#Delenn is a badass
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deadheaddaisy · 7 months
When Delenn is on the warpath... watch out. Xenophobes begone!
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okay but there’s something that I haven’t seen being discussed about humans encountering Delenn post-chrysalis. she’s half-human. and you know who a lot of people would think of at “half-human, half-alien”? Mr. Spock.
“I have a human half and an alien half at war with each other. I survive because my intelligence wins.” 🆚 “Never forget who I was, what I am, and what I can do.”
“Humans do have an amazing capacity for believing what they choose and excluding that which is painful.” 🆚 “Without the hope that things will get better, that our inheritors will know a world richer and fuller than our own, life is pointless, and evolution is highly overrated.”
“I’m frequently appalled by the low regard you earth men have for life.” 🆚 “If you value your lives, be somewhere else.”
But there's gonna be those people who choose ignorance. Those who choose hatred.
More importantly, there's those who fight. And if there's one thing our favorite half-humans, half-aliens can do, it’s fight.
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valentinsylve · 5 months
Fuck/Marry/Kill Babylon 5 characters -- go!
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queer-geordie-nerd · 1 year
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@ddagent always finds the loveliest pics of Mira ❤️
Forever in love with this luminous, incredible woman who rose above the pain and horrors of this world to leave a lasting legacy of love and hope, light and compassion, of belief that a more peaceful, just world is possible if we fight for it. Through her acting, her writing, her music, her activism, she gives me hope and faith in the beauty of shining a light in the darkest places, of having the courage to stand up and loudly speak the truth when everyone around you wants to (literally) destroy you for it. I just cannot comprehend the sheer, unadulterated, unyielding strength that takes.
A beautiful soul, indeed.
Forever grateful for discovering Babylon 5 and falling in love with Delenn, and through her, finding that Mira was just as much a badass in actuality as the fictional one she played on TV.
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highwarlockkareena · 9 months
Every month of 2023 ✨
tagged by @sandushengshou and @eohachu to link my favorite or/and most popular creations from each month of 2023 & then tag some ccs!
January most popular:  word of honor wen kexing babygirl for wohdaily - the most 🥺🔪 my favourite: our flag means death - the foot touch!!!
February most popular: semantic error - jang yaeyoung being the gremlin he is my favourite: wangxian the untamed - wwx's diary edit - this was so much fun to make
March most popular: everything everywhere all at once my favourite: the untamed from yanli's pov - too many women died, we need this version
April most popular: lan wangji the untamed my favourite: barbie wen kexing word of honor - everyone was making barbie sets, but i had to give wkx his own barbie house plus pony!
May most popular:  howl's moving castle my favourite: taecyeon in xo, kitty - for reasons. the reasons being his character name and outfit.
June most popular:  delenn being a badass in babylon 5 - good taste, tumblr my favourite:  pride tinted with you - i've giffed this show before, and i'll gif it again!!
July most popular:  star trek strange new worlds (lower decks crossover) - the best ep of both shows my favourite: wkx word of honor - yeah, I love him
August most popular: tgcf - flirty hualian my favourite: birthday edit for byeongkwan
September most popular & my favourite:  barbie ken set for usergif
October most popular:  wangxian for mxtxtober my favourite: wwx flirting with lwj on grindr - y'all are cowards tho
November most popular: junhee in effortless - listen idk why they turn him into a demon in the music video but it looks great and i am obsessed my favourite: my usergif effortless set
December most popular & my favourite: this my country: a new age secret santa I had a lot of fun making this & i like how it turned out
tagging: @meliorn @gege @violets @chrrispine @weiwuxian @hoppipolla
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woodsfae · 11 months
B5 s03e06: Dust to Dust table of contents • previous episode
Lame that there are so many insubordinate soldiers under Sheridan's command!
Bester, my best guy <3 This should be a delightfully creepy episode! Psi horror! I love him so much. His threatening vibe is sooo gooood. Hope Lyta stays safe!
Did Stop Falling On Me guy just do a murder? 
The new opener is so good. Maybe because I always watch this show high, but it is so excellent. 
Casually discussing my best guy's murder! I will be fair to them. Bester is a murder-danger-level threat. But he's also the war criminal who has my heart. I want to squish him. Like a stuffed animal.
Vir! And awww, don't be mean to him, Londo! His Minbari robe of welcoming looks much more comfortable than Centauri clothes. 
Londo: "Do they speak of me often?" Vir: "Only behind closed doors."
lmao?? I can't believe that only a season ago I was fully "meh" on Vir, and now I would kill for him ^_^
Telepathy accident? Strange. I like strange medical mysteries, but B5's seem to tend to be extra tragic. I don't trust 'em not to be tearjerkers. 
Oh my goddddd. Is Susan about to murder Bester with the station? She was! but for Sheridan's interference. tsk. well, probably the rational choice. But I support Susan Ivanova no matter what. 
lol Bester, being hit with a feeling of strong personal danger. I should say so! 
Delenn's non-murder solution is blocking Bester with Minbari telepaths! This must be so unexpected for Bester. And it is also unexpected for me! Delenn has this kind of pull still? Or again? I love that for her. However, it does tell Bester that they know things they're lowkey desperate to keep him from knowing. Hope that doesn't come back to bite them later!
What a good set-down by Sheridan. Doesn't faze Bester a bit, though!
Dissection of Talia? Fuck thaaaat. And Susan stays so cool! She's so badass, damn. And right after her murder attempt was thwarted. She has iron emotional control. 
Bester: "You choose not to trust me. That's sad. And unfortunate. But unlike the rest of you, I have no intention of letting it get in the way of my work. Doctor. Trust, Captain. You should try it some time. The [telepathy inhibiting] drug requires three hours to take effect. See you in four. Perhaps then you'll all be a little less hysterical, and little more productive. I'm here to save your butts! Next time: show a little gratitude." Dr Franklin: "On the other hand, maybe wounding him isn't such a bad idea after all."
Lol!! I love Bester so much. He's such a pragmatist!! And it certainly got the point across that he's here to cooperate over a case.
The Drazi seem to be occupying a similar sociopolitical niche in the show as the late Markab. Which gives me concerns for their long term prospective. Regardless, good for them, giving Londo and Centauri a hard time. Especially since Londo can't help but be a dick to the Drazi and the Narn on the way out. 
Vir has gained much confidence while he's been away. And he likes Minbar and his new assignment! He deserves some appreciation and respect. 
Awww Lennier, that's such a gentle denial for Vir's request that Londo visit Minbar for a mental health vacation. Is it just me, or is Lennier really developing a shiny backbone? He's come so far from the hyper-sheltered religious acolyte, and I'm glad he hasn't lost any of the stars in his eyes about Delenn. She is that cool. Vir has astonishing faith in Londo's goodness. I hope he's right one of these days!
This is a reasonable request for cooperative behavior. Bester wants help tracking this drug which allows for a high degree of mental assault with a high for the perpetrator, which usually permanently incapacitates the victim if they are also a telepath. sounds like someone's gonna use it in war! 
This person selling it to G'Kar says it turns the user into a telepath and lets them directly experience the life of the target. But it might not work on Narns. More Narnuan lore! There used to be Narn telepaths, but they were "exterminated." Brutal. By the Shadows, I wonder, or perhaps the Centauri?
If G'Kar ends up a telepath, that was not on my season 3 bingo card! 
Bester's giving a "there are existential horrors you never have to worry about because we take care of them before anyone knows they exist," and it's downright unnerving. How many chill-ass folks have they taken out for fear of what they could be capable of?
G'Kar's No Good Very Bad Acid Trip does seem to be coming with some sort of mental abilities, though not particularly controllable. And since it works on people who aren't telepaths, but turns on a telepathy gene (in humans), does it also turn every human who uses it into an active telepath? That'd be a huge reason for PsiCorps to want to contain it. 
Garibaldi working with Bester is highly effective and very extralegal, what with all the threats and civil rights violations. He's a bad influence on Garibaldi. He's already too inclined to threaten civilians, he doesn't need any encouragement of Bester's type. 
Even though Garibaldi argues with Bester about it later, he still goes right along with it while their detainee was present. Bad! Influence!
Bester: "The badge and the uniform do have certain advantages." Garibaldi: "Like intimidation?" Bester: "Absolutely. Just like your badge, and your uniform."
Exactly!! Love me a self aware villain.
Londo arranged for Vir to be appointed the Ambassador to Minbar because he didn't trust him. Didn't trust him to keep himself intact in Centauri's political climate, didn't trust him to make wise decisions for himself, and wanted to send him somewhere safe. And now he isn't trusting Vir's assessment that the Minbari are trustworthy potential allies. That's sad for Londo. He'd be making much better decisions if he would take Vir's advice.
Go G'Kar, go! Fulfill Londo's death dream! One can dream. 
Bester my sassy, amoral little guy. <3 His snark is such a good mixture of strangely wise, self-aware, inane, and troubling. 
Their fascist sonic weapon crowd control devices are super effective. At least they didn't use them on the Dockworkers Union, but that's a small at least. Don't like knowing they exist in universe. Statistically, now that they've been introduced, they're going to be used to commit horrible war crimes. 
Oh...I was so caught up in the euphoria of G'Kar potentially strangling Londo that I quite forgot about the Narn telepathy subplot. Well. Go G'Kar, go, anyway. I also support his telepathy plot. Good keeping it together while very disorientingly drugged! He might pull it off, except I'd be surprised if Londo knows anything of particular value. 
And he has so much more clarity inside Londo's mind! Compelling! Get him! Collaborating with Morden and the Shadows! Seeing the fuckin evil that Londo arranged on fucking purpose! It's meaningful for G'Kar to know, but like....with no proof will it do G'Kar any good? 
Interesting that G'Kar had far more control than the drug guy suggested, able to target memories and types of knowledge, before absorbing all of Londo's life.
Oh, grim. G'Kar's vision of his father and another Narnuan elder is a type of sorrowful that feels so extra heavy today. 
Is...G'Kar having a vision of Kosh?? Oh damn! Kosh is making moves while G'Kar trips hard! If that was Kosh, the voice is very different. 
I really. Really wanna give G'Kar a nice warm robe, and a vacation. And some rest. And a cute little roast animal for him to eat, snoot-first. 
Surprisingly soft interaction between Vir and Londo in the medbay.
Disappointed this went to trial! Let G'Kar Assault Centauri And Particularly Londo Mollari!
At least it's only 60 days in prison, I guess? I don't trust Babylon 5 prisons not to be horrific. 
Vir's hair is less cresty then usual, I feel. Or is somehow Differently Shaped. 
Hmmm. And some advice from Londo that's somewhat decent. When he chooses to use his brain, it works sorta ok. 
Bester says the Dust didn't work! Didn't produce one telepath of a reasonable strength! Go G'Kar, go! Of course PsiCorps was responsible for it. 
I really would not have guessed New Telepaths, Particularly G'Kar as a plot point in B5! I guess they sorta primed the pump with metamorphosing Matt Stoner's telepathy to empathy, elevating Jason Ironheart to a telekinetic high order being, and the other general mind fuckery, but that's cool! And I can't wait to see what they do with it. 
Overall, exactly what I've come to expect from a Bester episodes. And I love G'Kar, so I love this for him. And more Narnuan lore! I also enjoy that a lot.
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grigori77 · 2 years
Celebrating International Women's Day this year, once again I'm giving a shout-out to some of the amazing ladies, both real and fictional, that I really admire, both new on the scene and since my formative years. They all live rent free in my head and I think they're awesome!
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COURTNEY LaPLANTE, the incredible frontwoman from up-and-coming new metalcore band Spiritbox, who are ALL pretty amazing, but she is in a whole different league. The way she can switch from beautifully husky, gently angelic clean vocals to bloody terrifying feral demon dirty vocals AND BACK at the drop of a hat is truly astounding ...
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VIOLA DAVIS, one of my favourite actresses working in Hollywood today, an undeniable queen and now a bonafide BADASS too thanks to her recent starring role as Naniska, the General of the Agojie, the legendary Dahomie Amazons, in The Woman King. These days she's PROBABLY best known as THE BADDEST BITCH in all of the DCEU, ARGUS director Amanda Waller, but these are just two of a whole CAREER of incredible performances for which she's rightly become a true A-lister ...
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ELLEN RIPLEY, as played by the equally awesome Sigourney Weaver in the Alien movies. Quite simply THE GREATEST cinematic female lead protagonist OF ALL TIME, Ripley is about as definitive as strong female lead protgnonists get, the scourge of terrifying hostile aliens throughout the galaxy ...
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POWER, from the acclaimed new anime series Chainsaw Man. I know, I know, she could SO EASILY have just been another classic teenage boy's wet dream anime girl, but half-demon fiend Power, like many of the show's female characters, is definitely a significant step away from the cliched norms, a total, undeniable force of (super)nature, unapologetic deluded self-promoter and thoroughly adorable chaos gremlin, who's quickly becoming one of my very favourite anime characters.
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RINKO KIKUCHI, probably my VERY FAVOURITE Japanese actress EVER, thanks in no small part to her DEFINITIVE turn as Jaeger pilot Mako Mori in Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim, although I first discovered her as gloriously idiosyncratic demolitions expert Bang Bang in Rian Johnson's criminally overlooked The Brothers Bloom. Also rightly known for her acclaimed turn in Babel, we most recently saw her in typically fine form in Michael Mann's agreeably edgy new true crime series Tokyo Vice ...
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KRISTEN STEWART. Yeah, I know, some folk are STILL likely to be rolling their eyes at this choice, but ever since Panic Room I've ALWAYS thought she was something special, EVEN when she was doing Twilight. Okay, so it's taken her A LONG TIME to shake the godawful spectre of Bella Swan, but she's DEFINITELY pulled it off by now, playing some truly AMAZING characters in a bunch of really great movies, most notably Underwater (see above), the criminally maligned and unjustly ignored Charlie's Angels reboot and her incredible recent turn as the late Diana, Princes of Wales, in Spencer.
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DELENN, as played by Mira Furlan (Lost), the ambassador of the alien race, the Minbari, in one of my very favourite TV shows of all time, Babylon 5. From humble (albeit also EXTREMELY mysterious) beginnings, Delenn went on to (rightly) become THE main female lead in the show, carrying the weight of one hell of a sprawling, epic sci-fi saga plot on her more-than-able shoulders.
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KATY O'BRIAN. Basicallythe core inspiration (at least in a roundabout way) for the lead character in my ongoing online fantasy novel series Never Split the Party, Kesla Shoon, Katy is 100% what I love in a genuine physically powerful woman - tough as nails, sexy as hell and, paradoxically, an absolute sweetheart. I first stumbled across her as George, the very best character in Syfy's guilty pleasure TV series Z Nation, but she's finally REALLY getting the attention she's long deserved, already earning fast fan-favourite status as Jentorra in Ant Man & the Wasp: Quantumania.
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ZOE SALDANA. Ever since she started to come up in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie, she's been steadily growing herself one hell of a reputation playing a succession of strong, frequently badass women in cinema, most notably in The Losers, James Cameron's Avatar movies and OF COURSE as Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy.
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SOFIA BOUTELLA. Ever since I first saw her busting some truly incredible moves in those glorious "Keep Up" Nike ads from the mid 00s, I have always been SUCH a big fan of this incredible dancer-turned-actress. She first REALLY captured our attention in the first Kingsman movie, but she's shone ever brighter since in the likes of Star Trek Beyond, Atomic Blonde, Climax and Hotel Artemis. Personally I CANNOT WAIT to see what she does with THE LEAD ROLE in Zack Snyder's incoming new sci-fi epic Rebel Moon ...
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ALISON MOYET. One of my favourite female vocalists when I was growing up, I recently rediscovered her music when I started one of my music fan deep-dives through her entire back catalogue, and I'm absolutely LOVING IT. Starting out in the frustratingly short-lived early 80s electro pop group Yazoo with Erasure's Vince Clarke, she truly came to fame with her dynamite solo debut album Alf, as well as a killer cover of That Ole Devil Called love, but she's been going strong ever since thanks to one of the greatest voices around.
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ANNIE LENNOX, formerly of The Tourists and The Eurythmics. Another one of the 80s all-time great frontwomen, Annie is a statuesque Scottish goddess who is rightly best known for her SECOND tour of duty with multi-talented musician Dave Stewart, but went on to have an equally astounding career as a solo singer-songwriter with a string of masterful records from the 90s right up to the present. Add to that her undeniable ICON status in the LGBTQIA+ community and you've got a bonafide androgynous goddess on your hands ...
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GRACE JONES. Ever since she played Zula in Conan the Destroyer, Mayday in A View to a Kill and one seriously STRANGE vampire in Vamp, I've been a fan of this Jamaican model/actress/singer and undeniable fashion ICON. She continues to be a wonderfully weird and truly unique individual with her own unapologetically challenging style to this very day, and I love her for it.
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DEBORAH CHOW. A fantastic up-and-coming Canadian filmmaker, who made a modest splash with her feature film The High Cost of Living before cutting her teeth on a series of impressive TV directing gigs on the likes of Copper, Reign and Mr Robot before truly coming into her own on The Mandalorian, which directly led to her helming THE ENTIRETY of 2022's rightly acclaimed Obi Wan Kenobi series. I'm really looking forward to whatever she does next.
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CHARLIZE THERON. If there's one actress I've become a fan of mainly through her playing GENUINELY UNSTOPPABLE kickass women, it's Ms. Theron. The South African-born actress looks ABSOLUTELY AMAZING when she's stalking down a catwalk in her Dior ads, but as far as I'm concerned she looks HER VERY BEST when she's taking roomfuls of men apart with her bare hands in Atomic Blonde or a big fucking axe in The Old Guard, which will soon get a sequel I for one CANNOT WAIT FOR ...
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MARISHA RAY, ASHLEY JOHNSON & LAURA BAILEY, the Ladies of Critical Role. Sure, there have been other women who've come and gone in a variety of excellent guest slot roles through the years the live-play TTRPG webcast series has been going (from Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, Ashly Burch, Sumalee Montano, Mica Burton and Aimee Carrero to, of course, the legendary Aabria Iyengar), but these three have always been the core, the heart and the undeniable BACKBONE of this amazing ongoing D&D adventure, and long may they all continue to reign ...
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pluralsword · 1 year
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We think these two would make a very good team and get a long well.
Despite that we wrote a fic where they butt heads and fight each other because of opposed outlooks due to differing access to information- but c'mon it's Samus and Arcee they'll figure it out. Do you like the Metroid universe? Do you like trans takes on transformers worldbuilding? What about combining the two as if they were seamless parts of each other, and reading these two badasses square off until they come to terms (do you think them fighting would be hot)? Well, then we have the Samus vs. Arcee fic for you, three chapters of it so far, as part of our Duel of Journeys series of crossover vs. that handles things differently than Death Battles and similar things do, in the following respects:
-presenting an ostensible reason for the two sides to be fighting, because outside of sparring, motivation helps drive and define combat
-in situations where the power levels are skewed (e.g. Arcee is a fantastic fighter and certainly a more experienced commander than Samus but barring her time-traveling Alternity iteration Arcee does not have the armor / defenses to survive Super Bombs, Super/Ice Missiles, Hyper Beams, the Metroid Suit, etc etc. Her swords with her reflexes are missile defense systems but um well blast radius is still a thing so there's a big difference between Samus's missiles and Bombshell's) show what other advantages both can bring to the table, not fighting in a vacuum/void from the rest of the world
-as such, it is not necessarily a battle to the death. It is about victory by defeating or persuading, and ones allies and loved ones can get involved. (to make a non Star Wars example, if you threw Admiral Susan Ivanova of Babylon 5 and Grand Admiral Thrawn of Star Wars against each other while yes their close quarters fight would be interesting we think their abilities as space naval commanders would be much more interesting to see against each other)
-with that in mind, finishing whatever plot comes after if possible
It's really more of a character analysis / comparison thing. So there you have it, good hunting! If people want to suggest matchups please do so in asks or comments or reblogs of this post, bear in mind that we will want at least one character involved from any of the following (yes we will favor robots), and may not write what we are unfamiliar/uncomfortable with, and we will also consider team-up fics instead of vs.:
-Transformers (e.g. Chromia), GI JOE (e.g. Scarlett), Steamworlds (e.g. Piper Faraday), Battletech (e.g. Kamea Arano), Sunless Skies (e.g. Reckless Driver), Babylon 5 (e.g. Delenn), Supreme Commander (e.g. Rhiza). We will add to this list when we have time. <3
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exlibrisfangirl · 2 years
1 and 13 for the female characters asks
*rubs hands together*
Putting this under a cut, because it's going to be LONG...
1 - Protagonists
There are... WAY more than 5... but I will pick 5 for whom I can easily articulate why.
In no particular order:
Fanny Price (Mansfield Park by Jane Austen) - People like to call her "the boring one" or "the forgettable one", but she's actually my favorite Austen heroine. Here's why: she shows us that strength of character doesn't have to be bold or forceful or charming or witty to be worth something; integrity can be quiet and meek and humble and still win. And even if she hadn’t received any recognition for doing the right thing - or won the guy's heart - in the end, it still would have mattered to her that she did what was right. I've always related deeply to Fanny's internal struggle to balance her fierce sense of justice with her gentleness of spirit, and, out of all of Austen's heroines, I admire her the most.
Delenn of Mir (Babylon 5) - Delenn is one of the fictional characters I relate to on the deepest, most personal level. At her core, she is genuinely one of the most gentle, kind, compassionate, empathetic, wise characters on television, but as the series goes on, we see that there are incredible depths to her dark side as well. As we gain insight into her past, we learn that she has a disturbing capacity for selfishness and anger and violence, but she chooses to exercise compassion and diplomacy and selflessness instead; as a result, she is deeply respected and trusted by everyone who knows her. She still makes mistakes, but she learns from them, and I love the beauty of her complexity.
Kara Danvers (Supergirl) - I've never been a big DC person, tbh, until the Arrowverse shows were created, and then I got thoroughly and completely sucked in by Arrow, Supergirl, and Superman & Lois (the last of which is apparently no longer part of the Arrowverse... but I digress). What I love about Melissa Benoist's portrayal of Kara/Supergirl is the fact that she is unfailingly kind and good and optimistic, while still having depth. It's very easy for characters like that to remain one-dimensional, but, despite her cheery optimism and dedication to choosing kindness and goodness, we also see her grappling with a heavy burden of guilt because she can't fix everything and save everyone... a dilemma I can relate to, even if her outgoing, go-getter, peppy persona is a bit beyond my realm of experience.
Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery) - Anne was one of my earliest fictional faves, and probably the first fictional character I related to on a deep, personal level. As an adult, I can see now that she is very clearly (albeit not knowingly) autistic-coded, but, as a kid, all I knew was that this character thought and felt just like me; she daydreamed constantly, her imaginary world was always bleeding into reality, she felt everything so intensely and so deeply, and everyone thought she was peculiar. Anne taught me that it was okay to be who I was, and that the people who truly loved me would love me for who I was, without trying to change me.
Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf) - Lydia's character arc is honestly one of my favorites in all of television, and one of the best in the show. She begins the series pretending to be something she is not - a ditzy, bitchy, cold-hearted, two-faced, party-throwing, nymphomaniac - and ends the series comfortable in her own skin and confident in who she truly is: an actual genius, one of the "good guys", a badass banshee, and deeply, painfully, beautifully human. She learns to face her insecurities with vulnerability and grace, rather than cover them up with make-up, and she proves herself to be unbelievably strong and resilient when faced with unspeakable horrors and fear. I just love her so muuuuch.
13 - I wish had better development/writing
Daenerys Targaryen (ASOIAF/Game of Thrones): *side-eyes Benioff and Weiss so hard my eyeballs pop out of my skull* They ruined her. They destroyed her. That last season of GoT was honestly one of the most upsetting examples of character assassination I have ever had the misfortune to witness, and I will never forgive them for it. DRACARYS. If we ever get the rest of the ASOIAF books - and that's a BIG "if" - Mr. Martin had better do her justice... OR ELSE.
Eowyn of Rohan (LOTR movies) - I was disappointed with Eowyn's character development in Return of the King. The film made it seem like she meets Faramir as she's recovering from her battle wounds and then just sort of... fades into the background, which feels so bizarrely anticlimactic after she played such a vital role in defeating the enemy on the battlefield. In the books, we see her realizing, after the war is over, that what she thought she wanted - to be a warrior and fight and live a life of glory - could only lead to loss and death, and it ultimately leaves her empty. She decides to dedicate the rest of her life to rebuilding and rebirth, as her uncle gave her stewardship of Rohan before he died. There's something subtly powerful and beautiful about her character arc to me, and the movies just didn't do a very good job of showing it.
Caroline Forbes (The Vampire Diaries) - I adore Caroline. She is my favorite character from TVD. However, I hated hated HATED her ending. She has such deep-seated insecurities about love and relationships throughout the series, and then, after bouncing her around from love interest to love interest, they finally give her "true love" and have her marry Stephan (ugh)... only to KILL HIM OFF ALMOST IMMEDIATELY. Why couldn't they just let my girl be happy?! I will be bitter about it forEVER.
Raven Reyes (The 100) - Another favorite who was unfairly treated by her writers. I loved Raven's early storyline around her injury and subsequent permanent disability, because it's not often that you see 1) a disabled TV show protagonist, much less 2) a disabled TV show protagonist dealing with depression and chronic pain as a result of their disability. That aside, Raven, like Caroline Forbes, was bounced around from love interest to love interest (all of whom die) and then ends up alone, which is one of her greatest fears and most deep-seated insecurities. She has her found family (well... what's left of it, anyway) to live out her days with, but it still left a bitter taste in my mouth.
Bella Swan (Twilight by Stephenie Meyer) - It is very possible for Mary Sue characters to be done well... but Bella is NOT one of them. She is honestly one of the most boring book protagonists I have ever read, and her movie counterpart is no better. Edward has more personality than she does... and that is a low, LOW bar. She had the potential to be interesting - I like the fact that she tells Edward she wants to become a vampire for herself, not for anyone else, because she feels like she was meant to become one and it feels right to her - but most of her potential was wasted and never explored. One of the perks of the main character being so, unbelievably bland is that the side characters are all fascinating by comparison... so at least she's got that going for her, I suppose?
Send me a number and I'll write out my top 5 fictional women.
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pankracy · 10 months
b5 spoilers again I am DEAD
"you seem to be a different person than the one I've met all these years ago :)" says Delenn to G'Kar now that he's useful to her cause I WONDER WHY DELENN! I WONDER WHY!!!
I still hate what Kosh has done btw! but I choose to believe G'Kar has his own mind; he wanted in on what was going on for so long; he KNEW he had to offer Sheridan something. and the opportunity was perfect. he was aware of what the only path forward is for him and his people. in his own words he's been on the station for too long not to see things, even when he wasn't privy to the particulars of them. and he spent weeks on his own, writing down his thoughts, thinking, meditating, and despite the manipulative vision -- he also knew he got it under the influence of the dust. I see him talking about how the Narn must sacrifice themselves and the importance of humans but I hear a "we need an alliance and to get it we need to offer ourselves freely" in his words; I choose to see it that way cause otherwise it'd be too painful for me haha :')
Also, the way he strutted into the c&c, all over to Susan and was all "I've got an idea~" was amazing. He's amazing.
Also also yeah Delenn and her little speech when she appeared with the Minbari fleet was super fucking badass. LOVED the earth ships literally turning tail and running home. Kiiinda regretful I didn't see her in a murderous rage more lol.
and the last little thing for the end of the post: Marcus is such a fun silly man! love him! also loved Stephen's stone cold "you're so outside of what Susan's into you two could've as well been in different galaxies" to him OKAY THEN he really went "I'm a doctor but *cocks a metaphorical gun*"
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tramontane-fire · 1 year
i am still watching b5 and the reporter lady (nice episode frame btw) is being mean to delenn and I just want to hulksmash because mira furlan was very sweet and delenn despite being formidable and a badass is also very sweet and c'mon reporter lady she just said she was your friend in peace and now you made her cry.
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10moonymhrivertam · 6 years
Y’know, I’m not sure I’ve ever watched Babylon 5 all the way through. But goddamn.... “If you value your lives, be somewhere else” is my favorite scene regardless of context.
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Delenn of Mir can do no wrong. Satai Delenn, however-
is still an absolute badass and the love of my life
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samcaarter · 4 years
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Babylon 5 rewatch: Severed Dreams
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two-hearts-beat · 4 years
tbh I gotta pat myself on the back a bit simply for the fact that amidst all the oversexualized and 2-dimensional women in the science fiction and action movies/tv shows my father used to watch with me I managed to pick out some excellent role models for myself and even withstood when my father tried to ridicule or belittle them
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