#and a big part of the relationship issues seem to be more money and home related than just the relationship itself
judasgot-it · 5 months
Just saw your post on what kind of lovers Dazai, Tecchou and Nikolai are and I want to know what kind of lover Chuuya is!!
DJFLJAFL I NEVER GET CHUUYA REQUESTS OMG (short king. he is such a good character I love him)
Headcannon: What kind of lover is he? (Chuuya, the short king himself mwah)
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After being screwed over by so many people he thought he could trust, he has a hard time giving his heart over. Especially when it comes to some of the most vulnerable parts of himself, since he still has soft spots for people who he hates - he needs to be reassured, and has no issue telling his lover "I love you" - it's the one thing he needs to hear as well.
I feel like despite appearing angry a lot, he's sensitive to a lot of things - he finds his relationships to be a top priority since they're all he has
So his lover is someone who he thinks about a lot, so much that he'd go out of his way for them
He communicates his feelings in not the best way though, since he tends to repress them too
This man will struggle to open up, not because he doesn't trust but because he feels like it becomes a burden. The whole childhood thing is a bit much for him.
Literally will listen to you rant about yours just fine but he can't talk about his for shit. He just brings it up randomly like "I was stabbed by my best friend in the gang once"
Does NOT elaborate
He loves to gossip though, and probably does bitch about some things - like Dazai. Whatever mundane drama goes on in his life he WILL tell his lover.
Needs to be told "I love you" and reassured that he won't be abandoned. Probably is a frequent texter and gives a little too many gifts. He has the money to spoil, and he will.
If he's given something back, he'll do it back threefold. He has a really big heart unfortunately, it's his downfall
Loyal in a clingy way tbh.
Gets sad if you don't cuddle him or kiss him when you see him come home or leave for work. or see him anytime really.
Unless he's in front of important people he's a stage 5 PDA guy
He'd probably leave his lover alone if they asked but I think he wants to be seen as a couple when he's around them, he doesn't want any sort of second-guessing
I blame all of this on his Taurus energy
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I need to tryout more Chuuya content cuz he seems like a loyal AF dude and I can't stand hoes (Dazai is said hoe. jk i love that hoe)
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
so, in regards to your recent posts on kane-tucky and usa food industry, do you / how do you keep active hope and not slip in into apathy and "looking out for my own" get out of dodge mentality? im having a hard time articulating this, but what makes you not curl up into a shaking mess in anger resentment and a deep desire for change that likely, if ever, wont happen in our lifetime.... any advice is appreciated
The short answer is "getting out and doing stuff in the real world, educating, volunteering, whatever is within your ability"
I will add that "looking out for your own" is not...bad. Like I don't know precisely what you mean by this phrase, but it's actually very important to come to terms with the fact that your impact is strongest where your feet touch the ground, and you have a responsibility and relationship to the people immediately around you, the place immediately around you.
This has not been a popular opinion of mine in the past, but...you can't and shouldn't care about literally everything on the planet. There is of course huge global disparity with access to resources and aid networks, and the largest communities we belong to are: all of Earth and the whole human species.
However: your level of agency is so low with issues that are happening on the other side of the world from you, compared with issues that are happening in your home town. And we're seeing people just get completely burned out from compassion fatigue without ever doing shit because the global responsibility is pushed on us and the local responsibility is not.
I hated my hometown for a decade. In high school I wanted so badly to leave. It's one of those desolate-feeling towns that's developed enough for a shopping center and big chain retailers but not enough to have a sense of community or a single bookstore. I've never been able to place myself precisely along the urban-rural spectrum because I feel isolated from even isolation: there's nowhere to go that doesn't feel razed by human development, where you can't hear the noise of traffic on roads, but it's all cattle pastures, sprawling storage facilities, auto parts stores, big, empty churches. One wrong turn will put you in a dark valley where there are rotting, derelict trailers on cinder blocks hidden back in the woods, and this place has that same feeling of "nowhere to go."
And I felt paralyzed by everything bad happening around the world and the fact that I was just one person, and I had gotten the horrible impression that the only thing I could do about anything was vote and donate money to links I saw online. The worst lie the internet taught me was that in saving the world, nothing matters except Power, Money, and an unclear third category that involves throwing bricks at cops.
But I touched grass. And the weeds taught me something. Do you see the parking lots, the harsh pavement and gravel and brick? I saw. I was surrounded by this landscape of brutal, totalitarian surfaces, impermeable concrete locking the soil away. But in the cracks in the surfaces, dandelions, purslane, and spurge were thriving.
I observed that the spurge stretched out like a shaggy rug and padded the concrete surfaces. The old leaves of the dandelions, as they withered, caught bits of dirt as it flowed into drainage ditches after rains. Soil was forming, and the sprawling structure of the early weeds seemed specially adapted for the task. In older cracks, more plants moved in; I found a wild ruellia blooming in a paved road, an evening primrose. And in some places, seedling trees.
Have you seen what happens when a sidewalk is left unmaintained for years? It disappears. The roots slowly buckle and break it into pieces, and it vanishes beneath lush leaves and moss. A tree growing in a crack in concrete will slowly pry the slab apart.
This is how my IRL rewilding project got started—just pulling plants from the pavement cracks, raising them in pots. I was surprised and awed at the resilience of the plants. I found little trees in concrete with at least two years' growth on them, that had survived being mowed down multiple times.
The weeds changed my viewpoint on the world forever. Up until that point, certain facts about power and politics and money had seemed like law, but I'd suddenly seen that there was a deeper magic.
The dandelions' survival made it possible for others to survive, which in turn made even more life flourish. They could not demolish and remove the concrete and pavement, but they could overcome it by refusing to be destroyed, because the power to take care of each other is in their nature.
People have made fun of me for telling others to go plant a tree. I think culturally we have this ingrained dismissal of things like that due to the twee, cutesy associations of "tree hugging" environmentalists, except in this instance it's because planting a tree is pointless in light of something something systemic issues, not because climate change isn't real, or...whatever reason people have for finding environmentalists cringe. (That is kinda sus now that I think about it.)
And I'm not saying planting a tree will fix climate change. I'm saying that something in my brain had broken and planting a tree unbroke it.
Go outside. Touch grass. Do the work in the immediate community you belong to, in the place you are in, where you have the best and most impact. We have the power to take care of each other, and that power grows stronger the more we are cared for.
The internet is a good place to share information, but that's fucking it. The real stuff, the stuff you can touch with your hands, the stuff that will heal despair, is out there in the real, touchable world. You need to see and feel what you are doing. Don't just give help—accept it. The power to take care of each other is in our nature, and by nature we can give more when we thrive as a result of others' care.
I hope this helps.
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wayfaringhoax · 1 year
Frankie “Catfish” Morales x Female Reader
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Click here for part two
Word count: 12k+
Summary: You and Frankie become ‘friends with benefits’ until you evolve into something more. But when you can’t seem to communicate your needs, you find yourselves in uncharted territory.
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: 18+ Minors Do Not Interact
Explicit sexual content (p in v, female receiving oral, dirty talk, semi-public sex, sexting, sending nude photos), references to sex scattered throughout, swearing, unhealthy relationships, making each other jealous, communication issues, discussions of low self-esteem, conflicted emotions, angst, possessive! Frankie, reader wears Frankie’s t-shirt, consumption of alcohol, references to religion and drugs (purely for metaphorical purposes), public discussions of sex, reader is described as having a vagina and breasts. 
This is a reader insert fic, but there are a few plot details that lean towards an OFC. Reader's mentioned as having two parents, letting their hair 'down' after work, and one of their friends is given a name. If any of these details make you uncomfortable, please refrain from reading.
New to the community, so this hasn’t been beta’d.
Been working on this for a few weeks, please let me know if you enjoy it!
Get coffee, meeting, reply to emails, meeting, lunch, marketing proposal, planning period, meeting.
As you opened your planner that morning, you were greeted by your responsibilities for the day. However, each damn meeting brought you one step closer to the end of the work day, and subsequently one step closer to leaving your office and heading to Benny’s Fight Night.
Due to your busy schedule, you hadn’t been able to make it to one of his fights for a while so you often resorted to wishing him luck via a text message. Having the chance to actually be there and support him in person was therefore a big deal for you. Plus, you’d also have the chance to grill the eldest Miller brother, having set him up on a date with your friend a few weeks ago, only to have her tell you it didn’t work out. You knew Will would be prepared for you to press him, and being as stoic as he was, you anticipated that he wouldn’t reveal much.
How many times had they reprimanded you for attempting to play matchmaker?
You couldn’t help it. It was only natural for you to want the best for them, you’d shared so much of your life with them, and they’d been by your side when it counted.
Of course, you were only a kid when you first met the Miller brothers. When your parents had befriended theirs, you were quick to latch on to them, glad to have two little friends to annoy. You often spent holidays chasing them around their home, and they enjoyed bringing their LEGO to yours, much to the dismay of your poor mother, who wasn’t prepared for how much mess they’d bring.
Sure, shit got real when you got older.
After you graduated from college, you threw yourself into work. You successfully climbed up the ranks, securing enough money to live comfortably. Though you admit, you had to sacrifice a lot in the process, regularly denying yourself the chance to be happy - to be loved - in the name of prioritising your career. 
Every time you wake up in the middle of the night, yearning for the comfort of another body, you’re reminded of the loneliness that sometimes plagues you.
Benny and Will weren’t strangers to the feeling either. You’d been around to see the darkness that followed them home from deployment. The darkness that tarnished some of their ability to accept love. The same darkness that made them hold on to you that little bit tighter, now very much acquainted with the feeling of loss.
You would never be able to understand what it was like for them. Never be able to fully comprehend the extent of their trauma. Some part of you knew that for Benny and Will, relationships weren’t as simple as they used to be.
But that didn’t stop you from trying to set them up. You appreciated that your attempts were futile, they were just gestures of good faith, really. They communicated that you cared. That you wanted them to be happy - and they saw that for what it was: their friend looking out for them.
On the other hand, Benny and Will rarely tried to set you up on dates, understanding that the guys they knew wouldn’t be the right fit for you.
Despite this, they made sure to constantly remind you that you weren’t getting laid.
An issue you were sure they’d raise again, at some point this evening.
It wasn’t as though you weren’t looking. 
Respectfully, you’d found most of the boys’ friends attractive, and perhaps, there was one man from their Delta Force squad, in particular, who’d caught your eye.
A man with a serious attachment to his baseball cap.
A man who seems burdened by his affliction, shouldering the weight of it all by himself. 
A man who was just so gorgeous, yet often chose to play it safe, hanging back when in the presence of the other boys.
Yes, Francisco Morales. Or Frankie, as the boys called him. 
You had looked at Frankie. Many times. He’d definitely caused you to lose your train of thought more than once, having been mesmerised by his features; strong yet with a particular softness. 
Whilst you acknowledged your attraction to this man, you got the sense that he wasn’t available. 
Benny had never mentioned a wife or a girlfriend when he spoke about Frankie, but you still felt as though there was some kind of invisible wall up, preventing you from getting any closer. 
Besides, you were going to support Benny tonight, not ogle his friend. You could keep it under control. 
Or at least you tried, yet the way Frankie let out a soft chuckle as Benny teased you about becoming a crazy cat lady, was testing your patience.
Now, you were avoiding his gaze, afraid of having to confront your attraction to the man across the locker room. This was proving to be quite easy, as Benny’s enquiry into your (lack of a) sex life had you staring up at the ceiling in embarrassment, hoping the ground would swallow you whole. 
“C’mon, I’m only looking out for you here. You gotta break the dry spell soon, else it’ll become even harder to get back out there.”
Benny continues his onslaught, deciding to raise the point that if he didn’t fight for a while, he’d simply have no skill when he got back in the ring.
Frustrated, you roll your eyes at his comparison before telling him, “That’s unfair, Benny.”
Santiago chooses this moment to weigh in, reassuring you, “Bonita, you could have any guy you wanted, huh? What’s stopping you?”, and before you have the chance to speak, Benny jumps in on your behalf.
“That’s what I keep telling her, but she keeps making up all these issues. Worrying too much.”
“Well these issues are real concerns for me. I don’t want a relationship right now, but one-night stands aren’t for me either. There’s too many unknowns with hookups. Do you know how many married guys take their rings off just so they can take girls home for a night?”, you tell Benny incredulously, trying to communicate the extent of your concern.
Benny senses your ire, beginning to back off slightly, yet not before proposing, “Why don’t you just get a fuck buddy? Then you can get laid all you want. Problem solved.”
Sure, the prospect was very appealing to you. Someone you could count on to give you orgasms and not have to worry about the strings attached? 
You’d sign yourself up right now. 
The problem was, where would you find such a man? You shuddered at the thought of returning to the dating apps, having had enough interesting encounters on there to put you off using them again.
Turns out Benny had his own solution to that problem, choosing this moment to turn his attention to his friend who was currently leaning against the lockers, arms folded against his chest. It was almost as though Frankie could sense what was coming next, as he retreated further back into himself, looking down at the floor in a futile attempt to avoid being targeted by his younger friend.
“Hey, Fish is right there. He’s been hard up for god knows how long now. Why don’t you scratch each other’s backs, huh?”
Right now, he was cursing himself for having one too many beers that night at Santi's house, when he’d opened up to the guys about his sexual frustration.
“Jesus Christ”, groans Frankie, his eyes looking at Benny disapprovingly.
Turns out you two did have something in common, as you both looked as though you could kill Benny with your stares. The younger Miller, however, was sporting a grin that would rival the Cheshire Cat’s, thoroughly pleased with himself.
With the attention span of an excitable puppy, Benny was quick to move on. You guess it had something to do with the way Will was looking at him, the subtle tilt of his head gesturing to Benny that he needed to get his head back in the game.
But that didn’t stop you from wanting to die of embarrassment. 
Sure, Benny had a fight to focus on, but you had to survive a couple more hours in Frankie’s presence. 
You pushed the strap of your bag further up your shoulder, hoping that having something to hold on to would quell the anxiety bubbling in your stomach. Straightening your posture, you hazard a glance over at where Frankie’s stood, only to realise he’s not there.
Pushing open the double doors, you exit the locker room and spot Frankie, way ahead of you, and his steps are somewhat urgent as he catches up to Santi.
Shrugging it off, you find your seat and wait for the fight to commence.
He’s struggling.
Frankie’s still reeling from Benny’s comment. He knows the only reason Benny said that was to rile you up, and he knows he shouldn’t still be thinking about it now. But he just can’t get the way you looked tonight out of his head.
He grabs himself a beer and settles onto his couch, before allowing images of you to flood his head; the late-night news report swiftly forgotten.
He imagines your hair, slightly tousled after a long day at work. It was extremely sexy, to him; the image of you letting your hair down as you leave the office. It signified you letting loose, and he could only imagine what it would be like to have you lose control around him. God, he’d give anything to run his hands through it as you looked up at him with those eyes. 
Fuck, you were gorgeous. 
Frankie’s got it bad for you. Has done for quite some time now. Ever since he was introduced to you at Benny’s birthday party last year, you had taken over all of his fantasies. Being around you consumed all of his energy, as he often fought hard enough to play it cool whenever you spoke to him; always worrying he’d scare you off with his dark wit. 
And for Benny to joke that he had a chance with you? Well, that was cruel. 
He managed to make an escape from the locker room before you noticed, latching onto Pope in an attempt to recompose himself.
You were far too good for him.
He had baggage; struggles he was still working through. 
You, on the other hand, were stable. With a successful career, a solid group of friends and a pretty house at the end of the block, you intimidated him. 
Frankie often wondered how you had spent so much of your adult life around the Millers, seen the damage that had been done to them, and yet you still had a certain innocence about you. It was like you had seen first-hand just how unforgiving the universe could be, but you still saw purpose beyond the pain.
Yep, he needed to stay away from you.
Deciding to push his demons aside for the moment, Frankie casts his mind back to the times he’d tried, and clearly failed, to put the moves on you.
There had been the brush of his hand on your waist as you walked by him in Will’s kitchen to get another beer. And the time you fell asleep on Benny’s sofa, he had shuffled closer, allowing your head to rest ever so slightly in his lap. Frankie also recalls each time he’d driven you home from the bar, only driving away when he saw you head inside. As you sat in his passenger seat, Frankie came to the conclusion that your presence was downright intoxicating. Therefore, he always volunteered to be the designated driver in the hopes he could drink up more of you.
It was getting late. Late enough that he could put all this down to being some kind of a fever dream.
Frankie’s about to head up to bed, when his phone lights up with a text message.
A text message from you.
Yeah, this was definitely feeling like a surreal experience.
He decides to bite the bullet and glances down at your message.
Hey, Frankie. Just wanna say sorry about before. We all know Benny loves to tease, but I hope he didn’t make you uncomfortable. Hopefully see you soon! x
Frankie’s not quite sure what you have to apologise for, and frankly, his attention was elsewhere; on the last four words of your text. God, he hoped to see you again.
He sends his reply swiftly.
Hey, you don’t need to be sorry. I’ve definitely had worse thrown at me by the boys. Don’t worry about it. Hope you enjoyed the fight?
Frankie knows he’s pushing his luck, but he adds that little question mark hoping you’d take the bait to talk to him for a little longer.
You reply almost instantaneously, much to Frankie’s delight.
Yeah, it was great! Once I stopped wanting to kill Benny. Until then I was kinda rooting for the other guy. Promise you won’t tell him? 
Can’t promise anything, Cariño, came Frankie’s response. 
Your humour almost seemed like flirting, and Frankie would be a fool not to try, so after hitting send, he relaxes back into the couch whilst awaiting your response.
Huh. Knew I couldn’t trust a man with the name Francisco.
Fuck. Frankie was immediately consumed by visions of you - saying his name. 
Imagining how his name would sound coming from those perfect lips of yours caused something to stir deep down in his gut. 
Get it together, Frankie. Get it together. 
He found it a little harder to type his next words.
Not many men you can trust these days. But you deserve to be with one who takes good care of you.
He hadn’t intended to get so deep so quickly, but the thought of you being hurt in the past caused an unpleasant feeling to grow in his chest. You were so beautiful, so good. You had your whole life ahead of you. Whichever asshole had broken your trust in the past didn’t deserve to be breathing right now, Frankie was certain.
You take a little longer to reply, causing Frankie to doubt himself for a moment before his phone lights up again.
Thanks, Frankie. I feel like I really needed to hear that. You deserve to be loved, too. 
The sincerity of your words almost knocked the wind right out of him. Pleasantly surprised at the turn his evening took, Frankie longed to draw more of those confessions from you. 
Pope’s right, you know. You could have any guy you wanted, Bonita. 
The Frankie who hadn’t gotten anywhere with you before was not expecting the response you gave.
Any guy, huh?
And before he has time to process your insinuation, you send another text.
Even you? 
Oh, he wasn’t prepared for you to say that. So understandably, his response is delayed.
Shit, he needs to tread carefully here, he thinks, as he eventually composes his next few words.
Cariño, you need to be careful what you say to me. I don’t do well with riddles. 
On edge, Frankie’s composure is wavering. He’s definitely not prepared when he spots an incoming call from you yet he doesn’t hesitate to pick up.
“Hi…I, uh…I don’t even know what I’m doing Frankie.”, your words are soon followed by a soft, yet nervous, laugh.
“Do you wanna come over?”
Frankie swears he hears the breath leave his lungs, before all but moaning out, “Yeah.”
“Be there in 15.”
Of all the things you thought you’d be doing at 2 am on a Friday night, giving Frankie directions to your house wouldn’t have been your first guess. 
What were you thinking? You became a woman possessed. The dark timbre of his voice had caused a warm, fuzzy feeling to grow in your tummy, and before you knew it, you had invited him over for a late-night booty call.
You keep your hands busy, clearing up some of the mess in your bedroom when the realisation hits you. You were going to have sex with Frankie. 
Is this really happening?
The doorbell rings and you soon realise that - yes - this does seem to be happening, and it’s happening right now.
Like the cat about to get its cream, you slink to the door to let him in. You’re hoping your face doesn’t betray your eagerness as you greet Frankie with a smile. 
He takes a moment to assess your features, apprehensive that you may have changed your mind whilst he was driving over. Finding only a hint of shyness in your otherwise confident persona, he knows he’s made the right call. Frankie needs to see you move first. He’s not going to enter your apartment until he knows you want him in there. 
Luckily for him, you turn your body to the side slightly, allowing him to see further into your apartment. You take a step back; it’s an invitation that needs no words - it simply says, chase me. See what you’ll find. 
And he does. But not before looking away from you and rolling his eyes ever so slightly. You don’t know if he’s amused or frustrated, but you know you’ve got him right where you need him when he crosses your welcome mat.
His eyes return to you, then, and he gives you an assured nod. It’s Frankie’s way of asking you what your next move is. After all, he’s on your turf right now. 
Desperate to break the silence, you tell him, “Thanks for coming, I know it’s late.”. Choosing that moment to head to your bedroom, you lead the way. Hoping. Wanting. Praying he’ll follow you.
Frankie follows. He follows you blindly - like a disciple on a mission - trusting that wherever he’ll end up, it will be worth it. 
When he reaches your doorway, he’s greeted by a sight so divine, he’s forced to rethink his stance as an agnostic. 
You’re kneeling on the bed, stretching over to switch on the light, when he admires the way your back is arched like a feline wanting to play. He sees your mischief. And, as your shoulders dip low, he becomes hung up on the view of your ass in this position. He definitely wants to play, too.
The tension gets thicker and thicker as Frankie advances forward. He wants to test the waters; see what you do next. But he also wants to dive in headfirst and lap up your sweetness like a man starved. Frankie is a man starved, and he’s losing resolve with every passing second in your presence.
Of course, he’s delighted when you turn to face him again. You kneel on the bed, right in front of him this time, sitting back on your legs with your hands behind your back. You push your chest forward and sit up tall in a way that almost short-circuits Frankie’s brain. You look so submissive; preening and proud to put your body on display for him. So eager to learn, to please him. 
He knows you’re toying with him. You look so innocent sitting like that, but Frankie also knows you’re playing naughty. 
He wouldn’t have it any other way, though. Your moxie had his cock aching in his pants. 
Cautiously, Frankie rakes his eyes over your body, trying to figure out your next move. The soft glow of light in the room gives you an advantage, however, and you manage to catch him off guard. 
He’s too focused on the way you bite your bottom lip to notice your hands on his belt buckle.
Frankie thinks you’ll unbuckle it, yet you surprise him again as you use it to pull his body flush to yours. You’re on the bed and he’s stood up, and you adore the way he’s making you feel so small and pliant right now.
Sporting a mischievous grin of his own now, Frankie moves his lips to your neck.
“Don’t thank me yet, baby. Not until you’re cumming all over my tongue.” 
How’s a girl supposed to respond to that?
By some miracle, you manage to stay upright on the bed, and you decide you need to regain control of the situation before Franke dirty-talks you to death. 
“Francisco…”, you purr devilishly, toying with the hair at the nape of his neck. 
Frankie lets out a sinful groan; with just enough impatience to let you know he’s yours. There’s nowhere else he’d rather be right now than hanging on to every word you say. He can tell you’re being bratty. He loves it. Loves the way you’re taunting him, waiting for the moment he snaps and fucks you how you need to be fucked.
You repeat Frankie’s earlier words to you. “So…I could have any guy I wanted, huh? You really think so?”
Frankie thinks your smile looks a little bashful, for a second, before he notices the way you’re running your tongue across your bottom lip as you toy with the neck of his t-shirt. There’s a glint of something in your eyes. Your smile. That tells him he’s clueless as to the game you’re playing tonight, yet you’re definitely playing him. 
And, well, Frankie’s down for the ride. At this point, he’d promise you the world just to get a taste of the heaven between your thighs. 
Refocusing, he decides that’s what he needs to do.
“Cariño… so needy. You got my attention. All of it. No need to play up.”, says Frankie in a heady whisper.
You realise, then, that you may have underestimated the man in front of you.
But you definitely aren’t prepared for what he says next.
“On your back, baby. Panties off. Let’s see if you’re still an impatient little brat after you get your pussy eaten.”
Unable to form words, you get to the task at hand, dragging your lacy panties down your legs. You swear you can feel your skin throbbing as your hands skim your thighs. There’s nothing he could ask of you right now that would be too much, you decide, as you settle onto your back. 
He’s still fully clothed, and it’s almost like he senses your concern as he suddenly begins to undress. Starting with his t-shirt, he moves with urgency; afraid he’ll miss something if he takes his eye off you for a second. His hands reach for his belt, and you’re trying your best not to drool at the way he looks right now. Hair ruffled from your touch, chest heaving in anticipation of the pleasure you’re teasing of, and eyes glossy and wide. You’re simply mesmerised by the way this man looks when he’s affected. You’ve only ever seen him composed, playing it cool. You’ve never witnessed Frankie lose it, but you’re hoping that’s subject to change. Soon.
“Frankie…”, you beg. “Don’t keep me waiting, baby.”
Despite the way your impatience amuses Frankie, he decides he can’t wait any longer and dives down, using his hands to pry your legs open.
He nips the inside of your thigh, just far enough from where you need him to have you arching your back already; like a creature in heat.
You’re dying to express that you disapprove of his teasing, but you figure you should probably be a good girl considering he’s about to take care of you.
However, Frankie’s not done. His kisses trail higher, and as he reaches your knee, he places kisses there too, as he huffs out a demand. 
“You’re gonna be a good girl and give me all those pretty moans of yours. Take what I give you. Be grateful.” The way he emphasises those final two words tells you he’s not messing around, and you’re ashamed of the way you moan at the authority in his voice.
“Yes, baby. I’ll try to be good…. for you.”, you say. 
“Try, huh?”, is his response, as he reaches for a pillow, tapping your hip as a signal for you to lift them up. He places the pillow underneath your hips, and you’re ready to melt as he uses his thumb to rub firm circles into the spot just beneath your right breast. He applies a good amount of pressure, and all you can think about is how completely at his mercy you are right now; squirming underneath him in desperation. 
Frankie finally uses that tongue of his. But it’s not where you need it…yet. 
He draws your nipple into his mouth, sporting a smug grin as he does so. You want to scream. You can feel just how puffy and swollen your pussy is from the lack of attention it's receiving. As you feel it clench around nothing, you buck up against him whilst he continues to tease you. He’s sucking the peak into his mouth, drawing his tongue around in torturously slow circles, before releasing it with an audible pop. Frankie moves to continue his ministrations with your other breast, and in your petulance, you make the mistake of fighting him.
You hook your left leg around the back of his, trying to position your aching centre against the rough denim of his jeans; desperate for some friction.
But Frankie had been expecting you to challenge him. He’s seen your spark when you’d both been out with the other guys, it was one of the things that drew him to you in the first place. He recalls how you’d light up when you became competitive, you’d find ways to provoke your opponent yet you were able to mask it well. You’d get all giggly and cute, playing it off like you just got a bit over excited, and Santi, or whatever poor schmuck had gone up against you, would give in to you. Often letting you win. 
Well, Frankie wasn’t giving in that easily.
His hand shoots out to hold your left thigh open, whilst he uses his leg to pin down the other one; keeping you splayed out just how he wanted. You’re taken aback by his strength and you can’t deny it makes your pussy even needier. You need him, and your frustration has made you bold enough to tell him.
“Frankie, baby.”, you whine. “Need your mouth on it. On my pussy.”
He lets out a dark chuckle at that. And he decides to punish your brattiness with silence. You’re easy to read, to him, and he knows you’re liking the way he’s running his mouth whilst in your bed. But you’re reaching for too much, and he’s got to show some resistance for both of your sakes. 
Of course, Frankie would give you anything, but he’s not sure what your intentions were for inviting him into your bed. He assumes you’re after a no-strings-attached arrangement, and he’s gonna need to keep you wanting more if he’s to keep you. 
Pushing the thought aside for now, he focuses on his next move: giving you what you need. 
After what feels like a century, Frankie finally dips his head down to where you’re dripping for him. He’s sure he’s never seen a pussy so sweet and so responsive. He’s not even touched you there and he can see you clenching around nothing. 
His thick fingers part your folds and the way his breath ghosts over you has you crying out to him. 
“Ngghhh…fuck. Need it.”, you draw out in a frustrated giggle, and at this moment, Frankie thinks - no he knows - that you’ve ruined all other women for him. You sound so sexy, like a little vixen, but at the same time, there’s a sweetness about you that’s humbling.
Frankie decides he needs to reassure you. “Shhhh, Cariño. I’ve got you. You’ll get what you need.”
And you do get what you need, as Frankie forces your legs open even wider before licking a thick stripe all the way from your fluttering hole to your throbbing clit with his tongue - and the noise you make is untamed. 
He takes his time, opening you up on his tongue. He knows you need his fingers inside but he’s not sure you deserve it just yet. 
Frankie admires the way your pretty pussy is shy at first - like you - as he uses soft kitten licks to loosen you up. Your juices taste heavenly, and he laps up every ounce that flows from the core of you. Eventually, you relax into his mouth and your moans become more desperate. You need more and you communicate this by pulling Frankie in even deeper, your hands tight in his hair. 
“Jesus Christ”, he groans. “Tell me what you need, baby.”
“Fingers, Frankie. I need your fingers.”, you plead, hoping he’ll take pity on you. 
And he does, by some miracle, pressing two inside you and immediately curling them up. You’re soon ready for another, and he adds a third, causing you to pout at him as your orgasm grows closer. The way you’re trying your best to ride his fingers, yet also sink further back into the bed like a pillow princess, is endearing to Frankie, as he can’t help but watch how you take him. Fuck, you’re beautiful like this. Underneath him. He needs you to come on his fingers and his tongue and he decides he can’t wait much longer.
“There you go, pretty girl. You’ve got something to clench down on. Something to cum on.”, says Frankie, and his words have your eyes rolling back. He’s got a dirty mouth and it’s doing all the right things to you.
He moves his mouth back to your clit, sucking it into his mouth. Applying the perfect amount of pressure, he’s got you whining out his name as you stretch your arms above your head, gripping the pillow you find there to anchor you - otherwise, you’re sure you’ll float away. 
It doesn’t take Frankie much longer to push you to the edge, and he gets a little rougher, much to your delight. You’re suddenly thankful for the pillow you’re grabbing onto, as his hands grip both of your ass cheeks, pulling your cunt up to his mouth and there’s nowhere for you to run. His grip is unrelenting; all you can do is lie there and take it as his tongue lashes against your clit. The absence of his fingers leaves you feeling empty, though you’re not complaining, as the way he’s clutching your hips allows him to really wreck you with his mouth. And what a mouth that man has. 
You’re writhing on the bed, your orgasm so close that your body’s going crazy; arching and stretching as it tries to hit that spot to send you over the edge. It comes as no surprise, however, that Frankie’s words finish you off.
“That’s it, baby. Know you need to cum. Need it so bad you’re whimpering for it.”
“Come on now, give it to me. I know you can. Cum and I’ll give you my fingers to ride it out on.”, he says, and you cum. Hard. 
“Frankie. Oh my god, Frankie”, you moan out like a madwoman and Frankie plunges his fingers back into your pussy as you cum all over his face. 
You can’t help but chase every wave of your high, and you push your cunt down on his fingers like you can’t get enough of what he’s giving you. Somehow, you’re able to remember what Frankie told you before, and you begin to chant “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” as you ride out your orgasm. 
There’s a cheeky smile playing on your lips and Frankie lets out his own throaty chuckle at your sass. And that’s when it hits him. 
One time isn’t enough. 
He can’t give you up just yet. 
The two of you soon get into a rhythm. 
You alternate between your place and his, spending most nights together each week. It’s after a few weeks of this routine that you realise: you’ve got yourself a ‘fuck buddy’ after all.
But you wouldn’t dream of telling Benny. Or Will. Or Santi. You weren’t ready to burst the bubble and face reality yet. You were perfectly happy indulging in each other’s bodies, sheltered from the pressures of the outside world. 
The sex is incredible. You know it, and Frankie most definitely knows it too.
You’ve come to know Frankie’s body so intimately, it sends a shiver down your spine just from thinking about it. You know what makes him tick. What makes him abandon his resolve and cum for you. You know how to draw particular sounds from him; his moans, his whimpers, his shouts, even. You had become a Frankie connoisseur in what seemed like no time.
Actually, it had only been a few weeks, yet things seemed to be moving at pace.
Having been friends before all this began, neither of you was inclined to kick the other person out after you were done rolling around in the sheets. So, naturally, then came the lingering. 
You both had taken to lingering a little while longer after the post-coital high faded. 
One time, you had hopped in the shower, and when you were done, you found Frankie on the phone to your local pizzeria. You hadn’t even questioned how he knew your order, putting it down to the fact you were friends before this. Still, it caused an unfamiliar feeling to stir in your chest, and some small part of you didn’t hate the gesture. 
You start showering together, too.
The first time it happened, you were still giggling over something Frankie had said. You’d riled him up and he’d taken you on, finding it way too easy to laugh with you. You’d been poking fun at him after he’d shared quite an embarrassing story from his days in service and he had decided to take a shower to escape your teasing. However, you didn’t want to let the moment go, just yet - so you followed him into the bathroom. 
He had just stepped under the spray of water when he heard your girlish giggle getting louder. Frankie tried his hardest to steel himself, but your happiness was infectious and he couldn’t help but be affected, dropping his head forward with a content smile as you wrapped your arms around him from behind. And since then, this became a frequent part of your routine. 
On several occasions, you slept over at Frankie’s place and he drove you to work the next day. 
You struggled with this. You weren’t going to lie. The thought of one of your colleagues spotting you, and the gossip that would ensue, concerned you. But you brushed it off each time.
After all, it meant that Frankie would take you home as well - and that came with its own benefits.
You’d gotten into the habit of getting him all worked up on those days he was due to pick you up, deciding it was fun to have him show up wrecked and so hard for you. Sometimes he drove a little faster, gripped your thigh a little tighter, and braked a little harder as he rushed to get the two of you to someplace private. Whilst other times he’d take to finding a discreet place to park his car. 
Yeah, those were the days you’d texted him something filthy.
You figured out quite early that you were both into dirty talk, but you weren’t expecting it to escalate in the way it did. 
An incident occurred at the Millers’ BBQ, where everyone in the neighbourhood appeared to be out in full force. Despite you and Frankie pledging to behave yourselves, you couldn’t help but sneak off upstairs when the moment presented itself. You had to remind yourself that Benny had probably done the same, if not much worse, in your own bathroom as you let Frankie sit you up on the counter; his broad frame crowding you against the mirror and your heels digging into his back. He had come to love when you’d communicate how much you needed him by sinking your stilettos into him like a vice. It was a kind of foreplay and he was very much here for it. 
It was at that moment when he said it, as he had you spread out on the counter in your friend’s bathroom, fucking you good. 
You could’ve blamed it on the slight buzz of alcohol running through his veins. Or the fact you had been fucking each other a lot. The latter was more rational, you realised, yet you didn’t want to dwell on how you two got to this point. The anxiety and regret would creep back in, and you were having way too much to let yourself ruin it by overthinking.
“Fuck…Cariño. Feels so good. You like that, huh?”, he said.
You’d mewled out a “Yeah”, knowing Frankie needed to hear the praise, needed you to use your words.
What followed then, was a veiled threat to your dynamic. “Yeah…”, he groaned out. “You like it, huh? Letting me fuck you like this tight little pussy is mine.”
Frankie loved the way you whined at that, and he was perfectly content to watch you go wild as you took his cock like a champion, but you were getting too loud, so he covered your mouth with his; swallowing your cries of pleasure.
You should’ve noticed then that things were changing between the two of you, but you were too far gone at the time to pay it the attention it needed.
However, Frankie had been paying close attention to you. Specifically, you in his t-shirts, wearing only your panties and pottering around his place like you belonged there. 
You were blissfully unaware of how much this particular sight drove him crazy, but each time you wore one, Frankie died a little inside. He was overcome with the need to possess you. To make you his girl, have everyone know you warmed his bed. 
This feeling also reared its head whenever you called him baby. 
He’d never been one to jump to conclusions and he was definitely not one to overestimate a woman’s feelings towards him. But, against all odds, and because this was you, Frankie found himself desperately clinging to the pet name. He latched onto the idea that, maybe, he was your man and there was nobody else. Of course, Frankie knew what he signed up for. But he could still imagine what it would be like if things were different. 
But, afraid it would scare you off, Frankie subdued these urges every time. He’d often shut down when it all got to be too much for him to contemplate, rushing to another room where he’d make himself look busy. Unfortunately, you interpreted his struggle as him being distant. Closed-off. Emotionally unavailable. And in your eyes, this was the reason why you couldn’t let yourself fall for this man.
Despite the doubts you harboured, neither of you was prepared to stop.
The pace at which things were evolving terrified you, if you were being honest. It was as though you were heading towards a cliff edge, but you had taken the scenic route. 
The views were breathtaking, so you went along for the ride; paying no mind to where you were going.
You hated being unable to control the situation and part of you wanted to turn it around and go back to when you were just friends. Back then, you didn’t owe him anything. You could control the version of yourself you presented to him. But in this arrangement, Frankie was able to catch you off guard, sometimes. When he looked at you like you hung the moon, you felt as though you could fall into him with no parachute - give him more. And that scared you.
Frankie was scared, too.
In fact, he’s worried.
You’re currently enjoying a night out with your girlfriends whilst he’s home alone with his anxiety. 
He knows you can handle yourself, but he’s itching to hear from you. You’re having fun and you don’t need him, but he can’t help but keep glancing at his phone, thinking of texting you. Truthfully, Frankie’s afraid he’ll fade into your background. Every second you spend without him - untethered - is a chance for you to find something better and leave him behind.
He wants to be missed. Needs you to miss him.
However, Frankie’s not prepared to get this deep in a text message to you, so he settles for something a bit lighter. 
Releasing a strained sigh, he decides to bite the bullet and so begins to type out a message.
Meanwhile, in the club, you’re nursing your third margarita of the evening when the text comes through. 
Luckily, you’d agreed to watch the booth whilst your friends went to the bar for more drinks, meaning you were able to take a quick peek at your phone, away from prying eyes. 
You hated the way you doted on his every word, yet still, you ran your eyes over the text a few more times than necessary.
Hope you’re having fun. You know there’s a space in my bed if you want to crash here later.
Slightly buzzed from the cocktails you’d had so far, you aren’t sure whether this new sensation you’re feeling is down to the alcohol, or something else entirely. 
Being your usual flirtatious self, your instinct is to tease Frankie a little.
Your bed? Benny usually lets me crash with him after a girls night. Why should it be your bed, Francisco? X
It’s true. Benny did always offer you a place to stay at the end of the night, but it wasn’t like that. Yet Frankie doesn’t need to know that Benny always takes the couch, letting you sleep like a baby in privacy. Besides, you think it’s fun to rile him up. After all, you’re not sure how far he’ll go, to earn your company tonight. 
He doesn’t respond for a while, and you’re tapping your nails against the back of your phone, thankful that the bar service is slow tonight, delaying your friends’ return.
Fuck…is what comes to mind when Frankie reads your message. He’s driven wild by the thought of you in another man’s bed, even if it’s his friend who he knows has only ever been platonic with you. He’s not proud of his jealousy, as he knows what he signed up for. But he can’t help himself - he needs to give you a reason to end the night in his bed. He needs something that will reassure him: he’s not losing you. Thinking on his feet, despite having spent a solid ten minutes figuring out what to say, he replies.
Come on, baby. You know I can give you what you need tonight. Not sure Benny’s going to cut it. 
Kicking himself as he reads over his words, he knows he needs to give you more, so he sends another.
You think I can’t see through your games, Cariño. When you wake up needy in the middle of the night, it’s my cock you’ll be coming on. 
Oh. He’s playing dirty, you realise. You grab your drink and take a generous taste, needing something to cool you down desperately. 
Is he jealous? Your mind is racing with the possibilities of what this could mean for your relationship. 
Panic swirls in your stomach, letting you know that you may be heading into uncharted territory here. And to make matters worse, a glance to your left alerts you to the fact your friends are on their way back to the table.
You intended to reply with something equally as dirty as what he’d been sending you, yet as you spot your friends getting closer, you freak out and lock your phone, hoping they’re tipsy enough to gloss over the way you’re breathing a little harsher, right now.
You couldn’t deny it, Frankie’s way with words had you feeling hot. Heat pools between your thighs as you dwell on the delicious implications of ending the night in his bed, but you remind yourself that you need to appear unaffected or else you’ll be subject to interrogation.
It didn’t work, judging by Cami’s expression, and you take a moment to prepare yourself for the questions. Yet, there’s a look of real understanding on your friend’s face, like she senses your inner turmoil and feels for you. She assumes you’re tearing yourself apart over something, or someone, and she’s not sure that a crowded club is the right place to bring it up. Deciding to buy you some time, Cami suggests you accompany her to the bathroom.
Shooting her a look of gratitude, you let her lead you into a cubicle, before she turns to face you whilst leaning back against the door. 
You stare up at her from where you’re perched on the toilet, and you know she’s waiting for you to fill her in.
After a few seconds, you succumb. 
“I think I’m in too deep. Shit, Cami. Things are changing, and I don’t know if I like it.”
She doesn’t need you to elaborate. She knows you’re referring to a guy, and from the sounds of it, she can assume it’s casual. Well, supposed to be casual. The way you’re frantically chewing on your lip suggests otherwise.
Always in your corner, yet still firm enough to call you out when it’s needed, Cami’s been by your side long enough to tell when a man’s made a serious impression on you. Deciding it’s time to be firm, she weighs in on the situation.
“Being comfortable has never been enough for you. Change can be good. I know you know that, babe.”, she tells you.
“Who is he?”
You figure there’s no point in delaying the inevitable, so you reveal that it’s “A friend of Benny and Will. Uh…Frankie, the pilot.”
It’s hard to miss the proud smirk that Cami gives you. “Well-played.”, she says, chuckling slightly. “And that’s who you were sexting whilst we were at the bar, right?”
You nod, feeling less overwhelmed after opening up to her.
“Are you planning on showing me, then? I can’t help you blow his mind if you don’t let me see the texts.”, she adds smugly. Instantly putting you at ease.
You don’t need to ask her how she knew you were sexting Frankie, you’re just grateful that she’s a girls’ girl through and through, and you welcome her expertise in the matter. 
Cami’s about to suggest that you send him a flirty picture, with an even flirtier caption, until you scroll further down the conversation and you notice two new messages from the man in question.
It turns out that whilst you were stewing over your lover’s salacious messages, Frankie had gone through the motions, ten times over. He thought he’d pushed you too far. Pushed you away with his jealousy. 
He let himself simmer in his frustration before concluding that your lack of a response signified rejection. Frankie knew he’d shown his hand too soon. He’d fallen at your feet like all the other men, acting like a golden retriever in the way he fought for your attention. 
But still, your rejection hurt. It hurt enough for him to become defensive, trying to regain some of the control he’d forfeited to you. He shouldn’t have said what he said, but he let his emotions get the better of him.
You can’t quite believe what you’re reading, and even Cami appears to be shocked at the words staring back at you.
I get it. You don’t owe me anything, huh?  
And after he hadn’t heard from you for fifteen minutes, he sent another text.
You should stay at Benny’s tonight. Wherever you choose to go, I’m sure you’ve got plenty of options. 
All you see is red. All you feel is the unmistakable tinge of betrayal. You hadn’t expected Frankie to jump to conclusions, and you definitely hadn’t expected your Frankie - who was always so sweet and respectful - to degrade you like this. 
Some part of your brain is able to register Cami’s words and you hear her cursing Frankie with some very colourful language. You’re left feeling blindsided, unable to process his sudden resentment towards you, but nonetheless, you can’t allow yourself to get hung up on it, not when you were surrounded by such remarkable friends. 
You switch your phone off, determined to salvage the rest of your night, before letting Cami drag you to the dancefloor for some much needed release.
It’s no surprise, then, when Frankie’s 3 am apology text fails to come through.
Frankie becomes an expert at jumping to conclusions when it comes to you.
After you didn’t reply to his apology, and subsequently screened all of his calls, Frankie didn’t know what else he could do. 
He couldn’t reach you and you hadn’t made an effort to contact him. Hell, he knew he’d fucked up; he shouldn’t have spoken to you in the way he did, but he’d tried to make amends and yet you didn’t seem willing to hear him out.
Frankie doesn’t see you for a while. Eight days, to be exact. 
He knows you’re alright, thank god, as he hears from Will that you’d been offered a promotion at work and that he’d taken you out to dinner to celebrate.
And yet, it doesn’t get easier, he comes to accept, and he finds himself wanting to call you on multiple occasions, and he almost does, but something always stops him in his tracks.
Unable to stop replaying your words over in his head, Frankie’s overthought and overanalysed until the point of exhaustion. You were both to blame, considering neither of you had been willing to speak about your relationship. Expectations, boundaries and outcomes had all been forgotten. You’d gotten swept up in the pleasure and failed to address these crucial concerns, and now you were both reaping what you had sewed. 
It was supposed to be casual. It was supposed to be just sex. 
That’s what Frankie told himself when Benny revealed that he had set him up on a blind date with a mutual friend. 
Neither of you had told Benny, or Will and Santi for that matter, about the two of you and Frankie couldn’t have declined the invitation without arousing suspicion from the youngest of the group. He didn’t know where he stood with you, but he wasn’t going to drop you in it with the boys. He was way too protective of you to let that happen.
So, begrudgingly, Frankie agreed to the date.
The first you heard of the date was through Instagram, and Frankie and Imelda were well into their second drink of the evening by the time you’d found out. 
Turns out, Benny had crashed it around forty-five minutes in, having gotten a text from his friend revealing he wasn’t ‘feeling it’. Taking his wingman duties seriously, Benny wasn’t prepared to let Frankie give in just yet, so had shown up in an attempt to encourage him, and to salvage what was left of the night. Benny had brought a girl friend - whom you both had met whilst at college - hoping the double date vibes would put Frankie at ease, and as she had taken to posting on her story, you were able to poke your nose in.
It wasn’t spying, and you weren’t jealous. But when Stacey posted a picture of the group, you couldn’t help but fixate on the way Frankie had his arm around his date, leaning into her ear, and it looked as though she’d caught them during an intimate moment.
Due to the angle at which the photo had been taken, you couldn’t tell whether Frankie’s lips were just hovering over her ear, or whether they were pressed tight against her skin. His baseball cap cleverly hid the majority of his face from view, but you couldn’t deny what was plain to see. And it drove you mad. Though, you knew your anger wasn’t justified.
Preparing for the worst, you conclude that Frankie’s ready to move on from you. 
You wish you could put your phone aside and let it be. You wish you didn’t care. You wish that the thought of Frankie touching another woman didn’t make you want to die, and you wish you could stop yourself from doing what you were planning to do next.
There’s a fire in your eyes and you realise that, perhaps, you are jealous, though you don’t waste time dwelling on it. If you were going to keep Frankie’s interest, you needed to do something that would throw him off balance and you needed to do it soon. And you knew just what would do the trick. 
You practically run to the bedroom, pulling out one of Frankie’s old army t-shirts that you’d snagged from his place. Getting comfy on your bed, you slip the shirt up your skin until it exposes enough skin to drive your man wild. There was no doubt about it. Frankie adored your breasts, and he also adored the way you loved to tease. You are hoping that this sexy little underboob shot would make him forget all about his date. No disrespect to her, as any woman would be crazy to turn down a date with Francisco Morales, and you feel bad - honestly, you really do. But the anxiety in your chest is pulling you towards the action. Your body’s screaming at you to do something, like it senses that it’s about to lose Frankie’s touch, for good.
You angle your phone just right, so the camera focuses on the way your breasts peek out from under his t-shirt. Whilst you make sure to get your face in the shot, too, as you draw your bottom lip between your teeth and widen your eyes; looking all cute and innocent as you look up at the camera positioned above you. You know you’re anything but innocent right now, but you’re anticipating that Frankie will play right into your trap. As you have it on good authority that the man loves how you play coy, only to whine pathetically when he finally stretches you out with his cock. And by good authority, you’re referring to the way he grips your hips like your body gives him oxygen, or the way his big hands cup the back of your neck, fingers skimming over the side of your throat in a way that says, you’re staying right where I’ve got you. 
Throwing caution to the wind, you press send on the photo and you make sure to add a fitting caption. 
Your girl’s feeling a little lonely. Lucky she’s got your shirt to play in. Would be a shame for you to miss out, tonight. x
And you’ve got him. 
Hook, line and sinker; Frankie’s ready to come crawling back to you like a dog.
When he sees your name light up on his phone, notifying him that you’d sent him a photo, he needs to get somewhere private. And fast. 
He gives Imelda, as well as the other couple, some lame excuse about needing to get his jacket from the truck - just in case they decide to go somewhere with outdoor seating later on - and before he even reaches for his keys, he’s got his phone out ready. Somehow, he manages to hold off on opening your message, wanting to give you his full attention from the comfort of his driver’s seat. And he’s glad he did, as he pulls up the text and is greeted with what could only be described as a treat. Your eyes. Those lips. Your tits in… wait. Is that his shirt? Fuck, he doesn’t know where to look. His eyes rapidly move from each focal point in a frenzy to soak up everything you’d given him. You’d bestowed upon him a gift, and he needed to treasure it. Besides, he hadn’t heard from you in a while and he didn’t know if he’d ever be able to touch you, or even look at you, in this way again. 
And then, he casts his eyes down to the text that follows.
Your girl’s feeling a little lonely. Lucky she’s got your shirt to play in. Would be a shame for you to miss out, tonight. x
He takes a minute to process your words, but he’s unable to move past your girl and your shirt. Did you want him dead? Surely, that was your goal in pushing those exact buttons of his. You’d seen his possessiveness, and until now, Frankie was certain it had pushed you away; overwhelmed you. Were you now encouraging it?
Not wanting to miss his chance, Frankie recomposes himself, just enough for him to be able to send a semi-coherent reply. He also texted Benny, asking him to apologise to Imelda on his behalf and tell her he had to head home, as he wasn’t feeling well. Home wasn’t on the cards tonight, however, as he geared up to head to your place. 
Don’t play too hard without me, baby. On my way over now.
Somewhere on the drive over to yours, Frankie finds himself able to reflect on your relationship. 
Relationship. That word felt foreign on his tongue, but he didn’t hate it, he realised, as he allowed himself to fantasise about a version of you two where you dated, held hands, and openly expressed your affection in front of your friends. 
You’d never given him any indication that you wanted more. Until tonight. 
Frankie’s aware that you’ve given him a crumb, and he’s already dreaming about the whole damn thing, but he can’t help himself from pushing forward.
His attraction, and his appreciation for you had grown, and he often found himself doting on the way you held your coffee in the morning like it was precious cargo, just as much as he doted on the way you went all cock-dumb in his bed after he’d worn you out for hours and hours. He’d begun to notice the little things that made you, you. And he knew he could fall in love with you. It would be so easy. 
Frankie considers how he’s probably ruined it for himself, already. He spoke to you in a derogatory way, that night you were out with the girls, and you’d somehow found out he’d been on a date with another woman. He knows that, on paper, the date isn’t something he should feel guilty for, as you two weren’t exclusive. But you were still involved and he has to admit he hasn't handled things in the best way. 
As he turns onto your street, he concludes that he wants you.
Frankie wants to be with you, and he’s willing to have you in whatever capacity you’re prepared to offer him. If you’re not ready. If you can’t give him what he needs, like the self-sabotaging martyr, he’s willing to take whatever he can get if it means he doesn’t have to give this feeling up. 
Then he’s at your door, trying his hardest to stop the tapping of his foot, which would surely give him away.
You appear from behind it, and he’s a fool not to notice the tears staining your cheeks as he makes his way past you. 
He bounds on you, the force of his kisses backing you up against the kitchen counter. And there are so many words on the tip of your tongue, but you haven’t seen this man in over a week and it’s so easy to fall back in again. 
After he’s somewhat satisfied that you’re real, and you’re here in his arms, he pulls back to address you with a needy tone of voice. One that was unfamiliar to both of you. 
“What was that, huh?” he demands. Looking anywhere but at your face, it’s no surprise that he misses the anguish that clouds your usual playful expression.
After a beat of silence, he pushes again.
“You couldn’t let me try to get over you.”, says Frankie, and this time, you notice the pain in his voice.
It’s like you’re frozen. Paralysed by the weight of everything that’s gone unsaid between you. 
Silence follows. It’s the kind of quiet before a storm, and neither of you knows what to do to protect yourselves. 
He’s holding onto your hips like they’re his altar, and he’s staring down at your body like it will lead him to enlightenment; give him the answers he needs. 
When he moves his gaze back to your face, that’s when he sees the absence of light in your eyes. You look troubled. Uncertain. And Frankie’s kicking himself for not noticing the tears that are streaking your soft skin earlier. What had happened between sending him the photo and now?
Cupping your face with a tenderness unlike the way he had just kissed you so roughly, Frankie’s at a loss for what to do. He just knows he wants to soothe the pain; your pain and his, and make it all better. 
Your silence feels like another dose of rejection, so Frankie takes a step back from you.
He’s amazed at his own courage, as he finds himself needing to communicate what he needs, right now. 
“You know what I want.”, he says.
The look in your eyes tells him you were expecting this conversation. And it crushes him, because he needs you to fight for him. But you won’t. He can see that much from your pained expression and the way your body is curling in on itself. You’re retreating.
And you are retreating. You want so badly to run to him; to hold him in your arms and promise that you’ll try, you’ll give him what he needs. 
You know you could love him right. Some mature part of you wants you to acknowledge that you are falling for him, and have been since the first night. But you’re confused, driven by heightened, raw emotion and you haven’t taken the time to process what you’re feeling for him.
His rejection still stings you, and you struggle to bounce back when you’ve been hurt. You know the adult thing to do is to talk about it - patch things up and move past it. But you’re a creature of habit and what you actually did was stew in your irrational anger, before closing yourself off to him. He’d tried to reach out and you’d crawled deeper into your pit of self-sabotage. Yeah, it wasn’t healthy and perhaps Frankie was better off without the hurt you’d most likely cause him if you gave this thing a chance to grow into something more.
A lot of self-work needed to happen before you’d be ready to let him in; let him sink deeper underneath your skin. 
So you stayed put, whilst your words failed you. 
Frankie’s eyes are raking over you so intensely, awaiting your next move, and all you can do is look anywhere but at him. 
The tension in your body has been stretched too far, and so it snaps. And you’re sure that both of you can hear the way the energy in the room shifts just like that. 
“Francisco… I -”, is all that you manage.
And Frankie feels as though he can read your mind. 
What you meant to say, he thinks, was I can’t give you what you want. 
And he gives you a moment to finish your admission. But nothing comes.
Wanting to be anywhere but here - facing your rejection, again, Frankie pivots towards the front door, ready to leave. 
“I shouldn’t have come here.”, he says.
Then as he darts towards the exit, you call out his name, and his movements still completely.
You continue. “I - … “, before releasing a sigh. 
“Frankie”, you whine, though it’s not like he’s used to hearing. It’s a broken whine, telling him all he needs to know.
You’re not ready.
“Tell me to stay. Tell me you want me.”, he pleads. 
And you think it’s kinder to let him go now. As it’s only a matter of time before you break his heart anyway. 
This arrangement was supposed to be casual. It wasn’t supposed to evolve this way, but you had both fallen in a little too deep, with too little communication. 
Fuck, he’s a good guy. Why won’t you let yourself have this? Have him? 
By now, your delicate tears have given way to distressed sobs, and you need him to walk away from you, so you can let it all out. 
After what feels like an age, Frankie leaves. He realises that he’s powerless. He’d handed over all of his control, to you, and you now held the advantage. 
As you watch the door close behind him, you release the hand that’s covering your mouth and unleash your heartache. 
It’s not a secret that you miss him.
Your body feels the loss, as you regress into the shell of your hurt. 
You can’t eat or sleep for the first few days, and when your appetite returns, you’re too anxious to make a run for some groceries. You’d called in sick to work, and that should’ve been a sign that Frankie meant more to you than a ‘fuck buddy’. 
You were grieving him. And as cliché as it sounds, you didn’t know what you had until it was gone. Or more so, you didn’t know that you wanted more until you had nothing.
The days that followed that fateful night in your kitchen were filled with longing. You yearned for the comfort of his body: the softness of his hair underneath your fingers, the sound of his voice over the phone, the way he held you like his favourite memory. You couldn’t bring yourself to wash his clothes that appeared in your laundry; you weren’t ready to erase his scent. It was somehow calm and untamed at the same time. Like Frankie.
You also missed the way he made you feel so needed when he’d beg for your touch.
But physical touch aside, you missed his mind, too.
You found yourself wanting to bask in his dark humour; the way he was often quiet and observant in social situations, only to cut in with something downright philosophical when it counted. Truthfully, you thought a lot about the way he’d listen, hands on his hips and mouth slightly ajar, looking like he was sizing you up, though you knew he held nothing but empathy and respect for those he cared about. 
It was down to you now. You needed to be the one to show up, for him. You needed to reach out to him, tell him what he means to you, but you were worried you’d missed your chance. That night in your kitchen couldn’t have been more poetic; he’d come running to you and it would’ve been perfect had you crashed into him with open arms and an open mind. But you didn’t. And that left you playing out scenarios in your head, thinking of all the ways you could confess the depth of your affection to your lover. 
What would he say? 
Would he take you in his arms and vow to forget the past? 
Would he be forgiving? Or would he be guarded, detached?
You imagined the latter was more likely, though you had come to accept that you were the one responsible for the limbo you were both existing in.
And of all the ways you’d imagined seeing Frankie again, you never expected it to be in the grocery store; dressed for comfort and definitely not to impress. 
He’s got a six-pack of beers in his hand as you let your eyes soak him up. He looks good, but also exhausted, and although your heart aches at the thought of him struggling, the needy part of you latches onto it as evidence of him missing you.
Frankie had once revealed that he loved sharing a bottle of wine with a woman, as he enjoyed getting comfortable enough with a partner to share the pleasant buzz it gave. And that was something you had delighted in, too, before taking it for granted. Though as you glanced back down at the beers he was holding, you were so thankful for his choice of beverage, as it signified there wasn’t someone waiting on him tonight.  
You found yourself wanting to be the one waiting on him. Being the one he came home to every night, and the thought sent a gentle thrill through your body.
So you held on tighter to your tub of ice-cream, channeling your trepidation into the object in question as it gave your hands something to do and slightly quelled the urge to reach out and touch Frankie. 
As you pluck up just enough courage to walk over to him, he reaches for a bag of chips, and you believe he's blissfully unaware of the baggage you’re bringing him. 
The distance between you is not enough, as you know you’re only a few steps away from having to confront this thing. Tail between your legs, you slowly move closer to him. 
Of course, as an ex-veteran, Frankie had clocked you before you even considered approaching him. He’s grateful for this, though, as it gave him a sliver of time to compose himself before you had eyes on his weary form. However, he can’t help but think the way you’re slinking towards him, in an attempt to appear discreet, is cute. Despite how much he wishes he could refrain from becoming even more infatuated with you.
Arguably, the anxiety in his stomach tells Frankie he’s not ready to face you. Though he doubts he could ever feel completely ready. So, at the moment when you become too close to ignore, he lifts his head, knowing his time’s up.
Words aren’t exchanged for a while. Rather, you’re preoccupied with assessing each other; devouring with your eyes what you’ve been deprived of for over a week. 
Frankie knows he can’t be the one to break the silence. It has to be you, and if he gives you this, he’ll never know whether you mean to fight for him. He needs to see you step outside your comfort zone and give him the words you’ve held hostage.
And you do, after a poignant pause. 
“Hi, uh - … you look…good, Frankie.” is all you manage to say. You find a little more confidence as you go on, and the way you breathe out his name with poise gives Frankie hope for what’s to come. 
He doesn’t think it’s the right time for him to speak, though, and he doesn’t want to spook you should you be preparing to speak candidly. So, he doesn’t say anything.
You gesture towards the beers and chips in his basket, “Oh, are you seeing the boys tonight?”
Frankie puts the basket down, then, and folds his arms over his chest. He gives you a quick shake of the head, before telling you “No.” 
He’s trying to appear unbothered, but the way his laboured breaths are visible through his chest tells you otherwise.
You’re fighting the instinct to run but you somehow manage to continue.
“I’m sorry that I hurt you.”, you admit, and then you tell him, “I’ve been thinking about everything. About you. A lot.”
Frankie can’t help himself, and he jumps in, craving your honest disclosure. 
“What do you want. Really?”, he says, and he looks so tired - exhausted by your indecision, and it makes you loathe how avoidant you’ve been with him.
Oh, you think. We’re getting to this now.
“I- I’m not used to… used to letting someone in. Y-You-” and Frankie cuts you off.
“Cariño.”, he says sternly. “I need an answer.”, and he’s begging you.
“Francisco!”, you whine petulantly. And if he couldn’t see the pained expression on your face, he’d be offended. You’re conflicted, and he wants to believe that you’re trying. 
“You want me to tell you how I feel, then listen.”, you assert, before adding a softer “Please”, as you look at him like he could break your heart with any sudden moves.
“Frankie… y-you saw me, like actually took the time to learn it all. I couldn’t hide. I thought you’d find something that would make you leave me alone, and I wasn’t prepared to l-lose it.”
He leans closer, ever so slightly and it’s the encouragement you need to continue.
“Didn’t want to lose you, Frankie. You’re a good man. A man I could love, and… and I was happy but I was afraid it couldn’t last. S-so I kept going back and forth, daring you to stay. Seeing if you’d give up.”, you say, and the last five words come out sounding more uncertain than the rest.
Meanwhile, Frankie’s processing. He inhales every word out of your mouth like he’s gasping for breath. He’s needed to hear this - hear you - and it feels long overdue.
Your strength doesn’t fade, as you continue.
“I don’t know if I deserve you.”, you confess softly, before revealing, “You could be better off with someone else.”, and you can’t look him in the eye as you share such a deep-rooted insecurity with the man you’d come to adore.
It’s genuine, everything you’re saying, and Frankie sees that you’re trying, for him. He’s finding it hard not to say fuck mature communication and comfort you, knowing you could do with some physical touch to ground you. He wants to kiss you until all your worries dissipate, hating the thought that you could ever underestimate yourself in this way. If only you saw what Frankie saw when he looked at you, you’d be walking on air.
But he knows he needs to tread carefully. You’re giving him an inch, and he wants a mile, but he knows you. Knows the vulnerability you’re slowly welcoming is a lot for you, right now, and he’s appreciative regardless.
Then, you go and throw him a curveball. 
Taking a risk, you move in even closer, until your feet are practically covering his, and you’re looking up at him with an innocence and vulnerability in your eyes that you reserve for him, only.
And your voice wobbles as you say, “Shit, Frankie. I need you.”
He looks down at you and you appear so small and fragile beneath his gaze. There’s no trace of your usual playfulness or moxie on your expression. And in your voice, there’s no trace of the pretence you sometimes hide behind when forced to confront your emotions. And Frankie registers that you must really mean it this time.
He needs to believe that you mean it. That you really need him, as the alternative is something he’s not prepared to brave.
Arguably, you’ve put yourself out there this time, and Frankie would be lying if he said he wasn’t concerned about you reverting back to reticence, should he give you another chance. Who’s to say you’ll maintain this level of communication with him? He can’t go through this again if you aren’t truly invested in moving forward.
“Fuck, I never thought we’d be stood in a grocery store having this conversation.”, you add to ease the tension, and the way Frankie lets out a breathy chuckle tells you he’s just as grateful for the relief from the heaviness.
After a moment of intense deliberation, Frankie arrives at his choice.
He understands that acknowledgement is only the start, and he needs to see that you’re willing to commit to something more, whatever that may be.
But right there on the confectionery aisle, as the artificial lighting of the store illuminates every emotion on your face - and he sees the fear, the concern, and the tenderness that gives you away, Frankie decides that he needs you. 
And, like an addict, he swears to have you in whatever capacity he can get.
You can’t read him, and you’re on edge awaiting his response.
Then with a newfound sense of ease, Frankie picks up the six-pack from the basket beside you, as you watch his every move; afraid you’ll miss something. 
He gestures to the beers, before the slightest hint of a smirk greets you from beneath his baseball cap.
“How about we swap these for some of that wine you like? Then we can head back to my place. Talk some more.” he says.
And he knows those last three words could scare you off. 
Yet as you take his hand, pulling him over to the aisle you need, Frankie feels hopeful. 
It’s a kind of hope that simultaneously scares and excites him, and right now, he’s okay with that.
Thank you for reading! Please consider commenting, liking or reblogging if you enjoyed it. <3
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hxltic · 2 years
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• genre: smut (with a wee bit of angst for plot)
• warnings: penetration, mirror sex, cheating (not mattsun), size kink, choking, use of good girl, slight dumbification, female reader, stretch marks reader, body image difficulties mentioned
some fluff there too and it’s kinda long
🎶 ALL MINE by Brent Faiyaz when reader goes outside for better feels
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You never thought you’d see the day Oikawa cheats on you. In front of hundreds, maybe even thousands of people, but he got what he finally wanted for himself and his team for years.
You worked a ton, trying to care for your hospitalized father. You got the tickets to the national game with whatever leftover money you had and a little help from the rest of the team. You were there at all the gatherings, get-togethers; anything you could to make up for your lack of presence at games, but they were so expensive and you’ll be damned if you ask the team for money to pitch in frequently.
Needless to say, you appeared as the captain’s girlfriend, close to being fiancé. You’d been right there since the first team sleepovers, right by his side the whole time. Now he was getting the well deserved credit as captain he deserved from his team, his fans, and you.
You were his own little surprise for nationals. You planned a dinner with everyone there but Oikawa, not wanting to ruin the surprise. Iwaizumi pitched in the most, his excuse being he just had money to spare (even though you know he’s like a big brother and would take care of you until the end of time), but you thanked everyone graciously.
To scale back a bit, you grew up with Mattsun and Makki. They where inseparable, and once you got attached to Mattsun, Makki was the last of the package. Matsukawa had no boundaries at all. Coming in while you were obviously changing in the bathroom, body slamming you on the bed, when you were on facetime with someone he’d come in the camera and join the conversation—there’s nothing you haven’t seen him do and there’s nothing he hasn’t seen you do—including sexually. You walked in once on him jerking off, he continued and asked if you could turn the light off. On the other hand, after an argument you have a promise to always say ‘I love you,’ and he puts you on the inner side of the sidewalk.
Later, his friends eventually became yours. Whenever you were mad at Tooru, a group sleepover was planned. Whenever Makki couldn’t come, Mattsun was fine with it being just you two, he didn’t mind. Any issues you had that were too overwhelming to handle alone, you went to Mattsun for.
The guy in a constant manspread with a caprisun always in hand somehow seemed to know what to do; you trust him with your life. Every breakup, he was there for you, and you made it your job to reciprocate.
You have a different type of trust with Tooru though. No boundaries were overstepped with Mattsun once you set them as well. Therefore, your relationship thrived with the brunette for years. There were always Mattsun’s snarky comments that he said just to piss Oikawa off, but everyone giggled and thought nothing of it while he pouted.
Okay so, Oikawa was basically famous. He had off-putting fangirls that usually backed off once you were in the picture, but there were some that didn’t. You accepted this fact since he was the one that came home to you in the end, and because Makki made *secret* gagging noises whenever they yelled for Tooru from the stands.
You dealt with them all the way up until today. The day where on the last deuce point, the ball fell on the opposite side of the court, just on the line. Roars from the crowd sounded, the team banner was waved even higher, and the chants turned into screams. On the court, the guys were in pure joy, hugging and bellowing in relief—they had made it.
This was the part where you’d come in! You hopped over the stands with flowers and more. As expected, he was a flowers man, and once you found out you sat them on your apartment table for whenever he came over. You move hastily through the throngs of people crowding the court until you find your extremely sweaty friends. They were ecstatic and could probably cry any second.
“You guys were amazinggg!” You dragged out. Iwa found you happily, sweeping you off your feet with a bear hug. Kindaichi and Makki joined, leading to a group team hug with the players who weren’t talking to their thrilled parents. They finally put you back down.
You pull down your riding up mid-thigh length dress, “Okay, I’ll find Oikawa. I have a surprise for you guys too!” You give a gleeful smile and wave, then turn around to start your journey.
Except it ends a lot quicker than you thought it would.
Almost immediately you find him laughing with another. He wins the game of his dreams and decides some random over you. Who even was she? She calms him down by placing her hands on his biceps, then going on her tip-toes to kiss him. His hands meet at her waist with a smile, clearly no problem that he’s detecting. It definitely wasn’t the first time.
People casually walk past the space that separates you and him when your heart drops to your feet. The presents you were so eager to give him for his accomplishment droop to your sides, you can’t do anything but stand in astonishment. You were livid and overwhelmed.
The voices behind you of the team halted. You assumed they saw what you saw, and when you turned around and looked at the rest of them, their jaws were dropped just as yours. Some look at you in sympathy, other gazes like Iwaizumi’s and even Kyōtani’s had nothing but pure anger leaking through them, and the ones left deadpanned Oikawa; just waiting for him to look up. They loved you just as much as Oikawa did—or so you thought.
You wanted to scream at him. You wanted to throw his promise necklace around your neck at him after you rip it off. You wanted to throw the flowers you got him at his feet and stomp on them.
But you couldn’t. This was also the rest of the team’s big day, and you didn’t want to make a scene. You turn back around. Hundreds of people are around you in the stadium as you stand shaking at what you’re looking at. Did all of them see it? You shrink in your spot. The kiss was interrupted by Iwa taking his arm harshly and dragging him to a nearby door, but not before he got a good look at your face. His brown hair fell over fearful eyes of regret.
This would be the last look. Tears rolled down your face when you think about what you sacrificed to get here. For how long? Did she know about you? Did you kiss the same mouth that may have had her lipstick on it at some point? You were sensitive, not soft. You knew by no chance you’d take him back, and all you could think was “fuck him,” but damn you wanted to disintegrate so bad.
You set down the gifts for the team on the court and take this as your cue to speed-walk away, the call of your name not even making you look back. You wipe your tears as you exit and pick up the pace. You knew you were anything but, though you felt idiotic thinking back on all this, his own tardiness excuses being clear. With that thought, insecurities you didn’t even know you had came pouring in.
He was Tooru fucking Oikawa. Who were you? Some girl he put a title on making minimum wage? You turn the corner trying to make it to Mattsun’s car, you rode with him to not raise suspicion. Luckily you had the key, him forcing you to drive back.
She was gorgeous, you can’t lie, beautiful curly blonde hair with glasses—clearly you were never his type. Stretch marks decorated you and you always felt heavy, but he continued to express he didn’t mind when you sat on him. You hear footsteps behind you to ignore. You did not want to deal with this right now. You wanted to break things and cry your heart out doing it.
Quickly they caught up to you, hands turning you around and pulling you close, not saying a word. You saw Mattsun resting his head on yours, breathing heavy from running after the game of his life. Thus, you give in. You’ll apologize for that later too.
He refused to let you go. The 9 o’clock night settles in, bringing an ambiance of comfortable silence after what just happened. You cry softly into his uniform as he holds you tight.
He runs his hand in circles down your back, brushing your hair with the other. He foxily reaches in your back pocket for the keys. With a beep, the car door unlocks, and he guides you to the front seat. First he sits down and lowers his seat back, then he pulls you in after so you could position yourself comfortably on top. You never wanted him to let you go. You hug him and enjoy his presence. Honestly, you pray you aren’t hurting him while he gives you time to process.
“I’m sorry. I wish we knew.” He whispers.
Your feet are in the passenger seat since you’re spread over the console where he holds you like a child. Shaking your head against him, you tell him it’s okay. The light from the car goes off, leaving the two of you in the complete darkness when he moves a piece of hair out of your face and drags a finger down your nose bridge, knowing it’ll instantly put you to sleep. “Don’t you still have awards to do?” You sob.
“They can wait.”
You snuggle into him further, you love being like this but he definitely did just win nationals. Surprisingly, you can’t smell the sweat through your sniffles. “You have to go.”
“I don’t have to do anything.”
You peer up at him and he peers down at you. He wipes a tear off your cheek with the pad of his thumb. “You have to go because I said so.”
After some contemplation he rolls his eyes and chuckles, “Fine, yes ma’am. Now get your sweet ass off me since you want me to go so bad.”
You relocate to the passenger seat where he hands you the keys.
“You want me to send someone out here with you?”
Once again you shake your head and he gives you a side smile before closing the door to go back in. You turn your phone on for light and fall asleep reminiscing. That was the end; you were no longer in a relationship with Tooru Oikawa.
. .
You’re awoken by pots and pans rattling in the kitchen of what is familiar as Mattsun’s house. He sat you down on the couch while you were asleep, almost knowing you were going to wake up hungry.
“Morning,” he says. It’s 11 pm.
. .
You eat and settle into his room since he insisted to take the couch. He has one of those big propped up mirrors with the colored frame. “This does add some vibrance to his room” you think. Passing by it and the dresser, the thoughts almost instantly reform.
You catch yourself judging your own body again, suddenly finding everything that could be disliked about you. Did you talk too much? Were you overwhelming? You’re realizing how unhealthy it is to think about what could have made him cheat on you rather than the fact that he did, but you can’t help yourself. You turn to the side for a better angle of your thigh marks, an obvious frown forming on your face. Matsukawa happens to walk in and spots you, a different frown of his own making its way.
You fix yourself, “You don’t even know what I was thinking about.”
He scoffs, “Like hell I don’t. He’s a dipshit for even thinking of doing something like that to someone like you.”
You turn your head to him in question, “Someone like me?”
He walks past and bluntly stares you up and down in front of the mirror. “Usually girls with stretch marks have good pussy. You get it from your mom, she’s hot too.” He smirks.
“Mattsun!” You shove him over. How is it he could be so vulgar in times like this?
He throws his hands up in defense, then pops the last of the snicker he was holding in his mouth. He walks back over, behind you in the mirror, and trails a finger over your marks. You cringe and watch in the reflection.
“They’re like accessories.”
“Whatever.” You reply. He uses two fingers to guide you to turn a little, taking a closer look.
“All it does is show that your body growth couldn’t fit into your skin. Personally, I like something to grab on.” It takes everything in him not to grab a handful, just to see how much he could fit between his fingers, and squeeze.
You hide your smile, slowly starting to believe him. He looks around to the other side, finding matching ones to compliment.
“But that’s personally, meaning that’s just you. Not everyone likes them.” You retaliate. He stops in his tracks and looks at you from the side.
He twists you straight by your hips, correctly towards the mirror. You see him directly behind you. His hands reach up to your neck, impressively undo the clasp, then leisurely peel off the ring necklace from your chest. Once you register yourself without the trademark promise jewelry, you look back at his eyes in examination. You find a smug expression, with seriousness glinting behind his low eyes, and he drops the necklace plainly to the floor.
“You don’t need everyone.”
He gazes in your eyes. You slowly nod. He was entrancing when stern, no other words needed to be said for you to listen, even when heavy-hearted. He directed your eye back into the mirror with the slight push of your jaw.
“You see this body right here? It’s not for everyone.” He lowers his tone. His hands situate back on your hips, rubbing them loosely while he dictates. “Some can handle it, some can’t.”
You look at him through the mirror to listen closely. You clear your throat to gather up the voice for your question, the discarded necklace already forgotten.
“Can you?” You inquire softly.
He slowly lowers himself down to your ear. “Wanna find out?”
You scan his eyes for jokes. Your 3-4 year relationship went down the drain, but you realize the one you needed most held up. You can’t think of a time he wasn’t there for you while your “boyfriend” was trying to keep his reputation alive.
There was a reason you went to Mattsun first for everything and he knew it. To keep your relationship afloat (that you swore up and down you were happy in), he dismissed it. But now as he was staring into your eyes, the urge to kiss you has never been higher—especially since you just gave him the go.
So why not accept the invitation?
He unites your lips. You immediately return the gesture, slotting together slowly, deep and somehow loving. Twisting around, you wrap your arms around his neck.
You’ve never kissed him before, but damn you wish you had. He tastes like chocolate and his large hands feel so good roaming your body. The ongoing kiss was almost necessary, the pent up emotion the both of you had seeping through it. He groans when you suck his tongue and you make it your job to pull it out of him again. He easily gets you off the ground by reaching both hands behind your thighs and tapping, and of course, following directions, you jump and giggle.
He smiles into the kiss and catches you, no struggle. He can, in fact, handle your body.
You move your falling hair out of the way and return to your previous position. You can definitely get used to making out with him. Walking over to the bed, he lowers you down. He casually hovers over you while you embrace him, making you more desperate, back arching up to reach. He caresses one of the legs wrapped around his waist when he pulls back to ask a final question.
“You want this?”
You tease him a bit, ignoring what he was actually asking concerning your past relationship.
“Do you want me?” You reply, twirling the hair at his nape.
Without reluctancy, he breathes out, “I need you. Really fucking bad. But that wasn’t my question.”
You’re shocked at the sudden tone, declaring yet desperate. Need. He needs you. You attempt to remember Oikawa saying it, but you can’t find a memory. If he did though, he wouldn’t have meant it. You start to rethink your relationship. Have you been blind this whole time?
“Yes, I do want it.”
“Want what? It, or me?” He wasn’t letting it slide.
“…I want you.”
He smiles and pinches your chin delicately with his thumb, fulfilling your needs with another slow, gentle kiss.
“Good girl.”
You grin giddily and push him over to his back, straddling his hips. His lips feel ten times better on yours, somehow overriding your past boyfriend’s in an indescribable way. Your nicely manicured hands never find a stopping point as they run down his chest. His sweats have much to hide, though they obviously aren’t doing their job well.
Mattsun has walked around with his print clearly showing all the time. You’re not sure if he discontinued this habit since you were coming over less (due to your ex’s discomfort), and you didn’t care then, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss the way the fabric outlined the entirety of him perfectly.
You knew he was big. You’ve seen him, but never completely hard. You almost laugh out loud awkwardly when you realize whenever someone said he had “big dick energy,” they could only guess. Now as you were feeling curiously past the drawstring, he only sat motionless to watch your enlarging eyes and outwardly laugh at you once your fingers drag from base to tip. It was almost inviting and bigger than anything you’ve ever felt.
“Will it fit…?” You think. What you didn’t know, was that you actually said it aloud.
“Sorry, what was that?”
You redirect your gaze back to his face. He wears a shit-eating grin and has his hand that was on your hip by his ear, tilted to you in fake question. You swallow, and shyly repeat.
“Trust me princess, we’ll make it fit.” He hums casually.
The comforting feeling of him comes back when his charming hands roll your dress up. Now it was obvious he was looking at you through the mirror positioned at the foot of his bed, because he was fixated on the view of the pretty lace you wore curving over your ass. Technically it was part of Oikawa’s gift, but it’s being put to good use.
“You like it?” You move your hair out of the way and sway a bit, before slowly stepping to your knees in front of the bed.
“Can it be my wallpaper?”
You whole heartedly laugh. Sex with him is somehow fun rather than awkward, taking into consideration you’ve known him since you were a kid.
Looking up into his eyes you observe pure longing radiating his body. Reaching his lower abdomen as he leaned back was easy, as well as to taking him out. You found his length quickly and held it with both hands to lick a stripe from the middle to his tip. You sucked hard, kissing the top. Easing into it, you downed more and more, dissipating the friction with your saliva until his hand found your hair to push you downward towards your own fingers. You choked due to his actions.
“Can you take it all?” He smirks down at you.
He was almost belittling you, the taunting giving nothing but encouragement. You nod with your head still almost at the base, mouth more than full, forcing yourself deeper with your tongue out to not neglect his balls. You sputter again as spit leaks from your lips, barely reaching the bottom. He curls his hips upwards to negate all restrictions you had.
“Fuck…that’s it. Pretty girl knows how to deepthroat.”
You literally couldn’t go any farther with your nose deep in his skin. Once he holds you for a while, he bobs your head up and down for you, your jaw slack. You tried your best not to gag.
“Oikawa teach you this?” He breathes.
You shake your head no.
“Why, he couldn’t? Dick wasn’t big enough?”
You nod your head yes, ripping a genuine laugh from his throat. You smile as much as you could.
You can’t resist touching yourself with your panties to the side. His head thrown back is enough to fuel your arousal.
Throating him, your eyes are naturally closed, but you have to get in the habit of opening them. He loves seeing your pretty orbs and lashes glaze over with tears once his dick is too much for you. How he almost cums on the spot because no other woman has taken him this deep. The up and down motions of your head in his lap through the mirror not showing everything, but enough is implied. When he finally lets you up to breath because you tapped out, but a lopsided smile still decorates your face after your throat flexed beautifully around his shaft.
You can barely speak, but you’ll still happily stick your tongue out so he can slap his head teasingly on it, smiling down at you. You stretch yourself with his size in mind, just praying he doesn’t rip you apart.
With just the thought you add an extra finger to make three. He didn’t know how nasty you were in bed, he could only imagine, but now he didn’t have to because you were right in front of him doing it all.
The praise keeps you going, joy spreading through your body even in your current position to please him. He suggests you get accustomed to getting sloppy. You like the word accustomed, meaning it wasn’t gonna be just one time. But what were you? Friends? Friends with benefits? Anyway, he refuses to cum anywhere but on you, especially when you haven’t came yourself yet. Then again, that doesn’t mean you weren’t soaking.
He orders you to your feet where you slip your panties off. He turns you around to your makeup for the occasion ruined, slight tear stains, and your dress being pulled off in the mirror. Then, he gives you choices as he unclasps your bra.
“So, what should we do? You wanna ride me and bounce in the mirror? Or would you rather watch as you get slutted out and bent over?” He offers ordinarily.
The idea of him alone pounding into you from behind while he forces your eyes to the glass thrills you. You request the second, then turn back around and crawl into position on the bed. He smiles to himself at your obedience and follows right behind you.
He pushes in a few fingers to check, shocking your body into a shudder, then once he decides you were stretched, pulls them out.
“Still on birth control?”
You nod, he knew from all the times you complained about keeping up with the timing. You braced yourself when his flush tip poked into you from behind, later slowly inching its way inside.
He almost passed out the way you clenched around him. You didn’t have a choice: he was thick and filled you out completely. You let your head drop as your muscles tense at the intrusion. You tell him to keep going (since you decided to deal with the penetrating pain all at once), but you regret that decision. You just know you underestimated it. You needed a few minutes first.
“You’re so big…” His ego was already a force, and you didn’t mean to fuel it, but fuck.
“I’m halfway. Know you can take it.”
Some time after unstirring bodies and heavy breaths, you finally suck it up and rock backwards. He groans deeply.
Then you do it again. And again. Until it goes from painful, to uncomfortable, to nothing at all.
“You okay?”
You respond with a faint yes. If anything you were more than okay. He started meeting you half the way there, and that’s when you finally look up into the mirror. You were on your elbows, face flushed, with Mattsun rolling his hips ever so slowly into you from behind.
It was fucking hot, especially now that it felt good. He stops his hips when you get a glimpse of him grabbing his phone from the nightstand. He records his hand on the height of your ass from your arch, and the way your pussy gratefully gripped his length when you pushed yourself back on him, face down ass up, you had to work for it. You swallowed him whole. Amused, he watches your pussy contract and expand from the travel from the middle of his dick to the head. How his veins got sucked in by you, like you were molded just for him. You trusted Mattsun so you made sure to moan a little louder.
“I know you love it baby— the way I stuff you.”
“Yes.” You breathe out. He slightly teased you inch by inch of the way, whether it was verbally or physically. Rubbing himself against your entrance, degrading words, anything. It was honestly starting to piss you off. He was completely aware. “Faster…”
He just laughs evilly. He stops recording and throws his phone to the side to run his hands down your body. “Drop the attitude and ask again, then maybe I’ll consider.”
You roll your eyes, resulting in the slap of your ass. He did start thrusting again though. You hiss, sigh, and whine again.
“Faster, please.” His face reads completely unbothered when he removes his shirt. He was going agonizingly slow, just to annoy you even more. In his mind, if you weren’t at the point of punching him in the face, then he wasn’t edging you enough.
He should feel bad.
He doesn’t.
Fucking into you was nice he thought. The way he entered deep and slow as you groan at the reflection. Savoring your body. But you heard it. The way girls screamed his name when you stayed over. In fact, you were there when he had to get his headboard bolted to the wall. You could barely pay for your apartment along with groceries, so you had no choice but to deal with one-night-stands that were even louder because you were there to try and scare you away. He’d walk back out like nothing happened, say bye, then proceed to offer you a drink. Little did you know, the entire reasoning behind it was you. No matter how many women he tried to bring in and distract himself with, none held the same effect that you do on him.
You give up trying and continue rocking back onto him yourself. Desperately attempting to reach the spot you needed and knew he could hit. It only angered you worse when he just wouldn’t. Clearly, it showed on your face.
“You’re so funny, you know that? I thought I was bad, but the way you’re practically begging for me is hilarious.”
He laughed at you once more and with the sudden singular snap of his hips, you jolt forward.
You were caught off guard. He grabs a hold of your waist hard enough to leave marks, then shifts his weight on your back. This gets you further into the bed, enhancing your arch. The thrust that ensues pushes you back and forth with enough force to lead into the next—relentlessly, he drives into you. You can barely breathe. Your eyes go wide in the mirror and you can’t move, the only option is to sit there and take it. You drop to your chest.
“Oh my god-Issei,” You choke out, you can’t really speak with your chin attached to his bed, “P-please you have to—!”
“—Wait? Thought this was what you wanted princess? Now that I know you’ll look like this, I’m not sure if I can bring myself to.”
He moved one hand to your hair, just what he thought was the perfect handle. He pulled upwards once he wrapped his hand in it to make sure you were watching in the reflection. Furthermore, you are elevated right back up to your elbows.
“You see that? Watch how you get dicked down by your ex’s best friend. In fact, I might send that video to him later.”
You cry out his name again, the image of Oikawa’s face once he opens the notification making you smile. Endlessly, Issei rams into you. His cock splits you open. The recoil is insane, it has your eyes rolling to the back of your head just as Issei does, the situation, everything.
Suddenly, he slows his thrusts. With his grip still on your head you look back at him weakly, and he almost came right there. The atmosphere and the room are hot, but he’ll still say the hottest thing here is you. The kiss he gives you is sloppy.
“God you’re so sexy. If you look away from the mirror I’ll stop, pretty. See what I see.”
You nod your head. It wasn’t good enough.
“Okay.” You mutter. You watch in the mirror image as he builds up speed again and slams into you, tears pinching at your eyes. He constantly talks to you over the loud slapping of skin. His moans (that were more grunts/groans) couldn’t even be heard. You realize now why those girls were screaming, Mattsun was rough in the best way possible. You thought they were exaggerating until no bounce of your ass against him goes unnoticed, every smirk he gave you wanted to kiss it off his face, and every thrust felt like heaven. The warm feeling came rushing like a train, not even building up. He folds his body over yours to get right in your neck as he hugs you from behind.
“You look so gorgeous for me. My pretty girl.”
He just laughs through the words. You babble to answer as more of these statements pile in. You see now: he was waiting for you this whole time. You hate how blind you were for all those years missed, wasted on someone close to him who wasn’t even good for you. He had to watch it all. You were a mess and yet here he was. It was kind of scary to you how quickly you were over your ex, but once Issei was the one there comforting you, that was all you needed. Now you could finally be his. His pretty girl.
“No one can fuck you like I can. Move your hand.”
He swatted away your mindless right hand placed on his arm behind you. You’re not sure how you held yourself up or how it got there, but you’ve clearly been on one elbow. You tried your best to keep your eyes open. It was so overwhelming, especially when you were so close to cumming already. You didn’t know whether to cry, pass out, or fight to stay awake.“Please I-Issei, n-nobody can just please,” You huff out.
Quickly, back and forth you go, even though his body stops you from flying backwards. Your ass hits him before you get too far back, then that pushes you forwards, where he pulls you back down to repeat. He lets go of your hair and holds your chin up instead. He makes sure to look directly at you in the reflection.
“Fuck- who’s my pretty girl?”
“Me Issei.”
Your voice gets higher with each thrust. He grunts, nearing his end as you gradually tighten around him.
“Yeah? Who? Say it.”
“Me. I’m…” He re-angles himself, hitting a spot you never knew would affect you this badly. He’s pretty sure your eyes actually came inward first before you subconsciously closed them, and his finger pad slid on your wet lip as you drift off into subspace.
“Come back to me, baby.��� He can’t even bring himself to stop fast enough to edge you. Instead, he takes a hard bite to your shoulder and expertly circles your clit with the hand that wasn’t holding your jaw up. To think he could bring you to this point on your first orgasm was insane. The way he slips in and out of your heat quickly, the white ring wrapping around his dick that only gets bigger, and his balls slapping against your skin feeling so so good.
You come back right on time to see and feel yourself squeeze around him. Everything goes white, you try to scream out his name but it comes out only a whisper and a sob, and you realize he was dead serious. Nobody can fuck you the way he just did. Nobody has. He digs his head into your neck for the long awaited spill into you. He’s thought about it so many times, but making you uncomfortable was not an option, especially with Oikawa in the picture. He convinced himself the mental images were innocent until they became progressive, but he didn’t care. You were his now. He thrusts his hips into you further to make sure you felt full with his eyes to your back, watching you twitch and cream on his thick cock in the mirror.
“Shit, I’m your pretty girl Issei...”
He throbs inside before the warmth creeps into you, Issei’s hold on your figure tighter than ever. You won’t leave him this time.
“What’s his name, baby?”
“Huh?” You blink slowly, still recovering from the euphoria. Your mind was in shambles. “Who?”
“Good fucking girl,” he presses a smiling kiss to your temple. He thought it’d take a few more rounds for that to be your answer, but he guesses that dick never fucked you good enough.
© hxltic
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aihoshiino · 6 months
An Interview with Ai: Da Vinci Magazine Jan. 2024 (4chan Anon TL)
In the issue of Da Vinci Magazine dated for Jan 2024, there was an exciting surprise - four whole pages of an in-character interview with Ai of B-Komachi! Taking place shortly before her 20th birthday, Ai discusses various things with the interviewer, resulting in some surprising new information about her relationships with certain characters and her own home life...
To be clear up front: This is not my translation! I'm archiving and mirroring it from 4chan where it was originally posted by an anon. I've made no changes to the text save cleaning up some grammar errors and typos and formatting it for tumblr. I plan on doing my own translation of the interview, either via scans or buying the magazine myself when I have the money, but for now, I hope this will do!
Q: It seems to have been a turbulent year for B-Komachi and Ai as well. Looking back, what was your impression?
Ai: That's true. It really went by in the blink of an eye. Everyone was so busy, myself included. It was so strange. Before I knew it, we were already scheduled to perform in the Tokyo Dome (laughs). I thought to myself, "I see... so we did come this far."
Q: You have taken on many challenges so far. What is your most memorable job?
Ai: I had a great time in all of them. There were also many occasions when I thought, "Are they asking me to do this too!?". But if I had to pick something other than my idol activities, then my most memorable job would be all the times I had to work in movies. I met so many people that, at the end, it felt like hanging out with friends. And then, in the blink of an eye, the job would be over (laughs).
Q: You were really getting into it (laughs). But acting is completely different than being an idol. Did you find it difficult?
Ai: For me, it is normal to be photographed as well as being filmed while singing, on a music video, or during variety shows. I wonder if I was able to put that experience to good use, but then I think about it, and I believe I did it perfectly!!
Q: ...so was it difficult?
Ai: Having to deal with the waiting time was more difficult at first. I know I shouldn't say this, but sometimes I was sooo bored (laughs). But finding new ways to kill time was fun.
Q: It's like the saying goes, "Waiting is part of an actor's job."
Ai: Oooh, I had no idea there was a saying like that! How interesting!!
Q: Looking back, Ai's first drama was directed by Taishi Gotanda, and then you worked with him in subsequent films too. What impression do you have of him?
Ai: He has a scary face. But when I talk to him, there are many times when it feels like he's just a useless adult. In that aspect, I can sympathize with him. There were times I was eating my lunch, and whenever rice fell while eating, he would just jump and say, "WATCH OUT!" like a mom (laughs). But well, I love his works. Whenever I watched them, it felt like, "Ah, his passion for authenticity is genuine." As a creator myself, I knew I could trust in him.
Q: It certainly feels like he's good at depicting the inner lives of characters.
Ai: That's right, it always feels like instead of characters, his works show real people. And I love that. I'm not a big fan of movies; at most, I watch some dramas recommended to me, and they are usually really entertaining! I think I'm not good for the roles of such characters, and I thank that director Gotanda's works aren't of that type.
Q: Your acting feels quite natural. What kind of acting guidance did the director give to you?
Ai: None, really. He just said, "Do as you please," and I just went with it. However, I don't think everyone was on the same page. In one of the sets, there was a child actress called Kana Arima-chan. She is suuuuuper cute, and whenever she was acting, I was thinking, "Wow, she's just like the character," and that's when it sunk to me that actors are capable of anything.
Q: Maybe it was possible that you, without realizing it, were asking Arima-san to lead the scenes?
Ai: Pretty much. In fact, she even scolded me (laughs). "Can you take this a bit more seriously?" she told me. I was doing my best, though! (laughs). But seeing Kana-chan so serious about doing a good job made me want to put even more effort into my role.
Q: That reminds me, there's a child actor from Ichigo Pro called Aqua-kun working on it too.
Ai: Ahaha, Aqua-kun was so cute too! He has such a mysterious charm, it made me wonder "maybe he's a genius too?" Don't forget to watch his future projects, alright?
Q: I won't. Returning to the topic of your activities as an actress, what part of it was the most interesting for you?
Ai: I still have problems understanding what "acting" means. Sometimes it felt that, well… rather than trying to find a character in myself, the character itself was taking over my own actions. Even thought I was acting, I didn't feel like myself, as if every action was being performed automatically. But rather than make me wonder about my talent or lack of, I guess it was all thanks to the wonderful script.
Q: I see. So in a way it's similar to separating Ai as a person and Ai as an idol?
Ai: There are parts of myself that I still don't understand, but I believe it's the same for everyone. Everyone acts with an idea of what they "want to become". Until now and from now on, I will continue working hard just so I can become the person that everyone wants me to be. In that sense I could say that I'm acting, playing the role of Ai. Of course it doesn't mean that I'm forcing myself to, it just happens unconsciously, naturally. I also have to face everyone in B-Komachi, how cute they are as well as their honesty. They show that cuteness to the fans, and for me, that's not an act.
Q: And said B-Komachi is now going to perform at the Dome. Why do you think the group is so beloved by fans?
Ai: It's because we worked together, because I knew that by working seriously we could go this far. Also I don't believe the Dome is our ultimate goal, or better said, I can't quite grasp how amazing is for us to perform there. Our boss said that he always wanted to see us perform there so I decided to do my best in order to make that dream come true. That's why, till now and from now on, I will continue working hard to fulfill everyone's dreams.
Q: So Ai's forte is to want everyone around her to be happy.
Ai: Yes. But I wonder if the rest thinks the same.
Q: Don't you have any personal ambitions?
Ai: Ah, now that you ask, I have a bit of a naughty opinion and is that I'm happy that we are selling a lot and getting a good amount of money (laughs). Being able to buy a really expensive ice cream is pure bliss. As for the rest, just seeing my fans happy is enough to make me happy too. But rather than happy, I guess it makes me feel at ease.
Q: When you say you feel at ease, is that similar to saying that you found a place where you belong?
Ai: A place where I belong… I'm sure everyone search such thing, I think it's the same for some members of B-komachi.
Q: …is it different for you?
Ai: I can't quite tell, it's something I'm having problems figuring that out. Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in place, but then I feel like the energy I receive from everyone allows me to do my best as an idol as well as my other jobs, and in exchange, I'm able to bring smiles to them.
Q: I see. It's true that many types of fans have enjoyed your live performances in the past. Which reminds me, there was also this one video of baby twins cheering for you that went viral.
Ai: Oh yeah that one!! I can't believe how those babies could swing those glowsticks like that. It was so cute~. I feel so much bliss every time I watch it.
Q: During a TV show when they showed that video to you, many people in social media pointed out your smile while watching it
Ai: Oh right! I thought it was the same smile I always had. When I read those comments I couldn't help but ask to myself "Eh? What is so different?"
Q: From now I'll be making questions a bit more private. Could you tell us about how were you during your childhood?
Ai: I don't think I was a good child. If anything, I was a really nasty brat (laughs). Because our house was close to the railroad, during midnight I would often walk near the tracks wondering if the train is coming close. Once I hear it, I would run away. If I tried that today, I'm sure it would be a problem (laughs)
Q: Did you wonder where did you want to go back then?
Ai: I wonder. I didn't had an specific place in mind. I lived with my mother, but she had a boyfriend back then, always living in their own little bubble being loveydovey and it was rough for me. I just said "Ah, this is not my place" and ran away, I could think about the rest later.
Q: Maybe going to a friend's house was a better option.
Ai: I've always been a loner, since I was a kid. There were many times when people would get irritating and I would just prefer to be alone playing Tetris. Of course, that doesn't mean that I would take loneliness over company, but at times I could tell that, whenever someone was around, the mood between people would go sour and I then stayed away from them.
Q: But then, are there any fond memories you have from your childhood?
Ai: Let's see… I do remember my dad. It wasn't something that happened often, but this one time, we went to the grocery store and bought some natto. Then, when I took the plastic from it and wrapped it in seaweed, he said, "Oh, you did it well," and that made me happy. That's why, even to this day, I'm quite skilled at wrapping food in seaweed.
Q: Being praised by your parents is usually trivial, but for some, it's something fondly remembered when it happens. From your perspective, what were your parents like?
Ai: Maybe they were like me, seeing things from the same perspective. Rather than seeing each other like family, it felt more like partners in a way. But I can't hate them for that, no human is perfect and no one is actively seeking a parental role.
Q: That's quite a mature way of seeing things. 
Ai: I wonder. I'm in a parental role too… ooooor so I think that's what I feel whenever I see a child with their parents in the audience. It's because of my experience in my childhood that I can't comment on other parents whenever their children do something bad. Parenting is difficult, I'm sure.
Q: In that case, if Ai ever had a family, would you also treat your children as friends or partners instead of keeping a parent-child relationship?
Ai: It doesn't matter. As long as everyone is happy and smiling, then it's fine with me. If you asked me what a perfect family is, I just wouldn't know how to answer that. But it would be one as long as the children are happy. If I had a family, I would do whatever it takes to achieve that.
Q: I know I shouldn't ask this of an idol, but do you have someone you want to marry?
Ai: ...That's a secret (laughs)
Q: You were scouted in order to be an idol. What were your impressions about idols back then?
Ai: For me, they were so pure, always shining, and doing their best to support and care about their fans. That's how I saw idols. If the job of an idol is to make people happy, then I wanted to be like that too, well I'm still working on it.
Q: And now that you are one, has that image changed?
Ai: They are hard workers, just as I imagined. There are times when things get rough, but then I push myself like, "Let's just do it" and continue with pure momentum (laughs)
Q: It would be weird to not get used to the routine.
Ai: But I love it, with its ups and downs. There's been times I felt like I was doing something wrong, that maybe I didn't belong here, but then I remember that being able to be an idol is wonderful.
Q: For Ai, is this your dream job?
Ai: Hmmm, I wonder. I wouldn't go that far. A real idol truly loves their fans, is always kind, and would never lie. I'm still trying hard, doing my best, wondering if one day someone will look at me and say, "She is the real deal.".
Q: But there are many who describe Ai as an "unmatched genius idol."
Ai: Why do they even call me something like that? I'm just there in the group, being myself; I don't know which one of my actions qualifies me to be called that.
Q: In that case, for Ai, what does it mean to be an idol?
Ai: At times, I think that being an idol means being "able to express herself to others." Sounds cool, doesn't it? (laughs). In reality, I believe that it's about being able to replicate what others want from you. ….Hmmm, I guess it makes it sound like school or something.
Q: Do you feel B-Komachi in the same way?
Ai: B-Komachi is different. I met everyone when the group was created, and we wasted no time getting into idol activities. If I lagged behind even a bit, I felt like I was causing problems for others. But with the passing of time, we managed to spend more time together, and I feel like we share an irreplaceable bond.
Q: What is exactly this "irreplaceable bond"?
Ai: Ah, it's nothing too deep. It's just that I've started hanging out with the rest more often. I'm quite a home person, so when I ordered food for everyone, Takamii (Takamine) would get mad at me because the vegetable portions were too small. "You lack femininity! You will never become a wife at this rate!" (laughs). I never said I was thinking of becoming a wife! (laughs)
Q: (laughs) Earlier, you said that sometimes you felt alienated during your childhood. Didn't that cause problems for you, considering that you were chosen as the center of the group?
Ai: Kinda does. Even now, I still wonder if I should be the center. There are more capable members in the group. Of course, I feel honored, but I'm still unsure if I'm doing it right. Maybe other members should be in my position. Besides, it's hard to memorize the dance as a center (bitter laugh)
Q: As a final question, what are the current goals for B-Komachi?
Ai: We have new members joining us this year, so we are even more hyped than before, and we are finally performing in such a big venue as the Dome. B-Komachi has finally become a great group, and I'm sure they will be fine even after I'm gone. Not that I'm planning on quitting (laughs). All the members are so hardworking, kind, and cute. From now on, please, pretty please, support them as much as you can.
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vulpes115 · 2 months
Where the Marauders Era Characters Lived During the War
James and Lily - Bought a house together with a little help from Effie and Monty
Sirius and Remus - Lived together in Sirius’s flat that Sirius was able to afford thanks to Uncle Alphard
Peter - Still lived at his mom’s house but he’d disappear for periods of time (huh, what’s up with that?)
Marlene and Mary - They rented a flat together in muggle London, they supported it as Mary, and Marlene, would do some shifts at a local diner before Marlene had to quit due to the Order needing her at too random of a time. Mary wanted more independence from her family, Marlene wanted that too (her and her mom had issues) but also she wanted to stay away from her family because she didn’t want to risk them getting hurt
Dorcas - Her family kicked her out (it was not done out of maliciousness for the record, it was them trying to force Dorcas into not joining the Order and risking her life…it did not work and then Dorcas was too stubborn and too scared of her family getting caught in the crossfire to come home when they rescinded the deal and started begging her to come back…whoops.). The Tonks family offered to take her in as Andromeda knew the feelings of trying to prove yourself the ‘good Slytherin’ that drove Dorcas. Plus Andromeda just missed having sisters and appreciated having another young women live with her. Also Dora adored her and she may or may not have been 7 year old Dora’s gay awakening and a big inspiration for why she wanted to be an auror.
Dorcas and Marlene - Eventually Dorcas was able to get a job as an auror (Mad-Eye was ok counting her Order missions as her training, as she got more in the field action than your average recruit and after a very abridged two months of more ‘official’ training overseen by Alice, she got hired) and after she got enough money to buy her own flat, she did. Marlene naturally came with, especially since Mary and Marlene had taken to fighting about the war and their positions in it, so by early 1981 they were living in a shared flat together.
Regulus - Lived at Grimmauld Place his entire life
Evan and Barty - As soon as Barty graduated, he moved to the Rosier manor, especially as he got more involved with the Death Eaters. Evan’s father was ok with Barty living under his roof as long as he seemed a loyal follower of Voldemort and he didn’t suspect the two’s relationship. However Evan and Barty did take that opportunity to share a room, even if they had to be discreet about it.
Pandora - Evan made it part of the deal with their father that if he got the dark mark, Pandora would stay out of the war so he sent her to go live with a relative in France, however after engagement plans were made with someone Pandora considered horrible and a bore, she eloped with Xenophilius, who she had met while in France and he was doing more research on gnargles for his future magazine, for awhile they traveled the world together, a distraction for Pandora from the fact that she couldn’t stop any of the visions she saw from happening back in England and a way for her to find out more about horcruxes and how to destroy them. Eventually Pandora ended up pregnant so they bought a flat back in France with the money Xeno got from starting the Quibbler so Luna can be born as Pandora didn’t want to go back to England yet and only after the war was over did she finally go back
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I mentioned a few times on my blog that I don't like wolfstar, but I never actually dived into why. I was planning on doing so, and @gralunaisland asked me aswell, so here it is.
A little disclaimer here, these are MY reason for not liking wolfstar. I don't proclaim them as the universal truth.
I think there are a good few reasons why I don't ship it.
Starting with their school years, some people may disagree but Peter, Sirius and Remus were obviously closer to James, who was the glue of their little group. Remus and Sirius actually seemed like they were the least close, their personalities being opposite that clash. Which can work in some cases, but not theirs. Sirius can be insensitive, cruel and impulsive, and Remus is far too concerned with not upsetting people who have accepted him. This is shown plain as day in my next point.
No matter the reason, Sirius should never have told Snape how to stop the tree. It endangered Snape's life, and Remus'. That in itself is a glaring indicator of Sirius and Remus' relationship. The only thing I could say in Sirius' defense is that the Whomping willow incident happened around the same time his family issues reached their climax, but that would be an explanation, not an excuse. From a realistic point of view, because this is about betraying your friends' secret, and is unrelated to magic, Remus should not have forgiven Sirius.
Remus therefore has a good reason not to trust Sirius, but the opposite is not as clear. Remus was distant and often absent due to a mission given by Dumbledore, but none of his friends knew about it. They knew there was a spy within their allies, and because Remus' recent unexplained occupation, Sirius assumed he was the spy. He likely possibly became distant towards Remus, who likely thought he turned their backs on them, as he had proven to be able to betray his friends in the past. The whole part about them suspecting eachother because of Sirius' family/Remus' condition is purely fanon.
Then the Potters died and the actual traitor was revealed, who was neither of them. But because of Sirius' suspicion of Remus, nobody aside from himself and the potter knew who had actually been entrusted with their safety. Which meant that Remus couldn't suspect that Sirius was innocent, but at the same time simply accepted that Sirius had betrayed his best friend who took him in when he ran away from home. That could have been a wake up call, the moment Remus told himself "Something feels wrong", but it wasn't, and Sirius would spend the next 12 years in Azkaban, before he breaks free.
After Sirius escapes his worse than death sentence, he doesn't seem to be in contact with Remus. He is on the run for about a year but doesn't see or talk to Remus, and neither seem bothered by it. They reunite during the summer before Harry's 5th year, but at this point their relationship seem to rely solely on the good old times. It doesn't exactly help that Sirius' mental health seems to spiral down, and Remus has his own problems to deal with. So no time for romance there either.
Their relationship is so inexistant that Sirius left everything to Harry in his will, despite Remus struggling with poverty. To be fair, Remus likely would have refused the money, but still.
I feel like I demonized Sirius in my post, which was not exactly my intention, but he is still a big part of why w*lfstar wouldn't work. Remus' main problem is that he's a coward. If they dated, he'd probably have ran out on Sirius at some point, like he did with Tonks... Who just had a baby from him.
I think Sirius needs someone more strong willed, and Remus needs someone who respects him but can call him out on his bs when necessary.
Sorry if something don't make sense in this post, or if I got something wrong. It's been a while since I read the books.
ETA: Fanon made the prank appear much more impactful than it was in canon, but if the consequences on their relationship was as severe in canon, then the probability of Sirius and Remus dating would be even slimmer, if the betrayal happened while they were as close as wolfstar fans like to imagine. I guess it depends on Sirius' intent as he revealed the information. If he snapped and didn't think/care about the consequences, which I believe is what happened, because Snape had been snooping around for sometime to discover Remus' secret, and as I pointed earlier, the incident happened in the same time period as Sirius running away, so the period when he couldn't stand living with his parents anymore (and Sirius was 16, he just had one summer remaining to live there, so it had to be really bad) then I can imagine Remus forgiving him relatively easily. If he didn't think Snape would go, then he was still negligent because he shouldn't haven taken the chance in the first place, knowing how hard Snape was trying to expose Remus' secret. Unlike what a lot of wolfstar shippers like to write, I don't think Sirius told Snape how to freeze the willow with the intent that he'd die or get turned, but it doesn't really make it better, because in any case he didn't care what happened to Snape, and didn't think about Remus, which wouldn't make sense if they're dating/have feelings for eachother. Also, during the explanation in PoA, Remus mentions 'many close calls', without specifying what those were, but doesn't seem to traumatized by it. So in the Marauders' mind, Snape was likely another close call, although it would remain a non negligeable breach of trust. The only thing is that we don't know how James found out what Sirius had done.
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duhragonball · 3 months
Were you aware of/do you have an opinion on the Dragonball theme park that is starting construction soon? On the one hand it seems like that Harry Potter theme park (which was a dumb idea, nobody serious cares about HP anymore), but Dragonball also isn't shitty, and Akria Toriyama didn't spend the last years of his life making sure everyone knew he was a transphobe (which J.K. Rowling is doing her best to do). Do you have a take?
I was not aware of any of this, so I don't think I have much to contribute to the conversation.
The article I just found was published only a few hours ago, so I guess this is a HOTTT scoop? Also, it looks like the thing is being built in Saudi Arabia, so I guess that's why this got announced in the middle of the night where I live. It's 3am here and I'm up early because I went to bed at 7pm and woke up around 1am.
Okay, so the Saudi connection is something I can talk about, because this sounds a lot like the same agenda that led to the WWE's infamous deal with Saudi Arabia. For those of you who aren't into pro wrestling, in 2018 WWE started putting on events in Jeddah and Riyadh. This has been controversial for several reasons, but the main sticking point is that the Saudi assassination of dissident journalist James Khashoggi took place in October 2018, a few weeks before WWE's second-ever Saudi show, Crown Jewel. The U.S. condemned the assassination, and politicians pressured WWE to call off the show, but the Kingdom paid a lot of money for the deal, and Vince McMahon only cares about himself, so they just went ahead and did the show anyway. There's other issues, but that one especially stuck in my craw, and it's why I canceled my WWE Network subscription and haven't watched their product ever since.
Basically, the Saudi government has been trying to revamp their economy to reduce dependence on the petroleum industry. The WWE deal is part of the "Saudi Vision 2030" project, which aims to increase the economic, social, and cultural diversification of the country by the end of this decade. Tourism is a big part of that plan, which is why they're paying big money for sporting events, live shows, and so on. Their plans also include a lot of political and social reforms, but this feels like an afterthought, especially to a lot of critics. For example, they announced a "Red Sea Film Festival" in 2019, but in order to put on such an event, they first had to lift a 35-year moratorium on building new movie theaters. They started allowing women to enter the King Fahd International Stadium for the first time, but that's probably just because they really wanted a packed house for these shows and concerts they're putting on.
The whole thing smacks of propaganda designed to distract the public from KSA's lousy record on human rights. When WWE was promoting their first Jeddah show, they ran a lot of video packages about Saudi Vision 2030 and talked up how cool it was that the country was seeking to modernize. Meanwhile, a lot of their roster couldn't even go to these shows for various reasons. Sami Zayn's a Syrian by descent, Noam Dar is an Israeli, and Montel Vontavious Porter is a former Muslim, so he might get executed for apostasy if he entered the country. The women's roster was a whole other thing. I think they were just left at home for the first couple of shows, and then they gradually started allowing more women to participate. And all those slick Saudi Vision video packages looked pretty hollow when James Khashoggi got murdered.
My take has been that KSA is just throwing money at their problems and trying to distract their critics. Saudi Arabia is practically synonymous with oil, and that's what made the country rich. I watched a video on this a while back, and if I remember right, they discovered oil in the 1930s and wanted to avoid getting exploited by the British and French, so they partnered with the United States. That prosperous relationship allowed Saudi Arabia to become a regional power and basically have things their way. The human rights problems were allowed to persist because they knew the U.S. would always back them up to protect their oil interests.
But over the last fifty years or so, U.S. dependence on Saudi oil has declined. See, it's not that Saudi Arabia has more crude oil than other countries. What made it so important in the petroleum industry is that Saudi crude is much easier to refine than other sources. So Saudi refineries can produce more fuel in a short span of time, which gave them a lot of leverage in that sector. But there's been a big push in the U.S. to seek out and refine more crude oil domestically, and that's cut into Saudi Arabia's prestige. Now, when rival powers like Iran start bothering Saudi Arabia, the U.S. isn't as quick to offer support, and that's why KSA is trying to figure out how to adapt to the changing times.
To be blunt, I don't know how the hell a Dragon Ball theme park helps solve any of this. If the oil revenue is on the decline, then it makes sense for a country to invest in other industries while the coffers are fuil, but now Saudi Arabia has to backtrack a lot of their draconian laws and authoritative policies to improve their public image. And they need to do it quickly, but not so quickly as to upset the conservative elements in the country.
Like, all right, let's say they open this park, and they really want people to fly in from all over the world. I know a lot of women in the Dragon Ball fandom. What kind of restrictions would they have to deal with in the park? Is there a stringent dress code? They made a big deal out of the historic first-ever women's match at one of those Crown Jewel shows, but the wrestlers had to wear black unitards under their usual ring gear. So they eased up on some rules, but you watch the show and you can tell there's still some rules in place.
I've met a lot of LBGTQ+ people in this fandom. Can they go to the Saudi Dragon Ball theme park? Can a same-sex couple hold hands as they wait in line to ride the Ginyu Force Log Flume? And I'm sure there's a guy at the General Entertainment Authority office who would assure me that it's all good, nothing to worry about, everyone is welcome, please come to the theme park and spend lots of money. But once you get there? Remember, James Khashoggi was a citizen of Saudi Arabia, and he walked into that consulate assured that everything would be cool, and then it wasn't.
You mentioned the Harry Potter theme park, and yeah, that whole franchise is a PR hot mess, but at least I don't have to ask these kinds of questions about who can go to the park without getting detained. That's the public relations mess Saudi Arabia has to clean up. At least with Harry Potter, they just have to distract people from one hateful, cranky billionaire. For most casual fans, "J.K. Rowling" is a name they barely notice in the credits. But Saudi Arabia's issues are baked into the government, laws, and history of the whole country. Reform is possible, but it isn't as simple as the propaganda makes it sound. There's a lot of damage that needs to be repaired.
I'm sorry, I kind of turned this into a rambling essay about Saudi Arabia's pivot to tourism, but for me that's the main issue here. The park might get completed and it may even do big business, but I don't think there's a lot of transparency with these projects. From what I've heard, the WWE shows in Jeddah and Riyadh don't actually make a lot of money. Much of the live crowd attends for free just to make the shows look more popular than they are, and WWE only plays along because they're getting paid handsomely for the effort. It just comes across like the country is spending lots of money to imitate a tourist destination without actually becoming one. So the Dragon Ball park looks like it's also going to be a means to an end. Someone in charge liked the idea enough to push it through, but that doesn't translate into success.
Oh, wait, I just realized: What if the park opens, then fails, and it gets abandoned? I really don't have any interest in theme parks, but abandoned theme parks kick ass. Imagine Dogpatch U.S.A, except it's Dragon Ball themed. That would be amazing. I hope I live long enough to see photos of it when it gets all old and decrepit.
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itsjaywalkers · 3 months
what is sirius and reg’s relationship like in the boxer au? sorry if you’ve answered this already!
and what is james and sirius’ like as well?
i have talked about this before, but it's okay nonnie, i don't mind doing so again <3 i know a lot of ppl weren't here back then so !! ur fine, no need to apologise!!
sirius and reg are very close in the boxer au. sirius didn't really run away from home, not in the strict sense of the word. he got interested in boxing after his parents told him he needed to choose something that coukd help him deal with . all that pent up energy and anger bc they were tired of being the target of sirius' outbursts and were concerned about sirius' behaviour damaging the family's reputation. sirius went for boxing, bc it was the thing that made his mother turn up her nose the most, and discovered he was naturally good at it, so the moment the opportunity to go pro presented itself, he took it. he got big fairly quick, began to earn his own money, and left his house both to pursue his dream and to get away from his parents. he cut all ties with them, but always kept in contact with reg. they've always been very close, even if they disagree when it comes to walburga and orion
part of the reason why reg went into sports once he became a journalist was bc of his brother <333 he's always admired him a lot, and this way he could combine his passion + his love for sirius. they get along really well and tell each other everything, even if they also bicker quite often. they lived together for a while, until reg found his own place and started to earn enough money to support himself without issue. but sirius spends a lot more time at reg's flat than his own lmao
regarding james and sirius, they do not get along At All!!! they're rivals, obviously, but they strongly dislike each other even outside of the ring. sirius doesn't like james' attitude, or the fact that he came out of fucking nowhere and yet he's already threatening his spot at the top, and james can't stand sirius' personality or the way he seems to control reg and everything he does. they clash a lot and argue SO MUCH but still, it's not as bad as between james and barty. these two can at least pretend a lil in front of the cameras, and stick to the rules during their fights. but yeah, they're never friends in this story
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
What I Thought About "Thanks to Them"
Salutations, random people on the internet who are already scrolling past this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
When it was announced that The Owl House's third season would get cut short to three hour-long specials, the fans fought as hard as they could to rectify this insane mistake. And...I really hate how I wasn't surprised.
I've seen this before. There have been many instances when a studio decided on something fans didn't like, and those fans did everything they could to fight back against it. The problem is that the fans rarely win, and it'll take a gosh dang miracle to make a studio change its mind about something. Studios don't care about how badly the fans want something or about a creator's vision. All studios care about is how much money they can make off a product. And it seemed The Owl House didn't have as big of a number as Disney's other shows at the time. It's an unfortunate pill to swallow, but that doesn't mean the situation is hopeless.
There are competent writers out there that, when given restraint, try to roll with the punches and still push out something amazing. Believe it or not, what happened to The Owl House is the best-case scenario, as the writers were told ahead of time what their situation would be, giving them the chance to adjust and make as satisfying of an ending as possible. And if you ask me, I have absolute faith that they'll be able to pull it off. The Owl House isn't my favorite show at the moment for nothing. The writers are outstanding, and the final product of Season Two proves that they know how to tell an overarching story while still giving the characters and the audience the time they need to breathe. The question is, did "Thanks to Them" reinforce this faith? Well, let's find out together, shall we?
Starting Where the Last Season Ended: This was the best decision. The events of the finale are too big of a thing to gloss over immediately by starting with a time skip of them already working hard on getting home. Continuing the story right after the last season left things off works because the characters are allowed some time to establish this new normal and get started on their mission. While putting out some...issues.
Luz and Hunter’s Guilt: I'm still a little iffy on Hunter's guilt, mainly because I don't see him as the victim here, but I understand what Luz's going through. What happened isn't her fault either, as Belos could have tricked anyone instead of her, but I can see how she can believe it's her fault. Even though it could have been anyone else, Luz is still the one Belos tricked in the end, and her pain of knowing that she inadvertently caused so much damage is well within reason. So I'm glad Luz has Hunter with her to share some of the pain. If you think these two were siblings before, you'll get a kick at watching them bond over shared fears and anxieties, being each other's support and reassurance that things are going to be ok. Luz adds more to that last part (because, of course, she does), but it's still sweet seeing them go through this together. It makes their relationship grow stronger and more compelling, and I hope we get just the briefest moments between these two in the future. And I'll go over each character individually, but there are just a few things I want to get out of the way first.
Starting with a character who deserves way more love.
Let me break down what this woman does for the dumb dumbs in the back:
Upon seeing these four new kids without a home or anywhere else to go, she doesn't hesitate to insist that they can live with her and Luz until they find a way back. Even if she doesn't entirely understand how they function and is a little freaked out by certain antics.
When Luz came out to her, Camila pulled her and Amity in for a loving hug, and Camila started to wear a pride pin throughout the rest of the special, an extra cherry on that sweet sundae.
Upon seeing Vee in her new form, Camila ran toward her daughter with just as much pride as she did when Luz came out.
She looked at Luz's quirkiness and antics with pride, and if anybody had the AUDACITY to call her daughter a freak, Camila was more than ready to throw hands.
Once she finds out that Luz is planning on staying in the human realm, which is what Camila wanted once she realizes where Luz was during the summer, Camila refuses to let that happen. Back in "Yesterday's Lie," Camila didn't know the context of why Luz wanted to stay. Now, she does. The context has been living with her for months. And they helped her understand why Luz loves the Boiling Isles so much and how it's more of a home than the Human Realm.
The woman even jumped into a dirty graveyard pond to save our precious boy Hunter!
The one misstep she might have made was going through her daughter's journal, but, like...what parent hasn't done that? If you think your secrets are safe, they're not. And they never will be. Just accept that right now.
Is Camila a perfect mom? No. No parent is perfect, as there will be mistakes no matter how good you try to be. And if your takeaway from "Thanks to Them" is still about how Camila's a bad mom, despite all the kind-hearted things she does for her baby and her friends, you're an idiot. There's no other way around it. You are an idiot who doesn't understand good parenting if it slaps you in the face. And I'm only partially joking about that.
Alright, now that I've got that rant out of the way, let's keep things chugging along.
The Montages: There are two prominent montages in this special, the first showing us what Luz and Co. have been up to the past few months and the second detailing the antics Vee and Luz's friends went through in finding the secrets of the puzzle they found. And this was another perfect decision on the writer's part. The Owl House's third season has a similar plot to Amphibia's, only that the writers are working with a third (Ha) of the run-time that Matt Braly and his team did. This means they'll have to speedrun through the same story beats Amphibia had while still providing a satisfying final product. So, seeing the characters adjust to the new environment is relegated to montages instead of dedicating entire episodes (and wasting time) of them going on a wacky adventure in the human realm. And I'm ok with that. This idea of keeping things moving forward but delivering the briefest of cute character moments makes The Owl House more different (and better) than Amphibia. While Amphibia will grind its stories and narratives to a halt so we can have a filler episode dedicated to stuff like Sprig being a superhero, The Owl House keeps things going while working these character moments in with the story. It's a reason why I think people get too bent out of shape when shows don't have filler episodes anymore. Yeah, I get that some of them can be fun when done right, but that doesn't mean characters can't grow without them. Maybe Luz coming out to her mom or the characters meeting giraffes would have made great episodes, but I'm not losing sleep over getting a few seconds instead. Besides, while "Thanks to Them" is still continuing the story, that doesn't mean it can't stand out on its own as something spectacular.
Or should I say spooktacular...?
It’s a Halloween Special: And I love that. I love that despite the writers having less time, they still went out of their way to deliver the one holiday special this series is perfect for while continuing the story. They just added the fun, filler-like stuff with it (see what I mean?). As for how well it works as a Halloween special...it's pretty good. Some solid imagery feeds into the spooky season with some creepy stuff that should be enough to scare the kids watching. Heck, maybe some adults might get creeped out given some body horror that happens later...and yes, we'll get into that...but first, let's talk about something wholesome.
I need something wholesome.
The Kids Learning Spanish: You'll do.
This was sweet, by the way. It shows us just how much these kids care about Luz and Camila by putting in the effort to speak a language that they mastered. It's a small thing, but it fills up my heart.
(Also, that demonic Duolingo is perfect as an in-joke for the fandom. If you know, you know)
They Painted Hooty on the Door: This, on the other hand, is both funny and kind of tragic. Like, the kids miss the Boiling Isles so much that a reference to Hooty gives them comfort.
Man, they really need to find a way to get back home...
The Kids Finding a Way to Get Back Home: Oh...that was fast. But not too convenient. It's heavily implied that the house the kids set themselves up in used to belong to Philip and Caleb (or something like that), so it's not too hard to believe that the kids find their first real clue there.
As for the others leaving Luz out on the search, this does bring up my friend's complaint about how Luz doesn't have much agency as her friends. And, yeah, I can see that frustration. Luz doesn't get to do much in this special, with the most crucial story-driven moments going to the others. Luz is the main protagonist, and she should be able to do more than...relatively nothing. However, it does make sense in context. Luz is currently not in the right mindset and is going through a lot, so her friends are doing their part to chase a lead, wanting to surprise Luz with a win instead of letting her down with another failure. It's her friends' way of paying back all the kindness Luz has done for them by going just as above and beyond as she would in completing a task. It has the unfortunate side effect of letting Luz have little importance, but I wouldn't call it bad writing. Just...a slight mishandling of characters.
Besides, while Luz doesn't do much to advance the story, she adds a lot when it comes to character development.
Luz: This is the most development Luz has gotten through the whole series. Luz is weighed down by her guilt over accidentally helping Belos to the point where she believes things would be better if she never existed. That...hurts. It hurts a lot to see Luz think this way. And it hurts even more to see her heart not being in it when acting like her usual self. When Luz smiles, it never reaches her eyes. When she says something lighthearted and goofy, it almost sounds as if she's empty inside. This experience changed her, and it makes sense. To Luz, she caused so much damage that is unable to fix it for months. It makes sense why she's so emotionally numb throughout the special because...how would you react to all that? Something tells me it wouldn't be great.
This special also gave us more insight into Luz's life before the Boiling Isles. We get to see how isolated she feels, how miserable she is being in a world that doesn't understand her, and even why she loves The Good Witch Azura. We get bits and pieces of that in the past, but this is the first time it's a central focus, and that's great. We know a lot about Luz's friends and family but don't know much about her. So to finally get something about Luz is spectacular. If you ask me, having her go through the most development is a fair trade to her not having much agency in the first part of a three-part finale (besides, we've got two more parts to go through).
Although, she's not the only one going through a lot this special.
Hunter: Next to Luz, Hunter might be the one who grew the most in "Thanks to Them." He gets a hobby that allows him to find some self-expression, finds a book series that gives him comfort over his anxieties, and ends up crying tears of joy when he realizes he's part of a kind, loving family. Again, "Thanks to Them" worked all these great character moments into the story while still moving things along. Seriously, take notes, Amphibia writers!
Jokes aside, it is great to see Hunter happy for the majority of an episode for once. After everything he went through (and will soon go through. We'll get to that), it warms the heart to see my boy just loving life and getting everything he could have ever hoped for...This is why it does serious emotional damage to see it soon crumble to an end. And we'll get to that...but can we go through some more nice stuff first? Please?
Cosmic Frontier: Sure, why not?
I like Cosmic Wonder primarily for the help it gives Hunter and his issues, but it's also amazing how it gives him and Gus something to bond over. It adds more to that brotherly bond they've got going on, which is sweet to see.
Also...those books obviously belonged to Camila. The way she reacted to them and the fact that she got bullied in school over something is all the proof I need. And that's also sweet because it means she's as much of a nerd as Luz, even though she has bad memories of expressing it. Plus, now that we know that Luz's father is the one that gave Luz her first Azura book, a fact that breaks my heart as much as it makes it whole, that might hint at how Camila and Manny met. The boxes in the closet imply they went to conventions together, even saving old cosplays they've made. Really shows you how much Luz takes after her folks, thus warming the heart up in the process.
Masha: Do you want to know what else warms the heart? The Owl House continuing to excel at having such casual LGBTQA+ representation.
Here, we have a character that's non-binary but embraces feminity. There's an incorrect stipulation that to be non-binary means to not conform to either male or female genders, but (as far as I can tell) that's not true. Being non-binary means that you don't identify as either male or female. How you choose to express that is up to you. But if a man can wear makeup and have long hair but still identify as male or a woman can choose to wear no makeup and shave her head but still identify as female, why can't a non-binary individual choose to wear pride nails and wear long dresses?
For The Owl House to allow a group of people to feel that seen is fantastic, and I hope this series will be remembered for years because of that reason alone.
And, hey, it looks like they might be a potential crush for Vee. Isn't that just cute...Oh, yeah, VEE!
Vee: I'm surprised with how well Vee fits into the group. She doesn't do much, but she adds a lot of cuteness and charm, and I love that there are zero issues with the fact that she's a basilisk. She's just a part of the gang, and there are no questions or hesitations about it. And that's nice. It's great to see Vee happy and loved after all the crap she went through before meeting Camila. Also...at least someone had a happy ending...unlike others...But I'm not getting into that yet! There's still the, uh, um...OH! I know!
The Tale of Brothers Whittebane: They just...put it all out there. That's the story of Caleb, Philip, and Evelyn (who's obviously a Clawthorne. I mean, come on). This story is everything we could really need to know, and it's told uniquely by having it be a sort of puppet show. Any blanks in the story we might have can only be confirmed through the background paintings found in "Hollow Mind," which the Tale of Brothers Wittebane in "Thanks to Them" adds clarity towards. Would a flashback episode work better? Most certainly, yes. But, as I've said, the writers have no choice but to speedrun through these story beats while making it serviceable. And that's what this is: Serviceable. I would love to know more, but I'm fine with where we're at.
Belos–NO! No, come on, there's gotta be something else!
Uh...Luz making a light glyph? That was cool and effectively gave me goosebumps.
Um, uh, Luz's journal entries are neat! It's probably the best scene in the entire series, showing us exactly the kind of person Luz is and the heartbreak she learned to deal with!
And how about Luz and Amity going as Azura and Hecate?! That's something I've always wanted to see, and I got it! And I bet it made you all happy, right--
"It's time."
...*Sighs* Yeah...yeah, let's get into it.
Belos Possessed Hunter: This...might be the worst thing Belos has ever done. And that's saying something.
Hunter was finally happy and at peace with everything. He had friends who loved him, interests that gave him something to hold on to, and a family that accepted him. The sad part is that the stuff that made Hunter happy only led to his own downfall. His love of sewing caused a hole for Belos to sneak his slimy self into. His admiration for Cosmic Frontier led to him staying behind and finding Belos in the first place. It is beyond twisted and could potentially lead Hunter to think he's not allowed to be happy if this is where it gets him. Sure, we got a cool fight scene and some decent body horror as Belos took over, but it will never change how this is an experience that will scar Hunter far more on the inside than the out. Especially considering...
Flapjack’s Death: This stings.
No, screw that. This shatters.
Flapjack, the first good thing to ever happen to Hunter and what kickstarted him learning to be loved, is...gone. He's gone, and it's all for the pettiest of reasons: Belos' resentment towards a witch his brother fell in love with. Sure, he hates magic and palismans in general, but he clearly specified that he was doing it because of how Flapjack reminded Belos of Evelyn. And he did it while using Hunter's body as a vessel, adding more damage to the poor boy.
But, if there's one good thing to take away from this, Flapjack died on his own terms. Belos cracked him, and it was unlikely Flapjack would survive anyway, but in his last moments, he spent them saving Hunter one final time. It's not the sendoff we wanted Flapjack to have, but this showcase of true loyalty proves how endearing he can be and how badly he'll be missed.
RIP, you little rascal.
...Thankfully, it doesn't take long before tragedy fades and hope rises.
The Truth Comes Out: And everything is fine.
I'm not shocked that Belos tried to throw in one last manipulation by telling the truth to Luz's friends about the mistake that she made. Nor am I surprised that their reaction was to be stunned at first, but they were quick to get over it, reassuring Luz that there's nothing to be worried about and ashamed of. And you have no idea how much relief I felt when that happened.
Lesser shows would have taken the opportunity to milk this drama far more than what it's worth, having Luz constantly blame herself while others refuse to look at her the right way ever again. Meanwhile, the writers of The Owl House said, "F**k that!" and gave Luz the instant reassurance she'll need. I'm sure she's not totally over her guilt and that we'll get bits and pieces of it in parts two and three, but I'm glad that the writers gave us all the drama they could about Luz keeping her mistake a secret without it feeling like it overstayed its welcome. It's another case of phenomenal writing in this series that was more than welcome.
(Also, Amity echoing back the words Luz said when confessing to her is beyond adorable, and I will hear nothing of the contrary)
But while this wasn't much of a surprise, what definitely was is...
Camila Deciding to Go With: I mean...yeah.
A part of me thought this might happen, but I did not expect it to come true. Still, I'm excited. I cannot wait to see Camila join the fight and kick some butt in the Boiling Isles...That or die/sacrifice herself to save her baby...I mean, if Camila's the only thing keeping Luz in the Human Realm, her death would give Luz the excuse she needs to stay in the Boiling Isles forever with her new family and home...I'm not saying I want this to happen, but it's even more of a possibility now than ever.
And I'm gonna hate myself for calling it...
Get the f**k out of here--YOU ARE NOT NEEDED!
...No, really, you're not needed. I took the one complaint I had (Luz not doing much) and weaved it into the likes so I could rationalize why it still works even though it rubbed me (and others) the wrong way.
What did you expect me to do? Break the flow so I can do something that's not necessary? What am I, an Amphibia writer?
...People probably think I hate Amphibia  due to me ragging on it even though I gave it a B- in my final verdict review. The truth is, I do like Amphibia. It's funny, Anne's character development is ten times better than Luz's, and this is a show that knows how to stick the landing when it comes to its finales. My problems are that certain ideas and decisions weren't executed well, with the primary issue being how poorly it mixed episodic storytelling with a serialized one. Other than that, it's pretty good. Check it out.
...What were we talking about? Oh, right! "Thanks to Them!"
Yeah, this is an A+ for sure.
"Thanks to Them" is better than anything that came out of the series so far. It proves that Season Three is going for the "less is more" approach, giving the fans everything they could want and ask for but not letting it distract from the few narratives left established. There's a voice in my brain telling me that parts two and three of this final season might not live up to expectations, but it is outclassed by the part of me that is reassured by how astonishing this season will be. I have high hopes for the future. And it's all thanks to the writers who really do know how to roll with the punches.
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Young American - Part 15**
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This part is super, super happy and fluffy and funny and just basically a big ball of joy. I hope you guys like it!
Fic Masterlist
Warnings: unprotected sex
WC: 6.1k
Things had been looking up for Y/N. After her mom’s visit she felt a little lighter all around and it was good to know that at least one of her parents was willing to work through their points of disagreement to pursue a relationship with her. From what her mother was telling her, her dad wasn’t all that happy that she had caved and came to visit Y/N. So they were in a bit of a tiff over that, but Marcia didn’t regret her decision in the slightest and she made that very evident to Y/N.
And well, things with Harry had been taking off rather nicely. He was planning on going back to England for a week or so for his cousin’s wedding in the summer and he had asked Y/N to come along and she was thinking about it. Of course she wanted to meet his family, but she wasn’t making nearly as much money as he was and traveling to Europe was expensive. She didn’t even have a passport yet! She had just applied actually and was waiting to get it issued. 
LA was all gloomy again and as much as she loved being in the shop, this was stay at home weather and it seemed like the clientele felt the same way because it was after lunch and the shop was dead, the phone hadn’t even rung today. Vy and G had taken to working on some new designs as they hadn’t really updated their portfolio in some time. Auree was in her office and Rosa was up front watching some TV on the couches, waiting for anything to happen. Y/N took to doing some inventory and naturally, this meant Harry was also stuffed into the little storage room nearly back to back with Y/N counting boxes of ink cups.
“Have you given any more thought to the trip to England?” Harry asked and she sighed.
“Baby yeah, of course I want to go. I’m just…broke.” She sighed as she put her clipboard down on the shelf before her and turned to see him already turned towards her.
“Well, how about I get our tickets and you don’t have to worry about anything.” He offered and she sighed.
“I don’t want to owe you.”
“You won’t be owing me. I want you to come, I’m inviting you! Besides, we’re gonna stay at my mum’s house, so lodging is free. It’s just the flights, you can save up for spending money and whatever else you want to do, but I’ve got the flights.”
“The $700 flights?” She asked with a small smile and he rolled his eyes.
“Money is meant to be spent, especially on things that matter. You coming to England and meeting my family matters to me.” He said and she sighed.
“I will think about it.” She said and he smiled.
“I don’t know why you think that’s gonna deter me from just buying the tickets.” He said reaching for her waist and she rolled her eyes. He was leaning in, just about to kiss her when her phone started ringing and startled them a bit. She fished it out from her back pocket and saw it was Julie and she felt nervous. “What’s wrong?” Harry asked as soon as Y/N’s smile faded.
“She had a check-up with her oncologist this morning.” She explained nervously and Harry frowned.
“Oh, is something wrong?” He asked with concern.
“They do check-in’s every couple of months since she had responded well to treatment and has been cancer free for a little while now.” She explained and he nodded. The phone stopped ringing and she looked up to Harry with glossy eyes and so much anxiety. Harry went over to the door and shut it before just pulling her into his arms, “I’m so scared.” She confessed with a shaky voice.
“Whatever it is, I’m here for you. I know that doesn’t really mean anything but-”
“Hey, no.” she frowned as she looked up at him, “That means everything to me.” She assured with a softness in her eyes that spoke volumes. Harry smiled at her as he grabbed her free hand and brought it up to kiss the back of it. “I love you.” She said quietly.
“Love you.” He reciprocated and then looked into her eyes, “Do you want me to go while you call back? Give you a little space?”
“No, stay. Please.” She said and he nodded as she opened up her phone and called back. She was squeezing Harry’s hand so tight as the line rang and it stopped. Sh held her breath and immediately frowned when she heard Julie sobbing Harry pulled Y/N into his chest as she too started to cry.
“Julie, what did they say?” Y/N asked, trying to sound composed.
“I’m officially in remission!” She sobbed, “I can’t believe this.” She cried and Y/N was relived to know that they were tears of joy. And she and Harry just cheered loudly and were jumping up and down at this incredible news.
“Fuck yes!” Harry shouted with the biggest smile as Y/N cried as well. Julie had gone through it quite bad during the worst point of her breast cancer so it was reliving to know that technically, medically, she had been cancer free long enough to be in remission or cured basically. 
“We are celebrating tonight!” Julie sniffled and Y/N nodded as she looked to Harry.
“Yeah, let’s do it! We can pick something up to eat at the house?” She suggested and they ended up making a little plan and Julie said she would contact her friends to come over as  well. “Thank you for calling, I’m so happy for you Julie. So fucking happy.” Y/N assured with a sniffle, “Love you.”
“Love you too, hon. I’ll see you at home later.”
“See you later.” She hummed happily before they hung up. Harry was smiling so wide that his cheeks hurt and when Y/N hugged him tight he squeezed back, his own eyes starting to tear up with joy. Julie was an exceptional person and she deserved to have a good and healthy life, she deserved to be free of this burden she’d been carrying for so long. Yeah, she wasn’t necessarily his family, but he almost felt like she was part of it. “Baby, I have an idea.” He said and she looked up at him and nodded, urging him to say it, “How about as a surprise you perfect her tattoo? I’m sure if we talk to Auree she’ll let you do it on her.” Harry suggested and Y/N smiled.
“Yeah, that’s actually a brilliant idea and I might need your help a bit.” She smiled and he nodded.
“Yeah, fuck this. Let’s go work on that.” He grinned.
The rest of the day flew by despite how slow everything else was going, but they were just both so happy about Julie’s news. Julie had wanted one of those “flower of life” tattoos, but Y/N wanted to add some more special elements to it that would make it more ethereal and Harry was giving great input. Finally, it was time for them to go and when they got to Julie’s there were already a few cars parked out front and as they walked up they could hear music coming from inside and Y/N grinned at Harry and he was smiling already as they walked up the front steps. She unlocked the door and as soon as they made it inside it smelled amazing and Julie and a good group of her friends were already at the table chatting and eating.
“Hello everyone!” Harry greeted them first as he toed off his shoes and Y/N smiled as she did the same and called out a greeting. Everyone was smiling enthusiastically and greeting them with waves or words as they approached.
“Congrats. I’m so happy for you.” Y/N hummed as Julie stood and Y/N hugged her tight. It was expected that they both cried together, obviously tears of joy, but also of relief. Harry didn’t know exactly what Y/N had been there for, but he knew that she had helped Julie a lot, especially when things got really bad. So if anyone understood her victory over this, it was Y/N. The person who had seen it and helped her and held her hand through it all.
“Thank you.” Julie sniffled, “I love you. Thank you for everything you did, you didn’t have to stay and you sti-”
“I wanted to.” Y/N assured as she drew back a bit, “You’re like a mother to me.” Y/N sniffled, “I would never leave you. I love you so much too.” She assured and Julie smiled and nodded through her tears as they hugged tight once more. The air in the room had shifted as the other guests just observed this little interaction with them for a few moments. When they let go Harry was a few steps behind Y/N, gently rubbing at her back as Julie finished saying something to her, but their hands were clasped together. Then it was his turn to greet Julie with a big, warm hug and a kiss on her cheek. She was so thrilled he had joined and she was so keen on Harry being around because she felt like Y/N deserved someone like him, who basically worshipped the ground she walked on. It made her happy to see Y/N happy after everything she had to endure with her. She always knew that Y/N didn’t mind helping, but she was just a kid when she came over to live with her and she dealt with a lot.
“Alright, enough tears! Go get some food.” Julie insisted and Y/N grabbed Harry’s hand and pulled him along into the kitchen. As soon as they got in Y/N leaned on the counter and let out a slow breath.
“You alright, baby?” Harry asked and she glanced up to his eyes and nodded.
“I just need a moment to process.” She said and he hummed as he grabbed her hands in his.
“Tell me what’s on your mind.” He said coming a bit closer and she sighed.
“It’s nothing bad.” She assured, “Quite the opposite actually, it just feels like everything is as it should be and getting better and it’s a bit overwhelming, like a lot of big feelings and I just need to sit with them for a sec.” She explained and he smiled at her, “What?”
“Nothing, I just love you a lot.” He shrugged and she grinned and then huffed.
“One more feeling to sit with, thanks.” She said with a playful little pout and he chuckled and tutted as he pulled her body into his own and held her for a bit until she was feeling better. 
As soon as they served themselves some food they joined everyone else and had a great time chatting and getting to know each other better. A few of Julie’s friends had met Harry in passing, but now they were seeing why he was such a wonderful addition. He tended to be on the more quiet side, but he just felt so safe and comfortable in Julie and Y/N’s home that he knew they would never bring people in that would cause him harm in any way. When he had that realization in the middle of a story someone was telling he had an urge to cry. It felt like he finally found a place that felt like home and it did make him emotional. There was just this feeling of happiness in his chest that kept growing and growing the more time everyone was together, it almost hurt. But finally, around 11pm people started to leave and Y/N and Harry were just finishing up with washing dishes while softly singing along to the music still playing in the living room. 
“Finally.” Harry said as he handed Y/N the last dish. He was sweet, she had an aversion to wet/soggy food and so he took it upon himself to do the washing while she dried.
“I know. Thank you for taking over, I was about to throw up.” She giggled.
“Yeah, I couldn’t tell from your gagging.” He said and she giggled.
“Sorry, I was really trying not to.” She assured and he smirked.
“Y’don’t need t’apologize to me. It reminded me of something entirely different actually-”
“Oh, shut up…” she scoffed through a laugh and he sniggered as she put down the last dish and he dragged her body into his.
“You pervert, it wasn’t that.”
“Sure…” Y/N said with a smirk.
“It wasn’t! It was domestic bliss.” He said with a giggle, “Like say I came home to find you struggling to do the dishes because there's lots to scrape off of a pot and so I just jump in and take over.” He shrugged and she smiled.
“That’s very sweet.” She said and he nodded.
“Yeah, I know.” He assured. “Now, should we get ready for bed?” He asked and she nodded. They said their goodnights to Julie and the last of her friends who were in the living room before they headed back.
“Want a shower?” Y/N asked Harry and he nodded. “You can go first then, I need to shave.” She said. Harry had a drawer in her room now so he was grabbing some sleeping clothes as she headed off to grab him a towel. Harry had already gone inside the shower when she came back with his towel, so she knocked and he told her to come in. “Towel’s on the rack. Baby, m’gonna get my make up off, OK?” She informed as she clicked the lock and then she saw him peek his head out of the curtain and she giggled at his sudsy hair, “What?”
“Are you gonna join me?”
“No, I need to shave my legs.”
“And I need space.” She explained.
“I’ll do it for you.” He smiled.
“Only if you let me shave you next time.” She said and he nodded.
“Yeah, of course you can.” He assured and she grinned and proceeded with tucking her hair behind her ears before grabbing her makeup balm to get started. Harry rinsed out his hair and put in some of her conditioner before he started cleaning his body - he even had his own washcloth here, it was Cars themed and Y/N had given it to him as a little gag gift randomly and he just kept it here as he had no need for it at home. Harry was just wringing out the little washcloth when the curtain opened and he shivered. “A warning woulda been nice.” He hissed and she giggled as pressed a gentle kiss to the back of his shoulder.
“Sorry. Switch with me.” She said and he moved back to let her get under the stream of water and she let herself get drenched before reaching for her shampoo bottle.
“Let me do it.” He said and she nodded. He quickly rinsed his own hair and then grabbed her shampoo to wash her hair. She hummed at the way his fingers felt against her scalp; something about someone else doing this was extremely soothing. It was her favorite part of going to the hairdresser, “Rinse and then one more.” He said switching them positions and he held her hips as she rinsed out her hair and they repeated the step once more. Each time she rinsed he just took the time to admire her body. He loved every single inch of her. He then helped lather her hair in conditioner and she moved on to washing her body.
“-but close your eyes or turn around.” She said and he chuckled.
“Why?” He asked as she lathered up her washcloth with body wash.
“Because! I don’t want you to see me getting all up in my nooks and crannies!” She said as if it were obvious.
“Baby, in case you haven’t thought of this before, I’ve been all up in all your nooks and crannies.” He said with a grin and his arms wrapped around her waist now. “I just want to see you go over your boobs.” He confessed and she rolled her eyes.
“That’s rather quick.” She said and he shrugged, “Such a boy.” She teased and then he bit his lip and she felt his cock twitch a bit between their bodies, “SUCH. A. BOY!” Y/N laughed, flicking his chest with each word.
“I thought about it for a second too long.” He excused and after so much fuss Harry was wrapped around her waist from behind as she scrubbed her body clean. 
She had no idea what had gotten into him or why he was being so lovey and clingy, but it was new and as much as she was acting a little bit stand-offish she loved this so much until…
“Harry.” Y/N’s body shook with laughter.
“You don’t need to hold my ass open for easy cleaning access.” She said with a red face, for sure.
“Don’t worry, m’not even looking like you told me.” He said and she could handle this anymore, he was such a dork. She turned around and he was pouting. “Baby!”
“Stop it.” She laughed and reached behind herself to wash her behind, “Or we’re never doing this together again.” She warned and he rolled his eyes.
“Fine.” He huffed.
“You’re already gonna shave my legs.” She said as she rinsed her body off, “Now, if you want to be helpful open up the scrub on the little ledge up there.” She said. For space-sake she put her body scrub and razor up on the ledge of the little window. It was a bit of a risk for her to tip-toe in the wet shower and grab it, and she knew Harry would freak out if he saw that, so she just asked him to do it for her, “I need to exfoliate first.” She explained as Harry got on his knees without her even asking him to and he started to go over her leg that was hiked up on the edge of the tub now. He was gentle as he melted the scrub into her skin. It smelled like peaches and it made his mouth water. She then switched legs and he did that one as well.
“What about right here?” He asked as he placed a kiss to her mound.
“I don’t shave there.” She explained and he frowned. “I wax and if I shave it’ll ruin everything.” She explained.
“Can’t hurt to exfoliate though. Said it prevents ingrowns, right?” He asked and she laughed softly.
“Only if you’re very careful. Can’t risk t’get that inside.” She said and he nodded.
Harry grabbed only two fingers worth of the scrub before going over the top of her mound. She wasn’t waxed hairless, she did have a tasteful little patch of hair which Harry really liked, so she kept that same thing going. She saw it coming from a mile off as he leaned in and licked at her clit a couple times which made her gasp, and then he delved in further and really started going for it. Harry couldn’t help it, her pussy was so pretty and that fucking peach scented scrub was divine. He had an intrusive thought to lick her clean, the jar said “sugar scrub”, so he just went for it and immediately  pulled away to spit it out and Y/N glanced down and started cackling as he wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand and continued spitting at the shower floor with a scowl on his face as he looked up to her.
“Why would you eat it?!” She laughed, gasping for air, moving aside to let Harry crawl under the scream of water to swish it around his mouth.
“It smells like peach rings and says sugar scrub!” He defended and she continued laughing.
“Baby, it’s still soap!” She shook her head.
“Well now I know.” He huffed as he pushed himself up to stand and she continued giggling as he grabbed her razor from the ledge of the window as well. “This too?” He asked of a little bottle of soap and she nodded.
“Yeah. And fair warning, it smells the same as the scrub, so please don’t eat it.” She joked and Harry rolled his eyes as he sat on the edge of the tub now. Y/N started giggling again and he glanced up to her. “What now?” He asked with a smile.
“I’m laughing at your penis. I’m sorry.” She giggled.
“What? Why?” He pouted.
“It���s just bobbing around and it’s funny.” She reasoned and he shook his head as he pumped some of her deliciously scented soap into his hand.
“F’you keep laughing at it, s’gonna have a hard time getting hard for you.” He warned and she smirked.
“Challenge accepted.”
“Yeah, alright.” He scoffed, “Foot on my thigh.” He ordered and she did just that and let him lather her legs with the soap and then he carefully started to shave her. He went over twice. The first time with the grain and the next time against and he placed a kiss on her knee before she switched legs. After he finished he helped her rinse out the conditioner from her hair and then they were drying off as best as they could in the shower to avoid making a mess and then they stepped out.
“I didn’t bring my clothes.” Y/N’s teeth chattered as she spoke.
“S’alright. You won’t need it.” He assured with a smirk and she chuckled as he leaned in to kiss her deep. While in there they brushed their teeth and before they stepped out of the bathroom he let her throw on his shirt so that she wouldn’t have to rush out in a towel.
“Way to finish all the hot water you sex fiends!” They heard Julie shout faintly as they walked across the hall.
“We didn’t fuck in the shower!” Harry shouted back and Y/N groaned in mortification.
“Oh my god…”
“S’fine, she’s fine.” He assured as he locked Y/N’s door. 
Y/N proceeded to get some panties on under Harry’s shirt while he turned down the bed. Soon enough they were snuggled up in the dark, slightly trembling as they adjusted to the temperature beneath the sheets. Y/N smiled as he pulled her bottom flush with his front, he was still hard and it made her moan as he ground himself against her ass and his breathing grew ragged as his pleasure started to increase. The fingers from his right hand were digging hard into her hip, while the ones on his left hand squeezed her fingers that were intertwined with his own. His low groans of satisfaction made her grow wet quickly and she was soon throbbing with need.
“Fuck baby, can I put it in?” He asked desperately and she nodded.
“Yeah, please.” She panted.
Harry was quick to free up his hands and drag his shirt up  her body to expose her breasts and then he felt around her panties before pulling the crotch bit to the side as Y/N raised one of her legs for him. Harry tugged his sweats down just enough to free up his cock before he started to thrust against her wet and warm labia, soaking himself in her arousal. After slicking himself up with a few thrusts his tip was pushing at her entrance. Harry moaned as he very gently pushed against the tight ring of muscles and as soon as the tip of his cock breached the entrance they both let out satisfied moans of relief. He eased the rest of his cock in over the span of a few thrusts and once he was in all the way he started to give slow and deep thrusts in and out of her. He held one of her legs up as he got in deep. She was whimpering as he got in from this angle. He whispered praises into her ear as he fucked her, making her feel on top of the world in every sense of the word. Her mind was empty as he pumped in and out of her, all she could feel was pleasure as he instructed her to rub her clit.
“Oh! I’m gonna cum!” She gasped quietly and he groaned and started going faster and harder. He guided her lifted leg down to wrap over his right leg, so that she could still stay a bit open and he just hugged her body before letting his hand roam up to her breast.
“So beautiful, babe.” He panted, “So perfect f’me. I can’t get over how much I love you.” His words were pushing her even closer to the edge, “Fuck, I’m gonna love you forever.” He mumbled against her ear and her skin immediately broke out in goosebumps and her heart nearly exploded in her chest.
“Me too, baby. Gonna love you forever.” She whimpered as the pleasure started to peak.
“Fuck, can feel you throbbing. Come for me, all over my cock, baby.” His words persuaded her into her orgasm and he moaned as her pussy grew slicker and warmer and tighter as she came undone with soft gasps and quiet, frustrated grunts as she tried to hold in her sounds. Harry’s cock sliding in and out of her was dragging her pleasure on, her body was buzzing. She could could feel her legs tensing up as she slowly got overstimulated and started to rub at her clit again, “Fuck yes, baby. I want you to come with me.” He panted and she nodded.
“OK, OK, OK.” She whispered her little chant as she searched for the pleasure in the overstimulation. Her eyes were squeezed shut. Their bodies were starting to get hot now and everything was feeling much more sensitive. Her walls started to tighten up and Harry moaned lowly.
“I’m right there. Fuck. Just hold it a little longer.” He pleaded and she was doing the most to wait for him and she was relieved when his thrusting started to slow down but his force was harder as he plunged deep into her, “Oh fuck, m’coming!” He gasped and she started to wither along with him. He squeezed her body even tighter as he shot his load into her with each gut-wrenchingly deep thrust he delivered, she could feel his warmth start to fill her up to the extent that he was leaking out. He was breathing so hard, fighting his hardest to keep quiet, he swore his head might explode from how good this all felt. He slowly came to a stop and kissed Y/N’s shoulder as they both waited the nice tingly feeling out silently, just their ragged breaths were the sounds exchanged between them now. He smiled when she brought one of his hands to her mouth and kissed the top of it as she placed it over her chest. He could feel her heart pounding and also as it slowly started to decrease in pace as it returned back to it’s normal beating pattern. “M’gonna get something to clean you up.” He whispered and she nodded. Soon he was back and had cleaned her up with a bit of toilet paper before he settled back into the bed and she turned to face him and she kissed him deeply.
“I love you so much.” he whispered.
“I love you too.” she smiled, “What’s gotten into you today?” She asked quietly and he shrugged.
“I don’t know, I just love how I feel around everyone here. I feel safe and like I’m at home with you. I don’t know, today was just a really good day. I’m just really, really happy today and I was just thinking about how I hadn’t really been happy in a long time and then you came into my life and I just…couldn’t help but be happy again.” He explained and she kissed his lips with a smile and combed his curls back a bit as he smiled bashfully. If it weren’t so dark she was sure she’d be able to see his cheeks stained all pink.
“You make me really happy too.” She whispered with a lump in her throat. She felt so much love for him that she had no idea how she was even alive to tell the tale. Harry felt a lump in his throat as well as he considered asking her something that he was thinking when they were washing dishes. He hadn’t lied, he was thinking about domesticity, but he had been picturing something much more complex than just doing chores together.
“Baby?” he started his question.
“Yes, my love?” She whispered back tiredly and he leaned in to kiss her lips quickly and she smiled against his own lips.
“H-have you-or actually, d-do you like…believe in…in marriage?” He asked and she felt her throat go dry and she wanted to answer but she was freaking out so she nodded, but it was dark and he couldn’t see. So he was starting to get nervous at her lack of response.
“Y-yes. Yes I do.” She finally got the words out and he felt like he could breathe again, “Do you?” She asked back into the darkness.
“Yeah, I do.” He hummed, “That’s what I was thinking about earlier…in the kitchen.” He admitted quietly, “Being married.” He sighed in relief as he got it out.
“T-to me?” She asked nervously and Harry let out a nervous chuckle.
“Yeah, baby. Who else would I be thinking about?” He asked and she grinned.
“Oh…I mean, could just be like a blank face. I don’t know.” She reasoned and he hummed, “Do you know what I mean?” She asked.
“Yeah, I do.” He agreed. He knew exactly what she meant, he had thought of marriage seriously a  few times through out his life. The first time was when he was 14 and his grandad had talked to him about his wedding to his nan when Harry found a few old pictures of them. The second time was when he was 20 and went to a wedding and he imagined himself up on the altar in the future. The other time was when he turned 26, in his mind he would always be married by 25 - so that time was more of a solemn contemplation of it, but what all of these times had in common was what Y/N said. He would picture himself at the altar and then just a blank face before him. He had no idea who would be on the other side, but this time he had a face in mind and as scary as it was, it seemed like the picture was finally perfect, “And ummm, this is the first time that I didn’t see a blank face.” He shared, still feeling so nervous and vulnerable sharing this with her. The person that was literally the star of his hopes and dreams. 
“Oh.” She whispered and he nodded, “Are you freaked out?” She asked and he shook his head.
“Not at all. That’s more because I was scared to tell you.” He confessed, “Are you freaked out?” He asked and she exhaled.
“A little bit, but not in a bad way. More in a way of…excitement?” She said and he chuckled, “Yeah. I mean… I’m one for daydreaming and after I fell in love with you my mind just wanted to put a face to the fantasy and I just wasn’t letting myself go there with you because I…I’m scared I guess, to put your face there and then we…” she trailed off and he hummed in understanding. She didn’t need to say it, he was scared too, but he found that facing his fears was not as terrifying when he had her by his side, “So it was just exciting a bit because I feel safe to do that now.” She confessed and he was smiling now.
“Does it feel good to see my face when you think of that?” He asked and she leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips and they both smiled against each others’ mouths.
“Yeah, you’re a perfect fit.” She whispered to him.
“So are you.” He assured her with a smile, “That’s why I want you to meet my family.” He brought up again and well, in light of this conversation she felt that yeah, she should go meet his family.
“OK, lets do it.” She said and he kissed her.
“Yes.” She hummed and he searched for her hand and intertwined their fingers.
“You’re gonna love everyone so much!” He said excitedly, “They already like what they’ve heard about you, but having you there in the flesh? God, they’re gonna love you. I bet you right now that my mum and nan will cry when we go.” He said and she laughed quietly, “So… would you want a little wedding or a big wedding?” He asked and she smiled.
“Little. In the last few years I’ve even just considered eloping…just ‘cause things haven’t been great with my parents, you know?”
“Yeah.” He responded, “That’d be nice though. Just us. In a little corner at the beach we went to? That’d be nice.”
“Yeah.” She whispered with a smile, “I’d get married anywhere you want as long as you’re the one I’m exchanging vows with.” She said without really thinking about it too hard, it was just the truth. When Harry kissed her so passionately it did catch her by surprise, but she easily melted into it and into the mattress as he hovered over her and ground himself, already hard against her center. She whimpered against his mouth as he rubbed into her clit that was still a bit sensitive from before.
“Sorry, baby. I’ve got a raging love-boner.” He mumbled and she smiled.
“S’alright. Just go slow.” She said and he nodded and slowed down the roll of his hips to work her up again.
“I-is there like a time frame you have in mind for when you want to be married by? Or like are there things you want to accomplish before?” He asked before kissing her and then they split up to allow her to respond.
“Not really. I just wanted to be a bit more independent, you know, financially? What about you?”
“Well at this point, at least by the time I’m 30.” He said and she smiled, “So…soon-ish?” He smiled.
“Oh, ok.” She giggled.
“And well I do want to see your ugly side first, just to know what I’m getting into.” He teased and she giggled.
“I don’t have an ugly side. I’m a god-damn delight! You should know that by now.” She joked and he chuckled.
“Baby, don’t you think you would’ve seen it by now if it was worse? I mean, the worst I am was like our valentine’s day fiasco. Where I was just really rash and avoidant.” She explained.
“That’s true… and well, you’ve seen my worst.” He mumbled with a little embarrassment and she cupped his face and kissed his lips gently.
“Yeah, and I still fell in love with you, so whatever. Right?” She hummed and he smiled.
“Right.” He agreed.
Harry felt right now what Y/N had said earlier, that everything was falling into place. He was just excited to see how everything would develop. He was so hesitant about love and soulmates after everything he had endured, but she shone so fucking bright that it made him hopeful that things could be really, really great if he just let the past go. Harry had never been in love like this before. He just knew that when they went to England and his family got to meet YN, he’d be leaving with the intention to ask her to marry him. But now he just knew that when they got to meet Y/N and saw how perfect they were together they would be encouraging him to take the next step. It was important to him that his family loved her as much as he did and he was completely confident that, that wasn’t going to be a problem.
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soleminisanction · 1 year
What was Stephanie’s relationship with her father like? All I know is that she has an intense dislike of him. But I don’t have a clear reason why.
Honestly? That's a very good question. You'd be surprised how rarely they actually interact.
I'm going to focus pre-Flashpoint for this answer since DC apparently gave Arthur a more cohesive origin story when they decided to make him the big bad in a Batman Eternal storyline, but I haven't read that because I would sooner put out an eye than subject myself to that era's terrible forced TimSteph bullshit. Here's what I know off the top of my head though:
In her first appearance (Detective Comics #647-649), Stephanie's initial justification for her actions is simply, quote, "I hate his guts. I have to have a world-class psycho for a dad. I'd like to see him rot in jail." It's pretty explicit in this original story that, while she is working against her father, she's not meant to be viewed as a heroic figure. Bruce even says as much.
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Thing is though that she and her dad don't actually interact at all until the very end. Arthur has just gotten out of jail and -- despite what stories even later in this post will try to imply -- he doesn't seem to have gone anywhere near his family. He's working out of an apartment in the inner city, and somehow kept the fact that he even had a wife and child completely off the public record, to the point that Tim only tracks Stephanie down because her mom had visited Arthur in prison under the name "Mrs. Agnes Bellinger."
So Steph and Arthur don't actually interact, at all, until the very end of the story, when -- in what later stories might have deliberately paralleled for the incident that ultimately got her fired from being Robin -- Stephanie defied Batman's orders to leap down into a fight and was immediately taken hostage.
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Arthur threatens what he thinks is a boy in a costume with sulfuric acid, leading Bruce to reveal Stephanie's identity to save her life. And Arthur immediately lets her go. It's hard to read his expression exactly because mask he mostly looks shocked, maybe a little horrified at what he was about to do.
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And then this happens.
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So yeah, suffice it to say the relationship seems to have been bad -- she claims he "destroyed her life" -- but we don't really know how, and so far as I'm aware it's not really elaborated on.
To be honest, their whole relationship can be very he-said, she-said. Like, early on, there's a storyline Robin where Steph gets kidnapped by a gang so they can hold her hostage and force Arthur (who's in prison) into planning robberies for them to commit, only for Stephanie to then insist that Arthur arranged the whole thing. And the story just accepts that as the obvious truth, with Arthur's only response to the accusation being, "We were never close," but frankly that plot twist makes very little sense to me. It mostly seems to have been inserted just so Stephanie has an excuse to act all self-righteous when Batman tells her to go home.
It's sporadically but inconsistently suggested that Arthur was abusive. In an issue of Cass's Batgirl Stephanie says this:
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And in Secret Origins 80-Page Giant -- a collection of origin retellings release around the time YJ was getting started -- he's shown hitting Crystal for money and tossing Steph around when she's younger.
But. That story is also told from Steph's point of view, with her explicit narration being that she's talking to her baby bump, and when she gets to the part describing the aforementioned Detective Comics origin story, it's explicitly cleaned up to make her look more heroic and capable.
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Which can just as easily mean that Stephanie is being an unreliable narrator. She's not only one in the book -- Cassie (Wonder Girl) also talks herself up because her framing story is trying to impress a boy, but in her case it's more obvious because there's a deliberate exaggeration to the storytelling.
Later on, when she's giving birth, Steph has like... a stress nightmare? Where she's playing with the baby at home but then her dad shows up and takes it away from her and drags it into a big superhero/supervillain fight on the lawn and that seems to be what makes her fully commit to giving the kid up for adoption. But that could be a metaphor about not wanting to bring the kid into the dangerous superhero life.
A bit later on (Robin #93 I believe) there's a storyline where Arthur and Riddler are working out of Steph's house, and when he catches Steph stalking them Arthur threatens to kill Steph and her mother. But then, literally his next appearance, Arthur agrees to join a Suicide Squad mission while saying this...
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And he dies on that mission. And Steph's told about it. And she has some, I think understandably, conflicted emotions about it... although less understandable is the way she screams insults at her mother and then breaks their stuff before storming off into a week-long vigilantism bender that nearly gets her and Tim killed.
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In the denouncement to that arc there's the closest we really get to an examination of their relationship -- as written by a completely different creative team than those who created her originally or who wound up defining her with Batgirl, for what it's worth. It's a little awkward because it tries to explain the design of her Spoiler costume as a metaphor for their relationship...
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Which I don't think works very well. And then it escalates into this long and really uncomfortably lurid story about a babysitter creeping on Steph, Steph running away from home to escape him, and Arthur maybe murdering the guy while Steph questions whether he did it to protect her or because the guy mess with "his territory."
But then. There's what happens after she dies. After War Games came a storyline called War Crimes where it turned out that Arthur had actually faked his death, and so returned to Gotham under the alias "Aaron Black" aka "the Reformer." He basically led a big public campaign against Batman in Stephanie's name, blaming him for her death, trying to get the law to hold him accountable, and ruining his reputation in the public eye. All while saying things like this.
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After this exchange, he's literally never seen again until he randomly appears in a cell at the end of her Batgirl run.
So yeah. I think it's safe to say that their relationship is complicated. We mostly get it from Stephanie's side, and from her point of view it was terrible, hateful, and abusive -- but she also insists on multiple occasions that he never cared for her, and that's clearly not true even from their very first appearance together. So take that as you will.
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mlmxreader · 2 years
The Approval of The Press | Bruce Wayne x m!reader
@satan-incarnate-666 asked: all batman x m!reader sil vous plait!! 
"Do I look like I care if people approve or not?"
summary: Bruce is a little older than you, and a Hell of a lot richer, but while you’re both content and happy to be together, some people certainly aren’t, and Bruce can’t help but to snap when it gets particularly bad. 
tws: swearing, mentions of drinking 
word count: 1362
Not many people minded it, Bruce having a slightly younger boyfriend, as the gap between you wasn’t all that big to begin with and you had met through mere chance; you and your friends were in a local pub and talking, and he had recognised one of them as being an employee of his company - he had come over to greet them, and had accepted the offer to join you all for a few drinks, and before you knew it, you were wearing his blazer whilst stood in a chip shop ordering a burger and chips while he had waited outside with your friends, smoking cigarettes with them while they waited. You weren’t sure whether it was you or one of your friends who had given Bruce your number, but he had called you the next day to ask you out on a date; a few years passed and you moved in with him, and things had been going fine ever since. 
Of course, a relationship with Gotham’s most sought after bachelor still came with its challenges; the paparazzi and seemingly every reporter in the fucking world wanting to know about your private lives - dozens of articles every other week by sleazy assholes working for sleazy liars stating that you were only with Bruce for his money, or that you were using him to make a name for yourself. They were the ones who seemed to take up an issue with it more than anything, they were the ones who seemed to just want to lie about you and Bruce; some said that he had met you through a dating website, which made you laugh. 
Some said that he would dump you after a while, which also made you laugh. Some even refused to believe that you were in a relationship, saying that you were a “very close male friend” - those were always the funniest, and you would always show Bruce, who would laugh and shake his head at how fucking ridiculous that was. 
But not many people minded the relationship between you and Bruce, there was nothing to mind except the fact that he sometimes scared the shit out of you by waking you up in the middle of the night without even turning the light on; he always made it up to you, though, always getting Alfred to make your favourite for breakfast and walking down to the shops to get your favourite energy drinks. He always made it up to you when he accidentally scared you. He would never mean to hurt you in any way, that was something he tried to avoid above all else; that’s why, as Batman, if he saw you on a night out with your friends, he would keep more than a distance. He didn’t want Roman Sioinis or Bane to find out about you, not you. 
You didn’t deserve to be dragged into that. He did his best to keep Batman and his enemies far, far away from you; he would still listen out for your voice, though, and if it was a particularly quiet night, he would silently follow you around from the rooftops to make sure that you were safe and sound - sometimes he would even ask Alfred to pick you up when he knew that you were thinking about coming home, always texting him to say that you were on your way, knowing that he would somehow get Alfred to take you home. 
It was easier for Alfred to do it than to wait for a taxi, and you never had to worry about whether or not you could relax - Alfred was family, you trusted him with your life and Bruce did the same. But while you would text Bruce to tell him that you were about to come home, he couldn’t do such a thing; he never knew when he would be done for the night, so he couldn’t text until he was five minutes away from the mansion, always apologising for it even though he didn’t have to. 
Still, for the most part, people either didn’t care all that much or they were fine with the relationship between you and Bruce, and for the most part, you and Bruce were more than happy together; you were more than happy to just exist around one another when you were at home. He would go around taking phone calls with potential business partners or telling various departments that the union had told them to do better and if they wouldn’t then Bruce would immediately step in; while you would lounge around on the sofa and listen to music and read through whatever book you had decided to pick up lately. Every now and then, during those calls, Bruce would pass you and would just run his hand across your shoulders to let you know he was there before bending down and kissing your temple. You would get him back by hugging him from behind when he would pause in the kitchen and lean against the counter, a smile coming to his lips as he put one hand on yours and leaned into the touch. 
Bruce wasn’t on a call with a potential business partner today, he was talking to an employee about giving them extra time off for their mental health, every day paid double their usual earnings for however long they needed it, and he could hear the gratitude in their voice before he wished them well and made them promise that if they needed anything at all, even a gallon of milk from the shop, he would be more than happy to make sure that they got it; as he hung up, stuffing his phone in his back pocket, he furrowed his brows. Turning around to see you stood behind him with a newspaper in your hands and frowning. You looked close to tears, and Bruce immediately heard alarm bells in his head as he came to stand beside you. 
“What is it?”
“Can you believe this fucking bullshit?” You asked, your voice shaking a little as you passed him the newspaper. 
Bruce looked over it, his jaw clenching as he sighed heavily and shook his head; there was a picture of you at work, and the article that went along with it was more than vile towards you. Calling you a gold-digger, saying that you were only going to work because you wanted to make it seem like you weren’t just in it for Bruce’s money; he ran a hand through his hair, and cleared his throat. 
“I’ll make a phone call,” he growled. “I’m not letting them get away with this. This has to count as harassment or something.” 
“Bruce, don’t-”
“No,” he stated, gently holding onto your shoulders as he forced you to look at him. “No. (y/n), they’ve been doing this for years. Ever since we went on our first date and it’s… it’s not right that they’re targeting you. You’re my boyfriend, and I love you, do I look like I care if people approve or not?”
You shook your head. “No.” 
“I don’t,” he admitted. “But I do care if they’re gonna target you just for some fucking gossip. I’m calling my lawyers.” 
“Bruce…” your voice was hardly above a whimper as you sighed heavily. “Can we just forget it? They won’t stop, they didn’t last time.” 
“Last time I didn’t sue them and buy the fucking newspaper,” Bruce licked his lips, pulling you into a tight hug and grumbling quietly as he rubbed your back. “They won’t do it again. It’s not fair on you, and I really don’t care if they wanna take it to court. If I see that fucking Rupert asshole any time soon, I’ll make him know how I feel.” 
“Bruce, don’t go starting fights,” you pleaded softly. “Please? Just… just leave it. I just wanna forget it and go, I dunno, go to the museum or something.” 
“What about the zoo?” He asked quietly, and when you nodded, he gently pushed you away. “I’ll get the car ready.” 
“I love you,” you whispered. “You know that, right?”
“I know,” he nodded. “I love you, too.” 
if you liked this fic, REBLOG IT - you SHOULD reblog it; if you don't wanna reblog, then you'll get blocked; reblogging is the BARE MINIMUM. don't just "like", REBLOG
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footballffbarbiex · 6 months
Ok so I've had some thoughts bouncing around in my head since last night's game and Barcelona fans getting annoyed and blocking me (lol). But the thing that they and "pro João Félix" fans/blogs don't understand is that Atleti fans never started out this way with their feelings towards Félix. 
We were excited to have him here and welcomed him with open arms. He's our highest ever bought player and something like that doesn't happen for nothing. Of course, I still think Atleti were desperate to prove that they didn't need Griezmann after his departure (though he's proven that the only person who can replace Antoine Griezmann at Atlético Madrid is, well Antoine Griezmann) and that's why they spent the fee they gained from AG's departure on JF. I didn't think he was worth that amount of money though and I still don't. 
They saw a kid who had a good season at his club and saw potential, potential that I also thought he had. I, like many, many other Atleti fans, was excited for him to come and see what he could bring and at first he succeeded. He had a style that was nice to see and it was easy to see why so many young fans wore his name on their backs because they had hope of him becoming something big there. 
He wasn't, like Griezmann has said recently, consistent but when JF did score, he did it well and it left fans thinking "ok if this is how he is at the start of his Atleti adventure, what will he be like?" Sadly, we saw what he was like. He became more inconsistent, he became frustrated when he couldn't score (which is completely understandable because players in his position want to score) but it was his behaviour and attitude which changed following this. 
He seemed to go through a rough spell, even after winning the LaLiga title where he still hadn't shown what he was capable of to have merited that amount of money being parted with with only 10 goals scored throughout the whole season and maybe his injuries were contributing to that too. Fans were asking the same question but still wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. He was young and still settling into the club and their football style and it wasn't something you would pick up overnight and adapt. 
But it didn't warrant him throwing things in frustration when he was subbed whether it was a bib, a water bottle or throwing himself into the sub bench seat. It didn't warrant him storming off down the tunnel when he was subbed. It didn’t warrant him refusing to go to the travelling fans end and applaud them along with the other players, simply because the match had not gone either his or the teams way. It didn't warrant him liking anti Simeone tweets purely because he was no longer getting started - something which a lot of his usual starter players also experienced; it wasn't just a João issue. Simeone wasn't targeting him. He wasn't bullying him. He was doing what any coach would. 
Past players such as Trippier have said that Simeone would die for his team and his club and the players would do so for him. He wants them to succeed, he wants them to do well and to literally go to war for him on that pitch and it shows - Atleti have the reputation they have for a reason (but have the least amount of fouls in LaLiga so far, so make of that what you will for the leagues most dangerous club 👀). 
But if you're not giving your all on the pitch, you are going to be subbed off. You're not started and you're made to prove yourself in training. I refer to Griezmann a few times in this post because he is Cholo's favourite, and there's no point in denying it. They have such a unique and wholesome relationship and I won't pretend that it doesn't exist. But even at the start of Antoine coming to Atleti, Simeone also handed his future favourite boy his ass and said "what are you doing? You need to be selfish. You can't be passing the ball, you're supposed to be scoring. You need to adapt." Yes it pissed off Antoine, he's famously said this, he went home and sulked and moped about but then he went back to training and did as he was asked and became their star boy. 
I understand the hatred that Atlético Madrid fans had towards Antoine when he was poached by Barcelona the years before he actually went. I understood why they continued to despise him when he left and why he was heckled when he came back. But he has proven that he belongs there. He's fought for his place in their eyes again. He knew the only way to make it an easy transition back to Atlético Madrid was through the fans.
But João Félix hasn't done that. He went to Chelsea and immediately dissed the fans. He made comments about how Chelsea already had a chant for him when in all the years of being at the Madrid team, they never did. He continued to like anti Atleti and anti Cholo posts on twitter and hint that he couldn't wait to get out from under his parent club. He was burning the bridge he was standing on and didn't realise the full consequences. 
All we, as a fans, heard was how Simeone wasn't allowing him to play the football that he wanted and I'm not sure if people realise this or not but you don't change a club's system to match one player who has not proven he even wants to be there. We continued to hear about how he did well under other managers before crumbling back to the way he was when he was under Simeone. He didn't work out under Simeone, Thomas Tuchel, Graham Potter, Frank Lampard and he's now faltering under Xavi - who, if you believe the rumours, didn't even want to sign João in the first place but was made to accept it by Laporta. It’s also worth noting that while Mauricio Pochettino was never his manager, his performance hadn’t impressed the new Chelsea coach enough to include him in his plans for the upcoming season which is why he was returned after the brief loan spell. This many head coaches cannot be wrong, can they? Or is this still just a Simeone issue?
But if he was doing this at Chelsea, that was nothing compared to what happened when he came back. His tactic changed. He upped it completely and alienated himself between his teammates and the fans further. I watched footage as he threw his clothing down and walked off, expecting the kit staff to pick up after him when other players were handing it to the staff or putting it into the boxes. He continued to run his mouth and then brought in his dad - almost for protection - because of the hostile environment that he had created. 
For many fans, they were open to the idea of having him back, hoping that he would, like Griezmann, have his redemption arc and actually enter his prime under us. But his return was stale and his disinterest to be there was clear after citing that he wished to play for his dream club Barcelona. But the real turning point for a lot of fans, was watching how João played on his phone and was distracted and animated during a minutes silence for a death within the club’s family. This was a total lack of respect to the club which, understandably, did not go down well. 
Last night was an explosion that has been simmering to a boiling point and everyone knew it was coming. But if Chelsea's behaviour was burning a bridge, then last night João was standing on the top of a building destined to be destroyed by explosives and he was pressing the detonation button with a grin. There is no way back for him now with his parent club. Any salvaging that could have taken place to mend the wounds that he has created is now out of the picture. If he comes back, he'll be lucky to even see the bench. 
And it's not just Atlético Madrid fans who think he has been consistently underwhelming, but press have done so too. Even recently he has learnt headlines such as
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with articles stating 
The Portuguese playmaker has stalled at Barca and is still looking for the right place to revive his faltering career. Barca was supposed to be another new chance. Instead, he has endured the same troubles that have followed him for four years. And now, facing his parent club - in the shirt of his current employers - Felix once again looks like an expensive talent failing to live up to expectations. Felix's career has been defined by its inconsistency, an immense talent enjoying moments of undeniable class, followed by long stretches of underperformance - especially for a player who was so good as a teenager.
Felix has struggled for consistency. He has still been on the ball a lot, but those goals and assists that defined his first two weeks in Catalunya have dried up. He went 13 games without scoring, and has just seven goal contributions this year.
For long stretches, he has looked every bit the same immensely talented yet ineffective entity of the past few years. Call it another false dawn. But Barca aren't the first team to struggle here. There is, indeed, a pattern about Felix's career. A new season comes, as does a fast start - a few goals here, a highlight-reel assist there. The hype grows, the storylines are written. And then comes the regression, the weeks of mediocrity, before the cycle begins again.
While João may have only been 19 and still a child when Atleti came knocking, his agent certainly was not. In a way, I also blame Mendes for this. Many people have stated that agents do not give a shit about their clients because all they see is dollar signs when they get a whiff of talent and I think that he was hoping that João would be the next Ronaldo. While João may not have known fully about what it means to sign for the likes of the Madrid club, or what it’s like to be faced with their fans, his agent absolutely did and as long as he’s getting paid, he’ll continue to throw João to the wolves or allow him to implode as he’s doing now. 
Atlético Madrid fans may be throwing gasoline on him but he's the one that's holding the match. 
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missusplum · 2 years
Since Nadia kicked Arman out of the club now, do you think he'll take Thony up on her offer to stay at the clinic? Perhaps the writers won't address the issue again but it seemed like they made a big point of her kicking him out both times (maybe just to underscore the change in the status of their relationship?) Kind of surprised that Arman seemed like he still wanted to save his marriage through most of the ep. Love his character and liked the episode but really Arman?! He still seems confused, lol. I hope the writers don't try to backpedal on the marriage again. Time to move on. I would love to see Arman and Nadia have competing clubs next season! What did you think of the ep?
hello anon! in general i quite liked the episode! aside from arman’s absence for half of it 😤
personally i don’t think he’ll stay at the clinic, though it’d be interesting if he did. i think that bit of dialogue was just to show that thony’s caught onto his marriage issues?
more to the meat: i’ve read a lot of people being frustrated with arman trying to save his marriage and while i totally understand why, i feel the need to defend him a bit lmao. incoming long post about arman/armony under the cut:
k to preface, this is all just my interpretation and me trying to make sense of the show so far, because like i’ve said before i don’t think the writing has been super clear either way. it could all change by next episode and i could change my mind and this could all be moot lmao. and it’s probably worth noting that a lot of these thoughts are mostly based on how the characters have been written this season only (because if i try to contextualize too much from last season we’ll just get into the same consistency issues we’ve already talked about lol)
ok first of all, while i totally get that it would be the most straightforward if characters made split decisions and stuck to them and moved forward and never looked back, i just don’t think humans work this way, and certainly not the characters in TCL lol. they’re all a mess in their own ways, and arman is no different. i don’t think that makes him a frustrating character, just a human one
my understanding of arman this season is that he’s more or less lost control of everything in his life that he knows. aside from the money issues, here’s a brief list of things that he’s lost this season: his place as hayak’s second, his business acumen (being forced out of the gun business and that’s all he’s known), his ability to run the club, his dignity while working for kamdar who’s intent on humiliating him, and now his home and marriage. when your seemingly stable life is unceremoniously thrown into chaos, i think it’s human nature to want to cling onto the familiar and cling onto what was your normalcy, and that’s what i see arman doing. he’s trying to salvage the clientele at the club, he’s trying to escape kamdar and buy the club, he’s trying to save his marriage so he can get back that stability again and piece back together the life that he had before
while it would make things so much easier for us shippers if arman just up and fell out of love with nadia, again i don’t think that’s generally how humans operate. melissa carter has said that she sees arman as being in love with the two women; obviously i don’t think he means to string anyone along, but i think they represent different parts of him: nadia in part represents his old life and the life that made him who he is. they had a life together that worked, they were a formidable business team, their goals were compatible. and like i said, putting back together his old life has basically been arman’s main focus this season. not being able to save his marriage (or at least save nadia from kamdar) would also be admitting that there’s a part of his old life that is lost forever. and while that may be true anyway, i think actually coming to terms with that and accepting the end of something you once loved and valued is easier said than done. he also doesn’t want to hurt her and wants to do the ‘right thing’. there was a really good meta piece written a few weeks ago that explained how blaming kamdar and thony for their failing marriage has been convenient for both arman and nadia instead of facing the core issues in their relationship. i’m not 100% convinced that the writers are leaning into this as much as the triangle/quad, but personally i think it makes a lot of sense. the relationship has its own issues, and i think a key piece is the introduction of thony in arman’s life
meeting thony has shifted his values and changed him from the man nadia married, so much so that even if arman did manage to retain everything from his old life, i’m not convinced that he would be truly happy anymore. i think thony has fundamentally changed arman (like he has changed her). it’s not necessarily that he consciously wants to be with thony yet, but i think the way that she challenges him on his decision-making and has this unfailing belief that he is a good person has awoken a subconscious need in arman to be good. being recognized as a good man is something he actually craves, and imo this is a large part of why he’s so unwilling to cut ties with thony. nadia doesn’t care if he is good or bad; thony does, and the reality is that arman does too. nadia has often mocked arman about having a complex to be thony’s hero; to me this clearly demonstrates a fundamental misalignment of their values and a core cause of the dissolution of their relationship. nadia literally cannot comprehend why it’s important to arman to do good things (helping luca, not immediately willing to sell opioids, etc), especially when they inconvenience their business goals, so she reasons it as infidelity and the silly need to be a hero. but to arman, it’s so much more than that: thanks to meeting thony, i think he’s growing more and more fed up with committing crimes just for the sake of climbing up the next rung on the ladder. the more thony challenges him, the more he craves the reassurance, the need to prove to her and to himself, that his soul isn’t completely rotten so he can live with himself at the end of the day
but i don’t think that arman is really aware or has fully recognized this, especially not this season when he’s been so solely focused on getting his old life back. and let’s not forget, thony has been actively trying to help him get his life back. it’s not like she consciously wants to be with him either. thony herself is too morally righteous and prideful to willingly be the reason why someone else’s marriage fails. in many ways thony and arman just want to help each other without anything in return. there’s a real beauty in this!
moreover i think arman and thony represent to each other some element of unknown that can be exciting but also cause for trepidation. i think they have a love for each other but at this point are they in love? i don’t think either of them would say so. like i said, in its current state, the nature of their relationship is very confusing and hard to define for them both — the physical attraction and emotional connection is clearly there, but they have such different lives and backgrounds that in many ways it doesn’t make sense for them to get on as well as they do. there are so many unknowns and enough excuses why they should be incompatible that i think it’s fair for both to question whether or not a romantic relationship would even make sense or be sustainable. even though this season has shown the boundaries of their personal lives blurring a little bit, it seems they’re both still trying to maintain some distance there. this was evident in their argument in ep5 where they talked about the motel guy threatening her family and kamdar threatening his — their families are still considered separate entities; they still see their lives as separate entities. does it really make sense for thony to invite a criminal into her home life and into luca’s life? does it really make sense for arman to give up on the club and wade into the unknown world of prescription meds? would it all just crash and burn?? maybe, maybe not. but i don’t blame either of them for shying away from it in favour of the lives that they’ve lived and known. and i think this juxtaposition of what should make sense to them vs what actually does is what makes their dynamic so intriguing
i don’t really want to get into the business of predicting what scenes or storylines will come up since every time i do i just end up expecting too much and getting disappointed lol. but if thematically the main development in armony’s relationship from s1 was that they trust each other, i think (hope?) maybe that the main development in s2 will be that they need each other. however it plays out, to whatever degree, romantic or not, i’ll leave up to the powers that be. and i’ll just keep hoping and praying that we get a season 3 so that we continue to see them develop and grow!
and thus ends another unnecessarily long word vomit about fictional tv characters
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emeraldenha · 2 years
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pairing: ex!taehyun x gn!reader | genre: the five stages of grief (bargaining), breakup au, lovers to exes, angst | w/c: +780 words | warnings: none <3
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When you told Taehyun that it might be best to part ways, he didn’t quite understand.
It was so out of the blue — no signs, no warnings. He didn’t even get a chance to see or talk to you one last time. All he found was a handwritten letter and your half of this month’s rent waiting for him back at your shared apartment. The place felt so empty. The closet that used to be cluttered with all your clothes was suddenly filled with space, one pillow instead of two on the bed, your toothbrush no longer by the bathroom sink. When he tried to call your phone number, it automatically went to voicemail. You were gone without a trace.
Seated at the kitchen counter, letter in hand, he almost didn’t want to open it. Opening it would be acknowledging that this was real, that the bubble Taehyun was living in — thinking that everything had been fine — would be shattered. He took his time processing the words you wrote that felt so definite and of defeat, the paper also slightly tattered which told him that you had been planning this for a while.
He didn’t realize how much you were hurting. It was honestly a complete slap in the face. You wrote about how much things have changed since the beginning of his and your relationship, specifically how much he’s changed. You said it wasn't his fault; you weren’t mad. It was just that the future he had in mind clashed with yours and it was only a matter of time before separating paths. 
When you and Taehyun first met, neither of you were considerably good people. You became friends through hanging out with the wrong crowd and would often spend time together to escape the realities you both were avoiding. Though as much as you embraced the worst in each other, it wasn’t long until that surface level fun turned into something deeper, confiding in each other’s every secret and learning a newfound sensation of happiness through falling in love.
You promised him that you’d work on improving yourself, and he promised you the same.
Looking back, Taehyun wished he appreciated you more. You were the reason he stopped crashing at his friends’ places and settled down on a decent apartment, you were the reason he got a stable job, you were the reason he wasn’t afraid to love again. He used to thank you every chance he could but now he’s so busy drowning himself in work that he oftentimes falls asleep at the office and barely ever returns home, home to you. He was like a ghost.
To Taehyun, that was normal. He was admittedly obsessed with money more than anything as he refused to be the loser that hit rock bottom like before. Devoting himself to his job was how he kept himself motivated from falling into old habits. That didn’t mean he never loved or missed you when he was away, he just happened to prefer the subtle moments. Eating makeshift dinners because you’re both too exhausted to cook or falling asleep next to you on the couch while you were watching one of your shows — that was enough for him.
He knew to an extent that this bothered you. While he relied on his workplace to be his safe haven from the past, you relied on Taehyun. You hated seeming pushy, but you craved his attention. You used to nag at him constantly for his repeatedly short responses or halfhearted efforts. Taehyun would try to accommodate, but at the end of the day, he brushed off the issue thinking it wasn’t a big deal.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers to no one while curled in bed, facing the side you once occupied. “I won’t be greedy anymore. I’ll remember every second to love you like you’re the only person on earth. I’ll talk to you about my day when you ask, make something for us to eat even though it might not be edible, whatever you want. I’ll tell you all the things I think but never say. Just please come back.”
Taehyun was tired of being a loser, because in his world, there was no such thing as happy endings for losers like himself. That’s why he tried so hard to no longer be the person he once was.
But despite all that, without his lover, he felt like the same old loser nonetheless.
A tear falls from the corner of his eye, silently. “If only I could turn back the clock… I would’ve never let you go that easily. I would’ve never let you go until you really knew how much I love you. I’m sorry, at least know that I'm sorry.”
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