spilled down onto your cheeks. You didn’t want to hear any more of his excuses. You had, had enough of hearing the excuses. The more excuses you heard the more your heart broke into pieces and this time you weren’t around Bobby to help you pick up the pieces of your shattered heart since you were over a 1,000 miles away.
“You could’ve told me how you truly felt about me being here.” He said softly as he reached out to touch you only to have you recoil away from him.
So next time you find you wanna leave her bed for mine
Dean let out a soft breath as he noticed you recoiling. “Y/N… tell me how you truly feel about me being here. Do you want me here or do you want me gone.”
Your heart hammered in your chest. You didn’t know what to say to Dean. He truly wanted an answer out of you and you had no idea of what kind of answer to give to him. “What kind of answer are you expecting Dean?” You said softly your voice cracking some. “I want you to stay, but I know that I can’t have you stay… not with Lisa waiting at home for you and Ben who sees you as his father.”
“Y/N…” He said softly swallowing the lump that formed in his throat as he looked at you. He heard the desperation in your voice when you said you wanted him to stay. He felt so torn between you and Lisa now that it wasn’t funny. It was like you were holding on for him to say yes to stay with you.
Why don't you stay?
I'm up off my knees
I'm so tired of bein' lonely
You can't give me what I need
When she begs you not to go
There is one thing you should know
I don't have to live this way
You swallowed the lump in your throat looking away from him. “I don’t have to keep living this way Dean… waiting for you to figure out what you want. If you think that you can still do the hunting thing and be with Lisa by all means… I won’t stand in your way… you can walk away and go back to her altogether or you can come back… but know this… I won’t wait… I can’t. Not any more…” You shook your head as you went towards the door.
“Y/N… stay… we’re not done talking.” Dean said moving quickly towards you to stop you from leaving him. He truly wanted to get to the bottom of this so you weren’t hurting any more. He couldn’t stand seeing you hurt any more. He just couldn’t, because it broke his heart when he saw you like this.
You stopped in your tracks turning to face him. “You’re in love with Lisa… I know that now… I can’t compete with her. Not now… not ever.” You said your voice coming out shakily.
Baby, why don't you stay?
Dean came up to you. “She’s not you Y/N.” He said softly as he leaned down capturing your lips with his giving you the softest kiss that you had missed out on in that year and a half that he had been gone. He pulled away searching your eyes. “She’s never been you… I only took the shot to have a normal life… cause I couldn’t hunt without Sammy…”
You looked into his green eyes and saw that he was telling the truth.
“I never meant to hurt you…” He said softly as he kissed you again softly on the lips.
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huntertales · 6 years
Part Two: Heart to Heart. (Let it Bleed S0621)
Episode Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester’s worst nightmares come true when the reader is taken hostage by Crowley after her demon side is freed. But things only grow worse when Lisa and Ben Braden are kidnapped as well, forcing the brothers to work with an unlikely alley to save the people they love. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Warning: Demon!Reader, mentions of violence and pregnancy and very brief mentions of intimacy. Word Count: 7,253. (Buckle up kids, this part is gonna be a ride!)
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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If there was one thing Dean knew, it was all the ways to make a demon spill their guts. Figuratively and literally. He utilized the skills he learned from hell and the knowledge required for a hunter to know about what could slow down the enemy. Demons had a few weaknesses that could hurt them. Holy water, salt and iron. Along with something no other hunter had. A special knife that actually inflicted pain on them, or, in the case of the two other demons lying on the ground, kill them for good. Mix that together with a man’s rage and he was the storm none of these sorry sons of bitches excepted coming from what they did.
Dean had went through at least two useless meat suits alone this morning that only gave him bits of incoherent sentences that ended with them coughing up blood or pleading for their lives when they admitted they didn’t know anything. The man gave into their desire for death when he knew they had no clue what their king was up to. He ruthlessly stabbed them with the knife, sending them back to the fiery pit where they belonged. When the second to last demon was gone, Dean stood in the middle of the garage area he converted to his torture chamber, a thin layer of sweat covered his body as he caught his breath from the rigorous activities.
The older Winchester examined the bloody knife for a moment. If this was any other day, maybe he would feel an ounce of remorse for what he was doing, resorting back to old habits that he long swore off. Long as he kept moving, he wouldn’t have to think about anything, except finding answers. While there was only one more left on the chopping block, he knew there was plenty more from where he found them. All he had to do was put out his neck and they were lining up to try and get a piece of him. Only if those sorry sacks knew what they were up against.
The last demon was shown the exact same treatment like the rest of his friends; he was thrown into the devil's trap painted on the floor and shoved into a chair so he couldn't do anything stupid. Dean began circling around the demon, and not even a second into the conversation, the demon was claiming his innocence. "Look, I don't know anything."
"Yeah, we'll see." Dean muttered underneath his breath. It was too early to tell if what the demon claimed was the truth or not. He wasn’t going to fall for the same excuse he heard two times already from his friends. He would wait until the demon was begging for mercy to consider.
Dean walked over to the station he set up for himself filled with all sorts of tools he used on a few other demons to try and get them to talk, only to no avail. But he was giving up hope yet. He reached for the half drunk bottle of whiskey he’d been nursing all night and took another sip. Dean decided to take a small break while he contemplated new punishments for the scum. He heard one of the wooden doors quietly creak open when his brother stepped inside after wrapping up a phone call with Bobby to see how things were on his end. While the older hunter was having a bit more luck chasing down this Lovecraft lead, the boys weren't finding squat.
Sam couldn't help but notice his older brother was the same way when he left him. Dangerously focused and full of rage that hadn't faded since he got the disturbing phone call with Crowley. It was clear that Dean would stop at nothing until he got answers. No matter the cost on his health or the body that started to pile around him. And in this case as he took yet another sip of the whiskey, his liver’s future wasn’t looking so good.
"Dean." Sam spoke his brother's name in a quiet voice. Dean calmly acknowledged the man's presence as he grabbed a rag to clean still wet blood off the knife. The younger Winchester could see the man was getting himself too wrapped up in this with no signs of stopping. He slowly approached the workbench Dean set up for himself, attempting to try and talk some sense into the man of taking a break. “Look, man. You’re running on, what, coffee and whiskey and whatever else you’re taking.”
“And?” Dean asked, not seeming to notice what the problem was.
“And we’re grasping at straws here, man.” Sam said. He knew the truth was a hard pill to swallow, but his brother wasn’t going to acknowledge the fact that maybe not everything was it seemed. Perhaps Crowley had kept all of his plans for a select few. And maybe the one person who they were thinking was the enemy might be clueless as the both of them. But he knew Dean would rather continue slaughtering through demon's than pray to Cas for some extra help.
“If I kill enough of these demons, eventually one of them’s gonna tell me where Crowley is.” Dean said. Sam let out a sigh as he looked at his brother from his way of thinking. It worked once before when it came to figuring out what Cas was doing, it might be good enough to work again. When he got nothing back that sounded like a protest, Dean figured their conversation was over. “So we good?”
"Look, you've been at it for a while. Why don't you at least let me take over. You deserve a break." Sam said. Dean shot down the offer as he started to walk back over to the demon that was impatiently waiting for him. The younger Winchester reached out a hand to stop the man in attempt to get him to back off the ledge before he could burn himself out. "Dean—"
“Sam, back off.” Dean cut off his little brother, stopping whatever sort of lecture the man wanted to say in order to make him feel better. The younger Winchester gave his brother a look, reminding him that he wasn't alone in this situation here. But Dean, like always, felt he was the one who needed to carry the heavy burden on his shoulders. "Lisa and Ben, wherever they are, that is a hundred percent on me. The reason why Y/N ran off in the first place is because I lied to her. And I promised her I wouldn't. If they're hurt…”
"This isn't just your battle to fight, either." Sam reminded his brother. "Y/N's my best friend, too. I want to find them much as you do."
Dean knew in the back of his mind that his brother was right. Sam had a lot to lose if something were to happen to you. He would be losing a friend that had seen him through thick and thin, who always stuck by his side even in the worst of it when he didn’t deserve anyone’s love. But Dean couldn’t drag his brother into this mess. Not in this way of torturing demons and seeing a monster who he tried so hard to shed. “I’ll yell if I need you.”
Sam wanted nothing more than to stand his ground and try to convince his brother to at least think about taking a break and eating something. But he knew from his own experience there was no talking down a Winchester from what they wanted. Sam let out a defeated sigh and let his brother get back to what he wanted. He had a plan in mind that he knew Dean wasn’t going to like, and it might not even work, but he had to at least try. Sam slipped out the same way that he came in, leaving his brother to torture the demon so he could send a prayer to an angel he still wanted to consider his friend. Because, much as Sam sometimes hated about himself, the man still tried to look for the good in people even when they had betrayed him,
"Castiel, it's Sam. Uh..." Sam began making his way back to Bobby's house. Along the way he decided to talk to an old friend, hoping he might be listening in. "I don't know if you're in on this while Y/N/Lisa thing. But if you have any heart, whatsoever, you know Y/N's your friend. She would do anything for you. Don't do her wrong like this...Just bring them back to us, man. Come on. Please. I'm begging you." He wasn't sure if his prayers were getting anywhere, but he was pouring out his heart and soul here. Sam looked around at the junkyard, hoping that he could find the angel in the distance, but all there was out here was just him. "I am begging you. Bring back Y/N. Do you understand?"
Sam took one more look around the junkyard to find a trace of anyone else here with him, but he was alone. He felt his heart sink at the harsh reality that he was having to come to conclusion with. The young man wasn’t losing just a good friend, but a lifelong one too. Sam let out a heavy sigh and headed back to the house like he intended, not realizing he passed by the angel, who had heard every word he said. Cas was unsure of what happened over the past few days while he was banished somewhere across the way. All he knew was that him and Crowley were going to have a serious talk about how to handle a situation.
Dean slipped himself back into the habit of interrogating a demon who might have been more talkative than the last two he got. Maybe it was because they laid not too far from where he sat, dead, posing as a reminder not to piss off this Winchester. Dean started off with a few punches when the demon thought he could mock him in true fashion of how most of these thing started before cleaning off the blood on the demon's face with some holy water. When Dean got serious that's when the demon started to realize this wasn't going to be the same cut and dry routine like he was used to. The demon said the same line his friends had said: “I don’t know anything.” That wasn’t what he wanted to hear. So, Dean decided to get more...creative.
The older Winchester turned his back for only a few moments so he could grab a syringe from his work bench and fill it up with a nasty concoction of holy water and salt. If he really wanted this son of a bitch to start singing, there was nothing like liquid fire coursing through their veins to get them to realize Dean wasn't playing around. "I promise you, pal. You start talking...Or I swear," Dean threatened the demon as he lightly pressed down on the syringe, watching as a gush of the water squirt out, making sure it was working properly. He turned around so he could face the demon again as he finished his promise. “I will rip your skin off.”
"I always loved it when you talk dirty."
Dean found himself stopping dead in his tracks at what he heard. The first thing he noticed when he turned around was the demon he was interrogating for answers didn't seem useful anymore. He was hunched over in his chair, blood drooling out of his mouth and into his lap from what was done to him while the hunter's back was turned. Dean slowly tore his gaze away from the dead demon to see where the voice was coming from. Across the devil’s trap stood a nightmare that he hoped he would never have to personally see. But she was here. Alive and in the flesh with a devilish smirk on her lips.
She looked a lot like you—hell, for a second Dean thought that it was you. The woman that he was desperately trying so hard to save. For a moment he put his guard down and let himself believe the woman he was staring at was really you. However reality came crashing down on him when he found himself staring into the dark, empty eyes of the demon that had taunted him for years. She leaned herself against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest, her chin titled high as she stared at the hunter with a smile. It wasn't warm or kind like he expected out of you. All he could feel from her was sheer arrogance, and a coldness that he never felt from you before. Because this wasn’t you. It was everything you had spent your entire life trying to fight.
"Hi, honey. I'm home!" You greeted the man in a one of those high-pitched housewife voices from the sitcoms dating back to the fifties. You pushed yourself up from the metal shelf you had been leaning against that was cluttered with all sorts of mechanical parts. Your eyes went back to normal as you traced the devil's trap line with a careful step, knowing it wouldn’t be good for the demon trapped inside the body. Dean wondered to himself if that was the original body. You noticed his wandering gaze, and to satisfy his curiosity, you broke out into a smile as you did a little twirl for him. "You like it? It's new. Thought I'd pop in and see if I could fool you into thinking it was the real thing. It’s not. Unfortunately.”
Dean slowly began to back away from you when he noticed you were starting to approach him. And from the smirk settling at the end of your lips, you weren't here to have a civil conversation. The demon knife was right behind him. "You got a lot of nerve showing up here like this." Dean said between clenched teeth. You raised your brow slightly in curiosity as to why that might be, but you knew than to tell him why. You wanted to hear him beg for the whereabouts of his three favorite people. "Where the hell are they, you black eyed bitch?"
"Who?" You wondered, pretending to play dumb as you crossed your arms over your chest. "I'm juggling a lot of people here, Dee. You gotta be more specific."
"How about Crowley, for starters. You know, the one who trapped you in your own meat suit for his own purposes. Don't you want to help us take that son of a bitch down?" Dean thought he could distract you with the opportunity to joining the winning side long enough to get to the work bench. You pretended to think about the opportunity before you shook your head. "Wow. You are not who I thought you were. I always pegged you as the demon who would want hell all for yourself.  All or nothing. Guess I underestimated you, sweetheart. You really like it when the big boys tell you what to do, h—"
Dean couldn't finish his insult when he felt himself flying backwards and roughly landing against one of the shelves behind him. He had only a few seconds to recover from the blow before he felt a dangerously rough grip around his throat. Your nails sank into his skin as you forced him to stare at you with the inky black eyes he had seen on a handful of different occasions. Each time he had seen them you, the woman he knew, was still in there. She always managed to pull back on the reigns before the bitch she fought with went too far. Only the person staring back at him was in full possession of her own body. No voice was going to stop her.
"No. I just learned to be smarter of who I do my business with. Once you get past that God awful arrogant accent you realize Crowley's not that bad of a guy. He knows I could easily destroy him from the inside out. As that saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer." You said. You tighten your grip around the man’s neck as you leaned forward to him until he could feel your warm breath roll off onto his cheek. You kept quiet for a moment as you stared at him, making Dean grow uncomfortable from what you were thinking. "Do you realize how long I spent just imagine all the different ways I could torture you? How much I just wanted to take control and rip your throat out with my bare hands. But I couldn’t...Not until now. Now I’m gonna make you suffer in ways your pretty little head can’t imagine.”
Dean could feel your grip around his throat loosen just enough for him to inhale small pants of breaths. He guessed this was because you wanted to hear him beg. The older Winchester's gaze moved away from you for a split second when he saw something out from the corner of his eye. Dean continued to play it cool as his brother—that sneaky bastard—crept up from behind with an iron crowbar. One thing that all demons had in common was pride. They all thought they could get the jump on the Winchesters and make them do what they wanted. You were about to have a hard lesson when you felt a sudden pain in the back of your head, taking you by surprise. You released your grip around Dean as you stumbled forward to the ground.
"Sure thing, sweetheart." Dean said. Sam lunged forward when you snarled at them in anger at what the younger Winchester had done and got ready to attack again. But before you could, Sam swung the crowbar, knocking you unconscious. "Right after we're done with you."
+ + +
Sam disposed of the dead body lying in the chair and tossed it with the others while Dean picked up other demon that was the doppelganger to the woman who had sent them down this long and harrowing path to find her again. The real you. The boys made sure the demon was nice and tied up and stepped back, waiting while you slowly came back around into consciousness. Maybe Sam was right about this one. Perhaps it was better if the both of them got in on this. Dean stood behind the devil's trap, watching as your head slowly nodded slightly before you finally began to wake up. A slight groan of pain escaped your lips as you came back around with a pounding headache. You looked up to see the sight of the Winchester brothers surrounding you. The devil’s trap that was a demon’s enemy kept you under lock down.
A look of displeasure crossed your face as you attempted to break the leather straps that kept you in the chair. However you weren't the one to complain about your accommodations. It was only more material you could work with to amuse yourself with. You leaned back in your seat and eyed both of the boys with a slightly growing smirk. "Well, if it wasn't my lucky day. I get not one—but two Winchester men. I'm digging the leather, by the way. Nice change of things." You said, turning your gaze over to the older brother to toss him a wink. Dean showed no signs of being amused as he stared at you with a threatening glare that would have made any other demon start to squirm in their seat. You found it cute how tough he thought he was. "What can I do for you, boys?"
"How about you tell us where your boss is." Sam said. You found the title Crowley was being addressed by strike a nerve in you. You narrowed your eyes on the younger man as he stared at you with a smile of amusement from your reaction. Out of anything to make you tick, it was being thought lower than the demon you became awfully good friends with quickly. "Or, if you want to make it out alive, tell us where you're keeping everyone."
"Why ruin the fun so quickly, Sammy? The party’s just getting started. For me, for you...for your little friend." You said. You watched as the boys' expressions faltered slightly. They knew it was a hint something sinister was unfolding while they were gone. “Honestly, I really didn't come here to kill you. Not yet, at least. I wanted to deliver you a present. It’s in my pocket. Why don’t you grab it?”
Dean watched as you lifted your shoulder best as you could from the way you were strapped in the chair so you could show the boys that there was something in did stuffed in the pocket on your shirt. He noticed that you were also leaning far enough so your shirt scooped down low enough to reveal a perfect view of your body he had seen a thousand times before. And while it never ceased to amaze him of how much he loved every since inch of your body, this wasn't the one he remembered touching, it was one of pure evil. Just the sight of it made his blood boil as you batted your lashes at him, continuing to pretend all of this was casual talk. "Come on. It's not gonna bite. I promise."
The boys exchanged a look as they silently communicated back and forth of what they should do. It could be a million different things. Their first instinct was to think it was some kind of trap. But they would only find out if they were to look. Dean did what he was told. You watched as he stepped inside the devil's trap and walked over to you. He slowly reached out and put a hand inside the fabric pocket of your shirt, digging below to feel something like silk touch his fingers. He grabbed it and pulled it out. Dean hesitantly noticed it wasn't very big, the ball of fabric was about the size of his palm. When you reassured him yet again it was nothing to be afraid of, he didn't know why he listened to you. He inhaled a deep breath and pulled on the knot, letting the fabric unravel in his hand, revealing something he would have never suspected.
"Son of a bitc—Damn it! Damn it!"
Dean's natural instinct was to flinch and drop the thing when he discovered what it was, letting it fall to the ground where it collected dust and debris on the concrete. Sam stepped forward to see what sort of thing that would be making his brother so angry. But when he discovered the bloody severed finger, he stopped dead before he could take another step. He could feel his mouth parting open as he felt himself becoming slightly nauseous. It wasn’t the body part that was making him feel sick, it was thinking about who it belonged to and the pain they were forced to go through in order for Crowley to make a bold statement.
You let out a throaty laugh at the reaction from the boys that was too priceless, it was better than you could imagine. You watched as Sam decided to be the brave soldier who reached down to grab the dismembered finger with the fabric it was wrapped in. "I’m gonna...I'm—" Sam tried to tell his brother that he was going to clean off the blood and bits of dirt that formed in the wound before putting it in the fridge. The younger Winchester remembered reading somewhere that a severed finger could survive up to twelve hours. And four days if chilled.Dean nodded his head to the door, doing what felt needed to be done.
When the door shut behind Sam, and the sound of his footsteps distanced away closer to the house, Dean didn't hesitate anymore in acting on his aggression that had been building closer to the edge. He lunged forward at you with the knife in his hand in a stabbing motion, appearing like he was about to strike. You knew better than to flinch and make him have the satisfaction that you were the tiniest bit nervous. The hunter ignored his feelings when he looked at you, the woman he called the love of his life, because all he could see right now was a monster. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked your head back, forcing you to stare at him as he exposed the hollow of your neck to rest the knife against the skin.
The slightest movement made the jagged edges of the blade pierce your skin. You stared at him with a smirk at how he was acting as he drew in deep breaths like a wild man hellbent on letting all of his frustrations out. You knew he wanted to do it, but deep down, he couldn't do it.
"What the hell did you do, bitch?" Dean snarled the question at you with an aggressive voice. The older Winchester stared at you with a hostile expression as you felt the hand holding the knife against your neck began to shake ever so slightly. You knew it wasn't out of anger. You could see right through his facade. Dean was right where you wanted him. He was shook to his very core at this situation he couldn’t fix. He was powerless at what the right thing to do was.
Dean’s natural instinct was to kill you like the rest of the demons that crossed his way. He didn’t hesitate when he took down Ruby and Azazel. And he knew he wouldn’t bat an eye if Crowley showed his punk ass up here. But he found himself holding back on hurting you. It was like the time his own father told him to kill his own brother if Sam ever went dark side. Dean kept pushing down the possibility for long as he could until the reality came true.
He knew it would have saved the world a lot of trouble if he did take his father's word of caution to heart and put a bullet in Sam’s head when he discovered he was one of Azazel’s special children. Or when Sam gave the biggest warning of all when he began putting all of his trust into Ruby over his own family, who got him addicted to demon blood. Even when he was being worn by Lucifer Dean still wouldn’t back down from trying to save the man. Because all he could see was his little brother, his family. And if there was one lesson he learned the most important from his childhood was that family was something to always fight for and protect.
Dean always knew there was something wrong with you when he learned the truth about how you really came into this world from a crossroads demon after he sold his soul for the first time. He kept the knowledge in the back of his mind, but like his brother, he didn’t look at you any differently. Because all of you had a darkness inside of you that you tried to fight. For Dean it was torturing souls in hell and his crippling pain, Sam it was the demon blood and his purpose to be Satan’s vessel, and for you it was being born with a dark side of a monster you hunted. Even when he saw you with black eyes, Dean always knew that the real you was buried deep down, and you always fought it off.
But what happens when the monster was stripped away from the person he loved and what he was staring at him right in the face? What laid beneath him wasn’t you, it was the thing that you had spent your entire life fighting. Dean knew the right thing to do was to kill you once and for all. The demon that had been haunting the woman he loved. The real question was, could he separate the woman from the monster? And the answer was no. He couldn’t do it, even with three lives on the line. You had him right where you wanted him. And he could tell from the pleased look on your face. It reminded him of the times when you—the real, human you—would get when you won an argument on him. That face he couldn’t stay mad at…
"Guess who's finger it is, Dean. Come on." Your voice broke him out of his troubled thoughts, reminding him that you weren't the woman he loved. The real Y/N was in some abandoned building, surrounded by demons. You raised your brow slightly as he ignored your question. "I'll give you a hint. It's not Ben's. He's too young. Do you think it's Lisa's? Maybe. I thought about it. She seems like a real fun chick. But not the kind of stuff I have in mind. She’d get boring real quick. I like someone with prior experience. Someone I knew through and through. All the right buttons I can push.”
You could tell he got his answer when he let go of the grip around your hair as he dropped the knife away, too. The anger was slowly to fade away as the fear settled in when you continued on. "It's her ring finger, by the way. Figured I'd start with the most useless one. Not like you two are gonna get married. I mean, the thought did cross her mind every once in a while. However the wheels really started going off in her head when we went to that alternative universe. She slipped on a ring on that little finger and thought about it. Y/N Winchester does have a nice sound to it, doesn't it? Too bad it’s never gonna happen.”
"You have five seconds to tell me where they are." Dean tried to ignore what he was hearing as he pointed the blade in your direction, as if that was supposed to scare you into telling him what he wanted to know. You stared at him with a blank expression. "Or I swear—"
“You two never talked about getting married. But she had a feeling you wanted to. She wanted to be that couple. To be better than anyone else. She wanted to get married cause you two had something real. Something your parents never had. She thought that the both of you could survive whatever life threw at you. Look at where it ended the both of you.” You said. Your cynicism about how the situation was playing out was the truth. “I guess you really only need the finger...you know, what the hell? Let’s have some fun. Pop a ring on that sucker and let’s have ourselves a shotgun wedding!”
Dean heard of that term before. It happened when a girl had an unwanted surprise with a man after sharing a moment of intimacy without protection. His expression dropped, along with his heart in his stomach as he thought about the possibilities. He looked over at the demon and ignored his shock as he threatened the demon. “I’m gonna kill you, bitch.”
“Do it.” You said, pushing him closer to the edge of snapping and falling into the trap you set. Dean didn’t move. He continued to stare at you as the grip around the knife tightened until his knuckles turned a ghostly white. He wanted to. But you knew he couldn’t. “You know what will happen if you do. Y/N will be good as dead. And you know that’s not a good thing. Two for the price of one. But...do you really think it would be a bad idea? It’s not like you wanted a kid, anyway. mean, like you said, you’re not father material.”
“Shut up.” Dean grunted. “You don’t know me.”
“I know enough that you couldn’t even stay with Lisa and that brat of hers without screwing it all to hell. All you’re good at is slicing throats and watching the people you love die bloody.” You said, taunting him with his own confession he unwilling gave to a goddess of truth. That was also when the real woman he loved confessed how her feelings for him never changed. “Kind of fitting the mother of your child is gonna go the same way.”
Dean forced himself to step away from the demon before he could do something he would regret. All at once he was on the verge of...he didn’t know what. Sheer panic, rage...maybe even the slightest bit of happiness? Only for it all to be washed away with a fearful denial. Demons liked to mess with people’s heads. They used their own desires and pinned it against their prey. He did it to you—the real you—in hell when Alistair offered him the chance to torture souls.
Everything about a person was all laid out there for the taking. Dean was taught the best way to break someone was to take everyone they loved and turn those happy memories into nightmares that make their worst fears seem like a walk in the park. That demon bitch, she knew everything about you. All of your thoughts running through your head were her own. She must have known about your secret desire to have children. It might have been a topic of discussion between you and him, but you probably dwelled on the past the first year while you were back from the dead. Along with Dean's supposed desire to have a family.
Dean knew better than to trust a demon and the threats they make, along with what is the truth and some attempt at getting under his skin. He labored his breathing as he stared at the bitch who looked exactly like the woman he loved. She returned his glare with a simple stare. "You're lying."
"Now, why would I do such a thing? This is a miracle. A little piece of you is gonna be in this world. The Winchester tragedy can move onto the next generation. And they don't even have to be born for that to happen.” You said, your tone of voice was too cheerful. Dean looked away from you when his eyes began wandering around the place. He wanted nothing more than to cut the bitch up, make the demon confess where the real you was. But he couldn't help himself dwell in the possibility that what the demon was say might be true. The both of you were so careful, making sure to use the right safety precautions..."Except last month. Remember? The both of you went on that 'supply' run out of town. Only it ended with you taking her over the Impala. And man, wasn’t that good. Been awhile since the both of you had a second alone. While it was good, you were so worried about getting in her, you forgot one thing..."
Dean had to walk away from the demon so he could gather his senses together. Before he could do something he would regret. He wandered over to his work station littered with all sorts of tools that could make the demon scream in pain. But all he wanted right now was the bottle of whiskey. His threatening glare fell as he stared at the wall, his eyes glazing over as he felt his stomach tighten at the mere thought. There was no way it was possible. Dean reached for the bottle and took a long, and much needed drink. But no amount of alcohol would calm his nerves from what was happening.
"You know, come to think of it...I wonder who would be the father. I mean, let's not forget—Y/N had you and your brother. Talk about keeping it in the family. Not that I blame her. The both of you could make her scream. I bet Crowley's goons are getting the same reaction from her. But not the fun, sexy kind. More like the begging for mercy, 'Please God make it stop' kind of screaming.” You said. Dean could feel himself becoming overwhelmed with too many emotions to process at what he was hearing. He shut his eyes as he exhaled a breath. What he wouldn’t do just for the nightmare to end. When you spoke up again, you used a baby like voice to mock him. “She sure put up a fight when I cut off her widdle finger."
You wiggled your index finger up from the armrest when Dean turned around to face you again with a grin on your lips at how defeated he looked. You decided to be the slightest bit nice and throw him a bone. "Fine. Maybe I'm being mean here. I'll make a deal with you, hun. You are all about saving people, right? Okay. Pick a family to save and we’ll call it even.”
Dean heard every word you said, but he stared at you like you were talking gibberish. "What?"
"Pick. A. Family." You repeated your words, this time, much slower for him to understand. "Come on. You know how this goes. Y/N did it when she picked you over Sammy. So...who gets left on the cutting room floor? Lisa or Y/N? I know, it's a big decision. Choosing either your side chick slut or the dumb bitch who keeps crawling back to you time after time. Even after all the things you did to her in hell. Which, by the way, thanks for that. Really helped boost my ego.”
"You're getting off on this, aren't you?" Dean asked you as he narrowed his eyes slightly on you.
“And you aren’t I mean, look at yourself...this is second nature to you. You learned from the very best and this is what you do? Torturing low level demons you know damn well who have no clue where Crowley is. This is compared to what you really can do. So why not unleash the beast on someone who can handle it? I know you really want to.” You tried to persuade the hunter, but he kept staring at you with those green eyes filled with fear of hurting you. You rolled your eyes and decided to take another route. "Should I get into character? Make this feel more...natural? Like old times?"
Dean watched as you inhaled a deep breath as you adjusted your body best that you could from how you were positioned in the chair. You shut your eyes for a brief moment and composed yourself, gathering the memories of the time from what felt to be life ago. Dean felt himself taken back to that very moment when he saw you finally open your eyes. The arrogance and anger was replaced with...fear. Pure fear of terror as you stared at him like he was the monster.
"Dean," You choked out his name as your bottom lip began to tremble as tears began to form in your wide eyes. Dean stared at you with uncertainty, suddenly wondering what was going on. He gave you a worried expression as he wondered for a moment if it was really you. He found himself being pulled back into the devil’s trap as he inched closer to you. Only when you spoke again, he suddenly realized what you was trying to do. "Please. Don’t hurt me again. Alistair is lying to you. You gotta believe me. I didn't mean to get you killed by Lilith. I didn't, I swear! Please…I can’t take it much longer.”
The older Winchester found himself staring at you with complete disgust at what you were doing. You were trying to recreate a memory from the time in hell while he tortured souls. And yours was the very first one. He took a step back, not realizing that his boot accidentally scraped away part of the devil's trap, releasing you from the hold it had on you. You didn't make your move just yet. You waited until he was standing over you, with those eyes filled with what seemed like guilt at what you were subjecting him to while he strolled down memory lane of a time that he tried so desperately to hide. Only it was the perfect distraction.
“Now, ask yourself. Who’s the real monster here, Dean?” You asked him. “Because remember, you helped make me this way. And I never properly thanked you for that, did I?”
Dean would realize his mistake when he watched your eyes flicker black, giving him a hint that things were about to turn something. Before he could use the knife that was still in his hand,, you didn’t even need to lift a finger as he went flying back to the van that was just across the garage. His body hit the vehicle with enough force to shatter the windows. While he was trying to recover from the blow he took, you worked on getting yourself free.
You easily snapped off the bonds that held you and pushed yourself back up to your feet before you were back over at the man’s side. Before he could try and make a move, you shoved him back, pinning him against the van by grabbing ahold of his neck and squeezing the flesh until you felt him take his last breath. You stared at him with snarling lips at the possibilities of what you could do to the Winchesters. Cas had told Crowley the Winchesters were off limits, but nothing to you. And you were about to have a field day with them,
"You know what my favorite kind of torture is? Physical is fun, but wounds can heal. What really damages a person...is the mental games you can play on simple folk like you." You whispered to him, squeezing his neck even harder, wanting to feel his bones break in your grip. But before he passed out from the lack of oxygen, you decided to give him a piece of mind on the scare you gave him earlier about a responsibility he would never be good for. "Relax, bucko. You're not gonna be a daddy...not to whatever fetus that doomed to grow in Y/N disease ridden womb or that little brat, Ben. Because you’re not father material. You're not good for anything. And you know that.”
You had all the intentions of taking your sweet time of killing Dean before moving onto the other brother, who remained clueless of what was going on between the both of you. You watched in sickening pleasure as Dean's eyelids began to flutter at his surroundings began to appear hazy. The man could feel himself slowly slipping out of consciousness from the grip around his throat. However before his vision could go completely black, something of a miracle happened.
Dean blinked, and just like that, he felt the grip around his throat be released after what felt like an eternity. He quickly inhaled a deep breath of air his lungs were demanding over the past grueling minute and came back to his senses. Dean looked around the garage to see that you had vanished from his sight, and replaced with someone else that he had been hard to ignore. A friend turned enemy...Cas stood across from the man, appearing with an expression that seemed like the angel wanting to talk.
[Next Part]
Rewrite Taglist:
@deansquirreljerkwinchester @everything-i-tried-was-taken @starswirlblitz @albot-e @supernaturalismydrug @we-are-band-sexuals@angiewinchestercas @kaylinfayezink @owhatshername1@kgbrenner  @cleo-is-my-doggy @eeyore1988 @dakota-dream  @lilylovelyxo @timetravelingginger@holahellohialoha  @quicksilver123456  @natashacamillaus @nadanidea @falloutofmymemez @lexi-anastasia @kaylinfayezink @deanwnchstr @albot-eh @yelloweyedwriter @rashinyx2002 @e-quanimity @shellybeans@icantfindacreativeurl @becs-bunker @oreosatmidnight @bands-and-shietz @fabulousmustachesonapolarbear @clarewinchester @releasethekracko
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waywardimpalawriter · 7 years
Mr. Fixit met his match Chapter 7
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Chapter 7
Summary: Suave, charming the man every woman wants and every man wants to be like. That is till he meets his match.
Setting: AU Lawrence, Kansas                                          
Pairings:  Dean x Reader, Dean x Lisa, Sam x Jess, Mary x John
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Mary Winchester, John Winchester, Castiel, Charlie Bradbury, Crowley, Benny Lafitte, Lisa Braden, Ben Braden (later) Bobby Singer, (possible Rowena, Jodi Mills, Donna Hanscum)
Warnings: Name calling, body issues, self-hatred, smut (later), unprotected sex, fighting, yelling, disappointment (father/son), past indiscretions, cursing
Setting: Lawrence, Kansas. First couple of chapters are set in between 2005 and 2008.  
Notes: Originally @smoothdogsgirl asked for a request using the song The Fix by Nelly, the idea kinda took off from the song and has grown into a monster which is all Dean’s fault I might add. So there will be more than one part to this little ditty.
Note on the story: for those who like Lisa Braden I’m sorry, I liked her as well in the show but she fit better for what I have in mind to come. Also while we know in the show John was the best father he could be with Mary gone, I’ve changed a few things up. He’s a better father with Mary but there were some rocky things that happened in the past when they were first married.
Tag List:
Forever:@winters-buck @angryschnauzer  @feelmyroarrrr @fandommaniacx @thetalesofmooseandsquirrel  @aquabrie @marvel-lucy @supernaturallymarvellous
Supernatural: @smoothdogsgirl @ruprecht0420 @policeofficerdean @vougebandit @hell-bound-angel @aprofoundbondwithdean
Mr. Fixit tag list: @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian
Mr. Fixit match his match Masterlist 
 Not believing your luck or lack thereof at being in the same town, no knowing his very family for the last five years and to think all those years ago your editor and boss demanded that you set out to destroy his life. You hadn’t thought twice about rejecting the assignment, hadn’t started your career to destroy someone else and you’d been damn sure not gonna start then. In the long run it’s what got you fired and reduced to this small town away from everyone in Topeka. No one but Castiel new of your past, not having the balls to tell anyone, not that it would or should make much of a difference. But you’d decided to keep certain things a secret. Cas knew because he’d managed to worm his way passed your defenses, trusting someone for the first time in a long time.  
Now however you wonder, while sitting in the Blue plate diner, breakfast menu and coffee hardly touched, eyes staring out into the murky morning. Storm clouds rolling in from the south promising rain and a dreary day, much like your thoughts. You had no reason to worry, it’s not like you wrote that article. No that’s been Lisa’s pleasure taking someone apart piece by piece; butchering their lives for profit and you’d always thought some sick amusement.
“Weather ain’t gonna change no matter how hard you stare at it babe,” slightly rough female voice sounded to your right.
Head snapping around to stare up at Jodi, who’s smiling down at you, “Willing it to turn with the power of my mind.”
“You’re a goof,” is her answering words while taking the booth opposite. “Gonna tell me what has you in such deep thoughts?”
“It’s nothing Jodi, just lost in my own mind for a moment to long is all,” smiling to dispel the thoughts you’d been having and to reassure Jodi, “What’s for breakfast?”
Sensing there’s more to the subject than you’re willing to admit to, Jodi files that little nugget away for later. “Usual, stack of pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, side of fruit and a biscuit?”
“You know me so well mama bear,” you cooed patting her hand affectionately.
Watching as she walked off, short brown hair tossed a bit by the door breeze signaling someone new has entered. Not bothering to look around at the newcomer instead focusing on the chipped baby blue Formica topped table and the laundry list of things you had to get done.
“Shame such a pretty girl to be eating alone,” whiskey roughened voice stated of the man sliding into the booth side Jodi just left.
Scowling, “What’d ya want Crowley I’m in no mood for your shit today.”
“How you wound me pet and here I thought we could be besties,” tipping his top lip up in a smug smirk, chocolate brown orbs watching your every move.
“Maybe when hell freezes over,” an unlady like snort issued from you while glaring daggers at the English man. “So I ask again what’d want?”
“Feisty, just how I like my women,” giving you a wink before glancing around. His eyes came back to settle on you making you wonder what’s going on in his twisted mind. “I have a proposition for you love one that could benefit us both.”
“I’ve had my quota of dating snakes thank you very much so the answers no,” arms crossed you send another glare his way that could peel paint off a wall.
Never one to judge people by how others speak of them, you’ve always waited and figured them out on your own. Having given Crowley the benefit of the doubt when first meeting, almost five years ago now, you knew better having had a few run ins with the Englishman. His dealings whether it be through his business as owner of one of the biggest garages, besides Winchester and son, in the area or personal favors and deals Crowley can't be trusted. You’d seen that with your own two eyes and wouldn’t be going down that pothole infested road ever.
“You may want to rethink your tone pet, one never knows when you might need a friend,” his oily smile giving you the need to go take a long hot shower, scrubbing with bleach to disinfect.
“What exactly are you talking about Crowley?”
Dark eyes flicking up towards the entryway, quickly filling with disgust then gone, replaced by a smug smile as he refocuses on you. “In due time, all will be revealed till then think about having a five figure bank account, job security and a better life.”
Soft growl leaves your lips. “If you think I’d come to work for you, your even crazier than I thought.”
Tsking, shaking his head, “You say that now love but give it time you might see things my way soon.”
“Your ways the highway Crowley now get to steppin’ before you ruin her appetite,” very seldom had you heard the harshness in Jodi’s voice till now, as she sets your breakfast down.
Slipping out of the booth he gives her the once over, “Don’t worry I was just leaving wouldn’t want to eat anything from this rat infested place anyway.” Turning his eyes back to you, “Think on what I said love it could be very beneficial for you.”
“Nothing good ever came from knowing you Crowley,” deep male voice stated from behind you, back going ramrod straight at the menacing tone.
“You would know right Winchester? Worked for then burned me by leaving, taking my costumers with you,” anger simmering in his tone while stepping up to Dean.
Smug smirk pulling at those full lips, “Can’t help they wanted perfection and not deception. Once you have a Winchester you never go back.”
Couldn’t help the eye roll you gave at Dean's words, this guy sure is full of himself, you think while sipping cold coffee.
“All right take your testosterone filled selves outside there’s no fighting on my diner,” Jodi yelled snapping her towel at both men, her own angry scowl gracing her features.
Sitting quietly during the whole exchange, wondering how much Dean, if any, had overheard. You couldn’t afford to lose your job it paid when your journalism career didn’t. Not to mention you loved working for Mary and John they’d become family when your own didn’t exist any longer.
“Slumming it are we?” Dean asked sliding into the booth, giving you a gimlet look while silently accepting the cup of black coffee Jodi sat before him.
Crossing your arms your own glare in place, “What’s it to you Winchester?” venom lacing your tone.
“You happen to be an employee sweetheart it doesn’t look good to be talking with the competition,” he returned features having settled into a neutral expression.
Snorting, turning your gaze to a breakfast that’s cooled by now, “Again none of your business.” Looking up to see him staring at you with an unreadable expression on his handsome face, you tip your head to the side, “Something crawl up your ass?”
Leaning forward, voice low and laced with contempt, “Listen here Benedict Arnold you work for me and faster than you can snap those little fingers of yours I can have you fired.”
“John Winchester hired me asshole not you,” you growl pushing your plate away, pulling your wallet out and landing a twenty down before sliding from the booth. Raking him with a sneer plastered on your lips, “Mind your own damn business and quit ear hustling.”
With that said, you storm out of the diner gaining a few stares on the way out. “What’d you say to her, Dean?” demanded Jodi, who walked over right as you left.
“Nothing,” he spat raising as well, mind turning over what just happened trying to cool his temper.
“Sure didn’t look like nothing to me,” shaking her head while tsking under her breath about how you didn’t eat. “Been back in town just a few days and already stirring up trouble.”
Raking a hand through his light brown hair, muttering to himself, “Would've been better to stay gone.”
“And how’s that working out for ya Dean?” having heard his muttering. Dean goes to answer but Jodi comes back at him with more, “Not too well huh? This town, it’s people have changed and forgotten what happened. Not like many truly cared beyond the gossip, only ones been hurtin’ is your family and you, Dean. Instead of lashing out at folks why not take a step back and try to mend some fences instead,” giving him a sympathetic smile before walking off.
Watching her go, Dean knows in the back of his mind Jodi’s right, lashing out like he had wasn’t the answer. However, coming into the diner and seeing you sitting with Crowley raised his hackles. Bringing back memories of a different time, different woman and a whole nother set of issues he didn’t want to examine in the light of day or at any time truly. But he couldn’t, shouldn’t compare you to her not when he doesn’t know you from Adam. Taking a breath, claiming his anger, Dean left the Blue plate heading for the garage to apologize for his attitude.
Trying to cool your own anger, having peeled out of the parking lot headed towards work, you have every intention of telling John what happened. Stupid’s never been your deal, crazy hell yes, but not stupid. Not when much more hung in the balance than just your job.
Pulling your car to a stop, taking a couple of deep breaths before getting out, purse slung over your shoulder, a purposeful stride to your step. Barely acknowledging Benny’s good morning, or the frown forming on Bobby’s lips, your focus solely on the big man himself, John Winchester.
Feet propped on the edge of his desk, cup of coffee in one hand, newspaper in the other, he doesn’t bat an eye when you walk in, door slamming shut behind you. “Mornin’ sweetheart, what’s crawled up your butt this early?”
Pacing, fingers picking at the small fuzz balls on your soft heather grey sweater, lip caught between your teeth wondering how exactly you should approach the subject. “You know I’d never leave you right?”
Brow lifts as the newspaper drops in half backwards to rich brown eyes staring straight into your soul. “Yeah, now what exactly is this about Y/N?” all playfulness gone from his demeanor as John put his coffee down.
“Your jackass of a son for one,” the words coming out in a huff as you pause and lock eyes with the eldest Winchester.
Puzzled, he sits forward in the high back leather computer chair, “I thought you and Sam…”
Waving him off, “Not Sam, who’s a sweetie FYI,” color flooding your cheeks as anger returns and you spit out, “Dean.”
Even more confused than before, John raises to come and stand before you, “What about Dean? You don’t even know him.”
“I know his kind,” you mutter low enough that John doesn’t catch your words. “He’s an ass, barges into other people’s business when it’s not asked of him. Thinking he has rights when he’s been absence for so long.” Starting to pace again, missing the frown marring his features as he watches your steps.
“Stop pacing before you wear a rut in my floor Y/N,” there’s a command to his tone that has you pausing and looking up at him. “Start from the beginning and explain.”
For the next ten minutes you break down everything that happened at the diner, leaving nothing out. Fingers tapping out a soft rhythm against your leg that your foot takes up, a nervous habit you’ve had all your life.
“So he wants to pouch one of my best employees now and not just the costumers he’s already taken,” shaking his head, he runs a callused hand through his hair letting it rest on the back of his neck. “You didn’t have to tell me this. But I’m guessing you’re afraid Dean would say something and you’d be tossed out on your ass.”
“Not exactly John,” starting to pace again. You seen the dark shadows under see his eyes, the rumpled black Carhartt over shirt, the weariness in his posture, so much is already riding on his shoulders you curse yourself for adding more. “I’m mean yeah that’s part of the reason, but the biggest fact is I didn’t want to keep that from you. Knowing Crowley’s out for the garage,” pausing you look back up at him. “You protect family no matter the cost; I mean I’m not implying we’re family, more friends but still…”
“Y/N,” voice stern to catch your attention, “you’re babbling.”
Giving him a sheepish grin, bringing your bottom lip in to chew at, “Sorry.”
Chuckling, “S’okay sweetheart,” sobering his stare piercing you, searching before speaking again. “You’re wrong.”
It’s your turn to be puzzled, “About?”
“You’re family kid just as much as Bobby or Benny. You’ve seen us through more shit than I’d care to discuss and yet stood by us,” unexpectedly he brings you in for a tight hug.
Which you return, resting your head on his chest, “Thank you John you don’t know how much that means to me,” emotions clog your voice making it quiver. Pulling back, after returning the embrace, “What about Crowley?”
He did have some idea, back ground check and all, but right now that’s not the pressing topic. “We’ll deal with him Y/N, for right now put him and his slimy offer out of your mind.”
“Will do boss man,” giving him a smile before turning to leave. “Best get to my post before the whole place falls apart,” you toss over your shoulder while walking out hearing the deep booming laughter of Johns.  Smile fading when you see who’s standing at the door, “Winchester,” comes out on a growl as you make to pass him.
“Have a minute?” Dean looks from you to his father and back again.
“For you,” raking him with a scathing look, “I don’t even have a second,” pushing passed the wall of muscle blocking your way out. It doesn’t budge even a fraction of an inch.  
“Listen cut the crap sweet cheeks I’m trying to apologize here,” arm coming out to impede your journey as you try to side step him.
Cutting your eyes at him, “You can take your apology and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine Winchester,” forcefully pushing his arm and body out of the way. “And stop calling me those ridiculous nicknames; I have a name use it. Better yet don’t speak to me at all, don’t look at me, nothing just pretend I’m not here and we’ll be good. Because that’s how I’m gonna treat you.” With that said you twirl around, your H/C tossed over your shoulder, booted feet making noise as you leave both men behind.
Both John and Dean are left standing there watching as you walk towards the receiving desk to get things set out for the morning rush, along with brewing two pots of coffee and tiding up the waiting area. Dean didn’t know if he should be elated, offered or turned on right then as very few women could withstand his charms.
Whistling low, “Someone sure put a bee in her bonnet this morning,” grimacing, Bobby came to stand before both men. “Would hate to be on the receiving end of her tongue lashing, but wait you already have Dean,” chuckling the older man patted him on the shoulder. “Give it time she might thaw towards ya boy.”  
Snorting John turned to go back into his office, “You know Y/N better than that Bobby, she still holds a grudge against Gab for that stupid trick he pulled on her a few years back.”
Dean’s always loved a challenge and you’ve just become his next one.
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spnfanficpond · 8 years
Summary: Suave, charming the man every woman wants and every man wants to be like. That is till he meets his match.
Setting: AU Lawrence, Kansas
Pairings:  Dean x Reader, Dean x Lisa, Sam x Jess, Mary x John
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Mary Winchester, John Winchester, Castiel, Charlie Bradbury, Crowley, Benny Lafitte, Lisa Braden, Ben Braden (later), Bobby Singer, Jodi Mills (possible Rowena,  Donna Hanscum)
Warnings: Name calling, body issues, self-hatred, smut (later), unprotected sex, fighting,
Setting: Lawrence, Kansas. First couple of chapters are set in between 2005 and 2008. 
Notes: Originally @smoothdogsgirl asked for a request using the song The Fix by Nelly, the idea kinda took off from the song and has grown into a monster which is all Dean’s fault I might add. So there will be more than one part to this little ditty. Also the story will be jumping to present year, not day though. You’ll find out what happened with Lisa and everything else as the story goes from here.
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ao3feed-castiel · 5 years
Supernatural One Shots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36p9DPD
by Fandoms_Are_Life37
A collection of Supernatural one-shots and imagines. Some will be between characters/ships, some will be (x reader). Generally, I try to make them gender-neutral, so unless it is specified otherwise in the title, these are for anyone!
 Includes Adam Winchester, Amara, Anna, Alex Jones, Ash, Balthazar, Bela Talbot, Benny, Bobby Singer, Castiel Novak, Claire Novak, Charlie Bradbury, Crowley McCloud, Dean Winchester, Ellen Harvelle, Gabriel, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Hannah, Jack Klein, Jessica Moore, Jo Harvelle, Jody Mills, John Winchester, Kevin Tran, Lisa Braden, Lucifer, Mary Winchester, Meg Masters, Michael, Pamela Barns, Ruby, Sam Winchester, Samandriel, Tessa, and anyone else you guys want!
 Requests are open. I do all types of one-shots, so anything you want is fine. You can comment or DM/PM me.
 All characters listed above, the universe, and general plot belong to CW, and the writers of Supernatural
Words: 6523, Chapters: 6/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Adam Milligan, Amara (Supernatural), Anna Milton, Alex Jones (Supernatural), Ash (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural), Bela Talbot, Benny Lafitte, Bobby Singer, Castiel, Claire Novak, Charlie Bradbury, Crowley (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Ellen Harvelle, Gabriel (Supernatural), Garth Fitzgerald IV, Hannah (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Jessica Moore, Jo Harvelle, Jody Mills, John Winchester, Kevin Tran, Lisa Braeden, Lucifer (Supernatural), Mary Winchester, Meg Masters, Michael (Supernatural), Pamela Barnes (Supernatural), Ruby (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Samandriel (Supernatural), Tessa (Supernatural)
Additional Tags: one shots, Requests, requests are open, collection of oneshots, Supernatural - Freeform, CW, x Reader, Romance, Regular, Sad, Angst, Smut, Fluff, Fanfiction, Imagines, Angels
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36p9DPD
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ao3feed-crowley · 5 years
Supernatural One Shots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36p9DPD
by Fandoms_Are_Life37
A collection of Supernatural one-shots and imagines. Some will be between characters/ships, some will be (x reader). Generally, I try to make them gender-neutral, so unless it is specified otherwise in the title, these are for anyone!
 Includes Adam Winchester, Amara, Anna, Alex Jones, Ash, Balthazar, Bela Talbot, Benny, Bobby Singer, Castiel Novak, Claire Novak, Charlie Bradbury, Crowley McCloud, Dean Winchester, Ellen Harvelle, Gabriel, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Hannah, Jack Klein, Jessica Moore, Jo Harvelle, Jody Mills, John Winchester, Kevin Tran, Lisa Braden, Lucifer, Mary Winchester, Meg Masters, Michael, Pamela Barns, Ruby, Sam Winchester, Samandriel, Tessa, and anyone else you guys want!
 Requests are open. I do all types of one-shots, so anything you want is fine. You can comment or DM/PM me.
 All characters listed above, the universe, and general plot belong to CW, and the writers of Supernatural
Words: 6523, Chapters: 6/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Adam Milligan, Amara (Supernatural), Anna Milton, Alex Jones (Supernatural), Ash (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural), Bela Talbot, Benny Lafitte, Bobby Singer, Castiel, Claire Novak, Charlie Bradbury, Crowley (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Ellen Harvelle, Gabriel (Supernatural), Garth Fitzgerald IV, Hannah (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Jessica Moore, Jo Harvelle, Jody Mills, John Winchester, Kevin Tran, Lisa Braeden, Lucifer (Supernatural), Mary Winchester, Meg Masters, Michael (Supernatural), Pamela Barnes (Supernatural), Ruby (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Samandriel (Supernatural), Tessa (Supernatural)
Additional Tags: one shots, Requests, requests are open, collection of oneshots, Supernatural - Freeform, CW, x Reader, Romance, Regular, Sad, Angst, Smut, Fluff, Fanfiction, Imagines, Angels
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36p9DPD
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