#Delta Landscaping Universe
trulybetty · 5 months
323 Mulefall Crt. Chapter One | Monday
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Pairing: no outbreak!Joel x OFC Word Count: 3,048 Warnings: mentions of alcohol, food, minor mentions of a previous relationship, a brief suggestion of possible cheating, Cousin Joel™️ comes with his own warnings, as does David! Chapter Summary: Cousin Joel has officially arrived on Mulefall Crt. and happenstance has Katie running into both him and Will. AO3: Linked
A/N: it's finally here! Or should I say he's finally here? 😏 This has been in the works for such a long time in collaboration with @rhoorl that it feels surreal to be posting it! We hope you enjoy this as much as Jess and I enjoyed creating these characters! Thank you Jess for allowing me to come play in your sandbox and being such an amazing friend! 💕
x. master list | x. delta landscaping
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There wasn’t a drawer in Katie's office that wasn’t open and rifled through. If anyone was to walk in at that moment, they’d think she’d been broken into. However, as she wiped her sweaty brow and tried to catch her breath, it was evident that it was Katie who was responsible.
She checked her watch on her wrist, “Fuck,” she muttered as she noticed the time, she had less than an hour to find the missing USB drive, get back to the office, give Miranda the rundown of the presentation and, oh, squeeze in a drive through visit for a very much needed obnoxious coffee to get through all of the above.
She shoved papers back into drawers, her eyes scanning over the desk one more time. Had she checked her car? Yes, it was the first place she’d looked after it was missing from her office desk. Did she check the kitchen, the place where everything usually ended up getting left to be sorted later? Yes, she’d broken a knob on one of the drawers she’d have to repair later. After the shake-down she’d given the usual spaces she dove back into the mess of her office, tossing aside pens, staplers, and old receipts, cursing herself for not being more organized.
Gritting her teeth, she moved onto the file cabinet that sat under her desk. Each and every drawer yielded nothing but old invoices, her passport which she’d actually been looking for the previous week, and the phone bill she still needed to pay. With a grunt, she sat back in her office chair, idly swinging side to side, trying to remember where she saw it last.
With a heavy sigh of frustration escaping, her eyes wandered towards the large window that framed the view of her front lawn; it had been the main reason for choosing that room as the location of her home office. It was where she mostly worked from, only dropping into the office on occasion. Today was a big presentation for her team, and she was the one leading it and had painstakingly created the deck. Foolishly though, she’d saved it to a USB drive rather than the cloud. Fooling herself into thinking she’d upload it when she was done, which wasn’t the case.
Chewing her lip absentmindedly, she caught sight of Will’s iconic red Jeep pulling up across the street. Despite her current predicament, a small smile tugged at her lips. Will and Benny Miller’s arrival on Mulefall Court all those months back had been a welcome one. If anything, the two brothers and their friends often provided a welcome distraction from the routine of work-from-home life.
Usually, it was Benny with Will, but today it was someone else. Climbing out of the passenger seat was the elusive ‘Cousin Joel’, a character of great interest in the neighbourhood group chat as of late, especially when news of his impending arrival for Benny’s fight later that week was announced.
Curiosity piqued, she leaned forward in her chair, angling to get a better look over her monitor setup at Joel. With his broad shoulders on display, swathed in green plaid unbuttoned to reveal a white t-shirt, he had a rugged charm about him. Sunglasses perched on his nose, he closed the Jeep’s door as he took in the neighbourhood.
However, as if sensing her gaze, Joel suddenly turned, his eyes, though hidden behind his sunglasses, seemed to look directly at her. Despite logic telling her there was no way he could likely see her, panic set in. She dropped to the floor in a frantic attempt to hide, her heartbeat furiously in her chest, and only part of that was due to the idea of being caught. The absurdity of the situation was not lost on her, a grown woman ducking from view over harmless curiosity.
Trying to get her bearings, her attention was taken by the buildup of dust under the desk, cursing the RoboVac for not reaching the far corners. Just as she was backing up to climb up from under her desk, her fingers brushed against something familiar. The USB drive! There, hiding in plain sight, she let out a laugh at the silver lining of her comical dive under the desk bringing her to the reason for running out of the office half an hour ago.
Relief washed over her but was quickly replaced by a sharp pang of pain as she bumped her head on the underside of the desk in her haste to stand up. Rubbing at her head, she made sure she was clear of the desk before she stood to avoid hitting her head again. Standing, she brushed down the front of her pencil skirt from the dust from under her desk. The last thing she needed was to turn up back at the office in a state before the departments' directors.
Running to the kitchen, she grabbed her phone, then made a path back to the front door, picking up the various items she’d strewn upon arriving home. Knitted duster, check, purse, check, car keys, check, and then finally, her heels she’d kicked off as soon as she was over the threshold. Trying to hold her balance, she slipped on the pumps and cursed her panic in leaving the office and forgoing the flats she usually wore for driving.
The mid-day sun was high, casting long shadows over her driveway as she navigated what was becoming the too-familiar obstacle course of loose and warped planks of her porch. Each step was a calculated risk, the heels of her shoes threatening to catch in the gaps. She reminded herself to finally arrange to get it fixed, a mental note she’d made countless times before after Will’s discovery that the whole thing was barely holding on and was likely on the cusp of collapse. A problem for future Katie, right now she needed to get back to the office with the USB.
Checking her tote’s contents, ensuring the USB drive had not moved since she last checked on it only five seconds previously, her focus was interrupted by a voice from across the way, “Hey, Katie!”
It was Will.
He was jogging across the street, a figure trailing behind him looking both ways across the street as they followed. As they approached and as she caught up with what was happening, her heart skipped a beat or two. ‘Cousin Joel’, the man whose all but brief mentions in the neighbourhood had launched a thousand theories and gossip threads in the group chat. He was even more ruggedly handsome up close than the view out of her window and through any of the photos she’d caught sight of at Will’s and the one FaceTime chat she’d briefly been a part of.
He had a casual confidence that was magnetic, and as she tore her attention back to Will, missing the appreciative once-over Joel gave her legs as she was too busy trying to find her voice, suddenly at a loss for words.
“Hey, Will,” she responded, trying to sound composed.
Will, oblivious to her internal struggle over Joel’s presence, gave her a wide smile, “Katie, I wanted you to meet Joel. He’s in town for an overdue vacation and just in time for our Benny’s fight this weekend!” He patted his cousin on the back, and it was evident without knowing, in just how he spoke about his cousin, that Will held him in great regard.
Joel extended his hand, his sunglasses now pushed to the top of his head, his deep brown eyes alight as his smile turned into a friendly smirk as if he was fully aware of the thoughts in her head, “It’s great to finally meet you, Katie,” he shot a look at his cousin, “I’ve heard a lot about you from Will.”
She took his hand, the warmth and firmness of his grip almost made her knees buckle. “So you’re the infamous Cousin Joel we’ve been hearing so much about?” she replied, hoping her voice sounded steadier than she felt.
Joel's smile widened at Katie's question, a spark of amusement flickering in his eyes. “Infamous, huh? I hope Will's been keeping it positive,” he joked, his voice deep and slightly tinged with a flirtatious undertone that wasn’t missed by Will as he raised a humoured eyebrow at Joel’s antics.
Before Katie could open her mouth to try and muster something that might have resembled a coherent sentence the boisterous voice of Benny Miller rang out through the street, “J MONEEEEYYY!! You made it!”
Benny charged across the road and with a running start leapt at Joel, who managed to catch him mid-air without so much as a stumble. Benny’s infectious energy was palpable, even without the wide grin spread across his face.
Suddenly, the air was filled with booming laughter
“Bean,” Joel rumbled, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he returned the hug with equal enthusiasm. “It's good to see you.”
Benny pulled back after a moment and grinned at Katie, “So you got to meet the man, the myth, the legend himself!” he said as he patted Joel’s shoulders, showing him off as if he were
a grand prize. Joel rolled his eyes but the smile never left his face.
“Indeed,” Katie responded, somewhat overwhelmed by the hive of activity that had descended upon her driveway, she was pretty sure several members of the group chat were twitching their blinds at Benny’s rowdy entrance, “but, J Money? Did I hear that right?”
Joel laughed as he shook his head, “It’s a nickname,” Benny swung his arm around Joel’s shoulder in pride, “It’s a long story,” Joel continued flashing Katie another smile that instantly made her stomach flip-flop once more.
Before the conversation could continue, Katie’s phone buzzed in her hands, bringing her back to reality, a reality where she needed to be back in the office doing a presentation in less than forty-five minutes.
“Sorry,” she held up her phone in a way of an apology.
She thought she caught a glint of disappointment across Joel’s face, but she quickly shook it off as just her imagination in the chaos of Benny’s arrival.
“Work?” Will asked, giving her a sympathetic look.
“Yeah,” she mumbled as her eyes skimmed over the message on the screen of her phone before she looked back at Will and Joel. “Unfortunately,” she said, forcing a smile onto her face despite the sinking feeling in her stomach at the weight of its importance rearing its head again. “Big presentation.”
Will nodded sympathetically, but still had a wide smile on his face conveying that he had the utmost confidence she was going to ace it. He had heard her talk about it for weeks, been an ear as she vented, and he knew she was well-prepared despite her fears, “No rest for the wicked.” he quipped with a wink.
“Yeah,” Katie murmured distractedly as she began to dig in her tote for her car keys, cursing how she could misplace them just steps from her front door. One last deep dive of her tote she finally fished them out from the bottom of the bag.
Before she could say anything, Will placed a reassuring hand on Katie’s arm as Benny regaled Joel about his training regime, “You got this Kat.”
She gave him a forced smile, “Thank you,” her phone buzzed again and she sighed, “Okay, I really have to go now.”
It was a quick round of goodbyes, but Katie couldn’t help but feel like she’d gotten lost in Joel’s gaze as he gave her a wide smile telling her it was nice meeting her. But before he could say any more, Benny was dragging him away talking loudly about the preparations for his fight Friday night and asking if Joel would come by the gym for his training session with Frankie. It was impossible not to notice the admiration Benny had for his older cousin from the pep in his step combined with his excitement and infectious enthusiasm that Joel seemed to share.
Reaching her car, Katie allowed herself one last glance back, catching the boys walking up the driveway of Will and Benny’s place. Benny animatedly talking with his hands flying in sparring moves, Will laughing with his head thrown back at something Benny had just said but what caught her breath was Joel watching her with a small smile on his face as he nodded his chin at her in a means of goodbye and a look in his eyes she just couldn’t quite figure out.
“Oh lord,” she muttered to herself feeling her cheeks flush with heat, “you’re a grown woman Katie.” With a deep breath, she opened the car door and took a deep breath as she got herself situated and dialled Miranda as she checked her mirrors and reversed down the driveway.
“Hey, Miranda, I’m on my way back to the office… yeah I’ve got it. We need coffee, what can I get you?”
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Katie stretched out her legs across her sectional sofa, sinking into the corner and enjoying the plush cushions nesting her in. Despite the day’s presentation going off without a hitch, the day had been a long one. With a glass of white wine in one hand and a bag of chips in her lap, she settled in hoping to switch her mind off with some trashy TV.
She wasn’t far in on some reality home design show when her phone started to ping persistently. Dropping the bag of chips she picked up her phone from beside her and saw that the group chat was flying back and forth, the notifications already in the double digits.
She squinted at the screen, annoyed she’d left her glasses in the kitchen, as she scrolled through the chat. It mostly consisted of David asking about any and all sightings of ‘Cousin Joel’ and a picture of Joel. One that Katie zoomed in on with a pinch of her fingertips, squinting even further to make sense of the already blurry picture, that looked like it was taken from David and Ty’s house.
Katie: David, did you take this from your bathroom window?! David: 👀 no comment Ty: I stopped him before he got the binoculars out Melissa: has anyone actually seen ‘Cousin Joel’ in the flesh?! Olivia: I saw Ms. Katie with the boys and Joel this morning 😏 David: Katie baby, I need ALL the details!!!
Katie laughed at the enthusiasm of the chat, which turned into a giggle when she saw David’s last message.
Katie: Sorry to disappoint but I’ve got nothing juicy for you. Ran into the boys this morning, that’s all. David: so you’re telling me that sexy man was there and nothing came out of it?! David: Have I not taught you anything?! Olivia: give her a break Dave 😂 Ty: Olivia’s right. Let Katie live! David: give a man something Katie! Ty: Please Katie, he’ll be clawing at the walls for the rest of the night 🤦🏻‍♂️ Olivia: and maybe for the rest of us too… just saying 👀
Katie laughed again as she took a sip of her wine finishing the glass.
Katie: Okay, okay… He was hot, his pictures Melissa dug up do not do him justice David: 💀💀💀🪦 Melissa: Is David okay @Ty? Ty: I think he might be talking in tongues, I’m about to put a Stanley straw under his tongue so he doesn’t choke on it Olivia: This might be first time David has been rendered speechless
The group chat slowing down and some throwing out good night wishes, swiping out of the app and with a loss of interest in the HGTV show of the moment against her better judgement Katie opened Instagram and began to mindlessly scroll through her feed. It was a mix of family and friends’ updates, a few work colleagues and the occasional celebrity. She double-tapped a picture of one of her brothers posing with his dog and was about to swipe away from the app when a picture caught her eye, freezing her mid-motion.
It was Seb. Seb with his arm wrapped around her, Petra. His ex… No, not his ex anymore. The caption underneath read “She said YES! 💍”. There was a flood of congratulations and heart emojis in the comments section which Katie had expanded against her better judgement. She hadn’t realized she still following him since he rarely used social media.
A flood of emotions washed over her—surprise, a twinge of pain, and an odd sense of finality even if their divorce was almost a year out. She remembered their conversations at the start of their relationship, the way he’d always had that far-off look when he ‘joked’ about “the one that got away.” — then as their relationship progressed and things started to plateau and go south Katie tried to convince herself that she could be enough, that their love could be stronger than his past. But in the end, despite three years of marriage, she was just a placeholder until he found his way back to Petra.
Letting out the breath she didn’t know she was holding, she tried to shake off the feelings of inadequacy that threatened to resurface. The engagement announcement was a stark reminder of why she’d packed up her life in Chicago to move to Florida, to a house she bought sight unseen for a fresh start.
Before she could be tempted to go back through his profile page Katie quickly hit the unfollow button, a final act in moving forward.
Switching back to the group chat, she skimmed through the talk of Benny’s fight coming up that Friday. David asking if cigarette pants were appropriate attire and Olivia asking how late these things ran so she could arrange a babysitter.
Throwing her phone back onto the sofa Katie took a deep breath in a moment of reflection. The day had been a long one and filled with the ups and downs of the morning's events without news on Seb. Standing up she turned off the TV and walked back to the kitchen to refill her wine and on the way back she grabbed her glasses and her book she’d started over the weekend, hoping she’d find some distraction in its pages.
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azzayofchaos · 4 months
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Since my other Nether worldbuilding post was received pretty well... I'm back on my bullshit!
This time featuring zoning and biomes of the Neath: Lore below cut
Nether (noun): the formidable hellscape straddling the boundery between the Fragments of the Overworld and Death's Realms.
Derived from Beneath -> Neath -> Neth -> Nether.
The Nether is most easily accessable through outer regions of the nether, regions that are comparatively closed-off, and lacking in biodiversity compared to the Deep Nether where most Neath civilizations are centered.
The Neth is divided into three primary zones, distinguished by altitude and general climates.
The Calfactory Zone: the largest and most icon of the three, the Calfactory zone is blisteringly hot and bone-dry, it's most prominent features are its abundant seas and lakes of magma, and the massive Supermagmas atriums that are common above the magma. In the largest of these atriums, the ceiling may be so high above as to be completely invisible from the ground, obscured by an ever present smog of toxic vapor and minerals formed in the self-generated micro-climates that are generated from the rising heat of the lava that begins to cool at a higher altitude.  
In the Basalt Deltas and other biomes around the edges of these lakes, massive pillars of rock and crystals bulwark the more-visible ceiling. 
The most common of this zone’s biomes is the Crimson woods, home to hearty thermal-philic fungi and plants that grow on the minerals and vapors of the lakes. Many are carnivorous in their lack of access to water or sunlight, and these forests contain many sub-biomes and ecosystems of flourishing life. 
The Wastes are perhaps the most desolate regions of the Neath, irradiated deserts of red-rock, brimstone, and sharp sand. Even the vast majority of nether-folk avoid these deserts due to the leftover radiation that rots and destroys anything that waits too long. The only forms of life are particularly robust lichens and bacteria that are happy to sit by the pools of boiling pools of sulfur and mud and toxic sludge that dot the landscape. Growing within the rocks themselves are colonies of amorphous fungus, called geocorpus molds that get their spores into cracks in the soft netherack and slowly feed on it, a delicacy in nether cuisine. 
The Temperate Zone: Cradled in the heights of the Neath’s atriums and sat bellow the roof is the temperate zones, the rising heat of the zone below begins to cool and forming distinct weather patterns in this zone and leaving it, while still sweltering, a cooler though much more humid climate.
The main biome are the luminescent warped-fungal rainforests that collect the high-rising minerals and odd moisture from the lakes. Liquid is actually precent here, though if it’s not safely filtered through the innards of the various plants and fungi, this water is usually aggressively corrosive, and it is best to shelter from the  acidic precipitation to avoid chemical burns. The nether folk and ender local to these rainforests are suited to deal with these conditions and the ender especially do not have trouble with the extreme pH of the water here like they would in the overworld. The zone is lit almost exclusively by the biolumincense of the organisms there and have often been described as false-stars.
In the Deep Nether, the ceiling may give way, allowing one to pass onto the plateaus of the Nether Roof and the yawning void above. The bedrock of the nether roof is jagged and layered in huge slabs, sometimes broken up my mazes of pillar-like structures and shallow, thermal pools of crystal-clear liquid. The kind you don't want to touch of course. fogs may hang low to the ground, but when its clear, or above the fog, the entire universe seems to spill out into the sky. The nether roof was culturally significant and a source of much knowledge and inspiration in the early days, but I'll get more into that in a later post 0.0
The Rime Zone: Plunge deep enough and one might find themselves bellow the lava beds. Here, where the heat can't quite penetrate, the temperatures will drop rapidly to sub-zero.
Namely, the Rime Zone is made up of the soul valleys, flat steppes of cinder and clotted sand, you can imagine it almost with the blindness effect, a fog that pools by your feet, and a heavier darkness hanging from the sky, it feels massive and endless and claustrophobic all at once. Frost collects as crystals on the irradiated, soul-soaked barrens, and the bones of the massive nether wyrms lie fossilized, breaking up the landscape. The sands are also split with patches of crazing on the ground and vents of blue fire that spills out and sets the sand ablaze.
These same wryms can be found sometimes, ancient things that dig through sand and soft rocks and the magma lakes, far and few between and treated with both fear and reverence.
And in the deepest pits of the Neath are the glowing frozen lakes that are colloquially and rightfully called the Gates to Death, glowing blue from beneath their surfaces. Indeed, any further down and you pass into limbo, the edge of Death's Realms.
Extra Notes??:
Soul sand/soil is tread on carefully or not at all, is one form of remnants from the apocolyspe. Like the general radiated rubble present through the Nether, it's a fault of nuclear fallout. Unlike other areas of radiation, its also been infused with the souls of those who didn't survive the joining of worlds.
This infused quality is also precent in Nether Debris, resulting in a material that takes magic particularly well.
Iron cannot be found in dense veins and crystals like gold or quartz in the nether, but it's a pretty rich mineral a lot of netherack, giving it its ruddy coloring.
Sorry for this massive rant that no one asked for. If you have questions please feel free to send an ask, I may not have an answer yet but I'll certainly come up with one if I can.
I'm also hoping to do a pass on my headcanons about history and culture in the Nether and then we might start talking about character headcanons since this is also an actual AU.
If you read this far, here's some notes on striders and ghast
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sootchild · 3 months
Why is Mary Ann so angry and covered in blood all the time?
Oh Mary-Ann.
OK so this is a whole thing. First of all she is from a streamed game of Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes (starting from season 2) with TheLostCaravanRPG on Twitch.
Starting in season 2 this is Mary-Ann Johnson AKA Agent Maple:
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An 83 year old chain smoking, card-carrying-lesbian, NSA intelligence analyst. She was sassy, computer savvy, and died as she lived: trying to do what was right.
Guess spoilers: She died at the top of season 3 and the King in Yellow recast Mary-Ann Johnson with.... THE REAL MARY-ANN JOHNSON!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN! Also known as Agent Million.
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Ends up in 1950, Maple was originally Deborah Brown, a young woman who stole the identity of a woman of similar age who had been brutally murdered by a serial killer. Yada yada yada. Million coming back from the dead in an alternative universe 2015 with the memories of an 83 year old "Mary-Ann" that lived her life, is kind of messed up. All she knows is that the man that killed her is in the Hotel Broadalbum and so is her bottle in the Whisper Labyrinth below the hotel. So yeah she is a bit murdery. Happens to the best of us.
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mybeingthere · 11 months
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Miyoko Ito 1918–1983
Allusive abstractionist Miyoko Ito was born into a Japanese family in Berkeley, California in 1918. She moved to Japan with her parents in 1923 to avoid discrimination and for initial art training, including calligraphy lessons. Ito later returned to Berkeley and majored in art at the University of California, where she was exposed to Cubist works by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque plus Hans Hofmann's geometric compositions. During World War II, Ito was interned with her family at the Topaz camp in Delta, Utah, but she was awarded her diploma from UC Berkeley in 1942. After graduate study at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, Ito earned a scholarship for postgraduate work at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
In the late 1940s, Ito began to paint abstract oils in a Cubist style softened with Impressionistic brushwork. Critical acclaim came in the 1950s as Ito's paintings were part of the Art Institute's Chicago and Vicinity shows as well as the 61st American Exhibition in 1954. During this period, Ito befriended local artists Ray Yoshida and Evelyn Statsinger, whose passion for Surrealism led Ito to move away from representational painting. Rather than render landscapes, figures, or objects explicitly, Ito suggested them with shapes, lines, and curves. Simultaneously, Ito's preferred palette went from pastels to vivid oranges and reds, which she banded subtly to compel attention.
Although free of Pop references, the work that Ito made in the 1960s has been linked tangentially to Chicago Imagism, and Ito knew Jim Nutt, Gladys Nilsson, and Roger Brown. Blues, greens, and purples returned to Ito's painting in the 1970s before she grew more formally abstract as the 1980s began. With the artists Richard Loving, William Conger, and Frank Piatek, Ito devised the term 'allusive abstractionism' for their shared approach.
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
Excerpt from this story from National Geographic:
These days, the village of Karauzyak in western Uzbekistan is a dusty place. Surrounded by an arid landscape of dry scrub grasses and salt-crusted soils, it’s hard to believe the village was once along the banks of a swollen river, 30 miles from the shore of the world’s fourth-largest lake. Over the last 50 years, that lake, the Aral Sea, has dried up almost entirely, in what is often called the “world’s worst environmental disaster.” Now, it’s hard to farm much of anything in Karauzyak—except for atriplex, or saltbush. 
In a 3.5-hectare plot of land near the village, a team of Japanese researchers is growing this salt-loving plant, known scientifically as a halophyte, to see if it can be a viable crop for farmers in the region and even nurture a small dairy industry. They’ve fed it to cows at a nearby farm and found that it helps lock scarce moisture into the thirsty soil, and it can be grown without extensive fertilizer use.
As she holds up a dusty green twig of atriplex, Kristina Toderich, a halophyte expert from Tottori University in Japan, explains why the salt-loving plant excites scientists like her: “This doesn’t need water. It doesn’t need anything.”
Toderich is one of the lead researchers on a project using the former seabed and nearby river delta as a living laboratory. It’s part of a larger Japanese foreign aid and scientific collaboration initiative called SATREPS. Working with Uzbekistan’s hydrometeorological service, UZGIP, the researchers are collecting real-time climate data and satellite imagery to better understand the conditions in the Aral Sea area: how much water is left, how fast it’s disappearing, and what kind of crops are being farmed there.
Based on the results, they’re drafting a model for sustainable agriculture in the region, recommending that farmers adopt new irrigation methods and plant crops that are more salt- and drought-tolerant, says Kenji Tanaka, a hydrologist who studies the effects of climate change on water resources and the head of the SATREPS project.
The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification has warned that an area of land the size of Central Asia has become degraded from drought, salinization, and overuse since 2015. By learning what can grow in the Aral Sea, SATREPS could provide solutions for other parts of the world that are facing similar problems, from the Lake Chad basin in Western Africa to the Great Salt Lake in Utah.
It's unclear whether the Uzbeki government will adopt the recommendations made by the SATREPS team. But so far, the country seems open to change; President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who promised to loosen the rigid Soviet-era policies of his predecessor, Islam Karimov, ended the requirement that all Uzbek citizens pick cotton if called upon, and has spoken at the United Nations about the effects of desertification and land degradation on his country.
Climate change makes these adaptations even more urgent. Average temperatures in the Aral basin have increased by around 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit since 1968. And the shrinking of the Aral Sea itself has affected the climate; as the water disappeared, the air became drier and lost the cooling effect of the nearby lake, creating a feedback loop that resulted in hotter and drier weather. Sandstorms now spread dust and toxic heavy metals to nearby villages, while retreating water has caused a build-up of salts in the soil.
Tanaka’s project has several components. Aside from atriplex, SATREPS researchers are planting crops like sorghum, mung bean, and amaranth in test plots to learn which can best survive in dry, saline soil. So far, they’ve developed promising varieties of winter wheat and barley.
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Study in Romania
Romania is an open invitation for business students, international and foreign affairs students, and the next generation of global economic market experts. Romania, once ruled by an oppressive government, is fresh out of the gate, and as a new member of the European Union, it is finally enticing foreign investors. Romania is a beautiful country with a diverse population that has a rich academic history. Romania, with its fantastic natural landscapes, fusion of European cultures, and mediaeval castles, is widely regarded as the inspiration for Bram Stoker’s Dracula novel. Universities in Romania can provide international students with a one-of-a-kind educational experience. Romanian higher education and living expenses are among the lowest in the European Union.
Life in Romania
Romania is home to over 19.6 million people and is located at the crossroads of Central, Southeastern, and Eastern Europe. It is bordered by five countries: Bulgaria, Ukraine, Hungary, Serbia, and Moldova. Its coastline runs along the Black Sea, and the Danube River, Europe’s second-longest river, ends in Romania’s Danube Delta. The Danubian Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia were united to form the country in 1859. Romania has had a turbulent history since then, but it has been a democracy since the 1989 Revolution. It joined the European Union in 2007 and is classified as a developing country.
Benefits of Study in Romania
High Education System
The Romanian higher education system is now a model of excellence. Every year, thousands of students from all over the world come to Romania to study and discover a unique blend of tradition and modernity. Furthermore, international students have the opportunity to study at a variety of institutions (universities, colleges, etc.).
Cost of Study
Tuition fees range from 14,000 RON (3,000 EUR) to 30,000 RON (6,300 EUR) per academic year, depending on the programme and institution. Depending on the study domain or your citizenship, some programmes may even be less expensive than others.
The Romanian government provides generous student grants, including full fee waivers. These are frequently awarded before you begin your degree, but it is common practise in Romana for universities to cover the following year’s fees for the top-performing students in each year group.
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smolwritingchick · 9 months
Forced To Believe Chapter 35- Morgan's Answer
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Chapter Summary: Fed up, Morgan finally gives Punk an answer.
Words: 3,000+
------ 'Raw'
"Welcome to the final Raw of 2013! We are live in Richmond." Cole said as CM Punk walked out to the ring. "CM Punk has been so persistent to get a match with Morgan Lopez. I wonder if he will get a match on the final Raw of 2013."
Punk got in the ring and grabbed a mic as the crowd chanted his name. "I am fired up tonight and I am fired up to be here in Richmond, Virginia! This is the last Raw of 2013 and I am excited. 2013...saw a lot of good stuff happen to CM Punk. Saw a lot of bad stuff, happen to CM Punk too. Just like all of you, there's ups and there's downs. We go and wake up every morning with a smile on our face, don't we? Well, I mean, sometimes I don't have a smile on my face but, I started off the year as the longest reigning WWE Champion in the last 25 years. I went one on one with the Great One. Thank you."
"I went toe to toe, with The Undertaker at WrestleMania." Punk continued. "I made some friends in 2013, I lost some friends in 2013. I beat a friend with a kendo stick." he coughed twice. "Paul Heyman. But I can't honestly claim that 2013 was CM Punk's year. The goal is for you to always be bigger and better than you were the last year, I just don't know if 2013 was the year of Punk. Take a look at the landscape in the WWE and it's Universe. And there's three guys and one chick that I can honestly claim, that it was their year, and I'm talking about The Shield."
"Let's face facts ladies and gentlemen, back in 2013, The Shield has been unstoppable. Dean Ambrose, currently your United States Heavyweight Champion. Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, former tag team champions. And there's Morgan, former Diva's Champion. I want to end this year right and start the new year off on a good foot. Iron sharpens iron, I have a proposition for The Shield. So at some point tonight, when our paths cross, because I'm sure they're here-"
"Yes, they are," JBL said.
Punk started to grin. "That was almost too easy."
The Shield walk down the steps and through the crowd while Morgan is in front of them. She tags some hands and jumps over the barricade in her Shield attire. Dean throws his title over the barricade and jumps over it while Seth grabs his belt and looks confused. 
Morgan shrugs and holds his title when they all get in the ring. She puts Dean's belt over her shoulder and stands near the turnbuckle while the guys stand in front of Punk.
"Finish your thought Punk. Finish your thought, what were you gonna say?" Dean asked. "What's your big challenge? It better be a good one, you better give us a good reason, not to end 2013 by ending you, right now." he pointed at him
Morgan decided to mind her business and chill out. She wanted nothing to do with Punk, right now. He would cause more drama.
"Cool down. Look, the three of you can beat any one man, I think we've established that in the past 365 days," Punk said. "And I'm not taking anything from you as a unit. But when I said, Iron sharpens iron, I live to be the best and I wanna fight the best, one on one, so I wanna know who it's gonna be because out of one of you, out of the three of you, excuse me, one of you is the best."
"Oh~ you wanna do this again? You wanna do it again? Let's do it, right now and this time, I promise, I'm not leaving until I take a piece of you with me. Let's do this right now."
Punk laughed slightly. "Hang on...ha...Dean, I wasn't-I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins." 
Dean looked offended and the crowd started to cheer. 
"I've already beaten you like half a dozen times," Punk added. "And what I'm saying is, it wasn't easy, but I did it."
"You think that's funny?"
"No, I don't think it's funny­"
"You think it's funny?"
"I think it's the truth­-"
"You think I'm a joke!? You think you can talk to me like that!?" Dean got held back by Roman while Morgan looked warily at the situation.
"I don't think you're a joke, Dean Ambrose, I just think you're the weak link! And I wanna find out who the strong one of The Shield is. Everybody's talking about Roman Reigns, Roman Reigns, Roman Reigns look at me when I'm talking to you!" Punk demanded while the crowd 'Ohs' in response.
Roman was trying to calm down Dean but turned his head to Punk. 
"Is it you?" Punk wondered. "Are you number one in The Shield? Are you the man­"
"Hey!" Seth interrupted. "You wanna know who the best is?"
"Yeah," Punk replied.
"You're lookin' at him. I'll fight you, tonight. I'll fight you. Tonight, let's do it." he said as Roman gave him a look. 
Morgan looked at them and started to get upset. Punk was just playing with their heads, to try to put them against each other.
"Oh, it's you? Cause all I hear anybody talking about is Roman Reigns." Punk recalled.
Roman stepped up to Seth. "What are you talkin' about?" He asked. 
Dean kept pacing around, still annoyed at what Punk told him earlier.
"You don't think I can take him?" Seth asked.
"It ain't that, you're falling for his games right now," Roman exclaimed.
"That's not it."
"You know I'm the best."
"I can take him tonight."
"I'm the man. I'll take him."
"Let me take him, all right? No bones on you my friend. I can beat him, he calls himself the best in the world, I'm better than him." Seth said as Dean stepped up to them, scratching his head. "I want to prove it tonight." 
The crowd started to chant 'Roman Reigns' while Seth said "Listen, you'll get your time." 
Rollins turned his attention back to Punk. "Let's do this."
"Enough!" Morgan yelled and everyone turned to look at her and the crowd cheered. "What are you doing?! Don't do this!"
"What are you talkin' about?" Seth asked.
Morgan grabbed a mic from a producer and gave Dean his title. "Am I the only one with some sense here? You're falling for his games. He's getting in your head. There's no weak link in The Shield. We don't need to prove anything. Let's not get worked up on this." She tried to reason with her teammates.
"Ah...I forgot about a certain woman..." Punk spoke up as everyone turned to him. The crowd begins to chant Morgan's name. "The Outspoken Diva of The Shield...you kind of remind me of myself, setting off pipebombs and whatnot."
Morgan narrowed her eyes at Punk and turned her attention back to The Shield. "Guys, we don't need to do this. Let's not let Punk get in our heads­-"
"Morgan." Punk interrupted.
"He's doing mind games-­"
"He's not going to break us apart-­"
"Morgan, look at me when I'm talkin' to you! You and I have some unfinished business!"
She started to look annoyed and slowly turned to him. "Your persistence is annoying the crap out of me."
"Oh is it?"
"I don't want nothing to do with you­"
"You don't?"
"I don't need to prove myself to you."
"You sure about that? Don't you want revenge on me? To give me a backfire? Don't you imagine slamming me to the mat with the Morganizer? I know you do. You would enjoy that, would you?"
She glared at him. "Whatever you are going to ask me, it's a no."
The crowd started to boo at her answer while Punk began to ponder. To try to get on her good side, he decided to use his charm on her by walking up to her. He grabbed her hand and took her away from The Shield. 
"What the hell are you doin'?" Dean's possessiveness started to get the best of him. His irritation started to grow while he got held back by Roman.
"She can handle herself," Roman stated
"Morgan..." Punk decided to get on one knee and held one of her hands as she looked confused. Ambrose started mouthing off as Seth and Roman held him back. "Morgan Lopez...you're beautiful, you're hype, you're wild and I see the passion you have in the ring. Out of these men, you show the most heart and soul. The way you move, the way you take risks, it's one of the reasons you stand out from these men and all the WWE divas. Just like you showed me at TLC...Did I charm you yet?"
"No. That was corny." She replied in a blunt tone.
"Okay. You know...I think about you every night..." He grinned while her eyes widened in shock and the crowd cheered loudly in amusement.
"Uh..." She was about to take a step back but Punk had a strong grip while Dean started yelling at him.
"...I think about you in the ring with me every night." Punk continued. "You charmed now?"
"No, but you've creeped me out."
"Darn...okay, look, you are the only diva that I want to be in this ring with...so, Morgan Lopez, will you...make me the happiest man in the world and have a match with me?" he grinned and the crowd chanted 'Yes! Yes! Yes'
She sighed and ran her free hand through her hair. "What a proposal..." She muttered and looked around at the crowd and then at Punk.
Dean decided to grab her and pull her to him as Punk released her hand. 
"She's not doing it." Dean declared.
"Oh, I'm sorry, since when do you speak for her? She has a mind of her own, guy I beat twice." Punk retorted and stood up while Morgan started to look conflicted. "Come on Morgan, don't tell me you're going to say no because of Ambrose. Does the WWE Universe want Morgan and I to have a match?" 
The crowd cheered loudly in response. Morgan shook her head, saying no while Dean released her. 
"Ah...I guess the guys always want to outshine you. You always want to do their dirty work and don't want to take a risk and shine on your own. It looks like you need your team to be successful." Punk added.
The crowd 'Oohs' and Morgan started to look annoyed. Punk turned around, silently counting down to her breaking point. 
Morgan marched over to him and turned him around. "Listen Asshole!" She yelled, getting in his face. "I'm tired of you provoking me, I'm tired of you taunting me. You want a match?"
"Yeah, I do!" Punk replied.
"You want a friggin' match?! You want a match against The Outspoken diva of the WWE?!" She got held back by Dean and Seth.
"You know what? You're on!" Morgan yelled as the crowd exploded. "I accept the damn offer! Happy now!?"
Punk grinned. "Gladly."
"She's nuts," Cole exclaimed. "Going up against CM Punk?"
"She can beat him," JBL said.
"If it means I can shut you the hell up, then I'll fight you, and I'll beat you. If you want to face me so badly, then you got it," Morgan said. "I'm done with this. But let me tell you this...you're going to regret it. Win or lose, I'm going to come at you hard, so don't go easy on me." 
"Don't worry, I'm going to teach you some manners since you can't control that mouth of yours." Punk stated as the crowd 'Oohs'
Morgan smirked and was about to lunge at him but got grabbed by Roman. 
"Uh oh!" Cole exclaimed.
"Morgan's at her breaking point." King looked on.
"Not tonight. Don't do it." Roman tried to reason as Punk laughed at her.
"Come on, Morgan. Show me what you got. Let's go." Punk provoked as she tried to break free from Roman's hold. 
Seth and Dean try to reason with her to calm her down as well.
"Let me hurt him! Let me knock him out! Just one hit, one punch! Let me go!" she yelled.
"Gentlemen and lady, please!" A voice said and Brad came out as Roman released Morgan. "As the general manager of Monday Night Raw and on behalf of The Authority, I'd like to wish everyone a happy new year! And speaking of wishing, why don't we go out in style? Tonight, Morgan, you will go one on one with Rosa Mendes. And CM Punk, you will face, Seth Rollins. So get me a referee out here because that match starts right now!"
Roman and Morgan were annoyed while Seth smirked. 
The Shield get out of the ring to watch Seth go against Punk. Punk tries to do the GTS on Seth early but he slides out of the ring and bangs on the announce table. 
"You all right dude?" Morgan asked while she walked over to him with Roman & Dean. 
"A game. A game." Roman stated as Morgan nodded.
"I got him, all right? I'll take care of business." Seth said
While Seth and Punk have a back and forth match, Morgan keeps her distance from Roman and Dean. She was still heated from Punk's remark and didn't want to lash out at anyone. 
"Hurt him, Seth. Break him," she said.
Meanwhile, Dean was biting his fingers while watching the match, still angry about Punk. Punk gets on the top rope but Morgan smirks in delight when Seth throws him off and lands outside the ring.
"CM Punk bouncing off the barricade and just like that, Rollins has taken over," Cole said. 
Roman and Dean walk over to Punk and Dean sits down near him, pretzel style.
"Oh, it hurts now, huh? Get back in the ring." Dean taunted.
"I got him, Ambrose," Seth said. 
Punk crawls back into the ring and Seth begins targeting his ribs while he yells out in pain.
"Break his back," Roman said as Seth put him in a submission with his knee on his lower back. 
Morgan looks on in delight as she watches Punk in pain. She enjoyed watching him suffer. It was music to her ears to hear him yell and scream in pain. 
Seth continues to target the ribs by standing on his back. Moments later, Punk begins to make a comeback by hitting him with headbutts but Seth throws him to the ring post. Morgan calms down and walks over to Dean and Roman. 
"Are you okay, now?" Roman asked as he and Dean looked at her.
"I'm just peachy," Morgan replied.
Punk throws Seth to the turnbuckle and goes for the running knee but Seth catches him in a powerbomb hold. He throws him to the turnbuckle and pins him.
"Here's the cover and Punk kicks out a two!" Cole exclaimed.
"Damn it!" Morgan banged on the apron. "Son of a grape!"
"Come on..." Seth grumbled. "Stay down Punk. Just stay down!"
The Philly Diva runs her hands through her hair as she watches Seth miss the blackout. Punk tries to kick him but Seth ducks and kicks him in the head to pin him for another two count. 
"Put him away. Let's go. End it!" Roman shouted. 
Seth does the GTS taunt and is to do the GTS but Punk hits him with a running knee on the ropes and clotheslines him. He rolls out of the way before Punk can do the diving elbow. Punk walks over to him but gets his head thrown onto the middle turnbuckle.
"Smart!" she complimented. 
Dean starts to get in Punk's face, but then the ref tells him to back off. Morgan holds Dean's arm and tries to calm him down and moments later, he does. Seth jumps off the top rope to give Punk a crossbody but Punk rolls them over and gives him the Anaconda Vice.
"The Anaconda Vice!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd got hyped. Dean slides into the ring while Punk releases the hold and tries to hit him. "And Ambrose, trying to get involved."
"Dean!" Morgan yelled in annoyance while Roman tried to ask him what was he thinking. 
Seth tries to hit Punk with his finisher but Punk counters and puts him in the GTS position again. Ambrose gets back on the apron to distract the ref while Seth hits Punk with the Skywalker and pins him. The ref turns around and starts to count but Punk kicked out at two. 
"As I feared." She bit her lip.
Seth turns his attention to his partners and gets annoyed. He starts yelling at them while Morgan shakes her head and facepalms. 
"He was tryna help!" Roman noted. 
Seth turns his attention back to Punk but gets thrown out of the ring and on to Morgan, Roman and Dean. Punk is about to run through the ropes but Seth hits him with a forearm. He jumps onto the ropes and is about to dive onto Punk but is caught in the GTS.
"The winner of this match, CM Punk!" Justin announced. 
Morgan, Dean and Roman recover and she gets in the ring to help out Seth, while Roman gets in the ring to stare down Punk. Dean was at ringside, biting his fingers and silently seething.
"CM Punk surviving tonight," Cole said. 
Punk points at Roman and Morgan as he walks up to the stage. Roman turns his attention to Morgan and she looks at him before they both turn their attention to Punk on the stage. Morgan narrows her eyes at Punk while he does his GTS taunt. 
"Two members left. Who will face CM Punk next?" Cole wondered.
Morgan was sitting on some steps, wearing a black bandana over her straightened black hair and was deep in thought when Roman arrived and sat next to her. The crowd gives them a nice reception as they sit in comfortable silence and she lets out a sigh. 
"I need to stop getting provoked by Punk all the time. You were trying to calm everyone down but he got inside my head after I tried to reason with you guys. But the only question on my mind is...What if I can't beat him?" She asked in a low voice. Roman turned his head to look at her while she looked straight ahead. "Then what? Will everyone move on and forget I exist? Will the fans forget about me trying to wrestle WWE Superstars? That's my fear when I go out there."
"I don't know about you but you would earn my respect. And I know Chyna will be proud of you too." Roman replied as she turned to look at him. "You wrestled guys in the past and you are continuing that in the WWE. Who cares if you lose? Show them you can withstand Punk's moves. Win or lose, I'll be by your side-"
"That's the problem. I don't think I can do it with you guys at ringside. There is a 90 percent chance that Dean is going to interfere-­"
"I'll try to make sure he doesn't-"
"Like that will help. I love him but he can get angry pretty quickly. I just don't want that to interfere in the match and cause a DQ." she stood up but Roman gently grabbed her wrist.
"Morgan...I'm not going to let you go through this alone. I know you want to prove yourself, and you will. Win or lose."
She sat back down and sighed. "Thank you." She laid her head on his shoulder.
"Don't thank me." He put his head on her head. "We're a team and we are going to stick by you. We all know how important this match is for you. We know it and we are going to be a ringside, cheering you on."
"You're so good to me."
He looked down at her. "You are too."
"No, I'm not..." 
"Why do you say that?"
She stood up and so did he. "Because I can never give anything back to you. All the stuff you do for me; the advice you give me...the support you give me...I don't think I can ever repay that even though I wish I could return the favor. But, maybe one day...one day I'll try to return the favor somehow."
"You don't have to repay me for anything. Just keep a cool head tonight."
"No promises."
Roman chuckled. "I'm not surprised."
"Thanks for listening to me." She fist bumped him and started walking away as the camera followed her.
"Morgan, in action, next," Cole said as they went to a commercial.
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avastrasposts · 10 months
★ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity ✨
Jess, you get a little forehead kiss because of this, thank you so much! You're always one of my favourite blogs too and if people don't know @rhoorl yet you should absolutely go and check out her fics!
Delta Landscaping and Working Title are two fics I always love getting updates for and I think DL has sparked an entire universe of it's own in the best possible way!
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year
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Nestled within the enchanting landscape of the Diquis Delta in southern Costa Rica, a remarkable collection of giant stone spheres commands attention.
These ancient relics, known locally as “Las Bolas” or “The Balls,” have captured the fascination of explorers and researchers alike. Dating back as far as A.D. 600, these imposing monuments stand as testament to the craftsmanship of a mysterious Pre-Columbian civilization that once thrived in the region.
Crafted predominantly from gabbro, a volcanic rock that emerges from cooled magma, these stone spheres exhibit an astonishing level of precision and symmetry. Archaeologists who have studied these marvels believe that the ancient artisans shaped them by employing smaller stones, meticulously carving them into perfectly spherical forms.
The meticulousness and dedication required for such a feat speak volumes about the technical skills and cultural significance attributed to these enigmatic objects.
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Over time, countless theories have emerged surrounding the purpose and symbolism of the Diquis Spheres. Many laypeople and enthusiasts have speculated that these colossal stone orbs served astronomical functions, potentially aligning with celestial bodies or celestial events.
Others suggest that they might have acted as navigational markers, guiding travelers to significant destinations or delineating sacred territories. However, amidst these conjectures, one undeniable fact remains: the true purpose and meaning of these enigmatic artifacts remain shrouded in uncertainty.
The Chibchan people, who once inhabited Costa Rica and various parts of Central America, vanished in the aftermath of the Spanish conquest. Along with their disappearance, the knowledge and understanding of the spheres’ significance dissipated into the annals of history.
While researchers and anthropologists tirelessly investigate these mysteries, the elusive answers may forever elude us. John W. Hoopes, an anthropologist from the University of Kansas, aptly remarked that the purpose of the spheres was inexorably intertwined with the lost civilization, leaving us to ponder the secrets they carried.
As we contemplate these magnificent stone spheres and their intricate enigma, we are reminded of the transient nature of human existence and the enduring allure of historical mysteries.
The Diquis Spheres stand as silent sentinels, silently beckoning us to explore the depths of our past and unlock the secrets they hold. Although their true purpose may remain an enigma, these ancient artifacts continue to inspire wonder and curiosity, serving as tangible links to a civilization long vanished from the tapestry of time.
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real5fingersgroup · 1 year
Uniteverse - Unlocking the Future of Metaverse Economy with Decentralized Principles
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Uniteverse, the core program that serves as the foundation of our entire universe, is revolutionizing the concept of Metaverse with its innovative approach and decentralized principles. With maximum imitation of the real world, Uniteverse offers a virtual environment where users can have different levels of access and prestige based on their initial resources, earned through hard work or even inherited. In the world of Metaverse, your level of access is directly correlated to your level in the Uniteverse program, creating a dynamic ecosystem driven by active participants.
At the heart of Uniteverse's active development is the unique partner program called the Uniteverse Matrix. This Matrix offers a 100% payout in the network, meaning that all 100% of the turnover are distributed as income to the participants. This creates a powerful incentive for users to actively engage in the Uniteverse program, as they directly benefit from the growth and success of the platform. The Matrix is designed to provide a sustainable source of income to its participants, and it is powered by the Force coin, the official cryptocurrency that drives the entire economy of the Uniteverse Metaverse.
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In addition to the Matrix, Uniteverse also introduces an additional program called MANA. MANA is an asset of the Metaverse with the potential for market price growth, similar to real estate in the physical world. As the Metaverse continues to evolve and gain momentum, there are strong indications that the value of land and real estate in the virtual world will see significant growth. With MANA, users can invest in virtual properties and potentially reap substantial returns as the Metaverse becomes an increasingly integral part of our digital lives.
Uniteverse's approach to Metaverse is rooted in decentralized principles, which ensure that the power and control are distributed among the community of participants. Unlike traditional centralized systems, where a handful of entities hold control over the entire ecosystem, Uniteverse empowers its users to actively contribute to the growth and development of the platform. This creates a truly inclusive and democratic environment where everyone has a voice and an opportunity to benefit from their contributions.
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Uniteverse also places a strong emphasis on user engagement and community building. Through its Matrix Flower Bonus, users can earn rewards by filling up their Matrix with other members. The Matrix is a 5-level deep structure, and with a total of 62 members in the Matrix, users have the potential to earn a substantial passive income from their contributions up to the 5th orbit. This creates an exciting opportunity for community members to actively participate in the growth of their Matrix and earn rewards in return.
Furthermore, Uniteverse's Referral Bonus provides additional incentives for users to refer others to join the platform. With a structured 4-level referral program, users can earn bonuses from the contributions of those directly or indirectly invited by them. This referral program is not dependent on the Delta and Matrix orbits, but rather based on the level of referral, providing an additional layer of rewards for users who actively promote Uniteverse and help expand its community.
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Uniteverse's vision goes beyond just creating a virtual world. It aims to build a vibrant ecosystem that fosters creativity, innovation, and economic opportunities. By providing a decentralized platform where users can earn rewards, invest in virtual properties, and actively participate in the growth of the Metaverse, Uniteverse is unlocking the full potential of the virtual economy.
As the Metaverse gains mainstream attention and becomes an increasingly important part of our digital lives, Uniteverse is well-positioned to be at the forefront of this emerging landscape. With its unique approach, innovative programs, and commitment to decentralization, Uniteverse is setting a new standard for the Metaverse economy. Join Uniteverse today and be part of this groundbreaking movement towards a more inclusive and democratic virtual world.
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One of the key aspects of Uniteverse that sets it apart from traditional virtual worlds is its use of decentralized principles. In a centralized system, a few entities hold control over the entire ecosystem, making decisions and reaping the majority of the benefits. However, in Uniteverse, power and control are distributed among the community of participants.
This decentralized approach allows for a more democratic and inclusive environment, where users have a voice in the development and decision-making processes of the platform. Users can actively contribute to the growth and evolution of Uniteverse, shaping its future direction through their participation and engagement.
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At the heart of Uniteverse's active development is the Uniteverse Matrix, a unique partner program that offers a 100% payout in the network. This means that all 100% of the turnover are distributed as income to the participants, creating a powerful incentive for users to actively engage in the platform. The Matrix is a 5-level deep structure, and with a total of 62 members in the Matrix, users have the potential to earn a substantial passive income from their contributions up to the 5th orbit.
The Matrix is designed to be a sustainable source of income for its participants, and it is powered by the Force coin, the official cryptocurrency of Uniteverse. The Force coin serves as the backbone of the entire economy of the Metaverse, facilitating transactions, investments, and rewards within the platform. Users can earn Force coins through their contributions to the Matrix and other activities within Uniteverse, and these coins can be used to invest in virtual properties, trade on the marketplace, or convert to other cryptocurrencies.
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In addition to the Matrix, Uniteverse also introduces MANA, an asset with the potential for market price growth. MANA represents virtual real estate within the Metaverse, and as the virtual world continues to develop, there are strong indications that the value of virtual land and real estate will see significant growth. Users can invest in virtual properties using MANA, and potentially earn substantial returns as the Metaverse becomes an increasingly integral part of our digital lives.
Uniteverse also places a strong emphasis on community building and user engagement. The platform offers a Referral Bonus program, where users can earn bonuses by referring others to join Uniteverse. This structured 4-level referral program provides additional incentives for users to actively promote Uniteverse and help expand its community, further contributing to the growth and development of the platform.
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The vision of Uniteverse goes beyond just creating a virtual world. It aims to build a vibrant ecosystem that fosters creativity, innovation, and economic opportunities for its users. With its decentralized approach, innovative programs, and commitment to user engagement, Uniteverse is poised to become a leading player in the emerging landscape of the Metaverse economy.
The potential of the Metaverse is immense, with its ability to offer new opportunities for communication, commerce, entertainment, and social interactions. As the concept gains mainstream attention and becomes an integral part of our digital lives, it is crucial to have platforms like Uniteverse that prioritize decentralization, inclusivity, and community participation.
In conclusion, Uniteverse is a groundbreaking program that is redefining the concept of Metaverse with its decentralized principles and innovative approach. Through its Matrix partner program, Force coin, MANA asset, and community building initiatives, Uniteverse is creating a dynamic and inclusive virtual world where users can earn rewards, invest in virtual properties, and actively participate in the growth of the platform. Join Uniteverse today and be part of the movement towards a more democratic, inclusive, and economically vibrant Metaverse.
More info: 5fingersgroup.com/mymetaforce
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zerogate · 2 years
Thus Egypt plays host equally to the extremes of the overflowing life of the oasis and the intractable hostility of the barren desert. There is such a concentration of life, and at the same time such an unequivocally sterile expanse surrounding it, that one wonders at the peculiar destiny of this landscape that has to bear within itself, in such extreme degrees, both fecundity and desolation. It is as if here, in this unique physical environment, one comes closer than anywhere else in the world to an experience of the universal forces of life and death, playing out their mutually antagonistic yet complementary roles. They vie with each other, they contend with each other, but there is also a kind of harmony in this perpetual tension and conflict of each within the other. Neither can drive the other one out, and so they exist in a state of dynamic equilibrium.
The ancient Egyptians called their country the Two Lands. This is usually taken at its face value to refer to the Delta region on the one hand, and the rest of the Nile valley on the other. But the broad and fertile plain of the Delta—Lower Egypt—and the long, confined valley of Upper Egypt were themselves a re-expression of a deeper, underlying polarity. From the beginning, the Delta was the domain of Horus while Upper Egypt was the province of Seth, the great opponent from whom the imperiled life and fecundity of the Nile valley had annually to be won. Seth ruled the desert; the desert was Seth’s land. And Seth was eternally opposed by Horus; eternally combated and defeated. As much as the Two Lands of Egypt are the North and the South, they are equally the fertile Black Lands of the Nile valley, and the barren Red Lands of the encompassing desert.
But the concept of Two Lands goes further than any merely geographical distinction. In Egypt, the physical landscape has a metaphysical resonance of which the ancient Egyptians were keenly aware: the Two Lands are the two contending yet mutually interpenetrating realms of life and death, of the spiritual or heavenly world on the one hand, and the world of lifeless matter on the other. It is not without significance that the name Horus—in Egyptian, Heru—meant “He who is Above.” Horus was representative of Heaven, while the domain of Seth was that of unspiritualized matter, chaos, and death. And so this landscape is both paradise and hell, at war with each other yet united in precarious balance and reciprocity.
The Egyptian sun, with its life-giving, translucent light and its searing desert heat contains the same polarity. The sun that shines benevolently upon the flourishing Nile valley is the same sun that scorches the desert. And so the deity whose visible manifestation is the sun, Ra, contains within himself all duality. He is source and progenitor both of the Above and the Below, of Heaven and Earth, and of Horus and Seth. Each night Ra acknowledges this by entering into, passing through, but finally overcoming, the domain in which the forces of Seth are rampant—the Underworld. Here Seth’s power manifests as a life-denying opposition to spirit, but—as such—it is also the necessary precondition of the renewal of life and spiritual rebirth. Even Seth, who in so many respects is the archetype of negativity, embodies a certain duality; he was never thought of as unequivocally bad or evil, but rather as a necessary component of the cosmos viewed as a totality.
In Egypt, one is constantly impressed by the balance and interplay of the opposites: life and death, abundance and barrenness, light and dark, day and night, society and solitude. Each is so clearly described that one sees that the ancient Egyptians could not but understand the world in dualistic terms. Their landscape teaches the metaphysics of the equilibrium of opposing principles. To maintain this balance of the Two Lands, of Horus and Seth, of the Above and the Below, was the central preoccupation of the Egyptian people, which devolved specifically upon the king. One of the titles of the king was “The Two Lords.” In the office of kingship, and thereby throughout the whole country, Horus and Seth were embodied and held in equilibrium.
--  Jeremy Naydler, Temple of the Cosmos: The Ancient Egyptian Experience of the Sacred
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trulybetty · 5 months
323 Mulefall Crt. | Masterlist
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In the sunny, eclectic neighbourhood of Mulefall Crt., Katie has been navigating her fresh start away from her past life in Chicago, finding unexpected friendships and found family with the street's residents. As she rebuilds her life, and the fixer-upper she purchased sight unseen, love is the last thing on her mind after being burned. However, Joel Miller's arrival has sparks flying and has her wondering if having fun might not be such a bad idea in helping her move on from her past.
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x. moodboards | x. vibes | x. spotify | x. delta landscaping
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1. Chapter One | Monday 2. Chapter Two | Tuesday (coming soon)
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jabean-fanfiction · 2 years
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Title: A Light in the Dark
Chapter 7 Excerpt:
Blinking open her eyes to the brightness of two suns hanging high in the sky, Rey slowly took in her surroundings.
For as long as she could remember—or, at least until she’d found Luke—this was a place found only in her dreams. And only if she were tired enough after a long day of scavenging or feeling exceptionally lonely living as she did in her secluded Imperial Walker.
She was seated cross-legged on a thick stone ledge that overlooked a rocky island with thick tufts of grass. Metres below where she sat, waves crashed violently against the rocky shores. To her right, and some distance down a pebbled path, a grouping of stone huts littered the landscape.
Endless oceans and green grasses. Life and death. Balance and peace.
Summary: After arriving on Ahch-To in search of Luke Skywalker, Rey finds herself thrown into the past during the time of the Galactic Empire, with the heroes and villains that she had heard stories about in the Jakku desert.
Pairing: Rey/Anakin Skywalker|Darth Vader
Rating: Mature
Characters: Rey, Anakin Skywalker|Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Mon Mothma, Ahsoka Tano, CT-7567|Rex, CC-2224|Cody, CC-3636|Wolffe, TK-9091, CT-6116|Kix, Bail Organa, Breha Organa, Sheev Palpatine|Darth Sidious, RC-1140|Delta-40|Fixer.
Tags: Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Star Wars: Original Trilogy Era, Post-Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Not Canon Compliant - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, POV Third Person Limited, POV Multiple, Fusion of Star Wars Legends and Disney Canon, Force Training, Inhibitor Chips, Darth Vader Redemption, Older Man/Younger Woman, Slow Burn, Creepy Sheev Palpatine
Read from Chapter 7 (AO3/FFN)
Read from the beginning (AO3/FFN)
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chicago-one-love · 1 month
Who Wrote "Sweet Home Chicago"?
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"Sweet Home Chicago" is a song that resonates with many people, especially those in or from the Windy City.
It's become an anthem for the city of Chicago but who penned this classic tune? The answer is none other than the legendary blues musician Robert Johnson.
Robert Johnson: The Legendary Bluesman
Robert Johnson was a musician who deeply influenced the blues and rock music that we know today.
Born in Mississippi in 1911, Johnson wasn’t just someone who played music — he was an innovator, a master of the guitar, and a songwriter with a mysterious aura around his life and death.
Despite his short life, ending at the age of 27, he left behind a treasure trove of blues performances recorded in the late 1930s.
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The Origins of "Sweet Home Chicago"
"Sweet Home Chicago" is possibly one of his most enduring works. Johnson recorded it back in 1936, and since then, it has become a timeless classic.
The song is a twelve-bar blues that sings the praises of the city of Chicago, envisioning it as a land of promise and opportunity.
The Lyrics and Their Meaning
The lyrics of "Sweet Home Chicago" depict a place where one can leave behind troubles and succeed. While Johnson did not write the song as an actual ode to Chicago since he lived most of his life in the Mississippi Delta, it’s believed the lyrics echoed the sentiments of the Great Migration.
During this movement, many African Americans moved from the rural South to the industrial North in search of a better life, with Chicago a significant destination.
Interpretations and Legacy
The song's legacy goes beyond its lyrics. Countless musicians, from blues artists to rock and roll bands, have covered "Sweet Home Chicago," each bringing their style to the tune.
The Blues Brothers famously included it in their movies and performances, further cementing its place in blues culture and mainstream music.
Johnson's songwriting prowess on "Sweet Home Chicago" is seen in the song, encouraging listeners to clap along and feel the yearning for the city's embrace. Its simple words and catchy melody make it one that people easily remember and sing along to.
A Song for Everyone
"Sweet Home Chicago" has become an anthem that resonates with people regardless of whether they've been to Chicago.
It conjures images of a vibrant city with a big heart and a rich cultural tapestry. It’s a song about hope and the idea of finding a place where one can belong.
The Influence of Robert Johnson
Robert Johnson's impact on music can't be overstated. His influence reaches far, with legends like Eric Clapton and The Rolling Stones citing him as a major influence. Johnson’s songs, including "Sweet Home Chicago", are not just pieces of music — they are historical landmarks in the cultural landscape of America.
Honoring the Roots
When we listen to "Sweet Home Chicago", it's important to remember the roots of this song. It's a piece that carries the weight of history and the soul of a genre that has shaped modern music in many ways.
Through Johnson's lyrics, the narrative of an era is sung, which many found relatable in their search for a better life.
Chicago and Its Anthem
Today, when one hears "Sweet Home Chicago", it's often associated with the pride of the city's residents.
It’s played at sporting events, political rallies, and on tours.
The city has embraced the song, making it an unofficial anthem that brings people together, united by a love for a city as bold and enduring as the song itself.
Bottom Line
"Sweet Home Chicago" is more than a melody or a set of lyrics; it's a cultural touchstone. Written by Robert Johnson, an artist who influenced many with his brief but powerful career, this song has outlived its creator and become synonymous with the city of Chicago.
 Through the song, Johnson's legacy endures, proving that music has the power to capture the spirit of a time, a movement, and a place.
The beauty of "Sweet Home Chicago" lies in its simplicity and its universality. Regardless of where you’re from or what genre of music you prefer, there's something in the song that resonates.
It’s a testament to the talent of Robert Johnson and the enduring appeal of blues music.
This song doesn’t just belong to Chicago; it has found a home in people's hearts worldwide.
Ready to find your very own piece of the Windy City? Explore our range of Chicago real estate options and take the first step towards calling this vibrant city your "Sweet Home Chicago" today!
Want to know more? Check out the Wikipedia page!
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robertoninob · 3 months
A contemplative exploration of the multiple scales of life in the fluvial ecosystem of Tigre in Argentina, where the Parana and La Plata rivers meet. Every drop of water contains complex universes in continuous transformation. As the river flows, its perpetual state of motion emphasises the harmonic relationship between the landscape, the different species that inhabit it, and their different points of view.
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explorewithkunal · 3 months
Explore Vietnam's Best: Unveiling Southeast Asia's Vibrant Gem
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Southeast Asia’s vibrant Vietnam is a must-visit for its natural beauty, diverse culture, and rich history. Scattered across bustling cities and peaceful countryside, the essential places to visit in Vietnam make tour packages highly popular. From food and culture to architecture and adventure, Vietnam offers it all with Vietnam Travel Tips. Explore top tourist attractions like Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hoi An, and the stunning Halong Bay. Dive into the best of Vietnam for an unforgettable journey.
1. Ha Long Bay
Ha Long Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is renowned for its emerald waters and thousands of towering limestone islands topped with rainforests. This picturesque bay in northeastern Vietnam is a paradise for cruising, kayaking, and snorkeling. Among its many natural wonders, the Hang Sung Sot Cave stands out with its impressive rock formations and underground lake. Other notable spots include Bai Tu Long Bay and Thien Cung Cave. The best time to visit Ha Long Bay is from November to April, when the weather is pleasant and the waters are calm.
2. Hoi An
Hoi An, an ancient town in central Vietnam and another UNESCO World Heritage Site, is famed for its well-preserved architecture, exquisite beaches, and rich cultural heritage. Wander through the charming streets lined with lantern-lit buildings, enjoy a cycling tour through the countryside, or relax at An Bang Beach. Hoi An is also a food lover’s paradise with local dishes like cao lau and banh mi. The ideal time to visit Hoi An is from February to April, when the weather is cool and dry.
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3. Hanoi
Vietnam’s capital, Hanoi, seamlessly blends ancient history with modern charm. The Old Quarter is a maze of narrow streets filled with boutiques, cafes, and historic structures. Key landmarks include the Temple of Literature, Vietnam’s first national university dating back to the 11th century, and the One Pillar Pagoda, known for its unique architecture. The best time to visit Hanoi is from November to April, offering cool and dry weather perfect for exploring the city.
4. Hue
Once the imperial capital of Vietnam, Hue is rich in history and culture. The city’s highlights include the Imperial City, a sprawling complex of palaces, temples, and gardens, and the Tomb of Khai Dinh, showcasing intricate architecture. The Thien Mu Pagoda and the bustling Dong Ba Market are also must-see attractions. February to April is the best time to visit Hue, offering pleasant weather for sightseeing.
5. Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) is a bustling metropolis known for its vibrant energy and historical landmarks. The War Remnants Museum provides a sobering look at the Vietnam War, while the Reunification Palace and Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon offer a glimpse into the city’s colonial past. For panoramic views, head to the Saigon Skydeck. The best time to visit is from December to March, when the weather is cool and dry.
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6. Sapa
Nestled in the northern mountains, Sapa is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and ethnic minority villages. Trek through the terraced rice fields, visit Cat Cat Village, and take a cable car to Mount Fansipan, the highest peak in Indochina. The best time to visit Sapa is from March to September, when the weather is ideal for trekking and the rice fields are lush and green.
7. Nha Trang
Nha Trang is a coastal city famous for its stunning beaches and vibrant nightlife. Relax on Bai Dai Beachor Nha Trang Beach, and explore the underwater world through snorkeling or diving. Don’t miss the Vinpearl Amusement Park and the serene Ba Ho Waterfalls. January to September is the ideal time to visit Nha Trang, with warm weather perfect for beach activities.
8. Mekong Delta
The Mekong Delta in southern Vietnam is a lush, green region known for its intricate network of waterways and rice paddies. Experience the local culture by visiting floating markets like Cai Be and staying overnight in a homestay. Explore the Vinh Trang Temple and the charming Ong Temple. The best time to visit the Mekong Delta is from October to February, offering cooler temperatures and less rain.
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9. Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park
A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park is a must-visit for nature lovers. Explore the stunning Phong Nha and Son Doong Caves, the latter being the largest cave in the world. The park is also home to diverse flora and fauna, as well as historical Cham temples. Visit from March to August for the best experience, when the weather is warm and the park’s natural beauty is in full bloom.
10. Da Nang
Da Nang, a coastal city in central Vietnam, is known for its stunning beaches and vibrant culture. Visit the iconic Golden Bridge, held by two giant hands, and explore the Marble Mountains. Don’t miss the breathtaking views from Son Tra Mountain and the charming Dragon Bridge. The best time to visit Da Nang is from February to May, when the weather is pleasant and perfect for outdoor activities.
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Vietnam is a land of contrasts, where ancient traditions meet modern lifestyles, and natural beauty abounds. From the majestic Ha Long Bay to the historical charm of Hoi An and the bustling energy of Ho Chi Minh City, there is something for every traveler in this captivating country. Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, Vietnam promises an unforgettable experience. So pack your bags and embark on a journey to explore the best places to visit in Vietnam!
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