#Delvin Mallory is a close friend
whitegoldtower · 8 months
I have a new character to pair up with Cicero! All these altmer romances I’ve done, I’ve neglected my favourite imperial!!
Time to give him a bit of lovin’.
So. The new guy. What can be said about him?
His name is Morveth ‘Matty’ Groves; a folk-hero to the poor and needful, and a thorn in the side of the wealthy and powerful. An odd sort of vampire, he plays into the ‘Robin Hood’ trope, robbing the rich blind and sucking them dry, before redistributing his loot amongst those who need it more. Certain Argonians in Riften frequently find their pockets lined. The Khajiit caravans find themselves better off because of the arcane trickster. The Dunmer in Windhelm leave their windows open so that Ol’ Matty Groves might pay them a visit.
The rich, however, lock their windows, hide their wives and coin-purses, and hope for the best.
Appearance-wise, Matty Groves is a rather tall and muscular Dunmer, with lavender-grey skin, dusky and pale mauve eyes (with one dilated pupil that causes one eye to appear black), and a head of dust-white, intensely wavy hair. He’s more on the handsome side, and is known to be distracted by beauty. His appearance is generally pleasing, if a little off-putting; his pupils (one being massively dilated and the other being pin-prick small) giving him a rather feral look, and his twelve-fanged grin being considerably scarier (six fangs on the top row, and six on the bottom, teeth stained slightly from years of drinking blood and smoking canis root, which provides a disturbing contrast to his tongue and gums, which are a deep black-purple).
He’s a freaky rogue with what should be an illegal level of charisma, and the Thieves Guild rack up tens all across the board because this guy is GOOD at his trade - high sneak, high speech, high lockpicking and pickpocketing, double daggers, a bag full of poisons and an expert level of illusion magic.
It’s out of pure curiosity that he happens upon the tiny jester at the Loreius Farm, having heard Uthgerd mention him whilst conducting his business in Whiterun late one night. He does, of course, lend his aid, weirdly charmed by the little guy.
…And then he lends aid to Aventus Aretino (“Hey kids, wanna see a dead body?”), which lands him in the Dark Brotherhood.
Matty Groves has it out for Astrid from the beginning, seeing her as the ultimate target - a stupidly wealthy woman with ‘bad vibes’. He smells treachery, deceit and greed. The corners of his mouth begin to twitch.
Naturally, he’s going to side with sweet Cicero.
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datorchoe · 4 years
Thieves Guild Headcanons (Skyrim)
- Niruin (the bosmer archer) is gay. He’s in love with Vipir the Fleet. Go to their wiki pages and look at the conversations they have. Please. I love them.
- Mercer is a kleptomaniac. The poor guild would wake up and a random object would be gone. Anytime Mercer went anywhere, he’d take something.
- Tonilia met Vekel when she was hired to rob him on the side of the road. Vekel was immediately smitten and he invited her back to the Flagon and she joined them and they started dating.
- Rune and Sapphire are actually really close friends. They have very similar pasts.
- After Sapphire learned that Glover was her father, she started going by “Sapphire Mallory”. Delvin has been desperately trying to get her to call him uncle but she ain’t having it.
- Vex used to have a pet cat. She saved it from a pack of wolves and it followed her all the way home. She named it Foxy.
- Cynric Endell is a magic genius. After hiding lockpicks so many years, he decided to take up magic. He can now swallow swords. The orphanage kids love it.
- Thrynn and Dirge are pretty good friends. They like to arm wrestle a lot.
- Speaking of Dirge, he and Maul used to be Dark Brotherhood assassin’s until Delvin joined up with them and offered Dirge and Maul a job. They accepted but Maul didn’t stick around cause Maven offered him more.
- Garthar and Vex are definitely in a relationship. Delvin wants to murder Garthar.
- Delvin knows an ungodly amount information on, well, everything. He’s like “Oh yeah by the way Parthurnaax says hi” and your like “excuse me what did you just say”
- Ravyn Imyan is actually a pretty good alteration mage. He uses his spells to pick locks and sometimes uses illusion magic to hide.
- Etienne Rarnis now is an official Thalmor hater. He steals from Thalmor a lot, but never goes alone.
- Karlaiah is probably just behind Delvin in intelligence. You can go to her with all sorts of questions and she’ll have an answer for you. Of course, her answer won’t be as either sexual or stupid as Delvin’s.
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callsignbaphomet · 3 years
1. Abigail Thieves Guild - Nightingale
2. Trevor Dark Brotherhood - Listener
3. Ginger College of Winterhold - Arch Mage
4. Jelani Volkihar Clan - Advisor
5. Loke N/A - Healer
6. Latoya N/A - Ruin and Tomb explorer and expert
7. Angelus N/A - Master enchanter
Abby met Trevor when he came to The Ratway to find Delvin Mallory. She led him to Mallory and helped escort him safely out of The Ratway. They spoke along the way and she offered her services as a fence to him.
Ginger met Abby when she and Karliah were looking for Enthir. She was in the pub drinking away her exhaustion after the events that unfolded in the college with the Eye of Magnus. They caught each other's eye and after Abby became a Nightingale she faked needing the Arch Mage's assistance but it turned out Ginger was the Arch Mage. Both got to talking and both became very involved.
When some Thalmor came around looking for Ancano who was nowhere to be seen they posed a threat to the College but Ginger knew she couldn't start and out right fight with them so while she was venting to Abby she learned of her connection with the Dark Brotherhood. In comes Trevor after Abby asked for his help in eliminating the Thalmor digging into the College's business. Ginger met Trevor through Abigail and Trevor became the third wheel.
Latoya had found some rare Dwarven items but had zero idea of how to check if it was worth anything or not. She'd gone to Calcelmo but was quickly thrown out because she was "disturbing his work". So she did what any annoyed person would do: go get a drink at the inn. There she spoke to a man that said to take it to the College and see if they knew something about it. So with nothing better to do she went to the College. There she met Ginger who admitted that the one person that could've helped her just up and vanished one day but if she waited at the inn for a few days she could make an introduction that might help her.
After a few days Ginger introduced Latoya to Abigail who let her know of two people that might help her. Both rode back to Riften, along the way Abby learned that Latoya loved exploring old tombs and ruins and had made quite the name for herself and often took in jobs where she helped guide people through these. Once in Riften they showed the items to Vex who was unsure so they all went to Delvin and he said the items were extremely rare if a bit hard to move but knew of someone who would definitely want them. Latoya got paid and left happy. Calcelmo bought the damn things.
One of the professors in the college wanted to arrange an expedition to an old tomb but was unsure as there were a lot of tales of people entering said tomb and never coming back from it. During a conversation with Abby she told Ginger that the woman they'd met a bit ago was an expert in tombs and ruins and so Abby and Ginger contacted Latoya to arrange safe passage through the ruin. The expedition was a success and now Latoya was the 4th member of that group of friends.
During a forced transformation by the moons Trevor was out hunting when he caught the smell of another werewolf. Curious he stalked the source of the smell and found a Nord still in the middle of changing into a werewolf. Now alerted to Trevor’s presence the Nord and Trevor sniffed each other up to see if they were hostile to each other and in a kind of silent agreement both spent the night hunting together. At sunrise when they transformed back they introduced themselves and Trevor learned that the Nord, named Loke, was a healer by trade and lived in near Falkreathe with his younger brother. After that Trevor and Loke met under full moons to go hunting and formed a tight friendship.
One day Abigail, Ginger, Latoya and Trevor were hanging out in Riverwood and spent a few hours in the Sleeping Giant inn drinking and drinking and laughing and having a good time. They rented two rooms for the night but before going to sleep they decided to walk around and get some fresh air. They explored the area around Riverwood and heard some yelling a ways off. With the alcohol clouding their judgment they decided to take a look at what was making all that noise. They found a trio of Vigilants of Stendarr attacking someone. As a werewolf Trevor felt the need to help and the girls went after Trevor to help as well. The Vigilants were attacking a vampire and had almost killed him but Trevor and the girls managed to overpower them and killed them, however the vampire was gravely wounded. The injuries were too much for the novice level of healing spells some of them knew and no potion could help. Trevor then remembered Loke who was a healer and he knew he lived closed by as he’d stopped by to visit a few times. So the four of them grabbed the vampire and rode to Loke’s manor to see if he could help.
Loke was not only an alchemist but was one of the few healers in Skyrim that could heal and work with the undead so he gladly helped the vampire heal. Loke asked his younger brother, Jelani, to help the injured woman to one of the guest rooms. Trevor introduced Loke to Abigail, Ginger and Latoya and in turn Loke introduced Jelani to them all though he already knew Trevor. The group spent the night talking and catching up and getting to know each other better. Through Loke the group met Uthorim (@/thesleepypaladin’s wonderful Orc OC) who is Loke’s love interest. The group would frequent Uthorim’s inn and would share their tales of misadventures in Skyrim while tasting some of the best meads and wines they had ever tasted.
Jelani, at the time 14, spent a lot of time with the group and each would teach the teenager a few things from each of their trades while at the same time learning and perfecting his illusion and necromancy studies. At 16 he officially joined the group of mercenaries and at 17 while he and Trevor were returning to the manor they fell for a trap setup by a group of vampires. They escaped but Jelani had been bitten enough times to contract Sanguinare Vampiris and some time later turned into a vampire. At 18 he found himself mixed up with the Volkihar Clan where he’d been turned into a vampire lord. After the debacle came to its climax Jelani helped in defeating Harkon and became an advisor to Valerica.
On his way back home from assisting Valerica with a security matter Jelani was making his way around the back of Solitude where he spotted a group of bandits making their way back to a ship they called home. Having not fed in a few hours Jelani stalked them and once at the ship he attacked the small group of bandits and fed. As he made his way through the ship he sensed another person so he made his way to the lowest level of the ship and found crudely put together cage and an Altmer passed out on the floor. Jelani opened the cage and tried to wake the elf up but it was no use. Unsure of what was wrong with him he carried him out and placed him on his horse and rode back home where Loke took a look at him.
A few days later the elf awoke and demanded to be brought back to his home in Solitude despite still not being well. Loke tried to reason with him but the elf wouldn’t budge so Jelani escorted him back to Solitude where he learned they thought he’d been killed by the bandits and his manor had been emptied and sold in the few days he’d been gone. Now homeless and with nowhere else to go Jelani offered the elf one of the guest rooms in his manor. The elf was somewhat offended but yielded so they made their way back but stopping somewhere so the elf could retrieve the small fortune he’d come to Skyrim with and ended up living with Loke and Jelani. It was rough at first given Angelus’s spoiled attitude but he quickly fell in line. Through Loke and Jelani Angelus met the rest of the group and soon they learned he was a master at enchantments. Thriving off the praises which served to inflate his ego he happily enchanted anything they group brought him whether it was for personal use or to hike up the value of an item in order to fence. With the help of the group Angelus became a little efficient in combat though he avoided it as much as he could.
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eeveevie · 5 years
For the kisses. Hello kisses for Brynjolf and Fiona❤
apologies for the delay on answering this prompt! 
1092 words (under a cut) | Ao3
The snowfall was blinding, flurries rushing about as theharsh wind carried it down from the skies in large bursts. It wasn’t unusualfor the north to have snow during the winter months, but a blizzard like thiswas anomalous, even for Eastmarch.
Brynjolf paced the Windhelm pier, occasionally pausing in anattempt to glance out across the icy water for any arriving ships, but the snowand fog made it nearly impossible. He knew the weather would delay her arrival,but the further the sun dipped past the horizon, the more anxious he became.Fiona should’ve returned by now and no—he wouldn’t let his mind wander.Instead, he wrapped his cloak tightly around his torso and turned on his heelto pace along the planks once more.
Behind him, Delvin snickered. “You’re acting like we’rereceiving the Queen of Morrowind,” he laughed. “More nervous than an expectantfather I reckon.”
That had Brynjolf’s ears burning, enough to falter hissteps. Delvin’s amusement only seemed to grow. Brynjolf glanced to see hislife-long friend leaned against an East-Empire Company shipping crate like theweather had no effect on him at all.
“I haven’t seen her in…” he hated thinking about how muchtime had passed since she departed. “Gods, it’s been nearly six months.”
When the Cultists first appeared in Riften, Fiona haddismissed them as a fluke. But when they continued to show up wherever her andBrynjolf traveled and begun to terrorize the innocents of other cities—she hadno choice but to act. Almost overnight it was decided, and while he protested,she insisted it would be safer and smarter for him to stay in Riften and keepwatch over the Guild while she traveled to Solstheim.
Of course, neither of them anticipated just how long she’dend up staying on the northern island, the mysterious Miraak not something tobe uncovered and resolved within a short amount of time. There were othercomplications that arose while in Raven Rock, and of course Fiona wasdetermined to see them through. Brynjolf had found some relief inknowing that Delvin’s brother Glover was in Solstheim and would be there towatch over her—not that the Dragonborn needed watching over—but it still gaveBrynjolf peace of mind.
They had exchanged letters frequently, but parchment was nocomparison to having her home. After having Fiona as a constant companion, itwas difficult to have her missing. The pain was only compounded by the factthat she wasn’t just his companion, friend, or Guildmaster, but thewoman he loved—the woman he had shared a life with for the last three years.This had been the first time he had been without her since they met (ifBrynjolf ignored Mercer’s attempt at leaving her to die at Snowveil Sanctum),and the distance was an agony he wouldn’t wish on anyone.
At least now he wouldn’t have to wait for very much longer. Afterall that time away, she was returning to Skyrim—she was coming home to Riften,to the Guild, to him.
“You know I haven’t seen my brother in years, right?” Delvinasked, but he didn’t appear to be truly offended. “Then again, I’m not madly inlove with him, so I suppose its different.”
Brynjolf was well past the days of feeling embarrassed whenhis friends would point out the obvious emotions he felt for their Guildmaster.Now, he only felt pride—of course he loved Fiona and he wasn’t afraid to putthose feelings on display anymore.
Finally, several dockhands started to stir as a ship’s bell echoedin the distance. They readied the nearest port while Brynjolf and Delvin stoodaside to allow the men to work. It wasn’t until the ship was docking that theycould see it clearly through the fog and snowfall. Brynjolf stood there frozen,just staring as the occupants of the ferry disembarked. He hadn’t realized hewas holding his breath until he saw the familiar blonde hair billowing in thewind. He didn’t fully exhale until Fiona turned on the pier, her smile brightand sapphire eyes twinkling brighter than any gem in the Cistern safe.
Without a second thought he ran to her, Fiona’s surprisedgasp quickly dissolving into laughter as he scooped her into his arms, clutchingher tightly to his chest. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, legs bendingat the knees as he lifted her off the ground to spin them around, drunk on thebliss of their reunion. Brynjolf inhaled deeply as he squeezed her close, hiswhole body warming at the instantly familiar scent of her. He buried his faceagainst the curve of her neck, brushing his nose along the sliver of skin hefound—he’d find more later.
Finally, he placed her down on the pier and reluctantlypulled away just enough to frame her face between his gloved hands, and stare intoher eyes. Her hands slid down from his shoulders to rest against his chest asthey simply gazed at one another for a fleeting moment.
She smiled. “Hello.”
“Hello, lass,” he replied, mimicking her grin.
She tilted her head closer and Brynjolf took the hint, closingthe gap to make their lover’s reunion as official as they could for now with akiss. It started sweet and slow, little smiles fading away as the kiss grewdeeper and more passionate. His hands framing her face slid to brush throughher hair, fingers stroking her cheek and neck—he only wished he wasn’t wearingthese damned gloves so he could feel at her soft skin. They kissed, and theworld around them fell away. Divines, how he had missed her lips on his.
“Are you two done yet?” Delvin shouted, forcing Fiona topull away from their kiss with a brisk laugh. She leaned against Brynjolf in aloose hug as the two glanced over to where the two Mallory brothers were not-so-quietlyteasing the reuniting couple.
After a few moments, Brynjolf pressed another kiss to hertemple, simply because he could.
“I missed you Fiona,” he sighed. A shiver ran up his spineas a gust of wind rushed by. “More than you know.”
“From now on, you go where I go,” Fiona said, lacing herhand into his. “Wherever that may be.”
Brynjolf eagerly nodded and walked with her as she led themaway from the docks and into the city. They had some time to make up for, andthen, a future to look forward to. 
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firsnotfurs · 5 years
Delvin Mallory  ;;  Purple 
Those who bear a purple soulcolor are responsible, conforming, and grounded. They prefer predictability over instability and do not take to change well. They prefer to follow a daily schedule to keep themselves motivated and on the path to success, and they don’t stray from their daily chores often.  While they don’t like conforming to society, they also don’t like to stand out.
History and tradition are a big part of their identity. They hold family close to their heart, whether they are found or by blood, and have a high moral standard of themselves. They prefer to be supporting roles in people’s lives, often doing the hard labor to make sure everything falls in place.
Since this is a serving type, they tend to become community service members and are most likely to volunteer to help their community. Despite their need to help others, they are highly introverted and keep a close closed off circle of friends. It’s hard to break through their wall to become part of their circle, but it’s rewarding.
Purple soulcolors are always worried about the “what ifs” and are more drawn to pessimistic or realistic outlooks on life. They are cautious around new situations and never expect they’ll succeed. They often feel misunderstood by society, since most types tend to lean on the optimistic side of life, and only want to point out things that may hurt others, but this causes them to appear like the “party pooper” of the group.
tagged by : @bxynjolf !!
tagging : @ anyone you guys know the drill 
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plutojones · 3 years
Chapter Five: Welcome to the Family
When Andie opens the door into the Ratway, she immediately lowers herself towards the ground, trying to get her movements minimal and steps silent. She gently closes the door behind her and begins sneaking down the stairs. Immediately, however, she is met with a surprise: two bodies lying face down in the ground, bleeding out from various stab wounds. She sneaks up to the first one, the one who seemed in charge, and takes a few things off him that aren’t blood-stained before sneaking off further down back to the door that leads to the Ragged Flagon. Once there, she straightens herself up, dusts herself off, and walks inside.
Keeping an eye on the firelight in the distance, she walks along the circular walkway to the tavern. As she gives a nod to the guard at the entrance, she overhears a familiar voice speaking to two unfamiliar ones.
“Give it up Brynjolf… those days are over.”
“I’m telling you, this one is different…” She steps a bit closer, and in the dim light spies Brynjolf talking to the bartender and another figure sitting at the bar.
“We’ve all heard that one before, Bryn! Quit kidding yourself.”
“It’s time to face the truth, old friend. You, Vex, Mercer… you’re all part of a dying breed. Things are changing!” The bartender waves a bottle in front of Brynjolf’s face.
As Brynjolf is about to speak, Andie coughs, catching his attention. He looks over at her and then back to the two with a smile. “Dying breed, eh? Well what do you call that then! Hello there lass!” He turns back and walks over to her, holding an arm out to pull her into a side hug. “I take it you didn’t have any trouble finding your way back this time?”
“N-no, actually. Those thugs, they’re… well they’re dead.”
“Are they now? Well, lady luck must be on your side then.” He gives her a wink before stepping back towards the bar. “So, how goes the job?”
“Good, I think… I have all the payments.” She pulls three pouches from out of her pockets, all clinking with the sound of septims. “Though I have to say, I’m not a big fan of extorting people. I thought this was a Thieves’ Guild.”
Brynjolf takes the pouches and then gives her a stern look. “We are. But beggars can’t be choosers. You’d be smart to remember that, lass, and to avoid complaining about it if you wish to keep working around here. Speaking of-” He tosses her one of the smaller pouches. “Your cut.”
She catches the pouch and gives him a nod of thanks. “What’s next?”
“Judging from how well you handled those shopkeepers, I'd say you've done more than simply prove yourself. We need people like you in our outfit.”
“Well, long as there’s more gold, I’m in.”
“That's the spirit! Larceny's in your blood... the telltale sign of a practiced thief. I think you'll do more than just fit in around here.” He smiles and walks back towards her, motioning for her to follow him into a tunnel behind the tavern. “Follow me.”
Once they turn a corner, he walks over to a wardrobe, opens it, and pushes a false backing, revealing yet another tunnel. As they enter, Andie stops and grabs his sleeve. “Wait.”
“Something wrong, lass?” He turns to look at her with a raised eyebrow.
“Before we go, I have to ask… word is the guild isn’t doing that well. Is that true?”
He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “We've run into a rough patch lately, but it's nothing to be concerned about. Tell you what. You keep making us coin and I'll worry about everything else. Fair enough?”
“Fair enough.” It takes her a moment to realize she’s still holding his sleeve. Letting go she coughs and looks away.
“Right now. Let me show you what we’re all about.”
He finishes leading her to another door, opening it for her to go through first before stepping through himself. Entering in, she recognizes it as the cistern she was in before. Brynjolf walks past her, going towards the bridge that cuts above the small pool of water. Beckoning her to follow, he eventually stops in the center of the four way bridge, in the middle of the cistern. Once there, he motions for her to wait and then waves at the figure standing over the desk she had seen before. Looking up, he gives a nod to Brynjolf before finishing whatever he was looking at and walking over to the pair.
“Mercer? This is the one I was talking about… our new recruit.”
“This better not be another waste of the Guild's resources, Brynjolf.” He turns to look at Andie, the faintest of scowls painted on his face. “Before we continue, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. If you play by the rules, you walk away rich. You break the rules and you lose your share. No debates, no discussion... you do what we say, when we say.”
Andie gives a nod. “Understood.”
“Very well. First thing I want you to do is start finishing something we’ve started. An infiltration job, get in, get out, as cleanly as possible.”
Brynjolf looks over at Mercer with wide eyes. “Wait a moment, you're not talking about Goldenglow, are you? Even our little Vex couldn't get in.”
“You claim this recruit possesses an aptitude for our line of work. If so, let her prove it. Goldenglow Estate is critically important to one of our largest clients. However, the owner has suddenly decided to take matters into his own hands and shut us out. He needs to be taught a lesson. Brynjolf will provide you with the details” He turns to leave, headed back to the desk. “Mercer, aren’t you forgetting something?”
“Hmm?” He turns back. “Oh yes. Since Brynjolf assures me you'll be nothing but a benefit to us, then you're in. Welcome to the Thieves Guild.”
As he finishes walking away, Brynjolf turns back to Andie. “Well then, welcome to the family, lass. I’m expecting you to make us a lot of coin, so don’t disappoint me.”
“I’ll try my best.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” He reaches out to pull her into a side hug again before shifting his arm to a more leading position as he takes her off the bridge and back towards the bed she was sitting in earlier that day. “This is officially your spot in our guild. Feel free to stay here whenever you like.” He lowers his arm to his side and then steps towards the wall next to the bed, leaning against it and looking at her with crossed arms.
“So uh, how do I get my cut from here on out?” She sits down on the edge of the bed and looks up at him, hands folded in her lap.
“Simple. Do as you're told and keep your blade clean. We can't turn a profit by killing. You should talk with Delvin Mallory and Vex. They know their way around this place and they'll be able to kick some extra jobs your way. Oh, and talk to Tonilia in the Flagon... she'll set you up with your new armor.”
“Delvin and Vex… got it.”
“Now, I know Mercer gave you a pretty big job here, and we’d like it done quickly, but I also don’t want you going in unprepared. I’d recommend doing some of these jobs for Delvin and Vex before thinking about going anywhere near Goldenglow.” His expression is somewhat neutral, but looking between the lines Andie is able to sense some amount of concern coming from his tone. “Once you’re ready for it, you can come to me and ask me details about it.”
She gives a brief nod before taking another deep breath, shoulders rising and falling. “I’m really in over my head here, aren’t I?”
There’s a long pause before Brynjolf speaks again, voice low so only she can hear. “Look, I meant what I said before, lass. I think you have the makings of a master thief in you. You just need to practice them. Start with Delvin, he’ll give you some easier jobs to start with.”
There’s another brief nod before she stands up. “Right… I ought to get to work then.”
“That’s the spirit!” He gives her a smile before looking away towards an approaching figure. “Back again Mercer? You forget something?”
“Brynjolf. Have you had a chance to speak to our contact in Whiterun?”
Seeing this was not a conversation she should be a part of, Andie turns to head down the tunnel back to the Ragged Flagon. As she passes Brynjolf, she reaches up to place a hand on his shoulder. “See you around.”
He gives her a quick flash of a smile and a wink before turning back to Mercer.
“Sorry, yes. Unfortunately, they no longer wish to be involved in our operation.”
“I trust you’ve applied the appropriate pressure in order to change their mind?”
“I have. I think we may have to turn this one over to the Dark Brotherhood.”
“Yes, I’m afraid you’re right. Such a shame..”
Entering back into the Ragged Flagon, Andie makes her way over to the bartender. After getting Delvin, Vex, and Tonilia pointed out to her, she walks over to the table the trio are sitting at.
“Excuse me, uh, I was told by Brynjolf to speak to you all.”
The redguard woman looks up at her with a raised eyebrow. “So you’re the new recruit, eh? Well, looks like you and I are going to have to get very well acquainted.”
“Why’s that?”
“I'm the fence down here. You come by anything you don't exactly own and I'll pay you some coin for it. Minus a little slice for the Guild, of course. I can also provide a few supplies useful to our trade now and again, for a small fee.” She motions to Andie’s lack of weaponry. “For example, I happen to have a bow and daggers available for the taking once you have some more coins in your pocket..”
“Is there anything you don’t charge for?”
“Sure, how about I get Dirge to knock you over your head and dump you into the cistern? Look, I've been in this business a long time and I've seen all types. You can play it tough, you can play it smart... whatever. At the end of the day you'll find all we care about down here is how much gold you can make us.”
Andie is quiet for a moment before silently nodding. “Understood.”
“Good. Then there isn't much more to say. Here's your armor, just make sure you put it to good use.” She leans over to the empty seat at the table and pulls out a bundle of clothes and hands it to Andie. After a moment she sighs and also sets an iron dagger on top of it.
“Thanks. Uh-” She turns to the bald man at the table. “Delvin, right?”
“That’s right. Lemme guess. Brynjolf plucked you off the street and dropped you into the thick of things without tellin' you which way is up. Am I right?”
“Uh, well…” She nods a little. “I could use some help.”
He nods. “See, that kind of attitude comes from someone who wants to get rich and stay alive long enough to enjoy it. We're goin' to get along nicely. So, if you've got the nerve, I've got plenty of extra jobs to help get the Guild back on its feet, and give you the experience you need.”
She looks around at the Ragged Flagon and then back at Delvin. “Was it not like this before?”
“Ha, no. A few decades ago, this place was as busy as the Imperial City. Now, you’re lucky if you don’t trip over a skeever instead.” He sighs and then looks her up and down. “So, you got time for a job then? I heard Mercer gave you the Goldenglow job but, well…”
“Yeah, no I uh, well-” She stops and takes a deep breath. “Yes, a job please.”
“I handle the fishin', numbers and bedlam jobs... the ones with the more personal touch. If break-ins are more your thing, you talk to Vex here.” He motions to the white haired woman sitting in the seat between himself and Tonilia. Andie gives a brief wave to her. At that Vex rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.
“Before we begin, I want to make two things perfectly clear. One, I'm the best infiltrator this rathole of a Guild's got, so if you think you're here to replace me, you're dead wrong. And two, you follow my lead and do exactly as I say... no questions, no excuses.”
Andie blinks and just gives a slow nod. “Then we understand each other... good. Now, it's time to get your feet wet and I don't want to waste a lot of time talking about anything but business.”
Looking back at Devlin, Andie clears her throat. “Uh, tell me about the numbers job?”
“Most of the establishments in Skyrim keep their transactions recorded within business ledgers. Your job would be to change the numbers in those books so the shortfalls from our other jobs look legit. Feel like doing a bit of writin'?”
“Hmm...I can give it a shot.”
“Good. Just keep your eyes open and your mouth shut and you'll do fine. Let me give you the details.” He pulls out a sheet of paper and hands it to her. “Has everythin’ you need to know.”
“Sounds good...uh...wait, Whiterun?”
“That a problem?”
“N-no, uh, I’ll get right on it.” She takes a deep breath, staring at the note. After a moment she looks up at the trio, gives them a nod, and then turns to head out of the Flagon.
Andie freezes as she hears Vex get up and walk over to her. “I know the job Delvin is talking about. I need a heist done in the same place, if you feel up to the challenge.” She pulls out a sheet of paper and holds it out to her. “Think you can handle it?”
“Two birds one stone.” She takes the paper and gives a nod before finally leaving the Flagon.
In her new armor, with a dagger on one hip, a bow she picked up off the body of the thug in the tunnel on her back, Andie stands outside Riften looking at the road before her. With a deep breath, she begins making the trek to Whiterun. Down roads, over hills, mountains, across rivers. At night she finds a large tree to lay against, or an abandoned camp to hide in, or even a hole to crawl into. During the day she runs from bandits, wolves, and even spiders. Occasionally she pulls out her dagger, trying to fend off the monsters who she can’t escape from. Messily skinning them and taking their pelts, or attempting to get their poison, she gathers what supplies she can get for the trouble. Weary and exhausted after days of travel, she eventually sees the windmills in the distance, and the large walled off city.
Making her way up the stone path that leads to the gates, she overhears various conversations: the increasing number of bandits on the roads, a strange jester with a coffin up north, rumors that Ulfric may attack Whiterun soon. She pulls out the piece of paper Delvin gave her and writes what she hears on the back of it before shoving it back into her pocket and pushing through the gates into the city proper. She makes her way down the road, past the blacksmith, towards what seems to be a marketplace. Looking around at the various people, she stops when she sees Belethor’s General Goods. Entering in, she spots a Breton standing behind the counter who greets her with a smile.
“Welcome. How can I help you? Anything you want, we have.”
“Oh uh, can I sell stuff to you?” She pulls out part of a pelt she had gathered. “Sure. Let me see what you got?”
They spend the next few minutes going over the various things she had gathered on her way here. As he looks over their quality, Andie takes a moment to take in the building, noting the various doors. Once he’s done, he hands her a bag of coins and with a nod she exits the building. Heading to the tavern across the street she gets a room for the night and heads to bed.
Come midnight she wakes up and sneaks down the stairs and out the door in the kitchen. Everyone was busy with drinks and music in the tavern it seemed, including Belethor. Making her way to the General Store, she finds the back door and slinks down into the cold shadows and pulls out a lockpick. A moment later there’s a click and a second later she’s disappeared through the doors. As it wasn’t a very large place it didn’t take long for her to find the logbook and make the changes noted by Delvin. Next, she snuck upstairs and found the strongbox by his bed. Another quick pick and the lid lifted with ease as she grabbed the amethyst inside. As she snuck back down to the back door, she heard the front door creak. Perfect timing, it seemed, as she snuck out right as he returned. Returning to the tavern and entering through the kitchen door, she sneaks her way back up to the loft to finish her rest for the night…
In the morning, Andie gathers her things and makes her way back out of the tavern. Choosing not to stay for breakfast, she quickly makes her way out the city gates and down the path to the outer fields and stables. As she passes the stables, she notices a man reading a book next to a carriage. Curious, she pauses with a raised eyebrow.
“Is this carriage yours?”
The man looks up from his book and gives her a nod. “It is. You need a lift?”
“Depends. Where can you go?”
“Oh just about anywhere. Windhelm, Riften, Markarth, Solitude. Wherever you need.”
She blinks a few times. “You go anywhere?”
“Yes indeed, and it’s much faster and safer than walking, I can tell you that.”
There’s a slow, almost tired sigh as she looks to the carriage. “Riften, please.”
“Alrighty. Climb on in back and we’ll head off.”
Entering into the Ragged Flagon is a tired, worn, but determined pale, petite girl with long black hair pulled back into a ponytail. She makes her way over to the bar, only to spot Brynjolf and Delvin already there.
“Delvin, please tell me you have good news.”
“If I told you that, I'd be lying. We haven't had a bit in weeks. our clients are starting to get angry.” He grabs his drink off the counter and takes a large swig of it.
Brynjolf slams his hand down on the bar. “You tell this sorry bunch of thieves that they need to put down their flagons and get to work if they want to keep their status!”
There’s a long, heavy sigh from Delvin as he sets his drink back down. “I will, I will…”
His gaze wanders and finds Andie, upon which the gloom seems to fade and turn to a smile. “Well now I take it back. There might be good news after all.”
Brynjolf spins around to see Andie standing behind him, and a large grin breaks out on his face. “Welcome back, lass! We thought you had died out there, been gone so long.”
“Yeah I uh, huh I uh, walked. To Whiterun.”
“You… walked.”
“I didn’t know about the-”
“-the carriage?”
“Yeah... ”
“And you’re alright, lass?”
“Oh yeah. Few spiders, few wolves, a couple of bears. Easy.”
He stares at her for a second and then laughs. “Well that would explain that. Vekel, get our new recruit here something to drink. I’m sure she’s thirsty from her travels.”
There’s a nod from the bartender as Andie makes her way over to Delvin. “I got the job done.”
“Nicely done. Here-” He pulls out a small pouch of coins. “Spend it wisely.”
“Vex around here?”
Delvin gives a nod and points out where the white haired woman is sitting.
Andie turns and walks over to her and pulls out the gem. “One amethyst from the strong box of Belelthor’s General Goods.”
“Well done. Keep this up and we’ll make a thief out of you yet. Here’s your share.” She pulls out a pouch and tosses it to Andie. “Come back when you want some more.”
Andie nods and turns back to the bar, walking over to sit next to Brynjolf and Delvin.
“So, heard things are still going pretty rough.”
“You’ve no idea.” Brynjolf sighs as he takes a long sip from his drink.
“Look,” Delvin looks over at Andie. “I know the others think I'm a bit daft for sayin' stuff like this, but I'm gonna give it to you straight. Somethin' out there is piss-drunk mad at us. I don't know who or what it is, but it's beyond just you and me. We've been cursed.”
“This again.”
Andie looks between Brynjolf and Delvin and then down at the drink Vekel sets in front of her.
“I mean, anything is possible, right? That’s what my grandfather used to say when it came to things that couldn’t be explained.”
“Grandfather?” Brynjolf looks at her out of the corner of her eye.
Andie doesn’t notice, however, as her attention becomes intently focused on the liquid in the mug.
“Yeah… He raised me after my parents couldn’t. He's the only family I had.”
Delvin shares a glance with Brynjolf and then looks down at Andie. “Sorry for the loss.”
“Is that why you’re in Riften now?”
“Yes. No. Sort of.” She places her right elbow on the bar, resting her hand in her right hand as the left holds onto the drink. “When he died, he left me the deed to Honeyside.”
“I see.” Brynjolf takes another sip of his drink before setting it down on the bar. “So, you from nearby then?”
She shakes her head. “No. Gods no. I’m not even from Skyrim. It took a week's travel or so to get here if my memory is correct. It was a rather long week… I left right after the funeral rites.”
“He didn’t leave you the house you were in?”
“No. Only the deed and some septims.”
“Well,” Brynjolf looks to Delvin who gives him a shrug and a shake of his head. “Whatever his reasons, I can tell you that we’re glad to have you. We haven’t had something go right in ages, and then you walk in with two successful, flawless jobs under your belt.”
“Thanks.” She looks back up at Brynjolf with a big smile. It’s forced, with much melancholy behind it, but the sentiment is genuine.
After a moment he forces a smile back, putting a hand on her shoulder. “You’ve the makings of a great thief. All eyes are on you, lass. But I believe in you.”
She gives him a nod as her smile fades and turns back to the drink. “Well,” She lifts the drink up in the air like a toast. “Let’s get hammered. We have reason to celebrate, don’t we?”
The rest of evening is jovial, not just for the three at the bar, but for everyone in the Ragged Flagon. Tales of her journey through the hills and mountains are told in bardic splendor, and of course, of the thievery itself. Seeing a lute in one corner late into the night, while still barely sober, she grabs it and plays a tune that fills the air with dancing. At one point she even stands atop one of the tables as she performs. She doesn’t remember much after that, but she remembers it as the first good night since her grandfather passed away…
Over the course of the next few weeks, a sort of pattern developed. Delvin and Vex would each give Andie a job, she would get what training she could from her fellow members before packing her bags, leave, come back some time later in a successful triumphant, and a short celebration would be had that night. The Ragged Flagon would be filled with music and laughter, and everyone would get bat shit drunk. On more than one occasion Brynjolf had to be the responsible, sober member of the group to make sure everyone got to their beds safely. Every morning after that, Andie would wake up with a horrible headache, but with pockets filled with coins, lockpicks, gems, and other random baubles people decided to tip her performances with. As soon as the headaches passed, Andie would head out of the Ratway and out on another set of jobs for the guild. Every time she returned, the guild would look better and better. At one point she found her bed not only had better blankets, but even a large screen for privacy. As they regained the respect of various towns, they even got merchants setting up in the same space as the Ragged Flagon, providing even more services and discreet dealing than Tonilia could provide on her own. The atmosphere was rising, as were their riches, and from every corner it was agreed that it was Andie who was making things better and inspiring everyone to work harder. The only person who never participated in these festivities or compliments was Mercer, who forever remained cold and distant...
During this period, she also completed the favor she had agreed to do when she first arrived: speaking to Sibbi Black-Briar about the horse Frost. The conversation with the man left Andie feeling disgusted: he cheated on his fiance, and when her brother found out and attacked him, he murdered him. Fair enough, Andie thought. But then he went on about how ungrateful she was, and how he wanted her head on a platter. It made her sick to her stomach that people like these got away with whatever they wanted. Even his prison cell was still lavish and luxurious. Turns out the deed to the horse was in his family’s estate outside of Riften, and she would need to break into the house to get it. Easy enough. There were a few mercenaries to deal with, but Andie had gotten pretty good with a bow during her travels: sniping a few men who would have attacked her on site anyway would be easy. She did her best to not think of it as murder. Besides, they served the Black-Briars. They probably weren’t exactly good people. If she revealed herself they would attack her anyway, so it was, in a way, self-defense. It was easier to try to think of it like that. The strategy worked, and she managed to get the deed to the horse. But when she met with the man outside the stables of Riften, she realized he must have been cursed because every time she tried to give him Frost and the deed, they would be attacked: first Spriggans, then bears, then bandits. In a fit of frustration she told him that if she killed him then he wouldn’t need Frost, would he? Frightened, he told her to just keep the horse, it was fine, and then ran off. She regretted that, and when she went back to the Ragged Flagon that night, she drank herself into a deep stupor that even Brynjolf couldn’t jolt her out of. She told him she had killed for the first time. People, specifically. She told him about the horse. Everything. In the shadows of the tavern, while everyone else was passed out or asleep, he pulled her into a hug that completely enveloped her figure. She cried in the silence and eventually fell asleep herself. When she awoke in her own bed come the morning, there was a small ring and a note lying on her nightstand.
“It’s never easy the first time, lass. I hope it never does become easy for you. But I’d also like to make sure you make it back home after those long trips of yours, so please take this ring and use it well. - Bryn”
It was a ring that was enchanted to make her aim more precise, more deadly. Hesitantly, she slipped it onto one of her fingers, feeling the power course through her. From then on she used her bow more often than her daggers, and would ride Frost to and from her jobs.
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tastesoftamriel · 7 years
The tip of Morrowind (a long tale by Talviel)
Middas, 20th of Sun’s Dusk, 4E 207. I was in Dragonstar, Hammerfell, after spending months in Elsweyr, and was researching recipes. I had also just celebrated my 24th birthday quietly. Well, almost quietly. On the 17th itself, a courier came bounding into the inn I was staying at, and dumped half a satchel of letters in front of me while I was in the middle of grating zucchini in the kitchen. “I’ve been looking for you. Got something I’m supposed to deliver, your hands only. Got lots of messages for you!” He announced cheerily. “I’ll leave you to your zucchini. Well that’s it, got to go!” I stared at the pile of letters that I only ever got in this quantity once a year, then ignored them in favour of the zucchini. The letters could wait- zucchini balls with tzatziki could not.
When I’d finally finished cooking, eating, and helping the innkeep clean up, I took the armful of letters to my room to peruse. Most were from friends and acquaintances I had made in Cyrodiil, wishing me a happy birthday and a prosperous year. A smaller pile came from across Skyrim, and I found one from my Dunmer friend Lisandre. I set it aside, looking expectantly at the last few letters from Riften. There were three. One was from my parents, another from Keerava, and the last one was from Brynjolf. While we’d written to each other over the years I’d been on the road, our messages became shorter, less cordial, and more sporadic. He mainly talked about how breaking Nocturnal’s curse had made the Guild flourish again and how they were beginning to branch out across Tamriel. I broke the seal of his letter, expecting more of that. The familiar smell of cinnamon and cloves greeted me as I unfolded the parchment.
“Lass, happy birthday. I don’t know where in Tamriel you are, but I trust that the courier will get this to you safely. I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to see you off on your last visit, but I enjoyed the time we did spend together. The Guild sends their best wishes, and we all miss you. Delvin and Vex are plotting the best way to get you to come back to us, but I know your heart is set on your career, and as I’ve always said, I’m happy for you, lass. Hope you can come back and visit us poor folk in Riften again soon, liven up the place a bit. Eyes open, and walk with the shadows. Yours, Brynjolf.”
I smiled sadly, my heart racing. Unrequited love was more of a pain than a mountain lion on skooma. I tucked his letter into the envelope I used to store all of his previous ones, that I always read whenever I missed him. Sniffling and wiping at my eyes, I turned my attention at last to Lisandre’s letter.
“Greetings, Talviel! Word on the street is that it’s your birthday, so happy birthday and big hugs from Gat and I (even though you’ve never met him)! Anyway, just writing because I’m a little bored. Back home now at Lakeview, which is nice and all but my hammer needs some blood. Feel bad about doing any adventuring around now because Gat could use the company, but I’ve been thinking of finally going to Morrowind after the new year. Slightly embarrassing, a Dunmer of my age never having been back to her own place of origin. Don’t know where you’ll be around then, but you’ve spent a lot of time there so I was hoping we could meet up. No pressure, let me know what you think. Anyway, wherever in Tamriel you are, happy birthday. Thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way. ~Lisandre”
I pondered Lisandre’s message. I was setting out the next day to Evermor, which was just across the border into High Rock, and I was planning on spending a month or so going through the region. I had also been offered good coin to cook a banquet at both Castle Wayrest the Sentinel Palace whenever I was there next, so I decided to take them up on the offer. It would take me another month to get to Windhelm, where the ship to Solstheim sailed from, so the timing would be perfect as I hadn’t been to Morrowind in some time. I wrote a letter to warn Wayrest and Sentinel ahead of time and to prepare the ingredients I’d need, then dipped my quill into my inkpot again to pen a message back to Lisandre.
“Hi Lis, thanks for the birthday greetings, and I hope you and Gat are well. Would love to take you over to Morrowind, but I’m only really familiar with Solstheim and Blacklight since the rest of the country is really just ash and small settlements since The Red Year and never really recovered from what I’ve heard, even despite the Great Restoration. I don’t think I’ll have time to explore the rest as I’ve made up my mind to head west early next year, so I probably won’t accompany you through the rest of the country. Once we’re done, I’m sure you’ll have found your feet enough to make the rest of the journey on your own! Let’s meet in Windhelm on the second week of Morning Star, and we catch the ship to Soltsheim from there. Let me know if this is agreeable to you or if you have any change in plans. Hugs, Talviel.”
I sealed the letter with wax and went to find a courier heading to Skyrim before checking on Roach and making sure my bags were packed for the morning. At first light, we trotted into Hammerfell to wait out the month. The time flew by as I cooked and learned and taught. The banquets went flawlessly and my coin pouch was close to splitting. I sketched the scenery, wandered the wilderness, and occasionally woke up naked next to someone. As Evening Star came to a close, I got on my horse and made the long trip to Windhelm. I contemplated stopping by Riften, but the thought of seeing Brynjolf again and knowing he didn’t love me made my heart break. I just couldn’t face him, as much as I wanted to.
I stayed at Candlehearth Hall, and was chatting to a Redguard at the bar when the door swung open, Lisandre tromping the snow off her boots and blowing her hands to shake off the cold. She looked through the crowd and waved excitedly when she saw me. “Hello love, give us a hug! How are you?” She called out, making her way towards me. “Hi Lisandre, long time no see! Can I get you a drink?” “Damn right you can. It’s freezing out there, I’ve always hated this city. One mulled wine please!” She called to the bartender, who brought over a steaming tankard. We toasted to friendship and talked about what we’d been doing in the past few months. As the evening wore on, she began to draw into herself, which was unusual. “Everything alright, Lis?” I asked, signalling for another cup of warm cider. “Well…not really. I should go to the Grey Quarter, see my family and whatnot. Tell them I’m going to the motherland, that should make their bitter asses happy. I don’t really want to go, but…I probably should.” I took a gulp of cider, nodding my head. “Do what you need to do. Just come back here if things don’t work out and you need a place to sleep. If not, the boat leaves at 7am sharp tomorrow so I’ll see you at the docks by 7.45 at latest.” Lisandre smiled wanly and slid her tankard across the bar. “Nah, should be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow, kid. Have a good night with that Redguard woman, she’s making eyes at you.”
I snuck out of bed the next morning, the Redguard woman still fast asleep. Yawning while drinking from a bottle of potion of stamina, I made my way down to the docks and waited for Lisandre in the snow. She turned up just before seven, walking as if her satchel and warhammer weighed a tonne. “How’d last night go?” She grunted at me in reply then skulked onto the boat, sitting down and looking grumpy. “I’ll take that as ‘not so great’. I’ve brought us some breakfast.” I smiled, trying to lighten the mood and offering her some bread with cheese and salmon. “Lay off, Talviel. Really not in the mood right now.” She sighed, pulling her hood over her head and falling asleep. She slept all the way until we hit the port in Raven Rock, and she looked around groggily, rubbing her eyes. “Welcome to Solstheim, Lis.” I said, helping her to her feet as she yawned and stretched. Glover Mallory, the brother of Delvin in Riften, waved to me from the bellows as I walked past his forge. I promised I’d come by later to chat. I led her to my house, Severin Manor, which was dusty and cold. I made a mental note to hire a housekeeper, and showed Lisandre down to the spare bedroom, which I also used to store random armour, weapons, and knick knacks that might come in handy.
“If you’re still tired, have a little nap and we can explore the island later.” I said to Lisandre. “Are you kidding me? I saw a potion seller on the way here. Gonna get me a few of those stamina ones and we can start.” She removed her valuables and any unnecessary items from her person, hefted her hammer, and slapped her face to wake herself up. We made our way outside and she went to buy herself some potions and food while I caught up with Glover and got him to sharpen my sword. We met at the centre of the square, now busy with miners and a fair few more merchants than I’d previously seen, while she ate hungrily from a large kebab filled with ash yam falafel. “These fings are weally good!” She giggled between a mouthful of food, and I was relieved to see her in better spirits.
We left the town, meandering north along the coast. I pointed out the ruins of the monuments Miraak had left behind during our battle while I was taking a ‘break’ from chasing after Alduin. A few miles along, we spotted a group of hunters, shooting at a netch family. Lisandre gawped in wonder. “Are those…netches?” She asked, drawing her warhammer and clearly eager to join in the fight. “Yes, they are, but I wouldn’t recommend running in swinging that hammer. Those tentacles lash out fast with huge force, and send out a nice shock at the same time. Gonna shoot them with arrows like those hunters, and I’ll let you do the final honours with your hammer once they’re down.” I explained, stringing an arrow. We ran towards the netches as the hunters shot bravely, though one of their men was down. I whistled a call of greeting and they whistled back. I began shooting at the bull netch as they attacked the betty and calf, and I yelled for Lisandre to quickly finish them off when they splashed into the water. She nimbly leapt to action, smashing in the brains of the calf before jumping onto the back of the betty without missing a beat. Her acrobatics went unnoticed though, as the hunters had gathered around me as we made our final attack on the bull. As it groaned and fell into the water, Lisandre leapt up and smashed it several times over the head for good measure. The hunters clapped and whooped, and we all divided the netch jelly between us. “This stuff stinks.” Lis complained, jamming her share into an empty potion bottle.
Over the next four days, we made our gentle meandering way through the island, as I explained the lay of the land and my history with it. Lisandre was intrigued by Hermaeus Mora. I strongly opposed her, shaking my head. “Never, ever in my life do I want to have anything to do with that particular Daedric Prince ever again.” I shuddered, as we climbed our way north towards the Skaal village. Along the way, we plundered some Riekling camps and caves for the fun of it, happily pocketing our loot. Frea, the shaman and head of the Skaal happily accommodated us for a night, before we made our way to the giant mushroom lair of Neloth, the powerful and eccentric Telvanni mage. Before I went in to say hello and hoping that he was in a good enough mood to enchant some items for me, we stared with awe at the giant mushrooms. “That, Talviel, has got to be the weirdest thing I have ever seen.” Lisandre said, scratching her head. “Just wait til you see who’s inside, and you’ll probably change your mind.” I sighed, as we ascended the steps.
Several hours later, we found ourselves back at Raven Rock after being berated, belittled, and almost conned into being test subjects for another of Neloth’s new experimental spells (I had to drag Lisandre out through the lift portal before she could gleefully agree). We spent the night back at Severin Manor, and the next day we were ready to face Blacklight. The boat trip over took only half an hour, and Lisandre fiddled nervously with her scarf. “So, the city of my people, at last. I wish I could have seen Vvardenfell before the Red Year, behold the glory of the Dunmer before we were literally reduced to ash.” “As far as I know, time-turning spells have all ended in disaster, so this is what we’ve got now. Don’t look so glum, you’re finally on the way to the capital of Morrowind!” I punched her arm gently. We stepped off the boat, shouldering our satchels, and made our way into the city. The towering Rootspire, the seat of the Grand Council, dominated Blacklight from its centre. Dome-shaped houses like those in Raven Rock were dotted around in neat clusters. The Redoran Guard patrolled the city, which was by all means one of the most orderly places I’d ever been to in all of Tamriel, due to it having been put together as the seat of the Dunmer after the Red Year. I suggested we make our way to a cornerclub to settle in first, and Lis agreed.
We spent the rest of the day wandering the city. Commerce was good as the markets were bustling and shops of all kinds were open for business. “I’ve…I’ve never seen so many Dunmer anywhere in my entire life!” Lisandre exclaimed, looking giddy as we made our way through the busy central streets and past the Temple of Azura. “So, what do you think?” I asked. “Well…it’s a bit small. A lot smaller than I expected, really. But…this is what’s left of us, and so be it. I just hope those people in Rootspire know what they’re doing.” She said resolutely. “I know I’ll probably never see it in my lifetime, but maybe one day Vvardenfell will stand as tall and proud as it was.” “Your lifetime? You’re an elf, you’ll probably live to a thousand if you look after yourself. Morrowind will be back on its feet in no time in comparison. And for your sake, I really hope so. Anyway, now we’ve seen everything, let’s go get some sujamma.” I said, clapping her on the back. She grabbed my hand before I could turn back in the direction of the inn. “Talviel, I know I can just take Dunmeth Pass to get back to Windhelm, but…I’m not done. I know you’ve got work to do, but after tomorrow, we part ways. I know that Vvardenfell is still just ashes and settlements, but I want to see it with my own eyes. See where my people came from. Gnisis, Balmora, Mournhold.” “I get that. There’s always hope with what they’ve started in Vvardenfell probably, since they started on the Great Reconstruction, but I don’t know about the outlying parts of the region. Be careful.” I said, and we linked arms, strolling back to the cornerclub.
The next day, I woke up with a pounding head, and I knocked on Lisandre’s room door to see if she was up. “Come in!” She yelled. I stumbled into her room in my dressing robe, rubbing my eyes. She was sitting in bed, looking a little rough around the edges and sipping from a potion of restore stamina. She looked up at me blearily, before bursting out into an outrageous cackle. “What?” I asked, confused. “Oh by Vivec’s floating balls, I’m never going to pick a room next to yours ever again. Woman, you are loud!” Flashbacks of the night before came back to me, and I groaned. Something to do with a red-headed Dunmer and a lot of sujamma. Lisandre mimicked me, moaning. “Oh, yes, Daddy, Brynjolf, please, oh, fuck me, oh Brynjolf…” I covered my face, blushing so hard I thought I was going to burn the room down. “Nooo, Lisandre, stop, not funny!” “Are you kidding me? That was the best entertainment since I punched Rolff Stone-Fist in the face!” “Lis, I know he was an asshole but why on earth…never mind, it’s too early for this.” “Nope, not letting you off the hook. Brynjolf is definitely not a Dunmer name. The man you dragged into your room was definitely a Dunmer. When we first met, you said you didn’t have a beau. So, who’s the mystery Nord?” She grinned, passing me a stamina potion. I took a large swig and winced, beginning my long and embarrassing story. “Okay, so…”
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fleur-de-liar · 8 years
Tagged by @dewdropsanddreams
NAME: Raviene Cyreen Neleus
NICKNAME(S): Ravi, Ravioli, Kitten; and many more.
AGE: Varies, though I canon her at 175 years. BIRTHDAY: the first of Morning Star; January 1st
ZODIAC SIGN: Serpent; Capricorn
SPECIES: Dunmer/ Dark Elf
GENDER: Female
ORIENTATION: Pansexual panromantic
EDUCATION: High education in academia; also educated in practicality and fighting.
PROFESSION: Bard; Theif/Rogue.
RESIDENCE(S): N/A; A Drifter —————————————————————————-
BODY TYPE: Tall and curvaceous. A slightly shorter torso with longer legs.
HAIR: Long black hair, style varies from something simple to something elaborate and appealing.
EYES: Red eyes with accented lashes
SKIN:  A light blue-ish gray.
HEIGHT: 6′1″
WEIGHT: 149 lbs
SCARS: Raviene takes well not to get scars, but she has one on her right eyebrow and few on her fingers.
TATTOOS/PIERCINGS: Her ears are pierced in several places. She has several tattoos on her body. One particular set wraps around her arms: they resemble chains.
OTHER: Raviene’s movements exude sexuality.
SIBLINGS: She has 10 half-sisters and 5 half-brothers.
PARENTS: Simply referred to as “Neleus;” her mother was known as Dovian.  
OTHER RELATIVES: She has a huge family on her mother’s side.
ACQUAINTANCES/FRIENDS: Delvin Mallory is probably the closest person she has as a “friend;” she was once close to Kodlak Whiteman before abandoning the Companions. Acquaintances consist with those in the Thieves Guild- closest to Brynjolf and Niruin.
LOVE INTERESTS: Too many to count but here are the most prominent ones in her life though I wouldn’t call all of them “loves”: Delvin Mallory; Dagrun; Kavic; Challur
ENEMIES/RIVALS: She makes enemies with almost the whole Pantheon of Aedra and Daedra; her family; other people she has screwed over.
ANY PETS?: yes [] || no || [x]
—HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT: 5/10; 8/10 when a werewolf
—SPEED: 8/10
—GRACE: 10/10
—STRENGTH: 7/10; 10/10 when a werewolf
—RAW FORCE: 7/10; 10/10 when a werewolf
—RANGE: 10/10
—ENDURANCE: 6/10; 9/10 when a werewolf
—CHARISMA: 10/10
POSITIVE: Observant; Charismatic; Practical; Determined
NEGATIVE: Materialistic; Self-indulgent; Selfish; Lazy; Manipulative
COLORS: Things that “pop” and compliment an outfit.
SMELLS: The smell of sex (yes, she will tell you that); soft-scented candles; rain and grass
FOOD: Pomegranate; Veal; Lamb.
DRINKS: Almost anything fruity or just plain water.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES?: yes [x] || rarely [] || no [ ]
ANIMALS: N/A; Doesn’t really pay attention to animals. FAVORITES: Money; Clothes; Sex; Anything pleasurable
HOBBIES: Sex; People watching; Stealing; Talking; Reading Documents
SMOKES?: yes [] || no [x] || occasionally []
DRUGS?: yes [] || no [ ] || occasionally [x]
DRIVER LICENSE?: yes [x] || no []
PILOT LICENSE?: yes [] || no [x]
EVER BEEN ARRESTED?: yes [] || no [ ] || almost/detained [x]
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whitegoldtower · 1 year
Sometimes there are strange instances where my OCs meet each other
Severin teaches Gwydion about necromancy/the undead and tries to coach him through his vampirism.
Eddard and Gwydion meet briefly shortly after Gwydion was attacked and turned and he attempts to take him as a fledgling, but Gwydion escapes.
Eddard meets Dagduach, and as vampire/monster hunter things get very bloody very quickly. Dagduach returns to Ondolemar with some very nasty wounds and Eddard returns to Vingalmo with his arm hanging off.
Gwydion also runs into Dagduach but is quicker and escapes unscathed and without any altercations. He also gets a letter notifying him of the deaths of Hert and Hern after Dzizybor assassinates them.
Dzizybor and Hamza run into one another as assassin and thief in the ragged flagon. Both need to see Delvin Mallory. Hamza is deeply unsettled by Dzizybor.
Dzizybor and Dagduach team up on a few occasions where assassinations and monster contracts overlap.
Severin also teaches Dagduach about the undead and their weaknesses, but makes him swear not to harm Gwydion.
Dagduach and Corryn team up a few times too as monster-hunter and Dragonborn. Dagduach also briefly meets Caerwyn when he arrives in Markarth to get Ondolemar out of there.
Silvandrel and Caerwyn meet often as Thalmor fist and father of the first emissary. Silvandrel is deeply afraid of Caerwyn.
Everybody has heard of Caerwyn. Even Vingalmo briefly mentions him to Eddard and suggests an alliance between the Volkihar clan and the Aldmeri Dominion. Eddard is weary of Caerwyn and says that it’s better for both of them if they never meet.
Severin is worried that Caerwyn will find out where he and Ancano are hiding. Luckily, Caerwyn doesn’t care enough to track Ancano down.
Caerwyn and Corryn meet and Caerwyn is furious that Corryn used his mer privilege to undermine his daughter and steal Thalmor dossiers. They have a truce, but only if Corryn agrees to kill Delphine and the other blades.
Since Corryn is extremely fond of Paarthurnax, he agrees to Caerwyn’s terms.
Corryn, however, gets to Delphine and sees that Silvandrel has already beaten him to it. They say nothing to one another but just exchange understanding glances. Corryn doesn’t tell Caerwyn about Silvandrel and Jordis. He just tells him that the blades are dead. Technically, he hasn’t lied, so he’s saved his skin.
Corryn and Caerwyn have a peace treaty. If Corryn keeps his dragons away from the Thalmor, he can have Falkreath. Corryn pushes for Whiterun and Caerwyn gives in, under the terms that they have equal control over the merchant trade.
Even though they don’t like each other, Corryn and Eddard team up in the Dawnguard DLC - Eddard approaches Corryn (knowing of course who the Dragonborn is and making him aware of his possession of an elder scroll and Harkon’s plan) for help, to which Corryn obviously agrees. Eddard eventually develops a camaraderie and a soft spot for Corryn after seeing his reaction to Gelebor, a fellow snow elf. He also comforts him after killing Vyrthur, because Corryn has never had ‘kinsman’ blood on his hands before. They part with an agreement that Caerwyn is not to know about the Volkihar clan, and Corryn forms a strong bond with Gelebor. Gwydion is also teamed up with them for this, as an expert illusion and alteration mage. Corryn takes a particular liking to Gwydion. Once again, Eddard offers Gwydion a place with the Volkihar vampires, but Gwydion runs away.
Eddard tells Vingalmo about Corryn, and Vingalmo merely replies, “You’ve made a very powerful friend. But beware of his other friend. The Dragonborn might be an ally on his own, but teamed up with the father of the first emissary, both could be formidable foes. Keep that alliance extremely close.”
Many of my OCs don’t achieve massive power - Dzizybor becomes head of the dark brotherhood and Hamza becomes head of the thieves guild, Severin hands the title of Arch-Mage to Tolfdir, Gwydion and Brelyna run away to live a peaceful life after the events of the Dawnguard DLC, Dagduach continues to love and serve Ondolemar under Caerwyn’s wing.
The big guns really are just Corryn, Caerwyn and Eddard. There’s alliance between them, but also a lot of tension: Corryn has dragons so is always a potential threat, Caerwyn has the Aldmeri Dominion in his pocket, and Eddard has the Volkihar clan, which is slowly growing.
There might be an all out fight between the three of them in the future but who knows? Corryn might get too ambitious and unleash his dragons, Caerwyn might decide to take Whiterun back, Eddard might let the power of being a master vampire go to his head and attack Solitude???
Skyrim has much bigger things to worry about, looming on the horizon. Stormcloaks vs the Empire was nothing compared to the absolute shitstorm that’s currently brewing. A fourth elder scroll tells a prophecy of dragonfire and streets running red with blood, of burning cities cloaked in black and gold, and a Dragonborn tainted by ancient undead blood.
(I can easily imagine Corryn getting bitten by Eddard, recruiting the Volkihar vampires and then pulling a Targaryen Mad King and betraying Caerwyn. Caryalind is wondering who exactly he’s gotten himself involved with, but would also be advocating for Corryn to attack the Thalmor with his dragons.)
(Volkihar Vampires)
(Corryn Mad King Era???)
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