#Derek Morgan Christmas
spencestiel-michelle · 9 months
Garcia: i can’t believe you lied to us! 
Derek: what are you- 
Reid: we were just in town and guess who we saw?! 
Garcia: Santa Claus
Reid: Santa. just a myth?
Garcia: who totally exists- by the way.
Reid: then explain how we have this! 
*Reid yanks out picture of him and Penelope standing next to Santa*
Derek: you… *exhales* my apologies. clearly, i was mistaken. 
*everyone walking away* 
Garcia: ha. he tried to argue with two geniuses. get it line. 
Reid: the odds of him winning that was colossal. 
Garcia: get. in. line. 
Derek: guys, we have to start the whole Santa thing again. 
*JJ, Hotch, Emily, & Rossi all sigh and grunt*
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violetrainbow412-blog · 9 months
hello!! how about something with spencer about christmas? 🎄🎄🎄
Lovely Christmas 🎄 [S. R]
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
word count: 1.6k
summary: the entire team gets together to celebrate Christmas and Spencer gives you a pleasant surprise.
note: merry next Christmas everyone! I hope you like it:)
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Christmas, time to celebrate, give and receive. All that advertising in the stores worked to the point that you really felt a certain warmth on the holiday, despite the low degrees of the Virginia climate.
The team members, at Penelope's initiative, had agreed to have a small meeting to celebrate Christmas Eve this year, due to the uncertainty of not knowing how many Christmases you had left as a team because of everything chaotic that had happened lately. Mainly also because you had never celebrated that date together.
Everyone was there, the little ones, the older ones, some old members of the team, the new ones, husbands, wives, friends... in short, it was a big party. Of course Dave had offered his house to host the event and you, without complaint, had agreed. He had probably hired someone to do it, but the house was decorated masterfully, with lights, trees, Christmas boots, a life-size dancing Santa and even the white snow bathing the entire patio that could be seen from the glass doors. That's why Rossi couldn't be prouder, being the best of hosts as he always was.
You were euphoric about everything and you didn't even know where you should start enjoying. On the one hand, there was the opportunity to talk to friends from work that I hadn't seen in years, on the other hand, you could spend time with the kids and hug little baby Morgan, and last but not least, you could drink punch and hot chocolate in the company of the group that had gathered in that area. You decided on that option and very soon you were chatting friendly with Aaron and Emily.
“Jack wants a video game console for Christmas and I told him that only if he behaved well Santa could bring it, although I have a feeling that only one of us is pretending that he exists” he was telling you, laughing, when suddenly someone interrupted him.
“Jeez, it's freezing outside,” the voice, quite familiar to you, complained.
It was Spencer, who had just arrived with rosy cheeks, snowflakes scattered in his hair, his purple scarf and an ugly sweater that had gingerbread men all over it. He looked simply adorable.
“Reid!” you said happily, walking over to give him a hug which he gladly reciprocated. “Do you want me to serve you a cup of chocolate?”
“Oh, I would love you even more if you did that,” he replied, grinning at you from ear to ear with those gorgeous white teeth.
Being with all your friends makes you very happy, but there is one friend in particular who completely lights up your world. That's Spencer, and he was doing it right then.
“Here you go, handsome,” you murmured playfully, while you placed a full cup between his recently ungloved hands. He sighed as he took a sip of the drink and looked at you gratefully.
He joined in without any difficulty and soon the two of you were laughing at the story Emily was telling you, close enough to each other to be considered friendly. That's how it was always with him, despite his obvious fear of germs, he didn't mind being around you, much less when you laughed and leaned against his side a little or when you were telling a story and you constantly touched him. It felt natural to him, only when it came to you.
Rossi served turkey for all of you, one that you knew he had prepared because of the peculiar flavor and Italian ingredients. You had sat in front of Spencer and thanks to that you could see all his expressions during dinner, which were pure happiness. Seeing him happy made you happy too, as if you were infected with a delicious disease.
And suddenly you found yourself staring at him for too long and making jokes just to make him smile, as if he was the only one there with you.
During dinner you shared anecdotes, as always, Penny handed out candy to children and adults, the former members talked about how their new job was going and among all that it very soon became almost midnight.
Some sadness and surprise-filled your chest when Spencer announced that he would be the first to leave.
“I'm going to visit my mom,” he had explained, because you remembered that Diana was now in a health center that was only an hour away. No one dared to hold him back when they found out his reason and there were only a few goodbye hugs.
However, you told the man that you would walk him to the door and as you did so you pulled one of the bags on the floor with you. You stopped under the door frame, which could be seen from the small living room where the group had moved after dinner, and then you spoke.
“Drive carefully, okay?” was the first thing you said, lovingly adjusting the scarf that he was wearing around his neck. “And call me when you get there.”
“I will do it, calm down”
“Before you go, I want to give you something,” you murmured softly. You took out two decorated packages from your bag, one purple and the other pink “One is for you and the other is for your mother. Wish her a Merry Christmas from me”
“Y/N,” he said, sounding touched by what you were offering him. It was clear that what he had in his hands were books and he felt a tug in his heart when he thought that you had gotten one for his mother “I didn't bring you anything, I'm so sorry.”
“That doesn't matter, Spence,” you responded affectionately “It's just a detail, but I hope you like it.”
The man was about to respond when a whistle caught the attention of both of you and when you looked in the direction of the room you noticed that everyone had their eyes on you.
“Tough luck, lovebirds,” Morgan laughed and for a second you didn't understand what was funny about it. But when he pointed his finger at a spot above your head, then you understood.
There was mistletoe there, and you and Spencer were right under it.
“It's tradition,” Rossi began to say, when if he knew that you would refuse, “You can't break it”
“Did you know that the meaning of mistletoe can be found in the culture of the Celts? According to some stories, the druids used it in their spells and even to resurrect the dead, according to some legends of which we have evidence and records in different sources. Furthermore, magical powers are attributed to the plant because it doesn’t come from the sky or the earth, since the roots are neither in the ground nor held in the air: the mistletoe is maintained thanks to the deciduous tree that it parasitizes”
You giggled childishly as you listened to Spencer speak, probably to calm your nerves at the thought of having to kiss him, and he didn't even notice because he was so excited to share that bit of knowledge he had for the occasion.
“And that's why you have to kiss her, Reid! Legend says that if a woman is kissed under the mistletoe, she will be able to find the love of her life. And who knows, maybe our poor Y/N already needs some luck in that area”
You wanted to kill JJ for saying that, but at the same time you couldn't think about anything but what he would do. You didn't even know if he would dare to kiss you in front of all your coworkers and you wouldn't blame him if he didn't, after all you were just friends.
"Would it bother you?" he asked quietly. He didn't look the least bit nervous and that really made you nervous.
“Do you really want to kiss me?”
“Well, it's tradition,” he murmured, shrugging, while he smiled at you calmly. Apparently this hadn't affected him like it did you.
“Okay, then it’s… it’s okay.”
You would have liked to say the words more calmly, but you couldn't, and the little confidence you had left disappeared when Spencer raised one of his hands to cup your cheek and planted a kiss on your lips. It was a gentle kiss, sweet and short, but it made you shiver completely.
Honestly, no one expected you two to actually kiss, that's why when he pulled away from you the whole room was completely silent. You were shocked, they were shocked.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N,” he said, carefully caressing the skin of your face with his hand that was still holding it.
You made a superhuman effort to find your voice.
"Merry Christmas too"
He gave you one last caress and then said goodbye to the rest, waving his hand happily; they responded a little less enthusiastically, probably due to astonishment. The door closed, but you stood, staring into space as you tried to process what had just happened.
“Someone help the poor woman, it looks like she is going to have a heart attack”
Nobody, absolutely nobody, expected a comment like that coming from Aaron Hotchner and perhaps that was what made the moment a thousand times funnier.
“Did Reid really kiss you? I hope we aren’t experiencing a collective hallucination.”
“He didn't even hesitate! That's my boy"
“Everyone shut up,” you said finally, feeling all your blood pooling in your cheeks as you walked back to the living room “I don't think any of you want to be knocked out by a federal agent on Christmas Eve”
They laughed and eventually so did you. Reid wrote you a message when he arrived with his mother and you smiled as you remembered the kiss he had given you, the one that, without a doubt just as the legend said, led you to find the love of your life.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @instabull @rhiannonhippiegirl @r-3dlips @missabsey @olivia’s-25
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sl-newsie · 3 months
Melted Mind (Dr. Spencer Reid x OC Coworker)
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Summary: The team checks into a hotel and one of their coworkers has never used a sauna, leading to late night shenanigans. (Hinting at intimacy towards the end)
“You’ve never used a sauna?”
I’ve had a lot of strange and unusual conversations with the BAU but this has got to be a very random one. I guess one half-mention of never having used a sauna seems to be the hot topic of tonight.
I shake my head at Emily’s question. “Never had a reason to. I can’t stand being too hot.”
Of course now Spencer has to hop in and give his input. “Saunas actually help us sweat toxins out of our bodies and improve lymphatic drainage. They also reduce stress levels and help strengthen the immune system.”
I love him dearly but he can come in at the worst times. Just because he’s my boyfriend does not mean he can drag me into this too.
Meanwhile Emily is looking at the hotel’s brochure. “There’s one in the pool room. We should try it.”
Um, no. We’ve just spent three hours flying. I feel no need to sit in a boiling hot room with my coworkers.
Quick, grab the suitcase and start walking away. “I think I’m going to relax in my room-”
Morgan grabs my arm. “C’mon, it’ll be fun!”
In the corner of my eye I see JJ and Penelope waving goodbye with cheeky smiles. Hotch has already gone to his room and Rossi avoids the situation by heading for the bar. There’s no getting out of this.
There’s no other way to say it. This is Hell. I won’t sugarcoat it. 
I don’t care how Emily tries to sell this as a good thing because it’s a ‘steam sauna.’ Spencer’s facts from earlier have completely flown the coop because thinking about the positive health benefits of sweating is the last thing on my mind. All I can think of is drinking water and staying alive.
“I’m melting.” We’ve been here for half an hour and I’m already slumped in the corner.
“You look like a lava lamp."
My glare can burn through walls. “Thanks, Morgan.”
“That swimsuit is really cute,” Emily comments. “But why wear a shirt over it?”
The suit I packed is my patriotic one. A one-piece suit with blue and white stars at the top cascading into red and white stripes. When we met up in the hall I threw on a swim shirt and I guess that raised a few eyebrows. Why? I don’t know.
“Some call it image paranoia, I call it modesty. I will not walk around half-naked in a hotel lobby.” Technically my onepiece could count as a leotard but it’s still not modest.
Emily snickers. “Between you and Reid both you guys could give a lecture on social etiquette.”
“I’m giving a lecture?”
Reid pokes his head in and a wave of cold air washes over me. It’s Heaven! But it’s only a split second because he closes the door and I’m submerged in the moist prison once more. He hops up on the seat next to me and from the look he gives me I can tell he’s looking to see if I’m still alive. I think I am. Maybe.
“Here’s the boy genius!” Morgan claps and gestures to my limp body’s presentation of a corpse. “What do you think of this lovely swimsuit?”
Why? Why did Morgan of all people have to find out about us? I’m honestly surprised Penelope didn’t find out first. If only Spencer didn’t want a picture of me on his desk so badly. Ever since we became official he’s been much more manly about it. Like he wants to make sure everyone knows I’m his. It’s actually cute.
Spencer gives me a look-over. “Very patriotic. It looks nice.”
Those eyes say more than that. He loves it.
“Thank you. I’m lucky I brought it with me. Though this may be what I’m buried in if I don’t make it through tonight. This sauna’s going to be the death of me.” 
So the night goes on. My mind dwindles in and out of the conversation but the only thing keeping me awake is Spencer’s occasional squeeze on my shoulder. Though him rubbing my back is definitely not helping. After a while my mind starts to wander.
“Ever notice how radio stations play the same songs over and over?”
The chatter stops and in the corner of my glazed eye I see everyone look at me. 
“That’s kinda deep,” Morgan teases.
“I can’t help it. This sauna’s making me think deep.”
Emily waves a hand in front of me. “Ok, I think it’s time to call it a night. You need to drink some water. Make sure she gets to bed safely, Reid.”
Reid gives me a hidden smirk. He’s definitely thinking about that out of context. Thankfully the others are too tired to notice and we all slowly exit the human vegetable steamer from Hell. 
“I’ll go get you a towel,” Reid says before walking off.
I’ll finally get to go to my room, rinse off and relax- Uh-oh. I catch a quick glance out the window. A pair of blue sunglasses lies on a patio lawn chair. No one’s outside. I guess I should do the Girl Scout routine of returning them to the lobby desk.
Brr! How is the air outside so cold? The sauna must have really gotten to me. Back inside now- Oh no. Is it my wandering mind or am I locked out? No. No! I don’t have a key card!
Inside Spencer walks around the pool looking for me. The towel he’s carrying might as well be a fur coat.
“Oh- Spencer! Help!” I knock on the glass door. “Please! I’m locked out!”
Reid’s eyes widen and he strides over. “How did you get stuck out there?”
“Someone left their sunglasses out here and I didn’t think about needing a key card to get back inside. Could you let me in?”
He starts reaching for the door but then gets an amused smirk. “Hmm. I don’t know…”
Is he kidding? “Spencer! Please! It’s freezing out here!”
Reid checks the thermostat. “It’s only 65 degrees.”
“I just came out of a sauna! Do you want me to pass out?” I put my hands on my hips.
Spencer’s laughter is muffled by the glass but he turns the doorknob anyway. “Open sesame.”
I sigh in relief at the warm air. “Thank you- oh!”
My temperature spikes the instant Spencer’s lips are on mine. He backs me against the cold condensation-covered door and pulls me close to him. I hope no one’s looking!
“It was hard not to do that in front of the team, seeing you in this suit.” Spencer presses a kiss on my cheek. “It looks very nice.”
If I weren’t so exhausted I’d encourage this. “Ready to go to bed? I’m getting tired.”
“Me too.” Reid wraps the towel around my shaking shoulders and we start walking back. “Would you like me to rub your back?”
“I’d love that very much, Spencer.”
The sight of our hotel room is equivalent to scoring an A+. I speed-wash through the shower and all but dive onto the soft bed. I lift my sleepy head up to look at Spencer, who’s sitting in the lounge chair staring at me.
“You know my attraction to you didn’t start from your body,” he murmurs, still looking at me as if examining a piece of art.
I smile shyly and look down. “It was my eyes.”
He walks over and kneels down to my level. “It was your eyes. Those eyes that show a deep wisdom but are always wide with excited curiosity.”
Spencer crawls up onto the bed and rests his head on my chest. “Still tired? I can feel your heart rate elevating-”
“Let me pause the lecture, professor.” I put a finger to his lips. “It’s time to sleep. You can resume tomorrow.”
He sighs but gives in to his own tired state by going limp. I’m too tired to push him off. 
“You were right, Spencer. Saunas really do reduce stress levels. Even if I was almost locked out.”
He smiles with his eyes closed and feels around for the bedside light switch. “Goodnight, angel.”
The room goes dark and I give him one last kiss. “Goodnight, genius.”
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criminalmindsfanantic · 11 months
Penelope *entering the bullpen in a festive outfit*: It’s Christmas! Are you all in a Christmas mood?!
JJ: Merry fucking crisis.
Derek: Hoe *points at Emily* hoe *points at Reid* hoe *points at JJ*.
Reid: Jingle bells, jingle bells, single all the way.
Emily: Fuck the snow! Fuck the snow! Fuck the snow!
Penelope: Guys, please.
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how does our team celebrate Christmas?
penelope: the whole goddamn shabang. she goes caroling, she bakes gingerbread and then builds her own gingerbread house, complete with people and a little gingerbread cat. she goes overboard with the decorations.
hotch: uses his time off and the Christmas season to do as many activities as he can with Jack. they go ice skating, watch Christmas movies, Christmas shopping, they go and see santa and watch parades. they visit haleys grave. he spends Christmas morning with Jack and then drops him with haleys parents for Christmas Dinner, making his way to rossis for adult Christmas which he's always a little sad about even though he has fun.
rossi: buys everyone really expensive gifts. hosts Christmas Dinner- doesn't cook, though. hires catering staff, whom he also buys expensive presents for (usually wine)
emily: takes pride in being the drunkest across the holiday season. Christmas eve, Christmas day, new years eve, new years day and every day in between. also buys everyone really expensive gifts. two years into working at the bau penelope finds out Emily doesn't put a tree up - something to do with her childhood hm - and buys her one, forcing the whole team round to Emily's apartment to decorate. it becomes a tradition.
morgan: decorates his house TO THE NINES in the weeks leading up to Christmas only for the lights to go dark over Christmas eve and Christmas day because he's in Chicago with his family. comes back to Virginia and spends new year with the team though.
reid: also misses out on Christmas day with the team because he spends it with his mom (once he moves Diana to Virginia, there are two extra seats at rossis table) spends new years with the team though, same as Morgan. penelope puts his tree up for him - he always claims he's too busy, and he pretends to be a little annoyed but really he's grateful. she doesn't make the team help with his because she knows how he values his space.
jj: santa, stockings and last minute holiday shopping. jj is The Worst - she's always roped one or more of them into Christmas eve shopping with her because she's not had the time. jj, will and the boys alternate spending Christmas with the team and with jjs family. they have Christmas morning at home, let the boys open gifts, then they go for a big family walk after breakfast and head either across the border or to the Rossi mansion for a feast.
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veeluvss · 10 months
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a collection of christmas related riminal minds oneshots featuring different characters and reader inserts !!!
✩ 1. christmas cook
✩ 2. first time family
✩ 3. christmas retreat
✩ 4. snowed in
✩ 5. secret santa
✩ 6. smile, aaron
✩ 7. the perfect present
✩ 8. santas little helper
✩ 9. missing you this Christmas
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book-place · 2 years
Christmas Catastrophe
Warnings: fire, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: BAU x reader platonic
Request: Criminal Minds
Request by: @bringinsexybackk69
*not my gif*
Summary: Things go very, very wrong when you and your team try to prepare for a holiday party
A/N: Welcome to day 8 of Book Places 12 Days of Christmas Celebration
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“Oven on fire! Oven on fire! I repeat: the oven is on the fire!” Penelope screeched, stumbling away from the burning object as the rest of you came charging into the room.
“I gave you one instruction!” You yelled over the rapid sound of the fire alarm as you quickly took towels and waved them around while you jumped to try and clear the air of smoke, “Don’t burn my house down! How hard is that for you to try and do?”
Derek was quick to grab the fire extinguisher and open the oven before spraying all the white foam into it.
“Roughly two hundred fires are started on Christmas each year,” Reid coughed out, “But those are from trees, not burnt food!”
“Okay, okay, everyone calm down,” JJ spoke, taking charge alongside Morgan, “We just have to make sure this fire gets out.”
You, Penelope, and Spencer all scrambled to open up some windows to fan out the house and JJ and Morgan put the last of the fire out.
When the fire alarm finally stopped blaring, you all turned and glared at Penelope, who gave a small shrug of her shoulders and squeaked out, “Oops?”
Morgan ran a hand down his face and sighed, “Remind me again why we agreed to let her do the cooking?”
“Because I normally don’t burn things.” She exclaimed with a pout and the cross of her arms.
Emily then walked in holding a cake, only to stop in her tracks and look back and forth between all of you in your disheveled states with wide eyes, “I left you all for five minutes and you managed to do what exactly?”
You sighed dramatically, “You don’t even want to know.” You threw Garcia a playful wink so that she knew that you were all just messing with her and weren’t really mad, to which she let out a long breath of relief.
“What should we do about the dinner now, though?” Spencer asked, and all your heads slowly turned to the burnt dishes in front of you.
“Go! Go! Go!” You screamed, pushing a shopping cart down the aisle as fast as you could, ignoring the people that jumped out of your way and the judging glares you received from them.
Penelope and Spencer jogged right beside you, grabbing and throwing random things into the cart that would be used to remake the dinner as quickly as possible.
“Come on, guys,” Derek stressed through speaker phone, “Hotch and Rossi will be here really soon, we have to make sure this is ready by then.”
The three of you picked up your pace even more, if that was possible, scaring a young worker half to death at the check out as you begged him to hurry up before making your way back to your home.
You threw open the door and made a beeline to the kitchen.
Morgan, JJ, and Emily immediately followed behind you and helped get to work immediately with the others.
Everyone had a job, any job- besides Garcia, who was banned from working at the oven- and you all rushed through making a dinner that very well should have taken at least two hours.
Right as you guys put the final trays on the counter, a knock rang through your home, bouncing off the walls before it reached your ears.
You all froze, glancing back and forth at one another and the food before all slowly making your way towards the door.
When you opened it, Hotch and Rossi blinked once at the guilty looking sea of people before their eyes narrowed, “What happened?” Hotch asked automatically.
“Nothing! Nothing!” Penelope examined all too quickly, causing you to slap a hand over your face.
“Everything is completely normal!” Reid continued, causing JJ to face palm as well.
They looked back and forth between all of you once more before Rossi shrugged and stepped in, “Whatever, I’m hungry.”
You led them both in, only for everyone to freeze in their tracks as the familiar screeching fire alarm filled your ears.
“We did it again!” The six of you screamed in panic, stumbling your way back to the kitchen and leaving behind and confused Aaron and David who shared a glance as they listened to you all scream and scramble around the kitchen.
They both shrugged, moving to take a seat on the couch and turned the television on, settling back as they allowed you all to panic by yourselves.
“Do you think it’s a bad time to tell them that we forgot the pie?” Rossi asked.
“Eh,” Hotch shrugged, “They’ll figure it out eventually.”
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drreidsphds · 2 years
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-> ❤️ some christmas themed criminal minds photos I made/collected!! (you'd have to click to see the whole picture)
🎄 . like or reblog if you liked these
☃️ . happy holidays and a happy new year!!
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kittybugz · 3 months
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mery chrimes
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masterwords · 2 years
Spending Christmas in Chicago at Fran’s. Morgan’s sisters building a snowman with Jack while Hotch and Derek enjoy a lazy morning under the warm covers.
Hotch and Derek attending the annual Christmas play at Jack’s school and going for hot chocolate at the Christmas market afterwards.
Both of them falling asleep on the sofa on New Year’s Eve, Jack taking a picture and sending it to Jess and Fran.
Well, I am absolutely certain you had no intention of me using all 3 of these in one story, but I did. With an added dash of baby fever! Hotch and Morgan plus a pregnancy announcement. I think I might carry this one on, too, as a long-term story if anyone is interested? Add it to the pile, folks! I don't write a lot of baby-centric fics but I was sort of in the mood here for some reason. Lots of sweet, soft fluff. Some angst. 3.5k words of SURPRISE WE'RE HAVING A BABY.
***there is comfort where we overlap ***
“We have to go,” Derek said, breezing through the bedroom, from hallway to bathroom with a purpose. Hotch had been in there for over an hour either showering, shaving or having some kind of extended quiet panic attack. “You almost ready?” On the counter was an open bottle of Tums, extra strength, half empty. He popped the lid closed and looked around.
Silence. Derek peeked behind the shower curtain to find Hotch just...sitting...beneath the water. “Aaron, come on.”
“What time is her appointment?” Hotch's voice was small and wet sounding.
“Doesn't matter. We'll know when we know. Come on, Jack's expecting us to show up for this cookies and cocoa thing with his teachers beforehand. Jessica will actually murder us if we miss it, I guarantee it.”
“I know.” He made no effort to move, however.
“Then get up and come on. It's out of our hands.”
Hotch wasn't usually one to mope around, and under normal circumstances he would be the one who had everything together and was ready hours beforehand. But there was something about this particular circumstance that had completely robbed him of the ability to exist. Slowly he unfurled his long legs and stretched them while Derek cut off the water supply and dropped a towel on top of his head rather unceremoniously. “Up.”
“I'm getting up.”
“No, you're stretching like a lazy cat. Get up.”
He got up. Begrudgingly, he managed it and toweled himself off entirely before stepping out of the tub. Derek had already laid out some clothes for him and threatened to set a timer for him to get ready, but Hotch didn't protest and didn't drag his feet. He simply did his best to turn his brain off and put his clothes on.
C'est la Vie had never been in Hotch's life plan. His need for control ran so deep that he couldn't even let other people drive the car he sat in. And this situation was so far outside of his control that it was giving him an ulcer, or at least adding to the one that was already in there. He could feel it gnawing away at his stomach lining. For the last two weeks he'd been eating Tums and drinking Alka Seltzer at an alarming rate. He was making himself sick, and there wasn't anything Derek could do to stop the spiral except wait it out and remind him they had no control and if they found out that it hadn't happened...they would simply try again. And again. And it wouldn't have been his fault.
They missed cookies and cocoa by ten minutes, but they made it before the play started. Just in time to apologize and promise that they'd go out to the little Christmas market downtown afterward to see the tree lighting and parade. They would have just enough time to pop in, grab some hot cocoa, watch the tree lighting and hit the road. Hotch wasn't thrilled, but he'd been the reason for the tardiness, so he kept his protest to a minimum. “It's three degrees,” Hotch muttered, but he'd already given in.
The play was sweet. Not great, most of the kids forgot their lines and some had even lost parts of their costumes, but it was sweet. The really little ones looked like a box full of kittens had been upended on the stage and they all scattered in different directions. There were teachers and parents rushing the stage to set them back on track. The slightly older kids, like Jack, stood on the risers and sang their parts and spoke their lines sometimes too loud, sometimes too quiet, always off key - but overall, it was about as good as could be expected. It would leave them with stories to tell, if nothing else.
As they sat, Hotch worried his thumb over his nailbeds and kept it hidden in his pockets. As if Derek didn't know what he was hiding. With some otherworldly level of stealth, Derek reached over, pulled one of his hands free and squeezed it. At attempt at being reassuring but it only made Hotch feel like crying. That Derek was so laid back and he was absolutely beside himself was cruel.
Their phones were off. Derek had insisted. Not just silence but completely off. “Whatever the result is, we don't need to know while Jack's on stage. Agreed?”
Derek led a standing ovation for the kids, much to the delight of the kids on stage who took exaggerated bows and pointed at their families and smiled for pictures. Hotch, for one brief moment, was completely overwhelmed by what was happening on the stage and how completely sweet it was and forgot entirely about the text he was anticipating. In fact, his mind wandered in the other direction, and he found himself wishing he could turn to his right and see Haley there smiling up at Jack through tears of joy and laughter.
Finally, in the lobby while Jack was with his class getting their things together, it was time. Derek took his phone out and looked at Hotch a little expectantly when the screen began to show signs of life. They both saw it, the little flashing light that said he had a text. “No matter what, it's okay, right? If it didn't take this time, we'll try again...”
Hotch's sample had been hard to come by. The timing was off, his work schedule was impeding every attempt at an appointment he made, his stress levels were through the roof...he was starting to feel dead in the water before he'd even made it to the damn clinic.
“Yeah,” Hotch whispered, his breath caught in his throat. If it didn't take it would be entirely his fault and sure they could try again and again, but at a certain point it would be worth questioning how they were going about this. It was their second attempt. The first time, Hotch had wept for a whole night in spite of himself. Derek had to admit that he was disappointed, too, but he could see it for what it was: an imperfect science. They were warned it might take a few attempts and it wouldn't indicate anything wrong, not right away. But Hotch had a hard time seeing it that way when he thought back to the years and years that he and Haley had tried and failed, tried and nearly succeeded, tried and tried.
Derek held his phone up to Hotch, and through the shine of tears he saw the photo, the piece of paper with a big bold word printed right at the top of all the other various lab results. POSITIVE.
“You see it? You see what it says?” Derek asked, unable to wipe the smile from his face. Hotch sniffed and pulled his handkerchief from his pocket before nodding. He was staring at it. Couldn't take his eyes off of it. “We're doing this.”
His voice didn't seem to work, but Derek didn't mind that. He just held up his phone, snapped a picture of Hotch with tears in his eyes, and sent it to Sarah as confirmation that they were ecstatic.
In a few hours, after the Christmas market, they would be on a plane with Jack headed to Chicago to spend the week of Christmas with Derek's family and they would have to keep this quiet until Christmas morning. “Can we tell Jack?” Derek asked, and Hotch shook his head.
“No. Sarah wants everyone to find out when your mom does, she was adamant about that.”
“You don't think he can keep it a secret?”
“Derek. Jack has proven, time and again, to be abysmal at keeping even the most basic of secrets. I would love to tell him but I think it would be ill-advised.”
“All I heard was blah blah blah. Let's tell Jack. I want him to know he's going to be a big brother.” He paused, really taking a second to look at Hotch, at the way the color had drained from his cheeks and the tears glistened in his eyes. “Let's go sit down on that bench and wait for Jack before you pass out right here. We'll decide when we see him.”
Hotch allowed Derek to lead him to the bench, but he wasn't intending to budge on the rest. He was certain that they should not tell Jack, as much as they both wanted to. Until the minute that Jack appeared before them dressed like a little elf and even Hotch could hardly contain himself. With one sideways glance that Derek took as approval to spill the beans (whether it was or was not would be the topic of many discussions throughout the week), the words spilled out.
“Jack,” he said, pulling the kid into his lap. “You ready to be a big brother?”
There's regular snow and then there is Chicago snow. Hotch relinquished the driving reigns infrequently, but when the snow on the side of the road was piled up as high as the car, and the slush they had to drive in threw the car around like a rag doll, he handed the keys to Derek without any fuss. He could drive in regular snow, out on country roads was his specialty, but there was something daunting about having to adapt to both big city driving and deep snow that he simply couldn't manage. Something about it tipped the scales from him having control to having absolutely none.
The storm was moving in quickly, and they'd been fortunate that their plane had even been allowed to land at O'Hare, but they'd be pushing their luck to make it all the way to Fran's unscathed. By the end of the drive, the car was more like a sled on the big busy streets just sliding without traction, and once they were on the side streets the poor thing was working double time to pull itself through the mounds of wet slush and snow that wouldn't be plowed for days to come. But they made it in one piece and were ready to hunker down and wait out the rest of the storm inside Fran's nice warm home.
And they had four whole days to keep a huge secret from everyone.
The look on Sarah's face, the absolute bliss in her eyes when she reached out to hug Derek, Hotch knew it was going to be a difficult few days. And when she hugged him around the neck, he had to fight back more tears. He was on the verge of tears often, but this was far and away the worst it had ever been. Suddenly he was remembering that first few days after finding out that Haley was pregnant, it was funny how he'd managed to forget all of that now that Jack was older and everything had changed. Now, like he'd stepped into a time machine, he was feeling all those huge overwhelming things again. His life, Jack's life, this baby's life, they all flashed before his eyes. He squeezed Derek's hand out of desperation, and Derek squeezed him back out of love.
Dinner the first night was mostly quiet, with Sarah and Desiree bickering and Derek trying to mediate on Sarah's behalf. As the evening wore on, he began to get a little overbearing and Hotch had to tell him to back off of Desiree more than once.
“She's gonna stress Sarah out,” he hissed as they ducked around the corner. “She needs to back off.”
“Sarah will be fine.” It was Hotch's turn to be reasonable, to find himself slightly more even. His ulcer was still smoldering embers, but he felt more peaceful. The panic had, at least momentarily, subsided. “She's okay.” The strain in Derek's eyes, the absolute uncertainty and out of control feeling that seeped from him was concerning. He was going to blow the secret before anyone else by virtue of his need to care for his sister who was carrying his child.
“I need to take a walk,” Derek said finally, and Hotch nodded in agreement. “Get outta here for a bit. Get some fresh air.”
“Why don't you ask Sarah to go with you? I could use a ginger ale from the corner store.”
Derek reached out and pulled Hotch close to him, pressing their foreheads together. “You're a genius.”
“I know.”
They slept on the pull-out sofa bed with Jack on an air mattress nearby. Fran had made him up a bed, but he insisted on sleeping beside the Christmas tree and how could she say no to that? Beneath a mound of blankets, they listened to the gentle sound of Jack's little snores and whispered, conspired, smiled over the fact that soon they'd have another. And sleepless nights, they would have those too. Hotch was ready for those, he slept so little already.
“How are you so chill all of a sudden?” Derek whispered, his lips against Hotch's ear. It tickled and sent goosebumps in a flushing river down his spine.
“I remember this part. The anticipation. There's a lot of work to do, I like that.” What he meant to say was that there were things he could control now. He could build a crib and set up a bedroom, he could research and buy a car seat, he could do all of these things that would make him feel useful.
“I can't stop thinking about everything that could go wrong.”
“Derek, you said it yourself. You trust Sarah. More than anyone. That's why we asked her specifically.”
"You made a spreadsheet," Derek mumbled against Hotch's shoulder and they both let out low chuckles.
"I did."
Derek buried his face in Hotch's neck and sucked in a shaky breath. “But she lives here and we live there.”
That had been troubling to both of them, but Hotch knew they could make it work. It was a short flight, a slightly longer but still short drive, and they would simply find a way to make it work. She would have Fran here, and the rest of the Morgan family, she wouldn't be on her own. Not even if she wanted it. “It will all work out.”
The next few days flew by in a blur of shopping, eating and laughing with family. Groups of people would drop in with desserts and stay for coffee no matter the time of day, and Hotch felt like he'd inadvertently stepped into a time machine. Back to a time when his mother would keep cakes and other pastries in the freezer on the off chance that company dropped by. Fran's house was a sort of meeting place, a central location for everyone to gather with a full pot of coffee and plenty of seating. They were surrounded by company and laughter, sometimes loud bursts of song would erupt from out of nowhere.
And bickering. Derek and Sarah were at each other's throats, which Fran insisted was perfectly normal when it appeared to be stressing Hotch out. “They've always been like this.”
“How do you handle it?”
“Like this.” She smiled sweetly and stood, walking into the kitchen and approaching her arguing adult children like they were small, like she could ground them from the bikes and sports and summer vacation. It took a minute for her to find her leverage, but she managed and soon they were able to stand beside each other again without fighting.
Finally, the anticipation about at its maximum and Derek and Sarah nearly at their breaking point, Christmas morning arrived. Jack tore through his gifts with fervor, lavishing everyone with huge thanks and hugs. He played Santa, delivering gifts from beneath the tree to their new owners. Everyone got Hotch something warm. A box of fancy tea for relaxation, wool socks, gloves. Derek got vinyl records and new headphones, with a few boxes of screws and nails as a little joke because he always ran out in the middle of projects and had to run to the hardware store.
“Grandma!” Jack chirped, pulling a small gift from beneath the tree. It had been lodged way in the back, a small white box with delicate silver ribbon wrapped tight and topped by a perfectly symmetrical bow. Derek glanced at Hotch and knew, somehow, that he was responsible for the presentation. Fran held the box lightly, turning it over and over in her hands, giving it a little shake next to her ear only to hear nothing. The gift was light as air.
“It's a box!” she exclaimed, and Jack giggled with delight. “What a beautiful gift. I've always wanted a lovely little box. Think of all the things it'll hold.”
She slipped the ribbon from the box carefully, all eyes on her. “Why are you all staring at me?” she asked, a little flushed, and Hotch thought for sure he was going to blow the whole thing by crying before she even knew what she was looking at. He glanced around the room and realized, with some certainty, that Fran was the only person who didn't know. Desiree and Jack's faces were shining with anticipation, and he and Derek were barely containing themselves. Beneath their shared blanket, they slotted their fingers together and held their breath.
Inside the box was silver tissue paper, delicate and soft, and tucked neatly beneath that was an ultrasound with Sarah's name at the top, and something that looked like a squishy little jellybean right in the center.
“Sarah?” she asked breathless, blinking, stunned. “You're pregnant?”
She grinned. “Yes, mama. I'm pregnant.”
“But you're not...” she was struggling, they could see, to put the pieces together. Sarah wasn't even dating anyone. She hadn't in forever, and she'd made it abundantly clear to the entire family that she did not want to have children. Or a relationship. “You said...”
“Read the back, mom.”
Fran flipped the picture over with one shaking hand and it was then, as she read the words scrawled on the back, that she began crying. And laughing. Wet, teary laughter rattled through the room.
“Hotchner-Morgan?” she gasped out, swiping at her eyes with the silver tissue paper absurdly. It was the closest thing she could grab. “You boys?”
“Yes, mama. It's our baby.” Derek paused and squeezed Hotch's hand beneath the blanket. “I thought we said it would be Morgan-Hotchner?”
“You asked me to write it because your handwriting is too sloppy. I made a choice. It's alphabetical.”
“Yeah, I'm sure that was your reason...”
Back home, they spent the rest of the week walking through Derek's house planning out the space. They'd forced themselves to wait until they had a positive result before they started making any real decisions. Hotch wouldn't re-up the lease on his apartment, that much was for certain. They'd managed to uphold two households the entire time and it was fine, but having a baby made it pretty clear that they would no longer be playing that game. Hotch and Jack would move in with Derek full time, and good riddance to that apartment as far as Derek was concerned.
They spent the week slowly moving things over, little things, knickknacks and Jack's art and his favorite bedroom items. They would save the big stuff for later, Hotch still had three months on his lease and then there was the issue of his storage unit full of he and Haley's things. Derek placed a photo of Haley on the mantle beside the rest of their family, a gesture that Hotch would never have asked of him, and once more he found himself with tears on his cheeks. He knew Sarah's hormones would be all wild and out of control, but he was starting to feel like he was experiencing them for himself firsthand.
On New Year's Eve, Penelope and Dave came over to celebrate with them. They were going to tell the team slowly, disperse the information quietly, but it started with those two over glasses of champagne as they counted down the hours to midnight. To a new year filled with possibilities and growth. Hotch's last couple of years had been hard, and he felt hopeful for once. He was overwhelmed by that feeling, and exhausted by it all.
To no one's surprise, by the time the ball was dropping so so slowly on the television and all of New York City was counting backwards from ten live, Hotch and Derek were fast asleep beneath a blanket. They were completely worn out by the week they'd spent joining their households and dreaming of a new baby that was a perfect mixture of both of them. There was still so much more work to be done.
With some urging from a slightly drunk Penelope, Jack slipped his dad's phone off of the table and snapped a photo of them lying there snoring at the stroke of midnight. Dave kissed Penelope on the cheek and Penelope kissed Jack on the cheek and they sent the photo of the two sleeping men on the couch to Jess with the caption “too old for New Years”.
“They think they're tired now,” Dave said, tucking Jack into his bed before he and Penelope left for the night. Derek and Hotch slept soundly on the couch, and no one had the heart to try and get them to move to their bed. They simply looked too peaceful. “Just wait until that baby comes.”
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Hey, mutuals! Do you want a fluffy fic Christmas gift this year? If you do, comment, reblog, DM, whatever, and tell me what ship you want, and if you have a prompt or a specific idea, tell me that too!
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sl-newsie · 3 months
Proud To Be American (Dr. Spencer Reid x OC Coworker)
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Summary: A BAU coworker is feeling down after a less-than-exciting 4th of July and Spencer schemes with the team to try and cheer them up.
“Welcome back!” 
Penelope gives a big wave and the rest of the BAU joins in from where they’re standing at their desks. Usually I join in with their back-to-work celebrations but my holiday weekend didn’t go exactly as planned. 
“Hey, guys.” My attempt to sound optimistic slides by Garcia but the profilers pick up on it right away.
“You alright, girlie?” Morgan asks. “Where’s your patriotic spirit?”
I walk past their section of the office to the break room. Sorry everyone but I’d rather just get through this Monday without wishing my plans weren’t interrupted. 
At least there’s one person who can lift my spirits.
“Hello, Dr. Reid. How was your weekend? See any fireworks?”
The kind man offers a cup of lemonade. He’s only been here a few seconds and I’m already forgetting about why I’m upset.
“Actually I didn’t do much for Independence Day,” Reid replies. “I took the time to catch up on some reading and watched some TV.”
“Oh? And how many books did you get through this time? Twenty?”
“Thirty five, actually.” His gaze narrows and I can feel him analyzing me. “Please tell me what’s wrong.”
There’s no trying to lie to him. Even if I refuse to say anything he’ll pry it out eventually.
“I- Everything changed.” I take a sip of lemonade and let its sour sweetness trickle down my throat. “Last weekend I was supposed to celebrate with my family. You know, the usual barbeque. Swimming, watching fireworks. But then some family drama happened and I spent the weekend stuck going through furniture.” Another sip. “Not exactly how I wanted to spend my holiday weekend. Instead of watching fireworks I reminisced through old memories.”
Spencer looks back where Hotch is calling his team to the bullpen. 
“I’ll catch you before we head out,” Reid says and walks off to the meeting.
I appreciate all that they do but each case does take its toll. Every time Spencer comes back there’s always something new. Another death. Since I only work in the office I never see any carnage. He’s thanked me before for giving him an excuse to talk about things other than work.
The new case must have little to discuss because the meeting’s already over. Prentiss and Morgan walk past my desk to grab coffee and JJ’s already going through paperwork.
“Hey!” Spencer comes over and bounces on his feet. “This case is only a few hours away. When we’re done Rossi is planning on having a small get-together at his place. Wanna join us?”
“She is joining us,” Rossi speaks for me and puts a hand on my shoulder. “No Fourth of July celebration? We’ll fix that.”
My eyes widen. “Oh, no. That’s not-”
“You need some of my Nero d’Avola. You prefer wine, correct?”
This man is so Italian it’s not even funny. “Yes, sir. But it’s really-”
“Wonderful! You’re going.”
He walks off to join Hotch. Reid and I exchange looks.
“Guess I’m going,” I shrug. “Did you put him up to this?”
Spencer shakes his head. “I just told them why you were feeling upset and he suggested a party.”
“Party? You said this was a ‘small get-together!’”
“Yes. You, me, and the rest of the team. It’s always a party when Rossi is hosting.”
The doctor gives me one last smile and grabs his satchel before heading to the door. 
“I’ll await your triumphant return, Dr. Reid! Good luck.”
Good fortune does smile upon the BAU because the case is closed in a matter of days. The second the team walks back through the office Reid heads straight to my desk.
“Ready for tonight?”
I smile and start putting away today’s documents. “That's all I’ve been thinking about!” And you too. 
A pair of hands grabs my shoulders and suddenly Penelope is steering me out.
“Time to clock out. Let’s go!”
Half an hour later and I’m literally forced to sit down in a lawn chair. Everyone's still in the Fourth of July spirit because we're all wearing star-spangled swim attire. It’s how I imagined a party with the BAU would look. Hotch and Rossi watching everyone like concerned dads. Morgan and Garcia having a drinking session. Prentiss and JJ sunbathing. And of course Spencer telling me all about a new topic. Today’s is the danger of sun rays. 
“Exposure to sun increases melanin, which causes darker skin. Thus creating a sun tan. Too much sun exposure is an easy cause for melanoma. Everyone should wear sunscreen regardless of skin color.” He picks up my tube of sunscreen and examines the contents. Then- And then pats up my arm. 
“Wh-What are you doing?” We both notice my arm tense up.
“Seeing if you rubbed it in thoroughly,” Reid explains. “Then it won’t wash off in the pool.”
Hm. I know he’s not exactly the most touch-friendly person in the world. So this must be a thoughtful gesture for his standards.
“Thanks, Spencer. I appreciate it.”
It’s no secret to the team that I consider Spencer more than a friend. But the key secret they don’t know is that a month ago we both finally broke down and went on what some would call an interview. We call it a date. It went very smoothly and we both agreed to begin a reasonable courtship without massive commitment. I guess that’s transitioned to worrying about my skin care.
“Is this what young people do?” I ask out loud, looking out at the team. “Hang out with other young people on sporadic occasions?”
“Hm. I think I skipped that part.” Spencer laughs and I nudge his shoulder. “Hey! You have an excuse. You were graduating college when I was graduating high school! My lame excuse is that I like hanging out at home too much.”
“Speaking of which, when should we discuss meeting arrangements?” Spencer asks.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean do we hang out only at your place, my place, both places? We could maybe do a colored chart or specific weekly pattern-”
“Let me pause you right there.” I hold up a hand. “Spencer, your organization skills are next to perfect. But we don’t have to have everything planned by the book. Feel free to stop by whenever you like.”
His chocolate eyes have never looked so bright. “Oh, thanks! I was worried our relationship might be too sporadic, with my job taking me all over the country, and didn’t think-”
“Hey guys!” Morgan waves from across the yard. “Get over here!”
A smile spreads onto Reid’s face and he grabs my hand. “This is the best part.”
I’m pulled to the other side of the pool and there’s a lounge chair set up for me.
“What’s this for?”
“Just wait!” Penelope giggles and refills my glass.
What on Earth? “Wait. Where’s Hotch-?”
Kaboom! Weeee! Boom!
A palette of colors explodes across the darkening sky. Sparklers, firecrackers, fountains, roman candles! 
“Oh my goodness!” I gawk at the magnificent patriotic display.
“We’re part of the FBI!” Rossi shouts over the noise.
“Of course we can find ways to obtain fireworks!” Hotch adds.
I turn around and the BAU leader steps out from behind the fence.
“Happy Independence Day!” Prentiss and JJ cheer.
Reid squeezes my hand and I’m still staring at the awe-inspiring explosions in the sky.
“You did this for me?” 
“Everyone deserves to celebrate being an American,” Morgan inputs. “She’s our employer! And what better way than to legally blow stuff up?”
“Thank you all so much!” I gush. “This is amazing!” 
Spencer leans in and whispers: “What do you say to watching The Patriot with commentary at your place afterwards?”
All disappointment from last weekend is obliterated. “It’s a date!”
Hotch disappears again and another round of fireworks lights up the sky. 
Boom! Wizzz! Ka-bang!
"And I'm proud to be an American...!" Morgan begins to belt loudly.
God bless this country!
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storybursts · 2 years
The Christmas Special Day 25: Prep and Landing (2009)
The Christmas Special Day 25: Prep and Landing (2009)
Directors: Stevie Wermers & Kevin Deters Writers: Kevin Deters, Stevie Wermers & Chris Williams Cast: Dave Foley, Sarah Chalke, Mason Vale Cotton, David DeLuise, Derek Richardson, William Morgan Sheppard, Nathan Greno Plot: Before “The Big Guy” (William Morgan Sheppard) can make his rounds, it’s up to the Prep and Landing Elves to scout ahead and make sure your house is ready: children nestled in…
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sweatervest-obsessed · 9 months
Unexpected Visitor
Pairing: Spencer Reid x G!n Reader
WC: 788
A/N: A lil Spencer Xmas Blurb while I figure my shit out. Also! I'm imagining older seasons Spencer for this one.
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"Hi! I'm, uh, so sorry to bug you but, um, do you know where Spe--Doctor Reid's desk is? Or, really, where D-Doctor Reid is?" .
Derek Morgan had to get his shit together because his jaw almost dropped when you walked in. What was some hot piece of ass doing, dressed like that, looking for Boy Genius.
He jumped up from his chair and strolled over to where you had stopped Garcia, who was just as flabbergasted as he was. "Reid is currently in a meeting sweetheart--may I ask what you, uh, want with him?"
You raised your eyebrows at the 'sweetheart', but smiled anyways. "He was supposed to be home about an hour ago and he wasn't answering his phone, so instead of panicking, because I know what you do for work, I wanted to come in and check before I lost my shit."
"Home?" Garcia squeaked out, still baffafled by how gorgeous you looked. It was like you were sent straight from heaven, a literal vision.
You nodded and tilted your head, slightly confused. "Y-Yeah...I'm sorry why is that---"
"We just didn't know Reid was living with anyone, let alone seeing someone."
"Ah." You nodded. "He's private like that, isn't he." Your smile warmed the two of them, and you shifted the coat from one arm to the other.
You turned your head towards the back of the bullpen, and Spencer was walking out of Hatch's office. "What are you doing here?"
"Being introduced to your friends and coworkers since you haven't."
Spencer bit the inside of his cheeks and walked over to you both, placing his hand on the small of your back. You felt how tense he was.
"I'm here because our reservation is in twenty minutes and you said you'd be home over an hour ago." You looked at Spencer, whose eyes went a little wide.
"Shit. I-I didn't realize what time it was---"
"I have your suit in the car, and this is why I made the reservation for eight pm, instead of Seven."
"And this is why I love you." Spencer kissed your head and rushed over to his desk, scrambling to grab all of his papers and his bag and his coat and his scarf and his--
"Hi Y/n." Spencer looked up at the mention of your name, pausing in his frantic nature.
"Hi Aaron." You gave him a quick hug, but a bright smile. "How are you?"
"Well." He laughed a little. "I'd be better if we didn't have to work the day before Christmas Eve since I still need to wrap all of Jack's presents still."
"Oh how is Jack!"
"He's doing well. finally starting to enjoy reading, no thanks to you."
You laughed at his joke, all the while Derek and Garcia just shared an incredulous look. How the hell did you know Hotch? Jack?!? Why does Jack's reading habits connect to you--
"Ready sweetheart?" Spencer appeared at your side and you nodded. "It was lovely to see you Aaron. I'll stop by some time tomorrow to drop off Jack's gifts as well as yours. I got it when Spence I and went to Paris last month. I think you'll enjoy it!"
"That's why you weren't here for two weeks?" Penelope's jaw was on the floor. "I didn't take you to be a Parisian man Doctor Reid."
"W-Well, um--"
"It was for my birthday. My choice. I love art and museums so it made sense. Well, it was lovely to meet you all but we have a reservation to get to." You gave them all a quick smile before taking Spencer's hand and walking towards the elevator, your shoes clicking on the floor with every step you took.
"How long have the two of them been together?" Morgan turned to Hotch after you both had gotten in the elevator.
"I think today is their two year anniversary."
"TWO YEARS." Garcia clutched her hypothetical pearls. "How have I not known? How have WE not known?"
"He's private, and...well. You know Y/n."
"No we clearly do not know Hotch."
Hotch gave them a little smirk and a shrug. "Merry Christmas guys. I'll see you on the twenty-seventh."
As Hotch walked away, Garcia and Morgan just stared at one another. "So we're..."
"Going to spend then next ten minutes in my office finding everything out about this mystery person Spencer has been apparently dating for two years?"
"You read my mind mama. A little Christmas snooping never hurt anyone..."
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veeluvss · 9 months
✮⋆˙ Secret Santa
Day 5 of 12 days of Christmas
A cute Drabble of what every criminal minds character (I could think of) would get each other for Christmas
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y/n - Garcia
You get Garcia an oodie !! One of them super massive ones, covered in cupcakes and lollipops and it’s bright piink with lots of fluff inside.
Garcia - Elle
Garcia gets Elle a photo of her, Elle and JJ together - the original BAU girlies.
Elle - Hotch
Elle gets Hotch a ‘lessons on sexism’ book as a dig to his meanness.
Hotch - Emily
Hotch gets Emily a cook book, tailored to her terrible cooking skills.
Emily - Matt
A ‘how to assemble a crib’ book and the first page is a guide on finding the perfect one for your wife. Emily’s stuck a photo of the red one with an arrow saying ‘not this!’
Matt - Kate
Matching pj’s and family night hamper full of snacks, movies, hot chocolate mugs etc aand then also offers her the bright red crib…
Kate - Alex
A bumper, super crossword puzzle book, tailored for geniuses.
Alex - Luke
A designer aftershave, he’s had his eye on for a while but not been able to afford (something she always wanted to buy Ethan when he got older).
Luke - Derek
A new set of boxing gloves as he used his so much they’re ruined.
Derek - Gideon
A photo of the entire team photoshopped into birds which Gideon is overjoyed with.
Gideon - Reid
A first copy edition of his favourite set of poetry, fully annotated by himself.
Reid - Tara
Tickers to a lecture with a world famous criminal pyschologist who is now retired from practice but who Tara looks up to massively.
Tara - Rossi
A book of italian puns - trying to give him some humour.
Rossi - JJ
Expensive, vintage wine and chocolates - he also adds in tickets to a hockey game for her and her whole family.
JJ - y/n
A coffee shop hamper - vouchers, cups, coffee, snacks, etc.
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