#Designer Trento
tutorart75 · 1 year
Fortunato Depero
#FortunatoDepero #cartellonista e #pubblicitario #futurista della prima metà del '#900. Considerato il precursore delle nostre #agenziepubblicitarie. #graficofuturista #cartellonistafuturista #cartellonistaitaliano #grafico #graficoitaliano #designer
FORTUNATO DEPERO GRAFICO ITALIANO Depero designer del ventesimo secolo. Nato 30/03/1892 (Trento, Italia) Morto 29/11/1960 (Rovereto, Italia) Fortunato Depero nasce a Fondo (Trento) nel 1892. Dopo aver frequentato la Scuola Reale Elisabettina di Rovereto, istituto tecnico di arti applicate, si impiega come tirocinante nello studio di un marmista, poi nel 1914 si trasferisce a Roma. A Roma entra…
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zegalba · 2 months
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Four marble columns knotted, located at the Trento Cathedral in Italy, 13th century CE.
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guy60660 · 2 months
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Trento Cathedral | studio_magga
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livesunique · 1 year
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Castel Toblino, Madruzzo, Trento, Italy
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garadinervi · 1 year
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OM OPUS ANA, Mercato del Sale, Milano, December 6-18, 1976 [Mart – Museo d'arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto]
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Architetti Bolzano - Burnazzi-Feltrin
Gli Architetti Bolzano ti aiuteranno a creare la tua prossima casa dei sogni a Bolzano. La città è nota per i villaggi di montagna e i vigneti infiniti.
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architettitrento · 23 days
Interior Designer Trento: Creatività e Comfort con Burnazzi Feltrin
Burnazzi Feltrin si posiziona come punto di riferimento tra gli interior designer Trento per il suo approccio unico nella realizzazione di interni eleganti e funzionali. Specializzati nel trasformare spazi abitativi e commerciali in ambienti su misura, combinano innovazione, sostenibilità e design sofisticato per creare soluzioni che migliorano la qualità della vita e rispecchiano la personalità e le esigenze di ogni cliente.
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blueiskewl · 9 months
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2,000-Year-Old 'Rainbow Cup' Celtic Gold Coin Discovered in Germany
Legend has it that "rainbow cups" are drops of gold that fall to Earth at the end of a rainbow.
An extremely rare "rainbow cup" coin minted more than 2,000 years ago by the Celts has been found next to a river in Germany, according to the Bavarian State Archaeological Collection.
The gold coin, minted in the second or first century B.C., features a rare design of a four-pointed star surrounded by arches on one side, said Bernward Ziegaus, a senior curator in the State Archaeological Collection's numismatic department who is studying the coin. Like other rainbow cups, the coin is curved.
"The name rainbow cup coins come from the legend that they are drops of gold that fall to earth at the end of a rainbow," Ziegaus said in an email. "Another legend about these Celtic coins tells us that these coins can only be found by Sunday children," or a child of fortune.
"In fact, the finder was born on a Sunday and is indeed a Sunday child, a lucky child!" he said.
The finder, a collaborator with state archaeological officials, discovered the coin this spring about 45 miles (70 kilometers) west of Munich on the Lech River in the southern state of Bavaria.
It's unknown how the 0.07-ounce (1.9 grams) coin ended up there, but the spot isn't far from a ancient road. This road went from what is now Trento in northern Italy and later became known as the Roman road Via Claudia Augusta that went across the Alps, Ziegaus said.
"Perhaps the coin was accidentally lost along the way," he said.
The "heads" side of the 0.5-inch-wide (13 millimeters) coin "shows a stylized human head with a large eye," with the nose and lips depicted as dots, Ziegaus said. A metal analysis revealed that the coin is 77% gold, 18% silver and 5% copper.
There are only three known rainbow cups with the star-and-arch motif. "The interpretation of the motive is difficult," Ziegaus said. "The star is perhaps a symbol for the four cardinal points, the arches are to be understood as signs for the horizon and the rising and setting of the moon.
The ancient Celts were fierce warriors who lived in mainland Europe and later sacked Rome. Bavaria's oldest Celtic coins date to the third century B.C., but the Roman conquest of the region in 15 B.C. led to the end of Celtic minting, Ziegaus said. After that, Roman coins became the main currency in the region.
It is a wonderful find, even if it is only one coin. Because only very few specimens of this type are known so far," said Marjanko Pilekić, a doctoral candidate of archaeology of coinage, money and the economy in antiquity at Goethe University Frankfurt, who was not involved in the finding.
If more rainbow cups are found in the area, "a picture of the [currency's] distribution can be drawn,' Pilekić told Live Science in an email.
The coin's finder donated the rainbow cup to the Bavarian State Archaeological Collection in Munich. Because it is "extremely rare," it will go on permanent display in the museum with other Celtic coin treasures in 2024, Ziegaus said.
By Laura Geggel.
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nick--knack · 9 months
A while ago I said I was going to make a post about my favourite tank and, well, here it is. A post about none other than the Burstyn-Motorgeschütz.
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Having been invented in Austria-Hungary during 1911, the Motorgeschütz was ahead of it's time. it's draft design was more advanced than some tanks seen during world war 1, and one could argue that it was the very first tank to ever exist...
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The idea for the Motorgeschütz first came around when a man named Gunther Burstyn was invited by his cousin to go on a torpedo boat trip during his service in 1903. Burstyn was impressed by the boats speed, power, and armour, and this led him to the idea of creating a 'land torpedo boat' powered by a gasoline engine. He figured that such a vehicle would need to be able to travel off-road and over trenches if it were to be used in battle.
Later on he attended an engineering school where he visited an Automotive Exhibition in Vienna in 1906. There he saw the Austro-Daimler Panzerautomobil which was essentially just an armoured car. Burstyn saw the potential in the vehicle, but he saw the wheels as a big limitation because wheels made it easier for one to get stuck in mud and harder to drive over ditches and trenches.
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Once he finished his engineering school and got promoted, he stayed in Trento between 1906 to 1908 where he discovered 'plate chains' used on heavy guns to reduce ground pressure. This gave him the idea 'hmm, what if we wrapped this stuff around several wheels at a time to even out the weight of the vehicle?'
Finally, with all these things in mind Burstyn set out to draw up the first blueprints of the motorgeschütz in 1911 and eagerly send them off to the Austro-Hungarian war ministry with high hopes that his invention will catch their interest.
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The Design
Now when it comes to the design of the Motorgeschütz, it's quite hard to describe because of how vague it's blueprints were. Hell, you could even say that it's unknown which side was the front of it since it was never explicitly stated where the driver sat.
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The only parts of the blueprints that weren't too vague were the arms of the Motorgeschütz. The arms at the back were operated by the crew member at the rear, and the arms at the front were operated by the crew member in the turret.
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While arms would've indeed make it easier to get over obstacles and drive over trenches as shown, it also came with some complications of its own. Arms lifting the vehicle would cause it to shift it's weight risking the possibility of losing traction and getting suck in muddy terrain.
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Results and Conclusion
The Austro-Hungarian war ministry turned Burstyn's idea down 3 months after he had submitted it, stating that they didn't see enough potential in it to be worth the investment. Not only that, but they also pointed out that the blueprints for the vehicle were far too vague. They stated that if Burstyn wanted his motorgeschütz to be made, he would be the one to pay for it which obviously he couldn't.
Burstyn wouldn't give up that easily, though, because right after this he approached the German war ministry to file a patent... only to be turned down again. A couple last-resort attempts that involved going to the press to have news articles written about his invention were made but alas, it failed to draw in support.
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Austria-Hungary ended up going to war without a single armoured vehicle in 1914, and without a single tank overall for the rest of the war. Had the motorgeschütz been built, it certainly would've given the country more of an advantage in WW1 but it's hard to say if it would have enough of an impact to change the outcome entirely.
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Now why is this tank my favourite tank? Because I think it looks funny :))) that's all.
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If you made it this far, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed my ramble.
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1944 11 06 P-47 Italy, Brenner pass P-47 Thunderbolt 57 FG, 66 FS - Steve Cox
66th Fighter Squadron “Exterminators” The squadron insignia was designed by one of the enlisted men, Howard Galipeau. A talented aircraft mechanic as well as an artist of talent. It was originally designed as a fighting duck in Windsor Locks in 1942 because it was thought the 57th would be going to Alaska. When instead it was sent to Africa he altered the design, which still resembled a penguin or duck but very pugnacious. Early in the African campaign a U.S. reporter visited the 57th and interviewed the squadron and group personnel. The "Black Scorpions" were the 64th, the "Fighting Cocks" were the 65th but no name was assigned to the 66th so he called it squadron "X". So the X was added to the insignia. Due to the excellent damage to the German forces in the desert war the "X" was changed to "Exterminators" which stuck to the squadron until the group was declassified. —
The Thunderbolts became a more formidable weapon than ever with the installation of rocket tubes. Each aircraft carried six rockets, three under each wing, and the tubes could be jettisoned in an emergency. In subsequent operations the rockets took a heavy toll of enemy installations and supplies.Now the work of the organization was clearly defined: unable to drive the German armies from their heavily fortified Gothic Line positions, the Allies called upon the Tactical Air Force to isolate the enemy battlefield by systematically cutting every rail line and motor truck artery north of his front lines. This was a repeat of the Operation Strangle tactics. The Thunderbolts were perfectly suited for this work, with their heavy armament and long range of flight. To begin the task, the Mediterranean Allied Tactical Air Force launched an operation called “Bingo” on November 6 to knock out electrified Brenner rail line transformer stations at several key points, putting the enemy to the inconvenience of converting to steam power. The Group participated in the attack, sending aircraft to Trento where the flak was the most intense ever encountered.
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 months
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Modo Italiano
Design et avant-garde au XXe siècle
Giampiero Bosoni, Vittorio Gregotti, Irène de Guttry, Maria Paola Maino
Skira, Milano 2006, 400 pagine, 343 ill.a colori, 24x28cm, ISBN 88-7624-874-9, Edizione francese
euro 95,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Tout au long du XXe siècle, le design italien a marqué de façon hautement originale la conception des objets d'usage courant dans notre société industrielle contemporaine. Ce " mode italien " a su, à travers un parcours aussi complexe qu'incertain d'Innovation industrielle et de mise à jour technologique, développer une culture du design autonome et multiforme, en mesure de concilier une tradition artisanale richissime et l'aspiration, souvent contestée, vers une modernité faite d'éclairs d'Improvisation et d'ironie joints à une tendance laborieuse à l'expérimentation. Les phénomènes culturels et artistiques de l'histoire du design italien n'ont pas encore fait l'objet d'une lecture approfondie en ce sens ; en particulier, on a jusqu'ici peu étudié la synergie qui tout au long du XXe siècle s'est opérée en Italie entre l'expérimentation artistique et le design innovateur. L'exposition et ce catalogue se proposent donc d'offrir une première reconnaissance de ces liens à travers l'exploration des différentes manières dont, en Italie, la société industrielle a été perçue, les artistes et les designers qui l'ont vécue, mais aussi en partie " inventée ". L'exposition, où figurent plus de 350 œuvres parmi les plus représentatives de la recherche artistique et de la culture du design en Italie au XXe siècle, se développe chronologiquement en quatre sections où sont définies les différentes périodes du propos philosophique, économique et esthétique qui a caractérisé le passé récent de l'art et du design italiens. Dans cette optique prennent forme les " philosophies " du design et les " esthétiques " qui, tout au long de cette période, ont trouvé dans ce pays une expression forte et dialectique et sont à la base d'un débat culturel très vivant sur l'art et le design. Ce catalogue a été publié à l’occasion de l’exposition Il modo italiano. Design et avant-garde en Italie au XXe siècle, produite par le Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal en collaboration avec le Musée royal de l’Ontario (ROM) et le Mart – Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto.
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likarotarublogger · 11 months
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Ventotene fashion week by E&R quinta edizione, dal 18 al 20 Agosto 2023.
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Nello splendore e nel fascino dell'isola pontina, dal 18 al 20 agosto 2023, si aprirà il sipario sulla quinta edizione del grande evento "Ventotene Fashion Week" ideato e organizzato dalla stilista internazionale Elena Rodica Rotaru. Gli organizzatori della manifestazione sono l'associazione Lika Eventi, Pandataria Film Srl in collaborazione con il Comune di Ventotene.
Tre giorni che presenteranno il fascino della moda, del design, della bellezza e dei colori artistici dell'isola.
Ventotene Fashion Week è un evento legato alla moda e ispirato alle caratteristiche identitarie dell'isola di Ventotene, ma è anche un concorso per stilisti emergenti, sarti, negozi di abbigliamento e coinvolge anche l'arte e la gastronomia italiana. Diventa sempre più importante caratterizzare gli eventi coinvolgendo le persone che abitano i territori e che, quindi, ne fanno una manifestazione di partecipazione che viaggia insieme alla proposta di abbigliamento e di immagine. Ventotene, vento dell’anima, tzunami del cuore. Ti lascio e ti ritrovo sempre con l’ansia di un amante.
Vulcano emerso, “cono di bottiglia”, approdo sicuro per cuori ed ali affaticate.
Saperti ferma con ogni mare, rifugio tranquillo del mio spirito, evochi e semplifichi le mie fughe.
Scoglio del cuore, vento dell’anima… mano tesa sostieni piccoli grandi uomini, uccelli coraggiosi e stanchi.
Terra di confine, orizzonte finito… semplice e dolce accogli imperatori, puttane, poeti e patrioti, dissidenti e gente controvento…
L’evento oltre il contest metterà in condizione gli stilisti di poter proporre le loro collezioni moda alla presenza di giornalisti, fashion blogger , fotografi specializzati attori e cantanti, oltre ad essere visto da un folto pubblico in tv e su vari social. L’evento sarà messo in risalto da vari giornali e riviste di moda italiana e internazionale. Ogni stilista potrà esibire 10-15 capi scelti della propria collezione ed evidenziare il proprio talento non solo davanti alle telecamere, agli ospiti e fotoreporter ma anche davanti una giuria,la quale assegnerà il premio:
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Piazza Chiesa di Ventotene
Piazza Chiesa di Ventotene, alcuni locali privati dell’isola e Piazza Castello di Ventotene sono disponibile per questi eventi culturali attraverso alla moda, l’arte e bellezza.
Programma dell’evento:
Piazza Chiesa di Ventotene
18 Agosto 2023 ore 19,30-21,30
L’apertura dell’evento Ventotene Fashion Week by E&R
presenterà Aura Ruggeri
Serata dedicata allo stile di mare, spiaggia, barca, eleganza isolana Made in Italy.
Fashion show by Boutique di Ventotene
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“Emporio by Giovanna Assenso “Model by Leonardo
19,40 Sfilata boutique “Emporio”di Giovanna Assenso (moda mare e barca)
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“La Perla by Rafaelle Taliercio
Model by Ruse Ionut
20,10 Sfilata boutique “La Perla” di Raffaele Taliercio
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“LEVANTE by Fiorentina Taliercio
20,25 Sfilata boutique “Levante” di Fiorentina Taliercio
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“Le Rampe -WhiteWhale by Luca Cupini.
Model by Leonardo
20,35 Sfilata boutique “Le Rampe - WhiteWhale “ di Luca Cupini
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“Evaso by Agnese Matrone
20,45 sfilata boutique “Evaso” di Agnese Matrone
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21,10 sfilata di boutique “Le Meraviglie del Mare è Semplicemente Gió di Andreina Matrone e Giovanna Silvestri
21,20 Sfilata boutique by “L’sola la che non c’è di Valentina Feo
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19 Agosto 2023 ore 19,30
Via Olivi, 72, 04020 Ventotene LT
Fashion show & cocktail by E&R
Presenta Aura Ruggeri
Serata privata organizzata da Elena Rodica Rotaru , Hotel Lo Smeraldo e ristorante Marisqueria di Ventotene.
Si informa che l’evento sarà disponibile solo sul invito o prenotazione al numero : 3276303494 -Elena
0771 85135 -Hotel Lo Smeraldo
20 Agosto 2023
Ore 21,30 - 00,00
Presenta la serata conduttrice del evento
Letizia Trento
& l’attore/cantante
Jano di Gennaro
“Gran Gala -Fashion Show by E&R .
“Vento Fashion”
Piazza Castello, 1, Ventotene ,LT.
21,30 -L’apertura della serata.
Balletto Coco 5 Ventotene con Candida Silvestri .
Monologo teatrale con Jano di Gennaro, Candida Silvestri e Giulia Ruggeri ( arrivata ritardo sull’isola)
21,40 - canta Jano di Gennaro
22,00 -Premiazione tutti gli boutique di Ventotene.
22,00- Sfilata by E&R
Elena Rodica Rotaru
“Fashion show by Coco 5”
Bianco & Nero
23,25 - Balletto by Michela Mangiocotti
Ora 22,30
“ Gran Gala - Vento Fashion”
Concorso per gli stilisti emergenti , alta moda ,design e brand internazionale.
22,35 balletto by Elisa Franzini
22,40 Presentazione della giuria :
Il presidente della giuria
1. Cataldo Matrone - consigliere comunale di Ventotene
2- Marinsaldi Samuela - Stlylist & designer. Presente in moltissimi eventi della moda e della TV: dal Festival del Cinema di Cannes alla Faschion Week di Milano, dal Festival di Sanremo a Shooting per Vogue e Haper’s Bazaar.
3- Emanuel Vecchioli- Classe ‘71, dopo la laurea in Economia e Commercio si specializza in Naturopatia e Tricologia, ereditando dalla sua famiglia di parrucchieri la vocazione per l’Hair Care. È consulente per importanti case cosmetiche, tiene corsi di formazione e collabora con alcune riviste.
4-Rosa Maria - presidente Pro Loco di Ventotene
5- Pietro Fizzoti ex corteggiatore Uomini e Donne
Ore 22,45
Presentazione gli stilisti in gara.
1- GB by Giorgia Beniamino Salib
2- MutaMenti by Francesca Zappia
3- Daniela Otea
4-Carmen Clemente Couture
5- HF by Hilda Falati
Ora 23,30
Canta Jano di Gennaro
Premiazione del vincitore premio “Vento Fashion “
Ventotene Fashion Week 2023 quinta edizione.
Chiusura dell’evento: musica e la torta.
Ringraziamenti agli organizzatori,sponsor, media, collaboratori e agli tutti participanti.
Sponsor ufficiale dell’evento:
Pandataria Film SRL di Salvatore Braca
Hotel Lo Smeraldo
Ristorante Marisqueria
Altri sponsor:
Sisa di Vincenzo Assenso
C 4 Premiazione e Gioielleria Costantini di Roberto Costantini-Guidonia
Marilena Bãcanu -hairstyle
Irina Rusisvili - hairstyle
Ristorante Afrodite
Ristorante Mast’Aniello
Antico Forno Aiello
Bar “Il Gabbiano”
“Idea Casa” Ventotene di Roberto Matrone
Candida Silvestri-Acquagym
Diving World Ventotene di Valentina Lombardi.
Partner Media
PaeseRoma Quatidiano
Pandataria Film SRL
Blogger Miruna Cajvaneanu
Manolo Ruggeri fotografo ufficiale dell’evento.
MTM di Massimo Meschino
Silvana Gavosto - reporter fashionblogger Modella opinionista Tv
Max International.
Articolo di @likarotarublogger @elenarodicarotaru-blog
Informazione per l’evento Ventotene fashion week
Telefono: +393276303494
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mybeingthere · 2 years
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FORTUNATO DEPERO Futurist waistcoats for F. T. Marinetti, 1923-24.
"On his arrival in Rome in 1913, the painter Fortunato Depero (Trento, 1982 – Rovereto, 1960) met Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and Giacomo Balla and immediately became an active member of the Futurist movement. Together with Balla, in 1915 he published the manifesto Riconstruzione futurista dell’universo, a book which set out to blur the borders between art and everyday life by transferring the Futurist aesthetic canons to all walks of life, from the kitchen to the theater. Shortly afterwards, Sergei Diaghilev commissioned Depero to create scenery for one of his productions and the artist entered his period of set and costume design, establishing a relationship with the theater which would last the rest of his life. In 1919 he founded "Casa d'Arte Futurista" (House of Futurist Art) in Rovereto, where he designed furniture, objects, graphic work, posters and even fabrics, often together with his wife. He spent long periods in Paris throughout the 1920s, and during the 1930s lived in New York, but in both stages continued to work as a graphic designer. Following the Second World War his involvement in Futurism was severely criticized, but this did not prevent him from continuing to paint up until the day he died.” 
(From Archivo Lafuente).
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noloveforned · 1 year
i'm back on wlur tonight from 8pm until midnight after taking last week off to catch a show at the garage from scivic rivers (aka bryce randall bickford fka the strugglers) and ned oldham/jordan perry.
in other news, i'm no longer able to embed my radio shows to stream within my tumblr page. they transition to a new post format and my long, self-hosted mp3s don't seem to play nicely. in the meantime, i've posted last week's show on mixcloud for you to listen at your leisure!
no love for ned on wlur - june 9th, 2023 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label plumtree // scott pilgrim // predicts the future // cinnamon toast morgan and the organ donors // so dark // m.o.d.s // perennial body type // tread overhead // expired candy // poison city good looking son // glitter everywhere // confirmed bachelor // feel it thank god for astronauts // danica // bring us meat // needlepoint night court // chokehold vs. karate kick // humans! // debt offensive guardian singles // ground swell // feed me to the doves // trouble in mind moth // automated stock // modern madness cassette // marthouse pinch points // pave me // mechanical injury ep // roolette cloud nothings // fridge rock // (bandcamp mp3) // (unreleased) the toads // tale of a town split in two // in the wilderness // upset the rhythm aquarian blood // i never lied to you // i never lied to you digital single // paradise design blue roof // shit yeah // shit yeah digital single // (self-released) whitney's playland // i'll keep it with mine // a day at the fair cassette // paisley shirt maxine funke // oblivion // river said // disciples danny paul grody // california angelica // arc of day // three lobed kate nv // walk // bouquet // rvng intl abdul wadud // expansions // by myself // gotta groove sun ra // my world is the space way // space is the place soundtrack (expanded) // modern harmonic steve lehman and sélébéyone // zeraora // xaybu: the unseen // pi georgia anne muldrow featuring josef leimberg // nuke's blues // red hot and ra: nuclear war- a tribute to sun ra // red hot organization beyoncé featuring kendrick lamar // america has a problem (remix) // america has a problem (remix) digital single // parkwood stimela // mind games // fire, passion and ecstacy // tidal waves vivien goldman // my bestie and my bff // next is now // cadiz entertainment à trois sur la plage // bonjour tristesse // à trois sur la plage // gone with the weed pretty in pink // pressure socks // pillows // little lunch park // decided to go // trento cassette // lil' lion maria t // near wild heaven // afternoon destroyer cassette // (self-released) 3 a.m. again // end it here // cherry street ep (expanded) // subjangle craig salt peters // jubilee // stuck in the present tense cassette // lost sound tapes
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Other Books and So, Catalogue no. 1, Amsterdam, Autumn 1975 [Archivio del '900, Mart – Museo d'arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto]
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Studio Architettura Bolzano
Lo studio architettura Bolzano è aperto alle idee del pubblico. Attraverso il libro dei sogni, i due architetti vogliono a capire meglio i gusti, cosa emoziona, di cosa ha necessità e qual è il budget a disposizione del pubblico. Quella dell'ascolto e della raccolta è considerata la fase più creativa dell’intero processo: da qui parte il percorso che porta a progettare spazi adatti solo ai committenti e alle loro esigenze. 
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