#Dei's memories
The cold wind of Orb Vallis blew past Dei as she was walking the harsh environment all by herself. She stayed deathly silent as she was going towards a specific mountain near the edge of the Vallis as she was in thought. Every year she’d come here at this time. Taking the same route, though this time it was different as now she didn’t have to worry about the Exploiter Orb coming near her chosen route as it was finally destroyed. Dei was both glad and saddened that it was but didn’t pay as much attention to that thought as she got close to a cavern opening behind the mountain.
Inside as she walked the warm and dark cavern as the only sounds were her metallic footsteps against the stone and water dripping down from the stalagmites above her down to puddles and a small river inside. Soon enough she found an old locked and automated metal door inside and as she stepped near the console, she could feel a deep sadness starting to grow within her. She pressed in the code she knew by heart by now and let the door open as she stepped inside, the flooring turning to metal as it was clearly built there.
As the door closed behind her, she looked up at the sight of abandoned construction attached to the walls and the empty containers scattered around. There were still large piles of rubble around a large opening to the outside on the far end ceiling of the mountains side and a few holes from explosions on the ground. Even if the only noise was the wind echoing as it went through the empty buildings through from through the opening, she swore she could hear an all too familiar song within it. It sounded ghostly in her ears as the wind blew her hair out of the way as she stepped to kneel in the middle of the whole area. Dei looked down at the ground as she closed her eyes and clenched her fists a bit as the memories came back. The screams and explosions as families were torn apart by the Exploiters attack. The sight of fire and the rumbling of the whole mountain as its voice boomed within the place, drowning out any other voice as she could do nothing against its rampage and could only help others try to escape, along with the help of Eudico and Zuud.
Dei felt tears forming in her eyes as she remembered and did not stop them from flowing, like she’s usually done as she managed to speak quietly, almost as if speaking to any possible ghost within.
“I still wish… I could’ve helped you all. To have saved you all...”
She slightly cleaned the tears from her eyes before continuing
“But I couldn’t. I was weak back then. But I… I hope you can now at the very least rest in peace… knowing the Exploiter Orb is gone. Destroyed in… in honour of your memory. I promise to not forget you all despite it though. I will always keep you all close to my hear. We were all family after all... We all suffered under him. We all lift together.. No matter what.”
Dei opened her teary eyes as she looked up at the whole in the ceiling as she took a deep breath to compose herself and quietly hummed to herself as she felt the cold wind against her face again…
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ditterdoob · 7 months
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3rd degree yearns or something
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acidemonz · 16 days
first school week and all i did is draw disco Elysium characters
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hekuuu · 2 years
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pineapple-split · 11 days
I’m kind of obsessed with the idea that if Dora were to run into Harry post-game, he wouldn’t recognize her.
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gregor-samsung · 8 months
“ Immaginatevi un vasto cortile, di un duecento passi di lunghezza e centocinquanta circa di larghezza, tutto recinto all'intorno, in forma di esagono irregolare, da un'alta palizzata, cioè da uno steccato di alti pali, profondamente piantati ritti nel suolo, saldamente appoggiati l'uno all'altro coi fianchi, rafforzati da sbarre trasverse e aguzzati in cima: ecco la cinta esterna del reclusorio. In uno dei lati della cinta è incastrato un robusto portone, sempre chiuso, sempre sorvegliato giorno e notte dalle sentinelle; lo si apriva a richiesta, per mandarci fuori al lavoro. Di là da questo portone c'era un luminoso, libero mondo e vivevano degli uomini come tutti. Ma da questa parte del recinto ci si immaginava quel mondo come una qualche impossibile fiaba. Qui c'era un particolare mondo a sé, che non rassomigliava a nessun altro; qui c'erano delle leggi particolari, a sé, fogge di vestire a sé, usi e costumi a sé, e una casa morta, pur essendo viva, una vita come in nessun altro luogo, e uomini speciali. Ed ecco, è appunto questo speciale cantuccio che io mi accingo a descrivere.
Appena entrate nel recinto, vedete lì dentro alcune costruzioni. Dai due lati del largo cortile interno si stendono due lunghi baraccamenti di legno a un piano. Sono le camerate. Qui vivono i detenuti, distribuiti per categorie. Poi, in fondo al recinto, un'altra baracca consimile: è la cucina, divisa in due corpi; più oltre ancora una costruzione dove, sotto un sol tetto, sono allogate le cantine, i magazzini, le rimesse. Il mezzo del cortile è vuoto e costituisce uno spiazzo piano, abbastanza vasto. Qui si schierano i reclusi, si fanno la verifica e l'appello al mattino, a mezzogiorno e a sera, e talora anche più volte durante il giorno, secondo la diffidenza delle guardie e la loro capacità di contare rapidamente. All'interno, tra le costruzioni e lo steccato, rimane ancora uno spazio abbastanza grande. Qui, dietro le costruzioni, taluni dei reclusi, più insocievoli e di carattere più tetro, amano camminare nelle ore libere dal lavoro, sottratti a tutti gli sguardi, e pensare a loro agio. Incontrandomi con essi durante queste passeggiate, mi piaceva osservare le loro facce arcigne, marchiate, e indovinare a che cosa pensassero. C'era un deportato la cui occupazione preferita, nelle ore libere, era contare i pali. Ce n'erano millecinquecento e per lui erano tutti contati e numerati. Ogni palo rappresentava per lui un giorno; ogni giorno egli conteggiava un palo di più e in tal modo, dal numero dei pali che gli rimanevano da contare, poteva vedere intuitivamente quanti giorni ancora gli restasse da passare nel reclusorio fino al termine dei lavori forzati. Era sinceramente lieto, quando arrivava alla fine di un lato dell'esagono. Gli toccava attendere ancora molti anni; ma nel reclusorio c'era il tempo di imparare la pazienza. Io vidi una volta come si congedò dai compagni un detenuto che aveva trascorso in galera venti anni e finalmente usciva in libertà. C'erano di quelli che ricordavano come egli fosse entrato nel reclusorio la prima volta, giovane, spensierato, senza pensare né al suo delitto, né alla sua punizione. Usciva vecchio canuto, con un viso arcigno e triste. In silenzio fece il giro di tutte le nostre sei camerate. Entrando in ciascuna di esse, pregava dinanzi all'immagine e poi si inchinava ai compagni profondamente, fino a terra, chiedendo che lo si ricordasse senza malanimo. Rammento pure come un giorno, verso sera, un detenuto, prima agiato contadino siberiano, fu chiamato al portone. Sei mesi avanti aveva ricevuto notizia che la sua ex-moglie aveva ripreso marito, e se ne era fortemente rattristato. Ora lei stessa era venuta in vettura al reclusorio, lo aveva fatto chiamare e gli aveva messo in mano un obolo. Essi parlarono un paio di minuti, piansero un poco tutti e due e si salutarono per sempre. Io vidi il suo volto, mentre tornava nella camerata... Sì, in questo luogo si poteva imparare la pazienza. “
Fëdor Dostoevskij, Memorie dalla casa dei morti [Testo completo]
 NOTA:  Questo romanzo, pubblicato negli anni 1861-62 a puntate sulla rivista Vremja, pur non essendo un resoconto è fedelmente autobiografico. Nel 1849 l'autore era stato condannato a morte per motivi politici e, dopo un'orribile messa in scena che tra l'altro peggiorò la sua epilessia, la sentenza di morte fu commutata in condanna ai lavori forzati a tempo indefinito; ottenne la liberazione per buona condotta nel 1854 ma le sue condizioni di salute erano ormai irrimediabilmente compromesse.
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familyabolisher · 2 years
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can someone do something with this. i cannot get it out of my head
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dei2dei · 7 months
I am FINALLY catching up after three weeks on hols plus one week of "oh god reality" and I think, I *think*, I'm back on a roll. I just spent an entire hour backscrolling and adding to queue again and also trying to find one specific thing I hadn't tagged properly, so... sounds about normal for me? I also managed to write an entire piece over 2 days (most of which was yesterday morning) and I'm *proud* of it, and now giving some space before edits. Legacies is open along with a Pride & Prejudice anthology piece I have to work on (queer P&P?! oh yeah, baby!) and Project Birb. So... words are happening. Hot messy words, but words.
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yamsgarden · 2 years
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After talking about Lufia, I jsut had to draw them 20 years later XD
And that battle theme is still one of the catchiest battle theme song imo
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The sketch 
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dolce-tenebra-toscana · 9 months
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I found my kin, i am indeed a Micio Micio Miao 🐱🐱🐱
But seriously we had a blast playing Here to Slay 💜💜
We started chill but then 1 hour later we were tearing each other apart cause of pettiness 🤣🤣
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fragilityisavirtue · 9 months
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Umberto Eco.
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orcelito · 1 year
love how i got to the first page of trigun chapter 1 before i got sidetracked and made a whole post about it
im supposed to be collecting dates & location information, not getting sidetracked on random analysis posts!!!!!
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hermioneblk · 1 year
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28 giugno 2011
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the-muse-coven · 2 years
Dragon Brain Things That Zhongli Does
ngl, this is legit just bc I felt like it. Enjoy lol
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As a predator, if you run from him, of course his first dragon instinct and predator instinct is going to be to run you down and pounce. There is no escaping said pounce, he is fast and he is not slight in the least on strength.
If you wave things around in his face too much, he wants to Bite It. He doesn't get why, he just does. Usually unless already having chased and pounced, Zhongli can ignore this one.
He will trip you with his tail. His instincts and dragon brain find it funny. And he is always careful to make sure he doesn't cause you serious injury by doing it.
If you stick something in his hands or in his mouth and he's being full Dragon Brain, expect him to hoard it. That thing or limb is his now until he is released from dragon brain clutches.
Makes various guttural noises and sounds when you startle him, or if he gets especially frustrated or confused.
If he sees something he likes, his eyes will do the cat Dumbass Mode thing and his tail with practically wag into oblivion in want. He is not subtle.
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mx-paint · 1 year
#god.#i think a big part of disc elys is the fact that everything being from harrys pov affects how you perceive things#like this is specifically about his and doras relationship#theyve been done for over half a decade (probably longer)#and the big part about the story is he classfies dora as a religious figure#and the Implications for that#like. you can literally see delores dei as a *war criminal*#and even playing as a person that *wants* to let go#gets you placed in positions that say no. you cant. youre not ready for this to end.#like. its clear that while i dont think the relationship was toxic it was unhealthy#like to me theres an implication that she cheated with someone else and had a baby with them#or that she had a kid with them after she left#and it gives that much more weight to the 'unborn daughters' comment#like. god what a game.#to me you can take these interactions with them in a lot of ways#is it all true? are they memories taken out of context? are they just his distorted brain making up stuff?#are these meant to have clear answers?#and the fact the only conversation we actually have straight with her is on the phone#and its clear that this has happened before#is she just putting up with this? or does she feel like she *has* to for some reason?#and jean saying that She was the one that got him to move from being a gym teacher to the rcm#ans the fact she grew up middle class while harry decidedly didnt#and a big part of the relationship issues seem to be more money and home related than just the relationship itself#(in fact she even implies that the reason she terminated her pregnancy with him was bc he was poor)
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lathrine · 2 years
watched 20 seconds of one of my old con videos and experienced such overwhelming love for the dorky joy contained therein that i had to close the tab
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