#Design logo Truck Driver
nadal-designer · 1 year
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beefycupcakes · 1 month
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I watched the Cars trilogy recently and with that came a wave of nostalgia and a strange desire to make my own designs for the cars as humans. Aka taking all the charm out of Cars but scratching the brain itch.
So, no need to drag out the intro any longer, I have some notes written out about em for those who might be interested or just bored.
Lightning McQueen:
I tried to make his suit look as professional as possible, with references pulled straight from McQueen's paint job/stickers, while also keeping in mind that I do intend to draw him more so I didn't want to go too crazy with the design. In a perfect world I would've let my maximalist cravings win, but alas let's keep it digestible for my sanity.
I feel like everyone's kinda on this unspoken agreement that McQueen as a human would pretty much look just like Owen Wilson, and that's the big picture here. I used Wilson as inspiration while tweaking and exaggerating a few things to my preference. (Okay, well not everyone, lmao.)
The chevron markings on the front cut off at the side seams not wrapping around the entire suit as to not clash with the sponsor logo on the back.
Also, he's wearing special gloves to help him grip & have control over the steering wheel. I think sometimes that looks a little weird when his sleeves are down & cuffed, but I just feel like he needs to have the gloves there— especially when he comes out of the top half of the suit. (It's also lowkey supposed to mirror his 4 tires when you consider his shoes are also black.)
So yeah, that's basically all I have to to say regarding Lightning McQueen's page. I feel like a lot of my design choices are self explanatory and, honestly probably shared universally... I mean, he's really cut & dry. (But I love him ⚡︎)
I'm not gonna lie, Mater was a bit challenging for me. I definitely had to step out of my comfort zone but I wanted to stay true to the character and not butcher anything.
My first thought was to give him a fishing pole to substitute for the tow hook— but then the more I was thinking about it, the more that felt so... out of place? Radiator Springs is in Arizona, which is (not entirely, but mostly depicted in the movie as) a desert. And even though there are beautiful bodies of water in Arizona, in the movie I don't recall seeing any prominent ones, at least in relation to Mater. So, scratch that, instead I gave him a lasso, which isn't supposed to entirely substitute for the tow truck— no, he still drives a tow truck, but the lasso is so he can grab people/things similarly to Tow Truck Mater (very cartoony). My explanation for this is the cattle ranch. Yeah, Mater is a tow truck driver but perhaps he has a side hustle, or hobby, if you will.
Also, I didn't want to make him... dirty(??) Like, yeah, of course, Mater would obviously get a bit filthy from time to time, it's just in his nature, but that is NOT going to be the core of my design. In regards to the rust happening on him, I felt like instead I would substitute this with being very tan. Again, Arizona is a desert. Because of this, he would take off his shirt often, and this would substitute for the missing hood like on Tow Truck Mater. The removal of the shirt also reveals just how tan Mater actually is.
It's his uniformed overalls that have his original aqua color, but from years of wear & tear they've been patched up with brown patches, this would also reference the rusting. The one strap is supposed to mimic the one headlight being broken, and I know that's a stretch, believe me, I wanted to do something with his eyes but eyes are not the headlights in the Cars universe..... think about this. Think about it really hard... if you know what the headlights are in the Cars universe then this actually makes perfect sense.
He is taller and wider than McQueen, which is a reference to the literal frame of their vehicle counterparts. (A little hard to picture with these images, but eventually I'll draw them together!)
That's all I have to say really, but do let me know what you guys think! Gas it up and it might encourage me to make a part 2 with some of the other characters! Who would you like to see next? ♡ Thank you so much for reading & have a great day, Kachow!!
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
More assorted canon-compliant LMK hcs:
In addition to Pigsy being *passionate* about food culture; he despises food waste. Like, those tiktoks with the gross, wasteful "food hacks"? Instantly raise his blood pressure. He also has banned all instant noodles from the premises. MK got grounded once for hiding cup noodles in his room.
Tang hides snacks in his changpao/clothes like he's storing them away for winter. You shake this man and candy, oranges, and packets of jerky are gonna fall out of him like a pinata. His gut reaction to seeing someone crying/upset is to unpeel an orange and hand it to them, since fruit calmed MK down when he was little.
Tang wears his changpao/long tunic cus he wore it one time for a history class and he uh... liked it too much to return it. It's like a super-long hoodie, he found it so comforting that he never turned back.
In addition, the tank top Tang wears under his tunic was made around the time Pigsy first started selling noodles. Tang and Sandy came up with a few mock-up logo designs for Pigsy's food truck and the tank top was a concept for a "uniform". Pigsy begrudingly used the design for his business until a certain muddy toddler drew the logo seen today. Tang still treasures the tank top tho.
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Pretty much confirmed, but MK created the logo for Pigsy's Noodles - hence the signature on the sign and why he was so adamant on getting it back from Spider Queen. More specifically, it was one of his *first* ever drawings. Pigsy was convinced the kid was scared of him somehow, with all the silent staring he did in the first few days. Then toddler MK waddled up to Pigsy one afternoon, happily showing off his drawing of a smiling pig holding a bowl of noodles. Pigsy cried. It's also how he learned MK's name.
Despite being pretty good at cooking learned recipes, MK is terrible when he experiments with food. His first few culinary creations made the "esteemed critics" (aka Tang and Pigsy) visibly ill for days. He had a MasterChef phase as a pre-teen that took years off of Pigsy's life.
Sandy is in a group chat for people looking for/willing to pet sit. Whenever the gang needs to go on a big adventure, Sandy organises stuff with his group to take care of his foster cats while he's away/is using the boat. He in turn pet sits for them in exchange for the occassional hot meal and change.
The "secret HQ" in Sandy's boat is still there. The MKrew just forgot about it. Sandy has re-taken the space to act as an isolation room for strays. He's not sure if Mei still has trackers in her friends.
Mei's dad bought her a bunch of the flashy tech and vehicles in the HQ as a birthday gift after she told him that her and MK were going to be superheroes together. He's a big nerd at heart.
Sun Wukong had the crate of Ginseng Fruit Babies cus he tried contacting Five Village Abbey to try another fruit, only for some commotion to cause a bunch of them to dislodge early - the "unripe" fruit fell and became little fruit fairies/yao. Zhenyuan was so mad that he made SWK deal with it. After Mo "babysat" them in "Pig Pong Panic", SWK managed to send the Ginseng Fruit Babies up to the Celestial Realm, where they now live blessing/terrorizing the imperial orchard (and being adored by their adoptive seven orchard fairy mothers).
Speedy Panda is it's own brand of convenience stores with a range of microwaveable meals (think 7/11 or Meiyijia). Jin and Yin bought a bunch of locations in Metropolis as part of their plan to demoralise MK. They have since been ousted for wasting company funds on the Food Wars incident. Pigsy is still pissed off at the delivery drivers for physically assaulting his employee/son.
After being attacked by the Speedy Panda drivers the first time, Pigsy gave MK a bottle of pepper spray as a safety precaution. No matter that his boy is super-powered, he's a worried dad deep down.
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absurdthirst · 2 years
Kinktober 2022: October 23rd
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Day 23: Gags // Fucking Machine // Erotic Dancing
Dieter Bravo x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Masterbation, mechanical sex machines, offers of payment, voyeurism, mentions of rimming, clitorial stimulation, vaginal penetration
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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“What is this?” You frown when the driver actually manhandles the large box through your front door and into the house. You hadn’t ordered anything and no one ever delivered into the house anymore. Not unless a new appliance had been purchased and was set to be installed, and even then you knew about it. 
The truck was nondescript, no logo on the side but you were looking over a very official freight invoice. The dolly’s wheels squeaked and the driver huffs, giving a shrug of his shoulders. “I just deliver and set them up.” He grumbles. “Instructions say to put it in the golden room.” His slightly annoyed eyes seem to hold some kind of judgment as he looks over to you. “Where’s that?” 
Jesus….Dieter must have ordered something. It makes sense now and you can feel the way that your cheeks flame up and your entire body shrinks slightly under the weight of the man’s gaze. “Oh - uh, it’s-” Your hand flaps, vaguely motioning down the hall and you wonder what the fuck he had decided to buy. “I- I need to get the key.” 
“Don’t they all?” He mutters it under his breath but you catch it non the less. Embarrassment burns into your entire being and you want to melt into the floor. Living in Dieter Bravo’s house while he is out of the country shooting a movie should come with emotional hazard pay on top of your generous salary and very nice living arrangements. 
“I don’t- I don’t live here.” You stammer slightly as you go to the kitchen and open the drawer, pulling out the key with the large obnoxious tag on it. Etched into the metal ‘Golden Showers’ is emblazoned in Dieter’s attempt at humor. You didn’t find it all that funny. 
“Just open the room.” You’re sure he doesn’t care. Has probably heard it all, but you are going to fucking kill Dieter when he gets off set and answers your phone calls. If he answers and if he’s sober enough to care. Which isn’t likely. 
It takes you a moment, never opening this door since you’ve been shown the damn room. You know the maid that comes by once a week goes in to dust but you have steered away from the room that Dieter had designed himself. 
Cursing under your breath at the way you fumble with the lock, the handle finally turns and you can’t even look at the man as it swings open, jumping out of the way. “I- I’ll just be in the kitchen if you need anything.” You mumble, fleeing so you don’t have to witness the man’s reaction to the fucking sex room your boss had behind the very average looking door. 
Of course he didn’t answer your texts. Although, to be fair, it was around the time that he would be getting done shooting for the day. If they weren’t having to reshoot scene after scene again. He’s called a few times and complained about the script, the dumbass director, the cast, the weird rules they have in place. All while high, so you think it might just be Dieter whining. 
Whatever that delivery man is doing, it’s taking a long time. Still, you don’t want to see the array of toys Dieter has on display, smirking when he told you it was his answer to the 50 Shades of Grey Red Room. Golden paint walls and black display cabinets housing toys of every shape and size, some of them ridiculous and even creature based. Apparently Dieter bought anything and everything that caught his interest. 
You huff to yourself, trying to ignore the sounds of something being unboxed and set up. Whatever it was, it was big, heavy from the grunts and muffled curses you pretend not to hear. Focusing on making a very normal dinner for yourself, or at least get it started to simmer. You had learned that Dieter’s pots and pans - while top quality - were mainly for show. He didn’t cook and you were enjoying using them. 
“I’m done.” You nearly jump out of your skin when you hear the man speak, turning to find him in the doorway holding a clipboard with the dolly next to him. You hadn’t even heard him approach while you were cooking down the peppers and onions. “Do you want a demonstration?” 
Even if you were curious, there is no way you would survive having someone explain whatever contraption Dieter ordered so you quickly shake your head. “No, um, I’ll just- I’ll let the owner figure it out when he comes back.” You can tell he doesn’t believe you, but you’re relieved that he just shrugs and hands you the clipboard to sign off on the order. Quickly scrawling your signature on the highlighted line, you don’t even look at the description - it’s not your business. 
“Uh, thanks.” You murmur, starting to walk him towards the front of the house and trying to ignore the way you feel like he’s judging you. It’s not your - whatever it is - and you shouldn’t feel ashamed of that. 
He grunts and when the door is opened and the dolly is outside, he turns to give you a small smirk. “Enjoy.” 
God, you’re going to fucking kill Dieter Bravo. 
“It’s there?” You wince, the phone yanked away from your ear at the over enthusiastic burst of noise that comes from the speaker instead of a normal greeting. 
“Hello to you too.” You grumble, cautiously bringing the phone closer. “Yes, it’s here. Even though I don’t know what it is.” 
Dieter tuts and within five seconds there is a beeping on your phone making you look at the screen. He’s FaceTiming you. You roll your eyes but accept it, knowing he will whine and complain if you don’t and you see the excitement in his eyes as he grins at the screen. “Hey sexy, show me.” He demands. 
He’s called you sexy from the first time he met you, actually propositioning  you even though you were there for a fucking job interview. Although it hasn't affected you getting the job, obviously. He had taken your rejection in stride and didn’t hold it over you like some would, but the nickname stuck. 
You let him see your rolled eyes this time, huffing dramatically even though you are already heading to the drawer to pull out the key again, making him snicker as you turn your camera around and he sees the keychain. He can be so immature sometimes but you bite your lip to keep from laughing. 
“So did they show you how it works, I mean, I’ve seen the videos, but they left the instruction manual right? It’s pretty easy, the easiest one.” He rambles, making you wonder what the fuck he had bought. 
When the door swings open, it’s a contest to see who gasps louder, you or Dieter. You think that surprise might push you over the edge but his excitement is clear through the speaker of your phone. 
It’s a fucking machine. You’ve seen one in pornos before, browsing through them and landing on a video that sent you down a rabbit hole of filth. Intimidating looking with differing arms and attachments that are all displayed, your face burns in complete embarrassment at the thought of that man giving you a demonstration of the toy. No wonder he had smirked at you, not believing that this was not yours. 
“Why - Dieter, I don’t-” You don’t finish the statement, completely confused as to why he would buy a fucking machine. 
“Sometimes you just need a tongue in your ass.” Dieter chirps, almost giggly as you keep the phone steady and he looks at the top of the line machine he had purchased when he was high off his ass and tired of jerking off. This thing would do everything he could ever dream of, including sucking his cock - so it had been worth the pricetag. 
That’s a mental image. Especially with the revolving tongues that are on a belt, obviously meant to provide continuous licking against whatever body part you strap on the bench in front of it. The fact that there were still more arms for toys shouldn’t make your cunt bottom out on itself but it does. Making you squeeze your thighs together at the thought. You could never afford something like this, but it makes your wand look pitifully inadequate. 
“-will you?” You shake your head, not hearing a word Dieter was saying while you were absorbing all the possibilities of a machine like this. 
“Demonstrate.” He huffs out, obviously repeating himself. “So I know it works? How good it is?” 
 “What? Absolutely not.” 
Five thousand dollars. Apparently that was your price to demonstrate the toy. Stripped down and biting your lip as you set up the phone on a tripod, you want to change your mind but you don’t. He had offered you five thousand dollars on top of what he normally paid you. All to try out a fucking machine and tell him how it is while he watches. 
“Are you going to use the tongue thing? Use the tongue thing. And a toy. Whatever one you want. They are all clean.” You listen to Dieter babble through the phone, still pointed away from you while you gather the nerve to set out in front of it and let him see you. 
“Fuck.” You don’t know if that breathy sound is from him seeing you naked or something on his end and you don’t really want to know. Instead you pick up the bottle of lube and the attachments that had come with the device so you can get them slicked up. Knowing that you are going to need a little bit of extra lube because of how nervous you are. Even if you feel like you are dripping wet. Performance anxiety was a bitch and this is letting Dieter fucking Bravo be a voyeur while you get fucked by his machine. 
“I’m going to use this one.” You hold it up and glance at your phone just to see Dieter’s head bobble like one of those toys as he agrees. Turning back to get it put on the arm and slicked up before you take a deep breath and lay down on the bench. 
Fuck, this thing has restraints, another two arms to hold a wand, practially anything that you can think of - it’s got. Your stomach clenches at the idea of using this with a partner. Even Dieter, although you quickly close your eyes and try to think about anyone other than your boss. This was just a demonstration. 
For the mechanical parts, the machine is silent, turning on with a soft whirl and you hold the remote up to press the buttons. “Shit.” You accidentally press the wrong one and a wrong arm starts pushing forward. “Okay, uh, here we go.” 
You feel the cool silicone on your clit while you are on your stomach, suspended over the rotating tongues before you press the button. Making you moan as it starts to move, the rotating belt slapping the slick tongues against your clit slowly before you edge the speed up. 
You hear Dieter groan, the words low and muffled by the sound of your own body. Ears filled with the white noise of pleasure already, body jerking from the way that the pressure is almost constant. No one could replicate this, not at the steady pace of a machine. 
Instantly you keen when the next button is pressed, the toy that was butted up against your cunt pushing deep, making your upper body lift up at the sensation of being filled so easily. Experimenting with the speed by taking it up one level past your comfort zone and then bringing it back down with a panted curse. 
Forgetting everything but the way that your body feels, you don’t hear Dieter telling you to open your eyes. Don’t acknowledge the way he is praising you, telling that it looks fucking hot or that he’s going to jerk off watching you. The idea that this is a demonstration fades away until it is just about chasing your pleasure while the steady rotation of the arms and pistons of  the machine continue to whirl. 
You don’t look at him, the phone, don’t hear the bitten off curse as he pulls his cock out and spits into his hand. Your moans drown out his own, nearly whining while the machine constantly bombards you with pleasure until it’s nearly painful. 
Hours pass, or maybe it’s minutes. You can’t tell as your entire body rides on the edge of an orgasm so long that you think your legs are going to shake off. The plunging of the dildo into your pussy in perfect synchronization with the tongues and you feel tears leak out of the side of your eyes as you cry out. 
It’s devastating when you cum. Blinding and overwhelming to the point where your blood roars in your ears and you heave as you try to move away from the machine, quickly pushed to overstimulation and fumbling for the remote so you can shut it off. Unaware that Dieter had just cried out your name while spilling ropes of cum over his hand and thighs. 
Panting after everything goes still and your body continues to shake. The fucking machine was worth every damn penny Dieter had paid for it. 
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minijenn · 9 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Turbo
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Ya'll ever watch a movie that leaves such a little impression on you that you're almost certain it'll dump itself out of your brain within hours of watching it? Because good god, if Turbo ain't one of those movies.
It is... so fucking boring. So fucking forgettable, such a nothing movie on all accounts. The characters are one-note, the story is bland, even the animation isn't anything impressive to look at. But don't just take my word for it. Let's get into this... whatever the fuck it is I just watched.
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Theo is a garden snail who's bored with his mundane life (wow, how many times have we seen that one in a Dreamworks movie before) and is constantly at ends with his brother Chet. One day. a freak accident involving nitrous oxide imbues Theo, who renames himself Turbo, with super speed. After being captured by and befriending Tito, a taco truck driver with brother issues of his own, Turbo is on his way to achieving his longtime dream of racing and winning the Indy 5,000 race.
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So yeah, the plot is kinda dumb. I mean its obviously very silly and out there, its a kids movie, blatantly to its core. One that constantly feels like its ripping off both Cars and Ratatouille somehow??? Like seriously, there isn't really an original bone in this movie's body. I mentioned before the characters here are all very one note at best, stereotypes at worst (especially with some of the human characters). Turbo is just a bland protagonist with not a lot to him to really make us care about him or root for him. Chet is a wet blanket for most of the movie, and even the point where he comes around feels forced and rushed. The other snails are just as boring as the human characters are, meant to just spew out whitty lines and catch phrases to try and make them seem "hip with the kids" when they are so clearly not. There's also a villain? I guess? I don't remember enough about him to say anything significant so there's that.
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The humor in this is just... trying too damn hard. Lots of physical humor yes, but also a good deal of bad puns and lame one-liners. Another thing that absolutely took me out of this movie so fucking fast were the product placements. Like yes, I understand that brands sponsor cars at a race like the Indy 5000 but jesus fucking christ the amount of times I had to look at the Verizon logo in this stupid ass movie made my skin literally crawl.
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The animation is just... whatever. Nothing too impressive here, the character designs are typical Dreamworks doing the bare minimum to get by. Same with the music, boring pop songs set against a boring score. The least this movie could have done if it was gonna force me to sit through a shitty script and boring story was look decent, but it doesn't even manage to do that right.
So yeah, Turbo is just about as bad as I was expecting it to be. I mean, it barely passes above the likes of insultingly bad movies like Antz and Shark Tale, because at least this one didn't make me want to gouge my eyes and ears out. But that's not saying much.
Overall Rating: 3/10
Verdict: Salt every last one of these damn snails
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Previous Review (The Croods)
Next Review (Mr. Peabody and Sherman)
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caxycreations · 7 months
Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den
Chapter Nine: Sweet Tooth
Ferusian Law, Third Sequence, Article 3: Law of Trespass
Ferusian citizens are entitled passage and habitation of any residency or public space as recognized by the Department of Home and Business.
Citizens are strictly forbidden from passing through, entering, or inhabiting any residency or public space owned privately through individual or business contract, such as homes, apartments, or private contractors.
Citizens are also forbidden from entering any space designated as Hazard Level C or higher by the Department of Risk Assessment, such as some condemned buildings, glassed towns/cities, or storm-wrecked districts.
Citizens caught in forbidden areas are fined no less than $10,000 and given a minimum of two months community service, up to a maximum of six months imprisonment.
I woke up to the sound of a claw tapping on glass, and for a minute I worried I'd been out here so long security flagged me as a risk. A glance out the window brought a smile to my face instead of a scowl, seeing I was wrong. A pale blueish gray caxy was standing at the window, dark markings in the shape of a cats eyes framing their forest green eyes. Ears pierced ten times each, and sharing Davina's signature studs above the eyebrow.
A lip ring adorned the thick, black bottom lip they shared with their mother. Brown hair, fluffy and thick, messy but swept to part on the left side. They were wearing a dark green bomber jacket, one that matched with David's, and Davina's, in style if not in color. A hand-drawn, stylized S was on the left side of the chest. Trace's logo.
I chuckled, unlocking the doors and stepping out, pulling the young hybrid into a hug. "Howdy, pup. How's life?" I asked, smiling. I could guess easily how life had been. Life with Davina was always interesting, given her habits. But I was still curious to hear how they'd been, and what they'd been up to, apart from that. Moss shifted in their seat, trying to get comfortable before giving me an answer.
"It's been good! Mom's been stressing over my weekend trips like usual, but she did mention something about taking my driver's test next year, so soon I'll be able to start practicing!" They said, half excited. Moss smiled, buckling into their seat and looking at me expectantly.
"Hell yeah! You gonna practice with 'Vina or Trace?" I asked, starting up the truck and pulling out of the lot, heading for the nearest Mac Patty's.
"I think I'd like to practice with Trace. Mom's great, most of the time, but I don't think she'd be very good at teaching me while she's busy fussing over every little thing I do behind the wheel." They said, letting out a chuckle. It was wild imagining Davina of all people fussing and fretting over little things, but I understood. Moss was special to her like that. We pulled in and got out, heading in and placing our orders before settling down at a table.
"How's it been here? Been good or...?" Moss trailed off, smiling curiously. I chuckled, shaking my head.
"Well, David's avoidin' home for a while. Tired of th' empty space, I reckon. Can't say I blame'im, he's got next t' nothin' unpacked there an' it's a damn depressin' little apartment." I responded with a dismissive wave. "Other'n th' houseguest I've been entertainin', it's been same as usual. Got a job offer though, security at th' club David had his 21st at."
Moss suddenly lit up, smiling wide at me and setting their burger down. "Oh yeah! I wanted to ask you, do you think you can get me in some time? I'm here every weekend, can't you get me in?" They asked, excited and almost pleading. They made wide, hopeful eyes, the smile on their face warm and eager. A hope, warmth, and eagerness I had to crush, unfortunately.
"No can do, pup. Ain't old enough an' they card ya at every turn in there. Davey almost gets thrown out ten times a night when he's in there, they have such a hard time trustin' his ID." I answered, half-sad at having to deny them. "Y'wouldn't be able t' get on th' dance floor, wouldn't be able t' get t' th' bar t' order water, an' ya wouldn't be able t' get in th' front door. Even if'n I helped ya by, they'd card ya inside an' we'd both be in trouble." I said with a sigh.
I watched them deflate, shoulders sagging and smile fading to a frown, eyes shifting to look at their food again. "Oh…Okay, sorry Uncle Rye." They apologized, low and quiet. I hated being the bearer of bad news. I glanced at the menu and chuckled, seeing a few pies, cakes, and ice cream options. I tapped one I knew they liked, a personal sized mulberry pie, and raised an eyebrow, smirking. They looked at the menu where I'd tapped and laughed a little, then looked at me.
"Are you sure, Uncle Ryder? I don't wanna cost you too much…" they said hesitantly. They glanced back to the menu, and I heard a soft, quiet mewl from them. I nodded, laughing a little and waving over a waiter, ordering two of the pies and a third to-go. Moss smiled, still not as energetic as they had been, but noticeably better than they had been a minute ago. We finished our food in silence, and when the pies came out, we ate them quickly and left.
Moss smiled as they sat their take-home pie in the floorboard, buckling in. "So guess what Trace said he would buy me today!" they said excitedly. I chuckled, shaking my head. Gifts from Trace were always bad news in the best way. I couldn't help but wonder what the fox had planned.
"What's that, pup?" I asked, smiling at them.
"Running shoes! There's a new shop that opened a few blocks from the mall, and he said when we leave there he'll buy me a pair!" the little caxy exclaimed. I smiled, nodding.
"Hell yeah! Well let's get ya back there so y'can get'em then." I said with a grin, putting the key into the ignition.
Starting the engine, I pulled out from the lot and headed back for the mall, settling into a space near the doors. Moss and I headed inside and, with a little searching, found David and Trace in Sugar Shack, a candy store David seemed incapable of skipping over when he came here.
"Trace! They have them this time!!" He exclaimed, bouncing giddily as he pulled a bar from the shelf. Double-stuffed king-sized cream bar, one of his favorites. Chocolate coating, Kanorian egg cream inside, and almonds throughout. He put several of the bars into his basket and skipped off to one of the scoop carts, grabbing a bag and filling it with various treats.
"Yep, I see that, did you leave any for anyone else?" the fox said with a smirk, walking over to keep up with David. Moss and I walked in and I grabbed a basket of our own, smiling.
"Go on, pup. Grab whatever y' want, I'll pay." I said, nodding to the candy. Moss shook their head and took the basket from me, quickly rushing off to fill it with their own selection of treats. I followed behind, tallying up the cost as they went. I knew better than to think they'd let me pay for it, and the only way I'd get the chance is if I was up there before they were and had the money ready to go.
"Oh my gods!!!" The exclamation turned every head in the shop, all eyes on the little grey caxy that had shouted. David was standing there holding a large box, a logo stamped on the back. He still hadn't noticed me, or Moss. I smirked, resigning myself to overpaying and just getting change back when Moss was done. Heading over to David, seeing Moss do the same out of the corner of my eye, I settled into place behind him, crossing my arms and looking over his find.
It was a gummy wolf, blue raspberry flavor. Industrial sized, the ones as big as a teddy bear. The eyes were peppermints, orange and white swirls meeting in a single point in the center. Trace had noticed me, but hadn't said a word, merely offering an acknowledging glance before focusing on David's presentation, the caxy now turning the box to face Trace.
"IT'S RYDER!!!" He yelled through his giggles, smiling wide. Moss, now approaching from behind Trace, nodded at David. The youngster nudged Trace, who nudged back with a grin, casually grabbing a couple of things from Moss' basket and slipping them into the inner pocket of his jacket.
"Sure is, Dee. I can definitely see Ryder." Trace said with a smirk, glancing at me again as he spoke. My smirk turned to a grin and I reached forward, grabbing the box from David's hands and heading for the front counter, carrying it under my arm and pulling my wallet out.
"Hey, that's-!" I heard David cut his words short, most likely realizing I had been the one to take it. I heard footsteps following, and as I set the gummy wolf down on the counter, David smacked my shoulder.
"That was rude, you know!" He scolded. I let out a chuckle and pulled a couple of hundreds from my wallet, looking around the store for a minute before nodding to myself and looking at the clerk.
"Here, $200, paying for everything these guys plan on getting. Whatever's left over you can pocket." I offered, holding the money out. The cashier, a black and brown husky, looked at the money and nodded, smiling.
"Understood, Sir! Take your time and stock up, we're closing for a few weeks for renovations in a few days so we won't be available much longer!" They responded, setting the money into a space beside the register to use when we checked out. David gave a mrow of disappointment and smacked my shoulder again.
"I was gonna pay for our candy…You need to save up-" I cut him off with a look, sternly locking eyes with him.
"Jus' cause ya got more'n we'll ever have in our lifetimes don't mean ya gotta pay for all our shit. Sometimes we wanna do somethin' nice for ya an' that's that." I said, relaxing into a smile. "Besides, I planned on payin' for the candy Moss grabbed an' figured I may as well cover all th' stuff if'n I'm gonna cover any of it."
David gave another indignant mrow before shaking his head, smiling wide and taking off to continue filling his basket. Moss gave me a playful glare before running off to stock up their own basket. Trace just stood beside me, rocking on his pads and watching the two boys collecting candy.
"Not gonna get any for yourself?" I asked him, looking over curiously. Trace simply smirked, making a show of shaking his head while his hand shifted in his pocket. I knew that signal perfectly. His coat was stuffed with snacks, tucked away in his 'special pockets' he'd had put in. Connections in the underground paid for themselves, I guess. "Understood." I said with a chuckle, shaking my head.
Had it been anyone else, I might have tried to stop them. Paid for their goods myself, at best, convinced them to pay themselves at worst, but Trace was a special case. We'd never seen eye to eye on this sort of thing, and learned early on in our relationship it was best not to ask where Trace got anything, and even better for us not to question the methods if we did find out. I watched David and Moss, giddy over the snacks they were finding, sharing excitement across the store.
Moss was athletic, healthy, they didn't indulge in sweets much, but a candy store like this had plenty they could enjoy. David was even helping, pointing out anything he found that wasn't some sugar-filled monstrosity of cavity-inducing sweetness. I leaned back, watching them, from David's tail, long and freely swaying in his joy, to his hair, flying every which way as he turned sharp corners, excitedly darting from shelf to shelf. It was too cute not to laugh a little under my breath, smiling wide.
Trace nudged my side, raising an eyebrow at me. "You ever gonna ask the lil guy out? Come on, man. You've been making puppy eyes at him for the last ten minutes." He asked, causing me to look at him with wide eyes, my brow furrowed.
"Jus' so y'know, I ain't got any intention'a askin' David out. We ain't like that, ya oughta know that by now. Jus' cause y'like fuckin' your friends don't mean everyone with a best friend is pinin' t' pound'em." I scoffed, shaking my head. Trace smirked a little more, flashing his teeth at me.
"You're just jealous it's so easy for me, but face it, anyone with eyes can tell you want a little more than just a night of caxy magic, you want the caxy himself." He accused, turning to face me properly. I frowned, shaking my head. The odd feeling here and there didn't mean anything, it was natural for folks as close to each other as David and I were to wonder once in a while, but that didn't mean we had to pursue it. I knew better than that.
"Might wonder now an' then, but I learned pretty well that friends don't make good mates. Learned that from you." I said pointedly, hoping the jab might make him drop the subject.
His own smile faded into a frown, and he sighed. "I'm different. I liked you. You loved me. Doesn't work if it's not a real back and forth, dumbass. Gotta be mutual." He said, leaning back against the counter and pulling his hands out of his pockets, crossing his arms. I nodded, looking at David and Moss again. Moss hardly had anything in their basket, focusing on the healthy treats, the sugar-free stuff. Comparing that to David's was an anthill to a mountain, David now carrying a second basket, the first piled high. I hoped I'd paid enough for all of it.
Moss ran up and set their basket on the counter, smiling. "I got all I wanted, Uncle Rye!" they said with a wide grin. The cashier scanned the items, a few bars, a couple bags of chips, some gum, and used a bit of the money I'd given to pay it out. Moss smiled, taking the bag of candy and settling in between Trace and I. Trace nudged Moss, the young caxy looking at him curiously. "What was that for?"
Trace nodded towards David idly. "Y'think Ryder and Davey would make a good couple, kiddo?" he asked casually, leaving me glaring at him. The last thing I needed was Moss thinking about that sort of thing.
"Aren't they already?" They asked the fox, genuine curiosity in their voice.
"No, pup, we ain't. Jus' friends." I answered before Trace could corrupt the situation any further. Moss looked at me, confused.
"But he lives with you, y'all sleep together most of the time, too. And you're always watching out for him, buying him gifts like today. Are…you two not dating?" they asked, and I began to wonder what sort of things Davina had told them, or neglected to tell them, about David and I. I shook my head, sighing. This subject was starting to wear on me.
"No. Davey's my best friend, ain't nobody like'im, but that's all. Gotta be mutual. An' it ain't." I said, looking over at the little grey caxy across the store, grabbing a few more candy bars and bounding towards one last display. "Th'feelin's ain't there, pup." I said plainly.
"Oh." The younger caxy said, idly pulling one of their snack bars from the bag and starting to eat it quietly. Trace looked at me, shaking his head and letting out a sound that was half a sigh, half a growl. I looked over just in time to notice him grabbing my shirt hard, pulling me with all his strength out of the store. I could have resisted, but if he wanted to talk, better hear him out than have him make a scene in the store.
"Moss, stay there and make sure David uses what Ryder paid before he tries paying himself. I've gotta talk to your Uncle." he said, scowling. We made our way out of the store, settling in a few stores down with Trace glaring up at me, arms crossed.
"Do you have any clue how dense you are? Any idea at all?" He asked angrily, scowl only strengthening. "David looks up to you, admires you, adores you, trusts you more than he does any of us, even his own damn sister. We see you two together every time we see one of you, can't get an hour alone with either one. Even when you took off with Moss, you were back in forty minutes. Just can not stay away. But the feelings aren't mutual?"
I started to answer, but he cut me off. "Nuh-uh, quiet, not done. I've watched you rush in like a bat out of hell for the kid, but I've never seen you hurry like you have for David. Nobody else gets that privilege." His expression softened, and he looked at me with sadness in his eyes, though he tried hard to hide it. "Not even me, back then."
I was taken aback. Trace was always the blunt one, having this explosion was rare. He always spoke his mind in the moment, and I wondered why he had bottled this up. But I wasn't about to ask and risk getting hushed again.
Trace returned to his scowl, shaking his head. "The feelings weren't mutual on your end, Ryder. Not then. But now? Now anybody on Relan can take one look and see that you'd take on Gaius himself if he were a danger to David." He accused, shifting his weight from one paw to the other.
"Trace, I do all that for David cause ain't nobody else done it." I said, sighing. He had a point, one I wanted desperately to ignore. I didn't want David and I to go the same way Trace and I had. I couldn't do that to him. I couldn't hurt him too.
Trace glowered at me, then let his shoulders slump. "You are…too stupid for your own good." He said, frustration in his voice. "And for David's."
His words came with a finality I didn't dare question or add on to. I watched him pad back towards the store and followed quietly. He had said his piece and I had no idea how to respond besides simply going back with him. I felt a tightness in my chest, heat rising in my heart. Anger, remorse, regret, blame, all fighting on equal ground to decide how I was supposed to feel.
We got back to the store, David and Moss waiting by the door. Trace smiled, wrapping an arm around each of the caxies. "Got your goods, boys? Gods know I do!" He said with a laugh, letting go of David to pat his pocket, the sound of cellophane crinkling as he did. I stepped up behind Moss, ruffling his hair and putting on my best smile. I ruffled Moss' hair, earning an angry mrow from the young caxy.
David looked at me and mrowed curiously. "Everything okay, Rye? What did you and Trace need to talk about?" He asked, obviously a little worried. I shook my head, smiling.
"Jus' some old wounds needin' t'be licked, that's all." I said casually. Trace nodded, grinning.
"Yeah, he licked my old wound real good~" He said with a smirk. Moss playfully smacked his shoulder, laughing. I admired how easily he could slip back into his casual, playful attitude.
"Trace!!" the younger caxy exclaimed, trying to quiet their laughter. The four of us headed for the front entrance, and Trace stopped us at the doors.
"Alright, David, remember the game plan?" he asked, a wild smile on his face. David nodded excitedly.
"Yep! Tomorrow night at eight, you pick me up at Ryder's and we head out. I've got my stuff at my apartment so we'll make a stop on the way home so I can get it!" He answered eagerly.
Moss smiled, nodding. "I've got my gear in the back of the car! So we'll be all set and ready to go!" They said confidently.
"Y'all wanna tell me what this is about?" I asked worriedly, looking at the excited trio. Trace grinned at my question, like he knew how the answer was going to make me feel.
"We're going ghost hunting at the mall in Old Town." he said proudly, like it was worth bragging about. Old Town was no joke. Spire in the area failed during a storm, and the entire district was lost to a lightning strike. Hundreds, gone in an instant. The stories of ghosts ran rampant after that, and with the damage to structures, I didn't like the idea of David going out there one bit.
"Y'all ain't doin' that. Not with David. I know you'll be fine, Trace, y'got that wind shit ya do, an' I trust Moss t' take care'a themselves jus' as well. Davey, please tell me ya ain't goin' with'em?" I asked, half-pleading.
David simply shrugged, smiling. He was going, and wasn't about to give me a chance to turn him away from it. I sighed, nodding.
"Take care'a Davey out there then. Ya put'im first, 'fore yourself, got it, Trace?" I insisted, baring my teeth. The fox shrunk a little at that, but nodded.
"We'll take good care of him, we always do!" Moss said with a smile. The little caxy nudged Trace and pulled his jacket a little. "C'mon, we gotta go get some sleep if we wanna be up all night tonight!" they demanded, grinning.
Trace nodded, following suit and waving his hand at us. "You two be good, and don't forget what I said, Ryder!" he yelled our way, heading for his car.
David and I shared a laugh, my own being more tense than happy, and headed for the truck. If David was going to go, at least I knew Trace had agreed to watch him like a hawk. For all my worries, I could trust Trace to keep his word. I had to hold on to that.
I had to trust David would be safe without me tomorrow night.
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andrusi · 2 years
rating lego space shuttles: eighties/nineties
this was fun with the ambulances so I’m going again
fun fact: because of the way linear time works, there are no pre-minifig lego space shuttles.
#442 Space Shuttle/#891 Two Seat Space Scooter (1979)
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we’re starting off... weird. it’s got the swept back wings but other than that there was clearly no effort whatsoever to make this set called “space shuttle” look like an actual space shuttle orbiter (which did exist and was publicly known in 1979 even though it hadn’t been launched yet). given that the EU version makes no such connection I’m assuming this was just given the name for the us market to capitalize on space shuttle excitement. it’s a nice little spaceship but I’m not happy with the dishonesty. 🚀
there are a couple of other early space sets with “shuttle” in their names but the intent with them seems to be more like the shuttles in star trek and star wars rather than referring to the real life vehicle so I’m not going to drag them through the mud here.
#8855 Prop Plane (1988)
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the second lego space shuttle is one of several we’ll be seeing where the shuttle is actually a secondary build for an airplane set. an attempt is being made here, and you can kind of see what they’re going for, but it just doesn’t work for me. the lack of any attempt at, you know, engines is particularly shameful. that said, while I haven’t handled this build myself, it appears that the cargo bay opens up (albeit in entirely the wrong way) and there’s even a manipulator arm inside. overall: good try. 🚀🚀
#1682 Space Shuttle Launch (1990)
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much better. building techniques will vary, attempts at scale will improve and regress, specialized parts of varying quality and niceness will be produced, but this here is basically establishing the precedent for what a typical lego space shuttle set is like. you’ve got a launch pad, a support structure with an elevator (sadly immobile in this case), a little vehicle to transport the crew to the pad, an astronaut and some ground crew, and of course the shuttle orbiter with a little canadarm and a satellite inside, with two solid rocket boosters and a fuel tank attached. unusually, the astronaut has a sticker on his torso, with an american flag and a nasa logo. similar stickers are all over the shuttle and even the car-thing. this kind of specific tie to the real space shuttle won’t return in minifig-scale sets for a long time. now there are some noticeable big avoidable inaccuracies, most notably that the fuel tank needs to be longer and not gray (orange lego wasn’t really a thing at the time but I feel like red or yellow would have been a reasonable substitute) and the fact that the shuttle has an opening trunk for some reason???, and also there are some awkward bits to the design, most memorably the cargo doors that fold out in three segments each. still, very good. 🚀🚀🚀🚀
6346 Shuttle Launching Crew (1992)
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aaaaaaand we’ve regressed. the shuttle is shorter now, one of the main engines is missing, the wings are generic triangles, and you can’t see it here but the surprisingly realistic representation of the canadarm from #1682 has been replaced by a generic robot claw arm from the space theme (at least the origin is appropriate). the astronaut has regressed, too, now wearing the exact same generic flight suit as the ambulance driver from #1896 (which is also suspiciously similar to the motorcycle drivers here) which made that set hilarious but this one boring. there are a couple of small improvements though: the shuttle has landing gear now, and there are a couple of tiles on top of the cargo bay doors so they open as a single unit.  also, remember that red and blue striping with the =v= design, it’s a surprise tool to help us later. 🚀🚀🚀 incidentally, space shuttles have been transported by truck on occasion, and because of how big they are you really would want all these escort vehicles.
#6339 Shuttle Launch Pad/#6544 Shuttle Transcon 2 (1995)
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welcome to LAUNCH COMMAND, the first dedicated town/city space exploration subtheme! the stripey =v= design returns, now accompanied by a neat little space shuttle logo. the new orbiter (identical between the two sets except for slightly different stickers) keeps the improvements from #6346, regains its third engine, and gets a new canadarm design that splits the difference between playability and looking right, plus new pieces designed specifically to accurately represent the wings and tail. unfortunately, these improvements come at the price of the oms pods, which are now just half-cylinders with no engines in evidence. the astronauts have a cool new visor piece that’s reflective gold and a specially printed torso, the ground crew similarly have special launch command uniforms, and all of them wear headsets. two near-identical versions of this shuttle (one numbered 2 and the other 3, #6346 presumably being 1) were available, one with this shiny new launch pad and redesigned fuel tank (still gray and too small) and boosters, and the other with a jet that doesn’t really look like the shuttle carrier aircraft but eh, it works. 🚀🚀🚀🚀
#8480 Space Shuttle (1996)
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technic’s second attempt at a space shuttle is a dedicated set and consequently fares way better. it’s big, it’s properly colored, it’s got lots of details, and on top of that it’s full of fancy electronics. it lights up! it’s motorized! it also kind of looks like a skeleton, but that’s what you expect from a technic set from the mid-nineties. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
#3067 Test Shuttle X (1999)
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what the hell is this, space port? why is the tail fin a flat panel facing the direction of travel? 0 spaceships. listen, this is a tiny little shuttle and I know it seems unfair of me to rag on it, but space port deserves everything I can throw at it. it’s just not good.
#6456 Mission Control (1999)
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you see? look at this shit. look at the crap lego handed us and called a space shuttle. why does it separate? this isn’t blacktron! why are the wings so proportionally small? why does the cargo bay open in three directions? why does it just launch directly from the crawler? why is the satellite just a logo with solar panels? I’ll tell you why. it’s because the only thing lego was thinking about was how much kids were gonna love the giant oversized electronics chunk. if you were a kid who tried to build around the giant oversized electronics chunk, you may be entitled to financial compensation.
the female astronaut and the new helmet/backpack earn it a pity spaceship though. 🚀
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Which is the Best Heavy-Duty Truck Brand in the USA?
When determining the best heavy-duty truck brand in the USA, it’s essential to consider factors such as market share, reputation, reliability, and customer satisfaction. The heavy-duty truck segment is crucial for the logistics and transportation industry, and choosing a brand is a significant decision for businesses. The top contenders in this market include Freightliner, Peterbilt, Kenworth, Volvo, and Mack Trucks. Each brand has carved a niche, offering unique strengths and features.
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Freightliner is the leading heavy-duty truck brand in the USA. A Daimler Trucks North America Freightliner holds nearly 40% of the market share for Class 8 trucks on American roads. It dominates its robust design, reliability, and extensive dealer network. Freightliner trucks are known for their durability and are popular among fleet operators. The brand’s commitment to innovation is evident in its advanced safety systems and fuel-efficient engines, which help reduce operational costs for trucking companies.
Peterbilt, another top contender, is renowned for its rugged and efficient trucks. A subsidiary of PACCAR Inc., Peterbilt has a long-standing reputation for quality and reliability. Their trucks are often considered the gold standard in the industry for their longevity and performance. Peterbilt offers a range of models tailored to different needs, from long-haul trucking to vocational applications. The brand’s focus on driver comfort and safety has also made it a favorite among truck drivers.
Kenworth, a PACCAR assistant, is celebrated for its reliable and iconic models. Kenworth trucks are known for their high quality and durability, making them a popular choice for many trucking companies. The brand has a strong reputation for building trucks that withstand the rigors of heavy-duty operations. Kenworth’s emphasis on advanced technology and fuel efficiency further enhances its appeal, offering solutions that meet the evolving demands of the transportation industry.
Volvo is another significant player in the heavy-duty truck market. While it ranks fifth in market share in the USA, Volvo is the second-largest heavy-duty truck producer globally. Volvo trucks are known for their precision engineering, quality, and advanced safety features. The brand’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its development of fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly trucks. Volvo’s focus on driver comfort and ergonomics also sets them apart, making their trucks a preferred choice for long-haul operations.
Mack Trucks, with its iconic Bulldog logo, has been producing heavy-duty trucks for over a century. The brand’s strong presence in the construction and refuse sectors highlights its versatility. Mack’s emphasis on building tough and robust trucks has earned it a loyal customer base. The brand’s innovative approach to technology and performance ensures that its trucks meet the high demands of heavy-duty applications.
The choice of the best heavy-duty truck brand in the USA depends on specific needs and preferences. Freightliner stands out due to its market dominance and extensive dealer network, making it a reliable choice for many. Peterbilt and Kenworth offer exceptional quality and performance by both fleet operators and drivers. Volvo provides advanced safety features and a focus on sustainability, appealing to environmentally conscious businesses. Mack Trucks is known for its durability and versatility, making it a solid choice for various heavy-duty applications.
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dishasavla1 · 2 months
The Advantages of Using a Custom Truck Body for Business
Selecting the right body for your truck is very important so that your operations are effective in your day-to-day activities. In general, most companies have specific demands concerning cargo-carrying ability, easy access and vehicle usage. Purchasing a brand new body that is exclusive to your usage requirements offers several benefits over obtaining an off-the-shelf, run-of-the-mill truck body. In this article, we have outlined the main advantages of using a body built on a custom truck from a trusted trailer body manufacturer.
Increased Cargo Capacity
No doubt, one of the greatest benefits of a bespoke truck body is flexibility in terms of carrying capacity. A professional trailer body manufacturer can provide a truck body that would fit perfectly and make use of every square inch for your goods, which would mean more goods per trip. This also increases efficiency, as there is no need to make several trips, reducing the time and costs of operations. Both the storage space and storage layout enhance material handling in an optimal way.
Enhanced Accessibility and Functionality
Truck driver cabin body manufacturers can incorporate facilities, such as wider doors, lift gates, integrated ramps and cargo elevators, for enhanced access within a truck body range that an experienced truck driver can create. Shelves, partitions and bins that are incorporated into the walls and floors can also be installed to ensure that the cargo is safely and efficiently stored. Any specific tools or equipment that your team may require for loading, transporting and/or unloading the products and/or goods can be accommodated. All of these customisations help make the process of moving freight smoother and more efficient.
Durable and Reliable Construction
Commercial truck bodies are manufactured from high-quality materials that will allow their daily use and could last for years. Custom bodies can also be preemptively designed with protective and reinforced segments where necessary to ward off damage in your line of work. This results in flexibility in construction, making it easy to offer less maintenance, repairs and downtime for the life of the truck.
Branding and Advertising Opportunity
Customisation also becomes a good opportunity to paint the company colours, logo and contact details directly on the truck body. Wrapping all your vehicles will make them act as moving billboards, thus increasing the recognition of your brand. It makes sure that the overall image of the business is professional and united, so that customers trust your company.
To Conclude
Having a custom body for a truck is one of the most effective strategies that any business organisation with an interest in trucking and transportation can consider. The possibility of gaining higher efficacy, resilience and practical use translates into low running costs and a longer equipment lifespan.
Therefore, customisation is one of the best ways to get excellent branding exposure. To derive the long-term advantages of having a modified truck body, it is wise to work with a respected trailer body manufacturer to design and build the truck body for your business.
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divyeshd · 3 months
How to Choose the Trucker Hat for Your Personal Style
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Trucker hats, once­ just gear are now a fashion must-have. Love­d by all, their style and use are­ varied. From a casual addition to your look to a nifty companion for outside trips, getting the­ right trucker hat needs thoughts. Things like­ shape, how it fits, what it's made from, and when to we­ar it matter. In this easy, clear guide­, we'll dive into picking out your ideal trucke­r hat. A hat that matches who you are and what you want.
Understanding Trucker Hats
Trucker hats, ofte­n called mesh caps or mesh-back caps, hold a unique­ design. They have foam front pane­ls and mesh sides and back for good airflow. This makes the­se caps perfect for hot we­ather and outings. First worn by truck drivers in the '60s for the­ir ease of use and comfort, trucke­r hats have changed. Now, they are­ a fashion must-have, popular for their cool and relaxe­d style.
Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing the Perfect Trucker Hat
1. Assess Your Personal Style
Before delving into the specifics of trucker hat features, it's essential to understand your personal style preferences. Consider the following questions:
What is your everyday style? Are you more inclined towards casual streetwear, athletic wear, vintage-inspired fashion, or a combination of styles?
Where and how do you plan to wear the hat? Will you primarily wear it for outdoor activities, casual outings, or as part of your everyday wardrobe?
Understanding your personal style will help narrow down the type of trucker hat that best complements your wardrobe and reflects your individuality.
2. Determine the Fit and Size
Trucker hats typically come in one-size-fits-most, with an adjustable snapback closure or a strap at the back. When choosing a hat:
Ensure a comfortable fit: Your hat should comfortably sit on your head. It must not be­ overly snug nor too loose. Kee­p adjusting the snapback or strap until you achieve the­ perfect fit.
Consider the crown height: Various trucker hats fe­ature diverse crown he­ights, from low to high. This crown height tweaks the hat's appe­arance and fit. Choose what pairs with your head form and fashion se­nse.
3. Evaluate Materials and Construction
Trucker hats are constructed from a combination of materials, each contributing to its comfort, durability, and style:
Front Panel: Typically made from foam, the front panel gives the hat its structured shape and can vary in thickness.
Mesh Panels: Found on the sides and back of the hat, mesh panels provide ventilation and airflow, making the hat breathable.
Brim: A hat's edge­ can either bend or re­main straight. Bent edges offe­r a casual, classic look while providing shade from the sun. Straight e­dges, by contrast, provide a modern, urban vibe­.
Pick materials to match your comfort and the­ weather where­ you'll use the hat. Go for top-notch materials for a hat that lasts and stands up to we­ar and tear.
4. Consider Design and Branding
Trucker hats come in a wide range of designs, colors, and patterns, catering to different tastes and preferences:
Color: Pick a hue that suits your clothe­s and mirrors your style. Basics such as black, gray, or navy mingle easily with diffe­rent clothing pieces. Or make­ your mark with strong colors or design up your appearance.
Graphics and Branding: Some trucke­r caps may display logos or images, even stitche­d designs on their face. You can choose­ between a simple­ cap or one featuring a style or brand you conne­ct with.
Explore different designs to find a hat that enhances your style and expresses your personality and interests.
5. Versatility and Functionality
Consider how and where you plan to wear the trucker hat:
Casual Wear: Trucker hats fit we­ll for daily, casual attire. Match them with jeans, shorts, te­es, and running shoes to create­ an easy, laid-back style.
Outdoor Activities: When you love­ being outside, find a cap that can handle swe­at and sunshine. Hats with airy mesh parts are pe­rfect for keeping you fre­sh and at ease. Whethe­r you're hiking, at the beach, or playing sports, the­y've got you covered.
Ensure the hat's design and features align with your lifestyle and activities to maximize functionality.
6. Budget Considerations
Trucker hats' cost fluctuate­s based on brand, materials, and style. Conside­r your likes and hat-use freque­ncy when outlining a budget. Opting for a top-notch hat might give more­ comfort, last longer, and amp up your look - a good return in the long run.
7. Maintenance and Care
To maintain your trucker hat's quality and appearance:
Cleaning: Stick with the guidelines given by the make­r. Use a lightly damp cloth or cautiously cleanse­ by hand for any flaws. Gravitate away from washing machines to kee­p hat shape intact.
Storage: Kee­p your hat in a shaded, moisture-free­ area. Steer cle­ar of sunlight. Don't fold or put weighty items on your hat. This kee­ps its form intact.
Choosing the perfect hat requires you to think about differe­nt things. These range from your style­ and fit to the hat's materials and design. You also ne­ed to consider the hat's use­. Knowing your likes and what fits in with your life helps you find a hat that make­s you look good. It also shows who you are and your fashion taste. You may like a simple­ trucker hat with a bent brim. Or you might want a hat that pops with strong colors. Make­ your hat choice to show your fashion and who you are. Using these­ steps, and thinking about these things, you're­ ready to find the perfe­ct trucker hat. One that fits with your likes and life­.
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sunshinesydney · 4 months
Four Causes You Needed To Have Car Seat Covers
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Auto seat covers could feel like an optionally available device, yet there are actually a number of compelling reasons that buying them may be a smart choice. From guarding your car's inner parts to enhancing comfort and design, listed here are actually 4 reasons you need to have car seat covers.
Defend Your Vehicle's Interior
Your auto's seats endure a considerable amount of damage from day-to-day make use of. Whether it is actually spills, discolorations, pet hair, or even standard filth and grime, your seats are actually at risk to wreck eventually. car seat covers function as an obstacle, covering your original upholstery from these threats. They're developed to be actually resilient and easy to clean, creating it simple to sustain your vehicle's inside. With seat covers in position, you can preserve the value and also appeal of your automobile for longer, essentially saving you amount of money on potential repair services or even substitutes.
Enrich Convenience
Comfort is actually crucial when it relates to enjoying your time responsible for the tire. car seat covers can easily give extra stuffing and also assistance, creating your steering experience even more pleasing, specifically during lengthy experiences. Numerous car seat covers are created from components like mind foam or breathable fabrics, providing ergonomic perks as well as temperature level requirement. Whether you like a softer feel or require added lumbar support, there is actually a vast variation of seating cover alternatives accessible to match your comfort requires. And also, some covers include integrated components like burner or massage features, even further enriching your steering comfort.
Customize Your Interior
Your cars and truck is an expansion of your personality, and also customizing its own interior can easily aid reflect your type and also choices. car seat covers been available in a variety of different colors, patterns, as well as concepts, allowing you to personalize your lorry's internal cosmetic. Whether you favor a modern, smart appeal or intend to include a pop of different colors and also character, there's a seat cover to match your flavor. Furthermore, numerous covers are personalized, allowing you to include embroidery, logo designs, or even various other details to create them distinctively yours. By updating your vehicle's inner parts with chair covers, you can easily make an area that experiences customized to you.
Boost Reselling Worth
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Whether you're dealing with selling or even stocking your cars and truck later on, purchasing infant seat covers may actually increase its own reselling worth. Well-maintained seats are actually a selling point for potential customers, and also having ford seat covers in location demonstrates that you have actually handled your motor vehicle. Through shielding your authentic furniture from damages as well as maintaining it in beautiful shape, you can command a greater rate when it is actually time to sell. Plus, if you choose to take out the seat covers before selling, you'll disclose like-new seats beneath, even more improving your automobile's appeal to possible shoppers.
Lastly, car seat covers provide an array of benefits that produce all of them a valuable expenditure for any vehicle owner. Not merely do they guard your cars and truck's interior from damage and also damage, but they likewise enhance comfort, allow you to personalize your inner parts, as well as rise resell market value. Along with plenty of alternatives available on the market, finding the best chair covers to match your needs as well as design tastes is simpler than ever. Whether you are actually appearing to lengthen the life of your cushioning or even just prefer to provide your auto a clean brand new appearance, car seat covers are an important device for every driver.
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nadal-designer · 1 year
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guestpostblogger1 · 4 months
Elaborate Benefits of Choosing Veuro VE304 & GrandTrek AT5 Tyres 
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When it comes to selecting the right tyres for your truck, the choices can be overwhelming. However, for those seeking a blend of durability, performance, and safety, the Veuro VE304 and GrandTrek AT5 tyres emerge as standout options. They offer safety, durability and provide the best tyres for long routes.  
This article delves into the benefits of choosing the Veuro VE304 and GrandTrek AT5 for your truck, highlighting why it could be the best investment for both commercial and personal use. 
The choice is yours, however, to make an informed decision a driver or buyer must know these benefits for their sake.  
Benefits of Choosing Veuro VE304 for Your Vehicle: 
Unmatched Ride Comfort: 
The VE304's number one recognition for comfort makes it an excellent preference for long-distance touring. The reduced road noise and vibration result in an extra enjoyable and fatigue-free driving experience. 
Safety in Various Conditions: 
With its advanced moist grip and strong handling, the VE304 presents a further layer of protection for drivers. The tyre's performance in exceptional climate conditions guarantees peace of thought, regardless of the journey in advance. 
Long-Term Value: 
The durability and optimized tread wear of the VE304 suggest that drivers will revel in the blessings of the tyre for lots of miles to come. This long-term cost is a full-size gain for those seeking to maximize their investment. 
Aesthetic Appeal: 
The VE304 now not the most effective performs nicely but also appears the element. Its sleek design enhances the arrival of luxurious sedans and premium automobiles, including the overall aesthetic enchantment. 
Trusted Brand Quality: 
Dunlop's reputation for fine and innovation is nicely set up, and the VE304 is a testament to the logo's requirements. Drivers can consider that they are getting a product sponsored with the aid of years of tyre information. 
Now comes the benefits of choosing GrandTrek AT5 for your vehicle. Read more to stay informed and make the correct choice.  
Benefits of Choosing GrandTrek AT5 for Your Truck: 
Enhanced Safety: 
With its superior traction and handling abilities, the GrandTrek AT5 provides a stage of safety for truck drivers. The tyre's design ensures better management in emergency situations and decreases the probability of accidents. 
Improved Fuel Efficiency: 
The AT5's advanced tread design and compound efficiency make contributions to lower rolling resistance, which can lead to stepped forward gasoline performance. This is a significant gain for truck drivers looking to lessen operational charges. 
Comfortable Ride Quality: 
The noise reduction functions and the tyre's potential to soak up street irregularities result in a smoother and more comfortable experience. This is especially beneficial for drivers who spend lengthy hours on the road. 
Durability and Longevity: 
The GrandTrek AT5 was constructed for longevity. Its firm creation and resistance to put on and tear mean which you will not replace your tyres as regularly, saving you cash ultimately. 
Whether you are using it on highways, town streets, or tackling rough terrain, the GrandTrek AT5 is as much as the mission. Its all-terrain abilities make certain that you can expectantly take your truck anywhere you want to move. 
Wrap up 
Whether you are a professional trucker or a casual driving force, the GrandTrek AT5 is a tyre that could meet and exceed your expectations. With its all-terrain talents and all-season overall performance, the AT5 is a tyre to keep you shifting ahead, regardless of what the street throws your way.  
Or, whether embarking on a long street trip or navigating the daily trip, the VE304 promises a useful level that it is both enjoyable and steady. With the Veuro VE304, Dunlop maintains to set the bar high for what a journeying tyre can provide, ensuring that drivers can take to the roads with confidence and fashion. 
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successbykersaint · 4 months
Step Up Your Style Game: Buy Trucker Hats from SUCCESS BY KERSAINT
In the ever-evolving world of fashion, trucker hats have made a remarkable comeback. These versatile and stylish accessories are no longer just for truck drivers; they have become a staple in casual and streetwear fashion. If you're looking to elevate your style with the perfect trucker hat, look no further than SUCCESS BY KERSAINT. Let's explore why you should Buy Trucker Hats and how SUCCESS BY KERSAINT can help you make a bold fashion statement.
Trucker hats, known for their distinctive mesh back and adjustable snap closure, offer both functionality and style. They are perfect for various occasions, from outdoor adventures to casual outings. The breathable mesh design keeps you cool, making them ideal for warm weather, while the adjustable snap ensures a comfortable fit for all head sizes.
When you choose to buy trucker hats, you're opting for an accessory that adds a touch of coolness to any outfit. Whether you pair it with jeans and a t-shirt or use it to top off a more polished look, a trucker hat brings an effortless vibe that is hard to match. With a wide array of designs, colors, and logos, there's a trucker hat for every personality and preference.
SUCCESS BY KERSAINT takes pride in offering a premium selection of trucker hats that cater to diverse tastes. Their collection features high-quality materials and meticulous craftsmanship, ensuring that each hat is built to last. Whether you're a fan of bold graphics, minimalist designs, or classic logos, SUCCESS BY KERSAINT has something that will catch your eye.
In addition to their stylish appeal, trucker hats from SUCCESS BY KERSAINT are designed with comfort in mind. The breathable mesh panels and adjustable fit make them perfect for all-day wear, whether you're running errands, attending a music festival, or hitting the beach. With their exceptional quality and attention to detail, these hats are more than just accessories; they are investments in style and comfort.
If you're looking to buy trucker hats that combine style, comfort, and durability, SUCCESS BY KERSAINT is your go-to destination. Their extensive collection ensures that you'll find the perfect hat to complement your wardrobe and express your unique sense of fashion. Embrace the trend and make a statement with a trucker hat from SUCCESS BY KERSAINT. Elevate your style and experience the perfect blend of fashion and function today.
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classiccaps123 · 4 months
The Contrasting Trucker Hat: The new cosmopolitanism between family tradition and individual style
The other contrasting round trucker hat may be the most interesting style of trucker hat both from historical and practical as well as aesthetic perspectives. It now seems completely different from its origins as an item often distributed as an advertisement which often being worn by hard labour truck drivers and farmers. It is currently worn on the heads of celebrities, sportsmen women and any ordinary individuals among the populace and this gives it a stronghold as fashion accessories. What makes the great transformation of the trucker hat great is not just how it transforms itself from one look to another, but how it combines elements that seem to be poles apart. Here's how:
From Humble Beginnings to Fashion Icon: Think about it, put yourself in the place of the trucker: a few dusty roads to cross, back or not to look forward to, and what rears its head at the end of the way? That’s right, the trucker hat! This was particularly true for the old society in which these hats were not just hats only but worked as an insignia of hard work and dedication. However, the juxtaposing trucker hat also speaks to its utilitarian goal: it is a symbol of its function. Nevertheless, it has released its outdated covers and now it is an extraordinary fashion style that you can see running the catwalk or walking around the town.
Self-Expression Through Contrast: The symbolism of the trucker hat is also apt for its design and reflects the idea of merging opposing forces organically. And one of the most iconic common traits, the flat depth of the rounded crown, is still easily identifiable. Despite this, the mesh back panels are more than just contrast- they communicate individuality through design. The combination of the solid-colored crown and brim and the mesh can represent your personality and have you rocking your preference. When creating everyday looks, some people prefer to go for the black-and-white motif. But maybe you are an adventurer urging for sports sports-inspired set with neon green mesh.
From Workwear to Streetwear: The rise and rise of this phenomenon - The blank Trucker Hat
The boot origin of the hat otherwise commonly known as the hat is workwear history. In the middle of the 20th century, companies started distributing hats to truckers who spent a lot of time in the sun for a dual purpose – to protect from the harmful effects of the Sun as well as to use the hats as a promotion tool. The ventilated mesh back panel was a highly sought-after feature due to the chilly climate during the hot days. The front surface, often made of a highly durable material such as cotton or sponge, has become. It creates space for the brand logo or slogan to be displayed. On the other hand, the traveling story of the trucker hat had no end on the open road. In the 1980s, however, the division had long outgrown its complementary employments. Soon after the band, many famous people, musicians, athletes, and celebrities started wearing trucker hats, and they contributed with their style. What once was the common attire turned into a matter of rebellion and counterculture prompting the rise of several subcultures among youths. This change meant that there was now a place for extra variety, which ultimately resulted in launching a new approach to identifying the trucker hat as something relating to bikers.
The Allure of Contrasts: Neatly Dubbed the Trucker Hat The trucker hat has established lasting appeal among people due to its ability to combine different levels of simplicity and complexity perfectly. Here's a closer look at what makes this combination so successful: Here's a closer look at what makes this combination so successful:
Ruggedness and Refinement: The materials of a timeless, trucker hat – the foam or cotton front and the mesh back, combine, to give off a feel of being durable and practical. Because of this relationship with the outside and physical exercise, a sense of toughness is created. Although, minimalistic in some ways, the clean structure of the design along with a multitude of colors and patterns elevates the look. Such a contrast is perfect for projecting the image of someone who is both fashion-conscious and at the same time a streetwear lover.
Simplicity and Statement Piece: On their basis, hats for truckers, or more simply - trucker hats, are just that easy. There is no deep and complex symbolism, or rarely decoration or details. Similarly, the soft or hard fabric and the ability to incorporate bright logos or graphic designs on the front side allow it to transform into an assertive piece. The wearer chooses how much the hat will stand out, making it customizable choosing how much would it stand out for everyone.
Vintage and Modern: It shouldn't go unmentioned that this hat's origins in the 20th century make it the bearer of the fashion-vintage vibe. This is the charm for those who seek the comeback of what once has been in an era when everything is retro. Nevertheless, trucker hats' characteristics make them suitable models for trendy things and appearances because of their mesmerizing touch on the modern fashion world. This ability to straddle the divide between those two extremes and hence emerge as something you have had forever is the reason why it is known as a timeless accessory.
The Trucker Hat: Likewise Forming Besties for All Situations A trucker hat is a “must-have” apparel due to its multifaceted qualities. Here are just a few ways to incorporate it into your wardrobe: Here are just a few ways to incorporate it into your wardrobe:
Casual Cool: Find a trucker hat that creates a rapport with a tee sporting a cool graphic along with a pair of denim shorts and sneakers. Pop the look with a touch of casualness.
Festival Fun: The hat of the truckers is suitable for music festivals and outdoor activities, too. No worries, the mesh back will let you avoid getting hot during the festival and the design will be an essential part of your look.
Sporty Chic: Lift your activewear with a cool trucker fitted with a sports logo or print of your choice.
Streetwear Statement: The bold hats and printed labels of trucker hats make good pieces to pull your streetwear look together. The choices between making a bold statement or using a brand logo of your most preferred brand will ensure that the debut of your outfit is a memorable one.
The Final Verdict: A host with a unique sense of style and fashion has the potential not only to maintain their following but also to attract new followers who may be inspired by their impeccable style.
Try On The Coolest blank Trucker Hat! Look No Further!
Here, we have a mind-blowing selection of trucker hats with several color options, styles, and designs. Perhaps it is a traditional logo design that you're after or perhaps it is a more cutting-edge graphic but we've got the hat that fits your demands. We are using only top-level material in our hats and the result is truly amazing, so that the hats feel exceptionally comfortable. Therefore, delve into our collection shortly as you could be the lucky person to score the ideal trucker cap.
Contact Us! Texas Location 820 East Walnut St, Garland Texas, 75040 214-741-1555 [email protected] Tennessee Location975 International Blvd, Clarksville Tennessee, 37040 [email protected]
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caxycreations · 4 months
Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den
Chapter Nine: Sweet Tooth
Ferusian Law, Third Sequence, Article 3: Law of Trespass
Ferusian citizens are entitled passage and habitation of any residency or public space as recognized by the Department of Home and Business.
Citizens are strictly forbidden from passing through, entering, or inhabiting any residency or public space owned privately through individual or business contract, such as homes, apartments, or private contractors.
Citizens are also forbidden from entering any space designated as Hazard Level C or higher by the Department of Risk Assessment, such as some condemned buildings, glassed towns/cities, or storm-wrecked districts.
Citizens caught in forbidden areas are fined no less than $10,000 and given a minimum of two months community service, up to a maximum of six months imprisonment.
I woke up to the sound of a claw tapping on glass, and for a minute I worried I'd been out here so long security flagged me as a risk. A glance out the window brought a smile to my face instead of a scowl, seeing I was wrong. A pale blueish gray caxy was standing at the window, dark markings in the shape of a cats eyes framing their forest green eyes. Ears pierced ten times each, and sharing Davina's signature studs above the eyebrow.
A lip ring adorned the thick, black bottom lip they shared with their mother. Brown hair, fluffy and thick, messy but swept to part on the left side. They were wearing a dark green bomber jacket, one that matched with David's, and Davina's, in style if not in color. A hand-drawn, stylized S was on the left side of the chest. Trace's logo.
I chuckled, unlocking the doors and stepping out, pulling the young hybrid into a hug. "Howdy, pup. How's life?" I asked, smiling. I could guess easily how life had been. Life with Davina was always interesting, given her habits. But I was still curious to hear how they'd been, and what they'd been up to, apart from that. Moss shifted in their seat, trying to get comfortable before giving me an answer.
"It's been good! Mom's been stressing over my weekend trips like usual, but she did mention something about taking my driver's test next year, so soon I'll be able to start practicing!" They said, half excited. Moss smiled, buckling into their seat and looking at me expectantly.
"Hell yeah! You gonna practice with 'Vina or Trace?" I asked, starting up the truck and pulling out of the lot, heading for the nearest Mac Patty's.
"I think I'd like to practice with Trace. Mom's great, most of the time, but I don't think she'd be very good at teaching me while she's busy fussing over every little thing I do behind the wheel." They said, letting out a chuckle. It was wild imagining Davina of all people fussing and fretting over little things, but I understood. Moss was special to her like that. We pulled in and got out, heading in and placing our orders before settling down at a table.
"How's it been here? Been good or...?" Moss trailed off, smiling curiously. I chuckled, shaking my head.
"Well, David's avoidin' home for a while. Tired of th' empty space, I reckon. Can't say I blame'im, he's got next t' nothin' unpacked there an' it's a damn depressin' little apartment." I responded with a dismissive wave. "Other'n th' houseguest I've been entertainin', it's been same as usual. Got a job offer though, security at th' club David had his 21st at."
Moss suddenly lit up, smiling wide at me and setting their burger down. "Oh yeah! I wanted to ask you, do you think you can get me in some time? I'm here every weekend, can't you get me in?" They asked, excited and almost pleading. They made wide, hopeful eyes, the smile on their face warm and eager. A hope, warmth, and eagerness I had to crush, unfortunately.
"No can do, pup. Ain't old enough an' they card ya at every turn in there. Davey almost gets thrown out ten times a night when he's in there, they have such a hard time trustin' his ID." I answered, half-sad at having to deny them. "Y'wouldn't be able t' get on th' dance floor, wouldn't be able t' get t' th' bar t' order water, an' ya wouldn't be able t' get in th' front door. Even if'n I helped ya by, they'd card ya inside an' we'd both be in trouble." I said with a sigh.
I watched them deflate, shoulders sagging and smile fading to a frown, eyes shifting to look at their food again. "Oh…Okay, sorry Uncle Rye." They apologized, low and quiet. I hated being the bearer of bad news. I glanced at the menu and chuckled, seeing a few pies, cakes, and ice cream options. I tapped one I knew they liked, a personal sized mulberry pie, and raised an eyebrow, smirking. They looked at the menu where I'd tapped and laughed a little, then looked at me.
"Are you sure, Uncle Ryder? I don't wanna cost you too much…" they said hesitantly. They glanced back to the menu, and I heard a soft, quiet mewl from them. I nodded, laughing a little and waving over a waiter, ordering two of the pies and a third to-go. Moss smiled, still not as energetic as they had been, but noticeably better than they had been a minute ago. We finished our food in silence, and when the pies came out, we ate them quickly and left.
Moss smiled as they sat their take-home pie in the floorboard, buckling in. "So guess what Trace said he would buy me today!" they said excitedly. I chuckled, shaking my head. Gifts from Trace were always bad news in the best way. I couldn't help but wonder what the fox had planned.
"What's that, pup?" I asked, smiling at them.
"Running shoes! There's a new shop that opened a few blocks from the mall, and he said when we leave there he'll buy me a pair!" the little caxy exclaimed. I smiled, nodding.
"Hell yeah! Well let's get ya back there so y'can get'em then." I said with a grin, putting the key into the ignition.
Starting the engine, I pulled out from the lot and headed back for the mall, settling into a space near the doors. Moss and I headed inside and, with a little searching, found David and Trace in Sugar Shack, a candy store David seemed incapable of skipping over when he came here.
"Trace! They have them this time!!" He exclaimed, bouncing giddily as he pulled a bar from the shelf. Double-stuffed king-sized cream bar, one of his favorites. Chocolate coating, Kanorian egg cream inside, and almonds throughout. He put several of the bars into his basket and skipped off to one of the scoop carts, grabbing a bag and filling it with various treats.
"Yep, I see that, did you leave any for anyone else?" the fox said with a smirk, walking over to keep up with David. Moss and I walked in and I grabbed a basket of our own, smiling.
"Go on, pup. Grab whatever y' want, I'll pay." I said, nodding to the candy. Moss shook their head and took the basket from me, quickly rushing off to fill it with their own selection of treats. I followed behind, tallying up the cost as they went. I knew better than to think they'd let me pay for it, and the only way I'd get the chance is if I was up there before they were and had the money ready to go.
"Oh my gods!!!" The exclamation turned every head in the shop, all eyes on the little grey caxy that had shouted. David was standing there holding a large box, a logo stamped on the back. He still hadn't noticed me, or Moss. I smirked, resigning myself to overpaying and just getting change back when Moss was done. Heading over to David, seeing Moss do the same out of the corner of my eye, I settled into place behind him, crossing my arms and looking over his find.
It was a gummy wolf, blue raspberry flavor. Industrial sized, the ones as big as a teddy bear. The eyes were peppermints, orange and white swirls meeting in a single point in the center. Trace had noticed me, but hadn't said a word, merely offering an acknowledging glance before focusing on David's presentation, the caxy now turning the box to face Trace.
"IT'S RYDER!!!" He yelled through his giggles, smiling wide. Moss, now approaching from behind Trace, nodded at David. The youngster nudged Trace, who nudged back with a grin, casually grabbing a couple of things from Moss' basket and slipping them into the inner pocket of his jacket.
"Sure is, Dee. I can definitely see Ryder." Trace said with a smirk, glancing at me again as he spoke. My smirk turned to a grin and I reached forward, grabbing the box from David's hands and heading for the front counter, carrying it under my arm and pulling my wallet out.
"Hey, that's-!" I heard David cut his words short, most likely realizing I had been the one to take it. I heard footsteps following, and as I set the gummy wolf down on the counter, David smacked my shoulder.
"That was rude, you know!" He scolded. I let out a chuckle and pulled a couple of hundreds from my wallet, looking around the store for a minute before nodding to myself and looking at the clerk.
"Here, $200, paying for everything these guys plan on getting. Whatever's left over you can pocket." I offered, holding the money out. The cashier, a black and brown husky, looked at the money and nodded, smiling.
"Understood, Sir! Take your time and stock up, we're closing for a few weeks for renovations in a few days so we won't be available much longer!" They responded, setting the money into a space beside the register to use when we checked out. David gave a mrow of disappointment and smacked my shoulder again.
"I was gonna pay for our candy…You need to save up-" I cut him off with a look, sternly locking eyes with him.
"Jus' cause ya got more'n we'll ever have in our lifetimes don't mean ya gotta pay for all our shit. Sometimes we wanna do somethin' nice for ya an' that's that." I said, relaxing into a smile. "Besides, I planned on payin' for the candy Moss grabbed an' figured I may as well cover all th' stuff if'n I'm gonna cover any of it."
David gave another indignant mrow before shaking his head, smiling wide and taking off to continue filling his basket. Moss gave me a playful glare before running off to stock up their own basket. Trace just stood beside me, rocking on his pads and watching the two boys collecting candy.
"Not gonna get any for yourself?" I asked him, looking over curiously. Trace simply smirked, making a show of shaking his head while his hand shifted in his pocket. I knew that signal perfectly. His coat was stuffed with snacks, tucked away in his 'special pockets' he'd had put in. Connections in the underground paid for themselves, I guess. "Understood." I said with a chuckle, shaking my head.
Had it been anyone else, I might have tried to stop them. Paid for their goods myself, at best, convinced them to pay themselves at worst, but Trace was a special case. We'd never seen eye to eye on this sort of thing, and learned early on in our relationship it was best not to ask where Trace got anything, and even better for us not to question the methods if we did find out. I watched David and Moss, giddy over the snacks they were finding, sharing excitement across the store.
Moss was athletic, healthy, they didn't indulge in sweets much, but a candy store like this had plenty they could enjoy. David was even helping, pointing out anything he found that wasn't some sugar-filled monstrosity of cavity-inducing sweetness. I leaned back, watching them, from David's tail, long and freely swaying in his joy, to his hair, flying every which way as he turned sharp corners, excitedly darting from shelf to shelf. It was too cute not to laugh a little under my breath, smiling wide.
Trace nudged my side, raising an eyebrow at me. "You ever gonna ask the lil guy out? Come on, man. You've been making puppy eyes at him for the last ten minutes." He asked, causing me to look at him with wide eyes, my brow furrowed.
"Jus' so y'know, I ain't got any intention'a askin' David out. We ain't like that, ya oughta know that by now. Jus' cause y'like fuckin' your friends don't mean everyone with a best friend is pinin' t' pound'em." I scoffed, shaking my head. Trace smirked a little more, flashing his teeth at me.
"You're just jealous it's so easy for me, but face it, anyone with eyes can tell you want a little more than just a night of caxy magic, you want the caxy himself." He accused, turning to face me properly. I frowned, shaking my head. The odd feeling here and there didn't mean anything, it was natural for folks as close to each other as David and I were to wonder once in a while, but that didn't mean we had to pursue it. I knew better than that.
"Might wonder now an' then, but I learned pretty well that friends don't make good mates. Learned that from you." I said pointedly, hoping the jab might make him drop the subject.
His own smile faded into a frown, and he sighed. "I'm different. I liked you. You loved me. Doesn't work if it's not a real back and forth, dumbass. Gotta be mutual." He said, leaning back against the counter and pulling his hands out of his pockets, crossing his arms. I nodded, looking at David and Moss again. Moss hardly had anything in their basket, focusing on the healthy treats, the sugar-free stuff. Comparing that to David's was an anthill to a mountain, David now carrying a second basket, the first piled high. I hoped I'd paid enough for all of it.
Moss ran up and set their basket on the counter, smiling. "I got all I wanted, Uncle Rye!" they said with a wide grin. The cashier scanned the items, a few bars, a couple bags of chips, some gum, and used a bit of the money I'd given to pay it out. Moss smiled, taking the bag of candy and settling in between Trace and I. Trace nudged Moss, the young caxy looking at him curiously. "What was that for?"
Trace nodded towards David idly. "Y'think Ryder and Davey would make a good couple, kiddo?" he asked casually, leaving me glaring at him. The last thing I needed was Moss thinking about that sort of thing.
"Aren't they already?" They asked the fox, genuine curiosity in their voice.
"No, pup, we ain't. Jus' friends." I answered before Trace could corrupt the situation any further. Moss looked at me, confused.
"But he lives with you, y'all sleep together most of the time, too. And you're always watching out for him, buying him gifts like today. Are…you two not dating?" they asked, and I began to wonder what sort of things Davina had told them, or neglected to tell them, about David and I. I shook my head, sighing. This subject was starting to wear on me.
"No. Davey's my best friend, ain't nobody like'im, but that's all. Gotta be mutual. An' it ain't." I said, looking over at the little grey caxy across the store, grabbing a few more candy bars and bounding towards one last display. "Th'feelin's ain't there, pup." I said plainly.
"Oh." The younger caxy said, idly pulling one of their snack bars from the bag and starting to eat it quietly. Trace looked at me, shaking his head and letting out a sound that was half a sigh, half a growl. I looked over just in time to notice him grabbing my shirt hard, pulling me with all his strength out of the store. I could have resisted, but if he wanted to talk, better hear him out than have him make a scene in the store.
"Moss, stay there and make sure David uses what Ryder paid before he tries paying himself. I've gotta talk to your Uncle." he said, scowling. We made our way out of the store, settling in a few stores down with Trace glaring up at me, arms crossed.
"Do you have any clue how dense you are? Any idea at all?" He asked angrily, scowl only strengthening. "David looks up to you, admires you, adores you, trusts you more than he does any of us, even his own damn sister. We see you two together every time we see one of you, can't get an hour alone with either one. Even when you took off with Moss, you were back in forty minutes. Just can not stay away. But the feelings aren't mutual?"
I started to answer, but he cut me off. "Nuh-uh, quiet, not done. I've watched you rush in like a bat out of hell for the kid, but I've never seen you hurry like you have for David. Nobody else gets that privilege." His expression softened, and he looked at me with sadness in his eyes, though he tried hard to hide it. "Not even me, back then."
I was taken aback. Trace was always the blunt one, having this explosion was rare. He always spoke his mind in the moment, and I wondered why he had bottled this up. But I wasn't about to ask and risk getting hushed again.
Trace returned to his scowl, shaking his head. "The feelings weren't mutual on your end, Ryder. Not then. But now? Now anybody on Relan can take one look and see that you'd take on Gaius himself if he were a danger to David." He accused, shifting his weight from one paw to the other.
"Trace, I do all that for David cause ain't nobody else done it." I said, sighing. He had a point, one I wanted desperately to ignore. I didn't want David and I to go the same way Trace and I had. I couldn't do that to him. I couldn't hurt him too.
Trace glowered at me, then let his shoulders slump. "You are…too stupid for your own good." He said, frustration in his voice. "And for David's."
His words came with a finality I didn't dare question or add on to. I watched him pad back towards the store and followed quietly. He had said his piece and I had no idea how to respond besides simply going back with him. I felt a tightness in my chest, heat rising in my heart. Anger, remorse, regret, blame, all fighting on equal ground to decide how I was supposed to feel.
We got back to the store, David and Moss waiting by the door. Trace smiled, wrapping an arm around each of the caxies. "Got your goods, boys? Gods know I do!" He said with a laugh, letting go of David to pat his pocket, the sound of cellophane crinkling as he did. I stepped up behind Moss, ruffling his hair and putting on my best smile. I ruffled Moss' hair, earning an angry mrow from the young caxy.
David looked at me and mrowed curiously. "Everything okay, Rye? What did you and Trace need to talk about?" He asked, obviously a little worried. I shook my head, smiling.
"Jus' some old wounds needin' t'be licked, that's all." I said casually. Trace nodded, grinning.
"Yeah, he licked my old wound real good~" He said with a smirk. Moss playfully smacked his shoulder, laughing. I admired how easily he could slip back into his casual, playful attitude.
"Trace!!" the younger caxy exclaimed, trying to quiet their laughter. The four of us headed for the front entrance, and Trace stopped us at the doors.
"Alright, David, remember the game plan?" he asked, a wild smile on his face. David nodded excitedly.
"Yep! Tomorrow night at eight, you pick me up at Ryder's and we head out. I've got my stuff at my apartment so we'll make a stop on the way home so I can get it!" He answered eagerly.
Moss smiled, nodding. "I've got my gear in the back of the car! So we'll be all set and ready to go!" They said confidently.
"Y'all wanna tell me what this is about?" I asked worriedly, looking at the excited trio. Trace grinned at my question, like he knew how the answer was going to make me feel.
"We're going ghost hunting at the mall in Old Town." he said proudly, like it was worth bragging about. Old Town was no joke. Spire in the area failed during a storm, and the entire district was lost to a lightning strike. Hundreds, gone in an instant. The stories of ghosts ran rampant after that, and with the damage to structures, I didn't like the idea of David going out there one bit.
"Y'all ain't doin' that. Not with David. I know you'll be fine, Trace, y'got that wind shit ya do, an' I trust Moss t' take care'a themselves jus' as well. Davey, please tell me ya ain't goin' with'em?" I asked, half-pleading.
David simply shrugged, smiling. He was going, and wasn't about to give me a chance to turn him away from it. I sighed, nodding.
"Take care'a Davey out there then. Ya put'im first, 'fore yourself, got it, Trace?" I insisted, baring my teeth. The fox shrunk a little at that, but nodded.
"We'll take good care of him, we always do!" Moss said with a smile. The little caxy nudged Trace and pulled his jacket a little. "C'mon, we gotta go get some sleep if we wanna be up all night tonight!" they demanded, grinning.
Trace nodded, following suit and waving his hand at us. "You two be good, and don't forget what I said, Ryder!" he yelled our way, heading for his car.
David and I shared a laugh, my own being more tense than happy, and headed for the truck. If David was going to go, at least I knew Trace had agreed to watch him like a hawk. For all my worries, I could trust Trace to keep his word. I had to hold on to that.
I had to trust David would be safe without me tomorrow night.
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