wooahaeruby · 2 days
Chapter 28: A Hand To Hold
Chapter Word Count: 5,126
Mild panic, protective SVT
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There was a period where everything was going too…normally for the last week or so.
Not that you were really complaining- Things were calm! Work was going well, your relationships were going well, everything was nice and you were content- 
But there was a gnawing anxiety that crawled up your spine each passing day, eating your resolve alive. You were determined to not let whatever you were feeling dampen any situation, but you were getting tired of masking day in and day out. 
You arrived back at your apartment after a shorter training session with Chan at the penthouse, limbs sore, a fatigued mentality, and were ready to crash to get decent sleep for work tomorrow. One of your neighbors on your floor, an older woman with gorgeous salt and pepper colored curls, Ms. Nina, was shuffling to get her mail, asking how your day was while you also got your mail. The entire way back to your respective apartments she talked your ear off, not that you minded, and she bid you a goodnight, saying she was going to drop off a batch of muffles tomorrow once you got home. 
Near silently, behind the confines of your apartment, you placed your things down and kicked your shoes off, locking the door before sitting yourself down on the couch with your pile of mail. You sorted through each piece, placing it into different piles for bills, spam, before your eyes set on your typed birth name and address. 
Much like the last, there was no return address. It was a crisp, plain white envelope, however this one was thicker than the previous one. 
You tore the envelope open easily, taking the tri-folded stack of papers out. The first page was similar to the singular page originally, however more information was added; your grandparents names, your job title, and your old home street address . 
You tossed that page aside, seeing a black and white copy of your original birth certificate, as well as your most recent one after changing your name. There was a copy of your apartment lease and your parents’ death certificates.
Your stomach was on the floor, the sinking feeling was suffocating to say the least. You had a copy of these documents for logical personal reasons, you needed them for many years, but seeing someone got ahold of legal government documents and sent them to you?  
This was only to get worse, you could feel it by the tightness in your chest. Your skin was crawling and the beginning of pins and needles in your hands and feet were starting to set in. You focused on your breathing, taking on deep breath in, holding it, then pushing it out. The papers in your hands fell into your lap and you covered your face to collect yourself the best you could from your most definite panic attack. Each breath in was fire burning in your chest, engulfing you from the inside out. Tears were starting to blur your vision.
Anxiously, you patted around your person then stumbled to your bag at the door, digging through it to find it. 
“Pick up-” You tapped violently against the screen, calling the first person that came to mind. “Please pick up-” 
“ What's up, Mouse?” Your breath caught in your chest, hearing Seungcheol’s voice ring through the phone. 
“Cheol-” You sucked in a breath, sitting yourself down on the floor, not trusting your legs to keep you upright. 
“ Hey- What’s going on? Are you okay?” 
You could hear yourself stuttering, proper words weren’t forming. All you could hear yourself say was a string of curse words, there was a jumbled mention of a letter you think but you really couldn’t hear everything leaving you. 
“I’m at home-” Pushing the words out somehow between the burning breaths. “I can’t-” 
“ I’m sending Mingyu over since he is at Quartz, I’ll be there soon.” 
And the line went dead, leaving you in the panicked silence of your entrance way. 
You couldn’t tell how long it had been from the moment the call ended to the loud, repetitive knocking that came to your door. 
Barely managing to get yourself off the floor, you unlocked the door and leaned to peer through the small crack, seeing the worried eyes of Mingyu staring down at you. He pushed the door open slowly, letting you backup before his eyes darted around the space, closing it behind him.
“Is there anyone-?” He moved further into the apartment, looking around more before he turned to you, watching as you tiredly made your way over. 
“N-” You sighed, clearing your throat. “No one but me is here.” 
“Are you okay?” His voice was gentle, hovering his hands around your shoulders. 
You nodded. “Is Cheol coming?” 
“He should be a few minutes behind-” 
“Mouse?” Speaking of the devil…
Stepping through the door, followed in toe by Joshua, Jeonghan, and Wonwoo, was Seungcheol, panic in his eyes. 
“Oh thank god-” Jeonghan pushed Cheol out of the way, gathering you into his arms. He placed a kiss on your forehead, holding your face gently within his palms. “What happened, my love?” 
You didn’t notice Wonwoo stepped around the couch, only hearing the flipping of pages that clued you back in. 
“Who sent this?” For the first time, his tone actually sounded angry but one look showed only a stone expression. 
Joshua joined Jeonghan at your side, a hand being placed on your lower back to provide comfort. He leaned close, a chaste kiss being placed to the side of your head. 
“I don’t know.” You downcasted your eyes. “This was the second letter.” 
“Second?” Seungcheol grabbed the papers from Wonwoo’s hands, his eyes skimming through the documents. “Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” 
“I-” You broke away from your boyfriends, placing both hands on the back of the couch to think. “I thought the first one was a joke…”
Lifting your eyes, you met the hard gaze of Seungcheol’s eyes but he softened quickly, seeing the disheveled state you were probably in. 
“Sweep the apartment, see if there are cameras.” Seungcheol ordered and the four were off, making haste to search over every inch of your home. 
You rounded the couch and sat down, leaning your head back to stare at the ceiling. 
“Mouse,” Looking away from the stack of papers, Seungcheol took in your tired, definitely dissociative state. “Has anyone been hanging around here? Following you home?” 
“Bathroom is clear.” Hearing Joshua call down the hall brought some peace.
Your eyes wandered the slightly cracked paint of the ceiling, thinking if there was anything out of the ordinary. “No. No one has been hanging in the halls or by the mail boxes. No one has followed me from the penthouse or back home from what I’ve seen. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened. Seokmin told me to change up my routine every so often just to be safe and I have. I’ve been trying to keep an eye out.” 
“Bedroom’s clear.” Wonwoo called out. 
It wasn’t long before the four were moving about the living room, lifting things, moving items, and placing things back into their place. Their eyes were harsh, working quickly to get their task done. 
“When you are done, Wonwoo, head down and see if there is a tracker on her car.” The younger man hummed, moving into the kitchen, opening cabinets and cupboards. 
“It’s clear here too.” Jeonghan sighed, taking one last look at the windows to make sure they were locked properly. 
“Yeah, I got nothing either.” Mingyu stood beside Seungcheol, taking the papers from his hands curiously. “Jesus, some of this stuff is hard to get even for Wonwoo.” 
“Very reassuring, Gyu.” You closed your eyes for a moment, only opening them to find Jeonghan standing behind you, looking down at you with concern in his eyes. 
“We’ll figure this out, Mouse.” Cheol was typing something on his phone when Wonwoo opened the door to head downstairs. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Is she hurt?” Hearing Seokmin’s voice had you sinking further into your couch. 
“Does fucking everyone know?” You threw your hands up, reaching for a couch pillow and hugging it. 
Jeonghan ran his hand through your hair, giving a small chuckle. “Okay well, that was my fault since I was on the phone with him when Cheol called, love.” 
Seokmin was beside you almost instantly, pulling you into his chest, firing off questions so fast it went in one ear then out the other. When he realized you weren’t paying attention, he whined. 
“I’m fine, Min.” Really, you didn’t sound all that sure of yourself but you basked in the warmth he brought since you felt freezing and vaguely numb from your panic attack. 
When Wonwoo came back, letting everyone know there wasn’t a tracker on your car, you felt lighter but still heavy at the unknown and creepy privacy invasion from whoever sent the letters. 
Seokmin was reluctant to let go of you until Jeonghan pulled you up and pushed you into the bathroom, knowing you needed a shower since you had trained earlier. He was sweet and pampering, getting you clothes and combing through your hair once you were finished. You didn’t mind when Joshua more silently fretted over you, having you brush your teeth and get your skincare done. 
The moment you entered back into your living room, Seungcheol was deep into a conversation with Mingyu, Wonwoo, and Seokmin. 
“It’s going to be hard getting anything from these.” Wonwoo didn’t look confident, looking through everything once more. “And getting the original birth certificate isn’t easy even if it is a copy. Let alone the death certificates.” 
“I have copies of all of those.” Breaking their huddle, Wonwoo and Seungcheol’s head shot up, tuning into your comment. “And unless someone broke into my apartment and my safe…I don’t think it’s plausible they got it here.” 
“There is too much foot traffic in the area and the building to even consider that fully.” Seokmin added. 
“Then someone went through the channels to get this?” Mingyu questioned. 
Wonwoo sighed, pushing his glasses up his nose to sit comfortably. “Had to. I’d have to dodge a lot of security to get this and I don’t even want to dip my hands into getting the FBI on us more than they try to be.” 
“So I basically have a really fucked up stalker?” The joke you tried to make didn’t bring anyone laughter… You looked away quickly and huffed through your nose. “Tough crowd.” 
“I’ll take this back to Pandora and see if I can get anything.” Stepping away from the group, papers in hand, Wonwoo moved towards you, placing a large hand on your head, almost…comfortingly. “If another comes in, let me know.” 
“Yeah, thanks.” You brushed him off, seeing the ghost of a smile on his lips before he was heading out the door. 
Seungcheol slid his phone into his jacket pocket, pushing some hair back from his face and nodded his head to Mingyu in acknowledgement. “Get back to Quartz, I’m sure Seungkwan needs help and to be filled in.” 
“Sure, boss.” Mingyu gave a thumbs up, quickly getting into your personal space and pulled you into a hug. “See you this weekend at the house?” 
You smiled up at him weakly, nodding as you brushed his growing bangs out of his face. “You promised to watch Legally Blonde with me, of course.” 
That left Seokmin and Seungcheol, both tense but trying to keep their faces neutral. 
Taking both Jeonghan’s hand and Joshua’s hand, you moved over and sat on your couch, pulling both of them down with you. “I’m sorry I called you mid panic attack, Cheol.” 
His head whipped to you, eyebrows furrowed together. “Why are you sorry?” Even Joshua and Jeonghan looked confused at your apology. 
“Well- I called you and I barely got a word out and had you all rushing-” Wanting to explain yourself turned into curling in on yourself… The four of them looking at you with different states of confusion made you feel dumb. 
“Mouse.” Seungcheol stepped toward, kneeling down in front of you. “I told you that if you ever needed help with your personal safety, we’d protect you. You are one of us, and you should know damn well that we protect our own. If we didn’t, we’d be some really shitty friends, don’t you think?” 
Staring down at him, eyes wide, you weren’t expecting him to admit that you were one of them. Hearing Seungcheol call you friends was even more shocking, but you gave a timid nod. 
“I’m sure I speak for all of us, but you could call any of the guys, day or night, and we’d be there in a heartbeat. You might have fallen into the shitshow that is SVT but you stayed and became a permanent fixture with us. I don’t think you will get out or away from us any time soon. Especially with dumb and dumber at your side.” Seungcheol smiled , full and reassuring, snickering when Joshua and Jeonghan protested at your sides. “We’ll figure this out, hopefully sooner rather than later. Promise.” 
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“Did you seriously move the couches for this?” Standing near the kitchen table, you saw Mingyu and Seokmin beaming brightly at the very large, comfy looking floor fort they made. 
After dinner, you went to change and shower, being told that the living room would be ‘set up’ by the time you were done. Seeing the mountain of blankets and pillows that were cushioning the floor and the wide array of snacks in a pile was amazing, it put your mind at ease after the second mysterious letter. 
“Mingyu said you guys were watching Legally Blonde. I wanted to watch Legally Blonde.” Seokmin motioned you over with a wave of his hand. 
“I bought more of the good wine.” Jeonghan passed you on the left and Joshua, glasses and two bottles of wine between the two of them. 
Seungkwan and Vernon passed as well, taking a spot on the couch together, a bowl of popcorn and drinks in hand. “We need to watch the second one too, always my favorite movies.” 
It wasn’t long before Minghao found a comfy spot against the couch on the floor, pulling a blanket over his legs. Joshua promptly handed him a glass of wine, taking a seat beside him. 
“Is this a family event?” Though smiling, you shook your head and took the glass of wine Jeonghan handed you. 
“It’s turning into that.” Mingyu snickered. 
Sitting yourself down beside Joshua, Seokmin was quick to toss a pillow in your lap and sit down, crowding your personal space. You laughed at him, but he did nothing but get comfortable and wait for Mingyu to start the movie. 
“What are we watching?” Seeing Wonwoo for the first time in a few days since the group showed up at your apartment was nice. He had really set into trying to figure out what was going on with the letters but it was clear he was coming up short. He looked tired, more than usual, but he laid himself down on the floor beside Mingyu. 
Someone called out the answer, smiling as Jeonghan sat on your other side. 
“Don’t start without me!” Chan’s voice from down the hall and the heavy footfall of him running over had the group of you laughing. He jumped over the couch, crashing into Seungkwan’s side with a bright smile on his face. 
“I’m pressing play!” Mingyu grabbed the remote, starting the movie as everyone settled in. 
From the corner of your eye, you could see Junhui slip into the area, taking a spot on the loveseat, followed by Jihoon grabbing a few pillows and lying down on the floor near Wonwoo.
“Wait, where is Soonyoung?” You looked around the room, coming up short on your body count, and Jihoon snorted. 
“He fell asleep after dinner because he was out all night doing shit.”
“Did you start without me?” Seungcheol’s voice surprised you, leaning up and looking over the back of the couch to see the leader shuffle over in his usual pairing of an oversized set of gray sweatpants and sweatshirt.
“You didn’t say you wanted to join.” Mingyu teased, but Seungcheol dropped down behind you on the couch, tucking his legs close and grabbed one of the blankets to make himself comfortable.  
From the corner of your eye, you took note of Jeonghan throwing a look, one full of bewilderment, but he settled in at your side quickly. 
Much to your delight after the week, you relaxed between your boyfriends. Jeonghan’s arm was thrown over your shoulder comfortably and you could feel the gentle touch of Joshua’s hand on your leggings covered thigh. Seokmin didn’t move from laying his head in your lap, keeping your legs warm thankfully. 
The first movie was great for everyone. You, Seungkwan, and Mingyu didn’t hesitate to quote almost the entire court scene towards the end, which had a lot of the other guys giggling at the stupidity. Between the first and second movie, more snacks were grabbed, along with more drinks, people shifted their spots. Some moved to the floor while others kept on the couches. Jeonghan switched positions with Seokmin, but Joshua stayed at your side, now getting his turn to pull you into his side, holding you around the waist. 
The second movie was more quiet between you all, the drowsiness blanketing everyone but no one wishing to actually head to sleep just yet. Your hands were occupied by running your fingers through Jeonghan’s hair, smiling to yourself when he leaned into the touch every so often. You rested your head on Joshua’s shoulder, feeling him rest his head against you in return. It was no surprise when someone let out a quiet snore, even feeling your own eyes stay closed a little too long when you blinked. 
You made it through the rest of the movie while many others didn’t. Quietly, you stood with Jeonghan and Joshua, making sure everyone who was inevitably asleep on the couch or floor had a blanket and pillow. You had to nudge Seungcheol to actually be lying comfortably before placing a blanket over him, but he barely stirred from his sleep as you shifted him. The youngest three made their ways towards their room, bidding near silent goodnights before you and your boyfriends found themselves in Jeonghan’s room. 
Jeonghan already got himself comfortable under the covers, holding his arms open wide for you to join him. 
“I guess I’m never sleeping alone again?” 
“Not a chance in your life.” Flicking the lights off, Joshua passed you, making his way to the other side of the bed.
You climbed over Jeonghan, falling into his arms after getting under the covers. He peppered your face with kisses, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. It took only a moment for a second pair of arms to wrap around you, Joshua humming quietly. 
Lying here felt safe, protected from the anxiety ridden world you’ve been living in. It felt right, a place you thought you belonged, a place that while challenging was where you were definitely meant to be.
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Having nothing to do most of the week was…boring. There wasn’t anything important that was eating into his time, paperwork was getting done quickly with Chan’s help. With how much of a busy body he was known to be, Chan laughed at him as they sat at Pledis’s headquarters, trying to figure out what to do. Most, if not all of the paperwork was done for the day, he didn’t need to be at the warehouse until the later evenings. 
Monday, he asked Mouse to get lunch, and to his surprise, she accepted. That lunch was fine, it was a lot of simple…talking. He asked her more questions about herself, things she enjoyed most, the games she played, and Mouse got a chance to ask him about his interest in restoring cars when he actually has time on his hands. 
Tuesday, he asked her again, emphasizing that she didn’t have to say yes, he could go by himself, but she once again accepted. He didn’t let Chan know the second time, just saying he was getting food and he’d bring something back for the younger man, which he did…after sitting with Mouse for her hour lunch… They did have a good time, continuing their idle chatter, even joking about the guys or something she saw online. Seungcheol found himself really enjoying the mid-day getaway, letting himself continue to show Mouse the childlike, bright person he actually was. She let a few layers of her walls down too, letting him listen to her burdens even if they were simple complaints.
By Thursday, Chan asked if Seungcheol wanted to join him and Seungkwan for lunch but he…already had plans.
“I asked Mouse to lunch.” 
“You asked Mouse to lunch again?” Chan sounded surprised, even furrowing his brows and cocking his head to the side. 
“Uh- Yeah… I thought since her lunch is soon, I’d ask her, she already texted back yes so…” 
“Hm…Interesting.” There was a knowing look in Chan’s eyes, even a ghost of a smirk on his lips. “Have fun!” 
Seungcheol gave a frown, pouting at the youngest. “What’s with the look?”
“Nothing.” He waved him off nonchalantly, “Go enjoy your lunch with Mouse, boss.” 
He made his way to a small diner just down the street from her office, knowing he had more time than her in general. Placing himself down in a booth near the front window, Seungcheol waited, seeing as he arrived early, and stared out the window. Seungcheol…he saw her before she saw him, watching through the window as she crossed the street. 
She looked…good, impeccably dressed in one of her more professional outfits, but nothing as fancy as the tailored suit he saw her in all those months ago. Sleek black pencil skirt ending just above the knee with a white blouse and thick, long light taupe colored cardigan. 
Turning in his seat, more facing the entrance, he watched her look around curiously before her eyes fell on him and a smile bloomed on her face. His breath caught in his chest for a moment and he swallowed down the tight feeling in his chest as she sat down across from him. 
“Hey, were you waiting long?” 
“Uh-” He cleared his throat, shaking his head. “No, I only got here a few minutes ago.” 
“Good! I didn’t want you to wait long, I got caught up at the tailend of my meeting.” She grabbed the extra menu on the table, letting her eyes scan over the choices happily. 
Seungcheol only hummed, glancing over the menu to figure out what he wanted. 
“You said today was slow?” Her question had him nodding, sighing quietly. 
“I was sitting on my ass for an hour so I figured I might as well go out for lunch if I have nothing to do.” 
“Glad I could join you then.” 
“You’re…in a good mood.” His words were hesitant, but Mouse only laughed, sitting back in the booth some. 
“Despite everything that is going on, today was good so far. I got my annual review and with how my work has been, I’m getting a big raise which is amazing. Maybe I’ll actually have money to spend.” She laughed once more, smiling to herself. “I’m trying to stay positive despite everything. Wonu said he is working on things and doesn’t want me to worry so much, which I’m trying to do. Training with Chan is going great too. I’m feeling good, Cheol. Like, actually good despite the bullshit.” 
“That is amazing, Mouse.” He smiled across the table to her, the tightness in his chest showing itself once more. “I know things haven’t been easy for you recently and we are basically to blame, but you are taking this with a lot of bravery and I commend you on that.” 
Mouse stared across the table, that wide, pretty, smile on her face- 
Wait a minute- 
She pushed her hair back from her face, the strands somehow framing her face perfectly, and before she had a chance to say anything, the waitress popped in by. Her bubbly personality was infectious as she spoke to Mouse, taking both orders before she was hurrying off. 
And she was still smiling, and why the fuck is my chest so tight for? Is it hot in here- 
“Oh! Are you ready for the ball?” She perked up, “Siyeon said you picked up your suit but she wouldn’t send any pictures.” 
“To be fair, neither she nor Jeonghan showed me your dress.” 
“Hm, I see they are scheming as usual.” 
“Always.” He hummed, “but I’m ready either way. Han said Sona is going to be getting you ready?” 
“It’s almost like he doesn’t trust me to make myself pretty.” Mouse feigned disappointment, her smile changing into an exaggerated pout. 
“I think you are pretty.” 
Oh, he didn’t mean to say that outloud- Fix this- 
“I said…I think you are pretty. Is there a problem with that?” 
“Huh- No-” Her cheeks flushed bright red, averting her eyes for a moment. “I wasn’t expecting it.” 
He nodded, pursing his lips, trying to stop his heart from racing . “So…How are things with Joshua and Jeonghan?”
Nice one, moron. He reprimanded himself, mentally punching himself in the gut. 
“We’re good. I’m more glad there is no awkwardness between the three of us. I think there is an understanding between us that we can talk about if something bothers us. Jeonghan has been good at communicating when he needs more attention or just needs some one on one time.” 
“I don’t know how you did it, Han has always been the worst at talking. He is always the one that listens better.” 
“Probably after yelling at him for the stupid prank kicked his ass into gear.” Mouse snickered. “From that point on, I think he realized that I was serious about beating the idiot out of him.” 
Lunch finished rather quickly with Mouse rushing back to the office, thanking Seungcheol with a quick hug as she hurried her way out. 
When he arrived back at Pledis, Chan was sitting at Seungcheol’s desk, feet kicked up on the wood. “How was your date?” 
“It wasn’t a date.” He answered monotone, rolling his eyes. 
“Sure it wasn’t.” Chan stood up, rounding the deck. “How was it?” 
Seungcheol cleared his throat, thinking over the words in his head. “I…called Mouse pretty.” 
“To her face?” 
“Yes to her face.” 
“And you lived?” 
“I’m standing here, aren’t I?” 
Chan eyed him from head to toe. “Interesting.” 
Seungcheol raised a brow before frowning. “What is that supposed to mean?” 
“Nothing.” Same as the tone earlier, Chan nonchalantly walked past him towards the door. “Don’t worry about it.”
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“Get up.” The door to Jeonghan’s room was thrown open unceremoniously, hearing Sona’s voice. “It’s after two in the afternoon.” 
You could feel Jeonghan bury his face further into your neck, grumbling quietly at the light coming from the open door. 
“Five more minutes.” You managed to say, tightening your hold on Jeonghan, hearing similar grumbles from Joshua behind you. 
“I already let you sleep an hour longer.” Her monotone words were accompanied by a huff.
Then all the curtains were pulled open, sending the three of you in fits of whining. 
“I have to get you to the city, get done shit, then bring you back here to get you ready, get up.” Standing at the foot of the bed now, Sona eyed the three of you with dissatisfaction. 
“I could fire you.” Jeonghan grumbled, sending a glare before hiding his face from the light once more. 
“Yeah, because you could survive without me. Sure.” 
“You are sassy today.” With reluctance, you peeled yourself from both their arms and crawled towards the edge of the bed. 
“Don’t blame me, blame King hustling.” Crossing her arms over her chest, Sona huffed. “He wants you ready by, like, seven. This event you can’t be late for. Way different than the Gala.” 
“Sadly, she is right.” You heard Joshua’s voice, muffled by the pillow he currently had his face pressed into before a yawn escaped him. 
Sighing, you got yourself ready, changing from your sweatpants into leggings and exchanging the wrinkled t-shirt for an oversized sweater ( totally not Jeonghan’s). You bid both your boyfriend’s a goodbye, kissing them both on the head before you were quickly ushered out by Sona. There was a quick wave to the handful of guys in the living room as you were pushed out the front door, down to her SUV. 
“And before you asked, I already got you food.” Reaching over into the backseat, she grabbed a takeout bag from a place in the town not too far from the house, a little Mexican place with the best tacos that you and the guys have had too many times. 
“A life saver.” You hummed her praise, taking the bag from her with bright eyes. “What is the plan today then if King has you and me on a time crunch?” 
“Nails, picking up your dress, shoes, and mask, then getting back here with enough time to get your hair and make up done before you get dressed.” 
“So…girls day at the nail salon?” You side eyed her and you could see the ghost of a smirk on her face.
“A thousand percent.” 
The outing in the city didn’t take too long, at least you wouldn’t say it did. Really, the longest parts were driving back and forth to the house. 
Speaking of getting back to the house… 
“Mouseeeeeeeeeeeee-” Jeonghan threw himself at you the moment both you and Sona stepped through the door. “They are bullying me!” 
Over his shoulder, you saw not only Joshua, but Mingyu, Seokmin, and Seungkwan roll their eyes. 
“Because he wouldn’t fucking shut up about how pretty my girlfriend was going to be.” Seungkwan gagged as he mimicked Jeonghan’s fawning, making you snicker. 
“Can’t I be infatuated with my girlfriend?” Jeonghan countered, hugged you to his chest, throwing a pout to the others in the room. 
“I don’t care if you are, but stop making me want to vomit every time you open your mouth about her. No offense, Mouse.” Seungkwan started, rolling his eyes. “Have a personality outside of her, please. I speak for everyone here.” 
“Don’t speak for me, she is my girlfriend too.” Joshua frowned.
“That’s enough,” Sona gently took your arm, “We have things to do. You can take all the pictures you want after I am done.”
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prettygirl-gabi · 2 days
Love in Secret
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Rating:General Audiences
Warning: Fluff, mini sibling feud, slight smut suggestion
Fandom:Seventeen (SVT) (boyband)
Relationships: !brother's best friend Dk x !f reader, with !brother woozi
Summary: secret love, family feuds is it really wroth it for what could be the happiest moments with the person you love
Trope : brother's best friend
Hiiiii everyone who is reading! Welcome to the tenth installment of my new mini series called "Oi! Not this again!" They do not have to be read together or in order! I hope you all enjoy!
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I had known Seokmin for almost all my life. He was my brother, Jihoon’s, best friend. The charming, always smiling, bundle of sunshine that seemed to brighten every room he walked into. Growing up, Seokmin was practically family, always around and participating in every little adventure Jihoon and I used to dream up.
It wasn’t until recently that I started seeing him differently. Before, he was just Seokmin – the boy who helped me with my math homework and saved me from spiders. Now, he was Seokmin – the guy who made my heart race whenever he smiled at me.
My relationship with Seokmin, of course, remained a secret. Well, semi-secret because he had told Jihoon about his feelings for me early on. Unfortunately, Jihoon made it clear then that dating me was off-limits. So, here we were, sneaking around like guilty teenagers even though we were all legally adults.
It all began on a cool autumn night. Our small group of friends had decided to have a movie night at our house. Jihoon insisted on one of his favorite horror movies, which I loathed. I found myself sandwiched between Jihoon and Seokmin on the couch. About thirty minutes into the movie, I couldn't take it anymore and buried my face into the cushions.
"Scared already?" Seokmin whispered, his warm breath tickling my ear. I could feel my cheeks turning pink as I glanced up at him. He had this knowing look in his eyes, and a soft smile playing on his lips.
"Just tired," I lied, glancing sideways to ensure my brother hadn't noticed. Jihoon was too engrossed in the movie, oblivious to the silent exchange between us.
The night passed with stolen glances and moments where our hands would brush against each other, sending tiny jolts of excitement through me. As the night ended and everyone dispersed, Seokmin lingered a little longer under the pretense of helping me clean up. Once alone, he leaned down, and our lips met in a gentle, secret kiss.
“Goodnight, y/n,” he whispered softly before leaving, and I couldn't help but smile, already eager for our next stolen moment.
The next few weeks felt like a whirlwind. Between secret meetings and shared confessions, my feelings for Seokmin grew deeper. Every encounter was electric, filled with the thrill of secrecy and the fluttering of young love.
It was one such meeting, in the safety of my bedroom – Jihoon was out with friends – when things took a turn. We were sitting on my bed, Seokmin’s arm wrapped around me as we talked about everything and nothing all at once. Suddenly, the door burst open, and there stood Jihoon. The look of betrayal on his face was unmistakable.
“What is this?” Jihoon demanded, eyes darting between me and Seokmin.
“Jihoon, calm down,” Seokmin started, standing up to face his best friend.
“Calm down?!” he shouted. “Seokmin, you promised me. Y/N, how could you? You knew I didn’t want this.”
I stood up, squeezing Seokmin’s hand for strength. “Ji-Wo-Woozi oppa, we love each other. We didn’t mean to hurt you, but you have to understand…”
His voice was laced with anger and hurt, “Understand what? That my best friend and my sister are sneaking around behind my back?”
Seokmin tried to calm him, “Woozi, listen, I love your sister. I really do. I would never hurt her, you know that.”
Jihoon shook his head, still visibly upset. “I need time to process this. I can’t believe you two would go behind my back like this.”
As days turned into weeks, Jihoon stayed distant, creating a palpable tension whenever we were all together. I missed my brother’s laugh, his teasing, and most of all, his approval. It stung seeing the strained look on his face whenever he looked at Seokmin or me.
One evening, I found Jihoon in the kitchen, eating his feelings with a pint of ice cream. Taking a deep breath, I walked towards him, hoping to finally bridge the growing chasm between us.
“Oppa, can we talk?” I asked softly.
He glanced at me, his eyes softening for a fraction before he sighed, “What is there to talk about?”
“I’m sorry for hiding it from you. We should have been honest from the start, but we were scared of how you’d react,” I admitted, sitting down across from him.
“I get it,” he finally said after a pause. “It’s just... Seokmin’s like my brother too. I was scared of what would happen if things didn’t work out between you two.”
I nodded, understanding his concerns. “Jihoon, we’re serious about each other. I can’t promise you that we’ll be together forever, but I can promise you that we’ll try our hardest. All I want is your support, your blessing.”
He was quiet for what felt like an eternity before finally saying, “Fine. But if he ever hurts you, he’ll have me to answer to.”
I beamed at him, throwing my arms around him in a tight hug. “Thank you, Woozi. That’s all I needed.”
That night, as I recounted the conversation to Seokmin, his eyes shone with relief and happiness. He pulled me into a warm embrace, whispering against my forehead, “We did it.”
From that day on, things started to fall into place. Jihoon slowly warmed up to the idea of us, and the tension melted away, replaced by the familiar camaraderie we’d always known. Our relationship was no longer a secret, and it felt liberating to love unapologetically in the open.
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‐Thank You For Reading!🩵🩶
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paintingwhiteceilings · 2 months
❃Seventeen and spotting their S/O during a concert❃
A/N: sooo like a lot of you I will be going to Lollapalooza in Berlin in September to see Seventeen. I am very excited to get the chance to see them live after having been a carat for such an incredibly long time. Anyway, hopefully, I will see some of you there! Let’s have a great time together and be extra loud for the boys!
To celebrate Seventeen’s acknowledgement of the European continent, here is a small prompt about them spotting their S/O during their concert. This prompt might be a little short as I am slowly getting back into writing and creating 13 different reactions takes a lot of time so bear with me as I find my footing again!
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❀ Coups will be all smiles the moment he spots you in the crowd. You had kept it secret from him that you would be attending, and now it finally makes sense to him why you had been so weird when he asked you what you were going to be doing tonight whilst he was gone.
❀ He tries not to draw too much attention to you being there, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. However, he is having a difficult time not glancing in your direction and subconsciously wanders near to where you are sitting whenever they are not dancing.
❀ The moment he sees you are cold, he makes sure to hand over his hoodie to you. For good measure, he donates his bucket hat as well; what if your ears get cold? You know what, he is going to ask the staff to hand you some hot packs, just in case.
❀ He goes hard on the sexy parts of the songs, giving it his all. He wants to impress you; you better bring some holy water.
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❀ At first, you might assume that Jeonghan is completely unaware that you are in the crowd, watching him perform. There is nothing to indicate that he has noticed you as he continues to perform as he normally would, cool on the outside.
❀ However, in actuality, Jeonghan spotted you almost immediately and is absolutely thrilled to see you; he is just more subtle with it than some of the other members. Throughout the concert, he tries to communicate his excitement mainly through small gestures, only noticeable to those who know him well. For instance, he will walk past your spot, giving you a cheeky wink or be a bit more energetic with the members.  
❀ He also starts teasing you by making obscure inside jokes and references to funny stories during talking segments, subtly mentioning some of your embarrassing moments he witnessed.
❀ He will try to convince Seungkwan to force you to sing the Aju Nice high note for his own enjoyment, laughing when you fail.
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❀ Joshua always felt apprehensive about inviting you to his concerts, not because he didn't want you there but because he didn't want to pressure you into attending. So when you decide to surprise him by attending without telling him, he turns all mushy.
❀ He sends you small, soft smiles throughout the concert. The smiling doesn’t cease during the performances either; Joshua keeps smiling even during songs where smiling doesn't really fit the concept, as he is supposed to be all sexy and mysterious.
❀ During the vocal ballads, he seeks you out in the crowd again. Throughout the song, he makes eye contact with you, expressing his love for you through the lyrics of the song.
❀ When he is asked to sing a song he recently has been listening to during one of the talking segments, he will make sure to sing a snippet of your favourite song.  
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❀ Jun is so focused during the concert that he doesn't initially notice you in the crowd. The other members have to point it out to him; Seungkwan gently nudges him during one of the talking segments, bringing your presence to his awareness.
❀ Rather than getting smiley or more energetic, Jun, instead, gets a bit shy when he makes eye contact with you. He suddenly regrets all the weird stuff his members made him do during the talking segments of the concert.
❀ Once he eases up, though, his happiness at seeing you outweighs his shyness. The members notice he is extra energized during the concert, continuously bouncing around the stage during the Aju Nice encore.
❀ Somewhere during the concert, DK and Hoshi convince him to wave in your direction. Thus, you get the cutest, most bashful tiny wave, followed by him hiding behind a laughing Mingyu.
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❀ Okay, where the other members would probably keep their relationships private for as long as possible, Hoshi probably would not be able to keep your relationship secret for long. This man is the king of spoilers, and if fans weren't aware of him being in a relationship before the concert, they for sure know about it after.
❀ He is another member who initially doesn't notice that you are there until another member points it out. Woozi didn't even intend to bring it to Hoshi's awareness; he had merely noted that you had seemed to enjoy their performance of Hot, making Hoshi realize you had been there all along.
❀ His energy explodes the moment he spots you in the crowd. Everything is cranked to the max; he is performing at 200% and is running across the stage as if his life depends on it. Hoshi wants to make you laugh, regularly checking whether his unhinged joke or skit landed by glancing in your direction.
❀ Throughout the concert, he sends exaggerated gestures your way. He continuously is horanghae-ing in your direction and blowing kisses, not bothered in the slightest that technically he should be keeping your relationship on the down low.
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❀ Chances are that this man is too blind to spot you in the crowd. Wonwoo has admitted that he never wears contact lenses on stage and, thus, cannot see anything or anyone in front of him. Consequently, if it hadn't been for Mingyu pointing you out to him, Wonwoo would never have known you had attended the concert.
❀ As a result, he momentarily puts in contact lenses just so that he can see your smile. However, rather than feeling energized by your presence, he is another member who gets painfully shy upon spotting you.
❀ Whenever his eyes meet yours, he freezes for a second, giving you a tiny smile and the tiniest nod before quickly looking away. He has been having trouble focusing on anything but you; his eyes keep seeking you out whenever they have a talking segment, not listening to a single word his members are saying.
❀ Wonwoo, at some point, seriously considers removing his contact lenses, especially when Mingyu notices why his friend is getting so flustered and distracted, teasing him about it.
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❀ Woozi has the best poker face, for the most part. Although you can tell by the small smile that graces his face throughout the performances that he has noticed you, he mostly seems unaffected by your presence.
❀ The other members, however, do not let him get off all that easily. Throughout the concert, they tease him, bringing up inside jokes between the two of you or teasingly commending him on his well-written romantic lyrics. His lyrics are so ingenious, wherever did he get the inspiration from?
❀ Due to all the teasing comments about him being a romantic guy and making romantic songs, he gets a bit shy when singing his ballads. Most of his love songs were written about you, and he can't help but avoid your gaze as he feels the burning, knowing stares of his fellow vocal unit members. Woozi feels a bit too embarrassed at saying his poetic love confessions out loud in such a public space.
❀ Still, his shyness does not keep him from wandering to the area where you are sitting, checking whether you are having a good time and ensuring that you know he appreciates you attending the concert by giving you a small smile and wave.
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❀ DK is so oblivious to you being there; it isn't that he hasn't seen you, but he hasn't noticed it is actually you. He even pointed you out to Minghao, remarking that he had found your body double. Of course, Minghao scolded him for not being able to recognize his own partner.
❀ When it finally dawns on him that you took the time to attend their concert, he starts to tear up. One of his speeches leaves you sobbing, too. DK is so incredibly sincere, tearfully thanking everyone who has come to support him and remarking that without their encouragements, he wouldn’t have been able to perform as well as he did. Although he is deliberately keeping his speech vague, you know he is talking about you.
❀ Nevertheless, DK is not the most subtle about his excitement about you being there. He will regularly enthusiastically wave in your direction. Ultimately, Coups has to step in as it is becoming rather suspicious that DK seems to continuously be playfully interacting with only a select group of Carats. From then on, DK has to follow a simple rule: one interaction with you equals two waves to Carats on the other side of the stadium.
❀ As he wants to commemorate the first time you attended his concert, he will save a piece of confetti for you as a memento.
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❀ Mingyu has been begging you for ages to attend one of his concerts. Unfortunately, your schedule never lined up with the concert dates; even worse, you couldn't cancel your already-made plans, much to your shared disappointment. Thus, when the stars aligned and you finally had the time to go, Mingyu was absolutely over the moon.
❀ Mingyu is noticeably more energetic and giggly throughout the concert. He keeps glancing in your direction, breaking out in a massive smile whenever your eyes meet. Whenever he is able to walk around the stage, he ends up in front of you, giving you a pout when he notices you watching another member. Poor Coups has a field day reminding Mingyu not to make his affection for you so apparent to the fans.
❀ He is on a whole different level during the sexy songs; his shirt accidentally keeps getting drenched, and an overenthusiastic DK keeps trying to lift it 'just because', knowing you would appreciate it.
❀ Mingyu has told every single member that you are there, at least twice. They have tried to hush him, but in his excitement, he keeps nudging them and pointing over at you. He is lucky the microphones haven’t picked up his yapping.
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❀ He knew you were coming to the concert and had been trying to dissuade you from doing so. It simply didn't make sense to him why you wanted to attend. Why waste that much money on tickets when he could invite you to the dance practices or give you a mini concert at home for free?
❀ On the inside, he is incredibly happy that you chose to attend the concert. Minghao briefly mentions it in passing to Jun, unable to hide the soft smile that keeps appearing whenever he does as much as think about you being there.
❀ He is very giggly throughout the concert. To both Carats' and Seventeen's surprise, Minghao keeps laughing at Hoshi's unhinged jokes, even forgetting about his anti-horanghae agenda.
❀ Fans keep thinking he meditated that day because he somehow is very patient with his members' crazy and embarrassing behaviour. In reality, he is too distracted looking at you to actively notice half of the stuff his members are pulling during the talking segments of the concert.
❀ Minghao absolutely refuses to join in on their idiocy, however. He does not want to do anything embarrassing in front of you, even if it would make you laugh.
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❀ It is noticeable to everyone around him that he is so incredibly happy that you were able to attend his concert. Mind you, you have attended his concerts before, but every time you do, Seungkwan treats it like it is the first time you are watching him perform. He has brought it up to every single staff member, excitedly telling them this is going to be the best concert yet because you are there to support him.
❀ He is pulling more shenanigans than usual. His sole goal during the concert is to make you laugh until you cry, and thus, he has pulled out all the stops, imitating every celebrity under the sun. Their concert almost feels like a Going Seventeen episode with Seungkwan as the MC.
❀ During the concert, Seungkwan is flaunting his dance and singing skills. He is adding a riff here and there and putting even more emotion behind the words he is singing. If possible, he will convince the members to let him have his Sexy Seungkwan moment.
❀ At some point during the concert, he will 100% go up to you, just to make you do something crazy. I hope you practised your Aju Nice high note and warmed up for your dance solo.
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❀ Vernon keeps quiet about you being at the concert; he spotted you almost immediately but will not mention it to any of the members. Seungkwan is downright offended when Vernon mentions it after the concert has ended, scolding him that he should have told them you were there. Vernon wants you to enjoy the concert without all the stuff he knows the members would pull once they realize you are in attendance.
❀ During the concert, you feel like you are on The Office. Whenever one of the members does something stupid or embarrassing, Vernon will make direct eye contact with you, pulling a meme face to silently communicate his tortured feelings at having to witness it.  
❀ Vernon isn't one to go over to your area and give you a wave or a smile, wanting you to enjoy a normal concert-going experience. At most, he will briefly meet your eyes during a meaningful line.
❀ He is not paying any attention to his members during talking segments, zoning out to blatantly stare at you. When they scold him backstage, he 1000% uses you as his excuse.
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❀ You hadn't told Dino that you would be attending their upcoming concert, mostly because you knew that if you did, his perfectionism would get the better of him. Dino would practice deep into the night, wanting to give you the best performance imaginable, and, thus, not telling him, was your way of preventing your boyfriend from overworking himself.
❀ Still, the moment he notices you in the crowd, he goes on a mission to prove himself. Gone is the cute maknae; he has cranked up his stage presence to 5000% and will not accept a single mistake.
❀ Throughout the concert, Dino keeps glancing in your direction to gauge your reaction whenever he has executed a difficult or sexy dance move.
❀ Although he loves making you laugh, Dino feels torn between making a fool out of himself or being the cool, sexy guy. Still, after some encouragement from his members, he will join them in their skits, bringing out his famous characters. Seeing your laughter at his ridiculousness boosts his confidence tenfold.
❀ Despite his members' pushiness, he is way too shy to actually go over to where you are sitting or wave at you. Instead, he jealously stares at you from afar as the other members interact with you.
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db2k · 4 months
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Cheers to youth SEVENTEEN
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madewithangst · 20 days
SEVENTEEN + texting you during ttt [pt2]
PAIRING: seventeen (ot13) x f!reader GENRE: text imagine WARNINGS: a few swear words and a mention of t*ddies NOTES: just watched their last (aug '24) ttt i miss them
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jungkooooookie · 6 months
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tangerine-seungkuan · 6 months
dk stands for Dude Kisser
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wemefication · 2 years
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“Can I throw out a slight thought?”
'Mr. Cha' helping bss out with their choreo on Going Booseoksoon
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owlshellr · 1 year
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jeonghan’s energy :🪫1% left.
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wonustars · 7 months
who do you think in svt would do the coquette boyfriend tiktok challenge
OMG HAHA i literally just saw @sluttywoozi get this same question and i totally agree w her! this is my take hehehe😋
Mingyu would def be the number 1 candidate for this and he would be the type to flex his biceps so the ribbon would rip in half and everything ㅜㅜ. he would probably get all ticklish and nervous while you wrap the bow around his bicep tho hehehe. there would be a lot of “baby am i doing this right? does it look good? can i see?”
DK would also be happy to do this, his biceps are HUGE HELLO and i could just see it now. The tiny thin ribbon wrapped around his tan muscular arms 😵‍💫😵‍💫 he’s like a little puppy who would be so happy from all the praise your giving him as u film the video. you would say something like “wow baby you’re arms are so muscular” and he would start buzzing like a little bee and gets all shy “really you think so? soonyoung has been making me go to the gym with him a lot lately 😊”
For those who I think would question you a little bit if u ask…
Wonwoo would probably have no idea what you’re talking about when you initially ask, so you’d have to show him the video and he’d be like “why do u wanna do this?” HAHAA but then he sees how enthusiastic you are about it so he decides to just try it with you, you finally get to wrap the cute little bow on his arm while he flexes in front of the camera, he’d probably be like “this is so ridiculous, but i’m only doing it cuz i love you”
Minghao would probably give the same reaction as wonwoo but he would say no instead. he would say that you’re always too caught up in your silly little tiktok trends. and you’d pout and pout, and he’d laugh with his minghao giggle and find you cute with your lip jutted out, hands clasped asking to just do one video with him. finally giving in after begging for like 20 minutes, you would out the bow on just to see it rip within seconds 😋😋. in the end he’d would probably say “i still don’t get this but at least my baby’s happy”
a/n: sorry anon if this isnt the answer you wanted 😭 this is my first time getting an ask like this heheh. but i hope you like it nonetheless 🎀💞
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wooahaeruby · 3 months
Blood Stained Hands
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One mistake leads to the downward spiral of the life you once knew. Everything made sense once, but now...everything made sense differently. Are you willing to risk everything for the people you've come to love? A Poly SVT (only a few members) x Reader fic with relationships added as time goes on Jeonghan x Reader & Joshua x Reader & ????? x Reader
Mafia AU, Polyamory, G*ns and Dr*gs mentions, Violence, Organized Crime, Death Threats, Other Kpop groups are mentioned, Female Reader, Trauma, PTSD, Slow Burn, M*rder/People Die, Read at your own risk Some chapters will have specific Trigger Warnings!
Author's Notes
This is my villain arch. This is years worth of watching crime shows and losing my mind which ended up in...this. Yeah... I don't have a lot to say for myself with this one, I just wrote and wrote and wrote and It got longer and longer and now we are here.
Status: Incomplete/WIP
Current WC: TBD
Current Chapter Count: 38
Under Dimmed Street Lights
Umbrella to Stand Under, Together
Stupid is As Stupid Does
Intro Fire Brings Light
Light Brings Warmth
New Bonds
New World Unraveled
First Rule About Fight Club
Don't Talk About Fight Club
Birthday Blue
Heart On The Light
Sky Walking
Rose Tinted Glasses
A Night to Remember
A Night You'll Never Forget
When The Sun Shines
One Shot, Two Shot
Plans Within Plans
Plans Within the Plans of Plans
Stupid Games
Stupid Prizes
Two is Better Than One
Never Alone
A Step Forward
New Perspectives
One Eye Open
A Hand to Hold
Snap of A Heart
Crash and Burn
Shot for Shot
Two Sides of The Same Coin
Three Steps Forward
Four Million Steps Back
A Very SVT Christmas
Misery Business
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atinystraynstay · 7 months
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Ok so this photo has me thinking… how would we all feel about Soccer Star!SVT plots? Like especially DK?? Wowowowow
Update: did turn this into a small fic! which you can read HERE please let me know if I should continue, add other members, etc.
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miumiu-s · 1 year
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madewithangst · 5 months
SEVENTEEN + contacts another member about marrying you [pt2]
PAIRING: seventeen (ot13) x gn!reader GENRE: text imagine, fluff WARNINGS: a few swear words, marriage???, mention of food, excessive use of "hyung" lol NOTE(S): I tried my hardest to find a hand that can be for anyone, really sorry if I failed in that area
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A/N: in case some of you didn't get who mingyu's talking with, it was wonwoo lol I forgot to mention his name
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1uvjeons · 1 year
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minghao ; headers —⁠☆
like or reblog if u save or use
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tangerine-seungkuan · 3 months
dokyeom with wonwoo, seungkwan, hoshi
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