#Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters
aiveecastillo · 1 year
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Miss Universe Winners (2010-2022):
2010:  Mexico; Ximena Navarrete
2011:  Angola; Leila Lopes
2012:  USA; Olivia Culpo
2013:  Venezuela; Gabriela Isler
2014:  Colombia; Paulina Vega
2015:  Colombia; Ariadna Gutierrez
2016:  France; Iris Mittenaere
2017:  South Africa; Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters
2018:  Australia; Catriona Gray
2019:  South Africa; Zozibini Tunzi
2020:  Mexico; Andrea Meza
2021:  India; Harnaaz Sandhu
2022:  USA; R'Bonney Gabriel
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normanblogs · 1 year
Ndavi Nokeri: Aiming for South Africa’s 4th in the 71st Miss Universe
Ndavi Nokeri: Aiming for South Africa’s 4th in the 71st Miss Universe
In the past five editions of Miss Universe, South Africa holds the best record with two titleholders (2017 and 2019), a first runner-up (2018) and a second runner-up (2021). Thus, Miss South Africa 2022 Ndavi Nokeri is entering the next competition as representative of the highest-performing nation for the said period. Ndavi is primed to draw strength from the collective efforts of Demi-Leigh and…
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infohut · 2 years
Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters Biography, Age, Wiki, Height, Weight, And More
Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters Biography, Age, Wiki, Height, Weight, And More
Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters Biography/Wiki If we said that beauty is being the best possible version of yourself and this line is very well proved by ‘Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters’ who is a South African model and beauty pageant titleholder. She is well recognized for being the winner of Miss South Africa 2017 and Miss Universe 2017. After Margaret Gardiner, she was the second Miss South Africa to be crowned…
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crownsandqueens · 2 years
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Miss South Africa. Demi Leigh Nel peters. 2017
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conandaily2022 · 5 months
South Africa's 10 most handsome men alive 2023
South Africa is home to Miss World 1958 Penelope Coelen, Miss World 1974 Anneline Kriel, Miss Universe 1978 Margaret Gardiner, Miss World 2014 Rolene Strauss, Miss Universe 2017 Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters and Miss Universe 2019 Zozibini Tunzi. The country is bounded by Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe to the north and by Eswatini and Mozambique to the northeast and east. South Africa became a republic…
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I baci immortali del cinema: qual è il vostro preferito?
Quali sono i baci immortali nel cinema? Ognuno di noi avrà il suo preferito. L'amore è un elemento importante in un film e una scena di bacio che lo suggella non può mancare. La scena del bacio può avere tante funzioni nella trama del film ed è comprensibile che i registi la curino con la massima cura. Come sono cambiate le scene di bacio in un secolo di storia del cinema? I mille volti dell'amore Chi lavora nel mondo del cinema lo sa: l'amore sbanca sempre al botteghino. Non a caso, il filone romantico è uno dei più solidi e inserire una piccola storia d'amore in un film di altri generi si rivela sempre una scelta azzeccata. Questo perché fa vedere l'amore con i suoi mille volti: l'amore che nasce nel dolore, nell'avventura o nel mistero. Nella prima metà del Novecento l'amore nel cinema era raccontato con un certo pudore e la scena del bacio era considerata una sorte di culmine nella storia, un finale quasi naturale. A partire dagli anni Settanta, invece, l'approccio all'amore e alla sessualità cambiano e il cinema meglio di tutti mostra questo cambiamento. Nelle storie si fa largo la sensualità che se all'inizio viene relegata solo a un certo tipo di film, col tempo finisce per permeare molte trame soprattutto quelle dei thriller. La scena del bacio, quindi, assume un valore diverso nell'economia generale del film e in virtù del suo significato viene situato in un diverso punto del film. Che ruolo ha una scena di bacio? La scena di un bacio all'inizio di una storia, per esempio, può aiutare a introdurre i personaggi prima che inizi la storia. Dare l'idea di chi sono prima che l'evento centrale dell'intreccio narrativo cambi le loro vite mettendoli alla prova. Quanti amori nascono dopo un periodo di fisiologica antipatia? In questo caso lo svolgimento della trama mette i due personaggi in questione in una situazione di tensione emotiva. Sentimenti contrastanti si alternano generando un'attrazione che gli stessi protagonisti non ammettono di provare. In questo caso la scena del bacio svolge un ruolo importante per la trama: sciogliendo la tensione porta i protagonisti a fare scelte che determineranno il prosieguo della storia. Uno degli espedienti più utilizzati dagli sceneggiatori per mantenere alta l'attenzione del pubblico (preferibilmente femminile) è quello di creare una storia d'amore travagliata che si scioglie solo nel finale. L'iniziale simpatia tra i protagonisti viene messa alla prova da continui equivoci che creano un vero tira e molla, una gita sulle montagne russe fino al chiarimento finale. Cosa c'è di meglio allora di un bel monologo con tanto di dichiarazione per arrivare alla fatidica scena? I baci immortali del cinema (secondo noi) Ora vediamo insieme quali scene di bacio ci piacciono di più. Abbiamo spaziato dai classici ai film più moderni: - "Via col vento" (1939): chi non ricorda la scena in cui Rhett Butler (Clark Gable) dice a Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh): "Francamente, mia cara, me ne infischio" prima di baciarla? - "Casablanca" (1942): l'indimenticabile Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) bacia Ilsa Lund Laszlo (Ingrid Bergman) dopo la celebre battuta: «Suonala ancora Sam!». - "Da qui all'eternità" (1953): chi non ha mai sognato un bacio in riva al mare come quello tra Milton Warden (Burt Lancaster) e Karen Holmes (Deborah Kerr)? - "Colazione da Tiffany" (1961): il bacio sotto la pioggia, come quello tra Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) e Paul Varjak (George Peppard) è un classico intramontabile - "Dirty dancing - Balli proibiti" (1987): il primo bacio tra Jhonny e Baby è sulle note di "Cry to Me" di Solomon Burke - "Ghost" (1990): quanto abbiamo pianto per lo sfortunato amore tra Sam (Patrick Swayze) e Molly (Demi Moore) - "Titanic" (1997): la scena del bacio tra Jack (Leonardo Di Caprio) e Rose (Kate Winslet) è tra le più emulate del cinema - "Spider-Man" (2002): bacio sotto la pioggia pur se rivisitato anche per Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) e Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) - "I segreti di Brokeback Mountain" (2005): come dimenticare i baci appassionati tra Ennis (Heath Ledge) e Jack (Jake Gyllenhall) lontani dai giudizi della società conservatrice del tempo? - "La forma dell'acqua" (2017): una scena del bacio fuori dagli schemi per Elisa (Sally Hawkins) e la Creatura Come terminare la carrellata dei baci nel cinema senza citare il baciatore seriale per eccellenza del cinema James Bond? Interpretato da Roger Moore, Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan e Daniel Craig, gli attori si sono sempre rivelati all'altezza del compito. In copertina foto di StockSnap da Pixabay Read the full article
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tittaexotic · 2 years
Olivia rogers project canvas
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THE WANTON - Left in the charge of an older brother who plans to marry her off, the independent Trista Windham runs away and joins a wagon train, where she meets rugged scout Blaze Davenant and learns his dangerous secret. A bit scuffed but all pages intact and legible. Please see any and all photos connected with this listing. Struggling with depression and disordered eating Olivia returned to Adelaide and her studies, abandoning the modelling industry and NSW in favour of a healthy relationship with food.Mass Market Paperback. "For my height (173cm) that's just not OK" "I wasn't happy". Olivia quickly found that life as a model put her under serious body scrutiny, and in the wake of constant measurements and pressure to be thin, she became very self-conscious, dropping to just 49kg. Where Did Olivia Rogers Grow Up?īorn and raised in Adelaide, South Australia, Olivia first stepped onto Sydney's modelling scene as a teenager after being scouted at just 17 years old. Still a keen artist, Olivia says she "would love to combine passion for art and passion for speech pathology to maybe create resources for speech pathologists to use in therapy". With a particular interest in the vibrancy of Mexican art, Olivia says that she was drawn to colour and fascinated by the way that the Day of the Dead festival can turn morbidity into beauty. While studying her degree, Olivia became an entrepreneur, launching a small business selling her self-taught illustrations and paintings. Since then, her talent and passion for visual art have only grown. Olivia says that she began to draw as soon as she was old enough to hold a pencil. "I really have made friends for life from all over the globe". "I have had the most incredible experience with some of the most hilarious, kind, intelligent girls I’ve ever met", she wrote. Attending sister Eleanor's Las Vegas wedding before the finale and partying in Los Angeles with Tobey Maguire and Leonardo DiCaprio, Olivia had plenty of cause for celebration. Unfortunately, Olivia didn't make the competition's top 16 and while the international beauty pageant prize, which hasn't been won by an Australian since Jennifer Hawkins in 2004, was taken by Miss South Africa Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, she did not consider it a wasted opportunity. In 2018, Olivia took to the global stage as Australia's representative in the international Miss Universe pageant. She was in good company at the top with Georgie Mitchell and Tahlia Giumelli from New South Wales were first and second runner up respectively while Victoria's Marijana Radmanovic was the third runner up. She became the first South Australian representative to take the title of Miss Universe Australia in the national final, held at the Sofitel Melbourne on Collins Street, since 1997, and was crowned by former winner Caris Tiivel. Fortunately, Olivia put her fears aside and took a chance. She found the idea of getting on stage in front of the nation, especially in a bikini, incredibly intimidating. " Even in front of my family I am a bit self-conscious ," Olivia said. A late entrant to the Miss Universe contest, Olivia almost didn't take part.
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famouszoom · 2 years
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mtvafrika · 2 years
Former Miss SA, Demi-Leigh writes sweet birthday message to her husband, Tim Tebow
Former Miss SA Demi-Leigh Nel Peters celebrated her husband, Tim Tebow beautifully on Instagram. Tim turned a new age a few days ago and Demi showered him with heart-melting words. She shared a video revealing all the beautiful moments they’ve shared together. “My Sweetheart: Celebrating you and your life is so easy ! Someone recently asked me, “Who, outside of your parents, is the one person you…
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fulloffeelings03 · 5 years
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Miss Universe 2017
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ao-fc · 5 years
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Tim Tebow engaged to Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters
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aiveecastillo · 1 year
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Miss Universe Winners (2010-2022)
2000: India; Lara Dutta
2001: Puerto Rico; Denise Quiñones
2002: Russia; Oxana Fedorova (DT)
------: Panama; Justine Pasek
2003: Dominican Republic; Amelia Vega
2004: Australia; Jennifer Hawkins
2005: Canada; Natalie Glebova
2006: Puerto Rico; Zuleyka Rivera
2007: Japan; Riyo Mori
2008: Venezuela; Dayana Mendoza
2009: Venezuela; Stefania Fernandez
2010: Mexico; Ximena Navarrete
2011: Angola; Leila Lopes
2012: USA; Olivia Culpo
2013: Venezuela; Gabriela Isler
2014: Colombia: Paulina Vega
2015: Colombia; Ariadna Gutierrez
2016: France; Iris Mittenaere
2017: South Africa; Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters
2018: Australia; Catriona Gray
2019: South Africa; Zozibini Tunzi
2020: Mexico; Andrea Meza
2021: India; Harnaaz Sandhu
2022: USA; R'Bonney Gabriel
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normanblogs · 5 years
South Africa achieves a near #threepeat in Miss Universe
South Africa achieves a near #threepeat in Miss Universe
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It was a near #threepeat for South Africa 🇿🇦 in Miss Universe with Zozibini Tunzi winning this year. Back in 2017, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters won the crown in Las Vegas, with Tamaryn Green placing 1st Runner-Up to our Catriona Gray last year.
What a big achievement for this nation indeed!
#zozibinitunzi #missuniverse2019
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infohut · 2 years
Tupac Shakur Biography, Age, Wiki, Height, Weight, And More
Tupac Shakur Biography, Age, Wiki, Height, Weight, And More
Tupac Shakur Biography/Wiki Tupac Shakur was a famous American rapper and actor considered by many to be one of the greatest hip-hop artists of all time. He was born on June 16, 1971, in East Harlem, New York, U.S. He was killed in drive-by gunfire in 1996, leaving behind a leading musical legacy at the age of 25. Also, Check Out Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters Biography. Tupac Shakur’s Age, Height, And…
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vimooz · 5 years
Tim Tebow's RUN THE RACE Hollywood World Premiere
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The RUN THE RACE World Premiere was held at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood, California.
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Executive Producer Tim Tebow and fiancee, former Miss Universe Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, made red-carpet appearance together.
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Guests included: Executive Producer Tim Tebow and fiancee Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, Frances Fisher, Mario Van Peebles, Mykelti Williamson, Kristoffer Polaha, Tanner Stine, Evan Hofer, Kelsey Reinhardt, Caleb Castille, Gianna Simone, executive producers Bill Reeves, Trey Brunson, Robby Tebow, Joe Kosakowski, producers Darren Moorman and Ken Carpenter, co-writer Jason Baumgardner, producer/co-writer Jake McEntire and director/co-writer Chris Dowling.
In RUN THE RACE, two desperate brothers sacrifice today for a better tomorrow. Reeling from his mother's death and his father's abandonment, Zach, an All-State athlete, finds glory on the football field, working to earn a college scholarship and the brothers' ticket out of town. When a devastating injury puts Zach-and his dreams-on the sidelines, David laces up his track cleats to salvage their future and point Zach toward hope.
RUN THE RACE opens in theaters everywhere on February 22, 2019
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petergrantkavinsky · 7 years
And I’m so genuinely proud of Miss Jamaica, a black Afro woman, for making it to Top 3 (out of 92 delegates)!
I loved Miss South Africa, but to be perfectly honest, Miss Jamaica was also beautiful and gave the best answer, and I really thought she was going to win. 
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