#Deceit's Week
mooncheese3 · 3 months
cumplane core
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deceitful-eyes · 9 months
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Cutie Honey Week Day 4- Crossover!
I chose to cross Honey over into the Space Channel 5 universe by drawing her in Ulala's Super Costume!
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 9 months
“Dude, I’m not gonna be able to sleep with you boring a hole into my back.”
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Loony has an established habit of never sleeping, but there's only so long someone can go before they drop.
hello deceit fans. welcome to the ao3 tag ive just started.
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thevexinator · 2 months
AkiKatsu week: Day 1
Ship: Akira Hayasaka, Katsuhiko Minamoto
Series: Danganronpa (He)artless Deceit
Prompt: Training
As another school day wrapped up, Akira decided to invite Katsuhiko with her to the gym. Normally, she went alone, considering Katsuhiko was always busy. However, since he did have some free time, he decided to spend it wisely by accompanying his girlfriend.
Once at the gym, Akira got her setup and started doing her usual reps. Katsuhiko was more passive, mainly there in case Akira needed something. Admittedly, he was just watching Akira work out the entire time. The gym was pretty quiet... kind of boring, honestly.
Abruptly, Akira gets a genius idea.
Akira calls out, getting her boyfriend's attention.
"Could you help me out here?"
The purple-haired streamer was on the ground, with the intent to do sit-ups. To do them properly, she needed someone to hold her feet down so they wouldn't move.
Seeing nothing wrong with giving her assistance, the white-haired debater went up and did as he was asked. He was impressed by how much Akira could do in just one rep.
As she finishes up, she takes the opportunity. With one final sit-up, she sneaks Katsuhiko a little kiss on the lips. This caught him off guard, so much so that the poor guy had to pause and evaluate what happened.
"Something the matter? You look a little... red."
Akira mused, pushing some hair out of Katsuhiko's face.
"You know what you did."
He utters in contempt (to the best of his ability, aka, not at all) while Akira just sits there, smiling like she didn't absolutely nothing wrong.
[AkiKatsu week created by my friend Star on the DrHD discord server!]
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loceitweek · 1 year
Happy Loceit Week 2023!
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Happy Loceit Week 2023- the 3rd rendition!!! We are so excited to see what everyone makes. Thank you all so much for participating!! Submissions start today, June 25th, through July 5th (next Wednesday). 💙💛
Be sure to tag us in everything you make!
Day 1: Flowershop/Tattoo AU
Day 2: Chalk/Masks
Day 3: Law school/Astronomy
Day 4: Conflict/Resolution
Day 5: Philosophy/Science
Day 6: Blast From the Past (Feel free to interpret as wanted! Either as a day to use prior years' prompts or a callback (ha) to a work you've already done!)
Day 7: Clocks/Watch Tower
Mod A: @whatishappeningrightnow
Mod B: @miraculous-mused
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hercookieangelhuman · 2 months
Why is there still nothing on AO3 ? I need to consume symptoms of deceit fanfics
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jewishcissiekj · 5 months
Quest for the Hidden City audiobook is like 5 hours and yet. I've been listening to it for weeks now and I'm only at 2 hours rn. many reasons for that biggest one being my fucked up headphones that failed and broke and split into a few parts which is why I've only been occasionally listening to it when I remembered I can do it without headphones but only at home in my room and also the fact that the audio on the file I have is so low. I'm on full volume and it has to be completely silent in my room for me to hear shit. awful. another reason is that the narrator pronounces Silandra "Silandro" and I hate that let's stop this
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non-un-topo · 1 year
Lord help me I’ve gotten nothing done on my assignments today but I am outlining a fic that’s more like a bloody novel
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cactusdodes · 1 year
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violetclarity · 2 years
so I went to an event today that had a taco food truck, and I spent like an hour staring at it while chatting with my friend and decided I wanted tacos but the only vegetarian taco option they had was fried avocado :/ (this is what I mean when I say I don’t like avocados - an addition to a taco? fine. the main event? um no) so I didn’t get any tacos
but now I still really want tacos and I thought hey, I could make tacos for dinner tonight! but that’s really quite a lot of prep to do for the small amount of tacos just I would eat for dinner. and tacos aren’t really a food that can be meal prepped for the rest of the week, are they? I mean, I’m not going to bring tacos to work for lunch as leftovers. and I love a good burrito bowl, but I really want like, sofritas and cabbage slaw in my tacos rn, not rice/beans/salsa/cheese which is more what I go for in a burrito bowl. I texted two of my friends asking if either of them wanted to come over for dinner for tacos but I haven’t heard back yet, and would need to go buy taco ingredients if they do say they’re coming over, but also I’m not going to buy taco ingredients if no one is coming over for tacos...
anyway this is the kind of thing I’m talking about when I complain about being single/not having a close community. like I’m very grateful for all of my friends and I’m not ignoring the fact that I do frequently have plans with them, but I don’t really have any/enough “come over so I can make tacos” type friends, and I’m single and I live alone so I always eat alone, and some foods are just not worth the prep/clean up if you’re only making them for yourself! and it’s little things like that, all! the! time! which is why I need partnered people to realize how lucky they are sometimes!
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dragoolaa · 2 months
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deceitful-eyes · 9 months
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Oof, I'm well over a day late but here's my entry for day 2 of Cutie Honey Week - favorite Honey form! My fave that I've seen so far is Fancy Honey, or Model Honey, from the original TV series. She just looks so retro and awesome.
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I feel like my recent google searches say a lot about me...
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thevexinator · 2 months
AkiKatsu week: Day 2
Ship: Akira Hayasaka, Katsuhiko Minamoto
Series: Danganronpa (He)artless Deceit
Prompt: First kiss
It was a night like no other. Katsuhiko had invited Akira out for a stroll in the park. For the last two weeks, the two have been going out on little dates and forming a bond over their shared interests. It was spring, and the night was a bit on the chilly side. Currently, it was their third date.
Akira walks next to Katsuhiko, holding onto his hand. She was enjoying the atmosphere and general vibe of the evening as she walked next to her boyfriend. All the while, Katsuhiko is gathering all the courage he can. Tonight, he'll kiss Akira for the first time. He was very nervous about it since Akira likely didn't know and he was trying to be discreet about it.
Once the two took up a spot on a bench, Katsuhiko finally found it in him to do the unthinkable.
He called for her attention, which he subsequently got within seconds. His emotions took over... and Katsuhiko kissed Akira before he wanted to. This net him a lot of teasing from he later down the line. Was it worth it? Yes, it was.
[sorry if it's short, i was rushing to get it out </3]
one again, og by star in the discord ^^
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loceitweek · 1 year
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Say hello to this year's prompts! Special thank you to @edupunkn00bb for the fantastic prompt recommendations! We've included quite a few of them in this year's Loceit Week! Check the pinned posts for updates, rules, prompts, mods, etc. Thank you all for anticipating a 3rd year of Loceit Week and we can't wait to see what everyone makes!
Day 1: Flowershop/Tattoo AU
Day 2: Chalk/Masks
Day 3: Law school/Astronomy
Day 4: Conflict/Resolution
Day 5: Philosophy/Science
Day 6: Blast From the Past (Feel free to interpret as wanted! Either as a day to use prior years' prompts or a callback (ha) to a work you've already done!)
Day 7: Clocks/Watch Tower
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seawherethesunsets · 11 months
Ayy~~ How was Delightfully Deceitful this week?
I feel like there's more things happening in ep 12 (i might be tired when watching ep 11 so I wasnt fully paying attention ashdgfkjldslfs)
mooyoung and roum being each other's impactful person in life during childhood and as adults 😭😭😭 the conversation they had at the dining table was so relaxed and open. they had so many cutthroat, tense moments before this lol
na suhoooooo, i'm glad he still trusts the gang and use his strategic brain lol like i get his beef with roum but eventually he did help to tip them off and gt himself rescued.
moon gayoung's cameo was a nice addition~ it didnt feel too off and flows nicely
the lawyer that helped mooyoung is still sus to me. i feel like he's always been part of it but maybe he's trying to redeem himself or something. and make mooyoung cut ties with jeokmok so his truth wont be out.
the last part of ep 12?!! i knew the president has been too quiet but the way he/she decides to hack dajung's computer system with roum's traumatic child show she was in? that's foul. the president is a sick person and wanted them to feel like they accomplished something only to ruin it all over again.
share your thoughtsss i'd love to read itt <33
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