#he’s a fan of Clavicus Vile
whitegoldtower · 8 months
I have a new character to pair up with Cicero! All these altmer romances I’ve done, I’ve neglected my favourite imperial!!
Time to give him a bit of lovin’.
So. The new guy. What can be said about him?
His name is Morveth ‘Matty’ Groves; a folk-hero to the poor and needful, and a thorn in the side of the wealthy and powerful. An odd sort of vampire, he plays into the ‘Robin Hood’ trope, robbing the rich blind and sucking them dry, before redistributing his loot amongst those who need it more. Certain Argonians in Riften frequently find their pockets lined. The Khajiit caravans find themselves better off because of the arcane trickster. The Dunmer in Windhelm leave their windows open so that Ol’ Matty Groves might pay them a visit.
The rich, however, lock their windows, hide their wives and coin-purses, and hope for the best.
Appearance-wise, Matty Groves is a rather tall and muscular Dunmer, with lavender-grey skin, dusky and pale mauve eyes (with one dilated pupil that causes one eye to appear black), and a head of dust-white, intensely wavy hair. He’s more on the handsome side, and is known to be distracted by beauty. His appearance is generally pleasing, if a little off-putting; his pupils (one being massively dilated and the other being pin-prick small) giving him a rather feral look, and his twelve-fanged grin being considerably scarier (six fangs on the top row, and six on the bottom, teeth stained slightly from years of drinking blood and smoking canis root, which provides a disturbing contrast to his tongue and gums, which are a deep black-purple).
He’s a freaky rogue with what should be an illegal level of charisma, and the Thieves Guild rack up tens all across the board because this guy is GOOD at his trade - high sneak, high speech, high lockpicking and pickpocketing, double daggers, a bag full of poisons and an expert level of illusion magic.
It’s out of pure curiosity that he happens upon the tiny jester at the Loreius Farm, having heard Uthgerd mention him whilst conducting his business in Whiterun late one night. He does, of course, lend his aid, weirdly charmed by the little guy.
…And then he lends aid to Aventus Aretino (“Hey kids, wanna see a dead body?”), which lands him in the Dark Brotherhood.
Matty Groves has it out for Astrid from the beginning, seeing her as the ultimate target - a stupidly wealthy woman with ‘bad vibes’. He smells treachery, deceit and greed. The corners of his mouth begin to twitch.
Naturally, he’s going to side with sweet Cicero.
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wrenanigans · 10 days
YES! New skyrim fan! I finally started playing the game 12 years after its release and I am HOOKED! I’m gonna use this ask as an excuse to ramble so uh, long post beware xD
Okay so my first ever run has been the most chaotic shit. I just finished the main questline, but it was a JOURNEY to get there.
I’ve been playing with my gf @bucca2 who introduced me to the game. The first thing she did, as soon as we got out of the tutorial (and got mods working, including multiplayer), was take me to a little farm up north to meet somebody. “You liked Kefka, I think you’ll like this one,” she said. Cryptic and concerning! And I found this wagon and met Cicero.
To quote Aby, “Yeah, honestly, it was like taking a kid to Disneyland for the first time. There was this quiet wonder in his voice like he was discovering magic was real...honestly, I wish I had been recording. It was very adorable. He was hooked from Cicero's first voice line.”
Dude, when I say “blorbo at first sight” I mean I was down bad in an instant. I was writing fanfic based on that interaction alone (with some helpful hints from Aby). I had dreams about the bastard on night one. I got obsessed.
That feral enthusiasm did not wane as the game went on, because I went straight for the Dark Brotherhood questline. I was the Listener before I had even spoken with the Greybeards. I even updated a mod from an old Skyrim edition myself so I could marry Cicero. I was all about that wretched little fool and it was making a fool of me.
With Cicero as my first companion, I went onto the Thieves’ Guild quests next. Did you know that you can fail the tutorial pickpocketing quest? Because that’s what I did! They recruited me anyway. I got up to the Sepulcher quest, but never finished it, so I just have the skeleton key xD
When we assassinated the vampire in the DB questline, I got infected, and decided “eh, why not!” So I became a vampire. This made the inheritance of Bloodchill Manor extra fun — I simply sat back and watched the bloodbath! I only had to lift a finger when the Dawnguard came knocking xD
I went to the Bards’ College next. We’d “acquired” an expansion mod for it (do not get me started on other modders who charge for their shit. i have strong 🏴‍☠️ opinions) so that was a fun extra questline.
Up next was some Daedric prince shenaniganry. I got the Ebony Blade and did some light murderizing to buff it, then met Sanguine for some debauchery. My stealth archer build got even more broken when I stopped by to pick up Barbas from Clavicus Vile. Immortal dog to tank for me? Yes please!
Then I did the Dawnguard questline! I accidentally-on-purpose cheesed the pilgrimage to go fill the ewer. I got so lost in the Vale that I found the palace treasure room when I was only on shrine two. Seeing Serana shove the snow elf bastard off the cliff was fun, though I did miss the loot…
After that, I decided it was time for some warmongering, and signed up for the Imperial Legion. Which was a little awkward, considering I’d assassinated the Emperor already, but what they don’t know can’t hurt me! I had great fun in the battles where I simply perched up high and picked Stormcloaks off, like some sort of nefarious gargoyle. Also, General Tullius? would. He also saved my ass when I got lost in the Whiterun battle and found by 7 or so Stormcloaks, and he tanked while I shot them down. Sometimes the game’s mechanics make for great story :P
Finally, it was time for the mainline quest. I tolerated Delphine until she was no longer useful, at which point I turned to Parthurnax for guidance. Being told to go on a grand quest to find the Elder Scroll I already had was pretty entertaining, especially considering I’d done the same thing with the dragonstone from the first dungeon (which I’d gone to early to retrieve the golden claw). It was also funny as hell when I tried to talk my way into heaven and the only faction dialogue choices I had where the two that the dude didn’t like xD
After that, I went, “well now what? …probably lunch.” So I went and munched on somebody, as a vampiric treat. That’s where I last left my playthrough! I’ve had an absolute blast with the game, even if I am playing it ass-backwards. I may go do the Dragonborn DLC content next. If you have any recommendations for more shit to get up to, I’d love to hear it! Especially if it involves murder xD
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hellshire-harlot · 27 days
I’m on a Skyrim hyperfixation kick and per usual it’s mainly about the Dragon Cult so: Headshots of all known Dragon Priests (plus three fan made!) and headcanons about them! Presented from oldest to youngest:
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Nahkriin. His name means ‘Vengeance’, a fitting name for the Priest of Alduin. He lives in solitude within Skuldafn, tending to his duties unerringly. He is stern but not overly cruel, and his few friends (mainly Ahzidal) know that the stony exterior hides a surprising inclination for harmless mischief. He is Apothisexual and Quoiromantic, and uses He/Him.
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Otar. They are the only named Priest whose name does not translate, and that is because Otar is actually their birth name and not the name given to them by the Dragons. Once known as Hahdrem, meaning Mind, they were Nahkriin’s little sibling and a fair, successful ruler. But their desire not to be lost in their brother’s shadow led to them entering into a pact with Clavicus Vile, a pact that drove them mad and plunged their city into ruin. They ages more visibly than any other Priest because they refused to wear their Mask after losing their mind. They are a sex-indifferent Asexual and Panromantic, and use They/He.
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Hevnoraak. His name means Brutal, and he more than lives up to that title. He was a vicious and cruel overlord who ruled with terror, brutalizing dissidents and any who stood against him. Like most Priests, he had a harem of concubines, but his particular harem was infamous for being comprised mainly of prisoners whom he found particularly enticing. His bloodthirstiness led to him attempting to become an undead Lich far ahead of the plan to entomb the Priests and reawaken them upon Alduin’s return, and so his city was evacuated and a nord hero was sent to stop him, sealing Valthume and keeping Hevnoraak trapped. He is Bisexual and uses He/Him.
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Suleyk. One of my three Priest OCs, his name means Power, a name he earned frighteningly fast. His prowess in battle, defeating every enemy thrown his way and leading the charge in several key battles in the name of the Dragons, made his catch the attention of the other Priests. He was bestowed with the Mask of Heart Stone, and bound to serve the Dragon Krifmulzii. He is a mix of Nahkriin and Hevnoraak- stern and strong, but neither stoic nor sadistic. He is Cupiosexual and Straight, and uses He/Him.
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Morokei. His name translates to Glorious, and it’s no wonder why. He is the most magically gifted of the Priests, rivaled only by Ahzidal. It was he who recovered the Staff of Magnus from Saarthal and used it to drive back the Snow Elves. He and his beloved little sister, Tulnir, rule over Bromjunaar with wisdom and grace. He prefers to spend him time reading, studying, or practicing the arcane arts, rather than warmongering with his peers. He is Graysexual and Polyromantic, and uses He/Him.
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Zaan the Scalecaller. Her name means Shout, given to her for her rallying cry and her charisma. A stern, devoted woman, she swore her life and the lives of her people to serving her Dragon Patron, Thurvokun. She was strong, her faith in the cause completely unrelenting, until Thurvokun vanished without a trace. In his absence, her devotion became anguish became rage, and to spite the Dragons, she turned to Peryite, forsaking the Dragon Cult entirely. She is Polarsexual and Lesbian, and uses She/Her. (Fun fact: Zaan is the only canon female Dragon Priest!)
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Zahkriisos. Their name means Bloody Sword, a name they chose to honor their heritage from the Bloodskal Clan. They were born in the peninsula of Solstheim, and spent their life studying shock magic. Unlike their peers, they kept largely to themself, quiet and introverted. Under Miraak’s tutelage, they rose to great power, and even followed him down the path of rebellion against the Dragons. However, unlike Miraak, they were swayed by Vahlok and remained in power after his defeat. This was mainly due to their relationship with Rahgot, their partner whom they couldn’t bear to betray. They are sex and romance-indifferent aroace, and use They/Them.
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Vosis. His name was difficult to translate, but I believe it means Blood Undone. He and Krosis are siblings, but of the two, Vosis is far and away the troublemaker of the pair. Famous for his mischief, he nonetheless served the Dragons faithfully, and generally ruled fairly. Though when put together, he and his little sister were well known for the chaos they wrought. He is Pansexual and uses He/They.
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Britfaaz. Another of my OCs, her name translates to Beautiful Pain, an indication of her famous dichotomy. Well-known for her radiant beauty and mercy, something uncharacteristic for a Priest, she was one of the most beloved of the Priests, and wore a Mask of Stalhrim. While merciful and kind she may have been, tales are also told of the horrors she inflicted upon those who wronged her or her people. Unlike some other Priests, she genuinely cared for each of her citizens. She is Demisexual and Panromantic, and uses She/Her.
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Rahgot. Their name means Anger, a fitting name for one of the most volatile Priests. While known for snapping at others and being quick to rage, they were also able to hold their tongue and govern wisely, often coming up with creative solutions other Priests hadn’t even considered. Their better half, Zahkriisos, often facilitated this, but that’s not to say that either of them were on their best behavior when together. They were also known for sparring frequently with other Priests to train, most commonly Vokun, whom they shared a complicated frenemy relationship with. They are Bisexual and Demiromantic, and use They/Them.
I’ve reached the image limit, so part 2 to this post will come soon!
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elscrolian-academy · 4 months
Elscrolian Academy- ESO fan school
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The Academy of Draconic Bloodline- despite this title, races and beings of all backgrounds and magical skills- even the magicless, are accepted.
The school has a 100% acceptance rate, however students have to undergo a pilgrimage to be accepted and climb the mountain to the school unassisted (by non applicants).
Escrolian Academy embraces the potential in all their students and teaches them to function in the world with and without the reliance on magic- it is a school that focuses less on power level but rather personal growth and goals. Rather than focusing on outreaching internships like other colleges, they focus on growing within and offer jobs and positions based on legacy companies from former students who graduated in the past.
The Conflict of the School
At Escrolian Academy, there is no playful competition, each dorm has an us against them mentality towards each other and often try to sabotage one another in order for their dorms to succeed. However, this doesn't stop other dorm leaders or members from planting or recruiting spies in other dorms under the pretense of that person being allowed to transfer to the dorm eventually and get special privileges from the heads of the dorms(however this rarely goes as planned as the one things the dorms hate more than a snitch is a traitor). The Dorms all collectively hide the conflicts from the Headmaster as they know that should he find out, that each dorm will be punished and the dorm leaders and vice dorm leaders will be replaced, while this may seem like incentive for some to expose the truth to the headmaster, they also know that this will lead to them being hated by their entire dorms for being a traitor and snitch and get their self governing system taken away as the Headmaster has made it clear, “self governance is not a right, it is a privilege” in the school.
The Dorms
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Crocomis- the Dorm of Individualism, inspired by the Green Dragon (Peyrite)
Dearil (Head), Euna (Vice)
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Glutani- the Dorm of Indulgence, inspired by the Golden Merchant (Clavicus Vile)
Sam (Head), Gayle (Vice)
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Gyrafis- the Dorm of Creativity, inspired by the Shimmering King (Sheogorath)
Mortimer (Head), Blythe (Vice)
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Salavol- the Dorm of Ambition, inspired by the Red Devil (Mehrunes Dagon)
Marnie (Head), Widow (Vice)
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Vyperir- the Dorm of Order, inspired by the Silver Knight (Jyggalag)
Cosmos (Head), Eclipse (Vice)
The MC
On account of all the TES games having pushovers for MC’s that typically enable the Princes, the best MC for this would most likely be the Vestige, which means the only requirement for a Vestige-sona student would be the character would have had to die and then come back. The Vestige doesn't get placed in one dorm but rotates between the dorms every week, they get a personal room in each dorm that is left clean and untouched for them in the dorms, however if the Vestige grows attached to one dorm in particular, they can petition with that dorm leaders approval to stay permanently in that Dorm. Vestiges are popular in the dorms as they are fairly rare and are known to boost the Dorm's reputation and GPA if the dorm is chosen as when Vestiges in the past had chosen a specific dorm, that Dorm managed to surpass others in performance and popularity.
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ehlnofay · 3 years
An ever-growing and incomprehensive list of my echolalic elder scrolls stims, made by me, an autistic fan, because I thought it would be fun to list them out:
Clavicus Vile (Skyrim) saying, “So... what’s your heart’s desire?” (I just repeat this, over and over, mimicking his voice. It irritates people so I mostly only do it when I’m by myself. That goes for a lot of these, really.)
About half of one of Teldryn Sero’s dialoge lines (specifically the bit where he says “Well, my boss wasn't about to let him get away, so we pursued... on foot, for three days.” Don’t know why, but it is delightful to say over and over.)
Dagothwave, the song. (That’s the newest one.)
A few of Cicero’s generic lines. (His odd inflection is fun to mimic.)
The Black Sacrament. (I especially avoid this one around people because I feel it could make them very uncomfortable.)
I can’t think of any others, at present, except for just humming the music, which I do so absentmindedly I usually don’t notice, so I can’t say how frequent it is.
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uesp · 5 years
The Most and Least Popular Daedric Princes (as chosen by you)
We asked, you answered. We didn’t specifically ask you, mind, but you were given the option at least...
Anyway, here is the Top 17 Daedric Princes, as chosen by you!
17. Vaermina
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Vaermina may be the Daedric Prince of Dreams, but she is dreaming if she thinks she is ranking any higher than seventeen on this list. In fairness, she was the default last option, which might have hurt her score.
16. Namira
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Namira could not be more pleased with this result. Being the Prince of Revulsion, Pity, and Disregard, second to last place is perfect for her.
15. Molag Bal
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Wait, only fifteenth? The second peculiar ranking, Molag Bal. Molag Bal definitely had his eye on the prize of last place, but he only managed to fall as low as fifteenth. I’d wish you better luck next time, but with such titles as God of Schemes, the King of Rape, the Corrupter, the Tormentor of Men, the Lord of Lies, the Lord of Domination, the Harvester of Souls, the Lord of Brutality, Molag the Slave-Lord, the Sower of Strife, the Prince of Pain, the Captain of Corruption, the Father of Torment, the King of Corruption, the Elder Spirit of Domination and Supreme Law, and the Prince of Rage, could you really try harder than you already have? Please don’t answer that.
14. Peryite
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As the Daedric Prince with the worst reputation, Peryite languishes on the lower levels of this list. But that would be ideal for him, as the guard of the lowest levels of Oblivion.
13. Mehrunes Dagon
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Dagon, one of the most common antagonists in our adventures, has done little to endear himself to us. However, it appears that familiarity breeds contempt, and Dagon couldn’t secure himself a lower position or rank higher than thirteenth. As the Prince himself put it: “I have been a fool. Mistakes have been made.”
12. Jyggalag
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Jyggalag gets credit for ranking as high as he did with what is possibly the least screen time of any of his competition. Best described as bleak, colorless, and stern, he would be unlikely to care about his ranking on this either way.
11. Mephala
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Appropriately for the Prince of Secrets, it’s a bit of a mystery to us why she ranked so low. The demon prince of murder, sex, and secrets maintains strong ties to two of the fan favorite factions, the Dark Brotherhood and Morag Tong. She is also strongly associated with other fan favorite characters like Hermaeus Mora, and Vivec. Perhaps her sphere is a bit too obscured to mortals for wider popularity, or maybe it’s her thing for spiders. Either way, you put her in eleventh place.
10. Malacath
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The Daedric Prince of Outcasts found his way to rank ten. Malacath’s paradoxical popularity probably perplexes some people, but it honestly makes a good deal of sense. His focus on the ostracized of society could give him a rebellious allure to some, saving him from the bottom of the list.
09. Meridia
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Stuck in the middle rankings is Meridia, also known as our Lady of Infinite Energies, the Glister Witch, or the Shining Bitch (by her enemies). Her popular reputation as being one of the few not wholly evil Daedra most likely helped her rank as high as she did, but a few peculiarities in her activities most likely prevented her from being one of the top ranking Princes.
08. Boethiah
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Boethiah was given eighth place on your list, and frankly that’s amazing. Boethiah has unfortunately been mostly curtailed to minor roles in stories, so by managing to rank eighth without ever having a real starring role is simply spectacular.
07. Clavicus Vile
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Let’s face it, most of these votes were really for Barbas.
06. Sanguine
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Sanguine stands above the rest of the competition with the unique fact that he is the highest ranking Prince on this list to never have received a major story line. Sanguine has always just wanted you to have a good time, and you all clearly had a great one with him.
05. Nocturnal
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The Night Mistress took one of the top ranks on the list. While she hasn’t always been on our side, she has still managed to leave enough of an impact to reach number five. Helping her reach the top tier was her Gray Cowl and Skeleton Key, and her association with the Thieves Guild.
04. Hircine
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The Prince of the Hunt snagged fourth place on your rankings, and with good reason. His association with werewolves, multiple questlines, and numerous artifacts certainly helped him rank so high.
03. Hermaeus Mora
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Hermaeus Mora knew he would rank third. With one of the more interesting designs of the Princes, and holding the distinction of being a major character of the last released quest line in the main series, Herma took rank three.
02. Azura
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No result could possibly displease Azura more than only getting second place in this poll. This is probably the most furious she has been since she cursed the Dunmer.
01. Sheogorath
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No surprises here. Sheogorath easily takes home the title of Most Popular Prince on the back of the never-ending parade of popularity he has enjoyed since the release of the Shivering Isles expansion.
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boethiah · 3 years
Mostly just asking cos I don't hear a lot of fan stuff or headcanons about him but do you have any lore opinions on clavicus vile
yes i DO
he’s lorkhan’s eldest child and one of the three daedra considered to be lorkhan’s direct descendants.
related-- his sphere is “desire”, and he represents one of the closest incarnations to lorkhan’s sphere.
he’s very close to boethiah, and this is embodied in the existence of the gorge
he was responsible for whatever the fuck was happening in hackdirt
he was actually the first to invent the concept of “the arena”, and he invented it as a way to profit (via gambling) from other et’ada’s desire to fight
by virtue of being descended from lorkhan, he’s deeply insecure in his own existence. dividing himself in two to create barbas was an attempt to compensate for this insecurity, as he was operating on the belief that, if someone else saw him, he couldn’t cease to exist
he and vivec are directly involved, to the chagrin of both
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yffresbeard · 4 years
Can we get your opinion regarding all of the various daedric princes?
I went less “Yes I like them, no I don’t” and more “here’s aspects I like or aspects I don’t like, here’s what I’d like to see more of”.
Also, me liking their complexity and concepts and finding them interesting is different than me liking them personally, y’know?
I’d really like to know more about her ties to the Dunmer and the Khajiit and which she favors, given that the Dunmer at large spent uh, centuries enslaving her other “children” and she didn’t do much about it.
I’m always sorta annoyed that Azura is the focus of any Daedra-Dunmer discussion, because I personally think Boethiah is way cooler and would very much like to see the connection to the other 2 good daedra expanded on and explored more beyond “here’s why they worship them, but we’re not really gonna show you examples beyond Azura and Mephala via the Tong.” Also would really like to know what she did to Trinimac if she didn’t literally consume him.
Clavicus Vile
Bastard man. I’d love to see more about his actual metaphysical relationship with Barbas, love to see him get outsmarted by a mortal or two. Part of me feels like he’s underutilized but I think he’s actually at a perfect amount, it just feels like a lot less because other princes are overutilized in comparison.
Herma Mora
I always thought it was really interesting that Mephala is his “sister” over Azura, since Azura’s sphere includes prophecy and Mora is the prince of Fate - those two always seemed more connected to me than Mephala’s sphere of secrets and Mora’s of forbidden knowledge, but I also see the connection. Bastard for abducting Miraak. I wanna know what knowledge he sought from the Skaal.
I fucking love Hircine, man. The fact that he honors hunter AND prey makes him one of the most fair and even-handed princes. He doesn’t really do trickery or deceit, what you see is what you get. Impeccable design, he got a great major appearance in Bloodmoon and we know a lot about why different people revere him to different degrees.
I would be fascinated to know more about Jyggalag beyond what we were given in Shivering Isles. There seems to be so little lore beyond why the other princes wanted to destroy him. Like, why do mortals seem to know so little about him? Did he ever have widespread worship among them?
Malacath is easily one of the chillest Princes, he’s just a cool dad. I think it’d be really cool to see more of him - he’s utilized just enough in ESO to not feel like it’s too much or not enough, and he’s talked about enough outside of those quests that it feels very natural. I’d really like to hear Malacath talk about Trinimac, though.
Mehrunes Dagon
I actually really like Dagon conceptually! Like all the Princes (the ones that aren’t Molag Bal, anyway) the things he stands for aren’t necessarily evil. Change, natural disasters, revolution, ambition... none of those things on their own are bad things. I would really, really love to know Dagon’s motivation for the Oblivion Crisis. Sure, Mankar tells us that Nirn was Dagon’s realm and they’re taking it back, but Mankar was also an idiot who said the wrong realms for a bunch of princes. I wish he was still super polite a la Battlespire.
Same deal w/ Boethiah here, although Mephala does get a bit more discussion via the Morag Tong. I’m not a fan of how her sphere is soooo secretive that even we’re not allowed to know it as fans and not characters. I’d be interested to know how she felt about the Tong abandoning her worship in favor of Vivec to continue their existence. Also wanna know how she feels about them not doing Secret Murder anymore and instead doing like, government-sanctioned executions.
Meridia has the potential to be a lot cooler than she is, and I’m actually really hoping that they continue to expand on her like they are in ESO! Like, I think them taking away her title as the Prince of Greed and instead portraying her as more benevolent was actually a detriment because it just didn’t fit with the Daedra. It’d be cool if they played more into her former status as a Magne-ge and her fall from grace, too.
Molag Bal
The writers should not have given him some of the titles he has. The point gets across by just calling him the Prince of Subjugation and Domination. You don’t need the other one. I actually like that there’s a villain that’s not really nuanced or complex and you can just hate because you’re supposed to.
Not nearly used as much as she could be given her deeper lore. The Khajiit call her “The Dark behind the World” and believe Namira was the Darkness inside Lorkhan’s heart. Unfortunately, all we ever get is cannibalism as a taboo and nothing about her as Darkness or as the Spirit Daedra.
I talk about Peryite too much already, you all know how I feel about Peryite. I don’t need to talk more about him.
Sanguine’s a bro. He’s vibing. I think there’s a good mix of showing his fun hedonistic indulgent side, and the darker side of indulgence as well, there’s just not enough of him and I think he could do with an expansion of his sphere to include something else to make him a little more robust as a Prince.
Listen, I love Sheo. Greymarch is literally my url. I think the lore is fascinating. But in terms of overuse, Sheo takes the cake. He’s a fan favorite, and for good reason, but he’s both saturated in the series and now means a little less. He’s wacky cheese wheel fish stick man more than anything now. ESO brings back a little of the darker Sheo present in Shivering Isles, which I appreciate.
Man, Vaermina could be so much cooler if they did literally anything with her. Like she has so much potential, and it’s wasted. Like I can’t even speak to what could be expanded on because they’ve done so little with her.
Send me a TES topic and I’ll talk about it. Or maybe meme.
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skymagpie · 3 years
Rank your favorite daedric princes from best to worst? At the top of my personal list is Peryite mostly because of those 2 cultists in Summerset who panic when you accept their offer to join their Peryite cult.
Actually those are the only valid cultists in the game, I hope we get to see them again in Blackwood because that legit made me cry laugh when I saw them appear in Summerset and then in Elsweyr too 😭
Okay but I think I more or less separate the Daedric Princes in two categories: Bad and Molag Bal. Everyone goes into Bad because they all suck, Molag Bal sucks so severely he gets his own category. If I had to rank them based on who I like for various reasons, from most liked to least, it would be something like this (also WARNING for various spoilers below):
1. Meridia - I think Meridia is actually pretty bad. Like she is against free will, she was fine with the Ayleid owning slaves and her purification is basically enslaving people by wiping their free will, dreams and desires and leaving them only serving her as they say "body and mind". She is 10/10 Bad. She is also a weird fav of mine because I would love to see her fail? I would love her to be the big bad villain in ESO because I love light-themed villains. Like with her entire fall from grace lore you can even argue she would be a tragic villain. I exist in this space of simultaneously loving and hating Meridia. I have OCs who are followers of hers and who hate her too. Like I really love villains who think they are good and serve the greater good and are saving humanity from itself but are actually very evil in doing so. Great concept. Want more Meridia content in general.
2. Azura - everyone that thinks the Tribunal sucks is my friend. I have nothing against the Tribunal, I love them in the same way I love Meridia. Also the moon and star theme is 10/10. I mean she looks like prime 2015 tumblr aesthetic with the flower crown and all. I don't know what she even does? She sounds like your shady aunt that definitely killed someone but would come pick you up from a club at 4 am. She should've ranked higher.
3. Nocturnal - NOCTURNAL USED TO RANK 1st! SHE USED TO BE MY FAV! SHE WAS MY FAV IN SKYRIM! She is down here because she killed one of my favourite characters in ESO and I can't forgive that. I love her Blackfeather Court, I love her Shrikes just being these naked topless feral women, I love her goth woods. She is a whole Nightwish song. And Nightwish is my fav band. Everything about her is made for me to stan her. But I just can't forgive her stupid Summerset arc. I hate it. She was good in CWC though.
4. Jyggalag - Now listen. I just really like light/order/"good" themed bad guys. Bad guys justifying being shitheads with doing "good" or bringing "order" or just looking like knights and paladins in shiny armor? Yes!
5. Sheogorath - I am basic okay, of course I like Sheo. And I really like what he has going on with Jyggalag. Like their whole 15th century knight and nobility act they have going on. Really great aesthetic. Love the Alice in Wonderland feel. Love the sexy lady warriors. It's that kind of wacky movie concept I can appreciate. Not a big fan of your character becoming Sheogorath, I feel like it's a huge burden to bear as good as that DLC is, kinda hate the outcome. I hate him in ESO and steal his stupid hammer in PvP.
6. Mephala - She sucks. But she is a huge sexy spider lady. I still think she sucks but I have an OC that has this love-hate relationship with her so I have to rank her up high like this.
7. Peryite - So far he has done nothing serious except having Zaan the Scalecaller serve him in ESO and I don't know about the other games but he is like a skinny dragon. And his followers are funny. Like some king of plague Timon and Pumba. So he gets a pass.
8. Clavicus Vile - Like a annoying little dude with his dog? It's funny, I give him that. I have a Clavicus Vile demi-prince in ESO actually, used to be a joke character but I am now serious. I think he is mostly harmless too, except for the whole Morrowind - Summerset thing but they kinda had it coming there.
9. Mehrunes Dagon - He sucks. He will cause me a lot of grief in this new ESO chapter. Generally evil demon guy. But-- them back muscles tho. 👀
10. Sanguine - His like Skyrim quest is funny and I like it. I don't know what he does actually? One of my friends used to have him in their url on here. I've been told he is as bad as Molag Bal, but I can't say I remember what specifically. So might reevaluate this.
11. Hermaeus Mora - Had to copy his name from the UESP. Anyway he is cool I guess, I love those knowledge type of bad guys. Though when it comes to floating eyes and knowledge, I do prefer Vel'koz from LoL. But still 11 is high ranking in my book.
12. Namira - Because one of my friends loves her. I don't know much about her so she really is getting ranked low here because I just don't know the lore. She seems to like the outcasts and the ugly and I fit right in there so that's pretty cool, someone will care for me. If she is recruiting I think I am qualified for the job.
13. Vaermina - I honestly mix her up with Namira and Boethiah. I thought they are the same till like few months ago. Anyway I don't know her but I will play the ESO Stormhaven quests soon and I heard she is the Daedric Prince of Nightmares so it might be fun!
14. Boethiah - I hate Dragonstar Arena. That's it. Sorry you are ranked this low because I hate farming that motherfuck-
15. Hircine - Yes I know. I am one of the rare people ranking him this low. People usually like Hircine. He seems to be pretty cool. Actually he isn't all that bad? He is one of the better daedra. You deal with him and you know what you are in for. I love werewolves. I just got really pissed off that he turned Vykosa in ESO into a werewolf against her will. I know Daedric Princes are like this, but I really like Vykosa and I have an OC who was turned by her experiments so in honor of my character, I rank him this low. He looks cool. Like Herne the Hunter. I like that.
16. Malacath - I will be honest I actually don't know anything about him. Orc lore isn't my forte. The orcs are mad about him so I guess he is their local town boy playing in the big leagues? I don't know, I am sorry I didn't rank you higher.
17. Molag Bal...I guess - I hate Bal. His voice in ESO is really good though, kudos to the voice actor. But I hate him. Who doesn't? Even if ESO tried to sugarcoat his shit he is still like an entirely different brand of evil from all the others. I would vibe with any Daedric Prince but him. I have a Xivkyn OC and he hates him too. -1/10 I hope he stays dad after I anime slashed him in ESO xoxo
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profanetools · 5 years
List of Daedric Princes Ranked by Hotness
ranked by me, sasha
17. Molag Bal. Duh.
16. Jyggalag. Looks like he probably learnt about sex from a technical manual. Ghastly.
15. Hermeaus Mora. A massive writhing mass of tentacles is not my idea of sexy and it's not really what he was going for either.
14. Mehrunes Dagon. Yeah uh. Favourite Mehrunes Dagon moment was when Almalexia kicked his butt.
13. Sheogorath. Highlights include being kinned mantled by my hot lesbian OC. Lowlights include everything else.
12. Clavicus Vile. I know you guys are into the whole skinny ancient greek vibes he's got in his Skyrim rendition but Barbas is easily the better of the pair and Barbas is a dog.
11. Peryite. Everything's a chore with the prince of tasks. He's frankly, totally fine with that, and posesses a remarkable self-awareness and lack of ego for a daedric prince that leaves him higher up the list than expected for a prince of disease.
10. Hircine. Hircine is a solid beefcake who should be higher up this list were it not for the fact that I am 100% more into women then I will ever be men. Extremely solid choice, up for a challenge or an adventure, and no judgement if he's your top pick, in all honestly.
9. Nocturnal. Mother of crows and force of eternal darkness sounds amazing but really she's just the patron to a local gang of Riften Thugs. Still sexy though.
8. Malacath. Malacath radiates hot dad vibes whether he likes it or not. Attentive and protective father, total DILF.
7. Vaermina. Extraordinarily sexy serpentine evil grandma who will haunt your dreams and make your life hell. The only reason she didn't rank better is that she's a little too evil.
6. Meridia. Glorious, respendent, a lesbian icon, the shining dawn to Nocturnal's night. Not only is she a stunner, but also, I also personally think it's really sexy how much she annoys D*rrien Gautier fans.
5. Sanguine. An attentive lover willing to explore new terrain with you and always knows which wine goes best with your meal. A winning combination.
4. Mephala. Did you guys see her in ESO? Did you see her? I would let her send assassins after me to kill me in my sleep and thank her for it.
3. Boethiah. Women in armour are hot. Women in armour who like a casual bit of backstabbing and inciting revolt and revolutionary fervour are even hotter.
2. Azura. Azura being second place is so funny that I will keep her here regardless of my opinion on her.
1. Namira. Honestly I just think Namira is extremely sexy. She wanted to be at the bottom of this list (i.e. #17), because she is the prince of decay and repulsion, which is also pretty sexy of her. I am ignoring her at my peril.
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askmalal · 3 years
A bit about this Blog…
This is part social commentary, part Roleplaying, part fiction, with other aspects of this and other hobbies thrown in.
These are the collected thoughts and experiences of Malal, fifth God of Chaos, God of Antipathy, Anarchy, Revolution, Violent Social Change, Icon of Primordial Chaos. Malal, Faceless God, who is called Malice, Nyarlathotep, The Wolf-Headed God. he Faceless Sphinx, The Black Pharaoh, The Crawling Chaos, Ammit, Ahriman (the god of darkness, not that silly Astartus), Kronos, the Bull of Chaos, Hypnos, Kali, God of 1,000 Faces. The Formless Lurker. He who destroys, Breaker of Kings, Keeper of Apep, Clavicus Vile, The Demiurge, etc, etc.
Brother to Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Neocho, Nuffle, Tzeentch and Fuuko. Cousin to Hashut. Friend of Gary (The Great Horned Rat). Devourer of the Eleventh Primarch. Patron and later disowner of Horus. Enemy to the Anathaema, Nagaash, and well… pretty much everyone except perhaps a few close friends and those who earn my protection.
Sometimes the writing here is silly. Sometimes Konrad Curze and Setra (not ‘Serra’ autocorrect!) the Imperishable share a TAB. Sometimes things get serious. Life is never fully comedy or drama. We must make allowances for both, little mortal. Oftentimes my siblings are involved in some way. Sometimes as enemies, sometimes as visitors. Sometimes as comedic relief.
I answer queries, and sometimes prayers. I protect my faithful but expect them to obey my commands. I work to bring about the Great Awakening, when the universe has finally ended and a new may be reborn from the ashes. I am always open to kind people in search of Roleplaying or answers to questions both serious absurd, to issues of “canon,” and more philosophical things.
Oh. I’m also fond of antiquities, fan art - there simply isn’t much of yours truly out there (though I like any cool fan art), and your lovely writing.
Oh, oh, and monochromatic animals. Also Boston Terriers, Frenchies, pretty much any animal with a limited color palette. Having rod monochromatism does that…
I’m also a War Gamer, Archaeologist, Actor, Historian, Game Designer (tabletop) and Writer.
Basic Code of Conduct: This is an inclusive, safe space. While I make many mistakes - even gods (small ‘g’) get it wrong now and then - I do not welcome anti-LGBTQ+, racist, anti-Semitic, or pro-abuse followers. I have no tolerance for pedophilia or bestiality, nor do I tolerate rape humor. My blog, my rules.
Though I take many forms, this mortal host is a Cis-Gendered Straight Male. Pronouns: He/Him. You may also call me by any of my many names. Maybe even add some.
I am not offended by NSFW material but I don’t write it (it always feels awkward for me, and even though the wife is very tolerant of fiction, it just feels weird for me to create now I’m married. Nothing personal!) Risqué elements are fine, as is adult humor. I think you’ve seen the way Slaanesh goes on…
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irandrura · 4 years
This is Valsirenn. She is a Psijic monk. The Psijics are… well, for lack of a better way of putting it, basically wizard Jedi. They are a secluded order of mages who seek enlightenment through contemplation and study, on a magic isle separate from the rest of the world. However, the Psijic philosophy also praises altruism, so the Psijics sometimes leave their isle to become counsellors and advisors to leaders elsewhere in the world, or to act to prevent disasters that might threaten the world. Valsirenn is sent to leave the island early in the Summerset chapter of The Elder Scrolls Online, where she meets the player character as he or she investigates a conspiracy. She becomes one of your allies in your quest to save the island from an evil cult of demon-worshippers allied with a race of oceanic frog-people who want to sink the isle beneath the waves. She is experienced, clever, self-controlled, and a reliable ally.
This is Leythen. He is a cult leader dedicated to Mephala, the demon goddess associated with spiders, intrigue, betrayal, and murder. As such he is one of the triumvirate who leads the aforementioned evil cult, along with other leaders dedicated to Clavicus Vile (demon god of bargaining and tricks) and Nocturnal (demon goddess of night, darkness, and shadows). He is bitter, sarcastic, and proud, and seems willing to risk destroying everything in the service of his deity.
 He is also Valsirenn’s husband.
 Wait, what?
There are a lot of characters in the chapter, but personally I find Valsirenn and Leythen’s dynamic to be very interesting and probably the emotional heart of the story. They were once both Psijics – it’s quite rare for a married couple to both be part of the order, but in their case they were. They had a daughter together, but she died of a rare illness despite the best efforts of the order to save her. Valsirenn was too busy trying to research a cure to be with her daughter when she died, and afterwards both parents seem to have been too broken up to spend much time together. Leythen grew bitter and cynical, and felt that the Psijic Order’s ways weren’t good enough. He found solace in a cult, and helped to orchestrate the cult’s schemes in the belief that the three demon gods could remake the world into a kinder and more just place.
Well, to cut a long story short, Leythen is captured early on in the plot, and there’s this delightful extended segment where he’s kept as a prisoner on the secluded Psijic isle, and he and Valsirenn spend the entire time needling each other. What particularly works for me is that both of them are kind of arses to each other at times – and both of them actually recognise this, feel bad about it, and try to deal with their complicated feelings like adults. Leythen will say something cruel to make Valsirenn storm off, and then immediately regret it. After another (unrelated) cult member kills another Psijic, Valsirenn will come close to torturing Leythen in a fury. They go back and forth and I enjoy the emotional mess.
Then other stuff happens in the plot and I won’t go on any further, but I am saddened by the lack of fan content on this. I want to read more stories full of delightful elf mage snark. Sadly I have only found one artist doing cool relevant stuff, and I want more. :(
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tonal-modulator · 4 years
Love yourself challenge
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc. ) and link them below  to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Thank you for the tag, @spook-queen! :D
(I’m gonna do fics because those are sort of the only things I create.)
So in no particular order:
Coping with Daedric deals (G) (ESO)
(Summerset spoilers.) Talvini, the Tribunal-loyal Dunmer Vestige, has just made deals with Clavicus Vile and Mephala in an attempt to save reality. When Sotha Sil summons her, she assumes she will be facing the Tribunal’s justice. It goes more smoothly than she expects.
I think this was the second fic I ever wrote, and it was while I was still getting the feel for, like, having OCs and considering their individual perspectives in the game. And this scene in the Summerset questline stood out to me because I could not imagine Talvini making deals with Daedric Princes and then talking to her god like nothing happened. So I rewrote it with the amount of panic and stuff that I would have expected her to feel, and had them work through her fears together in a way that better suited a Dunmer vestige.
So many lives in one (T) (Morrowind)
Ildari has been named Hortator and Nerevarine, but she still doesn’t understand how she ended up here until the memories of all her lives since Nerevar come flooding back.
I kind of banged this out for a prompt challenge, but honestly, if I had taken my time with it, it would probably have come out very different, or I might not have finished it at all. And I like the way it ended up. Basically Ildari enters the Palace of Vivec as a confused young incarnate and suddenly gets slammed with all of her past lives’ memories and has to work through that confusion as well as being faced with her friend who has spent the last few millennia trying to kill her repeatedly. You know, the usual.
Dawn and Dusk (G) (Minmari (Demiprince OC)/Lior (Demiprince OC)) (ESO)
Minmari and Lior meet up on Nirn shortly after Lior arrives. They talk about their mortal forms and decide to go watch the sunrise.
This was kind of a wildcard choice, but rereading it made me smile so I decided to include it. I love my demiprinces. I should write about them more.
Barilzar’s mazed burden (G) (ESO, Morrowind)
Barilzar, once a Clockwork Apostle under direct mentorship from Sotha Sil, has created a device to allow him to leave the Clockwork City. Sotha Sil finds him in Nirn-Above and impresses upon him the weight of what he has created.
I just think Barilzar is really interesting and I love how they developed him at least a little bit in ESO, and I wanted to do a thing linking the Barilzar in ESO to the Barilzar in Morrowind. Idk this is probably my favorite thing I’ve written.
One-Who-Knows-Tones (T) (Morrowind, First Council era)
A young tonal architect impresses everyone with her scholarly aptitude, and then spends the rest of her life crashing and burning.
This fic is only about halfway done or so, but I’m really enjoying writing it. The Big Important Stuff hasn’t happened yet (that starts next chapter ;) ) but I’m hoping that by the end, I will manage to get across the emotion and stuff I’ve felt so far in planning it. Because idk I have high hopes for it.
Okay I’m going to tag @profanetools @the-greymarch @partyatsanguines @boethiah @nemenalya and also anyone who wants to do it bc this is neat!
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ansu-gurleht · 5 years
hey did you know wes johnson wasn’t the original voice actor for sheogorath? in the original game before shivering isles came out it was somebody else who voiced him, for his shrine quest
who was it? it was craig sechler, who voiced elves, like ocato, and the adoring fan. he also voiced clavicus vile. he used his clavicus vile voice for sheogorath
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nam-imperii · 5 years
7 (the windhelm one), 12, 13
Shdhdhdhd ok SO
Windhelm or Solitude
1) Geez, one has Ulfric and the other Elisif I wonder what will I choose. No really the only thing I like of Windhelm is Blood On The Ice. The city is cold, an architettonic mess, oppressed af and full of Stormcloaks. It has even 2 different beggars showing it as a very poor city. A kid is summoning satanic assassins and the guard can't be bothered to investigate. First time entering the city and a dunmer woman is threatened of r*pe. Solitude? Everyone seems fine. Only a beggar. Good temperature. Elisif is pretty and a good Jarl/future Queen. My dad General Tullius is there. There is so much space. So yeah, Solitude all the way. The only happy Windhelm moment is when I conquer it and imperial banners show up around the city (it's very satisfating)
Winterhold or Dawnstar
2) This is difficult. In vanilla Skyrim, both are very against the lore and also too small to be capitals. I use the Great Cities mods to fix this but even so, the only reason I have to visit Winterhold is the College and we are judging the cities. Both the Jarls are assholes who get replaced by good people, but I like Brina Merilis more. You get to piss off a daedric prince and that's very important. Also modded Dawnstar is still better than modded Winterhold, so while I'm not a fan of either I am going with Dawnstar here. Dressing up as a Stormcloak soldier and walking in was also hilarious.
Falkreath or Morthal
3) Oh Falkreath all the way. Both vanilla and modded are prettier than Morthal. There aren't dead ghost of kids and anti magic nords. Siddgeir sucks but he is also easy to control, so the hold doesn't suffer much the Jarl stupidity. Yes both have dead kids but at least the Falkreath one stays dead and the city is not at risk of a vampiric invasion. The local Stormcloak owns a shop but is still a pretty decent person, even if we don't agree on politics. Also the old ex Jarl asks Valania to spy on the Empire and is hilarious. You even get to piss off Clavicus Vile and that's always a good thing. So Morthal is taking the point for the better ruler, but Falkreath still wins the competition. Nobody yelled at Valania that magic sucks in Falkreath.
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uesp · 5 years
We asked, you answered. This is your list of favorite Daedric Artifacts, as chosen by the community.
17. Skull of Corruption
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Vaermina seems to be incapable of catching a break on these lists. Not only was she last place in the Favorite Daedric Prince poll, but her favorite artifact is your most hated one. The Skull of Corruption creates a copy of the person it’s used on, too bad for Vaermina that it doesn’t create votes.
16. Sword of Jyggalag
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The Sword of Jyggalag is rightfully near the bottom of this list. For all practical purposes, this Sword is a regular claymore, as it doesn’t even come with an enchantment. With that issue, you would think it would at least be the best possible generic two-handed sword you could acquire, but it isn’t in either of the games it was usable. Maybe Jyggalag hasn’t returned yet because he’s trying to create a better artifact to offer adventurers.
15. Volendrung
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Malacath’s nature as a pariah has spread to his artifact. Volendrung was originally created by the Dwarf Rourken clan, is the namesake of the province of Hammerfell, and was even stolen by Sheogorath for shenanigans, but it wasn’t enough to raise its ranking.
14. Ring of Namira
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The Ring of Namira began as a fairly simple ring that would reflect damage its wearer would receive. It would be redesigned to allow its wearer to receive benefits from engaging in cannibalism. Neither version seems to have sparked the admiration of the community, and the ring rests at the bottom of our listings.
13. Savior's Hide
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Savior’s Hide may be suffering just like Volendrung. While this is normally an artifact associated with Hircine, there has been at least one origin story claiming it was Malacath’s instead. Originally a full set of armor, only the cuirass has seen use in recent games. Overall decent, but not enough to earn much love sadly.
12. Mace of Molag Bal
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A mace created by an involuntary orcish artisan, the Vampire’s Mace was originally noted to drain an opponent to benefit the wielder. The Fourth Era would see its enchantment change to be more purely offensive, while picking up Soul Trapping. Much like the Ring of Namira, it seems that neither version earned much love, however.
11. Sanguine Rose
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The Sanguine Rose sadly only rests in the middle of this list. With its ability to summon an uncontrolled Daedra, it is a useful, albeit somewhat chaotic tool. It seems Sanguine will have to grow a better one if he wants a higher rank.
10. Spellbreaker
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Spellbreaker is the most famous artifact that Peryite provides, unless you consider illnesses to be artifacts. Dwarven in design, Spellbreaker has a long-fabled history stretching from its creation by King Rourken for a battle against Shalidor, to our own adventures. Spellbreaker’s magical defenses saved it from a lower ranking, but didn’t earn enough love to go any higher than 10.
9. Umbra
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The infamous artifact that Clavicus Vile desperately wants back has been causing problems in Tamriel since its introduction. Between its ability to possess people, steal souls, and steal the power of Daedric Princes, what’s not to like?
8. Goldbrand
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Helped by its upgraded form Eltonbrand, Goldbrand broke into the top half our list. Goldbrand’s path has taken it from the Nerevarine, to the Champion of Cyrodiil, to the Emperor’s personal armory, and into our heart.
7. Ebony Blade
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With a sword like this, who needs friends?
6. Mehrunes' Razor
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A somewhat surprising result, Mehrunes’ Razor was a favorite to win this. The Razor’s most famous ability is certainly its random chance to kill any enemy, providing at least some chance to anyone who wields it against anyone they may face. Perhaps the randomness of the artifact made it somewhat less appealing, but that doesn’t explain your fifth choice...
5. Wabbajack
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Wabbajack. Wabbajack. Wabbajack.
Wabbajack. Wabbajack. Wabbajack. Wabbajack. Wabbajack. Wabbajack.
Wabbajack. Wabbajack. Wabbajack.
4. Dawnbreaker
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Not what I was expecting, but Dawnbreaker made it to fourth place. The Dawnbreaker is a fairly new artifact to the setting, but its shining appearance has clearly made it a memorable one. Nocturnal once briefly took ownership of this artifact from Meridia, reforging it into Duskbringer, a very cool concept that will hopefully return in future appearances.
3. Oghma Infinium
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An interesting note on all of the podium artifacts is that they are all “utility” artifacts. No armor or weapon, but things like Oghma Infinium. The Oghma Infinium is a book that once read will provide boosts to your character’s various stats. It may contain secret knowledge, but it’s no secret that it is a fan favorite.
2. Skeleton Key
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Our Mistress of Mystery‘s most iconic artifact has gone from a simple perfect lockpick to one of the most grand artifacts you can obtain. While it may have earned our affection by being able to defeat any lock, the Skeleton Key would be at the center of a large sub-plot in Skyrim, showing the key’s true abilities. The Skeleton Key can open any lock, whether physical, magical, or mental, allowing its user to access amazing abilities. Sadly, the Skeleton Key could not unlock the secret to winning this contest.
1. Azura’s Star
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Azura’s Star, the perfect soul gem. Azura’s Star function is simple, it is simply a soul gem you can reuse. This mundane utility is tremendously useful, however, and has clearly earned much admiration. That’s not to say the Star hasn’t had some more legendary moments to go with it. In Morrowind, the Star could be used to trap the souls of the gods of Morrowind, allowing you to use the strength of their souls on a few choice enchantments. In Skyrim, it was shown that it was possible to corrupt the star into an even more powerful Black Star form, which would allow it to be used against a larger variety of targets. Azura’s Star was in a tough battle for first place, but just managed to come out ahead as your favorite Daedric Artifact.
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